#cw: insanity
damnbrosius · 2 years
//you can't just give half of the story, come on! spill the beans! xD
Regarding this post right here,
Two questions:
Have you ever read The Great God Pan?
Have you ever seen the WALL-E movie?
Because a kiss from Ambrosius (or any spirit from the Relics, really) is somewhere inbetween those two levels of effect on their recipients.
For those not caught up to speed: in The Great God Pan, a lot of chaos comes about at the behest of a seductive woman named Helen Vaughn, who was born from a woman and an entity from the other side of the veil. She's otherworldly with a dash of malevolence, and interaction with her, despite how attractive she is, tends to have dangerous effects. She's driven people mad, and she's eventually killed after sleeping with a chain of men who all commit suicide pretty much immediately afterward.
In Wall-E, the title robot WALL-E saves the day, but at the cost of his life (he gets crunched in a bad way). His robot girlfriend EVE (it's complicated but really sweet) desperately tries to revive him by repairing him and then getting him in sunlight, since he's solar-powered. It actually works, but when he's revived, he doesn't recognize her, so she uses a "kiss" (a discharge of electricity from contact with her monitor) to restart his processors and gives him back his memories.
I've made mention before of Ambrosius' body and the nature of his physical form. Essentially, his body is just a container for his powers, and the raw energies within. Those energies could have disastrous effects on the human body or mind if they came into contact, and while in general this isn't at all a danger, slipping past that imperceptible field that holds him together can be done. One such way is with a kiss.
If you kissed Jinn, for example, you'd be at risk of going insane because of an absurd amount of knowledge pouring into your head. A kiss from Ambrosius holds much the same danger. He's had a few lovers in the distant past, and has kissed two of them--both met horrible ends.
The first was a woman he fell for, who had a persistent flirtation with him and often liked to tease. They were friends, but didn't have a proper relationship when Ambrosius kissed her, and she thereafter lost her mind, becoming a rambling vagrant who didn't recognize him and obsessively drew and painted odd designs even Ambrosius couldn't fathom the end result of. She died before completing whatever it is she was driven to create.
Ambrosius was stricken with a fear after that, and withheld any form of physical affection from anyone he grew close to. It took until an actual relationship centuries later, with a man Ambrosius deeply loved, before he attempted it again. He reasoned to himself that the first time, he had been careless, and had let too much of himself slip through. He told himself he'd hold himself together tight this time.
It seemed to work, the kiss given safely, if only for a few hours. The man's mind started to go as soon as the next day--he became silent and withdrawn, often staring off into the distance. He, too, became consumed with creating something he couldn't communicate, something obscure and unsettling that demanded unusual and dangerous ingredients. When he couldn't stand to watch the man proceed any further, Ambrosius took him and led him to the side of a cliff, and held him until he fell asleep that night.
Ambrosius has sworn off love since then, refusing advances that go any further than base attraction and sticking closely to his duties as a creator.
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trinoxtrinox · 2 years
Xitalu's eyes
Ectoberhaunt 2022, Side Order. Prompt: Eyes
Summary: There are some legends in the Infinite Realms, the one now is about The Eyes, something that had a name before but not anymore, and which drives anyone who sees them insane with paranoia.
Content Warning: After "Unknown source, circa 10 millennia ago" there's a moment of paranoia and someone being followed by an entity that doesn't show itself. "After Last memoirs of a ghost with a shattered core" insanity comes to play, and I ask for forgiveness for anyone that has Dyslexia.
There are some legends in the Infinite Realms, tales of different places, myths brought upon by various ghosts that became famous on their own rights, phenomena that even by standards of the Realms can’t be explained and researching them are far too dangerous.
Such is the case for The Eyes, they might’ve had a name before, however with how much time has passed since the last time there was any documentation about what they were, it is believed that all records of the original name of the being were purposefully eradicated. For whatever reason which remains unknown to this day, it was deemed safer for no ghost to actually know about them, and the Ancient and Observants, the only beings that might have some knowledge on the matter, refuse to let anyone other than themselves know how real or fake some of them might be, like the fact that The Eyes come from the Realms itself, or that the Observants are behind them, or that it’s only  ploy to protect some sort of important treasure. Those last ones are never heard of again once they travel towards the location of The Eyes.
The Eyes are located above the Infinite Realms, in what could be considered the sky of the dimension. One would have to travel quite a distance and for a long while if one wishes to find them, and for those who find themselves accidentally stumbling in their domain there’s plenty of empty space in between the section of the Zone where the ghosts’ lairs are and the place of residence of The Eyes.
There are some tales of The Eyes from the ghosts that encountered it and stayed intact for a while before finally going down by their hand, here are some of their records left:
Unknown source, circa 10 millennia ago
“At the beginning there was nothing, the more I traveled upwards the more space began showing up empty, the more the green expanse was left empty and the color desaturated, it all went from a neon green slowly to a lime green. I didn’t notice this change at first, too focused on leaving a trace to not be lost during my travels, however once I took notice of that I was already far too gone upwards, most likely in the territory of the beast that is currently hunting me. I dare not call it a ghost, for I could never see their true form, and I fear that doing so would break something in me. Once I noticed that I was truly alone, I felt someone bearing their sights on me, I turned around in order to search for the source of the gaze, however no matter where I searched, up or down, front or back, left or right, I couldn’t find an origin to such a sensation, and thus chose to go back the way I came from. This proved to be a wise decision, for I heard many different sounds I can’t put into words behind me, it sounded like a squish mixed with a splash and splats, something meaty yet ethereal that kept moving and clashing with itself many times over and at the same time most of the time, however not once leaving a second of silence. I kept following the orbs of ectoplasm I left behind as fast as I could in order to escape, however I managed to catch the reflection of whatever was behind me through one of them. Behind me there were an infinite amount of eyes that left almost no empty space between themselves in the Realms behind me, all of them blinking pretty fast and with each of them a sound being made. I flew as hard as I could and somehow managed to leave them behind, however I never stopped once, not until I managed to reach my lair and crossed the door, finally reaching my own safe haven from whatever was pursuing me.
Yet I don’t believe I’m truly alone, thus far I feel safe and unbothered in my lair, however every time I leave it, every time I even open my door, I always have the feeling that someone takes notice of me and pushes their gaze in my direction, and I’ve discovered that no matter how far I travel nor how fast I go, that gaze never leaves me. I began hearing the sounds of those blinking eyes behind me whenever I step outside my lair now. I’m afraid of what’s to come since I can’t leave my only safe haven.
Here’s Marduk, hoping I gain a solution to my dilemma soon.
Today I heard the blinking inside my lair.”
Last memoirs of a ghost with a shattered core.
“I can feel them there are so many, why don’t they leave me alone? Why can’t they leave me alone? LEAVE ME ALONE! I can hear them, I can feel them, I can see them, I can’t see them, what is happening to me?
There’s no safe place for me, I have nowhere to go.
I have to find a safe haven, why can’t I free myself from its gaze, what’s it going to do to me?
They won’t leave me alone, well HA I won’t leave them alone, let’s see how it likes it when I also stare right into it.
Eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes there are so many eyes where do they come from what are they watching so many eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes I can’t stop watching them they surround me eyes eyes eyes eyes where do they come from eyes eyes eyes eyes I can feel them everywhere eyes eyes I can understand it eyes eyes eyes it wants my eyes it wants me to share their body it wanted me to gain more vision it wants me to see everything that there is that there will be that there was eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes I don’t want to join them I want to join them I can’t I have to I don’t want to I have a need to eyes eyes eyes I mustn't go I must go I ought to leave this place I ought to join them I can’t shift my gaze I can join their gaze I should join their eyes I shouldn’t be left behind eyes eyes eyes I’ll become an eye yes that’s good I’ll join them I’ll become another member of them I’ll become one with the eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes.”
Everything else that was left in those memoirs is considered illegible and can’t be read by anyone else lest they suffer enough damage to shatter their core and be ended.
There aren’t many records of any ghost meeting The Eyes, however they all coincide on the same thing, they reside on the top of the Infinite Realms, there’s plenty of space between the border of our territory and the beginning of its territory, once one is perceived by them there’s no turning back, and the only thing one can recognize from this entity is that it has many eyes that blink with an uncharacteristic sound accompanying each of them.
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thotforcsy · 2 years
heavy lies the crown
(♡) fandom: skz (♡) pairing(s): platonic seungmin & jeongin; seungmin/changbin (♡) rating: not rated (♡) 1909 words (♡) complete (1/1) (♡) ao3 back-up of a twitter drabble originally posted here
There’s a ghost that lingers in Seungmin’s bedchambers. Its mouth is black with death and its cheeks are twin riverbeds of blood.
Hyung, the ghost moans. Its voice rattles like the cold. Hyung, what is the meaning of this? What are you doing?
cw: ptsd, murder, blood, hallucinations, insanity
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cruucigerglobus · 1 month
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as we dance to the masochism tango
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lastoneout · 1 month
Actually am still kinda pissed that my fiancé's psychatrist evaluated him for anxiety and said he didn't have it but then was like "in the future I'd like to see you make enough progress with your anxiety that you feel comfortable taking your mask(N95 not neurodivergent mask) off" and didn't seem to care when he explained that his fiancé(me) has several severe chronic illnesses and immune issues so we both do what we can to ensure I don't get sick with any illness, not just covid. Like does he have anxiety or not?? You can't have it both ways buddy!! And like it or not protecting a vulnerable person from getting sick is logical, YOU'RE the one being irrational here.
Like this is why I get pissed about mask(N95) stuff, people have legit fallen into some kind of thought-terminating cliché about covid and all other contagious diseases not being a problem anymore to the point that they think even sick people and their loved ones taking reasonable precautions to protect their health is a sign of anxiety and paranoia. I truly do not get it. Like it's one thing if you personally don't want to wear a mask(N95) but at least leave people who do alone, but legit acting like people like me are insane for doing something that makes perfect sense is turning me into the Joker. It doesn't even work to say "oh I have asthma and allergies and the air quality is bad today" or "I'm having an important surgery soon and need to make sure I don't get sick" like they think wearing a mask(N95) AT ALL in any circumstance for any reason means you've legit lost your mind.
I genuinely feel like the government suddenly started hiding all the national car crash statistics and insisted in tons of press conferences that crashing your car is actually perfectly fine and not a big deal at all and wearing a seatbelt isn't something healthy people need to worry about, so now everyone thinks it's silly to wear one and every time I do I have to deal with people implying or outright stating that I'm legitimately mentally ill and need an intervention.
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adeptune01 · 2 months
When Amara said “I can see inside your heart. Feel the love you feel. Except, it’s cloaked in shame.” And later we find out Dean was never in love with her…yeah so what does that mean exactly
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soupdwelling · 7 months
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a-cilantro-leaf · 14 days
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this came to me in a dream
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sunclown · 10 months
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“If you want to be saved, a strong but gentle lady sailor is best!” 🍊🌸
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ale-xdoesart · 3 months
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The Hero
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gothpossums · 6 months
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the last supper
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atomicjellyb3an · 5 months
Kara leaned in
Three years since the phenomenon that was “Kara leaned in” and we still have no explanation for it
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You had to be there. It was trending on Twitter.
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nanakorobiyaokii · 2 months
sakura "i can't win but you're definitely gonna lose" haruka
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5tupidusrnam3 · 14 days
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Wow the paper and oj tags are so sad….. posts this
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humandisastersquad · 2 years
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hey UK followers, go get your covid boosters ASAP before these bastards take away yet another covid protection. jfc
EDIT: ffs can y'all read the tweet and the actual article, not just the headline, it says how it's 'healthy under-50s' that they're cutting access to boosters for and eventually first and second doses. Yeah, most people who would have gotten them would have by now but there's many reasons that some people haven't and these options should still be open regardless.
This bullshit approach of taking away even the vax part of "vax and relax" is going to kill and disable people. It even quotes the fuckign health minister saying "as the transition continues away from a pandemic emergency response towards pandemic recovery". THERE IS NO RECOVERY WHEN SAID PANDEMIC IS STILL GOING!!!
and YES i know the sun is a murdoch rag that's lower quality than used toilet paper but i shared this particular tweet as a) the tweeter is a reliable and staunch anti-covid advocate and b) for once this piece of shit news source is telling the truth
finally, for those saying that this isn't a big deal as "most people are fully vaccinated", think again. Most vaccine immunity wanes after several months so defining "full vaccination" as having had a primary course nearly 2 years ago is outdated and lulling people into a false sense of security. In an ideal, science-informed, non-covid-minimiser world, we'd be having boosters every 4-6 months so that antibodies don't fall below effective levels.
Basically, this post should be a wake up call to those who haven't gotten their booster if they're eligible for it and for everyone to realise how much more fucked the approach to the pandemic is becoming. not only in the UK but everywhere else tbh
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bacchuschucklefuck · 5 months
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she turns, makes direct eye contact with you, smiles,
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