#colorado senator john hickenlooper
yallmightve · 10 months
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Senator John Hickenlooper everybody
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dadsinsuits · 2 years
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Joe Biden & John Hickenlooper
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titleknown · 1 year
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So, while I've talked about this in other posts, I figured I may as well compile it in one post with this nifty propaganda poster (more on that later)
Long story short, they're bringing back KOSA/the Kids Online Safety Act in the US Senate, and they're going to mark it up next Thursday as of the time of this post (4/23/2023).
If you don’t know, long story short KOSA is a bill that’s ostensibly one of those “Protect the Children” bills, but what it’s actually going to do is more or less require you to scan your fucking face every time you want to go on a website; or give away similarly privacy-violating information like your drivers’ license or credit card info. 
Either that or force them to censor anything that could even remotely be considered not “kid friendly.” Not to mention fundies are openly saying they’re gonna use this to hurt trans kids. Which is, uh, real fucking bad. 
As per usual, I urge you to contact your congresscritters, and especially those on the Commerce Committee, who'll likely be the ones marking it up.
Those senators are:
Maria Cantwell, Washington, Chair
Amy Klobuchar, Minnesota
Brian Schatz, Hawaii
Ed Markey, Massachusetts
Gary Peters, Michigan
Tammy Baldwin, Wisconsin
Tammy Duckworth, Illinois
Jon Tester, Montana
Kyrsten Sinema, Arizona
Jacky Rosen, Nevada
Ben Ray Luján, New Mexico
John Hickenlooper, Colorado
Raphael Warnock, Georgia
Peter Welch, Vermont
Ted Cruz, Texas, Ranking Member
John Thune, South Dakota
Roger Wicker, Mississippi
Deb Fischer, Nebraska
Jerry Moran, Kansas
Dan Sullivan, Alaska
Marsha Blackburn, Tennessee
Todd Young, Indiana
Ted Budd, North Carolina
Eric Schmitt, Missouri
J.D. Vance, Ohio
Shelley Moore Capito, West Virginia
Cynthia Lummis, Wyoming
Again, it doesn't work unless you do it en-masse, so make sure to call ASAP and tell them to kill this bill, and if they actually want a bill to allow/get sites to protect kids, the Federal Fair Access To Banking Act would be far better.
Also, this poster is officially, for the sake of spreading it, under a CC0 license. Feel free to spread it, remix it, add links to the bottom, edit it to be about the other bad internet bills they're pushing, use it as a meme format, do what you will but for gods' sake get the word out!
Also, shoutout to @o-hybridity for coming up with the slogan for the poster, couldn't have done it without 'em!
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godhasheardtruthfully · 10 months
Advocating for peace & ceasefire: An open letter to my representatives
Hi I am Sam-Amina Matthew-John Bailey, a lifelong Coloradan, I'm sending you peace and goodwill Senators Michael Bennet, John Hickenlooper, & Representative Brittany Pettersen I must join the lively chorus of voices demanding we all do our part to unite for peace - as manifested by a deescalation of military force, advocating for Israel to cease fire, and defunding of the United States militaries role in the conflict occurring to this day in Gaza. It is so urgent for us to take action to save the lives of innocent people of all ages. We have no business encouraging or spending our tax extracted dollars on this senseless violence. Let's refocus on righteous ways we can benevolently spend our wealth that may benefit the health of our global community, such as enhanced public transportation, healthcare access, and housing unhoused peoples. As an artist among political scientists I've found the people who you serve as a sitting Senator in Colorado generally share a passionate zeal for righteousness. There's a transcendental coalition of humans all across this state that, regardless of if they identify as Democrats, Republicans, or Independents, who are sincerely God fearing people. People who long to do good to others and love our neighbors. Thus I both strategically recommend and supplicate myself to you as a voter in this state that your office becomes a vocal bastion of peace, demanding Israels ceasefire and the cessation of our peoples part in fueling genocidal missions in any part of the globe. Cori Bush, Rashida Tlaib, André Carson, Summer Lee, and Delia Ramirez are leading such a movement in the House. Thank you so much for your time, service, and consideration, Happy Holidays Senator Bennet, Senator Hickenlooper, & Representative Pettersen
I will be praying for the wellbeing of you & yours, Sam-Amina Matthew-John Bailey
Inshallah I'll share with y'all if my neighbors & elected representatives respond. May they be well, experiencing luxurious peace in their lives.
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packerfansam-blog · 1 month
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John Hickenlooper Talks Cannabis, Congress and Maureen Dowd's Infamous Edibles Trip
“Rescheduling to Schedule III is good…but it’s not perfect.” As governor of Colorado from 2011 to 2019, John Hickenlooper saw cannabis reform quickly snowball into full-blown legalization. Almost three years into his first term as a United States senator, he is getting accustomed to a much slower pace. Although initially opposed to legalization, Hickenlooper came around while governor — and went…
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mongowheelie · 2 years
How the 'whacked out' Colorado GOP is doing everything it can to alienate the center: conservative - Alternet.org
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Austin met with Colorado senators Bennet and Hickenlooper after refusing to confirm a DoD candidate WASHINGTON — Colorado Senators Michael Bennet and John Hickenlooper met with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and urged him to reverse the Air Force's decision to move the headquarters of U.S. Space Command, the senators said in a joint statement on January 26. "We met with Secretary Austin today and agreed with the DoD that politics should play no role in basic Space Command decision-making," they said in the statement. The meeting came three days after Bennet voted against confirming Brendan Owens as assistant secretary of defense for energy and facilities because Austin repeatedly ignored his request for a meeting on the basic decision. of Space Command. In a tweet On Jan. 23, Bennett said he would "consider holding the other Pentagon nominees until a meeting takes place." The senators did not reveal what was discussed with Austin or whether Austin was even considering reversing the Air Force's decision made in the final days of the Trump administration to move the headquarters of US Space Command from Colorado Springs. in Huntsville, Alabama. A DoD official said SpaceNews On Jan. 26, the department "engaged" with Colorado lawmakers, but did not provide details on what is being discussed. The decision to found became a long political battle. Immediately after former Air Force Secretary Barbara Barrett announced the selection of Redstone Arsenal as the future home of US Space Command, Colorado lawmakers began to back down, demanding that the Office of Government Accountability and the Ministry of Defense Office of the Inspector General review the decision-making process. Neither the GAO nor the OIG found anything improper in the decision-making process. A Environmental assessment by the Department of the Air Force said the proposed relocation would have "no significant impact on the human or natural environment". Austin two years ago said he supported the Air Force's decision. Bennet and Hickenlooper, both Democrats, told Austin he should review the circumstances of the base decision. “Over the past two years, investigations have revealed that senior military officials have identified Peterson Space Force Base as their first choice for Space Command Headquarters because it will reach full operational capability faster than any other base. location, cost less, and minimize attrition and mission disruption," they said in the Jan. 26 statement. "Instead, President Trump has brought politics to the fore with his abrupt decision to send US Space Command to Alabama." The relocation would affect approximately 1,450 people assigned to US Space Command headquarters, as well as several hundred contractors. The proposed headquarters would include approximately 464,000 square feet of office space and 402,000 square feet of vehicle parking. The United States first created Space Command in 1985, but merged it with US Strategic Command in 2002. It was reactivated in August 2019 and temporarily located at Peterson Space Force Base, Colorado, pending a permanent basis decision of the Department of the Air Force. “Faced with Putin's invasion of Ukraine and China's slashing in the Pacific, national security can only be one criterion among many. This must be the central priority,” the senators said. "We expressed these concerns to Secretary Austin today and reiterated that in the best interests of our national security, Space Command must remain in Colorado."
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insideusnet · 2 years
First on CNN: Senate Democrat warns Fed it's 'foolish' to keep lifting interest rates | CNN Business : Inside US
First on CNN: Senate Democrat warns Fed it’s ‘foolish’ to keep lifting interest rates | CNN Business : Inside US
New York CNN Business  —  Colorado Sen. John Hickenlooper is pleading with the Federal Reserve to pause its relentless attack on crushing inflation before it does more harm than good. “High inflation necessitates a response. But the concern is the Fed is doing too much too soon,” Hickenlooper wrote in a letter on Thursday to Fed Chairman Jerome Powell. “We should wait to see the effects on the…
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titleknown · 2 years
Do you think Section 230 is pretty much going to be passed? I've been thinking about leaving the internet completely over this.
...Well, like many things, the answer is "It's Complicated,"
Firstly, for the most part, efforts to screw up Section 230 aren't direct repealing all of it so much as carve-outs that majorly weaken it, in ways that could still deeply screw up free speech.
The recent Kids Online Safety Act/EARN IT Act is being pushed for, and while it's not in committee, given the former was sent to the Commerce Committee last time and the latter to the Judiciary Committee, they're probably gonna send it next time, and you're probably going to want to call your senators if they're in said committee to tell them to kill those bills.
The membership of the Commerce Committee:
Maria Cantwell, Washington, Chair
Amy Klobuchar, Minnesota
Brian Schatz, Hawaii
Ed Markey, Massachusetts
Gary Peters, Michigan
Tammy Baldwin, Wisconsin
Tammy Duckworth, Illinois
Jon Tester, Montana
Kyrsten Sinema, Arizona[a]
Jacky Rosen, Nevada
Ben Ray Luján, New Mexico
John Hickenlooper, Colorado
Raphael Warnock, Georgia
Peter Welch, Vermont
Ted Cruz, Texas, Ranking Member
John Thune, South Dakota
Roger Wicker, Mississippi
Deb Fischer, Nebraska
Jerry Moran, Kansas
Dan Sullivan, Alaska
Marsha Blackburn, Tennessee
Todd Young, Indiana
Ted Budd, North Carolina
Eric Schmitt, Missouri
J.D. Vance, Ohio
Shelley Moore Capito, West Virginia
Cynthia Lummis, Wyoming
The membership of the Judiciary Committee:
Dick Durbin, Illinois, Chairman
Dianne Feinstein, California
Sheldon Whitehouse, Rhode Island
Amy Klobuchar, Minnesota
Chris Coons, Delaware
Richard Blumenthal, Connecticut
Mazie Hirono, Hawaii
Cory Booker, New Jersey
Alex Padilla, California
Jon Ossoff, Georgia
Peter Welch, Vermont
Lindsey Graham, South Carolina, Ranking Member
Chuck Grassley, Iowa
John Cornyn, Texas
Mike Lee, Utah
Ted Cruz, Texas
Josh Hawley, Missouri
Tom Cotton, Arkansas
John Kennedy, Louisiana
Thom Tillis, North Carolina
Marsha Blackburn, Tennessee
So yeah.
I may as well add, If you've got the misfortune to be calling a Republican, be sure to bring up how KOSA will be used as a way for Big Government to spy on people via mandated age verification, and how EARN IT will be used to censor conservative speech.
That'll get the bastards attention. And no matter what you do, don't shut up about it, because silence means the fuckers win, just look at FOSTA/SESTA...
...Tho, in better news, the questioning in those Supreme Court suits tackling Section 230 seem to show that the justices are at least reluctant to try and do much to 230, very specifically because of how much it could fuck up.
Which begs the question, if even these fucking demons know why fucking with Section 230 is a godawful idea, what excuse do these senators have?
Point is, the efforts to undermine it aren't all at once so much as gradual and insidious. Call your senators folks, and stay vigilant.
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truthblockchain · 2 years
Regulation For Blockchain Use Cases
If cryptocurrencies are further integrated into our current traditional systems of spending, however, they could then open themselves up to the regulation they have long fought against. In the United States, for example, such oversight is already being mulled over by Congress, with Democratic Colorado Senator John Hickenlooper recently saying in an address to the Securities and Exchange Commission: “Whatever the risks and benefits of these new assets might be, existing laws and regulations were not designed to deal with how digital assets are being used in the market. Currently, digital asset markets do not have a coordinated regulatory framework. This creates uneven enforcement and deprives investors of a clear understanding of how they are protected from fraud, manipulation, and abuse. … Given the complexity of these issues, and recognizing that some digital assets are securities, others may be commodities, and others may [be] subject to a completely different regulatory regime, a formal regulatory process is needed now.” For many, this signals that crypto could come under new scrutiny from the U.S. government for how and why it is being used in the financial sector.
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I have a feeling the Senate is gonna end up tied 50-50, which would make Kamala Harris the tie breaking vote.  In theory this would mean Democrats have the majority, as that was the precedent set the last time the Senate was tied 50-50 in 2001, but i KNOW for a fact that Mitch McConnell is gonna pull some bullshit loophole out of thin air to keep the majority.  He’ll say that while the Democrats technically have 50 votes, they only have 48 senators; 2 are Independents, so the Republicans keep the majority 50-48-2.  If this happened, Bernie Sanders and Angus King could change parties to retake the 51-50 majority under VP Harris, but McConnell is all about obstructionist fuckery.  It would probably go to the Supreme Court, with would rule in his favor because parties aren’t mentioned anywhere in the constitution, so the Senate is free to make up any rules to run itself however it wants.
Biden needs North Carolina and both Georgia seats.  I have no faith that Romney or Collins would break ranks to help the Democrats in the name of “fairness.”  They don’t give a shit about fairness, they are perfectly fine helping their party stay in power over the will of the American people (Democrats won the popular vote AGAIN).  We’ve had a nonfunctional Senate since 2015 thanks to senators like them, and I’m just glad Arizona and Colorado finally stood up and cut theirs loose.
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gwydionmisha · 4 years
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democraticfuture · 5 years
We need more Democratic candidates like this. Ones who realize when they can’t win without damaging the party.
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tomorrowusa · 5 years
The Lincoln Project, a group of Never Trump Republicans, produced this very effective ad aimed at Republican Sen. Cory Gardner of Colorado. Seriously, Democrats who are unaware of the producers of this ad would probably think it’s one of their own. 😎 By all means, share this with friends in Colorado.
Gardner is up for re-election in November and is facing popular Democratic former Gov. John Hickenlooper.
Democrats need to pick up a net of four seats to gain control of the US Senate.
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allamericansbitch · 4 years
i know all eyes are on the presidential candidates for this election, and rightfully so, but some very wonderful and important things are happening statewide that should be celebrated and highlighted, so here’s a few:
Florida passed Amendment 2, which will raise minimum wage to $15/hour by 2026
South Dakota, Montana, Arizona and New Jersey all passed an amendment that legalized marijuana 
Utah will now be removing gendered language in the Utah Constitution and will replace it with gender-neutral language
California passed Prop 17, which restores voting rights to previously imprisoned citizens
Delaware elected Sarah McBride, the first ever openly trans state senator
Ritchie Torres and Mondaire Jones are the first ever openly gay black members of congress
Cori Bush is the first ever woman of color to win a seat in Congress in Missouri
Mauree Turner became the first non-binary state lawmaker in America and the first Muslim member of the Oklahoma state house
Oregon has become the first state to decriminalize all drugs (small amounts of cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine and other drugs will have lesser punishments, similar to traffic tickets, and no jail time.)
Kim Jackson is the first out LGBTQ+ state senator in Georgia
Shevrin D. Jones is Florida’s first opnely LGBTQ+ state senator
Jabari Brisport became New York’s first gay Black member of the house
Arizona flipped blue for the first time in 24 years
Michele Rayner-Goolsby became the first Black LGBTQ woman in the Florida Legislature
Voters in Colorado overwhelmingly rejected Prop 115, a state ballot measure that would have banned abortions after a fetus reaches 22 weeks gestational age. In rejecting the initiative, Colorado remains one of the most progressive states in the country on reproductive rights
Arizona will now send two Democrats to the Senate for the first time since 1951, thanks to the win of ex-astronaut Captain Mark Kelly.
Democrats have flipped the senate seat in Colorado, with the win of former Gov. John Hickenlooper
Mississippi is removing the confederate flag from their symbology
Marie Newman, who has been titled ‘a leader of the pro-choice movement’, will now represent Illinois' 3rd Congressional District in Congress
Nevada became the first state to protect same-sex marriage in it's constitution
Immigrant rights activist and former public defender José Garza won the race for District Attorney of Travis County, Texas
Michigan passed Proposal 20-2, which requires police to have a search warrant to access a person's electronic data and electronic communications.
Washington approved Referendum 90, which requires all school districts to provide age appropriate, comprehensive sex ed at all grade levels
Colorado passed the first paid family/ medical leave program
Mississippi passed an ammendment that legalized medical marijuana
Denver overwhelmingly voted to pass Ballot Measure 2J. which lifts the city's more than 30-year-old ban on pit bulls
New Mexico elected all women of color to it’s House delegation
Vermont elected the state’s first openly transgender legislator, Taylor Small
Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley, all won re-election in the House
Nebraska passed a constitutional amendment to the state constitution that closes the loophole of the U.S. Constitution’s 13th Amendment that allowed slavery as a punishment for crimes
Rhode Island passed a measure to rename the state, officially naming it Rhode Island and not The State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, due to connections to slavery
Oregon passed measure 109, the first state to legalize psilocybin (mushrooms) for mental heath treatments
Hawai’i elected native Hawaiian Kaiali’i “Kai” Kahele, a Democrat, to the House of Representatives. He is one of 6 Native members of the House who will be sworn in in January
Utah passed legislation that removes language from the state constitution that allows the use of slavery and involuntary servitude as criminal punishments (no more prison labor!)
Multnomah county, where most of Portland sits, just voted for tuition-free preschool for everybody ages 4-5 
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