myhackerbuddy Ā· 4 years
Ray/Saeran is one hell of a character. For me, heā€™s one of the most pitiful who deserve more love from us. He might be an antagonist in casual and deep story, but in Another Story heā€™s just a boy who is lost and manipulated.
Youā€™ve been chosen as a tester for his game where youā€™ll chat RFA members and act as the party coordinator. Ray will introduced his self as the creator, and offers you to stay in his place as you play his game. Heā€™s a nice and sweet guy who cooks for you and give you flowers as his token of appreciation for testing his game. Though we know that heā€™a slowly developing feelings for the MC. He will visit your chatroom from time to time, and also pay you a visit in your room. Heā€™ll always remind you that they are AI, and has comments every time you say they are nice and all. He clearly despise all of them that itā€™s entertaining.
However, his feelings seems to be a threat as the Savior slowly notices Ray being out of focus. She would order her believers to bring twice his elixir intake just so she can twist his mind off. Ray notices but as devoted as he is to the Savior, he drinks it despite his complains.
As you finally enter his route, he will not let you undergo the Cleansing Ceremony because he cares for you. He knows how painful it is and he doesnā€™t want you to experience that excruciating pain. So he gave you a complete imitation of elixir, telling you to drink it instead of the ā€˜real elixirā€™, in case the Savior will give you one.
Ray, as much as how nice and dedicated he is on doing his duty to ā€˜fightā€™ his brother from hacking, the Savior still notices the sudden change of Rayā€™s behavior so she held a sudden ceremony where they would force them to take elixir until the person is finally in a ā€˜correctā€™ state of mind.
In Day 8, he appeared to be completely different. He visits you to tease you, and calls you a toy, an airhead and good-for-nothing. In able to wake his other persona, the Savior calls him weak, and attack his imperfections and dark past just so heā€™ll feel bad and insecure.
Saeran is made from hatred. In able to keep him awake, he trolls and insult the MC, because by doing that heā€™ll feel stronger. That way he wonā€™t feel someone can ever torment him. He get his strength by being mean and by showering him that heā€™s strong. The Savior will always remind him that he is strong, completely different when itā€™s Ray. It all depends if you are going to let him toy you or youā€™ll remain quiet. However Saeran admitted it to his self and in front of MC that all his words were not meant for her, but to him. All of those were his motherā€™s words.
This realization was all thanks to V, who tried to talked to him when Saeranā€™s in hiding and so confuse. Though V failed to fully convinced him, he saw a glimpse of hope when he mentioned being free together with the MC. I want to commend V for this route as he work so hard to fix his faults, regardless of endless claiming that he should be the one to blame. Zen and Vā€™s conversation is really intense. Zen made its way to Vā€™s heart by sharing his own experience about accepting his flaws and by choosing what he want, even by crossing in the hard road. He made sense on how things werenā€™t always in our grasp. That even if we shower our love to someone, if they wonā€™t accept it, then they will not be able to understand you.
V claims that he failed to give Rika the love she deserve, and insisted to being the fruit of the cause. However, Zen brushed it off, saying he shouldnā€™t be harsh on his self and stop blaming his self. For once, he should stand up right and do what a true leader should be, and that is to correct his faults and not carry all the burden.
I understand Vā€™s point, that he wanted to protect Rika. He, too, realized that he canā€™t protect her and RFA at the same time without revealing the truth. So he told in the chatroom about Sevenā€™s identity, with Yoosung on the ears. Itā€™s a shocking news for him, but the truth made Yoosung feel sympathy to him. He didnā€™t know how much burden V has been carrying. Heā€™s able to get a little trust by Yoosung, but V didnā€™t really disclosed whoā€™s the one controlling and manipulating Saeran. I still think V wanted to hide it at this point maybe because he wants to hope he still can save her. But we know he canā€™t. Rika, will remain as she is if she wonā€™t seek for others light. She needs to love herself to be free from darkness. A simple talk would not work. He needed Juminā€™s power but he canā€™t talk to him because Juminā€™s being interviewed like Zen.
The last call (outgoing) from Seven was at Day 10, after the chatroom at 1:00 am something. When you call him, he quickly responded saying he is not in his house and you should comeback later when heā€™s home. Itā€™s obvious that heā€™s making it up to cover you, hinting that you should delete all your data concerning him because you might get in trouble. Youā€™ll know that heā€™s been taken and that they wanted him to drop the call. Seven, in the end, saved you from being involved that makes it more frustrating. The other members canā€™t reach him, even V.
Iā€™m guessing itā€™s his father, but it can also be their agency since Vanderwoodā€™s also involved. Either way, they are still in danger.
Rika would sneak every chatroom you are in, and youā€™ll know Saeran is back but very sick. Savior said that he came back and drunk all the elixir, the reason why heā€™s unconscious. But the elixir is not effective anymore because he finally realize the truth.
Iā€™m so concerned with the twins, but I had a bad feeling about what V could do. He can pull off his sacrifice thing again just so the MC and Saeran can escape. Iā€™ve been getting hints from his text messages and calls, like heā€™s saying goodbye.
I hated the fact that Sevenā€™s nowhere to be found, and V will soon be in trouble. I know the story is yet to finish, as Saeranā€™s After Ending is still in the process, but itā€™s so frustrating if youā€™ll be left just like that.
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At this point Saeran was truly enlightened. I am so happy for this, though Rika is really pitiful. The truth is, sheā€™s trying to create a world where no one can ever step on her. She collected Believers in exchange of having an excuse to make it seems like sheā€™s guiding them in the right path. Rika is the one whoā€™s afraid to go outside. Sheā€™s the one whoā€™s dark, coward and is incapable to do anything without someoneā€™s command. That is her inner demon who keeps on blinding her. The Believers and Saeran is her way to shield her to the outside world.
Sheā€™s basically becoming like her parents. Different method, but same outcome. She had it bad.
Turns out that V has decided to sacrifice again. He went to Rika and told her heā€™s ready to love her again, and that he now knows how to love her... This made me so frustrated again.
V is being selfless, but is that the right thing to do? I thought he came to his senses. And his call made me feel like itā€™s the MCā€™s fault lol. He said that he finally know what true love is because of you, but heā€™s commiting the same mistake again. If you will look at it, if V will do everything what Rika ask him, heā€™ll end up in vain. Heā€™ll suffer. If thatā€™s his way for correcting his faults, then I want to shout at him for being fool.
Canā€™t we all save them in one route? I truly hope Saeranā€™s After Ending will help us save V too. Seven is another thing, but V is their second father. I felt his sense of responsibility in this route. As a father who had faults, he tried to protect them, and did everything to save them. Though I hated his way.
I donā€™t think we should hate V for this, as we know his own issue (that is, if you played his route). Unlike the other, V tried to move straight, even with loads of burden to carry. Heā€™s a man with principle, and that is to protect everyone. However, hiding the truth will only stop him from moving forward.
But letā€™s give him the credit of researching about the twinā€™s father, plus heā€™s been going back and fort in monitoring you in Mint Eye and making sure Seven and the others are okay. Heā€™s not perfect, but heā€™s one hell of a character too.
Yes the road is still far from reaching the goal. RFA doesnā€™t have a slightest idea about Rikaā€™s whereabouts, and is still busy tracking Seven and planning about the prime minister. And then they have to save V too.
Normal Ending
The video got blocked so Jumin proceeded to his Plan B. That is to bring Saeran and the MC to his vacation place. That way, he can secure their safety as the prime minister tried to fix the mess. The one who blocked is no other than Sevenā€™s agency. This made me think that the agency is holding Seven and Vanderwood captive. Theyā€™ve been hinting that one wrong move and the agency will blow them out. Be it on failing a mission or getting into mess, Seven created a huge violation to the agency. He was accepted because he stated that he doesnt have any relatives left. And by the agency blocking the video that contains the truth, itā€™s obvious that they didnā€™t like it. This made me worry about Seven and Vanderwood.
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Itā€™s a bittersweet ending for me. Magenta is untraceable, V and Seven is missing. However, Saeran and the MC has been living peacefully and planning for their future, completely ignoring all the problems that they left behind.
Good Ending
It was a success. The prime minister got jailed and the twins were the talked of the town. However, Sevenā€™s still missing. Probably the agency is the one who held them captive, and worst, theyā€™ve been disposed before they know it, after they blew the truth.
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Or maybe... Seven escaped and is in hiding from the agency. Weā€™ll know in AE for sure. Also, we donā€™t know if Sevenā€™s really leaving traces of him so they can find him fast, as Saeran stated when he found the place on the same day by hacking. Itā€™s also because Saeranā€™s a naturally genius too like Seven. We canā€™t really tell whoā€™s better in hacking, all I know is they are invincible if they work together.
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The RFA didnā€™t gave up. They went to the old place were they lived and tried to investigate if there are traces of Seven there. Saeran felt suffocated thatā€™s why he went out with MC to talked about his brother.
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He may not said it, but I think Saeran already forgive him for leaving. He knew heā€™s been used and brainwashed. He also knew the reason why he left: V made Seven an informant to protect him.
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The MC then gave him his bookmark for Seven, the one V brought and tried to give when they first met.
This made me wonder... Rika and Vā€™s appearance made me wonder what they are planning next. First, they got rid of Magenta and went to the old house to dispose it too. They visited it before they left. Their destination? It remains a mystery.
We donā€™t really know what Rika is planning. Sheā€™s not yet done, thatā€™s for sure. Remember how she wanted to get a hold of the RFA members? Even with V by his side. I canā€™t help not to connect it to the Secret Ending.
Even if sheā€™ll blind and limp him, she wonā€™t be contented. Unless V find a way to save her. But thatā€™s only possible if heā€™ll realize his flaws: the obsession and they way he view what love is.
In the end he sacrifice again for the sake of the RFA members. It was a selfless move as a leader, but very selfish for the members to keep the secret and leave the issue in his hand.
The mystery will continue to Saeranā€™s After Ending. And I suggest to ready your heart as well as your hourglasses.
Farm as many hg as you can, because I feel like itā€™ll be a big one just like how they created Vā€™s AE. Maybe the reason that itā€™s taking long to finish is because they are trying to polish it perfectly, so as we wait for it to finish letā€™s uncover some of the Bad Endings and Rikaā€™s Story first.
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myhackerbuddy Ā· 4 years
This is a a bit of a spoiler. This wonā€™t explain all but it might help you understand the story between 707 and Unknown as well as a bit of Rika and Vā€™s story.
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Rika founded the RFA (Rikaā€™s Fundraising Association) and was Vā€™s fiancee. Behind those beauty and sweet smile lies a dark past.
Rika was adopted, and was abused (I havenā€™t read her behind story so Iā€™m sorry if this is what I can tell you). Volunteering to help people is therapeutic for her depression and paranoia. Her way to cope up is to be busy in helping others.
Whatā€™s their relationship with the Choi twins?
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The twins were the illegitimate child of the prime minister. Their mother used them to get money but sheā€™s not really a nice mother to them. She would beat them to pulp, and often tie Saeran while Saeyoung does errand for her (Since Saeranā€™s weaker, heā€™s been the subject of abuse especially when Saeyoungā€™s away)
Because they are the fruit of accident, their father wants them dead. Their appearance may tarnish his reputation. That made Saeyoung scared for their life. So as he does errands he would go to the cathedral to attend mass. And thatā€™s when he met V and Rika. He discovered his ability and use it for escape, however itā€™s not easy as he need to leave Saeran behind because itā€™s very dangerous.
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707 or Seven, is one of the member of RFA and is responsible on security and clasified information. A very secretive guy, who hides behind his quirky and funny self.
The idea of being a secret agent was from V. Since Seven is an intelligent kid, V saw the potential and offered to help him so he can earn money. It was a hard decision but V promised that heā€™ll take care of Saeran while heā€™s away. After endless persuasion, Seven agreed and asked for his help to change his name to Luciel. Seven then swore to always serve and help V for he own him a lot.
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In Sevenā€™s route, he got to meet Unknown when he went to the apartment where MC stays. Their reunion is not something to be excited about, because it seems that his brother became avery different person now. The Unknown who continues to infiltrate his codes, and the one who lead the MC (Main Character: Player) to the RFA, is no other than his brother. Not only that, his brother seems to have a big grudge against him. His appearance and attitude change, the reason why Seven became a complete a-hole in his route. He was confuse and tried to push away MC.
This made Seven furious against V. Clearly, V didnā€™t fulfill his promise to take care of his brother. V didnā€™t exactly explain the situation, for he is also hiding Rika that time. Instead, he ask Seven not to open the drawer in the apartment. Hurt because V doesnā€™t trust him, Seven poured out his anger and revealed his brother on the chatroom. V swiftly dodged his questions, that made Seven more furious and swore not to trust him anymore.
Another revelation after opening the drawer because they found blueprints and planner about this cult group - Mint Eye. They found out that Rikaā€™s been involved with the organization for a long time, and guessed that sheā€™s also involve in the foundation. This made Yoosung, her cousin, confused for he have known her as a nice person who canā€™t do such thing. To find the truth, MC and Seven went to Mint Eye and got to meet Saeran. Seven tried to explain why he needed to be away, but Saeranā€™s badly hurt and close minded because of Rikaā€™s endless brainwashing. He ended up fleeing and MC and Seven got stuck in the room.
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Unknown is the person who lead the MC to RFA. In Casual and Deep story, youā€™ll see his as an effective antagonist but in his route, you can finally see the person behind his personality.
In able to play his route, you have to be in Another Story. Saeran will introduce himself as Ray. He will let you believe that you are just going to try his new game where youā€™ll chat AI characters and act as a party coordinator.
Before we proceed, let me tell you more about Saeran.
He is the twin brother of Seven who was abused and had split personality. I donā€™t know if Sevenā€™s aware (probably not) because he acquired it when he was being abuse by their mother. I think his other self was triggered when Sevenā€™s nowhere to be found.
After sending Seven to the private agency, V and Rika did everything to get Saeran out of the house. He was completely saved when his mother died. I guess the twins arenā€™t aware of the real reason behind her death, but Rikaā€™s the one who killed her.
Saeran became better. Seven treated V as his father and Saeran seems to treat him the same. But behind V, Rika secretly meets up with Saeran and shower him lies to get him study the books that Seven used. Saeran did as she told because he wants to know Seven more and by studying the same, he feels attached and somewhat close to his twin.
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Rika and Vā€™s relationship was very toxic. How could you still love a person who hurted you, blinded you? Rika thought she could do everything to help others.. there came a point were she feels that what sheā€™s doing wasnā€™t enough. Thatā€™s why she founded Mint Eye. A cult who recruit believers and the way they cleanse is through drinking elixir. A very deadly solution (mixture of peyote cactus, methanol, unspecified mushroom) which taste bitter and nonexistent. Imagine how awful it taste and Saeranā€™s been fed with it since heā€™s a kid.
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They kidnapped Saeran and made him drink Elixir.. everyday. They tortured and brainwashed him to force him to wake his other personality, so that Rika can control him better.
Talking to him on the phone is like a rollercoaster ride. Ray is a soft, sweet boy and Saeranā€™s always irritated at you, calling you a toy and hurting you with his sharp words.
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But behind that is just a lonely boy who misses his brother. Imagine how cruel it is for him to be used and fed with lies. He experiences massive headache, deprived of sleep (because heā€™s working nonstop. He sleep 3-4 hours only) and is very loyal to the Saviour. He devoted himself to the Savior that he forgot who to love. All he know is he wanted revenge to the one who abandoned him.
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Ever wonder why he had white to grayish hair instead of red hair like Saeyoung? How about his eyes? Itā€™s because he had Marie Antoinette Syndrome.
"Marie Antoinette syndrome occurs when people lose their hair color after receiving a great shock, undergoing a grievous loss or surviving a life-threatening situation."
Do you imagine how sad their story is? Itā€™s very heartbreaking and cruel. To think that all of them are just a victim. One mistake and itā€™ll pass with another. I donā€™t know much about Rikaā€™s story, but I know Mika is the one responsible to Rikaā€™s mental state. Vā€™s love wasnā€™t enough to save Rika. V hid the truth to the RFA members causing them to hate V.
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To be honest V sacrificed a lot for the RFA members. Rika told him heā€™s a traitor because he doesnā€™t approve to her ideas. He failed to stop her so he ended up sacrificing. Heā€™s alone as he keep an eye to Mint Eye, while his vision became worst.
He said he wanted to live up with his mistake, thatā€™s why he doesnt want to fix his vision. He knew itā€™s his fault for not trying enough to stop her, but itā€™s understandable. Itā€™s hard to handle her. He should have ask for help with his friend.
He shouldnā€™t suffer alone.
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