#cult of the heron?
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balmora-citizen · 3 months ago
More Sasha in newtopia thoughts: the newt moms
How would Sasha and Yunan get along?Would Sasha be automatically be annoyed by the general, because they are too similar? Yunan definitely would have a problem with someone stealing her thunder. Manipulation wise Sasha could play her like a fiddle.
Although I like to think they would get along like a house on fire (well actually several houses but no one could prove anything...)
All of newtopia is like:
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Sasha might even have her own "Mrs. Croaker moment" (she is everything I want to be)
and she would be so nosy about yulivia. you can't tell me you're friends with Marcy and Anne and don't contract "shippingbrain", she is a suspicon island fan after all.
As for Olivia it might get of to a rocky start. A strict, kind of stuck up adult, who values appearances and rules and has a "juice" problem? That sounds a lot like I imagine Mr. and Mrs. Waybrigth. Sasha probably detest her at first but changes her mind over time since, unlike her human parents, Olivia is genuine. Sasha also very likely gets to see Olivia maul a would be assassin with her heels and some hidden dagger at some point and gains a lot of respect for Olivia (Yay. bonding with your mom over shared interests. hidden blades and excessive violence...)
Since Andrias could fool Olivia, I assume Sasha is also able to keep up a facade around her. Olivia would probably be pretty impressed with Sashas diplomatic skills (motherly validation? completely new emotions that Sasha REFUSES to analyse) what Olivia wouldn't like is all the political upheaval her prodigy causes. lots of juice sessions probably...
Seeing an older lesbian couple would very likely lead to Sasha having to deal with some Realisations of her own(I assume she didn't know she was bi pre amphibia) . good for her.
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and then Sashas coup...
She leaves Yulivia in the dark. They are too loyal and supposed to be kept out of harms way. This is Sashas one single plan she fails with every time (reunion, true colors) "I know best and they will have to understand"
lots of betrayal, heartbrake and anger. True colors light.
After Sasha went underground we have Olivia cougth between two loyaltys, reluctantly playing informant for Sashas cult/criminal network, despite feeling let down and betrayed but still wanting to protect her daughter. Yunan sees things much simpler and is on the hunt for the traitor. she is not very good at it but there are some dramatic figth scenes in the sewers that reenforce Sashas view on needing to keep people that are close to her under control at all times to prevent situations like with Yunan in the future.
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gorjee-art · 5 months ago
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Some journal art I made that I really like
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trevlad-sounds · 6 months ago
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Invisible Club 31
Intro 00:00 Misha Panfilov–Formosa 01:24 Oberu–Green Kitty 05:56 µ-Ziq–Hastings 09:49 The Lighthouse–Dionysus 12:32 Beefus B–From Light into Darkness 16:24 Mike Dickinson–Torus 21:09 Apifera–Iris Is Neil 26:09 Ghost Power–Vertical Section 30:53 Black Moth Super Rainbow–Folks with Magik Toes 33:04 Lone Bison–Origin Story 33:32 Dark Fidelity Hi Fi–Soft Light for Re-entry 36:32 HEBA–T5 (Kommissar Keller’s Mountain Panorama Remix) 40:37 Time Is a Mountain–Alicetti 48:06 Moray Newlands–Hoist the load to your left shoulder 53:34 Vulfmon, Evangeline–Got To Be Mine 55:34 Heron & Crane–Crownbeard 58:36 Outro 1:02:20
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garessta8 · 4 months ago
Disco Elysium fun facts
0. There's an entire lore atlas (endless love to the author), although while it has at least some of those facts I list below, it mostly focuses on geography.
Jean Vicquemare's full name is Jean-Heron Vicquemare. It's literally only mentioned in one line of dialogue below. Esprit de Corps - With an agitated gait Satellite-Officer Jean-Heron Vicquemare paces the jetty, 22 kilometres East -- in Martinaise: "What could he *possibly* be doing there for so long," he says.
Jean was (is) an equestrian cop, as in, horse-mounted. However, I found no confirmation that he particularly liked horses as a hobby-thing. I think "we" in this line meant for "the pair of us", as police partners. Because there are lines in the game referring to other MCs in Precinct 41. But I have no space in this post to quote them. Jean Vicquemare - "For the record, you pressured us into getting it. 'It'll be cool Jean, we'll have wheels, rapid response...' I was fine being an equestrian cop. I hope you're fine driving a *bicycle*."
The actual name of Kim's dead partner, who was nicknamed "Eyes", was probably Dom or something that starts with Dom. At least this is name put on two cases in Kim's paperwork, which you can peek into if you come to Kim's room after the Tribunal without Kim. I assume that meant to happen if Kim was shot, but I theoretize that you could do that by going to sleep and then just going into the room, since Kim magically disappears after you dismiss him for the night and won't be in his room unless you knock on the outside door. Half-Finished Paperwork - This year, you can see references to: THE CHILD, DOM'S UNFINISHED; DOM'S UNFINISHED 2, MOTORCYCLE EMPTINESS, and THE MAN WITH THE HOLE IN HIS HEAD. UPD: "Dom" doesn't seem to be initials, because see Cuno (but then again, what does Cuno know about this? Maybe he SHOULD have read it as initials!): Cuno - The boy picks up the notes and shuffles through some of the case names: "'The Child', 'Dom's Unfinished', 'Dom's Unfinished 2', 'The Man With the Hole in His Head'... Boring ass shit," he concludes.
Homosexuality was legalized by communards in '04, which is 8 years before Kim was born. But we all known that society needs much longer to adapt to the thought. The exact details are hard to say. Encyclopedia at least says that there's no actual cults involved. The Deserter - "Lax sexual morals are a bourgeois ploy," he gargles a spit ball. "As to pederasty, the Party legalized it in '04. My Party, not your liberal masters." He spits it out on the dying coals. Encyclopedia - Just pointing it out, we're not talking about some kind of a cult with *members* here, you made it up.
Murder in Martinaise happened at March 4th, '51. Give or take a day. This, so far, is the least important piece of trivia I decided to add. You - "8. Date of death:" Kim Kitsuragi - "We're still going with March 4th, '51."
Motor carriages are controlled by two steering levers, not by a steering wheel. Not only you can see that if you close-up on Kim's Kineema, there are direct quotes about it. Abandoned Lorry - The glass on the side windows is tinted and covered with dust. You can barely make out the shape of a seat and two steering levers. Coupris Kineema - In the cabin you see a set of steering levers, a radio on a hook, a pull-out toolbox and the soft glow of the fuel pre-heater gauge.
I found where from people took "Volta do Mar" as Kim's personal skill. It's something printed on Kim's jacket you can buy as official DE merch.
At some point in his career, for unknown reasons, Kim worked in Processing for a year. They are as bad as he describes them. Kim Kitsuragi - He shakes his head. "I worked as one of these *Processing guys* for a year. They are butchers and clowns. I once saw twenty CODs go misidentified in one week. Chances are slim to none that they'll find anything useful in processing."
The mystery of Kim's glasses. There's one line that says they are "diamond-shaped" despite his portrait. I've seen a comment suggesting it refers to "diamat", as in, dialectic materialism. I think this feels more like a typo, but why would anyone think Kim's glasses are diamond-shaped when they were round from his earliest (and only) concept art? Kim Kitsuragi - The lieutenant says nothing. You see the machine's glowing frame reflected back from his diamond-shaped glasses. You're free to proceed. Truly a mystery. The case of DIAMOND-ROUND-SHAPED GLASSES will stay unsolved forever.
Kim *isn't* a moralist. Present tense. He *was* a moralist once, but since then, he changed his mind. Now he believes in RCM. He embodies the political stance of "all ideologies suck in their own ways, let's just live our lives here and try do to a good job" (which I *heartily* approve). Although some will say that *this* is moralist by itself. Kim Kitsuragi - "Yes. I *did* -- when I was younger. In my twenties I considered myself a moralist. *A blue forget-me-not, a piece of the sky*," he quotes. "They're not all that bad." Kim Kitsuragi - "But the years have changed that. I don't know *what* I believe in now...." He thinks, then changes his mind. "No. I believe in the RCM. That's enough for me."
Harry always wakes up at 7:30. He made a vow. Volition - You got up from this floor because of a holy vow you made sixteen years ago. With *me*. To wake up exactly 07:30 every morning until the day you die. Notably, the morning right after the memory loss is an exception, where Harry only wakes up because of the Kineema. I have a suspicion that if Kim didn't drive to the Whrling-in-Rags, Harry could've never woke up. Never-ever-ever.
The standard role-playing dice in Elysium is a 24-side die. There's a side for each skill! You - "What's a *standard* role-playing die?" Novelty Dicemaker - "It's an *icositetrahedron* -- a 24-sided die that can produce results for a 2-sided, 3-sided, 4-sided, 6-sided, and 12-sided die with a single roll. Technically you can also use it for many other sizes, but you may need to re-roll results."
Trant was formerly addicted to pyrholidon. I think it's implied that his practice of stick fighting, which he does for 4 hours daily for 20 years straight, is a replacement for said addiction. Trant Heidelstam - "Lo Manthang stick fighting is a little like a pyrholidon addiction," he explains with a little smile. "I've been practising it for nearly 20 years now, so you could say that my doses have grown a little… peculiar." Electrochemistry - Wait. What does this man know about pyrholidon addiction? You - "Hold on. Pyrholidon addiction? What an interesting metaphor…" (Study his face.) "Or perhaps not a metaphor at all?" Trant Heidelstam - "You got me, detective." He chuckles, before a shadow takes hold of his face. "But my history should hardly come as a surprise." Authority - Here's a former junkie. I can recognize one when I see it. Mikael Heidelstam - Suddenly little Mikael opens up his mouth: "Dad's fighting with sticks every night after dinner for four hours. He has a special room for that -- and a special costume!"
Trant is divorced and shares custody of his son with his mother. As usual, there's only one line that points at it. But at least it's clear enough. (I give their due to Jean/Trant shippers) Trant Heidelstam - "I sent him home," he responds calmly. "Mikael is with his mother. We share custody."
Judit has been in Harry's task force for only 2 months, imagine that. It probably explains why she's so nice to him. Judit Minot - "Lieutenant," she says with a heavy sigh. "My name is not 'Horse-Faced Woman'. It's Judit Minot. I was assigned to your unit two months ago. I thought we were friends..."
All facts are proven with quotes taken from the game dialogues on FAYDE. No quote - no fact.
Disco Elysium is a huge game, with lots of lore not just about its world, but about its characters... And this lore is split under a bazillion of different conversations which are hard to navigate and easy to miss.
As a result, there are a lot of small facts that many people just unaware of and make up their own stuff instead. The inconsistency irks me a little (actually, it irks me a lot). Love, peace <3
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infamous-if · 1 year ago
For a music IF you don't get a lot of music questions! What songs have you been listening to on this rewrite? For a friend who is to make some theories based on them 👀
I actually get a lot of music related questions i just havent really answered them haha idk!
Maps - Yeah Yeah Yeahs Glimpse of Us - Joji Tonight, I love you - The Latency never heal myself - cults you know what I mean - cults the night we met - lord heron heartbreak feels so good - fall out boy so much for stardust - fall out boy pain - three days grace
yeah Ik "who hurt you" these storylines did 🤕
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bovinaeblogs · 7 months ago
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lil' cult of the lamb oc ive been thinking about
his name is professor feli, he's based off a black heron. he is a nervous little know it all who travels the land of the old faith in order to learn more about the old gods.
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reinekes-fox · 2 years ago
Interactive WIPs w Demo
Want to support me? Here is my Patreon! Or buy me a Kofi!
Grey Swan I - Birds of a Rose
The Divine Flock. Some call them crazy, some even dangerous. Some even say the cult is hiding dark secrets. But, in all your life you have yet to find one. After all you should know should there be any dark secrets: you are a member after all! A member, not only of the Divine Flock, but also of the Avis Academy, the best school the cult has. Your life is quiet and follows a strict routine, at least until two Strays from the outside, the normal, world are allowed in the normally so closed off grounds and as a newly appointed Wing it is your job to keep an eye on one of them. With their arrival some of those dark secrets may finally come to light…
You ARE not playing as a BIRD!!!
New demo https://cogdemos.ink/go/3761
Some words before you play and TRIGGER WARNINGS: Most of those will only be active in the game due to a specific choice made by player! Due to the cult enviroment, the “typical” homo/trans/bi/a-phobia, sexism, abuse. Also blood and needles (with the option to be scared of needles so it won’t be shown), sexual abuse (only after two very clear warnings in game). Birds are only used in symbolism, basta.
Genre: Urban Fantasy, Dark Academia.
Moniker for MC: Wing MC.
Genderselectable MC: cis male or female, trans male or female. However due to growing up in a cult, MC wont know that trans is a thing/what it means, this is something MC can learn about. The same goes for sexual orientation: play as gay, bi, straight, aroace or ace, but be prepared for consequences.
Pick your level of devotion: be a devout follower of the teachings of the Divine Flock, reject it partly or wholly, or simply not care. All of it will have consequences.
Choose one of various school clubs, your volery, and get an unique storyline. Ranging from dance to school security, to managing your social media page.
Important people: Your flock, a group of younger pupils you were responsible for before the Strays arrived. You may not be their Wing on paper anymore, but you still hold a special place in their heart! They do miss you and are looking forward giving you a present on your birthday!
Your volery: whichever volery you joined, you are going to met pupils that are just as enthusiastic about your chosen interest as you are! Some more than others.
Your parents. It’s another question if the relationship between you is good, but important it surely is!
ROs: Fuchsia King
Chase Watson
Wing Droznik Juschka
Astor Rapace
-only for Owls: Wing Astoria Rapace
-only for Peacocks: Marter
-only for Swans: Elrond/Estelle Falkenflug
-Vampire route: Sebastian Voss
-AMAB Raven RO: Marcel Rabenschlag
-Heron RO: Amelia Fern
-Eagle RO: Sasha Dmitrivich Skvortsov
Grey Swan II - Hawks and Doves
Unless otherwise stated you are playing as a normal human! Two legs, two arms, internal organs, hopefully a brain too. We will see how much of this organ stays intact after state propaganda, will we?
Someone once said that you were the most happiest youth in the world after the Great Heartbeat, that had shattered the old world. Earlier you would have agreed in a heartbeat, wearing the light green uniform of your state youth organisation. But now? When war has come to Avistrions shores and news reels show only destruction ?
Choose your gender, way of thinking and stance while growing up in a religious dictatorship on the giant island Avistrion. Be a devout follower of the Divine Flock, the only thing that survived the earthquake that devastated the earth. Or be the Vulture, trying to rip it to shreds, while wearing the badge of youth leadership… where will you be when war strikes your so closed off country? Which side will you be on when it ends? Will you even survive long enough to see the outcome?
Moniker for MC: Fugol MC.
Agon Falkenflug Adler/Weihe Habichtklau
Johanna/Nikola Arra
Grey Swan III - Wisteria Birds
Wisteria Birds (fantasy, drama, angst)! Currently on pause.
You are beautiful, trained in art and music. You are deadly, trained in the unique weapons that no one except you can use. You are dying. Kept alive by the very same thing that keeps you save from others abusing their power over you… You have no rights. But you can do whatever you want, even kill, without having to fear any consequences. You are the most pleasant death that anyone can wish for. You are an artwork. And all you are supposed to be is look pretty, show of your owners wealth. But oh, you could become so much more…
You play as a highly specialised trained entertainer… an Artwork, expensive companion to the rich and noble ones in Aklant, a country with rigid rules and unspoken laws, strict class divide and obsessed with anything that shows how rich they are… or at least let them appear rich. Artworks themselves are outside of this all, freed from all those social chains, but not seen as human… maybe its time to change that? Or leave the status quo as it is, up to you!
Moniker for MC: Artwork MC.
Fauconniers, your potential buyers:
Chevalier Armand Sanson Alexandre Desrosier Others, you may work together with one or more of them? “Mouette” Sanglant du Verdier
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You have been a Hound, the human companion of a vampire, for years.
Until you find yourself among the undead and masterless after a night where everything went wrong… leaving you with no other choice but to move back in with your parents.
ROs (will expand)
Theo Grimm
Agent Rosa Caleb
Marian Viorel
Citadel of dancing birds
Ghibli inspired! Mainly Howls moving castle.
You play someone from our world who ends up in another world! Since this is an aspect I greatly enjoyed in the book and was really sad they didnt include in the movie, there will be chances of jumping between the worlds (and of course becoming a magician too!).
ROs, some are locked into specific magic combinations:
Opera Job and changing into Animals: Santu Cajarin
Changing into Animals: Rosalind Eagledancer
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sweetsmalldog · 2 years ago
Something something p!Scott is the wild sibling in almost every sense. He’s unbridled curiosity for everything he finds worth looking into, he’s brave, he’s perhaps a bit unhinged. Scott looks at the world with a desire to see and know and more often then not if it’s not something he’s already learned the dangers of he won’t bother to be careful. Aimsey is there and she needs help because why else would she have never come back, the hooded cult dude’s boat sank into the whirlpool and Scott was going to check out that mountain anyways. He knows what he’s doing of course he’ll be fine. He carries books and maps and looks upon the world with a wonder for the things he has yet to understand and a determination to learn and use it to his advantage.
Something something Acho is the cautious sibling. Acho is the one who knows how easy it is to lose what you love. Acho believes it’s better to not get attached if you can help it and if you can’t don’t let anyone know how much you care. Stars holds onto everyone of value in stars life as tightly as stars can and don’t let go because you may never be able to get it back. Always be careful and don’t let yourself get burned. Don’t trust the people around you unless they’ve proven they can be trusted and even then not fully, be wary of people you don’t know. Hide what you love as it is the most valuable secret.
Scott excitedly telling Gabriel and Christian that his brother has returned to the isle. Acho telling the stars about how they’re scared to let people know they care. Scott not thinking twice about telling Cleo, Owen, and Martyn he and Acho are siblings. Acho having not told a single soul. Scott telling Acho he loves him with no hesitation. Acho not saying it back until Scott is out of earshot. Scott being the one to confront Acho about stars return because “it had to happen at some point”. Acho avoiding it for as long as possible.
Something about them both seeing how the other has changed. Something about Scott writing about how he will do whatever it takes to not lose his brother again. Something about how when Acho said “No Herons” that didn’t include Scott. Something about them both missing the other. Something about how somethings change and shift and some things remain constant. Something about love.
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fir-fireweed · 5 months ago
How?!?!? I always fall for characters like Ferret and Heron so tell me how you have me out here willing to sell my soul for Lion!
Mwahaha! Yasss another convert to the cult of Lion. We meet every Tuesday. BYOB.
No, but really, I’m delighted to hear that! Especially given the fact that you usually gravitate to other ROs. Lion was the protagonist’s love interest in the original novella, and no matter how much I love the other 3 (which I do!), Lion will always be my boo.
Thank you for reading and for the comment!
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defira85 · 9 months ago
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A Heart As Cold As Ice
A Gale/Tav chapter fic
With everyone assembled, Carmela put her hands on her hips. "Alright," she said, "so everyone just simultaneously had a strange dream. Did you all meet a figure of some importance to you who begged you to trust them?" A round of affirmation went around the group. "I saw my mother," Wyll said, somewhat mournfully. "I also saw my mother," he offered, matching Wyll's relieved smile when he spoke up. "No shit, I saw my mum too," Karlach said, from where she was perched on a log by the fire-pit. "It was so weird, one second I was wide awake for my watch, and then the next second I woke up in some glittery space place with my mum kneeling over me." Heron started to sign something, and Kassara seated next to him snorted in amusement. "Heron says he also saw Karlach's mum," she said, which drew a hearty cackle of laughter from the tiefling woman as she punched Heron on the arm in camaraderie.
Read Chapter Three here! We've got a bloodthirsty drow fight to the death (possibly the best fight scene I've ever written, if I'm being very humble), treachery upon treachery, secret drow cults, our first glimpse of tadpole induced romance, and even... a fated 'oh no' moment involving feelings...
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randotam280 · 2 months ago
Heron cult 2: electric boogaloo
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@gravemations @personajan @doodle-girl
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honeybyte · 8 months ago
could you give a little updated rundown of your ocs? i know you've done one back in '17 but that was aaaages ago :3
your ocs are so cool hhhrrrrghhhhh i wanna hear you infodump about them
OUGH OOOHHHH im glad you think they're cool! my little guys,,,,, hmmm lets see 👏 this is gonna get Super long
2024 OC Rundown: GO
Axe + Cleaver
Goliath Abernathy > local hunter, former clergy member of the Harlach Parish
Elle Sinclaire > butcher in the Ros District of Kencree, currently possessed by several ghosts
Agnes Laroche > a scholar of the humanities with a focus on religious studies. she came to Kencree looking to learn about Boarstooth and the Harlach Parish and got more than she bargained for
Euan Harlach > a runaway from the Harlach Parish, the twin of the Parish's head priestess who resents what the church has become under her guidance. Angus' fiance
Angus Reid > blacksmith in the Ros District, head of the militia that keeps the District out from under the Parish's control. Euan's fiance
Odelia Harlach > head priestess of Harlach Parish and foyunder of the Boarstooth religion. a cannibalistic vampire with a taste for power and adoration
tag: rhodes butchery
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Yule Jones > the local coffinmaker. a workaholic who's main hobby is visiting the oldest graves in town to leave flowers, including a mausoleum with the name Joan Haakon
Joan Haakon > an ancient vampire who doesn't get out much. she got caught returning flowers to Yule's doorstep and now she's living her worst fear (falling in love)
Donatello Jenkins > Joan's wingman, who is ever exasperated with her and finally understanding the phrase "dumb lesbians"
tag: coffinmaker
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Kazmir > grew up alone traveling thru a country hit by a technological apocalypse, looking for her mother. met Mozzwood at a young age and now they're partners thru thick and thin
Mozzwood > a very anxious young gryffin. Kaz protects him more than he has the heart to protect her, but he does his best to look out for her
Valentine > a former cult child and the leading mind on agriculture in the apocalypse. sells their knowledge on agriculture for their needs. rescued Gabriel from their old church
Gabriel > Valentine's little sister and a former cult child. has lived a very sheltered life, so you can imagine what a 9 year old who suddenly doesnt have any rules is like
Neera > an older gryffin that occasionally checks in on the group. taught a younger Valentine how to care for themself
tag: flock
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The Hunt
Julia > one of the Malady twins and head of the Malady clan. reacts explosively and violently towards parties outside of his clan, but is loving and silly with the rest of his group. the group's brawler, weapon of choice is his "bear paw" gloves
Angelo > one of the Malady twins and second in command of the Malady clan. much more levelheaded than his sibling, more emotional and very well behaved in social settings. skilled in forgery and lock picking. weapon of choice is a crowbar
Jack > the 3rd addition to the clan. their tech and historical expert in heists/raids. can joke around off the job but takes his work very seriously. Mitchell's mentor. doesn't fight due to an old knee injury
Mitchell > the newest addition to the clan, added after a serious brawl in which he and Julia hit stalemate, earning the clan's respect in one shot. skilled in antique restoration. weapon of choice is knives
Mama > the matriarch of the Malady clan, raised the twins and Jack. very sweet with everyone she meets. doesn't partake in the raids or the spoils, but first order of business after a raid is still to offer her pieces that were acquired on the job. doesn't fight-- has never had so much as a scratch because the rest of the clan protects her
Scottie > local lounge singer, Julia's girlfriend. knows about the clan but unaware what their "job" is. Julia makes sure her every need is met. Scottie is very bubbly and sweet with everyone, and loves hanging off Julia's shoulder
tag: the hunt
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Red Heron
Alec > one of the archivists for the Red Heron Project. unable to leave the site due to physical complications regarding their body modification. guardian of the Librarian (in love with the Librarian)
The Librarian > the main archivist of the Red Heron Project. considered a failed model of heavy body modification, they're also unable to leave the site. lives with Alec in the Project's archives
Eliza > considered a successful body mod, and currently works as an assistant within the Project. caretaker for Yuma and Lovelace, and currently working on a plan to get them out
Yuma > also known as Y-034. one of the two youngest subjects in the Project. a successful attempt at creating a programmable android out of a human. best friends with Lovelace
Lovelace > failed attempt at creating a programmable android out of a human. she refuses 98% of commands given to her-- an attempt to fix this leaves her wires fried, reactions violent, and movements unpredictable. does her best to help take gentle care of Yuma
Johann > one of the leading engineers within the project, but was unaware his designs were being carried out-- burdened with intense guilt after learning of Alec and Lovelace's existence, but unable to leave the site. designs and builds for Kairos' mods
Kairos > bodyguard for Johann, and a little obsessed with his own modifications. always looking for bigger and better mods, and loves when they come off intimidating. loves Johann dearly, but will get in daily fights with Alec
tag: red heron
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Adriana > traveling mercenary on her "last job". she's morose, weighed down by the death of a childhood friend. she's convinced it was her fault, and so punishes herself for it constantly. finds her place in the circus after meeting Frogmouth
Frogmouth > a masked jester within a traveling circus. he's looking for revenge for a past hurt, which he refuses to share with others until he meets Adriana. Adriana's complete opposite, he's bubbly to a point of being annoying for most
Grace > duchess of the town the circus and Adriana have landed in. Adriana could swear she was familiar...
Andrew > Grace's devoted guard dog. he's over reactive when it comes to her safety and public perception. hates Frogmouth with a passion
tag: kor
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With Love From Denver
The Harbinger/Denver Maldonado > a dullahan in the southwest. the loss of her head created a violent rage within her, and now that her head has been stolen, she hunts down anyone who's come in contact with it
Flora Hernandez > a mail carrier who's secretly hunting for the dullahan's head. she does find it. she also finds the dullahan
tag: wlfd
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Pearl River
Dallas Whickam > an alligator hybrid living in the swamps of Louisiana. he's pretty sheltered, considering, but he has a kind personality and can't stop talking when he meets Pearl for the first time
Pearl Jones > a student interested in the swamp wildlife. he stumbles upon Dallas' shack on accident, gets the scare of his life meeting Dallas, and then begins socializing him when he finds he has nothing to fear
tag: dallas, pearl
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Magdalene > an alcoholic fisherman on the Maine coast. years of scraping by has beaten her down but she feels trapped within her industry. goes to bars and clubs to cope, during which she meets Sadie
Sadie/Temperance > Magdalene's new first mate. Sadie is the human vessel for the goddess Temperance, who's in love with Magdalene (god's favorite fisherman > Bad). Temperance has loved Magdalene thru several lifetimes and will continue to love her for many more
tag: temperance
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losver07 · 7 months ago
hi hey hoe ho ho - intro post (finally updated)
welcome to the bottom of the ocean... i hope you brought snacks!
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☆ for personal reasons, i will have reduced access to my phone for a few days
☆ no tvs update this week, i haven't been able to write
☆ chapter 5 of tvs now out on ao3! · 03-10-2025
☆ we hit 100!!!! · 02-17-2025
☆ i love you (very important announcement)
☆ drink water, take your meds, get some fresh air
☆ you have pretty eyes, has anyone ever told you?
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asks, dms and reblogs always welcome! go ahead, don't be shy! i love interaction <3
do not hate or be weird, though. if you're here to spread bad vibes, i'm sorry to say you're not cool :( YourWhimsy.exe could not be found :(( you are a meanie :(((
nice people are the best, y'all are vip in this blog, take a star ★
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❦︎ about this blog and the gremlin that controls it ❦︎
✯ you can call me bee!
✯ any pronouns and gendered terms are okay <3
✯ i speak english, spanish, basque and latin (and morse, if you must know)
✯ i read, i write, i fangirl and i spread love! i also make very bad jokes...
✯ art blog: @losver07draws
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༄ about the contents of this abysmal hole ༄
✵ mainly marauders stuff, also some greek mythology (and related: pjo and tsoa) and lot lot lot more!
✵ very very queer if you hadn't noticed
✵ DNI: homophobes, transphobes, racists, sexists, pedophiles, bad people, toxic fans, my mum (lmao)
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☁︎ pieces of media that shaped me, for worse or for better ☁︎
✰ movies: dead poets society, the perks of being a wallflower, billy elliot, lost highway, babadook, anything ghibli (especially howl's moving castle & the boy and the heron)
✰ books: stephen king's it, salinger's the catcher in the rye, oscar wilde's picture of dorian gray, andre aciman's call me by your name and more recently madeline miller's the song of achilles!
✰ shows: the office, community, how i met your mother, futurama, bbc's sherlock, i am not okay with this
✰ music: bowie, led zeppelin, smashing pumpkins, velvet underground, the smiths, pink floyd, queen.... (anything 70-90s, really), taylor swift, kevin atwater, phoebe bridgers, backseat lovers, billie eilish, chappel roan...
some songs that i'm obsessed with at the moment (will be updating from time to time):
link to one of my spotify lists in case you wanna stalk me??
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☽︎ my fics ☾︎
✫ TVS - The Virgin Suicides: marauders, muggle au, set in a mental hospital. wolfstar, jegulus, jily
✫ (coming soon) TRAF - The Rise and Fall of Sirius Black and the Snakes from the Bar: marauders, muggle au, drag queen sirius and modiste remus. wolfstar, jegulus
✫ (coming soon) BBRT - Black Blood, Red Tears: marauders, muggle au, black brothers surviving to their family's cult. mainly jegulus & wolfstar, prongsfoot and moonwater too
✫ (and more to come...)
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𓁹 my tags 𓁹
✪ [#bee writes] my writing!
✪ [#bee fangirls] mainly marauders, but maybe other fandoms too?
✪ [#bee is a nerd] etymology, weird facts, and anything, really
✪ [#bee lowkey needs therapy] for chaos
✪ [#bee is dumb af] for times when i realise i've been spelling wednesday wrong my whole life
✪ [#bee & co.] people people people!
✪ [#tvs fic!] for anything related to my fic 'the virgin suicides'!
(i used to have a different set of tags, so i'm still working on changing them!)
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❀ hey! okay, so i'm a minor, a student and dealing with some mental health related stuff lately. this means: if i am not regular in my posting or don't answer in a bit, it's because i don't have superpowers (sorry to disappoint)
anyway, i know this place is as much of a escape from reality for others as it is for me, so i will try to be as active and cheerful as i can <3
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☀︎︎ well, i think that's all! creds of my pfp go to the nuggts picrew, and i made the dividers myself!
thanks for stepping by and i hope you have a day as bright as you are!
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lunar1an · 1 year ago
so the thing that Gets Me about late pale abyss is like
we get hints of a truer-to-pact abyss in the form of cagerattler's story and one glimpse when the trio were in the snowy forest and got a denizen pointing a gun at them (killwagon also conforms to normal abyss expectations)
but the primary way it's seen in action is though maricica's cult and the red heron students.
and it's a fucking drugs metaphor.
you put abyss juice in you and feel great and strong and you do a bunch of harmful things while "under the influence". abyss power tempts you with an Ideal Cool Self you can be so you want to put abyss juice in you to get there apparently. and if you do too much of it then it breaks your mind and turns you into a violent monster who only cares about your next killing fix (kira-lynn). maricica's the dealer giving abyss juice and KL peer pressures the others into putting abyss juice in themselves with spirit surgery and it's like.
where's the abyss as trauma. where's the abyss as societal misery that grinds you down and only leaves the sharp edges. where's the abyss as the representation of the idea that Life Sucks sometimes and there's no quick fix or escape.
it's like a watered down version of that one dream blake had in the drains except so watered down it lacks the context of what material circumstances actually push people to take the abyss's offers in-setting and turns it into "they're stupid and/or evil kids"
it's not like an addiction metaphor is Unrealistic for the abyss. that can go to really dark places. but given the context of everything the abyss was in pact and the wider context of how drug use is portrayed in all of WB's works it's. a disappointing show i suppose.
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captainpetebradshaw · 15 hours ago
movie diary 2024
Last year's diary I posted in mid-January. Oh well, life is unpredictable.
As always this is only every movie that was new to me and no rewatches. With 123 it's 22 movies fewer than last year but I also rewatched all of the X-Men and Deadpool movies, Challengers and Conclave a couple times and Deadpool & Wolverine at least as many times as fingers on my hand ;)
Full list under the cut, I bolded my favorites:
001 Saltburn
002 Monster (2023)
003 The Boy and the Heron
004 Trevor Noah: Where Was I
005 No Hard Feelings
006 Das Lehrerzimmer
007 The Marvels
008 Freelance
009 Wir waren in der AfD - Aussteiger berichten
010 Next Goal Wins
011 The Holdovers
012 Anyone But You
013 Poor Things
014 Anatomy of a Fall
015 Dune: Part Two
016 The Zone of Interest
017 American Fiction
018 All of Us Strangers
019 Players
020 Pinball: The Man Who Saved the Game
021 Migration
022 tick, tick...BOOM!
023 Argylle
024 The Little Mermaid (2023)
025 Dream Scenario
026 Mean Girls (2024)
027 Wicked Little Letters
028 Enemy Mine
029 Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom
030 Ricky Stanicky
031 C'mon C'mon
032 Hundreds of Beavers
033 The Iron Claw
034 Morbius
035 Madame Web
036 The Fall Guy
037 Problemista
038 Twister
039 Challengers
040 Mars Express
041 The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare
042 Godzilla Minus One
043 Ferrari
044 Robot Dreams
045 Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire
046 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga
047 Red, White & Royal Blue
048 BL Metamorphosis
049 Love Lies Bleeding
050 Roter Himmel
051 Dear Ex
052 Housekeeping for Beginners
053 Am I OK?
054 Funeral Parade of Roses
055 My Summer of Love
056 Bound
057 Hit Man
058 Wochenendrebellen
059 Kinds of Kindness
060 IF
061 Civil War
062 The Bikeriders
063 Alienoid
064 Twisters
065 Alienoid: Return to the Future
066 Deadpool & Wolverine
067 Beverly Hills Cop II
068 Teen Wolf
069 Red, White & Brass
070 Point Break
071 Red vs. Blue: Restoration
072 Save the Green Planet!
073 Jackpot!
074 The First Slam Dunk
075 Fly Me to the Moon
076 Midnight Runners
077 Inside Out 2
078 Borderlands
079 Boy Kills World
080 RoboCop
081 Dìdi
082 Despicable Me 4
083 How To Make Milions Before Grandma Dies
084 Bad Boys: Ride or Die
085 Omni Loop
086 Entertainment Made by Cults
087 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
088 Wolfs
089 Waitress
090 Dark Phoenix
091 Mad God
092 MaXXXine
093 The Faculty
094 Lisa Frankenstein
095 The Happiness of the Katakuris
096 Transformers One
097 A Quiet Place: Day One
098 Venom: The Last Dance
099 Exhuma
100 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
101 MadS
102 Bumblebee
103 Transformers
104 My Cousin Vinny
105 My Old Ass
106 The Wild Robot
107 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
108 Gladiator II
109 Emilia Pérez
110 Anora
111 Conclave
112 Woman of the Hour
113 Kneecap
114 Dear Santa
115 The Wizard of Oz
116 Wicked
117 Carry-On
118 It's a Wonderful Life
119 Elf
120 The Santa Clause
121 Red One
122 The Holiday
123 Four Rooms
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jaywings · 4 months ago
The way I read the audience post was less 'don't create without any intent to make something meaningful to people, only yourself', and more 'don't cut away or change things that matter to the piece just because it might make the audience larger/because some people might not like it- what moves you at the core of it is more likely to move others through that connected humanity'. It's better to have an audience of ten or a hundred that really get it and are moved by it in the same way you were creating it, than an audience of a thousand or ten thousand who see it as something mildly entertaining but has lost its passion through trying to chase the middle ground and it doesn't stick with them because of that. Creating through what matters to you will find its audience.
Oh, I am absolutely there for the small but dedicated audience. Most of the things I love would probably be considered cult classics. I think that most of the time, when creative works drift too far toward trying to please everyone, it's usually execs coming in and forcing changes based on focus groups or algorithms rather than the artists themselves making these decisions.
I think what got to me about that post was the remark that seemingly related thinking about the audience at all to "pushing a product" rather than "making art." I think you can absolutely make amazing art while keeping the audience in mind, just finding a balance for it- especially when dealing with sensitive material. (Of course, the origin of that quote was Pete Docter, who I had enormous respect for before he made some questionable comments about Pixar's future direction which... oof, talk about making art purely for the audience)
Something like the Star Wars prequels followed George Lucas' vision a bit too much and left audiences... unsatisfied. Meanwhile the sequels went too hard in the other direction and tried to cater too much to audiences (thanks, Disney). Or "The Boy and the Heron" from last year- from what I know it was a deeply personal movie for Miyazaki and it was gorgeous, but I didn't enjoy it as much as I think I could have because it was so surreal (I do need to give it another watch).
Anyway idk what my point is except that I think when creating art to share, thinking about the audience isn't necessarily a bad thing as long as you're not making changes to try to please others rather than for the sake of the art itself.
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