#cp life
mantra4ia · 2 years
I'm rather perturbed at a specialist meeting me for the first time — listening to my concerns that I would like to be on less medication for pain management, renew an active lifestyle, etc and need health advice on a course of action to get to that goal— and in the course of 10 minutes they feel adequately informed enough to summarize not only my life, my hardships, my personal character, but tell me that this lifelong "struggle" will only get worse as I age, and then proceed to prescribe me not only with a higher dose of my current medication but adding a low dose of new medication that, among other things, may cause/increase anxiety, mood changes, depression, oh by the way you shouldn't get pregnant, and needs to be tapered on and off under medical supervision.
They know me well enough in ten minutes, without so much as a full physical, to reduce me to the sum of my problems — but fail to deduce that mental health is already one of my causes for concern — and prescribe me more medication that I don't want and am apprehensive about. I felt utterly statistical, invisible, and dismissed. It's one thing to be frank and say, "there's nothing in my scope I can do for you" which I would be upset but not angry about, and quite another to say "based on my extensive XP, here's your answer, your concern about meds is trivial so take more."
Do I bother with the struggle for a second opinion when it was hard enough to get in the door in the first place? Or do I laugh at my own stupidity for even trying to see a specialist to begin with?
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heymeowmao · 4 months
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I'm willing to follow you for my whole life. ⭑☽ Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Red-Moon Pact ° E36
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livingasaghost · 2 months
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A KINGDOM OR THIS — ♔ a playlist for captive prince by c.s. pacat
"I have lost everything and gained you, and I would almost make the trade, if I didn't know it had happened that way for you, too."
(featuring a few pieces from sydnarrative's playlist)
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elvenbeard · 3 months
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Look at these lovestruck fucking tourists ~
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halflifebutawesome · 12 days
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you used to be such a baby.
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only-god-canstopme · 1 year
aaron forgiving andrew for killing tilda when he has children of his own because he thinks that if she were around he never would’ve let her meet them.
(and if he didn’t want his children near her, or any children near her, that means that he, as a child, should’ve never been near her. and he gets what andrew did bc he would kill to keep these children safe too.)
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jolluxiscool · 2 months
i need to see a canon/original concept accurate cps where hes just the red spy that follows cbs everywhere bur with a white suit like i need to see that man being a dork. i need to see cps do a silly celebration dance. i need to see cps say yippie kay yay. i need to see cps trip and fall to the floor cartoon style. please guys im begging
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ex-foster · 10 months
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ohnoitsz1m · 2 months
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Furry combine mask designs,, miiight play with the elite design more but im rly happy with the civil protection design
+ a little breakdown of how the CP mask goes on :]
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I realized these are kinda like.. a shitty inside out fursuit head so I proceeded with that in mind and it worked out i think👍
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marzipanandminutiae · 10 months
just saw someone get accused of CP for shipping a 17-year-old anime character with a 20-year-old anime character
the internet was a mistake
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starsstardust · 3 months
It’s crazy how I found The Raven Cycle, All For The Game AND Captive Prince one fine April in 2020 while in quarantine and never got over them.
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trashy-raccoonz · 1 year
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two gay men chilling on a hot tub five feet apart cuz they r not gay
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while i do think Kerry can be emotionally distant and closed off at times, especially when he feels slighted or hurt, i don’t see the new ending as evidence of that. He tries to listen to V and keeps getting interrupted, but he’s also in the middle of a tour (notoriously crazy busy at his fame level) and had also been (albeit accidentally) ghosted by V for two entire fucking years. And yet, he laughs with excitement hearing V is back, asks if he needs any monetary support, says he’ll see him right after the tour in four months. Is he busy? Yes. V would have known this getting into a relationship with Kerry. Musical artists have crazy tour times and then slower times off-tour. V himself was booked and busy himself with his job. Kerry literally seems like the ONLY one of the love interests in that ending where a chance at reigniting the relationship is even possible! I actually really like that ending because it shows him as he is: a vain, successful rockerboy who is a touch vapid and short attention spanned but honestly really caring and giving to those who he holds dear. While, you know— being a grown adult invested in his career with responsibilities and obligations he has beyond what was, though life changing, a few week romantic fling that, again, ghosted him for two entire calendar years.
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pjshermann · 8 months
can i just talk to whoever was running the South Dakota CPS hm? bc who's bright fucking idea was it to just hand over a vulnerable, helpless baby to a group of creepy catholic clergymen living in the middle of fucking nowhere? i wouldnt hand over a child to a member of the clergy alone in a room w fifteen security cameras, and they just GAVE a child to a whole group of them and then? never checked up on said child? which staff member had beef w baby Jude
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yardsards · 1 year
a tactic of abusive parents that i don't see brought up very often: convincing their victims that child protective services are evil and that foster parents would certainly be even more abusive than their current circumstances
#eliot posts#csa mention#abuse mention#im watching an interview with a cult survivor#and she was talking about how her parents told her that child services would hurt her and put her with abusive foster parents#and i was like HOLY SHIT MY MOTHER DID THAT TOO#my mother always told me that if i got put in foster care i would get beaten and molested#and that if we told anyone about our home life they would ''misunderstand'' and ''incorrectly assume'' we were being abused#and then we'd get taken away by uncaring cps workers and given to evil foster parents#when in reality there would be no ''misunderstandings''. what was going on at home WAS abuse#but until my teen years i was convinced i was lucky#because i only got beaten sometimes and i got access to food and a roof over my head and i never got molested#this is not to say the foster system is perfect. there definitely are flaws in the system and occasional bad incidents#but it's nothing like my mother made it out to be#in fact the main issue with child services in my area that i knew of was that they rarely did much#like a classmate i knew called cps on her dad and they showed up and talked to him and he said she was lying#and when they left he punished her by burning her with a cigarette butt#when we were kids a few times our mother called the cops on our dad cuz they got into a violent fight#she'd tell the cops he was abusing her (though the violence was mutual) but when they showed up she refused to press charges#and a few times the cops SAW me and my sister there and DID NOTHING#like maybe if you get called to this same house multiple times you should investigate what's happening to the kids???#child abuse#abuse#abuse tw#anyway i'm still not 100% sure if that was deliberate manipulation on her part or if it was part of her weird paranoia about everything#but nonetheless it ultimately had the same effect as deliberate manipulation#she refused to get help for her mental illness even though a doctor told her she needed to
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halflifebutawesome · 5 months
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