#cuz i frequently find myself wanting to look back on what i had put
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nyx-thedragon · 2 months ago
All My "Newsies Thoughts" Posts
hey hi howdy there! I'm gonna put the links to all my "newsies thoughts" posts that I've made (the long ones where I just yap about things I noticed/liked when I watched the 1992 movie and read the novel) in one post, for easy access if anyone wants to read/re-read them (and for myself when I wanna look back on them).
First Watch
Second Watch
Fourth Watch (my third watch was with my brother so I didn't note anything)
Fifth Watch
Here they are, all together! Now y'all can find them really easily if you've just discovered my blog and wanna see what I've said about 92sies, or if you've been around for a while and just want to re-read them.
That's all. Have a good one!
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aibouart · 8 months ago
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admittedly, i am afraid to talk about this, but have wanted to for a long while. i don't see a lot of people discuss this kind of thing, but i decided to do so for the me who was struggling and didn't know. also i have no idea where i am going with this and it's very late for me rn so here's a whole ass ramble on vent art. and also a bit more on how it's impacting how i view my art, now. i am terribly sorry if it's not very cohesive, my thoughts on it aren't yet cohesive either WOOPS
i wanted to talk a bit about how vent art really impacted my mental health, and how the idea that art needs some kind of meaning to have meaning really has been weighing on me lately (i know this is a concept i am assigning to my work and is not actually the norm/standard expectation of others consuming art. but it IS a sentiment i have seen enough that does impact me).
i want to specify, obviously i am not saying vent art is bad.
nor that doing vent pieces, or vent blogs, will ultimately result in what i went through for a number of years. rather, that this did happen to me, and there is a near impossible chance i am a unique case in any experience i will ever have. if you do vent art and it helps you, that's good! im not judging anyone for anything here. if your experience does not match my own, that's what it's like to be human~. i am not invalidating anyone on purpose by sharing my own experience. sorry for the insane disclaimer but it will eat me alive if i go to sleep thinking "what if they think x cuz i didn't say y and think im a terrible person"
i used to do vent art frequently (you won't find much on here as it was uploaded to a personal at the time). anytime i felt down or had a line of dialogue in my head making me feel bad in a way, i would draw for it. but the way i had interacted with it was really unhealthy. it became a terrible feedback loop where i'd feel bad, draw how i felt bad, look at the art, and ruminate even more on how i felt bad, until it spiralled so out of control i would lose touch with reality and get lost entirely in feeling like garbage.
i would just get so lost in the cycle with vent art that it would make my mental space worse and worse, and i would use the vent art as a negative confirmation bias. the words that hurt me i wrote down and anytime i looked again, they would hurt me again. but i would keep looking, and i would keep drawing.
i have always used art as an outlet, but for some reason the way vent art impacted me was unhealthy. it wasn't a good outlet. and it took me years to cut ties with it. i relied on vent art for a long time, but it took a lot of introspection and thinking to realise it wasn't the release i thought it was. and it was hard to let go, too.
i haven't touched the blog in a few months, now. i haven't done much vent art at all since then and genuinely, i've been doing SOOO much better. i no longer ruminate nearly as much as i had done so, i no longer get caught in a feedback loop that lasts for days to weeks. i still feel like garbage like people tend to do, but i don't put myself in a cycle over it anymore. i have gone back to it a few times in moments of desperation, but what used to be every week/every few weeks is now once a month maybe. and not to the extent at all (i would oftentimes post ~20 images in one night, before).
but i keep thinking about how, while the way i had done vent art was bad for my mental health, i keep feeling that just because i do sparkly cute and happy drawings, now, or drawings with no real meaning, that my art has nothing beyond face value... i do like a lot of my vent art. i think their compositions, or hidden messages and meanings, or colour use, was interesting.
but it wasn't worth the price for me.
so i am a bit caught in an in-between, here. my favourite form of art is the expression of love-you liked something so much, you dedicated time to draw it. and yet i cannot ascribe that to my own work very often. i think that man i wish i could make art with some kind of deeper meaning, that speaks to people, that's more than just pretty colours or shiny shading or a character everyone likes, or a character i like. but i just... don't know if it's for me.
ultimately, i could develop a healthy relationship with expressing and exploring negative emotions or experiences through art, but... do i want to? do i have to? do i need to? is it not enough to just draw something because... i like it..?
of course, the answer is yes, draw what you want, draw how you want, it's your art. but i am still trying to come to terms with that idea. i dont want to be seen as some shallow artist who just draws what's cute and pretty because they can and it's all they can think of, but like what if that's just what i like to draw??
in the end, that alone is good enough, drawing because you like to, because it's fun, because you like the thing you're dedicating time to creating for. it's just hard to grapple with after discarding a type of art that i felt was the only way i drew "for real".
anyways i am sorry this is soooo fucking long, and for all the clarifications (IM STILL NOT SAYING VENT ART BAD AND EVERYONE WILL DO WHAT I DID!! Dx) and the fact i had no real point here (probably)
anyways i will continue to draw what i want because i like to, as i have always been.
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byulsgrease · 4 years ago
Is it cool if I make a request? :D
Something with Byulyi & F!Reader (being really close friends for a long time w/ mutual feelings towards eachother) having their first kiss in the rain? Just fluffy stuff 😄
ahh beloved anon you read my mind bc I was recently thinking about kissing in the rain! probably cuz there's another heat wave incoming and I'm here wishing it would snow in the middle of august
the panoramic almost makes me miss pining/flirting, but I would 100% simp for any of my mutuals tbh 🤔
so yes, this req is very cool with me. helps break up the smut 😳 hope you enjoy :D
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love's like a movie
(moonbyul x gender neutral reader, ~1.2k words)
cw: food mention, but what's new? pure fluff otherwise
a/n: been listening to movie by btob a little too much lately
Byulyi had always been a charmer with a heart of gold. Every girl she managed to befriend pined after her swagger, straight or not. People frequently wondered if they wanted to be with her, or just be her. Her greasiness never failed to garner an eyeroll from you at this point, wondering how people in her life were so taken by her silly girl-crush facade. Of course you found it hypnotizing and kinda hot just like everyone else, but it would inflate her ego a little too much for your liking if you ever let on.
Using each other's thighs as pillows to nap on. Buying each other coffee during busy weeks, having memorized each other's order. Being down to spend time together at any time, regardless of how mundane the occasion - everything from walking her dogs to running errands. Big bear hugs and pecks on the cheek during big triumphs, meaningful embraces and a listening ear during the hard times. Everything that comes with any long-term relationship, having known her now for longer than you could remember.
The confession, if you could even call it one, was more like a shared understanding. The first "I love you" exchange happened long ago in causal conversation. The intent behind it grew and changed alongside your growth as people, but the core significance of the phrase always remained. As the years rolled on it just became obvious that no one loved you like she did, and vice versa.
Of course the unspoken nature of the relationship sometimes begged more questions than answers. Your cryptic attempts at trying to figure out where her head was at were mostly countered with a wink and a non-answer, but you were pretty sure she was on the same page. But the tiniest doubt always seemed to creep in at the most opportune moments - and there was that constant nagging in your mind of whether you could stand to create an awkward situation, let alone lose her. But all the wondering and worrying occupied far too much of your brain space over time, so you finally resolved to put it to the test.
"I'm hungry but I don't wanna get up," she complains, body sprawled out on the couch, absentmindedly spinning her glasses in her hand. Glancing out the window, it's one of those weird days where the weather can't make up its mind. That type of partly cloudy that gives way to dark gray and showers, and then 15 minutes later it's sunny again, like the rain never happened. "I'd walk to the convenience store but don't wanna get caught in the rain. Murphy's law, right?"
"Yeah, but if you wanna go you should go now, the rain just let up." A garbled noise emanates from the couch, but she knows you're right. She suddenly raises her head to look at you, expression noticeably brighter.
"You'll come with, right? Let's go! You've been inside all day anyway."
"Fine, fine." How could you say no to her? a snack? You reach a hand out to her and she takes it to pull herself off the couch. Even a simple handhold makes your heart skip a beat after all this time. Your head subtly shakes, kicking yourself and wishing you could just keep cool like her rings touching your skin. Her hand stays in yours as you lead her to the door, just an excuse to hang on a little longer. It drops only for you to hand her a windbreaker hanging off a hook on the wall and putting your arms through the sleeves of your own, arms swishing against the smoothness of the waterproof fabric.
You're not outside for more than 5 minutes when the sky goes dark again. Byul marches on, determined to get her snack fix. She already left the house, no point in turning around now.
The surprisingly aggressive rain begins as you both scramble to get your hoods up, droplets pattering down onto your thinly covered heads. Should've brought an umbrella, but the store's not too much farther. Somehow the casual stroll silently transitions into a power-walk, shoes splashing puddle water that dots the cuffs of your jeans.
Completely unannounced, clouds suddenly part and the suggestion of sun rays peek through the sky. You stop in your tracks and stare at each other, incredulous at the sheer unpredictability of the weather. Shrugs are exchanged and you're absolutely soaked, socks squishing in your sneakers. But there's no one you'd rather be on this wild walk with. May as well finish what you started— or well, take your chances— on the weather and her.
She stares up at the sky with wonder through her dewy droplet-covered glasses. Can she see? It’s probably better if she can’t in case I embarrass myself. She chuckles, finally speaking. "Why do I feel like I'm in a mov—" Her comment abruptly ends when you find the courage to link both your hands behind her neck, your lips clumsily crashing into hers. She hums against you, surprised, before she processes what's happening and relaxes into you.
You pull back a little, noses just brushing. "Oops, sorry. Was supposed to be more graceful than that," you whisper meekly, eyes not daring to meet hers. Honestly, it came and went too quickly, your racing heart and mind forgot to enjoy the moment. Her hands find the small of your back to pull you in closer, a floaty feeling moving through you while resting your arms on her shoulders. Whether her touch calms you down or makes you want to set yourself on fire, you have no clue.
She grins and inquires, "Mm, like this?" The pads of her fingers on your back press in, tenderly bringing her lips back to meet yours. The softness and warmth from being pressed together has you absolutely melting into her, completely forgetting about getting drenched by the rain. How like her to show you up. But could you really complain about finally kissing the girl you had loved for so long?
Again, the moment feels fleeting when she pulls away, heat in your faces shared by your touching foreheads. It's silly, standing wrapped in each other's arms smack dab in the middle of the sidewalk. But you couldn't care less.
"I was saying, why do I feel l like I'm in a movie? At least, before you interrupted me," she chides sarcastically.
"You can't tell me it wasn't a welcome interruption." Her face scrunches, acknowledging your point but not wanting to concede.
"Certainly an unexpected one."
"So it is like a movie."
"I was talking about the weather," Your smile falls into a glower, pulling back to stare at her dead-on. She can't help but laugh at the corner she's talked you into, beaming proudly.
"I can't with you," giving her the biggest eyeroll and shaking your head incredulously, but that can't cover up the fluttery feeling that eventually grows into a dumb-founded grin. "Can we go get our snacks now?"
"Yeah, let's go before it starts raining again," giving a cautious glance to the sky. You swear you can hear her repeatedly humming "love's like a movie~" as you walk hand in hand towards the convenience store.
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cosmicgoddesswrites · 4 years ago
Punch Drunk
Boxer!Kuroo x F!Reader
Summary: Kuroo Tetsuro dreams of making a name for himself in the city as one of the best boxers out there. But he can’t do that without a a gym to train at. Luckily for him, his best friend happens to know a hardass gym owner with a soft spot for dummies.
Word Count: 7,278
Warnings: Some violence (descriptions of boxing matches), bl00d, swearing. Slightly N*FW
Author’s Note: This won’t necessarily be a series, but I will be revisiting this AU in future one-shots. View this as sort of an introductory to the characters and the setting, as well as the romance between Kuroo and (Y/n).
Kuroo stared out the window of the cab he had called to get him to the address Bokuto had sent him.
The gym was deep in the city, thankfully not too far from Kuroo’s apartment. At least, that was Bokuto’s main selling point to get him to go.
Kuroo would have happily stayed at the gym a block away from his apartment… if he hadn’t been kicked out for ‘starting a fight.’ Kuroo didn’t necessarily start the fight… he didn’t end it either.
His mom always told him that mouth of his would get him into trouble. She of course was right.
The cab pulled to a sudden stop, causing Kuroo to lurch forward in his seat and the seatbelt to dig into his stomach. He narrowed his eyes at the cab driver before paying the fare and getting out of the vehicle.
He scanned the busy sidewalk, smiling once he caught sight of Bokuto waiting for him at the doors of the gym. The two greeted each other, exchanging a quick bro hug before parting and turning in unison towards the gym.
“So, this is (L/n) and Son’s, huh?” Kuroo asked, taking in the sight of the worn out sign above their heads. “I did some reading up on this place, apparently it’s famous.”
“That’s cuz (L/n) was a boxing legend! This place is pretty exclusive, you’re lucky you have a friend on the inside who could get you in with the owner!” Bokuto boasted, leading his friend inside the dimly lit gym.
Kuroo looked around, noticing the limited amount of people taking up the space. He expected it to be a lot more busy, given its reputation.
Rap music played over the speakers, barely audible due to the grunts and shouts coming from the people sparring in the boxing ring to the right of the door.
Kuroo spotted a man sitting in an office situated in the far corner of the gym. He began making his way there, only for Bokuto to grab his arm and stop him mid-stride.
“Where are you going?” he asked, tilting his head.
“To talk to (L/n) and or his son.” Kuroo responded, motioning towards the man who was now leaving his office.
Bokuto laughed awkwardly, “R-right, about that… there is no son in (L/n) and Son’s… That’s one of the trainers. Our girl’s over there.” He pointed towards a woman currently facing off against a stand-up punching bag.
Kuroo looked around, hoping no one had noticed his blunder as he adjusted his gym bag over his shoulder. He followed Bokuto to the section of the gym the woman was in, noting her impressive form as she continued training.
“(Y/n)~~~” Bokuto sang, catching her attention. She turned away from the bag, panting hard as she clenched and unclenched her fists.
“You’re late… None of my other trainers are ever late…”
Bokuto gave her a bashful smile, “Yeahhh well I had to wait for my friend to get here! He wants to enroll!” He motioned towards Kuroo, who smiled and waved at her.
(Y/n) sighed, glancing between the two men as she began unwrapping her hands. “Fine. Go get ready for your 11o’clock. I’ll take care of him.”
Bokuto saluted her before retreating into the men’s locker room.
“Well, let’s get this taken care of, newbie.” (Y/n) said, motioning for Kuroo to follow her to her office.
She took off her tank top as they entered, tossing it aside shamelessly and leaving her in a sport bra and sweatpants. (Y/n) flopped into the desk chair, grabbing a towel from nearby and wiping the sweat off her body.
Kuroo didn’t realize he was staring until she looked up at him and motioned for him to sit down.
“So, what kind of experience do you have?” she asked, pulling out a clipboard with a couple forms on it.
“Well, I did some boxing in high school. Nothing really serious though, it was more just for fun.” he said, looking around at all the photos in the room. He saw one of a man flexing his muscles with a toddler holding onto his bicep and being lifted off the ground. After staring at it for a good minute, he realized it was (Y/n) and her father.
“And is this for recreation? Or are we looking at a future boxing champion?” (Y/n) teased, sliding the clipboard across the messy desk and towards him.
Kuroo smirked slightly as he began writing down his information. “Best case scenario, boxing champion. Worse case scenario, just a punching bag that bets against myself in fights.”
He felt something within himself flutter as (Y/n) cracked a smile at his joke. “Well, we’ll see what we can do to help that. Is Kou gonna train you?”
Kuroo finished up the paperwork and handed her the clipboard. “Could you?”
She snorted as she took the clipboard from him and began looking over his information. “Honey, you couldn’t afford me. License and credit card, please.”
Kuroo laughed loudly, handing her the cards and ignoring the looks they received from the people outside the office.
She wrote down the information then handed him his cards back. “Alright, gym is all yours. No breaking the equipment, and don’t go starting fights. If you have a problem with someone you take it outside. You already know where the locker room is, if you need anything ask Kou.”
Kuroo gave her a small smirk, “Can’t I ask you?”
(Y/n) narrowed her eyes at him slightly, a smirk of her own painting her features. “No. Now go on.”
Kuroo hurried out of the office, giving her one last glance before making his way to the locker room. He ran into Bokuto on his way there.
“Sooo… she’s cute huh?” Bokuto asked, wiggling his eyebrows at his friend.
Kuroo gave him a small shove. “You should’ve told me the owner was an attractive woman. I would have brought more appealing gym clothes.”
“Hey hey! Don’t get mad at me… just show off extra hard for her then.”
Bokuto whined, waving him off as he left to grab some bottled waters for the person he was training.
Kuroo changed into his gym clothes and began wandering around the gym, settling on doing simple combos on one of the many punching bags in the gym. It wasn’t until (Y/n) left her office that Kuroo began getting into his workout, throwing harder and more frequent punches.
She walked right past him and into the women’s locker room, presumably to shower.
Well, now he had to keep working out that hard or the other patrons would catch on to his peacocking. He figured he’d train a couple more minutes like that on the bag before he was in the clear, then he’d take a water break and find something else to do.
He jumped at the mention of his name, turning to glare at his spiky haired friend who had just barked his name. Bokuto was currently standing in the ring, the biggest man Kuroo had ever seen standing beside him.
Bokuto sent him a bright smile as he waved him over, “Come on into the ring, bud! There’s someone I wanna introduce you to!”
Kuroo huffed, leaving the bag and climbing into the ring.
“Kuroo, this is my trainee, Ushijima!” Bokuto announced, wrapping an arm around Kuroo as he motioned towards the larger man. “He has a fight coming up in a couple weeks and I need someone to spar with him so I can critique his technique!”
Kuroo was half processing the words coming out of his mouth, too busy taking in the wall of muscle standing before him. They had to be about the same height, but Jesus. This guy was a monster…
“So? Think you can help us out?” Bokuto said, raising an eyebrow at his friend.
“Sure… yeah, I can do that…” Kuroo gulped, trying his best not to stutter and give away his anxiety. He quickly turned, picking up and putting on the spare protective gear his friend had left in the corner of the ring.
Once he turned to Ushijima, he swallowed his anxiety and put his gloves up. One of the trainers out of the ring rang a bell, signaling them to begin sparring.
Ushijima was on him in an instant, throwing the first punch as Kuroo kept his gloves up, blocking the hit but still being rocked by the heavy blow. He was sure he heard Bokuto barking instructions, but Kuroo was too busy trying not to die to listen to the trainer’s words.
He finally took a hit to the jaw after his opponent faked him out. Kuroo dropped to his knee, grunting as he struggled to cup his face with his gloved hand.
“Kuroo! You okay?!” Bokuto asked.
Kuroo moved back onto his feet, “Just a little tickle…” he said through his mouth-guard. Once he seemed to maintain his balance the bell rang, and Kuroo was once again dodging the first hit from Ushijima.
He decided to stay lighter on his feet, dancing around the ring in an attempt to tire out the other boxer. His tactic seemed to be working. As Ushijima struggled to keep up with him, Kuroo moved in close and landed a hit on his jaw.
Without warning, Ushijima quickly recovered and sent a harsh blow to Kuroo’s gut, sending him back to the floor.
Kuroo gasped for air as he laid in a heap, crumbled over himself. He blocked out Bokuto’s voice, trying to focus his breathing to recover.
“Did that tickle too?”
It was Kuroo’s first time ever hearing his opponent’s voice, but it was Ushijima without a doubt who had sent the taunt his way.
Kuroo slowly stood up, ignoring the ache in his stomach as he glared daggers at the other trainee. He didn’t even wait for the bell to signal the start of the next round. He just stalked towards Ushijima, arms at his sides and fire in his eyes.
No surprise, Ushijima took the first swing. But Kuroo ducked out of the way before hitting him with a two-hit combo. They were light hits, something to throw the more muscular boxer off rather than cause damage.
Bokuto was yelling for Kuroo to put his gloves up, his orders falling on deaf ears.
Kuroo didn’t bother keeping his distance this round, giving Ushijima no room to breath as he bobbed and weaved away from his hits while delivering some of his own.
“Keep your defense up, Ushijima! You’re letting him get to you! Just cuz his defense is sloppy doesn’t mean yours has to be too!” Bokuto said, crossing his arms over his chest as he watched the two.
Sure enough, Ushijima raised his gloves, giving Kuroo adequate access to his stomach. He took a hard swing at him, knocking the air out of him and sending him onto one knee.
Kuroo smiled victoriously as the bell signaled the end of the round.
In a blur, Ushijima jumped up onto his feet and swung at Kuroo, hitting him square in the nose.
His vision went black the second he hit the mat. He wasn’t sure how many seconds passed until he regained his vision. The first thing he heard was Bokuto scolding Ushijima for throwing a punch after the round had ended.
Then he heard heavy footsteps move past him and out of the ring.
Somebody then hoisted Kuroo onto his feet. He turned his head to see Bokuto looking over his nose. Kuroo’s head lulled as he watched Ushijima walk towards the men’s locker room.
“Yeah, that how you fight? Take cheap shots and hope they stick?” he slurred, the feeling of warm liquid dripping from his nose and down his face fueling his words.
Ushijima whipped around to face him, looking like he was ready to pounce into the ring and rip Kuroo apart.
“The hell did you just say?” He asked, the threatening tone of voice doing little to get Kuroo to back down.
As Ushijima prepared to climb back in the ring, (Y/n) rushed out of the bathroom with one of the trainers hot on her heels.
“The fuck is going on here? Why’s the newbie bleeding all over my mat?!” she shouted, making her way to the edge of the ring.
“They were sparring and-”
“Your boy here takes cheap fucking shots!” Kuroo shouted, interrupting Bokuto as he made a move towards Ushijima, only for Bokuto to hold him back.
“Say that one more time, I swear to God-” (Y/n) stepped in front of Ushijima, pressing her hands to his chest to hold the larger man back.
“And you’ll fucking what?” she growled, not faltering as he shifted his deadly gaze onto her.
The gym went deathly quiet, everyone seeming to wait for Ushijima’s response.
(Y/n) slowly removed her hands from his chest. “That’s what I thought…” she scoffed. “You both know the rules. You can’t keep it civil in the ring, you get out. I see either of you start more shit and I’ll make sure no other gym in the city lets you so much as spit in their direction…”
She looked between the two men, her expression sending a chill down Kuroo’s spine.
“You,” she said, her voice low and tone steely, “hit the showers…”
He stared down at her for a moment before turning on his heel and retreating to the locker room.
Kuroo’s shoulders went lax as he breathed a sigh of relief, only to tense once again when (Y/n) addressed him.
“And you… get in my office.”
Without another word, she went to her office, leaving Kuroo and Bokuto standing there in shock.
“Is she gonna kill me…?” He asked, looking at his friend.
“Maybe… Go…” Bokuto said, helping his friend out of the ring.
Kuroo hesitantly closed the office door behind him and took a seat in front of (Y/n)’s desk, her eyes on him the whole time. He nearly jumped out of his skin when she suddenly got up and moved around her desk.
She sat at the edge of the desk, glancing at the large window that offered her a view of the gym to make sure the blinds were shut. She took a tissue box from the corner of her desk and handed it to him once she was sure they had privacy. “How bad does it hurt?”
Kuroo shrugged, wiping the blood off his face and quickly plugging his nostrils with tissues. “Not too bad…”
(Y/n) leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees as she studied his nose. “Doesn’t look broken, so that’s good. You might just need to ice it.”
“You didn’t just bring me in here to play nurse, did you?” he asked, leaning back in his chair.
(Y/n)’s lips tugged into a slight smirk, “You don’t like it when I play nurse?”
He felt his cheeks warm. “You were ready to rip my head off earlier… so I’m a bit suspicious of it if I’m being honest.”
Her expression softened, for a moment Kuroo swore he saw some deep, foreign emotion swirl within her eyes. “You’re pretty good, y’know…”
Kuroo’s tough guy façade dropped as he looked up at her, eyes wide and full of hope, hope that she wasn’t toying with him.
She continued, “You’re kind of a jackass, and smack talking the competition like that will get you killed… but you still got talent…”
“Thank you…” he breathed, suddenly aware of how nasally his voice had become with the tissues stuffed up his nose.
“How would you feel about getting set up with one of our trainers, officially? They’d have weekly appointments with you three times a week and monitor your progress, get you on a fast track to your first match.”
Kuroo practically jumped up from his seat, “Yes! That sounds awesome! Yeah, I want that!”
(Y/n) chuckled at his eagerness as she raised her hands up in mock surrender, “Alright, take it easy, newbie. I still gotta find a trainer who has a clear schedule for you.”
“I meaaaan… you could always do it…?” Kuroo trailed off, raising his eyebrows at her. His heart stopped when she looked like she was thinking it over, weighing the pros and cons of actually training him.
“Once you make mama some money, I’ll consider training you… For now, I’ll see who I have available…” She said, hopping off her desk and returning to her chair.
“Thank you,” he said, his soft tone surprising himself, “Really… this means so much.”
(Y/n) smiled and looked him over before hastily looking away to retrieve a binder from her desk. Kuroo coulda sworn she was checking him out. “Go home and rest up… can’t have a future star like you bleeding all over my gym… I’ll call you once I got a trainer for you.”
“Thanks…” time to turn on the charm, “you can call me even if you don’t have a trainer for me, y’know… just throwing that out there.”
(Y/n) looked up from her binder, grabbed the box of tissues and threw it at him, laughing as he smacked it away. “Goooo!” she whined, ducking her head out of his view.
He quickly left the office, shutting the door behind him. He couldn’t stop the big, cheesy grin on his features, even when he passed Ushijima on his way to the locker room.
Once he had showered and changed, he couldn’t help but try and look into (Y/n)’s office through her window. He only caught a small glimpse of her on his way out, noting her small smile and soft eyes, the same emotion he noticed earlier present in her (E/c) orbs.
(Y/n) called Kuroo the next day with news about the trainer she had assigned to him. Much to his disappointment, she wouldn’t be training him.
He came into the gym to meet his trainer, trying to mask his intimidation once he caught sight of the dude’s arms. If he ever put me in a chokehold, I’d be dead…
Iwaizumi seemed nice enough, he started off slow with Kuroo, getting to know his strengths and weaknesses. But Kuroo could tell his constant comments and quips were getting on his new trainer’s nerves.
Kuroo didn’t see much of (Y/n) in the upcoming weeks, only seeing her when she’d walk around the gym or check in on his progress with Iwaizumi.
He couldn’t text the number she called him from, based on the call quality he was sure it was connected to the ancient phone in her office. Asking Bokuto or Iwaizumi for her personal number would be too creepy. He was stuck and he was upset.
He was in the middle of taking his frustrations out on a punching bag when a familiar whistle prompted him to take a break. He turned to see Iwaizumi approaching him with a medium sized box under his arm.
“Got something for ya, newbie.” He said, handing the taller man the box.
Kuroo raised an eyebrow at him, not taking him for the ‘bro-gift’ type, before opening the box. His jaw practically dropped as he took out a bright red jacket and tossed the box aside. His name adorned the back of the jacket in black lettering, popping against the shiny, red material.
“Holy shit…” he looked up at Iwa, ready to thank him, only for the trainer to hold up a hand to stop him.
“Don’t look at me. It’s from the boss.” He said, jabbing his thumb in the direction of her office.
Kuroo could see her through her office window watching the two as she talked on the phone. He had a suspicion she was faking the phone-call just to look busy while she watched him open the gift.
“You can thank her once you’re done for the day… and pick up that damn box, she’ll take the jacket back if you leave your trash laying around.” Iwa scolded him, lightly kicking the box at Kuroo’s feet.
Kuroo did exactly that, peeking into her office once he had finished his shower. She waved him in, smiling once she noticed he was wearing the jacket.
“I take it you like your gift?” she asked, fiddling with one of the many pens that littered her desk.
“I love it,” he said, smirking as he leaned back comfortably in his chair. “Though I gotta say, it’s insanely red.”
(Y/n) smiled, lightly shrugging her shoulders. “Makes it so they can’t see you bleed.”
“You think I’ll get hit that much?” Kuroo pouted.
“I would hope not. Iwaizumi says you’ve made a lot of progress, he’d probably kick your ass if you got sloppy and got the shit kicked out of you in the ring-” (Y/n) was cut off by the office phone’s high pitched ring.
She picked it up only to hang it up not a second later. Kuroo raised an eyebrow at her curiously, to which she shrugged. “At least I can keep one of my trainees happy…” Her eyes wandered to the papers on her desk, Kuroo hadn’t even noticed the posters stacked messily underneath her crossed arms.
“My ESP is telling meeee… Ushijima’s fight got cancelled?” he asked, frowning as (Y/n) nodded.
“The twerp he was supposed to fight chickened out. I got the call this morning.” she sighed, leaning back into her chair and brushing a hand through her hair. “And Ushijima’s pissed. I told him I’d call him if I had good news and now he won’t stop calling me.”
“Anything I can do to help?”
“Not unless you have a boxer friend, who isn’t Bokuto, that can be ready for the match last minute.” she replied.
Kuroo sat up straight, a cocky smile gracing his features. “Lucky for you, I happen to be a boxer! Aaaand I won’t flake on you.”
(Y/n) scoffed, shaking her head at him. “The fight is in a week and you are nowhere near ready to have an actual match against Ushijima.”
HIs smile faltered, “Excuse you, you said I had talent!”
“Yeah, when you were sparring!” she groaned. “You’ve gotten better, I’ll give you that. But he’s too good and I won’t have you dying in my gym… for insurance reasons.”
“I signed a waiver! Iwa says I can have my first match soon, why not break the ice and start next week?”
“Because he’ll break your face!” (Y/n) shouted, catching Kuroo off guard as he flinched away.
(Y/n) closed her eyes, placing her hand on her chest as she took a deep breath to calm herself. “If Iwa can say without hesitation that you’re ready… We can put you on the roster. But if anything, and I mean anything, happens that shows me you weren’t ready, I’ll make sure you never get another match in this city.”
He couldn’t help the smile that crept on his features. “I’ll go talk to Iwa then…”
Two minutes later and Iwa was in (Y/n)’s office, clearly having an unpleasant chat with her about the upcoming match. She must have felt Kuroo’s eyes on her as he watched the scene unfold before him, because she eventually turned to the window of her office and closed the blinds.
A couple minutes later, Iwa had opened the door to the office, unshaken by the encounter with (Y/n). He motioned for Kuroo to enter, shutting the door behind the taller man and leaning against it.
Kuroo reluctantly took a seat in his usual spot, eyeing (Y/n) cautiously as she looked him up and down.
“If you can sign all this paperwork for me,” she began, sliding a packet of papers towards Kuroo, “and promise you won’t get that nice face of yours broken… you can fight in the match…”
Kuroo grabbed a pen and began filling out the packet immediately. (Y/n) bit back a smile, grateful he didn’t poke at her comment about his looks. She shifted her gaze back to Iwa, “Go tell Bokuto what’s goin on. We’re gonna need a second trainer on Kuroo for what little time we have left before the match.”
Iwa nodded and promptly left the room.
“Yknow, he made a good case for you. You should buy him a beer or something.” (Y/n) suggested, tapping a pen against her desk as she watched Kuroo work.
“I might,” he chuckled, signing his name on the last page of the packet before handing it off to her. “Maybe I’ll buy you one too…”
(Y/n) couldn’t help but snort. “Maybe if you win…now go on, I have a lot of work to do now.”
Kuroo practically jumped out of his seat, eager to talk to Bokuto about the good news, but stopped in the doorway of the office to look at (Y/n) one last time. “Hey… thanks.”
(Y/n) looked up from the paperwork he had just handed her, a small smile tugging at her lips. “You’re welcome…newbie.”
Kuroo figured he’d be nervous before the match, but he felt like he was about to shit his pants as he waited in the locker room. Fuck, would he shit his pants if Ushijima hit him in the stomach? God, that would be so embarrassing. He should have bought brown gym pants. Well, hindsight was 20/20-
“Kuroo! You’re on!” Iwa barked into the locker room.
Kuroo took a deep breath before making his way out of the women’s locker room. He felt a stabby feeling in his chest when he saw Ushijima exit the adjacent locker room in unison with him.
They both walked through the crowd of people and approached the ring. Kuroo felt a tiny wave of relief wash over him when he saw (Y/n) standing in the ring. She looked almost as nervous as he did.
“Here are your fighters! Place your final bets while you can, folks!” (Y/n) announced over the chatter of the crowd, directing them towards one of the trainers who stood beside a chalkboard to keep track of the bets.
Kuroo entered his corner of the ring, shedding his jacket onto a chair before putting on his gear. (Y/n)’s bare feet padded against the mat as she made her way towards him. She leaned against the ropes, offering him a slight smile. “Still wanna do this?”
Kuroo only nodded, knowing his mouthguard would muffle his speech.
“Good! Cuz there’s no turning back now!” she shouted over the crowd’s chatter. (Y/n) left to the opposite corner of the ring, probably to check up on Ushijima before the match.
Iwa snapped his fingers in Kuroo’s face, forcing his eyes off (Y/n)’s back and towards him. “Keep your head in the ring, Kuroo. Don’t get caught up on me, or the crowd, or even (Y/n). It’s best 3 out of 5, so let’s make these rounds count, okay?”
Kuroo nodded, only for his focus to shift back to (Y/n) as she stepped into the middle of the ring once more. “Alright boys! Let’s roll!”
Kuroo hoisted himself into the ring, the feeling of the crowd’s eyes on him made him feel naked as the day he was born. He almost double-checked to make sure he had his shorts on.
“You know him, you love him! In the left corner, Ushijima Wakatoshi!” (Y/n) shouted, motioning to Ushijima as the crowd went wild. Ushijima seemed unfazed by the crowd’s support.
“In the right corner, newcomer, Kuroo Tetsuro!” (Y/n) yelled, motioning towards Kuroo and queueing some cheers, some boos, and lots of wolf whistles. If Kuroo didn’t feel naked before, he certainly did now.
The two met (Y/n) in the middle of the ring, where she laid out the rules for the match. Kuroo almost didn’t hear her, too caught up in the death glare Ushijima was sending him. They wordlessly went to their corners, waiting for (Y/n) to get out of the ring and start the match.
Once she was at the ropes, the bell was rung to begin the match. To no one’s surprise, Ushijima lunged for the first hit, just as he’d done during their sparring.
Kuroo narrowly dodged the hit, but it was quickly followed by a second jab to his stomach. He was grateful it wasn’t a full-force hit, because he’d already be on the ground if it was.
Kuroo delivered a few quick combos his opponent’s way, doing no real damage with the hits that did land. Before he knew it, he was getting fatigued from dancing around to keep out of Ushijima’s reach. Just as someone in the crowd sent a profanity Kuroo’s way, Ushijima punched him square in the face, pushing past his gloves for a brutal blow that sent Kuroo to the floor.
The bell rang, Kuroo didn’t even realize how long he had been on the ground, it felt like a millisecond. He forced himself to get up, growling as Ushijima stepped back into his corner.
“You move around too much and you’re gonna be walking into his fist,” Iwaizumi scolded, helping Kuroo take a much needed drink of water. “Keep letting him go for the first hit, let him come to you. Make your hits count, don’t be afraid to get close.”
The next round went by too quick for Kuroo’s comfort, he followed Iwa’s instructions, but Ushijima’s hits were merciless, like every bit of his weight was put into each punch.
Iwa’s second pep talk was blocked out by the slight ringing in Kuroo’s ears. His eyes were focused on Ushijima, basically lounging in his corner. Then he looked (Y/n)’s way, and to his surprise, she was looking back at him. She didn’t look sad, or disappointed, or even angry. But there was a fire in her eyes, one he saw in his own the weeks prior to the match.
He didn’t know how long he had been staring into her eyes, he didn’t even realize he had been doing it until (Y/n) gave him a curt nod and mouthed something out to him.
Go get him.
Kuroo ignored the jeers and insults from the crowd, only focusing on the feeling of (Y/n) watching him as he made his way to the middle of the ring once more.
Ushijima went for the first hit, as always, only this time Kuroo sidestepped towards him and sent a hard blow to his face. Ushijima seemed surprised by this, and honestly, so was Kuroo. He felt like he needed to be on the defensive with an opponent like Ushijima, but that obviously wasn’t working.
I’m small, I’m fast, I can use that.
Kuroo allowed himself to get closer to his opponent during the rest of the round. He took some hard hits, but he delivered his fair share of them as well.
Ushijima moved backwards, attempting to get some breathing room, but Kuroo only followed. He hit Ushijima with an uppercut to his jaw. It was nasty, but not against the rules.
The hit sent Ushijima to the mat, where he stayed until the bell signaled the end of the round. The crowd was now on Kuroo’s side, but it was (Y/n)’s cheers that stood out to him the most.
He went to his corner with pep in his step, unaware that he was being followed. Before Iwa could start up another pep talk, (Y/n) leaned over Kuroo in his seat, forcing him to make eye contact with her.
“You just need to take him out one more time, okay?”
Kuroo sent her a questioning glance, only for her to lean in closer to him. “I bet a lot of money that you’d win two rounds of this. So even if you lose, I’ll make sure you get paid tonight… You already got him looking scared, just finish him off…”
“Ifm I dimdt hamf tihs moumthguard im righmt mow, I’d toadally kith you.” he said, watching as (Y/n) stood straight and crossed her arms.
“I hate that I understood exactly what you said,” (Y/n) mumbled, earning a blush from Kuroo, “Now get back in there.”
Kuroo made his way into the ring with a goofy smile on his face. He tried his best to hide it when he faced Ushijima, but he knew the giant had caught a glimpse of it. And he was not very happy about that.
Kuroo took some hard hits during that round he figured it was punishment for getting too cocky after winning a single round. After a minute or two, he was on the mat, breathing hard as he felt one of his eyes Ushijima landed a hit on already swelling.
Kuroo could see (Y/n) through his blurry vision, she was hollering for him to get back up, screaming like a madwoman. With a grunt he forced himself to get up just before the bell could ring. His movements were sluggish, but he knew if he could crowd the giant again, he could knock him down and end the round.
It took some hard work, but Kuroo had eventually wrangled Ushijima into a corner. He began landing merciless blows to his gut, hitting him with combos while ignoring Ushijima’s defensive hits to Kuroo’s back and face. Eventually, Kuroo hit Ushijima with another uppercut that floored him and ended the round.
Kuroo didn’t waste a lot of time in his corner, he knew Iwa would try to tell him to take it easy or take the L with grace, but Kuroo was riding this high to victory. He drank his water and ran back to the center of the ring, where Ushijima was waiting for him.
He quickly regretted not taking a moment to rest, he felt like cinder blocks were tied to his feet, this was the most exhausting thing he’d ever done. One hit and he would be out.
Kuroo spared a quick look at (Y/n), hoping she could fuel his fire again.
Then Ushijima swung at him with what felt like the gusts of a thousand winds.
Kuroo spun in place, the force of the punch making him do a 180 turn in place. Shit, his mouthguard even flew out from between his lips.
His vision went black once he smacked against the mat.
Kuroo woke up to a stinging feeling on his cheek. His whole face felt like it was on fire, Jesus his whole body felt like it was burning. He forced his eyes open, only to be met with the sight of (Y/n) practically in his lap as she pressed an alcohol pad to his face.
“Sleeping Beauty’s finally up,” she said, keeping her tone light as she tossed the pad in a nearby trashcan.
Kuroo looked around unfamiliar surroundings only for (Y/n) to hold his chin and still him. “Don’t move so much, hot shot. You’re in my apartment above the gym.”
She took a small, open container out of the first-aid kit resting on the nearby coffee table and began gingerly rubbing the wounds on his face with what he guessed was ointment.
“I didn’t win, did I?” he asked, his voice hoarse.
(Y/n) gave him a sad smile. “No… but you still made some good money tonight. And now you got a nice ice bath with your name written all over it.”
She wiped the remnants of the ointment off her fingers and onto his shorts. (Y/n) tossed the container into the first-aid kit, making a move to leave, “Iwa will be back soon with some food for us, so we should get you in the bath now.”
(Y/n) struggled for a moment to hoist Kuroo onto his feet. If he had to guess, Iwa helped (Y/n) get him up the stairs and onto her couch after the match.
She led him to her tiny bathroom, motioning towards the tub already filled with ice cold water. “Just sit in there and relax your muscles, I need to go downstairs and wash your stink off of me.”
“You don’t wanna join me?” Kuroo asked, wiggling his eyebrows at her despite the pain.
“You look half dead and that’s all you can think about?” (Y/n) asked, trying to bite back her smile.
Kuroo shrugged, “I feel half dead, but I think you could help with that.”
(Y/n) rolled her eyes before lightly pushing him towards the tub, “I am helping. Now get in the tub.”
Kuroo snickered and began tugging down his shorts, not even waiting for (Y/n) to leave the restroom. She practically sprinted out of the bathroom once she caught sight of his v-cut, causing him to laugh heartily before getting in the tub.
Once he was settled, he noticed some clothing in his size on the toilet seat beside him. She had probably set it aside earlier for him. He smiled to himself before sinking further into the water.
He left the tub after about 15 minutes, knowing he would get sick if he stayed longer. Kuroo dried off and dressed himself before making his way back to the couch.
He took note of the clothing (Y/n) had given him, grey joggers and a black and white flannel shirt. They were comfortable, and somehow the perfect size for him. He would have to ask her about that once she was back from her shower.
Kuroo had to keep his jaw from dropping when she came back. She wore a pair of tiny sleep shorts and a loose tank top, her moist hair dripping onto the material and causing it to cling to her skin. Kuroo couldn’t help but feel like she had given him those grey joggers out of more than just the kindness of her heart.
(Y/n) locked the door behind her and approached the couch, sitting on the far end of it, much to Kuroo’s dismay. “How’re you feeling?”
“Better. Much less dead.” he replied.
“You’re bleeding. I think from one of your stitches” she sighed, reaching back into the first-aid kit for an alcohol pad. Kuroo hadn’t even noticed the stitches, probably because they were on his forehead and under his bangs where Ushijima landed a particularly nasty hit.
“Think it’ll scar?” he asked, shivering as (Y/n) sat closer to him and brushed his bangs back.
“Definitely, but it wont be too bad.” She said, brushing the pad over the wound and drawing a hiss from between Kuroo’s gritted teeth. “I think the ladies will like it.”
Kuroo chuckled, shivering as (Y/n) used the cool pad to clean the blood that had dripped down his face. “There’s only one lady that I want to like it…”
(Y/n) pulled back, rolling her eyes at Kuroo’s words. “Me?”
“No! God, so full of yourself!” Kuroo smirked, laughing as (Y/n)’s jaw dropped in shock.
“Okay, ass. Get a new nurse, then.” she pouted, moving to get out of his lap only for Kuroo to pull her to straddle him. She made no move to get out of his hold, signaling him to continue.
“You know you’re my favorite nurse…” he cooed, watching (Y/n) intently as she nervously bit her lip. “But I still have some pains I need treated…”
“Yeah?” she asked, her body slowly relaxing against his as he gently rubbed her forearms. Kuroo playfully pouted at her, adjusting his body under her so he was sitting up against the arm of the couch.
“Here,” he said, pointing to one of his bruised cheeks. It looked like (Y/n) was in the middle of an internal debate when she leaned in and gently kissed the spot. Kuroo smiled as he watched her sit up and bat her eyes at him.
“Here,” he said, this time pointing at a spot on his chest covered by his shirt. (Y/n) narrowed her eyes at him before slowly unbuttoning the shirt and running her fingertips down his toned stomach. She pressed another gentle kiss to the spot he had pointed out, this time allowing her lips to linger on his flesh before parting from him.
Kuroo could feel the warmth between her thighs intensifying. He experimentally shifted his hips against hers, drawing a shaky gasp from her. He licked his lips before pointing at his bottom lip. “Here…”
(Y/n) leaned in close to him, brushing her lips over his teasingly. They both lingered, breathing each other in before finally allowing their lips to meet. Kuroo moaned at the taste of her, his hips stuttering against (Y/n)’s as his body responded to their kiss.
(Y/n) instinctively ground her hips against his, throwing caution to the wind as she deepened the kiss and wound her fingers through Kuroo’s messy hair. The kiss was wild and desperate, the needs of the two shining through as they gripped and ground against one another.
Kuroo suddenly hisses in pain, causing (Y/n) to hastily pull back and look him over. “Oh god, what happened?”
“J-just aching… I’m fine.” Kuroo reassured, adjusting his body under her.
(Y/n) bit her lip, “You’re too hurt, now's not the time…”
Kuroo cupped her cheeks and pulled her into another kiss, just as sloppy as the last. “Nuh-uh, I’ve been waiting for this for weeks,” he moaned against her lips, dragging his hands down her body to cling to her flimsy tank top, “I can handle a little pain…”
(Y/n) shivered at his words. She sighed shakily as she took his hands and slid them under her shirt, giving him permission to touch her bare skin. (Y/n) moaned louder as Kuroo nipped at her lips and tugged at her nipples, all while his hips worked at her core.
“Fuck- please,” (Y/n) begged into the kiss, struggling to tug the joggers past his sculpted thighs. The lack of boxers she provided him meant he was ready to go the second his cock was exposed.
Kuroo was in the process of tugging (Y/n)’s shorts off when they heard a knock at the door. (Y/n) groaned in frustration against Kuroo’s lips before adjusting her shorts and climbing off him.
“No-no-no, please, c'mon just send him away,” Kuroo whined, reluctantly pulling up his pants.
“I’m horny but I’m hungry.” (Y/n) sighed, fanning herself as she approached the door.
Kuroo grabbed the first-aid kit and placed it over his boner just as Iwaizumi and Bokuto entered the apartment.
“Hey hey hey! There’s our champ!” Bokuto cheered, holding up two packs of beer.
“I lost, Bo.” Kuroo smiled, hoping his friend wouldn’t press him for a hug.
“Well we got a nice consolation prize, 4 pizzas and plenty of beer to make you forget about how fucked up your face is.” Iwaizumi announced, earning an elbow to his ribs from (Y/n).
“No more playing around, let’s eat.” (Y/n) said, grabbing a box of pizza from Iwa’s stack and sitting beside Kuroo.
“Yes, m’am….” Kuroo teased, winking at (Y/n) as he took a slice from the box.
(Y/n) answered with a signature eyeroll before biting into her own slice of pizza.
Kuroo would have to continue their make-out session later. For now, he would celebrate his first match with his friends, and hope that he would win the next one.
If he got to kiss the girl of his dreams after a loss, he wondered what he’d get after a win.
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goodolreliable-crows · 4 years ago
Nightmares and confessions 
Bumswiftery cuz this ship needs more content.
Smoking cw
Skittery stood in the bathroom area of the lodge, debating whether pumping water to wash his face would be too loud and wake the other boys. It was late, although he didn’t know the exact time. He had been trying to save up for a pocket watch but never could scrap together the funds. Judging by the soft sounds of the boys deep in slumber in the next room over and the crescent moon in the sky, he determined it was around midnight. 
He had woken up clammy from a nightmare and didn’t feel like trying to fall asleep again. He had seen some of the other boys have nightmares- Blink mostly, who frequently woke up screaming at any hours of the night before Mush had to rush over and comfort him. He never had dreams like that, which he was thankful for. He couldn’t imagine what that boy had been through to continue to be tortured by his own mind like that. 
The nightmares he had were just vague unsettling things that continuously crept over his mind the rest of the day, or at least until he snatched a cigar from someone. They were usually about improbable, sometimes childish things he felt guilty for letting bother him- monsters, his little brother getting hurt, or his family finding out something about him that he didn’t want anyone knowing. 
Not that he had any secrets that bothered him like that. That’s what he told himself. 
He decided it wasn’t worth it to get water, instead leaning his elbows on the trough and setting his head against his forearms. The cool breeze from the early spring rainstorm drifting in from the drafty windows felt nice against the clammy, bare skin of his back. 
He just wanted to sleep. He was so tired every day no matter what he did. 
After a few silent moments, listening to the rain, he felt the warmth of fingertips creep suddenly onto his shoulder. He jumped up, turning around and instinctively taking a defensive position with his fists balled. It was dark, but the curly mop of brown hair, hazel-green eyes, and toned muscles, visible even through his undershirt, told him who it was. Swifty was always doing that, sneaking up behind people and startling them whether he meant it or not. He was too nimble, too light on his feet. 
“Jeez, what’d ya do that for?” Skittery  whispered furiously, his face growing hot as he wished he had pulled on a shirt when he was leaving his bunk.
“Sorry, wanted to make sure you’s ok,” Swifty whispered back, his cheeks slightly red. 
Of course it had to be Swifty, Skittery thought to himself. Swifty had to be the one to wake up, when he was one of the two causing all these problems in the first place. 
Skittery didn’t blame the two boys for the feelings he got. It wasn’t their fault that he got lost in his head whenever Bumlets flipped his hair out of his face, or that he got a funny feeling in his stomach when Swifty adjusted his clothes. And it certainly wasn’t their fault for that sour, jealous mood that he couldn’t seem to shake after he walked into the lodge early one day, finding Bumlets being pushed up against the wall by Swifty, kissing his neck with his hands at his waist. 
That wasn’t his business. He just wanted a lover- he was jealous for the relationship they had, that was all. He wasn’t going to let his silly envy get in the way of his friendship, or let it bother whatever they had going on. 
“Can’t sleep?”
Skittery watched as Swifty sat down on the weathered floorboards, much to his dismay, his dangling suspenders clattering on the hardwood. He wasn’t in the mindset to stay up with someone. He glanced back to his empty bunk, briefly pondering if he could return to it without seeming rude. He decided against it, reluctantly joining the boy on the floor and crossing his legs. 
“You sick or something? You felt hot,” He asked softly. Swifty knew how hard it was to get Skittery into a conversation when he didn’t initiate it. It was somewhat of a skill, trying to carefully word his sentences to draw him in. Unfortunately, he was still groggy himself, meaning he wasn’t as slick with his tongue as he could be. 
“No, just had a nightmare,” the tall boy mumbled back. 
“You wanna tell me about it?” Swifty patiently asked. 
“Already forgetting it.” 
Swifty nodded, resigning himself to the fact that he wasn’t going to get much of a conversation out of him. After a beat of silence, he dug around in the pockets of his shorts and procured a cigarette, offering it to him. Skittery’s gaze flicked from it back to the other boy's eyes, before taking it from him and setting it in the corner of his mouth. 
After successfully striking a match and lighting the cigarette, tendrils of smoke curling into the air, he leaned back on his elbows and looked Swifty up and down. 
“What about you, huh? What are you doin’ up so early?” 
“Just couldn’t sleep. Have a lot going on in my head,” he answered, somewhat relieved that the cigarette seemed to do the trick to get Skittery out of his shell, at least a little bit. 
He hesitated for a moment, as if deciding whether he gave a fulfilling answer, before holding out the lit cigarette, embers glowing bright in the otherwise dark room. Swifty eyed him curiously, his bright eyes picking out details of the other boy's body best as he could in the darkness. 
“When I get nightmares I cozy up to Bumlets, ya know. You ain’t got someone like that? A gal or a fella or nothin’?” Swifty asked, after passing the cigarette back. 
Skitterys expression stiffened as he tried to ignore the knot forming in his stomach. 
“No, I ain't got a gal like that. And I ain’t like you either.” 
“Like me?” The curly haired boy replied, his eyebrows raising. 
“Ya know with the,” Skittery’s eyes darted to the floor, unable to meet his eyes. “With the fellas.” 
Swifty pulled his legs against his chest, narrowing his eyes. “Well jeez, that ain’t what I was askin’.” 
“It ain’t your business.” 
Swifty sighed, knowing he had ruined what little softness he had pried out of him. “Don’t see how. You’s a looker, Skits.” 
Skittery felt his face flush, accompanied by a strange fluttering in his chest. He hated it. These feelings were stupid, impractical, and most importantly, could never be replicated. Swifty had Bumlets. They were happy together, and Skittery would just have to suck it up and bear through the agony that came with seeing them cuddling at night, or exchange kisses on the cheek in the morning, or playfully ruffle each other’s hair before buying papers. 
It had never occurred to him how much these things bothered him until he had Swifty all to himself, with nothing else but a shared cigarette and that wretched insomnia. 
“I’m going to try to sleep,” Skittery mumbled suddenly, Standing up and heading back towards the threshold between the bathroom and the bunks. In one motion, Swifty grabbed his wrist, pulled him back, and pinned his waist to the counter, gazing up at his face through the thick darkness. 
“What the hell’s up with you lately, John?” He whispered furiously, tightening his grip below his ribs. Skittery stood like a statue, his mouth gaping open as he prayed his weak knees would hold him. Their chests were almost touching, and he could feel the steady rise and fall of his stomach against his own in the brief eternity before he could cough out an answer. 
“Nothin’”, he said, his voice coming out small. His heart drummed as he watched a lock of Swifty's hair uncurl itself from his bangs and fall neatly onto his forehead. His eyes glistened in the shadows, filled with suspicion and curiosity.
“Nothings goin’ on with me, why’d you think that?” 
“I dunno, maybe how you can’t seem to stand being around me during the day?” 
Skittery took a breath, his arms glued to his sides. “It’s just me bein’ dumb, alright? Don’t worry about it.” 
“Worry about it?! Skits you...” he slowly released his grip, his hands trailing down from his waist to his hips. “You ain’t...”
“I ain’t what,” Skittery breathed, barely audible over his heartbeat.  
And in a split second, Swifty closed the gap between their mouths, his eyes fluttering shut as Skittery’s hands found their way onto the back of his neck. It was a tender, slow kiss, filled with questions and curiosity. Every thought or strange feeling left over from his nightmare had vanished. He wasn't sure if the rain was still falling- he couldn't hear a thing. Skittery discovered the other boy's lips were surprisingly silky, and he pulled away, chest heaving, with a fruity taste on his tongue. 
“Why the hell did ya do that?” Skittery said quietly, his fingers biting into the shorter boy’s shoulders. 
He shrugged in response, apparently more agitated from his response than alarmed from kissing his friend. 
“I don’t get you, Victor,” he said uneasily as he saw Swifty’s face drifting up towards his again. 
“Stop.” He pushed him away by his shoulders, struggling to put space in between them. “We can’t do this, Vic, what the hell is wrong with you?” 
“Do I really gotta walk you through why it’s ok to kiss a fella?”He answered in a bemused tone. 
“It ain’t that, Swifty!” he said furiously, forgetting to lower his voice. “You think I don’t wanna do that every time I see ya?! You think I've been putting myself through this shit for nothin’? I ain’t meant for romance. And whatever feelings that gave me ain’t exactly exclusive to you either. I couldn’t make no one happy like they want me to. Nothin’ like that will ever work out for me.” He shoved him away, walking a few paces towards the windows. “And how could ya do somethin’ like this to a sweet fella like Bumlets?!” he added, his voice quiet again. 
Swifty was strangely composed, standing straight up with his hands in his pant pockets. It was strange to see his friend like this. Skittery always spent most of his time contemplating everything, analyzing conversations and movements to make sure he was completely understanding what was going on. He never let a thing go misinterpreted. He was better with being told things straight out- it surprised Swifty that a kiss, which to Skittery might’ve meant anything, for once got his point across efficiently. 
“That’s what you’s worked up about? That I kissed you while I still got Bumlets?” He asked, collected despite the fact his heart was still racing. “Me and him have been talkin’, Skits. He likes you too.”
The other boy froze, the words sending a peculiar feeling down his spine. “What do ya mean by that?” 
“I mean he likes ya, I like ya, and we like each other.” He slowly approached him, as if to not startle him away. “I’m sayin’ if you wanna be in on whatever we got going on,” he trailed off, tenderly slipping his arms around his waist again. 
“Ya mean it, Victor? You two…” he mumbled tentatively, his own hands creeping onto his midsection. 
And before he knew it they were kissing again, searing and passionate. It was something that happened on instinct, a thing Skittery didn’t let control him very often. It was as relieving as it was terrifying. 
Skittery pulled away abruptly, responding to Swifty's confused expression by holding a finger to his lips. He peered over him through the darkness at all the boys seemingly still asleep in the next room over. They were too visible for his liking, especially since he knew many of them pretended to be asleep to pry into others' business. 
He grabbed him by the front of his shirt and pulled him into one of the bathroom stalls, where they whispered little confessions in between long kisses, all the way till light started shining in from under the door and the clamor of waking boys told them they were moments from being discovered.
The next day was gray, with rain that sprinkled heavily on and off. Normally, this would send Skittery into a worse mood than usual, causing him to barely get any papers sold, rather spending his day under shop awnings with the stack over his head. However he barely noticed the rain, and although his mouth was in a tight line and his eyebrows furrowed, there was a pink tinge to his cheeks that he couldn’t get rid of. 
He remembered saying a lot to Swifty the night before, mostly embarrassing, sappy things that he carried on his shoulders with an air of shame. He remembered something about being in love, something about his heart melting when he sees Bumlets, something about him not being able to believe that the two handsomest guys in the lodge liked him. Recalling it made him cringe. He couldn’t believe he would let his guard down like that now that he was out of the moment. 
He knew he had to talk to Bumlets soon and work out his feelings for him as he did with Swifty, but he could barely stand to be in the same room with either of them. He left early, turning away after hearing one of them call his name. He was aware he was just avoiding something that would have to be dealt with eventually. He was no good with feelings, or change for that matter. 
Luckily the opportunity presented itself sooner than he preferred, when he settled on a bench under a damp umbrella in the park. It was a particularly heavy batch of rain, making him shiver no matter how tight he pulled his coat around him. He suddenly felt himself sandwiched by warmth, one of the boys on each side of him. 
“Hey Skits,” he heard Bumlets say, although his gaze stayed fixed on the patch of ground in front of him. “Heard you was bein’ sweet with my fella last night,” he said in an amused tone, hitting his shoulder with his own. 
Skittery felt paralyzed, staying silent as both boys looked at him expectantly. He felt a raindrop snake down his neck and down his collar. 
“Why don’t ya tell Bumlets some of those things you told me last night,” Swifty added once it was clear that he wasn’t going to respond. 
“Won’t you two leave me alone till later,” he finally answered, snapping his head up and looking at the boy on the right. He immediately regretted it. Bumlets’ damp bangs were drooping onto his forehead, his brown eyes illuminated curiously by the  raindrops coming down. His shirt was half unbuttoned, revealing his collarbone dotted with freckles. 
“We ain’t gonna leave you alone, Skits, not with weather as romantic as this!” He motioned wildly with his hand, collecting a few raindrops in his palm before drying it off on Skittery’s knee. “But we also ain’t gonna pressure you or nothin, right Bumlets?” Swifty added. 
Skittery let both boys set their arms around him, although his shoulders were stiff and his face was hot. The three sat there, listening to each other breathing for hours with their arms tangled. The tall boy in the middle indulged himself just a little bit more by the minute, letting himself grow comfortable between them. He knew that's what he wanted. He knew that that’s what he had been dreaming about subconsciously for a lot longer than he cared to admit. It would take time for him to adjust, as it always did for him with new experiences and changes of his life. 
But he was trying to get better at change. Maybe that’s why he let Swifty kiss his cheek, after checking that the rain had driven everyone out of the park. Maybe that’s why he let Bumlets take his waist and kiss him softly, when the moment felt right. And that’s why they walked back to the lodge, shivering, with their arms still hooked around each other, the tallest boy feeling on top of the world.
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melovez · 4 years ago
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@hydemind okay i’ll tell a few stories. i’ll tell some of the bad/funny stories because they’re more fun
below cut cuz the post is too long
1. Two Jeff The Killers and A Dr. Who Character Fight Over Courting Courtney, and Ruin Her Character
this one actually got really uncomfortable pretty quick. my oc courtney, as she appears in TNC, is kinda the classic “blonde girl who dies in a horror movie” but i flip the trope on its head by making her actually very well equipped for survival (in shape, knows first aid, good fast-talker for stalling). that doesn’t matter to 12-16 year olds who think jeff the killer is a good role model though so as soon as i joined the server i realized there was a GROUP of canon pasta rpers going around killing every human they found On Sight. but there’s these two jeff the killer rpers (one is teenage jeff, the other is adult jeff) who immediately take a liking to her and basically designate themselves as her personal bodyguards.
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this is really sexy on roblox, apparently. random blonde girl in a varsity jacket and jeans.
eventually this like.. dr who character i have no idea who it was shows up (not the dr. but he had a sonic screwdriver??) and starts being. like. REALLY overtly romantic towards her. and i’m trying to have her turn him down in character but he’s not taking no for an answer. he’s slipping notes and flowers in her back pockets every time her back is turned and he’s metagaming (reading her bio for things his character shouldn’t know) to justify getting away with doing all this without her noticing. and it gets to a point where i’m like “dude. stop. you’re making me uncomfortable” and he just said word for word “that’s what you get for playing creepypasta rp lol”
because of him i have not played as courtney since because teenage boys can’t keep it in their pants when they see a lego girl with long blonde hair
2. All The Times I’ve Been Insta-Killed For Absolutely No Reason and Called A Fail RPer For Ignoring It
probably the most notable time this happened was when an MTF militant rper publicly executed my character. (not an exaggeration. he walked up to my INNOCENT TEENAGE CHARACTER, told them to get on the ground, and then shot them in the head.) when i told him that’s kinda bullshit he said “you made the mistake of trusting me” and i was like. why wouldn’t he trust an MTF agent they’re supposed to be protecting people. and then he threatened to report me for not going and “making a new character” because apparently my character was permakilled. hope that guy got reported by someone else and banned because he was just such an asshole
then there’s the time casey was eating a sandwich sitting on the curb and this monstery guy came up to him and said “hey follow me” and casey is very trusting so of course he does do that and the guy lead him behind a house and just hit me with the classic “*kills*”. i said “cool rp bro” ooc and just left lmao
i am not a fast typer and people do not take turns in combat on roblox rp so there have been many times someone attacked casey over and over and then murdered him while i was still responding to the first message. casey has been murdered many many different ways by many people.
i’ve come to learn that if someone walks up to me and pauses in front of me with a weapon drawn, they are typing an attack, and i need to run. i’ve been chased multiple times since i adopted the strategy of Just Fucking Run Away but it’s better than someone walking up to me and instakilling my character then calling me a fail rper for calling them out on it
if you’re lucky though and there’s a large group of rpers around there’s usually someone who is a hardcore pacifist and will run over and do a *heals* if you get attacked or instakilled. which is also not very good rp but at least it benefits me
3. Slenderman Encounters Other Slendermen And Gets In a Pissy Mood About It
of my years of playing roblox creepypasta RP, i have yet to come across a good slenderman rper besides myself. only recently did i find a formula that allows me to stay very in character and also get noticed (i used to just stalk people and linger near the shadowy tree line and i was so good at it no one ever noticed me and i never got any rp). most slenderman rpers abuse the invisibility tool and stand in crowded areas looking for attention while also not putting any actual work in besides standing and switching between spamming the vanish tool and the tendril attack tool.
because of how popular slenderman is a LOT of inexperienced ppl go to him as their first choice when they open the game and i’m sad to say none of them are good. with my current strategy of rping it’s actually become very fun to speak unseen (when i’m vanished i appear as a black static/smoke cloud so people can still know they’re being followed by me, better for rp engagement) about what a Foolish Impostor the other slenderman rper is as my slender lmao
considering most slender rpers refuse to actually do any rp the way i rp as slender makes me. fairly popular. i do frequently disappoint the 29487492947294893 people rping as slenderman’s children when he basically tells them to fuck off or outright denies he has any children. the good news is splendor is a very good uncle to all the kids my slender doesn’t want lol
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phoebelovingcare · 4 years ago
Bee’s Character Guides: Marx
Marx handles like Janna (SvTFOE), Flowey (UT), Carla (KG2), and Pinkie Pie (MLP:FiM).
Lemme explain.
RNG isn't actually random. Technically, NOTHING is random. Randomness is a social construct, because everything has to cause something.
There are people out there who can predict what pokemon they're gonna encounter next by creating and remembering exactly what RNG they've created.
Marx is one of those people.
Before the whole Nova incident, he was your “I know a guy” guy. If you needed something, and had NO idea how you were gonna get it, you asked Marx.
He'd either ask for a favor or some other form of payment, sometimes very oddly specific payment, and then go and do, SOMEHOW, exactly what they needed.
“Marx. I need a hundred fireworks by tonight.”
“Oof, tight schedule. You're gonna owe me somethin in return!”
“Yeah yeah I know, just make it happen!”
“Done! Here's ya 'works!”
“Do I even WANT to know where you got these..?”
“Kinda a long story. Anyways I need 50 bucks and tons of coupons & gift cards for Kawasaki's.”
It's not random.
Marx just happens to know that there's a Waddle Dee that frequents Kawasaki's food stand that has a brother who's partner works in pyrotechnics, and that they all could really use some extra funding, so he goes to them and promises a decently-sized donation and lunch on him if they'd give him 100 fireworks to sample.
Marx isn't really one for improv – that's his LEAST favorite thing to do, in fact. He's a choreographer. Everything has to go EXACTLY as planned.
He keeps track of what people like and don't like, maintains a routine, and by doing this, can make whatever he wants happen via manipulation among other things.
And of course – I wasn't really sure where to put this part, so it goes here. Marx is a person. I mean he's a character, but y'know. He's like any other person on Popstar, he's a snuggly round little creature who loves good food, good friends, and good naps. He does things for fun – he loves making people laugh, so part of that observant-manipulation quality goes to knowing EXACTLY how to cheer someone up, or reduce a crowd into a laughing fit. He knows what he's about. If he's actually being genuine, then he can be a good friend.
He likes to just do whatever he wants for fun. The people around him kinda become tools at his disposal, and he just does as he pleases.
Marx's FAVORITE tool friend is Kirby.
This is because Kirby is a friendly lil puffball who Marx likes to talk to. Marx enjoys freely rambling and infodumping to Kirby, who will happily listen because he loves his friends, and loves listening to Marx talk!
The other reason is because Kirby does whatever the hell he wants uninterrupted, and has nigh infinite power.
So if Marx can get Kirby to do something for him by god IT'LL GET DONE.
Kirby would probably change the tides if Marx could come up with an excuse for him to do so.
Or move mountains.
Or celestial bodies.
Cuz y'know, Marx knows Mr Bright. Maybe, just maybe, if he tells him a lil joke at a party about Mr Shine being jealous about how long the sun's out, well, Mr Bright's a pretty spiteful person, he might just do something a lil rash and a lil petty, and Mr Shine's not one to back down from a fight, and hey, what a lightshow that'd be, huh, might get the attention of the baby god who's just saved the world three times this week, and boy oh boy wouldn't it be convenient if lil ol Marx knew that they'd stop if you wished on a clockwork star?
And then, adrift in space, among the wreckage of a recently-blown-up clockwork star, a little clown would think to himself:
“I forgot Kirby usually wins those fights.”
When he came back to Popstar, he was a bit of a wreck, because now everything was off kilter.
His reputation? Different. What he was capable of? Different. Hell, from how long it was before he returned, things LOOKED different.
He's still kinda trying to pick up the pieces, which is even more difficult now that people know his game. Everyone around him is starting to notice Marx's pattern, and it forces him to be more genuine, less of an act every time he speaks.
That genuine self? Someone who speaks his mind, even if it's “true but he shouldn't say it”, full of energy and talkative, VERY mischievous and fun loving (even if the fun he has hurts someone in the end), and of course, still manipulative and selfish.
So there. That's how I see and process Marx. I have this thing – especially when it comes to the Star Allies, seeing bad guys on the good guys side with either no clear reason to be, or a reason NOT to be, makes me just wanna find or make a reason myself. Since sometimes it seems like nobody has an established, equally balanced good-and-bad Marx, I tried to flesh out my own, making sure to keep in mind words from those who love him, and words from those who hate him, and find the middle ground in a way that I myself would find satisfying, to the character and the story he's in.
That's Marx.
(also last random sidenote, his music matches this. Fun-yet-slightly-evil sounding with a time signature that you have to perfectly memorize in order to play it. There he is.)
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vanchlo · 5 years ago
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Blurb Synopsis: During your break, instead of going to the stuffy staff break room, you wander outside into the cool air by the waterpark. Unbeknownst to you, there you meet a bubbly stranger in the hot tub, and never again is your life the same. 
Genre: 2015 Harry, fluff, and romance.  
Word Count: 4.6k words
Pairing: Harry x Reader
Music Inspo: Champagne Supernova by Oasis (click to listen bc I love this song and it fits the theme I think?)
P.S. - Funny story, I found this in my Notes and I had started writing this in 2016. Crazy. I liked rereading it and figured I’d finish it, so don’t be too hard on me, please. Enjoy! ;) 
It was the dead of winter, but you couldn’t spend any more time inside, or in that lousy closet of a break room with your coworkers for another minute. They were well past getting on your last nerve, and you weren’t going to let them ruin your one slice of ‘me time’ today. 
Squeaky children’s voices and the sound of water hits your ears as you take a shortcut. The door opens with a little punch! when you press on the horizontal bar. Cold air meets your clammy skin quickly, refreshing you. A sigh of relief leaves your lips as your sweaty back meets the cold surface of the glass door. Pebbles grind beneath your feet and birds caw in the distance. When you turn to look around like any regular human being, you almost run right back into the door when you see the head of brown hair a few feet away, bobbing out of the water. 
“Didn’ mean t’ scare ya, love, ‘m sorry,” the mannish-boy says, pushing his long wet hair off of his face with his ringed fingers. 
“N-No it’s fine. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude, I’ll just-.”
“No, ’s okay. Ya gonna have a smoke or sumthin’?” he questions. Your head goes from side to side in answer. Meanwhile, he nods as steam rises from around him out of the round bubbling hot tub he sits alone in. His tattooed arms float on the surface, moving with the water slowly. 
“I was just getting some air on my break. I couldn’t stand to be in the break room not getting a minute to myself alone.”
“Ah, I can’ blame ya. I hate people like that when ‘m not in tha mood, they’re bloody annoying. Neva shut up, it seems,” he quips, his long pink lips spreading into his flawless white smile. 
“Yeah, you have no idea.”
He continues to smile at you, and the nagging thoughts poking at your mind all day are gone for a moment. “Why dontcha come over here? Gimme some company, how ‘bout?” he suggests, trying to wave you over. Water falls fast and long from his tall round bicep. Yeah, nope.
“I don’t think I should,” you respond, but those words couldn’t be further from the truth. 
“Ah c’mon, love, ‘m bored as fook by meself out ‘ere. Come talk t’ me, will you?” he says, moving slowly. Part by small part, you see more of his tan chest as he sits on the underwater bench with his back against the dark tiles. Black swallows fly under his collarbones, and a gleaming silver necklace surrounding his throat dangles down his chest. 
“I don’t want to get in trouble, or something.”
“Yer not gonna cuz yer not botherin’ me. Even if somebody said anythin’, why would I have any reason t’ back ‘em up, huh? Yer not causin’ me any harm, and I wann’ talk t’ ya,” he continues, and it’s hard to refuse. He’s a good negotiator, and you’re slowly becoming an icicle second by second. 
“Aren’t you here with anybody?” you ask as your feet slowly pad on the gray cement over to him. He leans forward absentmindedly playing with the bubbles, while still keeping eye contact. 
“No,” he answers softly with a helpful shake of his head. Your eyes follow his hands that cup some of the bubbly foam in his long fingers. 
You sink to your knees and then your butt when he gives you a look. His green eyes hold a question as his thick brown eyebrows furrow along with his rose lips. Wincing when your butt touches the cold cement, you cross your legs as your arms go around your tall legs. 
“Here,” he mumbles out of nowhere. A fluffy white hotel towel lands at your side in a blink. “Don’ wantcha t’ freeze yer bum off.”
Your lips drop a short ‘thanks’ as you awkwardly place it under your bottom to ward off the cold. You make the mistake of meeting his eyes and you giggle a rosy cheeked laugh. 
“Nothing,” you sigh with the laugh beginning to wear off, cheeks pinched with red and warmth. 
“Ya got a pretty smile, ya know that?”
“You’re so cliche, do you know that?” you reply and he scoffs, with a held out ‘ruuuude’ leaving his happy lips. “But thank you.”
The hot water bubbles against the side only inches away, so close and yet so far away. Your sweaty Converses and gross socks covering your clammy feet itch to join him. A black polo shirt and khaki skinnies don the rest of your shivering body. A tinge of awkwardness hangs in the air between you and this stranger. Frequent shared glances holding tiny smiles and questions you know the both of you want to ask float between you. 
“How long have ya worked here?” 
“Too long,” you quip, and his lips turn up again. You realize that you really like it when you make him smile, no matter how little. He has a pretty smile, and it goes past the chill and warms you up to the bone. 
Water droplets cling to his skin every place and everywhere. The heat in the water flushes his skin, especially his cheeks which remain a soft pink. It doesn’t compare to the warm pink of his lips that he plays with, with both his tongue and his fingers. Please never wake me up from this dream. 
You play with the frayed laces on your black low tops, the muffled screams from inside tickling your ears along with the somewhat calming sound of the bubbling water. It invites you in, more and more. 
“C’mon, you,” he mumbles. You look up, startled to find him sitting before you, floating in the water. His wet hands wrap around the tan ankles of your pants, and you nearly yelp. 
“What do you think you’re doing?!”
“Get yer shoes off already, at least dip yer toes in. Makin’ me feel all bad, cuz ya look like yer freezin’ yer bits off sittin’ there. I wish ya could  come in with me,” he replies. By now, he’s already worked one of your shoes off. 
“No, please. You don’t want to do that.”
“Yesssss, I do. They’re jus’ feet, darlin’, we all have ‘em,” he titters, flinging the shoe to the side and then the other one. That leaves you in a mismatched pair of ankle socks; blue and red stripes on the left and a Batman one donning your other foot. 
He makes a grinning comment about ‘your cute socks’ as his warm fingers tickle the sliver of skin between your pant leg and socks. 
“Alright, buddy,” you tell him, trying to pull your legs away. His hands encircle both of your ankles and he looks back at you, grinning with his tongue poking out between his teeth. 
“No, jus’ dip yer feet in, pleaseeee.”
“Okay fine, just let me take them off myself. I don’t need a stranger getting comfy feeling up my nasty feet,” you joke, looking up briefly to catch his reaction. The cute as fuck dimples in the middle of his cheeks are beginning to fall and grow deeper before a laugh rumbles through his chest. 
How cute can he get?
“Suit yerself. I woulda taken up tha offer, but tha’s jus’ me.”
“That’s because you’re a weirdo,” you answer, voice breaking into a laugh as you roll up the socks into one ball and set them to the side. You thank your past self for getting that cheap ass manicure the other day. 
“Takes one t’ know one,” he comments, holding his hands up like you’d do when you say ‘I don’t know’ as his wet hair begins to curl at the end. It’s long and almost touches his broad shoulders, and you continue to have a hard time believing this shit is real. That he’s real, and talking to you. 
It takes a second to get used to the water when you dive in, well the few inches that swallows up your feet, give or take. You admit it feels good, but you wouldn’t admit it out loud to him, because it’d only fuel his witty fire. 
He splashes water at you, but you get him back quickly. He even blows bubbles with his mouth and then spits the water at you. You retaliate by jabbing him in the side with your feet under the water. Uncalled for jokes fly from him, and sometimes good comebacks from you. These float into aloud thoughts about favorite foods, ranging from cold ice cream, to slushies, and to chocolate cake. Begging comes from his side about you ditching the rest of work and joining him for real. 
It all sounded so good, and it was so good. 
He’s humming some song you know but can’t put a name to, making little noises with his lips. His fingers tickle the bottom of your feet, every now and then. When you rarely take your eyes off him, you notice more about him. His skin remains flushed, and when your eyes fall to your watch, you feel yours flush too. You sense your heart drop inside your chest, which makes you feel dramatic and lame, but you can feel it there hanging heavily a little lower. 
You look back to him, sitting close to you with his head leaned back on the edge of the fake rock surface. His eyes are closed and lips humming a song again. With a quiet sigh, you draw your feet back and out, drying them with the towel, trying to leave it still usable for him. Slipping your socks back on is a sticky process with grunting. At the sound of the second or third one, his swimming green eyes open and dart to you questioningly.
“What, where’re you goin’?” he asks, sitting up and turning towards me.
“I have to go back to work, my break is up.”
“What, no,” he frowns and you giggle. He’s funny, but you know he doesn’t mean it. You hardly know him, and he doesn’t even know you. It was fun while it lasted, a nice little distraction, but now you have to go back to reality. 
“I’m sorry.”
“’s okay,” he replies, looking away from you and down, playing with the foamy bubbles with his pruney fingers. 
“Thanks for . . I don’t know what to thank you for really.”
“Don’ worry ‘bout it. Thank ya, too,” he smiles at you as you stand up. Maneuvering your heel into your right shoe, that’s always the tricky one, it slips in after a few seconds of trying as he stares up at you. Although an understatement, it pains you to leave. 
“Bye, love.”
“Bye,” you mumble quietly, walking to the door and stealing one last look at him as you open it and step inside. You’re granted to never see him again - the cute and sweet hot tub guy. No, don’t go making up nicknames for him now. 
You wish that you could thank him, but you don’t even know his name. 
The day dragged on, turning up rooms and putting them back together. You cleaned this and that, and everything in between. At times, you were sweating like a whore in church, and your back and feet ached constantly. 
By the time your shift ended, it had grown dark and the stars were peeking out from the black of the sky. Getting off the elevator, you walk down the hall and find the lobby. Suddenly, your feet bring you somewhere else, through the emptying water park and to the fogged up door. Your fingers wrap around the cold metal bar and you prepare yourself, or try to.  
What will you say? What will you do?
Slowly opening the door, you realize those few seconds talking yourself up were futile because the hot water is still. The lights in the water shine clear against the dark night with no disturbance. Because he's gone.
Turning around and walking back inside, you try to hide your frown as you go to clock out and leave. Disappointment floods your veins, making you feel stupid and pathetic. With a sigh, you walk out the doors into the cold trying to remember his laugh, and his smile. 
Ones that you’ll never see again, and you hate how awful knowing that makes you feel.
The next day when you showed up for another exhausting day of work, a light shown at the end of the tunnel. Although your shift was tiring, the only good thing about getting up early was to get off early. That fact kept you sane throughout most of the day, despite the thoughts that have been nagging at you to quit this lousy housekeeping job that you’ve stuck with for far too long. Sure, it paid alright, but it was hard on your body and some of the things you had to endure were ridiculous, you thought. 
Before you knew it, you were bypassing the employee break room and walking through the lobby. The keys on your lanyard jangled and only were silent when you used them to open your car. Now with a jacket around your shoulders, your steps were covered in snow on the way back to the sliding doors, that is until you heard a voice. A voice calling your name. It took you a second to realize where it was coming from, but when your eyes ventured to the left side of the building, it all clicked when you saw the steam rising into the air. 
“‘s you, innit? I thought so! Hey, two days inn’a row. Come say hi, love. ‘m here all in me lonesome ‘gain,” the stranger calls to you from across the parking lot. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” you mutter under your breath, but your words leak of lies as a smile curls among your lips. “I guess, but I don’t want you touching my feet again!” 
“Deal, but ya gotta take off yer shoes yerself then, or else ya can’t come!” 
Luckily, the hotel doesn’t have a fence or barricade around the outside hot tub like most do. Instead, a low rock wall shields it from view, but you’ve always found it tacky and worthless. 
“On our break again, are we?” he hums from the confines of the hot tub as you approach him, glad for your jacket this time. You nod a reply as you grab the plastic chair somebody had dragged out here and left, both things they weren’t supposed to do. “Noooo, don’t sit so far away from me. Come dip yer toes in again, please,” he whines, waving a wet hand at you. 
You relent and begin to toe off your shoes as he giggles from his spot across from you, leaning against the edge of the tub. The sight makes you feel warmer than you actually are in the December air. More tattoos peek out amongst the glistening skin of his arms spread out on the lip of the tub, resting there. 
“Do you do anything besides sit in here?” you question, rolling your two socks into a ball before he hits you in the chest with a towel. 
“Not really. ‘s too bloody loud inside with all tha kids, and my hotel room ‘s too quiet.”
“Wow, it sounds like you have such a rough life,” you joke, the temperature of the water surprising you when you dip a foot in. His revelation does as well, although you’re not sure why. Regardless, it still causes you to wonder if you’ve been into his room recently if only to deliver towels. 
“Oh, so rough,” he confesses dramatically, arms falling into the water when he sinks down into it. You laugh at how he becomes a noodle in the water, and soon the sound is stolen away when he drifts over to you. His warm hand comes around your ankle and tickles along the bottom of your foot. 
“That’s whatcha get fer bein’ mean, make me sound all shallow and that rubbish,” he teases while loud laughs and protests jump from your lips. 
“Stop!” you repeat again and again until he relents, but your right foot remains in his hand as he seemingly kneels on the bottom of the hot tub. 
“Hmmmm, blue toes. That’s a new one,” he hums, running a finger over one of your painted toenails that you painted teal last night. 
“I said I didn’t want you touching my feet, you weirdo. Do you have a foot fetish or something?” 
“No, don’t be bloody rude. I can’t comprehend how people get that kinda satisfaction from feet, sumthin’ must be wrong with ‘em,” he tsks, shaking his head of drying curls as he releases your foot. Your agreeing smile is replaced with a sad one when he disappears under the water with a groan, appearing seconds later with a tense face. “Sumtimes wish I could spend forevea unda there.”
“You must be a water bug, like me,” you note aloud, savoring the sight of his thick arms reaching to his head, pushing back his long wet hair back. Now, it touches his shoulders with the help of the balmy water. 
“Think so, always loved swimmin’ since I was a kid. ‘d be in tha pool if a dozen kids weren’t hoggin’ it, and if tha winter didn’t make me feel so damn cold all tha time,” he remarks with a smile as you slip your other foot in, letting the water reach to the middle of your lower legs. “Yer a water bug too, huh?”
“Yeah, I swam competitively all throughout high school. I feel at home in it.”
“Hmmm, sounds like some kinda psychology theory t’ me. ‘m sure it’d say somethin’ happened in yer brain through all o’ that, y’know ya been in tha water so much ya feel at home in it, blah blah,” he says, bringing his golden arms to the edge of the hot tub to your right where he lays them. His stubbly chin comes to rest on them as you accidentally touch his ribs with your foot, but he doesn’t even notice, it seems. 
“Thank you for the lecture, professor, it was really fascinating,” you respond, fake dramatics shining in your voice as you clap your hands. He rolls his eyes before splashing warm water at you. “Hey, I have to go back to work in these clothes, so you better not get them as wet as you did last night.”
“Ya? What’re ya gonna do ‘bout it, love?” 
You reply with a tight-lipped sigh that elicits sing-song laughter from his rose-colored lips that await below you. Your eyes trail to his long torso and legs blurry under the water, short yellow swim trunks donning his waist. 
The thoughts that bloom inside of your mind, like wondering how tall he is and what the rest of him looks like out of the water, escape you when you see the time. 
“Noooo, don’ leave ‘gain, we jus’ got talkin’,” he whimpers when you tell him, sticking his bottom lip out at you. 
“I can’t not go back to work,” you explain, drawing your feet from the warmth only to return to the chill. 
A sad noise sounds behind his frowning lips, and a matching expression paints his flushed face. You wish you knew his name when he won’t let go of your leg, making you suddenly glad you had shaved them again last night after your run-in with him. 
“When d���ya get off?”
“Eight,” you respond, earning a nod from him. 
“Alrighty, well stop by again, I might be here.”
“Okay,” you answer simply as you slip your shoes back on, a feeling growing in your gut unpleasantly. 
“Have a good day,” he smiles at you as you walk away. “And smile, cuz ya have a pretty one!” 
The hallways were quiet with few guests remaining outside of their rooms, and the parties occupying the waterpark now over. The big slides and arcade were closed by the time you slipped back into the emptying cavernous room. You forced smiles at lifeguards and the coworker behind the food bar on your way to the door leading outside. The entire way there after clocking out, you seethed with regret from forgetting a swimsuit earlier today. When your feet take you outside to the fluorescent lights playing along the chlorinated water, you’re unsure which you regret worse - forgetting to bring a swimsuit, or getting your hopes up only to find his messy head of brown hair to be missing from the hot tub. Again. 
You had the next day off from work, which had you thanking the high heavens to be free from that prison. You were brimming with thankfulness, and yet you found yourself standing in the hotel lobby the next morning, a bag over your shoulder holding a swimsuit and towel. Once you had gotten a day pass from a coworker, although not free as you had hoped, you wandered into the deafening waterpark. The foggy door across the large room called your name, and soon you found your palm pressed to the warm metal pushbar once again. The brisk winter air is a shock when you enter it, and you find your mission to be fruitless when the bubbling water is empty.
Your tennis shoes squeak on the slippery cement as you turn to leave. Thoughts muddle your mind, and your day depressingly empty of any plans pulls you back to the singing water. After sliding off your shoes and stepping out of your clothes, the water welcomes you in your bathing suit. At first, you’re grateful that you’re alone and no noisy kids are interrupting your peace and quiet, but it doesn’t last long. You spend the time playing on your phone and replying to text messages, even playing a game or watching a YouTube video. 
Half an hour or so had passed already, and by then you had moved around the large space. This included sitting on the varying height of steps when you grew too warm, perched on the ledge with only your legs in, or sometimes almost sitting on the bottom of the tub. 
Tucked in the corner near the little opening to swim in from the inside hot tub, you hear the outside door open. The first smile of your day tickles at your lips when you watch who the door spits out. He doesn’t notice you at first surprisingly, consumed by his phone in his hands. The same couldn’t be said for you as you marvel at the sight of him, and how normal of one it is. The water seems to grow hotter by the second while you watch him peel off his Fleetwood Mac shirt to leave him in those same banana colored shorts. A shotty whistle leaves your lips before a giggle follows it, and you’re graced with the arrival of his smile when he turns around to find you there. 
“Hey, stranger, funny meeting you here,” you mumble, a jet of water pounding against your spine. Dimples collapse into his cheeks as his smile grows, his long chestnut hair tickling his face. 
“Hullo, love. Looks like I finally got me wish,” he says, setting down his phone on the nearby glass table, right across from your own. 
“Really, what’s that?”
“This,” he answers, nodding at you as he turns to face you. He sure is a sight for sore eyes, you wonder as your eyes run over his long body painted with black ink. “I can splash you all I want now,” he finishes, kicking a foot towards you as he saunters down the stairs, a spray of water hitting you square in the face. 
“Hey!” you exclaim, dragging your hand through the water to hit him in the chest with it. 
“So ‘s gonna be that way, huh?” he argues, dipping both hands into the rolling bubbles to drench the rest of your dry hair. 
You groan loudly, and it doesn’t end when your arms go around his toned waist to yank him into the water. He falls but catches himself too late, getting dunked into the water. The chuckle leaves your lips that very second and grows louder when he emerges from the water, a disappointed look on his face as he moves his hair off his face. 
“Yer a feisty one, arentcha?” he quips, wagging a finger at you, receiving your nod. “Silly me.”
The giggle dies down when nerves overcome you as he sits down beside you on the underwater concrete bench, his leg brushing yours. 
“You never told me your name,” you mutter quietly, crossing and then uncrossing your legs anxiously. 
“Dunno why I should afta all that,” he responds lightheartedly, still fixing his hair that refuses to cooperate much to your amusement. “‘s Harry, if ya must know.”
“Harry, hmm, that fits you,” you hum, finding the dark and light speckles in his green irises that sit so close to yours. Dark stubble lines his cheeks all over, you notice, as well as the tiny tattoos that hide amongst the larger ones claiming his body. 
Your name flows from your lips and he mocks you, saying something about how you look like your name. The sound of the rolling bubbles and jets fills your absence of conversation as you lean your head back. 
“How many days are you here for, Harry?” you inquire, admiring the tiny snowflakes that begin to fall, immediately melting when they hit the water. 
“A couple mo’.”
A few greasy pepperoni pizzas, cherry slushies, stale tortilla chips with goopy nacho cheese, and over buttered popcorn fill the rest of your day. A few appearances on the waterslides and in the pool occupy your time, as well as him throwing you in more than once. The laughs never seemed to be shy to either of your lips, whether on the tube slide or in the corner of the hot tub. 
The sun had set long ago, and your skin had grown pruney far before then. You were both exhausted after your day spent in the waterpark and in the hot tub you had returned to, the chlorinated water always seeming to get the best of you no matter your age, like now. Harry’s eyes were closed beside you, and they didn’t open when you tapped his nose with your finger. A raspy question escapes his smirking lips, and when you don’t answer them, you find tiredness adorning his greens. 
“The waterpark closes soon,” you murmur, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. He nods as his long fingers card through his dark locks. He lifts a finger and inches it towards himself, calling you to him. “What?” you ask, feigning annoyance. 
“Wanna tell ya sumthin,” he whispers, the sugary smell of his second cherry slushie tickling your nose. You relent and scooch closer to him, until your thigh is flush against his. “Think we could do this again t’morrow, and tha day afta that, and afta that?” he asks, a smile transforming his blushing face only inches from yours. A nod shakes the wet tendrils of your hair automatically, and quickly the prickly nervousness that had disappeared hours before, returns. 
“Good, I can’t wait. Wanna go sumwhere t’ get dinna, ‘m starvin’?” 
“Yeah, we should go then, the attendants will be shutting off stuff in a few minutes,” you insist, but all thoughts fleet you when his hand settles on your arm. 
“That’s okay, I only need a few minutes t’ do one last thing,” he murmurs, and your eyebrows raise in question. 
They remain stuck there as he nears you, and only do they relax a few seconds into the kiss he plants on your lips. The sickeningly sweet taste of artificial cherries graces your lips as yours move with his. Your cheek tingles when his hand brushes against it, drawing you nearer to him when it finds a place there. He giggles into your mouth as he knocks a foot against yours while his fingers explore your hair. His taut arm is slick under your touch and yet it feels better than you could have imagined, eliciting another titter from him when he flexes it on purpose. When he begins to pull away, your hand drifts to his sloping back. Your fingers press against his warm skin there until the taste of cherries consumes your lips once again, drowning out his name. 
Maybe this job isn’t too bad, after all. 
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elejahfanfic · 4 years ago
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And so it is Christmas
Part 5
Elijah Mikaelson x reader
ft. Klaroline, Kennett
AU story_human_no vampires
a/n:There  will be great mad Mikaelson chaos and lots of love… i.e. Elijah falling for Y/N…cookie baking, etc.
well, actually_absolute christmas fluff… ho-ho-ho
_also this just blew into such a long ch again_ thanks for reading. xoxo
In the Mikaelson Mansion
Esther looked at the happy bunch mucking around in the kitchen. She loved the holiday season. It always brought a strange kind of warmth to the house.
"Everyone is very high spirited" the butler said,"this idea to have them participate in making the buiscuits was marvellous"
"Wasn't it just" Esther said, now looking at Klaus and Caroline cutely talking to one another, him complimenting the blonde on her artistic streak.
"I find it quite unusual that Elijah left Caroline behind and went out with Kol"  Esther remarked.
"There have been developments" the butler said.
"What do you mean?"  Esther now looked at the man with puzzled eyes.
"Master Elijah and Ms Forbes are no longer together. Prior to Miss Rebekah's trip to New York, they put an end to their relationship. Not that it was any serious relationship as such."
Esther raised an inquisitive eye-brow at the butler, and told him to follow her to the drawing room to speak more privately.
The butler has always been the source of gossip and knew all that was going on, as Rebekah could not keep anything to herself. He now told the Mistress of the house all about Elijah falling for Dr Y/L/N/
Now, Esther, having found out the latest going ons said, "Well, that explains Elijah's great interest in the Fundraiser. But isn't Dr Y/L/N seeing Klaus?"
"No. I found out from Master Kol that Dr Y/L/N and Master Klaus - just hooked up once- these are his exact words."
"I understood that there was more. He frequently is seen going to the Y/L/N Lake house." Esther said.
"Ahm, I have that information, too."  the butler said.
"We have to find out what exactly is going on. I do not wish any of my sons to get hurt. It is not the first time they get entagled with a woman. Remember how things went with Rayna Cruz."
"Yes, I do."  Jefferson recalled the stress that went off the brother's back in New Orleans, when they both had a crash on the beautiful blonde.
"She left them both heartbroken,"  Esther said, "and that fight - over her. I didn't want this to happen again."
"It will not. They are way more mature now, and Master Klaus is now much calmer."
"Yes. But still - a woman can stir up things- no matter what age a man is"
"Dr Y/L/N doesn't appear to be a woman that would string two men along."  the butler said.
"No. I think I will still have a word with her."
"Is this wise, Ma'am?"
Esther sighed. "Not really, but I cannot have a repetition of what we had years ago. And it being the reason Elijah moved to New York. It broke my heart having him so far away."
"But they have made up and they have been so very supportive of each other. Master Klaus met Aurora and - all was forgotten."
"Yes,"  Esther said and now took a deep breath looking at the faithful butler, "I have heard that Rayna had a child."
Jefferson looked at the woman a tad bit stunned. It seemed he didn't know all.
"What are you suggesting, Ma'am?
"That maybe - there somewhere Elijah might have a son."  Esther now said.
"Oh! Are you sure?"
"No. By the time I got this probable news - Rayna left New Orleans to - god knows where"
"But - if the child was Master Elijah's, I am sure she would come to you and said something. Ask for money. She was daring enough"
“True.” Esther said. “I wish he finds someone he can start a family with and be happy.”
“Maybe Christmas will work its magic this year.” Jefferson said.
“Well, let’s hope so.” Esther curled up a little smile.
Elsewhere- the Y/L/N House
"Because of you"  Elijah said looking at Y/N in a very sincere manner.
"Me?" Y/N looked back at the man wide-eyed.
She was not expecting this answer. Or maybe she did.
"Yes. And I know that we hardly know each other- and I - this is now going to come out wrong - but ever since that evening volunteering in the shelter - I can't stop thinking about you"  Elijah said, twisting the truth a bit, as in fact, he could not stop thinking about her since he saw her at the boutique.
"Oh" Y/N let out followed by a gulp. For some strange reasin she froze, though she wanted to say that she also had him on her mind eversince she saw him at the boutique.
As there was no other response coming from Y/N, Elijah, slipping ‘Right’ and got up, "Ahm- I better go"
Y/N now got up as well, and for an unexplained reason said, "Ok"
Like a lost soul, Elijah looked for his coat jacket. Having found it in the living room, he took it and  put it on, thanking Y/N in the process for the pie.
Y/N nodded a little saying, "You're welcome"
Elijah nodded back, everything inside of him very jumbled up he turned and walked to the door.
"Wait" Y/N suddenly said.
Meanwhile, at the Mystic Falls Ice Rink
"Hey"  Klaus greeted Kol, who had just arrived at the Ice rink with Bonnie, "Elijah is not answering his phone."
"He is still busy making pies" Kol replied, "where are the others?"
"Bex and Stefan have this dinner thing with his uncle, and Hope went with Caroline to get some ice-skates cuz she doesn't have any - here" Klaus explained now looking at Bonnie, "isn't it time you introduced your girfriend"
"Yeah" Kol said somewhat confused, "this my other older brother - Klaus - the nuisance"
Bonnie now extended her hand to Klaus saying,"Hello. It's weird that we never met and you are at the School board and Hope is attending my chemistry class this year."
"I meant to come to see you regarding Hope. She is telling me that you chose her for the State Chemistry Olympiad? She is Middle School- is she that good? "
"Yes. She is very talented. Quite an over-achiever." Bonnie said.
"I don't know where she gets it from"  Kol now said with a teasing smirk.
Klaus would now hrow something clever back at his brother, but Hope and Caroline now joinrd them. More greetings and more introduction followed. Soon they all got inside the rink.
Kol showed off his ice-skating skills to Bonnie, who was pretty impressed. Bonnie was not skating since college and felt pretty rusty.
"How come you are so good at this?"  Bonnie wondered.
"Well I lived here for five years now. I also played for Mystic High Hockey team. We moved here five years ago."
"Wow." Bonnie said, "I must say I amazed."
"I also had a band." Kol said.
"What else don't I know?"  Bonnie asked.
"I was bad in chemistry." Kol said cutely.
"Ah, nevermind. I still like you." Bonnie now kissed her man.
Not far from them, Caroline skated up to Klaus, who actually just stood at rink's fence, totally lost in Caroline exhibiting her figure skating skills.
As she now came up to him, he was all stars in his eyes at her-
"Tell me why are you a lawyer?"
"Ah, because - my dad thought it would have been a more solid career"
"You are serious?"
"I was the US. Collegiate Figure skating champion."  Caroline said.
"Yes. But, this is where I started. This is where my mom brought me to skate when I was five years old - and"  Caroline now inhaled deeply, her eyes watering.
"Hey, what's wrong?"  Klaus now said concerned.
"Nothing. Just great memories. I didn't think I would be back here or skate here ever again."
"You lived here? When?"
"Till my mom died. And then I went to live with my dad in New York."  Caroline replied, "Thanks for - this was a great idea. And - sorry if me coming down made things awkward- now that Elijah and I - broke up."
"Our family does awkward well. So you are all right."  Klaus said.
"I don't know. Even though Elijah and I said we would be friends - I feel like I am intruding."
"I am for one am glad you are intruding - I mean- ahm- you are not intruding at all. You saved me from getting  the  whole cookie baking and  you did such great job helping Hope, and Rebekah for that matter. You should yake credit for all the baking that was done today. I can only imagine what it would be like if you didn't step in."
"I guess, your cook would have to do it all."
"Yes, and we would never stop hearing mother tell us that we could have done better."  Klaus said.
"I doubt that. She is lovely." Caroline said.
"Yes, mother is the best."
"I miss my mom so much." Caroline now said.
"I am sorry." Klaus now said with great empathy in his voice.
The song that now came on made Caroline take Klaus suddenly by the hands and said, "You are skating now"
"What? No, no, no. I am not like Kol."
"It is not that hard. I got you. You will be fine." Caroline reassured Klaus, who, strangely let himself go.
At Y/L/N House
"Wait!"  Y/N said again and shot over to Elijah, and wihtout hesitation drew his lips to hers, like catching a dream that was about to disappear. She made their lips, mouth, tongue flow in the beautiful rhythm of what their heartbeats played, like tiny bells echoing like the shooting stars up in the skies. Easing out of it, heads leaning on one another now, both trying to gain some breath back, they stood silent for a moment, her thumbs lightly streaming up and down the side of the neck, while his hands got lost in the tangle of her her, dropping on her shoulders. If he spoke, he thought, this sweet enchantment would be broken. And yet, the first word shimmered out, "Y/N”
"Elijah" Y/N smiled a little, her cheeks feeling flush, "I don't know - what's happening - I mean- I know - but I never thought that - it all came out of nowhere"
"It has - and I - I just couldn't keep it to myself anymore. I tried not to feel - because I was with someone else- and you"
"Because I was with your brother" Y/N took a deep breath, "this never happened to me - I am not someone who goes from one guy to the next - let alone brothers- and has crazy drunken one night stand"
"Please - I didn't mean to upset you"
"You didn't upset me - I am - just such a hot mess - if you know what I mean"  Y/N said raising her look at him, "I also coudn't stop thinking about you"
Elijah lips curled a happy smile up now, the corner of his eyes  catching the mistletoe hanging right over them. Y/N looked up as well. They were standing right under the lush evergreen beaming down at them.
With their eyes now dropping on one another again, Elijah gently pulled her to him into a sweet, deep, long kiss.
_to be continued🎄🎅🤶
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btshodown · 4 years ago
Could there possibly be a second part to “dancing with a stranger” like y/n meeting namjoon again?? Obviously you don’t have to cuz you’re the author and it probably wouldn’t make sense to add another part but idk I think i just want to hurt myself more since a happy ending wouldn’t make much sense if you make it realistic
Hey there boo! I’m sorry I took so long to answer, I decided to write a small little something for you! I'm so touched that you would want a second part to this emotional mess of a drabble 🥺 I wasn't in a good head space when I dumped this out, so I never thought someone would want more. I really appreciate you sending this 💕💕 But you are right that this wouldn't end happily, considering it was written about my situation, but with some twists. Just as a treat for you reaching out, I hope you enjoy this little drabble of them meeting/talking after this!💙
Warnings: Good ol' angst
Genre: Unrequited love, pining
Word Count: 2k+
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Two years.
It had been two years since the last time you spoke with Namjoon and despite the initial thought of never being able to move on, you found a way. It wasn't perfect, and there were days when you still felt the wound as fresh as when it happened. But...it was easier to brush it off and continue with your day. No longer was it such a debilitating feeling that left you unable to move or interact with friends when it visited. It was more accurately compared to when you'd stub your pinky toe or walked into the corner of a table; something that only hurt for a short time.
You never did find someone else though. After nearly a year of failed dates, being ghosted (or you doing the ghosting), and sometimes even catfishes, you decided to just enjoy your own company. It hadn't been easy the first half year, especially when you had found out that Namjoon had officially gotten with the girl that started the distance. It hurt. It hurt so badly the first month of finding it out and it had led to a desperation to forget him. To forget about the void he had left behind.
Soon enough, however, after getting the usual sighs and tired tones of your friends whenever you'd bring up Namjoon, you learned to stay quiet. You know they meant well and you know they didn't mean to dismiss your pain, but understandably so, they were tired of hearing your bouts of emotional rants concerning him. It didn't take you long at all to realize no one wanted to continue to hear you speak about it; they'd listen only to not hurt you. It had been a harsh slap of reality that you needed to move on. You couldn't continue to torture yourself with how things turned out.
So you unfollowed him on all social media platforms and even blocked him in a flare of pettiness; anything to help heal the wound. You stopped asking about him and his girlfriend, despite the burning curiosity to know how they were doing. You even picked up hiking and began to visit bookstores once more after the initial sting of memories when you two would do the same began to fade away. The things you two used to share in common didn't bring unwanted twists to your stomach anymore and the possibility of running into him was no longer a pressing worry.
It began to feel as if he would no longer haunt you. No longer linger in your heart like an unwanted spirit who only seeked to torment you.
So then why did seeing him on one of the trails you frequently hiked send an electric shock through your nerves and reignite that love you foolishly believed was gone?
And why the fuck couldn't you have bumped into him when you weren't slightly sweaty with no make-up on and wearing plain workout clothes. You weren't even wearing your favorite workout pants that made your ass look good for fucks sake! The universe truly loved to make sure you never got a single nice thing.
Your breath suddenly feels like needles as you immediately stop and pray that he didn't hear the crunching of your shoes on the trail. His back is to you as he stands on the edge of one of the small cliffs, a sort of melancholy disposition surrounding him as he gazed out to the open valley. For a small second though, you let your eyes greedily take him in after two years of actively avoiding him and savor how handsome he still is despite the time passed. You do notice how his biceps are thicker and he dyed his hair a new color since you saw him last; the fading pink suited him better than you'd like to admit. And you? Well...you suppose your hair got a little longer.
Before you could sneak away and pretend as if this surprise encounter didn't happen, his deep voice calls out your name in disbelief. The low murmur simultaneously sent shivers down your spine and made your heart clench in agony. It had been too long since you heard him call out to you.
"Is that really you, ___?"
With your body half turned, it was no secret to him that you were fully planning on ignoring him. Your refusal to look him in the eye made it all the more obvious.
"Uh yeah, long time no see." The casual tone sounds disgustingly forced even to your own ears.
There's a pause of hesitancy from him before the sound of his steps getting closer sends your nerves into a panic. Even if you claimed you moved on and he clearly also did, you realized you weren't ready for this. Weren't ready to put yourself through forced casualness when the wound in your heart hadn't fully closed.
"How are you? It's been…," Namjoon pauses and in that small moment of silence, you could feel his eyes bore into you - a lot gentler from the last time you felt it, "It's been a while since we've talked."
You harshly swallow the scoff that threatened to claw out your throat. The bitterness you tried so hard to get rid of resurfaces at his words. The urge to raise your voice and laugh bitterly in his face was a strong one, but you resist and opt to scuff your shoe against the ground. Did he really not understand just how much the silence had killed you? How his easy dismissal of you from his life was a wound you were still nursing to this day.
“I’ve been okay.” Your curt tone makes you flinch a little, so you clear your throat and finally look up at him. You don’t meet his eyes though; you resolutely stare at his covered forehead to avoid the ache of looking into his eyes. “How have uh...you been?”
Despite being a few feet away from him, you can still hear the soft, quick inhale he takes and from your view of his forehead, you can see it crease slightly. You ignore the blossoms of hope that begin to spread at the thought of him doing just as badly as you were. It was wrong of you to feel that way and you knew it, but it was hard to not hope that you weren’t the only one who had been severely affected by this whole situation.
“I’ve been better,” his soft response shocks you enough to finally make eye contact and in response the corners of his lips lift slightly.
“Oh.” You internally blame the warmth travelling to your face as a sign that the day was getting hotter, along with the next sentence that falls out of your mouth. “How’s uh - how are you and Minsun doing?”
Fuck. You hadn’t meant to ask that. You hadn’t wanted to give the impression that you still cared, that you sometimes couldn’t help, but to wonder about them. However, your eyebrow quirks in curiosity as the question has Namjoon quickly glancing away to the view of the valley, a bitter looking smile replacing the soft one moments ago.
“We’ve been better.”
“Ah...I’m sorry to hear that.”
“Don’t be. It’s been something I’ve expected for a while now.”
Your tongue burns in your mouth from holding back all the questions you want to ask. His gaze is void of emotion as he continues to look out onto the scenery; no inclination as to why he decided to vaguely disclose the troubles of his relationship to you. What was the point? Did he want you to know how badly it was going? And if he did, that only brought on a slew of questions you weren’t sure your heart was ready to divulge in.
At the end of it all, you only managed to dumbly mumble an, “Oh.”
An awkward air settles between the two of you as you redirect your own gaze to the mountainside beside you; trying your hardest to push down the unwanted glee surging inside you. Just because it wasn’t working out between them, didn’t mean he wanted you; nor that you were even ready to pick up your friendship with him. Much less think about anything more. The hurt he had left you with to nurse is still present; it would take more than this to fix it.
“___,” your name startles you enough to glance back at him, his eyes holding an indescribable emotion as he smiles gently again. “Would it be too much if I ask to hang out with you sometime? Uh,” his calm air suddenly dissipates at your widening eyes as he begins to fidget nervously with his shirt, “j-just to catch up you know?”
You let the silence envelope you both at this question as your eyebrows refuse to leave the top of your forehead. A war started within you at what to do; was it too soon? Was he only asking because things with his girlfriend weren’t going so well? Were you only ever thought of as an afterthought rather than someone who held value? The questions and doubts were neverending and the longer the silence lasted, the more your eyebrows began their descent to furrow in veinly concealed upset. You had imagined this moment so many times and while before it would bring hope and happiness, now, you’re only left with a bitter taste in your mouth.
“I don’t think that would be a good idea.”
“What?” Namjoon’s own confusion and hurt are reflected in his eyes, not quite believing you had just rejected the olive branch he had extended. “What do you mean?”
You take in a deep breath, willing the courage and hurt fuel your words so that you won’t let your resolve crumble. You knew you wanted to speak with him again, but your pride and his nonchalance for it all only made your decision solidify. “Namjoon, it’s been two years and now that you’re telling me things between you and your girlfriend aren’t going well, you ask me to hang out? Do you not see how bad that looks?”
“I didn’t mean it like that! ___, please believe me, it's not like that.”
“So then why decide to talk now, huh? Why not when things were good a year ago or even months ago? Namjoon, I can’t - ” your voice breaks and it takes a hard swallow for you to regain your composure “- I can’t just pretend like nothing happened and go “catch up” as if we’re still friends.”
You don’t miss the flinch your last words give him and you almost cave at the somewhat desperate look in his eyes, but you hold fast and refuse to look away from him. Where this sudden steely resolve came from, you had no idea, but the fact alone that he believed that you would go back like the past two years didn’t happen wounded you. Were you not worth more than that?
But it seems you weren’t the only one who had also steeled their resolve.
Namjoon swallows before he hesitantly takes a step closer to you, hand twitching at this side as if wanting to reach out, but stopping himself. “You did have me blocked, you know.” He pauses, but lets out a sigh as he mutters softly, “But you’re right. I didn’t really try to reach out before either. I did think about it a lot, but I guess I was just too hesitant to.”
His admittance did bring some relief, but it was short lived. At this point you weren’t even sure what would even satisfy you anymore. Did you guys need more time? Would you ever even be able to be friends again? The unknown of it all scared you, but you knew your worth and you knew that you wouldn’t give in so easily. It took two years of his silence for you to finally put yourself first, even when your heart sometimes wanted something else.
“I need more time to think about it,” you finally muttered as you once again stared out onto the scenery. “Maybe one day we could be friends again, but let me just...think it through.” Your feet shuffle in your nervousness as you bring yourself to apologize - after all, he wasn’t the only one who had been in the wrong. “I’m...I also want to say sorry about that fight. I was being stupid and it wasn’t fair to you either.”
You miss the way Namjoon’s eyes widened at your apology and how there was a certain understanding to them, but you hear his response all the same.
“It’s okay...we were both being dumb that day.”
The silence isn’t as suffocating as before, but there was a note of sadness now because despite the apologies; you weren’t ready. Despite trying to move forward and finding your worth, you realize with some bitterness that you still very much loved him. And this time you weren’t so willing to let yourself fall into that feeling so blindly again.
Your eyes briefly meet his before you mutter a quiet “I have to go,” and begin your trek back down the trail, needing to go home and take a long bath to digest today. You don't get far however when you hear him reply with the same soft tone.
“I’ll talk to you later.”
Your steps slow, but with a deep breath you continue on your way without an answer. Maybe you were being petty and maybe you ruined your only chance to possibly mend this thing with him. But you knew deep down that you had to put yourself first no matter if the bridge was completely burned in the process. A selfish part of you though hoped that this time he would be the one chasing after you.
Because you resolutely promised yourself that you would no longer chase what doesn’t serve you. You were worth more than that.
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stardustintheabyss · 5 years ago
BNHA Headcanon!
How Kaminari, Bakugo, Todoroki, Shinso, Dabi and Kirishima ask a certain question 💍 x fem!reader, y'all in your 20's
Warnings: cursing, long af(I couldn't help myself, I love all kiri's and non kiri's equally) no regrets.
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Haha boi proposed on the first date tbh
You laughed at one of his cheesy pick ups. You did you unrestrained 'ugly' laugh. Like someone has to make you reeeaaallllyyy laugh.
Bb fell hard for that laugh,"marry me, y/n"
You fell just as hard "alright"
Him blushing like crazy 👍🏻⚡👍🏻
Fast forward a few years
If you don't think he's gonna do something big and romantic and on the verge of embarrassing, lol your wrong
This guy proposes with a fucking flash mob
1. How did he organize this? Bakusquad unite!
2. How'd this beautiful loud blonde keep it to himself? Mina threatened his existence & Bakusquad
So there you both are surrounded by family and friends, Denki down on one knee, opening a small box with a gorgeous ring inside.
"Y/n, can I do you the honor of telling you pickup lines for the rest of our lives?"
"You, dummy."
He falters a little. Um what? Sad boi
"I told you on our first date I would." You leaned down giving him a kiss.
Bb shines brighter than the three great sunshines combined. Yk who
"I love you, y/n."
"I love you too, Denki."
Your guy's version of ily is some random pickup line unless your in a serious mood
Everyone collectively groaned at your guy's wedding vows lmao
They were literally all cheesy pickup lines, terrible puns and bad jokes.
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Bakugo fucking Katsuki is a closet romantic and you can't change my mind
He takes you hiking on one of your dates
You find a gorgeous spot accidentally you just had to take a short cut
Crystal clear lake w/ cherry blossom trees and a mt view? Heaven
This becomes your spot
You think nothing of it when katsuki suggests getting away for a weekend see romance
Getting in the car he throws a blindfold at you. "What's this for?"
"Just put it on idiot."
You roll your eyes, grinning like a fool but does what he asks
You drive for a bit then feel the car stop
"Can I take it off now?"
"No, I'll tell you when you can take it off." 😳 "I'm going to put noise cancelling headphones on you, do you trust me?"
You've learned to roll w/ his shenanigans cuz they are rare but always welcome. "Don't ask stupid questions, babe." Last thing you here is his 'tch'.
He gently tugs you out of the car and then sweeps you up into his arms. You can't help but smile.
He's been carrying you for at least 2hrs. "Kat, do you need a break?"
He just kisses you in response and silences you #1 hero bakugo doesn't do breaks
Al-righty then
Another hour goes by and you feel bakugo set you down softly, making sure you have your footing. He takes off the headphones
"Take off the blindfold."
You do. Your at your spot. You turn around to find your boyfriend toying w/a little black box
*heart palpitations ensue*
You look at him wide eyed.
He opens the box and you see a ring that is his mom's family heirloom. It's a vintage beauty that you've adored.
Tbh when he asked his mom for it he almost said never mind when she started asking a bunch of annoying questions.Old hag
"Will you marry me or whatever..." he's still bakugo lol
"Whatever." You say with the biggest grin
Bb narrows his eyes at you confused. "HUH?" Cuz how dare you???
"Saying 'yes' is too ordinary an answer. And you katsuki bakugo are anything but ordinary." You say as you slip the ring on your finger. Your man is stunned by your answer to do it himself. Lol
Just cuz you got him flustered and blushing does not mean he won't pull you into a passionate kiss.
Who's the mess now, dumb dumb?
Instead of saying 'I do' at the wedding you both say 'whatever'.
Nobody knows what the fuck is going on except kirishima because he's the one marrying you two.
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You've know eachother since high school and started dating your 3rd year
Now years later, your both well established pro heros
Did you say vacation?
Because Shoto heard 3 week romantic dream vacation w/ a proposal ending
He worked so hard for this. He didn't want to use his father's money for once. This was going to be all him, no one else.
Well except his mom and sister helped pick out a ring. Clueless bb
He took you to all the places on your bucket list, ending in greece.
It was your last night there.
On a cliff overlooking the moonrise over the sea, you were snuggled up next to him. Warm wind gently caressing your skin.
You've noticed him being antsy and fidgety the last couple days.
And that is not like your shoto, at all
"Sho, you okay? You've been acting weird." You ask gently.
"Um, yes. Can I ask you something?"
You give him a kiss and nod.
"Would you do me the honor of becoming mrs. shoto todoroki?"
At least that's what you thought he said. He was so nervous it came out a jumbled mess.
He pulled a ring out of his pocket.
It was perfect. In fact it was exactly what you and fuyumi talked about in one of your guy's games of crazy hypotheticals. Haha jokes on you
You definitely started crying
Your sweet oblivious sho "If you don't like it-"
"No. It's perfect, I love it. Just like you." You pepper his face with kisses. "And yes I will marry you."
He has the biggest smile on his face as he takes your hand and slides the ring on.
You thought the Todorokis and your family were chaotic before? Lol let's throw in wedding planning 🙃
Two months before the wedding you two are sick of everything. Everyone trying to do everything the way they want this wedding. You both wanted a somewhat small gathering. Yeah no *insert monamas hysterical laugh*
Elope? Elope.
You gather a small group of your closest friends. Ok. More like all of class 1a
Shoto buys first class tickets to greece for everyone. No qualms of using his dad's credit card this time lol
You and shoto get married in front of all your friends on the cliff where he proposed.
It was beatiful & perfect. Exactly what you guys wanted.
So when the 'real' wedding (endeavors words) happens you and shoto fuck with it any way you can.
You both have the best time messing around. Your guy's parents not so much. But they end up seeing how happy you both are so they give up on having the perfect wedding.
A few years later when you find out your pregnant you both seriously debate faking your deaths and going into hiding. Wouldnt be the first Todoroki to do so
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You guys frequently visit the animal shelter to give loves to all the animals
He saw how attached you were with a bonded pair of ragdoll kittens he loved them too
This gave him an idea, he had been having a hard time of thinking how he was going to pop the question
It was pur-fect don't judge me
It was early in the morning, you were still in bed when you felt something tickle your nose
"Mmh,...toshi. Your hair is tickling me." Still sleepy, not even bothered to open your eyes.
You were greeted w/ small meows
Your eyes never snapped open so fast in the morning
Two tiny kittens before you. The ones from the shelter
Wide awake now you began petting them and playing with them
Haha shinso who?
He was silently watching from the doorway smiling, waiting for his moment
You looked at the kittens collars. Scribbled in shinsos handwriting "marry" on one "me" on the other.
You gasped and your mouth formed a little o.
He was waiting for this. He walked over and got on his knee, ring in his hand
"Y/n, please, will you be mine, forever?"
Leaning in lips almost touching "only if you'll be mine."
Say no more, boi is putting a ring on it and closes the gap between your lips.
The only thing that breaks the kiss is a soft tiny paw patting your cheek and another playing with shinos hair
You giggle. "You got them for yourself just as much, didn't you?"
He just rubs the back of his neck and gives you a smirk
You spend the rest of the day trying to pick names.
You guys decide on satori & kotaro haikyuu reference ftw
The day ends. You come to find your two new bbs sleeping on a sleeping hitoshi a miracle ikr
A photo shoot? Hell yes! Dadzawa needs to see this.
You take the pic and send a quick text along with it to Aizawa. Your future f-in-l. 'Guess how toshi proposed?'
You get a quick response "I'm a grandpa now? I get them twi-three times a month."
Your snort woke your fiance
Him seeing your phone. "Did you take a picture of me? Creep."
"No." You say slyly. "I took a picture of my boys." You show him. As you set it as your wall paper.
"Send it to me please." You do, what you don't expect is a pic in return from him
It was of you in bed the s'morning. With your new kittens, kotaro and satori, before you even knew they were there. also his wallpaper
And damn if you don't smile "who's the creep?"
"What's this text from my dad about 'custody of his grandchildren'?"
You laugh and explain
Yes you had your cats in the wedding. They started all this yk.
They were ring barers. Complete w/little tuxes shinso insisted
Lmao it was like the hunger games when deciding who was going to take care of the cats when on your honeymoon.
Shota won obviously
"They are staying w/their grandfathers and that is final." *scary hair whoosh*
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When you joined the LoV, you confused dabi.
You were kind and caring to everyone. Wtf?
Even when they didn't deserve it
Why are you with the villians? Are you stupid?
That is until he saw the rage and hurt in your eyes the first time you fought together.
It reminded him of himself
Of how he got where he was
Slowly you had unconsciously worked your way into his heart
You caring for his wounds(new and old), your soft smiles and warm eyes. You never looked at him with disgust, fear or malice.
You were the first to ever do so in a long long time. Since his childhood.
He never wanted to fall in love but here was fate pushing you two together.
You fell just as slowly. You thought you were never really worthy of love. But it didn't stop you from giving it to those around you. Loophole you thought.
But you would find dabi doing little things. Things that made you feel something you shouldn't. Things you didn't think you deserved.
Throwing a blanket over you if you fell asleep on the couch.
Getting your favorite snacks
During fights he would casually move between you and your enemies. Protecting you.
Well shit here you both were. Madly in love, but still apprehensive.
But when he asked you to call him by another name and you did?
That's when dabi kissed you for the first time. It shocked you both tbh
It wasn't rough like you had imagined. But soft and sweet. Nothing like the mask he wears for everyone.
After about 8 months of dating dabi realized he wanted to be yours forever. And you his.
So fuck proposing. He did a surprise wedding. He didn't want to give you chance to change your mind. because insecure bb🥺
He got everything ready.
Now he just needed you
Their was a beautiful knee length white lace dress laying on your bed with a note "meet me here. Kurogiri will warp you.-t"
Running your fingers over the dress, you smiled. You always did like surprises from him.
You got yourself ready for your date with the love of your life and went to find kurogiri.
He met you with a blindfold that matched dabi's eyes
"He requested you wear this."
You nodded and let him tie it on
Next you thing know you feel dabi's warm hand in yours.
"You ready, doll?" You can hear the smirk in his voice.
"Until the end, babe."
He slips off the blindfold
You're in a forest with twinkle lights strewn about and a blue flamed candle walkway to a beautiful arch covered in your favorite flowers. Your closest leauge friends are here too.
"Will you let me stand by your side, until the end?"
You gently cup his cheeks in your hands, brushing your lips against his. Whispering for no one else to hear
"Yes, toya. For you, even longer."
He doesn't even need to smirk. You can see the overwhelming happiness in his eyes.
When you say your I do's surprisingly enough all your friends have happiness written on their face too. Even shiggy
The next day he gets a new piercing on his ring finger and you a small blue flame tattoo on yours.
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You've had eijirou kirishimas heart since your first year of UA together
One day he was feeling insecure about his quirk and you showed up changing the way he saw himself.
"Kirishima, you're the unbreakable Red Riot. It's not about how flashy a heros quirk is, it's about their resolve. Your tenacity to protect and save people..." you smile, "if that isn't the making to be a great hero I don't know what is."
And tbh he had yours since that 1st yr too. You always admired his courage & his dedication to his friends even if they didn't want it cough bakugo
For two years you both danced around your feelings for eachother. Flirting but never taking the next step.
That is until bakugo not mina, & yes shes jealous she wasn't the one that set you 2 up got fed up one night of your guys flirting.
And I quote "Oi! Would you two go on a fucking date already. I'm tired of listening to shitty hair pine after you." he did out of love for his bestie
It was the only time you've genuinely seen kirishima want to kill bakugo
Shyly you answered, "I'd like that."
Bb turned his head around so fast he almost got whiplash.
You've been together 5yrs now and it was your birthday. Kirishima wanted to make it extra special.
A picnic in your favorite park, he was lucky your bd was at the same time as the cherry blossoms blooming. You loved them.
Setting up the picnic kirishima reminisced.
It was your favorite park because that's where your first date was. It was unusually hot. He got you both popsicles.
It was the first time he had seen you eat one. *crunch crunch*
boy was staring, shook
You blushing "I know, people say it's weird to eat popsicles like that."
"I dont think so." He smiled as he crunched his own. Must be fate.
Now here you two were cuddled laying down on a blanket, your head placed on his chest and his hand around your waist. Finished with lunch
"Thanks for the birthday lunch, babe. I loved it." You sighed contentedly.
What you didn't notice is that he was fiddling with a little red box. "Its not quite over yet. I have one more thing." He sat you both up and looked deeply into your eyes with so much love. " Y/n you-"
Just then a downpour of rain happened.
Kirishima scrambled to pick up the picnic supplies. His hair beginning to fall from its signature style
He turned to grab your hand to pull you under cover. So manly
You were a few feet away. Your eyes closed and head tilted back. A warm smile on your face. Letting the rain wash over you.
He'd never seen anything so beautiful
Picnic supplies forgotten. He knelt in front of you on one knee. He grabbed your hand with one of his.
You opened your eyes and looked down at your eiji. Your rock, your home.
"Y/n, you give me the strength to be unbreakable. Would you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?" He opened the little red box.
Your heart beating as wildly as his
Inside was the most beautiful ring. It held your favorite gemstone. Long ago in hs you and mina were doing girl talk while the guys played video games. You'd told her diamond engagement rings were lame and what you preferred.
He remembered? That was before you were even dating...
You smiled through happy tears "yes eijirou, yes I'll marry you."
"There's an inscription." He said softly.
You looked closer at the ring, even after 7 years of loving him he still found ways to make your heart flutter
'forever unbreakable'
"Oh, Ei, it's perfect."
He slipped it on you and pulled you into a kiss. "Let's get you out of this rain. Wouldn't want you to get sick." we stan a gentlemanly king
"Just a little longer, I hear rain is good luck for this type of thing." You wave your newly ring adorned hand.
"Anything for you." He whispered before kissing you again.
You've never loved the rain more
The wedding day came
You stood before the love of your life and he his
You slide his wedding band on
Engraved inside
'my rock, my home'
"Now the bride." said the person marring you.
"Here you go shitty hair." Said the best man, handing kirishima the ring.
Did you think bakugo wouldnt want to be best man? Haha he's the one that got you two together your welcome or whatever
Kirishima tenderly slipped the ring on your finger.
Of course it decided to pour just then
Everyone ran for cover but you two
Bakugo, "tch, those idiots are going to be sick for their honeymoon." he cares ok
Mina sighing, "so romantic."
You tilted your head to the sky laughing, "babe, the universe is wishing us good luck."
He gently grabbed your chin, making you look at him. "guess we were meant to be." He whispered as he pulled you in for a long passionate kiss in the rain, him still making your heart stutter.
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winged-reaper · 4 years ago
Surprise at home
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art not mine
Pairings:  Tamaki Amajiki x female reader
Warning: Fluff cuz this boy deserves some love
Summary: Reader finds out a surprise to tell her husband Tamaki, but how will he take the news?
You and Tamaki had been married for just over a year and you couldn't have been happier. You ran a small school to give kids of villians and previous villians a second chance at life while he did Hero work. For some of the villains that just seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, he would often give them the business card you had him keep just in case. As much as Tamaki worried about you, he knew you wanted to help these people out and he loved that about you. You always reached out to someone who needed help even when they didn't know how to ask for it. If not for that, then you two would have never started dating in the first place.
But all that aside anytime he came to visit you during one of his patrols that pasted by the school he always saw you interacting with the children happily. The smile you wore always set his heart a flutter but a thought came through his mind. It was a quiet one that occurred shortly after you first got married but he was too shy to mention it. He wanted to have a child with you. Tamaki knew you would be an excellent mother with your caring and loving nature but he was scared you would reject the idea entirely. Reject him. The very thought had him shaking so he tried to push the thought of asking you to carry his child as far in the back of his mind as possible.
One Saturday, you woke up a bit later than usual. You stretched up in yours and Tamaki's and sighed. "It just had to be my day off work that Tamaki had to leave extra early." You pout missing his snuggles. As shy as he was in public your husband could be quite the cuddle bug when it was just the two of you. You loved that about him, it was your own private side to him. But as you continued your complaining in your thoughts another complaint began to make itself feel known. You paused feeling your stomach turn and twist before a sensation in your throat had you rushing towards the toilet to puke up all of your dinner from the night before.
After puking, you leaned your head against the toilet and tried to think what you could have eaten that made you so sick. You were always so careful with your cooking since Tamaki's quirk relied on the foods he ate and you made sure the seafood was good whenever you bought some to him for lunch. When your love's name ran across your mind a second time, your eyes widened. You made a quick dash for the calendar you kept in the kitchen looking for the mark you put to remind yourself of when your time of the month was supposed to begin. As soon as you found the mark you hand went to your mouth in shock. It was 3 weeks late and you hadn't noticed because of how busy things at the school had been lately.
You hurried back to your bedroom and scoured your closet for the box of special presents you received at the wedding. One such box contain a couple pregnancy tests. "There's no way. There's no way." You repeat as you take both tests just in case the first one was buggy. Pacing back and forth you heard your phone buzz snapping you out of your mini panic. Looking at it you saw your husband send you an "I love you" message making your heart swell before sent a little octopus emoji making you giggle. "He's getting hungry." You say before realizing it was time to check the tests.
Covering your eyes you peeked at them cautiously before your jaw dropped. Both tests said positive. You cried for joy at seeing that. You had wanted to bring up starting a family with Tamaki for a while but it seemed every time you tried to bring up the topic there was an emergency that either of you had to take care of and it became very frustrating. So after a while you just gave up the idea and focused all your energy on the kids that came through your program, but apparently fate had other ideas. This was something wonderful, but would Tamaki feel the same?
You shook away those thoughts as you made your way to the kitchen. On your days off when Tamaki had to go in early, you always brought him lunch. He loved that and you loved getting to spend him lunch break with him, it made being married to the number 8 a little bit easier. Putting together his favorites you tried to think of something you could do to break the news to him. The main goal in mind, not freaking him out into the next century. But all your ideas felt short. You wanted to surprise him with the news but didn't know how. Eventually you sighed and decided you would figure it later.
After a brief walk, you entered the Fatgum Hero Agency. You knew the lady at the reception desk well as this was not your first visit and frequently just waved you on to the back. Smiling you left her a little treat today, you were in a really good mood and quickly hurried to the back to look for Tamaki. "Ah Y/N" said a familiar voice that made you stop and turn with a smile. "Hi Fatgum." You say walking up to the round hero. He laughed as he eyed the lunch you were carrying in your hand. "I see you brought Tamaki lunch again." Fatgum gave a little pout that quickly vanished. "I'm gonna have to find myself a cute wife like you to spoil me just like how you spoil little Tamaki." His comment made you blush making him chuckle before patting your head. "You know I only tease, but Suneater is still out on patrol with Red Riot. They should be back soon. That was good to hear.
You and Fatgum chatted back and forth in regards to the school and a few potential candidies for his Agency when they got a little older. All the while the hero noticed something a little different about you today. You seemed to have a new glow about you. It wasn't the usual glow you had, but something much more pure. Then an idea came across his mind and he had to ask. "Hey Y/N. Can I ask you something real quick?" You stopped whatever you were saying to give your friend a strange look before giving him a hesitant sure. "Are you pregnant?" Immediately your face turned bright red indicating that what he suspected was true. "Does Tamaki know yet?" You gave a sheepish shake of your head. "N-no I just found out this morning." You bashfully said.
"Found out what?" Said Kirishima making you practically jump three feet in the air. "Kiri leave Y/N alone." Tamaki warned the redhead before making his way into the room. Your heart raced with excitement at seeing your husband come to your rescue making you almost swoon for him all over again. Fatgum chuckled at your reaction. As soon as Tamaki took his goggles off his eyes were drawn to the lunch you brought and you could have sworn you saw him drooling for a second. He made his way over with a blush on his cheek. "Thank you love." He said before leaning down to give you the quickest of pecks on the cheek before he began to reach for his lunch.
Seeing the two of you interact gave Fatgum an idea. He snuck behind you and lifted the lunch you made from behind making both you and Tamaki blink at your hands that were now empty. "You can head home early today Suneater. It's been pretty quite today. Besides you and Y/N should get to have lunch together at home once in a while." He said before he began munching on the lunch you made. You gave a quick pout but quickly smiled when you realized that the hero did that so you could tell Tamaki in the comfort of your own home. Tamaki didn't seem to think too much into the reason why Fatgum was offering him the rest of the day off. It was strange but not too uncommon. He shrugged and looked back at you. "Let me go let Kirishima know and we'll head home." His stomach growled in response making him blush more and you giggle. "Well hurry home and I'll make you a big lunch." He gave a nervous smile as he turned to go track down the red headed hero returning to you a few minutes later. As you both walked out you peeked back at Fatgum, who was finishing the lunchbox and shooting you a good luck thumbs up. The gesture caused you to blush and make Tamaki look back at you. "Love? Are you ok?" He asked snapping your attention back to him. Giving a nod you quickly reassured him that you were perfectly okay. Better even. Hearing that made a gentle smile appear on his face, making you forget yourself for a moment as you leaned up to kiss him. Instantly the crimson tint appeared in his cheeks all the way to the tips of his ears. He was blushing almost all the way home.
Thankfully the walk wasn't too long but he wanted to hide knowing how red his face must have been from the simple kiss. "Tamaki why do you keep doing this to yourself?" His inner voice questioned. "Y/N is your wife, she deserves someone who doesn't turn to complete blushing mush every single time she kisses you. She-" Before his inner voice could continue it's tiny motivational lecture, your voice caught his attention. "Sweetie what do you want for lunch?" Tamaki blinked almost in shock that they were not only home but he had also changed into his civilian clothes. His thoughts were so loud that it drowned out everything around him. Shaking his head he told you what he wanted making you smile at him before you started cooking. Tamaki laid his arms over the table to partly hide this face as he watched you cook. He really loved you and was still amazed that a woman like you would want anything to do with him. But who was he to complain. As he thought about everything he loved about you, an old idea came creeping up from the cobwebs of his mind. You would look so beautiful with a baby bump. A baby bump he would be the cause of. The idea practically had steam coming out of his ears from his blush.
While he had his daydream you hurried and quickly brought your meals over, yours looking a bit different than normal catching Tamaki's attention. "Love are you feeling ok? You never eat that." He said pointing to the unusual item on your plate. You gave a shy smile before nodding. "Well I need to start eating it since I'm eating for two after all and-" You froze as soon as those words left your mouth. Tamaki seemed frozen too as he seemed like he was trying to process what you had just said. He looked down at your stomach and back up at your face in disbelief. With a blush on your face you went to retrieve the pregnancy tests to show him. The indigo haired man was silent as he looked at the two positive tests, your belly and then you for a good 10 minutes as he processed that you were in fact pregnant. "A-are you upset?" You asked feeling worried that he didn't actually want children. He didn't answer you with words. Instead he wrapped his arms around you and gave you the biggest kiss he'd ever given you making you practically float on a cloud of happiness. "Upset? Why on earth would I be upset when I'm so happy. I wanted to have a baby with you for so long and now it's finally happening." He honestly wanted to cry. But then the worry of your job came into mind. He brought up his concerns making you nod and think. "Well we've gotten a lot of new students recently. But I'm sure I can reach out to a few hero agencies nearby to ask if they have any heroes that could help out around the school." The idea made your husband breath out in relief. You were already thinking ahead and now you were going to actually mother his children.
Then the final click of realization occurred and Tamaki fainted. "T-tamaki?!" You yelped as you checked on him. He had a silly grin that worried you a little but you knew he was just overloaded with happiness. Giggling, you made yourself a comfy lap pillow for him before looking at your stomach and talking to your unborn child. "Sweetie lets not give daddy too many heart attacks after you're born okay?" You smiled and lovingly brush his bangs aside. He was truly everything you wanted and now you had a new adventure to go on. Nothing seemed better.
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hazelenergy · 4 years ago
How I Digitally Paint like a Scenic Artist/Designer
Aka: how I did this and put my degree to good use. 
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Step 1: Research. 
First off, get to your image search. If you are going to be using Google, you may want to type “-pinterest” in the search to eliminate the countless boards. 
I had to figure out clothing that is vaguely late 1800s. I found a multitude of reference images that were fancier clothes- but I wanted to find images of clothing for kindred across all social classes. Photographs from the era and paintings are your friend. They will more accurately showcase what was worn. 
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After Fashion research comes location research. The 1890s in America is known for the rapid industrialization. Factories were getting bigger and work days were getting longer. But, I wanted the moonlight to be cascading into the place, illuminating the scene. This means I needed to find a structure that had skylights or let sunlight in. And the best images I found? Slaughterhouses. Fitting, huh?
The same rule for fashion still stands- if you can find photographs or paintings from the era- they’re better. There are tons of places still standing today from the 1800s. But today, they look WAY different. Ya know, Abandoned! So just be sure to take this into consideration if you search “abandoned slaughterhouses” or go trespassing like I did.
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Lastly, pose research. Finding the poses for a fight scene can be tedious. So, I enlisted some help from a few fight choreographers and stunt men. You can record their fights and play them back at quarter or half speed. You can also get a mirror and flop on the floor a bunch. I did both. This lets you see the action/motion lines you are going to replicate in the drawing.  Heres how we initially did fina’s pose:
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And sometimes you have to go back and get a clean shot. I ended up using this pose for the axe.
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Step 2: Set up and Background!
When you open a new file, set it to the dimensions and resolution you want. I was working at 600. Usually, I’m working at 300-350. You can always reduce resolution. Its hard to prevent fuzzy lines if you increase it later. 
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I cannot stress the following enough:
You work background to foreground. Big Shapes and areas to little shapes. Work your way forward. What this means is you need to fill in as much space as possible first. Then build your details. I prefer working as follows: Big Solid tones, Soft shadows, Dark Shadows, Highlights, then final blend. Once you finish this, put an overlay on top. This knocks everything back and helps create the illusion of depth. See this at work with the video below or here
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Step 3: Figure Drawings + Composition
Utilize that research and images you collected to pose your characters. I create subfolders for each set of figures. Organization is important here. This will help keep you on the right layer and prevent the eternal digital artist struggle of “Fuck that was on the wrong layer!”
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Even after you move on to lineart and shading, Keep the sketch layer as a reference. You may need to see what youre original notes/ figures looked like as you do the lineart and shade. Don’t be afraid to move them around and alter the composition rn. You want to be able to make changes. Make notes! Detail light sources! 
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I’m about to through out some art jargon:
You want to think about asymmetric balance. The easiest way to achieve this in an eye-pleasing manner is to use the Fibonacci spiral. Yeah. This boi:
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Place your figures and actions in a similar sequence to the spiral and the viewer’s eye tends to naturally follow it. This is sometimes called the Golden Ratio in the art world. 
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Doesn’t need to be perfectly on the spiral. You can break it- but its an excellent tool to plan how things move in the piece. 
Step 4: Lineart
Once you got things sketched- its time to do the lineart. I’m using clip studio paint’s standard brushes. Nothing fancy. I often switch between the G-pen and the For Effect Liner. Mapping and Turnip are for thicker lines. 
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Usually I set these pens to a specific thickness depending on where I’m drawing.
My background figures are lined at 0.05 thickness, the midground is .1 to .2, Fina is .3 and the foreground is .4. I set my stabilization high to help keep my lines smooth. Stabilization 100 means there’s a significant delay between where the pen is and the cursor. I like the stabilization to be at 20 for freehanding and at 50 ish for outlining. Dont become completely reliant on the stabilization though. Good and smooth lineart is drawn from the arm not the wrist. Your range of motion is severely limited if you only move your wrist. Practice moving from your elbow and you’ll be surprised how much smoother your lines get. 
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Once I finish lining the figures, I usually go around it with an outline. This does three things: 
1. Solidifies the figure and cleans lineart for paint bucket tool. More on that in the next step.
2. Its a stylistic choice. Helps give it that comic book feel with a heavy outline. 
3. Pushes figures forward or back in the composition. Thicker outline helps denote that a figure is farther forward than another. My background figures have no outline to push them away 
Step 5: Digitally coloring
For each figure you are going to select outside the lineart. 
Create a new layer under the lineart
Invert the selection. Paint bucket. You should now have a solid shape of the figure under the lineart. Do not deselect.
Create a new layer above the one color. Title it solid colors. Paint in thick, solid tones. I like to use the mapping pen and turnip pen to color in my solid tones: skin, clothing, hair, etc.  
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After that, deselect. Create a multiply layer if you can. If your program does not have a multiplier function, Pick a tone you want to use for shadows and lower the opacity (usually 30-40% I like to use lavenders or blue tones). It will not be as vibrant, but you can edit it in post. Select off of the solid colors layer. I like to start with skin tones. Use the airbrush tool to create soft shadows. You don’t want to create harsh lines on this layer.
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Then repeat this process with harsh lines.  
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Then knock it all back with an overlay. If you dont have the ability to create an overlay, you can again drop a solid color and lower the opacity, but you’ll have to mess with the color balance/ brightness/contrast to let all the hard work come through. 
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You’re going to repeat this for every single figure. Here’s a few color theory tips though.
Your overlay colors should be darker (not more vibrant) in the foreground and lighter (avoid using pure white) in the background. This helps with the depth of the piece. Things closer tend to be darker (not always true, depends on lighting)
You can choose to use color theory to aid your shadows. Instead of choosing black or grey for shadows, choose a complimentary color. I used a lot of green for this piece, I used red for really dark shadows. Its not that black drains color- its just loses some depth if not used carefully. 
Keep your colors consistent. Helps unify the piece. You can strategically break the consistency to draw focus. For example, Fina is the only figure with a true blue overlay. This helps her stand out from the other figures who have reds and greens. 
Step 6: Touch Ups and Final Renderings
Now comes the most tedious part. If you’re like me, your computer fans have been whirring for the last few hours trying to render this monster of a file. If you havent already,  SAVE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS GOOD
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These are the last four layers I have for the entire piece. Here, I am trying to create effective and believable lighting. This kind of work I have only been able to achieve in clip studio or photoshop. You can do it with normal layers, but choose your colors CAREFULLY. Stay away from pure white. Carefully utilize your knowledge of light and shadow to create soft highlights. Harsh lines tend to be a stylistic choice for me. The final layer, subtract, dulls out harsh red tones. I used this as a final overlay to help put everyone and everything in the scene. Without it, things are a little too green and skin tones are a little too blushed for vampires.
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The challenge here is I want to tone down the red, but not lose the vibrancy of the blood. So, shift it to a blue. This also helped reinforce the “nighttime” effect. Its only a slight change.
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Final thoughts:
Whenever you finish something, its important to reflect.
1. I am so FUCKING PROUD OF MYSELF. This is easily one of the most complicated pieces I’ve done in a while- and I’ve made 16′ tall faux stained glass. Brag. Let yourself feel awesome cuz you just made something awesome. 
2. I timed myself on the piece. I could have easily spent another 7 hours on it. But its important to know when to stop messing with it. Partially for budget reasons but also when you get down to the details you can make yourself go insane. Theres also a ton of detail work I lost cuz of overlays or its just too small to notice. Fina’s face? hard to see cuz its not close enough. 
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3. I needed to take frequent breaks for this piece. That was good. Resting and stretching was very important. That is one of the reasons why I was able to work so fast. 
4. I started doing more digital art in April 2020. I have to say, practice makes perfect. I practice drawing and digital painting for at least 3 hours a day. 
That discipline has allowed me to improve so rapidly. So- I don’t wanna hear shit about I can’t possibly get this good! Or I couldn’t even draw a stick figure! BULLSHIT. You can. Get yourself some free software like Krita or Autodesk sketchbook and start playing! 
And thats what I got! Thanks for coming with me on this long post! 
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aliensandartifacts · 4 years ago
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Center. Balance. Stretch. Strength. Focus. Breath. Release.
Yoga or dance, the principles are the same. As I move forward into this new chapter of my life, I find myself adapting these to be part of them as well. Find my new center. Balance all the parts of it. Stretch myself into areas that are outside my current comfort zone. Build my strength. Focus on the goal. Breathe and keep breathing. Release what I can’t control and what is behind me. Every day it starts over. I can only do so much, the rest of it I feel like I’m just faking. ***Cuz I’m only human…*** Nothing can ever go back to how it was. I don’t know if I really ever wanted it to, as much as I miss parts of it...people from it. There’s an ache that might never go away, but that’s life. I have to accept what is and face it. Tears may come, but in time they will be less frequent. I’ve had to wear a mask when in society for my entire life. Pretend to be someone I’m not to make those around me happy. I’ve never been the debutante that my “father” and Ambrose wanted me to be. I hated that role, but I put on a smile, dolled myself up, and played the part when I needed to. Once more I will do that, but there will be times when I’ll break down and fall apart. **Because I’m only human…**
My new center are my brothers, both by blood and of the heart. The five men that have seen me through what has been the darkest of hours of my life, these past times. They have helped me keep my sanity and more. I owe them more than I could ever repay and love them more than I could ever put to words. When the world starts to tilt, I remember that no matter how dark it seemed, I was never alone. None of them would ever turn their back and walk away, that’s not in their character to do. In times when I pushed them away, they grabbed hold and pulled me right back harder. They let me rage, they let me scream, they let me cry, and they never judged. They have shown me true love, true friendship, and what it means to never walk away. They have let me be me, and that is a gift I treasure. They have let me be ***human***.
Balancing, well that is something that I’m not sure about yet. Soon I’ll be going back to the campus I love. Returning is something that causes my stomach to turn and my skin to almost feel like it’s buzzing. That’s where I have to focus on my breath and breathing. Focus. Breathe. Find the balance. It will come, I do have faith. I want to go back to a normal life, but I’m not sure I can. I know too much, I’ve seen too much. Balance. Balance between the normal I want, and keeping artifacts like what Adama and Ambrose had out of the hands of people like them. I will have to find that balance. I WILL find that balance. I’m resolute in that. I can only do so much though, ***I’m only human…***
And doing that will cause me to stretch outside my comfort zone. Right now my comfort zone isn’t much larger than the manor house at the Darrow estate. I’m not sure that it even extends off of the property. I haven’t left the estate since we returned. I know I will have to, and I am preparing to. Each day it stretches a little farther. I push myself, I reach farther, I do more. I won’t become a recluse and let what was done to me defeat me. I did nothing wrong. I was a victim and no matter how much I blame myself for not seeing it sooner, It is not my fault. I bear no shame for the actions of others, certainly not for what they did to me. The voices in my head, and maybe of others who would side with them, well they’re wrong. I refuse to give into them. So I will survive and thrive and push and stretch and do more and be more. Each day moving forward. Each day more. Stretch, reach, be, do, love, and live. And yes, I will fail sometimes, ***because I’m only human…***
If anything, this has all taught me that I’m a lot stronger than I thought. I’ve taken hard blows, but I’m still standing. I’ve broken down, fallen apart, but I pulled it together and put myself back together. Yes, I had help, but I had to do the bulk of it myself. Slings and arrows in my direction, and still I came out standing. Of that I shall always be proud. I was not taken down, no matter what came at me. I might have had to lean heavily on another, but I didn’t completely fall. In the end, I have come out stronger, bolder, and better. I know more of who and what I am. I have more resolution to be better, do more, love harder, and not let what I went through jade me against life and those in mine. Being strong also means protecting those who are weaker, not preying on them. Every day, I resolve to do and be better. Walk with more purposed and live a better life. I might not always accomplish that, after all, ***I’m only human.***
Focus, mine is now on the future. There is nothing for me looking back. What I had and what I lost will lead to nothing good if I fixate on it. I know the lessons I learned, and I will carry those with me, but I do not need to keep looking at how I looked at them. Living in the past and what was will not benefit me. Doing so will just cause me to stagnate. It will leave me in pain and with an ache in my chest that doesn’t ease. I don’t want to live like that. The past can’t be changed. Only the future can be shaped. So it is forward that I will focus. Steps will be planned, paths will be charted, and decisions will be made. Then I’ll have to put those in motion, which does scare me a little, but I haven’t made it this far to fail now. So focus and determination, that is my mantra. There will be moments where I slip, where those memories rise up and try to divert me and pull me back into that sadness that threatened to overwhelm me. I cannot promise that in those moments I will not falter; after all, ***I’m only human…***
Breathe. Sometimes we forget this. We get so tense, we hold our breath. We don’t even think about it. We bite our tongue, we hold our breath, we become a bundle of nerves as we face situations. Often it’s not even what we’re actually facing that causes us to do it, it’s the anticipation of what is to come that causes us to do it. No matter how hard what is in front of us feels, we must remember to breathe. Sometimes we have to force ourselves to, to slow our breathing. Slow our breathing by counting seconds in and out. Take control over the situation through our breath. Watch someone master their anxiety and nerves by controlling their breath and you see someone master true strength and focus. Sometimes you don’t win, but you always try. After all, we’re ***only human..***
Release the failure. Release the negative. Release the hate. Release the pain. Release the ache. Release the disappointment. Release the shattered dreams. Release the situations that fell apart. Release the would haves, the could haves, the should haves, and the might haves. They are no more. Holding on to any of that will do no good. You have to embrace the success, even if it’s just making it one step further than what you did the day before. Keep the good and leave the bad in the past, you don’t need it. That which serves no purpose shouldn’t be carried into the future. It’s not easy. We want to cling to things we so desperately wanted, even if they hold no basis in reality now. Clinging to them just brings new pain with each new dawn. It holds us back from what could be, what will be if we are just willing to let go of what was and won’t be anymore. Release. Heal. Move forward into the future and all that it holds.
*I can do it
I can do it
I'll get through it*
*But I'm only human
And I bleed when I fall down
I'm only human
And I crash and I break down
Your words in my head, knives in my heart
You build me up and then I fall apart
'Cause I'm only human*
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surveys-at-your-service · 4 years ago
Survey #385
“I am a human being, capable of doing terrible things”
Who in your family has been married the longest? (and how long?) Uhhhh. I don't know. Do you take your shoes off when you come inside? Yes. What’s your favorite movie series? I think Shrek when you consider all the movies' (well, I haven't seen the last one, but...) quality. No memeage here, I just genuinely love Shrek, haha. I would say The Lion King, but miraculously when you consider the focus on meerkats, I actually don't like 1 1/2 much. What was the first color you ever dyed your hair? Hm... I think I got purple highlights? Do you want to move anytime soon? Even though we haven't even lived here a year, yes. I don't like living in an urban area, and I also reeeeaaaally don't like our family friend being our landlord. I know that sounds very weird, but she's just a very controlling person who forcefully inserts herself into my family's lives now more than ever, and I have a pretty deep fear that a potential argument finally erupting will lead to us being kicked out. I genuinely don't think Tobey would ever do that, but the fear is still there. How good/bad was the quality of education you received in high school? Average, I guess? What was the most interesting year of your life, and why? "Interesting," maybe... 2017 or 2018? I learned a lot about myself in that time range. But at the same time, my life was (and still is) VERY uneventful. Just a lot of mental stuff went on. What was the first social media site you ever used? Myspace. Do you have any exes you really regret dating? REALLY regret? No. I wish I'd never dated Tyler, but it's not a massive regret or anything. He was still a cool guy that I have a few nice memories with. Have you ever lied on a resume? Or even in a job interview? Ha, I'd definitely stretch the truth about being more of a people-person than I am. I couldn't go too far with lying, though; I'm just not comfortable doing that, 'cuz like, they're gonna find out eventually that it's not true. Of all your friends & family, who has the most nicely-decorated home? Maybe my friend Summer. Her room has always been super cool. What brought about the end of the worst relationship you’ve been in? Apparently, not talking to him every second of every day two weeks into a relationship was a no-no. Where was the last place you spent the night other than your own home? The sleep study building or whatever it's considered in the medical plaza. Do you have any step- or half-siblings? I have both. What do people always seem to think is weird about you? The fact I don't watch TV. Do you ever braid your hair? It's way too short for that. Even when it was long, I didn't do it frequently at all. Is there any certain style of architecture you really enjoy? Roman, in particular. What was the last thing you gave up on? uhhhhhhhhhhh If you watch Parks and Recreation, who is your favorite character? I don't. What’s the last DIY project you did, if any? If you can’t remember, what’s something you’d be interested in doing? I'm not really into DIY stuff, honestly. I'd rather just buy products that were made better than I could, or commission someone who can. What's a song that makes you feel happy? I dunno. It's rare a song alone makes me happy. What is your favorite clothing store? Rebel's Market. How did you meet your best friend? YouTube, back when it was a more social platform. What is something you do well? Catastrophize any situation. Assume the worst of everything. What's a good idea you've had recently? Probably to re-engage with a calorie-counting app I used to use. I'm back to trying to use it consistently. Do you like to wear high heels? Does ANY person LIKE to? How many slices of pizza do you usually eat? Two or three depending on my appetite and the size of the pizza. Do you play any instruments? Not anymore. Do you always smile for pictures? Not always. What are you most excited about right now? To see the results of my TMS therapy. What's the last song you listened to? "Ex’s and Oh’s” by Elle King. What's the last YouTube video you watched? I'm watching an Erosium livestream rn. Newest channel binge, haha. Do you know anyone who's died in childbirth? No. Would you ever consider moving to another country for your career? No. I don't want to leave my family. Do you wear foundation? No, I hate the feeling of that crap. Do you know anyone who has run for public office? No. Do you have a cartilage piercing? I used to, but the hole closed when I had to take it out for the hospital. :/ I plan on getting it repierced. Have you ever been taken to the emergency room or urgent care? If so, why? Yes; for being suicidal, a suicide attempt, and when I had a horribly infected cyst and just existing made me want to sob with pain. Have you ever had to visit anyone in the hospital? Yeah, a few times. What is the most pain (physical, mental, emotional) you've ever felt? Physical: having the aforementioned cyst drained when I was not nearly numbed enough. Mental and emotional (what's really the difference?): my breakup with my first real boyfriend. What is the longest time you've spent crying? Oh, hours on end, fluctuating with intensity. Have you ever been stolen from? Yes. Have you ever been to a ghost town? No, but I would FUCKING LOVE to. Let me bring my camera and it's a field day. Has anything in your house ever caught on fire? Not in this current house. Have you ever been inside of a vacant house? No. Have you ever been attacked by a dog? No. What is the most disgusting thing you've ever seen? The massive cyst my late dog Teddy developed on his lower belly. That fucking thing hung on by a THREAD and was absolutely nauseating to look at. How old were you when you learned how to read? I don't recall, I just know it was earlier than most children. Do you prefer cats or dogs? Cats. Which book series was the first you read? I want to say Hank the Cowdog. I was hooked on it. Would you rather write a book or direct a movie? Haha, what a question, as I've considered both of these as potential careers. I think write a book. What dream that you’ve had has stuck in your head the most? Describe: A nightmare about my dad that I'm not going into. What emotion do you find yourself trying to hide from others? I'm very uncomfortable revealing jealousy or envy. How emotional/sentimental would you say you are? Extremely. What is the most fun game to play? Shadow of the Colossus, probably. What is your sense of humor like (dry, dark, sarcastic, etc.)? I don't know, maybe dry. How many languages can you say "hello my name is…" in? Two. What language do you think sounds the nicest? I don't know, it's not like I've heard every language be spoken. What language do you want to learn more of? German. Do you have any form of OCD? I'm diagnosed with OCD. Do you make promises often? No. I take promises VERY seriously and am not about to make one unless I'm certain I can keep it. What is it that you are responsible for? My pets, keeping my room clean, stuff like that. Do you have a lot of secrets? Not "a lot," no. Are you more likely to be verbally aggressive or physically? Verbally. I'm only physically aggressive in my nightmares. What warning has someone given you that you wish you’d have listened to? Hm. What warning has someone given you you are glad you didn’t take? I also don't know. What is your favourite video of on YouTube? I can't pick just one. Name one creature that freaks you out/scares you? Maggots. Just the word makes me squirm. What was the last thing you wrote down on paper? My signature. Have you ever watched Breaking Bad? No. Are your fingernails always painted? They never are. What color is your bed frame? A rich brown. Did any of your neighbors come over to welcome you when you moved into your current house? No. What's something you didn't realize how bad it was until it happened to you? Heartbreak. Do you like Taylor Swift's singing voice? No. It's squeaky and annoying to me. Does it bother you when people get super emotional? Why the fuck would it bother me? Let people be in touch with their emotions. Have you ever worked in a restaurant? No. What was the last drive-thru you went through? Ummm I want to say Starbuck's w/ Mom after my TMS appointment. Do you know anyone who claims they can see/feel spirits or other supernatural "things?" No. Does your house have any unoccupied bedrooms? Yes. Do either of your parents have a mental illness? My mom has depression, and she personally suspects something's up with Dad, but idk. He's never seen a doctor about that kinda stuff. What fun things are there to do where you live? Ha! Do you know anyone with a really poorly-trained dog? I know many like that. When you were growing up, did your family rent or own your home? My parents owned it. Can you see the stars at night where you live? I actually haven't paid attention at this house. I'm certain it'd be harder now living in an urban area, though. What job do you know you'd be terrible at? Like, everything? I'd probably be worst at promoting stuff to people and trying to push them into buying something. No being a salesperson for me. Do you do meal-prepping? No. Do you know anyone who got preggo less than a year into their relationship? Who doesn't? And now, for the greatest question of all time! Toilet paper- should it go over or under? I literally couldn't care less about this. Fun fact though to "end" the argument, the original concept art of the idea (the word for that is evading me...) has it designed to go over. Are you afraid of mice? Not at all, they're adorable. What type of souvenir do you usually purchase when on vacation? I don't have a specific "type" of thing I get, really. It depends. Do you vacation often? Not at all. Are you comfortable wearing your pajamas in public places? It depends on the place, really. Generally, I really don't care, so long as I put a bra on. What’s your favorite candy bar? That one that's a bunch of Reese's squares composed into a rectangle. It. Is so. Fucking. Good. Do you own more than one copy or edition of a book? No. If you could see any musical on Broadway right now, what would it be? I don't like musicals. Do you own a helmet of any sorts? No. Does your family generally decorate for most holidays? Just for Christmas, really. Do you eat soup when you’re sick? I'm not a soup person. Have you ever watched Doctor Who? I saw one or two episodes with Sara. If so, what do you think is the scariest creature yet? N/A Do you read tour guide type books before you visit places? No.
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madisonrooney · 4 years ago
hi it's your secret santa! first of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! i hope you have a wonderful day! how are you celebrating, if you are at all? safely, i hope! either way i hope you manage to find a way to have a great day full of love!! consider my christmas gift a belated birthday gift as well lol. anyway i loved reading your last answer, it was so thoughtful and sweet. i realized after reading that i barely know anything about dove lol so follow up q: what about dove makes you love her so much?
sorry for the late response! the last couple days have been v busy and ive been super tired and dissociative on top of it so i made a point to save this bc i wanted to give it my full attention!
first of all thank you!! i was going to do a virtual meet and greet with one of my favs from jersey boys but he got confused about timezones so we rescheduled but were doing it next week! then i went to a virtual walt disney family museum panel, had pizza for dinner and watched some liv and maddie, my mom made a cookie cake that we ate while watching the grinch musical, and then some friends and i watched the jersey boys movie together over skype!
im so glad you enjoyed reading my last answer! and oof thats another loaded question (i love it tho)
- like i said when first talking about what drew me to her and liv and maddie, a big thing is just how much passion and love she puts into her characters. ofc she puts passion into every character she plays, but its the passion she puts into characters like liv, maddie, and mal that means the most to me. that goes back to the fact that ive dealt with a lot of negativity directed towards me for enjoying disney channel, and then you have dove out here saying “yah im a teenager/twenty-something who not only respects what theyre doing on disney channel, but puts my all into it” not to mention she even won an emmy for playing liv and maddie in season 4! i hope that passion and talent has started to change the conversation about disney channel, and tbh i think it has at least a bit.  ofc, none of this is to say other people her age acting on disney channel arent talented and passionate, but idk, something about her has always stood out to me. i find her to be more animated and expressive than most. it can be hard for me to read emotions in live action movies and shows, so thats been really important for me. not to mention she was not only playing the lead but TWO lead characters on a four season show with distinct personalities but also subtle similarities. AND the main character in the biggest DCOM franchise in years for 5 years running now. PLUS the fact that there was a period where those were both happening at the same time. she was only 16 when she started all this and hadnt even had any big roles prior to it!! she had a lot of responsibility so it was amazing to see her not only pull it off, but excel at it.
- i just love like....her aesthetic?? shes always seemed to be a very old soul to me, into old jazz music and poetry and stuff like that. its just very charming. and for her to have that aesthetic on top of being a disney channel actress is a fascinating juxtaposition.
- this is kind of sappy and it gets tiring to hear it said over and over again but that doesnt mean it isnt true: i love how transparent she is about her struggles with mental health issues, trauma, and such. she has been for a long time but even more so over the last year or two. no shade to anyone else, but a lot of actors dont really give you a look into their personal lives, they just share and promote their product. im not saying theres anything wrong with that, its good to know what youre comfortable sharing, ive just felt all the more close to her with her being as open as she is, especially as someone who has gone through trauma myself, albeit different from hers.
- kind of connected to that, i love how important spreading kindness, positivity, and love is to her. thats another thing thats been said a million times but still, its very important to me.
for example. she’ll randomly tweet things like “i love you” a lot. im one to always think of the thought process that goes on behind whatever someone posts, texts, etc., bc personally i put a lot of a thought into pretty much anything i say or do before i put it out there publicly, probably bc of my social anxiety. even tho its a simple statement and takes her a couple seconds to post, she still had to have the thought “i want to remind my fans that theyre loved” or something along those lines. and she has this thought FREQUENTLY. to just randomly get a notification every few days or weeks or so of her saying something like that is just very heartwarming to me.
the reason i connected with miley so much when she helped me through my initial trauma was bc it felt like even if no one loved me, she loves her fans, thus she loves me. thus the person i love and admire the most loves me. even if its only one person, it can be enough. it was for me at the time. i feel that same way with dove. when she came into my life, i didn’t feel as unloved, but her love was still helpful to me.
- of course i need to specifically talk about her kindness in person too. dont get me wrong (ive been saying that a lot havent i lol), i totally and completely loved her long before i met her, but naturally, i love her 10x more after the experiences ive had getting to know her in person.
i could go ONNNNNNN about the experiences ive had with her, and i have lol, and if you already heard me ramble about this in the server i apologize, but the most important thing ive taken away from every encounter ive had with her is this: she always goes the extra mile. she always goes out of her way to make people feel special. what i mean by that is she could say/do HALF as much as she has when meeting me and i would still leave over the moon feeling loved. you can tell she does this in excess bc she really truly means it and cares about people like me, she doesnt have any kind of ulterior motive and isnt just going through the motions doing whats asked of her, she simply cares about me and the rest of her fans. some examples - the first time we met, i was sobbing (lol) and she hugged me for a really long time, rocking me back and forth, brushing my hair with her thumb, calling me sweetheart and honey. she even started to tear up a bit herself. - a couple months later, i went to my first liv and maddie taping. i was preparing to reintroduce myself (i looked a little different bc id been cosplaying as maddie the first time i met her) and ofc when preparing myself, i fantasized pretty heavily as i usually do and pictured myself showing her the pic of us on my phone, her gasping, jumping out of her chair screaming, and hugging me, thinking that was probably way more than i was gonna get. that is EXACTLY what happened. then she went on to tell me how my costume made her whole weekend. things like this would continue to happen where i would set the bar impossibly high and not only would she meet it but she’d exceed it. - our usual interaction from there on would start with her face lighting up when she saw me, her calling me some kind of cute name like love or baby, and then hugging me without me even having to initiate it. - when i saw her in mamma mia, i didnt know when id be seeing her again afterwards after pretty consistently getting to see her for 2 years, so i wanted to make sure we got some kind of closure. at the stage door, i reminded her how much she meant to me and just expected like an “aww i love you too” or something back, but she said “you are an angel in my life” and i will never forget that. obvs, i havent told her ALL the details about what she and her characters mean to me but like...she can tell. she can tell if im in a homemade maddie costume sobbing into her arms that theres something there, and shes VERY appreciative of that. - i thankfully got to see her at a meet and greet a few months later and every time i thought i should get going cuz i didnt want to hold the line up, she would just open her arms for another hug. speaking of being appreciative, she even said “thank you for being such a supportive fan.” as i left, i turned around to say one last goodbye. i made sure she wasnt with the next fan yet and yelled out “bye!” and she yelled back “I LOVE YOU!!” and blew me a kiss. again, its the little things. - i saw her at a small panel in new york a few months after that. she walked in the room when the lights were down as they were playing a clip, she quietly waved hi to everyone, then saw me and loudly whispered HI BABY!!! and stopped on her way to the stage to give me a hug. (then she looked at me from the stage and asked which way i thought she should cross her legs for the interview lol) - sometimes when she sees im next in line, shell give me a knowing smile or whisper “hi baby!!” or something like that. she saw me in the crowd after clueless and seemed to make a point to come to me last bc she knew wed be talking for a while, which we did. she even told me she’d seen me in the audience, asking if i was in the front on the left, which i was.
even all that is still just scratching the surface. weve “known” each other for 5 years now and every time i think she’s done the most she can do, she outdoes herself again. not to mention when im at these events, i see her treat all the fans she meets with all of that kindness too. naturally all of this has made me love her all the more.
- finally, lets just be honest here..........................shes REALLY fucking hot.
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