#cuddles and work!
zelda7999 · 2 years
jkhdjkf please imagine with me Eclipse working on a project that normally needs two people but he's got all four arms working on it. management says that for safety purposes, he needs someone at least attending. well, turns out that if Agent Neon helps, Eclipse gets to cuddle AND keep focused on work~ - @clxckwork-sun-n-moon
Okay okay, so I read this when I woke up (like 4 hours ago skjdhafkjlsdfh) and I just HAD to write this. It stole my attention so fast lksd;jflksajdf I also cannot PROPERLY EXPRESS HOW MUCH THIS MADE ME GIGGLE AND SQUEE WITH JOY
It may not be exactly what you were picturing, but I took the idea and legit RAN with it. It's mine now >:)
Title: Better with Company | Words: 1,789 | Approx. read time 8 mins
Find it under the cut!
Better with Company
Typically your work didn’t involve overtime, Eclipse was very good at making sure all projects and tasks got finished within their allotted time. You’re sure that him having four arms helped with that task, anything having to do with paperwork was faster than you could ever hope to keep up with. The same to be said with assembling prototypes. He was deadly efficient with those hands, and much to your dismay… He caught you staring at said hands often. However, with how efficient you knew him to be, hearing that management was calling you in to assist him was odd.
 If Eclipse needed help he would have called you, right? Or perhaps even asked while you were still at work. Currently you were slipping your work clothes back on and rushing out the door to get back there. It was a 15 minute walk, so you would need to hurry if you wanted to make it. Though another detail of Managements call that stuck with you, is that they assured you nothing would start until you had arrived… That didn’t make you in any less of a rush however. If something was happening, you wanted to be there ASAP.
 So when you arrive and find Eclipse more fidgety than usual, the worry that has been in the back of your mind begins to grow.
 “Eclipse! Management called me in, did we forget something?”
 His head turns to you too fast, unnaturally fast. If you didn’t know any better, you would assume it was just because he’s an animatronic, but you do know better. He never moved that fast unless you were in danger. He had some sort of knack for knowing when you were about to get hurt, and most times than not, stopped you from doing whatever it was that would harm you. Now however, he seemed nervous. That might explain why all four hands had a fidget in them, and why he was pacing while doing so.
 “No, no! Nothing like that. I am working on a project, and… Management reminded me that despite being able to preform the work as a one man team, I am required to have someone accompanying me even if they are not there to assist with said project.”
 He pauses, a small static filled sound falls from his voice box. For a moment you worry he’s about to crash with how still he’s grown, but then he starts moving again with no issues.
 “However, when they mentioned they would call someone in… I didn’t know it would be you!”
 “Well, I live close. It makes sense to call me in, only a 15 minute walk after all.”
 “And yet you made it here in 13!”
 You really did rush here, didn’t you? Snickers threaten their way out as you put a hand over your mouth to subdue them.
 “I was in a rush! Getting a call from management after what I thought was a successful work day is VERY anxiety inducing. That’s besides the point however! What’s the project?”
 Eclipse wastes no time in pocketing three of four fidgets as he leads you to the project in question. With just a look at it, one would assume it was just a pile of scrap and bolts. However, the blueprints to the side of it give you a small inkling of what it may be.
 “Management contacted me near the end of day and requested I re-evaluate and upgrade the 4500-XX equipment. They haven’t been known to be the most… Efficient invention of mine, but they served their purpose for quite a time.”
 The question is simple, just the name and a questioning tone. It serves you well because Eclipse brings the blueprints closer and gives you a proper look at them.
 “When I had first landed this position I had been working off of requests from other agents. Things they would need in their day-to-day work. One of which, was the 4500-XX. A suitcase for containing top secret information, while also protecting it. Only the owner of the case could open it safely. If someone other than it’s registered owner were to open it, the files would be destroyed for protection. Now, field agents are complaining it disposes of them in a way that disrupts their work. I thought the explosion was an efficient way of doing so, however I can see how others may… Disagree.”
 You listen carefully while looking over the documents. The mechanisms within it were wonderful and made an immense amount of sense. While the case could dispose of top secret information when in the wrong hands, it also had several security features that allowed other agents to resume the work. If perchance an agent were to lose the case, or not be able to get back to the case… As long as someone within the agency or someone registered to said case got to it, it wouldn’t explode.
 “And so you’re… Redesigning it?”
 “Yes! I can improve this significantly. It would be an easy task, I could in all honesty do it myself… Management however deems it necessary that I have someone with me during the process.”
 “Do you… Want my help? I mean, I’m okay with staying back and just watching! But if you want, I can actually assist.”
 “it wouldn’t be the first time you’ve assisted on a project like this! However… I am hesitant to completely agree to your assistance-”
 You’re about to be very mock-offended when he puts two hands up to calm you with a smile and continue talking.
 “But! I know you had just finished your work day, as did I, but you may be more tired than you let on! I can continue to work with ease, but I would not want to put that stress on you if you’re too tired.”
 Actually, that was really sweet. Heat dusts your cheeks as your heart melts into a puddle at his care. You were tired, but you weren’t going to mention it. You had agreed to come in after all. You could have said no, but in truth… You wanted to see Eclipse. Even if it was during work, and not in the setting you wanted, it was still time spent with him.
 “That’s… Actually really sweet. I am tired, but if you need me I am more than ready to help.”
 “Well, then I have the perfect way for you to assist! Come here.”
 You nod and walk over to him, with little to no warning his lower set of arms wraps themselves around you waist and holds you against him. You look up to him, and find he’s already working on what’s in front of him. Grabbing tools, pieces of the project, and even readjusting the blueprints so they were on better display for the both of you. That’s when he rolls the tool trolley closer and grabs your attention.
 “I will work on the inner mechanisms, but I would appreciate if you could put the case itself back together! Perhaps a way to make it more personalized? Every agent is different after all.”
 You smile up at him and nod, accepting this new task presented. The two of you work in this close proximity, happy to go quiet with focus… But even more happy to be pressed against each other while doing so. A couple hours go by, Eclipse’s speed and accuracy hasn’t staggered or even changed. It was a sight to behold and with exhaustion creeping up slowly but surely, your tired mind put down your tools in trade for watching him work. Before you know it your eyes are closing and you’re leaning against him as sleep catches you.
 You don’t know how long you’re out, but when you wake up you find yourself still held close to Eclipse. The project itself finished in front of you both. It looked like a normal suit case, for all indented purposes… It kind of was just a suitcase. The new notes added to the old blueprint give you the idea it was even more than it’s previous design. There were so many things Eclipse could have done while you were out.
 “Have a nice nap?”
 “I’ll probably have a sore neck later.”
 “Not to worry, you were supported the whole time! You should expect a perfectly not sore neck!”
 “My hero!”
 A yawn escapes you before the giggles do.
 “We’re finished here, so if you’re still tired y-”
 The sentence dies from his voice box and the ever comforting arms around your waist go limp. Concern overtakes you before self preservation does, Eclipse falls backwards and you fall with him. Thankfully you’re on top of him and not the other way around. How long had he been working today? He always came to work with a full charge, you remembered that detail from previous conversations… His battery must have gotten low enough for his systems to flag it as a dangerous level of low. He’ll be back in a minute. Back in a minute. You repeat this in your head to keep any thoughts from spiraling.
 At least his project was finished. Though what good you turned out to be. Doing a little work and then passing out on him… Well, not on him. Against him. A flicker of light visualizes itself in his eyes, then they’re on completely.
 While you may be happy to see him back on, his expression shows the opposite emotion. He looks panicked, and with how fast he’s now picking you up and checking you over explains itself.
 “I’m okay! I’m not hurt, you didn’t fall on me. I fell on you actually.”
 A static filled sigh fills the silence after your information.
 “Well, let us both get home.”
 “A-Actually…! Uhm… Would you… Like someone to walk home with? Y’know… For company and all…”
 Eclipse’s smile widens a smidge as his eyes fall into a well known puppy-like expression. All four of his hands close around yours, holding them in a comforting cage.
 “You could stay the night at my apartment actually, if you want to that is. I have recently acquired a bed.“
 Well, that was unfair. Now your face is bright red and you don’t have the hands to hide how red you are! But you were not going to say no to this offer.
 “Absolutely, yes- I- I mean… If that’s alright of course! I don’t want to intrude on your night anymore, and I’m sure you’ve seen enough of me today. So if you don’t want me to I can-”
 Eclipse shushes you and chuckles softly.
 “I invited you after all! I would love for you to stay the night.”
 “Then… Let’s get walking!”
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raepliica · 7 months
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i think they should take turns cuddling for healing purposes
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krysmcscience · 4 months
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Call this the Whoopsie AU (it's barely an AU)
I mean. Narinder never explicitly SAID the Lamb would stay dead... :3c He probably should have been more specific. >:3c
Part Two:
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Well. The Lamb tried, but...sorry, Nari, the crown hates you now. Shouldn't have been so quick to lend it out, I guess. :D
Aaaand Part Three:
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'Isn't he just adorable?' -The Lamb, probably, while their followers smile and nod and internally scream at the brand new hellcat they now have to share living space with...
Anyway, nothing says 'Dead To Me' like following a person around to loudly remind them of how dead they are to you. Right? Right. Narinder's got this all figured out. <:]
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 1 month
sometimes katsuki gets really dramatic (but let’s be fr when isn’t he) and acts like you ghosted him when you don’t respond to his texts in thirty minutes. not in a creepy way, just in a dramatic, needy way.
he’s not worried or anything, he checks his phone every few minutes to see if any texts from you have come in. it’s a force of habit, because you usually respond pretty quickly but after a while it gets a little weird. and then he sends you a text and another one and unconsciously he starts spamming you a bit. again, not in a creepy way. just an annoying needy whiny dramatic baby, way.
“what’s up, bakubro ? you keep checking your phone.” katsuki doesn’t look at kirishima, eyes glued to his phone when he just grunts out an “‘m fine.”
and then kaminari just has to open his big mouth. his voice playful as he speaks “uh oh, trouble in paradiseee~?” katsuki scoffs, telling the blonde to fuck off.
and he isn’t worried..not at all. until he thinks about it and maybe there was trouble in paradise ?? were you maybe ignoring him ? what’d he do ?
you look up from your notebook at the sound of your phone vibrating. oh, it’s katsuki ! you smile just seeing his contact pop up.
“hi, katsu !”
silence, no response. you try again.
“…hello ?”
you hear a scoff from the other end, and some shuffling before your boyfriend graces you with an answer. “look at your phone, you idiot.”
“hello, katsu.” you snort. “yeah, yeah. hi.” you can practically hear the roll of his eyes through the phone, you giggle and your boyfriend huffs through the speaker.
it’s then that you see the wall of texts from him “oh, did you text me ? my bad i was studying.”
there’s a faint sigh of relief “‘s fine.”
“were you worried ?” you tease.
“fuck no. just—“ a sudden pause then katsuki grumbles “answer my texts next time, moron. bye. don’t overdo it while studying or i’ll kill you.”
“meanie !” you giggle, and when he hangs up you send him a text.
we can study together next time, just so you don’t flip out again 💗😚
katsuki scoffs a mean laugh, then sends you a middle finger.
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reds-skull · 3 months
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My mom named one of the street cats she feeds Tommy, so I thought to myself, "what if..."
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safe-from-sharp-teeth · 6 months
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rockdrop · 2 months
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they cannot be separated
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radley-writes · 1 year
My enjoyment of writing, my productivity, and the quality of my work improved tenfold when I started embracing slumps and taking them as an opportunity to read everything I could get my hands on, watch lots of films and shows, go to the theatre, play games, hang out with friends, visit new places, and generally absorb life and marinate my brain in the art of storytelling.
Take from that what you will.
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will41n · 6 months
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yoel the design is a placeholder i wanted to draw joel but couldnt draw him naked ... or couldnt i??
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you’d think after 800 years he’d learn his lesson about taking afternoon naps. / prev comic / follow for more sleepy xie lian
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nymphaforesta · 1 year
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soft autumn vibes for today 🤎
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omaano · 4 months
If you're still taking those polyam sketch prompts...D2 for Cody/Obi-Wan/Rex?
Obi-Wan deserves a pair of handsome space heaters for the cold Tatooine nights :3 nap piles for everyone! Thanks for asking (and for adjusting the requested pose so that I can keep drawing different poses)❤️
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Polyamorous/platonic poses for sketching
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ickyguts · 3 months
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doodled some goods today >:]
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sleeplessv0id · 2 months
being snuggly and cuddly at heart 🤝 having a crippling fear of being a bother.
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gatoburr0 · 4 months
Oh no he’s fuzzy
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cattnipt · 1 year
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A little albatrio commission for someone on twitter!!
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