#cien anos de soledad
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diamantdog · 2 months ago
haven't read the book, so i don't know how the relationship between aureliano and remedios is described in writing, but i think the series did really well by casting such a young actress to show that there's just something really wrong with making an actual child marry and carry babies of their own.
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lupiinist · 1 month ago
a marauders!encanto au, but instead of the children getting magical powers at a certain age, the 'powers' (curses or blessings, depending on who's talking) are a product of inbreeding.
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fatalitabii · 1 month ago
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Café com García Marquez
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raizesealmas · 2 days ago
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castano1 · 17 days ago
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aimindflayer · 1 month ago
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algumaideia · 6 months ago
Eu adoro a história da greve de 100 anos de solidão, linda e maravilhosa.
Os americanos chegando e do nada pegando terras e as mudanças que eles causam na cidade sendo descritas como desastres naturais. E aí a Fernanda de todas as pessoas odiando eles e por consequência odiando o cunhado dela. Ela ficando brava qnd o cunhado dela entra em greve contra a companhia americana. Eles sempre no fundo até que quando eles voltam no centro eles tavam tratando os funcionários extremamente mal e aí as mortes e o trem e ninguém se lembra de nada e eles fugiram
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the-cryptographer · 1 month ago
Think another thing I would really like to add to my ridiculously long reading list is more latinx magical realism. But even though I feel like I learned a lot reading the ones I have (Cien Anos de Soledad, Bless Me Ultima, Como Agua Para Chocolate) I can't say I really love any of them enough to tackle more by the same authors. So I will perhaps have to research other writers within the genre.
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harrowianthe · 1 year ago
i think people who write down the family tree while reading cien anos de soledad don't get it
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cartasdecienanos · 2 years ago
2. Marginal vs. Dominant Narratives and Myths
A dominant narrative refers to “una historia de mayúscula de poder'' while marginal narratives are “relatos en los márgenes”. (Zamora) Therefore, dominant narratives include stories focusing on people who have power in society such as the government or a major religion while marginal narratives include oral histories, local anecdotes and folklore. I believe the novel contains dominant narratives in its focus on male characters and the relegation of black and indigenous characters to the background as servants or supporting characters to the Buendia. This reflects the current hierarchy of power in society with men at the top and people of color to the bottom due to patriarchy and white supremacy. A prime example of this is the character of Nigromanta. Nigromanta is both a woman and one of the “West Indian Negros”, who is there as a background character to support Aureliano through his hardships. In the scene where we are introduced to Nigromanta, Marquez writes “When he was penniless, which was most of the time, he got people in the back of the market to give him the chicken heads that they were going to throw away and he would take them to Nigromanta to make her soups…Many times he stayed with her, speaking in Papiamento about chicken head soup and other dainties of misery, and he would have kept right on if she had not let him know that his presence frightened off customers.” (303) However, it is also a marginal narrative in that it is a Latin American story and as such serves as a piece of resistance to European and North American works that dominate literature. Jupp James writes, “Each character contains important historical references that, when combined with the mythic elements achieved in the narrative voice, transform One Hundred Years of Solitude into a mythic typology of Latin America. The purpose of reconstructing history as myth represents an act of self-definition, which attempts to shrug off false romanticized interpretations of Latin America.” ( 114)  Various myths can be found in Cien Anos. But what exactly constitutes a myth? This a common question as Katalin Kulin writes, “Para poder analizar el sistema mítico de esta novela, conviene precisar el significado del mito. Las definiciones abundan” (92)  Encylopedia Brittanica however provides two definitions that fit well with how myths are used in the novel. Firstly, a myth is “a symbolic narrative…that ostensibly relates actual events…” or it can be “specific accounts of gods or superhuman beings involved in extraordinary events or circumstances in a time that is unspecified but which is understood as existing apart from ordinary human experience.” (Encyclopedia Britannica) Some of the myths in the novel reflect those that can be found in the Bible while others are original reflecting the history of Colombia. For example, the massacre of the banana workers became a myth as only a few people like Jose Arcadio Segundo knew it to be true and this reflected true Columbian history as striking workers of the United Fruit Company were also killed. On incorporating and exaggerating reality in his works, Marquez once said, ". . .in all my books, [my] starting point is reality.  I provide a magnifying glass so readers can understand reality better.” (Rios) Other myths in the novel are more fantastical and are reminiscent of those found in the Bible Reinaldo Arenas writes, “En gran medida, Cien años de soledad está enmarcada denrro de una concepción bíblica, comenzando, como es lógico, por el surgimiento del mundo (Macondo, el pueblo imaginario, escenario donde se han desarrollado todas las novelas y relatos de Gabriel García Márquez), pasando luego por el diluvio, los vientos proféricos, las plagas, las guerras y las variadas calamidades que azoran (y azotarán) al hombre, culminando, desde luego, con el Apocalipsis.” (Corwin)
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diamantdog · 2 months ago
hey, tumblr! you like incest, right!? right!? *crickets* now go forth and watch netflix’s adaptation of “one hundred years of solitude”!
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finlandes19 · 24 days ago
Ojos De Perro Azul - Gabriel García Márquez
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Em Ojos de Perro Azul de Gabriel García Márquez somos apresentados a um Gabo anterior as suas obras mais famosas e conhecidas e nem por isso menos hipnótico e genial. Apesar dessa coletânea só ter sido publicada em 1972 ela reúne contos de vinte anos antes. Já em seu primeiro conto, que também foi o primeiro conto publicado por Gabo, La Tercera Resignación temos uma perturbadora que nos dirá muito do tom geral dos demais contos reunidos na obra. Os catorze contos reunidos basicamente versam sobre a ideia da morte, do sonho e do antagonismo entre o real e o não real. Impressiona a capacidade do autor de em poucas palavras e frases definir uma atmosfera. enredar o leitor, a ponto de nos vermos dentro dos ambientes retratados. Gabo é hábil em nos transmitir a angústia, a desorientação de seus personagens. As descrições dos estados de “morte” ou não vida são extremamente realistas, nos convencem como relatos de pessoas em transição para algo indefinível. Sendo um livro de contos alguns funcionarão melhor do que outros para cada leitor, mas é inegável a imensa qualidade de todos eles. Um leitor habituado ao autor encontrará temas que ecoarão por toda a obra de García Márquez. Vale mencionar que dois contos de 1954 e 1955 respectivamente já dão conta de mencionar Macondo ou personagens que apareceriam na provavelmente mais famosa de suas obras: Cien Años de Soledad. Dentro os diversos contos destacam-se: La Tercera Resignación, Eva Está Dentro de Su Gato, Amargura Para Tres Sonámbulos, La Mujer Que Llegaba A Las Seis, Alguien Desordena Estas Rosas, Monólogo De Isabel Viendo Llover En Macondo e o belíssimo Ojos de Perro Azul que dá nome a coletânea. Quanto a leitura no original cabe dizer que foi bem tranquila, a prosa de Gabo apesar de bela e poética está longe de ser rebuscada e usar termos mirabolantes, sendo assim Ojos de Perro Azul é perfeito para quem quer conhecer o autor em seu idioma original antes de tentar encarar Cien Años de Soledad no original. Ojos de Perro Azul de Gabriel García Márquez é uma ótima porta de entrada para o autor seja no original seja traduzido, aqui temos um pouco de tudo o que o autor desenvolverá em suas outras obras.
lido #literaturacolombiana #contos #12livros2025 #languagereading2025
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musicalyikes · 2 months ago
evening plans r to cook pasta, add copious amounts of cheese to it, and watch an episode of cien anos de soledad before a well earned early bedtime. live laugh love
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cchiroque · 1 year ago
Cien años de soledad
Gabriel García Márquez
⚔ Esto es Historia
⏬ Des.carga: https://acortar.link/YXIp7T
🌐 https://todoestoeshistoria.wordpress.com/
Cien años de soledad es una obra maestra que explora la soledad humana a través de generaciones, fusionando lo cotidiano con lo mágico. La magistral pluma de Gabriel García Márquez en «Cien años de soledad» no solo nos introduce en el enigmático mundo de Macondo, sino también en la complejidad de sus personajes⁶.
La novela narra la historia de la peculiar familia Buendía en el pueblo de Macondo. Una aldea fundada por el cabeza de familia, José Arcadio Buendía, y lugar de donde parte la historia. Una historia que se desarrolla a través de las aventuras y desventuras que sufre la familia, generación a generación. Si hay algo que tienen en común los Buendía, es sobre todo la repetición de nombres (Aureliano y José Arcadio) y la afición por el esoterismo².
La novela se divide en veinte capítulos que abarcan más de cien años de historia. En ellos se entrelazan los acontecimientos históricos, políticos, sociales y culturales de América Latina con los sucesos fantásticos y mágicos que ocurren en Macondo y a sus habitantes. La novela está escrita con un estilo fluido, poético y lleno de metáforas e imágenes sugerentes. El autor utiliza el llamado realismo mágico, que consiste en mezclar elementos realistas con otros fantásticos o sobrenaturales, creando así una atmósfera única y fascinante⁴.
La novela es una crítica implícita de la realidad latinoamericana, marcada por la violencia, la corrupción, el colonialismo, el atraso y la dependencia. Al mismo tiempo, es una celebración de la riqueza cultural, la diversidad, la creatividad y la resistencia de los pueblos latinoamericanos. La novela es también una reflexión sobre la identidad, la memoria, el amor, la muerte y la soledad. La soledad es el tema central de la obra, que se manifiesta en los personajes, en el pueblo y en el destino final de la familia Buendía³.
Cien años de soledad es una novela que ha marcado un hito en la literatura universal y que ha sido traducida a más de treinta idiomas. Es considerada una de las obras cumbres del boom latinoamericano y del siglo XX. Es una novela que hay que leer al menos una vez en la vida, para dejarse llevar por su magia y su belleza.
(1) undefined. https://donatexter.com/resenas-de-libros/cien-anos-de-soledad/
(2) Reseña literaria: "Cien años de Soledad", de Gabriel García Márquez. https://carlosbattaglini.es/resena-literaria-cien-anos-soledad-gabriel-garcia-marquez/
(3) Análisis literario de “Cien años de soledad” de Gabriel García Márquez .... https://litanalisis.com/analisis-literario-de-cien-anos-de-soledad-de-gabriel-garcia-marquez/
(4) Reseña de “Cien años de soledad” de Gabriel García Márquez. https://queleerlibros.com/resena-de-cien-anos-de-soledad-de-gabriel-garcia-marquez/
(5) . https://bing.com/search?q=rese%c3%b1a+del+libro+Cien+a%c3%b1os+de+soledad+Gabriel+Garcia+Marquez
(6) Reseña sobre Cien años de Soledad de Gabriel García Márquez por Carmen .... https://ellectorespectador.wordpress.com/2011/10/25/resena-sobre-cien-anos-de-soledad-de-gabriel-garcia-marquez-por-marta-zarza-2%C2%BA-de-bach-a/
(7) undefined. https://www.unprofesor.com/lengua-espanola/cien-anos-de-soledad-resumen-corto-3845.html
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aimindflayer · 1 month ago
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weboftigers · 2 years ago
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"One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
RedBubble Sticker Link
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