#currently feral
brasiliangp · 1 year
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mason mount for nike underwear
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Dead dove: do not eat, kidnapping, reckless driving, groping, physical violence, predatory behavior, sexual harassment, attempted r/ape, sexual assault
Author's note poem:
The darkness, the darkness,
It's closing in.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again.
Enter with caution
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Reader POV:
Pine needles. That was the first thing you could identify as you came back to consciousness: the distinct scent of pine needles. That and a gentle rocking sensation. It was soothing, almost like you were being rocked to sleep. There was a steady hum that vibrated through your entire body. But the peacefulness ceased when you were suddenly thrown to your right, colliding with a hard surface. As the squeal of tires on pavement startled you out of your daze, your body recognized a dull ache in your shoulder all over again. You winced with a hiss, opening your eyes as your memories flooded back. Ghost had caught you. He had grabbed you and stabbed a needle into your shoulder, injecting some kind of tranquilizer into your system. And now, you could see you were strapped into the passenger seat of his jeep as he drove you off into the night.
“Look who finally woke up,” Ghost said, glancing your way before fixing his steely gaze on the road ahead. “Was worried I’d given you too much.”
“Ghost, what’s going on? Where are you taking me?”
“Somewhere we won’t be interrupted for a while.”
As much as you hated to admit it, his plan was a cunning one. With you passed out as he carried you to his car, he had painted a picture that wouldn’t raise suspicion. If anyone else was looking, they likely assumed you’d just had far too much to drink at the club that night, and your protective boyfriend was taking you home safely. If only they had known just how wrong they’d been.
You panicked, unbuckling your seatbelt and tugging desperately on the door handle. But the door was locked and you highly doubted he’d unlock it for you if you asked him nicely. As you moved, you immediately remembered what you were wearing. More specifically, what you weren’t wearing. The bottom of your dress had ridden up a bit, and the sensation of your bare ass against the seat reminded you that you'd been completely exposed and passed out for who knows how long. You turned towards him, eyes wide as you tugged your dress down and shrank back against the passenger door.
Ghost chuckled. "If you're thinking I put my hands on you while you were knocked out, I didn't."
"Y-you didn't?"
Honestly, you didn't believe him for a second. Knowing how unbothered he was about touching you whenever he could get away with it, it was hard to fathom that he'd suddenly become a changed man in the last - in however long it had been. How long had it been?
"No," His mask twitched as he smirked. "I considered it. But I want you wide awake and well aware of everything that happens tonight. Can’t have you passing it off as a bad dream, now can we?"
"Ghost, please," you begged. "I wanna go home. Just take me home, and we can talk this out."
"Negative, princess."
Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes. He'd planned every detail of this moment just to get his hands on you, just to get you alone. And like an idiot, you'd walked right into his trap.
You felt around your waist, feeling for your phone. But you knew Ghost was far too smart to leave a loose end like that. As you suspected, your pockets were bare, and your phone was gone without a trace. Unable to think of anything else to do, you curled yourself into a tight little ball and tried to pretend this wasn't happening right now.
"Why are you doing this? Why can't you just leave me alone? Just take me home!"
Ghost scoffed, shooting you a piercing glare. "And what? Let you run away to König? Let you call Price the minute I turn my back? Not happening."
You slammed your hands against the dash, screaming in pure frustration. Desperate and terrified, you started kicking against the door with every ounce of strength you had. You wanted to break something. You wanted the door to just fly off its hinges. You wanted out. For a good five minutes, he allowed you to vent without comment or response. He only took issue with anything you were doing when your flailing turned into yelling at him.
“I fucking hate you!” You screamed. “You monster! You piece of shit!”
His eyes narrowed. "Watch it, princess."
"I'm not you're fucking princess! You sick, twisted fuck!"
Ghost growled as he clenched his jaw, his hands clutching the steering wheel so tight you were surprised it didn't immediately snap in two. "You watch your mouth!"
"No, fuck you!" You shot back, too angry and too frightened to hold back any longer. "I would never in a million years feel anything towards you. When will you get it through your head that I chose König? I’d rather die than even think about choosing you. He's a better man than you'll ever be!"
“You shut your mouth or I will shut it for you! That’s a fucking order!”
"No, you know what? I'm not one of your little underlings. Go find your own piece of ass and leave me alone! Or is that it? You can't! No one is willing to look twice at you because they can spot an asshole from a mile away. You think you're so tough, so important. But you’re just a sad little soldier who comes back home and acts like a petty little bitch!"
Without warning, your head slammed against the passenger window as the car accelerated abruptly, veering sharply off course. You didn't know where he was going, but you did know it was no longer on the main roads. The tires screeched against the pavement as you were thrown into yet another wild turn. Forget anger. The only thing you felt now was fear.
You yelped as the vehicle hopped a curb and barreled down a tiny dirt road that disappeared into the surrounding forest. Trees whizzed past your window in a blur. But while you were terrified and clutching at anything in reach to hold onto, Ghost was unconcerned and staring straight ahead. His eyes were narrowed to fiery slits as he sped through the maze of trees. You shut your eyes, making peace with the fact that this might be the way you would die. A head-on collision with a pine tree at top speed would not be a pleasant end. But you clung to hope that it would at least be quick.
Moments later, you were thrown against the dash like a ragdoll as the vehicle slid to a sudden stop. A sharp pain bloomed right below your hairline as your head crashed against the car's interior. With a soft groan, you reached up and immediately identified the warm, sticky sensation of blood over the broken skin. It wasn’t a lot of blood, and the wound wasn’t any more than skin deep. But it still made the danger of the situation that much more real.
You were sitting there, bruised and bleeding, in the middle of nowhere. Alone with a jealous man who wanted you for himself. A man who had no qualms about intruding on an established relationship and had already made multiple advances. A man who was used to taking any opportunity he could to help himself to your body without asking. This was bad. Really bad.
The car shut off with a click. For a moment, Ghost just sat there, chest heaving with rage as he continued staring dead ahead. As he did, you seized the chance to try to back out of this as fast a possible. You didn’t care that he didn’t deserve an apology. All you cared about was getting away from him as fast a possible. So, if that was a way to do it, you would happily do it.
"Please, Ghost,” You started, hesitantly. “I take back everything, all of it. I know I crossed a line and I'm sorry. Please, I just want to go home."
His response came out in a cruel bark as he seethed, turning his angry eyes on you. "You'll go home when I'm done."
The words made your blood run cold in your veins, his heated glare even more so. You sat there frozen in full panic as Ghost got out of the car and rounded the front of the vehicle, making his way towards you.
What were your options? Fighting him was completely off the table. You could run, maybe? No, he'd catch you well before you made it past the tree line. The only option you could think of was climbing over the center console, starting the car, and driving yourself as far away from him as you could. The keys were still in the ignition! You just had to get to them before he got to you. And now, he was just a step or two away from your door.
"Now or never," you thought.
You scrambled up onto your seat and dove for the driver's seat. Your fingers closed around the edge of the steering wheel, and you held on, trying to use that leverage to hoist the rest of your body across the center of the car. But Ghost reacted immediately. The passenger door flew open, and a vise-like grip clamped down on your upper arm. All it took was a firm pull to tear your hand free and send you careening back towards him. You kicked, and you screamed. But you were no match for his strength as he yanked you out of the car.
The back door opened quickly after, and you were quite literally thrown into the back seat. The impact knocked the air out of your lungs, dazing you. But you snapped back into action as quickly as you could. You barely had time to scoot back against the opposing door before he jumped in behind you. His hand shot out towards your ankle, and you yelped, barely escaping his grasp as you tucked it beneath you.
"Don't touch me!" you whimpered, hysterical panic beginning to set in. "I'll… I'll scream!"
He tried again and this time there was nowhere to run as his hand locked around your calf. And with one solid pull, you were yanked beneath his body. He glowered down at you, his hulking form hovering over you as he caged you between him and the seats. Fury was practically rolling off him in waves as his thighs squeezed in on your hips, easily holding you in place. One of his hands pressed against the seat beside your head while the other roughly grabbed your breast in a bruising grip. He squeezed at the soft protrusion as he spoke, seemingly reveling in your increasing horror as his fingers kneaded you through the fabric of your dress.
"Oh, I'm counting on it."
You squirmed and struggled, trying your best to push him off. But he just sank more of his weight onto you, making your efforts entirely futile. All you could do now was threaten him and hope something you said would scare him back to his senses.
“You could be dishonorably discharged for this! You’ll lose everything! But if you let me go right now, I won't tell anyone anything. I swear!"
Oddly enough, Ghost froze. His eyes didn’t hold even a hint of fear or guilt. Instead, they looked devious. Almost playful. He scrutinized you like he was thinking something through before saying it out loud. After a moment of silence, he pushed away from you and climbed back out of the back seat. You were both relieved and confused to see him stand at the door, propping it wide open and gesturing for you to get out as well.
“You know what? Fine. You wanna run so bad, go ahead and run. I’ll give you ten minutes starting right now. But we play by my rules. If you manage to get away, then I’ll let you go.”
You sat up, fear still coursing through you but warily intrigued by the sudden change. “Really?”
“Yep,” Ghost nodded. But his eyes darkened dangerously with his next words. “But if I catch you first, your ass is mine. Understood?”
Pulse racing, you frantically tried to think the proposition through. It reeked of false hope.
“Wait, wait. Just how far from the base are we? Where are we?”
Ghost didn’t answer your question but instead casually looked down at his watch. “Nine minutes and forty-eight seconds.”
Fuck. He wasn’t waiting for you to figure this out. It was now or never, and you didn’t waste any more precious seconds asking for details. So, scrambling out of the backseat and easing past where he stood, you took off sprinting for the tree line. You knew the odds were stacked against you. And you knew this could very likely be just another trap, a twisted game for his dark pleasure. But if he was going to offer you a free chance at freedom, you were going to take it no matter the risk.
A wary glance over your shoulder showed that Ghost was actually keeping his word. He was just standing there, arms crossed as he leaned against the jeep, watching your frenzied escape play out with interest. But as you sped into the underbrush and flew deeper into the maze of trees beyond, you desperately prayed that would be the very last you ever saw of him.
Ghost POV:
As difficult as it was, Ghost forced himself to stay true to his word. He’d give her a full ten minutes, but not a second more. Not following the rules is the quickest way to spoil a game. And this was a game he really wanted to enjoy. Yes, the cards were stacked heavily in his favor. But technically, he’d still given her a chance. Even if it was a slim one. If she actually managed to evade him out here, with all of his training? Though it would certainly be a disappointing ending, it would be one he’d have no choice but to be a little impressed by.
Checking his watch, Ghost noted that she had about five minutes or so left to do as she pleased. But he still wanted to be ready to start his hunt the second her time was up. The night wasn’t getting any younger.
Strolling around to the back of the jeep, Ghost hoisted the trunk open and rummaged through the duffle bags he’d stowed there ahead of time. In them were all the tools and playthings one could ever wish for. A candy shop of wares for him to pick and choose from as he pleased. It was hard to resist just grabbing them all and putting them to use all at once. But he had to save some of the fun for later. He had to be patient.
For the time being, Ghost was content with selecting just two pieces of equipment: a hunting knife and another dose of tranquilizer. The last item would only come into play if she actually gained the upper hand somehow. It was cheating, but only a little.
After he was satisfied with his collection, Ghost slammed the trunk shut and checked his watch again. With a smirk, he snapped his night vision goggles into place and headed off into the dense forest after his prey.
“Times up, princess.”
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I know this story includes some pretty dark themes. But at the end of the day, I care more about the well-being of my readers than I do for hits or kudos. Period. I never want my writing to conjure up emotions or feelings that negatively impact you beyond the story. This story can be dark and uncomfortable at times. But it is always intended strictly for fun and fantasy. If at any point along the way it stops being a pleasurable experience, please please close this page and walk away. My stories are never worth your well-being, loves.
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starskykarofsky · 4 months
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Anyone else have a I’m gonna fuck that old man top 4?
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field-0f-flowers · 5 months
Me when I do my daily opening of ao3, and my favorite tags have almost 2 whole pages of fresh, spicy stories:
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khajiithaswitchywares · 11 months
Go hiking. Fake your death. Become one with the forest. Elevate to forest god. The simple things.
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lilaccmilk · 7 months
Ok but NEEDY! WEREWOLF BF who is just absolutely obsessed with you. Your scent, your voice, you body, infact everything about you is driving him crazy and he just can't wait to be inside you.
NEEDY! WEREWOLF BF who pounds into you as if it's his first and last time (though he fucked you just the night before)
NEEDY! WEREWOLF BF who can't help but go feral over how tight your cunt feels. And fucks every thought out of you.
NEEDY! WEREWOLF BF who is not satisfied with just one round. He needs atleast 3-4.
NEEDY! WEREWOLF BF who then walks around the house with his knot in you.
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sentient-forest · 2 years
#cecilsweep and Welcome to Night Vale trending #1 in 2023
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tatortart · 17 days
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skids into yr house to talk abt viddy gams
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bunnieswithknives · 12 days
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RAHHHh ok comics done I can post this now!!! He is having the worst possible time
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mozart-the-meerkitten · 3 months
*rolls up 15 years late with Avatar the Last Airbender thoughts*
So I've been rewatching clips from the show lately to refresh my memory while I'm writing my Zuko Alone fanfic. And last night I rewatched the clip where Iroh teaches Zuko how to redirect lightning and I have had thoughts about this scene for years so I might as well finally throw them into the void of tumblr.
So, this scene is insane to me, because at the end of learning how he could-hypothetically- redirect lightning, Zuko looks at Iroh and, completely seriously says "okay I'm ready to try it with the real thing now". Like, Zuko, the boy with a massive scar on his face from where his father burned him just looks at his uncle and says, "shoot me with lightning".
And yes, he's 16 and not thinking but that's part of the point because the amount of blind, complete trust Zuko has in Iroh to look at him and say "shoot lightning at me" after the insane trauma he had at the hands of his own father- that is WILD to me. Zuko literally trusts Iroh so much that he just assumes, without even having to think about it, that no matter how volatile and unpredictable the lightning is, Iroh won't hurt him because Zuko cannot fathom his uncle hurting him.
And of course, Iroh's appalled because Zuko's standing there with a massive scar on his face from when his father misused firebending against him and likewise, Iroh cannot fathom hurting Zuko. And since IROH knows how volatile and unpredictable lightning is and how it could literally kill his son nephew he is absolutely NOT going to use it just to let Zuko practice redirecting lightning, but he's so flabbergasted that Zuko would even ask him that that he just kind of splutters angrily that he will ABSOLUTELY NOT shoot lightning at Zuko. (it's also just another layer of how messed up Ozai is because he shot lightning at Zuko without a second thought later)
But I hope Iroh thought about it later and realized the amount of pure, unthinking trust Zuko has in him because ;-; the child didn't even THINK about it. "Okay uncle shoot lightning at me now. I know I'll be safe because it's you." I love them so much 😭😭
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bklily · 5 months
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noodles-and-tea · 6 months
parentlock for the soul?
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His dear Watson <\3
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(Dead dove: do not eat, Alcohol, intoxication, flashing/voyeurism, rationalization of ogling, victim blaming ["she was asking for it" vibes, in a way], predatory behavior)
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Reader POV:
As the dancing carried on into the night, König continued to loosen up until he felt comfortable letting go of your hand. Having broken through his hesitation with the help of a few drinks, he was actually starting to have fun! And you certainly weren’t complaining.
Typically, whenever you went out dancing with your girlfriends, you had to make sure you kept your wits about you. You’d never let the alcohol fully overcome your senses in case someone tried to use the atmosphere as a perfect excuse to rub themselves all over you without permission. A swift elbow to their chest was usually enough to get them to back off and leave you alone. Usually. But you’d rather choose awareness over having to fend off unwanted attention.
In truth, you felt like you were still getting your fair share of unwanted attention even now. But, so far, you hadn’t actually seen where it could be coming from. Ever since you’d stepped foot on the dance floor, you hadn’t been able to shake the creeping feeling that you were being watched. And that feeling made the hairs stand up on the back of your neck, setting you on edge. It was like some latent evolutionary survival instinct kicking in, warning you that there was danger lurking just around the corner. But so far, it was a corner that you hadn’t been able to spot yet. From your short stature and limited vantage point on the dance floor, all you could see were dancers surrounding you on all sides.
But with König at your back, you were able to more easily brush the paranoia aside. Knowing he literally had your back, you still felt safe enough to dance your little heart out without fear. He easily stood head and shoulders above anyone else out there. And all it would take is a glance up at his mask and a scowl from him to discourage any potential threats.
Even if they wanted to, they wouldn’t be able to get their hands on you now if they tried. Because König left not even the smallest gap between your bodies as he began synchronizing his steps with yours. Apparently, a drunk König meant a very handsy König too. His hands made themselves right at home at your waist or caressing your broad hips.
Feeling particularly bold, you leaned forward a bit and gave him a front row seat as you started twerking for him. When you glanced over your shoulder, you saw him practically mesmerized by the sensual movement. And since you were doubtful anyone else could see you in your current position, you decided this was the perfect opportunity to reveal your naughty surprise. Keeping your eyes on him to gauge his reaction, how leaned forward just a hair more. It wasn’t a huge movement, but you knew it would be just enough to make the hem of your dress rise an inch or two. And as it did, König gasped and let out an audible moan when he realized you weren’t wearing a stitch of clothing underneath it. He rushed forward to shield you with his body as he frantically tried to tug your dress back down.
“Nein, Maus,” he whispered urgently, leaning down so that you could hear him. “Not here. Someone could see.”
“No one’s looking but you,” you giggled and whispered back, realizing you were feeling a little tipsy. “And I want you to look.”
Taking advantage of his returned closeness, you ground your ass against his groin temptingly. And though he didn’t try to stop your movements, he still pulled your dress back down and made it his mission to ensure it stayed that way. You wanted to pout, initially having hoped he'd whisk you off to a bathroom or alleyway and rail you until you couldn't see straight. And your brazen action now left you a bit embarrassed. But at the same time, it turned you on to see him so determined that no one else even glance at what was rightfully his.
“Herkommen,” he murmured in your ear, gently tugging you out of the crowd and back towards your table. "I worry you're a bit more drunk than you might think."
You really pouted this time, the music calling to you like a siren's song. But König insisted.
"There will be more dancing tonight, I promise. Bitte, for me?"
He looked down at you, almost pleading. You knew you physically couldn't say no to his puppy dog eyes, so you nodded and obediently headed back to your seat. You stumbled the tiniest bit on your way there and wondered if König was right after all. Just how strong was that drink?
Ghost POV:
Out on the dancefloor, things were headed in a direction that Ghost quite enjoyed. They’d been out there dancing for a while now. And it seemed the alcohol was working its magic on the both of them. The crowd was a wild mass of bodies in motion. But every now and then, they would align just right and grant him a glimpse of his target. It was like the whole world had joined in on teasing him, edging him closer and closer to what he craved so badly. He imagined it was his body she was rubbing herself all over, not König's. His hands on those curves of hers, not König's.
But the next glimpse he got of her made his cock twitch in his pants. She was behaving like an absolute whore, bending over to grant König a peek up her dress. He could tell by the smirk on her face that it was wholly intentional, too. And as luck would have it, Ghost had a direct line of sight to her raunchy display. But he found himself biting back a moan when he caught an unexpected glimpse of bare flesh. Fuck. She wasn’t wearing panties. And she’d just unknowingly flashed him from across the room. He couldn’t tear his eyes away and it took every ounce of his strength not to pounce right then and there. But his mood darkened when he saw that König was yet again ruining his fun, stepping in to guard her honor and unknowingly block his view.
It was then and there that Ghost made up his mind. The plan was decided. And if everything went according to plan, this would be the very last time König would get to enjoy her like this. Because when the night was over, Ghost fully intended to stake his claim. To capture his prize.
Slamming his fist on the bar, he snapped the bartender to immediate attention. It looked like he'd be purchasing a drink tonight after all.
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I know this story includes some pretty dark themes. But at the end of the day, I care more about the well-being of my readers than I do for hits or kudos. Period. I never want my writing to conjure up emotions or feelings that negatively impact you beyond the story. This story can be dark and uncomfortable at times. But it is always intended strictly for fun and fantasy. If at any point along the way it stops being a pleasurable experience, please please close this page and walk away. My stories are never worth your well-being, loves.
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burquillos · 6 months
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Boom boom bakudan💥✨💥✨💥✨
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tangledinink · 7 months
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am i here to advocate for a @tmntaucompetition poll i'm not even in? absolutely i am~
listen up y'all. i need you guys to pretty plz go and vote little scraps of wisdom and feral leo to tie. because if they tie, then they get to go up against gemini in the next round. and audi said, in what was BASICALLY a legally binding contract, that if that happened, they'd write a LSOW/Gemini crossover thing with me. and did you know that the gemini are lou jitsu's BIGGEST FANS EVER?...
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skylersprompts · 9 months
DC x DP Prompt *26*
In one moment everything was good. His parents accepted him as Phantom and were actively reworking their theories. In the next moment he felt like his core was about to shatter in millions of little pieces. His parents, sisters and friends died.
The explosion happened, even though it had been a different day, different circumstances and different reason. They wanted to celebrate his death day, to show him that they cared.
He was in so much agony from losing his fright, that he saw them to late. The Guys in White captured him, before he was even able to transform.
He never got an answer to how they knew he was Phantom, because ecto-scum didn't deserve anything.
Danny didn't know how long he had been there, only that they started to get careless. The GiW wanted to transport him to a new facility, but something happened outside and the Van had to stop.
The agents with him left him alone to deal with what ever had coursed the disturbance and he took his chance.
The door was unlocked.
The door was open.
He bolted.
He wasn't able to use his powers at the moment, because of the bracelet that contained them, but there was enough chaos for him to slip away, even locked into his human form.
After a good distance he looked down on himself. He wasn't wearing anything meant for the streets, just a fully covering medical gown.
So he started to look around the ally and he was lucky. In one of the dumpsters was some kind of costume. It seemed like a Halloween costume, but it was better than nothing.
He looked at it and deemed the Robin Costume a good fit and quickly changed in it. He even found the mask and shoes after some digging!
In his full Robin Costume he hurried to get further away. But luck was never on his good side, so it didn't take long for a rough looking agent to find him.
It only took one small shot out of the agents ecto-gun for Danny to crumble to the floor. And a few seconds later he felt fists and insults hitting him.
And maybe it was the lack of sleep, the loneliness, the pain or a combination of everything. But he knew that the only thing he wanted right now, was his Dad to save him and give him one of his world famous bear hugs.
And even though Danny knew that his Dad was gone, he couldn't hold his cries for his Dad in any longer.
It only took a few seconds before the agent was flying away from him and Danny was lifted in the air, swinging up
"Robin, are you oka-? You are not Robi-. Are you okay chum?"
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