#csi ny imagines
fandomgirlz01 · 4 months
By Your Side
(CSI: NY) Reed Garrett X Reader
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Imagine on my fandom Instagram?: No  
Prompt or Request or Requested Prompt?: No
Style of Writing: Fic (Potential Future Series)
Edited: Yes
Word count: 5,204
Warnings here
Listen to the story be read out loud here {coming soon}. 
Post Date & Time: May 20th 2024 at 11:14 PM
Summary: When Reed accidentally gets involved in something his friend died for the reader (his girlfriend) comes home to a very scary situation. Later they each help each other through forms of grief. 
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Authors Note: There will be a lot of time skips and it mostly follows Reed’s story line in the show with just a few minor (very minor) changes to it. This will be part of a future Reed series, for now though please just enjoy this part as a little sneak peek to the future series.
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Reed’s Pov:
“Did you talk to Mac like you wanted to, babe?” Y/n, my girlfriend, asks as I talk with her on the phone while walking up to our campus dorm room building. 
“Yeah, I did. Told him everything I knew,” I answer her and she sighs, making me imagine her frowning. 
“Reed, baby. Are you sure you should be getting involved with this?” she queries in worry as I open the door to the building. 
“I’ll be fine, babe. It’s for Brian. You know he’d do the same for us,” I beg her to understand and she sighs. 
“I just don’t want you getting hurt,” she tells me in a sad tone and I stop walking up the stairs for a moment. 
“Babe. Mac won’t let me get hurt. I’ll be okay,” I calmly inform her in hopes of calming her anxiety. 
“How’d you even get into the lab, isn’t it hard to get into?” she asks and I smirk as I start walking up the flight of stairs again. 
“I told them I was family and they let me in,” I inform her and she giggles. 
“And they let you in?” she parrots in disbelief and I smile even more as I let out a chuckle. 
“That they did,” I reply to her in a smug tone and she laughs as I imagine her shaking her head in disbelief. 
“That’s crazy. It’s the top forensics building in New York and they just let you in if you say you’re family? Shouldn’t their security be a little better than that?” she asks in an amused tone that makes me chuckle and shake my head. 
“You would think that, wouldn’t you?” I ask and we both laugh. 
“Now I’m second guessing my future line of work…” she jokes and I shake my head. 
“Awe, don’t do that, sweetheart. It’s all you’ve wanted growing up. I’m sure not much actually happens where they need hard core security there anyway,” I comfort to the best of my ability and she laughs. 
“Oh. Okay… I guess I won’t drop out of class,” she jokes and I chuckle, shaking my head at our playfulness. 
“Anyways… When will you be home?” I ask her and she hums. 
“I’ll be home in about a half hour, tops, honey. I promise,” she swears to me and I smile, shaking my head as I continue my walk up the stairs to our dorm room. 
“It’s okay, babe. I know work is demanding sometimes. We’ve talked about this. All I care about is that you come home safe,” I inform her and she giggles, making me smile.
“Ok. Well, I’ll see you in half an hour babe. I love you,” she tells me and my grin grows as I unlock the front door. 
“I love you too, sweetheart,” I respond and before I know it, she’s hanging up. 
I chuckle, shaking my head as I pocket my phone and finish unlocking the door before going into our room. I walk in and pull my bag over my head as I close the door, but I’m immediately in defense mode as the room feels off. I look over at my computer and find a sticky note stuck to it. 
At first I’m relieved, thinking y/n had just left me a cute note like she always does, but when I get closer it’s clear my laptop screen has been broken and as I read the note my stomach drops: keep your story quiet. 
I walk up a little closer as fear now courses through me and next thing I know, I feel a presence behind me. I quickly turn to look at what it is, but as soon as I do I’m punched, making me fall back to the floor. The person keeps kicking and punching me, but I can’t make out who it is because they wear a solid white mask. 
I try my hardest to fight back, but after a few hits to the head everything becomes blurry so I try to curl into myself and hide away. The person keeps kicking and I keep trying to move away, but to no avail. Soon before I know it, the person stops and I look up at them as black spots slowly fill my vision. The last thing I see is the person leaving the dorm room before finally my eyes close. 
Reader’s Pov: 
I smile as I walk up to our dorm room building, glad that my manager let me go home earlier than I was supposed to. I tiredly but happily drag myself up the stairs to surprise my boyfriend. Once I get closer, my smile falls as I see the door is cracked open. I immediately start to worry, seeing as Reed never leaves it open and I carefully push it the rest of the way open. 
“Reed,” I gasp out when I see him crumpled up on the floor.  
“Reed. Baby?” I call him again as I drop my bag aside before getting down onto my knees next to him. 
I shake him and he doesn’t respond so I turn him over. I gasp as I see his face clearly beaten and bruised up. Immediately I stand back up and at first I feel a little dizzy, but I push it off to walk over to the desk. Quickly I search for the card I know Reed has. It takes a few minutes, but I find it and hold it up. I quickly dial the number and it rings for a few minutes. 
“Hello? How can I help you?” A voice asks through the phone and I pause. 
“Hello?” The voice asks again and I blink. 
“H-h-hi, is this Mac Taylor?” I stutter out into the phone and he pauses for a moment. 
“Yes. This is he. May I ask who you are?” he asks and I look over at Reed. 
“I’m Reed’s girlfriend. He, uhh… said this morning that if anything happened to call you,” I quickly explain in a panicked tone. 
“Is Reed okay? Are you?” he asks me and I pause as I look down at Reed, now getting choked up. 
“I’m okay. I came home to our door open and him on the floor,” I explain as I hold my tears back so he can understand me. 
“Okay, listen to me. I’ll be there as quickly as I can and I’ll bring some others with me. Is he unconscious?” he asks me and I hold back another sob. 
“He is. I tried calling out to him and even shaking him, yet no response,” I inform him as I bite my lip, staring down at Reed with tears constantly welling up in my eyes. 
“Ok. Just stay with him. Me and a couple officers will be there in a few minutes, okay?” he calmly tells me and I continue to stare at Reed, not responding. 
“Can you do that?” Mac asks me again and I quickly straighten my back. 
“Y…yeah. Please get here quickly,” I reply as I now get onto the floor next to Reed. 
“Of course. I’ll be there as soon as I can,” he quickly promises before we both hang up. 
I sit against the side of our bed and lightly pick Reed’s head up to lay it in my lap. I hug his head close before leaving a light kiss on his forehead as I finally let the tears fall. 
“Reed. Come on, baby,” I gently coo to him in hopes he’ll start to stir awake. 
“Come on Reed. Please open your eyes for me,” I gently plead with him as I rub his hair back from his forehead. 
I sit with him for a few more minutes before suddenly he lets out a low groan. I perk up and gently shush him as I continue to rub his hair back. 
“It’s okay, baby. I’m here. You’re okay,” I coo softly to him as he slowly comes to. 
It takes him a bit, but finally he fully comes to and when his eyes are fully open, he starts to squirm in my arms. He freaks out for a minute, but calms when I hold his head so he can see it’s only me. 
“Shh. It’s only me, babe. You’re okay… you’re safe. I’m right here,” I calmly murmur to him as I rock us back and forth lightly. 
“No. You can’t be here. Th- they might come back…” he fights me again and I shake my head. 
“No one is coming back, Reed. You're okay and I’m okay. Mac’s on his way,” I inform him as I continue to play with his hair and he immediately calms again. 
“I’m sorry you came home to me like this, babe,” he groans out and I shake my head. 
“It’s okay, honey. I’m with you through anything, you know that,” I promise him and he smiles sadly up at me. 
“Reed,” a voice calls out, making me look up to see a man standing at our door. 
“Hi, Mac,” Reed replies with a sheepish smile. 
“He’s in here, guys,” Mac calls down the hall before walking into the room. 
“Hi. I’m Mac,” introduces himself to me and I smile lightly at him. 
“I’m y/n. It’s nice to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you from Reed,” I explain and Mac smiles. 
“It’s nice to meet you too, although I wish it was over lunch or breakfast instead of this,” Mac comments and Reed laughs lightly. 
“Yeah, that’s my fault,” Reed comments with a sheepish smile that also seems to be full of pain. 
“Do you wanna get up?” I ask Reed and he gives me a light nod. 
“Ok. Come on,” I nod back before standing by myself and getting ready to help him up. 
I help him until he stands with Mac helping from Reed’s other side. Once he’s standing, he staggers ever so slightly and I hold onto him tighter before he moves to sit on the bed. One of the paramedics that came with Mac walks over. Once Reed sits, the dizzy feeling starts to creep up again and now I stagger a bit. 
“Whoa. Babe, sit,” Reed tells me as he holds onto my hand. 
“Hold that thought,” I reply before rushing to the bathroom on the other side of our room. 
“Babe?” Reed questions as he gets up and rushes in after me. 
I drop down onto my knees in front of the toilet and my stomach releases the dinner I had before work. Reed quickly rushes to hold my hair back and rubs my back soothingly. It takes a few minutes, but soon I finish and sit back against Reed. 
“Babe. Are you doing okay?” he asks me with a furrowed brow. 
“I’m fine, honey. I think I’m just in shock mode. You know me. Let’s go back out,” I tell him as I wipe at my lips before standing and cupping some water into my mouth. 
“Are you sure?” he asks me and I nod. 
“Let’s go,” I reply before pulling him back out to the bed. 
“Babe. Sit,” Reed commands as he pulls me down next to him. 
“Okay. Let’s take a look at the injuries,” the paramedic comments as he pulls out a few things from his bag. 
The paramedic quickly looks him over, checking his eyes and has him follow the light. Then he checks Reed’s ribs for any that may be broken. Soon the paramedic packs his stuff back up and stands. 
“Okay, son. I think you are okay. Nothing major, just a few bruises, a concussion, and a few broken ribs. All should heal within the next month,” the paramedic informs Reed who nods and sniffles. 
“Make sure to put something cold on that forehead bruise and maybe that eye,” the paramedic finishes off before nodding to Mac. 
“Wait…” Reed calls out before the paramedic can leave. 
“Yes?” The paramedic questions as he turns back to Reed. 
“Can you please look over my girlfriend? She’s been having throw up episodes and dizzy spells,” Reed explains and I quickly try to hide the widening of my eyes by looking towards the fridge. 
“Reed, baby. I’m okay. I told you it’s just the shock, it’ll wear off. Really, I’m fine,” I tell him before turning around with a soda. 
“Are you sure, ma’am? I don’t mind giving you a look,” the paramedic butts in and I fight the huff I want to let out. 
“Oh. Thank you, sir, but really, I’m fine,” I deflect and the paramedic seems to get the clue. 
“Ok. Have a good rest of your night then,” the paramedic bids his goodbye, leaving before Reed can say anything. 
“Here, babe, put this on your face,” I tell Reed as I hand him a can and he gives me a look of disbelief. 
“What?” I ask when he doesn’t take the can. 
“You should have gotten checked out,” he tells me and I sigh, shaking my head. 
“Reed. How many times do I have to tell you? I’m okay. A little shaken from finding you unconscious on the floor? Hell yeah. Other than that, I’m fine. I have a doctor's appointment set up tomorrow, remember?” I tell him and he sighs, shaking his head. 
“I just want you to be okay,” he whispers out and I smile softly as I sit down next to him. 
“And I am. So let’s get you in the same boat, okay?” I ask him as I reach forward and squeeze his hand. 
“Okay…” he agrees softly before pulling me into his side. 
“Here, baby. Put this on your face,” I almost command as I put the soda into his other hand and he chuckles. 
“Okay. Okay,” he agrees as he wraps his fingers around it and pulls the can up to his face. 
“Are you two sure you're alright?” Mac asks and we both look up at him. 
“Yeah. I think we are,” Reed tells him before putting the soda back on his face. 
“Reed. I want you and this beautiful girl of yours to stay at your parents’ house tonight,” Mac tells him, pointing at him. 
“Yeah. I’m keeping y/n safe,” Reed comments as he takes the can from his face and stands. 
“This is my first Geraldo, you know. Beat up for a story. Making my girlfriend have a freak out when she just wanted to come home and sleep,” he explains as he looks at himself in the mirror next to our bed. He rubs at his face before I stand just a bit to smack his hand away from his face. 
“What’s this about?” Mac asks him as he leans over the desk and uses tweezers to take the note off the broken screen. 
“I have no idea. You know, I’m not even writing on the Kings and shadows. My piece is about students paying other students to take their exams for them,” Reed explains as he sits back down next to me and I cuddle into his side when he puts his arm around me. 
“Brian Miller know this?” Mac asks as he closes up the yellow envelope he holds. 
“I told him as soon as he told me what he was writing about,” Reed replies with a head nod and Mac pauses as he looks at our floor. 
He soon moves and bends down to it. He uses the tweezers to pick up what looks like a crumb of some kind and lifts it up to his face. 
“Let me see the bottom of both your shoes,” Mac tells us and Reed nods. 
“Yeah… ow,” Reed winces as he lifts his leg and I rub his chest lightly before lifting my own. 
“See, Brian and I, we were pretty competitive,” Reed explains and I scoff. 
“Pretty, baby you were more than competitive, admit it. You know I’m right,” I jump in and Reed looks at me before laughing. 
“I mean, she’s got a point… anyway, like I told him I wouldn’t mention him in my piece if he quit,” Reed goes on with his explanation again, wincing as he switches legs for Mac to look at. 
“But he said he’d already agreed to take two more exams. Then he was out,” Reed ends his explanation as now both his feet are down again. 
Mac looks over my first foot real quick, then I switch to the other and he looks at that one too before letting me put them back down. 
“Eddie Williams and Thomas Brighton were Brian’s last two clients,” Mac starts and Reed puts his head down, letting out a low ‘Yeah,’ as he does. 
“But only one of them had reason to want both stories killed,” Mac ominously comments as he stands up and puts the envelope in his pocket. 
After Mac and the rest of the CSIs left our apartment, we quickly packed our bags before heading to Reed’s parents’ house. Now we lay on his childhood bed together and Reed rubs my back lightly. 
“I’m thinking of going to Brian’s funeral…” he comments out loud and I move my head so I can look at him, letting my chin rest on his chest. 
“If you want to go, baby, we’ll go. When is it?” I inform him and he smiles softly at me. 
“How did I get so lucky?” he asks me as he rubs my arm ever so lightly and I smile. 
“I think I’m the lucky one,” I inform him and he smiles again, shaking his head in disbelief. 
“How about we’re both lucky?” he asks in a cheeky tone and I grin, giggling. 
“Agreed. Now, when’s Brian’s funeral?” I ask him and he pauses. 
“Tomorrow afternoon…” he admits, almost like it’s a bad thing. 
“Why do you say that like it’s bad, babe?” I ask him and he shrugs. 
“I mean… you have your appointment tomorrow, right?” he asks me and I perk up, sitting up fast. 
“Babe? What’s wrong?” he asks me with confusion and worry written all over his face. 
“I have something for you. I was going to give it to you tonight, but then everything happened,” I quickly explain as I dig around in my bag for the small gift I have for him and his face relaxes. 
“Babe, you didn’t have to,” he denies, shaking his head as I finally pull the small gift bag out of my bag. 
“Oh, but I did. Open it. I think you’ll be plenty surprised. I know I was,” I tell him as I sit on the bed with my legs curled up behind me and bite my lip. 
He starts to open it and soon before I know it, he’s pulling the little onesie out. He pauses to read it before looking up at me. I smile a shy, worried smile as he looks at me in awe. 
“Babe, is this real?” he asks and I giggle, nodding as tears well up in my eyes. 
“I had the same reaction. I know we said we’d wait till after marriage, but I know you’re the only one for me and I’ve known that since 4th Grade,” I ramble as I play with a loose string on his blanket. 
“Babe-” he starts, but I quickly cut him off. 
“That’s what the appointment tomorrow is for. First scan…” I trail off before I let out a gasp as he uses his finger to guide my face up to look at him. 
“Honey, I’m not mad. I’m elated, like you said I’ve seen us together since forever,” he tells me softly as he rubs my cheek ever so slightly and the tears start to fall. 
“I love you Reed, so, so much,” I inform him softly as his eyes fill with tears too and he wipes at one that falls down my cheek. 
“I love you too, so, so much pretty girl, always,” he replies, rubbing my cheek and I grin. 
He sets the onsie and its bag aside before turning back to me. He pulls me back into the hug and kisses my forehead before slowly laying both of us back down onto the bed. He lightly rubs my arm that lays across his stomach along with my lower back. We lay there for a few minutes, both grinning ear to ear as he now rubs light circles on my stomach, making me laugh every few minutes when it tickles a little. Soon he leaves another kiss on my forehead as he moves back to just rubbing my arm. 
“I was also thinking of asking Mac where mom was buried,” he mumbles out, breaking the serene silence as I draw shapes against his covered stomach. 
“If you want to, honey. I think it’d be nice to know,” I agree with him and he sighs. 
“It’s just… I wanted you to meet her just as bad as I did myself. It might… be the only way for me to introduce you and myself to her,” he explains and I shake my head. 
“Reed, baby. That’s very sweet, but you don’t have to explain to me. I get it, I know you,” I softly tell him as I lay my chin on his chest to look at him again. 
“And I’d love to meet her, although I’m very sure she’s looking down on you and watching over you,” I tell him softly as I reach up and caress his face. 
He leans into it before kissing my palm and a tear falls from his eye. I quickly catch it and wipe it away. He shakes his head and I smile softly at him. 
“What?” I ask him as he just stares at me like I hung the stars just for him. 
“I think she sent me you, knowing I’d need you. So she sent your stubborn little self my way…” he tells me softly and I huff. 
“I wasn’t that stubborn…” I fight back with a roll of my eyes. 
“Oh yes, you were. Still are. I remember your little first grade self marching up next to me and little Hero Mckinley telling him he should laugh at someone who clearly needs help and pushing him,” he jokes with a smirk and I roll my eyes. 
“Well he was making fun of you! I wasn’t just going to stand by and let my best friend get made fun of. Plus, he’s the one that egged me on,” I grunt as I cross my arms and Reed chuckles. 
“And who the hell names their kid Hero then teaches him to be an absolute asshat? Like that’s just stupid. Heroes are supposed to be the one saving the day, not the villain. I mean it’s literally in the name,” I complain and Reed laughs, making me slap his shoulder. 
“I mean, I can’t say I don’t agree with you, baby. He was the absolute worst,” he adds with a dramatic eye roll before shaking his head and I sigh. 
“Really, he didn’t wanna be pushed, he shouldn't have been bullying you and other kids, let alone tell me to fight someone my own size,” I add on and Reed laughs again. 
“Really, he shouldn’t have. You’ve always been good at taking down people half your size…” he agrees though his laughter and I shake my head. 
“Damn right you are, baby. He should have known not to mess with you,” I tell him and he grins as his laugh dies off. 
“See I told you, she must have sent you my way. Must have known that little me would be a sissy pants,” he jokes, wiggling his eyebrows and I sigh. 
“Reed, you weren’t a sissy pants. You were an only child and you were seven years old,” I deadpan and he chuckles. 
“So were you!” he fights back and I shake my head. 
“Yeah… but I had two brothers… who still like to kick my butt when they see me. I literally had to learn to fight back,” I humorlessly tell him with a raised eyebrow and he pauses. 
“Yeah, I guess that changes things a bit…” he comments and he chuckles when I smack him again. 
“Ya think?!” I playfully ask him as if he’s stupid only making him laugh again.
“I really do think mom sent me you though,” he seriously informs me when he’s done laughing. 
“Well, maybe she knew we were made for each other, then. I know myself that we are,” I tell him and he smiles. 
“I love you, you know that?” he asks me and I smile softly. 
“Yes, I know that, and I also happen to know that I love you just as much,” I reply to him and he smiles before stretching his neck just a little bit to kiss my nose. 
I giggle and scrunch up my nose, but kiss him back when he kisses my lips next. He then lays back and I cuddle in a little closer. 
“Sleep honey, sleep, we’ve had a very long day,” he informs me and I nod sleepily against his chest. 
“Very, very long indeed. You sleep too, Reed,” I tell him in the most stern tone I can manage though my sleepiness and he chuckles. 
“I promise, baby. I will,” he replies and it makes me grin before my eyes slowly close as sleep soon takes over. 
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I hold onto Reed’s arm as we walk out of the church behind the family and the pallbearers. He stops at the top of the stairs and puts his hands in his pockets as he lightly kicks the ground with the tip of his shoe. I squeeze his arm and he takes his opposite hand out of his pocket. He grabs my arm lightly and squeezes it back as I lean against him. I nuzzle into his side and turns to me, giving my forehead a kiss before leaning his cheek against of my head as I close my eyes. 
I open my eyes again and see he’s tearing up again as he watches them put the coffin in the hearse. I rub his arms for a few minutes before he gives a small nod of his head. 
“Mac’s over there,” he comments and I look up at where he nodded. 
“You wanna go talk to him?” I ask and he nods solemnly. 
Reed takes his hand out of his pocket and reaches down to mine, gripping it softly as we walk down the steps. 
“Hey, Mac,” Reed greets his somewhat surrogate dad as we come to a stop. 
Mac spares a look over at the casket as the pallbearers push it the rest of the way into the hearse. Reed chokes up again as he too watches and I start to choke up as well. I rub my cheek lightly against his shoulder while holding his hand a little closer for comfort. He pulls his hand away from mine so he can put his arm around my shoulder. I nuzzle into his neck as I try to hide my face and he squeezes my shoulder. 
“I wanted you kids to know that we’re going to make an arrest,” Mac informs us and Reed lets out a long sigh. 
“Good. I’m glad,” Reed comments, squeezing my side lightly as he lets more tears flow. 
“Maybe I should have just turned Brian in for cheating, you know?” Reed adds on as he starts to cry even more and I squeeze his side with the arm I have wrapped around his stomach. 
“He would have been kicked out of the university, but he never would have been in that hedge maze,” Reed finishes his thought with even more tears running down his face and I kiss his cheek lightly. 
“You’re taking a lot of responsibility, Reed,” Mac comments and Reed shakes his head. 
“It’s ‘cause I feel bad… I feel I shoulda stopped him. I feel like I shoulda done something, but…” Reed trails off as he looks down for a moment and I hug him a little tighter. 
“I’m gonna miss him,” Reed comments and I finally let out a broken sob. 
“Goodness, Reed. I’m gonna miss him too,” I add and Reed hugs me closer as I cry into his shoulder. 
“I know, babe. I’m so sorry,” Reed tells me as he rubs my lower back and I shake my head. 
“Don’t you dare say that. It’s not you who should be sorry. It’s whoever killed Brian who needs to be sorry,” I sternly tell him, hoping it’ll change the way he’s thinking. 
“I’d listen to your girlfriend. She speaks the truth,” Mac tells Reed and he lazily points at me. 
“She always does… look, we gotta go,” Reed tells him. “We’re gonna head over to the cemetery before y/n’s doctor's appointment,” Reed informs him and he nods solemnly. 
“Reed, if there’s anything I can do for you two…” Mac sympathetically promises us, Reed looks at me for a moment and I nod at him. He looks down for a second, thinking it over before looking up. 
“I’d like to know where my mom’s buried,” Reed finally asks and Mac looks away, sighing for a moment. 
“She wasn’t…” Mac somberly states and Reed sighs before turning to me to lean his forehead against me. 
“Her body was never found. No trace at all…” Mac explains in a tone of melancholy before pausing. 
“But they’re…” he tries to continue, but stops to sigh. “We’re still looking,” he finishes, looking away as his own grief hits him. 
Reed sighs before letting go of me and taking a few steps forward. He reaches out and pulls Mac into a hug. It takes Mac a second before he hugs back and squeezes him a bit with both hands. Reed sniffles as he and Mac hold each other in the hug for a few minutes before hesitantly parting. Reed steps back and puts his arm back around my waist, pulling me into his side. 
“Thanks for everything,” Reed gives Mac his appreciation and Mac nods. 
“Ok. Then we gotta get going. Ready, babe?” Reed comments as he turns to me and I raise an eyebrow at him. 
“Oh! Can we, ahh, do lunch or breakfast tomorrow?” Reed asks and Mac smiles softly. 
“Yeah. Of course. Just text me the time and place,” Mac agrees with a smile and Reed nods happily. 
“Ok then, we’ll see you tomorrow, Mac,” Reed promises with a smile and Mac nods. 
“See you tomorrow, kids,” Mac replies and Reed gives him one last nod before starting to walk away. 
After leaving Mac we quickly head to the subway and get on. We ride it all the way to the street my doctor’s office is on before getting off. 
“Are you excited, babe?” I ask Reed, who squeezes my hand. 
“Of course I am. What kind of question is that?” he jokingly asks and I playfully roll my eyes. 
“Oh of course, I’m so sorry,” I reply with a grin as he opens the door and holds it open for me. 
“Let’s go see our baby,” he tells me with his own grin as I walk through the door. 
The end…
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donnydamakkk · 7 months
once again csis cant never chill off the clock
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
CSI New York Masterlist
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Don Flack x Reader:
5 Sentences:
“Do you feel that? Feel what you do to me?”
“I want you on your knees for me.”
Complicated - Don Flack x OC - Things are are never easy for Flack.
28 notes · View notes
maturemenoftvandfilms · 8 months
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CSI: NY (TV Series) S2/E11 'Trapped' (2004) - Wayne Duvall
Wayne looks just how I imagined he'd look. Hairy dad bod with a thick ass.
What? You should know I would get the ass shot.
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93 notes · View notes
geekymoviemom · 8 months
I was tagged by @thelettersfromnoone thank you so much! 💖 💖
Shuffle your ON REPEAT playlist and list the first ten songs.
From my geeky’s favourites playlist 😉:
1. On Top of the World - Imagine Dragons
2. Duel of the Fates - Samuel Kim arrangement
3. This is the Time - Billy Joel
4. Fireflies - Owl City
5. Battle Belongs - Phil Wickham
6. my tears ricochet - Taylor Swift
7. Under Pressure - Queen and David Bowie
8. Hall of Fame - The Script
9. Big Gun - AC/DC
10. What’s Left of Me - Nick Lachey
List your top 15 tv shows because it reflects your personality.
1. Star Trek: The Next Generation
2. Fringe
3. House MD
4. CSI (Las Vegas and NY 😉)
5. Dark
6. Babylon 5
7. Stargate (SG1 and Atlantis)
8. The Big Bang Theory
9. Star Wars: The Clone Wars
10. Star Wars: Rebels
11. Agents of SHIELD
12. 24
13. The Expanse
14. Star Wars: Andor
15. Daredevil
There seems to be a pattern here 😜🤣
Tagging: @distractionsfromthefood @sherlollyandspoilers @justajjfan @mega-aulover @herogers @capsicle13 @90spopstargirl @gaiagalit @aintinacage and anyone else who would like to play 🧡
Thank you so much for the tag, this was fun!
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letthewhumpbegin · 2 years
Who / what fandoms I write for
Here's a list of the fandoms and the characters within said fandom I write about.
The characters listed will be the whumpees in the imagines I write. The caretaker does not specifically have to be on this list, but can be anyone from the same fandom (if you have a preference, please specify with your request).
Want to send in your request? I am currently only taking requests from my prompts list, which you can find here and you can also send in your request through there.
A-Team (movie): Face, Murdock
Aladdin (live action movie): Aladdin
American Assassin: Mitch Rapp
Avengers / Marvel: Ant-Man/Scott Lang, Captain America/Steve Rogers, Doctor Strange/Stephen Strange, Hawkeye/Clint Barton, Loki, Thor
The Batman (2022): Bruce Wayne
The Blacklist: Donald Ressler
Bullet Train: Tangerine
Criminal Minds: Spencer Reid
CSI: Greg Sanders, Nick Stokes
CSI NY: Danny Messer, Don Flack, Adam Ross
Dune: Paul Atreides
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Newt Scamander, Theseus Scamander
Game of Thrones: Jon Snow, Robb Stark
Guardians of the Galaxy: Peter Quill
Hannibal (tv series): Will Graham
The Hobbit: Fili, Kili, Thorin, Thranduil
Inception: Arthur
James Bond (Daniel Craig era): James Bond, Q
Jurassic World: Owen Grady
Justified: Raylan Givens, Tim Gutterson
Kingsman: Eggsy Unwin
The Last of Us: Joel Miller
Lie to Me: Cal Lightman, Eli Loker
Lord of the Rings: Aragorn, Faramir, Legolas
MacGyver: Angus MacGyver
Maze Runner: Newt, Thomas
Now You See Me: Daniel Atlas
Olympus Has Fallen / London Has Fallen: Mike Banning
Our Flag Means Death: Ed Teach/Blackbeard
Pride + Prejudice + Zombies: Mr. Darcy
Prodigal Son: Malcolm Bright
The Purge (movies): Leo Barnes
Shadow & Bone / Six of Crow: Kaz Brekker, Jesper Fahey, Wylan van Eck
Sherlock (BBC): Sherlock Holmes
Star Trek (2009): Jim Kirk, Spock
Spiderman (Tom Holland era): Peter Parker
Star Wars: Poe Dameron
Supernatural: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
Top Gun Maverick: Rooster/Bradley Bradshaw, Hangman/Jake Seresin
Uncharted (movie): Nathan Drake
Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon, Rick Grimes
Wonka: Willy Wonka
X-Men: Charles Xavier, Hank McCoy
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battlestarraven · 2 years
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Come see Edward James Olmos at @stocktoncon Winter, presented by Utility Telecom on February 25-26 at Stockton Arena in California.
Edward James Olmos is a Mexican-American actor and director best known for his roles as William Adama in the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica, Lt. Martin Castillo in Miami Vice, teacher Jaime Escalante in Stand and Deliver, patriarch Abraham Quintanilla in the film Selena, Detective Gaff in Blade Runner, and narrator El Pachuco in both the stage and film versions of Zoot Suit. He recently starred as Professor Gellar in Showtime’s serial killer series, Dexter.
Olmos became the first American-born Hispanic to receive an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor, in Stand and Deliver, for his portrayal of a real-life math teacher, Jaime Escalante. Olmos starred as the taciturn police Lieutenant Martin Castillo in the television series Miami Vice, opposite Don Johnson and Philip Michael Thomas. He was awarded a Golden Globe and an Emmy in 1985 for his work in the series. He starred alongside Jennifer Lopez in the film Selena. Olmos played Dominican Republic dictator Rafael Leónidas Trujillo in the movie In the Time of the Butterflies. He also had a recurring role as U.S. Supreme Court Justice Roberto Mendoza in the NBC drama The West Wing.
He has been a longtime pioneer for more diversified roles and images of Hispanics in the U.S. media. Along with appearances in television classics like Starsky & Hutch and CHiPs, Olmos has also appeared in Mayans MC, George Lopez, CSI: NY, Eureka, and Portlandia. His other notable film roles include The Burning Season, The Judge, and The Green Hornet.
#stocktoncon #edwardjamesolmos #battlestargalactica #standanddeliver #selenaquintanilla #miamivicefashion #bladerunner2049 #dexter #greenhornet #themayans #portlandia #chips #starskyandhutch #admiraladama
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Halloween & Christmas Writing Challenge
I’ve decided that I want to do another writing challenge for both Halloween and Christmas but I wanna involve you lovely lot. 
Halloween will be one fic per day for 15 days [up until 31st October].
Since I’ve had no requests for this one I’ve changed the challenge
Fics will be song fics & outstanding requests will be done as and when I can get around to them
One headcanon/imagine per day for 25 days.
Most likely a dating would include or NSFW Alphabet 
If you have someone you want either of those for REQUEST!!
I love writing for yall so if you do have something you want me to write please feel free to request for this challenge 
Big love
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As always I will take on any request as best I can but I can obviously write a lot better when I know the material a bit better 
Stuff I’ve written for before
Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Tom Holland, Robert Downey Jr, Aaron Johnson, Austin Butler, Elvis Presley, Andrew Garfield, Ben Barnes, Ben Hardy, Robert Pattinson, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, David Tennant, Matt Smith, Andy Samberg, Dylan O’Brien, Rob Lowe, Patrick Swayze, John Krasinski, Jamie Parker, Jesse Williams, Taron Egerton, Richard Madden, Harry Styles, Bradley Cooper, Freddie Flintoff, Gwilym Lee, Joe Mazzello, Tom Fletcher, Dougie Poynter, Roger Taylor, Brian May, John Deacon, Joe Jonas, Nick Jonas Disney ColIn Jost, Bo Burnham, John Mulaney, Adam Hills, Greg Davies, Alex Horne, Ed Gamble, Russell Howard, James Acaster, 
Marvel, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Twilight, City of Bones, Gone, Doctor Who, 
Supernatural, Sherlock, Friends, Desperate Housewives, How To Get Away With Murder, That 70s Show,  New Girl, Gilmore Girls, Once Upon A Time,  Glee, Jane The Virgin, Teen Wolf, B99, Parks and Rec, How I Met Your Mother, The Office, Ratched, Defending Jacob, Downton Abbey, Criminal Minds, CSI, CSI NY,  Saved By The Bell, Greys Anatomy, Ghosts, Derry Girls, Friday Night Dinner, Sex Education, The Crown, Nashville,
Mamma Mia, Grease, The Outsiders, The History Boys, IT, Bohemian Rhapsody, Elvis, Goodfellas, 
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fuddlewuddle · 2 months
Another CSI:NY fic. Another pairing.
Mac looks after Reed. In more ways than one.
Can’t imagine anyone will read it, but if you do, enjoy 💜
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cubn-bfc · 2 years
Come see Edward James Olmos at @stocktoncon Winter, presented by Utility Telecom on February 25-26 at Stockton Arena in California.
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Edward James Olmos is a Mexican-American actor and director best known for his roles as William Adama in the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica, Lt. Martin Castillo in Miami Vice, teacher Jaime Escalante in Stand and Deliver, patriarch Abraham Quintanilla in the film Selena, Detective Gaff in Blade Runner, and narrator El Pachuco in both the stage and film versions of Zoot Suit. He recently starred as Professor Gellar in Showtime’s serial killer series, Dexter.
Olmos became the first American-born Hispanic to receive an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor, in Stand and Deliver, for his portrayal of a real-life math teacher, Jaime Escalante. Olmos starred as the taciturn police Lieutenant Martin Castillo in the television series Miami Vice, opposite Don Johnson and Philip Michael Thomas. He was awarded a Golden Globe and an Emmy in 1985 for his work in the series. He starred alongside Jennifer Lopez in the film Selena. Olmos played Dominican Republic dictator Rafael Leónidas Trujillo in the movie In the Time of the Butterflies. He also had a recurring role as U.S. Supreme Court Justice Roberto Mendoza in the NBC drama The West Wing.
He has been a longtime pioneer for more diversified roles and images of Hispanics in the U.S. media. Along with appearances in television classics like Starsky & Hutch and CHiPs, Olmos has also appeared in Mayans MC, George Lopez, CSI: NY, Eureka, and Portlandia. His other notable film roles include The Burning Season, The Judge, and The Green Hornet.
#stocktoncon #edwardjamesolmos #battlestargalactica #standanddeliver #selenaquintanilla #miamivicefashion #bladerunner2049 #dexter #greenhornet #themayans #portlandia #chips #starskyandhutch #admiraladama
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wanna-see-my-lease · 7 years
Petals of Winter - Chapter 4
Petals of Winter Masterlist / Masterlist
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Chapter 3
Chapter 4
**Sorry for the one day delay**
Still looking for evidence, Mac and Stella decided to check out Lieutenant Riesen’s apartment. The sup of the building met the team at her door, “Riesen was a good tenant, she always paid in advance before she left on a mission. Quiet and kept to herself.” He said as she searched through his keys for the one that would unlock the door.
“When was the last time you saw the Lieutenant?” Mac asked, as he set down his case and placed his hand on his gun.
“Uh, I think it was two nights ago.” He answered, “Yeah, yeah, it was two nights ago, when she got back from deployment.” He added as he unlocked the door.
Both Mac and Stella pulled their guns and pushed the sup behind them as they slowly entered the apartment. They checked each room calling out when they found nothing. They met in the middle of the living room, “The place is clear, Mac. I don’t even see any signs of a struggle.” Stella stated.
“Alright, we process the apartment. There has to be something here that will point to her killer.” Mac said as he started back towards the door to get his kit. He stopped and looked at the sup, “Did she have a boyfriend or was with anyone the last time you saw her?”
The sup thought for a second, “Erm, there was this guy that used to come around when she was here. I never did catch his name though, she did say he was with the FBI or something like that.”
“Can you give a description?” Mac asked.
“Oh yeah! Sure, I can.” The sup answered. “Like for a sketch?”
Mac dug out his cellphone, “I’ll get one of the detectives here to take you down to the station to give the description.”
“Mac!” Stella called from the apartment, “You’re going to want to see this.”
Mac nodded to one of the uniformed officers that just walked off the elevator, “Take this man down to the station and have him give a description of the man he saw the Lieutenant with to Flack.”
“Yes, sir.” The uniformed officer replied to Mac and gestured the sup to follow him.
One the sup had left with the uniformed officer, Mac turned around picked up his kit and went into the apartment. He walked up to Stella who was holding a photo, shining her flashlight at it. “Mac, I found this on the bed.” She said handed it to him.
Mac took the photo and looked at it. It was a picture of you and Fornell walking out of an Italian restaurant. It was obvious to both the forensic detectives that you were in a relationship with Fornell. Stella looked up at Mac, “Did you know she had a boyfriend?” She asked.
Mac nodded, “Tobias Fornell, with the FBI.”
“Mac, what the hell is her picture doing in our vic’s apartment?” Stella asked, her brow knitted together. “And look at this on the back of the photo.”
Mac’s brow knitted together and as he flipped the photo over and read the writing on the back. ‘The petals are brown, the leaves shredded into blades.’
The flight into Washington was thankfully a smooth flight, and was rather quiet. You took this time to work on the preliminary profile report that Mac wanted before you left. You already knew who they would be after, however all the evidence of the suspect pointed to a dead man. So, you still had to build the profile, however your work for the New York Crime Lab going to have to wait.
It was two o’clock in the morning by the time the plan was landing in Ronald Reagan airport. You didn’t any sleep on the plane, sleep was something you would do once your feet were back on the ground and LaKlare was in prison.
Soon as the plane was taxiing down the runway, you turned your cellphone off airplane mode. The first thing you noticed was that you had a voicemail and a text message from Mac. All the text message read was, ‘Call me ASAP.’ Knowing him, the voicemail would also be from him.
Signing into your voicemail, you listened to the message. “Y/N, it’s Mac. We need to talk. Call me as soon as you get this.”
You were too tired for this, you thought. Even though he was your boss, and your close friend it was easiest just to let him sit in the dark. The less he knew about what was happening, the safe he would be. You didn’t want to drag him and his team into a mess that had to do with you. This was something from your past that you had to deal with, and the only people you were willing to drag into it was those that were involved when it initially happened.
Once the plane was sitting at the terminal and they gave the go ahead to leave the plane, you reached about over and grabbed your backpack. With your backpack over your shoulder and the laptop bag in hand you made your way off the plane into the gate. As you were walking down the ramp you felt your cellphone vibrate in your pocket.
Pulling it out, you looked down at the call display, it was Mac again. Hitting the silent button, you made your way down the ramp, and into the main area of the airport. It didn’t take you long to spot the lineup of taxi cabs that were waiting for would be fairs. Climbing into the back of one of the cabs you looked at the driver. “Where too miss?” The driver asked.
“Washington Navy Yard, please.” You answered.
The driver frowned, “At this hour?”
“No problem ma’am.”
PoW Tag List: @emilyymichelle @the-valley-of-lost-souls @spaceemonkeyyxd @littledizzyhurricane @ncisfanficsandmore @gabriels-trix
Chapter 5
Release Date: October 2nd 2017
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donnydamakkk · 7 months
them csis cant never enjoy a day off bruh
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bullet-prooflove · 6 years
Masterlist - Updated: 7/4/18
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Rafael Barba:
Tell Me What You Want
Losing the Battle
Goodnight Sweetheart
Carry On Counselor
Rafael Loves…
Sunday Morning With Rafael
Living With Rafael
Pillow Talk
Mike Dodds:
Mental Health Check
His Brother’s Keeper
Mike Loves…
Sunday Morning With Mike Dodds
Living With Mike Dodds
See You Again
Sonny Carisi:
Sonny Loves…
Living With Sonny
Sundays With Sonny
Carisi At Comic Con
Nick Amaro:
Interested!Amaro - Can be read as stand alone or part of a series
Part One: Sweet Dreams
Olivia Benson x Amanda Rollins:
Mike Dodds x Sonny Carisi:
Show Me
Relationship Questions
Rafael Barba x Sonny Carisi:
Relationship Questions
Rafael Barba x Sonny Carisi x Mike Dodds:
Three In The Bed
Rafael Barba x Trevor Langan
Relationship Questions
First Kiss
Coming Clean
Divorce Papers
Unknown Love HC - Rafael Barba x Sonny Carisi
Mental Health HC - Rafael Barba
Squad Finding Out You’re Dating Mike Dodds - Mike Dodds
Dating Chief Dodds - William Dodds
Finding Out You’re Parents Were Serial Killers - Mike Dodds, Nick Amaro, William Dodds
Dealing With A Seizure - Rafael Barba, Sonny Carisi
Strung Out Friend - Rafael Barba, Sonny Carisi
Mike Dodds Dating a Grad Student - Mike Dodds
Sonny Notices Bruises - Sonny Carisi
Sonny Carisi
Mike Dodds
All In - Rafael Barba x OC:
Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five, Chapter Six, Chapter Seven, Chapter Eight, Chapter Nine, Chapter Ten, Chapter Eleven, Chapter Twelve, Chapter Thirteen, Chapter Fourteen, Chapter Fifteen, Chapter Sixteen, Chapter Seventeen
Chicago PD
HCs & Imagines
Sunday Mornings With Mouse - Greg Gerwitz
Mouse & His Sobriety - Greg Gerwitz
Mouse On Reading - Greg Gerwitz
Living With Mouse - Greg Gerwitz
Married To Mouse - Greg Gerwitz
Nightly Routine With Mouse - Greg Gerwitz
Waking Up With Antonio Dawson - Antonio Dawson
PTSD!Mouse - Can be read as stand alone or part of a series
Part One: Night Terrors - Greg Gerwitz
Part Two: Making Plans - Greg Gerwitz
Part Three: Reflection - Jay Halstead
Part Four: Coming Clean - Greg Gerwitz
Part Five: No Pressure - Greg Gerwitz
Honeymoon With Mouse - Greg Gerwitz
Friday Nights With Mouse -  Greg Gerwitz
Working in Tech With Mouse - Greg Gerwitz
Dating Mouse and Being Jay’s Sister - Greg Gerwitz
Aggressive Guy In A Bar - Greg Gerwitz
Million Reasons - Antonio Dawson x OC
Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five, Chapter Six, Chapter Seven, Chapter Eight, Chapter Nine, Chapter Ten, Chapter Eleven, Chapter Twelve, 
CSI: Miami
Horatio Caine’s Daughter - Horatio Caine
Criminal Minds
Living With Spencer Reid - Spencer Reid
Dating Spencer Reid - Spencer Reid
Living With Luke Alvez - Luke Alvez
Luke Alvez Proposes - Luke Alvez
Grey’s Anatomy
Owen Loves… - Owen Hunt
Complicated - Don Flack x OC
Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five, Chapter Six,
AU!Bucky - Can be read as stand alone or as a series
Part One: Touch - Bucky Barnes
Part Two: Lucky - Bucky Barnes
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wrylywriting · 2 years
what future careers do you imagine the euphoria characters have?
Oh gosh, this is really tough I feel like I given them a million jobs in my fics.
Rue- being sober lmao. I wish at least. I like the idea of her working with kids struggling with addiction and turning her own life as a way to help others I think. I can see her having a podcast where she talks to former addicts and it blowing up (among doing other things)
Lexi- I think she’ll still be a writer but it’s hard to say doing exactly what! I know she’s a SL self insert in a lot of ways so there’s many options for her. I can see Lexi going through many creative jobs that involve writing in one way or another, not just plays but maybe writing for tv, movies, journalism (hey jordy), book, etc. (esp since making a career off JUST being a playwright is basically impossible these days). She seems like the kind of girl who won’t have the same job forever, but they’ll all be in a similar field.
Fez- my man is a househusband at his core. The only kind of job I can see him having is starting his own business where he does things with his hands that ISNT selling drugs bc that’s all this man knows! I can see him running a dispensary but also I selfishly don’t like that only bc every dispensary I’ve ever been to has had rancid awful vibes, but it would make sense. Also I’m still delusional and think Fez would be a good florist/gardener but what do I know.
Cassie- her career should be going to therapy.
Maddy- she said she doesn’t want to work and I don’t want that for her either. Hope that works out for her. She’d probably be a Instagram influencer unfortunately.
Kat- I firmly believe that Kat is destined to be an erotic writer and it’s the filthiest stuff you’ve ever seen.
Jules- now this is where I wish we knew ANYTHING about Jules and her hopes and dreams, I feel like we don’t really know!!! She seems to be into makeup and fashion so I can definitely see that happening for her. She’s very much a GirlBoss so whatever she wants to do she’s gonna rise to the top quickly.
Nate- dead
Elliot- dead
Ethan- a working actor in the truest sense of the word. He’s the dead body on CSI, a bit part in some sitcom, on every AT&T commercial doing something so so so stupid like juggling phones. And while doing all this he does his more serious stuff in local theatre in LA or NY or Chicago. He probably gets his big break by being a reoccurring character on the next Parks and Rec. I want this for him.
Cal- dead (penis out in casket)
Virgil- winner of RuPaul’s drag race season 22
I can’t think of any more characters (that are alive…..)
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mizzydr · 3 years
Does anyone know about imagines or one shot about Mac Taylor from CSI NY? I have a really huge crush on him since I was a kid but I can’t find any one shot.
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blris96 · 2 years
If we see Rosalinds trial I'd like it to be like lindsay and Danny in csi ny where he leaves work to be there for her and just reaches out and holds her hand 🥰 chenford deserves that. I like how they've acknowledged her trauma but it wasn't a huge thing. I'm confused the trial wasn't really mentioned before now and surely she'd have mentioned it to Tim so we should have seen that conversation but I imagine it's coming and that's the supportive
Hi lovely anon!
Ooh boy would I love that! Danny and Lindsay are GOALS 😍😍. Chenford can definitely take a cue or two from them. Chenford does deserve a hand hold 🥺🥺.
This does seem out of nowhere. Then again, a bunch of things have been out of nowhere this season imo. Rosalind is a mighty big thing to drop and not follow through on….
I hope she mentions it to Tim!
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