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autumnalfallingleaves · 10 days ago
I am honest-to-god going to throw hands with the XML encoding schema
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tak4hir0 · 5 years ago
This is the the last of three posts on the course I regularly teach, CS 330, Organization of Programming Languages. The first two posts covered programming language styles and mathematical concepts. This post covers the last 1/4 of the course, which focuses on software security, and related to that, the programming language Rust. This course topic might strike you as odd: Why teach security in a programming languages course? Doesn’t it belong in, well, a security course? I believe that if we are to solve our security problems, then we must build software with security in mind right from the start. To do that, all programmers need to know something about security, not just a handful of specialists. Security vulnerabilities are both enabled and prevented by various language (mis)features, and programming (anti)patterns. As such, it makes sense to introduce these concepts in a programming (languages) course, especially one that all students must take. This post is broken into three parts: the need for security-minded programming, how we cover this topic in 330, and our presentation of Rust. The post came to be a bit longer than I’d anticipated; apologies! Security is a programming (languages) concern The Status Quo: Too Much Post-hoc Security There is a lot of interest these days in securing computer systems. This interest follows from the highly publicized roll call of serious data breaches, denial of service attacks, and system hijacks. In response, security companies are proliferating, selling computerized forms of spies, firewalls, and guard towers. There is also a regular call for more “cybersecurity professionals” to help man the digital walls. It might be that these efforts are worth their collective cost, but call me skeptical. I believe that a disproportionate portion of our efforts focuses on adding security to a system after it has been built. Is your server vulnerable to attack? If so, no problem: Prop an intrusion detection system in front of it to identify and neuter network packets attempting to exploit the vulnerability. There’s no doubt that such an approach is appealing; too bad it doesn’t actually work. As computer security experts have been saying since at least the 60s, if you want a system to actually be secure then it must be designed and built with security in mind. Waiting until the system is deployed is too late. Building Security In There is a mounting body of work that supports building secure systems from the outset. For example, the Building Security In Maturity Model (BSIMM) catalogues the processes followed by a growing list of companies to build more secure systems. Companies such as Synopsys and Veracode offer code analysis products that look for security flaws. Processes such as Microsoft’s Security Development Lifecycle and books such as Gary McGraw‘s Software Security: Building Security In, and Sami Saydjari‘s recently released Engineering Trustworthy Systems identify a path toward better designed and built systems. These are good efforts. Nevertheless, we need even more emphasis on the “build security in” mentality so we can rely far less on necessary, but imperfect, post-hoc stuff. For this shift to happen, we need better education. Security in a Programming Class Choosing performance over security Programming courses typically focus on how to use particular languages to solve problems efficiently. Functionality is obviously paramount, with performance an important secondary concern. But in today’s climate shouldn’t security be at the same level of importance as performance? If you argue that security is not important for every application, I would say the same is true of performance. Indeed the rise of slow, easy-to-use scripting languages is a testament to that. But sometimes performance is very important, or becomes so later, and the same is true of security. Indeed, many security bugs arise because code originally written for a benign setting ends up in a security-sensitive one. As such, I believe educators should regularly talk about how to make code more secure just as we regularly talk about how to make it more efficient. To do this requires a change in mindset. A reasonable approach, when focusing on correctness and efficiency, is to aim for code that works under expected conditions. But expected use is not good enough for security: Code must be secure under all operating conditions. Normal users are not going to input weirdly formatted files to to PDF viewers. But adversaries will. As such, students need to understand how a bug in a program can be turned into a security vulnerability, and how to stop it from happening. Our two lectures in CS 330 on security shift between illustrating a kind of security vulnerability, identifying the conditions that make that vulnerability possible, and developing a defense that eliminates those conditions. For the latter we focus on language properties (e.g., type safety) and programming patterns (e.g., validating input). Security Bugs In our first lecture, we start by introducing the high-level idea of a buffer overflow vulnerability, in which an input is larger than the buffer designed to hold it. We hint at how to exploit it by smashing the stack. A key feature of this attack is that while the program intends for an input to be treated as data, the attacker is able to trick the program to treat it as code which does something harmful. We also look at command injection, and see how it similarly manifests when an attacker tricks the program to treat data as code. SQL injection: malicious code from benign parts Our second lecture covers vulnerabilities and attacks specific to web applications, including SQL injection, Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF), and Cross-site scripting (XSS). Once again, these vulnerabilities all have the attribute that untrusted data provided by an attacker can be cleverly crafted to trick a vulnerable application to treat that data as code. This code can be used to hijack the program, steal secrets, or corrupt important information. Coding Defenses It turns out the defense against many of these vulnerabilities is the same, at a high level: validate any untrusted input before using it, to make sure it’s benign. We should make sure an input is not larger than the buffer allocated to hold it, so the buffer is not overrun. In any language other than C or C++, this check happens automatically (and is generally needed to ensure type safety). For the other four attacks, the vulnerable application uses the attacker input when piecing together another program. For example, an application might expect user inputs to correspond to a username and password, splicing these inputs into a template SQL program with which it queries a database. But the inputs could contain SQL commands that cause the query to do something different than intended. The same is true when constructing shell commands (command injection), or Javascript and HTML programs (cross-site scripting). The defense is also the same, at a high level: user inputs need to either have potentially dangerous content removed or made inert by construction (e.g., through the use of prepared statements). None of this stuff is new, of course. Most security courses talk about these topics. What is unusual is that we are talking about them in a “normal” programming languages course. Our security project reflects the defensive-minded orientation of the material. While security courses tend to focus on vulnerability exploitation, CS 330 focuses on fixing the bugs that make an application vulnerable. We do this by giving the students a web application, written in Ruby, with several vulnerabilities in it. Students must fix the vulnerabilities without breaking the core functionality. We test the fixes automatically by having our auto-grading system test functionality and exploitability. Several hidden tests exploit the initially present vulnerabilities. The students must modify the application so these cases pass (meaning the vulnerability has been removed and/or can no longer be exploited) without causing any of the functionality-based test cases to fail. Low-level Control, Safely The most dangerous kind of vulnerability allows an attacker to gain arbitrary code execution (ACE): Through exploitation, the attacker is able to execute code of their choice on the target system. Memory management errors in type-unsafe languages (C and C++) comprise a large class of ACE vulnerabilities. Use-after-free errors, double-frees, and buffer overflows are all examples. The latter is still the single largest category of vulnerability today, according to MITRE’s Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) database. Programs written in type-safe languages, such as Java or Ruby, 1 are immune to these sorts of memory errors. Writing applications in these languages would thus eliminate a large category of vulnerabilities straightaway. 2 The problem is that type-safe languages’ use of abstract data representations and garbage collection (GC), which make programming easier, remove low-level control and add overhead that is sometimes hard to bear. C and C++ are essentially the only game in town 3 for operating systems, device drivers, and embedded devices (e.g., IoT), which cannot tolerate the overhead and/or lack of control. And we see that these systems are regularly and increasingly under attack. What are we to do? Rust: Type safety without GC In 2010, the Mozilla corporation (which brings you Firefox) officially began an ambitious project to develop a safe language suitable for writing high-performance programs. The result is Rust. 4 In Rust, type-safety ensures (with various caveats) that a program is free of memory errors and free of data races. In Rust, type safety is possible without garbage collection, which is not true of any other mainstream language. Rust, the programming language In CS 330, we introduce Rust and its basic constructs, showing how Rust is arguably closer to a functional programming language than it is to C/C++. (Rust’s use of curly braces and semi-colons might make it seem familiar to C/C++ programmers, but there’s a whole lot more that’s different than is the same!) We spend much of our time talking about Rust’s use of ownership and lifetimes. Ownership (aka linear typing) is used to carefully track pointer aliasing, so that memory modified via one alias cannot mistakenly corrupt an invariant assumed by another. Lifetimes track the scope in which pointed-to memory is live, so that it is freed automatically, but no sooner than is safe. These features support managing memory without GC. They also support sophisticated programming patterns via smart pointers and traits (a construct I was unfamiliar with, but now really like). We provide a simple programming project to familiarize students with the basic and advanced features of Rust. Assessment I enjoyed learning Rust in preparation for teaching it. I had been wanting to learn it since my interview with Aaron Turon some years back. The Rust documentation is first-rate, so that really helped. I also enjoyed seeing connections to my own prior research on the Cyclone programming language. (I recently reflected on Cyclone, and briefly connected it to Rust, in a talk at the ISSISP’18 summer school.) Rust’s ownership relates to Cyclone’s unique/affine pointers, and Rust’s lifetimes relate to Cyclone’s regions. Rust’s smart pointers match patterns we also implemented in Cyclone, e.g., for reference counted pointers. Rust has taken these ideas much further, e.g., a really cool integration with traits handles tricky aspects of polymorphism. The Rust compiler’s error messages are also really impressive! A big challenge in Cyclone was finding a way to program with unique pointers without tearing your hair out. My impression is that Rust programmers face the same challenge (as long as you don’t resort to frequent use of unsafe blocks). Nevertheless, Rust is a much-loved programming language, so the language designers are clearly doing something right! Oftentimes facility is a matter of comfort, and comfort is a matter of education and experience. As such, I think Rust fits into the philosophy of CS 330, which aims to introduce new language concepts that are interesting in and of themselves, and may yet have expanded future relevance. Conclusions We must build software with security in mind from the start. Educating all future programmers about security is an important step toward increasing the security mindset. In CS 330 we illustrate common vulnerability classes and how they can be defended against by the language (e.g., by using those languages, like Rust, that are type safe) and programming patterns (e.g., by validating untrusted input). By doing so, we are hopefully making our students more fully cognizant of the task that awaits them in their future software development jobs. We might also interest them to learn more about security in a subsequent security class. In writing this post, I realize we could do more to illustrate how type abstraction can help with security. For example, abstract types can be used to increase assurance that input data is properly validated, as explained by Google’s Christoph Kern in his 2017 SecDev Keynote. This fact is also a consequence of semantic type safety, as argued well by Derek Dreyer in his POPL’18 Keynote. Good stuff to do for Spring’19 !
0 notes
olumina · 7 years ago
Kotlin for Android App Development – The Whys and Hows and Bonus Tips
Google I/O 2017 ended with a series of announcements and developments that the world is all set to witness in practice. One such announcement was that of using Kotlin as the official language for developing Android apps. The industry giant announced its plans to use Kotlin, along with Java and C++ as the programming language to develop Android Apps.
The statically typed programming language runs on the JVM (Java virtual machine), just like JAVA. Developed by the JetBrain team of programmers based in Russia, Kotlin uses the LLVM compiler infrastructure or can be assembled to JavaScript source code.
In this article, we will see what has made Kotlin the desired language among the leading Android Application Development companies around the world. We will also look at some of the ways through which you can make the transition from Java to Kotlin smoothly.
Before we get into the reason why Kotlin had to come into existence, let us look at the ways it overpasses the popular programming languages that have been used by the Android App Developers, till now.
Let’s Start
Programming Languages’ shortcomings that Kotlin fulfills –
Operator Overloading
Kotlin follows a very secure path by allowing to define just a few type of operators. Nevertheless, these operators are so omnipresent that even a beginner in software development would understand them and what they stand for.
Memory Constraint Platform
Kotlin has been designed to be extremely very lightweight and thin as part of its core architectural aim, thus making it ideal for memory restrictive platforms and small programs.
Java is not famous for being one of the most crisp languages, while this is not a problem entirely, it is very bug friendly. When you’re encoding for Android by using a couple of most used idioms, the verbose code might lead to greater chances of getting bugs.
When writing lesser code at the back of a language which is very concise, there are automatically lesser probability of errors, making it less tiresome for the developers.
Developers can easily write modules with Kotlin that would work perfectly with the present Java codes. It’s fully compatible with the JVM and every Java frameworks and libraries, making it easy to be integrated with the Maven or Gradle build systems. While some languages are object-oriented or assertively functional, Kotlin is not over the roof opinionated and refrains from enforcing the philosophy of one over another.
Support from Android Studio
Kotlin is developed by JetBrains, the company behind IntelliJ—the IDE that Android Studio is based on. It’s no surprise, then, that Android Studio has excellent support for Kotlin. Once you’ve installed the Kotlin plugin, Android Studio makes configuring Kotlin in your project as straightforward as opening a few menus.
Data Class
Kotlin allows one to state the containers of information, which automatically implement elements like copying and equality.
Delegated Properties and Class
With delegated class or properties, one can easily define the behaviors of properties like observable, lazy, etc. or forward the request of methods to other class spontaneously. With Kotlin, you can even make your property delegates. In Swift, properties like observable are modifiers that need to be implemented, meaning you are restricted to using the ones which are provided in Swift.
Coming from JVM background, Kotlin completely supports annotations like @test or @inject- something that is not allowed in Swift.
Memory Management
Unlike Swift that operates on Reference Count Approach, which forces developers to think of memory ownership and run time, Kotlin assumes the presence of Garbage Collector, which makes managing memory a lot easier.
Even with their set of shortcomings, Android world was working just well at the back of these programming languages, with the evidence being in the numbers that there are 3.3 Million apps in the Play Store (as of September ’17) operating to add value to the 1.4 Billion active users.
So, why the languages that had helped develop 3.3 Million Android apps weren’t enough anymore?
The reasons that led to a mass acceptance of Kotlin by the experienced android app developers, worldwide can be attributed to – Null Safety, Functional Programming Style, Usage of Anko in place of XML, Removal of ButterKnife dependency, Builders & Extension Function, and Hacks for smooth transitions.
It’s not just the app developers who are excited about Kotlin becoming Google’s official language, Kotlin will be touching other aspects of technology as well, such as –
Frontend Web Development
Backend Web Development
iOS and MacOS support
It’s not just the app developers that are looking forward to or are already making use of Kotlin, there are a number of established and renowned brands that are using Kotlin as their primary language.
There are some companies that have already started taking advantage of Kotlin and various others that have switched their entire development process of Kotlin. A few of those companies that have been operating through Kotlin and are lying in our plain sights are – Amazon Web Services, Pinterest, Netflix, Coursera, Uber, Square, Vert.x, and Trello, amongst others.
Now that you have seen how revolutionizing Kotlin has proved itself to be for the Android developers, around the world, since its inception, let us now look at the ways you can prepare yourself today, in the smoothest way possible, for the time when Kotlin will replace every other programming language for Android developments.
Learning Period
It is time that you join the crowd of Android developers, all around the world, who are busy collecting resources to make sense of the new programming language. While you can easily convert Java codebase in Kotlin, take out time to analyze the differences in code and formats today itself.
Bonus Tip: Slow your onboarding process. Give at least 1 to 2 weeks to your JAVA developers to make sense of the platform.
Build Time
Brands that usually had build time ranging from around 30 seconds for the incremental to 75 seconds for cleaning builds, has seen an increase in the build time since they incorporated Kotlin. The language brought in a rise of 25% in clean time and of approximately 40% in the incremental build time.
Bonus Tip: Beyond the initial additions of Kotlin, the no-change and incremental build times usually remained constant irrespective of the number of files converted. You will be able to get a fair sense of what the build times would be after changing one file.
Kotlin in itself is extremely new for the majority, adding that nervousness to the blend of upgrades that are witnessed by elements that Kotlin will be working with, can lead to a complete mayhem. This sudden flood of information will lead to delayed work, mistakes in the program, and Kotlin behaving weirdly, overall.
Bonus Tip: Upgrade one at a time. Instead of taking an aggressive approach to just come on top of the competition, is a strategy that won’t work here. First, find the mix in which Gradle, Kotlin, Android Studio and everything else, work perfectly together. Once you are down with that, move on to upgrading them.
Following these and similar other ways to make life easy with Kotlin, before incorporating it into your project, will make it easy to transition from your programming language to the Google’s official one. The key is to give your team the time to make the get acquainted with the platform and make the transition then.
With everything covered to get you to the stage when you start introducing your team to Kotlin, let’s look at some lesser known ways Kotlin will make Android App Development easier for you.
Lets you edit companion object’s default name to any name you wish.
Supports functions composition that not just makes your code clean but also fast.
The option to edit the generated class’s name to get better readability.
Are you ready to make the transformation? Let us know your views in the comments below…
The post Kotlin for Android App Development – The Whys and Hows and Bonus Tips appeared first on Appinventiv Official Blog - Mobile App Development Company.
0 notes
mobileexpressnow · 7 years ago
Kotlin for Android App Development – The Whys and Hows and Bonus Tips –
Google I/O 2017 ended with a series of announcements and developments that the world is all set to witness in practice. One such announcement was that of using Kotlin as the official language for developing Android apps. The industry giant announced its plans to use Kotlin, along with Java and C++ as the programming language to develop Android Apps.
The statically typed programming language runs on the JVM (Java virtual machine), just like JAVA. Developed by the JetBrain team of programmers based in Russia, Kotlin uses the LLVM compiler infrastructure or can be assembled to JavaScript source code.
In this article, we will see what has made Kotlin the desired language among the leading Android Application Development companies around the world. We will also look at some of the ways through which you can make the transition from Java to Kotlin smoothly.
Before we get into the reason why Kotlin had to come into existence, let us look at the ways it overpasses the popular programming languages that have been used by the Android App Developers, till now.
Let’s Start
Programming Languages’ shortcomings that Kotlin fulfills –
Operator Overloading
Kotlin follows a very secure path by allowing to define just a few type of operators. Nevertheless, these operators are so omnipresent that even a beginner in software development would understand them and what they stand for.
Memory Constraint Platform
Kotlin has been designed to be extremely very lightweight and thin as part of its core architectural aim, thus making it ideal for memory restrictive platforms and small programs.
Java is not famous for being one of the most crisp languages, while this is not a problem entirely, it is very bug friendly. When you’re encoding for Android by using a couple of most used idioms, the verbose code might lead to greater chances of getting bugs.
When writing lesser code at the back of a language which is very concise, there are automatically lesser probability of errors, making it less tiresome for the developers.
Developers can easily write modules with Kotlin that would work perfectly with the present Java codes. It’s fully compatible with the JVM and every Java frameworks and libraries, making it easy to be integrated with the Maven or Gradle build systems. While some languages are object-oriented or assertively functional, Kotlin is not over the roof opinionated and refrains from enforcing the philosophy of one over another.
Support from Android Studio
Kotlin is developed by JetBrains, the company behind IntelliJ—the IDE that Android Studio is based on. It’s no surprise, then, that Android Studio has excellent support for Kotlin. Once you’ve installed the Kotlin plugin, Android Studio makes configuring Kotlin in your project as straightforward as opening a few menus.
Data Class
Kotlin allows one to state the containers of information, which automatically implement elements like copying and equality.
Delegated Properties and Class
With delegated class or properties, one can easily define the behaviors of properties like observable, lazy, etc. or forward the request of methods to other class spontaneously. With Kotlin, you can even make your property delegates. In Swift, properties like observable are modifiers that need to be implemented, meaning you are restricted to using the ones which are provided in Swift.
Coming from JVM background, Kotlin completely supports annotations like @test or @inject- something that is not allowed in Swift.
Memory Management
Unlike Swift that operates on Reference Count Approach, which forces developers to think of memory ownership and run time, Kotlin assumes the presence of Garbage Collector, which makes managing memory a lot easier.
Even with their set of shortcomings, Android world was working just well at the back of these programming languages, with the evidence being in the numbers that there are 3.3 Million apps in the Play Store (as of September ’17) operating to add value to the 1.4 Billion active users.
So, why the languages that had helped develop 3.3 Million Android apps weren’t enough anymore?
The reasons that led to a mass acceptance of Kotlin by the experienced android app developers, worldwide can be attributed to – Null Safety, Functional Programming Style, Usage of Anko in place of XML, Removal of ButterKnife dependency, Builders & Extension Function, and Hacks for smooth transitions.
It’s not just the app developers who are excited about Kotlin becoming Google’s official language, Kotlin will be touching other aspects of technology as well, such as –
Frontend Web Development
Backend Web Development
iOS and MacOS support
It’s not just the app developers that are looking forward to or are already making use of Kotlin, there are a number of established and renowned brands that are using Kotlin as their primary language.
There are some companies that have already started taking advantage of Kotlin and various others that have switched their entire development process of Kotlin. A few of those companies that have been operating through Kotlin and are lying in our plain sights are – Amazon Web Services, Pinterest, Netflix, Coursera, Uber, Square, Vert.x, and Trello, amongst others.
Now that you have seen how revolutionizing Kotlin has proved itself to be for the Android developers, around the world, since its inception, let us now look at the ways you can prepare yourself today, in the smoothest way possible, for the time when Kotlin will replace every other programming language for Android developments.
Learning Period
It is time that you join the crowd of Android developers, all around the world, who are busy collecting resources to make sense of the new programming language. While you can easily convert Java codebase in Kotlin, take out time to analyze the differences in code and formats today itself.
Bonus Tip: Slow your onboarding process. Give at least 1 to 2 weeks to your JAVA developers to make sense of the platform.
Build Time
Brands that usually had build time ranging from around 30 seconds for the incremental to 75 seconds for cleaning builds, has seen an increase in the build time since they incorporated Kotlin. The language brought in a rise of 25% in clean time and of approximately 40% in the incremental build time.
Bonus Tip: Beyond the initial additions of Kotlin, the no-change and incremental build times usually remained constant irrespective of the number of files converted. You will be able to get a fair sense of what the build times would be after changing one file.
Kotlin in itself is extremely new for the majority, adding that nervousness to the blend of upgrades that are witnessed by elements that Kotlin will be working with, can lead to a complete mayhem. This sudden flood of information will lead to delayed work, mistakes in the program, and Kotlin behaving weirdly, overall.
Bonus Tip: Upgrade one at a time. Instead of taking an aggressive approach to just come on top of the competition, is a strategy that won’t work here. First, find the mix in which Gradle, Kotlin, Android Studio and everything else, work perfectly together. Once you are down with that, move on to upgrading them.
Following these and similar other ways to make life easy with Kotlin, before incorporating it into your project, will make it easy to transition from your programming language to the Google’s official one. The key is to give your team the time to make the get acquainted with the platform and make the transition then.
With everything covered to get you to the stage when you start introducing your team to Kotlin, let’s look at some lesser known ways Kotlin will make Android App Development easier for you.
Lets you edit companion object’s default name to any name you wish.
Supports functions composition that not just makes your code clean but also fast.
The option to edit the generated class’s name to get better readability.
Are you ready to make the transformation? Let us know your views in the comments below…
The post Kotlin for Android App Development – The Whys and Hows and Bonus Tips – appeared first on Appinventiv Official Blog - Mobile App Development Company.
0 notes
mobileexpressnow · 7 years ago
Kotlin for Android App Development – The Whys and Hows and Bonus Tips
Google I/O 2017 ended with a series of announcements and developments that the world is all set to witness in practice. One such announcement was that of using Kotlin as the official language for developing Android apps. The industry giant announced its plans to use Kotlin, along with Java and C++ as the programming language to develop Android Apps.
The statically typed programming language runs on the JVM (Java virtual machine), just like JAVA. Developed by the JetBrain team of programmers based in Russia, Kotlin uses the LLVM compiler infrastructure or can be assembled to JavaScript source code.
In this article, we will see what has made Kotlin the desired language among the leading Android Application Development companies around the world. We will also look at some of the ways through which you can make the transition from Java to Kotlin smoothly.
Before we get into the reason why Kotlin had to come into existence, let us look at the ways it overpasses the popular programming languages that have been used by the Android App Developers, till now.
Let’s Start
Programming Languages’ shortcomings that Kotlin fulfills –
Operator Overloading
Kotlin follows a very secure path by allowing to define just a few type of operators. Nevertheless, these operators are so omnipresent that even a beginner in software development would understand them and what they stand for.
Memory Constraint Platform
Kotlin has been designed to be extremely very lightweight and thin as part of its core architectural aim, thus making it ideal for memory restrictive platforms and small programs.
Java is not famous for being one of the most crisp languages, while this is not a problem entirely, it is very bug friendly. When you’re encoding for Android by using a couple of most used idioms, the verbose code might lead to greater chances of getting bugs.
When writing lesser code at the back of a language which is very concise, there are automatically lesser probability of errors, making it less tiresome for the developers.
Developers can easily write modules with Kotlin that would work perfectly with the present Java codes. It’s fully compatible with the JVM and every Java frameworks and libraries, making it easy to be integrated with the Maven or Gradle build systems. While some languages are object-oriented or assertively functional, Kotlin is not over the roof opinionated and refrains from enforcing the philosophy of one over another.
Support from Android Studio
Kotlin is developed by JetBrains, the company behind IntelliJ—the IDE that Android Studio is based on. It’s no surprise, then, that Android Studio has excellent support for Kotlin. Once you’ve installed the Kotlin plugin, Android Studio makes configuring Kotlin in your project as straightforward as opening a few menus.
Data Class
Kotlin allows one to state the containers of information, which automatically implement elements like copying and equality.
Delegated Properties and Class
With delegated class or properties, one can easily define the behaviors of properties like observable, lazy, etc. or forward the request of methods to other class spontaneously. With Kotlin, you can even make your property delegates. In Swift, properties like observable are modifiers that need to be implemented, meaning you are restricted to using the ones which are provided in Swift.
Coming from JVM background, Kotlin completely supports annotations like @test or @inject- something that is not allowed in Swift.
Memory Management
Unlike Swift that operates on Reference Count Approach, which forces developers to think of memory ownership and run time, Kotlin assumes the presence of Garbage Collector, which makes managing memory a lot easier.
Even with their set of shortcomings, Android world was working just well at the back of these programming languages, with the evidence being in the numbers that there are 3.3 Million apps in the Play Store (as of September ’17) operating to add value to the 1.4 Billion active users.
So, why the languages that had helped develop 3.3 Million Android apps weren’t enough anymore?
The reasons that led to a mass acceptance of Kotlin by the experienced android app developers, worldwide can be attributed to – Null Safety, Functional Programming Style, Usage of Anko in place of XML, Removal of ButterKnife dependency, Builders & Extension Function, and Hacks for smooth transitions.
It’s not just the app developers who are excited about Kotlin becoming Google’s official language, Kotlin will be touching other aspects of technology as well, such as –
Frontend Web Development
Backend Web Development
iOS and MacOS support
It’s not just the app developers that are looking forward to or are already making use of Kotlin, there are a number of established and renowned brands that are using Kotlin as their primary language.
There are some companies that have already started taking advantage of Kotlin and various others that have switched their entire development process of Kotlin. A few of those companies that have been operating through Kotlin and are lying in our plain sights are – Amazon Web Services, Pinterest, Netflix, Coursera, Uber, Square, Vert.x, and Trello, amongst others.
Now that you have seen how revolutionizing Kotlin has proved itself to be for the Android developers, around the world, since its inception, let us now look at the ways you can prepare yourself today, in the smoothest way possible, for the time when Kotlin will replace every other programming language for Android developments.
Learning Period
It is time that you join the crowd of Android developers, all around the world, who are busy collecting resources to make sense of the new programming language. While you can easily convert Java codebase in Kotlin, take out time to analyze the differences in code and formats today itself.
Bonus Tip: Slow your onboarding process. Give at least 1 to 2 weeks to your JAVA developers to make sense of the platform.
Build Time
Brands that usually had build time ranging from around 30 seconds for the incremental to 75 seconds for cleaning builds, has seen an increase in the build time since they incorporated Kotlin. The language brought in a rise of 25% in clean time and of approximately 40% in the incremental build time.
Bonus Tip: Beyond the initial additions of Kotlin, the no-change and incremental build times usually remained constant irrespective of the number of files converted. You will be able to get a fair sense of what the build times would be after changing one file.
Kotlin in itself is extremely new for the majority, adding that nervousness to the blend of upgrades that are witnessed by elements that Kotlin will be working with, can lead to a complete mayhem. This sudden flood of information will lead to delayed work, mistakes in the program, and Kotlin behaving weirdly, overall.
Bonus Tip: Upgrade one at a time. Instead of taking an aggressive approach to just come on top of the competition, is a strategy that won’t work here. First, find the mix in which Gradle, Kotlin, Android Studio and everything else, work perfectly together. Once you are down with that, move on to upgrading them.
Following these and similar other ways to make life easy with Kotlin, before incorporating it into your project, will make it easy to transition from your programming language to the Google’s official one. The key is to give your team the time to make the get acquainted with the platform and make the transition then.
With everything covered to get you to the stage when you start introducing your team to Kotlin, let’s look at some lesser known ways Kotlin will make Android App Development easier for you.
Lets you edit companion object’s default name to any name you wish.
Supports functions composition that not just makes your code clean but also fast.
The option to edit the generated class’s name to get better readability.
Are you ready to make the transformation? Let us know your views in the comments below…
The post Kotlin for Android App Development – The Whys and Hows and Bonus Tips appeared first on Appinventiv Official Blog - Mobile App Development Company.
0 notes
olumina · 7 years ago
Kotlin for Android App Development – The Whys and Hows and Bonus Tips –
Google I/O 2017 ended with a series of announcements and developments that the world is all set to witness in practice. One such announcement was that of using Kotlin as the official language for developing Android apps. The industry giant announced its plans to use Kotlin, along with Java and C++ as the programming language to develop Android Apps.
The statically typed programming language runs on the JVM (Java virtual machine), just like JAVA. Developed by the JetBrain team of programmers based in Russia, Kotlin uses the LLVM compiler infrastructure or can be assembled to JavaScript source code.
In this article, we will see what has made Kotlin the desired language among the leading Android Application Development companies around the world. We will also look at some of the ways through which you can make the transition from Java to Kotlin smoothly.
Before we get into the reason why Kotlin had to come into existence, let us look at the ways it overpasses the popular programming languages that have been used by the Android App Developers, till now.
Let’s Start
Programming Languages’ shortcomings that Kotlin fulfills –
Operator Overloading
Kotlin follows a very secure path by allowing to define just a few type of operators. Nevertheless, these operators are so omnipresent that even a beginner in software development would understand them and what they stand for.
Memory Constraint Platform
Kotlin has been designed to be extremely very lightweight and thin as part of its core architectural aim, thus making it ideal for memory restrictive platforms and small programs.
Java is not famous for being one of the most crisp languages, while this is not a problem entirely, it is very bug friendly. When you’re encoding for Android by using a couple of most used idioms, the verbose code might lead to greater chances of getting bugs.
When writing lesser code at the back of a language which is very concise, there are automatically lesser probability of errors, making it less tiresome for the developers.
Developers can easily write modules with Kotlin that would work perfectly with the present Java codes. It’s fully compatible with the JVM and every Java frameworks and libraries, making it easy to be integrated with the Maven or Gradle build systems. While some languages are object-oriented or assertively functional, Kotlin is not over the roof opinionated and refrains from enforcing the philosophy of one over another.
Support from Android Studio
Kotlin is developed by JetBrains, the company behind IntelliJ—the IDE that Android Studio is based on. It’s no surprise, then, that Android Studio has excellent support for Kotlin. Once you’ve installed the Kotlin plugin, Android Studio makes configuring Kotlin in your project as straightforward as opening a few menus.
Data Class
Kotlin allows one to state the containers of information, which automatically implement elements like copying and equality.
Delegated Properties and Class
With delegated class or properties, one can easily define the behaviors of properties like observable, lazy, etc. or forward the request of methods to other class spontaneously. With Kotlin, you can even make your property delegates. In Swift, properties like observable are modifiers that need to be implemented, meaning you are restricted to using the ones which are provided in Swift.
Coming from JVM background, Kotlin completely supports annotations like @test or @inject- something that is not allowed in Swift.
Memory Management
Unlike Swift that operates on Reference Count Approach, which forces developers to think of memory ownership and run time, Kotlin assumes the presence of Garbage Collector, which makes managing memory a lot easier.
Even with their set of shortcomings, Android world was working just well at the back of these programming languages, with the evidence being in the numbers that there are 3.3 Million apps in the Play Store (as of September ’17) operating to add value to the 1.4 Billion active users.
So, why the languages that had helped develop 3.3 Million Android apps weren’t enough anymore?
The reasons that led to a mass acceptance of Kotlin by the experienced android app developers, worldwide can be attributed to – Null Safety, Functional Programming Style, Usage of Anko in place of XML, Removal of ButterKnife dependency, Builders & Extension Function, and Hacks for smooth transitions.
It’s not just the app developers who are excited about Kotlin becoming Google’s official language, Kotlin will be touching other aspects of technology as well, such as –
Frontend Web Development
Backend Web Development
iOS and MacOS support
It’s not just the app developers that are looking forward to or are already making use of Kotlin, there are a number of established and renowned brands that are using Kotlin as their primary language.
There are some companies that have already started taking advantage of Kotlin and various others that have switched their entire development process of Kotlin. A few of those companies that have been operating through Kotlin and are lying in our plain sights are – Amazon Web Services, Pinterest, Netflix, Coursera, Uber, Square, Vert.x, and Trello, amongst others.
Now that you have seen how revolutionizing Kotlin has proved itself to be for the Android developers, around the world, since its inception, let us now look at the ways you can prepare yourself today, in the smoothest way possible, for the time when Kotlin will replace every other programming language for Android developments.
Learning Period
It is time that you join the crowd of Android developers, all around the world, who are busy collecting resources to make sense of the new programming language. While you can easily convert Java codebase in Kotlin, take out time to analyze the differences in code and formats today itself.
Bonus Tip: Slow your onboarding process. Give at least 1 to 2 weeks to your JAVA developers to make sense of the platform.
Build Time
Brands that usually had build time ranging from around 30 seconds for the incremental to 75 seconds for cleaning builds, has seen an increase in the build time since they incorporated Kotlin. The language brought in a rise of 25% in clean time and of approximately 40% in the incremental build time.
Bonus Tip: Beyond the initial additions of Kotlin, the no-change and incremental build times usually remained constant irrespective of the number of files converted. You will be able to get a fair sense of what the build times would be after changing one file.
Kotlin in itself is extremely new for the majority, adding that nervousness to the blend of upgrades that are witnessed by elements that Kotlin will be working with, can lead to a complete mayhem. This sudden flood of information will lead to delayed work, mistakes in the program, and Kotlin behaving weirdly, overall.
Bonus Tip: Upgrade one at a time. Instead of taking an aggressive approach to just come on top of the competition, is a strategy that won’t work here. First, find the mix in which Gradle, Kotlin, Android Studio and everything else, work perfectly together. Once you are down with that, move on to upgrading them.
Following these and similar other ways to make life easy with Kotlin, before incorporating it into your project, will make it easy to transition from your programming language to the Google’s official one. The key is to give your team the time to make the get acquainted with the platform and make the transition then.
With everything covered to get you to the stage when you start introducing your team to Kotlin, let’s look at some lesser known ways Kotlin will make Android App Development easier for you.
Lets you edit companion object’s default name to any name you wish.
Supports functions composition that not just makes your code clean but also fast.
The option to edit the generated class’s name to get better readability.
Are you ready to make the transformation? Let us know your views in the comments below…
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