#curly haired Scott Lang
antvnger · 2 years
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Yeah? You think she would? I’ve got a picture somewhere of my curly hair.
Oh yeah here we go.
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You think she’d like that?
Fun fact: I’m the only one in my family with curly hair. One of my great grandparents on both side of my family had curly hair, and my uncles and aunts have curly hair, but both of my parents have straight hair. Sadie, my sister, has straight hair, and I’m the only one who’s inherited the curly hair.
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supercap2319 · 9 months
"Steve. You're Robin Hood in this universe?" Y/N asked.
"Don't know no "Robin', M'Lord. But the King's forces call me Rogers Hood." Steve said.
Y/N looks around the tree. "Wow. This place is amazing. I can't believe you guys steal from the rich and give to the poor."
"Tis wrong of our Queen, may she rest in peace, to charge unfair taxes on her poor subjects." Scott Lang said.
"You don't pay taxes, Lang." Bucky grumbles.
Y/N chuckles at that as Steve looks at him. "Another fellow traveler from beyond the stars on our side. We are fortunate indeed."
"Another traveler? Who else is here?"
Steve motioned him to follow him as they walked towards a man in blue and gold armor drink ale as Scott proposed a toast of victory for their score they just stole. "Y/N, this is Sir Icarus of Eternall."
Y/N's breath caught in his throat. Sir Icarus of Eternall was very good looking. He was everything like his Ikaris back home, but this Ikaris had curly dark hair instead of straight.
"M'Lord." Y/N bowed awkwardly.
Icarus/Ikaris smiled. "So thou are the one who killed thy king's sister? Huzzah to you." He took another drink of his ale.
"I didn't kill her. It was the incursions of this world. I need your help. If we want to live to see tomorrow, we need to get the King's scepter."
"Have you gone mad? Steal from the King? Even I would not try something that foolish." Icarus/Ikaris said.
"You know in my world, my Ikaris fought with Odin and his forces. They were able to keep up with the Gods of Norse. And I suspect you can too. You're an Eternal, Ikaris. You can help me save this world. It's what you were made for."
"You talk a good game, young witchbreed, but it is nay. Thy world is doomed." Icarus/Ikaris said.
"Not with that attitude, Sir Icarus." Bucky said.
"What does thou need from us?" Steve asked.
"I need a way to get into the castle, but there's only one man who can help us. Tony Stark." Y/N said.
"Ah, yes, Stark. His young squire, Peter Parquagh, may be of use in your quest. Spyder-Knight! We beckon thee!" Scott called as Y/N watched a man in blue and red armor that looked like a spider came towards them.
He took off his helmet to reveal a mop of unkept brown hair and shining brown eyes. Y/N watched him bow. "M'Lord."
"Peter!" Y/N cried excitedly.
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blankdblank · 8 months
Poke Snippet
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“Oh no, surely you’re due,” she started to joke only to have her grin drop same as yours to the sight of the van and three bodies blocking the alley off.
Hank Pym between his daughter Hope and a man you knew to be Scott Lang stood in similar leathery getups. Hank was the first to speak in the abrupt silence, “I’ve heard the White Dove does one favor, I am aware this is sudden but-…” By the spike in your pulse, or the step MJ took to inch herself behind you triggering your arm to ease out in front of her chest, all around the five of you a pale blue mist erupted.
All of a sudden the five of you were dropped heavily onto a stone floor resembling marble not native to Earth. Glass walls and pillars of the same material in a watch tower like space filled with bodies, both standing freely in similar uniforms or those in different styles apparently trapped in containment beams held by star shaped floating drones. Right away you began to cough air back into your lungs, taking in what you could of this odd place with different alien races around your group. One boldly familiar in the bunch was Peter Quill trapped inside the beams.
“Hey!” he exclaimed before he could stop himself, “Long time no see!”
His smile dropped when the curly haired male guard across from him pointed at you asking, “You know them?”
“No,” Peter said shaking his head. Failing to try and protect you from being lumped in with him and his ragtag group.
Drax, the scarred shirtless body hovering beside Quill spoke up, “Long time no see means you have seen them before, Peter.”
“She’s just a kid from Earth I saw in a park last time I was there. Glad you got that cast off.”
The hologram of a tree like creature spoke its name, but you heard it speak clearly, “What is a cast?”
“A cast, she had a broken arm, some guy with a wrench attacked her.” Peter tried to explain.
Scott Lang was the first to ask you softly while they spoke about you, “Do you know them?”
“Dad, where are we?” Hope asked Hank whose eyes were still fixed upon your seemingly calm self. Adding in a sharp whisper, “All you said was to watch out if her eyes lit up! You never said she teleports!”
And the hologram of the raccoon beside the tree creature, all separated but able to interact here for some possible reason of leverage in threat of harm when apart you guessed, spoke up dropping MJ’s jaw against her try to keep stoic as you seemed to be doing for her and the others. “Now that’s a fair bit more back story than what you’d get out of seeing a kid in a park.”
“What happens when I get cornered in an alley nowadays.” You replied lowly.
“I just needed to ask you a favor.” Hank tried to defend himself.
Drax nodded and a hologram of a blue woman with black eyes yet to be named Nebula spoke up, “That is no child of Terra, Peter. She is lying to you.”
“By cornering me in an alley?” you challenged him as your eyes swiveled over the guards who weren’t certain what exactly to do with this.
Gamora nodded at that, “No human has those eyes.” she agreed at the shared knowledge of even pink Kree being born with purple eyes.
“All I’ve heard is the White Dove would do one favor if it was interesting enough!” he answered pointedly.
The white haired woman called into the room put an end to this confusing moment by pointing at your group, “Apparently your escape plan backfired Star Prince,” a nickname that had Peter sigh and roll his eyes.
“There is no escape plan, and they aren’t with me.” Peter tried to argue to the swaying hand order that called four more drones from the wall to lift the five of you off the ground. “And you know it’s Star Lord.”
“Don’t do this,” you said flatly to the white haired woman puzzling the others as it came off as more or a warning to her than a plea to be released. She ordered the group be divided, you to stay here and the others taken away to soon be seen in holograms of their own. Over to Peter you looked while you were being hovered to be lined up inside the containment field Peter was being held in. “You aren’t particularly fond of anyone on this planet are you?” you asked compounding the concern of the guards who caught on to the ominous warning and confusion of everyone else.
“No, just come here to sell stuff every now and again,” he answered with a shake of his head.
“Good to know.” You replied unable to turn and watch where your group was being taken, but listened through the bee that had dropped off your hair to hide in MJ’s so you’d know how far away she was and how scared she was.
��Accomplice from Terra, tell us what you know of this buffoon of a criminal’s plan and we may yet let you go alive.” She spoke while you tried to calm yourself down at being held captive on a planet out of reach of Yggdrasil and by extension Eldfalls.
“Mark Twain once said, ‘Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.’ I take it you don’t have a lot of practice with buffoon criminals.” You replied and her brows dropped in irritation from their prior arched posture in some mental assertion of authority.
Drax chuckled as Peter said, “Never really took to Twain’s books. Couldn’t get even half through the one about the boy and the raft.”
Scott spoke up as he was being secured into his own containment field, “That’s his best book.”
The white haired woman looked to the hovering screen she motioned over revealing MJ being hoisted up over a circular opening in the floor of whatever room she was in. “Let me guess, lava pit?” You asked to the subtle pulses your bees sent out to help you keep track of where everyone was, helped greatly by the bee who snuck from your hair into hers before she was taken.
The white haired woman spoke up in a determined tone, “Tell me what the Star Prince here had planned on Xandar or I will have your companion dropped into the molten core of our planet.”
Right through the display screen matched by one she could see you on you watched MJ take a deep breath and try to keep from showing the panic on her face when she felt a tingle through her braid the bee there gave off mirroring the flutter of wings on the bee in your bangs. Without an ounce of care on your face you replied flatly, “Drop her.”
Gamora and Nebula shared a glance at one another to Hope’s whisper to her dad hovering beside her, “This is who you wanted to help us?”
You continued as Hope spoke, “What she gets for cheating on me with The Duckling.”
“Oh that’s cold,” MJ fired back trying not to have a smirk break across her face at the hint you had a plan.
“Drop her?” the woman repeated in shock to Peter’s wide eyed stare as Rocket and Groot looked between the both of you at this soap opera unraveling.
“Be sure to scream on the way down,” you said tauntingly to MJ.
“Oh, I am so going to haunt you,” MJ added on with eyes narrowed challengingly at you.
“Promises, Promises.” You replied and Gamora said to her sister, “I like these two.”
“Drop her,” The white haired woman spoke up in a gesture of her hand—… (to be continued in the series on ao3)
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Hey, I was wondering if you could do a romantic matchup for Star Wars, Marvel, and Harry Potter.
I’m a 18 years old straight female. My hair is naturally dark brown but I have blonde highlights so the majority of my hair looks blonde right now. My hair is kinda curly but I usually straighten it because of insecurities. I am 5’1, I know I’m short.
I would consider myself an extrovert, I have the ability to make a conversation with anyone. I consider myself smart but I do come off as ditzy. I have a rough exterior which causes some to be intimidated by me but I care deeply about others. Loyalty is a major thing for me. Sometimes I get paranoid so I need someone who is patient and understanding.
I adore cold weather and love to wear sweaters. My favorite artist is Taylor swift. I love baking because I get to experiment with different recipes. I love playing video games and reading. My receiving love languages are physical touch and gift giving. While my giving love languages are acts of service.
Thanks in advance.
Hey!!! Thank you so much for requesting a matchup! I am super excited about this and I hope you enjoy it!! <333
Star Wars;
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🪐 You were friends with Poe when you met Finn, you thought he was cute and quickly started talking to him; finding Finn to be quite awkward yet super sweet.
🪐 Finn's first impression of you was that you were very smart - later realizing that under that rough exterior was a kind, caring heart (a sentiment that Finn soon grew to admire)
🪐 You spent a lot of time together when you had the chance, and when your both weren't fighting the First Order; taking walks together, training together, or even sitting quietly in the same room reading together
🪐 Just being in each other's presence was very therapeutic for both of you, a rare occurrence in your daily lives, you both found so much comfort in being near each other
🪐 Finn radiates empathy, kindness, patience, and understanding, always making sure you are alright, both mentally and physically; Finn would never do you wrong, he's as loyal as they come
🪐 If you are ever paranoid or insecure, Finn is there to push away those fears, to remind you that you're loved; he's always there for you when you need him, and he doesn't hesitate to take the risk of losing his own life in order to protect yours
🪐 If you ever need a hug, Finn is there to give you one, and he’ll hold you as tight as you want to be held; he has the most incredible hugs in the world, and he smells like cinnamon, (he just does; he smells like home)
🪐 Finn loves giving you things, such as new articles of clothing you may need or even a new book, he loves the smile that you give him and the way your eyes sparkle when you receive them
🪐 He loves to join you when you cook, especially Deep-Fried Nuna Legs, though he finds anything you make delicious
🪐 Overall, Finn finds you perfect, so pretty with your blonde hair and cute sweaters; you have the most wonderful personality that makes Finn's stomach flutter and his heart beat faster than it has ever had before, you were his treasure
Scott Lang:
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🃏 Now you met Scott when you joined the Avengers, and you immediately bonded with him, him being pretty extroverted as well
🃏 No need to worry about him not being patient and understanding, he's a dad and that comes second nature to him
🃏 No matter how you're feeling, he'd be there to make sure you are in high spirits, and if you aren't, he'd set up a nice movie night for you or even try and make you laugh with a card trick
🃏 He's not the best cook, but he tries for his daughter and for you; frequently joining you as you cook, loving to experiment with different food, combinations, and spices
🃏 When he's not asked to fight space aliens or any other villains, he's with you playing video games; even Cassie joins in sometimes if you're playing Minecraft, but other times you play Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Overcooked 2, and even sometimes Phasmaphobia (Scott hates the jumpscares but plays it with you nonetheless)
🃏 When you do have family movie nights, you'd cuddle with Scott, and Cassie in between the two of you as you watched some funny Disney movie or Dreamworks movie; eating popcorn and candy
🃏 Being the jokester he is, Scott would have dance parties with you, randomly entering the room with a small speaker on his shoulder like it was a Boombox, blasting a Taylor Swift song; in the end, the two of you sang along to the song and danced in each other's arms
🃏 In the Wintertime, when the snow is falling and holidays are in the air, Scott would wake you up early to go out to get hot cocoa, before spending the rest of the day ice skating, having snowball fights, and building snowmen with Cassie, before ending the night with a holiday movie and more hot cocoa; the side of Scott's face nuzzled into your sweater
🃏 For holidays or birthdays, Scott would gift you with new sweaters, video games, or even a trip to that new restaurant that had just opened up across town; he'd even take the time and try and paint something for you (It may have looked as if a child painted it, but you loved it nonetheless)
🃏 Scott loves you, he really does, you’re the best thing that ever happened to him; he doesn’t think he deserves you, but he’s so grateful for your love, and he can never thank you enough for giving it to him, you make sure he feels loved; you feel that same love from Scott, and you know how much he loves you, he'd scream it from the rooftops if he had to, he's in awe of your thoughtfulness and kindness towards all those around you, even the way you treat him is a testament to your compassion, he loves you so, so much and he knows that there is no one else out there for him but you
Harry Potter;
Neville Longbottom:
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🍀 You had known Neville since you helped him find Trevor in the First Year, sitting in his train cabin during the trip to Hogwarts
🍀 During the years you became friends, finding his awkwardness adorable, you knew him as a shy boy who was easily bullied by a group of older kids because of his appearance and lack of confidence which caused him to be bullied more often, but you would always stand up to those bullies for him; you were very protective of him after all he was your best friend since First Year
🍀 As the years went on, you fell for the young man, finding his appreciation of plants, the beauty of nature, his love for reading, and the outdoors endearing; it was almost impossible not to like him
🍀 After surviving Hogwarts and the battle, you moved in together in a small cottage near a thick forest and a small lake; there Neville had his own garden for his plants and you made sure that you had a sunroom where you could sit and read
🍀 Neville would bring you flowers if you have a hard day and it was always a different bouquet every time, Mayflowers, Roses, Millisweets, Tulips, they never failed to make your day; you'd even find small notes that he'd leave for you around the house and you couldn't help but smile as your heart melted into mush whenever you saw them
🍀 In the wintertime, when he was free from Hogwarts work, Neville would take you to Hogsmeade, the both of you hand in hand as you visited small shops and got warm Butterbeer
🍀 At home, you'd both read together, cuddled on the couch in your matching sweaters; your head would rest on his shoulder as his rested on your head, the both of you smiling softly
🍀 When you would finish a good book, you'd recommend it to Neville, and he'd read it just for you; he'd also do the same, you'd wake up to a new book on your bedside table with a small post-it note from Neville on it, reminding you to have a good day and to take care of yourself
🍀 You'd also visit him at Hogwarts, greeting McGonagall as you headed to the greenhouse during your Neville's lunch; you'd bring your own snack, sitting with him in the greenhouse surrounded by plants and the beautiful sun shining down on you
🍀 You couldn't stop smiling around Neville, finding him to be the most beautiful soul you've ever encountered; it was as though nothing else existed except for him and you, you could just stare at his face or listen to the sweetest melodies coming from his lips for hours on end, making you fall deeper and deeper every passing day
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winter-spiders · 2 years
Kinktober Day 12
Wet Dream - SpiderAnt (Scott Lang x Peter Parker) 416 words
Scott knew it was wrong to pine after someone only 6 years older than his own child, but Peter just made it so easy! Peter had an energy that matched his own perfectly! He was funny and carefree but with a seriousness that was held in, he went through so much in life, and still only sees the good in everything. Peter was perfect in Scotts eyes.
 Then the dreams started. Every time Scott and Peter hung out for more than an hour, there was a 99.9% chance that Scott would have a dream about the younger later that night. The dreams were almost always dirty in some way. Always the younger sitting in his lap, grinding down on him, or Peter laying on a bed, wearing pretty lacy panties and showing off his smooth and soft-looking hole. 
Then the spontaneous movie nights started. Peter would randomly barge into his room at the compound  (when he was there). Peter started watching movies almost every night he could with Scott, whether it was older movies or brand new ones, of all genres, they watched them. Then Scott fell asleep during the second SAW movie. 
Scott woke up, with the phantom touch of Peter slowly fucking into him and sees Peter staring down at his hard and wet crotch. Scott had a wet dream of Peter, with Peter in the same damn room. He was fucking terrified of what Peter would do until the younger leaned down and licked a strip across his straining erection. 
“Fuck” Scott moaned, throwing his head back onto the couch they were cuddled together on. Peter pulled down the older mans sweatpants and sucked his cock down into his throat, swallowing around it. Scotts hand made its way into Peters curly brown hair and pulled “fuck, Peter what are you doing?” 
Peter pulled up, and looked at Scott with a confused grin, “I’m sucking a dick, right now, why?” and the y both let out a laugh “I was hoping to kiss you on the lips before they touched anything else on my body” Scott wanted to be honest, he cared about Peter a lot. Peter let go of the dick in his hand and leaned up to where Scotts face was, until their lips were almost brushing together “Can i still get a kiss before i continue?” Scott leaned forward, answering the question without words and connected their lips. 
God Scott was so happy he had a wet dream for once.
yeah, mostly Scotts POV, i wanted to try something different
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holdmytesseract · 2 years
Because we all love protective dad!Loki... Here, have a small drabble. 😁 The idea just came into my mind and I thought it would be very sweet - and funny. 😊
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"Alright, guys! Are we ready to go?" Tony's voice echoed over the landing place of the Quinjet. He was dressed in his suit, ready for the upcoming mission. When he reached the small group of Avengers, which were going to join him, he started to frown - what nobody else could see, of course. Tony had counted three people, not four. Clint was there, alongside Scott and Peter, but yes... Somebody was missing. The billionaire rolled annoyed his eyes. "Where's Reindeer Games?" Clint shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. I didn't see him this morning." The other agreed. "Me too, Mr. Stark." "No idea." An annoyed groan left Tony's lips. "Thumbelina, Spider-Boy, go get him, please. Thank you." With those words he marched to the Quinjet, Clint following him. "Come on, Peter." Scott and Peter made their way back inside the compound and towards the apartment of Loki and Y/N. Scott knocked. Gently at first, but when he got no answer, he banged his fist harder against the door. "Loki?! Where are you?! We are all waiting for-" Lang got cut off, as the door in front of him got ripped open. "Shhh!" Loki hissed at the men in front of him aggressively. He was wearing nothing but grey sweatpants, hanging low on his hips. Loki's raven hair was tugged back behind his ears, revealing his sharp cheekbones and jawline. The reason why he was shirtless? He had cradled Ella - his three-month-old daughter against his chest. The baby girl wore a pink onesie, her chubby legs neatly pressed against her father's ribcage. Ella's small palms rested on Loki's pec's, holding on for dear life, as she slept peacefully. Now and then a few coos left her tiny lips. The God had one hand underneath her bottom, the other was supporting her head - on which were tufts of black, curly hair. Clearly her father's. "Ella has just fallen asleep, after hours of whimpering and crying - and then you two pathetic wannabe insects decide to almost break down the door! What do you want?!" Loki was clearly not amused. Both, Scott and Peter swallowed, didn't expect this to happen. "T-Tony sent us to, uh, look where you are, b-because of the mission-" Loki cut off Scott again, didn't let him finish his sentence. "I don't care about that stupid mission. Y/N didn't sleep properly for the last two nights. She is nurturing our baby and if she wants to continue that, she needs to rest. Meaning, I am on dad duty today - which is, by far more important than rescuing cats from trees. Now if you would excuse me? I have a baby to tend to." Before Scott or Peter could answer anything, the door got slammed (gently) shut in front of their faces.
To hear her father's rather loud voice, ripped Ella almost from her deep slumber, a few soft whines leaving her lips, as she rubbed her cheek against Loki's warm chest, on search for body contact. "Shh, baby girl. Everything's okay... Just two mortals being idiots." He rocked her gently, while making his way back towards the sofa. "Lokes?" A sleepy voice called behind him. The God spun around and saw Y/N standing in the doorway to their bedroom in her cute pyjama, rubbing her eyes. His heart clenched at the sight. Norns, how much he loved that woman. "Everythin' okay? I heard voices..." He quickly walked over to her, nodding. "Of course, darling." Loki pressed a soft kiss on her forehead. "N' Ella? She okay?" "Yes, love. Go back to sleep. I've got her." Y/N smiled tiredly. "Okay." With another kiss - this time on her lips, Loki sent his wife back to bed. Then he settled on the sofa, with his daughter, who was awake again, probably because she heard her mama's voice. He placed the infant on his chest with both hands on her back to steady her and keeping her from falling. "Therefore that mama is back asleep, what are we two going to do now, Princess? Taking a nap as well?" He spoke softly to the baby. Ella looked up at her father, big blue eyes meeting his, sending a wave of love and happiness through the God. Yes... This was the happiest he had ever been.
Tagging: @lokisgoodgirlbackup @lovingchoices14 @evelyn-kingsley @jennyggggrrr @acefeather2002
(If you want to be added to one of my Taglists, let me know! :D)
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captainenjolras · 2 years
My headcanons for marvel characters that I include in my writing that I’m sharing cause I’m trying this new thing where I do what makes me happy regardless about what other people think pt. 1: OG 6 edition!
Tony Stark
Sexuality: bi
Gender + pronouns: cis, he/him
Race/heritage: white (Italian)
Mental: OCD, PTSD, anxiety
Physical: asthma
Defining traits (personality): snarky, caring, sarcastic, fun-loving
Defining traits (physical): hooked nose, large eyes
Relationship status: dating Stephen Strange
Best friends: James Rhodes, Pepper Potts, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanoff, Happy Hogan
Random facts: big nerd, cat person, pierced his nose when he was 16 by himself but passed out while doing so and just decided to give up
Steve Rogers
Sexuality: bi, polyam
Gender + pronouns: trans man, he/him
Race/heritage: white (Irish)
Mental: PTSD, depression, ADHD
Physical: n/a post serum, vitiligo
Defining traits (personality): loyal, comforting, firm, no-nonsense
Defining traits (physical): top surgery scars, buff
Relationship status: dating Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson
Best friends: Natasha Romanoff, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff
Random facts: Star Wars fan, dog person, he broke his arm 3 times pre-serum
Natasha Romanoff
Sexuality: lesbian
Gender + pronouns: demi-girl, she/they
Race/heritage: white (Russian)
Mental: PTSD, depression, paranoia
Physical: n/a
Defining traits (personality): caring, loyal, dependable, hype-girl
Defining traits (physical): fire red hair, TALL, scars
Relationship status: dating Maria Hill
Best friends: Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, Clint Barton
Random facts: still practices ballet, good cook, can’t sing for the life of her
Bruce Banner
Sexuality: bi
Gender + pronouns: trans masculine nonbinary, he/they
Race/heritage: Hispanic (Mexican and Brazilian)
Mental: autism, PTSD, DID, anxiety, depression
Physical: needs glasses unless he’s the Hulk
Defining traits (personality): gentle, dorky, smart, kind
Defining traits (physical): top surgery scars, stretch marks, VERY curly hair, scars, freckles everywhere
Relationship status: dating Thor
Best friends: Thor, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Loki, Valkyrie, Korg, Stephen Strange
Random facts: giant nerd someone help him, actually has multiple piercings (done pre-Hulk obviously), always cold (that’s why him and Thor work so well)
Clint Barton
Sexuality: aroace
Gender + pronouns: trans masculine demi-boy, he/they
Race/heritage: white (Irish and German)
Mental: autism, PTSD, ADHD
Physical: deaf
Defining traits (personality): fun-loving, kind, dependable, sly
Defining traits (physical): top surgery scars, hearing aids, always has bandages somewhere on them, bright blonde hair
Relationship status: n/a
Best friends: Natasha Romanoff, Scott Lang, Sam Wilson, Thor, Wanda Maximoff
Random facts: double jointed and everyone hates it, can’t cook at all, his favorite series is the Real Housewives shows
Thor Odinson
Sexuality: pan
Gender + pronouns: cis, he/they
Race/heritage: …Norse God
Mental: ADHD, PTSD, depression
Physical: missing an eye
Defining traits (personality): hyper, kind, comforting, brave
Defining traits (physical): fake eye, buff, VERY tall, scars
Relationship status: dating Bruce Banner
Best friends: Loki, Bruce Banner, Valkyrie, Jane Foster, Darcy Lewis, Korg, Rocket, Peter Parker, Steve Rogers
Random facts: surprisingly also a very big nerd, abuses his allspeak and gets into arguments with animals, always warm (that’s why him and Bruce work so well)
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dizzydancingdreamer · 3 years
Okay just imagine going to college with Scott and he fuckinff looks like this I ASJEBDHSBS-
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Going to University with Scott Lang
Pairing: Scott Lang x Art History Student F!Reader
Word Count: 2k ish
Notes: this got away from me but all of my exchanges with you today literally put me in such a Scott mood and this gif sealed the deal— Thank you for the unitentional inspo Eris <3
*Unedited and will remain that way until tmr*
Headcannons below the cut
→ Always, always, always reading— her professors insist on assigning at least four books a class and it becomes insufferable at times but he's always there with a shoulder rub or a warm hoodie or another iced coffee
→ It's actually how they met: she was running terribly late to class and her arms were piled with those treacherous books and she was rounding the corner, vision obstructed, and boom she was suddenly not running but instead sprawled across the sidewalk alongside her books, knees scraped because she had insisted on wearing shorts in October
→ And an oof sounded from beside her and there was this lanky boy with curly brown hair and these bright blue eyes and she wanted to cry because of course she had bumped into a cute boy but then he started laughing and his laugh sounded like melted ice-cream in july— all gooey and warm and friendly— and god she really needed a friend and just like that she was laughing too
→ He called her out after that— you're a freshman, yeah— and her face felt like it was on fire but she was still riding that giddy high of laughter so she stuck out her hand and waited for him to take it before proclaiming— yep and a painfully late one at that; what's with all the hallways here?— and he laughed again because— Couldn't tell you; I'm a second year and I still get lost
→ And then he jumped to his feet and and held out a hand and introduced himself with a quick— I'm Scott— and she took his hand and offered her own name and, with the last dregs of laughter still in her and the desperate need to have at least one friend, tested her luck— Say since I'm already late do you maybe wanna' show me around a little? If you think you can remember the way, that is
→ And his ears turned pink and his cheeks too but of course he said yes because he may be clumsy and had been looking down when she turned to corner and his knee now kind of hurt too but he wasn't stupid— he's many things but a man who turns down an offer to spend a few hours with a pretty girl isn't one
→ So yeah she's always, always, always reading but without the reading she wouldn't have met her best friend so it's really not that much of a price to pay
→ The other thing her professors insist on are visiting the local museums in the area— she doesn't mind that one nearly as much— she loves the atmosphere and being around the paintings and sculptures and the whole of the museums— especially when she manages to drag Scott along
→ Drag, trail after him as he drags her through the museum almost more excited to be there than her, same thing
→ They've gotten some dirty stares before from how loud he talks about the art and, well, the things he says about the art but she doesn't care— he makes her feel warm and happy and laugh— gods she hasn't stopped laughing since that day in freshman year— he may not understand the concepts or the abstract pieces or even some of the basic pieces but he tries and his hand is always in hers
→ In turn she sneaks into the back of his physics classes, dodging the stares from his professors who wouldn't say anything anyway because Scott is an A+ student despite how much he downplays it and they need him in their class
→ She usually just dozes off because for some reason his class is at seven pm and she's already exhausted from her own classes so she just tugs on his hoodie sleeve until he peels it off and passes it to her in which she hastily pulls it on and pulls the hood up, tightening the strings and slumping in her seat
→ Often times she ends up with her head on his shoulder, knees tucked against her chest, or, if she's especially tired, with her head on his lap which— while it's cramped— is surprisingly comfortable— usually his hand ends up on her shoulder or her head— honestly half the time he falls asleep too— the back row is good for that
→ Their fave hangout spot is her dorm room— it would be his but he has a roommate who has a disturbing lack of cleanliness and somehow manages to get his socks on Scott's side of the room— and with her scholarship she got one of the sparse single dorms and always teases him with it
→ "You wanna' come over and study tonight?" "Don't you mean study at mine?" "Shut up I get it— you have the better dorm. Will you ever not hold that over me?" "Never, Scotty."
→ Half the time they just end up falling asleep on her bed— their relationship is built quite heavily on naps— they fall asleep with a good amount of distance between them but somehow always manage to wake up sprawled on top of one another— they both blame it on the other when they wake up and jump away from each other and get all awkward about it until one of them laughs and crawls back to the other, all but yanking them into their arms like why do we do this every time can't we just cuddle
→ After that they do cuddle and a lot— at football games, at the coffee shop, in the library, at campus movie nights, at parties— everywhere— they were inseperable before but now it's so bad and all their friends groan when they see it but they shrug it off like sorry you're a touchstarved Uni kid but we refuse to play by that narrative— like they're always spouting some bullshit that makes their friends groan even louder but laugh
→ He's huge on nicknames— mona lisa, bugs, kid (that one makes her so mad because Scott I'm a year younger than you and he just laughs), clutz, and— when the clock reads well after midnight and somehow they've gravitated towards each other and he can't help but pull her against his chest— baby (he blames it on the late hour and being tired and doesn't stop to realize that she adores it and him)
→ She's not as good at nicknames, only calling him Scotty or sir trips-a-lot because for as much as he tells her she's clumsy he sure as hell falls a lot
→ As nerdy as he is I refuse to believe that he also isn't a little Alt— later in life he goes on to pull a Robin Hood Esque heist so I have a feeling he also wore black jeans that were ripped at the knees and was cool enough to frequent his fair share of house parties— he may be clumsy and kinda dorky but he's still hot and got the invites
→ Of course he brings her despite how much she digs her heels in and tries to bribe him— but Scotty I saw the movie theatre was playing that movie you wanted to see don't you want to go— and he just laughs like we can go after class on Tuesday nice try
→ So she tries again— but Scotty I have a test on Monday I really think I should study— and he just shakes his head because we both know you know the material inside and out Bugs just c'mon it'll be fun I won't leave your side you know that
→ And he's right and she knows he's right and she's kind of pissed that he can read her that well but finally she caves because she is kind of craving a night of heavy bass and warm coolers and that's exactly what the night has in store for her— dancing with her best friend and drinking sugary vodka coolers and stumbling over him with his hands all over her and it hits her in that drunk moment that that's why she said yet— because when they go to parties together his arms are always around her, half dancing, half protecting her and she craves it
→ Her favourite part of the night is walking back to her dorm room with him in tow, hands crawling up her sides, respectfully but grabby, clingy, giggling as they stumble across the green, clutching at each other's sweaters and tripping a few times, often rolling down the hills and screaming at two am as they end up on top of one another
→ One night they had just stayed like that, sprawled under the stars for a few hours just talking— it was that night that he told her so many things she would have never thought— that he's scared of disappointing his parents and that sometimes he wonders if people actually like him and that he doesn't actually like physics all that much, that part of him wishes he had gone for something different, but then he takes that part back— he doesn't hate it he just fucked a test up and it's been eating at him
→ In turn she told him that before she met him she'd never even had a best friend, that her family is depending on her and her scholarship, that she's scared she won't be able to make a career out of art history, and that she's scared he's going to leave her—
→ And he had rolled over— which was a little hard considering she was on top of him— and leaned over her with a dopey grin but serious eyes, hoodie smelling of grass and cinnamon buns, and told her that she's a literal dummy if she could think that he would leave her and that he's the one whose waiting for her to realize that he's just an average guy whose jokes aren't all that great and that if anyone is in the position to do the leaving then it's her
→ She had just smacked his shoulder and told him to never say something so stupid again or she just might leave before pushing him back down and reclaiming her spot
→ Needless to say that was one of the best nights of her life and so from then she always says yes to his invites— he doesn't ask often anyway, half the time he's the one asking to stay in anyway for a marathon of Star Wars movies or monopoly or take out or all three
→ He geeks out and tries to explain all the movies to her despite the fact that Scotty we watch these once a month I understand the plot but he just pouts until she lets him explain anyway— she doesn't mind anyway, she just likes teasing him and seeing his neck turn red— besides it's cute when he goes on tangents and he does know some fascinating facts
→ She always wins at Monopoly— she isn't good at it at all but she always wins— enough said
→ He orders the orange chicken and spring rolls and green pepper beef and she orders the chicken fried rice and the dumplings and insists every time that she wants none of his but he orders extra anyway because you say that every time and then I blink and all mine is gone and she just simpers with a quiet you love me Scotty and he gets all flustered because wow she just said that and yeah you're right but if anyone asked I would deny it
→ God no he wouldn't
→ They're helplessly slow burn, both clueless as to the other's feelings but also not? It's more like they're okay with where they are and kinda want to kiss so bad but need that 5% extra reassurance and every time they get close they either get interupted or back out not wanting to ruin their friendship
→ But at this point everyone is basically like when are you two getting married
→ Like everyone— friends, random old couples at the coffee shop, his mom when she meets her at thanksgiving
→ Even her Russian Modernism professor told her that you and your boyfriend are really adorable and she had to stammer her way through explaining that no we aren't dating it's not like that and her professor had just passed her a sly smile and said not yet
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Part two?
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bri3ll3 · 3 years
pairing: scott lang x black!reader
word count: 467
summary: cassie makes a new friend and introduces her to her scott.
a/n: here’s some scott and cassie lang content!
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i was walking my dog, duke, around my neighborhood trying to get use to the area. i didn’t know anyone but i knew that the neighbor to my right has a daughter, who might i add is absolutely adorable.
“hi” i hear a little voice behind me, i turn around and see my neighbors daughter smiling at me revealing her two missing teeth.
“hi sweetheart” she giggles at the nickname making me smile.
“i like you’re hair, it’s soooo curly” i smile at her compliment, i see her eyes sparkle as she looks at my hair.
“why thank you and i like yours too, the tiara makes you look likes a pretty princess” she giggles at my compliment.
“i’m cassie” she holds her tiny hand out and i shake it.
“i’m y/n” i say and she squeals making me giggle.
“we’re friends now” she declared and i smile, she runs away and yells “daddy i made a new friend” i giggle at her excitement.
“and who could that be peanut” her dad asks as she pulls him towards me.
he’s very handsome and i can tell he has a great personality based off of his daughter.
“daddy this is my new friend, y/n” cassie announced and he looks up, his eyes widen as i smile.
“hi nice to meet you...” i trail off not knowing his name.
“scott and it’s nice to meet you as well” he smiles at me and i smile back feeling warmth spread in my chest.
a year and a half later
“i’m gonna get you” scott yelled goofily as i ran around with cassie on my back.
“he’s picking up speed” cassie yells through her giggles.
“cassie hold on” she tightens her grip around my neck and waist.
i turn around stopping scott in his tracks, i grab his chin and kiss him catching him off guard. i pull away and run off with cassie down the hall.
“that wasn’t fair” scott yells making cassie and i giggle as we run upstairs, i walk into her room and kneel beside her bed so she can get off of my back and get into her bed.
“alright sweetheart get some sleep” i tuck her in and make sure she’s good before kissing her forehead.
i turn her nightlight on and turn her light out before meeting scott at the doorway “night peanut” he says pulling me into him.
“night daddy, night y/n” she mumbles sleepily before scott closes the door, leaving to cracked slightly.
scott and i walk into his room and he pulls me in for a kiss, i wrap my arms around his neck deepening the kiss.
he pulls away and rests his forehead in mine “i love you” he says barely above a whisper and i smile.
“and i love you”
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fanficmaniatic · 3 years
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I posted 2,122 times in 2021
307 posts created (14%)
1815 posts reblogged (86%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 5.9 posts.
I added 1,442 tags in 2021
#miraculous ladybug - 228 posts
#transformers - 200 posts
#maccadams - 171 posts
#maccadam - 165 posts
#sambucky - 158 posts
#sam wilson - 158 posts
#tfatws - 101 posts
#peter maximoff - 96 posts
#bucky barnes - 84 posts
#mcu - 81 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#like… i love adrigami and marigami but i also ship the love square so i can finally have a gay kagami ship to coexist outside the main chas
My Top Posts in 2021
Sam Wilson As The Winter Soldier/ Autum Soldier??? AU!
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(click for better quality)
Okey... So I really can’t remember what made me draw this... But I needed long messy curly hair for Sammy and then Bam! Winter Soldier AU...
Does anyone want to write a sambucky fic with this? Or send me one if one already exists???? Please I am begging here.
412 notes • Posted 2021-05-04 01:55:41 GMT
Make no mistake. I don't give a FUCK about No way Home. I hope we get 3 Tom Hollands, I hope dudebros cry and hate the movie.
438 notes • Posted 2021-12-05 05:24:22 GMT
Happy Pride Month @slytherclaw2005 !!!
I hope you like this! And thanks for the fic!!
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(click for better quality, tumblr really makes these look blurry)
on a side note… Why are sam’s wings so hard to draw 😭
490 notes • Posted 2021-06-10 18:49:53 GMT
MCU fandom, I have a question...
Where is all the fan fiction?
Where is the fic where Sambucky go looking after Wanda in between missions because they don't want SWORD to find their friend first?
Where is the fan fiction where Peter Parker sees Sam's speech and is proud of the new cap cuz he sensed something fishy was going on with Walker?
Where is Sambucky watching Spiderman's identity being revealed to the world and they deciding that they have to do something?
Where is the fan fiction of Pepper and Morgan doing the same thing and trying to help?
Where are the "Peter Maximoff and the hexagang" meet Sam and Bucky while looking for Wanda?
Where is fic where Peter Maximoff annoys the hell out of Sam and Bucky?
WHERE IS THE FIC WHERE Peter Maximoff bonds with BUCKY because they both kinda lost their memories, while they are looking for Wanda?
Where his the fanfic, where Doctor Strange interrupts a Sambucky dinner BECAUSE he found Wanda, but he needs a friendly face (Sam) to approach her, because Stephen and Wanda don't really know each other?
Where is the fic where they Find Wanda with the help of the Hexaganag, they also find Peter P/M and they all go hiding in Luisiana, where they all slowly go "wait... Those two are a couple??"???? (plus this one is perfect for 5+1 fics)
Where is Peter Parker and P.Maximoff breaking hell in the Scott/Hope Wedding while Sambucky and Wanda just watches and then Scott joins??
Where is the Sambucky wedding fic??
Where is Peter Parker babysitting Cass and AJ?
A fanfic where Peter meets Eli Bradly and Cassie Lang?? please??
WHERE is the fanfic where Steve and Tony accidentally end up in 2034, instead of 2023 during the time heist, and they see the new Avengers team and that their fight will be worth it?????
(plus give me a link if you have one that re Italy resembles one of this I am begging here)
510 notes • Posted 2021-04-24 15:00:47 GMT
Thinking about that time Anthony Mackie was asked who, from the avengers cast, would he call to hide a body, and would come no questions asked. And he said Sebastian Stan, his dear friend, because AND I QUOTE “He has come for much worse”
511 notes • Posted 2021-05-10 23:48:42 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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heylookatthatwow · 4 years
Asking for a ship! I'm a 30 y/o female and would like a male ship from Marvel & Harry Potter please. :) I'm 5'7" and on the chunky/chubby side, with curly brown hair, green eyes, pale skin, & freckles. I have ADHD & anxiety; I'm an ENFP; Gryffindor, & Pisces. I love hiking, writing, camping, baking, traveling, getting tattoos, & reading. I'm pretty shy and sarcastic, but I'm the kind of friend that will help you bury a dead body. I love spontaneous adventures but also rainy days on the couch :)
I ship you with:
Sirius Black!
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Sirius would love how energetic & spontaneous you are.
Would take you on adventures.
He’d probably tease you for being shy when you first met.
You reading to him by the fire is his favorite way to spend an evening.
Loves mapping out the little stories in ink on your skin.
House parties with the whole gang! Remus & Tonks, Lily & James. (Don’t @ me-)
Scott Lang!
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Scott is down to do literally anything. He needs to be stimulated, he’s got way too much energy.
Would love to go camping with you.
Tried to count your freckles, but gets distracted by his own thoughts.
He’s a really sweet guy man, he’d probably ask you to teach him how to bake, so could bond with Cassie.
Scott is intouch with his feelings, and will have no problem letting you know exactly how he feels about you.
Will probably ask you to cuddle him.
Watch out, he’s way too cunning for his own good.
Hey you! Enjoy this! Or don’t! Either is cool! I’m slightly sleep deprived! But that’s okay! Sleep is for the weak!
Thank you for requesting:)
-not my gifs-
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antvnger · 2 years
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Wait seriously? For real? No, I didn’t know that! I guess I’ve never seen his long enough to show off the curls.
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Hhhmm. I think I know what I want for my birthday… @youknowwhoiamaskblog
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from one father to another
Aka a missing scene where Scott realizes something about Tony Stark
Steve gives Scott a run-down of the situation in the car.
Or, tries to fit as much of five years as he can in the thirty minute drive to the lake house.
Tony nearly died in space, and for a while after he came back... well, it was almost like he had died.
Tony didn’t talk to anyone not named Pepper or Rhodes after his breakdown in the conference room.
He hid in his workroom, away from everyone, only leaving when one of the aforementioned two coaxed him out to eat or shower or something else necessary for living.
It wasn’t until he moved away, away from the empty compound, from the ghostown of a city that constantly reminded him of how badly they’d failed, that he started to get better.
He has a daughter now. From what I hear, he’s enjoying retirement. I think he’s doing better than he ever was, which is more than I can say for the rest of us.
Scott bit down on the anger that settled in his chest. He didn’t know much about Tony Stark, had no loyalties to him, and so when Tony shut down their time travel plan, his first instinct was to be mad.
That this man, who by most standards had survived the end of the world unscathed, could just move on while the rest of the world burned didn’t sit right with him.
He stayed at the compound that night, but the hours dragged by and Scott couldn’t sleep.
After all, it was as if he’d just woken up from a five year coma and found out the world had come to a standstill while he was gone.
When he’d given up on sleep, he wandered the compound.
He wasn’t really looking for anything except a distraction, but he quickly noticed a few things.
The first was that many of the rooms had been left eerily untouched.
The second thing he noticed was the kid
The kid with curly brown hair that was a recurring feature in the candid shots littered around the compound.
Steve had mentioned Morgan, but the teenager hadn’t come up in conversation.
He did some more poking around and found a couple of half-finished LEGO sets collecting dust, a sweatshirt with a Midtown High School logo across the front slung lazily over a chair, an open Calculus textbook on a workbench.
Then there was the room at the end of the hall.
The room with unmade Star Wars sheets and a pair of pajamas piled unceremoniously in a corner.
The realization hit him all at once.
The way Tony had looked at Morgan and called her his second chance.
The way Tony had talked about time travel as if it was something he’d done his research on, as if he’d had that same thought years ago.
Scott almost didn’t do it.
After all, a man who moved his family to the middle of nowhere is probably a man that wants to be left alone.
But he had a feeling that he and the other Avengers—or what was left of them—had read the situation all wrong.
So he retraced his steps to the lake house and knocked on the door, held his breath when it opened in one swift motion.
Tony looked him up and down, screwing his eyebrows together.
“You doing Rogers’ dirty work now?”
Scott didn’t answer the question, he just scanned the man’s face, saw lines and shadows he hadn’t noticed earlier.
“I thought I lost her. I got back and saw... everything and I was terrified because I thought I’d lost her.”
“What are you talking about?”
Tony crossed his arms in the doorway, staring at the late night intruder.
“My daughter. Cassie. That feeling, that fear, is something I never want to feel again. So I can’t even begin to imagine what you’re going through.”
“I’m sorry, am I missing something here?”
“The boy,” Scott said softly, “your other kid. He’s gone. That’s why you aren’t going to help, why you don’t think it’s going to work. It’s because you’ve already tried.”
And if Scott had doubts about his theory earlier, they all melted away when Tony’s face fell into something defeated.
“I didn’t know,” Scott said, looking down, “no one told me you’d lost someone too.”
Tony’s face twisted. They hadn’t told him because they didn’t know, had never cared to ask what Tony meant when he’d whispered I lost the kid as he stepped foot on Earth, had chalked it up to delirium.
And yet, Scott Lang had figured it out in less than an hour.
“It won’t work. I’ve run every algorithm this side of Hell and I’ve got nothing to show for it. Zip. Nada. I can’t keep... if the model fails again... I don’t know what I’ll do.”
Scott could feel Tony’s heart constricting, could see the vacancy in his eyes where hope used to reside.
“You have a family to look out for now. A daughter. And I know you need to protect her at all costs. Trust me, I get that. This other kid... I’ve been a parent for long enough to know that you’d do whatever it took to get him back, so if you say it won’t work, then I believe you. I do. But these particles, they could be the key that you’ve been missing. If there’s any chance this could bring him back, that you could have them both, you owe it to yourself to try. One last time. Screw the rest of the Avengers. Hell, screw the rest of the world. Do it for him.”
Tony swallowed thickly, not saying anything.
“Just think about it, okay? Goodnight, Tony.”
And as Scott disappeared and the door closed, Tony did think about it.
Actually, he’d never stopped thinking about it.
It wouldn’t work, there was no way.
But... what if it did?
He saw the picture on the shelf, saw Peter Parker’s eyes shining back at him, wide and innocent.
What if you could have them both?
He took a breath and made his decision.
One last time.
For him.
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WandaVision series review part 2.
Last week, I posted part 1 of my WandaVision series review, containing my initial thoughts and breakdown of episodes 1-3 (part 1 can be found here). This post, part 2, will contain my breakdown of episodes 4-6, and part 3, to come next week, will contain episodes 7-9 and my final thoughts. 
So, let’s go.
Episode Four: ‘We Interrupt This Program’ This is the episode where everything comes together; where things start to make sense. This episode debuted on January 29th, finally giving us some answers after the first and second episodes were released on the 15th. It has a runtime of 34 minutes, which is fairly on par with the episodes up to here, though this episode doesn’t follow the sitcom format, but feels more like your classic MCU content.
The episode opens with a previously on WandaVision recap, which seems to very much focus on Geraldine, the meaning of which soon becomes clear. And we enter a black screen which slowly fades into the form of Geraldine, with voices from the movie Captain Marvel--the voices of Carol Danvers, Maria Rambeau and Maria’s daughter, Monica, which just confirms fan speculation that Geraldine is, in fact, a grown-up Monica Rambeau, and we must currently be seeing her after the Blip--after Bruce Banner’s snap in Avengers: Endgame returned all those Thanos killed at the end of Avengers: Infinity War.
Monica sits in a hospital room, but the bed beside her is empty, then she leaves the room to panic as people coalesce throughout the hospital. She asks about a patient in room 104, then one of the doctors recognises her, and tells her her mother--Maria Rambeau--who presumably was who she was in the hospital for, is dead, and about the Blip, because it seems to Monica it’s only been a few minutes. And we have the Marvel logo, after an introduction instead of right at the beginning as in the sitcom episodes.
Cut to the headquarters of SWORD, standing for Sentient Weapon Observation and Response Division, which is quite clearly just talking about Vision. Honestly, though, Marvel’s obsession with making their acronyms real words--I’m talking to you, SHIELD and HYDRA--is mildly irritating because of how unrealistic it is. Just a me-gripe.
Monica fails to access the building, her badge apparently outdated, and we’re introduced to Tyler Hayward, acting director of SWORD in Monica’s absence. Hayward brings her into the building and declares Monica grounded, able to only carry out terrestrial missions, on her mother’s order for if the personnel who disappeared in the Blip were to return. He then assigns her to an ‘FBI thing’. Cue the wonderful Jimmy Woo.
Monica is welcomed near the sign for Westview by Jimmy Woo, the FBI agent who dealt with Scott Lang’s house arrest in Ant-Man and the Wasp. Jimmy tells Monica a witness he had in Westview has gone off the radar; that everyone seems to have forgotten the man’s existence. And they approach two policemen stood by the sign, who claim Westview doesn’t exist. Ah, Wanda’s lovely magic. Jimmy also says he can’t contact anyone on the inside.
‘This isn’t a missing person’s case, Captain Rambeau, it’s a missing town. Population 3,892.’
And Jimmy claims the town itself won’t let him in to investigate, but though the town seems empty, it is visible, and there doesn’t appear to be any physical barrier. Monica sends in a helicopter-style drone, and the camera feed glitches like a television screen as it nears the town, then the drone disappears--the toy helicopter Wanda found in episode 2. Monica approaches the town, and a television-barrier becomes apparent. Monica touches it, and is pulled inside, hence becoming Geraldine within Westview in episodes 2 and 3.
Cut to a day later, the glorious Darcy Lewis from the first two Thor movies, Jane Foster’s (Thor’s love interest’s) intern, now graduated and with a PhD in astrophysics, sits in a van with several other scientists of different fields. Outside Westview, SWORD has set up a kind of military base. Darcy takes some readings and gets ‘a colossal amount of CMBR’ (Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, which is one of the things used to prove the Big Bang Theory), and notices ‘longer wavelengths superimposed over the noise’, and has the idea to set up and link a vintage television to it.
Cut to night, we watch a man in some kind of protective suit crawl through sewers into Westview, the border of which transforms him into the beekeeper from the end of episode 2 which prompted Wanda to rewind and skip to the 1970s.
Darcy’s TV picks up the signal, and plays the previous episodes of WandaVision in their sitcom format, pointing out Vision is meant to be very, very, very dead. We see that the hands the camera zoomed out to reveal watching the show at the end of episode 1 belong to Darcy.
At this point, SWORD starts putting together a wall and whiteboard of their information, and it’s really fun to see them asking all the same questions we as an audience are. Why hexagonal shape? I take it this means the border is hexagonal, not that we’d know that as an audience. Why sitcoms? I know the answer, but only because I watched episode 8 already. Same time and space? and, of course, Is Vision alive?
It’s really fun knowing the answers.
Jimmy and Darcy watch Monica as Geraldine, and question whether she’s playing along or if she’s oblivious. With some science-y Darcy stuff, we also see that the voice in the radio in episode 2 was Jimmy, but we see the episode glitched itself out of that situation, like what SWORD is calling the ‘Westview anomaly’ is righting itself when they interfere.
As they watch Wanda give birth, they expect the anomaly to break, as all the other people are real people brainwashed, but then the babies are born, indicating Wanda has some kind of creational power (foreshadowing). Geraldine mentions Ultron, and as Wanda tells her to leave, the episode again glitches to the credits, not quite as we saw in the actual episode.
It then cuts back to that scene in episode 3, but not through the old TV as Jimmy and Darcy are watching. I didn’t notice whether or not it did this in episode 3, but the aspect ratio has increased, more to that typical of a modern show, in contrast to the smaller ones of the early sitcoms. And we watch Wanda threaten Geraldine with her magic, glowing red as it should--the event episode 3 emitted, instead giving us Vision’s perspective. Wanda tells Geraldine to leave, and blasts her through the walls of the house, and straight out of Westview, hence the end clip of episode 3. Wanda repairs the wall just before Vision returns home.
Something curious though--we know when SWORD sends things, including people, into it, they transform to fit the style, like the drone becoming a helicopter, the man becoming a beekeeper and Monica’s style changing to fit the decade, but when Monica comes out of Westview, she still looks like she did in the 70s episode.
Cut back to Wanda inside Westview, and she sees Vision walking, but apparently dead; skin-tissue-stuff pale, eyes blank and a hole in his head where Thanos took the mind stone, but he acts normal. Then Wanda sees him again looking normal. Vision tells her they don’t have to stay here if they don’t want to, and Wanda replies that they can’t; that this is their home--’Oh, don’t worry darling. I have everything under control.’ Which affirms Geraldine’s claim at the end of episode 3, that it’s all Wanda. (I’m going to refer to her as Geraldine when talking about episodes 1-3 and Monica when talking about 4-9, even though it’s the same character.)
Wanda and Vision sit down to watch TV and the credits begin, though Vision seems a little apprehensive.
And we finally have some answers about what the hell has been happening in Westview, and the vaguest idea how it fits into the MCU timeline as a whole.
Episode Five: ‘On a Very Special Episode...’ This episode was released on February 5th, with a runtime of 41 minutes, longer than any of its predecessors but still not exceptionally long. This is likely so it can follow the 1980s sitcom format with the inclusion of the SWORD parts. Note at this point, when the decade shifts, it occurs as something goes wrong: we shift to the 1960s when Mr and Mrs Hart question Wanda and Vision about how they came to Westview; we shift to the 1970s when they see the beekeeper, and we shift to the 1980s as Wanda forces Monica out of Westview.
So, we have the recap; nothing particularly noteworthy about it or its focus.
Shit, I just realised Tony’s snap at the end of Avengers: Endgame is now part of the Marvel logo sequence. Ouch.
Music plays, and we open to Tommy crying in a 1980s-style house. This episode is mostly formatted off Full House, in which Elizabeth Olsen’s elder sisters, identical twins Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen, played the youngest daughter, Michelle Tanner. Unrelated to the plot, but a fun aspect.
Billy and Tommy won’t stop crying, so Wanda tries to force them to sleep with her powers, but it doesn’t work, and we still don’t see the red sparks, but, again, that’s an 80s-style special effects thing. Also, aspect ratio in this episode: a little larger than in episodes 1-3, but not quite episode 4′s. Funny thing here is that episodes 1-3 were shot and edited in such a way the episodes registered on Disney+ as having a larger ratio, giving a black border around the frame on the screen, but it doesn’t have that in this episode. Just a technical thing I’m not sure of the cause of, though in retrospect may simply be to convey the size of TV screens in the eras.
Also, can we take a moment to appreciate Wanda’s curly hair and floral waistcoat in this episode?
Agnes shows up to help them with the babies, to which Vision is apprehensive, and after a moment, she says to Wanda: ‘Do you want me to take that again?’ as though they’re following a script. This continues, Agnes asks if they should take it from the top, which confuses Vision,  but Wanda just laughs it off. This is interesting, because the only other person we’ve yet seen break character is Geraldine, who entered the anomaly after its initial formation. Then Agnes shifts back into character, and the laugh track picks up again.
Vision questions Agnes’s comments aside with Wanda, but Wanda brushes it off, and acts as though nothing happened, and his suspicion only grows.
Then suddenly the twins are about... five? I’d say five. I don’t know. As Wanda and Vision realise this, Agnes says, ‘Kids. You can’t control ‘em. No matter how hard you try.’ There’s a running theme of children in this show--obviously the children themselves, ‘for the children’ in episode 2, and Mrs Hart’s questioning of when they were going to have children in episode 1. This semantic field fed theories that Wanda was literally doing this ‘for the children’, and this comment from Agnes could suggest the children will be the downfall of the anomaly--Wanda brainwashes the adults, but not the children.
The introduction to this episode is really cute. It has a mellow pop song playing over the top, and the 80s thing of using old photos of the characters; they’ve used actual photos of Elizabeth Olsen and the actors playing the twins, and mildly horrifying photoshopped versions of Paul Bettany as a child, but made into Vision. These photos of Vision were leaked before this episode came out, and it’s just hilarious to me because Vision was born an adult. And, assuming WandaVision takes place in 2024, after Avengers: Endgame and Spider-Man: Far From Home, Vision is literally nine years old as it takes place.
There generally isn’t much to pick apart in the theme songs themselves, but the general idea of this one is ‘we’re making it up as we go along,’ which could be an interesting insight into Wanda’s state of mind--we’ve somewhat villainised her up to this point, creating the anomaly and controlling people, but the stance should be taken that she just doesn’t know what she’s doing, and is trying her best, selfish as her goals may be.
Cut to Hayward questioning Monica about her memories, and she describes a hopeless feeling--grief--controlling her--Wanda’s grief at the loss of Vision in the fight against Thanos. They take some kind of scan of Monica’s body and draw blood, but have to redo them because the results came out blank--foreshadowing.
Hayward describes Wanda as ‘the principal victimiser’ instead of one of the victims of whatever was happening in Westview, jumping straight to villainous conclusions.
A point here: in a recap of the ‘subjects’, Jimmy Woo states Wanda was born in 1989, which is actually a change to canon, because in the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron, set in 2015, she was 16, born in 1999. Questionable. Still not sure why they did this, but this makes her 29 in WandaVision, excluding the years of the Blip, where she would otherwise be only 19.
Hayward asks Jimmy if Wanda has an alias--in the comics, Wanda Maximoff is Scarlet Witch, but this alias has not yet been stated in the MCU--foreshadowing. Hayward focuses on her failures, such as working against the Avengers upon her introduction and the destruction she caused in Nigeria at the beginning of Captain America: Civil War. He then calls Wanda a terrorist based on how Monica described her experience in Westview.
Hayward then reveals to us footage of Wanda entering the SWORD headquarters where Vision’s body was kept, and shattering glass to access it, broken into pieces, as though to steal it, which Jimmy doesn’t believe because it’s a violation of the Sokovia Accords, and Darcy wonders what will happen when Vision learns the truth.
Wanda comes into the kitchen to find Tommy and Billy with a dog they found and want to keep. Wanda is apprehensive about letting them keep him, Agnes shows up with a dog house, and Wanda decides to create a dog collar, right in front of Agnes. Vision calls her out on this, and she says she’s ‘tired of hiding’. They name the dog Sparky, then Wanda sides with Vision that the twins aren’t old enough to care for him until they’re ten years old, to which they just age themselves up again. Agnes jokes that the dog should stay the same size, but still doesn’t question the magic.
A note here: Wanda skips decades when things don’t go her way, and the twins skip ages--Wanda is in control of the things around her, but not herself, as they are in control of themselves.
Meanwhile, Monica tries to figure out how she could re-enter Westview, and Darcy starts to call the anomaly the Hex because of its hexagonal shape. And they discuss that Wanda must be wielding ‘an insane amount of power’ to maintain the Hex and the twins, beyond anything she’s ever displayed before. Monica mentions she could’ve taken down Thanos on her own if he hadn’t used the infinity stones, and Jimmy mentions he thinks Captain Marvel came close, to which Monica stiffens, and dismisses the conversation about her--something has clearly happened between Monica and Carol since the events of Captain Marvel.
They go a lab to run an analysis on the 70s clothes Monica wore when she came out of the Hex, and discover they’re bulletproof, like the vest she wore when she entered, and they establish Wanda isn’t creating anything, but is rewriting reality.
Vision goes to work, where he helps his co-worker Norm with his computer, and they get an email from SWORD about Westview, mentioning Darcy and radiation. Everyone in the office reads it out with Norm, but they laugh at it, while Vision is suspicious. He turns off the computer with his powers, then does the same zap-thing to Norm, who suddenly comes back to his regular consciousness, outside of Wanda’s control, and begs for help. He tells Vision he has to stop ‘her’, that ‘she’s in [his] head’. Vision zaps him again, and he goes back into sitcom-brain.
Wanda tells the twins Vision went to work, which they question because it’s Saturday. Wanda tells them he just needed a distraction because they weren’t ‘on the same page’. She talks about family, and tells them that her on brother is far away.
Sparky the dog barks at something outside, and we cut to a drone’s view. Monica has sent in an 80s drone, something the Hex wouldn’t need to rewrite, and we see that’s what Sparky barked at. Monica tries to speak to Wanda, and through the drone’s view, but not the broadcast’s, her eyes turn red, and Hayward orders an operator to ‘take the shot’, though Monica didn’t know it was armed. They take the shot and the drone’s camera cuts out. Alarms blare, and a worker claims ‘there’s a breach.’
We go outside to the border, and Wanda exits the Hex, wearing what she wore in the climax of the Infinity Saga, dragging the drone behind her. This is confusing to watch back, because I know in retrospect she wore civilian clothes when the Hex was created, and was left in them when it was destroyed. Shooters aim their guns at her, and she throws the drone to Hayward’s feet. As she talks, what she had elft of her accent in Avengers: Infinity War has returned. She tells them to ‘stay out of [her] home,’ that ‘if [they] don’t bother [her], [she], won’t bother [them].’ Monica talks to her, and she prepares her magic. Monica asks what she wants, and she replies ‘[she has] what [she wants]. And no-one will ever take it from [her] again.’
And ‘for the children’ clicks--Wanda clearly created the Hex to have a life and a family with Vision. Wanda uses her magic to turn the guns onto Hayward, but they don’t shoot as she returns to the Hex.
This scene is important, because it shows us for certain that Wanda is aware of what she is doing, and shows for certain that she is in control, where before we had substantial evidence, but nothing this undeniable.
And cue this episode’s advert, for Lagos Brand paper towels--’For when you make a mess you didn’t mean to.’ This is a reference to an event at the beginning of Captain America: Civil War, in which Wanda accidentally killed twenty-six civilians in Lagos, Nigeria.
We cut back to the Hex, where Sparky has disappeared. They cross paths with a mailman, who says ‘Your Mom won’t let him get far,’ another subconscious reference of one of Wanda’s cast to her control. They find the dog dead in Agnes’s yard, who says he ate her azaleas, which poisoned him. The twins are upset, but Wanda stops them aging up, and gives them a lecture about grief. One of the twins tells her she can ‘fix the dead,’ which Agnes does question. This is a reference to her apparent resurrection of Vision, but Wanda tells them death is inevitable and forever; blatant hypocrisy. 
Later, Vision asks Wanda how the boys are, and Wanda says ‘life moves pretty fast out in the suburbs’, a reference to the show’s time-jumping. Vision tells Wanda of his conversation with Norm, and tells her he was in pain. Vision says ‘You can’t control me the way you do them,’ to which Wanda replies, ‘Can’t I?’ and the credits roll, but sitcom-style credits, not the WandaVision credits.
Wanda tries to leave, and Vision asks about the ‘Maximoff Anomaly’, but she feigns ignorance. He accuses her of controlling the town, the credits stop, and they rise into the air with their powers. Wanda says she did it for both of them, Vision asks what’s outside of Westview, but she doesn’t answer. Vision says he can’t remember his life before Westview, but Wanda reassures him that he is her husband and a father; he asks why there are no other children in Westview, which she again dismisses. Wanda exaggerates the insanity of what he thinks--gaslighting--and says she doesn’t know how it started in the first place.
The doorbell rings, which she says she didn’t do, and Wanda opens the door to Pietro Maximoff, the brother who she claimed was ‘far away’, but we know to be dead. Except it isn’t Aaron Taylor Johnson’s Pietro, from Avengers: Age of Ultron, and it’s not just a recast. He’s played by Evan Peters, who plays the version of Quicksilver in the X-Men movies, which is clearly intentional.
This led to speculation about the opening of the multiverse, and even though WandaVision doesn’t directly go that route, Wanda’s next appearance is going to be in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.
This episode was an excellent one, and we’ve truly begun to build towards the climax.
Episode Six: ‘All-New Halloween Spooktacular!’ Released February 12th, this episode has a still-leaving-a-lot-to-be-desired 37 minute runtime, and is one of the ones primarily featured in the trailers, which showed Wanda and Vision dressed in mock-up costumes of their character design in the comic books, which is especially exciting for Wanda, because, not only has she not yet been officially called ‘Scarlet Witch’, she also hasn’t had an official costume, with most of her other outfits in a darker red, but not the comic Scarlet Witch.
Recap of the relevant information, roll the Marvel logo, and this episode opens with a fast-paced theme song, which shows Wanda for the first time with the red effects of her magic in the Hex through the sitcom camera. This song mentions ‘illusion’ again and again, then moves into a rather elongated verse of repeating ‘let’s keep it going’, implying Wanda is now simply trying to extend the time she has with her family.
The twins introduce the episode in that 1990s break-the-fourth-wall style, they play with Pietro, and Wanda comes downstairs in her costume, claiming to be a Sokovian fortune teller. Pietro says it’s ‘worse than the costumes Mom made us the year we got typhus,’ and we cut to a really brief flashback of Wanda and Pietro trick-or-treating; Wanda has her hair in a braid and Pietro has an eyepatch, which some thought might just be an Easter egg of the two dressing as Black Widow and Nick Fury, but looking at it now, it seems more incidental.
Vision then comes downstairs in his costume, and says he’s only wearing it because Wanda took all his other clothes out of his closet, and that it’s a Mexican wrestler. He tries to leave for the neighbourhood watch, to which Wanda starts, ‘No, that’s not what you’re supposed to--’ as though she’s beginning to lose control over the Hex. Pietro dresses in a mock-Quicksilver costume, and dresses Tommy in something similar, referencing that Tommy, in the comics, also has superspeed. 
Wanda tries to test Pietro on a memory of their childhood, which he calls her out on, and she asks why he looks different, but he says ‘you tell me’, again implying this is her doing. Wanda talks to Herb, one of the neighbours and a member of the watch, who tells her Vision isn’t on duty.
Cut to Vision near the edge of town, and he sees people in their yard repeating the same motions over and over, as if Wanda has less control over the outskirts of town.
Cut to this episode’s commercial: this one is animated, of a boy of a deserted island, and a shark jumps out of the water, and gives him a ‘Yo-Magic’ yoghurt to eat, which the boy takes, but is too weak to open. Time passes, and we watch him starve--’Yo-Magic! The snack for survivors!’ This could be referring to Wanda’s inability to save the people around her with her magic--she couldn’t save HYDRA’s other test subjects, then she couldn’t save Pietro, then Vision.
Wanda asks Pietro what happened to his accent, and he asks her the same question, then tells her his memories are fuzzy. Tommy then goes to get candy, and reveals his superspeed powers. He and Billy then go off with a promise not to ‘go past Ellis Avenue.’
Darcy, Jimmy and Monica hack into Hayward’s data, and discover he figured out a way through the boundary, and that he’s tracking Vision and the people in his vicinity. They notice the people at the edge of town are hardly moving. Cut to Vision, who realises the people even further out are completely stagnant. He then morphs from his human costume to his typical Vision-self, flies upward and observes the town, noticing a car at the edge, which he flies down to.
We see Agnes in the car, dressed as a witch and still, but not unresponsive like the others. She tells him she got lost--’In the town you grew up in?--and he zaps her the way he did Norm in the last episode. She recognises him as Vision, an Avenger, but he doesn’t know what an Avenger is. She tells him he’s dead, and explains Wanda’s control, then laughs manically until Vision zaps her again, and she once again becomes the Nosy Neighbour, then turns the car and drives away. We zoom out to the street sign: Ellis Avenue.
Darcy sees Monica’s bloodwork in Hayward’s files, and tells Monica she can’t go back into the Hex as she wishes, because she’s already been through the boundary twice, and had her cells rewritten molecularly--Ms Marvel!! But Monica dismisses it, and tells Darcy she won’t stop until she helps Wanda.
Pietro accuses Wanda laughingly of only avoiding traumatising the town’s children by only bringing them out for a holiday cameo, but praises her, because ‘Families and couples stay together, most personalities aren’t far off from what’s underneath, people got better jobs, better haircuts, for sure,’ and tells her he’s impressed, but asks how she did it, which she doesn’t answer, then tells him she doesn’t know how she did it. She just remembers loneliness, and numbness.
She then looks back to Pietro, and sees him with bullet wounds in his chest; dead the way she saw Vision in episode 4, but she blinks it away.
Darcy watches Hayward’s tracking of Vision, and he approaches the barrier, sees it in all its television glory. Then he pushes through. He strains to make it through, and SWORD agents pull up on the other side. He nearly makes it, cape all that’s left, but it clearly painful, and he falls to the ground. Chunks of him tear off and fly back through the barrier. Meanwhile, Billy realises something is wrong with an echo of Wanda’s power, hearing Vision’s yells, and runs to Wanda.
Hayward handcuffs Darcy to stop her trying to get him to help Vision as he comes apart. Wanda asks Billy where Vision is, to which Pietro says, ‘Hey, don’t sweat it, sis. It’s not like your dead husband can die twice.’ Her eyes turn red and she sends him flying into a haystack. Billy focuses, and sees the SWORD soldiers, says he thinks Vision’s dying, and Wanda freezes everything around her, then sends out a blast of power.
Outside, the boundary of the Hex moves, expanding, and the SWORD agents panic to get away as Vision is re-encapsulated, but Darcy is handcuffed, and t passes over her. The SWORD camp turns into a circus, but Hayward, Monica and Jimmy get away--slightly wondering why Monica tried to when she was trying to get back in.
And the episode ends there. I don’t really have much of a conclusion to this episode--in truth, not too much actually happened aside from Pietro and the twins, but we are so building to the climax. This is also actually furthered by the absence of a laugh track in this episode, though this is also due to the fact they became less common.
And that summarises my breakdown of episodes 4-6. Part 3, with episodes 7-9, will come next week!
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randomfandom-ocs · 3 years
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Face claim: Angel Coulby
Tag: Becca 
Name: Rebecca Strong
Etymology: From Hebrew, meaning join, tie, snare / From Middle English, meaning strong
Alias: Becca
Fandom: Marvel
Series: A Place Where I Belong
Love interest: Steve Rogers
Age: 28
Pronouns: She / her
City of origin: ?
Occupation: Antiques expert, vigilante
Bio: Wanda and Pietro Maximoff are the closest thing to a family that Becca has, so she naturally feels lost when they are forced apart. After travelling to the past to change a terrible event, Peter Parker and Scott Lang come across this very girl, that saves them when they most need it. All these events will shape Becca’s future, giving her a certain perspective of heroes that might lead her down a dark path.
Hair: Brown, shoulder-length, curly
Eye color: Dark brown
Others: Dark skin
Build: Normal
Outfit: Dark worn-out jeans, boots, leather jacket.  
Qualities: Witty. Kind. Selfless. Emotional. Sarcastic. Gentle. Sweet. Fun-loving. Extroverted. Stubborn. Cocky.
Alignment: Chaotic good
Hogwarts House: Slytherdor
Character Tropes: Hero, superhero
Fears: The past
Likes: Antiques
Weapon: ?
Powers: ?
Abilities: ?
Dominant hand: Right
Accent: ?
Related characters: Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Scott Lang, Peter Parker, Steve Rogers
Colors: Black, dark red, brown
Headcanons: -
“Poor little heroes with your superpowers. Who gives you the right to decide who lives or dies?”
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Lost Without Her: Journey Home (Last Part)
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*Not My Gif*
Summary: It’s been 5 years since half the world was snapped away, 6 months since her mom, Natasha sacrificed herself and the world came back, but how does she handle it after her world flips upside down?
Post Date: 12-25-19
Paring: Peter Parker x Romanoff!Reader
Word Count: 3K
A/N: Ahh! It’s over! I’m sad now... also if you see editing mistakes, you know, oh well. I edited this at like 3 in the morning... 😂
~Lost Without Her Master~
“Peter.” You repeated once again as he looked towards you, his eyes riddled with sleep as you smiled. “I want to go home.”
Peter wasn’t sure if he heard you right as he looked at you, the small smile on your face being the only evidence that he was right. “What changed?” He asked, completely dumbfounded as you sighed, laying down on the roof. Peter, rather reluctantly, copied you and focused on the moving clouds in the sky.
“I think it’s time I faced reality. My mom wouldn’t have wanted this for me. She wanted me there, back with people who loved me.” You moved your head, locking eyes directly with Peter as his dumb grin spread across his lips. “Who care about me.”
He reached over to you, grabbing your hand and squeezing before pulling you off the ground. “Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go back home.” Before you could protest, Peter already led you down the steps and standing in front of Clint.
He was fast asleep on the couch, holding the picture of you and your mom in one hand and his phone in the other. The screen lit up as a text from his wife, Laura came through.
Y/N will come back. She’s family, and you don’t give up on family.
You smiled at Peter with a warmth you hadn’t felt in a long time before nudging Clint awake, watching him rub his eyes before focusing on the two of you. His eyes darted back and forth as Peter nodded at him, grabbing your hand with a soft squeeze.
“Come on Uncle Clint. Time to get you back to your wife.” Clint looked like an idiot as he stood up, throwing his arms around you fast you staggered backward, thanking everyone that Peter was there.
“Let’s go home then.” He muttered and the next thing you knew, you were on a jet heading back to the compound. No one was around by the time you got back, everyone out on their own things as Peter took you up to your room.
“No one touched it. We all hoped you’d come back.” You threw yourself on the bed, missing the comfort it brought you as you patted for Peter to join you. He raised a brow at you as you laughed, throwing your head back into the myriad of pillows as he climbed onto the bed.
“Do you think I made the wrong choice?” You asked as you snuggled into his side, relaxing in his warmth as he sighed.
“No.” He answered truthfully and with such a conviction you dropped the conversation, knowing that Peter was someone who’s opinion you cared for dearly. The two of you drifted off in sleep after your long night and a few hours later you you found yourself awake before Peter, mesmerized in the rhythm of his breathing.
“FRIDAY?” You whispered into the air, missing the A.I as she spoke.
“Welcome back Ms. Romanoff. How can I help you?”
“Is anyone else in the tower?” FRIDAY told you it was clear as you pushed yourself off the bed, kissing Peters cheek before leaving the room. Your feet padded against the ground as you walked down the hall a little, standing outside the door that used to be your mothers. A small push of a door and you were in her room, all her memories, all the pain just came flooding back to you and you couldn’t tell if coming back really was the best choice before a pair of arms around your torso, bringing your back against his chest as you calmed down a little to turn around and see Peter in front of you.
“I thought I could handle this, but I couldn’t.” You whimpered, she’s moving around the room faster than Peter thought possible. He cupped your cheek, getting you to focus on him as you relaxed almost instantly.
“It’s okay. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.” He promised as you nodded, being your hands up to hold his instead of having him hold your face. He reached over, grabbing something off the table next to you as you raised your eyes. “Here. Clint and I found this a while back. We thought, if you ever came back, we’d give it to you.” You looked at the silver bracelet in Peters hand. It was something your mom had done a few years after you were born. It was a simple silver band honestly, the only thing about it was she had your names imprinted on it. You lost all words when you saw it and let Peter put it on your wrist.
It was her. It was like she was still with you.
“Ms. Romanoff, Mr. Parker. Mr. Wilson and Ms. Danvers are requesting your presence.” FRIDAY said as you followed after Peter, entering a conference room. Everyone was there, all of them looking at you eagerly as you entered. Their family member came home. Thank god.
The ‘meeting’ didn’t last long, it was basically just to welcome you back and for everyone to know you were alright. You were a bit overwhelmed in all honesty that the moment you could, you pulled Peter out of there, heading back to your room.
“Y/N!” Scott called as you turned around to leave. Peter and you both turned back, seeing him pull out a red container from his jacket pocket. “Can we talk?” He asked, looking towards Peter before you again. You told Peter you’d meet up in a few as he nodded, kissing your head before leaving you and Scott to talk. “I’m sorry about your mom.” He told you as you took a deep breath, stretching your mouth into a line. “I saw how close you two were.” You were beginning to wonder why he pulled you aside when he opened his hand up, showing you the container he grabbed earlier.
“Pym Particles?” You mumbled, looking between the man and the vial. Scott just nodded with a happy smile as he put it your hand. “What am I doing with these?”
“You’re a good kid Y/N. You just went through a tough situation. Hank Pym made a few more particles after everything. I might’ve stolen a couple for you. Go see your mom.”
You didn’t know what to say. After everything that happened you could see your mom again. Scott patted your shoulder as you stared transfixed at the vial, your mouth dropped open as wide as it could go. Scott chuckled at your reaction before leaving you alone.
“Y/N? What’s that?” Peter asked as he jogged over to you. You handed him the container, bringing your hand up to rub your face as you look to where Scott left.
“They’re uh, Pym Particles. It’s what we used to go back in time and save everyone.” You told him as Peter furrowed his brow, getting a better look at them.
“But why did Mr. Lang give them to you?” He asked and handed the vial back to you. You took a deep breath, laughing a little in shock as your eyes opened wide.
“To go back in time and see my mom.” Peter’s smile fell a little as you spoke and it felt like someone punched him in the gut.
“You’re- Are you going back?” He stammered out, playing with his shoes against the ground.
You frowned, reaching out to grab his hand. “Peter...”
“I think you should do it.” He admitted, shocking you both but he stood straighter, nodding his head. “Y/N, your mom meant the world to you. This?” He held your wrist, bringing it up to show the particles wrapped around your fingers. “This is your one chance at seeing her again. I think you should do it.”
Everything happened so fast after that. Peter was the jumpstart you needed and now, here you were standing on the platform you last saw your mom in one of the suit. Your legs were bouncing as you stared into his eyes, biting your lip.
“Ok, everything’s ready.” Bruce said, finishing up the final necessity of your time travel. Scott gave you a thumbs up, winking when you took a deep breath. Clint and Peter stood next to him, both looking rather uneasy but knew there was nothing they could do about it.
“You ready Y/N?” Clint asked as Peter crossed his arms over his chest, bringing one of his hands up to bite his nails. You nodded your head, sending each person a smile before settling on Peter.
“See you in a minute.” You whispered to them all before your helmet covered your face. Peters eyes were the last thing you saw before the ground disappeared, blue surrounding you completely.
The feeling was familiar as you floated through time and space, but it didn’t make it any less nerve wrecking. Your watch directed you exactly where you needed to go.
New York City, 2012.
The moment your feet touched the ground you hid the suit, chancing back into your Black Tee and skinny jeans. It was quieter than you expected, the world having just survived Loki’s destruction thanks to the Avengers. You stood outside the Stark Tower as you heard faint giggles coming from around the corner, and letting your curiosity get the better of you, you rounded the building, freezing immediately as you caught sight of a head of curly red hair, sitting on the ground.
“Mom?” You blurted without thinking as she turned around to look at you. It was only then you saw the little girl on the ground in front of her laying on a picnic blanket.
“I’m sorry?” Your mom said as she looked you up and down. You remembered this moment, your mom had taken you out for a picnic after everything happened with the avengers. She was so worried about you and you had no idea anything was going on until years later. Realizing you had been staring for far to long you shook your head, biting your lip to keep from crying. “Sorry, It’s just, you look like someone.” You admitted sheepishly, never looking away from her face. She looked exactly as you remembered, only a little younger and her hair a lot shorter. But she was just as beautiful.
Natasha nodded her head, keeping one eye on her daughter as she watched the strange girl in front of her. “Your mother.” She stated rather than asked and you nodded your head fast, looking at little you playing without a care in the world.
You never would’ve guessed she’d turn out to be a killer.
She watched you, noting the way she felt attached to you as you played with your fingers, eyes moving from her to her daughter. “Where is your mother?”
Right in front of me, you wanted to say. But you couldn’t, if you tell her what happened there is no saying the damage it could do to the world. Hell, the universe.
“She’s dead.” You finally told her, your voice fading as you cleared your throat. Natasha felt her heart break a little for you as she glanced down to the 6 year old playing in front of her. Feeling the need to be closer to her, you moved a little gaining the attention of little you as you sucked in a breath.
“Hi!” Little You shouted as you chuckled, watching your mom wince from the noise. You always were a loud child. “I’m Y/N Romanoff.”
You gave her a small smile, meeting your mothers eyes before you crouched down to her level. “Hi, I’m...” you paused.
What were you supposed to say? You couldn’t tell her your name was also Y/N, your mom would get too suspicious.
You tried to come up with a name, an alias, something to call yourself before you remembered the little girl who sent you on the right path. “I’m Ana. Ana... Parker.”
Natasha looked between the two girls in front of her, finding the odd similarities between them. The way both of your smiles matched, or how you both threw your head back as you laughed, or the way you knew exactly how to talk to Y/N. But it wasn’t until Natasha saw the bracelet on your wrist before her breath caught in her throat.
“How old are you Ana?” She asked you as you swallowed, adverting your gaze.
She nodded before turning to the girl who decided braiding your hair would be a good idea. “Hey Baby, why don’t you go get mommy some flowers over there.” She pointed to bush not far from you all and you watched yourself skip over to it. “She always was so trusting of strangers.” Your mom told you, making you giggle, shifting in your seat to look at her. “But You already know that, don’t you?” She asked as your whole body froze.
“I-I don’t- what do you mean?” You stammered out, trying to find any way other than admit the truth. Natasha grabbed your arm, pushing the sleeve of your jacket up to reveal the bracelet identical to the one she wore around her wrist.
“Tell me the truth.” She said.
So you told her.
You were crying at the end, your hands keeping permanent residence in your palms as you told her about the snap, the 5 years, Vormir, and about everything afterwards. Your mom ran her hand up and down your back, telling you it’s going to be okay.
“But It’s not!” You stressed, falling into her lap. “I lost you, mom. I never even got to say goodbye. You were just gone.” Natasha tried to stay strong as long as she could, but seeing this girl, seeing you cry on her lap about not being able to say goodbye broke her. Tears fell onto your face from hers as you sat up, wrapping your arms around her neck. “I’m sorry mom. I’m sorry I turned out like this. You whispered in her ear as she pulled away, holding your face in her face.
“Don’t apologize. If that little girl over there turns out half as good as you had, then I’ll be happy.” You let out a strangled sob, curling up in her arms again as little footsteps came from next to you.
“What happened?” A small voice asked as you wept, burying your face in the crook of your moms neck as Nat shushed You.
“Everything’s fine Baby. Ana and I just needed to talk.” You didn’t hear any from either of them as a pair of small arms encircled the two of you, making you and Nat laugh as you clung to her as if your life depended on it.
You wanted to stay there forever, bask in the feeling of your mother’s arms wound around you but you knew you couldn’t.
“I’m going to miss you.” You whispered in her ear, feeling her hold loosen as you separated and your younger self went back to picking flowers.
“You’re leaving?” She asked almost surprised. Could you stay? Could you leave behind everyone? Clint and Scott, Bruce And Sam, Carol and Bucky? Peter?
No. You couldn’t leave him.
“I have someone waiting for me. Back... home.” Natasha caught the glint in your eye as you wore your sad smile, moving to hold your hand.
“I’m sorry Y/N. For everything.” She pressed as kiss to your temple as you wiped away a few more tears.
“I love you mom.”
She gave your hand a squeeze, “I love you too Y/N.” You both stood up, sharing one more hug as you left, turning around to see your mother standing in front of you in person for the very last time. Ever.
“Goodbye.” You whispered as your suit covered your body, the mask falling into place and hiding your freshly made tears as Nat watched you regretfully disappear.
The moment you were back in your time your suit was off and you were falling into Peters arms, his wrapping around your body as he held you.
“I thought you weren’t going to come back.” He was choked up as he spoke in your ear, making your stomach drop as he cried. You couldn’t say anything until he out you down, your feet hitting the ground as you pulled your lips to his, savoring the comfort he brought as you pulled back, gasping for a breath.
“Of course I would’ve. You guys are my home.” You pushed his wavy hair out of his face, looking directly in his eyes. “You’re my home.” The feeling couldn’t have been any more mutual for Peter. This girl he’s known for years and always been able to be himself around grew up right before his eyes and he couldn’t imagine a life without her.
“I’m really glad you came back.” He told you as you nodded, slightly giggling from the blush on his face as you pecked his cheek.
Clint came up behind you, tapping your shoulder and ripping your attention away from Peter. “Hey Kid. Can we talk?” You nodded, letting him lead you away from everyone. “You sure you made the right choice? You don’t want to stay with your mom? Pull a Rogers on us?” He joked as you smiled, appreciating the homeliness he provides you.
“My mom was hero. She died a hero. No matter how much I’m hurting, I can’t take that from her.” He nodded, knowing exactly what you meant.
“Are you going to be okay?” Honestly, who know if you were ever going to be okay. You just knew if you surrounded yourself with the right people, then maybe you’d have a chance. You glanced over at Peter, seeing him stand with Bruce and Scott as they try to teach him some time travel basics. He looked like a kid being reprimanded by his parents as you bursted out laughing, catching Peters attention as he looked up, seeing your dopey smile as blushed even harder.
“Yeah. Yeah Uncle Clint, I think I’m going to be fine.”
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