#hehehehe I had fun
tankbankss · 1 year
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My entry for @/mykeymonster 's dtiys :3c
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zelda7999 · 2 years
jkhdjkf please imagine with me Eclipse working on a project that normally needs two people but he's got all four arms working on it. management says that for safety purposes, he needs someone at least attending. well, turns out that if Agent Neon helps, Eclipse gets to cuddle AND keep focused on work~ - @clxckwork-sun-n-moon
Okay okay, so I read this when I woke up (like 4 hours ago skjdhafkjlsdfh) and I just HAD to write this. It stole my attention so fast lksd;jflksajdf I also cannot PROPERLY EXPRESS HOW MUCH THIS MADE ME GIGGLE AND SQUEE WITH JOY
It may not be exactly what you were picturing, but I took the idea and legit RAN with it. It's mine now >:)
Title: Better with Company | Words: 1,789 | Approx. read time 8 mins
Find it under the cut!
Better with Company
Typically your work didn’t involve overtime, Eclipse was very good at making sure all projects and tasks got finished within their allotted time. You’re sure that him having four arms helped with that task, anything having to do with paperwork was faster than you could ever hope to keep up with. The same to be said with assembling prototypes. He was deadly efficient with those hands, and much to your dismay… He caught you staring at said hands often. However, with how efficient you knew him to be, hearing that management was calling you in to assist him was odd.
 If Eclipse needed help he would have called you, right? Or perhaps even asked while you were still at work. Currently you were slipping your work clothes back on and rushing out the door to get back there. It was a 15 minute walk, so you would need to hurry if you wanted to make it. Though another detail of Managements call that stuck with you, is that they assured you nothing would start until you had arrived… That didn’t make you in any less of a rush however. If something was happening, you wanted to be there ASAP.
 So when you arrive and find Eclipse more fidgety than usual, the worry that has been in the back of your mind begins to grow.
 “Eclipse! Management called me in, did we forget something?”
 His head turns to you too fast, unnaturally fast. If you didn’t know any better, you would assume it was just because he’s an animatronic, but you do know better. He never moved that fast unless you were in danger. He had some sort of knack for knowing when you were about to get hurt, and most times than not, stopped you from doing whatever it was that would harm you. Now however, he seemed nervous. That might explain why all four hands had a fidget in them, and why he was pacing while doing so.
 “No, no! Nothing like that. I am working on a project, and… Management reminded me that despite being able to preform the work as a one man team, I am required to have someone accompanying me even if they are not there to assist with said project.”
 He pauses, a small static filled sound falls from his voice box. For a moment you worry he’s about to crash with how still he’s grown, but then he starts moving again with no issues.
 “However, when they mentioned they would call someone in… I didn’t know it would be you!”
 “Well, I live close. It makes sense to call me in, only a 15 minute walk after all.”
 “And yet you made it here in 13!”
 You really did rush here, didn’t you? Snickers threaten their way out as you put a hand over your mouth to subdue them.
 “I was in a rush! Getting a call from management after what I thought was a successful work day is VERY anxiety inducing. That’s besides the point however! What’s the project?”
 Eclipse wastes no time in pocketing three of four fidgets as he leads you to the project in question. With just a look at it, one would assume it was just a pile of scrap and bolts. However, the blueprints to the side of it give you a small inkling of what it may be.
 “Management contacted me near the end of day and requested I re-evaluate and upgrade the 4500-XX equipment. They haven’t been known to be the most… Efficient invention of mine, but they served their purpose for quite a time.”
 The question is simple, just the name and a questioning tone. It serves you well because Eclipse brings the blueprints closer and gives you a proper look at them.
 “When I had first landed this position I had been working off of requests from other agents. Things they would need in their day-to-day work. One of which, was the 4500-XX. A suitcase for containing top secret information, while also protecting it. Only the owner of the case could open it safely. If someone other than it’s registered owner were to open it, the files would be destroyed for protection. Now, field agents are complaining it disposes of them in a way that disrupts their work. I thought the explosion was an efficient way of doing so, however I can see how others may… Disagree.”
 You listen carefully while looking over the documents. The mechanisms within it were wonderful and made an immense amount of sense. While the case could dispose of top secret information when in the wrong hands, it also had several security features that allowed other agents to resume the work. If perchance an agent were to lose the case, or not be able to get back to the case… As long as someone within the agency or someone registered to said case got to it, it wouldn’t explode.
 “And so you’re… Redesigning it?”
 “Yes! I can improve this significantly. It would be an easy task, I could in all honesty do it myself… Management however deems it necessary that I have someone with me during the process.”
 “Do you… Want my help? I mean, I’m okay with staying back and just watching! But if you want, I can actually assist.”
 “it wouldn’t be the first time you’ve assisted on a project like this! However… I am hesitant to completely agree to your assistance-”
 You’re about to be very mock-offended when he puts two hands up to calm you with a smile and continue talking.
 “But! I know you had just finished your work day, as did I, but you may be more tired than you let on! I can continue to work with ease, but I would not want to put that stress on you if you’re too tired.”
 Actually, that was really sweet. Heat dusts your cheeks as your heart melts into a puddle at his care. You were tired, but you weren’t going to mention it. You had agreed to come in after all. You could have said no, but in truth… You wanted to see Eclipse. Even if it was during work, and not in the setting you wanted, it was still time spent with him.
 “That’s… Actually really sweet. I am tired, but if you need me I am more than ready to help.”
 “Well, then I have the perfect way for you to assist! Come here.”
 You nod and walk over to him, with little to no warning his lower set of arms wraps themselves around you waist and holds you against him. You look up to him, and find he’s already working on what’s in front of him. Grabbing tools, pieces of the project, and even readjusting the blueprints so they were on better display for the both of you. That’s when he rolls the tool trolley closer and grabs your attention.
 “I will work on the inner mechanisms, but I would appreciate if you could put the case itself back together! Perhaps a way to make it more personalized? Every agent is different after all.”
 You smile up at him and nod, accepting this new task presented. The two of you work in this close proximity, happy to go quiet with focus… But even more happy to be pressed against each other while doing so. A couple hours go by, Eclipse’s speed and accuracy hasn’t staggered or even changed. It was a sight to behold and with exhaustion creeping up slowly but surely, your tired mind put down your tools in trade for watching him work. Before you know it your eyes are closing and you’re leaning against him as sleep catches you.
 You don’t know how long you’re out, but when you wake up you find yourself still held close to Eclipse. The project itself finished in front of you both. It looked like a normal suit case, for all indented purposes… It kind of was just a suitcase. The new notes added to the old blueprint give you the idea it was even more than it’s previous design. There were so many things Eclipse could have done while you were out.
 “Have a nice nap?”
 “I’ll probably have a sore neck later.”
 “Not to worry, you were supported the whole time! You should expect a perfectly not sore neck!”
 “My hero!”
 A yawn escapes you before the giggles do.
 “We’re finished here, so if you’re still tired y-”
 The sentence dies from his voice box and the ever comforting arms around your waist go limp. Concern overtakes you before self preservation does, Eclipse falls backwards and you fall with him. Thankfully you’re on top of him and not the other way around. How long had he been working today? He always came to work with a full charge, you remembered that detail from previous conversations… His battery must have gotten low enough for his systems to flag it as a dangerous level of low. He’ll be back in a minute. Back in a minute. You repeat this in your head to keep any thoughts from spiraling.
 At least his project was finished. Though what good you turned out to be. Doing a little work and then passing out on him… Well, not on him. Against him. A flicker of light visualizes itself in his eyes, then they’re on completely.
 While you may be happy to see him back on, his expression shows the opposite emotion. He looks panicked, and with how fast he’s now picking you up and checking you over explains itself.
 “I’m okay! I’m not hurt, you didn’t fall on me. I fell on you actually.”
 A static filled sigh fills the silence after your information.
 “Well, let us both get home.”
 “A-Actually…! Uhm… Would you… Like someone to walk home with? Y’know… For company and all…”
 Eclipse’s smile widens a smidge as his eyes fall into a well known puppy-like expression. All four of his hands close around yours, holding them in a comforting cage.
 “You could stay the night at my apartment actually, if you want to that is. I have recently acquired a bed.“
 Well, that was unfair. Now your face is bright red and you don’t have the hands to hide how red you are! But you were not going to say no to this offer.
 “Absolutely, yes- I- I mean… If that’s alright of course! I don’t want to intrude on your night anymore, and I’m sure you’ve seen enough of me today. So if you don’t want me to I can-”
 Eclipse shushes you and chuckles softly.
 “I invited you after all! I would love for you to stay the night.”
 “Then… Let’s get walking!”
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undertalethingems · 22 days
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Unexpected Guests Chapter 10, Act Two: Page 21
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Perhaps surprisingly, Gaster is not very experienced in hand-to-hand combat. Heheh.
Undyne very much is, and is going to throw everything she has at the man threatening her friends--spears, punches, and Gaster. Whatever it takes, she's determined to win.
There's still more action to come--stay tuned for the next update, coming on Sep. 12th!
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obsob · 10 months
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cat parade!!!!
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ask-the-roommate-au · 2 months
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It's back...
Meeting the VIRUS: part one, part two, part three, part four (you are here), part five
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dilfsonic · 1 year
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My half of an art trade w my lovely talented friend @eighttaletail on Twitter!! ❤️🖤🏳️‍🌈
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mushtoons · 5 months
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silly parts below
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0m3n-0f-d3ath · 16 days
Otto stretching <3
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kittycrumb · 7 months
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I DREW SILLY VIOLENTINE DRAWIMF WITH @redvelvetbunny :33333 this was so fun HEH
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lichtbrenger · 7 months
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passive-nightmaresans · 2 months
AU AU AU!!!!!! >:D
Multiverse where it's in some type nuclear explosion then they all live in the aftermath. Ink may or may not have taken part in the explosion and has been missing since. First big change I have is basically you can freely leave and enter any au and most aus are empty and have been raided for any supplies left. Bad guys first because they're my favorite. Horror went back to his au and has been missing ever since. Dust has gone solo and doing surprising good but I wouldn't approach him as he's now being feral honestly lol. Killer who in this au had been swapped so instead of Killer it's Chara and now instead of Chara being a ghost it's Killer! But the same pitch black drippy eyes and soul thingy stay the same (and their design is different but idk how yet lol-) but they still work with Nightmare. And Nightmare who is slightly in his passive form. Almost half his skull is broken from the apple incident and negativity drips from it a lot and quite often. He still has his tendrils but they are weak and goopy and often drip. The corruption is barely there and the only thing keeping him alive currently so he cannot experience positive emotions because positivity = no corruption and no corruption = death. So he mostly relies on Killer/Chara to do his dirty work still while Chara treats him like the old grandpa he is. And I'll figure out the stars and Error later because this is already so long
You like friends??????? I might not post a lot today so I hope this'll keep you entertained!! Hehehehe this is still just a rough draft of the concept plus I just really wanted to do Killer/Chara and Nightmare! Create theories on how the explosion happened >:3
Part 2 <-
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robinsnest2111 · 1 year
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shoutout to my college illustration class teacher for having us do a whole day of drawing hands from reference photos 🙏 I still dread drawing hands/fingers but at least they look decent if I put my mind to it now
@coiled-dragon @baronessmeinster please enjoy! ☺️
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puppyeared · 1 year
your artstyle looks like it would make really cute mlp fanart and its making me want to ask if youve ever drawn mlp characters so here i am
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Now I have!
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leahnardo-da-veggie · 2 months
A Tale for A Mouse
Oh, look who’s here! A measly mouse of a mortal. Have you come looking for a story, little mouse? Have you come sniffing around for crumbs? Have you come seeking wisdom from the man who cheated the greatest warrior in existence, the one who took control of the most powerful empire with nothing but his wits and daring, the one and only Spirit Emperor?
Well, you're in luck, because I happen to be in a storytelling mood today. No head-chopping for old Hans-el tonight, oh no. Tonight is a night for song and dance. Miphala! Send for the musicians. Call in the chefs. And best of all, ready my court. This little mouse snuck into my house, and I do believe in being a good host, even to mice.
Now, what sort of tale do you seek, kina-ilra? One of derring-do? Perhaps the story of how the daring captain Cefalin stole the Amulet of Power under the Godhuntress' nose? Or would you rather a more traditional tale, like that of Celita's rescuing of our kinden? What about a myth, like Hari-hil's journey to the Lands Beyond Ours?
A story about me? Why, whatever might possess you to ask such a thing? There's naught left to be said of my life, mouse, save that which I would rather never unearth. The bards have sung of my every exploit, from the moment I arrived in the Capital to claim my blood-right. I do suppose I could tell you a story from the times before that, back when I was but a whelp in the forest. Would you like that, little ilra? Of course you would. The fact that your blood does not stain my lips this moment is an honour like no other.
So, then... Let me take you back to the era of good old Sarne-Hari, bless her remains that soak the earth. It was summer, and the bugs were all over us, back in the thicket of the Ko-clan. The stifling heat soaked bored little-me to the ectoplasm, and not even a dip in the creek would cure it. I craved adventure, a thrill to shake off the thick blanket of the weather. Thankfully, life has always provided that. Not long after I resolved myself to find some form of entertainment, of either the trouble-solving or trouble-causing variants, did something fall into Killinoa's supply barn. I, being the oldest child in the clan, got the privilege of volunteering to go investigate, with the reward of some grilled mottle-scorpion at the end of it. 
Do not give me that look, Fala. And most certainly do not spout that nonsense about boys being too fragile for such things. You should know well as any other that foresters care not if their whelps are male or female. We all ran about in our shifts, and painted our faces with the same paints. The other clans would have done well to learn from us. In fact, I might well make that my next edict. 'All children, be they male or female, ghost or spirit, pure or halfling, should be treated the very same'. How does that sound? Like it would make the stuffy old kvichii go to arms in outrage? Then I most certainly shall do it at the nearest opportunity.
Oh, but I digress! I suppose I have been boring you, little mouse. I merely needed to set the scene, put the drapes on the curtains, if I used the mortal metaphor correctly. I crawled into the splintered wood-shack all alone, with only a tiny viliche light to guide my way. Whatever had cracked the wood was a good hundred times heavier than one of our people, for I could have had our entire clan stand on that roof without making a dent in it. 
I, being a young boy and prone to the fancies that came with, thought our supply-intruder to be a leviathan of old, one of the great serpents in the sky. When no glittering mass of scale and webbing emerged from beneath the fallen beams, I downsized my expectations to a baby wyrm, shot out of the sky by the ever-aggressive harpies. Then, disappointed as I began pulling sacks of dried fruit and flour out of the wreckage, I downgraded my hopes again to find a matriarch of the aforementioned harpies who had been wounded horribly in a airborne clash, and who would be eternally grateful for my rescue and offer me a place as one of her retainers.
For the record, it was a perfectly normal thing for a boy to want! I swear in my own name if you dare so much as smile, Rinako, I will be drinking my soup from your hollowed out skull tonight. I tell this story as I remembered it, youthful folly and all, and you ought to show some respect. 'Tis the least our courageous little guest deserves, after all. 
@coffeeangelinabox, @dorky-pals, @calliecwrites, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @shukei-jiwa
@thewingedbaron, @pluppsauthor, @cowboybrunch, @wylloblr, @possiblyeldritch @ramwritblr, @urnumber1star, @fortunatetragedy, @bigwipscholar, @ratedn
@vampirelover890, @possiblylisle, @illarian-rambling, @the-ellia-west
@finicky-felix, @evilgabe29, @glitched-dawn, @rivenantiqnerd, @dragonhoardesfandoms
@drchenquill, @everythingismadeofchaos, @owldwagitoutofyou, @dimitrakies, @beloveddawn-blog
@riveriafalll, @the-golden-comet, @rascaronii, @trippingpossum, @real-fragments
(Anyone else who wants to get added can tell me in the comments, pm me, or send me an ask about it!)
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bambamnesiac · 6 months
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You have been bapped!
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tch, you dont know who youre talkin to, kid
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lorelune · 2 years
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(cw: yan gojo, horror elements, obsession, divinity)
gojo satoru as a god with many eyes and only one face, who hasn't been human in a long time (maybe ever, he can't quite recall.) he doesn't need to exist here, or there, or anywhere, but he must at the same time. poor old god.
imagine his surprise when a little human looks up at him-- sees him, like he sees things. poor little creature.
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little things like you aren't meant to see big things like him. as you cry and wretch on the floor of your bedroom, overwhelmed, he steals the memory from you. it would be cruel to burden you with Sight like that.
he watches you, stays close to earth, and keeps it in the palm of his hand as you go about your days. he learns about you. how you take you coffee, the type of nightmares you have, the exact speed blood shoots through your veins. he learns the sound of air entering your lungs, and leaving. how cute of you, needing so much matter to keep your little flesh and body moving? he finds you charming, entrancing even.
there's many gods though, ones like him that are big and endless, and one hurts him. hurts him. how odd. and perhaps, in his pain, he descends to your little place in the world. he crafts bones and ribs and blood for himself. he lets it soak your garden, fertilizes your flower beds with him.
and oh, the sweet thing you are, you see this almost-not-quite human sprawled in your fields, bleeding gold, and help him. you press a cold glass to his lips (cold, glass-- new sensations for him. he loves it. he thinks he already loves you, and he hardly knows what love is) and have him drink. you feed him mushy human food, but it taste (taste, oh, what a sense he never realize he lacked. he wants to tastes you) warm and homey.
you tell him you'll look after him, clean his wound, and take him elsewhere if its his injury worsens (it won't, he could heal himself, and snatch you into the immaterial if he wanted, but he doesn't.)
"Is there anything else you need? I can fetch you another blanket--" you move to leave his side (oh, he's material, you can leave, he's not everywhere anymore, the feeling stabs him in the chest and chills him.)
he drags you back, first by your wrists, then by a tight grip on your jaw. he takes you nose to nose, close as atoms and little particles will allow. he laughs, his first material laugh, and says, "I only need you."
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