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glassbirdfeather · 7 months ago
All of Elden Ring's Banned Words
Let's find out together what tumblr will do to me for dumping ~1300 slurs into a text post. These are all the words listed within 'GR_NGWord.fmg', which is used to censor any offensive names input by players.
This list was implemented in the laziest way possible, and just replaces any part of a name which contains a banned word with asterisks, with no consideration for context.
This means that my in game name shows up as "Gl***Bird".
Dark Souls 3 famously used the same system, resulting in the word "knight" being censored as "k***ht". I doubt that this part of the game code has been much altered since then.
Some of these are hilarious, which is why I'm making this post. Some are less so. While I would hope anyone looking under the cut would be smart enough to understand this, I know I need to spell it out for some people: There are offensive words in this post.
Come, allow Elden Ring to teach you new slurs. And old ones, too, you slattern, you.
69, 666, 1cup, 2girls, 2girls1cup, 5h1t,
a$$, abortion, ahole, aids, alabama hot pocket , anal, anal sex, analsex, angrydragon, angrydragons, angrypenguin, angrypenguins, angrypirate, angrypirates, anus, apeshit, arsehole, artard, askhole, ass, ass 2 ass, ass hole, ass kisser, ass licker, ass lover, ass man, ass master, ass pirate, ass rapage, ass rape, ass raper, ass to ass, ass wipe, assbag, assbandit, assbanger, assberger, assburger, assclown, asscock, asses, assface, assfuck, assfucker, assfukker, asshat, asshead, asshole, asshopper, assjacker, asslicker, assmunch, asswhole, asswipe, aunt flo,
b000bs, b00bs, b17ch, b1tch, baby yoghurt , baby yogurt , ball sack , ballbag, ballsack, ballsack , bampot, bang, bastard, basterd, bastich, beaner, beastiality, beat off, beaver, beavers, beeyotch, betch, beyotch, bfe, bi sexual, bi sexuals, biatch, bigmuffpi, biotch, bisexual, bi-sexual, bisexuality, bisexuals, bi-sexuals, bitch, bitched, bitches, bitchin, bitching, bizatch, blackie, blackies, bloody hell, blow job, blow wad, blowjob, blumpkin , boff, boffing, boffs, bollick, bollock, bondage, boner, boners, bong, boob, boobies, boobs, booger sugar , booty, boy2boy, boy4boy, boyforboy, boyonboy, boys2boys, boys4boys, boysforboys, boysonboys, boytoboy, brothel, brothels, brotherfucker, buceta, bugger, bugger , buggered, buggery, bukake, bullshit, bumblefuck, bumfuck, bung, bunghole, bush, bushpig, but plug, butplug, butsecks, butsekks, butseks, butsex, butt, buttfuck, buttfucka, buttfucker, butthole, buttmuch, buttmunch, butt-pirate, buttplug, buttsecks, buttsekks, buttseks, buttsex, buttweed,
c0ck, c0cksucker, cabron, camel toe, camel toes, cameltoe, canabis, cannabis, carpet muncher, castrate, castrates, castration, cawk, chank, cheesedick, chick2chick, chick4chick, chickforchick, chickonchick, chicks2chicks, chicks4chicks, chicksforchicks, chicksonchicks, chickstochicks, chicktochick, chinc, chink, chinks, choad, choads, chode, circlejerk, circlejerks, cl1t, cleavelandsteemer, cleveland steamer , clevelandsteamer, clevelandsteemer, clit, clitoris, clitoris , clits, clusterfuck, coca , cocaine , cock, cock block, cock suck, cock , cockblock, cockface, cockfucker, cockfucklutated, cockhead, cockmaster, cockmunch, cockmuncher, cockpenis, cockring, cocks, cocksuck, cocksucker, cocksuka, cocksukka, cok, coke , cokmuncher, coksucka, comestain, condom, condoms, coochie, coon, coons, cooter, copulated, copulates, copulating, copulation, corn, corn_hole, cornhole, cornholes, cr4p, crack , crap, crapping, craps, cream, creampie, crotch, crotches, cum, cumming, cums, cumshot, cumstain, cumtart, cunnilingus, cunt, cuntbag, cunthole, cuntilingis, cuntilingus, cunts, cuntulingis, cuntulingus,
d1ck, dabitch, dago, dago , dammit, damn, damned, darkie, darkies, darky, deepthroat, defecate, defecates, defecating, defecation, deggo, dego , diaf, diarea, diarhea, diarrhea, dick, dick , dickhead, dickhole, dickring, dicks, dicksucker, dicksuckers, dicksucking, dicksucks, dickwad, dickweed, dickwod, dik, dike, dikes, dildo, dildoe, dildoes, dildos, dilligaf, dingleberry, dipshit, dirty sanchez , dlck, doggin, doggystyle, dogshit, dominatrix, donkey, donkey punch , donkeyribber, dook, doosh, douche, douchebag, douchebags, douchejob, douchejobs, douches, douchewaffle, drugs , duche, dumass, dumb fuck, dumbass, dumbfuc, dumbfuck, dumbshit, dumdfuk, dumfuck, dumshit, dyke, dykes,
ead, eat me, ejaculat, ejaculate, ejaculated, ejaculates, ejaculation, ejakulat, ejakulate, enema, enemas, enima, enimas, epeen, e-peen, epenis, e-penis, erect, erection, erekshun, erotic, eroticism,
f*k, f0x0r, f0xx0r, fack, facker, facking, fag, fagbag, faggit, faggitt, faggot, faggots, faghag, fags, fagtard, fannyflaps, fannyfucker, fart, farting, farts, fatass, fck, fcker, fckers, fcking, fcks, fcuk, fcuker, fcuking, feck, fecker, felch, felched, felcher, felches, felching, fellate, fellatio, feltch, feltched, feltcher, feltches, feltching, fetish, fetishes, finger, fingering, fisting, flog, flogging, flogs, fook, fooker, fool, foreskin, forked, fornicate, fornicates, fornicating, fornication, frigging, frottage, fubar, fuck, fucka, fuckas, fuckass, fucked, fuckedup, fucker, fuckers, fuckface, fuckfaces, fuckhead, fuckhole, fuckhouse, fuckin, fucking, fuckingshitmotherfucker, fucknugget, fucks, fucktard, fuckwad, fuckwhit, fuckwit, fuckyou, fucndork, fudgepacker, fudgepacking, fugly, fuk, fuken, fuker, fukker, fukkin, fukwhit, fukwit, fuq, fuqed, fuqing, fuqs, fux, fux0r, fuxx0r,
gang bang, gangbang, gangbanger, gangbangers, gangbanging, gangbangs, ganja, gay, gaydar, gays, gaytard, gaywad, genital, genitalia, genitals, gerbiling, ghey, gino , ginzo , girl2girl, girl4girl, girlforgirl, girlongirl, girls2girls, girls4girls, girlsforgirls, girlsongirls, girlstogirls, girltogirl, gloryhole, goatse, goatse.cx, gobshit, gobshite, gobtheknob, goddam, goddammit, goddamn, goddamned, goddamnit, gooch, gooch , gook, gooks, goomba , greaseball , greaser , groe, gspot, g-spot, gtfo, guanoball, gubb, guido , guinea, gummer, guppy, guy2guy, guy4guy, guyforguy, guyonguy, guys2guys, guys4guys, guysforguys, guysonguys, guystoguys, guytoguy, gyfs,
hair pie, hairpie, hairpies, hairy bush, handjob, harbl, hard on, hardon, hardons, head , hell, hentai, heroin, herpes, herps, hick, hitler, hiv, ho, hoare, hoe, hoebag, hoer, hoes, hole, homo, homos, homosexual, homosexuality, homosexuals, honkee, honkey, honkie, honkies, honky, hoochie, hooker, hookers, hore, horney, hornie, horny, horseshit, hosebeast, hot carl , hot karl , hotcarl, hotkarl, hummer, hump, humping, humps, hymen,
i like ass, i love ass, i love tit, i love tits, iluvsnatch, incest, ip freely, itard,
jack off, jackass, jackingoff, jackoff, jap, japs, jerk off, jerkoff, jesusfreak, jew, jewbag, jewboy, jiga, jigaboo, jigga, jiggaboo, jis, jism, jiz, jizm, jizz, junglebunny, jysm,
kawk, khunt, kike, kikes, kinky, kkk, klit, knob, knobjocky, knobjokey, knockers, kooch, koolie, koolielicker, koolies, kootch, kukluxklan, kunt, kyke,
l3itch, labia, lapdance, lelo, lemonparty, lesbian, lesbians, lesbifriends, lesbi-friends, lesbo, lesbos, leyed, lez, lezzie, lichercunt, lick ass, lick myass, lick tit, lickbeaver, lickcarpet, lickdick, lickherass, lickherpie, lickmy ass, lickpussy, like ass, like tit, limpdick, lingerie, llello, llello , llelo, lleyed, loltard, love ass, love juice, love tit, lovehole, lsd, lucifer, lumpkin,
m0f0, m0fo, m45terbate, ma5terb8, ma5terbate, mack, mammaries, man2man, man4man, mandingo, manforman, mangina, manonman, mantoman, marijuana, masochism, masochist, masterb8, masterbat3, masterbate, masterbates, masterbating, masterbation, masterbations, masturbate, masturbates, masturbating, masturbation, meatcurtain, men2men, men4men, menformen, menonmen, mentomen, milf, minge, mistress, mof0, mofo, morons, motha, motherfuck, motherfucka, motherfuckas, motherfucked, motherfucker, motherfuckers, motherfucking, motherfuckka, muff, muff diver, muffdiver, muffdiving, munch, mung, mutha, muther, muzza, my ass,
n.a.m.b.l.a., n1gga, n1gger, naked, nambla, nards, nazi, nazies, nazis, necrophile, necrophiles, necrophilia, necrophiliac, negro, neonazi, neo-nazi, nice ass, nig, nigg3r, nigg4h, nigga, nigga , niggah, niggas, niggaz, nigger, nigger , niggers, nigglet, niglet, nippies, nipple, nips, nobhead, nobjockey, nobjocky, nobjokey, nookey, nookie, nose candy , noshit, nude, nudes, nudity, numbnuts, nut bag, nut lick, nut lover, nut sack, nut suck, nutnyamouth, nutnyomouth, nuts, nuts , nutsack, nutsack , nutstains, nympho, nymphomania, nymphomaniac, nymphomaniacs, nymphos,
oral, orgasm, orgasmic, orgasms, orgi, orgiastic, orgies, orgy,
paedophile, panooch, panties, panty, patootie, pecker, peckerhead, peckers, pedophile, pedophiles, pedophilia, peepshow, peepshows, pen15, penii, penis, penises, penisfucker, perve, perversion, pervert, perverted, perverts, phat, phile, philes, philia, phuck, phucker, phuckers, phucking, phucks, phuk, phuker, phukers, phuking, phuks, phuq, phuqer, phuqers, phuqing, phuqs, pie, pigfucker, pimpis, pink sock, piss, pissant, pissed, pisser, pisses, pissfart, pissflaps, pissing, pocket, poon, poon eater, poon tang, poonani, poonanny, poonany, poonj, poonjab, poonjabie, poonjaby, poontang, poop, poopchute, poot, porchmonkey, porking, porks, porn, porno, prick, pricks, prostitot, pube, pubes, pubes , pubic, pud, pudd, puds, punani, punanni, punanny, punta, puntang, pusse, pussi, pussies, pussy, puta, puto,
qeef, qfmft, qq more, quafe, quap, quatch, queef, queefe, queefed, queefing, queer, queerbait, queermo, queers, queev, quefe, queif, quief, quif, quiff, quim, quim nuts, qweef,
racial, racism, racist, racists, rape, raped, raper, raping, rapist, redtide, reefer, renob, retard, ricockulous, rim job, rimjaw, rimjob, rimjobs, rimming, roofie, rtard, rtfm, rubbers, rump, rumpranger, rumprider, rumps, rusty trombone , rustytrombone,
sac, sack , sadism, sadist, sadomasochism, sand nigger, sandnigga, sandniggas, sandnigger, sandniggers, sapphic, sappho, sapphos, satan, scatological, scheiss, scheisse, schlong, schlonging, schlongs, schtup, schtupp, schtupping, schtups, screw, screw me, screw this, screw you, screwed, screwer, screwing, screws, screwyou, scroat, scrog, scrote, scrotum, secks, sekks, seks, semen, sex, sex , sexed, sexking, sexkitten, sexmachine, sexqueen, sexual, sexuality, sexy, sexybitch, sexybitches, sht, sh1t, shag, shagger, shaggin, shagging, shart, shemale, shit, shitdick, shite, shited, shitey, shitface, shitfaced, shitfuck, shithead, shitlist, shits, shitt, shitted, shitter, shittiest, shitting, shitts, shitty, shiznits, shotacon, shotakon, shyte, sickass, sixtynine, sixty-nine, sixtynining, skank, skeet, sketell, skrew, skrewing, skrews, slant eye, slanteyes, slattern, slave, slaves, slopehead, slopeheads, slut, slutbag, slutpuppy, sluts, slutty, slutwhore, smegma, smut, snatch, snatches, snort, snowball , snowballing , soddom, sodom, sodomist, sodomists, sodomize, sodomized, sodomizing, sodomy, sonnofabitch, sonnovabitch, sonnuvabitch, sonofabitch, spank, spanked, spanking, spanks, spearchucker, spearchuckers, sperm, spermicidal, spermjuice, sphincter, spic, spic , spick, spicks, spics, spik, spiks, spooge, stank ho, stankpuss, steamer, stfu, stiffie, stiffy, stud, studs, submissives, suck, suck ass, sucks ass, swinger, swingers,
t1tt1e5, t1tties, taint , take a dump, takeadump, tar baby, tarbaby, tard, tea bag , teabag , teabaggin, teabagging, tease, teen2teen, teen4teen, teenforteen, teenonteen, teens2teens, teens4teens, teensforteens, teensonteens, teenstoteens, teentoteen, teets, teez, testes, testes , testical, testicals, testicle, testicle , testicles, testicles , threesome, thundercunt, tiddie, tiddy, tit, titandass, titbabe, titball, titfuck, tits, titsandass, titt, tittie, tittie5, tittiefucker, titties, titts, titty, tittyfuck, tittywank, titwank, toke, toss salad, tramp, tramps, tranny, transexual, transexuals, transvestite, transvestites, tubgirl, tubgirl.com, turd, tw4t, twat, twathead, twatlips, twats, twatty, twunt, twunter,
ufia, umfriend, underwear, up yours, upyours, upyourz, urinate, urinated, urinates, urinating, urination, urine,
vag, vagina, vagina , vaginal, vaginas, vaginer, vagitarian, vagoo, vagy, vajayjay, va-j-j, viagra, vibrator, virgin, virginity, virgins, voyeur, voyeurism, voyeurs, vulva,
w00se, wackedoff, wackoff, wad blower, wad lover, wad sucker, wadblower, wadlover, wadsucker, wang, wank, wanker, wanky, weed , wetback, wetbacks, wetdream, wetdreams, whackedoff, whackoff, whigger, whip, whipped, whipping, whips, white girl, whiz, whoe, whore, whored, whorehouse, whores, whoring, wigger, willies, wog, wogged, woggy, wogs, woman2woman, woman4woman, womanforwoman, womanonwoman, womantowoman, women2women, women4women, womenforwomen, womenonwomen, womentowomen, wop, wops ,
xx, xxx,
yank, yayo, yeat, yeet, yeyo, yeyo , yiff, yiffy, yola, yols, yoni, youaregay, you're gay, yourgay,
zipperhead, zipperheads, zorch, zukiner
(No, the following is not a mistake, there are several items in this list which were repeated at the bottom.)
women2women, women4women, womenforwomen, womenonwomen, womentowomen, wop, xx, xxx, yank, yayo, yeat, yeet, yeyo, yiff, yiffy, yola, yols, yoni, youaregay, you're gay, yourgay, zipperhead, zipperheads, zorch, alabama hot pocket , baby yoghurt , baby yogurt , ball sack , ballsack , blumpkin , booger sugar , cleveland steamer , coca , cocaine , cock , coke , crack , dago , dego , dick , dirty sanchez , donkey punch , drugs , gino , ginzo , gooch , goomba , greaseball , greaser , guanoball, guido , guinea, head , hot carl , hot karl , jew, llello , llelo, nigga , nigger , nose candy , nuts , nutsack , pink sock, pubes , rusty trombone , sac, sack , sex , snort, snowball , snowballing , spic , taint , tea bag , teabag , testes , testicle , testicles , vagina , weed , white girl, wops , yeyo , zukiner, fool, morons, tease
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a-fox-studies · 1 year ago
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September 23, 2023 • Sunday
Hello, I have returned (sort of). I'm feeling a lot better, my flares have died down so I was a little motivated.
I didn't do much today — I had guests over so I chiller with them for bit, then sat down to practice some UI building!
Im building a calculator and used the actual calculator of my phone as a reference and a little help from @asterisquue. Honestly, I think I did a pretty good job! (It took me 3 hours)
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🎧 Starlight — Taylor Swift
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e-learningsoftware · 6 months ago
S1000d Software Working Process - Code and Pixels
A new buzzword in the technical publishing world. New word? Not exactly new, but surely it’s a new word in the Indian Defense Technical Publishing segment.
S1000D is an Interactive Electronic Technical Publishing(IETP). It’s also called #ietm too.
S1000d is not new but very few Indian companies, which support documentation of foreign Airline documentation are similar to #S1000d word. But almost 90 % of the people who do S1000D conversation do not know what s1000d is.
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nebulainatree · 4 months ago
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The council will decide your fate... I'm utterly obsessed with this thing thank you op
Finally, you can have a critter of your very own! Or 50 of them! Your call!
Looplet features a couple more traits than your standard shimeji, including some interactions, a hotspot (so you can pet them) and adjusted chances for various animations to play. Ultimately, they'll make doing anything on your computer 5x harder by running around and distracting you constantly :)
This shimeji contains vague spoilers for lategame In Stars and Time, but you can probably get away with using them if u haven't finished the game, since they are so so vague. Still, be mindful of this if you care about spoilers!
To use the shimeji simply download, unzip, make sure you have Javascript 8 installed, and doubleclick the jar file inside the folder! If you have any other issues running the shimeji, please consult the readme txt inside the folder.
ALSO! If you encounter any bugs while using the shimeji, please let me know! Editing the code was a bit nightmarish (there's so little documentation online) so it's a bit held together with duct tape and I wouldn't be surprised if anything went wrong. As a side note, yes the 'dragging' animation will delete one of the looplets if cloning is disabled, unfortunately there's nothing I can do about that one 😔
In any case… have fun, everyone!
------------------------------------------ ✨GOOGLEDRIVE LINK TO THE DOWNLOAD (CLICK HERE)✨ ------------------------------------------
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autumnalfallingleaves · 10 days ago
I am honest-to-god going to throw hands with the XML encoding schema
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sinsinewave · 1 month ago
oh btw for all the Need for Speed fans in my following, i have a datadump of all the car customisation part IDs in NFS Unbound V9 if you want to do ID swapping or modding https://sinsinewave.github.io/nfs-unbound-data/
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oursillycollectorpost · 1 year ago
0 notes
ronelgomes · 2 years ago
BizSuite AI: Make $97-$197 A Day!
BizSuiteAi is a brand-new GPT 4 Powered 6-in-1 app bundle that lets you revolutionize your profits while saving thousands of dollars in monthly subscriptions.
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0 notes
ninja223412 · 2 years ago
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Difference Between Html and Xml
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mobilereview369 · 2 years ago
The HTML to XML Parser Code Converter is a free online HTML to XML Parser tool that helps programmers and developers convert their HTML code into XML. The HTML to XML Parser is free and easy to use, and HTML to XML Parser can be used to convert HTML code into XHTML and other formats.
If you want to use it click on me
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greenplumbboblover · 3 months ago
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[WIP] Lyralei's Pose addon - Part 2
(See previous post: Click me!)
First things first, MASSIVE thanks to @thesweetsimmer111 for all the help to make this work better and sharing her knowledge on Track masks with me (and the world!)
👀 Better Look at (with reactions!)
Maybe it’s just me, but I used to get endlessly frustrated when Sims wouldn’t properly turn their heads to face an item. So, I set out on a little mission to make their head movements more natural! Unfortunately, that didn’t go as planned—turns out EA’s code for the “Look At” feature is completely deprecated and no longer functional.
Knowing I couldn’t just code a fix, I had to explore other approaches. That’s when @thesweetsimmer111 came up with a brilliant solution: blending left, right, up, and down poses to create a more convincing look-at effect! 🎉
(See: Post)
What's different?
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Here's the original pose, without Look at turned on....
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On the left, we got VA's original look at.
On the right is what Savanita and I came up with! :)
don’t want to make it seem like the original Look At feature was awful—it actually works pretty well in some cases! For example, in this pose, if the plant were on the other side, the difference wouldn’t be that noticeable since her head is already tilted slightly. 😊
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(Same layout again: Left = VA's, Right = Me and Savanita's approach)
Plus, maybe you do want something more subtle, then VA's Look at is great!
Anyways! Of course, I couldn't stop there! Now, your sim has a few options of turning towards the object:
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(Note, this list will get 10x cooler in the next feature ;D)
This list is what the "trackmasks" are. :)
Okay, let's give "Eyes Only" a try. So, we expect Morgana to ONLY look at the plant, with her eyes.
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(Left is before using look at, Right is with look at, and one up for fun-cies)
And, to please @nocturnalazure's wishes, yep! It now accepts Facial Expressions! :D
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(I never would've thought I would see Evil Morgana lmao)
🎭Blending Poses/Reactions
After Savanita's amazing idea of using Track Masks, I found out that I can apply that same technique on, well, poses! And this is a feature I'm SUPER proud of (And honestly, it's taken me an entire week to get working 🙃)
First things first, when we choose the interaction, we will first be greeted by our "trackmask" list with all the selections on it
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So, I made a few examples to show of what you could do, but in all fairness, it's endless!
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Here I chose the option "Both Arms".
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Here I chose "Head And Neck". Look! She even has the expression! (Don't worry though, i also have an expression-less version in the making ;))
What about... Animations?!
While blending poses has the ability to also type in your pose names by name, rather than list, you can also use EA's!
The list is pretty long ( believe 200 entries?) but here is a sneak peek:
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Though, as far as I've been able to tell, EA reactions aren't as flexible, where I can tell it to only use the arms, or the eyes. Instead, we got these options:
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So, unless I found a way to get around it, this is the only way to do it.
But without further ado....
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Here I used the same pose(left) as the last 2 pictures, but with "OverlayHead". And chose "Boo"
(I just realised it looks like she is about to get hit by a ball lol)
🕰️ History List
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The Add-on now remembers your pose history!
Whether you’re a dedicated “Pose by Name” user or prefer the simplicity of “Show by List”, both options now display your pose history for quick reference.
Note: Each Sim has their own individual history list. This means you’ll only see the pose history for Sim X when clicking on them, and not for Sim Y.
📓What's up next?
Adding all the trackmask. (I still need add the hands and legs ones)
Adding an in-game Category maker, so you don't have to edit the XML. It will mean you need to replace the XML file in S3PE yourself. But I can always make a quick How-To for guidance 😉
(Note to self) Optimize the Categorisation code. It's currently taking 1 minute up from the loading screen 😬)
Fixing some minor bugs where Look at will still turn the sim's head back to it's original position.
Fixing some issues where Blending poses with certain track masks aren't working well or at all.
Fixing an issue where the dialogs can crash the whole game (woops!)
Sooo, I think a release date is pretty soon! I think within a week :)
Any VA Addon Bug Fixes?
Of course! It's the mod that inspired me to make stories, and even get to make this mod! I couldn't just... leave it to collect dust while it's other child mod is getting all the attention. :p
There is now an interaction that uses both look at & reaction simultaneously. (In case you don't want to use my look at interaction).
Fixed an issue where reactions would sometimes or never show on the sim.
Fixed an issue where using "Random Quick Poses" would occasionally show a breathing sim, doing nothing.
Fixed an issue where certain poses get called twice, making it harder to keep reactions or even look at history data.
Some minor code changes that aren't worth mentioning honestly.
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littlemssam · 19 days ago
Mod Updates & Translations
As always delete old Mods Files and the localthumbcache, when updating my Mods!
Dress Code | Custom Lot Traits Update of Dutch by gemberveer.
Foster Family Update of Danish by Sara863g.
Go for a walk with more Pets Added Danish by Sara863g.
Horse Riding Together Added Danish by Sara863g.
Live In Services Various Tweaks: - Removed Read Book Autonomy from Ranch Hands as well (which I forgot in the last Update) - Maids/Ranch Hands will clean Cows/Llamas even without the "Cleaning of Chicken Coop & Livestock Pens" enabled in the Settings. - Live in Services will not clean Chicken Coop/Livestock Pens without it being enabled for them. - Live in Services that are allowed to clean Chicken Coop/Livestock Pens will not randomly spawn Fertilizer on the Floor anymore, instead it will be put into their Inventory. I added a new "Transfer Fertilizer" Interaction to them in the Live in Services "Pie Menu", to transfer Fertilizer from their Inventory to your Sims Inventory. I recommend to do that once in a while, to prevent their Inventory to be full of Fertilizer. - Maids and Ranch Hands will now repair broken Barrels/Horse Jumping Obstacles. - Balanced Ranch Hands behaviour a little so petting/hugging Animals is more a Backup Interaction, when nothing else is there to do.
No Outfit Changing | Custom LotTrait & Traits Various Tweaks: - Added a Shift Click Cheat Setting Menu "No Outfit Changing", which let's you add the Traits you want to your Sim. - Added No Outfit Changing - Hot and Cold Weather Traits, which prevents Sims to change into those Outfits. When you add at least one of both Traits, you will get the Option to make the Sim Weather Immun in the Settings Menu. I recommend to add that to prevent Sims in freezing/burning Weather to suffer, esp. when you play rotationally and played NPCs with those Traits may walk around. - Sims in Sleepwear, who have the "No Outift Changing - Swimwear" added should not Change in Swimwear anymore when entering the Pool. - The Game forcefully let's Sims Change from Sleepwear to Everyday, when going outside. There was no way for me to add Tests so only Sims without the "No Outfit Changing - Everyday" Trait change, which means I removed that for all Sims. As a compromise I added a hidden Buff to Sims after they wake up, which let's them change into Everyday after 30 minutes, when they are still in Sleepwear Clothes. - Needs XML Injector now
Riding Companion Dog Added Danish by Sara863g.
My Site with all possible Download Links: lms-mods.com
Support Questions via Discord only please!
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lazyduchess · 2 years ago
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[TS3] Lot Population Mod
Update 7/18/23: Fixed issue that caused custom tuning to not take effect.
Download under the cut
This mod is an experiment that's been in my mind for a while now - Teleporting Sims into community lots as you send your Sims to them, or focus the camera on the lot, etc. Making the town feel more alive, and making it so that community lots are always populated. This makes it work more like a traditional open world game, in which characters are spawned based on camera distance, where you're looking at, etc.
Not only that, it also adds walkbys, much like TS2 or TS4. These are Sims that every once in a while spawn on a sidewalk, out of view, and walk across the screen, then go on their own way.
Now community lots will be filled with Sims.
2 flavors are available:
"ld_LotPopulation.package" - Default tuning, should make worlds very populated.
"ld_LotPopulation_Reduced.package" - Reduced tuning, should make worlds more lightly populated.
Simply drop the package of your choosing into your "Documents/Sims 3/Mods/Packages" folder.
All tunable values are documented in the XML. There are quite a few of them, but the most important one is probably the "kDemographicsMultiply" value.
SFS / MTS / Patreon (Free)
More Technical Overview
In case you're curious about how it works more in depth, community lots have a population quota now. This quota depends on a ton of factors, such as time of day, weather, day of the week, demographics, etc. And is different across different lot types. For example, beaches will be booming during hot summer weekends, not so much if it's winter and snowing.
The amount of Sims that are teleported into lots tries to fill this quota. On top of that, Sims will also get pushed to visit lots to fill the quota, so if for example the camera is permanently facing a lot in a way that doesn't allow for Sims to subtly teleport to it without it being super obvious, the mod will push Sims to visit instead.
Sims are also chosen depending on a range of factors such as personality, age, occult status, etc. And they're placed on a "low priority" list for a while upon teleport. This way you won't see the same Sims everywhere.
Teleported and visiting Sims will also get appropriate outfits, needs and will immediately pick something to do, in order to make it more believable.
Walkbys use lot corners as reference when looking for sidewalks. So this feature is most effective with a decent amount of lots on the world.
There might be some lag every once in a while unfortunately. This is kind of necessary, as it tries to find spots that are actually routable to teleport Sims to, so that they're not stuck. If you find it particularly bad, you can try the reduced tuning version.
Source code: Github
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tawnysoup · 3 months ago
So I've had the little looplet creature running around my screen for about a week now and I have made the very time consuming decision to make one of my own, do you by any chance have an explanation on how you made the looplet so animated? any advice on the extra coding?
thank you so much!
I edited ALL THE XML FILES NYEHAHAH!!! The easiest way to make a shimeji is to replace the artwork files only, but I wanted to do some unique things like make a faster, 3-frame run cycle, instead of the default slow 4 frames (2 repeated) run cycle. Doing that is as easy as changing this (in the actions.xml file):
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To this:
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You can rename your image files and so long as the names match in the action.xml file then they will run perfectly, so use this to keep things more organised. You can also change the name of an action (e.g. i could rename walk to strut) so long as it's the same in both the actions.xml and behaviors.xml files. I'll give a short explanation of what each bit of code does below, so you can edit them to your heart's desire:
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I would recommend using Notepad++ for editing these files!
I would also recommend referring to this guide (by Cachomon) for improving a base shimeji into something a bit prettier, though there was a lot of it I didn't follow out of personal preference! [Improving a Shimeji Tutorial (pdf)]
Other than editing the base animations just using my own animation knowledge, I added some more things such as Affordances (aka interractions between shimejis) and Hotspots (which let you pet them). These are a bit more complicated, but you can find explanations for how they work by the official shimeji creator (KonfluxGames) in these videos here: [Affordances Video] [Hotspots Video]
I got stuck a couple times while adding these more complicated features, especially the 'dragging interaction' animation, but it would take a long time to explain what my difficulties were so I won't go into it unless someone specifically wants to know.
Good luck with making your shimeji! You got this!
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yorozuyacodes · 2 months ago
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BEST LOVER SKIN + FULL TEMPLATE BUNDLE USD 108 ko-fi link: click me for purchase link! BEST LOVER! is a light-centric (with dark mode available!), rounded corners and wavy gradients-focused skin curated for all site's genres! the skin has been tested in both chrome and firefox, but is recommended to use in chrome for the best user experience! please kindly read my terms and conditions before purchasing: right here should you have any questions or concerns about the overall installation, please don't hesitate to contact me at discord @ deucaecus or my coding tumble! the purchase of this skin also includes: • a detailed pdf guide on skin installation (with quick jumps table of contents!) • full template bundle (threads, comms (texts and calls), requests, developments, tinder, and many more!) • main profile templates and "freeform" templates • custom 11 groups, needing only to change the names, easily editable • complete customised html templates • dark/light mode • "plugged-in" guidebook in the first category and provided templates for additional stylings + groups • a unique main profile tailored for admin group/ooc account/etc with only needing to fill the "freeform" and ooc information section • font and gradient variables after purchase: full xml (built-in with json custom profile fields) json custom profile fields skin installation's guideline pdf webpage (guidebook) main coding + template (.txt file) main profile customised templates (.txt file) template bundle (.txt file)
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lanayrucodes · 1 year ago
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Immortales: Skin Bundle ($20)
I've been wanting to branch out into a more minimalist style for a while, and found the opportunity to do so when I was struck by the coding bug over the weekend and began to experiment with a more semi-transparent style of index that eventually evolved into this. I tried to keep the skin as light as physically possible, with minimal Javascript or Jquery inclusions, and instead tried to optimize it to build off of HTML5 elements as best I could without needing to weigh it down with more external resources.
The Immortales skin is a dark themed, responsive skin for Jcink forums, and is optimized for Google Chrome. (Cross-tested in Opera GX and Mozilla Firefox.)
You can purchase the skin here: https://ko-fi[DOT]com/s/6f663cfe6e
Bundle Includes:
All custom HTML structures
a forum index a topic row for threads a post row with a sticky/hover mini profile a main profile custom board stats, with the five (5) recent topics appended a member list, sortable by filters
Full set of DOHTML templates
x1 general announcement/admin template x1 application template (tabbed, for threads) x4 thread templates x5 development templates x1 miscellaneous codes for TW/CW x1 tabbed webpage/guidebook
Custom Userlinks Menu
Easy to add/modify group variables for color coordination (five groups already included)
Responsive to smaller monitors
Upon purchase, buyers will receive an installation guide with editing and customization instructions, as well as any XML/HTML files.
Support & Refunds:
Refunds or returns are not offered on pre-made skins. Due to the nature of how they're distributed and the fact that they're digital files I cannot offer refunds for a purchase if you buy a skin from me.
If you encounter bugs or skin-breaking issues, please reach out to me and I will do my best to fix them and provide you with updated files.
I do not offer coding support beyond initial problems with my skins at install. (i.e. Finding a bug when you install a fresh copy of the skin onto your site, etc.) If the skin breaks during modifications you make on your own, I am willing to help restore the skin to it's original state. I do not provide support for third party coding that is not mine.
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