vegehana-food · 1 year
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✿ 塩こうじ入り夏野菜のラタトゥイユ ✍️ 白ワイン,いわし缶追加。
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minsqart · 1 year
happy gego day!!!🎉 (725)
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zazhah · 1 year
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clingy hajun
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dietcooking · 1 month
2024/08/20 朝ごはん
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冷やし味噌汁(ゆでキャベツ 青じそ 茗荷 ちりめんじゃこ 切り胡麻 しぜんだし) 玄米ごはん+梅干し
映ってないけどカフェオレと定期薬もあり〼 おくすりは先週末から減りました\(^o^)/減ったら減ったで不安になる損な性格だけど、先生のお言葉を信じてやってみる。
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kafkaoftherubble · 4 months
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Manga: 「光が死んだ夏」 The Summer Hikaru Died
So, uh, this is what I've been working on while Atom, the laptop, was under repair. It's my latest favorite thing. I mean, favorite enough to make me draw something. And I almost never draw; even if I do, it's always just triangles (which made it in, anyway. Hikaru's body, you see?).
I'm not good at art (understatement), but I genuinely adore this story and the characters—that somehow translates into me doing strange things like this!
Of course, it's because someone-I-shall-not-name strong-armed I mean encouraged me to draw this thing, and then another-someone-I-shall-not-name told me to keep at it. I also strangely found myself quite zealous about finishing the piece too. Took me a week, and at least 5 out of 7 days were used on that eldritch meat tendrils. Yea, I know. I am slow. In more ways than one, ahahhaha!
Oh. As usual: I snuck in some details in there. It's kinda a Lyndisian trait to do this. The detail is only visible in Neck, due to the black background. The alt description gives the answer away, though.
Ah, this shit is getting animated! I can't wait to watch it with the first someone-I-shall-not-name!!! But I hate it when a year goes by too quickly...
The manga is really good. I really love it, even if I failed to see the love part of Boys' Love. All I can see was "the kind of friendship I lowkey desire." Ah, but I also just like the philosophical themes in it. And the horror. The ghosts here are very cute.
Thank you for looking at what I cooked.
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modernagegarbage · 3 months
Fun fact: The name of every main character in grand maison Tokyo contains the name of a type of food or seasoning.
尾花夏樹 (おばな なつき)
早見倫子(はやみ りんこ)
みりん: mirin
平古祥平(ひらこ しょうへい)
こしょう: pepper
芹田公一(せりた こういち)
せり: celery
たこ: octopus
蛯名美優(えびな みゆう)
えび: prawn
松井萌繪(まつい もえ)
いも: potato
峰岸剛志(みねぎし つよし)
ねぎ: scallion
柿谷光(かきたに ひかる)
かき: persimmon/oyster
丹後学(たんご まなぶ)
ご ま: sesame
リンダ・真理子・リシャール (りんだ・まちこ・りしゃーる)
ちこり: chicory
久住琹奈(くずみ かんな)
みかん: orange
江藤不三男(えとう ふみお)
とうふ: tofu
相沢瓶人(あいざわ かめひと)
わかめ: seaweed
京野陸太郎(きょうの りくたろう)
のり: another type of seaweed, dried and edible, often used for wrapping sushi
Some of these are quite obvious like 芹田, 蛯名, and 柿谷 which already have food-related kanjis in them. And some of them are kinda reflective of these characters’ personalities. Banana in natsuki’s name is so cute, yellow one the outside and white on the inside. Mirin, the quintessential Japanese seasoning is symbolic of rinko’s cooking style, incorporating traditional Japanese ingredients into French cuisine. It’s no coincidence that both names of aizawa and kyono, who used to work with obana back in Paris, contain a type of seaweed. The versatility of wakame is representative of aizawa’s talent for paring ingredients. Nori, on the other hand, is very dry like kyono, difficult to eat it alone. Kyono is like nori in that he always needs partners.
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Red perilla juice (Cooking, Prose )
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After boiling
Red perilla, an essential ingredient in the umeboshi plums that adorn the Japanese diet, produces delicious deep red juice. Rich in vitamin A and polyphenols, it gives you the energy to get through the summer, just like umeboshi plums.
When sugar and citric acid are added to the dark broth of boiled red perilla, it turns a vibrant deep red and can be drunk with ice or chilled carbonated water.
The ingredients are 2 liters of water, 300g of red perilla leaves, 500g of sugar, and 25g of citric acid. It will be refrigerated for 2-3 months.
Rei Morishita
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xienst · 2 years
MASTERPOST: enstars! summary project
THE ENTIRE ENSTARS! EVENT LORE SUMMARISED: for those who want to speedrun enstars! lore
here is a timeline of all the events in enstars!
this project will aim to summarise as many enstars! stories as possible so u can get the gist of the event stories without having to read through 100 eichi monologues
credits: timeline is copied from wiki
will be updated with links after every story summary!
[PRESENT DAY: year = !]
** events will be referred to by "<season> + <index>
Shiny First Years
The Flag's Honor ✻ Crowned Flower Festival
Revival Festival☆Easter Night
Palace of the Ocean
Marching Band
Spring Storm! Dancing Petals, Sakura Festival!
Sweets Patisserie
Mail Delivery -> spring section 1 summary
Devil's Mansion
Spring Breeze*Iconic Book Fair
Lift the Curtains! Yumenosaki Circus
Sacrifice◆Resurrection Sunday of the Undying
Falling Cherry Blossoms*Wisteria Purple of May
Toy Box
Angel's Wings
Card Battler
Dream Coloured Prince -> spring section 2 summary
In the Rose Garden
Fresh Green Martial Arts
Yell✳︎Sprawling Happy Spring
Evening Banquet ♪ Band Ensemble
Performance! The Tragicomedy of Romeo and Juliet
Secret Labyrinth
At Your Service! UNDEAD Cafe
Leap! Principal of the Lake's Surface
Play Your Part! Cinderella's Grand Stage
Terror! Tamayori's Haunted Dollhouse
School Festival★The Scramble of a Startup Hero
Billiards -> spring section 3 summary
Ukiyo Air Ride
Merc Storia
Hero Show
The Rainy Season's Blossoms
Breakthrough! The Revolutionary Live Which Heralds the Dawn
Nuclear Ignition ☆ A Sparkling Quintuple-Color Supernova -> summer section 1 summary
Amusement☆The Live Party of Cats and Rabbits
Judge! Black and White Duel
Round Game
Devotion! Brocade of Driving Away the Rainy Season
Gunmen of the Wilderness
Bridal -> summer section 2 summary
Symphony*Magnolia of Blessings
Seven-Colored*Sunshower Festa
Saga*Rushing Up Rainbow Stage
Pool Opening
Comic World
Shot☆Splash Pool!
Challenge! Tanabata Festival Wishes
Dance Performance! Thoughts That Bridge the Milky Way
Facing One Another! The Celestial Globe of the Night the Stars Meet
Dance Floor -> summer section 3 summary
Ghost Stories
The Seven Faces of the Shapeshifting Youkai
Little Kings
Frozen Ice
Summer of Clear Skies! Summer Camp
Set Sail! Pirates at Sea Festival -> summer section 4 summary
Kiseki☆The Preliminary Match of the Summer Live
Radiant! Sunflower Live of Smiles
Scorching Hot! The Scenery of Southern Lands and Summer Vacation
Surfing Ocean
Stars★Glitter of the Prism
Summer Flowers
Late Summer Lesson -> summer section 5 summary
Luminescence*Summer Night Festival
Yumenosaki Restaurant
Remember! A Midsummer Night's Dream
Best Shot
Scorching Heat ☆ A Seaside Beach Match
Buddy -> summer section 6 summary
Farewell! Festival of Memories and Quarrels
Launch! The Night Sky of the Shooting Star Festival
Carmen of Passion
Lost Star*Wavering Light, Pleiades Night
Deep Sea Mystery
Drop*The Far Sea and the Aquarium
Summer Sky*Galloping Cheval Live -> summer section 7 summary
Burning Up! Yumenosaki Academy Sports Festival
Fight! Yumenosaki Academy Sports Festival 2
Competition! Yumenosaki Academy Sports Festival 3
Cinema Theater
1001 Nights -> summer section 8 summary
Blue Filament
Brilliant Star Air Force
Police Man -> summer section 9 summary
Kung Fu
Night of the Full Moon * Hopping Moonlight Luna
The Coloured Flower Cards
Special Training! Mismatched Pair Lessons
Rebellion! The King's Horseback Ride
Kiseki★Blitzkrieg Autumn Live
Robin Hood -> autumn section 1 summary
Fruits Parlour
Happening◆Music Festa of Reversals
Secret Acts! The Moonlight Scroll of the Elements
Festival*Graceful Fleur De Lis
Rosicrucian Story
Howl★The Rockin' Star of the Night Sky -> autumn section 2 summary
Raising Curtains! Dark Night Halloween
React★Magical Halloween
Lots of Monsters☆Sweet Halloween
Cacophony◆Whirling Horror Night Halloween -> autumn section 3 summary
Enjoyment♪ Autumn School Trip
Invitation★Black Blood Banquet
The Golden Wind*Wishing Live of Encouragement
Teddy Bear
Colourful Autumn
Hot-Blooded Tough Guy
BADBOYS -> autumn section 4 summary
Scramble * Toyland in a Dream
The Songbird’s Song*Soirée in the Canary Hall
Autumn Forest
Discovery! Steampunk Museum -> autumn section 5 summary
冬 winter (D)
The Wolf and Red Riding Hood
Greek Legends
Philosopher's Guidance
SnowboardDream of the Butterfly
Rail◆The Cat in the Snowy Winter and the Camellia Train -> winter section 1 summary
Snow Globe
Snowflake❄Street Performance Of The Falling Stars
Shine! A Sparkling Starry Night Festival!
Winter Santa -> winter section 2 summary
Brilliance★Knights' Starlight Festival
Noel*The Angels' Starlight Festival
Carol*White Snow and the Christmas Eve Starlight Festival
Radiant☆Hot Holiday Party
Throwing! A Snowy Silver-White Snowfight
Eccentric -> winter section 3 summary
Kiseki☆Winter Live Showdown
Winter's New Year Shrine Visit
First Dream Tales (Part One)
First Dream Tales (Part Two) -> winter section 4 summary
Zodiac (Part One)
Amusement Park Show
Zodiac (Part Two)
Daikagura! Celebratory New Years Live
Showdown! Magnificent Phantom Thief VS Detective Brigade
Transparency and Masks -> winter section 5 summary
Clash of Arms! Opera of Moonlight Romance
Dance on Ice
Depart☆Blue Skies Dream Travel
Opening★The Fortune Banquet Live
Saga*Clashing Rebirth Live
Revival☆Dream Diner Live
Shoufuku*The Ogres and Brothers' Setsubun Festival -> winter section 6 summary
Last Period
Jewel Candy
Poison À La Mode
Tea Party
The Four Beasts of Fistfighting
Salon de Thé -> winter section 7 summary
Sincerely! Bitter Chocolat Festival
Melty❤Sweetly Unraveling Chocolat Festival
Decorate♥Crimson Chocolat Festival
Marble ♥ Heartfelt Chocolat Festival
Home Party
Onigashima -> winter section 8 summary
Yumenosaki Youth Radio♪
Cunning ◆ Wonder Game
Beauties of Nature
Flutter! Chick and Emperor's Triumphant Return -> winter section 9 summary
[NEXT YEAR: year = !+1]
!+1 spring i think? (context: third years in ! are graduating)
Memorial◆Class Live We Make Together
Noble Game
Chuunibyou Trouble
Bouquet of Desire
Chorus★Operetta of Beginnings -> !! spring section 1 summary
Every Pitch With All One’s Heart! Youthful Play Ball
Clash! Recollect--A Festival of Giving Back
Baton Pass! Repayment Festival of Tears and Bonds
Moment*The Repayment Festival of Moving Forward Toward the Future
Requiem*Sword of Oaths and the Repayment Festival
Link♪The Symphony that Starts from Here -> !! spring section 2 summary
!+1 post-graduation stories
Photoshoot! Warm Athletics
Puppy Mischief Picnic
Bounce! Hearts and Flowers Bloom--Mall Live
Strawberry Picking -> post-graduation summary
[BACKSTORIES: read with caution *** recommended reading is from year = enstars!]
(year: !-12)
(1) Rainbow (2) Revival - 20
(year: !-several)
(3) Gang: Midnight Gangster
(year: !-2)
(4) Zodiac (5) Meteor Impact (6) Jingle Bells
(year: !-1)
(7) Reminiscence*The Crossroads of Each One (8) Reminiscence*Monochrome Checkmate (9) Reminiscence*Spring Cherry Blossoms and a Night's Encounter (10) Reminiscence*Ryusei Bonfire (11) Reminiscence * End of the Marionette's Strings (12) Reminiscence*Gathering of the Three Magicians
-> all backstories summary
a few things to note:
main story not included -- because it should be read before everything
CN/TW exclusive not included
timeline is definitely shaky but overall flow of stories should still be okay
-project start date: 17 Oct 2022- -last updated: 22 Mar 2023-
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imasallstars · 6 months
Sumika Shiun (紫雲清夏)
“Let me show you how I really dance♪”
 Age: 15  Blood Type: O  Date of Birth: November 11th; Cancer  Height: 168cm  Weight: 54kg  Three Sizes: 89/58/85  Dominant Hand: Left  Birthplace: Hokkaido  Hobbies: Karaoke, Social Media  Specialty: Cooking, Sewing (Handicrafts)  CV: Miya Minato (湊みや)
A frivolous gal who tends to skip classes and her lessons. While she like to goof off a lot, her bright personality adds to her appealー seemingly able to get along with anyone. Before entering the school, she quickly soared high in the world of ballet, able to overcome it but she seems to have no motivation to do so. She's a big supporter of her friend, Lilja, who wants to become an idol.
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mamedorilabo · 9 months
Finally, it's December.
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It's cold, cold, cold! I am so bad at cold weather. The oil heater doesn't warm up the room at all (and the kerosene cost is very high), so we installed a wood stove. I asked a contractor I know well to install a wood stove in a room that requires a hole in the wall, and my husband's record store installed it ourselves. ↓It was very warm that day. He is my son.
あぁ寒い寒い寒い。私は寒さが大の苦手なのです。灯油ストーブでは埒が明かない。ということで薪ストーブを設置。壁に穴あけが必要な部屋はいつもお世話になっているガス屋さんに設置をお願い。 夫のレコード屋の方は自分たちで設置しました。 写真のこの日は暖かかったなぁ。
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At first, we couldn't get used to using it and the room was full of smoke, but we gradually learned how to use it.
It's hard to chop firewood every day. It disappears in no time. However, the physical exertion of chopping wood warms me up before I turn on the stove. It also boils water. The ashes can be used as a substitute for abrasives and as fertilizer for the fields. It is also fun to think, "If I put the wood in this way, will it burn better? Inconvenient things are surprisingly convenient.
最初は使い方になれず煙もくもくだったりと苦戦しましたが、最近では料理やおやつまで。レモングラスの効いたカレーは大好物! 毎日の薪割りは大変だしあっという間になくなるし。 でも薪割りのおかげでストーブをつける前に体があったまる。お湯も沸かせる。そして日々、薪の置き方を変えてみたりと工夫も楽しい。不便は楽しい。
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I can cook curry and bake snacks on the wood stove!
I have added more curtains to the front door where the drafts are coming in. I made them out of linen that I had dyed with persimmon astringent dye in the summer and an old Japanese check cloth about 100 years old. I will try to get through the winter with modest Christmas decorations with plants around our house.
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see you soon!
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hopkei · 18 days
Fantastics 100 Questions & Answers! Pt.1
Source: Monthly Exile August 2020 (Part two)
🚨Warning: may contain inaccuracies!🚨 Feel free to share elsewhere but please credit me🌻
Questions 1-10
1. What meal are you best at cooking? Sekai: Cup Ramen Taiki: Stir-fried bean sprouts Sawa: Carbonara Leiya: Motsunabe Hori: Chinese soup Keito: Curry Yusei: Garlic butter chicken stir-fry Sota: Meat and vegetable stir-fry! It’s totally unmatched!
2. What is a song excluding your own that you want to perform? Sekai: Sandaime JSB - S.A.K.U.R.A. Taiki: Finger Five: 学園天国 Sawa: Exile - Ti Amo Leiya: I want to sing GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE / 「One in Million -奇跡の夜に」 Hori: GENERATIONS vs BALLISTIK BOYZ - 「BREAK DOWN YA WALLS」 Keito: Sandaime JSB 冬空, Generations - Brand new story Yusei: EXILE / 「優しい光」 Sota: GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE / 「I Remember」
3. What was the most embarrassing moment in your life? Sekai: Every audition I’ve ever done  Taiki: At my photobook shoot when I went to the Hawaii for the first time in my life and I lost my money Sawa: I thought I was talking to my friend really excitedly but it was actually someone I didn’t know….. Leiya: The time I was rushing down the stairs to the underground by Shibuya Scramble Crossing on a rainy day and I slipped and fell all the way down the stairs on my butt Hori: The time I dreamed that I was walking down the street naked Keito: The time I got a hole in my pants during an EXPG STUDIO-era performance Yusei: The day I went walking in Shibuya and I wore my t-shirt backwards and totally different socks! (laughs) Sota: In elementary school, I went to onsen with my dad. I had gone to get in first, but accidentally got into the water intended for Kakeyu. A lot of older people were laughing at me, but I didn’t realize until my dad came that I was in the Kakeyu. (tn: a Kakeyu is a pre-rinse you do before getting into an onsen, it is typically done with a bucket, and this water is in a separate tub than the actual onsen)
4. Who is the person that makes you think “If I hadn’t met them, I wouldn’t have the life I do now?” Sekai: Everyone I’ve ever met Taiki: Hiro-san Sawa: Dance Teacher Leiya: Fukuoka dance teammates Hori: Hiro-san, Nakao Shota Keito: Ito-sensei from when I was in (Exile) Kids Class! Yusei: My friend that played the guitar in middle school Sota: My piano teacher. It was my start in music!
5. If you could switch lives with any LDH member who do you want to switch with? Sekai: Atsushi-san Taiki: Yoshino Hokuto. His private life is a mystery Sawa: Kobayashi Naoki-san Leiya: Iwata-san Hori: I want to switch with Shokichi-san and play instruments or write songs Keito: Iwata-san Yusei: Reo-san Sota: ELLY-san! I don't know how he lives at all so I’m really curious
6. Are you starting anything new with your free time at home? (tn: this interview was during the 2020 quarantine) Sekai: Making songs with MPC and finger drumming, I started drinking hot water Taiki: Harmonica Sawa: Animal crossing. (laughs) Leiya: Drawing on my clothes with POSCA markers to remake them Hori: Electric guitar Keito: Cooking, basketball Yusei: Cooking! Sota: Cooking and writing lyrics and composition!
7. What is something about yourself that makes you think, “In this, I can’t lose to anyone!”? Sekai: Persistence when I get into something I like Taiki: Maybe getting all of my senpais and kouhais together to have dinner every night lol Sawa: The beauty of my dance Leiya: My burning heart (passion) Hori: Stretching the skin on my neck Keito: Funny faces and positivity Yusei: Tenacity/determination Sota: Talking when I get up in the morning. I’m strong in the morning!
8. What song do you think of when you hear the word “summer”? Sekai: Wada Koji -  「Butter-Fly」, Yamashita Tatsuro / 「Atom no Ko」 Taiki: Orange Range-san! Any of their songs! I really like them! Sawa: Yuzu - 夏色 (Natsuiro) Leiya: Ketsumeishi - 夏の思い出 (Natsu no Omoide) Hori: DOBERMAN INFINITY / 「SUPER BALL」 Keito: 掌の砂 (Tenohiranosune) / Exile-san Yusei: Def Tech / 「My Way」 Sota: Hirai Dai - Slow&Easy
9. If you were to get a pet what animal would you choose? Sekai: A dog and a cat Taiki: A pug or an Arowana (tn: an arowana is a fish) Sawa: French Bulldog Leiya: Bichon Frise Hori: Dog Keito: Pomeranian Yusei: Husky Sota: If it’s at my parents house, a dog! (because I’ve had experience with big things at my parents house). If it’s at my own house, then I want to get a fish!
10. Favorite color? Sekai: White, black, red, gold, silver, green Taiki: Red Sawa: BLACK Leiya: Red Hori: Black Keito: Checker pattern Yusei: Black Sota: Blue tones!
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vegehana-food · 1 year
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✿ さっぱり☆夏野菜の酢の物
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bnhaobservation · 1 year
BNHA Observations, speculations and assorted info: Todoroki Mansion (Part 1: Outside view)
So, in order to write my fic, I spend much time observing canon scenes, comparing the manga and the anime version, take note of details, translations and info in them as well as finding out how are some things called.
Since what I noticed/speculated/found out can be of use for other fic authors I thought to share as well.
Chap. 39 “Todoroki Shōto: Origin” (轟焦凍:オリジン Todoroki Shōto: Origin) Chap. 44 “Relaxing Day Off” (休め振替休日 Yasume Furikae Kyūjitsu) Chap. 192 “The Todoroki Family” (轟家 Todoroki-ke) Chap. 248. “One Thing at a Time” (一つ一つ Hitotsu Hitotsu) Chap. 249. “The Hellish Todoroki Family” (地獄の轟くん家 Jigoku no Todoroki-kun-chi) Chap. 250 “Ending” (エンディング Ending) Chap. 252 “The Unforgiven” (許されざる者 Yurusarezaru-mono) Chap. 301 “The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire, Part 1” (火の不始末 前編 Hi no Fushimatsu Zenpen) Chap. 302 “The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire, Part 2” (火の不始末 後編 Hi no Fushimatsu Kōhen)
Ep. 23 “Todoroki Shōto: Origin” (轟焦凍:オリジン Todoroki Shōto: Origin) Ep. 25 “Todoroki vs. Bakugo” (轟VS爆豪 Todoroki vs Bakugō) Ep. 88 “His Start” (始まりの Hajimarino) Ep 90 “Vestiges” (面影 Omokage) Ep. 105 “The Hellish Todoroki Family” (地獄の轟くん家 Jigoku no Todoroki-kun-chi) Ep 106 “The Unforgiven” (許されざる者 Yurusarezaru-mono) Ep 130 “The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire” (火の不始末 Hi no Fushimatsu)
OVA “Laugh! As If You Are in Hell” (笑え!地獄のように Warae! Jigoku no you ni)
The Todoroki family (轟家 ‘Todoroki-ke’) is clearly a rich one due to Todoroki Enji being the Number 2 Hero and solving more cases than anyone in recorded history.
It's composed by 6 people, Todoroki Enji (轟 炎司), the family head, Todoroki Rei (轟冷), née Himura (氷叢 Himura), his wife, his eldest son (長男 'Chōnan'), Todoroki Tōya (轟 燈矢), his eldest daughter (長女 'chōjo'), Todoroki Fuyumi (轟 冬美), his second son (次男 'jinan'), Todoroki Natsuo (轟 夏雄) and his third son (三男 'sannan'), Todoroki Shōto (轟 焦凍).
Below there's a scheme of how the family was before family members started leaving the house as, at this point in the manga, apparently no one lives in it (first Rei was hospitalized, then Touya supposedly 'died', then Shouto moved to U.A. dormitories, then Fuyumi and Natsuo moved to their new house and, even though Enji is supposed to still live there, since he was tailing after Midoriya, the house was basically left empty).
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We know Enji's father died way before his marriage, we have no info about his mother and we know Rei's parents continued to live in the Himura residence, which is clearly a large traditional Japanese house.
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While it's implied in the past the Todoroki family had people working for them to help with the housework and, possibly, with the care of the children, in fact, after Shouto's birth Enji said he would hire helpers/servants (使用人'Shiyōnin') and Natsuo mentioned they used to have a maid (お手伝いさん 'Otetsudai-san') who would cook for them but retired due to back problems (the English version calls her a cook though), we only see in the house someone who's not a Todoroki once, when the children are playing.
It could be a servant supervising them... or it could also be Rei's mother visiting them. We'll never known.
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The Todoroki too live in a huge traditional Japanese house, which the manga calls Todoroki mansion (轟邸 ‘Todoroki-tei’).
Since no one mention the Todoroki family being prestigious for something else that's not the fact Enji is the Number 2 hero, I tend to think the house is one he either built or bought, not the one in which he was raised.
As usual, manga and anime disagree on how the place should be.
The anime gives it an even huger garden and adds what might be two extra storage buildings and a large gate on the left, probably to allow a car in.
The house also seems a single block, where in the manga it seems U shaped, with a garden at the center of the U.
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We see glimpses of the neighbourhood when Aizawa carries Shouto home (he has to park his car outside it)
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...and when Ending pecks at Endeavor's house.
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There seems to be a street that leads straight at the gate since when Natsuo leaves the house he walks straight ahead of himself.
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In an OAV instead we see a glimpse of the street that runs parallel to the gate.
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Anyway it's clearly a residential area.
In Episode 25 we see Shouto walking to reach the hospital. It's unclear if the area he's walking through is near his house or he got distant from it already, but, in case it's near his house, the scenery seems to imply the house is built uphill since Shouto has to walk downhill.
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Manga and anime seem to mostly agree with how it's supposed to be, the only addition being the anime shows also a glimpse of what I assume is the large entrance for a car.
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Now yes, there are some differences between the manga and the anime, like the path leading to the house, the small gate near it, the placement of the trees and the Ishi-dōrō (石灯籠 “stone lantern”) near the house is completely missing in the anime.
Credits when it's due it was the anime who first came up with how the Todoroki Residence entrance looked like so, if anything, it was Horikoshi who did the changes... unless he showed them a drawing of how he wanted it before showing it in the manga.
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An Engawa (縁側/掾側) or En (縁) is an edging strip of non-tatami-matted flooring, usually wood or bamboo. It may run around the rooms, on the outside of the building, and can resemble a porch or sunroom.
Usually, it is outside the translucent paper Shōji, but inside the Amado (雨戸) storm shutters (when they are not packed away). However, sometimes it runs outside the Amado. An Engawa that cannot be enclosed by Amado, or sufficiently sheltered by eaves, must be finished to withstand the Japanese climate. Modern architecture often encloses it with sheet glass.
The Todoroki Engawa is meant to give a view to the inner garden. In the manga the one we always see is the one on the right...
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Here you can see the ceiling of the Engawa
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This is probably the Engawa from above.
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From the engawa the garden can be seen with what's likely a koi pond and a bridge.
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The manga seems to imply that that small building outside the house but still connected to it is the training hall, since its from it that the noise form Enji and Shouto's training comes.
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The anime instead seems to imply this is the training hall from outside.
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Note that in the story when the characters seem to go to the training hall they don't seem to get outside, nor the training hall is shown to have round windows... so yeah, whatever.
The anime shows us the corner of the roof. It's not overly important, I'm just showing it so that the whole thing is complete.
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redsamuraiii · 2 years
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Kiyo (Nana Mori) and Sumire (Natuski Deguchi) from The Makanai: Cooking for the Maiko House. Pic by 出口夏希
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dietcooking · 2 months
2024/07/09 夕ごはん
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その前の週末に宇都宮の直売所で購入してゆがいておいたおかひじきに、ヤオコーで見切り品だった小さめかつおのたたきのさくをカットして載せて。包丁さばきは無視します( ー`дー´)キリッ たれはMCTオイルとポン酢、いりごま。
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なすそうめん(ただしナスなし きゅうりとオクラ)
茄子といんげんとピーマンの煮浸しを作ってそうめんに、の目論見が、冷やして具を食べて終わってしまって煮汁のみ残った。ので、翌日にリメイクしたもの。 かも手の麺をようやく使い切った。またいつか購入するかな? まだ他のいただきものが多すぎて乾麺食べきれてないのでね(´Д`)ハァ…
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naradivision · 1 year
Relationship: Family & Friend - Asahi Tomoharu
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Tsukushi Tomoharu (朋春 土筆, 74 Years Old) - Asahi’s grandfather whom he has always looked up to since he was a little child. Inheriting the family wagashi store “Harumatsuya” from his parents, he is a diligent and conservative but very generous old man who loves his work immensely. Appearing to be a bit serious on anything related to wagashi, he really puts a lot of mind into making his country’s traditional confectioneries. Much to his dismay, after he encountered a sudden stroke a few years ago, now he can’t even afford to get up from the bed by himself. The truth is he is the only one who knows what his wife has been doing and gives her a technical pass because he trusts her and knows she can take care of herself.
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Momose Tomoharu (朋春 桃世, 74 Years Old) - Asahi’s grandmother who is now taking up the lead in managing her dearest husband’s store. She may look like a benign grandma at your first glance, but the thing is back in her prime; she used to be the Nara’s legendary sukeban known as “Sumeragi” who lead her syndicate “Manjushage (曼珠沙華)” to dominate all delinquents in Nara till her pivotal decision to quit after realizing her feelings for her one peculiar classmate. Though she is now an active grandma who always has a kind smile on her face, her terrifying strength has been finely intact even in her seventies —Many thugs all throughout Japan have no choice but to acknowledge that Naramachi is unofficially under her protection. Besides, to overcome the worker shortage awhile back; she has offered some delinquents and those who were tired of their vicious lifestyles the chance to turn over a new leaf by recruiting them to work at her place (Ridiculously, Asahi and Yuuya are pretty chummy with all of them without knowing this fact). So, you can guess she has a good chunk of connections with dubious people, both young and old, who are lurking in the town as well. Last but not least: Granny Momose is someone who loves her territory hometown no less than anyone else. 
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Shunrai Tomoharu (朋春 春雷, 49 Years Old) - Asahi’s father and Tomoharu couple’s only son. He works as a salary man in a certain office. From what Asahi knows, he is doing well on his career and his grandmother described him to be quite a headstrong person. As Asahi and him aren’t very close in the first place, their bond becomes severed after he spoke something awful to him when he heard his father objected to taking over their family store. Lately, he has been dropping by to pay a visit to his bedridden father from week to week, but it’s obvious that he is always avoiding meeting his son face-to-face.
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Yayoi Tomoharu (朋春 弥生, 48 Years Old) - Asahi’s mother whom he takes a lot after, especially her sweet and youthful face. Working at the same office as her husband, there their romance has blossomed. She also takes cooking as her hobby. With her overall nurturing nature, she should easily be an ideal mother for Asahi if not considering the fact that she agreed on his father’s idea. Ever since that day, she too hasn’t had the nerve to properly face her own son. Truthfully speaking, Asahi still has a little hope to enjoy the warm meal made by her with the rest of his family once again.
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Yuuya Kanata (夏向 勇矢, 19 Years Old) - Asahi’s acquaintance and someone he considers his first true friend. Even though the other party is three years younger than him, Asahi is kinda looking up to him and wants to repay his kind support on the day he couldn’t find his way out of his own depression. Sometimes he even tries to act like the younger’s older brother (and more than often miserably fails). At some point, his grandmother remarks that both of them truly radiate siblings energy whenever they’re together.
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