#come on it'd be too cute
mellosdrawings · 3 months
Hii!! So sorry for going on an absolute spree liking all of your posts ;; your art style is super expressive & I love the way you use crosshatching! As well as all your headcanons (you are so real abt cane user azul, i didnt realize how many cards he's sitting in!!)
I was curious, do you have any headcanons with Ruggie & Jamil? Especially with your N2 squad theories and their canon interactions durin GloMas, I'd love to see what you think of them~
First, never apologize for any liking/reblog/other spree, you have no idea how happy it makes me to have someone like what I do so much that they dig into my previous stuff!
And thank you so much for the compliments I'm ansbsjsbsjsn about them 💕
For Ruggie and Jamil, I have a whole bunch of different headcanons depending on the situations.
First their GloMas interaction gave me life. I found it so perfect, just the two of them finally letting their inner gremlins take over without worrying about their image. It was PERFECT !
I also love that their Signature Spells have the same "manipulation" base, but Ruggie is about the body while Jamil is about the mind. (I usually love adding Jade to the mix with his ability to force the truth out of others. I call the three of them the "Manipulation Gang". I'd love to see the three of them actually gang up some day.)
Jamil and Ruggie also have the same servants-to-spoiled-rich-kids background. I feel like they'd have the most terrible gossip while washing clothes or something. I just can't really imagine them not be friends of sorts. Just pestering about the latest wild nonsense their master has been up to, wondering if they should exchange their burdens (pre chap 6, Jamil would never agree after that) and just generally let the worst of them show to the other coz they don't mind.
In the context of the N2 Squad, Ruggie would definitely be a needed push for Jamil. The kind of "Please just date him, Leona’s mood is only getting worse and I'm tired and if I hear 'im moan about you once more I'm gonna murder you both" or something like that. Ruggie knows the inner workings of Leona, knows the inner workings of Jamil too from their laundry-gossip, and while I can imagine him strive in chaos he would immediately go complain to either Leona or Jamil if their turning around each other made his job harder. After the N2 Squad starts dating though, I can def imagine Ruggie try to profit off being friends with Jamil to get favors from Leona (and maybe Vil too coz why not?)
(Also Ruggie is def Jamil's first fan when it comes to cooking and always tries to have him give him spares from a previous party or whatever.)
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ruporas · 1 year
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happiness today and tomorrow (ID in alt)
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boxofoxberry · 4 months
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found siblings, anyone?
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meownotgood · 8 months
figzero aki is so cuteeee 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 aaaah!!!
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yuseirra · 6 months
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persona 3 - ryoji is a good boy
something wholesome!
you get to pet koromaru in P3R and the motion for it is really good.. you can tell the MC has a thing for dogs. He pets koromaru VERY well with all the skills and love. It's a short shot, but I loved seeing that!
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bumblingbabooshka · 3 months
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Vulcans do the chirrup thing. Luring prey Instinct. And yet...It's mostly used for romance. Get Over Here - I'm Gonna GET You. [Patreon | Commissions]
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displacedbias · 23 days
Ted couldn't help but envy his twin sometimes. He was pretty lucky in ways Felix never even seemed to notice. Lucky in other ways? No, that would be an outright lie. But in his sense of fashion, his taste for higher class clothing, and etiquette, and language, and... all that other stuff Ted personally found boring-- were all things Fe absolutely thrived in. Ted only barely managed to learn it just because he was going to inherit their father's company, and even then, he'd hated every second. Felix on the other hand, had no reason to learn it better than Ted ever could, but he did. He had a real talent for it. And it was probably another case of doing it in the hopes he'd earn their dad's favour for once, but Ted could tell Felix did actually enjoy that stuff too.
The kindergala again... Ted shifted himself on the couch he was sitting on. --Well, 'sitting' was the wrong word. He never liked sitting still for too long with the restless energy he had, and now he was hanging upside down, back draping over the cushions, legs up on the backrest. 
It was a shame that Penny couldn't come this time. Something about being busy with the numerous afterschool stuff she'd begun taking up, and Ted understood. After all, he had MMA, music lessons, and business classes, but that was enough to juggle with the gala going on too. Besides, he could probably plan some other date with Penny, just the two of them. That'd be nice. But he was really hoping he could go on a double date, now that Felix was finally ready to ask someone out this time. No matter; he was gonna wingman the heck outta him and Ozzy, and hopefully they'd have as great of a time as Penny and himself had. ...The last thing he wanted was to see his twin sad. Yeah, no, Ted had already decided this gala was gonna be fun no matter what!!!
But still, Ted didn't entirely want to come alone either. It was a masquerade party this time around, wasn't it? ...It was kind of a no brainer as to which one of his friends would enjoy that the most.
Calling up Alice to invite her turned into a nice conversation, which turned into Ted immediately setting off to go to her house. She was such a creative person, always bursting with ideas he'd never even thought of. All he did was complain about the dress code, how much he hated wearing stiff, fancy tuxes and suits. He had plenty of those in his closet, thanks to the typical Huxley dinner parties and company balls that Ted was forced to attend as the son that Mr. Huxley had put all his hopes on since the moment of his birth. Eugh. But he really liked Alice's ideas-- much preferred them, really-- And she mentioned having some clothing in her possession that might work.
"Why not wear something else?" Alice had suggested during the phone call, "If you don't enjoy wearing formal clothing, then don't. It is a masquerade, yes? Masks are an important part of the attire, indeed, but that's just one component of it. Costumes are another big part of it. Actual costumes, not just suits and ties; although there is a lot of that in the modern day."
Ted blinked. That was news to him. "Like, Halloween costumes?"
"...Hm, well, somewhat?" Ted could hear Alice's voice teetering on how to answer that, "Sure, I suppose. Like Halloween costumes, but with a level of decorum."
"So no dressing in Spongebob foam suits?"
"I suppose you could. I don't see why anyone would stop you, but traditionally, no." Alice rejected solemnly, not even a hint of getting out of character, refined and composed, "Regrettably, Spongebob was not invented long 'til the eve of the 20th century. But I am sure aristocrats would have loved to have Spongebob costumes as their main mode of dress for masquerades, had that materialized in their time." Ted stifled a laugh as he listened to Alice continue on, "No, no, I have a proposal which should find you leagues better."
"Oh?" Ted asked, moving to sit right-side up on top of the couch's back, trying to see if he could fit in between the space between the couch and the wall (He could not). "I'm all ears!"
He could practically hear the way Alice's eyes sparkled when she got really into her fantasy, fae court, riddling, bone god roleplay kinds of scenarios she'd get super into. Especially when other people played along. "I beseech that you should don yourself a rogue of yore. One who is stealthy, perceptive, and skilled. Agile, cunning, and quick-witted-- Such a role is what would contend best to the likes of you, Theodore Huxley."
Even after knowing Alice since kindergarten four years ago, he still sometimes struggled to understand her fancy-speak. This however, actually wasn't too bad this time. "A rogue? I know what that is! Those are, like, the thief guys in D&D, right?" Ted thought about it some more, nodding to himself, "I bet they dress pretty comfy, 'cause they gotta move around a lot, too. Yeah! That sounds perfect for me! ...Uh, so, how do they dress anyway? Are they fancy enough for the gala?"
"I can exert my magic, if you wish it, to add some ‘fancy’ elements necessary. Depart for my dwelling, and you shall be bestowed garments fit for Robin Hood himself. Certainly, I have something in here to spare. Some old costuming from plays, and whatnot." Alice paused for a second, "...And you've already set off, haven't you? The wind whispers so."
Oh. She could hear the wind through his cellphone. "Right, sorry. It is pretty windy today, huh...? That's distracting. Tell you what, we can just talk more when I get to your place! See you then!"
"Then I await your presence. Godspeed." Alice hung up. And Ted was already on his way, glad he finally didn't have to wear some stupid stuffy Huxley outfit to a fancy party for once.
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loveephia · 1 month
i saw something about self shipping from the lovely big sis nat and i started to question myself
could i actually persuade THE golden boy of inarizaki to LOVE ME ?!1!?
the answer is mayhaps.
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anyoldfandom · 1 year
Unpopular opinion perhaps but idt Circe and Rex are a good couple and hear me out. This is not Circe hate I fucking love Circe. She's my girlie. I will jokingly call her Rex's goth gf but like...their dynamic is kinda not great.
Starting with Rex he is extremely codependent with people. Not in an only bad way - he just wants to solve people's problems bc that's what he's used to based on his circumstances. He's the Cure, the specialest guy in his world and everyone knows it even as he doesn't want to be. But he is so used to not just being reliable, but relying on others if he thinks he can't handle something - which isn't often bc he's 15-17 and forced into a hero complex, but it happens. He's used to Six and Holiday saving his ass and having to work with other people. He's also very people-oriented, craving deep connections and willing to open up to anyone.
And in contrast, we have Circe. She is clearly very independent, likes solving issues on her own and hates swallowing her pride, which is fine bc she's ALSO 15-17 and traumatized and manipulated by VK a lot. VK outright said she was in a terrible place when he found her and I don't doubt it, bc that's his MO, playing off of people's desperation. She was a manipulated, discriminated against and traumatized teenager who I want to make abdolutely clear I do not blame for her actions. Girlie clearly has a lot to work through.
But ultimately, I think this makes Circe and Rex a bad romantic couple. Their romantic moments read to me more like kids with no experience dating rather than a deep connection. When they fight, it's always really, really bad, and usually Rex is feeling the brunt of the argument - which again, is not a dunk on Circe. Rex has had emotional support for as long as he can remember with Holix, while it's clear while VK was around the Pack did Not get along. But it's just...shitty for him. He has to consistently be the bigger person which, if he was another character with another backstory willingly and consistently engaging with her it wouldn't be that bad. Noah, for example, could probably handle it better than Rex and be able to better communicate that hey, this isn't fair to lash out at him and that's something to work on. (Again, not a dunk on Circe - people can have negative traits that are not their fault that they still need to rectify to be fair for others. Also, it just flat-out makes her a more interesting character.)
But Rex? Rex is the hero. He's the savior, because that's all he remembers. He's the guy who has to show empathy, has to give other EVOs that aren't blatantly evil second chances, because he's used to no one else doing it. So to me, it just...makes for a bad dynamic for both of them. Rex takes too much shit from Circe bc he wants to help her, and then oversteps her boundaries with what she wants to deal with alone and upsets her more. Circe feels like she's being pitied or talked down to by Rex, and then she either lashes out or gets cold.
I think, honestly, that if they weren't traumabonded...they wouldn't even be that close. Their personalities don't mesh - they could be good friends, but surface level friends. People who talk about their interests or only hang out in friend groups, and that would be fine. But in a romantic relationship, it just...doesn't work.
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sysig · 1 year
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[Peek-a-boo!] (Patreon)
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dkettchen · 6 months
My most male trait is the "ye I can do that" attitude abt stuff I have no means of actually knowing whether I can do
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turtlemurmurs · 1 year
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Some older sketches (October 2021, to be exact) of Wilson that I probably won’t be messing with coloring, but they deserve to be posted I think :3 Mostly relating to the headcanon that he’s trans; I was gonna make a post about it but ehh, it’s a pretty popular headcanon so I’m sure you get the gist xD
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
I still do really like photokinetic Will I just. Don't like the book lmfao... even if they're leaning into the sun stuff for him (which isn't inherently bad)... there's definitely bad aspects to the sun; we saw it firsthand in TBM. Helios is called the "lifegiver" and "bringer of joy to mortals" but also "the destroyer". Apollo is the god of plague as well as healing, and sudden deaths/people dropping dead were attributed to him. So even if Will's portrayal here DIDN'T contradict all of the previous series? It still just wouldn't make sense, as an Apollo kid.
Exactly! I write photokinesis!Will too! But just like you said - the sun has so many elements to it and Apollo himself is the god of so much that it feels ridiculous that Will feels so unaware of it. He literally watched his dad cast a minor plague during a fight at Camp Half-Blood within like, the last year! What do you mean he's going "Even I... have a darkness within of me? :0????"
And he's a medic!!!! For demigods! And survived the Battle for Manhattan! What do you mean you're trying to tell me Will doesn't understand death?! Will's probably the guy to understand death the best at camp besides the literal chthonic demigods!! The book even mentions Michael Yew, local asshole Apollo kid, implying that Michael was very much a prominent big-brother figure to Will (maybe that explains why Will is characterized as such an ass randomly in this book). With that alone Will should be plenty aware that even his own divine heritage is not all sunshine and happiness.
The book did Will so dirty it's physically painful 😭
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byanyan · 2 months
me, staring far off into the distance: i still really want to make magical girl byan happen........
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apricote · 1 year
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the day is finally here!
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cryptidcalling · 4 months
...... May or may not have caved and downloaded Wuthering Waves
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