lilithangelroses · 4 years
MHAxOC Fanfiction Chapter One
The sun was too bright for her eyes and the clothing required for this uniform were not ideal for any sort of battle. All she did on the way to UA High School was walk in silence while the man once known as the Number One Hero talked about his students. He brought her here to try and give her a new start with life but their interactions have been slim since the day the police led him to her. It wasn’t that she wasn’t grateful for his help in finding a new place to call home while they deal with the League of Villain mess. She was very grateful, however, out of all the places she expected them to take a villain, at the heart of UA was not one of them.
The students from the academy were wandering around as it was their lunch period before their afternoon classes started. All of them polite to All Might but all of them looked at the girl next to him with an odd curiosity. She ignored them all and only concentrated on what All Might had to say. She kept repeating his hero name in her head as she was asked to call him that rather than Toshinori. It wouldn’t be appropriate if she was going to be seeing him at school as a student. “Young lady, are you ready to join the line of future heroes?” he asked excitedly. She knew he was trying hard but she wasn’t one to lie. Her voice was soft and quiet as she spoke, still getting used to using it. “We made a deal All Might. I help you with your problem and you help me with mine but that doesn’t make me a potential hero. I will play my part. Nothing more, nothing less.” Her expression had no sense of emotion. All Might hesitated before bouncing back to his normal bouncy demeanor. “Everyone has it in them to be a hero. I’m sure you’ll make a great one some day! Now, let’s show you to the dorms.”
Her room was on the fourth floor along with Katsuki Bakugou, Eijiro Kirishima, Mezo Shoji, Ochaco Uraraka, and Mina Ashido. She knew every single name of all the students in class 1A and all the pro hero staff. The information was fed to her before the final showdown between All Might and All for One. She had to be careful not to say too much to them. She would keep her distance as much as she could. As much as she hoped she wouldn’t go back, she knew this would only be temporary. The students were gone so it was easy to see where her room would be located. It would be next to the explosive Bakugou. That worked for her, he probably wouldn’t pay attention to someone like her.
The room was much more than she was expecting to get considering everything. It had a nice bed on one side, a nice desk with a chair on the other, and a small set of drawers with a closet. It made her feel happy though she would never show it. All Might patted her back and led her out towards the school to give her the tour there. They were meant to see the main areas for the classes and head over to Pro Hero Power Loader to talk about a hero outfit to be submitted. When they got there, the room had smoke coming out from one of the students experiments with her gear so they decided to do this another day. She felt relieved she didn’t have to do something like that but now her nerves were stretched out like cords on a guitar. It was time to meet the students.
Before anything All Might lead her to one of the faculty rooms where Pro Hero Eraser Head was sitting. “Hey, Aizawa, here is the new student I was telling you about! She will be joining class 1A from now on!” Aizawa looked at her with mild annoyance but addressed All Might. “You know I still don’t agree with this. It’s illogical to bring in a new student to join this class, even worse that you decided to bring her of all people. But I won’t defy the decision the principal made. Come on, class is about to start. It’s almost time for the hero course and I need to introduce you to the other students.” She didn’t blame him on him, it was completely illogical to do this but she had her own reasons for going along with it. “Ah, don’t be like that Aizawa!” All Might let out his usual laugh before addressing her again. “Don’t let his sour demeanor get to you. You’ll have a great time!” And with a thumbs up he walked away and left her with Aizawa.
Aizawa looked her up and down before handing her a bracelet. “Before you meet my students, you need to put on this tracking device. It will allow us to know your whereabouts at all times. It has a quirk limiter that only the staff can unlock. Don’t even think about  doing anything that would harm them. Keep your personal history to yourself. Come on, it’s almost time for the hero class.” She nodded and followed him through the school. Thankfully, all the students had already taken their spots in class. As she looked on and saw the door to class 1A, her heart broke out into a sprint. She was more nervous than she thought she would be. “Wait here.” he said before entering the classroom.
She stood outside the door and listened to him address the class. “Listen up everyone, we don’t have a lot of time before we head out to the training grounds. We have a new student joining our class.” The uproar from the class was almost deafening. Everyone trying to ask their questions all at once before being silenced by an angry red eyed Aizawa. “As I was saying. We have a new student. Come in.” With a big sigh she walked through the door to see the curious stares of her fellow classmates. Some of them just stared and those she can handle but the look of horror on the others faces was something she tried hard not to flinch at. She couldn’t blame them though. What they were seeing wasn’t the image of a beautiful young high school student.
Her skin was pale and her long gray hair showed the slightest tint of blue as it fell down in waves to her waist. She had almost a sickly appearance that was surprisingly improved compared to how she was during her visit at the hospital. All of that wouldn’t be enough to shock everyone though. They were all looking at the stitch like scars running across her body. A big one ran diagonally between her eyes. One gray like her grandmother but the other a dark ruby red. She stood at five feet five inches, waiting for them to get their expressions under control. Aizawa didn’t miss a beat and continued on like nothing happened. “Her name is Shimura Lilith. I hope you all get along well. Iida!” Lilith turned her gaze to the boy standing up wearing his glasses. “Yes, sensei” he said, immediately standing to attention. “Since you are the class president, you are in charge of getting her caught up and showing her how the class runs.” Iida nods and looks over at Lilith with a serious expression. She does a little nod towards him before Aizawa speaks again.
“Today we are focusing on group battles against villains. As you know, most heroes need to make impromptu groups in order to defeat villains on the field. We will be randomizing groups as we go through the exercise. You will be fighting teachers of this school. Get in your hero gear and meet us outside in the mountain arena.” With that, he walked out as the students started to pile out of the classrooms. Iida walked up to her side and introduced himself. His arms did a weird chopping motion as he spoke that really confused Lilith. It seemed so... wasteful. “My name is Tenya Iida. Welcome to our class. We normally have general education classes in the morning and then we get to the more practical classes in the afternoon. The hero class is one of the practical courses. Since you are new I assume you haven’t gotten a hero costume yet?” She shook her head in response. “Right, wait here while I change into my costume and I can escort you to the training arena.” she nodded again and waited for the students to leave before looking out the window. Some of them tried to linger but Iida, the ever diligent class president ushered them out to get changed. Lilith tapped the glass windows to check their thickness. Leave it to UA to get extra strength glass for their classrooms. They were on a higher floor but not so high that she couldn’t jump out if needed. It’s almost smart to get multiple exit points in an emergency.
The classroom door opened and Iida called out to her. “We are ready to go.” she nodded and walked alongside him to the training ground. The class was walking together, each in their own little social groups talking about which teacher they would go against first today. Iida would have been a part of one but he wasn't sure if he should leave Lilith on her own. She didn’t seem to mind the silent walk with him but it was making him uncomfortable trying to figure out what to say. He realized that she hasn’t even spoken to the class once. “It’s odd to get a new student this time of year. Even odder that you joined the hero course at UA. How did you end up in this situation?” he asked.
With his fidgeting around the question it was clear to her that he wasn’t intending on being rude but she could tell he seemed confused. She didn’t blame him, if it wasn’t for All Might she wouldn’t even be here. But there lies the catch. She would hate to lie but she can’t tell him everything. “My family connection to All Might is what got me here. I was hospitalized for a long time before this and I was recently deemed fit to be released. Does it bother you that I had connections get me to this point?” she asked him. Her eyes bore into his and he felt slightly unnerved by her boldness. The mention of All Might caught a few peoples attention and they listened for his answer. “Well...I...” he wasn’t sure how to proceed but thankfully they made it to the training grounds and everyone’s attention was drawn to the Pro Hero waiting for them.
Everyone was excited to see Snipe and ran forward inside the arena to see Midnight, Present Mic, and even their own homeroom teacher ready for battle. “Alright everyone. On the screen we have a randomizer for both the teachers and the students. The students will fight in groups of five against one of his who will play a villain. We will randomize the first group but pay attention to this sound.” A loud horn could be heard. “That means that something has happened and the scenario will change mid battle. This is to see how well you can cope with changing scenarios out in the field. Got it?” Everyone nodded excitedly. Snipe looked over at Lilith still in her normal uniform. “Shimura, since you just joined us today you are excused from the exercise. You can join All Might to observe from a safe distance.” Before Lilith could react, a gruff snort could be heard from the group. “Of course she does. Not only did she take the easy way in but she gets to cruise along class today. Clearly she can’t compete with us and should just quit before she gets hurt.” Some of the students fidgeted as Lilith glared at Bakugou. “What? Got something to say to me? Go ahead. I can take you on.” “Enough, Bakugou. Let’s get this class started.” Aizawa glared at him. “Tch... fine.”
Everyone patiently waited as the first group was chosen and Lilith walked over to All Might who was carrying a clipboard to note everyone’s progress. He smiled at her with genuine warmth and patted her back again. It took a long time before she didn’t feel like flinching from his touch. She was glad she was making progress. “Don’t mind young Bakugou. He may be a hothead but he is well on his way to making himself a fine hero.” Lilith just shrugged. He didn’t threaten her in the least. Even if she only had one quirk, it wouldn’t take much to take him down. She watched as the students and teacher switched into so many combinations and was impressed at how well they were doing. Fighting villains so early in their career clearly made them more advanced than she realized. Time passed quickly and soon it was almost time for class to be over. Everyone was winding down from their work outs. “So, what do you think?” All Might asked excitedly.
“The exercise was a valid way to demonstrate changing scenarios, however, I feel it didn’t do as good of a job as it could have. They wouldn’t make it very far in the real world. I’m surprised they made it this far considering the constant villain attacks they’ve been through. Though I guess they did have pro heroes there to help them.” She said all this in a very matter of fact tone. All Might wasn’t sure how to react but he didn’t have the time. Bakugou had heard it all and was roaring for a fight. “Oh yeah, what the hell do you know idiot?! You think you’re so high and mighty just because you had a connection to get in here. I bet I could beat you all by myself. Come on, let’s go a round.” Aizawa came up annoyed and was going to object but Lilith smirked making Bakugou even more pissed. “Aizawa sensei, it seems like it would be a good time to show everyone my quirk. How about I join the villain group and you choose five students to see if they can take me down.” It seemed like a simple request to her but Aizawa hesitated in complying with it. 
Bakugou just got even more pissed and All Might had to keep him at bay while they deliberated. Surprisingly, he was willing to do it, if only to see what quirk she planned on using as public knowledge. He knew she couldn’t go too far in the fight as long as the staff remained. “Alright. Bakugou, Midoriya, Todoroki, Kirishima, Tokoyami. Get ready for a fight.” Everyone gasped. They couldn’t believe this was actually happening. Everyone took their positions as they watched the new girl stand in a barren landscape in full view of some of their strongest fighters with no where to run. The confidence in her was practically tangible and set Bakugou off even more. “I don’t need their help. I’ll take you out before they even get the chance. Now die!” he yelled before launching a full blow from one of his gauntlets. Bakugou’s smug look soon contorted into shock. He turned to see Lilith had grabbed his arm that was pointing at where she stood. “Interesting, these seem to help enhance your explosive abilities.”
The group sprang into action realizing that the villain had already broken their ranks. She danced effortlessly through their attacks as she landed back a distance from them. This made them nervous. “If you don’t attack me with some level of coordination you’ll never win.” She called out to them. As much as Bakugou hated working, he wasn’t so stupid as to complain now that he knew her speed. They all assumed her quirk gave her some sort of physical enhancement which could only get her so far. Tokoyami took his position slightly behind the front fighters and secretly used Dark Shadow to pin her down while she dodged their barrage of assaults. She mentally praised them for their efforts before looking to see the combo attack heading her way. Too bad it will all be a wasted effort.
As the dust cloud dispersed and the boys thought themselves victorious, a blue geometric shield covered the area around her, protecting her from the attack. Not a single scratch on her. “Now it’s time to take the offensive.” The shield scatters into multiple pieces reflecting the sun's light causing Dark Shadow to cower. Freed, she had the shield converge onto her body, creating a thin durable coating before jumping into attack. Todoroki erected an ice wall only to have it shattered with enough force to throw him back. Midoriya and Kirishima jumped in for a double attack that caused her to guard. They made contact but it did nothing to her. She grabbed Kirishima’s harm and hurled him into Midoriya knocking them both into a boulder. Bakugou snapped with rage and went in only to be punched in the gut, and swept under his, falling to the ground. He ate dirt while she twisted his arm and used her foot to keep him pinned. Her shield then surrounded his hands. “Any explosions and your arms may not survive.” He looked at her and saw the threat was very real. “Battle is over, the villain wins.” The only members were about to object before Midoriya stopped them. “Look.” was all he said.
They looked at him confused until Lilith grabbed Bakugou by the neck and pulled him up. Her body pressed against his back and her hand caressing his throat. All it would take was only a little squeeze and his life could be over. She was right, she won. The shields fell away and she released Bakugou and put her hands in the air. Aizawa was using his quirk on her and walked towards them. “Fight’s over. You took it too far today. Lilith won, now everyone head back and get some rest.” “I wasn’t going to actually kill him.” She sighed. Why on earth would she mess things up for herself now. The teachers rounded everyone back but Aizawa and All Might stayed with Lilith.
“Let’s get things straight, you pull a stunt like that again and the deal is off.” She wasn’t fazed by him. “I simply created a situation that was more realistic. I never intended to kill them but the blood lust had to be there if they are to get over their fear. Even more when they have to deal with a hostage situation. If it were HIM putting his hands around Bakugou’s neck, he would have already been dead.” she said. “That is not something for you to decide Young Lilith. Leave these matters to us. You are here as a student until we find the place you are looking for.” All Might interjected. Lilith shook her head and sighed in defeat. “Fine, am I free to go?” she asked. They walked behind her, escorting her back to the dorms.
“I can’t even begin to understand your reasoning behind this All Might.” Aizawa spoke low to avoid Lilith hearing their conversation. All Might signed and thought about how to explain. “When they brought her to me she was the living dead. I couldn't leave her like that. The heroes have failed her for so long, I thought maybe this class could save her. I know she only accepted this as part of the deal but I’m hoping we can show her what it is to be one of us.” Aizawa stayed silent through the rest of the walk until Lilith walked inside the dorm building. He turned to All Might and sighed. “You can’t save everyone. I know you owe your predecessor a great deal and you feel like you’ve failed with Shimura Shigaraki, but that doesn’t mean you can save her either. Don’t get hung up on this.” He knew what Aizawa was saying but he still felt there was hope for her yet. They parted ways, both considering what the future will hold now that Lilith has joined their ranks.
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lilithangelroses · 4 years
My Hero Academia Fan Fiction
Here is where I thought I would post the a little information to know before hand on my latest fan fiction project. It is set in the world of Boku No Hero Academia/My Hero Academia, however you like to refer it. It’s set in a weird time so there are some elements that aren’t going to make sense and I’m definitely taking some liberties with my OC. It is something that has been on my mind every since Midoriya finally realized how to use One for All. I just wanted to share this before I decided to post it. It is the fan fiction that was recommended I post on here to I hope it goes well.
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