#confusion and delay
i-3at-s0ap · 16 days
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Shirt idea
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fetchmearum420 · 1 year
Just found out last night that Howard Da Silva was apparently 6’2 🫢 he doesn’t look it at all tbh but he was. Then David Ford was that height too cuz on camera he looks roughly the same height. That also means Jonathan Moore was like 6’4 or something cuz he was very tall to begin win. And when he’s next to Franklin he seems at least a foot taller.
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Idek anymore cuz Howard definitely doesn’t look 6’2
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masterj · 1 day
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Just got off CalleyFan's livestream for part 2 of building The Ice Cream Factory in his Roblox Chuggington game, and thanks to wifi issues on CalleyFan's end, it didn't exactly get off to a great start...😅
This is the 4th CalleyFan stream I was in the chat of btw
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doctorsiren · 4 months
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This is where I lost my attorney’s badge, Parappa
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mousebitecel · 8 months
we dont talk enough about how this episode was a pioneer for 9/11 jokes considering it aired in 2007
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bruhstation · 8 months
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who up switching around their railway series trio
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d-issent · 7 months
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Wadda hell, there’s two of them?
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masterjarthub · 10 days
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"Trucks are silly and noisy"
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pardonmydelays · 3 months
felizusnavidad -> pardonmydelays
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hysterical-cats · 1 year
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someone on discord requested a jelly and i live to please
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sadlynotthevoid · 10 months
So, you know how when an author is writing og!Cale and they want to give him a power, sometimes they give him fantasy spirit stuff? Well, I want elementals to have the usual 'spirit king per attribute' that you usually find in fantasy mangas, but make the water spirit king an axolotl and let og!Cale befriend them.
And when I say Axolotl Water Spirit King I mean 'non-parlant little flying axolotl' that can turn into a 'giantic, water-looking-like, could swallow a pirate ship, still non-parlant axolotl' a la Ponyo.
Just, Imagine og!Cale who was just minding his business and finds a little dorky amphibian that got trapped in a net. And the little dorky one smiles at him. He has no choice but to help it.
The little one likes him. They become friends :D!!
So, turns out his animal friend can fly. Cool.
His new friend decided to follow him— Wait, where is he going?
So, his little friend is not so little anymore.
Ey, don't— spit it out! Spit the bad woman out!
And he doesn't like his relatives.
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pocket-gems · 7 months
What would be your take on rhodochrosites?
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They're motherly and naive by nature to me. Their job is being a low-cost metal manufactures with the hability to manipulate the form of the ores.
Rhodochrosites are fairly rare and fairly soft, rarely used in jewellery but I imagine those have a fancier gemstone and extra details going on with the clothing. Maybe they're in certain courts due to that.
Rhodochrosites (the real life gemstone) have many ways to shape by being whatever they feel like. They're really cool and different from each other!
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blueesnow · 3 months
(1/6) Amakusa Shion's Private Story [Utapri Live Emotion]
Ch 1: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 6 with Shion)
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-Guest House Garden- Haruka: (What should I do about the new theme song for Amakusa-san's program. The theme of a natural science is so vast that its hard to summarize it…) Haruka: (Come to think of it, is he in a meeting or something? Since I came here to observe his recording, I had to at least greet him somehow) Shion: Oh… what a lovely bird. Looks like you came here to heal Amakusa. Haruka: (Amakusa-san…! So he's resting on a bench. Looks like he's talking to a little bird… maybe it's better if I didn't interrupt him.) Shion: You can use me as a perch and rest your wings. Now, come here onto this finger. Shion: This recording is a special feature on your friends. It's the last episode before the program is renewed. Shion: A familiar set, with a touch of colors in its song… Many things are being reborn yet I have been ordered to continue. Shion: ...My heart is filled with warm joy. This program is definitely something to be cherished. Shion: Mysterious nature and science that challenges the unknown. The emotions that it bring shall never cease to move Amakusa's heart. Shion: I believe it's my mission to make this feeling resonate with so many people. Haruka: (…Looks like Amakusa-san really took a liking to this program) Shion: Thanks to you, I was able to reflect on such an important beliefs. Shion: As a token of my gratitude, I shall present you a song. …~♪ Haruka: (How beautiful… It's like his kind heart is literally embodied within his voice… Ah, I feel like I've grasped something now…!) Shion: …Looks like your friends had come to pick you up. You should go. I shall do my best on the recording as well.
Ch 2: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 11 with Shion)
Ch 3: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 21 with Shion)
Ch 4: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 31 with Shion)
Ch 5: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 41 with Shion)
Ch 6: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 51 with Shion)
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gouinisme · 7 months
reminder that drawfee's doing a charity stream today for the palestinian children's relief fund :] i got confused with timezones but i believe it's in about an hour and a half
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maple-and-pie · 11 months
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Package when??
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