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serpentae · 2 months ago
crowleyaj → serpentae
I did it. after nearly six years of having the same url and icon which have basically become my brand and name by this point, I did it. I changed my url. if you don't know why, look up neil gaiman.
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ad-astrah · 2 years ago
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Hmmm...quite a lot of browns. But I don't hate it. Got some nice fall vibes.
tagged by the lovely @cirilla-geralt. Thanks for tagging me!
name color palette: use this website to make a color palette out of your name.
I'mma tag: @crowleyaj @kingkrem @kenobion @nurcechapel @pikechris @rosieblogstuff @appalachianapologies @thisisarebeljyn but anyone who'd like to try this out, feel free to tag me!
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a-shade-of-blue · 5 months ago
Hi everyone! Eman (@eman-kha) has asked me to write a post because she is really worried about her mother. Her mother is suffering from high blood pressure and heart problems, but the essential medical treatment she needs is currently unavailable in Gaza.
Eman's father was killed in Israel's 2014 aggression on Gaza. She does not want to lose both parents. But now her mother's health is rapidly declining due to a lack of proper treatment. Her mother is bedridden and really, really ill. And the harsh conditions of living in a tent and facing frequent bombings is worsening her mother's condition.
Eman is only 17 years old and dreams of becoming a doctor. She is still a student but she did not even manage to graduate high school due to this genocide. Now, instead of studying get into the competitive medical program like she had planned to, she is worried that she might lose her mother.
Eman is raising funds so that she can evacuate her mother out of Gaza and get her the treatment she needs the very moment the opportunity presents itself. But Eman has received few donations and they haven't even secure the evacuation fee for one person, let alone the money for the treatment! Please help them!
This campaign has been vetted by 90-ghost!
Only $3,357 USD raised of $40,000 goal! Last donation was 22 hours ago!
Tagging for reach. Please message me if you want off the mailing list. We thank you in advance.
@elyserie @timeunraveller @mageofsleep @gogopri @klassykirby @small-spark-of-light @fanscheme @eeby @chookily @unrememberedskies @imaginaryaureate @cakemadeofbacon @crowleyaj @dyspunktional-leviathan @treeen @oursapphirestars @kingmeatyprince @kiirodora
@bsideheart @oldhabitsdiescrming@juggaloyaoi @averagenotnormal @mustikkaotso @valid-wof-weapons @zigcarnivorous @moonssugar @sundung @sunclownsblog @genusniebla @thetrickyjokester @dirhwangdaseul @shadowinthetrees @oursapphirestars @treeen @cockworkangels @pantlesshero @thesadnessrabbit  @marthamaxing @scarlet-curls @bloobluebloo @pilgrimattinkercreek1974 @maybuds @saturniidace @cheshiure @ruharchive @elyserie @masterofindecision @shady-mc-muffin
@nnnnnnnnnnnnnnsposts @kaijubluu @fleshdyk3 @innovatorbunny @webdings4 @silicacid @schroedingers-mooneater @truffleskies @not-a-hawk @indignantdessertbirds @theelkmaiden @areawest @angrydonutdestiny
@mccromy @betamaxpnk @autisticthassarian @butchlaser @pinkprimrose05 @simping-4-venti @gothhabiba @paintedplum7 @neon-draws-sometimes@moominsnufkin @dadfathers@dysaniadisorder @letters-to-rosie @myscalesofjustice @heydreamchild @splashporpoise @kittenpinkamations
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mahmoudfamily7 · 3 months ago
Hey friends!!
In this post I explain the last update about my family situation;
No flour,
no food,
no water,
no basic things available.
When it’s available the prices is so much higher than any normal price; More than 8000% the prices and even more!!!
Its impossible to get daily basic things!!!!
It's a dream to get the basic things!!!
Please you’re support and your help make really a-lot of difference!!!
Any support mean life !!!
Please support us to save our children!!
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Any support mean a lot to my family during this difficult time !!!!
We have reached 5,052 CAD / 7500 CAD as first term goal!
Vetted campaign #3 on @/gaza-evacuation-funds vetted list here, vetted by bilal-salah0, and vetted by association!
Please help us!!! Support us!!!
To match the first goal as soon as possible !!
 @unrememberedskies @unlivedtenderness @meshugenist@magnus-rhymes-with-swagness@imaginaryaureate
@cakemadeofbacon @crowleyaj @dyspunktional-leviathan @treeen @kiirodora
@mavigator @lacecap @vakarians-babe @socalgal @mustikkaotso
@valid-wof-weapons @hametsukaishi @slashermilf @zigcarnivorous @moonssugar
@sundung @sunclownsblog @fiqrr @irhabiya @sharingresourcesforpalestine
@genusniebla @thetrickyjokester @dirhwangdaseul @shadowinthetrees @oursapphirestars
@thesadnessrabbit  @marthamaxing
@scarlet-curls @bloobluebloo @cheshiure @ruharchive @elyserie
@masterofindecision @shady-mc-muffin @vague-humanoid @neverstopblowingup @b-0-ngripper
@nnnnnnnnnnnnnnsposts @kaijubluu @fleshdyk3 @innovatorbunny @truffleskies @not-a-hawk
@indignantdessertbirds @theelkmaiden
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ronandreams · 3 months ago
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hi darlings! ✨️ happy holidays! ❄️ interacting with you guys has been so much fun this year. i feel closer to a lot of you (especially those i've been mutuals with for 8+ years; you guys are amazing for that). i'm also so grateful for the new mutuals i've made this year (more than usual, yay!). thank you all so much for interacting with my edits, sending me messages, playing tag games with me, and making my dash beautiful. you guys remind me i'm not alone, and there's someone (more than one) who understands me. thank you! 💖 if i've tagged you here, please know i love you, you are wonderful, and you've made at least one person happy (me lol). forgive me if i forgot to tag some of you, i get so confused with url changes 🙈 but you know ily! i'm wishing you the best this holiday. you did an amazing job this year; be proud :)
i hope 2025 will be a better year for us all. you guys deserve the very best 💕mutuals tagged below the cut! ❤️💚❤️💚
a - c
@abernathaes ♡ @andialmostdo ♡ @aino-minakos ♡ @angelamcss ♡ @aredhels ♡ @bellameblake ♡ @biilpotts ♡ @bruceewayne ♡ @buchananjames ♡ @buckybarsn ♡ @burke-juliet ♡ @buyingorangejuice ♡ @carpenter-sabrina ♡ @carveredlunds ♡ @carriefisher ♡ @coffee-in-europe ♡ @coldasyou ♡ @cavarage ♡ @crowleyaj ♡ @cyborg-cinderella ♡
d - j
@danystargaryens ♡ @davinaclaires ♡ @diegoshargreevs ♡ @eightiesharrington ♡ @elenas ♡ @favroitecrime ♡ @felicitykings ♡ @finnickodaiir ♡ @firstfallofsnow ♡ @golden-loves ♡ @halfmoonshines ♡ @halfstayed ♡ @haillily ♡ @harmoon ♡ @heartwasglass ♡ @hellshee ♡ @henrywinteris ♡ @hibiskooks ♡ @ianmitchells ♡ @imaginearyparties ♡ @jakeperalta ♡ @jjameslily ♡ @jeaanmoreau ♡ @jeanmoreaux ♡ @joequinns ♡ @juliet-ohara ♡
k - n
@kahans ♡ @laurabenanti ♡ @leaiorganas ♡ @lookforanewangle ♡ @lucybaird ♡ @luucydacus ♡ @magbane ♡ @masiepeters ♡ @misswift ♡ @munsonseds ♡ @mybrightstar ♡ @my-lover ♡ @natromanovs ♡ @neverfindmegone ♡ @nightlock ♡ @nonsensechristmass ♡ @nordstars ♡
o - z
@obsessedx ♡ @ohmoriartea ♡ @padme-amidala ♡ @penelope-garcia ♡ @queens-clarke ♡ @riccis ♡ @samwinchcster ♡ @scorpiussmalfoyy ♡ @sherlockig ♡ @shipmvn ♡ @slyhtherins ♡ @spiteslucanis ♡ @stevebcks ♡ @strikingjann ♡ @sunflowervol6 ♡ @swkywalker ♡ @tayloralison ♡ @teamred ♡ @thepinkscale ♡ @tommensbaratheons ♡ @tonytoponi ♡ @tornadocowboy ♡ @userhalsey ♡ @userlorelai ♡ @visenyatargaryen ♡ @waddinghamhannah ♡ @waxladrian ♡ @22s ♡
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deadpoets · 10 months ago
hey, do you have any blog recs??? pls pls 🦄
okay this is so exciting bc i've never been asked to rec blogs before, so first and foremost, i'm not exactly sure what blogs you're looking for so i'm just going to rec my beloved mutuals bc their blogs are so cool and if you're an enjoyer of my blog (assuming that you are) you'll definitely enjoy their blogs <3
@aaronstveit @acotars @aleds @andorerso @astromechs
@audif1 @bartowskis @bella-not-swan @bellamysgriffin @belleandsaintsebastian
@blue @bo-kryzze @bonojour @brainlessfruit @brekkers
@brimay @britomart @bruceewayne @buckleysevan @buffyboyfriend
@build-a-problem @butchjess @button-house @candle @caribaheine
@cervelli @chappelroans @chappellrroan @cosettepontmercys @cowboysodapop
@crowleyaj @danielsousa @deareddie @djarin @djo
@dlndjarin @don-humes-tiny-shorts @dreamertrilogys @duncantashi @evans-buckleys
@exy101 @fahey @farmlesbians @fcxhole @georgianadarcies
@gnfard @gr63wdc @greengableslover @haniishu @henwilsons
@james-beaufort @jeanmoreaux @jennifersbod @jeronandor @jsperfhey
@juliettecai @jyndor @kahans @kallypsos @kjxlll
@laylakeating @macbcth @maddiebuckley @maesvtro
@marksfarrows @maryolive @mayclair @melordamas @minyarrd
@miwtual @morgleaf @mulderscully @nicholasbritel @nicijones
@nick-nellson @nikidontsurf @nikossasaki @nikov @not-with-you-but-of-you
@ohwarnette @orangesrotting @pallases @parisakamali @parrishh
@peonyleaf @permanentreverie @ravencycle @serraphique @shirleyjacksonesque
@slfcare @slitherbydjo @staliaqueen @stellaluna33
@sydneyadmu @teaforarteza @venka @wanda @windrixville
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henrywinteris · 6 months ago
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K I N G A meaning: brave or warrior. The name Kinga is linked to the historical figure Saint Kinga, a Polish princess who became the patroness of miners and is revered for her virtue and kindness.
make posters/a moodboard based on your name or nickname!
tagged by @timmchalamet, thank you so much nat! ❣️
tagging: @carmybcrzatto, @ohwarnette, @joequinns, @hellshee, @sunkillerencoder, @lavellun, @keenma, @aemonded, @saintirulan, @bruceewayne, @ravenclairee, @ronandreams, @cllianmurphy, @annebolyen, @wioletwitch, @shipmvn, @jckeperalta, @dlndjarin, @waxladrian, @rhaenyra-the-gracious, @munsonseds, @crowleyaj, @bennsolos, @lostsolace, @cresents, @isakvattersen, @eohwyyn, @mmelark, @anathenma, @swkywalker
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benoitblanc · 1 year ago
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is this even a thing people do anymore? it's been a hectic year. i've been on this hellsite a lot less than usual in recent months but rest assured i'm not going anywhere.
anyway... that Sure Was A Year. after three years, i finally managed to shake my agent carter hyperfixation in exchange for a 30-year-old sci-fi show where no one really knows when the two main characters actually got together. neil patrick harris sang "spice up your life" on the bbc's doctor who. another neil committed felonies (the ending of good omens season 2). succession ended? was that this year? i don't actually watch succession and that also feels like ten years ago. what even is time anymore.
as we all buckle up for 2024, which is a terrifying-sounding year, i wanted to take a moment to thank all my lovely mutuals. too bad if no one does these anymore. the internet should know how much i love you all.
apparently dumblr will Not let me tag more than 50 people at once so! this will be a several-part post, because there are a lot of you and i want to express my love for more than 50 of you. why, dumblr, why.
@aarondir ❃ @aemondtargaryenn ❃ @ahskatano ❃ @ajcrowleys ❃ @alexander-turners ❃ @aliecenthightower ❃ @aliceblakeart ❃ @amitasumann ❃ @anakinobiwans ❃ @anakinskyiwalker ❃ @andormeddows ❃ @anthonybrxdgerton ❃ @arachnidfellow ❃ @astaerion ❃ @augustsjanes ❃ @avaasilva ❃ @barrykeohgan ❃ @bellamysgriffin ❃ @belloves ❃ @beyondalarmed ❃ @bilbos ❃ @billhaders ❃ @binickmiller ❃ @binicknelson ❃ @bisexualperseus ❃ @bitchinlyras ❃ @bitterblued ❃ @bladesrunner ❃ @bluetack ❃ @bobbiamorse ❃ @bodybetters ❃ @cameliarosa ❃ @calkestis ❃ @camila-morrones ❃ @captsaavik ❃ @carricfisher ❃ @cassielang ❃ @cervelli ❃ @charles-beckendorf ❃ @chrrispine ❃ @cindymoon ❃ @clayfaced ❃ @cobbbvanth ❃ @cottgewhorfairy ❃ @crowleyaj ❃ @crowley-anthony
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innieirving · 2 years ago
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so it's my birthday today!!! 😎 i'm 23 years old, and i've had this blog for almost 3 years now, so i thought now is as good a time as any to celebrate!
because i thought it would be fun, i've decided to curate a list of some of my favorite blorbos in their respective pairings and put them into this poll! after a week, i will make a special gifset for the ships that make it into the top 5 spots!
the winning ships will be announced in their own special post and anyone can join in on the fun and make a gifset/fan-art/writing/etc of the top 5 ships as well! just @ me in the post or include the tag #emilysbbb and i'll be sure to share it! :D
reblogs aren't necessary but are greatly appreciated!
if you want to, you can put your 2nd and 3rd choices in the tags, i'll make sure to add those to the calculations when the poll is over! :)
this is a very silly, unserious poll, and this is not my complete and definitive list of favorite ships (since tumblr polls only allow 12 choices rip), this is all just for funsies!
tagging some mutuals below the cut:
no pressure to reblog!! just thought it would be fun to give yall a heads up and the chance to be the first ones to vote! &lt;3
@latr1nal1a @willgaham @milkovichys @his-name-is-ed @stedebonnets @blakbonnet @rainbowbonnet @kendallroycos @userstede @figmentof @captain-flint @cobbbvanth @startreklesbian @crowleyaj @queerbuck @djarin @djaarins @captain-stede @torybrennan @seance @dykefaggotry @ad-astrah @nobie @edwarbteach @stars-bean @jacobglaser
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jckeperalta · 2 years ago
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tagged by: @ooliviabenson @tommishelby @hellshee and @betharmon thank you!! ❤️ rules: make yourself using this picrew tagging: @minyarrd @isakvattersen @marthanielsn @joanna-lannister @djiarin @crowleyaj
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clytemsnestra · 2 years ago
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i was tagged to do this picrew by @tommishelby ! thanks! I love these.
tagging: @crowleyaj @yennefer @marthaskane @alistairlowes @hightowres @ladysansa
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a-shade-of-blue · 2 months ago
Ahmed's campaign is promoted and vetted by @/gaza-evacuation-funds, promoted by Bilal-Salah0, and also vetted by association!
Only 3 donations in the past 8 days!
€13,314 raised of €55K target!
This is a fundraiser for 12 people in Gaza, including 6 children!! Among them are a pair of newborn twins and Ahmed's little 4-year-old brother Aboudi! For these little children, they have been living most of their live in a genocide! Ahmed has already lost a cousin to this genocide, please give support to his family!
tagging for reach; reply for removal; thank you
@elyserie @timeunraveller @small-spark-of-light @fanscheme @eeby
 @chookily @unrememberedskies @unlivedtenderness @meshugenist @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness
@imaginaryaureate @cakemadeofbacon @crowleyaj @dyspunktional-leviathan @treeen
@kiirodora @mavigator @lacecap @vakarians-babe @socalgal
@mustikkaotso @valid-wof-weapons @hametsukaishi @slashermilf @zigcarnivorous
@moonssugar @sundung @sunclownsblog @fiqrr @irhabiya
@sharingresourcesforpalestine @genusniebla @thetrickyjokester @dirhwangdaseul @shadowinthetrees @fleshdyk3
In the past year, how have you stood up for a free Palestine?
(poll is intended to spotlight @ahmedpalestine Ahmed's gofundme, more information below)
I made this poll to spotlight Ahmed's vetted gofundme. Here is his story:
My name is Ahmed Khader, a 29-year-old from Gaza, now living in Belgium. I left in 2019 to build a better life and support my family, but they remain trapped in Gaza, facing constant bombings and danger. On October 7th, the war forced them to flee to a refugee camp, but safety is still out of reach.
Ahmed's Gofundme is sitting at 💷4k out of a 55k goal. His GFM is very low and needs both attention and support. Please, reblog and/or donate. Everything helps. May our love and support for Palestinians outmatch our disgust at the Zionist entity.
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a-shade-of-blue · 4 months ago
Education is something that matters a lot to Anas Basil (@anasbasilgaza), but now he has neither safety, nor the opportunity to continue his education. Anas is a recent high school graduate who dreams of studying e-business management. Yet due to his family's financial struggles, he could not study at university and instead enrolled at the UNRWA affiliated Khan Younis Training College. He still aimed to do his best in College. However, this genocidal war meant that his studies came to a halt and his college has instead been turned into a shelter for displaced families.
There is no safe place in Gaza. Even Anas's College has been bombed, resulting in the deaths of 16 people. Anas and his younger brother Ahmad are currently displaced in Rafah. Survival is difficult, not only because of the frequent bombings, but also because of the soaring prices of basic necessities like food and medicine. This is especially hard since his family is already struggling financially before the war. 14-year-old Ahmad dreams of becoming a "Doctor of the Future," but he hasn’t been able to attend school for two consecutive years due to the ongoing war.
Anas and Ahmad wishes to flee Gaza and continue their education, but they need your help in doing so. Your donations will not only help them pursue their dreams but also help them buy basic necessities to survive!
This campaign is vetted by @/gazavetters and #83 on their vetted list, shared by 90-ghost, and vetted by association!
€6,833 raised of €29K goal!
Every contribution, no matter the amount, is essential in helping them achieve safety and continue their education. Every little bit helps!
Tagging for reach
@elyserie @timeunraveller @small-spark-of-light @fanscheme @eeby @chookily @unrememberedskies @unlivedtenderness @meshugenist@magnus-rhymes-with-swagness@imaginaryaureate @cakemadeofbacon @crowleyaj @dyspunktional-leviathan @treeen @kiirodora@mavigator @lacecap @vakarians-babe @socalgal @mustikkaotso @valid-wof-weapons @hametsukaishi @slashermilf @zigcarnivorous @moonssugar @sundung @sunclownsblog @fiqrr @irhabiya @sharingresourcesforpalestine @genusniebla @thetrickyjokester @dirhwangdaseul @shadowinthetrees @oursapphirestars
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ronandreams · 5 months ago
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tagged by @henrywinteris, thank u this was fun! 😊
tagging: @vampirewillows, @swkywalker, @heartwasglass, @hellshee, @joequinns, @munsonseds, @cavarage, @clooneysgeorge, @crowleyaj, @widowkills, @waxladrian, @wandlores, @pleasepleaseeplease, @frolencewelch, @finnickodaair, @nordstars, @shipmvn, @tonytoponi, @mcavoyjames.
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henrywinteris · 2 months ago
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i wasn't tagged by anyone, but i would love to see the top 9 movies you watched in 2024 🫶🏻🎬✨️
tagging: @carmybcrzatto, @ronandreams, @sunkillerencoder, @lavellun, @joequinns, @rhaenyra-the-gracious, @ohwarnette, @swkywalker, @anathenma, @jckeperalta, @bruceewayne, @cllianmurphy, @wizardhowls, @waxladrian, @hellshee, @userlorelai, @bennsolos, @lostsolace, @cresents, @ravenclairee, @jeaanmoreau, @mmelark, @qquicksllver, @wioletwitch, @sunflowervol6, @bvck-barnes, @taggieohaara, @natromanovs, @harmoon, @eohwyyn, @aaronstveit, @crowleyaj, @shipmvn
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a-shade-of-blue · 6 days ago
Vetted! As mentioned above, #102 on @/gazavetters vetted list
They've been fundraising since last March but only £7,436 raised of £50K goal!
Also this family consists of 26 people!!
You can enter my freshwater pearl necklace raffle if you donate to this fundraiser! (Deadline 31 March 2025!)
Tagging for reach~ Please dm me if you want of the mailing list! Thank you!
@elyserie @timeunraveller @small-spark-of-light @fanscheme @eeby
 @chookily @unrememberedskies @unlivedtenderness @meshugenist @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness
@imaginaryaureate @cakemadeofbacon @crowleyaj @dyspunktional-leviathan @treeen
@kiirodora @mavigator @lacecap @vakarians-babe @socalgal
@mustikkaotso @valid-wof-weapons @hametsukaishi @slashermilf @zigcarnivorous
@moonssugar @sundung @sunclownsblog @fiqrr @irhabiya
@sharingresourcesforpalestine @genusniebla @thetrickyjokester @dirhwangdaseul @shadowinthetrees @fleshdyk3
The genocide in Ghazzah has caused permanent effects on those who survived it. Many Ghazzans have lost their homes, their health, and their loved ones. Many survivors are still at risk of more serious health effects due to being deprived of food, shelter, and medical care for so long. However, with swift action and support for Ghazzans, you can help them heal and avoid more suffering.
One person you can help is Suham Bader. Suham's arm was injured over a year ago, but she was not able to recieve treatment for it as her family was forced to flee their home. Without medical treatment, her bone fused incorrectly. During a year of suffering through cold and pain, Suham's condition has kept getting worse. Her parents and her uncle @hashembadr are very worried for her. If Suham does not recieve surgery soon, she will lose her arm entirely.
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Hashem and his family have been fundraising for almost a year now, but they have only reached 14% of their goal so far. They urgently need funds for Suham to get the surgery she require, but donations keep stopping for days at a time. They still need to raise around £4900 to cover the price of surgery and the transfer costs.
Suham is just a kid. She's lost her home and has gone through a year of unimaginable trauma. Please, help her get the surgery she needs. It's all her family is asking right now. Your donation and sharing their campaign both make a difference in her life.
Vetted #102 by @/gazavetters
@nekomacbeth @ashirpa @relelvance @drag-on-dragoon @redphienix 
@beefchurger @booblover1992 @lyctorgideon @lizardbytheriver @pallegina 
@superwariomaker @zafiros @joshpeck @lukewarm-lesbian @bioh4zards 
@familyguyyaoimoments @fogsvr @lucky-lesbian @noorionoodles @zapmolcunos
@3lawzdef1ant @danaharlowe @prettyfatigue @spamtime @chingaderita
@b1sexual @chemiosmotic @kashisun @anarcho-dykeism @marsupial1998
@jinnazah @pomodoko @theygender @kagrenacs @professionalchaoticdumbass 
@imlizy @duncebento @littlestpersimmon @samuraisharkie @bisexuel
@captain-lovelace @spideypeterparkers @damiel-of-real @pettydisco @underthejollyroger
@a-shade-of-blue @galactic-mermaid @noble-kale @ramshackledtrickster @imjustheretotrytohelp
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