galactic-rhea · 15 days
lets say the zigerrian queen didnt die like in the show, what would be padme's reaction?
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What she does best, political warfare. If the Republic doesn't do anything well,,,she will put on a jumpsuit and go and try to fix things her way.
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denzartriste · 6 months
I hate looking up reference pictures of fish
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I gotchu😏 thanks for requesting, hope you like it💌 title is like snooze you lose, ha get it? bc there’s drinking involved. funny no? okay I’ll see myself out
bucky barnes x fem!reader
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word count. 680
warnings. none? mentions of alcohol, situationship, jealousy
Bucky isn't typically one to express jealousy, instead opting to hide those feelings of possession behind a stoic expression. He hid it well, or he thought he did, at least.
But you knew him well and would notice it on his face almost immediately, that crease between his brows, the slight firming in his eyes, the tense stiffness in his shoulders - you knew it all.
To say he had no reason to feel that way would be a lie. You knew what you were doing.
The situationship you've been having with Bucky has acted like a big harrowing question mark over things, the constant 'will they, won't they' lingering over you both. And as pleasant as it was to be around him, sometimes he was far too tricky to read. You'd find yourself going that extra mile to push things, to see if you could get something from him - a response, reaction, anything.
It wasn't like you were asking Bucky for much. You just wanted to see that you mattered to him as much as he did to you. 
You and Bucky had decided to go out for casual drinks - a couple of cocktails and beers to wet your whistles while you two catch up in your usual awkwardly friendly way. 
"Another beer?" you ask, nodding to his empty bottle.
"Yeah, thanks," he replies, talking over the music - reaching into his pocket. 
You push the wallet in his hand away. "Don't worry about it. You got the last round," you smile. "Get me back with pizza on the way home."
Heading to the bar, you insert yourself next to a small group of guys - hoping to catch the bartender's attention first. Of course, it worked. And while you wait for your drink, one of the men beside you sparks a conversation.
You knew how it must look from Bucky's point of view, but that was the whole point. You were only acting like you were interested in the guy to get a rise out of Bucky - it was all pretend. As handsome as the man was, he had no appeal to you. He just isn't the man you want. And considering you were in his direct eye line, he could see it all. Every little smile, giggle, touch - he saw it all. 
After a short while, you get your drinks and excuse yourself. And as you make your way back over to your table, you see it - that reaction you wanted from him; head cocked to the side, elbows sitting on the edge, hands entwined together with a soft scowl on his face resting atop.
"What was all that?" he asks, tone displeased as he looks over you. Territorial. 
You squint your eyes at him as you take a seat. "What was what?" playing dumb.
"Seriously?" he scoffs. "That, at the bar. With those guys?" he nods to the bar and swigs his new beer, eyeing one in particular. "Was all over you," gaze honing in on him.
"Just talking," you shrug. "I was waiting a while for my drink, so we started chatting."
"Chatting?" he repeats, his tone almost amused. "He was clearly flirting with you."
Acting coy, you sip your drink and look at him over the rim. "Come on," you laugh, shaking your head. "That was not flirting."
And as much as you found this entertaining, you could see that you were the only one in that feeling - Bucky, on the other hand, looked pissed. And very clearly jealous.
He takes a beat, compossing himself with another sip. "I don't like it when you do that... talking to other guys... flirting with them," he shrugs, looking down at the label on the bottle - avoiding you.
You weren't sure what you heard was true. Surely, your ears must be playing tricks on you.
"Why's that?" you press, pushing that bit further - trying to pry more out of him.
"I should be those guys," he pauses, now meeting your gaze. "I want to be the guy you flirt with."
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dawkacynizmu · 20 days
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niedziela 08.09
۶ৎ podsumowanie dnia
zjedzone — 1100 kcal
sralam dziś dwa razy z rana ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
zgaduję że teraz kolejne wizyta z kiblem czeka mnie znowu dopiero w weekend.
w każdym razie leniłam się do południa bo uznałam że mam prawo. przed 13 zaczęłam robić paznokcie i miałam ochotę popłakać się ściągając stare xd mój frez jest już tak zajechany że ten lakier ledwo schodzi męczyłam się z tym ponad godzinę, możliwe że przepiłowałam sobie płytkę miejscami. na samą myśl o robieniu kolejnych za miesiąc chce mi się ryczeć. zdjęcie na zewnątrz żeby kolor dobrze wyszedł bo w domu wyglądał bardziej na niebieski niż fioletowy
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zrobiłam sobie fiszki na francuski (czasowniki w passe composse które łączą się z etre dla obeznanych w temacie) i przećwiczyłam tylko chwilę bo bolała mnie głowa, będę musiała nadrobić później. zaplanowałam sobie treningi na cały kolejny tydzień lub dwa (lubię mieć rozpiskę co jak i kiedy) i dałam sobie dwa dni bez ćwiczeń zamiast jednego, kurwa szaleństwo. mam bardzo niezdrową relację z ćwiczeniam, odkąd zaczęłam jeść 1000+ kalorii zaczęłam również ćwiczyć o wiele dłużej, w ostatnie dwa tygodnie wakacji, — po 2 godziny dziennie — i teraz bardzo trudno jest mi zejść do normalnej liczby treningów w tygodniu, chociaż wiem że nie mam na to czasu, szczególnie gdy wracam do domu o 17 i STARAM się mieć przyzwoite oceny.
zaoszczędzone dwa dni zamierzam przeznaczyć na pochylenie się nad drugą częścią książki-opowiadania bo cholernie brakuje mi pisania każdego wieczoru, robienia 3 godzinnego researchu na temat NASA który przyda mi się do napisania jednego nieistotnego dla fabuły zdania lub akapitu oraz wpadaniu w losowych momentach dnia na jakieś zabawne porównania/ciekawe pomysły i notowaniu tego na czym popadnie. a także zastanawianiu się jaki film byłby ulubionym głównego bohatera (kill bill).
dalej myślę też nad olimpiadą z polskiego i jestem prawie pewna że wezmę udział, nie przejrzałam wciąż dołączonych do tematów artykułów 😭 jeżu mogłam to zrobić zamiast opierdalać się cały ranek
znalazłam też taką dietę, którą spróbuję zastosować od jutra, jak mi się jednak znudzi po kilku dniach to ok, po prostu porzucę.
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sigmaart39 · 10 months
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*OC* Velara Aldred, "The Amazon" Velara is a Terran Veteran from the XIth Legion, the Moon Maidens, that beared the rank of "Ur-Mel' Assad" (equivalent to other legion's First Captains) during the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy, being also the first Chapter Master of the Moon Maidens after the second founding.
She was one of the few Terrans that beared higher ranks after reuniting with their Primarch and adopting the Nixtali Culture and beliefs to the Legion, being more common seeing Nixtali Captains, and having an honour guard compossed only by Nixtali Maidens. Velara keep her Terran name instead of adopting a Nixtali name like her sisters, preserving her Terran heritage and serving the Legion with honour. She had a great reputation as swordmaster, prefering traditional Melee combat above any other fight style, being the gladius her prefered weapon.
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Velara was also known as "The Amazon" among the Moon Maidens, for her service at the start of the Great Crusade when the XIth was known as "The Amazons", referencing the old-Terra myth about brave female warriors known by the same name.
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 month
Hi Nalyra! Have you seen this?
Daniel Hart confirmed that Raglan James' theme was inspired by The Gadfly Suite. My guess is that Rolin Jones was himself inspired by the intro of 1983 Reilly, Ace of Spies that features one of the suite's most famous movements and it also gives Raglan James vibes.
One would say this beats the Justin Kirk Marius allegations for good. Nevertheless,the 1955 Soviet film The Gadfly for which the score was compossed in the first place is about the story of a revolutionary young man who has a father/son/pupil/mentor relationship with a priest in 1840s Italy
I mean, it's more likely that Rolin thought of a 80s British TV show about spies when he gave DHart hints for the Raglan James track than a Soviet film from the 50s but...why can't it be both?🤩
:))) As Marius is involved with the Talamasca and connected to their origins via his maker I‘ll die on the hill that Raglan is Marius in disguise until they officially introduce another actor as Marius :)))
But that aside, I had read over the comments, but I did not know the reference, so thank you for the links!! Will watch later.
All in all I would also go with my gut feeling of “spies“ theme, given what the Talamasca are :))
But knowing Rolin… it probably is both :))
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proth-blog · 13 days
Honestly love it when white is silly, it’s very unexpected, 11/10 silly white
Yeh silly white its just the cure for the soul
Like yes she is compossed and coldly cruel and all of that but she is also very very exentric in her own way she just likes to act "stoic" most of the time lol
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nightdreamdraws · 1 month
I've commented on a few of your videos, both normal and httyd, but because of my fear of being perceived, I've usually kept them pretty mild.
So I thought I would come on here and politely scream at you about how much I love your art,
EBWKHEEKKWKEBEK everytime you update/post whatever I immediately feel better no matter what because your art is always so pretty and fills me with such joy! Your current httyd×hc series is SOO much fun, and something I've always kinda thought about, but never thought I would see, let alone done so beautifully! Your ability to composs a scene with so much emotion, and story in just a single DRAWING. Is. Completely. INSANE. And that's not even mentioning your ANIMATICS. Because, HOLYSHIT. Your "The Moon Will Sing" PMV is a NATIONAL TREASURE. That is. Just. Omg. AURGH it's so good I can't even TALK ABOUT IT because just THINKING about it makes me go INSANE!!! INSANEEE!! RAHHHH!
Anyway, just thought that since I can say basically whatever I want anonymously without the fear of people actually seeing me, why not come and give one of my favorite artists some WELL DESERVED praise. Your cherrifire art? Beautiful. The designs. Ommf, delicious. Your hermitcraft/life series art? Can't even explain how good it is. Ddvau fanart? Love it so much. Your httyd crossover art? EEEEEEEEEEEEHEHEHE IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY. I LOVE IT ALL SO MUCH. EVERYTHING. AMAZING. BEAUTIFUL. ARGGGGGHHHHH.
...welp, I got a little carried away lol. I hope you don't mind this long "ask" (and that it's actually coherent)! Hope you get lots of nice sleep tonight, and remember to eat and drink as well! (Also.. maybe. Maybee? Could we perhaps get a hint as to who the next hermit will be? Mayhaps? No pressure ofc) <3
AWW THANK YOU SO MUCH ANON!! This probably takes the cake for one of the sweetest messages i've ever received omg thank you so much 😭💙 I am so so happy that you're enjoying my content! I am having such a blast coming up with ideas and drawing silly block people and dragons for you guys 🥹 everyone's support has been so overwhelmingly positive and i'm so thankful for you guys even giving me the opportunity to share my art with a large audience. you guys are awesome <3 i'm also so so glad you love my art style! i've had so many comments and compliments about it, and it has given me the confidence and motivation to keep doing what i'm doing, as i have been pretty insecure about my art style in the past which prevented me from posting my art for years haha. thank you guys for helping me to feel comfortable with my abilities and give me the motivation to keep improving from here! I'm so excited to make more! anyway i should probably stop yapping, cause i may or may not have an angry goat and his dragon to draw 👀 but thank you again anon for the very very sweet message and support 🫶 i wish all the same to you :)
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nai-z4ro-0ne · 3 months
Any burpy geppie headcanons? 🥺
I actually don't think he has that much of a sensible tummy, with him going constantly on expeditions I think he may be acostumed to eat rations or just whatever edible thing he may find if it's necessary. Buuut, coming back to my headcanon that he comes back from work he gets his fill to compensate for all the days he didn't get to do it, I think he's very prone to having a little too much, and eating a little too fast when he has his first good meal after so long. That doesn't have very gently effects on his tummy, grumbling constantly as it tries to digest, his face going red as he tries to muffle all the burps that inevitably come out of his mouth.
Aaaah he's definitly the type to get embarassed by it. He would very much still try to stay compossed even if he's alone, but when not, it's even worse. It's just his nature, he's a well-mannered man, coming from a family that gave him a good education. He has to give a good impression. Whenever he's on that state, he may just grow quieter, avoiding to talk and answering with mostly nods and hummings to his subbordinates. He's just too afraid that if he opens his mouth it may slip out. And if it where to happen he would be completely ashamed, apoligizing profusely for his lack of manners, for his attitude that is very unworthy of the name L.andau and the postition of captain.
(Unless he's with S.ampo, who would definitly tease him and ask if his tummy is feeling okay in a very annoying way. G.eppard would still be very embarassed, but he would show it not with apologies, but getting angrily flustered at S.ampo that seems to be amused with the situation)
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galactic-rhea · 21 days
possibly the most obvious ship i could send for the ask meme but anidala/vaderdala!
ohohoh of course, them!!!!
when I started shipping it if I did:
Probably since I started watching TCW and saw some fanarts! Which I know it's a bit odd because most people apparently dislike them in TCW (and yeah, when I finally watched the movies I get why!), but that very first iteration of them in i think, the second episode of TCW with them kissing in an enemy ship, with Obi-Wan a few metres away, and all because she randomly ran into danger, was very, very fun to me, so I shipped them in a "they're dorks" way.
Then a saw all the epic tragedy romance stuff and, yeah, i'm sold.
my thoughts:
I think I have said it before, but there's something very "bigger than life" about their romance, which is what kept me hooked beyond "is just funny". They're extremelly passionate people, with the height of the world on their shoulders, and with sides of them that no one but the other knew about each other. Particularly with Padmé becuase she's very cold and compossed most of the time (it's her politician facade!). Anakin overall is just very painfully obvious and easy to read, but he still kept many things from the world, and Padmé knew most of that iceberg, so to speak, and they still loved each other madly despite the ugly side.
What makes me happy about them:
They're just,,,very romantic and silly! When they're actually together and in a situation where they're allowed to relax, they're just very dumb and in love 😆 I think what it makes me so happy about them is that you could tell how happy they were with each other, despite being so miserable most of the time, they just loved each other so much and that's nice.
What makes me sad about them:
This doesn't need answer, lmao 😭😂 But yeah, the,,,tragedy and damnation, Anakin turning on her despite doing all of that for her on the first place hurts so much
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
I'll be honest, I haven't read that many fics that focus anidala? At least no yet, it's been less than a year since a got into this. But I guess it could be that,,,many times they're tagged and then in the fic it's barely mentioned, like sometimes it will be just Anakin randomly thinkin "ah yes, padmé" lol
Another thing could be that,,,ehhh Padmé rendered to just girlboss/dominatrix/ the one that just gives Anakin a glare to keep him on check as if he's a manchild. And the diametrically opposite of this which is just sad, crying, poor wife in a domestic abusive situation and Anakin being the epitiome of Evil Bad Boy Sexy Cool Kidnapper
things I look for in fanfic:
Honestly i just want them being fairly in-character, I feel like they're very easily misinterpreted. But again, everyone has a different opinon on them, I guess, so -shrugs- Probably more situations in which Anakin is the one kidnapped/wounded/in danger and Padmé has to do something about it, so hurt/comfort!
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
Ah....-scratches head- They're so obssesed with each other that it's hard for me to think about that. Like, sometimes I fancy for the giggles and jokes some other ships for them in like a passing crush way, like Anakin and Rex, or Padmé and Breha, but, their narratives are so damn tangled into each other's that it's hard to, but that's just me.
My happily ever after for them:
Anakin leaves the order, Padmé steps away from politics and run away to Naboo to raise their twins, like they always wanted 🥺
Alternatively, I like to believe their ghosts are very happilly looking over Luke and Leia,,,,,,,and also haunting and scaring some random privileged senators passing awful bills in Coruscant. They love writing messages on mirrors with red lipstick
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
I think Padmé likes to be the big spoon just to more easily bite and headbutt him. But they switch, i suppose, because I'm sure Anakin sometimes just really really wants to hpld her.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
Domestic: Just talking, the most boring and mundane stuff, but they just like talking.
Not so domestic: These two are wild souls, they probably enjoy randomly rushing to help some planet/cause/random battle, whatever. In an ideal scenario, this usually means rushing into the ship to go and bail their children out of jail, organize a heist, or a little slave liberation. While holding hands.
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mycroft-h-holmes · 2 months
What makes you so sexy? You're quite good-looking, you know? (Sherlock looks way better than you though.)
I do believe that what makes someone "attractive" composses of impeccable self care and the observing party's terrible sense of self preservation.
How you find my dear brother, attractive, is beyond me. But it does my heart well to know he has fans that can help boost his negative self image.
Although, knowing him, it'll inflate his superiority complex. Bless that simple minded doctor and his endless patience.
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loving-n0t-heyting · 4 months
for an agent A to control the answer to a question Q and a distinct agent A* to control the answer to a question Q*, Q and Q* must be modally independent: any answer to the latter must be compossible with any answer to the former. Or that, if this isnt true, this is bc As control over Q or A*s over Q* must be only “limited” or “partial” or w/e.
Here is a principle i think i accept:
if an agent knows, holding fixed everything else it knows, that were it to undertake some action α in its power, an outcome O would obtain, and were it to take some incompatible action α' in its power an incompatible outcome O' would obtain, and the agent takes α, it controls which of O and O' occurs. Smth like this principle underwrites much of the motivation of causal decision theiry.
Consider this case:
Smith and Jones decide to kill meredith, and the way they have contrived to do so is by sneaking into her coffee a couple of chemicals (one having each) individually harmless but conjointly lethal. Only if both slip their part of the poison in will she die. They have to each put theirs in separately, not in the others presence, having to trust the other will do his part. And, in fact, they both do, knowing as they choose to follow thru that the other will as well (and would irrespective of their own follow thru). Accordingly, meredith dies.
By the principle, smith and jones each control her death. Nor does it make sense to suggest they each control part of it: as the principle and case description make clear, her life is left entirely in the hands of each, bc absent either she would be left in perfect health. And so the original principle i was quoting way above is contradicted
There is a temptation to say there is some vicious circularity present: smiths choice is made on the basis of his knowledge of jones choice, while jones choice thereby known is made on the basis of that very choice of smiths! But the description and principle said nothing about "bases" of choice, just about counterfactuals and thr knowledge thereof. What this worry about circularity really proves is that thinking of one being made on the basis of another is the wrong way to think of it. Better to say, if one is going to set up a causal-rational order of this sort at all: the individual choices are two parts of a more basic action, undertaken by smith and jones jointly, of whose effects they are each fully the author, and which is the common basis of their individual choices. This is reflected in how we would treat such a case criminally: smith and jones are not each given half the length of a full murder sentence, the murder is punished in full twice over
And this primacy of collective action, whereby from a certain circular pov each contributor thru his choice explains the choice of the other (one might even say: each of their choices is a member part one of the other), does not mean a shrinking of their freedom and power; rather, it augments that freedom, so that each achieves accompanied what neither could alone
This is not an exotic or contrived story. To the contrary, we play out ones like it every day
You can generalise this to much larger scales, less mutually certain setups, and higher stakes, im pretty sure. This is prolly discussed among serious theorists too, idk im just kinda spitballing
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everydaydg · 2 months
A few Koichi Namiki and Takenobu Mitsuyoshi recommendations!
I finally have a decent excuse to talk about random composers and arrangers again!
Okay, so why these two in particular? well they both formed B-Univ, a short lived succesor of S.S.T. Band
This post isnt really focused or limited by their works as B-Univ. I just wanted to post about some music I enjoy from the two.
Okay! So ill start with a bit of Mitsuyoshi:
"From Loud 2 Low too" - 2009
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A sequel to "From Loud 2 Low", this album is mainly comprised by SEGA tracks he had worked on previously along with a few original tracks exclusive to the album.
A bit odd how im starting with the sequel to an album (a compilation album no less) but its SO good. Its two whole discs of some of mitsuyoshi's best!
If you're not too familiar with his work id suggest give this a shot due to the sheer variety of stuff.
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Ok I wont beat arround the bush. Mitsuyoshi is mainly known for his work on Daytona USA.
While he didnt compose Daytona 2 or Circuit Edition, hes still the primary vocalist through the series.
He has had a hand in the soundtrack of most entries in one form or another.
Not much to say here. its his most well known work for a reason.
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A bit of an underrated game in the Sega Rally series! Most of the main tracks were compossed by Mitsuyoshi.
Great ost! and P dang good game too!!
Koichi Namiki time
I consider Mitsuyoshi's biggest strengh to be his voice
Koichi Namiki's strengh is his guitar.
Cool Rails / Koichi Namiki - 2022
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Pretty recent huh
Koichi made his first solo album in 2022! It features a few sega arrangements but its mainly original music by him.
Theres a heavy emphasis on guitars as the main instrument.
It rules
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Two of his most notable works in one album.
Koichi and Katsuhiro Hayashi made some great tunes for arcade
Galaxy Force 2 and Thunder Blade are two of my favorite sprite scaling games (mainly due to their fantastic 3DS ports) for a multitude of reasons but one of them is the soundtrack
Great stuff!
and might as well end this post with this
Virtua Racing & Out Runners - 1993
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Its mainly composed by mitsuyoshi but koichi is there as the lead guitar.
Fantastic arrangements for the two games and the entirety of the soundtrack to two of my favorite racing games
Really dang great
So yeah! thats a few albums and releases I enjoy with music made by these two! I could keep going but I gotta get going myself and I think this is good enough for now!
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hiraunia · 9 months
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Guess who got a cintiq for christmas?! Of course I had to make something to test it out so I may as well dedicate it to my current obsession, it's kinda like a late christmas pressent. I could not stop thinking about this scene when this chapter dropped so I just had to draw it out. I wish I could've done the refelction of the glass better and added the thing to it but I decided I'm going to finish more peices this year and I wouldn't have been able to add it without starting over which I didn't wanna do, I really liked the compossion of this peice. Thank you to @crinklytinfoil for making such a wonderful story, this will not be the last thing I draw for it I assure.
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ambasingresident · 7 months
Bio and Reference for Vasily "Shashka", my Anarchist OC from the TNO-verse
(Did the drawing based on @yunaisky's artstyle cause of the oc's relation with one of her oc, Ellio Ovelot)
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Name: Vasily Shashka (Real Name: Vasily Vasilovich Akan)
Age: 23 yrs/o
Place of Orgin: Kansk, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Former territory of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet (now controlled by the Siberian Black Army)
Likes: Anarchism, the people, vodka, dancing, drawing, singing, playing the accordion, horse riding, close friends
Dislikes: Tyranny, oppression, fascism, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, Genrikh Yagoda (rasin looking tyrant), enemies and threats to the people and his close friends, sand
Info: Vasily is a soldier and member of the Siberian Black Army (a warlord state located in Western Russia that are made up of anarchist who sought to free the people from tyranny and oppression) along with also being a member of the Siberian Anarchist Council (which he helps in making decisions for the state). He also leads a group of soldiers called the "Kansk Militsiya" (apart of Army 1) which makes him responsible for the security of the commune.
Past: Vasily was born to a family who holds military and cultural traditions in Kansk, his paternal side were cavalry and navy men back from the reign of Tsar Alexander all the way to the time of Bukharin while his maternal side were skilled and professional artists, compossers, and dancers. After the Fall of the Soviet Union and the estabishment of Yagoda's remant state, Vasily joined up the military at the young age of 18 (due to family connections) in hopes of pursuing a military career. During the Siberian War, Vasily would begin to hate Yagoda's government due to not only to the tyranny they imposed, but also the execution of most of his family members (especially his beloved mother) by the NKVD. When the locals and military personnel from Tomsk revolted in Bratsk, him and several of his friends would defect to the newly established Siberian Black Army and would swear to fight for the freedom of the people.
Favorite Food: Russian and homemade food
Ellio Ovelot - For some reason, he became friends with a vodoo guy who has abilities using only a paper and a scissor. Despite that and the deteriorating state of Ellio, Vasily would still become good friends with him and would even have fun together to a point that some of the troops refer to him as "Vasiliy's Yablochko". He would also comfort Ellio to the best of his ability.
Boris Baladin - Soldier of Kansk Militsiya, childhood and family friend of Vasily
Artyom Chekov - Soldier of Kansk Militsiya, second in command of Vasily
Ivan Devin - Soldier of Kansk Militsiya, the group cook and medic
Dmitry Dmitriev - Soldier of Kansk Militsiya, machine gun operator
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ant-vg · 9 months
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More compossers drawings, this time in traditional, so let me introduce to you one of my favourites compossers,Dmitri Shostakovich
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