We Can Investigate This Together!
58K posts
Call me Bee! - they/it pronouns, feminine nouns - 21 - been drawing every day since 1/1/2018! - Enjoyer and purveyer of non-euclidean spaces & metatextual shenanigans!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
phoebelovingcare · 4 hours ago
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phoebelovingcare · 13 hours ago
gonna be real I misread “Do you know this SFX?” As “Do you know this SEX?” more than one or two times and it’s driven me insane every time. My brain is creating procreation typos. please send help, mod
You are not the first, and I doubt you'll be the last.
A lot of people here refer to me as Mr Dyke Video Game Sex, which is funny as hell.
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phoebelovingcare · 15 hours ago
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phoebelovingcare · 15 hours ago
not my circus not my—
what? *unrolls paper* why are you giving me a deed to the.. oh, oh no.. fuck.
they're my monkeys now
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phoebelovingcare · 15 hours ago
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phoebelovingcare · 15 hours ago
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phoebelovingcare · 15 hours ago
only 5 seconds
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phoebelovingcare · 15 hours ago
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phoebelovingcare · 15 hours ago
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phoebelovingcare · 15 hours ago
a few weeks ago i needed worcestershire sauce for a recipe but i didnt have any so i had to leave it out.
u are never gonna believe what i found in the cabinet today, unopened, probably has been there for months,
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phoebelovingcare · 15 hours ago
last night my partner held a somber little passover seder to show me what it’s about and when they got to the part where they were supposed to open the door for elijah they paused, frowned, and said “oh. huh. there is a clown.” and I looked out. and sure enough. there was a clown.
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phoebelovingcare · 15 hours ago
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I cant believe it has been a decade since my life have turned around because of two lesbian rocks kissing each other right in front of a kid WOW!!! I LOVE GARNET, I LOVE SU!!!
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phoebelovingcare · 1 day ago
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Al-An my beloved (but are sketches)
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phoebelovingcare · 1 day ago
I was thinking about Al-An’s comment to Robin about how inferior her ball-and-socket joints are and decided to go back to anatomy 101 and realized he rightfully pointed out that she had ball-and-socket joints because he doesn’t. He has all other joints very similar to humans, except the ball-and-socket ones!
He has plane joins in his legs (though the front ones might have saddle joints, not sure on that one)
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Hinge joints in the elbows
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Actual joints in his crab hands, yes they are somehow not actual crab hands
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Pivot joints in the neck and all the way down to the tip of his tail
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And synovial type joints in his “knees” (or something similar at least)
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He however, does not have ball-and-socket joints in the two places they are found in humans and that’s the pelvis and the shoulder blade. In the shoulders he seem to have some kind of hinge or condyloid joints as I don’t think he can raise his arms up and only move them to the sides.
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In both of his pelvises he doesn’t even have joints. I don’t know how he moves his legs, but he seems to be able to spread them to the side, yet he has very limited movement hence why he teleports. He probably has some weird alien joints, but he was right, only Robin has the ball-and-socket in this relationship.
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So while he is right that she has the “primitive” ball-and-socket joints and he doesn’t, he still shares 80% of all joint types with her, so I don’t know Al-An you are very nitpicky 🙄
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phoebelovingcare · 1 day ago
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Been working on this one for a few days, it isn’t often that a want to animate hits me but c'est la vie lol 
The character is Al-An from Subnautica: Below Zero, quite heavily inspired by @geomimetry‘s art of this character! Specifically I saw this post and I felt like this was just begging to be animated. They draw amazing stuff too so definitely check them out (their Portal stuff is stunning too!)
I will say clip studio paint is a way easier program to animate in than those I’ve dabbled in in the past, it made this possible for me lol Really proud of this one though! I think my process has improved greatly since I last tried to animate :D
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phoebelovingcare · 1 day ago
[cutely plunges an entire planet to the brink of extinction with their gigachad bacterium :3c]
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phoebelovingcare · 1 day ago
Architect Sanctuaries and Storage.
So! I feel like we don’t talk about the Sanctuary caches from Subnautica enough as it relates to Below Zero.
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Like. First of all, Al-An, where are you going, your people are here. You’re not gonna check to see if anyone else is trapped in a sanctuary with failing power like you were? Granted, I think the Sanctuaries in The Crater are probably Hooked up to the Alien Thermal Plant so they’ll be fine as long as the lava zone continues to be hot. Probably why Ryley wasn’t getting any alien distress signals. But the threat of Kharaa has more or less passed, and these Architects were part of Al-An’s research team, you’d think he’d do something.
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It’s recommended to put them in a compatible medium as soon as possible, you said it yourself get down there and fabricate more bodies!
Also. On the “factory reset” point. I feel the need to point a couple things out.
First of all, in the Dunes Cache, you can download this from the alien terminal
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(Side note this entry specifically is so revealing about Architect society and stuff. PLUS entire other Architect character like I have so many thoughts. Might get its own post at some point I dunno)
It seems like they were storing the memories like… separately from the individual. They were probably also backed up on the network if Al-An’s comments in the whole “How do humans cope with the loss of memories” conversation are anything to go by.
I think the memories just end up feeling less like something the Architect actually experienced personally and more like something they heard about. Like they lose some personal connection to the events.
but still. I think if the Architect’s technology had a flaw like that they’d be working to fix it. And that leads me to a theory on why the Sanctuaries in the first game are so different to Sanctuary Zero where we find Al-An.
I think that with Kharaa meaning Sanctuary sites more vital than probably ever, improving the technology behind them would’ve probably been a priority. I think Sanctuary Zero is perhaps some sort of prototype for improved Sanctuary technology. Sanctuary Zero is bigger, despite storing only one Architect, while the Sanctuary Caches in the first game are implied to store multiple. It’s got this big bulky Architect Containment Cube to put Al-An in, and the PDA makes a point of noting that whoever’s stored inside is able to remain fully conscious with “whole brain emulation” something we don’t seem to see in the first game’s Sanctuaries.
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I think the Network decided to stick Al-An in this instead of a normal Sanctuary both because they needed to test it anyway, and after what he did it’s possible they didn’t really care if it went wrong and he was lost in the process. If it did work, he’d have to continue to carry that emotional weight even if he got a new body, and he’d be forced to be awake, thinking about what he’d done in the thousand years before then. I think the Network would’ve found that to be an apt punishment, without it being only for punishment’s sake, but also part of Sanctuary research. More efficient that way.
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