#back on my old men yaoi etc etc business. Hi.
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bruhstation · 1 year ago
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who up switching around their railway series trio
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declanscunt · 2 years ago
do you have any headcanons about kenstewy post-finale?
okay. in alignment with the shows values and characterization (as in, if we continued observing these characters post gojo sale), i think stewy would fully ignore kendall until he called. he might text him a couple times to make sure he was alive or whatever but he’s gonna be partying and living his best life. also, to stewy this is the best outcome ever. he gets his money (i don’t know enough about business to know if he stays on as a shareholder but either way i think he doesn’t lose anything from this. except for a few years of his life thanks to roy shenanigans) and KENDALL GETS OUT. which is what he asked him to do way back in season 1. stewys so happy and content post-finale literally cat that got the cream. AND he didn’t alienate kendall bc he still voted with him. anyways, kendall’s gonna ghost (schrödinger’s suicide) and go off the rails! for sure!! because this is not something he can come back from, there’s no more pretend demons to fight—logan’s dead and the company’s out of family hands forever there isn’t anything he can do. but colin is not letting another roy die on his watch no way so unfortunately for kendall he’s gonna live. and eventually he will find his way back to stewy and stewy will offer him sex drugs whatever to fill his time and the logan shaped hole inside of him. the end.
alternatively. NOT in alignment with jesse armstrongs vision. kendall goes to stewys place immediately after the events of the finale and becomes his best boyfriend whose new purpose is to make stewy feel good forever and ever and ever. they go on vacation and make pancakes and waffles and kissssssss. kendall and stewy sitting in a tree. k i s s i n g.
my personal headcanons include: they get caught out by paparazzi who have lots of fun speculating about them until they literally just start making out alll over the place which ppl r into for a very short period of time before they get annoyed. and then mostly nobody cares anymore except a subsection of insane gay people who wanna see old men yaoi as they should. i think kendall starts up a flop rap career which stewy wholeheartedly supports and indulges, and then he starts a record label and signs a billion flop acts but somehow lucks out with one really talented musician who manages to boost kendall’s reputation even though his job at the label is literally Do Not Do Anything Or Say Anything Or Touch Anything just let the professionals work Please. eventually a producer convinces him to record and release L to the OG which blows up. kendall records an album that’s mostly covers with some originals (that are actually kind of good) and goes on tour. the tour flops because he runs out of steam halfway through and becomes manic again but we can’t have it all. stewy is there the whole time enabling him of course.
also i wanna believe kendall would patch things up with his kids and they all hang out with him and stewy. my pipe dream headcanon is that sophie and iverson somehow become radicalized and vow to give away all their generational wealth and become nepo baby activists or whatever. all the roy children turn out to be gay. etc. this got away from me it was meant to be kenstewy whoops
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hey-heigo · 8 months ago
watched the playthrough. thoughts and spoilers:
ryuji is really sweet but the game does him so dirty. for real
also funny how ryuji's persona progression was pirate (ok makes sense) >> the monkey king (i suppose it works thematically?) >> diego (mr worldwide?)
i shouldnt judge personal progression based on pokemon evolution but it is silly to me. just a bit. like makoto's was a bike that became a transformer that went back to being a cooler bike...haru's was a lady -> skull lady -> big dress lady
i wish ann's persona fit didn't. look. like that...i get why it could be justified narratively but like. come on
makoto is crazy useful gameplay wise but an absolute shit driver narratively
it's so funny how every single big bad here can be traced back to the biggest bad, a bald man with a political agenda
actually how most of the bad people from behind the scenes are just old rich men. accurate i suppose
also funny is how akechi is depicted as ultra handsome but he's just a cookie cutter anime twink
the protag is also a cookie cutter anime twink but because he wears glasses he just looks normal. superman clark kent type physics
he doesn't even need those glasses. what's the point
the gameplay itself was fun to watch. it was overstimulating in its excess of anime and sometimes bewildering in its mechanics but the music was good and i like the menu ui design
the romance options piss me off. why does the protag have the option to romance his teacher and not ryuji. sigh
poor haru. her confidant line involves her admitting she may or may not have a crush on the protag and the options essentially boil down to 'i want you' to 'die'...is there not a nicer way to let her down please
i love futaba she is just like. me. i want nothing but the best for her she is like a sister tome. also her splash art is so cute
the voice acting is really good. like i was watching with the english dub but the voice acting is really very good, especially akechi's va
they never explain how a phone app suddenly started letting people into the mind palace system. was igor busy typing out java on his thinkpad. did development get outsourced
also i dont understand how exactly shido's support team somehow manipulated the metaverse to make everyone forget about the phantom thieves...there was some stuff about a god in there and a big cup but i think i blanked out during this part. or maybe they had nothing to do with it and im just jumping the gum
mona gets three fakeouts about his death so everyone has to feel sad about him three different times. ryuji gets one fakeout and they all beat him up in the street can we give this boy some justice
i like how p5royal gives the protag back his annoying ass toxic boyfriend but also a mentally ill girlfriend yayyy <33 diversity win your polycule is fucked up
mona only just finds out he can turn into things other than a bus in literally the last arc before they all lose their powers for forever, further proving his status as the most useless player on the team
i like how the last confrontation with dr maruki involves just slugging him as hard as you can
dr maruki's hair looks way darker to me in the anime cutscenes than in the game
'me and my emotional support toxic tulpa situationship boyfriend'
i finally understand why i kept seeing heartwrenching yaoi fanart every february second now with themes around departure death betrayal and guns etc
the ending is very sweet. though im a little confused on why they had to take separate cars to get to the train station so they wouldn't get tailed...who is tailing you? and why?
fuck that cat
tl;dr: it was fun. i am now sick in the head
watching a persona 5 playthrough
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medea10 · 6 years ago
My Review of Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku
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Looking for RP Contacts
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With Malboro’s RP scene slow and nearly non-existent for me currently, it’s high time I make one of these.  Utai’s lookin’ for RP buddies: old and new, I don’t care.  And this time, I’m not locking him to just Malboro interactions - that’s right, the main story is now cross-server - so if you’re on other servers, unless specified, you’re gettin’ the main boy right here :D  However, if you’re looking to specifically come visit his shop and interact with him in game, you’ll have to make an alt on Malboro.  Since Tumblr makes it easier for us to interact over servers, it’s high time he’s just let loose.  Now, I’ve not made one of these before, so bear with me, and I’ll just spout some random information on the guy that might need to be of note.
Name: Utai Mitsumo
Age: 30
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status:  Married/Mated - Polyamorous
Occupation: Trader, Craftsman, Squadron Leader (First Lieutenant - Maelstrom), Patrolman (Sekiseigumi)
RP Classes (main): PLD, RDM, SAM, DRK
RP Classes (secondary): BLM, AST, SCH
RP Classes (known but hardly touched on): WHM, SMN
RP Classes (crafting/gathering): GSM, WVR, ALC, CRP
Can be found at:  His shop: Wolf Den Trading Co. - Shirogane Ward 2, plot 42 or wandering Kugane
And since my ass kept typing, now that I actually look the post over...it’s safe to say the rest of the information is going under the cut to save space on people’s Tumblrs. 
 With that being said, a friendly signal boost would be loved & appreciated.
Also, Xavier is a part of Utai, so the Au Ra clearly comes with the Miqo’te. Xavier’s information (as well as more detailed information on Utai) can be found in the Toon Info master post, but unless he is specifically wanted/needed/etc, Xavier is either unknown to newcomers or a completely separate entity.
How someone might have come across/heard of him?
Ala Mhigan war/resistance
He’s a First Lieutenant from the Maelstrom:
Officer names get passed around, perhaps you heard his named dropped.
He was placed on the front lines despite being of the Maelstrom - he’s afraid of deep water and can’t swim, and due to his abilities, the best place for him was on the front lines.
He was a Prisoner of War:
Perhaps you’re a healer and tended to him once he was rescued.
Perhaps you were part of the rescue team that went in and found him.
He is owner and proprietor of Lone Wolves Ltd.:
Perhaps you were looking at certain Doman wares - he can supply them.
Perhaps you’re a trader as well and looking for a supplier or a business partner.
Personal skills
He is a skilled swordsman via being a Paladin and Dark Knight:
Perhaps you seek training.
He is well-versed in aether use:
Perhaps you heard of his skills as a Black Mage
Perhaps you’re in search of a Scholar or in search of old tomes.
Perhaps you wanted to see the blind man use his skills since that’s how he sees things.
Old friends/acquaintances
His past is bound to catch up with him, even if it doesn’t, his story didn’t change, he just moved on.
Perhaps an old friend dropped his name, and you’ve finally wanted to meet him - I promise I don’t bite.
Perhaps there’s something I’ve not thought about, I’m open to plenty of options!
What am I searching for in RP and for his story?
I love treasure hunting plots, him traveling is a definite.
I suck at them, but training and fighting RPs are something I certainly want to get better with.
I’m open to have him learn a new skill!  Some things of his past are slowly coming into light (like his family he thought was dead), so Ala Mhigo and Seeker tribes are becoming a thing for him.
Exploring with friends - yes please!
Even though he is married, he is a Miqo’te - he has always been polyamorous from the start.  This means I am open for ERP as long as it pertains and folds into his actual story.
Women may have an extra hard time because of his wife - she’s very territorial of him.  Unless it’s plotted out heavily kids/kits won’t happen, that’s reserved specifically for his proper mate.
Flirt with him though, he loves bein’ a casanova, and I enjoy writin’ it.
Men are free game - I love writin’ me some yaoi >3
Heavily leans towards other Miqo’te and Au Ra for a dominance fight.
He needs more friends to just hang out with and be a dork with.
Long lost family members are somethin’ new I’m opening for him since he ran away from his tribe as a kid (and when he was female) - I’m merely trying to give more plot options.
His mother was a Keeper of the Shroud (deceased). His father is a Seeker from the U Tribe:
His father is currently taken and played by someone else and currently there is no tumblr for him.
This stuff would be cool to work on, be it in Ala Mhigo or within the Maelstrom back in Limsa:
He’s currently on medical leave from the Maelstrom to recover from his wounds - that’s soon being pulled due to the current stuff in patch 4.1.
Due to medical leave and being unable to truly keep still (and since the SAM quest line has one helping the Sekiseigumi), he patrols with them and has his own shifts: 
Since he’s an outsider, he doesn’t wear the proper uniform, however, he’s known by what he wears and what kind of sword he carries.
Things not covered
Throw ideas at me!  I just wanna RP and meet new folks!
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