#coolest hokage
Ding dong, here’s the final chapter! I have an epilogue in mind so that may come later, but for now, Thanks  so so much for the response to this series and Enjoy!
Ch1 Ch2 Ch3
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[talking] [talking passes]
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Gai: You knew right away, didn’t you? Kka: Correct. I knew something was wrong when you weren’t trying to do situps or anything..... You little criminal, who smuggled that in for you? Gai: Naruto
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Kks: How did you get him to do that? /I/ cant even get Naruto to do things. The tear tracks and shit eating grin are cute. Kinda wanna kiss you. Gai: Don’t let me be a hindrance to-
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Gai: What are you giggling about? Kks: I just remembered
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Kks: I get to hold over your head that I held mirai before you. Gai: You what?! Your first baby hold and I missed it? Get off of me Kks: So mean! Near death made you crabby. Gai: I won’t give into this Kks: You will, you always succumb. [gai sighs annoyed]
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Gai: [Groans] When are they making you swear in as hokage? Kks: That’s not happening anymore thankfully. Gai: Huuuh?? Tenzou didn’t tell me that!
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Gai: He said Lady Tsunade was retiring and you were the only choice. Naruto even tried to- Kks: Where do you think i’ve been all day? I convinced her to hold out until Naruto or whoever  took over next. Gai: How did you smooth talk that one? Kks: I agreed to do her paperwork and cover for when she needs R&R. I also advised her to ditch the elders so she can actually run this shit show right. Gai: And they... took that well? The elders? Kks: No, not at all. Let’s just say I said some... things that made them backtrack on their decision.
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Gai: YOu cant just say that and not tell me now!! I gotta know! Kks: Well... Homura: Absolutely not! Kks: If I am appointed, I’ll be replacing you regardless. Naruto certainly will. It’s inevitable. Koharu: Those kids don’t know how this village runs!
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Kks:Those kids just won your war and this is how you speak of them. Or are “those kids“ only respectable to you when they’re eager to die at your beckon call and shut up. Elders: How dare- Watch your tongue! Kks: I won’t be someone who you can walk all over. Things will change. Just so my intentions are clear
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Gai: What next?! Kks: That’s is really. Kinda tuned the rest out and passed out for 3 hours. Gai: Rival, I was so invested Kks: Sorry Gai: So you agreed to essentially split the work of a hokage but not publicly take the title? Kks: Mhm Gai: So cool! Apologies, I had just assumes since you were gonna accept last time Kks:[hums] Things changed. Konoha’s not on the brink of war, Tsunade’s still here. The village can breathe and rebuild now.
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Kks: After a glimpse of the hassle and public attention the last time, I’m just... Not interested in any of that. I’ve never dreamed or desired to be the hokage. That was always something others wanted /for/ me. So I said no. I know you were happy for me so- Gai: Kakashi
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Gai: I’m so very proud of you for expressing how you truly feel. You and tsunade will do amazing work supporting the next generation. Even If you chose to retire today, I’d still be just as proud of you. Also a selfish part of me if happy to have more time with you. [kks huffs]
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Kks: I’m proud of you too, y’ know. All your hard work, you’re fucking incredible. Glad my dad made me talk to the cool kid in the green jumpsuit. 2nd coolest shinobi. Gai: Only took 25 years, but I’ve finally caught your eye! Kks: Yup, let’s move in together.
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Gai: WHAT?1 Whu-! Kks: I’m fixing up dad’s old house with Tenzou. you should live there with me Gai: Why? Kks: Why are yo suspicious? I’m serious. Space, accessibility for you... I want you around more. Gai: Ok Kks: Ok? Gai: An exciting change is just what my youthful journey needs!! Kks: So yes?
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Gai: I would love to share a home with you, Rival [kks giggling] What now?
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Kks: Did I just make you succumb, Gai-kun? Gai: When can we have a match next, I need to consensually slap you in the head [kks laughs] Why did you say it like that? Kks: I’m sorry! Your pout looks so cute.... You are still moving in with me, right? That wasnt a joke.
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Gai: I’m gonna let you sweat on that one awhile... [whimpers]
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Kks: Love you so much, Gai
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[gai snoring]
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[gai snoring]
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kakashixhatakesxwhore · 4 months
A Chilly Trip to The Sugar Dealer
Pairing: Hatake Kakashi x f!Reader
Summary: In the middle of the (mild) Konoha Winter, Lord Sixth and his wife go out for a jaunt to the confectionary. Kakashi feels challenged in the small store, and gets you home quick to make a point. Smut! Lemon! Explicit!
W/c: 5.8k
Warnings: Swearing, jealousy, unwanted flirting, teasing, begging, demanding, possessive!Kakashi, oral (f receiving), p in v, cumming inside (lowk, the slightest talk of wombs)
Notes: ive got a sweet-tooth and I feel like kakashi would support me about that idk please enjoy this and lmk how you feel - btw Satō-Shō literally just means Sugar Dealer
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The sun shone brightly on the two of you, for where else would it shine? Gentle breezes carried the two of you closer, for a chill is always a nice excuse to pull your loved one close. Konoha had never seen such a brisk day, for it was the dead of Winter.
Even on the coolest day of the year, the sun still loved you. It warmed your back, though the large hand of your husband was infinitely warmer. His fingers splayed on the small on your back, reminding you the he would always love you more than the sun ever could.
With an absent smile, you tilted your head up to him. You admired Kakashi, enraptured by the way the sunlight glinted in his hair.
"You're making me nervous," he admited casually without looking at you.
You just chuckled, "The most handsome man in the village should be used to lingering stares."
"No, darling, it's not that," he hummed deeply, curling his fingers around your hip. Kakashi pulled you closer, leaning low to your ear as he whispered, "Nervous to call off our little excursion and hurry back home."
"It's a gorgeous day, today," you beamed, twirling away from his hand, making the skirt of your dress puff out in your spin. Purple fabric swished around your thighs as your husband put him arm back around you, now draped over your shoulders. Bringing his dangling hand to your lips, you pressed a kiss to the side of his pointer finger and teased, "Won't you let me enjoy it, before I enjoy you? Or must I beg for that privilege, too?"
Knees bending slightly, Kakashi's arm weighed down on your shoulders. You smiled, squeezing his hand still in your grasp. With his smooth tone, steeped in licentiousness, your husband groaned, "Let's go home, it's not even that nice out."
"We'll have to agree to disagree, dearest," you tittered, ignoring Kakashi's huffs. Spotting your favourite confectionary around a street corner, your feet steered the two of you right. "If you get me a couple taffies, we can go home."
"I'll get you a kilo later."
"No," you sang, squeezing his hand again. "I want something to suck on now."
As your husband delivered a craven look, you just smiled at him, popping up on your toes to rub your nose against his masked one. With a rumbling chuckle, Kakashi pulled you into his body, causing the two of you to walk in a very strange, haphazard fashion.
"Do you hear yourself, pretty lady?" He asked lowly.
For a second longer, you looked at your husband. His gorgeous Onyx eyes were filled with adoration, and you could see a deep smile stretched across his face through his mask. Tracing your features, Kakashi stared at you lovingly, as if he were almost certain you were but a dream that he never wanted to part with.
"Do you see yourself, Lord Hokage?" You replied.
Biting your lip salaciously, you stared up at your husband through your long eyelashes. His head turned away from you, glancing around the area. The weather was only inviting you to bask in it, as it seemed most everyone else was rightfully in the comfort of their home. A few stragglers milled about, going between markets for essentials, but the streets were relatively empty.
You restored yourself to a proper walking position despite your husband's subtle protests. Only a few more paces and you were at the step of the confectionary, going up to the door as Kakashi stuttered in his movement.
"Give me five minutes, yeah?" He asked nonchalantly, taking his arm away from your shoulders and letting his long fingers trace down your arm, lingering in a hook around your fingers.
Looking at him, you couldn't help but smile back as Kakashi's eyes danced with thought. You grinned, leaning up to kiss his masked cheek, "Four minutes, fifty-nine seconds." You came back to your feet. "Fifty-eight seconds....fifty-seven."
"Fine, shave off a whole minute, if you want to really challenge me," Kakashi snickered before turning to walk in the direction that caught his eye. His pace was frighteningly quick, bordering a run, and you sighed contently as you watched him lock onto his target, a florist's shop.
Suddenly feeling strange for lingering outside of the confectionary for so long, you bit back a smile and opened up the glass door. The old shopkeeper smiled at you sweetly, having seen you standing outside for a minute or so.
"Back again so soon?" He asked kindly.
You nodded, coming further into the store. The fragrance of sugar enveloped you, making your stomach ache for something a sickly red. "Nothing can keep me away from the Satō-Shō."
"Well, have no fear, the Sugar Dealer is here!" He exclaimed with a hearty laugh, coming closer to the counter.
The old man pulled out a wooden crate from behind, setting it right in your eyeline. You approached happily, and the shopkeeper began pulling out a massive bag of caramel drops, making your eyes widen and your mouth salivate. He held it to his nose, and through the plastic, he inhaled.
"Made fresh this morning, they're still soft," he told you with a sigh, waving the bag of sweets around between the two of you. The warm caramel wafted to your nose so tauntingly.
"Have you got any taffy?" You asked hopefully, smelling a fruity tone in the air.
"Have I got taffy? Have I got taffy, in spades!" He laughed, setting the caramels on the counter as he dove back into the crate. Rooting around, he asked, "Is it the saltwater taffy you're after, or the chocolate taffy?"
"Saltwater if you made cherry or that nice, wild watermelon again - otherwise, probably chocolate," you replied cheerily, hearing the crinkles of the bags and soft clacks of not-yet-set hard candies getting thrown around.
Your excitement and anticipation clouded your senses, overwhelmed by the bright colours and mouth-watering smells in the store. Caught in the shopkeeper's presentation, you hadn't even noticed the other person in the shop. Only when the person moseied up the aisle, basket in hand, did you finally notice him. But, from his eye, he had noticed you the second you entered the store.
"You really know your taffy," he chuckled, sidling up to you.
Allowing your smile falter, you looked back at the shopkeeper as he came from the crate with a large, red package in his hand. Gently, you hummed, "No, the Satō-Shō knows taffy. I just buy it from him."
"Touché," the other customer replied. "From the looks of you, you don't eat a lot of taffy, or candy for that matter."
Narrowing your eyes, you turned over what he said in your mind. You felt a bit gross, like you had been looked at in a certain way by someone who shouldn't have been looking in the first place. Besides, you looked like you ate candy, you were sure you did. You didn't know what a candy-eater looked like, per say, but you were sure it would be a picture of yourself in that dictionary.
"Anyway," the shopkeeper interrupted pointedly. Your eyes snapped up to his kind, old face and the ghost of a smile returned to your lips. The old man's eyes twinkled and the corner of his lip curled as he said, "I've got something special for you, my best customer."
"Is it another gobstopper?" You gasped, "No, another one of those massive lollipops? Or is it something new, something experimental? Might I die, just at the sight of it?"
Recieving your waves of excitement, the shopkeeper chortled, "I won't be selling it, because of the special ingredient, but it is a new idea. And maybe you will just die when you try them."
"The mystery is eating me alive," you said very seriously. The shopkeeper smacked the counter lightly before coming around it.
"Alright, give me a minute, it's in the back still."
Stars, you hoped it was something wacky. That lollipop was bigger than your head, and it took you over a week to finish - but the Sugar Dealer could always have a crazier idea. He won't be selling it, which confused you some, but made you feel wildly special. It had you wondering what special ingredient would make a candy unmarkettable. Perhaps it-
"How about, this trip, you let me pay," the man offered, ripping you away from your thoughts. You looked at the dark haired man beside you, who smiled as nicely as he could, rubbing the back of his neck. "It seems you come here a lot. A pretty woman like yourself shouldn't be spending all of her money on sweets."
"I'm sorry."
"I was asking-"
"No, I heard you, I heard you," you mumbled, looking behind him to check for the shopkeeper. "I'm sorry," you repeated more firmly, looking into the man's hazel eyes. "My husband has no taste for conversations like these - I suggest you quit while you're ahead ."
Your warning wasn't enough, as the man shamelessly flirted, "How can I, when put in front of a woman so beautiful?"
"Isn't she just the prettiest lady in all the Land?"
Oh, thank you, Stars.
Turning the other way, there Kakashi was standing, a single rose in hand. You smiled up at him gratefully as he put the rose into your fingers and his arm around your waist, pulling you as close to him as you knew you needed to be. The rose in your hand was perfect, without the one blemish or tear anywhere in the petals.
"One flower? Couldn't have sprung for a bouquet?" The dark haired man quipped dryly.
Before Kakashi could say something harsh, you just hummed, holding the flower to your nose and putting your free hand over the hand of your husband as it clutched your waist posessively, "It's rare that a man can appreciate the value of one perfect rose."
"Here we go!" The shopkeeper exclaimed, hurrying out of the back. When he returned to the counter, his eyes immediately landed on Kakashi, morphing his cheery expression to shock as he bowed. Hurriedly, he said, "Lord Sixth! I didn't know I would be graced with your presence in my meager, little shop."
"My wife loves this place dearly, I would never call it meager," Kakashi replied politely. He took a deep breath, eyes darting to the man who stood on your other side, mortified.
Flirting with the Hokage's wife was a massive issue, it was just lucky that Kakashi's mind wasn't terribly dark that day.
Waving off the praise of his store from the Hokage, the shopkeeper set a bag of light brown taffies on the counter. Drawing forward, you ooh'd, which diffused a grand amount of tension in the store. The Sugar Dealer's special something turned out to bless you before you even had the one.
"Why don't you want to sell these?" You asked, looking at the bag from a couple different angles.
The shopkeeper chuckled, "It's Amaretto taffy. I can't let a child experience the bliss of Amaretto so early on."
Eyes the size of dinner plates, you pulled out your wallet immediately. You riffled through the bills, collecting a thousand yen at least.
"Keep your m- Lord Hokage, please, I don't-"
"Don't set that precedent," Kakashi remarked deeply as he set two thousand yen on the counter. You threw a few hundred extra down, knowing you owed that shopkeeper so much more from all of his free samples and special somethings.
"I cannot accept your money," he insisted, going to pick up the bills to hand them back.
Plucking the bags of cherry taffy and Amaretto taffy into his free hand, Kakashi just laughed, beginning to steer the two of you away, "Seriously, Satō-Shō, she'll come back here and clean you out."
Nodding in agreement, you waved goodbye to the shopkeeper while pressing the soft rose petals to your cheek. You didn't spare the dark haired man a glance as you turned forward, leaning into your husband's large body. Warmth radiated from him, even more noticably when the two of you stepped back outside.
"What am I going to do with you?" Kakashi asked in a sigh, mainly directed toward himself as his hand drifted from your waist, up your spine.
Brow furrowed, you joked, "You can start by giving me one of the Amarettos."
"Would you have let him buy these for you?"
It was a stupid question, you both knew it, but Kakashi always worried. Worried about everything, but nothing made him as anxious as a potential threat to the sanctity of your relationship.
"You would turn down free candy?"
His expression darkened as he hooked his arm over your shoulders. You bit the inside of your cheek, looking up at his gorgeous face with the halo of cloud. Slowly, he said, "You should be."
"Oh, my dearest, so green with envy," you hummed, holding the hand that rested over your shoulders again. You kissed the back of his hand, promising, "I only jest. I knew you would come to my rescue. My pretty boy always swoops in the save the day."
"Fuckin' right I do," he huffed, pulling you into an alley.
In an instant, his mask was down and his lips were on yours, moving assertively. Like a wire becoming live in your stomach, you could feel electric shocks throughout your body, going all the way down to your fingertips.
Stealing a kiss in a darkened alleyway was so juvenile. It reminded you of all the times the two of you had been in this situation before, especially before you were wed. Not often was the reason for these desirous kisses another man, but the subject had been raised before.
"You're mine, all mine," he snapped, the vibrations of his baritone voice sending ripples against your lips. You let a whimper pass through you as you gaze at your husband's bare face. You leaned forward to kiss your husband again, but he pulled away gently, pressing you against the brickwall of the alley. Looking at you with cloudy eyes, Kakashi purred, "Tell me. Tell me you're mine."
"I'm yours, Kakashi, I'm entirely yours- until the end of time," you replied breathily. Eyes scanning your face, Kakashi apparently decided your words sincere as he came forward again to press his soft lips to yours.
He tasted so divine, you couldn't help but moan softly. His tongue slipped past your lips slyly, making a pool form in your stomach. As Kakashi's tongue swirled around yours, the two of you were locked in a dance. A duet, that you and your husband had perfected over the years. You whispered a complaint when Kakashi takes a breath, but it falls on deaf ears.
"Not here," he growls while pulling the fabric back over his face, snatching your hand up quickly. Through the mask, Kakashi places a chaste kiss to your forehead before swiftly pulling you out of the alley. Hushed and hurried as he barreled the two of you down the street at a blistering pace, Kakashi promised, "I'm going to have you screaming those words all night long, my pretty lady."
Supressing the squeal that bubbled up from the pit of heat in your stomach, you happily scurried along as Kakashi led the way to the Red House under Hokage Rock. It was a darling place to live, and you enjoyed decorating it, but even just the residence wing was huge - you almost preferred the apartment you and Kakashi had before he became the Hokage. But, anywhere was the perfect place to live, so long as you were living with Kakashi.
In half the time it took the two of you to get to the confectionary, you were home. Not wasting a second, Kakashi threw the bags of taffy onto the console table in the foyer, immediately putting both of his hands on your hips to pull you in. You hadn't even caught when he pulled down his mask again. But, with his speed, Kakashi caught the single rose between your two bodies and you yelped, holding the flower high.
"You took all four of your minutes to pick out the perfect rose, be gentle with her," you chided, inspecting the slight dents on either side of the rose's bulb.
"I'll be gentle with her," your husband replied, plucking the flower from your fingers.
Gingerly, Kakashi placed it on the console table, just on top of the taffy bags. He turned back to you, eyes darkened a shade further, and he replaced his hand to your hip. Kakashi snapped your body to his with a chuckle, making you gasp. His gorgeous, pillowy lips were all you could focus on, taken by the flushes of self-inflicted bite marks that dotted the center of his mouth.
Muting any remark from you, Kakashi began kissing you again. This time, in the comfort of privacy, his lips were enflamed with passion and desperation - the two ingredients mixed so deliciously to deliver you a kiss that made your knees weak. Kakashi wrapped his thick forearm around your lower back, allowing you to lean on him. As you did so, his other hand travelled lower, squeezing the plump flesh of your ass before nudging you to jump. You do, and Kakashi caught you firmly, one hand squeezing beneath your thigh while the other remained to support your back. The jump gives you the friction both of you crave, but doesn't satiate further.
Pressing you against the growing tent of his pants, Kakashi whispered, "There's my good girl."
"Am I not always your good girl?" You whined against his lips, letting your left hand rest on the back of Kakashi's neck while the other pressed on the ample muscle of his chest.
Peppering your jaw with kisses and nips, Kakashi shook his head and began to walk you down the hallway to your bedroom. The ache within you grew, upset at his lack of validation. You had tried your best to ignore and warn the man from the confectionary, and yet he was the reason Kakashi wasn't giving you what you wanted.
"Kakashi, please, kiss me," you begged as he pushed the door to your bedroom open with your back. Your husband continued pressing warm, sloppy kisses to the angle of your jaw, laying you down amongst the linen bedsheets. Feeling so criminally empty, you pleaded, "Please, kiss me- my lips... let me show you I'm your good girl."
"You'll only get my lips on yours after you've proved yourself," Kakashi hummed, adding a modest suckle right on the sweet spot under your ear.
You could've melted beneath your husband, but the nagging knot of nerves in your abdomen kept you intact, barely. Clenching around nothing as Kakashi slid his leg between your thighs, you let a shaky breath fall from your lips. Kakashi's head perked up from your neck, looking at your face amusedly.
"What are you supposed to do when another man starts flirting with you?"
You shrug, feeling like you did as much as you could have without being rude. You threw your head back into the sea of white linen and replied, "I dunno. Wait for you, like I always do?"
"You do know, pretty lady." You freeze as Kakashi's right hand floated to your thinly clothed cunt. Drifting his finger over the fabric that covered your slit, you sucked in a moan and Kakashi hummed, "You know, and once you give me the right answer, I'll give you what you want." A stifled scream passes through your pursed lips as his lithe fingers graze your sensitive clit. He repeated, "What are you supposed to do when another man flirts with you?"
"Talk about you," you answered, bucking your hips against your husband's hand and thigh.
With a small amount of pressure, Kakashi's middle finger began laying small circles onto your clit. You gasped, "Tell him... tell him h-how frightening you are... when you're mad."
"No," Kakashi snipped, taking his hand and leg away, making your thighs snap shut. He corrects you, voice filled with a dire intonation, "You tell him I'll kill him."
"If another man ever comes so close to you, tell him his body will be found in five different places."
Despite how sharp his words were, you could feel wetness pooling in your panties. Kakashi's eyes were so serious, and there wasn't a hint of humour in his tone. Just fanning the flames of your arousal, Kakashi still did nothing to quench the heat that devoured every nerve in your body.
"I will," you swore, trying to look as sterling as possible.
Kakashi hummed, slowly letting his left hand slide down the inside of your thigh. You went to squeeze your knees together, but Kakashi immediately separated them with either hand. With a shake of his head, Kakashi slotted himself between your legs again, his massive length straining against the black fabric of his trousers as he rubbed against the sopping cloth of your underwear.
"Fuck, you're so wet for me," he sighed, hanging his head. Then Kakashi looked up at you, the corner of his mouth twitching so hungrily. "I do believe, me having saved you falls under the you-owing-me-one category." You nodded quickly, swallowing the excess spit in your mouth. Kakashi smirked so cruelly, "Look at you, my pretty lady - so eager to please."
"Eager to please you," you affirmed, making Kakashi groan your name as he leaned down to finally give you a proper kiss.
Rutting your hips up, you ground against the twitching bulge in your husband's pants, getting ready to pull turn yourself around. You weren't in a terribly good position to suck Kakashi's cock - he greatly preferred it when you hung your head over the edge of the bed, opening up your throat so perfectly for him to slide down. You could never fit more than half of his length before he was hitting the back of your throat, but if your head was over the edge of the-
It didn't matter. Kakashi moved before you could, slowly moving away from your mouth and down to your jaw. Holding you down slightly, he interspersed your soft neck with gentle sucks and bites, sure to show up as a million love bites the next day.
You had plenty of turtlenecked shirts for the such occasions, but you still found yourself pulling down the neck at various parts of the days you wore them, bragging to each and every one of your friends. They always demanded such lewd details, and you were much obliged to offer up every juicy facet, if only in a private setting. All of them were jealous, so fucking jealous of you, and this was why.
Trailing down to the valley of your chest, Kakashi groaned deeply as his left hand massaged the flesh of your right tit through the fabric of your bra, kneading and squeezing so strongly it elicited a shaky thrum from you. While his hand went up to your shoulder, Kakashi pressed a myriad wet, lingering kisses to the exposed skin of your bust. He pushed the short sleeves of your dress and the strap of your bra off of your shoulder, doing the same to the other side, before Kakashi began tugging the purple dress off of your body entirely. Hastily, he pulled his two top layers off as one, throwing them to the ground with your dress.
"Now who's eager?" You teased as he thumbed the waistband of his trousers.
Feeling a breeze with how quick he is, Kakashi's fingers were nearly sinking into you through your panties. You inhaled sharply as he replied adamantly, "Me. I'm eager."
He would always admit it, quite happily too; Kakashi loved your cunt, in any way he could have you.
Battling his urges, Kakashi was much slower to pull your cotton underwear off than he was with your dress, seeming to greatly enjoy watching strands of your slick pull away with the fabric. He groaned lowly, flicking the soaked cotton to some corner of the room. Cold air flushed against your flaming core, making you clench at the contrast. Slowly, Kakashi lowered to his knees, face to face with your already moistened pussy, and he smiled as you threw your legs around his shoulders.
"Tell me what you want," he commanded lowly, hot breath fanning over your folds.
You swallowed thickly and answered, "I want you, Kakashi, how-ever you wish to have me."
"Fuck, I love you," Kakashi groaned, leaning forward to lick a stripe up your slit. You can see your white and translucent slick on his tongue as he hummed, "You taste so good for me, darling. All that candy, it makes you sweet."
"I love you," you whimpered breathlessly as Kakashi's tongue licked another stripe, entering your folds to get as much of your wetness as he could on his tongue. He swallowed it up, humming to himself lowly before capturing your clit between his lips in a soft suckle. Instantly, you're throwing his headband away and letting your fingers find purchase in your husband's silver tresses. "Stars almighty, Kakashi."
"Mm. That's right, say my name."
Without question, you give in, your husband's name becoming like a prayer as he lapped at your pussy. His tongue swirled around your clit as his long fingers danced around your inner-thigh. The tickle made you shiver, which only seemed to make Kakashi hungrier. Bringing his fingers to your folds, your husband began teasing your entrance with his calloused pads.
Looking down at him, you let out a heavy moan that was felt even in your cunt. Kakashi's eyes were half-lidded as he locked them with yours, and you could recognize how ablaze with desire they were.
"I'm all yours, K-kashi, please," you bit out, starting to feel a whirl in your mind. The fog began to lift, and you could see the light of an orgasm at the end of the tunnel. You ran toward it, calling out Kakashi's name until-
Cold air hits your folds, making you shutter your eyes open. You didn't remember closing them. Looking down to your husband, still with your legs over his shoulders, you babbled a plea, only to be met with another cold blow from Kakashi's very own lips. You whined loudly, throwing your head back into the sheets.
"Where's my good girl gone?" Kakashi wondered aloud in a light tone. He slid down his trousers, lazily pumping his impressive length. Even after so many years, so many encounters, Kakashi's cock always made your lip quiver. As you stared, entranced, he came up your body, slowly pressing your legs up to your chest, and made eye contact with you.
The way Kakashi looked down at you... it almost brought you to tears. Tears of elation, of disbelief, even after all this time. His expression was of playful adoration, of the man you had fallen in love with most ardently so many years ago. But his eyes - they screamed of a dark desire, thousands of thoughts flitting behind his charcoal irises. The uncomfortable nagging of your denied release faded as your heart swelled five sized too big.
Sliding the leaking tip of his cock through your folds, Kakashi lowly chuckled as you squirmed, "I asked you a question, pretty lady."
"You'll just have to ask me again - your eyes are far too distracting," you purred, trying to sound as sultry as you could.
"Flattery will get you everywhere, darling."
Despite his candied tone, Kakashi slapped the tip of his cock against your clit. The jolt made you stutter away, but Kakashi pulled you back with both hands clamped on your hips, before leaning down to hook around your back and remove your bra.
As he threw the plunged bra aside, he murmured, "Be good. Don't you want my cock? Or... would you prefer-"
"I'll be good! I'm good!" You wailed, dragging your slicked folds over your husband's girth. "I want your cock so fucking bad, Kakashi, please, please- I want you, please-"
"Not very good of you, interrupting me," Kakashi mumbled under his breath, his hand wrapping around the base of his cock to line himself up with your velvety entrance. He sighed as the tip of his dick spilled into your warmth, "Oh, but who am I to deny my pretty lady?"
Inch by inch, Kakashi squeezed into you, filling you beyond your wildest imagination. You whimpered, calling out his name as your nails dug into his muscular thighs. No corner of your mind could capture how stuffed-full Kakashi made you feel, it was something you were blown away by every night.
"Fuck- yeah, just a bit more- fuck, you're taking me so well, pretty, pretty, pretty lady," Kakashi groaned lowly as he sank into your warmth, your wetness squelching with the vacuum seal. His hand cupped your cheek, so warm that you couldn't help but lean into his touch as his fingers curled under your jaw. He bottomed out, giving you a second to adjust, cooing, "Such a good girl for me. This pretty pussy's mine, mine alone."
"All yours," you gasped in a squeak. Kakashi groaned, rocking his hips against you. He reached so deep inside of you, you could feel him just below your belly button. You hissed, gripping his thighs, "Kakashi- fuck- you're so- fucking big."
"Mm, and you take everything I give you." Oh, how true the statement was. But your agreement melded to a guttural groan the second Kakashi started moving.
Finally beginning a slow pace of deep strokes, your eyelashes fluttered. Soft moans accompanied every breath as Kakashi started pulling more out, making you feel even more full with every thrust. The sounds of your cunt squelching to accommodate his rapidity fill the room, undercut by the soft slapping of skin.
Putting more pressure on the backs of your knees, Kakashi pushed your legs deeper into your chest. He fucked into you so lovingly that you could see the passion emanating from his body, making all of your muscles simultaneously tense and relax. In a stutter, Kakashi put his left hand on the bed, beside your head, while the other travelled lower to grip your ass. His entire body came closer to you, deepening his movements that much more. Breaths mixing between the two of you, a humidity arose in the room, with a very particular scent.
Enthralled by the sight of his cock disappearing within you, Kakashi's head was tilted slightly down. A stupid smile plastered on your face as you choked back a moan and kissed Kakashi's forehead. His eyes immediately found yours and his hips snapped into yours.
Leaning to connect his lips with yours, Kakashi quickened his pace, swallowing every wanton sound that came from your lips. His tongue Waltzed with yours, leading you in a lovely dance. You reached up, moving one hand over your husband's gorgeously chiseled face as the other squeezed the plump muscles of his shoulder. For a moment, Kakashi let you really get used to his pace, allowing your orgasm to climb to the forefront of your mind once again.
As you climbed the mountain, your walls clenched around your husband's dick, sucking him in further, ushering his precum into your womb. Right on the edge of bliss, your body twitched around, moans becoming more and more obscene.
"Maybe I should stop right now," he groaned, slowing his thrusts painfully.
Vehemently shaking your head, your eyes flew open. "No, K'kashi, no, ple-ase, I was s'close, please, you feel so- so good."
"Tch, how can I deny such a good, beautiful girl?" Kakashi tittered, gradually going back to his original speed. As you sank back in, he pulled you out, asserting firmly, "Look at me when you cum on my dick."
"Kakashi-i-i-" You moaned for a prolonged time, eyes fighting to stay open. Your husband's lip was curled into a darling smile, and the thoughts behind his eyes finally settled. A wide smile stretched across your lips, mouth falling open as you could feel Kakashi's eyes caressing your very soul.
When his hand ghosted around your thigh and intuitively found your clit, shockwaves were sent through your entire body. Just a few beats behind the tempo of Kakashi's thrusts, his middle and ring finger whirled the sensitive bundle of nerves. In only a few more thrusts, you're screaming Kakashi's name as he finally gives you the sweet release.
"Fuckin' stars," he gasped, stilling in your cunt as your walls fluttered and spasmed. "You're s'fuckin' tight, so fucking beautiful."
Smiling up at him, Kakashi pressed another hungry kiss to your lips, before pulling back entirely. He gripped your hips and began snapping into you with more force than he had before.
"Kakashi! Fuck!" You yelled out, hands left to grip his thighs again. Digging your nails into the back of his thighs only seemed to give your husband more vigour. You gasped, "Fucking sensitive, Kakashi, stars-"
"I'm the only one who gets to fuck you like this," he groaned, bottoming out with every thrust. His timing grew uneven, and his strokes got messy, telling you he was nearing his light too. "Such a good girl f'me. Me. Only me."
"I love your cock," you whined, feeling blood rushing to your head, a slight spin percolating.
"M-my perfect wife, fuck- I'm gonna cum, pretty girl." Pulling your flushed body up, Kakashi took you in his arms as he fucked into you, delivering his last few plunging strokes, before he stuttered entirely. He groaned so deeply, you could feel the vibration in his cock, pressed against your cervix, "I fuckin' love fillin' you up."
A heat trickled into you, making you smile as Kakashi thrusted into you a few more times at a relatively lazy rhythm, bringing you a swell of relief. Your husband's cock twitched within you, filling you more and more. With a contented breath, you clenched around him, beckoning his cum further into you.
Bringing you up for another kiss, Kakashi hummed against your lips as he stilled, keeping all of his spend nice and secure within you. He took you up fully, then turned and fell back into the bed. The position had you sinking onto his cock so deliciously as you leaned against his chest.
"I love you, more than anything," you murmured as Kakashi's eyes roamed your face.
A small smile tugged at his lip, bestowing you with a dashing look. "I love you too, pretty lady."
"So, what's your verdict?" You asked with a soft chuckle and a tired undercut.
"What's my what, darling?" He asked, voice slightly rasped.
Reaching to your face, he tucked a lock of hair behind your ear lovingly, which had you biting down on your lower lip. Kakashi's eyes danced over your puffy lips, smile deepening on both of your faces as you laughed,
"Can I have an Amaretto taffy now?"
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once-upon-the-moon · 10 days
Happy Birthday to the master of lightning style and wielder of the Sharingan, the coolest, most badass teacher there is, the man who loves smutty stories as much as I do, the Copy Ninja and Sixth Hokage himself, Kakashi Hatake! 🥳🎉
I love him so much! 🥰♥️❤️
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Credit for all this amazing art goes to each of the individual artists! (if any of it is yours please let me know so I can credit you ♥️♥️)
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nepobabyeurydice · 4 months
want more on tsunade’s mom, want more on tsunade’s dad. want more on orochimaru’s parents, want more jiraiya backstory, want timeline to make sense so the sannin meet old hokage tobirama who’s doing crimes against humanity the basement and think he’s the coolest thing ever. want more interactions with biwako. fuck i want more biwako her shade game was on another level in one scene. i want kushina living in tsunade’s house during the second war and babysitting shizune. i want a lot and maybe i should write it but also that takes time and effort :///
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what's your favorite ship in the naruto franchise? why?
Kakagai without question
Canon Reason’s I love them
Solid support for each other
Happily call each other out on their BS but also apologize when they realize they over stepped
Only ever seen fighting back to back with Each other
Best friends to lovers trope has me in a choke hold on this one
Gai forgets pretty much everyone he faces but cannonly Kakashi is the only one he recognized before even officially hearing his name and i think that’s beautiful
When Kakashi was told he would be leading the tactical division of the war alliance he said he’d only do it if Gai was his second in Command
The piggy back from Suna to Konoha was delightful.
Gai and Kakashi have one of the heslthiest bonds in the manga and while i can def enjoy a toxic bond i think they both have been through enough. They deserve some healthy love in their lives.
Carried each other (literally) through the war when they were too exhausted to keep standing on their own
Anime reasons
Kakashi is actuvely silly with Gai. And i don’t just slightly silly, but openly and unapologetically silly. The race across Konoha and their sushi eating contest are prime examples of this
Gai was the only one to recognize that Kakashi might need a pick me up after finding out he was going to be the next Hokage
When Gai expressed concern that they wouldn’t be able to continue their rivalry after Kakashi became Hokage, Kakashi made sure to assure Gai their rivalry would never end and he would always need and want Gai at his side
Kakashi dropped everything to go to Gai when he got his S.O.S turtle while in a meeting with Tsunade
When Gai needed reassurance that his dad wasn’t as lame as people said he was Kakashi was there to tell him proudly that he thought his dad was ‘the coolest shinobi ever’
Gai literally felt Kakashi’s death in a similar way to Kurenai feeling Asuma’s death. This was shown in Manga sort of, but better portrayed in the Anime.
Just *waved hands towards all of the Rock Lee show*
When Gai told the kids the story of Tanabanta he literally put himself and Kakashi in the roles of Orihime and Hikaboshi and i think that’s friggen adorable.
When Kakashi allowed himself to be captured the first time in Kakashi hidan he did not worry at all because he knew Gai had his back.
Kakashi ramming his face into Gai’s butt accidentally will always be hilarious to me snd he is never going to live it down.
Gai complaining about ‘genius’’ to the enemy while fighting them and Kakashi just rolling his eyes and going ‘now? Right now? RESLLY GAI!?’
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phanb · 2 years
Can we… can we talk about how underrated Kakashi's relationship with Gai is by everyone?
I start my essay by stating that I have been visiting many pages about Kakashi (biography, psychological analysis, etc.) and many of them have disappointed me by barely mentioning the relationship these two have. Kakashi, at first, didn't like Gai much for his boisterous way of being, but over time they hit it off, enough that Gai, a fairly confident person who rarely expresses any negative sentiment, confesses to Kakashi the shame he has that his father is still a genin. One would expect, with Obito not yet dead, that Kakashi would mock or belittle Gai, but instead, he, the prodigy of his generation and a cold genius, tells Gai that his father is "the coolest shinobi out there." This is incredible knowing that he was a little shit with everyone.
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Changing the subject by mentioning Obito, can I also add a perspective that many people often confuse? Both boys considered themselves to be Kakashi's rivals, but for different reasons; Obito was constantly jealous and envious of his teammate's successes and even the attention he received from his crush (Rin), while Gai never felt anything like it towards Kakashi, rather seeing the boy as a personal ideal of a perfect shinobi that he wanted to achieve and surpass, without any animosity in between. Gai constantly cheered Kakashi up and always seemed happy to see him, while Obito, even though he cared for him (Kakashi), he always felt less than him, which made him very angry with his teammate.
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Making a timeskip after his and Rin's death, a rather significant scene of what Gai represents for Kakashi is when he is sent on a mission by Minato to protect him in case something happens to him. Minato is absolutely right since Kakashi, in the middle of the mission, has a panic attack that causes an enemy to almost kill him, being saved by Gai who soon comforts him. What can be taken for granted is that Gai somehow managed to calm him down, surprisingly.
When Minato and Kushina die, Kakashi is left alone and unappreciated in a rush to fibally die. At this point we know that they both have a good and strong relationship apart from fighting each other, so it's no surprise when the only one who still believes there's good in Kakashi is Gai, who tries his best to help him, to the point of begging the Hokage to let him into Ambu so he could help and protect Kakashi.
In an intense mission in which Gai watches as Kakashi kills with unwavering coldness, he knows that the best option to get Kakashi out of the black hole he's stuck in is to get him out of Ambu. He is so worried about Kakashi that he constantly makes demands to get him out, to the point where the Hokage, knowing that Kakashi is an invaluable asset in Ambu and an extraordinary ninja, grants his request.
How are there people who believe that these two are just "friends"? And I'm not talking in romantic terms (not now). I'm talking about them believing they don't have "a strong connection" or that Gai is just an "old friend or close acquaintance". It's almost insulting.
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Many believe that Gai is the only one who participates in the challenges and that Kakashi doesn't like them, but we know that they did more than a hundred challenges in the course of their lives. If Kakashi found them ridiculous or wanted Gai to leave him alone, he could. He was stronger than Gai, he could even disappear or manipulate him into leaving, but he accepted those challenges, he even keeps score! He likes them, he enjoys doing challenges; he is as into it as Gai.
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They both have fun together no matter what. The two talks, understand each other and know each other well. They are not just "rivals" or "just friends"; Gai is a very important part of Kakashi's life, he is the one who kept him away from death (by suicide or being murdered), he is the one with whom Kakashi feels safe enough to faint from exhaustion in the face of danger (the attack of Itachi) or to guide him when he is blind. Despite his attitude towards his friend, Kakashi knows that Gai is precious to him; many times he has protected him, encouraged him or cared for him, and not just because he is a ninja comrade.
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End of my essay. Talk to me if you want to continue discussing or talking about why Kakagai is so fascinating and amazing.
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whotookmysenbon · 5 months
I wanna be dangled off the hokage monument! The most that other kids got was one time Inuzuka got their brother's dogs to come to school to pick them up! And they got picked up by the back of their shirt cuz they weren't listening. For *there weeks* they were the coolest!
If I got dangled off the homage monument I bet I'll be cooler than that for like. A *year*
… fine, get over here.
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team7-headquarter · 2 years
On wasted years of teenage girls and what's beyond them:
A Sakura Haruno quick character study.
⠀Ignoring Kishimoto's possible implications or even his intentions for the character, I think one of the coolest facts about Sakura is that she wasted so many of her Academy years in superficial stuff.
And you'd say: “How is that good? Or cool?”
Listen, most 12 years old have their lives figured out. They don't have a clear path to follow, they haven't lived a traumatic experience that altered completely their core and the paths they'd follow for the rest of their lives. They don't attach their personal growth or maturity process to stuff like revenge or proving to my homeplace that I, a 12 years old kid, deserve basic human treatment.
There are kids like that, of course. Kids like Naruto and Sasuke, like Neji and Rock Lee, like Itachi and Kakashi and so many other kids that worked hard for years to become strong in their system 'cause they knew what they wanted, needed even.
But pre-teen girls with a relatively normal life?
⠀You mean to tell me it's not common for them to fall prey of the social obsession over physical appearance? Specially little girls who were bullied for not being up to the standard, girls who crave attention from someone well-liked or popular because that would make them worthy or visible to the others. The reason they are so many books and movies and stories about how awful is to be a teenage girl, is not for fun. The expectations are crushing: from your parents, from society, from the people at power even.
And if you were one of this girls, only to wake up one day after a reality check, let me tell you it hits you so, so hard. You'd obsess over the lost time, terrified it's too late, you'll never be able to catch up with the others. You fell into the trap and now it's game over. Except is not, but no one will ever stop reminding you of that mistake you made.
Even if it was on a period of your life when things were changing so fast you could barely follow the flow of it all. Your body was changing, hormones betraying you. You were expected to be sincere but not overly vulnerable and be pretty but not superficial and be joyful but not annoying and be quiet but not utterly submissive and— you get it.
⠀My favorite part is that Sakura, a late bloomer, never gave up on herself. For all the people who wasted years of their life caring so much about things that didn't matter at all in the end, Sakura is good representation of what it feels to try and recover. Honey, you can still achieve your dream. Stop beating yourself up, stop destroying yourself over mistake you knew because you didn't know better. You know better now, don't you?
It's not gonna be easy, but you can still work for it, go for it, train for it, you can change. Humans are allowed to change. If you had a slow start, if you found your purpose years after you were expected too, if you find it hard to understand what to do or even understand yourself, if you crumbled under the pressure, if you weren't as strong willed or if you didn't have it as bad as others, breath, it's okay, don't punish yourself any further.
⠀And it brings me to the question of why do we confuse obsession with passion. Why do we turn innocent actions into something with ill intentions?
Naruto was passionate about being Hokage the same way Sasuke was passionate about revenge. Sasuke's thing wasn't negative before Orochimaru put in his head that he was wasting time. Sakura was passionate about getting recognition from Sasuke at first, which is not so different from Naruto wanting recognition from the village or Sasuke wanting his brother to acknowledge him.
And it was not until the Forest of Death that she realized she doesn't want recognition of that type anymore. That's the symbolism behind her cutting her hair. She wants Naruto and Sasuke to see her as someone they can truly trust in, as an equal not in terms of power, but as reliable teammates. There she shows that she has grown to the point she cares about them both, about what both of them think of her, about their well-being and approval as her friends. She's done wasting time, and even when we see she's every inch as weak as she was before, what changes is her actitud.
⠀If you read her interactions with this in mind, it makes more sense.
In the beginning of the Chunnin Exams, Kakashi makes sure she will participate for herself and not her teammates. She does. And Kakashi's worries are confirmed twice, when she almost raised her hand after the writing exam because she was concerned about Naruto and when she almost raised her hand after the Forest of Death, because she was concerned about Sasuke. She wanted to be there but she was willing to give it up if it was to protect her teammates dreams or well-being.
She tries to stop Sasuke from leaving the village because that's her first big loss. That's her first time facing a tragedy. It is traumatic, just not so big when compared to her team experiences. But she just realized how much they mean to her and how much she wants to be better for them and now it's over, too late, too late, too late.
She asks Naruto to retrieve Sasuke because she does know she was weak, she wasted her time, she should be better. And when Naruto comes back so beaten, she swears next time she will be able to go with him. At least strong enough to be considered to go on the mission, to be considered useful enough, skillful enough.
Her reason to train with Tsunade is because she wants to be capable of resisting the conditions of a fight. Being a medic nin made her irreplaceable, being a combat medic nin gave her the freedom of following her team around and withstanding more than the common medic nin.
She fights Sasori and learns mid-fight to deal with him without Chiyo'd help, all not just for Gaara, but for a clue of Sasuke's whereabouts. And she got it. In that sense, she reached her goal in that moment. She proved she had it in her.
⠀From there on, it was a struggle. Almost every decision she made, it was thinking of how she could help or what was (wrongly assumed) her responsibility to her team.
She confessed to Naruto her fake love because she believed it was her responsibility, when it was not. Naruto's feelings were their own, his promise to take Sasuke back to Konoha maybe started with her, but became his own quickly. She didn't have to lie to him and to herself in order to fix only temporally a situation that would get out of their hands anyway. Was it something awful to do? Yes. Was she wrong? Yes. Should it be excused? No. But there is a reason to her actions.
She tried to kill Sasuke because she thought she had a responsibility to him as her teammate (to stop him from descending more into darkness), to Naruto as her teammate and friends (to spare him of the hurt of being the one to kill Sasuke) and to Konoha and the shinobi world (to stop his acts, to put at end to the madness).
When she jumps to their side at war and says she has finally reach them, she means this, the fact she has a reason to stand beside them even if it's not in power or fighting skills. Her invocation is as useful as theirs, she's the best medic nin available so she needs to go with them, even if only for a second or even if only on one thing, she can still do something for them. Let it be keeping Naruto's heart beating, or giving Obito chakra to keep his Mangekyou running longer to find Sasuke, or hit Kaguya in the head so Naruto and Sasuke can seal her.
She even says it. If with her life she can help them at least a little, if she can change things to their favor at least a little, if she can heal them at least a little, she'd be satisfied with that.
⠀Isn't it amazing that the girl who wasted her Academy years in being pretty and spend years upon years trying to be accepted by society, a girl so weak and helpless, became a woman capable of helping so many people. Someone strong and reliable, top on her field, compared to the best of the kunoichis. She didn't know what she wanted in life at 12 years old (she rambled nonsense when Kakashi asked), but when she finally figured out, she didn't stop until achieving it.
And I think that's good, right there. I don't like how the story execute this concept, I don't like how certain things were portrayed, but it makes sense when you consider her core as a character.
I love her going from true zero, (just knowledge, stuff anyone could adquire with proper studying), to the top. I love that she had a bad beginning, that she was annoying and naive and ignorant, that she had so much room for growth and she did grow into it. Kishimoto's writing aside, I'll give him this: Sakura is a needed character in the plot and he gave her the necessity for being a great character. He just,,,,, well, like he said it himself, he struggled a lot with her, writing her, portraying her properly. And it'll forever show.
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connorssuperniftyblog · 2 months
"I'm Gonna Become the Democratically Elected Ninja President," a Naruto Reflection
I’ve heard of Naruto before. Obviously I’ve heard of Naruto before. In fact, I’ve even watched some of it before. And by that I mean I watched the first episode, didn’t like it, and dropped the series. However, I was ready to revisit the series with an open mind through the episodes assigned. Though, if I may be honest, I didn’t really like it this time around either. I guess it’s just not my thing. But that’s not why I’m writing, as this isn’t about my opinions, but rather about my analysis.
Naruto’s main goal is to become the Hokage, which is in the context of the anime essentially the democratically elected ninja president. Now obviously Naruto can’t reach his goal too soon, otherwise a vital source of the series’ conflict and drive for its protagonist would vanish. As such, there’s various obstacles that stand in his way. However, what’s interesting is that the biggest obstacle isn’t necessarily a physical one; it’s not one that can simply be solved by Naruto becoming the coolest strongest ninja there ever was.
You see, the main obstacle in his way is a more social one- that being that the city he wants to be ninja president in, Hidden Leaf Village, hates him. Almost all the residents don’t like Naruto, and as such he’s largely a complete outcast. The reason for this is that he was born with a condition that makes him ostracized from his peers, and society as a whole. This is not unlike how people are often othered for differences or disabilities or deformities in our real world. The only difference is that Naruto’s condition is that he contains the soul of a malicious spiritual beast that is widely feared for its destructive tendencies.
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But this discrimination is of no fault of his own.
This is why its so compelling to see him finally earn the recognition and acceptance he desired following his fight with Pain.
My only criticism is that the series portrays this discrimination as being the responsibility of Naruto to overcome, rather than being the responsibility of society to overcome their prejudices.
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Me: I don’t need to name this child oc theyre just going to be in one drabble that’s mostly introspection from their parent anyway
My brain: Neji and Naru as young parents after the war trying to find their new normal, Neji coming home to Naruto who fell asleep studying to be the best Hokage he can be with their child asleep on his back, Naruto watching Neji braid their kid’s hair while they chatter away about school and their friends and a cool rock they saw all while Neji hangs fox of their every word, Hokage Naruto bringing Neji and their kid along for a diplomatic mission to Sand where Kankuro and Gaara are competing for coolest uncle in the quiet way only brothers can, Hyuga clan culture where you greet loved ones by covering their blind spot and pressing your foreheads together and their kid being enthusiastic about it so Neji and Naru get headbutted full strength a lot, their kid hearing Naruto say “Hokage is a gender neutral title” and fucking with it vowingntheyre be the next Hokage from a very young age and everyone believes them because they are the spawn of Naruto who is the spawn of Minato and its best to assume anything that comes from that family line will probably end up as Hokage.
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nururu · 2 years
saw this post that was like "Naruto became hokage and accomplished his goal while luffy still isn't pirate king" like being the coolest mother fucker in the world with all the power and freedom is comparable to being a city councilor
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Cartoon Network Friday Spotlight: Naruto- “Village in Distress: A New A-Ranked Mission!”
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Naruto is a big part of Toonami, and Cartoon Network as a whole’s history- the last non-toyetic anime to make it big for the block’s pre-[adult swim] tenure, and one of the few anime to air on regular hours for CN... but I never got into it. Sailor Moon, DBZ, Gundam, Tenchi, Yu Yu Hakusho, Kenshin, I was big on all of these, but I think my taste in anime was refining a little bit by the time Naruto broke through, since I found it a little derivative and dumb, same with Bleach. One Piece, I like, but I’ll never catch up.
But to keep this series and blog alive and active, I’ll give most anything a shot here or there, so I’ve skipped through random arcs here and there. This part of the series is interesting, when Orochimaru, probably the franchise’s coolest villain, causes distress in the village and takes Hiruzen, the third Hokage hostage and claims to have killed the fourth, which should have been his title. The higher-up ninjas of the land try to keep calm to the best of their ability, which involves how to handle the students, the older ones (ie Naruto’s age) are largely either asleep or MIA, while the youngest are kept entirely out of the loop.
Here, Kakashi asks Sakura to awaken Naruto and Shikamara in hopes of finding Sasuake, one of the missing students, and she’s assisted with Pakkun, who’s best boy. Don’t confuse him for a cute old puppy (even though Sakura never used the word “cute” to describe him). Their material is fine, but I much prefer the Orochimaru vs Hiruzen content, which involves reanimation to bring back the first two Hokages, which is bound to result in an epic showdown.
Although this episode is a little light on action and heavy on build-up, that’s part of the appeal of shonen stories. They’re similar to soap operas, in terms of long-form storytelling, but with action and some crazy developments. Naruto is lauded for its fight scenes, which are fast-paced and unpretentious, but you need to get to point B with point A.
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diablademon · 2 years
Im actually mad at myself for not giving One Piece a chance earlier.
When I was young and first got into anime.
I wanted to try to watch all of the big three. Naruto, One piece and Bleach. To not make it too much I decided to watch one at a time.
Nothing I had seen at the time of Bleach made me interested in watch it.
One piece I seen little more of. But everyone I knew batched and called it stupid so I didnt have high hopes there. And I thought it was more childish. I knew there was some serious moment but I thought it was like MLP kind of stuff. (I wonder if I accidentally just saw 4kids stuff)
With Naruto I had seen some AMV with the nine tailed fox and thought that was the coolest thing. So I decided to watch Naruto first.
I wasnt impressed.
It was entertaining but I didnt really care about the characters. I like the beginning part with the exams and the pain arc.
But other than that I just wanted to see the nine tail fox. Very dissepointing when thats was what I only cared about as he isnt shown very often.
I normally always like the edgy characters but I disliked Sasuke so much. I just though his reasonings was idiotic. (Like that time at the end he came back and went "Im gonna be Hokage" BITCH! EFTER EVERYTHING YOU DONE!! YOU ACTUALLY THOUGHT PEOPLE WOULD TRUST YOU TO BE HOKAGE!??) And he was too 'cool' to a point I just cringed.
And all the pervers jokes got old quick. But that can just be my asexual ass that get so quickly annoyed about that. But sadly its not something Im getting free off anytime soon. Perverse is a common character trope in anime.
I still watched all of it (not boruto). Disliked the experience so much I didnt want to watch another long anime again.
Now I watch one piece. I realised it wasnt childish as I thought (it is childish, but its not FOR children) and I love it.
There are few 'edgy/cool' characters but they aren't allowed to get too serious by Oda.
Zoro and sanji could easily fallen into the same problem I had with Sasuke. But they keep getting put in stupid situations. Sanji is a simp and Zoro keep getting stupidly lost. And theres few times they try to be cool, Luffy ruins it.
Still have many pervert jokes.
One piece have a nice blend of 'cool and epic' and 'stupid and hilarious' that is right up my ally.
I should have started with One piece. I would have loved it more as a kid then Naruto.
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avengernomore · 2 months
People can dislike Obito over Danzo because Danzo died without fanfare and the narrative always make sure to let the reader know to not feel bad over him because he is a horrible man who did horrible things, while Obito not only participated in the uchiha massacre he also ruined plenty other lives for his own sake and got to be called "the coolest guy" in the end and be received by Rin in the afterlife with open arms despite all the atrocities \o/
And I even pointed out that they can do so. The whole ‘different strokes for different folks' thing.
I’m also allowed to think said viewpoint is wild.
It’s funny how I never heard this sort of thing about Itachi. If I remember right, Itachi basically took out all the Uchiha who couldn't even really fight, whether they weren’t ninja or were retired, other than his parents who simply accepted their fate, but everyone feels like he was redeemed because he did it for the village and for Sasuke.
Then again, when one of the main 'redemption arcs' from my childhood was Severus Snape, maybe I have a low bar for redemption arcs. Obito did a lot of bad stuff but in the end he was being HUGELY manipulated, which while it doesn’t excuse his actions, it makes it a LITTLE less terrible.
Meanwhile Danzo just wanted to be Hokage, claimed he cared about Konoha but only seemed to actually care about having control, descrated at least 4 Uchiha corpses for the Sharingan in his arm as well as yanking out one of Shisui's eyes…
Basically Danzo did a lot of terrible bullshit and didn’t even attempt to redeem himself for it. Obito at least attempted to redeem himself once everything was all said and done.
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hana-akari · 6 months
Boruto gonna give Saradathe best gift ever. A Ninja Trading Card, an equipment card actually. Which one, why the Hokage's Hat card signed by both his Dad and Grandma Tsunade
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At first, Sarada was going to get annoyed at Boruto when he presented her with the card. He knew she didn't like his stupid card game, and thought it was childish and annoying. But then she saw what was actually on the card. That swayed her feelings on it completely. Her dark eyes widened, sparkling a bit with excitement when she took the card from him. Admiring it,
"Wow! You got autographs from both Lady Fifth, and Lord Seventh!! And you got the coolest card with art of the Hokage's hat!!" Sarada looked up to both Hokage. Tsunade for being her mother's teacher and making her mom so powerful. And Naruto for coming from nothing, and managing to become Hokage, bringing lots of people together in peace. Giving new hope for the world. Something she wanted to do too, some day. Though she planned to become even more powerful than Lord Seventh, and clear the Uchiha name in the process,
"Thank you, Boruto! I didn't think you had it in you to be so thoughtful! I love this!" Even if the card game was stupid.
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whotookmysenbon · 5 months
But we keep hearing how Hokage-sama is gonna give you genin! And we all wanna be your genin! You're the *coolest*
If we manage to follow you and watch you train will that be enough to be considered as an apprentice? And I bet I can find real senbon where you train!
-academy student *totally* about to graduate and who is *gonna* win and become your genin!
Oh look. Lucky winner. Off the mountain by the toes, let's go kiddo. Teach you to try and mess with tokujo who don't teach fragile little kids for a reason
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