#credit card debts
rajat32 · 1 year
What Is Credit Card Consolidation and How Does It Work?
Credit card consolidation is a process where you combine multiple credit card debts into a single, more manageable payment. This is typically done through a balance transfer to a new credit card or by taking out a loan to pay off all of the credit card balances. The goal of credit card consolidation is to simplify your debt repayment and potentially lower your interest rate, ultimately reducing the overall cost of your debt. This can help you save money and get out of debt faster. However, it's important to carefully consider the terms of any consolidation option to ensure that it's the right choice for your financial situation.
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Steps Involved in Credit Card Consolidation
Evaluate your current credit card debts: 
The first step is to gather all of your credit card statements and assess your current debt situation. Make a list of each credit card balance, interest rate, and minimum monthly payment.
Explore consolidation options: 
When exploring consolidation options, there are three main options to consider: balance transfer credit cards, personal loans, and home equity loans. Balance transfer credit cards allow you to transfer your credit card balances to a new card with a lower interest rate for a promotional period. Personal loans provide a lump sum of money that can be used to pay off your credit card debts, with a fixed interest rate and repayment term.
Apply for a consolidation loan: 
Once you have decided on the best consolidation option, you will need to apply for a loan or line of credit. This will involve filling out an application and providing financial information to the lender.
Transfer your balances: 
If you choose a balance transfer credit card, you will need to transfer the balances from your existing credit cards to the new card. Be aware of any balance transfer fees and make sure you understand the terms and conditions of the new card.
Pay off your debts: 
With a consolidation loan, you will receive a lump sum of money that can be used to pay off your credit card debts. With a balance transfer credit card, you will make payments to the new card until your balances are paid off.
Make regular payments: 
Once your credit card debts are consolidated, it’s important to make regular payments on time. This will help you avoid late fees and penalties, and also improve your credit score.
Bottom line:
In summary, credit card consolidation is a method of combining multiple credit card debts into one payment to simplify debt repayment and potentially reduce the overall cost of debt. This can be achieved through a balance transfer to a new credit card or taking out a loan to pay off all credit card balances. The main benefit is that it can make managing debt easier, but it's essential to weigh the terms and fees of any consolidation option to ensure that it makes financial sense for your situation. Ultimately, credit card consolidation can be a helpful tool for those looking to get out of debt faster and save money on interest payments.
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yunyuis · 4 months
redoing this post with less panic.
i am living in an unsafe and toxic environment. it's extremely draining and causing me a lot of issues both physically and mentally. i don't want to go into detail, but i am sick or unwell fairly often because of it
after speaking with a friend, there is a possible option of moving out in the future. he is one of the only friends i trust to live with, and that is months out at the earliest most likely, and is in a different state
i need to start saving. based on prices of apartments in that area + my own debt + tentative moving costs, i need a total of $3,000 - $4,000. i am working but not able to work much more than the minimum needed to survive, but i AM saving what i can towards this goal. i can do writing commissions too, just dm me about them
anything is a big help for me. please share where you can. i'm not expecting anywhere close to the full amount, i just want to be transparent
ppal // ca + others via dm
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jiraisupportgroup · 2 months
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navybrat817 · 6 days
Okay, lovelies. Remember when I said the good vibes you were sending me may have tipped the scales in my favor? Well, buckle in because I'm about to get personal. 😂❤️
Like many people out there, I have student loan debt. My hubby has student loan debt. Hundreds and hundreds of dollars a month. Not only do we have student loan debt with terrible interest rates, we also had medical bills and credit card debt to take care of unexpected emergencies over the last few years. It's stressful. Many of you understand.
My family has never had much and hasn't been able to help, which I don't expect them to. I work hard to do what I can. I still had 10 years to pay on my loans when I checked a month ago. 10 years. There has been no end in sight.
Until now.
After a lot of hard work and working with a financial advisor, we paid off our two major credit cards today. I am paying the remainder of my student loans in full tomorrow. And within the next year, the remainder of my husband's student loans will be paid in full. Not only that, we will have a true emergency savings account opened by the end of the year.
Lovelies, I sobbed. Full on sobbed. Ugly cried until my chest and head hurt. The stress of this debt has weighed on me and kept me up at night. I worried for my kids. I worried for myself. And now I can actually put some of this money toward both their future and mine. It's an amazing feeling.
Now, we're not out of the woods. 😂 My hubby still has that last student loan, along with a car payment and our mortgage. But, fuck, the weight is so much lighter and I feel like I can finally breathe. We needed this win.
Appreciate the good vibes, lovelies. I'm sending them back your way. I hope any weight you have weighing down on you is lifted. I hope you can breathe a bit easier.
Love you all. ❤️
PS - The advisor also said no big spending, but my teammate said I should buy myself something nice and that candles don't count. ☠️ Can I buy a fictional husband? 🤣
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yashley · 5 months
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FASHION SHOW: Celebrating Critical Role Merch with Creators in Fashion!
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natzomi · 7 months
People saying that "playing dnd doesnt have to cost anything" and "it can be fun even without all the books and expensive maps and minis" may be right but have you seen some of the dice out there????? Fucking beautiful
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relaxedstyles · 11 days
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spitblaze · 2 years
i hate you health insurance i hate you deductibles i hate you credit cards i hate you student loans i hate you capitalist system that mires anyone under a certain income bracket in debt to ensure that you'll never run out of wage slaves
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velvetsssapphic · 4 months
I would commit war crimes for this woman
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naamahdarling · 2 months
Dried Pickle Man isn't doing well. He's old, and tired, and I think he's achy, and his appetite has been poor. I'm taking him to the vet as soon as they can get him in, it isn't an emergency, but I'm so sad for him as he is obviously declining. Him, too. This is so hard. It's so hard.
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bitchesgetriches · 6 months
{ MASTERPOST } Everything You Need to Know about Credit and Credit Cards
Understanding credit
Dafuq Is Credit and How Do You Bend It to Your Will? 
Dafuq Is a Down Payment? And Why Do You Need One to Buy Stuff?
Ask the Bitches: Should I Get a Loan Even Though I Can Afford To Pay Cash?
Season 2, Episode 10: “Which Is Smarter: Getting a Loan? or Saving up to Pay Cash?”
Ask the Bitches: What’s the Difference Between Credit Checks and Credit Monitoring? 
When (And How) To Try Refinancing or Consolidating Student Loans
Season 3, Episode 7: “I’m Finished With the Basic Shit. What Are the Advanced Financial Steps That Only Rich People Know?”
Buy Now Pay Later Apps: That Old Predatory Lending by a Crappy New Name 
Using credit
How to Instantly Increase Your Credit Score…For Free 
How to Build Good Credit Without Going Into Debt 
Case Study: Held Back by Past Financial Mistakes, Fighting Bad Credit and $90K in Debt 
Season 1, Episode 3: “My Parents Have Bad Credit. Should I Help by Co-signing Their Mortgage?” 
Season 3, Episode 2: “I Inherited Money. Should I Pay Off Debt, Invest It, or Blow It All on a Car?”
Season 2, Episode 2: “I’m Not Ready to Buy a House—But How Do I *Get Ready* to Get Ready?”
Credit cards
A Hand-holding Guide To Getting Your First Credit Card 
63% of Millennials Are Making a Big Mistake With Credit Cards
Let’s End This Damaging Misconception About Credit Cards
The Best Way To Pay off Credit Card Debt: From the Snowball To the Avalanche
Credit Card Companies HATE Her! Stay Out of Credit Card Debt With This One Weird Trick 
Season 4, Episode 3: “My credit card debt is slowly crushing me. Is there any escape from this horrible cycle?” 
Here’s What to Do With Those Credit Card Pre-approval Offers You Get in the Mail
We’ll periodically update this masterpost as we continue to write tutorials and answer questions on credit. So if there’s anything you’re confused about, keep the questions coming!
And if we’ve helped you increase your credit score or pay off your credit card debt, consider tossing a coin to your Bitches through our PayPal. It ensures we can pay our lovely assistant and keep bringing you free articles and episodes like those above.
Toss a coin to your Bitches on PayPal
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danrifics · 3 months
nah if i saw that right someone said on the US site tickets go on sale on wednesday?!? babe i don’t get paid until friday!?????
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bimbo-baggins17 · 8 months
I just wanted to show off my Star Wars collection 🧍🏻‍♀️ I moved so I can finally have it all out 🥲
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tadpole-apocalypse · 3 months
I really don't understand medical costs in the us at all. I had an entire organ removed + spent a week in the hospital and ended up paying about $1400 (which is still too much, its not like I asked my spleen to shrivel up and turn necrotic)
But now for a 30 minute surgery to slice off a teeny bit of bone that is out patient and will not require any extended hospitalization, I must pay over $5000. Make it make sense.
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stnaf-vn · 2 months
He looks like, you trap him in a blanket burrito!!! this looks so cool though!!! i love seeing plushies version of yanderes whenever someone makes them! Your very good at this!
He genuinely looks so silly, like a lil caterpillar.
(unfortunately i ran out of stuffing and can't exactly afford more at this time :') )
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eggslamwich · 27 days
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oh to be Mahito's paypig
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