#college conferences
one-time-i-dreamt · 7 months
I snuck into a nationwide conference being held at a local college because Snoopy was on the free t-shirt they were handing out.
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Colleges in the Two Coast Conference
There are 13 schools in the Two Coast Conference, of which Cargill is a part of. Colleges will compete for a place at the eventual NCAO Div I championships.
<This information will be in the choice script stats glossary page.>
— East Coast (8) —
Cargill University (New York) - Coyotes
Empire State University (New York) - Bulls *RIVALS*
Miami State University (Florida) - Manatees
University of the Carolinas (N/S. Carolina) - Deer
Appalachia University (Virginia) - Patriots
Maryland Institute of Technology (MIT) (Maryland) - Robins
True North College (Maine) - Moose
— West Coast (5) —
North California College (NoCal) (California) - Grizzlies
State University of South California (SUSC) (California) - Suns
Valley Institute of Technology (Valtech) (California) - Vultures
Portland University (Oregon) - Lumberjacks
Pacific Northwest College (Washington) - Redwoods
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realbeefman · 1 year
thinking about queer!house, who would’ve been just getting out of medical school at the beginning of the AIDS epidemic. house who loves puzzles and mysterious diseases. who probably did have to interview patients when he was younger and didn’t have the reputation to back up his behavior, having to deliver a diagnosis of GRID, that has only experimental treatments, a mysterious disease that nobody will fund the research for. the medical community can’t even agree on why exactly people catch it or on how it’s transmitted at first.
in the hallways, the unspoken consensus is that it’s spread through deviancy. degeneracy. queer behavior. that it’s more social contagion than real disease.
it would’ve made him furious. to watch people die, over and over again, from a puzzle that those with power didn’t want to solve. to hear so many become indignant or furious or hysterical at a diagnosis that labels them as queer. maybe it was worse to see those visibly gay men who only nodded their head, accepted that what had already begun killing their friends, their lovers, was killing them too.
everybody lies. whether they’re lying about their sexuality or lying about accepting an awful death shouldn’t make a difference to him. they’re going to die irregardless.
i think living through the epidemic as a young queer man would give additional explanation to a lot of house’s behavior. his general distaste for and mistrust for authority, his willingness to try any treatment no matter how radical or experimental, his conscious refusal to connect emotionally with patients, even down to less obvious stuff, like his consistent refusal to use heroin. he’s genuinely traumatized from living through an epidemic that killed people like him.
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vacuously-true · 11 months
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Registration for OURFA2M2 2023 is open! Join us to learn about the many and various paths through an undergraduate mathematics career, and to have fun hanging out with other math folks. Feel free to shoot me a message if you have any questions, and please share!
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queenlucythevaliant · 2 years
If you don't mind me asking, how would you like
to see Proverbs 31 used? The part that always bugs me about how it's used is how the churches I've attended completely ignore the part where the woman described is working and trading outside the home. They try and use it as "you should stay home and raise kids" defense.
Mostly, I'd just like to see it used less?
In my experience, there's an undercurrent to the way that this passage gets used that's like, "...and this is the part of the Bible for women!" This really gets under my skin because it just isn't true at all. The WHOLE Bible is for women and the whole Bible is for men. I don't like the insinuation that women should keep returning again and again to this one passage when there's the entire Bible right there to study. Romans is ours too! And Genesis! Isaiah! 2 Timothy! Joel! Revelation!
Biblical womanhood (whatever we mean by that) must begin with women being well-versed in the whole Bible, and that can't happen if Proverbs 31 is treated like a banner chapter for so much of women's min. Proverbs 30 is actually the one part of Proverbs that really moves me (specifically "Feed me with the food that is needful for me...") and I've never gotten to study it in a formal context! Meanwhile, I've sat through seminars and studies and read books and listened to podcasts giving me Proverbial 31 and telling me, "Here ya go," like it's Necessary and Sufficient for Biblical Womanhood. And these two chapters are right next to each other!
Granted, I'm not a guy, but I don't see men's ministry pulling a few specific bits of Scripture and saying, "These are the Men's Chapters." There's just a presumption that the whole of Scripture is relevant to men.
In fact, if you really want to get into it, Proverbs 31 is actually directed more at men than women, saying, "this is the kind of woman you should marry." If we took half the Proverbs 31 talks directed at women and gave them to men, I think that would be a big improvement.
(I know I'm being somewhat hyperbolic here in places. I've been sitting on this ask for a little while knowing that it was basically unavoidable trying to refine my answer and like. Sorry. I am Frustrated and this is what you get from me.)
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academia hates me specifically for my neurodivergent swag but at the end of the day i’m sipping a fancy little cocktail at a fancy big hotel on their dime so. i get the last laugh
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crippleprophet · 1 year
Hello! Do you or your followers have any tips for attending an academic conference with chronic pain and mobility disability?
ooh okay this definitely isn’t universal bc the only conference i went to in person was fall 2019 & a huge biomedical engineering one, so both scale & the particular flavors of ableism may differ for you not to mention yk. covid. but here are my takeaways:
if you don’t have a motorized mobility aid you may want to rent one - i rented a mobility scooter for part of the time & immediately called to extend the rental for the full duration after getting there because the conference center was fucking massive. i definitely could not have physically walked it. so see if you can check the size ahead of time & plan accordingly - it sucks that disabled people have to put in so much effort but if it’s at a conference center calling the staff might help. if it’s at a university their access & accommodations office might have a relevant campus map
i stayed at the adjoining hotel also for access reasons (getting a mobility scooter into an uber is not my idea of a fun time) which was way more expensive than my colleagues who could share an air bnb. check with your department to see if they have conference funding! your university’s access & accommodations and/or financial aid offices also might have recommendations for funding options
if you’re doing a poster presentation & will be seated, a laser pointer might be helpful if you won’t be able to point at the top of the poster with your hand! someone also recommended i make little printed flyers with summaries, the main graphics, etc so i could talk to people directly more easily since i couldn’t present the “standard” way - your department should also be able to print that sort of thing for you if you’re interested
if the conference is at a university, check social media to see what disabled students are saying about access issues to anticipate etc
it’s gonna be ableist. again this is coming from my experience in BME which is super cure-oriented so it might not be universal, but however ableist you expect it to be, double that. i had at least two breakdowns over the 4 days about how hard it was to navigate the environment, how isolating it was, feeling like i wouldn’t be able to have a career in academia, etc. if at all possible, have a support system “on call” for you during this time - if you’re 18 or older & want to join my bitter cripple discord, feel free to dm me! i’d also think about learning about any disabled people in your field. & if you want some commiseration, i have several poems about my conference experience in my chapbook mountaintop (available free)
invest in a P100 respirator if you haven’t already! i have one of the kinda cyberpunk looking ones but people can be weird about it (moreso than they already are for masks they recognize), my gf uses the Flo Mask which is less obtrusive & really likes it
i hope that’s helpful! other folks feel free to add on, & please dm me or send another ask if you have more questions! i will leave you with two blessings, one from my first disability studies professor & the other from a longtime friend:
run people over.
take up space. take up more.
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azacello · 2 months
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Presented at a conference in Athens moodboard
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brown-little-robin · 7 months
where's that "I don't want to, I simply don't want to" wolf meme when I need it
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sstudiess · 1 year
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My sessional tests ended yesterday and thankfully, I had a chance to attend an International Conference on Mental Health as part of my Internship. It was an amazing learning experience. The best part was that it was an interdisciplinary conference and there were dignitaries from not just the field of psychology and psychiatry but social work as well. I had a chance to share the space and learn from people who are working hard in the community and school mental health space. It was an enriching day! The best part was that my favourite junior presented a paper on day 1 of the conference and today the results were announced and he was the first runner up! The conference was good but him winning was a cherry on the cake! Absolutely loved the day!!
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sweatermuppet · 2 years
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$27k + 13% acceptance :')
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bespectacled-ghost · 7 months
my cousin and i just bought tickets for a roberto canessa conference im so excited
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garadinervi · 2 years
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The 18th Annual Toni Cade Bambara Scholar-Activism Conference, Women’s Research & Resource Center (WRRC), Spelman College, Atlanta, GA, March 24-25, 2023
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vacuously-true · 2 years
Registration for OURFA2M2 2022 is open for 10 more days! Join us to learn about the many and various paths through an undergraduate mathematics career, and to have fun hanging out with other math folks :)
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This conference is 100% online and free.
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iftitah · 23 days
i don't know how it went from im so scared it will be boring and ill get alone at the conference to having the best trips of my entire life
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junkcas · 24 days
i want to smoke a cigarette or 7 but the sun will be rising soon and i promised 8 or 9 of my closest friends that i would make pasta for them tomorrow night so i need to wake up at a semi reasonable time
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