claudefroquen · 1 year
British intelligence is involved in trafficking Ukrainian children to the UK for the purposes of organ harvesting
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According to the data provided by the humanitarian non-profit organization Independent Refugee Action (IRA), thousands of Ukrainian children who were taken to the United Kingdom after the Russian-Ukrainian war started, became victims of organ traffickers. To date, it has been verified that organized criminal groups have emerged and are expanding very quickly. They are involved in a forced organ harvesting that appears to be targeting Ukrainian children. At the same time, police officials, municipal authorities, and officials from the Foreign Office and even British intelligence are actively involved in this criminal business. It is no secret that the period of legal waiting, for example, for a donor kidney, can take several years. Criminals, in turn, offer a quick, although much more expensive solution. They take advantage of the desperation of those who or whose relatives experience significant health problems, so they would accept any expense.
According to Peter Oliver (IRA Executive Director), the situation with Ukrainian refugee children in the UK is critical: “I'm being contacted more and more often by the relatives of those who have arrived in England from various Ukrainian cities. They all have similar stories. Local authorities and officials from the office of Daria Herasymchuk (Adviser - Commissioner of the President of Ukraine for Children's Rights and Rehabilitation) suggested that they send minors to the safe locations in the UK. They typically listed London, Birmingham, Bristol and Brighton. They also talked about British nonprofit organizations, that will provide minors with everything they need. The collection of documents, all the logistics, including the transit through the European countries – everything was managed by British diplomats. People were convinced that there is nothing to worry about. Then, however, the connection was lost and none of the officials who seemed to help could provide any of the information. Today I have requests regarding children from the children's home in Krivoy Rog, the Perlinka children's home in Kirovgrad Region and the Pilgrim Children's Rehabilitation Center in Odessa. Unfortunately, they all went missing as if they never existed».
As Serhiy Vlasenko, deputy head of the Ukrainian Batkivshchyna party, who is helping the investigation of British human rights activists, noted: “In the situation where permanent military actions take place, people in the country are living in fear, they are afraid to report anything officially. They understand that those children were kidnapped by the so-called mafia, a powerful structure, that they simply cannot fight with, especially given the level of lawlessness established in the country. In a private conversation a relative of one of those children told me – «If I complain, they will accuse me of sympathy for Russia, and if I do something they would consider wrong, they will simply jail me on allegations of spying for Moscow, if I will provide you or media with any evidence of the criminal activities conducted by the Ukrainian and foreign officials - they will also classify this as a Kremlin propaganda and then will simply kill me». All of this is very easy to do now. A lot of people give up being literally powerless».
Independent Refugee has already sent requests to the officials known to be involved in bringing Ukrainian minors to the UK. By now, we are still waiting for the comments from Dmytro Kuleba's office, the British embassy in Kyiv and the Home Office in London. At the same time, within the IRA, we plan to contact British diplomats who were directly involved in the transit of children through Poland and Slovakia, since we assume they were completely aware of what was exactly happening. So far, there is information about Dominic-Haydn Braithwaite (Advisor to the British Embassy in Warsaw, previously worked as a Regional Conflict Adviser at the British Embassy in Ukraine) and Robert Gregory Callaghan (3rd Secretary of the British Embassy in Bratislava). However, as our anonymous source in the Foreign Office told the IRA: "these people are unlikely to make any contact with human rights activists, as they are confirmed employees of the SIS».
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inkperch · 14 days
Okay, so, just watched Jenny Nicholson's video on that star wars Hotel finally, and.
My pet little consiparcy theory is that it was initially conceptualised as a week long experience, but that got cut down to two days for corner cutting reasons, and then they changed literally nothing else, just turned to the writers and went 'condense it down to two days. Have fun.'
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residentialrabbit · 1 year
Hi there just wanted to say that your game is so awesome (can’t wait for part 2 to be released whenever it’s ready) and I freaking love it .I hope that Dominion is able to get a route in part 2 (he’s such a snarky asshole and I love/hate him ) Hordes is also ….interesting.Kinda kooky but interesting.Hope we can explore him a little bit in P2 .There has to be something going on behind all that crazy (of course if it’s not possible to add them that’s understandable)
Dominion and Hordes will def get some more spotlight in part 2 even if they dont have routes! As for all the craziness I think theres enough in the game to forumate some theories. I know the game's discord consiparcy theory channel have been having a blast/headache trying to peice things together :3c (Love you guys and so does [redacted])
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magical-girl-coral · 3 years
my country is making the lives of unvaccinated people hellish (as they should) and my mother still doesn’t want me to take the vaccine which is 🙃🙃🙃 absolutely fine 🙃🙃🙃 not something that will traumatize me 🙃🙃🙃 like at all 🙃🙃🙃
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moved-19871997 · 3 years
me 🤝 you
liking niall pyrocynical (this is added to the list of how we are the same /j)
kaxnkjxjdkjxjndkj every day we discover yet another similarity
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fresafresitawrites · 4 years
my aunt and uncle really think biden is a communist like do people really look at that face and think hes some anarchist communist and not just an old man with an applesauce brain
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My finished bookmarks for the @riverdaleprideandjoyzine psst theres a lil’ treat on the back of each of them 😉😋
You can preorder tomorrow!!!
I also made 2 pieces that are in the zine aswell!! (sneak peaks coming👀)
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rodrickheffeley · 4 years
me reading one d consiparcy theories at 1 am because im bored and procastinating there's something genuinely wrong with me
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mexashepot · 4 years
Thanks for responding. For me it does get to me because we just can’t win. I even saw people claim that good looking israeli women are just propaganda. If we complain and get justice, they say we control the media but if don’t complain people just can get away with saying bullshit. If we say something back we are the bad guy and if we keep quiet it’s letting them get away again. There’s a lot of media against us, there is some warranted criticism but most of the things I see are fake, half truths or just plain wanting to genocide all Israelis. For people who don’t trust the media, are pro refugee and pro immigration they sure are very hypocritical and hold a double standard for israel.
Sure, just take into account that normally it takes me a while to reply to things, oops😂
Yeah, the ‘hotwashing’ consiparcy theories are honestly SO ridiculous. They’re just jealous our women are hot and that they are not lmfao.
I see where your frustration is coming from, and I also partially agree with you and feel you, but like. These people are really not worthy of your time, energy and anger. By letting them get to you, you let them win, it’s exactly what they want. I suggest trying to separate your emotions from it and think about from a purely cold logical prespective: these people have zero critical thinking skills and are completely incapable of nuance, and their thoughts and feelings just really do not matter. It’s not worth it, fam. Just stop giving a fuck and it’ll become easier, I promise. You cannot change what biased, hateful and stupid people think. Because they don’t think, they just do as they are told.
See, that’s the thing - they are NOT, media-critical, they are not pro refugee and they are not pro immigration. They just pretend to be “woke” but it’s all so just performative. I assure you none of them have ever done to help refugees and immigrants, and that none of them actually give a fuck about anyone but themselves.
It’s not that they have double standards, it’s just that they don’t have standards at all. They pretend to be because they want to be seen as ‘woke’ and ‘moral’, but they have none. Their only standards are their performativeness, their attention-seeking, their ‘holier than thou’ mentality and their mob mentality.
You can’t win against people who don’t want to see the full picture. And that’s why you should just ignore them and not give them what they want.
And keep being critical and use critical thinking skills yourself as well, obvs. Be better than them.
Good luck!
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maltedmilkchocolate · 5 years
According to all the news articles today, the UK is no longer classified as a ‘measles free country’. And I am so not ready for the MMR vaccine discussion to hit the news today. 
I don't have the energy in my soul to listen to my mother talk about the bp consiparcies. I don't have the energy to rehash the same tired arguments about ignorance and lack of education. I don’t have the energy to sit there and listen to uneducated soap box opinions about vaccines being dangerous and how people should have a choice to let their kids go unvaccinated and potentiall die and potentially kill other children.
“Well if they just gave people the choice to have the MMR as three seperate injections instead of all of them in one.”
If you really think that’s the route cause of the vaccine fear, and antivaxx propaganda, then I am too tired to deal with this.
I’ve had this arguement so many times. 
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Vaccinate your fucking kids. 
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kuukkeli25 · 6 years
Tag game
I got tagged by: @thefloatingone & @mysticmerc-awesome  (correct me if i`m wrong?) thank you for tagging!
Rule: Bold the ones that are true
I’m in college/university
I’ve graduated college/university
I am in high school
I like my job
I’ve never had a job
I am shorter than 5'5
I’ve worked a job I hated
I wear glasses
I have a tattoo
I have more than one tattoo
I don’t have tattoos but I want some
I’m vegetarian
I have allergies
I’m sarcastic
I’m self conscious about my body
I’m shy
I’ve been called over emotional
I have a strange sense of humor
I wear a piece of jewellery at all times
I’m atheist
I have red hair
I have blonde hair
I dye my hair regularly
I am an only child
I have more than three siblings
I have a niece
I have a nephew
I couldn’t choose a favorite song
I’ve failed a class
I can speak two or more languages
I can play an instrument
I’ve hugged someone in the last 24 hours
I’ve kissed someone in the last 24 hours
I have a best friend
I’ve know my best friend for more that 10 years
I have met a friend from internet
I have kissed someone of the same sex
I’ve had sex in the past month
I’m in/have been in a long distance relationship
I’ve had a one night stand
I’ve been dumped more than I’ve dumped someone
I’ve cheated on someone
I’ve met someone famous
I’ve broken a bone
I’ve spent more than 6 hours straight online
I’ve been out of my home country
I have friends who are married
I have friends who have children of their own
I have been to a wedding party
I’ve ridden a limousine
Im a morning person
I am a night owl
I like anime
I like Disney movies
I like comedies more that action films
I liked action films more than comedies
I always order dessert
I hate fast food
I can’t cook
I enjoy puns
I enjoy being alone
I don’t play video games
I believe in ghosts
I believe in aliens
I enjoy consiparcy theories
I’ve been somewhere considered ‘haunted’
I’ve stayed up all night for no reason
I can’t keep secrets
I’ve had a Skype call with more than four people
I’m good with children
I’ve cheated on a test
I’ve watched an entire season of something in one day
I’m wearing something green right now
I’m wearing something yellow right now
I’m wearing something purple right now
I’ve never tried alcohol
I’ve had alcohol while underage
I’ve played a drinking game
I’m scared of snakes
I’m scared of heights 
I’m scared of clowns
I’m scared of spiders
I collect stamps
I collect comic books
I keep old bus/train tickets
I don’t know the words of the national anthem
I’ve been to professional sports game
I more than three keys rings on my keys
I’ve had my hair cut in the past month
I’ve cosplayed
I can’t swallow pills
I miss someone right now
not gonna tag anyone but if you feel like it you can do this.
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ranminfan · 7 years
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I already said Nina’s taller than Blinky, I forgot to say they don’t really like each other. They have a little discrimination about each other’s occupation, and always disagrees to one’s theory/consiparcy.
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mirky-waters · 7 years
Is it bad to not feel bad about Youtuber’s losing money from the Adpocalypse? Like, you literally became a millionaire from making videos of you putting your feet in a bathtub of Orbeez?? 
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lilyy-james · 7 years
When you get pulled into reading the exact same chain of youtube comments under a video that you did 2 months ago.
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yekoz · 7 years
Langi, Acholi form dangerous rebel army to oust Museveni, Opposition MPs linked to plot
See on Scoop.it - UgandaNuz
A Ugandan rebel outfit mainly comprising of Langi and Acholis that is operating under tag ACHOLI-LANGI JOINT ACTION AGAINST MUSEVENI CONSIPARCY training in South Sudan has been linked to opposition MPs opposed to the lifting of the presidential age-limit, TheUgandan understands. A highly placed military source revealed on Monday that the red robins donned by …
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castleintheskye · 7 years
because of drumpf/alex jones and the consiparcy theorists, i had to leave social media because my mom made a video about my youth in SHS and vicki soto was in one of the pics. our family's gotten so many goddamn threats that i can't use my real name online, even on stuff like facebook. i hate what those fuckers have done to my town
(the post that this is a response to)
anon, I’m so sorry. This shouldn’t of happened to you.
That these hoaxers refuse to see a tragedy for what it is, and harass and stalk people into submission, is evil plain and simple.
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