#codependent hubbies
homoishharajuku · 10 months
instant coffee, Hubby, and Babies — no, their not moving, hardly ever do D; … content, no drama in my opinion ,maybe I’m just not paying attention. Feeling like Jesus Christ, and I don’t think there’s a feeling like it that can compare. I wished I could have written this more transparently, but you get it?
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rentfreeinmyskull · 11 months
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relationship chart for my main characters (didn't include Qeeo cause she's vibing on her own with her hubbie and their space dog).
long explanation coming so it's below the cut.
Nuri and Mai - are Master and Padawan (until Nuri was knighted). They got off on a rocky start - Mai was very cold and emotionless and Nuri had trust issues regarding people trying to tell her how to control her powers or what to do with them. However, after they crash landed on a planet and had to work together to survive, they gained a real respect for each other. Which eventually grew into mutual familial love. They just loved each other so fucking much. And then Mai sacrificed herself on Ziost so Nuri could escape and that scarred Nuri for years yay! Mai and Leiko - very much a 'let's adopt this wet dog' vibes. Leiko has a complicated relationship with his parents and with mentor figures in general, but Mai proved she wasn't like the others. Leiko really looked up to her and Mai loved him like he was her own.
Leiko and Rin - GOD. Okay. They're twins, they grew up together, trauma-bonded a shit ton, protected each other, had a very co-dependent relationship. And then Leiko got brainwashed and was ordered to kill Rin to get rid of his weakness. Leiko did nearly kill her, attacking her in the middle of the night, but he resisted the brainwashing long enough for her to fight back. Rin didn't know he was brainwashed so she just thought that her sibling had been her enemy this whole time. Long story short, Leiko escaped, joined the Jedi, got rid of his brainwashing, while Rin did her own thing in the Empire, heartbroken and lost. Rin found out about Leiko joining the Order and decided to hunt him down and make him pay. They fought, Rin nearly killed Leiko but then she found out he was brainwashed and 'forgave' him. I use that word sparingly cause she was still pissed but she realised it wasn't his fault. Eventually, they repair their relationship in full, but because they were apart for so long, they're not nearly as codependent and have actually become more mature people because of it.
Rin and Varn'ya - they are the guard/protectee trope. Just, so much fucking devotion. They love each other. They're gay. Enough said.
Varn'ya and Nuri - They're chill.
Nuri and Natila - They're also chill, but have the added thing of their shared love for Mai and eventually, their shared grief. They care about each other a lot and definitely needed each other after Mai's death.
Mai and Natila - Tragic sapphics, childhood friends to lovers to not speaking to hesitant allies to lovers to one of you died. You guys know the drill. They hurt me.
Nuri and Leiko - star crossed lovers! Accidentally forged a Force bond during their first fight, then Leiko escaped to the Jedi after nearly killing Rin and they became friends. And eventually lovers. Battle couple, I would kill for you, I would live for you vibes.
Rin and Nuri - Complicated. Rin didn't know the full picture of Leiko's brainwashing, etc, so she thought Nuri somehow tricked Leiko or did something to him to bring him over to the Order. Rin pretty much hated Nuri for a while there. But THEN, she saw a recording of Nuri and Leiko on a mission together and saw how much Leiko clearly cared for Nuri. Later, Nuri got captured by the Sith and was tortured. Rin found out and helped her escape, out of love for her sibling. They respect each other and eventually become friends.
Mai and Rin - their first interaction was a deadly lightsaber fight where Mai ended up cutting off Rin's arms, so their relationship didn't get off to a good start. They don't particularly like each other, but they have basic respect.
Natila and Leiko - they don't interact much, but they vibe.
Leiko and Varn'ya - enby/enby hostility. Varn'ya doesn't like Leiko for how he treated Rin (intentionally or no).
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fanfictionroxs · 1 year
@nacrelysis made a fantastic post on Jiuge and Chu Wanning being brothers and here's my take on it. So, other than declaring Tantai-Jin as RanWan's love child, I have also imagined him as Wanning's twin from time to time. Sooo now Tantai-Jin as Jiuge!
He's a pure guy who wants to do some good in the world much like his little brother. His divinity is more.. palpable? Almost scary at times though mostly kind. Like an unpredictable angel.
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However, he tries to murder Taxian-Jun constantly. The level of hate Wanning's beloved Jiuge carries towards his hubby is unprecedented. He has a hint of darkness that tends to come out when his loved ones are threatened and nothing makes his mind blare 'threat' like certain disciples of his little brother.
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Xue Meng is fine. Jiuge has happily adopted that one into the Chu family.
Jiuge is also slightly mischevious and constantly tries to make Chu Wanning lighten up, almost always succeeding since it's very easy for him to draw laughs from his little brother (to the sheer delight and also slight jealousy of a certain Venerable one.. but taxian-jun gets over it because nothing is more important than Wanning laughing). Due to their messed up childhood because of Haizui, Jiuge became hyper independent and uncaring of any opinion other than his brother's. Chu Wanning, on the other hand, internalized a lot of hate for himself and Jiuge is the only one who knows about that self-loathing and the only one who can helo take it down a notch (MoRan will take some time to learn, but he'll catch up as Jiuge learns to tolerate him and starts to teach him the 'trade secrets' lol). And I do think that Jiuge and Wanning would have some form of supernatural connection. Maybe they can feel each other's pain (think Black-White from Not Me) or twin telepathy or something. But also, they develop their own forms of communication known only to each other. What else are two divine engineer brothers to do? 🤣
Also, Jiuge is a complete simp when it comes to his wife (obviously Bailu).. she absolutely adores Chu Wanning who calls her Jiejie 🤧 (I've been imagining Bailu as Wanning's Jie since Love is Sweet).
Now can someone give me a codependant Jiuge-Wanning fic pleeaasseeee
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year
god the Omeagorverse is brilliant brilliant brilliant. so good so delicious so nutritious to me. thank you thank you thank you for sharing it. i am actively considering taking pen to paper to physically draw out the family tree and draw like hearts and smiley faces and stars around the vile nasty rot :)
MWAH even though i still think its embarrassing im glad people are enjoying it<3 and oh dont worry i have a family tree of like nearly 900 characters at this point. It Is Evil For Me.... It's Terminal,... ten pages of character explanations below the cut do NOT click unless u want to walk around in my lovecraftian mind palace (shed of dumb ideas and deviantart OCs)
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865 characters in what five months. God,
jae: hes maegor's firstborn with vis :3 maegor thinks he's lame and not good enough. jae is also oedipally insane about viserys because maegor was gross about it so he's got mommy issues about vis. he marries ceryse' niece as like an apology gift to the hightowers like sorry we did polygamy and disrespected you and inventented gay marriage sorry about that. he was also betrothed to aerea (shore up inheritance + appease rhaena) but viserra took aerea on the world's worst bachelorette party to valyria and only viserra returned alive :3. jae gots nutso after vis dies and starts bringing in boy youths as court favourites and maris kills him in a fit of rage due to his grossness and also maris has her own shit going on (lesbian drama, dw about it)
viserra: married into the lannisters to keep the iron throne's federal reserve in the clear and cos raising taxes spells real doom. she femdoms her husband and then kills him as a blood sacrifice to have kids (only death can pay for life). became regent for a while before house lannister kicked her out. marries into harrehal (lucamore the lusty is her hubby) kills him too. marries a couple more times, has a coupe kids, ends up trying to fly her dragon (vhagar btw) into the sun or moon or something. not 100% on her death yet.
daenys: oh poor baby girl. vis marries her into the starks to keep her safe from court + there was stark rebellion drama. has weird tension with her mother-in-law whos a bolton and her husband sucks too. she has 13 kids (9 make it to adulthood). daenys ends up killing maegor its a whole thing, hush hush. goes nutso after and she and vis die together codependently as one theyre the same person etcetc
aegon: jae's eldest, momma's boy. momma's special heir to the throne special boy. hates his twin brother aerion because aerion is daddy's favourite and jae obviously wishes aerion was heir instead. marries a lannister cousin and a velaryon who hate each other and it causes a succession crisis when he dies. he has a horrible emotionally and physically incestuous relationship with his sister helaena. aerion ends up kidnapping helaena and it causes a minor civil war where aegon and aerion both die RIP
aerion: jae's second, twin to aegon, daddy's specialist evil son. whats a little child endangerment between kids. kills the high septon when hes 14 cos the high septon was abusing helaena and gets exiled to essos at FOURTEEN cos he refused to admit why he did it (didnt wanna ruin helaena's reputation). he was just like lol #yolo he was cringe anyway. gets radicalised in essos cos why tf should cringe aegon get the throne when aerion is way cooler. kidnaps helaena but also in their minds its somewhat of a rescue cos everyone in westeros is weird about helaena. him and aegon die together :3 also he has a bastard with a martell bastard who does Rhoynish Restoration in essos with her three dragons she takes over volantis and burns the rot out of it at one point but thats not important. she's doing her own thing. ALSO HE CLAIMED BALERION that's also why he's so cunty about getting the throne he's like um you got vhagar the girl dragon and i got the cool old valyria dragon that granddaddy aegon rode so 🤨
helaena: helen of troy :3 she's one of grrms favourite historical girls; 6 year old who is breathtakingly gorgeous and everyone is weird about it. her cradle egg dragon is called urrax after the story of daeryssa and serwyn and also she befriended dreamfyre cos dreamfyre got depressed after rhaena died and started terrorising oldtown cos rhaelle was there. helaena did her horsegirl magic on dreamfyre and saved oldtown and so oldtown loves her. every man in the world wants to marry her but shes literally 13???? that does fucked up things to your psyche. has weird relationships with aegon and aerion due to them being her protectors and the only men growing up who werent weird about her but guess what babygirl. all feudal men are weird :3
daenerys: named after daenys which of course made the evil destiny stars align. she's basically the middle child so she's mostly ignored by both her parents. her dragon is called seafoam :3 she thinks both aegon and aerion are too neurotic to be king and she would be wayyy better. somewhat worships maegor cos he didnt gaf about primogeniture. gets married off to corlys velaryon (he still exists here) but she doesn't mind to much cos she likes exploring essos with corlys. best friends with aegon's velaryon wife and HATES the lannister wife soooo much. after aegon dies, viserys takes the throne which makes her sooooo fucking mad but she gets to be hand of the king with corlys. after viserys dies she and corlys swoop in and do the westerosi regency era until her grand-nephew comes of age. absentee mother because she's too busy girlbossing her way through the red keep
viserys: babyboy you were never gonna be normal with a name like that. jae is weird about him cos viserys looks exactly like his namesake he's also soft and likes non-reptillian animals and being nice to people which is not very targaryen of him. jae has him trained by his kingsguard to beat the pussy out of him but it just makes vis an even sadder kitten. has clinical depression (diagnosed at 5 years old) so cant even get angry and rage and blow up the red keep like he wishes he could. forced to marry aerion's spurned betrothed who's their distant cousin alyssa arryn (half targ herself, i had vaella survive and marry rodrik similar to daella). alyssa is crazygirl she gets radicalised by a red priestess from asshai 😈 they agree to have a sexless unconssumated marriage though. viserys gets voted king after aerion and aegon die (aegon's kids and wives have their own drama going on so a council is necessary) and he's like what if i just kill myself but he's got a slightly evil kingsguard boyfriend whos like nooo dont kill urself youre so powerful now ahaha. pretty okay king, basically lets daenerys rule cos he's too busy being depressed and wanting to khs :( poor baby. anyway alyssa hears a prophecy about TPTWP and AA and goes megacuckoo and does blood magic to have kids and that's its whole drama dw about it. he does end up getting to kill himself though good for him 😭
maegelle: poor baby. gets married off to the hightowers at FOURTEEN cos jae thinks she's weird and autistic and needs her outta the red keep. he's like dont u wanna be lady of the hightower? its so big!! and shes like no because my special interest is religion and prophetic dragon dreams. she weirds him out too much with her prophesies of his death etc. ends up achieving religious euphoria ecstasy etc after getting visions and doing some miracles and abandons her husband and daughters to live in a convent. she doesnt realise she's just trying to escape the cycle of targ torment the only way she knows how :(
anyway thats just like 9 of my guys i invented. i mostly do this so i have something for my brain to think about when im trying to go to sleep but The Thoughts are tormenting me. can you tell im a little funny in the brain. anyway if u made it this far i love u i love u i love u♡
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figs-and-cigs · 5 months
Boundaries, Rules, and Agreements.
This is probably one of my favorite topics regarding relationships, not just in polyamory. I've spent a lot of time recovering from codependency and having a working understanding of these things definitely made my polyam journey easier.
I like to define Boundaries as guidelines to protect myself. They're simply things I do to take care of my sanity, health, finances, and peace. They're not lines drawn in the sand, nor are they a way to control others. They can be flexible depending on the situation.
For example, one boundary I have for myself is that I don't answer the phone after midnight. There are occasions though where I'm awake at 3am unable to sleep, and a friend calls while they're struggling. If I have the spoons there's a chance I'll answer. If my kiddo calls, I'll answer. I don't need to state this boundary. I just do it.
Rules are often posed as trying to control another person's behavior. In my unhealthy relationships rules were often my way to try and control the situation. "No more drinking at home!" The problem is I can't control another person.
In a healthier relationship I'd like to think of 'rules' as Agreements. Things that both parties have discussed and agreed to follow. It's important to note that at any time someone can want to change the agreement but this is something both parties have to discuss. In my healthy relationship we have agreements that we won't allow anything to impact our kiddo/family schedule. We also have an agreement that we don't bring partners to our home - but this will change if we move and have a spare bedroom. We also have financial agreements - who pays what amount and which bills. Along with basic housekeeping agreements.
Since I've been ranting about my break up lately. I had brought up many times that my schedule was going to change. Each time she had asked for us to discuss it later. Which was fine. Of course I'm willing to discuss it. Unfortunately her desire to discuss it later began to sound more like avoidance.
When my schedule did change I had to take the time to decide how much I needed to prioritize this schedule change. Could I be flexible? Were there agreements I'd be willing to work on. At first my answer was yes, and I was willing to have an open dialogue about it.
But anytime I broached the topic she deflected. It was when she told me to plan the next date on the day I was trying to change that I finally decided this needed to be a boundary. I very simply said, "I can't do that day anymore." Period. The end. Ok not the end - I gave lots of explanations for WHY, but that wasn't necessary.
While she seemed to ignore that boundary and kept pressing for the days I stated I couldn't do, I was frustrated.
But the reminder for me is that, no one can cross my boundaries but me. Regardless of her expectations for me to make arrangements for that day - it was ultimately on me to say no.
Just because someone calls me after midnight doesn't mean I have to answer. If I say I'm going to bed at 11, it doesn't matter if my husband decides to sit on the couch and watch a movie. It's up to me to go to bed. If I've used my restaurant budget for the month, it's on me to tell my date that I can't take the check this time if we're planning to go out to eat. If my comet asks to meet me on a day I can't do because kiddo has a game, it's on me to say I have to plan for another night.
Of course when someone keeps pressing against a boundary I've tried to set - I need to take time to analyze if this is something I'm willing to accept. Am I ok to have to repeatedly say no? I probably have an undefined limit with that.
When it comes to Agreements/Rules, there is an understanding that if someone finds the agreement unacceptable both parties will discuss an addendum. One example was that we didn't want kiddo to be introduced to our partners. When there was a family friendly event with our poly group, hubby and I discussed going. Kiddo did meet one of my partners who was introduced as a friend. The rule changed some. Vanilla family friendly events are fine, as long as our partners and free understand we don't talk about our relationship structure with kiddo. (Don't get me wrong, kiddo does have basic understandings of what poly is, but no need for her to stress about my relationship with her step dad.)
If someone breaks and agreement without discussion first - this leads to more discussions. Why did they do it? Does this mean the rule/agreement is unacceptable to them? Does it mean that it's not possible to uphold? What adjustments needs to be made? A break in trust may or may not mean and end to the relationship- just like pressing against boundaries.
I think the most difficult piece for me is deciding when these discussions need to take place. I don't like setting up too many safe guards for "the possibility of something going wrong!" To me this creates a lot of inflexibility on the basis of fear and anxiety. I believe the need will often present itself and then we know to discuss it.
I didn't realize I needed a boundary around when I answer the phone until I was up every night arguing with my (now ex) partner. I didn't realize I was uncomfortable with having other partners in my home and bed until the possibility came up. The discussion of sexual safety always comes up before engaging in sex. Etc.
This turned out longer than I meant it to - as do most of my ranting writing nonsense.
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straightupsickfics · 4 months
Teacher Anon💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛
My friend!!!!!!! This is Stede and Ed.
The one who is worst off is definitely Ed given he may not get sick a lot like his hubby....but when he does poor thing is shivering in bed while Stede holds him with a high fever, sneezing constantly and wet coughs.
But when they're both sick:
Two people who have a cold at the same time and become extra codependent sappy and willing to take care of themselves because it means they’re both doing it… taking medicine on time and staying hydrated and eating something small together. Curling up in their pile of couch blankets after each little sick person task 🥺 half-heartedly arguing all day about which of them is less sick and therefore more qualified to take care of the other 🤍
Oh this is definitely true 🥺🥺🥺 Stede picks up almost everything and even when his husband is sick, Ed mostly manages to avoid getting it himself but when he DOES get sick 🥺😭 it’s awful for him :( put him in a blanket burrito with Stede immediately, it’s the only way back to health 💜
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incarnateirony · 2 years
To piggyback the last nonnie also thinking staying married cause it's convenient is a legit take?? Big yikes, don't do that or expect other people to do that wtaf. Sorry wincels, these actors are humans with lives that aren't the characters you hate watch and sometimes life and love are hard and sucks and there's no reason beside that. The obsession they have with MC to actually spend time ways to make him a bad guy in all parts of HIS life cause their hate boners need stroking is legit insane!!
yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh. it's become increasingly clear that the shape of healthy relationships is alien to them. They seem into abusive claimancy. Also maybe their obsession with codependency comes from a personal dependency on others. I mean, tequila chick actually isn't worth much unless she had a prenup. It's hubby who had to put in the millions he didn't get back. Given, considering her investment choice and the amazing return of etsy levels, I can see why she, personally, isn't worth shit and it had to be the hubby. ...Hell if it's the hubby maybe he makes sure she doesn't control the bank account. I don't fuckin know.
Either way like. IDK. The longer I watch their toilet bowl spiral of "stay miserably married to people you hate" "all things reduce to fucking and nonfucking" and whatever other thrashing they're doing in my inbox to try to self console tonight that misha's sex life is somehow deeply tied to the production of the Winchesters or whatever this brainbleed nonsense of theirs is--like. It just. CAN SOMEONE GET A MEGAPHONE OUT THERE AND TELL EVERYONE TO RUN FAR THE FUCK AWAY FROM THESE PEOPLE
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2-14 the good and the bad
Started the morning happy. I weighed in at 199.4. That's progress. I'm happy to see the 100s again. But I don't trust the process this week, or my work with it. I binged on Superbowl Sunday. When I look back at it, it was about disappointment about my "treat" that I made for myself essentially sucking while the treats I made the kids were kickass amazing. Then, hubby called for a favor that was something I truly didn't want to do. He left all of his work stuff at home and needed it, which meant I had to stop what i was in the middle of doing - cooking for the kids and me, and trying to salvage the superbowl when the truth is he took any chance of me enjoying it when he decided to work overtime. Hell, when he decided to keep working in this job even though he could have retired 6 years ago. But the truth his, he doesn't want to retire. He doesn't want to live a normal daytime week with me now any more than when we were first together. I've just been in denial for our entire marriage and he's been lying to me for the whole thing too. I feel so stupid for ever thinking we were going to live this life together. I feel like I put in my 20 years as a cop wife and now its finally my time. But he's taking away any hope of a normal marriage by making this decision. And yes, like my therapist says, I feel heartbroken. And rejected. And it hurts. it hurts that I feel like I have wasted my life with someone that doesn't love me the way I wanted to be loved, and the chance is over now because I am old and fat and wasted and expired. No wonder he doesn't want to retire. Why on Earth would he?
Yea, so anyway, that all lives below the surface all of the time. And during times like this, when he all of a sudden wants me to drop everything and help him and once again I have to get the shitty end of the stick, I tend to binge. Which is exactly what I did. I ate all of the food that i was serving the kids. And the day after I was "good" and was under my daily - I counted around 900 calories. This morning I had my 199.4 weigh in. But today is Valentines day. So, I ate too much sushi, which I tried to not have because I really love it, but hubby wanted to make me happy. (which is why I guess he bought me a wine opening set - to really drive home the fact that I should be drinking wine again. codependent much?) Anyway, I had 11 points of sushi, 7 points of lunch and breakfast - putting me at 18. Then I also had 2 meatballs for 2 points. And with 3 points left, I had almond milk in my coffee, and a quick snack tonight of peetos and a half of banana. Also a few bites and nibbles here and there, but nothing crazy. So I am closing out the day. And I am proud of the fact that I stopped the binge to write this. Because, truth be told, I was going to binge. I was ready to finish the peetos and move on to the next snack, and the next. And look for the dark chocolate I just opened. I think that was the trigger - hubby asked me to give it to the kids. And I feel depressed and tired and like I've disappointed my parents again. I had to cancel Thursday and she got off the phone right away like she was pissed at me. But the kids are busy and honestly, I don't want to go right now. Also, she is getting posessive - i had mentioned my nephew might go to college near me. So, she got on the phone today to recommend colleges elsewhere because she doesn't want me to ever have any regular relationship with hubby's family. Its exhausting. But I have to get to a point where I don't care. Where I can call her out for being a posessive bitch and move on with my life. I'm 45 years old and she needs to cut this shit out already.
Then my kids keep coming in and annoying me and I want them to stop. I want time to myself, but not just a little time - a LOT of time. My daughter has severely damaged hair from the time I let her try to dye her hair herself. Its multiple colors and dry and brittle and frizzy and so terrible. She also wants it straightened. She has extremely curly hair. She will never have super straight hair like the girls in her school. She will never look like the ones that are pick me girls. She needs to come to terms with that, and I can't do it for her. i wish I could take away her sadness, but I can't. I'm also a terrible motivational parent, and that's what she needs right now. All I could muster is, well, it'll grow out. Hair isn't forever. But she needs more than that. I just never know what to say. To her, to anyone really. So, inadaquate and a failure at the most important relationships in my life, I turned to food again tonight to take away that pain. Cause it does, normally. For a single moment, for a bite in time while I chew it all away, all I can focus on is flavor and crunch, texture and the comforting feeling of swallowing and putting more in. God I love that - the feeling that there is always some more waiting on my plate, on my fork, and that I can keep feeding myself what I need. What I really need is a family that does dishes. A propensity to be able to speak to other humans in an acceptable and successful way. A husband that loves me for the person I am and not the way I suck his dick. Parents that honor the adult I am without making inappropriate side comments that call into question my competency. A talent to sing and a place to show everyone the feelings that bubble to the surface begging to be expressed in music. A job where I can be respected, and well paid. A body that hasn't aged beyond repair, and a gender that doesn't get me discarded because a woman's shelf life is no more than 45 years. A history that doesn't haunt me in the dark hours when I try to sleep but can still remember the taunting and bullying and torture and abuse.
Well, I don't want to binge anymore tonight, so at least there's that. I dealt with the rise in emotions by writing, and the tide had a safer space to come in and now wash away. I need exercise. I think I'm going to change the bike seat tonight and get back on the nordic track. I need to pedal away my feelings.
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Jensen: “Where were we when that song came on and you were like, ‘Oh! Turn that up!’?”
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Jared: “Probably on our way home from a 14-hour day. It was your mix tape!”
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Jensen: “It was.”
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The song (which Jared had just answered with as his favorite/guilty pleasure song/something like that) is Jealous by Nick Jonas:
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And now I’m going to list off the reasons why I love this 😊-
1. Jensen has Jared’s favorite songs on his mix tips. EXCUSE ME SIR.
2. Just the trillionth time one of them has said “on our way home” (together, always together).
3. This particular song so perfectly encapsulates their mutual obsessions with each other, and it’s fantastic.
That is all.
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z-odiology · 3 years
Venus in the:
1ST: walking into a pole while looking at them, play wrestling to full on WWE matches
2ND: crypto bf/gf & astrology/bookstagram bf/gf and monthly spa trips. Movie and dinner…at home. “Is that my shirt??”
3RD: staying on the phone till 10AM, “oh fuck”. Golden retrievers with unlimited messaging & data
4TH: initials in the bio and buying rings for Valentine’s Day. Family friends with benefits…shared recipes.
5TH: proposal pranks in restaurants. One is the Parent at times. Leashed backpacks and weird inside jokes…finishing each other’s sentences
6TH: Hubby/Wifey activity under bf/gf status…Type to wash your dishes if they see them in a sink. Melania slapping Trump’s hand away
7TH: (almost) codependent old married couple that is the equivalent of Nabokov & his letters to Vera
8TH: Mr. & Mrs. Smith with tantric sex and old money & private IG accts
9TH: Chris McCandless adventures and flirtatious best friends that like each other’s company more. Think favorite person at a function
10TH: mentor relationship; one has the connections, other has the image. Christian and Christine Grey with coordinating outfits
11TH: friendzone vibe but Venus is painting House person and likes to be alone with House. Phoebe Buffay(House) in a relationship with Steven Hyde(Venus). House is Venus’ diary. Cyberstalking and unique slides in the DMs
12TH: Ariel but Ariel is stalking Eric and Eric is distracted by a butterfly (think “is this a ___?” meme) and likes Ariel but he gets distracted. Ariel is staring at him and he’s just. Distracted. “WHERE ARE YOU??” texts from Venus unanswered cause House is asleep. Ursula is Ariel’s “””dArK siDe”””
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ashtraythief · 4 years
Not sure if this is how you suggest a prompt for your Underneath Verse, or if you're still taking them, but thought I'd give it a shot. Jared keeps worrying that one of his rivals will go after Jensen in some way to get a him. What if they do? Love your series!
Dear nonnie, sorry for this super late reply. I started working on this a long time ago, but then life happened and well. I honestly don’t know if I’ll ever finish this. It doesn’t have any bearing on the overall story and I don’t think there’ll be anything in there that we don’t already know about these two, but it was fun to think about. This is a little snippet of what I have, but I kinda got stalled on it after the plot kept meandering into ridiculous territory and I don’t know if I can fix it. So here’s a small offering of something that happened but I’m not sure on the details.
The Neverending Story had been on Jensen’s to-read list for a while. He’d heard the film didn’t do it justice and he was intrigued by the concept even though it was technically a children’s book. Now that Adam fron the Turning Pages had found him a really nice, old, two-color print edition, there was no reason not to buy it. Especially because there’d be no evening entertainment this week. Jared was conducting a business deal and he was paranoid enough to keep Jensen under lockdown. 
If Jensen had known before, he would have made plans to just leave the city, but Jared hadn’t told him until the weekend. When Jensen had told him that he did not appreciate being cooped up, Jared had just shrugged and said to blame Chad.
“He’s paranoid, but he’s usually right.”
Jensen had demanded details and agreed to stay inside when Jared dropped Kurt Fuller’s name. Jensen knew about the Nato Syndicate, a drug and arms running cartel that operated anywhere in the northern hemisphere. They were dangerous and way above his pay grade and Jensen just hoped Jared would be prudent in his dealings with them. Jared might rule Chicago, but the Nato Syndicate had resources that dwarved the Chicago business five times over.
So Jensen had decided to go to the bookstore and get enough material to hole up at the house for a couple of days until this blew over. Jared would of course still be out and about—not showing fear—but he didn't want to spread his resources too thin. And since Jensen had no desire to be a pawn in an international drug or arms deal, he didn’t have a problem with it.
He was standing in front of the sci-fi shelves when he heard movement behind him too close to just appear. He spun around and raised his hands, but someone already slammed him into the bookshelf, arms around his neck and pushing up his chin. Jensen snapped for air, and then something sharp rammed into his neck.
Jensen gripped the arm around his neck to get space to breathe, stomped his foot back, hit a steel-toe boot. His vision started swimming, he didn’t have a lot of time, he reached behind him, felt a belt buckle, lower, his assailant made a sound of surprise, and Jensen grabbed whatever he could reach. Hard.
His assailant groaned and stumbled back, Jensen got a lungful of air, but his neck throbbed and everything went dark.
Jensen woke up tied to a chair, a low thrumming pain in his neck. Fuck.
An older man approached him, dark suit, slight potbelly, thin graying hair. “Mr. Campbell, you’re awake. Very good.”
Jensen coughed. “Who the fuck are you?”
“Kurt Fuller.”
So much for not becoming a pawn in an international drugs or arms deal. Well, Fuller was a businessman. If everything went according to plan, Jensen would be fine. Everyone knew that it equaled a declaration of war to harm Jensen. Unfortunately, the simple act of kidnapping would probably already send Jared into a tailspin, so Jensen needed to deescalate the situation before he died in the crossfire. Or get out of here before Jared did something stupid. But first, he needed information.
Jensen narrowed his eyes. “I thought you and Jared had a deal.”
“Oh, we do.” Fuller nodded assuringly. “Well, we did. See, one of my business partner’s plans changed so I had to adapt my plans. And I didn’t think your husband would be amenable to last-minute changes.”
Jensen pursed his lips. “Yeah, probably not.”
Fuller pointed a finger at him. “And that’s where you come in. Just a little insurance that I can go through with my business. And then I’ll return you to your husband.”
Jensen raised a skeptical eyebrow.
Fuller raised his hands. “Oh, no, I promise. I mean, everybody knows that Mr. Padalecki goes a little koo-koo where you are concerned. Very codependent, the two of you, almost irrationally so. And, really, I don’t need that kind of bad blood between us. So you are going to stay here, unharmed, and tomorrow, when my deal is over, I’m going to return you to your hubby. Good?”
Not really. Jensen didn’t think that it would make a difference to Jared if Fuller hurt him after abducting him—well, maybe the amount of pain he inflicted before he killed him—but kill him he would. Jensen didn’t say that though because he needed Fuller to think he’d get away with this so he wouldn’t hurt Jensen.
“You know, not many people would dare to kidnap me in the first place,” Jensen said casually; wanted to see if maybe Fuller was bluffing about the whole keeping him alive thing.
Fuller chuckled. “Well, they also don’t have the connections I have. I work for a very powerful organization and even your husband won’t want to make enemies of them. You see, your hubby, he has Chicago tight in his grip, oh yes, but this is just one city. Our concerns are much larger, much more global. But we recognize that your husband is a necessary business partner, so we want to play nice with you.”
Pointedly, Jensen looked at his shackled hands. “This is playing nice?”
“Ah yes, I heard you’re quite the maintenance. Well, if you promise to behave I have food and whiskey in the next room.”
“I’m more of a champagne guy,” Jensen said with a grin.
If Jared would play by their rules, he’d be fine. But Jensen already knew he wouldn’t. Jared didn’t tend to make the most rational decisions where Jensen was concerned. No, it was better if Jensen found a way out of here before Jared got the both of them killed.
“That can be arranged,” Fuller said. “Now, how about I show you the amenities and then we make a call to your husband so everything can proceed smoothly.” Fuller shot him a pointed look. “I assume I don’t have to implore on you that it is in your own best interest to convince your husband to go along with our change of plans.”
“I can’t guarantee that he won’t call you names,” Jensen said apologetically, “but I think we can come to an agreement.”
Fuller rubbed his hand. “Excellent. I do love it when a plan comes together.”
The food spread wasn’t too bad. There was bread and dip, some fancy canapés, a cheese plate, olives, and pralines. Jensen declined the whiskey, but Fuller said he’d already sent someone for the champagne. For now Jensen stuck to water. 
He counted guards and doors while he pretended to be busy with the food. There were four men with MAC-10s, plus two guys coming and going through the only other door besides the one leading to the windowless room Jensen had woken up in.
Another guy came in, bringing a laptop and a phone. Fuller was going to scramble his location for the call.
“Jensen.” Fuller gave him a smarmy smile. “May I call you Jensen?”
Jensen graciously inclined his head. 
“Wonderful. Now, Jensen, if you please…” Fuller gestured at the phone.
Slowly, Jensen walked over to him. He needed to impress upon Jared that he’d be fine if Jared behaved because if Jared started a war with Fuller, and by extension the Nato syndicate, they were all in danger.
Jensen took the phone, dialed Jared’s number. The dial tone came through the speakers from the laptop, loud in the room that had gone completely quiet.
Jared picked up after one ring. “Who is this?”
“Hey, babe,” Jensen said. “It’s me.”
“Jensen.” Jared let out a breath. “Where the hell are you?”
“I’m enjoying Mr. Fuller’s hospitality.”
“Put him on.” Jared’s voice was ice cold.
Fuller pointedly raised his eyebrows.
“Jared.” Jensen aimed for soothing. “Look, I’m fine. I’m unharmed. And I’ll stay that way if you let Fuller conduct his business.”
“That was the plan,” Jared said, voice shaking with barely contained fury. “I don’t understand why he would want additional assurance.”
Fuller motioned for the phone and Jensen handed it over.
“Mr. Padalecki.”
“Fuller, what the fuck?”
Fuller sighed. “I apologize, Mr. Padalecki, and I promise that your husband is indeed fine and will stay that way. The reason I invited him over is that I have to adjust our agreement.”
“You’re fucking kidding, right?”
“Unfortunately not. Look, this is not how I like to do business, but our supplier changed his route, so we need to adapt.”
There was a short pause, then Jared said, “Your supplier changed his route?”
“Yes,” Fuller said with a slight grimace.
“And you couldn’t just call me about that?”
“Mr. Padalecki, we both know you would have charged me an additional fee and I have reached my limit here. Now, as I said, Jensen will be fine. I am very much aware of the close relationship you have with your husband, and I have no intention of disturbing that.” He made a short pause for effect. “But I will if I have to.” Fuller waved one of his men over, took his gun. He raised the gun, approached Jensen and pressed the nozzle against Jensen’s chest. “Tell him, Jensen.”
Jensen sighed. “This is really not the best way to do this,” Jensen said.
Fuller pushed the gun harder against Jensen’s chest.
“Right.” Jensen turned towards the phone. “I am fine right now, but Fuller is pointing a gun at me.”
“That fucking—”
“Look, Jared, it’s okay. I’ve survived worse, okay? Just let him do his business and I’ll see you in a little while.”
Jarer drew in a very audible breath. “Okay. I just want you safe. You just hold on helm’s deep until the morning, and I’ll come get you.”
Jensen froze. He looked over to Fuller, who didn’t seem to have picked up on Jared throwing a fucking lord of the rings reference in there.
Helm’s Deep. Until the morning. They had watched the movies months ago, Jensen had made Jared watch the extended version with him, one Sunday, all three movies back to back from noon until into the night in Jared's giant home theater. Jared had protested, had said he actually knew the movies, and yes, they were okay, but Jensen insisted on the full experience. Jared had gone along with it, had enjoyed it even. And now this. 
Yeah, Jared was not letting this play out peacefully, he’d storm whatever place Fuller had holed up in, and free Jensen with force. Great.
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peachysimp · 3 years
thank you for the tags @kojinnie & @namrekcaivel​ <3
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question: which of your anime boys would/wouldn’t you date and why?
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tagging: @bakugohoex @plutowrites @bertlebear @namischild (just for funsies, no pressure) + anyone else
note: I’d date them all. Hmm, i see myself dating these boys in different stages in life though. Jean is best boyfriend/hubby material.
Connie - college to post grad I love goofballs. I feel like I’d never grow up around him, always a kid at heart. We could be as serious when it’s necessary but we’d always goof around like kids. I imagine grocery shopping would take long af. I’m easily distracted and we’d be doing random shit in the aisle that might get us kicked out. He’ll surprise me outside of my lecture hall after hearing that I had a rough day. “Let’s go on a field trip!” Next thing you know we’re at a nearby park playing at the jungle gym and seeing who could swing the highest on the swings. Lots of obnoxious laughing. 
Jean - 20s/30s  Our first date would be one of those cooking classes but then it becomes a bi-weekly thing after work. The only meal we’d meal prep is lunch. We’d take turns making breakfast and dinner.  Weekend activities/getaways would be wine tasting and food pairings, farmer’s market, fruit picking... I wrote more but it started sounding like my bf irl..lol i blush.
Reiner - 30s/40s Mental health aside (cuz it actually reminds me of a codependent relationship from my past), I’d like to settle down and start a family with him. Have a plot of land where our kids and dogs could run free while we have peaceful alone time in the hammock. I still can’t get bob-the-builder Reiner out of my head. He built our house, my greenhouse, the kids’ treehouse... We’d have family picnics and shit.. wait we’d be Carl & Ellie from UP.
Levi - 40s/50s divorcee/widow who seeks company Both going through our own shit but our therapy would be cleaning the house together and enjoying tea afterwards. Sitting in silence together. We don’t have to talk; we just read each other really well but we’ll talk. I don’t mind the height difference. I put the tea sets out of his reach ONLY so that I could help him grab them. Dark humor & snarky remarks? Yes, please. The couple that has three bedrooms because alone time is just as important as us time.
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pumpkin-pi-e · 4 years
Okay I see your a pretty new blog and child...I already know you about to kill the game but, Can I get some EraserMic angst it doesn’t matter what it’s about. Go wild<3
Dearly departed darling:
They’re devastated, and even if your untimely death was met by your own hand they’ll blame themselves for not keeping a better eye on you. They’ll feel as though they failed in their role as your caretakers, especially since the couple strived to protect and provide, two of the main factors that drove the heroes to take you in; and what good were they if they couldn’t even protect you from yourself? Or even notice that you’d been suffering so terribly? Hizashi and Shouta wrack their brains trying to figure out why, what had caused you so much grief that you’d be willing to take your life? What had they missed? Was it-was it them? Had they not taken good enough care of you? These thoughts plague them as they struggle to carry on with their lives without you in it. The heroes’ lives are suddenly incomplete, an integral puzzle piece missing from the once perfect mural.
They take time off from work, personal reasons, family matters they’d claim. They’d both be hit pretty hard but Hizashi is completely nonfunctional; he won’t bathe, eat, or do much of anything without being prompted by his husband, and it’s a task when Shouta can barely even find the strength to take care of himself. Lovelorn, Hizashi simply sits around listening to melancholic tunes, nauseatingly mawkish and filled with yearning as he languished over his lost love, looking through old photos of the three of you, and troubling the ravenette who looked on in worriment, the voice hero refused to speak. You’d left him speechless. Duty calls and they reluctantly return to their jobs. Aizawa is crotchety and even more of a hard-ass than usual, he’s taken to more frequent naps during his downtime, and students and faculty alike notice how Present Mic’s presence isn’t as boisterous as it typically was. The normally vociferous hero not having much to say at all, his hair had lost its splendor and his vibrant eyes had dulled. Listeners tuning in to his radio show would note how the emcee was significantly less energetic after returning from his extended break.
The days blur together in a dull haze for the power couple; they become almost codependent, clinging to each other for comfort. That is...until they bump into someone who reminded them of you. Desperate for something to love, someone to smother, to fill the void in their hearts, they don’t waste any time stealing them away. Those unhealthy habits are projected onto their new darling. They call her by your name, dress her in your clothes, and style her hair the way you wore yours all while she’s strapped to a chair and brainwashed into believing she’s someone that she’s not. Piece by piece they’d ripped away at her memories, only to be replaced with fabrications and self-indulgent delusions until they had molded her into whom they wanted her to be. Loopy from the latest round of electroconvulsive therapy, confused, and unable to remember anything, Hizashi excitedly tells her about herself; everything from her interests/hobbies, favorite color, favorite food, etc, while Shouta shows her a few of her favorite things.
Who were they?
Who was she?
“We’re your hubbies! You took a lil tumble and don’t remember much, but don’t worry songbird! We’ll help ya recover.” They spend the next few hours cuddled up to her, informing her on the happy life they’d led, how sweet-tempered she was, how much she loved them, how they’d even tossed around the idea of starting a family before her accident; and ever the degenerates, throwing in their self-serving musings, what her kinks were, how she loved servicing them, so on and so forth. Their new darling would be kept on a much tighter leash, and under constant supervision, they’d gone through great lengths to ensure she doesn’t meet the same fate.
So you know how in Suicide Squad people were speculating that the Joker was actually Robin who was brainwashed by Harley into believing he was the Clown Prince of Crime? Yeah, with Hizashi’s intelligence he could probably pull off the same thing. If something were to happen to this darling they’d just do it again with another. Hell, they’d probably delude themselves into believing it was you, just in another skin.
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pocket-poly · 5 years
Random mental download of my day
Lunch date zero with flash back roller rink guy... So, we had lunch, and like anxiety ridden me I rambled. A LOT. But displaying my crazy like some peacock like bird proud of their feathers and well he seems to not be running away and more anchored in building a friendship. Could that be a win?
No incredible connection or energy from the start today. But I did relax a bit towards the end. Current BF set that bar so high for sparks and connections lmao! But it was good and social and new.
I have lunch with a female poly peep tomorrow to share my stories and gush with her tomorrow...
But I feel something odd, nothing to do with him. I'm content and happy in my current polycule and I feel such little interest in the effort to get to know someone new.
I wanna spend the time I have with my two current partners but I find gaps in my days that neither one is free. I have hobbies that keep me busy, I'm not codependent by any means...
I'm just in a weird place at the moment with itching for excitement and completely comfortable were I am, kinda tired of being hurt.
I know the next 8-10 weeks is going to be very different with bestie down with her broken ankle, cronavirous active in my Nor-cal area, and hubby still sick (I've been sleeping alone for 11 days longest in 18yrs) and hes leaving for another week out of town in a week..
I love my guys so much I think my minds just racing and I'm definitely in need of some snuggles.
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unfamiliarize · 4 years
The adult human who can't raise his own child for a few hours a day is the problem.
Two threads by Mikki Kendall on Twitter that are giving me life and making me think this morning, with my favorite replies quoted:
Thread 1
“This article makes no sense to me. Why would you stay with someone who won't work or do childcare? Why would you give up your career? The adult human who can't raise his own child for a few hours a day is the problem.” ... “Help me understand because I can't find his purpose except to be a millstone” “Because women tell each other that hubby can’t/won’t do (insert normal parenting here) and teach others that it’s NORMAL. If anyone criticizes it then they aren’t being sympathetic to the realities of marriage. THEN they will twist into a pretzel to insist hubby is a GOOD DAD+“... “because of any little thing he manages to do. Why? ‘Because the kids love him!’ Well yes Cassandra, the kids will lap up even the smallest scrap of attention bc they’ve bonded with their parents and you’ve taught them that a bare minimum dad is enough.“ “As long as childcare and housework are considered things men do to “help” women, we will never have equality. You both had the kids, you both raise ‘em. Periodt.“ “Then these men be at the courthouse talking about 50/50 custody when they’ve never patented these kids a day in their lives.“
“I put up with this for YEARS because everyone around me told me I was the one being too demanding. We were on and off welfare for a decade because he wouldn’t work, and I couldn’t keep a job because he wouldn’t watch the kids. I finally wised up, but it wasn’t easy.“
“There is a reason why I asked my husband when we started dating about how he felt about housework. If he had said anything BUT "I will do half because I also live there" I would have dropped him. Same thing about child rearing.“ “She probably wouldn't have to work 70hrs a week if her husband was working too...“ “I feel like she is going to burn through the life savings taking care of her family and then he leaves her.” “I can't speak for her but from my own personal exp. I am Codependent from childhood abuse/trauma. Didn't know I'd been abused until about 5 yrs ago. Didn't know my ex was also abusing me until after I left. Someone on the thread for the article pointed out there's likely” ... “emotional/financial abuse going on in this woman's rel. 1. Getting kid to interrupt work calls. 2. Sabotaging her co. So yeah. I worked my ass off to earn love from my lazy selfish abusive ex bc of a lot of issues I didn't realize then. It's a whole lotta mess.” “The fact that the framing of this story makes it sound like the lack of daycare is the problem, instead of, oh I don’t know,the lazy bump on a log man child that refuses to take care of his child, is crazy to me.“
Thread 2
“Y'all do you know the static a mom with no job would get if an article about her wanting her husband to shut down his company & take over childcare ran right now? She's need a whole new identity“ ... “I have been a working mom for the majority of my adult life. People have always felt free to ask me who was with the kids while I traveled for work. The idea that their Daddy was there was still blowing minds in March when I went to NY. March. 2020. For kids who are 14 & 20“ ... “People ask me what they'll eat while I'm gone like every person  in my house can't cook. I don't understand why people are acting brand new about that article, but that woman is in a terrible relationship & the devil in her house doesn't deserve sympathy“ ... “Motherhood doesn't have to be martyrdom. Marriage isn't a place to sacrifice yourself. I know people will insist that it's inescapable, but divorce laws exist and I promise you life is easier as a single parent than as one with human millstone around your neck“ ... “"But Mikki, you don't understand, what if he doesn't want to be a good partner or parent? I can't make him." You're right. You can't. But, this is why divorce attorneys exist. And let me tell you another secret, your kids can learn not to interrupt you 12 times & to do chores“ ... “But first, that whole grown adult that needs parenting to be a facsimile of a partner? Fire. Them. Give yourself that gift. My divorce was one of the best decisions I have ever made. And listen I love the Husbeast. But that love has a lot to do with him being a real partner“ ... “The idea that he would even want me to sacrifice my career is just so outside of our dynamic. But if he did? I can tell you I'd be single again. We paint divorce as failure, but honestly if that relationship doesn't work? Kids would rather be from broken homes than live in them.“ “She might not even be aware she's being abused. Plus there's trauma bonding where you're literally addicted to the abuser. I was in a similar situation (except owning a co.) & didn't know I was being abused until after I left.“ “They have rental property(ies) and he also sold a business. Yet, he has no work pressures and did not want to lighten her burden with parenting duties.  The statement she chose to be a mother when she always was a mother is problematic.  Working did not cancel her motherhood.“
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incarnateirony · 3 months
I wonder if she's improved her life habits at all.
Because for all her bitching about the occasional lone beer bottle, she sure couldn't be assed to clean anything up herself. I still had to do and unload the dishes or they wouldn't be done. I still had to run the trash or it wouldn't be done. I still had to work 60+ hours between because she loved blowing an extra 20+ bucks a day at the gas station, or about 600/mo, and that's not including agreed on purchases like cigs or whatever. And between all that she still wanted infinite RP game attention, and literally ran off because she wasn't getting it.
I know as it is they managed to lose their job within like, months of me leaving. Like the one she only got to premeditatively kick me out the second she got her first check and let me pay off all her bills. She gave an address of employment and I haven't even been assed to check it out on google or whatever for fear of discovering some other visuals I've encountered while she's been attaching her parasitic ass to me. So at least then she'd almost have an excuse to not do shit but premeditatively complain her way around a house, but afaik her hubby is working too, so that should still be equal load.
Just a general thought about this pretty princess bitch. I really doubt it's changed since in her mid thirties she recently discovered Buying Groceries Is Hard. And in her case on TWO incomes. Between Formerly Rich Daddy, and Me As Her Sugar Daddy, and other men all covering her ass before she fucked them over--she never had to deal with that. Marie Antoinette is learning what it's like to go to Walmart and spend HER money, not someone else's. Not free ride in her parents loft while letting her partner of the year pay all other expenses. Even when she "moved out cuz she hates her parents" (that she also shit talks in cycles), she was entirely codependent on two people, who she was twisting around her fingers too while trying to contact me so she could lose her job and have me come save her ass while the others got the fuck out realizing everything she'd done and said that year or so had been a lie.
Did you guys know this cunt is so entitled that AFTER she let me pay bills and then lemon stunted and tried to throw me out of the apartment I was the one paying for. Conveniently, a tree crashed through her parents house around the last week I was there, or right after I moved, and after ALL OF THIS BULLSHIT, the INFESTED FLAPPING LABIA SHE IS, in ALL HER FUCKING ENTITLEMENT, literally felt she had the right to come to me, while LITERALLY WAITING TO MOVE IN HER USELESS BOYFRIEND, and "uwu, will you help pay to save my parents house."
To which I was like. Damn. That sucks. Too bad we don't have two home incomes now instead of me having to spend thousands of dollars I'm working double overtime to make up after you leeched my money and stunted just so I can move out. Good luck with that, you cunt. Congrats, her whorish ways increased her family's suffering and nobody is required to help them. And, just like in Every Other Meaningful Qualifier, the low budget man she imported to replace me over her twitter roleplay addiction and anger that she wasn't being allowed to vanish into disassociation land, or at least wasn't being enabled by me-- he couldn't do shit, he wasn't worth shit, she had to come to ME. Fucker can't provide, can't protect, can only whine and push her down the delirium slide for his own gain.
I was doing my weekend post workweek major house cleaning and it just struck me. The only thing I am missing is a 400 lb behemoth money leech pissing off all my friends, nothing in my life responsibilities has changed beyond grounding her dramatic ass. Well technically i have more with the baby business and those responsibilities, but even adding that in, and all the extra cleaning or time or energy required, is less fucking draining than standing in her proximity. My potted plants literally have better personalities than her, and give back more to society.
She's fucking poison.
Did I ever write about the time she got us both fired from a company by breaking company policy about competition with other employees and companies??? I didn't even have shit to do with it but we both worked for the same company in the same house, and because the dumb bitch couldn't control herself, we both lost our job back then. I wonder if that's what happened at Geico. At best I'd vaguely entertained an idea for a future possible business model I was nowhere near making, loosely inspired by my job's concept, when she pitched it. Her empty head started flapping its lips at coworkers in the company trying to actively convert them into it like we were ready to launch already when we hadn't done the foggiest thing. Yeah. She's that stupid.
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