#create paranormal images
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dayfalwastaken · 1 year ago
Notable Slenderman designs from over the years
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Something Awful: As the users of the original Create Paranormal Images thread took to calling him, "Poo Poo", the first Slendy on this list is sort of a composite variant of his first depictions. After Victor Surge had made "the Slender Man" people started creating their own photos and a couple even drew him. Designs varied, but many featured arms that turned into tentacles or tree branches, and blank faces with either few or very pronounced facial features. These first drawings gave me the impression that Slendy was a creature that attempted to blend in and look human, but if examined its nonhuman aspects would become apparent almost immediately, empty face notwithstanding. As such, while his suit gives the impression of a well-dressed man, if one looks at it from a small distance they'll note the lack of buttons, pockets and other such accessories, so in a way the suit is like a second skin as opposed to actual clothes. Merely a disguise.
Marble Hornets: The Operator! Version that got many people into the Slenderman mythos, the Marble Hornets rendition streamlined the many variations of the Something Awful forum into a simple yet iconic design. This guy is very tall, and makes it clear that he's the furthest thing from human. Proportion-wise, his torso is not even half of his total height, while his arms almost reach the ground. Weirdly enough, his hands don't seem to have fingers? And look to be morphed into the suit, though they could be wearing fingerless gloves. He has a straight upper body and shoulders, and in most entries has barely if any shadows on his face to enunciate human features. As in, most of the time his face is completely blank, although there are entries where you can spot the outlines of a nose, mouth and eye sockets.
TribeTwelve: To me, the Administrator is a more grounded (heh) Slenderman. If you ignore the times he's shown to tower over humans, this guy, while tall, isn't abnormally long. He even has human-looking skin and visible eye sockets! With regular proportions for a Slenderman depiction, he's pretty tame in appearance when he doesn't have his tentacles or spider legs out. So really, he's just a regular man in black with no face, which makes him a bit more believable but still creepy as all hell.
DarkHarvest00: Gorr'rylaehotep! This dude's like a streamlined version of the Marble Hornets Operator, which was himself a streamlined Slendy. He's like an expected evolution of a live action Slenderman, where his body isn't elongated so much as it's scaled up for him to appear larger. That said, he's in no way thick, being quite thin for a big guy in a business suit. Luckily, that doesn't take away from his scare factor, as he's remains an imposing figure throughout the series... In the shots where he doesn't move too much, that is… Having fewer overall appearances in DarkHarvest00, he's also the most consistent Slendy on this list to keep a totally blank face with no features. Neato!
Slender: the Arrival: This guy isn't slender. Like, at all. He's well-built for a Slenderman and, dare I say, kind of muscular-looking. If you shorten his arms, he's just a big human, but I think that strengthens the unease you have when you see him. The others, aside from the TribeTwelve design, don't really hide their uncannyness. Once you’ve spotted them, you know there's something wrong when you look at them. The Arrival Slenderman takes it a step further. He gets all up in your face, not even stalking you all that much. He almost refuses to blend into the background, opting to terrorize you up close. He doesn't obscure the fact that he's an otherworldy entity that shouldn't exist, and I think that's great. His ragged skin and ears melted into his skull offer him an incredibly distinct look, and given how well the game uses him, he's super scary to play against. He's also among the first Slendermen to feature a red tie, which will go on to be a very popular design choice when depicting this character.
The ways people chose to draw/show/model Slendy have always intrigued me, so I made this lil thing to show off the differences in a few designs over the past decade! I hope you've enjoyed reading through this, and I'll see you next time when I'll draw and analyse five more. Have a good day!
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withswords · 9 months ago
that is also literally wrong you guys are killing me here
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^ me shocked that normal people don’t know ben drowned lore
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sakurapandadreams · 6 months ago
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Please take all of these predictions with a grain of salt I'm not a professional astrologer.
Here's my masterlist
& if you have any questions here are the GUIDELINES
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🫐 Aquarius Mercuries also leave people on read thinking they'll reply later, dude reply now you guys will forget later on.
🫐 Venus square Pluto may get bullied by women and the men they reject.
🫐 Your Moon also shows what you overthink about :-
Eg : Virgo Moons overthink whether their intelligent enough or not.
Libra Moons overthink whether people love them or not.
Capricorn Moons are busy overthinking about who's lying.
Pisces Moons are busy overthinking about fictional characters or things that have not even taken place.
🫐 Mars in Taurus is also quite sensual and these people may have a high libido. Most of them know how to channel their energy.
🫐 Venus in Virgo tends to look good no matter what they wear [at times they may wear clothes that won't necessarily be their style but they will still end up looking good in it].
🫐 Cancer Moons are also good at manifestation.
🫐 Pisces Sun, Pisces Moons are better at hiding things, stuff, their personal life. Basically they lie where required.
🫐 Mars in Capricorn reminds me people who are more active mentally than physically. These people know when to play and when to be serious.
🫐 Cancer Risings I can't just blatantly state you guys get bad partners, it's just you guys often fall for people who have a tough time expressing themselves emotionally. You guys also end up being in karmic relationships many a times.
🫐 Moon square Mars tends to feel emotions very intensely. They should journal their anger on a clean piece of paper and then burn the paper.
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🫐 If you have a moon darakaraka, only in this placement you can marry a person with the same sign as yours.
🫐 Mars in the 2nd house may eat alot of meat, it's like they'll love meat and find it hard to be a Vegan or Vegetarian.
🫐 Also Mars in the 2nd house swears or curses a lot doesn't matter what sign. They can end up creating new cuss words too lol.
🫐 Rahu 10th house is a good placement however the natives with this placement struggle to choose a career for themselves.
🫐 Venus in the 9th house also tends to be asexual or sapiosexual.
🫐 Rahu in the 9th house makes you doubt your morals. Whether your a good person  or  not.
🫐 Sun-Mercury conjunction in the 7th house can give a spouse you has solutions to mostly all of your problems. Even if their not too educated they may still have solutions to your problems.
🫐 Sun Nakshatra people have so much perseverance like no matter what they go through they always stand tall facing their problems all by themselves.
🫐 Like 12th house reminds people of spiritual, paranormal, esoteric, escapism but what people forget is this house represents creativity as well.
🫐 12th house lord in the 9th house could mean your creative and would want to pursue a career in something artistic.
🫐 Venus in Pisces in any nakshatra gives you such ethereal dreamy looking face these people never age.
🫐 Sometimes I feel Mars atmakaraka has trouble asking for help.
🫐 Sagittarius Moons and Capricorn moons easily argue with each other then 5 min later their bffs like dude [yeh rishta kya keh lata hai.]
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Credits for the images and dividers goes to the rightful owners
Copyright © 2024 sakurapandadreams | All rights reserved.
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rmstitanics · 6 months ago
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ASTEROID ORPHEUS (3361) CONJUNCT CHIRON may represent one who looks to their past for creative inspiration. They’ll often use their preferred form of art in an attempt to understand traumatizing events or process any emotions that may still linger.
ASTEROID APOLLO (1862) in the 8H could signify an individual who enjoys creating or consuming media about controversial and dark topics.
When I see ASTEROID PANDORA (55) in the 10H, I immediately wonder whether the individual with this placement has experienced some sort of chaos or crises regarding their public image. Maybe they’ve had traumatic experiences with their main circle of friends, or maybe they’ve even received some level of backlash on social media for a flawed interaction. Whatever these natives have endured, they probably yearn to control public perception of their character in an attempt to prevent misunderstandings.
Check which house ASTEROID ARISTOTELES (6123) is located in within your natal chart to find where you crave the most knowledge and wisdom! As an example, I have my Aristoteles asteroid in the 8H of transformative experiences, death, and “taboo” topics — and I’m now a practicing divination witch who enjoys paranormal investigation.
Due to difficulty with turning intuitive ideas into real achievements, 9H CHIRON individuals might find the process of outlining an essay or project to be particularly challenging. They’re the types of students who change their thesis a bunch of times before a paper’s due date.
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SATURN 1H placements might have people pleasing tendencies at some point in their lives due to a fear of never meeting others’ expectations.
SAGITTARIUS SATURNS likely grew up in households where one or both parents was strict and / or religious. The challenge awaiting these folks in life is to pursue exploration of knowledge outside of what was taught to them in their youth. They probably enjoy philosophy or history, and could possibly grow up to be spiritual but not religious.
LEO MERCURY placements, was your writing style ever described as “flowery” by your teachers or fellow students before? Because this placement TOTALLY gives me the vibes of a flowery and dramatic writing style.
One could theoretically use their JUPITER placement to discover two things: 1) The field of study where they have experienced the most growth throughout their academic career and / or 2) their best academic subject. To do this, look at Jupiter’s degrees and house. I have CANCER JUPITER placed in the 9TH HOUSE in my chart, and I absolutely adore law, history, and philosophy! However, I’ve had to undergo the most growth in Cancerian concepts such as life skills in the home and actively listening to others.
CAPRICORN JUPITERS are prone to having a “the end justifies the means” philosophy when it comes to achieving their goals. They also might struggle with perspective taking / putting themselves in others’ shoes, particularly when they perceive the individual in question as someone outside of what they consider “normal”.
6H MOONS strike me as the type who love being around animals MUCH more than they love being around people, especially if the majority of their personal planets are in a water sign.
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SUN SQUARE URANUS indicates memorable students whose teachers / professors will remember them for many years to come.
Hard MERCURY-PLUTO aspects could struggle with maintaining a consistent routine for studying, especially if Mercury is in retrograde in the chart.
MERCURY TRINE JUPITER placements LOVE yapping in class, but it’ll either be with their peers while the teacher is talking or by frequent class participation. If you’re the class participation type, you’ve probably had a teacher say “does anyone OTHER than (your name) know the answer?” before 😭
Although this placement does make for great activists who are not afraid to call out injustice when they see it, LILITH CONJUNCT MERCURY folks NEED to prioritize being tactful due to a natural tendency to bluntly say whatever’s on their mind with no filter.
SATURN-NEPTUNE aspects need to practice intense discernment when it comes to politics — fact check everything and don’t just believe everything you see / hear on the internet or news without taking the time to research it for yourself!
Hard ASCENDANT-SUN aspects tend to be noticeably different people in public versus private spaces. Your first impression of them will likely be VERY different from the truth of the person that they are behind closed doors.
MIDHEAVEN OPPOSITE VENUS placements are amazingly creative individuals whose art may play a major role in their own identity, but they simultaneously might have a major fear of sharing that art with others. Peer review in class is an absolute NIGHTMARE for them.
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morbidology · 3 months ago
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In 1971, the small Spanish town of Bélmez de la Moraleda became the center of a strange paranormal phenomena. María Gómez Cámara had noticed the appearance of a human-like face forming on the kitchen floor of her home. Despite attempts to remove it, more faces began to appear, each distinct in features and expression. News of the eerie phenomenon spread quickly, drawing the attention of both paranormal investigators and curious onlookers.
The faces, which seemed to emerge gradually over time, sparked numerous theories. Some believed they were caused by teleplasty or psychic imprinting, possibly linked to María’s subconscious or the house's alleged location over an old cemetery. Others, including scientists and skeptics, proposed explanations like pareidolia, where the mind perceives patterns in random stimuli, or that the images were deliberately created as part of a hoax.
Investigations conducted over the years produced inconclusive results. Some chemical analyses suggested that the faces could have been artificially created, while others found no traces of pigments, leaving the phenomenon unexplained. Despite María’s death in 2004, new faces reportedly continued to appear.
Whether a paranormal event, a psychological trick, or a deliberate hoax, the Bélmez Faces remain one of the most enduring mysteries of modern paranormal lore, captivating both skeptics and believers alike.
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astra-ravana · 27 days ago
Unseen Companions: An Exploration Into Tulpas
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In occultism we often encounter phenomena that blur the boundaries between the physical and the metaphysical. One such fascinating concept is the Tulpa, a thought-form that can become and independent person, albeit without a physical body.
The concept of Tulpas can be traced back to ancient Tibetan Buddhism. The term 'Tulpa' is derived from the Tibetan word 'sprul-pa', meaning emanation or manifestation. According to Tibetan traditions, Tulpas are consciously created entities, formed through spiritual discipline and intense concentration. The mystics and monks practiced this technique for spiritual enlightenment and to manifest aspects of the Divine.
In the early 20th century, theosophist Alexandra David-Neel brought the idea of Tulpas to the West through her exploration of Tibetan mysticism. She reported creating a Tulpa herself in the form of a jolly monk, which later took on a life of its own and had to be dissolved. Her tales sparked a Western fascination with Tulpas that exists to this day.
The Art of Tulpa Creation
Creating a Tulpa requires an extraordinary amount of focus, discipline, and psychic energy. It involves concentrating intensely on a detailed image of the entity one wishes to create until it becomes self aware and autonomous. The process can be similar to visualizing a character in a novel, but with a degree of concentration that makes them independent of the creator's direct control.
The intention is to form a sentient being with its oen consciousness, emotions, and memories. This entity exists in the creator's mind but can interact with their creator and possibly others, depending on the adeptness of the practitioner. For most people it takes monk-like levels of mental effort to generate a self-sustaining Tulpa.
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The Nature of Tulpas
In the Western tradition, Tulpas are similar to spirits known as servitors, and even familiars that can be acquired through demons. The difference however is that Tulpas aren't necessarily completely subservient to their creator as they have greater autonomy. This is why creating one is a delicate process that requires careful consideration.
Tulpas, being sentient entities, can exhibit a wide range of behaviors. They can offer companionship, advice, or assistance in self-improvement, much like an unseen friend or adviser. They often possess their own distinct voices, personalities, and perspective.
Tge key factor is the creator's intention: if the creation process is approached with positive intentions and mindfulness, the resulting Tulpa will likely reflect those qualities. If the intentions are negatively oriented, the Tulpa could prove a dangerous companion to deal with.
Tyler Durden from the movie Fight Club comes to mind here. Tyler is essentially a Tulpa, a creation of the movie's protagonist, albeit an unconscious creation. Tyler Durden has a mind of his own, but he doesn't have a physical body. However, his influence creates chaos and mayhem and is the brilliantly creative driving force of the movie.
Having said that, the movie does not limit Tyler's existence to that of a purely mental construct confined within the mind of the protagonist. He lacks the 'paranormal' autonomous aspect a real Tulpa can exhibit, that has beeb evidenced by paranormal researchers, practitioners, and monks who've delved deep into this practice.
Tulpas can also be created and used for sinister purposes and by those engaging in dark or baneful magick, such as seeking revenge against a particular person. The risks to this are the Tulpa staying active longer than initially intended or even having the target shift to its own creator.
It's important to remember that Tulpas, once formed, can evolve and change just like any sentient being, bringing a layer of complexity akin to that of a human.
Modern Tulpamancy
In more recent years, a sort of subculture of 'Tulpamancers' has developed within the occult community, consisting of individuals who create and interact with Tulpas. Tulpamancy, in its modern form, often blends traditional Tibetan concepts with contemporary psychological theories. Some even approach Tulpas from a purely psychological perspective, viewing them as manifestations of the subconscious rather than metaphysical entities.
There are various ideas akin to Tulpa creation present within chaos magick. Chaos magicians are very keen on creating new spiritual entities through the use of their own mind, rather than relying on authoritative texts to summon those that already exist.
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How to Create a Tulpa
Harnessing the magickal power to create a Tulpa requires a steadfast commitment and a deep understanding of oneself. It involves fine-tuning your mind, cultivating your spiritual energy and journeying within to interact with the unseen aspects of reality.
Attempting to create a Tulpa would be an enriching experience for any aspiring practitioner. The steps for creating your own Tulpa to act as a friend, advisor, guide, ally, lover, or even perhaps, partner in crime, are as follows:
• Prepare your mind- Before embarking on this journey you must prepare yourself mentally and spiritually. This involves regular meditation to calm the mind and enhance concentration. Explore your intentions behind creating this Tulpa. Cultivate an environment that supports concentration and introspection such as a quiet room or a spot in nature. The presence of specific crystals, incense, or spiritual talismans can enhance this process.
• Visualize your Tulpa- The next step is to visualize your Tulpa. What do they look like, how do they sound, move, or react? Begin by visualizing their appearance, slowly adding more layers of complexity over time. This process should not be rushed, it's important to create a consistent, stable image.
• Forge a personality- Once you have a clear image, you can start developing your Tulpa's personality. Consider their traits, likes, dislikes, and quirks. Much like an author breathing life into a character, imbue your Tulpa with depth and dimensionality. This step strengthens the bond between you and your Tulpa and provides a basis for future interaction.
• Interact with your Creation- After the previous steps are well established, you can begin interacting with your Tulpa. Start with simple conversations, slowly progressing towards more complex dialogues. Be patient and persistent. Over time your Tulpa should begin to respond with more independence.
• Foster your Tulpa's Independence- The final step is acknowledging and fostering your Tulpa's sentience and independence. This step is often reached when your Tulpa can surprise you with their responses of actions, indicating they're no longer simply a reflection of your conscious thoughts. Treat your Tulpa with respect, acknowledge their autonomy, and allow them the freedom to grow and evolve.
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thrutheriff-if · 2 years ago
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Thru the Riff is an 18+ interactive fiction revolving around music and the paranormal. It follows you, a journalist working for Star-Dust Magazine, in your newest gig of “interviewing” the members of the “hottest rock band” around, MANHUNT. You’ll work to uncover the bands secrets in your own… creative ways, and find out the truths as to why their stardom is surrounded by scandal.
Content Warnings: violence, foul language, suggestive themes, substance abuse, possession and other paranormal related themes, and more.
You’ve spent the past three years of your life trying to climb the corporate ladder at Star-Dust Magazine, a magazine focusing on the secrets and personal lives of the biggest bands and musicians of your time. You were hired as a journalist alongside your best friend, and have worked on countless jobs and interviews together, most of them being your best work despite your bosses trepidation.
However, your most recent jobs have seemingly all ended as busts, your boss describing them as “fluff pieces” rather than the raw, true pieces that she wants. She’s given you an ultimatum: give her something truly fitting for Star-Dust, or she’ll refer you to a different career path.
Seemingly at rock bottom, you’re given a golden opportunity — MANHUNT, one of the biggest rock bands around, has gone viral for a scandal revolving around one of the members volatile departure from the band. It’s the perfect opportunity to use the bands mystery to your advantage.
The bad news? MANHUNT has never accepted written or filmed interviews that they can’t control, and they’ve refused countless interview invitations from Star-Dust in the past. The good news? Now with their rhythm guitarist very publicly leaving the band, they have to open auditions to replace her.
If only things could be as simple as they seem.
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Customize your main characters gender, pronouns, physical appearance, personality and views. As well as choose their skill and interest in music, and their belief in the occult. Do they like the kind of music MANHUNT creates? Can they play any instruments themselves? Do they believe in any sort of occult or spiritual beings? How do those questions tie together? Only one way to find out.
Audition to join the band! MANHUNT needs a new rhythm guitarist, and you see this as the perfect opportunity to get an insider look on the band. Will you be genuine or secretive with your audition? Meet your future bandmates and impress or disappoint them.
Choose from four romance options; MANHUNT’s distant lead singer who has more secrets than they let on, MANHUNT’s drummer who has integrated you into the band without complaint, your guitar tech who has taken a special interest in you, or your best friend who has tagged along for the job.
Develop friendships with the rest of the band and help or destroy MANHUNT’s public image.
Oh, and don’t forget to write your piece for Star-Dust, your job literally depends on it. Find out as much as you can. Find out too much. Don’t get hurt.
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Maxim / Maxine “Max” Hawke (RO, gender selectable) — The rather broody lead singer of MANHUNT. Max is the perfect fit for a rockstar, broody in their personal life but an all-out force of energy on stage, wooing crowds of thousands (and mortifying their parents) without issue. As personable as they appear to be on stage, they seem like they want nothing to do with you. It’ll be difficult getting close to them, especially with how odd they seem to be acting offstage.
Roman / Romona Woods (RO, gender selectable) — MANHUNT’s drummer who has a roguish appearance with a heart of gold. They may not look like the most approachable of people, but they’ll surprise you with their boundless energy and bubbly social skills. They’re the most accepting of your arrival to the band so far and are genuinely excited to get to know you.
Beck Moreau (RO, they/them) — Your own personal guitar tech! Well, not technically yours as they used to be Willa’s tech before she left but, regardless they’re tagging along to MANHUNT’s shows and maintaining your equipment for you. They’re loud and can be pretty irritating, and they seem to have a special interest in pushing your buttons. Can you handle the headache they give you?
Gabriel / Gabrielle Moretti (RO, gender selectable) — Your quiet, kind hearted best friend from your childhood. The two of you have been thick as thieves since you were young, and somehow you found yourselves tackling the same career path in adulthood. They’re kind and have been there for you throughout your struggles working for Star-Dust. They decided to come along with you on your newest job to “keep you safe” but, is that really… it?
… and be prepared to meet the rest of the band!
Finn Kellett (he/him), MANHUNT’s perpetually tired manager, Nex Warren (he/they), MANHUNT’s apathetic bassist who couldn’t care less about your arrival, Juliet Beckford (she/her), MANHUNT’s energetic lead guitarist who has a special interest in the unknown, and Willa Perez (she/her), MANHUNT’s rhythm guitarist before you came along, of whom you know very little about.
Author’s Note: Thru the Riff is a passion project of mine (Wil) and Elliot’s, so development will be entirely based on our free time and understanding of how to create our first interactive fiction. We hope you’ll enjoy what we create!
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jasper-pagan-witch · 5 months ago
Jasper's Guide To Energyforms
The various categories that any given energyform may fall under.
There are innumerable names and ideas for energyforms. This will merely go over my own categorizations and definitions of them. These are not universal, but they’ll hopefully provide a good starting point for your own understanding! Ultimately, this is all my own understanding, and all “sources” are meant to encourage you to look around and explore this subject on your own!
What Is An Energyform?
An energyform is any entity made of energy, often your own. I use the term as the catch-all category for servitors, thoughtforms, and so forth, because having a catch-all term for them is very helpful to me. The term is derived from “manaform” from Magic: The Gathering, which is a being that is made of pure mana. [1] I altered it to energyform for my own practice.
Types Of Energyforms
Egregore: An energyform created by an entire group of magical practitioners, typically more than 4. Three or fewer magical practitioners working together on an energyform will still produce a servitor. An example of an egregore is GOFLOWOLFOG. [2]
Pop Culture Entities: One theory for the validity of pop culture magic is that the pop culture entities – including deities, heroes, spirits, and more – are egregores. This is not a universal approach to pop culture magic.
Godform: The image or incarnation of a god. [3] Not quite an energyform of its own, but an energyform can be made to be a godform or to channel parts of a god’s power. [4] A godform energyform can fall under any other category.
Living Spell: An extremely basic energyform that is only a step above the basic spell by way of being given a form to deliver the said spell to its intended target. These typically fade away or are automatically destroyed once they accomplish their goal.
Servitor: A servitor is the “default” type of energyform, lacking in “sentience” and being focused on one or a handful of very specific goals. Extremely simple to make and often look more like “people” (humans, animals, demons/angels, et cetera) than a living spell. Most servitors are best described as magical computer programs.
Viral Servitors [5]: Servitors that have automatic ways built into them to copy themselves to continue doing their job so that there are many of them. One example of a viral servitor is Fotamecus. [6]
Sigil: Most sigils are symbols created for particular purposes and are more often connected to energyforms rather than being energyforms in and of themselves. However, certain animist approaches [7] may see sigils as spirits in and of themselves!
Chao-Mines [5], Energy Store-House Entities [4], Linking Sigils [8]: Functionally the same thing, these are particular sigils or energy points that you can use to draw energy from a place, another energyform, or a thing.
Hypersigils: The term was coined by Grant Morrison and elaborated upon by Aidan Wachter. It is a work of art, such as a novel, journal, or piece of art, that functions as an elaborate sigil. [9]
Sigil Shoals: A collection of sigils that are led by one that is guaranteed to happen, thus forcing the rest of them to come true as well. [10]
Thoughtform: A thoughtform is a “sentient” energyform, though the definition of “sentient” is up for debate. Typically, thoughtforms can think for themselves and do not need to be specifically directed around obstacles keeping them from accomplishing their goals. Thoughtforms are often compared to the type of “artificial intelligence” found in science fiction.
Citations, Resources, And Further Reading
[1] “Mana” on the MTG wiki, compiled by Fandom users, through a Breezewiki mirror: https://antifandom.com/mtg/wiki/Mana
[2] “GOFLOWOLFOG” on the Paranormal wiki, compiled by para.wiki users: https://para.wiki/w/GOFLOWOLFOG
[3] “Godform” on Wiktionary: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/godform
[4] Creating Magickal Entities: A Complete Guide to Entity Creation by David Michael Cunningham with contributions by Taylor Ellwood and T. Amanda R. Wagener “Servitors as Links” specifically can be found here: https://jasper-grimoire.tumblr.com/post/763362873038782464 “Energy Store-House Entities (ESHEs)” specifically can be found here: https://jasper-grimoire.tumblr.com/post/763362842589151232
[5] Condensed Chaos: an introduction to chaos magic by Phil Hine “Chao-Mines” specifically can be found here: https://jasper-grimoire.tumblr.com/post/763430369816182784
[6] “Fotamecus” by Fenwick Rysen: www.chaosmatrix.org/library/chaos/texts/fotamec1.html
[7] “Sigils: Scribbles to Forget or Spirits to Remember” by witchofsouthernlight on Tumblr: https://jasper-grimoire.tumblr.com/post/762793274388938752
[8] “Create Your Own Linking Sigil” by Jareth Tempest on The Shadow Binder: https://theshadowbinder.com/2019/02/22/create-your-own-linking-sigil/
[9] “Hypersigil” by writingdirty on Tumblr: https://jasper-grimoire.tumblr.com/post/710434325688123392 “Hypersigil” by windvexer on Tumblr: https://jasper-grimoire.tumblr.com/post/700376884034355200/hello-chicken-can-you-share-your-thoughts-on
[10] “Sigil Shoaling: A Chaos Magic Tool” by Cristina Farella on a personal website: https://www.cristinafarella.com/astrological-magic-tools/sigil-shoaling-a-chaos-magic-tool “Sigil Shoals and Robofish” by Mahigan on Kitchen Toad: https://www.kitchentoad.com/blog/sigil-shoals-and-robofish
“Jasper’s Servitor/Thoughtform Resource Post”, compiled on Tumblr by jasper-pagan-witch: https://jasper-pagan-witch.tumblr.com/post/762988504970100736/jaspers-servitorthoughtform-resource-post
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armpirate · 2 months ago
RED || Jungkook | Ch. 2
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MASTERLIST Previous ||  Next
Pairings: Demon!Jungkook x fem!reader  
Genre: smut, angst, fluff, fantasy, past life
Warnings: Explicit language, mention of death and suicide, demonology, violence, rough sex
Summary: Y/n thought her life couldn't get worse after losing her parents in a tragic accident. Years after, she's aware of everyone moving forward, while she's in the same place, isolated and alone. She struggles to find meaning in a world that seems indifferent to her grief. Desperate for comfort, to feel the deep connection she had been missing, she starts the manifestation, expecting an inoffensive entity to walk with her that rough path. What she doesn't know is that she awoke the mysterious entity tied to an old necklace around her neck.
Jungkook, a mysterious and seductive figure, appears in her life, offering the company she craves. But as his presence grows stronger, so does the unsettling sense that there's more to him -and the necklace- than meets the eye, unfolding all the reasons that took him to that place.
Now, as the past bleeds into the present, Y/n must fight with her growing feelings for the demon who seems familiar yet dangerous. Jungkook is determined to reclaim his power, but in doing so, he may doom Y/n once again. Bound by fate, the two are locked in a dangerous mix of love, redemption, and the looming threat of destruction. 
Will they break the curse that has haunted them both, or will history repeat itself with devastating consequences?
Chapter duration: 16 minutes
Chapter warnings: Smut, female masturbation, exhibitionism, voyeourism
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She tried to focus on the class, failing miserably with every new attempt, because the only thing in her head was that dream. His deep voice, his tattooed arms, his intriguing gaze from afar. She had never seen that man in her life -or, more like, those features-, yet she was addicted to being looked at that way. Her brain kept repeating the images of that dark room, trying to picture his hand sliding over her body with all the freedom he possessed. And, while she thought of it, she could only lament how it lasted less than she wished it did. She was left at the door of feeling something so pleasuring that felt out of that world, yet her body reacted before she could even taste it.
After blinking, her mind focused back in class, ignoring the way she spaced out again, when the sound of the chalk against the board filled the classroom.
—You can be as skeptical as you want —the professor looked at the students, scanning each one of their faces so he could make sure they were paying attention to what he said—, every book you read nowadays has been inspired, directly or indirectly, by works from classic literature. E.L James didn't invent erotic literature nor Wattpad created paranormal romance.
She was surprised by how affected and offended he looked over that topic, ignoring the possibility of just talking through some of their opinions to go on with his lecture. He was into his ten-minute explanation on how the classics were starting to miss on a lot of bookshelves, and how they didn't get the new generation of readers' attention, because people just wanted something easy to digest, something that wouldn't require any effort to think and decipher. And it wasn't like her teacher was completely wrong.
It wasn't like her classmates had been the brightest about that topic either. They were into their last year of their degree in English studies and, when asked about the first book that came to their minds, complex titles were names that would come to mind. That was the expectation, that was the bare minimum. Coming up with commercial books wasn't the best answer, yet it was acceptable if it was a book that didn't seem written by a horny teenager. While thinking about it, she indeed thought her teacher's rant was justified. They had been asked to read several books, they could've played smart and given out one of those titles. Not even mentioning one of those just showed off the lack of attention and interest in pretending they were there to do more than to keep their seats warm.
—That's why you all should add a new task to your schedules.
A new forced reading was coming their way.
Everyone in the classroom avoided complaining out loud. The fear of making the situation any worse was the biggest threat upon their heads. And while the rest tried to think of how they got in that situation only because of the ten percent of the class that had no interested in the most basic things, Y/n was trying to figure out where she'd get time to do whatever task they were asked on time, when she was on her way to work as soon as she finished class.
—You'll have to do some research. It could be about any work, author, context or event from the past that could've been an inspiration for contemporary literature —he looked at all of them again—. You'll also do a presentation on it, one by one —with that, he dismissed the possibility of doing that work in groups—. You have three months, so I expect you to put in a lot of hard work and hand me a mind-blowing research —he went back to his desk—. It'll be 25% of the final mark.
That shitty task would be more important than the assignment for the semester? He must be kidding, Y/n's eyes managed to express what her mind was screaming.
Her classmates started throwing questions at the professor, one after the other, while she was focused on her laptop to write down everything he'd just said.
One of her locks at the back of her head suddenly moved while she started typing the date and all the instructions he dictated. It felt as if someone was playing with her hair. She looked up, searching for any open window that could let some breeze in, but all the windows were closed. She looked up, looking for any sign of the air conditioner being on, but it seemed like it was off as well.
It was weird.
It creeped her out even more when she thought about the fact that she was sitting on the last row. And, even then, she turned to check there was no one playing with her. She was confused when she found the blank wall right behind here, with no one else waiting to trick her. She frowned, giving up on something so stupid, assuming it was just her imagination. It was probably stress playing her a bad time.
Turning back to her computer, she found the word "Demonology" written right next to "Work concept: ". She didn't remember writing any of that, she actually didn't remember opening up a new sheet. But it was something usual when she spaced out. Her body entered an automatic mode, realizing she did things she didn't expect of doing.
She wasn't going to complain anyway. It was still an idea she could look into, and discard if she didn't find anything that was interesting. And probably not a lot of people would go down that type of storyline.
Half an hour later, the clock warned the ending of the class, and the professor let them go with a sigh.
As usual whenever she was free, Y/n waited in the cafeteria for her two friends, with whom she spent her breaks between classes. Sitting at one of the empty tables, she couldn't shake the lingering curiosity about what she'd done last night and the supposed signs she was meant to receive.
Following the steps in the videos she'd watched, she opened Pinterest, scrolling through her usual feed: glamorous party dresses she could never imagine wearing like the models did, a couple of cute puppy posts, and then... a peculiar post. Black letters on a white background read: "I'm watching you."
Y/n frowned. She didn't remember saving anything like that, not even by accident. She couldn't recall ever searching for quotes to post as statuses either, so the message was unsettling. Was it a sign? Or, more likely, were her thoughts clouded by all those videos she'd watched? It was entirely possible she'd saved a similar post at some point, causing others like it to show up now. Or, maybe, even clicking over one of them to look at them was enough for that type of posts to show up shortly after.
But signs, she remembered, typically took weeks or months to appear because the entity supposedly needed time to grow comfortable around the summoner.
—The poor thing is shy —she scoffed, shaking her head when she realized how pathetic everything started to look.
Aside from her introduction, she hadn't engaged much. She hadn't even thought about the manifestation all day. She wished she had more free time to worry about it, but college took most of her brain space -even if she hated it.
She was definitely overthinking and being too hopeful on those videos actually working out, or that manifestation even being real at all.
—Did you have class with Scissorhands? —Mark's voice interrupted her thoughts.
Scissorhands was their History of Literature professor, infamous for his extra-long nails. Some students called him Freddy Krueger, though both nicknames would signal who they meant. It wasn't a big thing, or something she would worry about, until his nails scratched the blackboard accidentally while writing.
It was only then when she wondered why they didn't have the type of white boards most classrooms had.
Mark and Anthony joined her at the table, leaning in with expectant expressions, clearly aware of what she was about to say. She launched into a rant about the assignment Scissorhands had just given them, all because a couple of classmates hadn't bothered to read the required books.
Mark and Anthony exchanged glances, unsure of how to respond. They could've just called the professor a jerk -it'd have been enough, considering she'd said it seven times herself by now.
—But, in general, you good? —Anthony asked, eyeing her with concern.
—Yeah —she nodded—. The year's just started, and I'm already drowning in homework and exams. When I'm not in class, I'm folding clothes in that lousy store. It's been this way for a year, I'm used to it.
—Think it'll go like last year? —Mark asked, his expression softening.
Both her friends knew it had been a tough couple of months, and that's why she was behind. Retaking classes in college was a nightmare, not just academically but financially.
Her parents' accident was a problem she wasn't able to control, and which required a lot of her mental strength, but even before that it wasn't like she was the best student. She remembered the big headache she gave her parents with studies because of it.
—Nope —she said, resting her head in her hand—. Only two retakes this time. Just one from second year, three from third, and then the final project.
Not wanting to drag down the mood, she quickly changed the topic back to them.
—Table soccer? —Anthony suggested—. I've got something to tell you, but not here.
The table soccer area, infamous for overheard gossip, was separated from the cafeteria by glass walls, offering a perfect place to vent while seeing anyone who approached. It was the perfect place to get the type of privacy someone needed to speak about something in the campus.
She could only imagine the amount of crazy stories that table had probably heard through the years.
—Wait... hold up —Mark's eyes widened as he turned to Anthony—. You hooked up with who?
There it was -prime cafeteria gossip.
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When Y/n finally got home, she collapsed on the couch, feeling like she'd been run over by a convoy. Although it was only Monday, the shop was packed.
As she lay there, her mind returned to the strange post she'd seen on Pinterest earlier. Was someone -or something- actually watching her? If so, she needed a clearer sign than a random post.
—Are you there? —she murmured, shaking her legs nervously as she stared at the ceiling—. I can't believe I'm doing this —she mumbled.
Taking a breath, she tried again.
—Hello? You're allowed to manifest however you please. Just... make it obvious. I'm not the best at reading signs, so please, if you send one, make it big enough so I'm able to see it kilometers away.
Silence. Only the faint sounds of honking and neighbors' voices filtered through the window. She clapped once, breaking the quiet, and stood up.
—Good talk —she joked, heading toward the bathroom.
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She threw her head back, in a failed attempt to get rid of the tension on her neck, caused by the awfully uncomfortable chair of the college library. The wooden seat kept putting her lower back on a stinging ache, while she was trying to keep her focus on the big pile of books on the left side of the desk. She was sure her spine would look like a roller coaster loop the moment she decided to get up.
After the Mythology teacher warned the class he wouldn't make it to one of his seminars, Y/n chose to use her spare time in the smartest and most productive way she could think of.
Ironic how it was one of her favorite subject, yet one of the three she happened to fail the previous year -with the lowest grade, by the way. It wasn't like she was surprised by the results either. How she was overconfident about it was the way she carved her grave. She should've known that liking it and being interested in it didn't mean she was good at it. Once she read a line of the notes she took, she kept thinking she already knew that, convincing herself that it was enough with what she had heard in class, and that was how she kept jumping from one note to the other, and ending up without knowing anything at all.
"Who would've thought I didn't know as much as I thought", she scoffed, remembering how embarrassed she was when she took the exam in January.
Being overconfident was dangerous. Probably more than just being ignorant or stupid. And she just happened to be the three of them.
She put the open book aside, turning back to her laptop to realize the document was still blank waiting to be filled with words. She had been there for two hours, eyeing different books to work on that other project, but there was absolutely nothing.
She tried to relax, laying on the chair more comfortably before she took her phone to check some apps.
Just a quick break.
On Twitter, she wasn't shocked to see the same depressing news there always were -exactly what she needed to avoid, because her desmotivation was reaching worrying levels.
On Instagram, some of her classmates had posted stories while chilling in the garden of the faculty or in the cafeteria.
"That's how you live the good life, when you keep your tasks up to date and have no worries about having to retake exams", she scolded herself.
No new text on Telegram, no texts on Whatsapp -which was surprising, because there tended to be one hundred unread texts from different group chats.
Frowning her lips, she closed the app and decided to open a different one.
Pinterest never failed to keep her entertained, and she always ended up spending hours scrolling down the feed. There was something always new to see there.
But that day she got a weird feeling from it, and something that made me feel uneasy. Actually, it had been that way for a few days.
First thing she saw when she opened the app was a black background with white letters on it, with "I think you look sexy when you touch yourself" written.
She almost threw the phone away, letting it fall carelessly over the desk.
It was great, added to her demotivation, there she had Pinterest reminding her of how sex deprived she was. Something she hadn't really thought of until that showed up on her screen.
She looked around, trying to find a logical explanation to that, before she went back to the phone, without touching it, and read that sentence again.
Suddenly, she was thinking of the possibility that she couldn't blame her mind for fooling her anymore. There was no way that phrase made it to her feed out of nowhere, not after what happened the previous night and what pushed her to do what she did.
A gasp woke her up violently from her sleep. She was just as heated and hectic as she was a few nights ago. She dreamt of him again, but it wasn't as vivid and real as last time. It felt more like a remembrance of him, those doe dark eyes, those pink heart-shaped lips with a ghoulish smirk, his tattooed hands, filled with rings, intertwined in the gap between his slightly spread thighs, while sitting on the edge of the bed.
As for her, she didn't remember where she was or what she was doing. She was just able to remember that wave of pleasure razing over her like a tsunami, activating all of her senses hard enough to wake her up.
Lying on her back, she tried to get back to breathing properly. Her hand moved over her forehead, pushing some of the messy locks of hair back -as if that helped her see anything through the dark anyway. Y/n whined at the throbbing feeling on her core, knowing damn too well there was no way it'd go away by itself. Her thighs were pressed together, with her eyes fixed on the ceiling when she felt a weight sinking on the edge of the bed, right next to her feet.
Far from being scared, she was intrigued.
Moving her left foot on the place where the mattress has supposedly sunk, she found nothing. But that didn't stop her from thinking whoever had been filling her dreams -and that got her in that extreme state of arousal- was there, watching her, enjoying the show she was about to pull out.
She didn't really hesitate to sit up on the bed, pressing her back against the wooden headboard. He'd been hunting her in her dreams, it was time for the payback.
She looked in the direction where that thing probably was seated -or not, but she wanted to believe there was something-, before she started taking off her XXL-sized T-shirt, tracing her curves with her fingers as she lifted it up slower than usual, making her moves sensual.
Her nipples tightened, victims of the cold air in the room, making them painfully hard when the temperature mixed with one of her dreams to act against her.
Tracing her curves again in the opposite direction when the cloth was somewhere in the room, she made her way to her panties. Her fingers traced her slit over the fabric, finding it wet and slippery. And she could only imagine those piercings trapped under his teeth as he bit his lower lip, trying to contain herself at the scene.
The thought of hope of him being much more than just a dream erased fast, making sure it wouldn't kill the vibe.
She tangled her fingers around the elastic of her panties, ready to push them down through her legs and let them find the same destination her shirt did. With her eyes fixed on one particular spot, trying to guess where his fierce eyes would be, she spread her legs slightly.
She was convinced she wouldn't be acting that way in front of any real person, not after what happened with her ex, but there was something about the man in her dreams, about his aura... Damn it, she was sure she'd act the same way if he was there in front of her.
Teasing herself through her folds and sliding her fingers up and down until she reached her entrance, she coated them with her arousal. Just then realizing how messy it was already, how turned on she got only by the thought of his fingers touching her instead. Her back arched just with the thought of each single one of his tattoos disappearing while he fingered her.
A moan escaped her lips as soon as she pictured his dark eyes watching every single expression on her face, drinking up every bit of pleasure he helped built up without even being there.
Her palm pressed against her clit and rubbed it every single time she dipped her fingers in, making herself go crazy.
She was near.
The knot kept tensing on her belly, just one move right and she'd be already in the right place.
Her body arched unconsciously, and her legs closed instinctively, with her brain too busy with the feeling to be able to control her own body.
She slowly moved her fingers out, whining at the accidental touch of the palm over her sensitive bud.
A few minutes later, while trying to catch her breath, she opened her eyes.
There was a shadow with a thick and strong human shape. She swore she saw it vanishing right in front of her eyes, in that exact spot where she kept her eyes on.
Pleasure was no longer there, panic invaded her completely when the thought of one person being there was not part of her imagination.
She rushed to turn on the light of the lamp on her nightstand, but there was nothing.
Nothing at all.
She was naked, still a bit fuddled by the orgasm... and alone. She was convincing herself everything that happened that night: the weight on the bed and the shadow, all came from her imagination and how a little too into the show she got.
A few hours later, and after processing it right, she thought of the idea of it being a dream. A way too vivid dream, way too realistic to the point that it had her acting while she was asleep.
Y/n gulped hard, feeling her pasty spit go down her throat. She tried to digest what was going on, trying to find a logical explanation. She liked to think she was just being influenced by all the videos she had watched, letting herself too into the joke.
She probably was seeing things she wanted to see, and not things that were actually there or existed.
But that night... Hell, she saw him herself. That dark shadow was in the exact same spot where she felt the bed sinking.
He was right there.
She pushed the entity's limits, she pushed him to speak. Thinking that maybe, since he was communicating through one of her apps, he'd also be able to answer through the notes. Her phone was held high with trembling hands, before she typed "Are you here?".
Right when she was waiting for his answer she realized how stupid it all was. She was allowing dumb stories on Tik Tok and Youtube to get to her.
She needed to stop paying attention to it and go back to her normal life. 
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sonic-au-collision · 3 months ago
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Sonic Ghost Hunters AU belongs to @sharks3ye
Heart of Chaos belongs to @hyper-cryptic [link to masterpost]
Explore each world below the cut!
Sonic Ghost Hunters AU:
Just as the title suggests, their entire thing is about hunting ghosts! The world was somewhat rebuilt to be a bigger focus on paranormal rather than how sonic's original universe would be. Changed to be more realistic than not — having powers isn't normal.
Sonic got involved initially for simply the thrill of it, Tails is there mostly to make sure he doesn't die or something and knuckles was essentially bullied into joining. Amy barges in later as a news reporter after finding out about them. They all thought of her as a nuisance for a long time before she officially joined the gang (Sonic and her still bicker to this day).
And yes many other characters also are too involved n stuff its not jst these 4 (人^з^)-☆
Heart of Chaos:
Heart of Chaos AU is formed around a prophecy made by Tikal, one about a hero that can balance peace and chaos, who will be accompanied by an equidna warrior that will treat them like kin. This au idea is based on the super sonic mural :]
Of this prophecy comes out Sonic, later renamed to Spikes, years later after Tikal's wish. The Master Emerald itself taking the form of a new life, a being of chaos energy and flesh. Spikes is ""born"" in a hidden chao garden in Angel Island, and is taken care of by Tikal's spirit, as she is connected to Spikes, but so is Chaos. Later, around when Spikes is 4yr, she entraps herself with Chaos in the chao garden's pond so that Chaos possibly create a doomsday even using Spikes' body. The pond becomes frozen solid where not even the hottest summers can melt it.
Once Knuckles and Spikes meet, when he is around 10 years old, this kickstarts the journey back to Angel Island, which gets rudely interrupted by Eggman releasing Chaos, and SA1 events happen. This is where Tikal and Spikes get reunited once again and she tells both Spikes and Knuckles in-depth about the prophecy and the war. She informs them the great danger that Spikes and everyone in Mobius is: if Spikes' chaos energy were to become unbalanced, it would corrupt itself, the chaos emeralds and everything in it's path, causing the destruction of Mobius itself as it would transform Spikes into an almost unrecognizable version of himself: Dark Spikes.
This is where I start jumping around the timeline and doing my own fun stuff with this concept.
Three important arcs in Heart of Chaos are SA2, Sonic 06, ShTH and particularly Sonic Unleashed and Sonic Forces. :>
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fullonfandomindulgence · 1 year ago
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the fury is a boss from mgs3. clic for bigger images
looking up paranormal stuff is the fastest and best way to find yourself in web 1.0 again. below for your perusal are (some of) the sites tome found in her quest for the truth
i couldnt get a good screenshot of this last one for the comic but its my favorite fringe theory. certain patterns of rock carvings by ancient peoples look similar to patterns of plasma discharge when the plasma is magnetically confined. where would various cultures from millennia ago have observed magnetically confined plasma? well, the aurora is made of magnetically confined plasma. the paper suggests that the solar wind may have been one or two degrees of magnitude stronger millennia ago, creating giant plasma structures in the sky, which were then seen and recorded in stone
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michaelo2k · 9 months ago
Happy Birthday to The Slender Man!
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15 years ago today Eric “Victor Surge” Knudsen posted two images to the “Create Paranormal Images” thread of the SomethingAwful forums, resulting in other posters building off his creation and leading to an online horror phenomenon!
Slender Man shows the power of online community creation and it’s lead to so many good things in my own life including some of dearest close friends. Here’s to many more years! 🖤
The original SomethingAwful thread can be read HERE
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ryanthecomic · 5 months ago
For the past few months me and my brother were working on a tabletop rpg system based on Parties are For Losers, just for fun, and then we started trying out some graphic design adjustments, putting some cool images from the PaFL MVs and then boom, holy crap, we had an decent looking book, turns out that came out some time ago and i never did make a tumblr post on it, so here we go!
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A Tabletop RPG system based on already popular RPGs such as Call of Cthullu and Ordem Paranormal, we made ZONA share a lot of horror adventure mechanics from CoCthu, such as the six-sided die being the only you need to actually play the game, any proficiency just means you get yet another die, some threats are not supposed to be brawled through, like the anomalies. Anomalies, Mutants, Powers, Artifacts and everything that you could find in the Zone is possible in your adventure, the book has only been tested in quick 3 session campaigns which is when this system works best, since there is no way to progress your character without artifacts and/or special equipment. Zona is the type of book you pick up when you want to play spontaneously with your group of friends, but if you wish to add a very rudimentary sense of character power progression, there is a "Level Up?" section in the book where you can adopt to your campaign, making your characters *just a tiny bit* stronger!
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Choose between 3 classes for your character, each with certain strengths and weaknesses, there is a tutorial along the book that will teach you how to make your character! If you choose to be a mutant, you will have access to a whole new feature called powers, your character has 6 points they can spend to make a power for themselves, that they'll use in the campaing, this power can either be an offensive power that deals damage and effects to enemies or an utility power that grants you bonuses when rolling for checks, healing people or even creating structres like ice walls or earth structures. Lets explain powers a bit more in this post, since the book will teach you how to make a Mundane Character.
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These 6 points will be spent this way: Dmitry uses 4 points to make a 004 mutation called "Maximum Output Teleknysis", an offensive mutation that deals 1d6+4 paranormal damage to up to 5 creatures, and moves them in a direction he chooses until they hit a wall or get out of sight (very strong i know, but that is the point.) since its a 004 degree mutation, when using this power, Dmitry spends 4 humanity points (Read the book to understand this better!) Due to choosing a 004 power, dmitry also gains a mutation trick, which is Teleknysis, he can lift objects as if he could reach them with his hand, but since it's a trick, he wont be able to lift anything that he normally couldn't with his body strength alone. That leaves him with 2 points, which he will spend to make new uses for these powers of his.
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If Dmitry exerts himself too much and goes beyond humanity's border, he will start to go insane, all the effects on the insanity table is made with the solely intention of retiring your character from the campaign, either making them crazy or just plain right losing them to the GM.
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Thank you to everyone involved in the making of this book and making their drawings and assets available, you can download ZONA and check out the people who made this work possible in this link: https://ryanthecomic.itch.io/zona
Glad to be of use once again for the PaFL fandom!
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wojakgallery · 1 year ago
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Title/Name: Dana Scully and Fox Mulder with Alien Known As: The X-Files is an American science fiction drama television series and film franchise created by Chris Carter. Two special FBI agents, probe into cases that have been left unresolved. While Mulder believes in the paranormal, Scully settles for a more scientific approach. Country: USA Wojak Series: Soyjak (Variant) Image by: Unknown Main Tag: The X-Files Wojak
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faulty-writes · 1 year ago
[ Hello followers, and or fans! I am back with a Part II/Follow-up to the piece I originally wrote for the Hawks Big Bang. This was inspired by this image created by pepepecoooooo which is so so cute. Please note this piece contains MAJOR manga spoilers. ]
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[ As a support specialist, you were used to receiving attention, and it wasn’t just because you were the child of Endeavor, a fool. Trying to adjust to your new life after the war was hard, but it was even harder knowing what happened to a certain winged hero man that you knew. It was clear the two of you had lost things you could never get back, yet this could be the key to finally moving forward hand in hand. ]
The tension in the air was beginning to make you sweat. ‘This is so awkward…’ you thought, mindlessly staring at the plastic container you were helping Keigo go through. It was filled with his hero memorabilia and merchandise.
‘Why did I agree to this again?’ The ache that coursed through your chest served as enough of an answer and your hands tightened around the edge of the container. The fingers of your newly created mechanical arm whirred in response to this.
You could only assume that it was still getting used to its functioning, and it served as a reminder of what you had lost during the war against All For One and the former members of the Paranormal Liberation Front. Ironically enough, your father had also lost his arm, and although you had offered to craft a new one for him, he refused.
You assumed he believed this was a way to atone for his past sins and thought he was foolish but tried to respect his decision, especially given the now delicate state of your family. Despite this, you knew that the heroes and hero students alike had lost something during the war as well.
The ache in your chest increased when you looked at Keigo who was crouched over another container across the room. Most would think that being in the former number two hero’s house would be a dream come true, but considering the events that led to this moment, it was more of a nightmare.
Despite now being a retired hero, he was currently dressed in his former hero attire which consisted of a black shirt with a repetitive golden pattern, a tan jacket with a high collar lined with white fur, and black gloves. Much like before the war, the only thing that was missing was the beautiful bright red feathers that made up his wings.
However, there was no chance of recovering them this time. Sure, the heroes won in the end, but Fierce Wings had been stolen by All For One, and upon the villain’s death, the stolen quirks died along with him. This, of course, is what prompted Keigo’s abrupt retirement.
Although there were many casualties, he considered himself one of the lucky ones because he could at least walk away from the war alive. Sure, a part of him was missing. But hell, he was never whole to begin with and part of him felt guilty for having made it out alive given that he took Jin Bubaigawara’s life.
At the same time, however, he assumed being alive was worth it if he had you. Although a part of you was missing as well, or a semi-part? Guess you were both equally messed up. He was slightly amazed that Endeavour had even allowed you to help him go through his things given what happened last time.
Of course, he didn’t give a damn if Endeavour knew he had feelings for you, especially now that he was retired. Being the person he was, however, he tried to laugh it off and say that now he had plenty of time to catch up on the things he wanted to do.
This included getting rid of or donating most of his possessions. However, you couldn’t help but notice that the merchandise he wanted to get rid of was related to his previous career as a hero. Still, you tried not to judge and knew that like before, this little task he requested your help with related to his desire to spend time with you. 
This was evident because he knew you had recently relocated with your family and while you missed Musutafu, the rural environment you now found yourself in wasn’t so bad. Yeah, it would be ideal if you got to work constructing a new development studio.
However, when you tried making blueprints for it, you struggled. At first, you thought it was a fluke and that you were still in shock from the war. ‘All I need is some rest to recharge, then I'll make those blueprints.’ Yeah, that’s what you foolishly thought.
That a small break from your passion would fix everything. It was only later that you discovered that said passion you felt for creating support items, among other things, had all but disappeared. Your family tried to remain positive and told you that your creativity would return when the time was right.
You weren’t sure if you believed that, and this only added to your frustration. But as usual, you tried to keep yourself distant from them and well everyone until you could sort out your emotions. However, just as in the past, this self-made rule didn’t apply to Keigo.
Just as before, your troubles seemed to be staying with you even in his presence. “Hm?” He paused, feeling your eyes on him. Guess he still had some of his hawk senses, but that was hardly a reason to celebrate. He frowned and focused his attention on the box in front of him again.
The very same box, that yes, bore the weight of his memories as a hero. The rustling of aged papers and faint crackling of outdated newspaper clippings echoed through the room. But among these was something from his childhood that was associated with skyrocketing his dreams of becoming a hero.
When his fingers brushed over something soft and plush, he knitted his eyebrows and leaned over the box. Carefully moving a few more items out of the way, he notices the red and orange coloring, accompanied by a cool blue undertone.
As he pulled out the Endeavour plushie, he noticed it was a little worn, and had a few stitches here and there. Still, it carried with it a sense of happiness, and memories came flooding back to him accompanied by a bittersweet smile.
He tentatively squeezed it and looked over his shoulder at you. His eyes naturally drifted to your artificial appendage that, like your previous metal fingers, gleamed the faintest blue and had a sleek metallic surface. In addition, precisely articulated joints mimicked the motion of the human body.
The metal fingertips were equipped with sensors that allowed you to perform tasks that surpassed normal human capability. There was a subtle space along the sides of it, that allowed that soft luminescence to emanate from its core, this was the source of the gentle blue glow that made it stand out.
Underneath the surface of your arm was a complex network of wires and circuits that was nothing less of the sophistication only you were capable of crafting, or so he believed. He imagined that like your mechanical fingers, the arm worked in tune with your quirk which made it the life force of the technological masterpiece.
It served as a reminder to him that you never said no to a challenge, no matter how difficult, and that was a quality that set you apart from other support item specialists. It was also what made him interested in you in the first place.
Not many freshly graduated support specialists could make a name for themselves as fast as you did and you were already popular at Yuuei because of your outstanding grades, and equally outstanding inventions. So, he had heard of you even before meeting you face to face. If only he knew the arm was indeed not crafted by you.
The smile fell from his face, and his chest ached softly. Although he tried to convince himself it wasn’t his fault that you had lost your arm, he felt responsible. However, this didn’t change the fact that you were still the child of his favorite hero.
The same favorite hero whose likeness was modeled after the plushie he was currently holding. He glanced at it, taking note of the synthetic fibers that made up the flames that Endeavour used as a makeshift mask and beard, and the bright turquoise color of the plushie’s eyes.
“Hm…” he perched his lips and grasped his chin, tapping it with the tip of his gloved finger. His gaze once again shifted to you, and he noticed that you had taken a few items out of the box you were rummaging through. They lay on the floor in organized piles, and he chuckled softly.
It was just like you to organize what you saw and make sense of it. “Hey,” your head turned when you heard his voice and tried to push down the fact that it made your heart race. Yes, the relationship you had with Keigo was…strange if anything.
This was especially evident given the last time the two of you were alone you almost kissed. That’s also when you realized just how strong your feelings for him were, and although you wanted to follow said feelings, something was holding you back. 
Regardless, Keigo had a history of pushing his luck with you and distracting you from your work whenever he damn well pleased. While you wanted to finish the task, he had given you, a sigh passed your lips. “What?” you replied, your voice flat as you placed a hand on your hip.
He smirked, happy to see that despite everything, you still had that fierce attitude. No doubt that was something you inherited from your father. “Check it out,” he said, approaching you. “He’s waving at you,” with a snicker, he proceeded to take the plushie’s arm and move it.
He had his hopes that his misguided sense of humor would make you smile. Unfortunately, this did not happen. Instead, you scowled at him and glared daggers at the plushie before grabbing it. Luckily, you used your flesh hand to do this, as opposed to your mechanical one which would have surely ripped the stuffed companion apart.
After you chucked it across the room, it bounced on the floor a few times before hitting the side of the wall where it lay askew. The smile on his face faded, leaving behind a frown as he stared at his precious childhood friend who was now laying face-first against the floor.
He then glanced back at you, taking note of your heavy panting and the whir of your mechanical arm that again, seemed to be straining to move. In this case, it struggled to make a fist, but he assumed this was ignored by you.
Still, he had faith you’d be able to tinker with it until it reached the flawless level of complexity and functioning that was usually associated with your inventions. The tension in the air was obvious, as was the awkwardness that lingered between the two of you.
It was no surprise that his mind once again drifted back to the kiss the two of you almost shared and the look on Endeavour’s face when he barged in to see you in his arms. He also recalled the way your father forcibly dragged you away from him. It all seemed so unfair.
Yeah, he had told you on that day that he wasn’t a good guy. But hell, he deserved love, right? He didn’t give a damn if he wanted it from the child of his favorite hero. That was part of the reason he insisted you help him with his much-needed task.
While things had just seemed to turn sour, he was determined to finish what he had started. “I don’t need to be greeted by a plushie of my Dad!” You snapped, pointing a mechanical finger at him. “Jeez,” you said, turning your back on him.
You knew that you might be taking your frustrations out on him, but for the moment, you were too stubborn to apologize. “D-don’t be weird, okay?” You muttered, making his frown deepen. ‘Hm…’ he narrowed his eyes, ‘weird, huh?’
If that wasn’t the greatest instance of the pot calling the kettle black, he didn’t know what was. But he had been dealing with you for too long, and he wouldn’t rest until he had destroyed every wall you tried to put up. Furthermore, since you were already at your weakest point, it was the perfect time.
Yeah, maybe that was a little…villainous to do. But hell, if his hero career taught him anything, it was that you needed to use whatever you could to your advantage. ‘Maybe Dad was right…’ you thought as you resumed looking through the box, taking a few items out of it to place in the piles you had created.
Of course, your father didn’t trust anyone who tried to get close to you, let alone pursue you with romantic interest. He had grown suspicious enough the last time you and Keigo were together, and it only heightened when Keigo requested your help after the war.
Part of you thought your father finally agreed because of your mother’s assurance that you would be alright, despite him having resentment toward Keigo. In his mind, he believed the once-winged hero was the one responsible for you having lost your arm.
This, at least in your opinion, was an illogical conclusion because Keigo was too injured to even move, let alone save your arm from getting severed at the time. You had tried your hardest to explain that after your family had stopped Touya’s reign of terror by working together, you searched for other heroes.
You were also the least injured one of your family thanks to your specialized combat suit. It was like that of a robotic suit that old superhero cartoons would depict, be it more advanced. However, it had received great damage from Touya’s flames and as a result, was weakened to the point of just barely functioning.
Despite this, your stubborn attitude made you determined to protect others. That’s unfortunately how you got caught up in the brigade of Himiko Toga’s doubles that had attempted to attack Keigo with a large knife. Without thinking, you jumped in front of him.
Of course, you didn’t anticipate just how much damage that knife would cause. It ended up shredding through the combat suit, and effectively through the flesh and bone of your arm, severing it completely. You certainly were a fool for doing what you did, but you also felt some pride knowing you prevented him from further injury.
Yeah…maybe you loved Keigo, whatever. If you were being honest, you were disappointed that your mechanical fingers got destroyed as well. But your original opinion still stood strong, countless individuals chose to have certain body parts or limbs replaced with robotic ones. Only this time, you felt different.
You couldn’t necessarily explain why, but maybe that’s because you were still processing everything that happened and dealing with more emotions than you wanted to. Jeez, there had to be a way to distract yourself from how you were feeling.
Your father only added fuel to the fire by acting protective and had initially refused and furthermore, forbade you from helping Keigo. Of course, he hadn’t explained why. But much like you, your father had a difficult time articulating his emotions.
You assumed it was because he didn’t want you to be romantically involved with anyone, maybe the fear of someone taking you away from him struck a nerve. The members of your family almost losing their lives during the war and Touya ‘dying’ for the second time likely added to this.
You could understand that no one wants to lose their child either in death or from someone else taking them away. But your mother managed to convince him to allow you to help Keigo, saying that she wanted her children to be able to be happy. Guess you could thank her for that, but your relationship with her was strained at best.
Still, you were beginning to wonder if you should have come here at all. “You know there, you don’t have to take your frustrations out on your father,” he said in a joking manner, crossing the room to pick up the Endeavour plushie before once again cradling it in his arms. “That’s not funny!” You snapped, pointing an artificial finger at him.
He seemed to recall the last time you had done that and like before, his body stiffened out of instinct. But instead of the memories of the flames that had stolen his wings away, the scene of when you jumped in front of him and the blood that splattered when your arm was cut off came to mind.
The blue hue of your finger reflected off the golden color of his eyes and you took a deep breath, letting out a sigh as you lowered your hand. Once again, it gave a loud whirring that made you smack it. “Shut up and work properly already!” You snapped, making Keigo raise his eyebrow.
While your mechanical arm was certainly a marvel, it wasn’t one of your designs. In the weeks following the war, and your attempts to make blueprints for a new Development Studio, you also tried to come up with blueprints for a new arm. Several. The only thing this confirmed was that your passion for invention and technology had now become a sizzling flame. Your frustration began here. It was like an author having writer’s block. There was potential for something beautiful to be created, and yet the mind remained blank, unable to convey the correct words for a heart-capturing story.
You were unable to do anything about your brain’s lack of creativity. Even when you had attempted to make your robotic limb, believing that baby steps would reignite your abilities, you found yourself struggling yet again.
This eventually led you to contact a promising Department of Support student named Mei Hatsume, who was the only one who challenged the legacy you had left behind at Yuuei. She was the one to thank for constructing your arm based on the blueprints of your once mechanical fingers.
Of course, this didn’t change the fact it was embarrassing to have someone craft something you should have easily been able to create. Although Mei had warned you that your new arm would struggle at first given that she had set limitations on it and would gradually increase them which would allow it to work more efficiently.
You knew it was important to get used to the strength of your mechanical appendage at first, and further knew that Mei was following safety precautions which was almost amusing given the stories you had heard about her inventions spontaneously combusting.
“Taking your frustrations out on inanimate objects now?” He questioned with a chuckle, but it died quickly when he noticed you were glaring at him. “That’s not funny either,” you said before walking over to the nearby wall and sighing as you slumped against it.
You frowned as you slid onto the floor and pulled your knees up to your chest. The frown on his face remained as he watched you, guess he should have expected this. Although you still looked like the same little firecracker he had always known.
“Mm…” he hummed and turned the Endeavour plushie in his hands. His eyes focused on it for a long moment as if he expected it to come to life and give him advice on how to deal with you. He took a breath as he lowered his hands and looked at you.
For the first time, it seemed that the illusion you were the child of his favorite hero was broken. Instead, he just saw you. Someone who needed comfort because they had so much frustration built up they were liable to burst at any moment.
At the same time, he also saw someone so intelligent when it came to crafting support items and other inventions yet didn’t stop to see their own success. You sacrificed everything for your passion, even if you didn’t receive as much as a ‘Thank you’ from your customers.
Someone like you didn’t deserve to be this…glum. More importantly, he saw the person who had saved him from the painful sting of a knife cutting into his flesh. Maybe he was seeing you as his new hero. The only difference was that he was no longer chasing a childhood dream.
He was pursuing the next stage in his life, the period when he’d settle down with the one, he had adored for quite some time. His eyes once again drifted to your artificial arm, and he walked toward you. “How does it feel to be without your arm?” He asked, his voice flat and an absent tone accompanied it.
Of course, having been trained under the Hero Public Safety Commission, he had, unfortunately, mastered the ability to numb his emotions. This didn’t last long around you and as he came to stand in front of you, he could see the anger brewing inside you, and the small hint of hatred dancing in your eyes.
He knew his question would make you angry, this was evident by your slanted eyebrows and scowl. You balled your hands into fists, and once again the sound of your artificial appendage permeated the air. Your lip twitched, and although you knew it was wrong, your anger and stubbornness got the best of you.
You leaned forward, and growled, “How does it feel to be without your wings!?” His facial expression dropped, and although most couldn’t tell. A look of sadness filled his eyes and an ache coursed through his chest. He knew that he had done good things during his career as a hero, it was something he was born for.
Ever since he saved all those people when he was a mere child, he had his hopes of becoming a hero. The rest followed when he found out about Endeavour, who unintentionally saved him, and the Hero Public Safety Commission was responsible for creating him into the person who stood before you today.
But it seemed that despite his best efforts, you were yet again trying to put up walls. He glanced toward the ceiling, rubbing the back of his neck. You raised your eyebrow, noticing his change in demeanor and guilt filled your heart, making your chest feel heavy.
You drew your bottom lip into your mouth, glancing away. ‘Okay…maybe I shouldn’t have said that…’ you thought, almost feeling sick for having come to that realization. Your eyes drifted to your mechanical arm. ‘We both lost something…’ you glanced at Keigo once more.
‘What he lost was more personal…’ and after the tragedy he went through before, you couldn’t fathom how he was feeling or how he could even smile. Images of his bandaged-up face and fresh scars came to your mind, making you tense up.
He raised his eyebrows, noticing this. He was keen to know what that meant thanks to his years of training as a spy, and frankly, he didn’t like the way it looked on you. So, he made the bold move to sit down next to you.
He stretched one leg out in front of him while the other was bent so he could rest his arm against it. Laying the Endeavour plushie on the floor next to him, he faintly smiled. If a little comfort is what you need, then he’d gladly give it to you. Although he could use some in return, he always put others before himself.
Maybe that’s part of the reason why he could shut off his emotions at any given time but as he looked at you, he was quickly reminded why that was impossible around you. He took a deep breath and focused his attention forward.
The awkward tension in the air continued to grow and sweat began to drip down the sides of his head before he let out the breath he was holding. “Guess it’d be crossing the line if I asked why you did that, eh?” He said, finally shattering the silence.
“Did what?” you replied, he noted that your voice was slightly strained indicating that you were still frustrated. He gave a half-smirk and leaned over, knocking on your mechanical arm. You stiffened as a result and quickly jerked your arm away, but its movement was slow and clunky.
A loud thud came when the elbow of it hit the wall. “Mm, again taking your frustration out on inanimate objects, huh?” Keigo said flatly, brushing his gloved fingers over the small indent you had now created in his wall. You grumbled and crossed your arms.
“Again, you’re asking stupid questions,” you hissed back, looking away from him with your anger boiling. Ironically, the temperature around you dropped which was unfortunately a side effect of your quirk. He wanted to reach out and touch your shoulder but decided against this given that your cold flame quirk was dangerous.
Although he didn’t believe you’d hurt him, at least not physically. He frowned and glanced up. “You know you could have lost your life trying to save mine, and despite being a devilishly handsome man, even with these scars…” he paused, and his eyes looked glossed over and void, almost like his soul had been ripped out.
“But damn if my life is worth more than yours,” he said, making your eyebrows rise and your lips part. He would have thought the look of surprise on your face was amusing if it wasn’t so sad. The weight on your chest seemed to double at his words, and you couldn’t help but wonder how the hell he could even think that.
Your eyes scanned his face, noting that his scar had gotten better, and you swallowed heavily before hesitantly lifting your hand. It hovered in the air for a moment, and you chewed on your bottom lip as second thoughts came to mind, but you pushed them away.
How could he think that your life was more valuable than his? His heart beat wildly when he felt the subtle cool touch of your hand against his cheek. Ironically, a heated warmth rushed through his body like the connection between two souls finally forming.
His eyes widened, unlike before your flesh and blood hand felt so at home, and he couldn’t resist placing his hand over yours. Your eyes locked, and when your thumb grazed over his scar, he hitched his breath. Silence lingered between the two of you and the tension in the air shifted.
Uncertainty and anticipation replaced the awkwardness in the air, making you lean forward. Keigo lowered his eyebrows, and his gaze lingered on your lips. He too, leaned forward expecting you to finish what the two of you started but-“You’re an idiot,” you said, removing your hand from his cheek. His eyes widened before he glanced away.
You sighed, and once again brought your legs up to your chest and wrapped your arms around them. “The world needs you,” your gaze turned to the ceiling, then drifted to the boxes that still needed to be emptied. You couldn’t admit that you needed him too.
A lump formed in his throat, and he lowered his head, sighing. “Heh, that’s the funny thing about the world,” he replied after a few minutes of silence. “The world thinks it needs heroes to save the day…” you knit your eyebrows.
“But it’s a bit different when someone is your world,” you hated the way your stomach filled with butterflies at his words. You clenched your jaw, pressing your teeth together. Once again, your mechanical arm struggled to move, and your fingers to close, causing a subtle creaking to echo through the room.
“You’ve protected even ungrateful people, you’re the number two her- ” you hissed when he grasped your chin. “Yeah,” he said, locking eyes with you. “I’m also the guy that wanted to sit on his ass and make the world an easier place for heroes,” he explained bluntly.
“And now that I’m rendered useless to the world I used to protect, I’m starting to see things a little differently.” A small ting of pain enveloped your heart when he described himself as useless. “Namely that little support specialists like you are the brains behind the operation,” a growl rumbled in your throat.
He wasn’t wrong, without support specialists the world would be in chaos, and the heroes without the proper means to fight. “That little stunt you pulled could have caused the world to lose someone that is actually needed,” he said, his eyebrows slanting, and his lips slightly pulled back in a snarl.
It was rare to see him angry, at least outside of his previous hero work and to know that anger was directed at you was a little off-putting. You looked at him with a dropped jaw, frozen for a minute before wrapping your metal fingers around his wrist.
In response, he tightened his grip on your chin almost as if silently conveying you weren’t going to make him let go. “You give hope to people who need it, and those who can’t control their quirk,” he said firmly. “You gave me hope when I needed it,” he added, hoping you realized he was referring to the feathers you created for him.
Another wave of sadness crashed over you; damn you hated feeling this much. “Why does that matter when you don’t have a quirk anymore?!” You knew you were rubbing salt into the wound but couldn’t help yourself.
A spark of blue fire erupted from the corners of your eyes, and the atmosphere around the two of you dropped again. However, just as with your father, he remained unintimidated. “E-even if I died…” you hesitated to speak and latched onto your bottom lip to prevent it from quivering.
Honestly, you would have happily died if that meant Keigo could get his quirk back. Moreover, you’d give up your quirk for his if you could. It didn’t really matter considering that since you were little, you knew your quirk wasn’t the ideal one your father was looking for.
Although you had since learned to cope with that, it didn’t make it any less true that your quirk wasn’t practical for anything except your previous mechanical fingers. Eventually, if you ever got the motivation to craft support items again, maybe you could improve your artificial arm so it could work in tune with your quirk again.
He sensed your frustration and watched his breath evaporate as he sighed. He released your chin before fisting his hand into his hair, contemplating his next words. It seemed you wouldn’t listen to reason, so he said something he knew would catch your attention.
“Endeavour needs you.” Even though it hurt him to say that because he also needed you. Your mouth grew dry, and his words made your chest ache again, although you knew he was right. As much as you hated to admit it, your life as a support specialist was the very thing that caused you to grow distant from your family.
After everything your family has been through together, everyone was trying their hardest to get along and you knew you needed to do your part by spending time with your parents and siblings. So maybe in that sense, it was selfish that you had risked your life to protect Keigo. Yet you remained with no regrets.
Why was this such a big deal to him in the first place? The two of you were still here, you had both lost something, and yet gained something at the same time. Silence filled the space between the two of you, except for the soft humming of your mechanical arm.
Why did he have to mention that your father needed you? “Mm…” you rested your chin on top of your knees, a blank expression in your eye. Your mind replayed the look on your father’s face when he and Best Jeanist stumbled into your Development Studio and the almost threatening conversation he had with you in the car afterward.
‘So, it was Hawks who initiated it then.’ Your bottom lip quivered. ‘I’ll have to have a chat with him later.’ Your arms tightened around your legs, something that caught Keigo’s attention. He then noticed the distant look in your eyes.
‘What could they be thinking about?’ He wondered before you hitched your breath. “Be honest…” you said, feeling your stomach twist with the soft flutter of butterfly wings. ‘And don’t make me regret asking this, okay?’ you thought before continuing.
“If…if my father hadn’t interrupted us on…that day,” you emphasized, knowing he knew exactly what you were referring to, “would we have…kissed?” Your heart thumped heavily in your chest, and although you hated it, the faintest warmth spread through your cheeks. You expected him to give a smart answer, and he did. 
Smirking, he locked eyes with you and said, “Depends.” You knit your eyebrows, and he chuckled. You almost looked cute when you were confused. “Would you still kiss an attractive but devastated former hero who lost his quirk in a freak accident with one of the most dangerous villains alive?” he asked, making you glance away.
Well, that was certainly a question. You frowned, and silence lingered in the air again. Even after learning that he killed Jin Bubaigawara, you still liked him even if you acted like you didn’t. After that day in your Development Studio, you realized how much your feelings for him had grown.
This injured former hero, who had tried to do good all his life only to meet failure in the end, was also someone you loved. You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath. “I…” Your bottom lip trembled, causing you to sink your teeth into it briefly before you sighed.
“I think…I would,” you admitted in a whisper before looking at him. He met your gaze, a small smile playing on his lips. No words were exchanged as the two of you closed the distance. The world around you faded away the moment your lips met, and the gentle warmth of his kiss sent a wave of bliss through your body.
The kiss was soft, but filled with passion that spoke the volumes of affection you couldn’t convey through mere words. All your worries and fears seemed to get lost in this moment. Another growl passed his lips as he paced back and forth, his mind dancing with thoughts of you and Keigo.
He regretted allowing you to travel back to the city to help the former hero. Then again, given his condition and state of mind, he didn’t have the energy he previously had. He felt tired, exhausted even. Yet, there remained a burning flame that desired to protect you and had him conflicted.
Rei frowned as she watched him, a sad and anxious atmosphere lingering. She knew it would take a while for everything to feel normal again and that she had been absent for most of your life. To think that one of her children became a successful support specialist made her heart swell with pride.
Although you were having trouble finding your passion again, she had confidence that you would be inventing wonderful things again soon. That was a part of her reasoning with Enji to allow you to help Keigo despite his disapproval. “They’ll be okay,” she said, her voice soft but still holding a tinge of annoyance to it.
Enji halted, and another growl passed his lips. He turned, glaring at her. However, she remained standing tall and narrowed her eyes. Much like him, her skin was healing and more than likely would scar due to being in the heart of Touya’s flames. He noticed that strong and determined look in her eyes, and his shoulders slumped.
After everything he had put her through and the regret he had to live with, he was a changed man. He didn’t want to lose any more members of his family, and despite knowing it would take a long time to regain everyone’s trust, he was willing to put in the work. 
That was the reason why he backed down and instead sighed. Pressing his hand to his forehead, he grimaced. “I still can’t accept that they have feelings for-” Rei nodded, understanding where he was coming from. It was natural to be defensive and worried when your children were involved romantically with someone. 
Still, she knew neither of them could interfere. “Let him prove himself first,” she said, her voice holding a calm yet motherly tone. “If Y/n trusts him, then I’m certain he knows better than to break their heart,” once again she narrowed her eyes on Enji.
A moment of silence lingered, and although a sad expression enveloped his features, he turned to stare out the window. “I suppose that’s true…” he said, folding his hand behind his back. He then glanced at his opposite arm, which had been severed by All For One.
Guilt swelled in his heart as he thought about your artificial fingers and newly crafted mechanical arm. He knew he should have been there for you. No child of his deserved to get injured so gravely. Yet, he also knew it was too late to change anything.
His throat tightened, forcing him to swallow hard as he raised his head and stared out the window again. His hand then curled into a fist. ‘Yes...’ he thought, ‘I will give him a chance to prove himself.’ If Keigo did end up hurting you, he would ensure the former hero had wished he had died during the war.
Soft pants filled the air, but neither of you dared to break eye contact. That is until Keigo chuckled, feeling higher than his previous quirk could get him. “Hm?” You raised your eyebrow, wondering for a moment what he was laughing at.
Seconds later, you jolted when he wrapped his arms around you, embracing you in a warm hug. You trembled at the unusual contact, and in response, he tightened his arms around you. There was no way he’d let you push him away now.
Your heart was racing, this was all new to you. Yet, it felt welcome, like it was meant to be. You slowly wrapped your fingers around one of his arms, hoping the cool metal touch of your artificial fingers wouldn’t bother him too much.
You sighed in contentment, finding his embrace to be comforting, and leaned closer to rest your head on his shoulder and close your eyes. Eventually, you knew you’d have to leave, that you’d have to return to your family and although Keigo had stated that your father needed you, it was easy to read between the lines.
Your family would be fine without you for the time being, because even if they needed you...there was someone else that you needed more. That was the same man that embraced you now, and the one you had unexpectedly fallen in love with. 
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anamelessfool · 4 months ago
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A Naming (part 3 of 5)
Rated Teen, Papa Emeritus II’s Son and Family
Tags: Halloween Hijinks, Eldest Kid Anxiety, Suburban Dad Secondo, Disabled Secondo, Post-Retirement Life, Magic Rituals, My AU with Seocondo being Papa from 2001-2008
CW: Underage Drinking, Strong Language
Paul does the ritual. It goes exactly as expected.
Dedicated to @kissingghouls thanks for cheering me on you’re my little Hell Pumpkin🎃 I’m on AO3 with all my other fics but Tumblr gets mad at me when I post links check out #anamelessfool halloween tag for the prev chapter, #anamelessfool halloween start to start the fic.
The car full of teens crunched along the gravel path behind the old church. Headlights illuminated the rickety silhouette of a swingset, beyond which the old churchyard loomed. The kids unfolded themselves from the car and mingled in the grass.
For most of the short ride here it was a joke. Get the weird gravedigger kid to do some magic or something, see some ghosts. But as they surveyed the headstones cast about like old crooked teeth juxtaposed beside the children’s covered picnic area they fell into a reverent silence. The big junior boy attempted to lighten the mood by dragging his body down the metal slide meant for preschoolers and he wasn’t even rewarded with the dumb grins he craved. Brian was still taking furtive nips from the flask in his jacket but Paul hadn’t been interested for two hours now. This didn’t seem like the place for it.
He wondered how he’d do it, whatever he’d decide to do. He knew he needed to create a circle and surround it with the right symbols. Something would need to be inside, maybe the candle; and he’d utter the syllables while tracing the circle once more with his tibia wand. He knew enough about magic to know that most of it was about just thinking about what you wanted and letting whatever happened after that run its course, but a good show was in order. He didn’t want to look stupid on top of failing to procure a decent paranormal event.
Dana smiled again at him, but she still held her friend Tiff’s hand. “What are you going to do for us?” she asked. In the low light emitted from the nearby streetlamp her eyes were wide, glittering. She was living her favorite quote, and all Paul needed to do was to let her soul take her where she wanted to be. Some sort of dark, mysterious place where demons and magic are fun. Paul left all that when he was too young to remember, but knew enough that gothic drama had a price.
“Maybe…” Paul analyzed the scene beyond the fence, where the ancient headstones were planted. “Spirit communication?”
“Ghosts? We’re going to talk to ghosts?” Tiff could barely contain her excitement.
“Yeah,” Paul replied quickly. “Let’s use the picnic area to set up.”
Under the awning studded with dead wasp nests was a smooth platform of sidewalk concrete. The kids gathered around and Paul felt the fear settle in. He was a natural performer as long as he was lodged in some hole with only his music to be perceived by. Now five older kids stared into him, getting more restless as he scrambled through his father's journal to find an enticingly arcane image to entertain them with.
He finally discovered a page drawn with a ring of syllables that he could reasonably pronounce. He got to work, drawing on the white concrete with the dark sidewalk chalk. He placed the candle in the center of the small circle along with the obsidian chunk and a sprinkling of the dried rose petals. The two girls were captivated while the boys half watched and half play wrestled with each other. Brian swayed a little and handed him a lighter for the candle, chuckling.
“Now I uh…call in the energies,” said Paul. He was supposed to start facing east and go clockwise, but in the dark there was no indication of true direction. He remembered observing a few of these gestures and repeated them here. Just recently at the equinox he had helped Secondo circumnabulate the property line of his home, restoring the energy buried along with all the nail-filled mason jars holding up the wards. He replicated the careful gesture of drawing a pentagram in the air with the wand, but refused to include the deep sonorous chant that went with it. He knew they would laugh.
At last he returned to the circle. “I…cast my will as a net,” he mumbled. “The Void will provide. Nevertheless I will endure.“
“Now what?” Muttered Brian.
“I circumambulate the circle.”
“What the fuck does that mean?” Grunted the boy from the backseat that Paul thought was named Tyler.
“Walk around,” said Paul. “Say the words.” He held out the tibia, pointing at the syllables as he stepped toe to toe past them. The other hand held the book as he read out each symbol slowly, his voice cracking. “Ab-Che-halva-ach-aleph-namu…eke…ab-Che-halva…” In his circumambulation he kept passing Dana and Tiff, trying not to meet their eyes. He wasn’t certain whether they were fascinated or bored and he didn’t want to find out. The sounds were guttural, cruel, and unknown. He was not sure of when to stop.
And then the candle went out.
The boys stopped mugging. Paul cautiously brought the tibia back into his hoodie pocket, blinking. “Should we…go out and check?”
“Check for what?” Whispered Dana. He hadn’t realized how close she came to him, her eyes wide with excitement. The boys were already out on the grass, still pretending to be half-interested but silent and watchful all the same.
“I dunno…” Paul held out his hand and Dana took it, Tiff linking arms with her. The three of them stepped cautiously back onto the grass to scan the treeline.
There was the chainlink fence, the gravestones beyond it, solid as always. The candle went out, but nothing happened. Paul felt stupid, wondering with a growing sickness in his gut that all he did tonight was look like the weirdo gravedigger kid they thought he was.
“So does your dad talks like that to all the dead grandmas he works on or…” Tyler was already done with all this, and Dave laughed in response.
“I told you there’s no spirits there,” muttered Paul. “And he’s not the one that works on them ,okay?”
“Yeah. This is all a fucking joke. Honestly.”
Paul heard Dana’s voice and it warmed him, just for a small moment. “Listen, come on, it’s just all in good fun, ok?”
Paul felt something small bounce off his shoulder and fall into the grass. “Ouch, fuck!” snapped a kid nearby, clapping a hand over his own head. “What the hell is that?”
Paul ducked down to retrieve the items that fell by his feet. It was an ordinary quarter and two pennies. He heard someone else stir, disturbed by more items falling on their head. “Coins.”
“Coins? Oh! Yeah!” said Dana, holding one up. “Where are they coming from?”
Something fell behind Paul, bouncing off his back. A cigarette lighter phone charger. Nearby, a few crumpled receipts and empty paper soft drink cup dropped onto the grass, followed by more coins. “It's…stuff from the car…”
“Car’s fucking locked,” hissed Dave. He swore again and Paul heard another coin bounce off his head. He felt old crumbs collect in his hair, sprinkled by something inexplicable above them all.
Paul glanced over to the car.
Then something happened. It felt like his brain was broken; his eyes lied. He saw the air above the car, the negative space empty there for a moment, and then watched an object pop into existence. Something big, dark and heavy that then was dropped down on top of the car so forcefully the hood crumpled into a crush of metal.
It was a small headstone from the churchyard.
“Everybody under the awning,” Paul commanded hoarsely, running backwards while still staring fixedly at the car in front of them. Coins continued to drop seemingly from nowhere, the soft sound of them hitting the grass all around them.
Paul couldn't process what he just saw. The rock was not there, and then yet it was there. And absolutely totaled the car right before their eyes.
The night taunted them with its normalcy. There was nothing out of place. No stirring leaf, no swing disturbed. The single streetlight buzzed and threw stark highlights across the asphalt by the ruined car.
A small stone fell from the awning, skidding to Paul’s feet. But there was nothing there except those empty husks of paper wasps and cobwebs.
“The car, man!” Dave whined. He bit his lip and wrung his hands. “My fucking car…”
“Would you shut up about the car?!” the junior boy rasped. His hands were over his head. “How did that stone—”
Gravel dumped across his head and skittered to the floor. The boy yelled, hopping backwards into Dave, who nearly punched him in terror. The sliding hiss of gravel falling behind them made their heads whip around to see when more would drop.
“Just like that,” said Paul, pointing. He stared fixedly at a spot where another stone had dropped. He squinted, trying to steel his nerves. Name it, his father’s voice uttered. Name what?
Just as before, a new stream of gravel was there in the air as matter-of-factly as how they were not there moments before. The space became filled without even a blink of an eye. And more stones fell.
“I’m getting out of here,” shouted Tyler. He made a few steps towards the edge of the awning and another heavy grave marker dropped, barely missing his head and cracking the concrete. He scrambled back to the group just in time for Paul to read the date 1812 carved upon it.
“It doesn’t want us to leave!” shrieked Tiff. “What did you even do?!”
Another fall of small stones from the parking lot; this time a steady, almost luxurious stream of tiny pebbles appearing, falling, and pooling into an aggressive pile right before their eyes. The sliding, angry hiss rustled terror up Paul's spine as he bit the inside of his cheek and drew blood. Satisfied, the gravel stream ceased as if someone turned off an arcane spigot. Another rock dropped onto the Junior boy's head, and he screamed, prompting yet another small rock to be pelted at Tiff and Dana.
In the silence between the bursts of stones across their heads, one of the girls started sobbing. Paul stared down at the circle in front of him, tears blurring his own eyes. “Oh, fuck! Fuuuck!” shouted Dave and Paul whipped his head up to the sound of tires on the gravel. Another spurt of rocks fell to the ground, these much larger and thrown fast enough to bounce off the concrete.
Beside the wrecked car loomed a black hearse. The headlights dimmed as the door opened, a form gingerly rising to its feet and affixing a crutch. Tall, wide shoulders slung back. The face was obscured, but the Eye shone. The eye, a brilliant beam in the dark.
“Fuck, run!” Brian yelled, but his drinking got the best of him and he stumbled across a picnic table. The other kids were frozen on the spot, the spurts of rocks scattering around them forgotten as a storybook nightmare materialized in front of their eyes.
“No,” Paul said softly. “Don’t run.”
The hearse, the Eye, the shambling gait on the large proud form was an image out any slasher movie. But Paul knew this visage more than anyone. And more than anyone, he felt an intensity of fear only experienced by a son who had completely, utterly, and wholly fucked up.
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