#comatose lwj
silverflame2724 · 2 years
Just gonna throw a few prompts around tumblr to see what sticks.
Jiang Cheng fails a timetravel fix-it, it results in Wei Wuxian pulling a MianMian AU
Jiang Wanyin goes missing from Cloud Recesses a few weeks after Wei Wuxian was sent back to Lotus Pier.
Madam Yu irrationally banishes Wei Wuxian for failing to protect Jiang Wanyin despite him not being there.
Rogue Cultivator Wei Wuxian goes investigating to find Jiang Cheng and discovers him alive and well but deaged to a small child with memory loss.
Now Wei Wuxian could return to Lotus Pier... But Jiang Cheng was never fully appreciated there and he's such a cute tot now. Also Wei Wuxian is wary of the unreasonable expectations that young Jiang Cheng would be burdened with to 'do it right this time' by Madam Yu.
So Wei Wuxian gets his dream cottage and farm early and raises Jiang Cheng (renaming him as well because its a new start) again far away from said toxic environment with all the unconditional love and support he should have gotten growing up.
Prioritising parenting over night hunting (because he remembers being orphaned on the streets) Wei Wuxian sits out the Sunshot Campaign completely(to the extent of purposely ignoring all cultivation world news), The Sunshot Campaign lasts long enough that without Wei Wuxian all the sects are in ruins at the end of it.
Years later Jiang Cheng encounters something on a night hunt that restores his memory and the reason he was deaged in the first place. Jiang Cheng had travelled back in time to 'fix' things (funnily enough removing Wei Wuxian from the Jiang before he could antagonise Wen Chao) but the clash of his original core and the transplanted core sent him into a Qi Deviation that de-aged him.
16 years after he was de-aged Jiang Cheng investigates the changed world outside of his home and things are to put it lightly, so much worse.
Lotus Pier is basically gone, Madam Yu is missing her right hand, Yanli is grieving over dead Jin Zixuan. Rebuilding Lotus Pier is impossible because Madam Yu has zero support because of her behaviour and Yanli is basically a grieving ghost.
Lan WangJi is still in a coma from fighting the Xanwu of Slaughter 16ish years ago.
Jin Guangyao is Sect Leader Jin through lack of better option, he very much enjoyed giving Madam Jin the boot from Koi Tower.
All the great sects have been reduced to minor sects with little chance of ever rising again.
Jiang Cheng has no idea how to fix this mess, but he's going to need Wei Wuxian's help.
This. This is an amazing idea.
...........Oops. I think I might've accidentally pressed post. Eh-he.
Also, I was a lot nicer on Wei Wuxian since I could have had Madam Yu whip him before kicking him out. Let's just say that Madam Yu was too distraught or grieved to think about dealing with Wei Wuxian like that, okay?
It happened a few years after Wei Wuxian’s death. Jiang Cheng had been drowning in his sorrows and had had enough of this. ENough of being alone, enough of missing his parents, his sister, his....his brother. He hated this feeling of guilt over leading the siege, over not doing enough to make everything right. 
And Wei Wuxian’s notes contained just the thing.
Time travel.
It would be risky. If he failed, he would lose his core. But what hasn’t Jiang Cheng lost already?
Laying down the prepared array, he took a deep breath and poured his spiritual energy in. The array lit up and Jiang Cheng felt himself being sucked in. 
All he could feel was pain. Sharp and constant and crushing. 
Everything went black.
Wei Wuxian had been peacefully studying some random arrays when a shidi of his burst into the room.
“Da-shixiong. Da-shixiong! You have to run now!”
“Huh? Shidi, what’s wrong?”
“It’s Yu-furen! She seemed angry and I eavesdropped and she said she’s kicking you out! I think she’s serious this time!!”
"What reason did she give this time?" Wei Wuxian rolled his eyes. Madam Yu made this same threat at least three times a month.
"She said that it's your fault Jiang-gongzi went missing. So....so...."
"Jiang Cheng is missing?!" Wei Wuxian exclaimed.
"Yeah, he went missing on a night hunt at the Cloud Recesses. But never mind that, Da-Shixiong, hurry!"
Frowning, but knowing that this was most likely not a joke, he quickly packed everything - even Suibian - up into qiankun pouches and hid them in his robes.
His shidi left and Madam Yu burst into his room soon after, storming over to him. He tensed up, knowing that that expression meant that he might be punished.
Madam Yu grabbed his collar and dragged him away, tossing him to the ground outside Lotus Pier.
"Yu-furen, what--?" He was smacked across the face as Madam Yu glared at him.
"It's your fault." She hissed at him. "If you were there, you could have prevented A' Cheng from going missing! If only you hadn't been so disobedient--Get out!" Her expression was thunderous and promised a world of pain if he didn't go. "Leave your bell and get lost!"
Shakily, Wei Wuxian untied his bell and ran away from there. He didn't want to stick around to find out what would happen if he tried to contest her decision.
The scars on his back was more than enough proof of what happened when he disobeyed.
The first step to his new life was finding a steady source of income and that was easy enough. he'd built up a reputation in his time with the Jiang of helping whenever needed so people were more than willing to employ him to assist with local hauntings and minor yaos. (Madam Yu hated going on such easy hunts and often ignored the cry for help in places like these.)
He rather enjoyed this life rather than the restrictive one he led at Yunmeng Jiang where he had to think about politics and the like when no one taught him how to act better.
Now that he had enough money, Wei Wuxian decided to go investigate Jiang Cheng's disappearance in Gusu. One quick ask around for someone of Jiang Cheng's description and Wei Wuxian headed towards the forest where he was last scene.
After wandering without aim for a while, Wei Wuxian wanted to give up, but soon heard crying in a cave nearby. Wary of it being some kind of creature that wanted to lure him into a trap, he drew Suibian and inched closer to the sound.
Upon seeing a flash of Yunmeng purple, Wei Wuxian gasped as he recognized the robes.
"Jiang Cheng?!" He cried, rushing in.
He couldn't have expected what he saw next.
Cocooned in his now much larger robes was a mini Jiang Cheng!
The child looked frightened and curled away from him, eyes blank and unknowing.
Oh. "Umm, hello" He said quietly and he knelt down a distance away from Jiang Cheng. "What are you doing here?"
Jiang Cheng stayed quiet and looked at him warily. "....Got lost. Got hungry and got lost."
"I see." Wei Wuxian felt guilty. He should have come sooner! "Then, shall gege share some food with you?" He rummaged in his qiankun pouch and brought out two apples. He ate one to show that it was safe and handed the other to the child.
Jiang Cheng eyed it and moved forward to take it. Wei Wuxian did not move, not wanting to frighten him. He quickly grabbed the apple and chowed down on it. Knowing that he'd likely choke, Wei Wuxian carefully put down a waterskin that the child quickly grabbed after he started choking.
Wei Wuxian sighed in relief seeing the mini Jiang Cheng okay now. But.....Jiang Cheng didn't remember him. That was obvious after Wei Wuxian had asked whether he wanted to go home and was given a confused look and a quiet 'to whom?'.
Now Wei Wuxian had a choice. He could quietly return to Lotus Pier with Jiang Cheng and perhaps get back into the good graces of Madam Yu or......he could take care of Jiang Cheng himself.
Jiang Cheng had never been appreciated by his parents, with his father being too strict and his mother always berating him and comparing him to others (though mostly it was Wei Wuxian). Wei Wuxian always wanted to take Jiang Cheng away from such a place where he was never given encouragement but he never could given his status and place among the Jiang.
But now.......
Determination shone in Wei Wuxian's eyes.
"Baba, baba!" A child squealed happily. "You're back!"
Wei Wuxian smiled back, picking up his child. "I'm back! Have you been good?"
"Yes, yes! I even cleaned the house!"
Wei Wuxian gasped delightedly. "Oh my god, baobei! You're the best!"
It had been nearly a year since Wei Wuxian had found the amnesiac de-aged Jiang Cheng and a few months since they finally settled down in a cottage on the outskirts of the cultivation world. Wei Wuxian had worked tirelessly to get them this far and he has to say, he's done a magnificent job at child rearing!
It had taken a few weeks to get Jiang Cheng to trust him enough to leave with him and another week to travel away from the sects. Along the way, Wei Wuxian took lower level night hunts to earn some income. Any time there was talk of a strong monster abouts, Wei Wuxian considered helping them, but knew that he was one bad night hunt away from leaving Jiang Cheng on the streets to fend for himself.
His parents' ends were a stark reminder of that so Wei Wuxian did not take the night hunts. However, he did not feel good about leaving the innocent to fend for themselves until whatever sect was nearby deemed it worthy enough of their attention. For places like these, Wei Wuxian stayed longer in order to create some talismans to ensure protection against such beasts. He was always paid for his work, of course - he has a child to feed, after all! - but tried not to deprive a family of all their funds. He wasn't heartless.
And so, life had passed like this until he assisted an elderly couple near the edge of a place called Yunnan. The couple had no children to speak of and no relatives so they had asked Wei Wuxian if he could look after his garden and cottage once they passed.
Wei Wuxian wasn't one to refuse since this meant a steady roof over their heads and a constant source of food nearby.
He accepted.
That's where he's living now with Jiang Cheng who's been newly renamed to Wei Hu (lake), courtesy name: Chunyu (spring rain).
They'd been living without troubles for some time now that Wei Wuxian had largely left the cultivation world. Of course, he occasionally disguised himself and headed to his merchant who sold his talismans for him from time to time, but aside from that, he largely stayed at home with his adorable child, farming away while his donkey brayed in the background.
This life was one he had always wanted. A partner, a child, him and a donkey. He's missing a partner, a lifelong companion, for now but he could be content without one. Not many people want a single father as their spouse and Wei Wuxian could be content with that.
(There were whispers of a war between the cultivation sects but why should that matter to Wei Wuxian? He was no longer a part of them.)
Many years later.......
Wei Chunyu was on a night hunt by himself! His baba had finally allowed him to go hunt beasts alone!! Baba was always protective over him despite how strong he had gotten. After finally managing to hit his baba while they sparred, he was allowed to go hunt for himself without supervision.
Licking his lips, he readied his sword for whatever monster lurked before him.
Jiang Cheng felt like he had been hit by a bear yao. Just what on earth had happened?? Shaking his dizzy head, he tried to remember what had happened.
I activated the array and I remember seeing my much younger hands and then..... Jiang Cheng jolted in shock. I qi-deviated!I qi-deviated and turned into a child because of a dissonance with the core from my future life and the core of my past life! But why? The array said my cores should merge, but maybe....because mine was brought back by Baoshan Sanren.....
Jiang Cheng gathered himself and then remembered. He remembered the life he had lead after that.
Wei Wuxian.....adopted me! He adopted me and took care of me and.....and loved me. Even though I.....I....I was planning on removing him from the Jiang before he could ever cross paths with Wen Chao. I mean, I guess, in a way, I did remove him from the Jiang but what happened with the war? It's been so long.
Shaking off his dread, he strapped his sword to his side and went into town. Asking discretely around for some information, citing that he didn't know anything because he's from Yunnan, Jiang Cheng held his head in his hands in distress.
The war had been won by the Sunshot allies. But all the sects were in ruin by the ends of it.
The Wen sect is still there but only the healers and civilians had been left. Wen Qing had taken ahold of the remnants of the clan, given reparations to the sects for Qishan Wen's crimes and dissolved the Qishan Wen sect and soon disappearing with her family from the rest of the world.
Lotus Pier still met the same end, having been decimated. But his mother was still alive, merely missing her right hand and some pride. (Though her reputation as someone too fierce and always angry had driven away what little recruits the Jiang had.) His sister - he could nearly cry at that - was alive but Jin Zixuan was still dead, leaving her as a husk of herself. Jin Guangyao had become the head of the Jin sect after his father's untimely death and booting Madam Jin back to her maiden family.
The Lan sect is barely hanging on, with Lan Xichen grieving over his comatose brother who had become like that through the draining fight with the Xuanwu of Slaughter and Lan Qiren barely alive.
The Nie sect has been reduced to nearly nothing as well, what with Nie Mingjue half-dead from multiple qi-deviations and Nie Huaisang who was suddenly thrust into the Sect Leader role unprepared.
"It's a mess." He muttered to himself. "It's all a mess."
Jiang Cheng has no idea how to fix this mess, but he's going to need Wei Wuxian's help. But....how?
No matter how much of a genius Wei Wuxian was, there was no bringing back the dead from life, not with how uninvolved Wei Wuxian was with demonic cultivation in this life and how the bodies had probably been cremated already.
Of course, he could rally together the Jiang sect again but if rumors of how volatile his mother was were true......perhaps it would be best not to provoke her.
They could bring his sister with them. She was alive and....well, not quite well, but she was alive! And maybe taking her out of the cultivation world will do her some good. It sure did Jiang Cheng a whole lot better....wait. What is he thinking?!
Jiang Cheng shook his head. No matter how comfortable his life was with Wei Wuxian, he shouldn't be thinking like this! But.....his sister deserves some peace after everything that's happened to her.
And Lan Wangji......well. Having a sect leader in his debt would be nice. Wei Wuxian was sure to concoct some sort of miracle with his talismans and bring Lan Wangji back to consciousness. If Lan Xichen were to be grateful to them, it would surely help with.....something. Maybe he could even solve Nie Mingjue's health issues!
But he would have to discuss everything first and maybe even tell Wei Wuxian the truth of how this all occurred?
Jiang Cheng packed up his stuff and headed back......back home. Because it was his home now. Wei Wuxian had always irritated him and Jiang Cheng even hated him, despised the very thought of him. But in this life.....it was different. Wei Wuxian......was a great father and raised him extremely well.
But.....what if Wei Wuxian grew angry with him for all of this? He didn't know what to think or how Wei Wuxian would act.
As his mind clouded up with worries, he hadn't realized he had already returned.
"A' Yu? Are you back already?"
Jiang Cheng froze up and Wei Wuxian's warm smile graced him. "Uhh...."
"Hm? What's wrong A' Yu? Did the night hunt go wrong? Did you get hurt?"
"No. It went fine. But....But Baba--" God, that sounds so weird! "--I have something to tell you."
"You can tell me anything. You know I'm always here to listen."
Jiang Cheng's heart warmed. "Well, you see, the thing is....."
He'd figure this out. They'd both figure this out. And maybe, this time around, the three of them would always be together.
Aaaaaaand that's a wrap! How did you all like it?
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llycaons · 1 year
basically if they are not glued to each others side postcanon there had better be a good reason why
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
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In the mood for...
1. ITMF growing up together/teen fics? Are there any fics which focus on the time before the characters all meet at the Gusu lectures? WWX and LWJ could meet as children on diplomacy visits, for example. The story could follow as they grow up and take on duties within their sect (like, how did WWX work hard and prove himself to be worthy of head disciple?), and then eventually catch up to canon when they hang out during the lectures. Thank you for any recs you can give!
the heartlines on our hands by occultings (microcomets) (E, 47k, WangXian, Soulmates, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mutual Pining, First Time, Canon Divergence, Canonical Character Death) Starts when LWJ is 8 years old. It a beautiful story
2. Hello! Do you have any recs for Wei Wuxian being raised as a servant, not as the head disciple of Yunmeng Jiang? He is treated as a servant by the Jiang family, maybe goes to the Gusu lectures as a servant (not as a student), in the Sunshot Campaign he is just another footsoldier/servant. Something along these lines, thank you!
The Myrmidon by Basingstoke (E, 33k, WIP, WangXian, SangXian, XiYao, WWX raised as a servant, spiritual weapons, gusu summer camp, Flirting, lots of flirting, they're young, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon-Typical Behavior, War) It was recced recently in another itmf and it was pretty good! WWX is brought up as a servant/bodyguard for Jiang Cheng.
Fangs of Desire by @museywrites​ (E, 39k, wangxian, JC/LXC, WQ/MM, JYL/JZX, SL/XXC, rape/non-con, graphic depictions of violence, vampire LWJ, hellhound/banshee WWX, dub con, sexual assault via vampire venom, addiction, recover, war, attempted murder, modern w magic) Vampire AU, but the rest fits pretty well :))
3. In the mood for: a non-villainous Jin Guangyao and Wei Wuxian (and if possible, Nie Huaisang) working together? I read a great fic where the three of them put their sneaky brains together and they made some instant message boxes (I can't remember the name of that fic TT) and I would love to see more of them being smarty pantses! I love when brains are used over brawn. Thank you! @gloriousclotpole
scorpion, before the frog by Stratisphyre (T, 59k, NieLan, 3Zun, Canon, Dragons, Found Family, Pre-Relationship, Mutual Pining, Parental Abuse, Hurt/Comfort, warning for JGS behaving exactly as expected, sometimes a redemption arc is just dragons and kids and found families, allusions to noncon because of JGS, derogatory references to sex work, suicidal ideation and attempt) the focus is more on jgy and nhs than it is on jgy and wwx, but i think scorpion, before the frog by stratisphyre might fit the bill
Meng Yao vs. the Board of the Homeowner's Association Series by Ariaste (M/T, 119k, WIP, XiYao, WangXian, Modern AU, Established Relationship, xiyao and wangxian are both already married, Family Feels, Domestic Fluff, Family Bonding, Slice of Life, Discussions of Past Trauma, wwx's canonical kinks, HOAverse)
Collaboration of Dangerous Minds by JustAWanderingBabbit (T, 14k, JGY & WWX, JGY & QS, canon divergence, unexpexted team up, fix-it, canonical sibling incest)
Alliance of the Traveling Pants by JustAWanderingBabbit (G, 112k, 3Zun, WangXian, WIP, Canon Divergence) Instant messaging is a game-changing element in Moxiang Tongxiu Crack and Drabbles, Chapter 11: Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants by JustAWanderingBabbit (M, 159k, Drabble Collection, tags vary per story), which served as the pilot for Alliance of the Traveling Pants; the women invent it, but Meng Yao quickly learns it and it spreads through Team Sunshot.
Bait and Switch by JustAWanderingBabbit (T, 14k, 3Zun, WangXian, Canon Divergence, body switch, whatif, Weird Cultivation, Mojo's post) WWX and JGY wind up bodyswapped in a Sacrifice Summons gone awry (WWX, comatose rather than dead, has been cared for in secret at Lotus Pier.)
Really? Me Too! by mercyandmagic (M, 59k, XiYao, WangXian, JC/QS, Angst with a Happy Ending, Crack Treated Seriously)
Ch.46 of Moxiang Tongxiu Crack and Drabbles by JustAWanderingBabbit (M, 159k, WIP, Drabble collection) Chapter 46 of Moxiang Tongxiu Crack and Drabble has Wei Wuxian, Jin Guangyao, and Nie *Mingjue* thrown into a conspiratorial bond when a talisman accident enables them to see each others’ chibified Inner Selves.
4. Hihi! I've been on a 'secretly wealthy' Wei Wuxian kick after binge reading H_Belle's 💖 One Can Keep A Secret. I love those stories where Wei Ying becomes rich and famous by being himself. One of those ideas is that Wei Wuxian (canon timeline, not modern AU mostly) writes, novels. I have read a few but unfortunately I have been unable to find one of them. Basically, Wei Wuxian in the Burial Mounds Days writes novels that become famous and post Resurrection deciedes to take it up again. Any luck? @goddessa39
Chapter 14 of "WWX November Mayhem Prompts" by demoniqt (G, wangxian, one-shot, author WWX) But he's not rich.
💙 Away from Trouble by Ilona22 (M, 15k, WangXian, Not JC Friendly, LWJ/WWX Get a Happy Ending) might qualify. WWX is not secretly wealthy, but he does make a name for himself as both a cultivator and an artist under a pseudonym, and is living comfortably.
Come Around and Stay by trippednfell (M, 160k, WangXian, NieLan, Modern AU, Slow Burn, Kid Fic, Found Family, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, PTSD, Blood and Injury, Dissociation, Angst with a Happy Ending, POV Alternating, Yunmeng reconciliation (eventually), Friend Zoning, Literal Sleeping Together, Hurt/Comfort, Panic Attacks) also has a secretly wealthy/successful WWX
5. Fot the next I'm in the mood for... I'm in the mood for a fic where wei ying just decides to trust lan zhan and tell him about the core and his three months at the burial mounds after they meet again. So not lan zhan finding out by accident, but wei ying trusting him with it. Thanks! @ranfused4ever
Swordless by WithBroomBefore (G, 32k, WangXian, Established Relationship, Canon Divergence, WWX goes to Gusu, Golden Core Reveal, Trans Character, AFAB LWJ, philos)
Red Flower With One Hundred Petals; Smoke Carried on the Blue Dusk Air by carolyncaves (T, 32k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Post-Sunshot Campaign, Alcohol, Mental Health Issues, Angst, Tenderness, Golden Core Reveal, Hurt/Comfort, thoughts of death/dying, Marriage Proposal, Wedding Fluff, Family Feels, Literal Sleeping Together, Shotgun Wedding, angry wedding planner JC, Yunmeng sibling drama and fluff, physical affection, Terrible Parties, Happy Ending)
6. hi! itmf fics that play up the effects of Wei Wuxian not having a golden core? He gets cold more quickly, needs to eat more, needs to sleep more, can't keep up with the cultivators as well, etc. Bonus points if Lan Wangji dotes on him to make up for it!
they who refuse to be blessed by sysrae (E, 7k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Whump, Golden Core Reveal, Developing Relationship, Bathing/Washing, Confessions, Sharing a Bed) I /suppose/ they who refuse to be blessed by sysrae would work? Definitely points how terrible conditions were in the Burial Mounds and what that physically would do to a recently coreless wwx
it rains, it pours by jublis (Not Rated, 38k, WIP, WangXian, Hurt/Comfort, Humor, Food as a Metaphor for Love, Case Fic, Established Relationship, Angst with a Happy Ending, Soft WangXian, Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Protective LWJ, Protective WWX, YLLZ WWX, Rogue Cultivator LQY, LQY & WWX Friendship, BAMF MM, Horror, wwx-centric, Friendship/Love, Ghosts, Junior Quartet Dynamics) there is a story by jublis that plays into this esp in the first chapter, its a wip in progress, also a sequel (the first story is also amazing!)
DanTian Series by ArchiveWriter (E, 150k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Happy WangXian, Slice of Life, Established Relationship, Fluff, Domestic bliss, Family fluff, Tags Vary per story) this is a persistent theme in DanTian, by ArchiveWriter. WWX isn’t getting a new core, and LWJ (who has renounced immortality to age along with him) tenderly pampers him to the extent their austere mountain retreat allows.
Like a Water-Worn Stone by meyari (T, 41k, wangxian, major character death, hurt/comfort, chronic illness, serious injuries, self-medication, disability, PTSD, depression, self-worth issues, implied/referenced child abuse, prisoner of war, identity issues, tw JGS) these two have a same theme: wwx has chronic pain and because he didn't have golden core, he is not healing as fast as normal cultivato.
Elder, an Aesthetic by MarbleGlove (G, 8k, JC & WWX, fix-it, post-sunshot)
let the sun go down on your anger; let it burn you to sleep by enbysaurus_rex (Not Rated, 78k, WIP, WangXian, WWX & WQ, Narcolepsy AU, Chronic Illness, Chronic Pain, YLLZ WWX, Oblivious WWX, Sleeping Beauty Elements, Sleeping Beauty Fusion, tags at the beginning of every chapter, Body Horror) (link in #9)"let the sun go down on your anger; let it burn you to sleep" also works great here. WWX has been mitigating the effects of his undiagnosed narcolepsy with his core and has no idea how much his condition truly impacts him until he gives up his core
silt, or scurvy series by astronicht (M, 11k, wangxian, modern w/ magic, chronic illness, Podfic: The Silt or Scurvy Series by raitala) modern cultivation AU; the combination of corelessness and resentful energy immersion is causing WWX chronic illness and pain.
7. A) So I was reading Keep Holding On by abCEE and it was amazing. There was a part where we get to know that Wei WuXian's father WCZ is actually a young master of a wealthy, famous and powerful merchant family. The whole arc was really really good.
So this is an IITMF request: are there any fics similar to this? Like WWX being loaded af. And only canon era fics please, 'cause I've read a few modern fics with this theme, but WWX was a lot older in them.
Thank you so much for your precious time 💜
B) Hey!! Give me some NMJ and WWX friendship please :)
C) Are there any fics where there is no Golden Core theory at all? Like what would've happened if there was no such theory written by WQ.
8. itmf pov outsider fics that watch lwj fall in love with wwx or vice versa please 🥺
💙 Su She Eats his Heart Out by KizuKatana (T, 16k, WangXian, 3rd person pov, implied offscreen wangxian sex)
9. in the mood for a fic where the golden core transfer is described in excruciating detail :3
let the sun go down on your anger; let it burn you to sleep by enbysaurus_rex (Not Rated, 78k, WIP, WangXian, WWX & WQ, Narcolepsy AU, Chronic Illness, Chronic Pain, YLLZ WWX, Oblivious WWX, Sleeping Beauty Elements, Sleeping Beauty Fusion, tags at the beginning of every chapter, Body Horror) this fic has a long core transfer description
Chapter 1 of Departure in Autumn by chomrafy (Not Rated, 6k, Angst, golden core transfer, Whumptober, Wwx and jc have matching scars, Food, Family, Cooking, Xuanwu Cave, Fall of Lotus PIer, Cynophobia, First Seige of the Burial Mounds, Hurt/Comfort, But also, Hurt No Comfort, Suicidal Thoughts) a detailed description of the core transfer from WQ’s POV; warning for torturous medical experimentation and moral injury.
Core-Thieving Hand by x_los (T, 5k, WangXian, WQ & WWX & WN, Body Horror, Fullmetal Alchemist Vibes, Nuclear Horror Vibes, Found Family, Neon Genesis Evangelion Vibes) showcasing WWX and WQ (and WN!) as Science Siblings; canon diverges in the middle of the operation, with the result that core research takes an even darker turn that nonetheless winds up saving more lives; an examination of the terrible decisions scientists face in wartime and thereafter.)
Family Ties by archipelago (E, 3k, WQ & WWX, NingXian, graphic depictions of surgery, Blood, Gore, Protective Siblings, siblings willing to do terrible things for each other, Pain, Emotional Trauma, Physical Trauma, wwx is awake for surgery, Canon Compliant, Golden Core Transfer, cql)
Glow by Quiet_crash (G, 2k, WangXian, Junior Quartet, JC & WWX) it’s fairly brief, but WWX recounts his corectomy (as well as his donghua-exclusive destruction of WZL’s core) to the Junior Quartet.)
10. Hello! For one of your upcoming “in the mood for” posts, does anyone have any First Jade!Lan Wangji? @emrysmerlyn
The sea and sky and everything in between by apathyinreverie (M, 8k, WIP, WangXian, LXC & LWJ, Manipulation, but in a good way?, Fluff, creature blood, Dragon LWJ, Siren WWX, First Jade LWJ, Possessive LWJ, Oblivious WWX, Possessive WWX, Romance, courting, Older LWJ, not Jiang friendly)
11. Itmf fics where wwx gets to raise and watch a-yuan grow? It can be at gusu or the burial grounds, wangxian centric or not, I just want to read about him getting to be the best dad in canon setting
both of these fit to an extent but since wei wuxian isnt actually *alive* (not a spoiler, its ghost time babey) in either of them they may not fit what the asker was looking for.
the moon, grown full by Deinde (T, 22k, LSZ & WWX, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Spirits, Identity Reveal, discussion of war crimes, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, Hopeful Ending, Homecoming, reclaiming your name and identity, Names, Families of Choice)
Response by Aki_no_hikari (G, 12k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Family Feels, Love Confessions)
The Intervening Years by roserocksrapidly (G, 11k, LSZ & WWX, LSZ & LWJ, WangXian, Canon Divergence, LSZ centric, Parent-Child Relationship, Wangxian is background, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort)
12. Hi there! I'd like to make a request for a future itmf if thats okay? I know you guys have the comps for parent wx but I was wondering if I could get some fics featuring pregnant wwx? Genderbend, mpreg, a/b/o, modern or canon au, I'm fine with anything! I've just been reading a few lately where wwx is pregnant and it goes through the months of his pregnancy and so I was hoping to find more like that. Hope this ask wasn't too weird 😅 thank you so much for all that you do!
We actually do have a Pregxian & Pregji Fic compilation! Though I am sure our followers will have plenty more recs for you ^^
A Mother's Love by FirefliesNLightningBugs (M, 152k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Unreliable Narrator, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Happy Ending, Miscommunication, Family Feels, PTSD, Post-Sunshot Campaign, POV Multiple, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Good Brother In Law JZX, Genderbent WWX, Intersex WWX, not a/b/o, Expanded Universe, Unplanned Pregnancy, Golden Core Reveal, WWX Has No Golden Core, Bisexual WWX, YLLZ WWX, Parent-Child Relationship, Getting Together, Protective Yúnmèng Jiāng Sect, MXY Lives)
13. Thanks for all your amazing work! I’m in the mood for fics about wangxian sworn brotherhood. Maybe wwx is all excited about having an official(ish) family for the first time. Maybe Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli have feelings about it. Maybe exploration of "historical" marriage and how that is or isn't what they want.
14. This is an a specific ITMF request; I'd love any fics where, post-canon, the Gusu elders give WWX so much hell that he decides to leave, and in solidarity with his beloved LWJ secedes from the sect to go with him.
❤️ Attempting the Impossible by Ariaste (T, 36k, JC & WWX, WangXian, Reconciliation, Adoption, Adopted Children, JC POV, Family Feels, Family Fluff, the Yunmeng Bros make up, Post-Canon, the Wangxian Need More Kids agenda, Original Character(s), Kid Fic, Family Drama, Fluff, and like a tiny dab of angst, [PODFIC] Attempting the Impossible by Ariaste by lunatique) its specifically lan qiren that is rude which causes lan zhan to leave CR
15. Hiii!! I’m itmf doted on wwx. LIKE: imagine yanli…but make it wwx. Just basically most people actually like him and are protective of him (if he has a sorta weak cultivation, or has a delicate constitution, that would be a plus). Ty in advance!!! :D
some things go forward by everythingispoetry (T, 75k, wangxian, modern, hospitals, teenage drama, slow burn, hurt/comfort, fluff, happy ending) For 15! It's wangxian with both of them having cancer (it's a happy ending though! No sad!) But wwx is in remission but has days that are bad and he gets doted on and cared for by his whole family, including madam yu.
A Burning Cold by MountainRose (G, 29k, Chronic Illness, Pre-Canon, Nirvana in Fire Fusion, Character Study, Wen Bullshit, Suibian, Snow Beetle Poison)
16. Hello wonderful mods! ITMF fics where LWJ makes bad mistakes? I recently read this incomplete 2 chapter one where he dated WWX on a bet. I was hoping for something like this. But generally, anything where the fight/break up is LWJ's fault. (All the better if WWX doesn't immediately take him back). Thanks!
(Un)forgettable by Edens_Cat, VividestList (E, 67k, WangXian, Misunderstandings, Angst with a Happy Ending, Kid Fic, teenage juniors, Teacher WWX, the juniors are the wwx protection squad, Amnesia!, Protective WQ, protective LSZ, Matchmaker LJY, A-Yuan is Wei Yuan, Single Parent WWX, Riding, Dirty Talk, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering)
The Architecture of Heartbreaks by tigersugargirl (T, 5k, wangxian, modern, college/university au, fake/pretend dating, break-up, panic attacks, implied/referenced abuse, rich LWJ, scholarship WWX, architect WWX, rebuilding, healing, found family, WIP) the story in #16 is the architecture of heartbreaks by tigersugargirl. Damn shame it hasn't been updated in a while.
🧡 Life as a House by Terri Botta (Isilwath) (T, 55k, WangXian, Modern AU, Post-Divorce, Father-Son Relationship, Reconciliation, Therapy, Angst with a happy ending)
Honesty is the Best Policy (Except if You're an Asshole) by piecrust (E, 22k, WangXian, Porn with Feelings, College/University)
the earthquake in the room by phnelt (E, 39k, WangXian, College/University, Modern: No Powers, Canada, Getting Together, Mentions of lwj/others, inter-faculty romance, strangers to lovers to frenemies to lovers, mostly book characterisation)
17. Hi, I guess this would be for the next in the mood for post but I was wondering if anyone knew any fics where LWJ points out some of the hypocrisy of the Lan or Cultivators in general. Or fics where LWJ helps Wen Ruohan? I have read a few fics where WWX goes back and time and sides with the Wen but none where LWJ does that. I've read some where he'll go back and side with the Wen Remnants but never the Wen as a whole. Thanks! @kasey1939
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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ladysunamireads · 1 year
Why Do Birds Suddenly Appear, Everytime You are Here?
Why Do Birds Suddenly Appear, Everytime You Are Here? by Asteri FloralWolf
Lan Wangji was trapped in a cave, becomes comatose and wakes up in another cave. Someone dwells in this cave and must have aided him. The fates of the other disciples that attended the Wen Indoctrination are unknown
And there is a detailed mural of him in the cave. What the Fuck?!
Words: 1356, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of CrowXian With a Twist
Fandoms: 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù, 魔道祖师 | Módào Zǔshī (Cartoon)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī, Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn
Relationships: Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn
Additional Tags: Crow Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Xuánwǔ of Slaughter Cave, Top Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Bottom Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn Isn't Adopted by the Jiāngs, Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī Stays at the Burial Mounds, Crows, Miscommunication, Courting Rituals, Not Jiāng Chéng Friendly, he only gets mentioned once in Lwj's pov, Alternate Universe- Post Xuanwu without Wei Wuxian, POV Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47348332
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sandupommelfrog · 2 years
Had some thoughts ab vague urban fantasy vampire Xicheng au
the Jiang family r apothecaries and serve both humans and non-humans. The Yu line has been p involved in criminal underbelly type stuff but Yu Ziyuan stopped doing that several yrs before they had kids together. She still teaches her children how to defend themselves.
Wei Wuxian is great at experimenting and creating new elixirs and shit, Yanli excels at putting customers at ease and figuring out what options there r for whatever help theyre seeking, and Jiang Cheng is bookkeeper/paper work extraordinaire.
YZY and JFM still hv a troubled marriage bcut the fact that since the 3 siblings started working, they fill different but essential roles and work in tandem at the shop, its gotten a bit better.
In this part of the city, non-humans r p chill and the humans who r aware of them r like “oh thats just my flatmate Marleen shes chill but like i hv to hose her down after she comes back covered in mud and twigs from a full moon romp”
So hunters r not particularly well liked even by humans bc of History, but they deal w monsters and demons that ur average person cant.
Lan Zhan walks into the shop one day looking to restock his toxin antidotes and Wei Wuxian is immediately and obliviously smitten and invites him to various parties and shit, to which he declines but keeps finding reasons to visit the shop and see Wei Ying <3
Lan Xichen is in the depression zone bc he was tricked by a black market trader (JGY?? Idk yet) into killing several innocent non humans and is seriously doubting whether he can make sound judgements and actually protect ppl. LWJ recently made him move back into their shared apartment but hes still hving a rough time.
the Wens r a vampire clan, and the Wen siblings frequent the shop too and deliver them warnings that Wen Chao is going to try to extort them
after the Jiangs refuse to give in to their extortion attempts, they burn down their shop. Their parents r alive but comatose and the siblings go into hiding
Wen goons r ab to nab WWX but JC sacrifices himself and gets killed and turned.
WWX gets LWJ’s help since the Wen extortion stuff was already a big no-no but an attack and kidnapping like this is under the Lan hunter’s perviee. WWX goes apeshit and takes 10000 psychic dmg when he goes to rescue his babie brother only to find a feral and hungry babie vampire JC.
JC is subdued and put into needle coma by Wen Qing while and WWX recuperates before going to make Wen Chao regret being born but uh oh! The Wens hv gone into hiding now that the Lans r involved.
WWX feels at fault for JC getting kidnapped and turned bc He is supposed to b Protective Older Brother and convinces Wen Qing to bag his own blood to feed JC. Yanli also offers her own blood, altho she cant donate as much.
JC eventually is pulled out of the coma, feeds, becomes lucid, and then falls in depression times as he struggled to come to turns w being a vampire now and he is an extremely hungee boy bc the Wens did something to him.
The Yunmeng sibs stay in hiding for a bit. Yanli salvages what she can from the family shop and w Wen Qing’s help, still meets w clients. WWX runs himself ragged trying to donate enough blood to keep JC lucid and sated and also trying to come up w a tonic to suppress his unnaturally strong hunger.
JC is an anxious mess wrt losing control again and also how WWX is exhausting himself w how much blood hes giving him. JC does what shop paperwork he can while learning the vampire basics from Wen Ning.
WWX finally perfects a tonic to suppress JC’s hunger and is able to recover physically and while they both love each other a lot, things r a bit rocky rn.
Now that hes feeling better, WWX starts to spend the weekends w LWJ looking for the Wens. JYL by chance gets into contact w JZX, werewolf heir to a Business Place or sth and starts trying to negotiate a deal to acquire funds to rebuild the shop while they also both navigate their own awkward mutual-but-believes-its-unrequited-attraction.
WWX and LWJ dont come back one day, and arent answering their phones. JC suspects that theyve finally gotten their heads out of their ass and r fucking. He has negative desire to bug them while Thats Happening but hes unexpectedly run out of hunger tonic and WWX’s notes r illegible.
So he finds LWJ’s address and breaks into their apartment, LXC is just vibing, lying down in bed, w the lights off when he hears someone pick the lock. The Lans hv a fair amount of enemies so hes ready to beat someones ass, esp if theyre the reason Wangji hasnt come home.
LXC catches JC by surprise and pins him against the wall in a kind of sexy way and after a lot of snark from JC LXC’s like oh ok ur chill and lets him go. Theyre both v worried ab their brothers and JC eventually explains his situation and LXC offers himself for JC to feed on while they look for them.
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gingersnapwolves · 3 years
today’s 3AM notes: 3zun ‘while you were sleeping’ (a classic 90s rom-com for those who don’t know)
brought to you by the fact that Meng Yao is absolutely enough of a drama queen to stand in front of an ICU door with a mournful sigh and big sad eyes and say to nobody “I was gonna marry him”
but I hate love triangles, so, instead of falling in love with unconscious man's brother *instead*, he can fall in love with unconscious man's ex-boyfriend *also* 
LXC is more likely to be the unconscious one, since MY does canonically save his life, buuuuuut I don't see LWJ believing that his brother was engaged without him knowing it.
whereas NHS would be more likely to believe that his brother would get engaged after, like, 3 weeks of romance and then not get around to telling him about it for a while
I mean, would he be a little suspicious, sure, but would he act on it? probably not
NHS: “it’s free real estate brother”
meanwhile LXC and NMJ had an amicable breakup because they were going to different colleges and the long distance thing didn’t really work out too well for them, and then after LXC came back, NMJ was dating someone else, and the timing just never worked out for them
then as soon as he hears that NMJ is hurt he obviously rushes to the hospital
now LXC is like "he's engaged! that's wonderful news and I'm definitely not sad about this!"
I mean it’s only the love of his life marrying someone else
someone super cute
with killer dimples
meanwhile Meng Yao is being thoroughly adopted by the Friend Group (since I wouldn’t have a big extended family) and he’s just like “what. what is happening. why are they nice. why am I having Feelings. I did not ask for these Feelings.” and also “everyone thinks I’m this comatose man’s fiancee, do not, repeat, do NOT make out with his ex”
there’s confusion and angst and hilarity and NMJ comes out of his brief coma and everyone thinks he’s got amnesia when he doesn’t know who Meng Yao is and, just, rom-com shenanigans everywhere
and obviously in the long run all three of them live happily ever after
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ner-u · 2 years
mdzs prompts/ looking for
•lwj and wwx having secret relationship (cloud recess study age?? or maybe older, anything is fine) and wwx died or got into a comma. their relationship only got known after wwx died/comatose
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some-crafty-witch · 3 years
A Wish I Can't Stop Making
Rated T / 50k words / Complete!
Warnings: canon-typical violence, implied/referenced sexual assault
There's a shop that comes and goes, granting the wishes of those desperate enough to see it. Lan Wangji can't seem to stop thinking about the man who runs it, with his bright smile and red ribbon, and he doesn't know why it feels like he should already know him.
Meanwhile, in Koi Tower, Jiang Yanli is faced with a comatose husband and dead ends instead of answers. She's determined to find a way to heal her family, but there's schemes afoot in the home of the Jin clan.
What do you wish for? What would you pay for it? And what do you do if you can't remember what you've lost?
This has been out for a whole week actually but I haven't gotten around to posting it on here! This was originally supposed to be a wangxian pining fic but now at least as much, if not more, of a Jiang Yanli family fic. Thank you to the wonderful people at @mxtxbb for organizing and being the reason I managed to write two whole (finished!!!!) stories this year!
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giftwrappingpaper · 4 years
jiang yanli and lan wangji friendship agenda
summary: lan wangji visits lotus pier and drinks tea with jiang yanli.
jyl and lwj would've been good friends and it's a crime they barely interact w each other in canon. here's my application to the let jyl and lwj be friends club. takes place in a canon divergence of cql ep 24 where lwj visits yunmeng instead of lxc
written for the mxtx remix
Jiang Yanli finds Lan Wangji at the entrance of Lotus Pier, shoulders straight and fist resting rigidly at the small of his back. A thin sheen of sweat coats his stoic face; it is the height of summer, and even Jiang Yanli, daughter of Yunmeng’s lotus rivers and humid breeze, shifts uncomfortably under the sun’s unforgiving heat.
“Lady Jiang,” he says, punctuating his greeting with a bow. “I apologize for arriving unannounced.”
Jiang Yanli remembers herself. They are not in Qishan anymore, war-weary and conversing over her comatose brother — they are in Yunmeng, and she is the lady of Lotus Pier. “There is no need for apologies, Hanguang-jun,” she says, bowing in return. “You are always welcome here. Please, come in.”
He follows her through the gates and into the central training field, where a group of recently recruited YunmengJiang disciples practice sword forms under Jiang Cheng’s critical sneer. He slaps at a disciple’s weak wrist and locked knees as Jiang Yanli and Lan Wangji traverse the bordering walkway to Lotus Pier’s main hall.
A servant brings them a pot of tea and makes to fill their cups, but Jiang Yanli shoos him off. A rather cruel drink to serve in this weather, but Lan Wangji doesn’t complain when it’s offered to him, so Jiang Yanli lets it be. “Sword Hall was one of the first rooms we rebuilt,” she tells him after they’re settled in their seats. “We deemed it forthcoming to prioritize the rooms used to entertain our esteemed guests.”
Lan Wangji’s eye’s flicker at the newly lacquered wood, the newly minted metalwork. “A show of hospitality to your patrons?” he assumes.
More like a show of strength. Most of the YunmengJiang Sect’s wealth was charred to insignificance, and the reparations they’d plundered after the Sunshot Campaign could only go so far. They could not afford to rebuild on their own, nor could they afford to reveal this weakness to visiting clans. Their status as a Great Sect hinges on their reputation as a sect that can overcome the destruction of their home and the massacre of their people. The first step in doing so: coddling powerful, prying, paying visitors with amenable lodgings and entertainment.
Jiang Cheng had wanted to rebuild their ancestral shrine first, to honor the newly coveted remains of their mother and father. Jiang Yanli had been the one to convince him otherwise.
“Hospitality,” she echoes, serving Lan Wangji a cup. “Hm. I suppose you can call it that.”
They drink their tea. As the minutes pass in silence she marvels at Lan Wangji’s patience, for she is no fool — Lan Wangji hadn’t made the journey to Yunmeng to drink tea with her.
“I believe A-Xian left this morning,” she informs him. Lan Wangji’s already prim posture stiffens at the mention of Wei Wuxian, and she smiles.
He stares at his cup. After a beat he glances up and says, “I did not come bearing ill intentions.”
“I didn’t think you did. You came to play for him again, yes?” She can still hear the echoing twang of his guqin, perfectly measured chords plucked by slender fingers. It had calmed her heartbeat and brought color to Wei Wuxian’s pale pallor. It had been sweet. It had been lovely.
It had helped. Maybe it will help again. Wei Wuxian more often than not returns home haunted-eyed and smelling of liquor.
“I did, yes. Where may I find him?”
“In town, most likely.” She hesitates, then recalls the tenderness in Lan Wangji’s music and face as he played Wei Wuxian a song of cleansing. “Beyond his usual duties, A-Xian hasn’t been spending much time in Lotus Pier.”
Concern pinches Lan Wangji’s brow. “Why is that?”
They had been steadfast in recreating the Lotus Pier they grew up in — an exact replica of the halls Jiang Yanli spent her childhood walking through. In that they succeeded, down to the lotus flowers listing across the courtyard ponds. But the wood is too new, the metalwork too untarnished. Only recently did Jiang Yanli realize what was missing from her usual nightly routine: it was the wayward splinter she’d pluck from her robes before going to bed, pricked from the scuffed flooring worn down by generations of footsteps.
No attempt at rebuilding can truly hide the scorched earth the QishanWen Sect left behind. No freshly dug up lotus pond can make Jiang Yanli forget that the room she and Lan Wangji are drinking tea in is strides away from the spot her parents were killed.
Jiang Yanli traces the rim of her cup with her thumb. “Lotus Pier has been rebuilt, but it is not the same,” she says, her eyes focused on Lan Wangji’s shoulder. “A-Xian is not used to it.” None of them are.
“I see,” Lan Wangji says. He rests his hands together. “Moving forward is no easy task.”
Moving forward. They share a look, and she is reminded that the Cloud Recesses had been burned to the ground, too.
“We all have our hardships. But it has been especially hard for A-Xian. He hasn’t told me, but I think he may feel…” she struggles to find the words. “He may feel a sense of responsibility for what had happened. Like it was his fault. Which is — “
“Ridiculous,” they say in tandem. A beat of silence before comprehension sets. Jiang Yanli giggles into her sleeve, and the corners of Lan Wangji’s lips twitch in what can almost be taken as the beginning of a grin.
“Yes, ridiculous.” She lifts her hand down, still smiling. “And while I trust him when he says he has it under control, the demonic cultivation he’s been so fond of as of late is a concern. So I’m glad you’re here.”
His eyes soften at her approval. Who was it that spread the rumors of this man’s aloofness? Lan Wangji was as open a book as Jiang Yanli’s brothers. “I have learned several new pieces of music since Qishan. They may help with lifting spirits and facilitating a clean mind.”
“That’s good to hear.” Her smile turns teasing. “Though I’m sure seeing you is more than enough to help lift A-Xian’s spirits. But perhaps not with the clean mind.”
Lan Wangji’s ears heat into a dusty pink. Jiang Yanli laughs again, not bothering this time to hide behind her sleeve. Oh, these boys.
How long has it been since she had the time to sit down like this? It had to have been before the Sunshot Campaign. Enough time to render this scene unfamiliar: an afternoon enjoying the company of another. Jiang Yanli is the daughter of the YunmengJiang Sect, the older sister of Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian, and content with the life she’s chosen. Yet even before the loss and the war and the terrible, unyielding hope, she had long forgotten what it was like stealing an hour for herself.
But enough selfishness; she has already taken enough of his time. “We may go to him now, if you’d like,” she offers, and the way Lan Wangji perks up at the prospect of seeing Wei Wuxian makes her lighten with fondness. “I’m unsure of his exact location, but I do know some of his favorite haunts intown.”
He opens his mouth. Stops. “When will he return?” he asks instead of the eager affirmation Jiang Yanli had expected.
“It shouldn’t be long. Contrary to what he wants us to believe, our A-Xian is a responsible shixiong.”
Lan Wangji nods. “Then I shall wait for him here.”
Jiang Cheng’s barked orders leak through the walls. Had she misheard? But Lan Wangji doesn’t elaborate, and all Jiang Yanli can do is blink and ask, “Are you sure?”
He gestures to their tea pot, still half full. “If you would allow it,” he offers, and there is a trepidation in his voice that makes her realize that ah, this is new for him, too, “I would like to continue enjoying our tea.”
The porcelain of Jiang Yanli’s cup soothes the tea’s residual heat against her curved palms. Warmth of a different sort sails through her veins and nestles near the space in her heart that harbors the love she holds for her brothers. Not there exactly. Not yet. But perhaps one day it can be.
“Yes,” Jiang Yanli says, and reaches forward to pour them both another drink. “I would like that, too.”
also posted on ao3
promo post on twitter
fic commissions
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silverflame2724 · 3 years
WWX doesn't die, he is found and taken captive by the Jin Sect but spends 13 years in a coma under lock and key until he wakes up to interrogate. When the truth about the JGY is revealed, JL recruits LWJ to ferret out whatever else the Jins had been hiding, discovering the still comatose WWX. WWX is taken to Gusa in hopes of waking him up no one has much hope but then WWX stirs when LWJ plays Wangxian...
Jin Guangshan was, to put it lightly, pissed when they brought back a comatose Wei Wuxian from the Siege. After all, what he was after was Wei Wuxian’s genius. His inventions. And how could they possibly access them with him asleep?
Jin Guangyao had considered torture, at first, to try and wake him up. And he tried to get his subordinates to do it but they couldn’t even get close, intimidated by the resentful energy-soaked aura emanating from Wei Wuxian.
So Jin Guangyao had taken it into his own hands.
…….And failed miserably.
He couldn’t even touch the unconscious man before resentful energy lashed out at him, leaving deep, viscous, slow-healing wounds all over his arms. And any means of torturing him out of sleep from a distance was taken out of his hands, literally, by resentful tentacles.
When he brought Xue Yang in to try and wake Wei Wuxian up, the resentful energy he commanded made the situation a whole lot worse as the resentful energy leaking from Wei Wuxian wrapped him up protectively and crystalized the man in resentful energy.
“Well!” Xue Yang exclaimed cheerfully. “This is quite interesting. I’ve never seen resentful energy act so protectively before! And as much as I’d love to study this, I don’t think the resentful energy is willing to let me get close.” Just as he said this, a tentacle whipped out and sliced across Xue Yang’s cheek.
Jin Guangyao sighed, herding Xue Yang out and locking the room up. Wei Wuxian will have to wake up eventually. I just have to be patient. The injuries Wei Wuxian had weren’t terrible and with how strong Wei Wuxian’s golden core was, it’s only a matter of time before he heals. Perhaps he’ll wake up then.
But he didn’t. He never did. 
After all the lies had been revealed and Jin Guangyao had been condemned and killed, Jin Ling decided to look through Jin Guangyao’s belongings, just in case there was more forbidden stuff that needs to be taken care of. Of course, he didn’t want to go in without any protection cause who knows what’s there! (Maybe there was another Wen Ning?) So he asked Hanguang-Jun to help him. He would ask his jiujiu, but he had been oddly despondent after hearing Jin Guangyao’s taunts that none of this would have happened had he trusted Wei Wuxian more. So asking jiujiu was out of the question!
Besides, Hanguang-Jun looked like he needed something to do.
In the end, they found a lot of stuff pertaining to demonic cultivation and restoring the Seal. As well as a warded diary containing dirt on a lot of sect leaders. 
As Jin Ling wandered around, he heard a sudden shaking and worried about an earthquake until he turned around to see Hanguang-Jun staring at the entrance to a room that wasn’t there before. As soon as the man stepped in, he made a wounded sound that Jin Ling had never heard before before rushing in.
Jin Ling had the inkling that he probably shouldn’t follow, but curiosity got the better of him. 
The room looked well-furnished and had all the makings of a bedroom, but that’s not what caught Jin Ling’s attention. Instead, it was a man encased in black crystal.
“Wei Ying.....” Hanguang-Jun seemed to sob. “Wei Ying......”
Wei Ying? As in, Wei Wuxian? My supposed deceased Dajiu???? What the hell is he doing here? Oh wait. That was a stupid question. Looking at all the material on demonic cultivation, Jin Guangyao probably wanted to get some information about it from him......
Considering there was nothing else in the room, Jin Ling silently made his exit. He felt like he shouldn’t have seen Hanguang-Jun crying. Oh well.
He busied himself gathering the stray papers and manuscripts and stuffed them into his qiankun pouch. He didn’t want to touch the dangerous looking stuff.
There was a sound, much like the shattering of glass, and Hanguang-Jun exited the room, a pale, but breathing Wei Wuxian cradled in his embrace.
They packed up the remaining objects in the room and left. After making sure Jin Ling had everything in order, Hanguang-Jun unsheathed Bichen and left without another word. Seeing the wide-eyed gazes of a few Jin elders, Jin Ling sighed. Wei Wuxian’s survival probably won’t be a secret anymore now.
Lan Wangji could hardly believe his eyes when he first saw Wei Ying. He had thought he was dreaming or this was some cruel sort of curse. But it wasn’t. 
The feel of the resentful energy coursing throughout the crystal literally shocked him so he was sure he wasn’t dreaming. He touched Wei Ying’s face through the crystal.
“Wei Ying.....” He cried. “Wei Ying.....” You’re alive. You’re really alive.......
After some time, he pulled himself together. He had to figure out how to transport Wei Wuxian to Gusu to figure out how to break the crystal......
The crystal shattered abruptly, startling Lan Wangji. He was about to catch Wei Ying, when the resentful energy did it for him, causing Wei Ying to float in the air for a bit, before carrying him over to Lan Wangji and dropping him in his arms.
Lan Wangji was bewildered at the resentful energy’s actions, but nevertheless, that solved the issue of getting Wei Ying out of here. 
He barely registered Jin Ling fluttering about the room, absentmindedly sealing and packing away the dangerous objects. He helped Jin Ling settle the items they found in the secret room before taking off to Gusu without another word. 
Wei Ying did not wake up no matter what anyone did. Now that he had been absolved of any and all crimes had been accused of, his uncle had allowed Wei Ying’s presence, in fact, even looking quite guilty. Lan Qiren had been the loudest voice in the Lan sect about ridding the world of Wei Ying.
But three days passed without any change to Wei Ying’s state.
Most healers had given up hope, some even citing that the damage to Wei Wuxian’s soul was probably too great to ever allow him to awaken--not that they could check that. They all said that he probably didn’t want to wake up. After all the cultivation world had done to him, Lan Wangji wouldn’t blame him.
But he was human, he was selfish. He wanted to hear Wei Ying again, no matter what.
Sitting by his side, Lan Wangji brought out his guqin, playing a song he hadn’t touched in over a decade. He poured all his love, all his longing and passion into the playing, hoping that maybe, Wei Ying would hear it and answer.
It was just wishful thinking. But Lan Wangji had spent thirteen years wishfully thinking that Wei Ying was alive and he was right.
He just.....He wanted---
A soft groan broke the air and Lan Wangji stopped playing, rushing over to Wei Ying’s side. 
Wei Ying’s hand twitched and his eyes fluttered.
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llycaons · 1 year
ep33 (3/3): lwj earring indulgence
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people rarely make wwx as self-possessed or confident as he is in canon. I'll read fic where he's like 'lan zhan I am so sorry for breathing in your direction thank you so much for giving me a square mat to sleep on I promise to behave' and he'll be SO insecure and hesitant when that's really not him! for the most part he doesn't shy away from confronting lwj or getting into his business
it's just that lwj doesn't tell him shit bc he doesn't want wwx to feel obligated to lwj which is a great impulse but wwx also likes knowing how much people care about him so it's a bit of double-edged sword?
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they're helpfully reminding us that this kid's name is yuan too
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this made me laugh so hard. he's standing there with his ORIGINAL FACE in his classic black robes and red ponytale, playing a flute, and he thinks playing badly is a disguise? and THEN lwj gets mad at him for fumbling their song lmao
but wwx needn't have bothered bc lqr didn't realize anyway due to being comatose. until wwx woke him up with his bad flute playing
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lqr having such a strong reaction to a flute is funny bc was he even on the front lines in sunshot? they said he didn't leave the mountain very often and it's not like he's a warrior. he's probably never seen wwx play
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one of his top expressions
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lwj is quite strict with lsz, in his own way. not in an aggressive way, but VERY expectant of obedience
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there's one single female disciple here and she stayed in the back the entire conversation before coming forward for the water basin. what, are female disciples servants who are only used for healing?
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this looks so cool. green suits wwx really well honestly
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perhaps I have been unfair to lsz given how annoying his character is in fanfics and how obvious of a plot device he is. but he's a nice boy, and to my surprise he's also smart!! look at him thinking through problems!
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encouraging to see wwx express sentiments that before his death, he really needed someone to tell him
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coming back, I think he's become in a certain sense resigned to the things in his life that happened. no use getting angry or upset over them, some things you just can't change. and this is really sad, but it's also, hopefully, indicative of a more healthy mindset in his second life
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"I naturally trust you' and that's what he needs to hear, baby
also seeing them standing together makes those 'huge top' fics so funny. they are literally almost exactly the same body type and build. no lwj is not a head taller. no he is not built like a brick shithouse, his hands are not large enough to encircle wwx's waist. if anything he is slightly taller and more slight in build, where wwx is slightly bulkier. but I think his height is because of his heeled boots
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damn the jingshi is really so nice. I love hat porch area and the bridge over there.
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right after wwx said 'it's pointing at the person who told it to commit crimes' ljy jumped and then glared at wwx haha
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omg HORSES! I didn't know they used horses! wwx bouncing like a bobblehead hehe. and all the fics insisting he only uses little apple
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HANGUANG-JUN PIERCED EARS SHOT. taking this to headcanon that lwj wears earrings. let lej be a little gnc. as a treat.
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this was such a strange moment. lwj walked off and left wwx behind entirely. why???
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oh and this was funny. this guy seling ugly portraits that wwx took offense to
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this kid kicked a civilian in the chest for saying the name 'wei wuxian' in public. he might have already been sensitive and prone to fights, but clearly his parenting has been ABYSMAL
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by 'his uncle' he is talking about jc. btw. I originally thought he was referring to himself, but it just makes more sense. ha.
I hate the fairy scene possible more than any other scene in this show. why is his face so comedically twisted? why is his running so stupid-looking? unbelievable that this happened in the same episode that made me cry my eyes out
personal highlights
oh the rite of spring was INSPIRED
all of wwx's crying this episode. all of it. beautiful
cgi sword stabbing a hand my beloved <3 <3 <3
lwj's broken little 'wei ying' at the very end
everything about the jingshi opening scene. the music. the lighting. the atmosphere. the calm
wwx seeing his younger and more innocent self frolic about. as stated, I was inconsolable. I've always liked it but after today, it's going to be a very special scene to me
lwj's sexy whip scars and mysterious chest brand. can't help it. I love them. and wwx's seriousness and care during that scene was really nice too
lqr being roused by bad flute music, yelling at them to stop, then slipping into a coma and wwx sitting there like 😬 'whoops' with that funny face
wwx sitting with the bamboo background looking all cool
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
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Fic Finder
1. pls help find a fic! it had a-yuan with lwj during his 3 year seclusion, and lwj was cold to lxc and lqr iirc. once lwj asks for a day out and they tell him itll lengthen his seclusion but a-yuan says 'no, itll be 3 years and one day', and then i think lxc himself asks lwj to come out but a-yuan demands that this day won't be added to the seclusion. there's also a scene where nmj runs into lwj carrying a-yuan, and lwj is very wary and protective? i hope i have the right details! thank you!!!
FOUND! Survival - Part Six by Jinko (G, 5k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, JYL Lives) is the fic in the "Survival" series by Jinko. The described scene is in fic "Survival - Part Six"
2. Hi! Thanks for existing 🖤 I'm looking for a fic I read a while back, I don't remember the specifics except that it was a LZ-centric fic, in which LZ comes to terms with his queerness and more generally who he is after meeting WY. This is going to be extremely specific but at some point LZ slowly begins to experiment with fashion, buying white, flowy designer pieces and trying on glitter eyeliner. I think NHS might be a designer too but I'm not sure... I really really hope someone sees what fic I'm talking about because this fic helped me so much. Thanks 🖤🖤🖤🖤
FOUND! For a Good Time, Call by ScarlettStorm (E, 170k, WangXian, Modern AU, Getting Together, Pining, Porn, like in the writing and also as a plot point, onlyfans au, repressed lwj, sex worker wwx, in this house we support sex work, Minor Angst, major shenanigans, hornt™, way too many details about onlyfans probably, mental health, therapy is good actually, Nonbinary NHS)
3. hi! i was wondering if you know the ao3 fic where wei wuxian is a ghost at ends up at xie lian’s shrine? and he’s stuck there at first with no memory but then decides to stay?
FOUND? Slumbering Soul by animewriter (M, 26k, wangxian, JC/NHS, SL/XXC, JYL/JZX, LXC/NMJ, reincarnation, ABO, dark LWJ, sick WWX, non-con drug use, comatose, coma, dark JGY, sleeping beauty elements, WIP)
4. Hiii, please can you help me find a fic. All i remember from it is that lwj was supportive of or atleast close to wwx someway and the jin were trying to get him to spy on wwx or turn against him. They were confident that the righteous hwj will not stand with the evil ylz and ofcourse they were dead wrong. Thats all i can recall...thank youuu.
FOUND? 💖 love, in fire and blood by cicer (E, 360k, wangxian, immortal WWX, slow burn, pining, arranged marriages)
5. Hello! I am looking for a fic where Lwj is a prince of a kingdom and WWX is his companion who runs away right before lwj’s palace is raided. Lwj has to go on to the run and is forced to marry from one of the powerful sects for protection, and ends up marrying a grown WWX who is a leader of his sect in the BM and has a few adopted kids, a-yuan included. WWX has LWJ call him A-Xian to cover his identity but even in the first few chapters, Lwj was seeing similarities between his companion A-Ying and his new husband A-Xian. Any help would be appreciated, I’ve been going nuts trying to find this fic!
FOUND? pitiful destiny, point your finger at me by sassybluee (E, 66k, WangXian, Royalty, Yílíng Wèi Sect, Arranged Marriage, Pining while fucking, Childhood Friends to Lovers, Secret Identity, Under-negotiated Kink, Donghua YLLZ, CQL LWJ, Top/Bottom Versatile | Switch WangXian, Identity Porn, Porn With Plot, Resentacles, YL WWX, Additional Warnings In Author’s Note)
6. Helloooooo, guys! I think this has been answered before. WWX wears LWJ's robes (during Cloud Recesses study era) as a prank and LWJ becomes like. really horny
FOUND? Fate Misnamed by incendir (T, 11k, WIP, WangXian)
7. Hi I'm looking for a fic - lwj calls wwx a liar and blames him for moving a vase? and wxx apologizes even though he didn't do it. @lunetteaurillane
FOUND? under my skin by wqngji (M, 3k, WangXian, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Misunderstandings, Established Relationship, Fights, Crying, Married Couple, Insecure WWX, Self-Worth Issues, Hurt WWX, Sex in a Car, Car Sex, Day At The Beach)
8. hi! first off, thank you so much for all work you do! And for the next fic finder can you help me find a wangxian fic, where mxy (wwx in mxy's body) is given to lwj as a "gift" from the emperor and he was trained ala concubine style. Cant remember too mucb else, except wwx acts very delicate bc of the training and lwj only finds out it is wwx at a later point in the fic. Thank you! @yuri-shibuya
FOUND! 梅花/plum blossoms by bunnxianluvsu (MooseFeels), MooseFeels (E, 20k, WangYu, WangXian, courtesan, power, Diplomacy, Pining, Grief/Mourning, Gender, just like the gender, this fic has Some Gender In It, Canon-Typical Discussion of Death, Canonical metion/discussion/depiction of suicide, Oral Sex, Cock Warming, Dressing, Service Top)
9. Hi! For the next fic finder, I'm looking for one where LWJ is a trans man and Lan yuan is wangxian's biological kid - basically they get together as high schoolers but LQR walks in on them having sex and gets angry and tells YZY, who straight up kicks WWX out. Later LWJ finds out he's pregnant but no one can find WWX so he's raising LSZ with LQR and LXC. Years later WWX is a famous musician or something like that, and when he comes back there he finds out about LSZ and they get back together. Thanks in advance!! @ilovechaats
FOUND! my heart to your beat by larkspur_9 (T, 16k, WangXian, Modern AU, Single Parent LWJ, Celebrity WWX, Trans Male Character, Trans LWJ, Fluff and Angst, (but mostly fluff), Kid Fic, WWX and LWJ are A-Yuan's biological parents)
10. Hello! Can you help me find this fic— lan qiren's soul was swap to wwx's. Something like lqr woke up he's already in the burial mound then wwx woke up in the cloud recesses. lqr found out about the dafan wens. its kinda fix-it, i think their souls was swap because of the incense burner(?) and i dont know if this is the same story or not, there's also a scene lqr questioned everyone in the burial mounds about the camp and to be sure that they're not cultivators, something like that. thank you very much! (ur blog is very helpful, thanks for ur effort) xoxo @httpskaixx
FOUND! Lan Qiren's Worst Day by bluesloth (G, 13k, LWJ & WWX, LQR & WWX, bodyswap, fix-it of sorts, humor, everyone lives au)
NOT FOUND! Judge Softly by Chrononautical (E, 32k, wangxian, LSZ & WWX, LQR & WWX, accidental voyeurism, non-consensual mind reading, oblivious WWX, bamf WWX, genius WWX, post-canon Fix-it, angst w happy ending, LQR tries) lqr and wwx swap consciousness while wwx is off being a rogue cultivator and lqr hears wwx's memories, nightmares, and thoughts about himself.
11. Hi :) Thank you so much for everything you do, idk what I’d do without this blog! For the next fix finder I was wondering if anyone knew of a short fic where Lan Zhan asks Wei Ying to spend the holidays with him and his brother but when Lan Xichen meets him he mistakenly thinks that WY is using his brother and warns him off so he cancels and spends the holiday alone. LX realises his mistake when he see the Christmas gift WY made for his brother (it was a lamp with stars cut out).
FOUND? 💙 Twitter threadfic by @/hyacinthsu, also in AO3
12. Hello there!! Uh, I'm looking for this one fic where there's this glowy orb? appears in LQR's classroom and you can ask it questions about the future (it'll show visions as a response). It's set during the cloud recess lectures. If you could find it please, I would appreciate it very much! Thank you for this blog (i find that it is what i needed in my life) and for reading this, if you took the time out of your day to read it! Seriously, I can't thank you enough! Have a wonderful day (or night)!
FOUND? Yearning for Miles by Murahi (M, 378k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Angst, Fluff, Slow burn, Mutual Pining, seeing the future) WWX finds the orb in his room and has visions with JC and NHS
FOUND? WangXianPrompt - So this is what the future looks like by Amaterasu_Susanno (Not Rated, 14k, WangXian, XuanLi, Getting Together, Seeing the future, Teaching, Love Confessions, Strange array (which is entierly Wei Ying's doing), Prompt Fic, Fix-It of Sorts, Fix-It, Implied Fix-It) It's an array that appears in LQR's classroom and answers questions about the future
13. im this close to giving up😩 do you happen to know a fic where WY and LZ are in an enemies-with-benefits sort of relationship but WY gets disowned by the jiangs and ends up in a really tight situation where he’s working 24/7 and looks super tired whenever he and LZ meet up. but LZ doesnt know whats going on, only knows that WY get thinner and thinner with every meeting so he tries to feed WY. at one point LZ calls whatever they have between them off and WY’s just like, “oh, okay. i knew this would happen its fine.” and LZ regrets blablabla
do you happen to know a fic like this🥺🥺💌
FOUND? Honesty is the Best Policy (Except if You’re an Asshole) by piecrust (E, 22k, WangXian, College AU, Porn with feelings, Angst)
14. Looking for a fic where Lan Wangji loses his leg after the burning of Cloud Recesses and Wei Wuxian makes him a prosthetic.
not FOUND Twitter threadfic by @/the_last_d_boy sounds like a twt thread i wrote actually! it's coming to ao3 next year
unfortunately it's not that one though I really loved reading yours also 😍 the other one is from canon era if I remember correctly
15. Lost a fic where Lan Wangji is a god, I think, and he takes on a challenge of sorts and ends up in Yiling stuck in a bunny form. He meets Wei Wuxian as a kid on the street, and I think Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan were there at some point, too.
FOUND? Wei Ying Picked Up A Bun-Ji by minfie (RevolvedAroundJeon), RevolvedAroundJeon (T, 1k, WangXian, Mythology, Chinese Mythology & Folklore, Bunny LWJ, Strangers to Lovers, Gods)
FOUND? Twitter threadfic by @/yumichanhamano
16. Hi! I hope everyone is doing ok!! I'm here asking for your help to find a fic, please. I remember it waa time travel, JC got back and found kid!WWC in Yiling, and somehow left him at BM. Then WQ, who also got back (JC doesn't know that yet) takes him to her parents, and I think he grows up as a Wen. They both visit him through the years, and I think even LWJ shows up at some point. JC sees himself die, because he fell from the boat after the attack to LP. Do you know it? Thanks, happy holidays!
17. Hi I'm looking for a fic where lan zhan fakes having hanahaki disease. He grows oleander flowers inside jingshi and stuffs the flowers inside his throat to throw up when he's distressed. He throws up flowers in a discussion conference i think.
Later Lan Xichen finds out he's growing the flowers himself and is faking the illness when he visits jingshi. But he goes with wangji's faking because he doesn't want his sect to lose face.
Wei ying is arranged to marry wangji not knowing his hanahaki isn't real.
I swear i read this fic not too long ago but can't remember the title to save my life. Help me please
FOUND! the sweet scent of their tragedy by HeavenlySkyfarer (E, 23k, wangxian, major character death, angst, politics, depression, hanahaki disease, language of flowers, love confessions, manipulation, marriage, mental health issues, pining, post-sunshot, rumors, unhealthy coping mechanisms, self-harm, pining, bittersweet, morally grey LWJ)
18. I have a question? I know you have a post about finding fics and I have been searching in my spare time for one specific one since it's on my mind again. Can not find it! I know it's a canon divergence after the first siege on the burial mounds. Wwx is forced mute and captured as a prisoner either with the Jins or Nies. The one true scene that I remember is Wwx keeping quiet about not having a golden core and everyone thinking hes still a cultivator so he should be fine with no eating or drinking. This basically almost kills him and forces Jiang Cheng to take him to lotus Pier where hes locked up with no one for company. Also the narrative is heavy Jin Ling! Thank you in advance! Will keep looking when I can! 💙❤💙❤💙❤ @skylar-lei1634
FOUND? ❤️ whipstitch by curiositykilled (M, 131k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Dysfunctional Family, Torture, WWX Lives, but basically no one else, Case Fic, Cultivation Sect Politics, Past Abuse, WWX Whump, YL WWX, JL Needs a Hug, JL Tries, Yunmeng Bro Reconciliation, Past Character Death, Body Horror, Non-Consensual Body Modification, POV Alternating, Flashbacks, Eventual Happy Ending, Heavy Angst, Suicide Attempt, PTSD, Depression, Not A Fix-It, Mouth Sewn Shut) but it's locked to the archive so the requester will need an account to read it
19. Sorry for the trouble, but I once read a fic with background WangXian and main pairing: Jiang Cheng/Nie Huaisang. It was a humorous / crack-ish royalty AU wherein the Yunmeng trio were separated in the aftermath of the Lotus Pier invasion. Crown Prince Jiang Cheng finds himself in the Unclean Realm, where Second Prince Nie Huaisang has a vested interest in a boy he met years ago. He joins his family again with forces from the Unclean Realm to find that Wei Wuxian’s either engaged or married to Lan Wangji because he stole his forehead ribbon years ago in a tournament. Cue the canon-typical brotherly exasperation. It’s kingdom retaking, and there were crocodiles. I can’t remember the title, which is frustrating. I want to say it was “Jiang Cheng’s (or Jiang Wanyin’s) Guide to [something],” but I’m not sure.
FOUND! Your heart is the home I return to by jayjem_jam (M, 40k, WIP, ChengSang, Royalty, Undercurrent of violence, Serious AND comedic, Political Intrigue, Mistaken Identity, Magical Realism, badly hidden identity) The summary of this fic sounds promising for 19, but I haven’t read it so can’t be sure.
20. Hello! I’m looking for a fic that I think was a time travel fic but Wei Wuxian didn’t physically travel back. There was something about the yin iron shards iirc but I definitely remember WWx saying he got visions of some sorts to explain whatever happened when he arrived. I think it was a wip.
Unfortunately it's not the thing with feathers, the fic starts during cloud recesses arc, I think
not FOUND ❤️ the thing with feathers by RoseThorne  (G, 43k, wangxian, Transmigration, Time Travel Fix-It, Illnesses, Family, Scars, Memory Loss, Angst, Fear, Recovery, Sharing a Bed, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Good Parent YZY, Referenced Sexual Slavery, Blood and Gore, Sexual Tension, Arranged Marriage, Grief, Adoption, POV Third Person, POV Alternating, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Good Parent LQR, Clairvoyance, Butterfly Effect) the last one sounds like it might be the thing with feathers defo not exact but Wei yings future knowledge is described as visions
FOUND? Yearning for Miles by Murahi (M, 378k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Angst, Fluff, Slow burn, Mutual Pining, seeing the future)
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comehereduck · 3 years
I read this manwha called Carrier Falcon Princess, so I thought "hey, this would be a good AU for NHS."
- NHS goes comatose after Xuanwu cave and the Wen keep him hostage to keep NMJ in check. Did this happen because saber spirits? Qi deviation? Magic birds that NHS saved? Who knows 🤷‍♀️
- NHS wakes up in a cage and realizes that he is a birb now but where is he?
-Some dude takes him out of his cage and he takes the chance to escape only to run beak-first into NMJ... only NMJ snatches birb!NHS from the air and tells the falconer to take better care of the messenger falcons because the Wen keep killing them.
- Somehow NHS manages to sneak into Da-ge's tent to find out wtf happened to him and this happens enough for NMJ to get suspicious about this shady bird. Is it a Wen bird? Is it trained to carry top secret missives to Nightless City?
- NMJ keeps a close eye on the bird and tries feeding it, but "Ew! Da-ge, I don't want to eat worms!" Nie Zhonghui suggests that maybe it doesn't eat worms and brings NHS dead mice instead. The bird throws a tantrum until they bring in NMJ's food and they notice that the bird wants to eat that. They feed him cooked meat and breadcrumbs.
- “Where’s NHS when you need him?”
- NHS proves to be a very smart bird, but NMJ is still suspicious, so he sends the bird to a camp near a Wen camp. If the Wen attack the bird then it's not an enemy bird; if it dies, then the missive isn't that important anyway.
- NHS completes his first erand but his wing gets injured. NMJ's suspicions are cleared, and he starts treating the bird better, like a pet.
- NMJ starts talking to the bird but thinks it's ridiculous and maybe it's because he's worried about NHS being comatose, alone, and a Wen hostage, and here is this bird who reminds him of his didi.
- On one occasion, bird!Huaisang flies over a Wen camp and when he returns, he tries to tell NMJ the layout of the camp, and this becomes part of his job.
- NMJ still gets captured but not before he frees the bird. Or maybe NHS was on an errand when NMJ was captured. Anyway, NHS flies to Nightless City, somehow finds his comatose body.
- Maybe NHS returns to his body when the falcon makes contact.
- ... or maybe not.
- Somehow, bird!Huaisang manages to convince NMJ that he turned into a bird, but idk how that happens.
- the banquets happens as in canon but...
- Maybe they need WWX to help them turn NHS back? Which leads to agreements between NMJ, WWX, and WQ.
- and maybe WWX also does somethi ng about the saber spirits.
- wangxian happens because someone needs to play cleansing for NMJ while WWX does his experiments, and while JGY volunteers, LWJ also volunteers because Wei Ying is staying in Qinghe. LXC cannot deny his baby brother his chance at romance, so sorry A-Yao, you can't flex your fresh cleansing remix on NMJ.
- the falcon dies in the manhwa, but maybe it lives in this AU, and NHS keeps it as a pet.
- or better yet, NMJ keeps it as a pet and birds become the Nie bros bonding activity from now on.
- Bonus: JGS dies. Idk how, but he dies; I don't make the rules.
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wangxianficrecs · 2 years
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Follower Recs
Hello!! I’d love to rec this fic I just read because it is genuinely so beautifully written and it tore my heart out into a million pieces before melding it back together <333 stronglyyyyy rec! @camppureblood
When You Wake, 怎能当梦一场
by MouSanRen (T, 39k, wangxian)
Summary: He lay there buried under rabbit ears of wires, warmed by a thin blanket, breathing, breathing, never truly still, but never animated, either.
“A-Xian,” Jiang-gugu said with a forced smile. “Your son and husband are here to see you. And your nephew too. He will be coming very soon.”
A-Yuan ran up to Baba and held his hand.
Sizhui grows up in a changing world, but his comatose father can't change with it. His family is determined to give him the love and forgiveness they didn't give Wei Ying.
this fic is short and sweet! i love the lwj pov and how he interprets wwx here.
let your bones show 
by hydrochaeris (G, 1k, wangxian)
Summary: Wei Ying is hurt.
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ladysunamireads · 1 year
0 notes
red-talisman · 4 years
#i can super easily see wwx being into engineering or physics #i think a STEM field is a fair translation of wwx's 'prodigy in revolutionizing the application of spiritual laws'#maybe he meets pre-med!wen qing #and her little brother's chronic health condition makes him start thinking about how his engineering#can be applied to the medical field #.......for some reason i keep landing on something like physical therapy for jc though? #something that's about helping people in super practical ways and in which he can hide behind a gruff no-nonsense exterior #and getting people to push through pain for long-term healing #oooooh that would mesh well with wen qing's doctor studies and wwx's curiosity #in applying engineering to medical fields #'wei wuxian you idiot you designed a machine so streamlined that you forgot a human is supposed to fit inside it' #'wei wuxian if you tried to make someone with a fresh amputation walk with that contraption you're going to forever fuck up their spine'
Okay so I’m going off my own tags on a reblog of @valdrift’s amazing art about JC and WWX being STEM majors because I can’t stop thinking about it, and would I let a complete lack of knowledge about majoring in engineering, physical therapy, or medicine stop me?
Jiang Cheng was originally an econ major (and secretly hating the shit out of it) because his parents he expected to go into accounting for the family business, but then there was a major accident that took his parents, left him in a coma, and from which Wei Wuxian and Jiang Yanli walked away unscathed in that weird way that freak accidents sometimes manage
Wei Wuxian donated an organ to save Jiang Cheng while he was comatose, which eliminated all possibility of WWX going professional with...something, idk, but WWX is like, hey, WORTH IT
(Jiang Yanli wanted to, but she has a chronic health condition makes her ineligible)
WWX majors in physics because he’s always wanted to prove some specific European and American physicists wrong, and why not rewrite some theories in the process? It’s a Monday, he’s got nothing else going on.
(I just realized that if WWX had a YouTube channel it’d be like Olan Rogers’ stories)
(Also I just love WWX being like, “Making everyone question everything we know about everything? Hold my beer, Lan Zhan.”)
Anyway JC has to go through physio and it sucks and it’s hard and he hates everything and he’d probably give up on it if he had just a slightly smaller crush on his doctor (Lan Xichen) and if he didn’t know his doctor would make Sad Faces at him for doing so
(Nie Mingjue is his physical therapist, because imagining those interactions makes me laugh)
Jiang Yanli takes over the family company even though everyone expected JC to do it because a) JC honestly hates the idea, and b) the only reason it was JC and not JYL was because of her parents’ ableism around her health, not because she wasn’t perfectly capable of making it work and work well, thank you very much
Which means JC doesn’t have to feel guilty about not wanting to step up there and instead focus on what makes him happy, which is...a New Concept
Then all the tags listed above happen and in the end we have a joint venture of between WQ, WWX, and JC creating new mobility aids that are more comfortable for long-term use and way more affordable (or download the blueprints for free and 3D-print your own!)
LWJ majors in Chinese lit and suddenly what WWX thought was the most boring possible subject ever is Very Sexy when recited by that lovely deep voice, oof (”Fuck, just shut up, I don’t need to know what you two do in the bedroom!” - “Pfffft, didi, like you wouldn’t shoot off like a rocket if Xichen-ge read a dictionary to you in That Voice” - “SHUT THE FUCK UP”)
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