#comes into my inbox to white knight...
Maybe don't compare a trans woman making a joke post to a cis guy
Maybe don't take a trans woman making a joke in response to another trans woman's joke as me calling them a cis guy? if OP wants me to remove my tags I will but I don't think he needs you fighting her battles. i meant no disrespect and i'll rescind my tags if asked. anyways, now on to you. maybe get fucked anon, did you think about that?
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trickstump · 2 years
Please don't joke about suicide.
i understand the seriousness and gravity of suicide. i do not have to explain my own personal history or mental health to you to justify that, and i certainly do not owe it to you because i made the implication of a joke.
if you would like, "ki" can mean "kiss his entire musical career goodbye because he's spent the last decade stomping on the goodwill of panic! fans and burning bridges left and right to a point at which even those in the music industry who WOULD work with him publicly would be lambasted for it, and he has become nothing but a joke and an albatross around their necks."
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lovelybucky1 · 1 year
Jonathan Crane taking the reader hostage after a drug deal gone wrong (thinking of the "buyer beware" scene from the Dark Knight Trilogy, here: https://youtu.be/Wu-Jj8xRiEI?feature=shared - like how cocky he is here xD) and I'll let you take it from here 👉👈
my inbox is open for cillian characters!
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warnings: gender neutral!reader (no pronouns or physical description) mentions of drug use/addicton, kidnapping, shitty boyfriends, creep!jonathan, dubcon, implied smut, degradation
you knew it was a bad idea going to a drug deal with your boyfriend. you hadn’t even been dating that long, there was no reason for you to let him drag you into this life. he had just wanted a little, enough for a week to help him study for finals. you tried to talk him out of it, telling him that getting high off some mystery stimulant wasn’t going to help him, but he refused to listen
it was after midnight when the two of you went out. you followed his lead, and you eventually ended up in a dark alleyway between a liquor store and a furniture store. a cliché scene, but unfortunately it was real and not some shitty movie.
you and your boyfriend waited and waited, and just as you suggested to leave, a white van pulled to the end of the alley. a man in a burlap mask climbed out of the drivers seat and approached the two of you.
“i see you brought a friend this time,” the man in the mask said. you inched behind your boyfriend, trying to keep a distance between you and the man. you wondered what he meant by this time.
“where’s the stuff?” your boyfriend asked instead of acknowledging his comment
“not a fan of a small talk i take it? fine, fine,” the man huffed. “five hundred dollars.”
“what!?” your boyfriend exclaimed. “i dont have that kind of money.”
“the price is the price.”
“last time it was only a hundred.”
“last time you got coke. this stuff is more expensive,” the man spits, and even through the mask you can imagine the sneer that’s evident in his voice. “do you want it or not?”
your boyfriend huffs and scrubs his hand down his face. “yes..”
“but i don’t have that kind of money.”
the man stands still, almost unnaturally so for a moment before turning to look at you. the only visible part of his face is his eyes, and his stare chills you to the bone.
“i think we can come to some kind of an arrangement,” he says, looking bad at your boyfriend. “i don’t usually trade, but you’ve been a loyal customer for a while now.”
“what do you want?” your boyfriend asks, and there’s a sick feeling in your stomach that tells you exactly what he wants.
“them,” the masked man says, pointing a long, thin finger at you.
you gasp in horror and cling to your boyfriend, but he doesn’t offer any comfort. “they’ll cover all of it?”
the man chuckles. “i’ll even give you a discount on your next purchase.”
your stomach churns. how could your boyfriend actually consider giving you to this lunatic just for some drugs?
“okay,” your boyfriend says, extending his hand for the man to shake, but he doesn’t. your boyfriend then grabs you and pushes you forward towards the man.
“what the fuck? let me go, asshole! you can’t fucking do this to me!” you shout, but neither man seem to care
the man grabs you by the shoulders and turns you to face him. you’re looking right at his mask, and from this close, you can see bits of his skin through the holes in the fabric. you struggle against his hold but his grip is firm.
“what a pretty thing,” he says. he then reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a vile of clear liquid. he hands it to your boyfriend with a chuckle. “buyer beware.”
the man takes you by the wrist and drags you towards the van, ignoring your protests and screams for help. you shouldn’t be surprised that no one came to help, though. this is gotham, after all.
the man slides the door to the van open and pushes you inside, sending you tumbling onto the vehicle’s floor. he climbs in after you and shuts the door behind him, putting you in complete darkness.
through the car door, you can hear muffled screams of terror coming from outside. you shake with fear and you feel the lump in your throat growing as the reality of the situation hits you.
suddenly, a light turns on and you can see the inside of the empty van, save for the man that sits in front of you.
“would you like me to take off my mask?” he asks. you’re not sure what you want. the mask is frightening, but you’re afraid that what lies underneath is even worse. “not a talker, huh?”
the man pulls off his mask anyway, and reveals an unmarred face. he has sharp cheekbones and a strong jawline, plush lips and piercing eyes. if it wasn’t for the mask and the kidnapping, you’d think he was a regular guy. an attractive guy.
the man grins at you as he watches you take in his appearance. clearly he knows he’s good looking, because he preens at the attention.
“since we’ll be spending a lot of time together, why don’t you tell me your name?”
you dont answer, instead you lean back against the wall, trying to stay away from him. unfortunately, he leans forward so your attempts were futile.
“i’ll go first. my name is jonathan, but you can call me whatever you want,” he smirks
“asshole,” you spit.
“this is the part where you tell me your name.”
again, you refuse to answer. the less he knows about you the better.
jonathan sighs. “it wouldn’t take me much effort to figure it out. but unless you want me to uncover every single detail of your life, identify, dirty secrets… i suggest you tell me.”
you tell him, gritting your name out between your teeth. he grins back at you, all teeth and he looks like a predator about to eat his prey.
“i’m sure you know that i didn’t trade you for my very expensive formula just to learn your name”
“what are you going to do to me?” you ask, trying to keep the tremble out of your voice
“so eager,” he licks his bottom lip. “i was thinking we could get to know each other a little better.”
jonathan places his hand on your thigh and you flinch, which makes him chuckle.
“i’ll scream,” you say.
jonathan leans close to your face. “and no one will hear you,” he spits. “even if they did, do you think they’d give a shit? you know how many people are murdered in this city every day? no one would bat an eye at a stupid little slut screaming for help in an alleyway. hell, they probably won’t even notice you’re gone.”
his harsh words make tears well up in your eyes. you try to fight them back, not wanting to cry in front of him, but before you can stop them, they’re spilling down your cheeks.
“you poor little thing,” he says, tone now gentle as he strokes your cheek, wiping away your tears. you can’t help but lean into his touch. his hand is large and comforting, and his fingertips are cool on your hot cheeks. “let me make you feel better.”
before you can answer, jonathan is leaning in and pressing his soft lips to yours. you resist at first, but when he deepens the kiss, you melt into it. he’s dominant, claiming your mouth for his own as he explores you with his tongue, and for some reason, you let him.
he finally breaks the kiss and looks at you with wide, lust-blown pupils. “we’re going to have lots of fun together.”
his hand creeps towards your groin, but you slap his hand away. he grabs your wrists in either hand and holds you tightly so you can’t move them. “you’re not going to stockholm syndrome me,” you say.
“oh, of course not. it’s much more fun when you hate me. i’d much rather you struggle than give in.”
his tone sparks fear inside you, but along with that fear comes a strange pang of arousal.
“i’m going to break you,” he grins, pushing you back against the van wall.
part 2!
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it-happened-one-fic · 6 months
Congrats on your milestone! I'll put in a request. I chose Twisted Wonderland, a courtly drama and a tome falling apart to reveal its yellowing pages.
Good luck on your writing and I'll see you at your next milestone!
Thank you so much for the congratulations! I was so excited to see your name pop up in my inbox! It’s always so lovely to see anything about you in my notifications and to read your comments. I ended up writing this fic while listening to “For the Love of a Princess” from the Braveheart OST and, fair warning, I played a bit with accents which might be one of the reasons this fic ended up quite so long. I hope you enjoy your tale!
600 Followers Event!
Underneath the Highland Moon - Silver
Type: Gender Neutral reader/ Fluff/ romance implied/ 600 follower event/ courtly drama & A tome whose binding is slowly unraveling as the cover attempts to fall away and reveal the yellowed pages beyond/ isekai
Word Count: 3419
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I was barely able to react as the light flashed up brilliantly from all around. Blinding me as I dropped the weighty book from my hands in favor of shielding my eyes.
Distantly, I remembered Trein saying something about how books could be enchanted, and I almost cursed myself for being quite so foolish. To be fair, though, thus far all of the books I’d encountered in Twisted Wonderland had just been normal books.
But if the flash of light hadn’t been enough evidence of the less than average nature of this book, then the sinking feeling followed by utter darkness was.
And when I opened my eyes, I was no longer in NRC’s library.
Instead, I was lying in a plush, four-poster bed that had curtains hanging all around it. And was utterly covered in thick quilts with spiraling celtic patterns.
I blinked, immediately frowning as I sat up, sending rich fabrics everywhere with my motions as I heard a woman’s voice speak from beyond the curtains in a thick, undoubtedly Scottish accent, “Ma liege?”
I reached over, pulling back a curtain, only to find myself peering out at a young woman who was quite obviously dressed as a maid, with her plain dark dress and white apron decorated lightly with pale green embroidery in the corners. 
I stared at her, my eyes widening as she smiled sweetly back at me, “Ah, good. Yer up. Today is th‘day th’knight sent by th’royal family is coming.”
“The knight?” I faintly echoed her words as my eyes darted around the lavishly decorated but wholly unfamiliar room.
But, somehow, in some way, I knew exactly where I was.
This was my room. But it was also the room of the oldest child of a noble family connected to an ancient clan. And that person’s memories were wholly unfamiliar, but also bouncing around in the back of my head like a poorly buffered last-episode recap.
“Aye, ye know, th’wan th’royal family ha’ sent to keep ye safe? Come noo, ye must finish waking up so we can get ye ready! Ye’ll want to look yer best with yer history wi’ him after all!”
I was tugged out of the massive bed, stumbling to my feet as the maid pulled me along and sat me down, chattering away all the while as if all was as it should be, “ ‘At Duke is also coming today. I bet e’ll be right surprised to see a knight here to keep ye safe! It’ll probably ruin whatever schemes he’s cooking up in ‘at nasty old head of his.”
Slowly, the pieces began to fall into place as I dimly recalled more of Trein’s words from class: “For a period, there was an entire genre of enchanted books that were particularly popular simply because they allowed readers to live out and experience stories in real time. The book would pull you and perhaps a companion, if they were close enough, into the story itself and assign roles.”
I all but grimaced as memories came flooding back of the ancient-looking, painfully large tome of a book whose binding had been slowly unraveling when  I’d picked it up simply to snicker at its title while also wondering how such a book had ended up in a school library of all places.
‘Underneath the Highland Moon.’ It had doubtlessly been a romance of the particularly tropey variety.
It made sense for it to be at the school if it were a magical book, though. It was probably something that had been purchased for some form of test or experiment.
But now, through pure chance, or perhaps bad luck, I’d found myself transported into yet another world. But this time it was one within a book where I was apparently filling the role of a landed noble whom the royal family wanted to keep safe for inexplicable reasons that probably had some form of plot relevance.
And, if I had to make a guess, this knight was probably supposed to be my character’s love interest. A thought that had me grimacing.
But I had greater concerns to deal with beyond the appearance of a love interest. Namely, how I was going to get out of this book.
I hadn’t questioned Professor Trein about the specifics of the enchanted books, but if I recalled correctly, there was something to do with the plot of the story. Like it had to be completed, interrupted, or something along those lines.
“Ye just aren’t yerself this morning. Are ye feeling weel?” I blinked, snapping myself back into the moment as I glanced at the maid, who was eyeing me worriedly.
Now that I really looked at her, she might actually be the main character of this story. She certainly could fit the part with her sweet face, but with the amount of backstory that was flitting around in my mind and clogging my thoughts, the character I was subbing for had to be important.
Either way, though, I could tell the maid was genuinely worried, and if these character’s memories were anything to go by, we were close.
I shook my head, pasting on a reassuring smile, “I’m just distracted…. Why do you suppose the royal family has sent us a knight anyway? I would think they would want to keep all of their people closer than that…”
I trailed off, hoping to glean more information about the plot of the story I was in.
The maid smiled, almost sympathetically as she nodded, “Thought ‘at might be on yer mind.”
She sat down next to me, her hands taking one of mine into hers as she twisted to face me, “What with ye being the last member of yer clan and wan of the few nobles to hev come from a clan, Yer important to this country. I’ll bet that the royal family recognizes ‘at.”
I blinked at her words, that so perfectly matched my backstory information but also sounded disappointingly like the backstory of a main character.
Her gaze swiftly turned frigid though, and I felt myself tensing before she continued in a far colder tone than before, “But ‘at’s also why so many are after ye. For the power ye hold.”
She shook her head before straightening in a huff, “Lek ‘at Duke. But he won’t be able to do anything. No’ with ye having a knight of yer very own.”
Her tone was so final that I barely had any words. Especially not after the lengthy exposition she’d just given me about my entire situation in this book.
And I stayed silent for most of the rest of the time she bustled around, adjusting my clothes and cooing reassurances that all would be well now that the knight was coming and that I had absolutely nothing to worry about.
By the time I finally escaped what had felt like dressing room hell I was both up to date on my situation and exasperated with the plot of this book.
Evidently enough, I was supposed to be a shrinking violet who’d already been kidnapped once and held for ransom.
For reasons unknown, the royal family had, inexplicably, taken action and had been rescued before declaring that the situation was far-too risky to be left as it was and that they were going to send a knight to guard me.
Even as I went down the massive flight of stairs with my maid by my side she continued to coo over my apparent rescuer from that time, “I do hope this knight will be th’same wan who rescued ye. He was so... so…”
I smiled, cutting in before she could utter the word dreamy once more, “Yes, I also think it will be reassuring if it’s the same man.”
She giggled at my words, shaking her head and adjusting her plaid shawl in a manner that almost had me arching an eyebrow at her.
“Ye were quite taken wi’ him, weren’t ye? I dae no’ blame ye, o’ course. He did rescue ye after all,” She was all but beaming at me as I kept the same polite smile on my face.
Oh yes. This knight was definitely going to be the romantic lead of this plot. 
If I were lucky this wouldn’t end up with a love triangle situation. I wasn’t sure if I could handle that along with trying to figure out a way out of this book.
Especially considering my current run of getting out of worlds that I'd randomly been sent too.
Not that I could say that I regretted my time in Twisted Wonderland. I’d grown quite close to the people there. Like Silver, who’d been in the library with me when I’d been sent here.
Everything seemed to come screeching to a halt as I recalled the young man who’d fallen asleep after helping me carry books into the library. 
I’d been about to wake him to show him the book I’d found to see if he’d had any idea as to why such a book would be in the school library when I’d opened the tome and ended up here.
“Ma liege!” I blinked at my maid’s voice, briefly searching the room only to find that she’d moved on ahead of me to peer out the window.
Her eyes were bright as she pointed out the window, bouncing up and down on her toes in a way that had me frowning as I walked towards her.
“It’s him! It’s him! Th’knight who saved ye!” Her voice was pitched higher than it had been in excitement and I hummed. Leaning over to peer out the window and see who this love interest of mine was going to be only to go still. My eyes widening as I look at the knight who came riding up the rocky path on a magnificent, glossy black stead. A perfect opposite to his pale beauty.
I dashed to the side, my hands flying to the door handle as I yanked it open and I rushed out onto the porch right as he reigned the horse to stop.
I could hear my maid behind me shouting my name in surprise, but my eyes stayed on him as his gaze slowly lifted to meet mine.
“Silver,” I barely even whispered his name as I stared at him, neither of us moving as the wind blew. Causing leaves to dance through the air as it toyed with his hair.
And it really was a perfect scene from a historical romance and he dismounted and took only two steps towards me in utter silence before kneeling. One knee hitting the earth as he looked up at me, “I have come to guard and protect you, Y/n.”
I faltered before blinking myself to reality and nodding, “Please, get up. There’s no need for you to kneel like that.”
As I spoke I came off the porch, bending and taking his hands in mine before I straightened. Pulling him up with me and twisting to look back at my maid, “Could you prepare us something to drink?”
It was the first thing I could think of to ask her to do that would send her away and give me some time to confer with Silver.
If I was lucky he would know a way for us to get out of this book since the best I’d come up with so far was to finish the story, which would be difficult considering I had no idea what the plot might be.
Stories like this could get tangled up in their own drama so quickly that it was difficult to predict where this tale might lead us if we were going to have to follow it all the way to its end.
My maid curtseyed before zipping off into the house, and I could hear her giggling all the way. The sound of it making me sigh slightly as I turned to look back at Silver.
His horse was already being led off by a man whom I could only assume was a stablehand.
“Any idea what’s going on?” I questioned him, hopefully only to feel my hopes flag as he shook his head. Utterly calm despite the situation we were in.
“Only that we’re in an enchanted book,” He paused, tilting his head slightly, before he continued, “Do you know anything about the plot we’re in?”
I sighed, turning and heading back into my house, which I now noticed was quite large. In fact, it was probably better to say that I was living on an estate more than anything.
“My character is some sort of noble lady that your character apparently rescued by order of the royal family,” I started in a surprisingly weary tone, but it already felt like it had been a long day even though I’d only just woke up.
“Yes, you’d been kidnapped and were being held for ransom. My character saved yours and brought you back home,” Silver clarified, and I nodded. His story matched the backstory I had received upon waking almost perfectly.
I could only assume he’d also received a backstory for his character.
“And now the royal family has sent you to guard me because of something to do with my character being the ‘last member of my clan and one of the few nobles to have come from a clan.’” I quoted my maid directly as I slipped into what was the sitting room.
“You’re also distantly related to the royal family, which means a lot of people are after you for your position, power that comes from your family line, and relation to the royals,” Silver again clarified, but this time his words had me turning to look at him with a slight frown.
So my character was related to the royals? That was something I hadn’t realized, but it was also something that rang true with my character’s backstory that seemed to be continually updating itself in my head.
I sat down quietly and watched as he did the same across from me before I continued, “Just based on our current backstories and the title of this book, I suspect this is a dramatic romance. Probably of the variety that deals with court drama since I’m related to the royal family.”
Silver nodded, his gaze turning thoughtful as he blinked, his eyes growing steadily more hazy in a way that told me he was about to drift off.
“Do you know anything else about your character?” I questioned him again, my words snapping him back awake and causing him to nod as he focused.
“Yes, I volunteered to come and protect you on the basis of having already rescued you once,” I felt my eyebrows lift at his words and met his gaze directly.
“If this is a romance, then do you think you’re….” 
I trailed off, not quite able to finish only for him to finish for me with a nod of his head, “The love interest? If Father’s stories are anything to go by, then yes.”
I wrinkled my nose slightly and looked at him in confusion, “Your father reads romance novels?”
Silver shrugged slightly but remained silent, and mere moments later, my maid entered the space with tea.
Her gaze flickered between me and Silver, and she barely hid her smile as she bustled about, already beginning to question Silver as she looked towards him, “Do ye think ye’ll be able to-”
She was cut off by Silver darting across the room and tackling me to the side right as the window broke, causing my maid to shriek as I grabbed a hold of Silver in alarm and a startled sound squeaked out of me.
I stared in alarm over his shoulder as he slowly leaned back to glare out the window, but my eyes were on the arrow sticking out of the couch cushion where I’d just been sitting.
“Ma liege, are ye alright?!” I continued to stare wide-eyed at the arrow as my maid rushed to my side, grasping my arm before she leaned over before hugging me tightly. 
Instinctively, my arms curled around her, almost as if to reassure myself as I dragged my stare away from the arrow.
But in no way had I been prepared for such an attack. At the very least, I hadn’t been expecting for this book to be that sort of drama.
After another brief moment, Silver turned and yanked the arrow harshly out of the seat and frowned at it before his gaze lifted to meet mine.
Evidently, this story was going to be a little bit more action-packed than I’d initially expected.
Despite her genuine sweetness, it was honestly a relief when my maid finally left us once more after we all relocated to another room. This time one with no windows.
I glanced over at where Silver stood by the doorway with his arms crossed. Almost like he was ready to leap into action at a moment's notice.
And I couldn’t blame him; after all, I was still startled by what had just happened, though a numbness had now set in that kept me from panicking.
I started in a quiet voice, “The only two things I can figure out to get us out of this book are to either finish the story or to run its plot so off the rails that the book kicks us out.”
Silver nodded, his gaze shifting as he obviously considered my words and met my gaze, “Which option do you think is better?”
I shifted, leaning against the table in front of me as I frowned thoughtfully, “Finishing the plot could be risky if there are more action scenes like what just happened, plus we don’t know where the story is going….”
I trailed off, glancing his way and setting back in my chair as I started to nervously toy with my fingers, “Throwing the story of its rails might be a bit easier…. Especially if this is a romantic courtly drama.”
He nodded, “What do you want to do?”
I faltered slightly when he put the decision in my hands, but then I straightened. Steeling myself even as I made my decision, “If we shove our two characters into a relationship earlier than expected, then that will probably do.”
I stood, glancing at him and waiting for a sign of refusal, but he didn’t move. His expression was as stoic as ever, and I inhaled and called for my maid.
She came rushing in hurriedly, her face slightly flushed as she looked at me half-expectantly and half-worriedly. I couldn’t blame her, though; there had just been an attempt on my life.
My gaze flitted over to Silver as I balked, wondering exactly how he’d react but suspecting this would be the best and easiest way to derail the plot.
I squared my shoulders and looked back at my maid, “Please send out letters announcing my wedding to everyone of any importance.”
She stared at me like I’d lost my mind, looking around in an obviously lost fashion, as I did my very best not to look at Silver even as I felt myself warming from embarrassment.
“Yer wedding, ma liege?” She even sounded lost when she spoke, but I nodded firmly. Praying this would work and not land me in an even more awkward situation than filling the role of an utterly foreign character.
I couldn’t help but let my gaze flicker over to Silver in an apologetic fashion, and I could see in his eyes that he already knew where I was taking this as he straightened right as I spoke, “Yes. My wedding to Sir Silver.”
I’d barely even finished speaking before light flashed forth, utterly blinding me and blotting out the entire room before everything went black.
I opened my eyes hazily to find myself sprawled on the floor of the NRC library with a book on my lap.
Silver was sitting up from where he’d been at a table, his gaze resting weightily on me in a way that had me looking down at the book and away from him to avoid any further embarrassment.
And there it was, resting as innocently as could be on my lap, “Underneath the Highland Moon.”
And me and Silver hadn’t even made it to the moonlight hours before I was declaring our wedding.
I could only hope that I would make it through the rest of the day without dying from sheer embarrassment.
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kisilinramblings · 1 year
After the Wish - Adrien's side
Hi, everyone! Are you ready for some scene analysis? Like the title says, this post will focus on Adrien's scenes following the Wish.
Before I start though, I am very well aware the ending bring a lot of very passionnated and very opinated minds. This is why I am asking to please keep an open mind and keep things civil. I won't tolerate any bashing or rude comments. Both on this post and in my inbox. Keep in mind this analysis in my own interpretation of the shots and scenes based on my cinematographic knowledge as well as my viewing experience and memory of the 5 seasons of Miraculous.
I am sharing this analysis because I love the show and because analysing helps me better understand what I see.
Also, this is a leak free analysis. I only analyze and make conclusions based on what it is shown to us on-screen.
So, if you are ok with staying respectful and open to see the episode through my lens, you are more than welcome to continue reading.
Without further ado, let's go!
After the whole universe was engulfed by the light of Gabriel's Wish, the white screen fade to a close up of Adrien sleeping. Marinette's head then block the shot temporarily before Adrien awaken, smiling. We can guess she kissed him.
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This shot personally reminds me of the fairy tales in which the knight kisses the princess to awake her from her curse. And it isn't coincidental if the very first image we see after Gabriel made the Wish is Adrien. There is meaning in that. In fact, I want to point out the shot choice itself because I find it unusual.
We are facing a tight close up facing directly Adrien while he is sleeping and then awakes. Normally, we are more used to a medium shot which allow to see the character is lying down and frame both characters. The camera is also normally placed on the side and not directly facing one particular character. Again in order to see both actors at the same time. Think of Disney Snow White or Sleeping Beauty for example.
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And even in more modern ones.
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You know which other character in the show who had their eyes closed, often shown in a frontal angle and who we were anticipating to wake up? Émilie.
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Except this isn't Émilie who awakes, but Adrien.
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Not only this tight close up gives a lot of importance and relevance to him, but Adrien is so in our face that it feels like nothing around him mattered, not even the kiss Adrien received. What matters is Adrien. Solely him. And Adrien is smiling.
Then the camera starts to expand little to little to unveil Adrien's "new world". In cinema, we are quite used to start a scene is with help of wide shot before cuting to closer shots. Here, it is the other way around. Which confers a sense of mystery to the scene.
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The first thing Adrien sees is Marinette, the girl he is in love with, at his side, bathed by the summer sunlight. The light choice hints we got a time ellipse between this moment and the previous scene.
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As Adrien rises up we see their friends having fun in what we guess is the Agreste Mansion Garden.
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The artists are painting a mural inspired by Delacroix's famous painting Liberty Leading the People where the characters are remplaced by La Résistance members and led by Ms Bustier depicted as Liberty herself. She is leading the youth to freedom, to a better future.
The rest of the class and their allies are playing in the pool or chilling together.
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This series of shots show us the Agreste Mansion garden flourishing with life. In the background, the flowers are all in full bloom, the plants cover most of the gray stones of the mansion, garnishing those with vibrant green tones. On-screen people laughing and having fun.
Hawkmoth (Party Crasher) : I don't feel any negative emotions. There's only... Joy? What is going on in my house?!
This series of shots shows how we are at the opposite at how life used to be for Adrien. His friends can come over and party with him. We see members of both his family and found family. Adrien isn't trapped inside his home-prison anymore. He isn't isolated anymore. He is surrounded by people who love and care about him. And Gabriel is absent from the picture.
Like Bug Noire said earlier during this episode, Adrien already had all of that before the Wish. Adrien went to school and made friends on his own. He wanted to have a birthday party at his home (Bubbler). He wanted to hang and have fun with his friends on multiple occasions. But Gabriel was always the biggest obstacle for Adrien to have those moments, those memories.
It is Gabriel who kept his son isolated. Because Gabriel was living in the past and was unable to move on with life while Adrien decided he wanted more in life than being stuck inside a cocoon. And at the end of Revolution, Adrien knew what he wanted :
Adrien : Father, please, I know what I want. Let me live my life here in Paris with Marinette and my friends. Gabriel : You must go through with this like an Agreste. That's what your mother would have wanted. Adrien : No, I'm sure that Mom would have just wanted me to be happy.
And, in the end, Adrien's wish is fulfilled.
One last sidenote before I continue concerns that one shot.
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Despite not being in the center of the shot, Nathalie seems to be doing better than the last time we saw her. She has a least more colors and has gained her red streak of hair back. Her pose however seems... limited. Maybe her body is still weak from the illness afflicting her. Maybe it is due to budget constraint. Or maybe it is both. And remember what Bug Noire said to Gabriel at the end of their fight : she estimated Nathalie had only a few hours left. And we are weeks from now. Either Bug Noire was wrong in her prognostic or Nathalie survived.
Émilie : Adrien will be well surrounded. He'll have you Nathalie, and he'll have his father, if Gabriel agrees to give up on his madness... and on me. Adrien will have all the love he needs to be happy.
Anyway, the group pauses their activities to watch a new show called "Monde Nouveau" (litteraly "New World") and hosted by Alec.
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Alec as we know, has changed to become an icon about being yourself and making your dream come true. And him being the host of that new show instead of a character like Nadja, means that we are looking at an happy and positive vision of things.
He interviews Caline Bustier, now both Mayor of Paris and mother of a girl named Harmonie. She shares her program for a better future to us, the audience.
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As she talks about her eco-rules, we see sketches supporting her vision. At the bottom right, we recognize the Tsurugi company logo, but next to it there is a new one we haven't seen before.
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Next, we see an unveiling of the statue of Gabriel Agreste, which confirms that Gabriel has died. His statue is made of recycled Alliances put out of commission after Monarch's last attack.
Gabriel's statue is his entire height. Gabriel was already a tall character when he was living and his statue is even taller than him. His chin is up, proud. It is almost like he is superior, looking up like that. The camera slight low angle also contributes to this impression I have. Also, he holds a pencil like the designer he is.
Tomoe : Beyond the visionary entrepreneur and the genius creator, it's the hero we celebrate today.
This is how the Parisians in-universe see him. They are unaware of Gabriel's secret identity. They are unaware of the truth. They only know of the image the professional him gave away and they believed he died in an attempt to stop Monarch.
I want to point out the fact Gabriel's statue is made of Alliances. The very tool he uses to try and defeat Ladybug and Chat Noir. He turned Adrien and Kagami's image into avatar for this product against their will to sell both the Alliances and an illusion. He deformed the truth with their avatars by presenting them as a couple (Revelation), or make deepfakes out of them (Representation and Conformation). Now, Gabriel's statue, his image, is made of the very same tool he used. And the Alliances, despite being put out of commission, still contribute to blur the line of what is truth and what is false in regards of his character to the masses.
With this statue made of Alliances, the parisians are honoring the "perfect" and "pure" image they have of Gabriel. I cannot help but think that this huge statue is bound to create great shadows. And even if the real Gabriel is gone, something of him remains and will continue to have an impact.
Tomoe then talks about continuing Gabriel's legacy. To us, the audience, those words have an ominous double meaning as Tomoe was Gabriel's ally until the end and helped him in many of his schemes. And she confirms she will continue that work.
Caline then gets to talk about her new school model which pleases very much everybody as they cheer all together. It will allows Marinette, Adrien and all their friends to remain together while allowing them to explore and grow in the field that please them respectfully.
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Then we cut the the sun setting as the cheers are fading away. It is the end of the day and everyone has gone home.
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Adrien is now alone in the garden where his mother's statue used to be. White butterflies are flying around. Marinette joins him as he is fidgeting with his parents' twin ring.
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Marinette : You are not wearing it? Adrien : When Ladybug gave it to me, she told me how my father helped her defeat Monarch. At the risk of his life.
With this, we know that Ladybug granted Gabriel's dying wish.
Gabriel : Marinette. Make sure that Adrien never knows about the villain that I was, but instead, that he remembers the times I tried to be a good father.
Was it Marinette's place to accept that burden to cover the truth? To acquiesce to her archenemy's demand? Of course not, but that is how kind she is and how flawed she can be. For Adrien's happiness, Maribug is willing to do so. We, as the audience, know it can only last so long the secret is sealed. And no one among Gabriel, Marinette, Nathalie, Félix, Kagami nor Plagg is aware the secret was already breached outside the family circle.
But for the time being, everyone who knows will keep the fact that Gabriel was Monarch a secret.
But even without the truth, Adrien is conflicted about his feelings towards his father. We see that as Adrien answers Marinette's question, he leans a bit towards her, but there is no contact. His eyes are fixated on the ring. Adrien is distant and inside a bubble of doubt about himself. There is a weight, a legacy, he associates with that family ring that he is not sure if he can bear.
Adrien : I don't know if I'll ever manage to be like him.
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It is only when Marinette puts her hands on his, covering the ring and the expectations that come with it, that Adrien finally look at her, brought back to here and now. Marinette reassures Adrien he doesn't need to be like his father. Adrien can just be himself, without having to live up to any expectations placed upon him.
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Marinette then proceeds in slips the ring on his finger. Adrien is free and in control of who he wants to be, of what he wants to do, no matter his background. The past doesn't matter anymore. He can just focus on what is ahead of him.
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In this short shot reverse shot, we see a bit of Marinette's head in Adrien's shot, however in Marinette's reverse shot, she is framed alone.
This bit has of a shift in the discussion. Marinette made contact with Adrien, entering his "bubble". She has established a connection in their discussion. Her words are reaching him and moving him.
Adrien : You always find the right words, Marinette. When I'm with you, I feel so... free!
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And now they are in synch. Both say "I love you" to the other at the same time, which make them laugh. And Adrien wraps Marinette's hand as if he never wants to let her go. As if he will protect and cherish her with all his might. She makes him that happy.
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As the white butterflies illustrate, there is no negative emotions around. Only pure hapiness. Only love. And they are kissing where Émilie's statue used to be.
Émilie's message in Collusion : Adrien shouldn't have to suffer the consequences of our mistakes. Our little prince has the right to create his own vision of happiness.
In other words, Monarch did not win. Émilie won. Gabriel has used the Wish, yes, but his wish was different than the one he wanted to make for 5 seasons. And it is not unusual for Gabriel to do everything in his power to grant any of Émilie's wishes. And her final wishes were : for Gabriel to let go of his madness, to not bring her back, and for Adrien to be happy.
And the ghost of Émilie can now rest in peace and stop haunting these walls. And Adrien can fully love Marinette the way he wants without any obstacle in the way anymore.
And all points to the Power of Love has ultimately won. Even the most important characters in those scene all have a link related to love.
Adrien was created by love. Ms Bustier promotes love as one of her teachings and she was akumatized twice out of that very emotion (spread love, protect the children's future). And she got elected as Mayor. Alec who interviews Ms Bustier is also another character who is now full of love and care. And Marinette fought for love. Even the Agreste Mansion Garden is associated to love. Gabriel and Émilie got a scene there during Evolution. Marinette and Adrien got a romantic date there as well. Heck, this is even where Nathalie shares she was ready to help Gabriel out of love.
Love may falter or even fades away for a time, but right now, in Adrien's scenes, love is fully blooming.
Back to the scene, as Marinette and Adrien kiss, the camera zoom out at the shot crossfades, giving the impression their kiss is everlasting. And ultimately fades to white...
... before the white suddenly cut to Nadja Chamack's news report where she interviews Professor Du Bocquale about the international event that had happened.
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Using both the news reporter and the scientific, we transitioned to Marinette's Guardian of the Miraculous pov. The sentimentality and dream life is over, it is time to get back to the facts and reality. The Happy Ever After is not quite accomplish yet.
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And that will be developped in second eventual part because I am reaching the limit of images allowed in one single Tumblr post ^^;
Anyway, thank you for reading this far and stay tuned!
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
PSA ! I shouldn't have to be making this post, but please DO NOT come into my inbox just to start drama or snitch on other indie devs for my sake. Mind your business and leave me out of it.
This is the 5th anon in 3 months that's come into my inbox just to complain about the devs I'm associated with, and to be frank; I'm getting tired of it. If I didn't respond to you the first 4 times: take the hint and move on.
I couldn't care less about what those devs say about me in a private group chat. That's their business if they wanna talk badly about me, and if they had a real issue, they can handle it like grown adults and come talk to me privately. I don't need anonymous faces telling me absurd things just to start drama — and even if what they're saying was true, then they're disgusting for betraying their supposed friend's trust like that.
Mind your own business and leave me alone. Don't white knight for me while simultaneously partaking in those discussions. Don't "infiltrate" a friend group for my sake because that's just a really horrible thing to do. Don't instigate online drama because you're bored and want to ruin friendships. Grow up and find a better way to waste your free time.
You know who you are.
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darkwolf76 · 4 months
I am coming to your inbox as a menace asking for Deirdra angst from the hidden pregnancy prompts: "You robbed our child of a parent and me of being one."
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"Why didn't you tell me?"
Deidre startled, not expecting anyone in the godswood at such a late hour, especially not with the revelry of feast going on inside. He emerged from the dark like a specter. The white, greys, and silvers of his armor and cloak glowed in the dim light of the crescent moon, almost as bright as the bark of the weirwood Deidre knelt before in supplication. "Criston?" His name came out rough, heavy on her tongue after she had spent so many months gritting her teeth to prevent it from leaving her lips.
"Those children," Criston croaked. "They are not his." Deidre could not make out the expression on his shadowed face, for he would not look at her. His whole appearance seemed wretched, his black hair wild from his fingers running through it too many times. His shoulders slumped, and his head bowed towards the ground, as if he was ready to cave in on himself. He seemed to sway, unsteady, but his words held a certainty that caused Deidre's stomach to twist in anxiety and discomfort.
Should she deny it? Would it matter either way? Her hands shook as she brushed them against the red velvet of her kirtle, blood from the cut on her finger no doubt smearing on the skirt. She turned her face back to the weeping face of the heart tree for answers she knew it would not give. The silence in her mind and between them felt deafening. The gods and her knight both waited for her to speak.
She rose slowly to face him, emotions jumbled and raw. "My husband did not claim them as his. They were his father's, born around the time of his death. Lord Blackwood didn't even know they existed. We simply are caring for them."
"The Queen questioned me, a few moons back. She asked if any men had been giving you any undue attention. She said you'd been hurt, that she was trying to find answers."
His quiet words each felt like a stone in Deidre's stomach, increasing her panic and discomfort. She twisted the twin rings on her fingers. "You did not speak of us, did you? Criston, it could--"
"Would I be standing here now if I had?" His voice found more strength and volume as his head snapped up. His eyes appeared black in the night, narrowed and accusatory, a wild hint to them. "But why would she ask me such things? Why did I not hear about any of this from you?"
"You did not hurt me!" Deidre shook her head, desperation choking her. "And I did not want you to be harmed. Criston, I just wanted to keep you safe."
"So they are mine then?" His question hung in the air between them as they stared at one another. The anger in his eyes was tinged with desperation. It was the glistening of unshed tears in those eyes that freed Deidre of the hesitancy that held her voice hostage.
"They are." She felt bitterness and release to finally utter the truth to someone, a secret that she'd kept so close to her chest the past few months.
Criston dropped to his knees at her words, a sob bursting from his chest. Deidre found her feet moving forward of their own volition as she knelt next to him, her fingers twitching until they found their home again, cradling his jaw. After months of feeling cold, with only the briefest flashes of heat, she felt warmth again at the pressure of his strong, rough palm covering her hand, holding it desperately as if he was afraid she might disappear.
Tears ran freely down the stoic knight's cheeks. Deidre felt her own cheeks wet. "You should have told me," he rasped. She let out her own sob at his broken words. She shook her head, not able to respond with all the emotions and thoughts warring within her. She had so much she wanted to say to him, that she should have said to him, but none of it would come now that she had the chance.
He grabbed her, and she let him draw her in. She crumpled against his strong frame as both their bodies shook with quiet cries, and they wet the other's cheeks and hair with their tears. She curled one hand into the familiar gap between his breastplate and pauldron and ran her fingers through his hair, messing it further. His hands found their home back on her waist and in her brown curls.
The comfort of the familiar embrace settled her tears enough for her to speak again. "I wanted to keep you safe. I know better than most the price you might have had to pay if we were caught," she whispered against his chest.
He tensed, his fingers flexing at her hip as he replied. "I should have been given the choice to decide what I was willing to pay." He withdrew from her a bit so he could look down at her with a frown, a now dulled anger in his eyes. "Did I not prove enough that your love was worth the price of my white cloak?"
Deidre furrowed her brow at the accusation laid bare in his words. "You would have paid with your head Criston, not your just your cloak, and I would have still been without you in the end."
"I would not have allowed that happen." Criston shook his head, fingers tightening slightly in her hair. "Had you had faith in me, I would've found a way for us and our children."
Deidre fought the annoyance and anger stirring in her gut, for she knew Criston was still in shock, while she had had months accept the harsh reality of their situation. "We do not live in a song where love and heroes always triumph. I would not have my words be the cause of your downfall."
"Deidre, you robbed our children of a parent and me of being one!" He snapped, the anger flaring in his dark eyes. His grip on her hip became almost painful. The surprise at his sudden outburst caused her to pull against his grasp. He must have sensed her discomfort, for his hands immediately withdrew from her, as if she had burned him. He quickly stood and stepped away. "Forgive me." He bowed his head and looked away from her, flexing his hands before he offered a hand to help her up.
Deidre hesitated for a moment before accepting his help. They stood in silence, neither willing to let go but unsure if they could draw closer again. "I am sorry," Deidre whispered, sorrow blooming in her at the despair on Criston's face.
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Imagine how happy jimin would've been if JK posted something to support him in public ? For his 1st MV since solo work started. Especially when we know Jimin do appearciate posting about his special days alot. You all won't think about that and will keep on saying posting on sm is not how real life is, when deep down you also want JK to post but will act cool sane jikooker outside.
Imagine how happy Jimin would be if his fans cared more about showing support for his new collab and his song and his MV instead of focusing all that energy on his best friends?
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"Especially when we know Jimin do appreciate posting about his special days alot"
Please show me where Jimin has said this. Not Jimin saying thank you to everyone FOR posting. But where he specifically said "I really appreciate it when people post for my special days." Because I'm pretty sure you assigned gratefulness of support when he addresses said special day your own meaning and are twisting his words in order to weaponize it against his other members. Which is something we DO ACTUALLY KNOW he would NOT appreciate. Mr. Cuts off anyone who speaks badly of his members....
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I DESPERATELY want to know why I have over 10 asks just like this one. (Which I mostly just delete as they come in) but all these people who are claiming to love and support jimin so much, are all just focused on Jungkook. My inbox is showing a starting lack of love and support for this MV. You are all harping on someone else for "not showing support" while showing none yourselves. And don't come back acting like it counts if you are streaming or talking about it and hyping it up somewhere else. Your support only counts if I can see it with evidence in my inbox FOR MY EYES. Duh. Idiots.
Would I (and everyone else) love a post from JK, of course. It's jungkook! Who wouldn't! But does it actually matter that much? For me, for the fans, for Jimin? No. Didn't Jin just shame yall for being so insistent upon social media posts between the members? "Even if someone doesn't post we are getting along fine"
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I will laugh really hard at all of you if it later gets a story shared about them being together or anything similar. Or JK singing his verse on his next live. Anything similar. Or even posting later today. None of this is required from any of them though. Check your entitlement. Stop putting your own desires onto Jimin and framing them as his own. And maybe stop trying to be his white knight long enough to actually show some him some real support. Like Jungkook is probably doing.
Forewarning for anyone else. I will no longer be just deleting messages About JK during Jimins day today, but I'll be blocking them. Thank you. Go stream and do something productive for once. Good lord.
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protectingtulpas · 11 months
Since I just got another anon with no reading comprehension skills, reminder that if you come into my inbox with racist lies speaking over actual people from a culture & religion and don't even BOTHER reading the sources in my bio (Here's one of em) your ask is being fucking deleted lmfao. If you think Buddhism is a closed practice you obviously can't even bother to do a simple google search lmao, and if you think western tulpamancy is directly and exactly the same as the religious practice then it's LAUGHABLE how little actual research you've done. Here's a AMA with an actual Tibetan Buddhist with an emanation talking about the difference and the modern tulpamancy community. Stop parroting horseshit because you want to white knight for people. It's not about helping people to you, it's about your fucking ego. It's kinda pathetic
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barbatusart · 1 year
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literary-minded anon came back & i received literally the most wonderful message on the planet like the kind of message id always dreamed of receiving but gotta put it under a cut, HEAVY sadsack spoilers below 🥰
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oh anon thank you............. im so happy lol i apologize for letting this sit in my inbox for a minute but i had work all week & i wanted to sit down with this and give it the time it deserved!
thank you, thank you, THANK YOU first off. i unfortunately couldnt say that their positioning around garv at the end had deliberate significance, but at this stage it's clear that 5 is meant to be read into deeper even beyond authorial intent. not to wave it off with "it is what you make of it" but some of that scene chalks up to that - Except mal. the framing is such that while on the ground he's staring Directly at namrata, & ideally with a bit of harder reading-into you can see the white knight wheels turning & locking in place forever in that moment for him
the injuries garv sustained were exactly what he planned on doing to the femme vic & were ritualistic in the sense of ritual planned for her, & general ritual of this quasi human sacrifice the others were doing in order to not come to terms with the reality of what they were doing. but also theres a very specific injury garv didn't receive. if u look every single one of the victims had their left eye removed at some point, & the only eye removal happening in 5 is the removal of sal's right eye - which interestingly leaves him with his left for the entirety of sortie. if we look at a simplified lateralization of brain function, the right hemisphere (which controlls the left side of the body ie the left eye) is characterized by processing artistic awareness & general imagination, and the left hemisphere (right eye) is more analytical & objective processes. what that means & how it relates to victim left eye & sal right eye, i leave up to your interpretation
as for the ending, i had it personally in mind that it was meant to related right back to what namrata was saying in the car by way of: the physical entity responsible for traumatic episodes doesn't need to be present in order to live forever in the mind if undealt with - like planets, stars, or the concept of god doesn't need to be present in order to "exist." therefore the prior victims & garv dont even need to be there, because the poorly-managed repercussions live forever. more psychological-surrealism than magical, BUT the ending is so open ended that i welcome & enjoy any interpretation
im so happy you had so much fun anon. please please please please please feel free to hit me up more & pick my brain forever ❤
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
Ive been diagnosed with DID for awhile and the anti-endo shit makes me so fucking uncomfortable. For obvious reasons like the weird need to dictate other people's lives, but i also feel like the anti-endo types who white-knight for people like me are also the people who would turn against us first for functioning 'weird'. Nothing good comes from it. idk. endos cool
Thank you for sharing, and I'm so sorry this didn't get posted sooner. Asks have a bad habit of getting lost in my inbox but this is an important one and should have been posted sooner.
But I think you're very right to feel uncomfortable. There's a huge overlap between anti-endos and the r/systemscringe and r/fakedisordercringe types. Not every anti-endo supports those communities, but every system in those communities is firmly anti-endo, and a lot of anti rhetoric feeds into it indirectly.
And we watched this in real time with the response to the McLean video, where so many on the anti-endo side backed it for essentially fakeclaiming DID systems for "unusual" presentations of the disorder, which often went no further than just... not being ashamed.
Even when anti-endos aren't actively fakeclaiming systems, their rhetoric at least fuels those who do.
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tasmanianstripes · 10 months
hi i just wanted to come by and ask you what your favorite track from the hk soundtrack is <3
HIII sorry this is super late I consistently forget my inbox exists
I'm gonna deliberately ignore the assignment and instead list my 4 top favourite soundtracks because making me pick one is criminal
Sealed Vessel - it's just. Really fucking cool. The build up at the beginning, the following bit that makes me think of a violent and frantic fight (very fitting for The Hollow Knight's boss fight), the subsequent crash and the feeling of tragedy. It's literally what it is, it's tragedy, the last desperate fight and death, all conveyed in a song. And the ending which gives me that somber feeling. It makes me feel miserable, I love that.
White Palace - It makes me feel weirdly nostalgic for what once was, a period of time we don't even get to see in the game - only small glimpses of it at most. It's really cool.
Pure Vessel - It conveys a feeling of power and holiness, it's just. So fucking good
Daughter of Hallownest - It's energetic! It's just cool! And I'm such a huge sucker for different songs sharing elements, especially when it's done to convey a story, it's just good. Hornet's OST having elements from the White Palace gives her like, a royal, holy feeling to me, yet it's still so clearly hers - fast paced and energetic.
This probably wasn't the best explanation because I just lack the words to convey my feelings about songs but OUGH I love these four
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terraliensvent · 2 months
I agree abt the white knighting. u and some anons r quick to criticize the language ppl in terras use but when asked to introspect abt it urself, u refuse cause it’s ur blog ur opinion ur rules. that’s hypocrisy to me. i aint burying my head in the sand like u say, this is a genuine criticism and if u r gonna ignore it then I think that’s petty. all ur being asked is to look back and try to understand where anons r coming from, u call some ppl white knights and meat riders for bringing up valid concerns even if they also agree terras r bad. U don’t just do it on posts where ppl actually are white knighting.
alright lets dissect every recent post i have called whiteknighting
Post 1
“Oh yeah. A villain bc they revoked the right to THEIR OWN WORK... Whatever shall the world do? However shall we survive the fact coy didn't want them using THEIR WORK after going back on a deal”
hey look speaking of whiteknights
youre missing the forest for the trees here, terra staff was completely willing to remove coys assets but they wanted to act like a toddler stomping their foot shouting “NOW NOW NOW” that they broke in to the site and vandalized it. but sure, your immature petty pos idol can do no wrong
what about this is ignoring?
their argument: “coy is not a villain for wanting their art taken down”
my argument: “nobody said that, cal was perfectly fine taking the artwork down, they just said they cant do it in a heartbeat. coy is in the wrong for breaking in to the site and doing it themself with no consideration for how it will affect the species.”
Post 2
“It's so funny how obsessed y'all are with coy and civ... Get over it bro”
wow its almost like… their actions have a direct consequence on the species…whoooaa
Their argument: “why do you guys care about this”
my argument: “because people have put time and effort into this species, cal and his new team are trying to pick up the pieces and have gone a lot further than ever before with coy and civ at the head. coy being a dipshit has a direct affect on how the species will operate, specifically in this situation by taking away all the old pet species which people may have cared about and wanted to make characters out of.”
Post 3
“You mean.... The site THEY MADE? oh noo, how dare they remove their art from the site them and their partner made... Boohoo.... Boo boohoo.... Stan petty Coy”
come in my inbox again with these room temperature iq takes and im blocking you. they barely did shit for the species and you know that, and coy themself admitted they never had anything to do with the site they just wanted to make their dumbass plain white dog adopts to rake in cash while doing no extra work to put the pieces together
repeating: cal and staff were PERFECTLY FINE taking off all of civ and coys assets, however you cant fucking do that with the snap of a finger. i know this must be incredibly difficult for you coy supporters out there but lets TRY to use our brains for a min
their argument: (ignores my counterpoint from Post 1) well THEY made the site initially. i dont care im still gonna stan coy.”
my argument: “oh ok cool, i can see you are not actually willing to engage with the argument and just want to be inflammatory, and i dont feel like dealing with you if you arent going to use critical thinking. (reiterating my point from post 1)
for this post in particular, i would also like to add that in the transferring of species ownership, there are cetrain things that can be assumed to change ownership along with the transfer. (this is not the first time a species has ever been transferred in ownership). for one, the site. obviously thats needed for species functions so it now belongs to cal. another is NPCs, other species when transferred will give the NPCs to relevant staff because they are an integral part of species function. in this specific instance, the pets, since they were never a part of the original agreement they are assumed to move ownership as well. coy can make the argument they want their art taken down, thats perfectly fine, they could even say they want their designs taken down, but again, the problem is that this is not something that can just be done at the drop of a hat. you need to find replacements and create new assets. breaking in to the site and vandalizing it because you wanted to be a bitch baby and have no patience is immature and wrong. the site has changed ownership. you do not have agency over it anymore, you dont get to go in and delete things without asking.
lets compare this to an oc you trade on toyhouse. lets say you own this OC for a year, and you have drawn a good amount of art for it. then you trade it away, boop, gone, not yours anymore. lets say later on you dont want your art featured on that OC’s page. problem is, that art you drew is embedded within the character’s profile code. you have the full right to delete the art, but you cant just break into the OC’s profile code and fuck around with it yourself. you have to ask the new owner to take it down, and they say of course, but youll have to be patient so they can redraw a new asset for the code.
granted, this example falls short in some ways, but you get what im trying to say
anyways, the point is that if youre going to refuse to engage with the argument then im not going to engage with you. i truly do not understand why you guys are ride or die-ing for these shitty posts that have absolutely no substance
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kiose · 4 months
Thank you so much for the praise. I extremely appreciate what you said. I am more than happy to share any thoughts and headcanons with you, as long as you are ok with it.
I actually do think that a black horse goes better with Lysithea than a white horse personally. Love that you named the horse after the Black Knight.
I could totally see Hilda and Lysithea arguing about whose girlfriend is the better horse girl. Thank you for bringing that to mind.
Yep, Lysithea would absolutely treat her horse like a tool/machine initially. I was a bit worried about sharing that headcanon because I felt it could get easily misunderstood, but thankfully it turned out fine I think. To further elaborate, I think Lysithea would initially be stern and even harsh towards her steed, but NEVER cruel or abusive in the slightest to her mount. Her horse is absolutely extremely well cared and maintained by Lysithea, it is just that when she is actually riding her horse is when she gets mean and critical towards her horse. Lysithea definitely has high standards for herself and that applies to her horse as well, so she would get frustrated that her horse is not meeting her standards and attempt to discipline her horse for perceived disobedience or mistakes. She has / had used a riding crop to whip her horse's shoulders and haunches when her horse did something incorrectly or got belligerent with her. She definitely shouted / yelled at her horse when she got frustrated and upset with her horse. While Lysithea thought that was necessary (at first), she absolutely did not take enjoyment or pleasure in doing so, feeling extreme regret afterwards. Thankfully, once Lysithea got help with her riding and horse, she happily abandoned her previous attitude and methods that she used towards her horse and fully embraced better and kinder horsewomanship, which definitely works better than what she did before.
Hope you continue to thrive and I'll send more over the coming days, weeks, and even months.
This ask is a continuation of sorts of this other ask
Again, I am super ok with ya bestowing your headcanons on me, they're real cool and I love readin 'em Also as someone that has a tangential knowledge of horses (pitiful really, since my grandpa was an actual real life cowboy, but I was terrified of horses as a lil kid so yeah hahaha) I really appreciate your insight and knowledge, because horses are cool and integrating 'em into Leolysi is real fun (and, like, a no-brainer since I really see Leonie as a horsegirl)
Oh yeah, I don't think I would ever find it in myself to see Lysithea as someone cruel. Even her supports with Ignatz that sometimes come out as mean don't really make me feel like Lysithea has the capacity of being purposefully abusive or being the kind of person that would be mean because she enjoys it, she is just too direct and being tactless can make her sound insensitive other times plus I think in the Japanese version it's more like she is just talking to Ignatz in the way you speak to small children? I'm shit at japanese but that's the impression i got And that's what I got from what you wrote about Lysithea and how she would be with her horse. So I'm with ya on that one, and I do agree with everything you added, Lysithea needs to be perfect in everything she does, and if horsemanship happened to not come easy to her she would definitely get frustrated and lash out, without even wanting to. I love Lysithea so much but thoughts about her don't come easy to me, so I appreciate ya for this Have a random unrelated Leolysi for your patience (bc ya know, this took me a while to answer)
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And thanks! Even if it takes me some time to reply, know that you're always welcome into my inbox, seeing what ya share with me really makes my day 💪💪💪
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xarrixii · 4 months
to those of inquiry,
my name is @xarrixii / arri
cis. white. panromantic. (refer to me with any pronouns you want)
some more about me if you're not a COWARD:
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i have come from a land not so far away (planet earth) to share the nonsensical nonsense of my brain (my writing).
i am irregular. half my will to write is completely dependent on zoning out in the middle of something else that has almost nothing at all to deal with what i'm writing about.
i swear. i also talk too much, so if you'd like to know something about me, uh... i encourage you to remain anonymous in my ask box so i don't think too much about it. i'm not afraid to answer. kind of. i am afraid of going into other peoples' asks and messages.
professional overthinker
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i've got like (counts on hand) like three FOUR things i wish i could actively write all at once. you get to see one of those. you can ask about the other three if you want. i'll share.
this is like, internet published first draft work, too. i'll take all comments on my work. you can be anonymous in my inbox.
Harlow Collins is pyrokinetic. He's been in and out of the kinetic rehab centers for most of his life. He doesn't summon anymore. Alph Roy-Wolford is also pyrokinetic. They've managed to dodge the rehab centers and have been working towards becoming a cop for the latter half of their life. When one of them crashes their truck and a favor's called in, they get sucked into the criminal-fighting criminal organization of Alph's mother—Cinder.
Placeholder Name #1—
An alchemist-sorcerer on the run and a famous knight cross paths and learn that their lives have more in common than they thought.
Vaughn was accused of high treason. Leon has a string of murders to solve for her Lord. Vaughn has the missing piece to solving the murders, but Leon has to accept the cost of trusting a wanted criminal.
Placeholder Name #3—
An emotion-manipulating vigilante, her unknowing cop friend, and someone with wings from a remote magic-bound civilization end up taking on an incredibly elaborate trading ring.
When Delta showed up years prior, Fare had scraped out the serial killer and locked him away—for good. She thought it would be the largest case she'd ever have, but after coming across a strange, beak-masked vigilante, she quickly began to uncover the largest slave trade Krusing had ever seen.
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An airship pirate who doesn't want to be forgotten meets a ramshackle inventor busying themselves as an interpreter while intercepting a cargoship.
Earwyn Sol had always wanted to do something revolutionary, so when the military failed he took the next available option—piracy. Just when he thought he wouldn't go down in history for more than a few squabbles, he met a sleepless inventor translating between five languages and countless encryptions to barely scrape by alive.
looking for more? ask me! use my ramble box so i can talk and hopefully have less crises over small parts of conversation
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⭐Our Great Glory⭐ for the 'fanfic writer director's cut' as it is absolutely one of my favorite fics of yours!
oh my god this took me too long (to all the requests in my inbox - guys i'm trying i promise) sorry about that. that being said, here's my directors cut for our great glory:
@ilikeitbetterangsty i hope you enjoy!
first of all, since the reader is commonborn, i wanted to highlight the circumstances of that life in King's Landing, especially during Aegon II's coronation. it ended up being around 50% of the chapter, but i really enjoyed delving into that aspect of the world of asoiaf...
also, this is really long, but i enjoyed the chance to talk about my writing a bit.
okay let's get into the writing:
There was always something disgusting or disturbing in each room that you had to clean, and you felt for the whores that had to endure through these things in the first place. All you wanted was to finish your job and then go out in search for a bowl of brown.
Your cleaning was interrupted by the madam standing in the doorway.
“What is it?” you asked.
“There’s people at the door. Go take care of them, I need to look after Janei for a bit, she had a rough night.”
Okay, so starting off with something pretty rough - asoiaf doesn't have good circumstances for any woman, especially not in KL, and even though the reader isn't a sex worker, her proximity to them makes it impossible to escape that world, and the disgusting customers that come with it. i did this to kind of make the relationship betweent he reader and criston more ~complex~
Criston is literally a white knight, in shining armor. he's supposed to be a beacon of purity - something which already stands in contrast to the regular expectations towards men in the world of hotd and got. but then he drops that facade with the reader, someone who is constantly in the thick of other people's perversions. it makes their relationship even more complicated, bc he's not pure towards her, and just reinforces her expectations towards men, and yet, he really wants to be.
An older woman stood next to you, her demeanor and stance completely out of place. She walked with the other common folk as if she owned the stones she touched, but you pretended not to notice her nobility.
So, the reader is walking next to Princess Rhaenys without knowing it, but she does understand that they're in different... tax brackets ig. i kind of stole this line from game of thrones, where varys tells tyrion that everyone knows he's nobility bc he walks like he owns the ground he walks on. the reader ignores that this other person is noble for a good reason - this other woman definitely has power over her, so if the reader calls her out, she could be in deep shit. at the same time, she kind of sets the events in the dragonpit in motion. had the reader called her out, rhaenys possibly never would have made it there.
You’d barely been more than a child when Prince Daemon had pulled the criminals into the streets, watching with wide eyes as carts of heads, limbs and eyes rolled past.
I think people love to forget a) how far these events apart and b) how this was probably extremely traumatizing to a whole generation of children in Flea Bottom. Yes, the ppl living there are horrible, but a horrible place breeds horrible people. those criminals were definitely parents/siblings/caretakers/etc. it's well within the possible that the reader lost someone that day, either via execution or due to the consequences of such violent punishments. also wanted to call daemon out on being a medieval cop.
Had they brought you here to burn you all?
again, a small throwback to game of thrones + targaryen madness. this fear is, later in the fic, proven as not that unreasonable.
King Viserys was dead, and if this was a coronation, war was on the horizon.
commoners are not stupid!!!! this is what i wanted to highlight here!! why do people always portray the nobles in asoiaf as smart and commoners as stupid? girl be fr most of us would be commoners if we went back in time. but idt that the commoners witnessing aegon's coronation were ignorant to the fact that war was on the horizon. they all knew what was coming - F&B SPOILERS COMING UP!! maybe this was a part of what heated up agressions leading up to the bread riots.
You knew that if you stood closer to him, you would be able to see the white of his knuckles, his thumb moving over the grip of his sword impatiently.
This is a reference to rhae rhae's wedding, where mans was grabbing his sword so tightly that it's a wonder his hand didn't explode.
Immediately, people began pushing towards the exit, trying to get away from the beast. Mere meters away from you, a man thudded against a pillar, before landing on the ground motionless.
okay, so this is the typical violence we know from asoiaf. since the focus was on the commoners in the dragon pit here, i wanted to highllight that, in a situation like this a crowd panic/crushes/collapses are bound to happen. they're in an enclosed space with a dragon. i can't believe that this wasn't highlighted in hotd, even though the show itself isn't about the commoners. in general, i'm just kinda sad that their (commoners) perspective is never really highlighted/sympathized with.
“What is your name?” you asked him, still out of breath.
“Gaemon.” The boy said faintly, and you wondered briefly if you had accidentally taken a Targaryen prince with you.
of course, there won't be some random targ kid in the bottom of the dragonpit. the reader rescues this child because it's a split second decision, and the right thing to do. it's a wonder she makes it out with a child on her shoulders, but she does make it. now, if she'd accidentally taken a real targ child with her, i think the reader would have been in deep shit, even if she'd returned him to the red keep. nobility can accuse her of whatever, so gaemon being a bastard was a massive relief for her.
Turmoil was still in the air, but already, whores were flaunting their figures.
the grind never stops in the street of silk ig... jk. or well, not really. istg if i was in flea bottom, i don't think i could take it mentally. there's a constant 180 between violence and everyday business (sex work) which is also deeply connected with violence.
The boy buried his face in your leg, and you picked him up, allowing him to look away as you walked further into the establishment.
okay, here's the thing. gaemon is a child. children don't understand things like this, but instinctually, they deeply dislike surroundings that promote violence. this can be seen in surroundings with high drug consumption/extreme poverty/etc etc while still being likely to become a perpetrator of them when they grow up. and while gaemon hates the surroundings - so does the reader, so it's again instinctual from her to make such a futile attempt at protecting him from this world he's stuck in anyway.
Essie turned to you, Gaemon on her hip. “Thank you.” She said sincerely.
“Of course.”
“Take care. And thank you for saving my son again. I cannot repay you, ever. I’ll ask the madam if there’s still a job for you here. You could make as much money as a merchant’s daughter.”
“I’m only a cleaner.” You explained.
“Still, it’ll pay better than at any other place in the Street of Silk.” She promised, giving you a small hug. You nodded, patting Gaemon on the shoulder before you made to leave again.
Essie doesn't have any money, or much other means to pay the reader back. I think in Flea Bottom and KL in general, there's a mentality of each for their own, but saving someone's child - there is bound to be gratitude, and this is what Essie can offer. a better shot at this whole each for their own thing.
You almost let out a scream as you saw the hooded figure across from you, but the man had already crossed the room, hand over your mouth.
honestly this is just criston being a hoe for drama.
“I know. I’m poor, not an idiot.” You said.
this was inspired by vikings. ivar says something along the lines of 'i'm a cripple, not an idiot' - which doesn't make that much sense since his brothers know he's smart. it does make sense in this situation, i think. it's another reference of nobility looking down on commoners, despite criston being born barely above those commoners.
“Don’t run away when this doesn’t go to plan, or I’ll gut you like my mother did to my father.” You threatened. He nodded, grabbing your hand in his own and pulling you after him.
okay, this is brutal. it's a brutal thing to do to your partner/husband. i didn't flesh out a clear backstory for the reader, but i did want to include this. it may or may not be true, but it's a desperate attempt to appear strong. that she's a person that can stand on her own two feet. if it is true, her mother prolly killed her father while he was drunk/intoxicated in some other way. realistically, the reader wouldn't stand a chance in a fight with criston, and she knows that.
“I love this side of you. I’ve never seen it, and I want more of it.” You replied.
this is another reference to just that. she doesn't quite love criston yet. he's been unkind to her. it's not a simple relationship, but she can see that there's a possibility of happiness. so, instead of lying to ser criston and saying i love you, she chooses that route.
You won’t believe how cheap everything here is.
this is just bc criston hasn't been to a grocery store in like. ten years.
“This is a manse, not a house.” You laughed, staring at the garden that bloomed around you. Terracotta tiles lined the path in front of you, leading to the house that was apparently yours.
the house is deeply inspired by mediterranean, and especially, italian houses. i'm not sure what they're called, but it's those houses in the countryside that my family would go to for the holidays. the time i spent in those houses was always some of the happiests weeks in my life. i guess it's also an ode to italy and spain, and the experiences i've made there. ofc, i've only ever been on holiday, but in general, people are more friendly and welcoming than in my homecountry germany, and many big cities in southeast asia, where i grew up in. not to mention the absolutely mouthwatering cuisine. ig that's what i wanted for the reader. she's been through enough lol.
“You will. Leaving that place saved you.”
with that place, the reader means the red keep specifically. no one there is happy. sansa is obviously not okay due to the abuse she had to endure. jaime connects most of his trauma to the red keep. cersei sits in the red keep, dreaming of home, of casterly rock (this is in the books, mostly). and why shouldn't they? literally not one character enjoys living there. same thing goes for hotd. rhaenyra leaves it due to rumors catching up to her, and the constant harassment about her sons. alicent's life is just... pretty shit. it's also due to the red keep. had she stayed in oldtown, she never would have been forced to marry viserys, abandoned by her own father and surrounded by people that were out to get something from her. daeron, who is literally alicent's only somewhat normal child, is also the only one that grew up outside the red keep. viserys is killed by living in the red keep and sitting on the iron throne (not that i have much sympathy for him).
now, there's this theme in asoiaf with the corruption through power, and how the iron throne embodies that, but i think that that also extends to the characters in the red keep. either, they're victims of people that seek power (helaena, sansa, tommen, etc) or, they're people made miserable BECAUSE they seek that power (cersei, daemon, kevan, etc).
okay that was A LOT. but yeah, these were kind of my thoughts on the fic and the lines behind it. i hope you enjoyed :)))
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