#cradle of fear
xx-key-xx · 11 months
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Cradle Of Fear (2001)
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videoevil · 2 years
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aviculor · 11 months
I think The Poughkeepsie Tapes ended up being one of the most chilling and disturbing films I've seen, especially this year. However, I do need to criticize how much of a complete Marty Stu the serial killer Ed is. He dances circles around law enforcement and FBI profilers to the point where nobody knows anything about him except for what he voluntarily shows in the tapes which uhh...does not come off like some sort of hyper-competent strategic genius the likes of which the world has never seen. He's still at large because he somehow managed to scrub all traces of himself from the house he's been living in and operating out of for a decade. Neighbors? Mail? Utilities? Legal records? Not even a single fingerprint could be found, which at that point is just plain unrealistic. Many people still think the cop he framed was the killer because 9/11 overshadowed when then cop was posthumously exonerated. Can you imagine that? 9/11 played right into his schemes. An invincible, untouchable, untraceable villain does every horrible crime you can think of and gets away with it without any repercussion...what is he, like, evil Bugs Bunny or something? I guess that was just the style back in 2009.
But I'd honestly rather watch a dozen edgy, tryhard aughties films than a single one that shows real human death or disfigured corpses. Because the more I think about Cradle of Fear, the less I like it. The problem was just one vignette, but you can't even call it a fly in the ointment when it's more like someone took a wet shit in the ointment. It would have been so easy to make your own fake assets to show on the reporter's computer, especially when so much of the film already had passable effects. Hell, using the crappy 2000's cgi for that part would have been forgivable. If I didn't hear that that clip was part of a real video, I would have thought it was faked anyway. The end product wasn't worth doing something so gross and distasteful. I was already cutting it a lot of slack between the mediocre acting and amateurish cinematography.
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frigid666 · 10 months
watched cradle of fear a couple days ago and i keep thinking about it even tho it was bad bc i want to fuck melissa <3
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keyh0use · 7 months
happy hearts day or whatever, here's the most romantic scene to ever exist
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eikichi-supremacy · 7 months
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ik ppl hate fictional deadbeat moms but im an avid enjoyer. my feminism knows no bounds truly/j
like i get it she did a bad job. but shit she still did a job that's for sure!! like. she did it do you understand. 14 year old girl is pregnant. it's disgraceful. a shameful stain on her family. yusuke doesn't seem to have grandparents or anything so besides yusuke's bio dad she's got no one. and then when yusuke is a toddler the father disappears and considering who he is and what he's like that's probably for the best. gonna go out a limb and say that yusuke was maybe 4 or 5 when his dad cleared out so. at 18 and entirely alone. atsuko looked down at this little thing. this baby because he's still a baby to her this is a baby who only has her. Not even 4 feet tall with the biggest brown eyes looking to her for everything because he quite literally has no one else.
he doesn't know she's a failure yet. he doesn't know people will look down on them just because he exists as he is. he doesn't know how hard this is going to be from now on. all he knows is he loves his momma
so she doesn't cry. she just meets his big innocent eyes and goes "it's just you and me kid" and yusuke doesn't know that that's a sad thing.
so she takes care of him the best she can and it still sucks but yusuke doesn't know what the standard she should be held to is yet. for a small time she is the greatest and best person in his world and he's the only one who thinks so
then he meets keiko and her parents and finds out that his normal is actually dysfunctional and that his mom actually isn't all that great. that living day to day in the bottom of a bottle isn't healthy. so she's no longer praiseworthy but this person he's responsible for. just like that the roles reverse. because while she was all yusuke had yusuke is also all atsuko has. he doesn't respect her but he still punched the motherfucker in the mouth that called her a tramp. she taught him how to do it.
atsuko comes to terms with the fact that Yusuke doesn't really need her anymore, probably never did so she doesn't bother to care when he skips school or beats whoever he wants to a pulp or gambles because at 14 she was expecting so what the fuck can she really say about him. he sneers at her as he makes her coffee. atsuko lights another cigarette
it feels like betrayal when her son dies. at 14 she had him so how can he die at a sorry age like that. i wasted my teenage years on you for what? so you can die and leave me here? you fucking brat. how can she recover from this? yusuke was all she had. he hadn't looked up at her with an admiring gaze since he was 7 and stopped hugging her goodbye soon after but still he was hers he was hers and then he was gone
but then he comes back. and she doesn't get much better as a mom or as a person really. she tries harder than before maybe (keeping him in school) but yusuke never expected her to. he's made up of her bad habits and uncaring attitude but he's so much better than her. became something good something strong despite how shitty of a job she did raising him.
she's not proud because she has no right to be but something like it tugs in her chest when she sees him feeding the people he cares about at his little ramen cart looking as happy as the first time she'd taken him out to park.
yusuke's dad suggests taking another crack at the whole family thing and she wants to laugh in his face. the only family she'll ever have is that little boy who's stronger and braver than she'll ever be.
she doesn't want to see him laying cold in a casket ever again. he's meant for life, a soul as bright and durable as his. atsuko hopes he lives to see the sun explode
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casxuls · 1 month
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whumpypepsigal · 1 year
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michael scott screaming no-no-god-please-no.gif
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emmafaeru · 7 months
this is absolutely one hundred percent an otherside picnic blog now btw
#otherside picnic#what if we were two girls and we had the closest relationship in the world 😳😳#what if we were practical and thematical compliments to each other so that one could not work without the other#what if we went through unimaginable horrors and came out clutching onto each other as the last anchor in our world#WHAT IF I WAS TRAPPED IN INTERSTITIAL SPACE AND THE ONLY WAY I COULD GET BACK TO YOU WAS TO SEE THE EXTENT OF YOUR LOVE FOR ME#WHAT IF WERE LESBIANS DRIVING AN AP-1 HUH#what if our sanity was a toy we could play with like a cats cradle and you wove mine back up for me again#what if you accompanied me into fear itself and pulled me back out again#what if you picked out an outfit for me in the magoiya of all places and told me I looked cute in it#what if I was like ophelia in a field and you were a hand reaching down to me#what if the world itself was fraying at the seams and you held my hand and we stepped through#what then huh. what then.#what happens. what happens when we’re two girls in a world like no other and we’re accomplices#(the closest relationship in the world)#and we rely on each other and fight for each other and cry for each other#I have so many thoughts about otherside picnic#gay ass bitches#what if I was running from the things in my past and fell into a field through a door and you laughed and helped me up#what if we had a fight and i came running after you into death itself#what if we got drunk on a beach in the middle of the otherside and watched the ocean#what if. what if. what if.
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zyana-wyvern · 7 months
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Have I seen you before…?
Knife to the throat = love at first sight.
Lowkey, secretly simping this dude for years, seeing early release photos, but being an absolute clown, thinking I will give others a chance and not fixate solely on him, when finally playing the game.
How long did that last? One hour, from the moment I woke up on the nautiloid, to the moment he had a dagger to my throat. I’m a simple woman.
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SUMMARY: A locked up serial killer dispatches his satanic servant to exact his brutal revenge.
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martyrbat · 9 months
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action comics #655
[ID: a photo of Clark Kent as a child, sitting on an exam table in a doctor's office. Martha has a hand on his shoulder and knee as she's crouching to look at him. Clark has his lower arm in a cast and his head downturn as he looks like he's fighting off tears. Behind them, the doctor is smiling at them gently. The caption under the photo, written by Martha, reads: ‘Tree climbers should be more careful!’ Currently, Martha thinks, “If I live to be a hundred, I'll never forget that day! When Clark tumbled from that old walnut tree—! Luckily, it was only a simple fracture... And it did teach him to be more cautious!” END ID]
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journey-to-the-attic · 10 months
Keeping a running tally of everyone IK's fallen asleep on/with and so far it's Mammon x2, Satan, Luke, Solomon and Lucifer. Why am I doing that you ask? No idea
Ngl I feel like Belphie's gonna cry the first time IK sleeps on him
he absolutely does but in that way where the tears don't actually fall, they gather, so he just sits there glassy-eyed for an hour looking like this
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aviculor · 23 days
fetus-cakes said:
Cradle of Fear uses real animal death?
Cradle of Fear uses real footage of an execution and photos of real mutilated/disfigured corpses in the background of a scene about an investigative reporter going down a rabbit hole. It's pretty tasteless, especially given how they were willing to use cgi to fake a car stunt in an earlier vignette. The movie itself was mid, but showing me dead bodies for no good reason made me gradually hate it the more I thought about it. The fact that it's easy to miss almost makes it worse because it's like, why couldn't they have just used fake computer assets for something so minor? What good reason was there for this? It was just being edgy and shocking for the sake of being edgy and shocking.
Faces of Death is basically a compilation of historical snuff and accidents caught on camera. A Youtube video I saw said it was maybe 60/40 between real life footage and actual cinema with a script and acting and effects. This one I have not seen and I have no intent to. I heard it's getting a remake, though I highly doubt it would even be allowed to do the same thing as the original.
I've tried to one-up myself year after year, but knowing where my limits are is more important than jumping headfirst down the pipeline. I do research and listen to other people talk about certain films so that I can make an informed decision, but what it boils down to is that I watch horror movies for fun and entertainment. I want to have fun and be entertained.
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theoutcastrogue · 11 months
Today we learned that the greek intelligence service, which has been wiretapping thousands of people (including journalists and politicians, this isn't for "security", it's some surveillance state shit + Watergate), both legally via warrant and illegally via spyware, illegally wiretapped the district attorney who was indiscriminately signing their own warrants to legally wiretap thousands of people.
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maghrabiyya · 4 months
Been doing a lot of thinking, reading, podcast listening etc and I am seeing so many patterns repeating themselves in history in regards to cis mens treatment of witches in history and now the way terfs who claim to be witches treat trans women
and it's honestly wild.
how terfs think they have any place in witchcraft is baffling.
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