#coast mountains
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An awe inspiring location deep in the heart of the Coast Mountains.
British Columbia
#vintage camping#campfire light#bridal falls#british columbia#chilliwack#coast mountains#history#hiking#camping#exploring#1970s
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Forest (No. 7)
Stewart, BC
#Estuary Boardwalk#Methusula's Beard#Stewart#original photography#summer 2023#vacation#landmark#tourist attraction#British Columbia#Canada#travel#landscape#countryside#forest#woods#nature#tree#fir#flora#Alaska#rain clouds#fireweed#wildflower#Coast Mountains#Regional District of Kitimat–Stikine
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#regional district of kitimat–stikine#nature#travel#summer 2023#aiart#flora#canada#forest#tourist attraction#digitalart#rain clouds#fir#landscape#countryside#estuary boardwalk#fireweed#coast mountains#wildflower#alaska#landmark#british columbia#methusula's beard#stewart#ai#original photography#woods#vacation#tree#art
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#nature#canada#forest#british columbia#photography#pnw life#pnwlove#pnw vibes#pnw photography#pnw aesthetic#pnwonderland#pnw#landscape photography#nature photography#photographers#coast mountains#lookout#fire lookout#lookout tower
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🇨🇦 Great Blue Heron by Dave Wong
#Khutzeymateen Inlet#North America#Nature#Coast Mountains#Kitimat Ranges#British Columbia#Portraits#Water#Herons#Western Canada#Ocean#North Coast#Khutzeeymateen Provincial Park#Animals#Travel#Bokeh#Bird#Reflections#BC Coast#Canada#America#Coast#Wildlife Photography#Great blue heron#Ardea herodias#BC#Bear Sanctuary#British Columbia Coast#DOF#Depth of Field
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Squamish50 Race Recap: Fool Me Twice, Shame on Me
"Won't make my mama proud, it's gonna cause a scene // she sees her baby girl, I know she's gonna scream // GOOOOOOOODDDDD WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! You're a Coast Mountain girl, and you run in the woods // oh mama, IIIIIIIIII'M JUST HAVIN' FUN, on the trail in my vest, it's where I belong, down on these // COAST MOUNTAIN TRAILS, I'm gonna keep on running on these COAST MOUNTAIN TRAILS, I'm gonna keep on running out in WEST CANADA, I'm gonna keep on running on these coast mountain trails, coast mountain trails"
Phew. Now that that's out of my system...
When I was growing up, the concept of 'peer pressure' never made much sense to me. I was not intrinsically tempted by drugs, or alcohol, or skipping class, or the social points that might have been gained by participating in such shenanigans. Outside of what that might say about me as a person, it led to an interesting revelation as I got older: my so-called peers back then just weren't doing anything interesting enough to make me feel compelled to join. All of this changed the moment I encountered my first overnight relay race in college. I was sold. Things would only escalate from there. My mama was not proud. There were actual fights over these endeavours. It culminated in me running my first ultra before I even had a bachelor's degree, setting my life in a direction no one predicts for their child.
It would come as no surprise to find me signed up for a 50 mile race eight years later in an entirely different country, if you had much of a background on ultrarunning. And after watching the 'vlog clip' my husband so charitably took of me at the finish line vowing that I would never do such a thing again, a seasoned member of the ultra community would have laughed and said 'see you next year'. Which is where our story begins, one year after the infamous 'never again' caught on film.
I did not feel an aching desire to run farther than 50 miles again, or even to do that particular event again. I had achieved my Gary Robbins hug and shiny medal, I had proven whatever it was that I needed to prove (see, dad? Not all ultras are just 'a few more miles than a marathon' AND I'm alive to prove it!). Cue, peer pressure. I wrote a silly little race report talking about how much I cried and a few of my friends read it and talked about it and were like 'that sounds great I'm in'. And if there's one thing I can't abide, it's my friends and peers going on an endurance adventure without me. A whopping three or four months had passed by the time it was sign-up day so there I was at 7am on a Friday before work on Run SignUp and the group WhatsApp open as we all digitally shared the high of registration day and collectively ignored the implications of signing up for a 50 mile race.
Fast forward to last weekend and we're all at the starting line hemming and hawing about how we didn't sleep so well last night, and we're scared, and 'just gonna go out there and have a good time'. My little brother was texting me, because unlike here in BC it was a godly hour of the day in Florida and he was at the ready to remind me that he had gone to a T-Pain concert the night before, and that T-Pain is a resource in times of need (?). This is salient because one time in high school, my cross country coach told us to do a particular warm of exercise with the kind of energy and enthusiasm we would have if we were rushing the stage at a T-Pain concert, so referring to Tallahassee Pain when I am going for a run will always resonate. Yes. The T stands for Tallahassee. Not Tylenol extra strength, which may also resonate during long runs. Anyway, I put all my worries away in a mansion somewhere in Wiscansin, we snapped a start line selfie, and off we went into the brief dark.
The first couple of miles slipped away as I kept up with a few much faster compatriots. I got Travis talking about his upcoming trip to Japan, which is a subject I can listen to/speak about endlessly. Alas, being the personality hire of the run group meant that I would fade to the back fairly early, and eventually we reached the first climb of the day, DeBeck's hill. This was where I broke last time. I was crying. This isn't even to the second aid station. Full blown tears, panic attack. I was determined not to break this year. I made everyone I knew very aware of my goal for this year: do not cry before aid station two. I'm very happy to announce I did achieve this goal, but was almost brought to ruin on the Midlife Crisis trail as I discovered TRAIL LORE. Trail lore is in fact the best part of not being a complete hermit during your race, which was my other, unspoken goal of the race - interact with fellow runners enough to become emotionally invested in the outcome of at least two other participants beyond just 'wow I hope everyone has a nice day'. The fellow behind me as I was hot stepping from rock to rock about to throw up and/or throw myself down the hill goes 'don't rush! I'm not trying to pressure you! Don't fall, my friend built this trail and he wouldn't want you to fall!' Right there we almost got the first cry of the day. Not because I was panicking or sad but because THAT WAS SUCH A NICE THING TO TELL ME! PEOPLE ARE LOVELY! I was then provided the added details that this friend designed that particular singletrack run when he turned 50 to prove he could still do hard things. Which, if true, is way more wholesome than my interpretation of the name Midlife Crisis, which was that the trail is so stressful that 31 is going to be my midlife with the years this trail is taking off my life span.
I rolled into aid station 2 at Alice Lake without a tear having been shed, and ready to hit the bathroom. I ran into a fellow trail homie from the run club at the bathroom line (so, like a regular club? Very brat.) and rolled on. I thought briefly 'wow, I wish my husband hadn't had a combination migraine-food-poisoning-slash-general-itis and thrown up last night making it very unlikely that he'd make it to the first crew aid station in time' but mostly I was proud of myself for not crying and it was time to carry on to my previously favorite section of the race.
Corners is the best trail ever because it's pretty and flowy and there are wildflowers everywhere and fun signs that say that you might get zapped by the powerlines overhead. It's also where the professional race photographer hides out and catches you when you're running at a decent clip with a pretty background. I was so confident going into these parts. Then I watched the gal ahead of me almost eat some dirt. Not too bad, she recovered quick. Couldn't be me. Except a few minutes later it was me, fully supermanned out on the ground, covered in the gritty sandy stuff and bleeding. I hopped back up and kept moving, knowing that sitting around evaluating myself would probably just make it all hurt more. Blood streamed down my leg, but it seemed nothing particularly important was hurting as I resumed my journey. Ah well, I thought, maybe this will just make my race pictures look more badass. Another familiar face caught up to me, which was quite a surprise because I do not have any idea how anyone I knew could possibly be behind me at this point in the race. It was nice to have someone to whine about my fall to, and who also admitted to having taken a little tumble himself. We rolled into Aid Station 3, and I declined having anything done about my bloody leg because, well, what was there to do? Fall on the ground or not, everyone is coated in layer upon layer of dust and sweat out here anyway. We trekked on to the little loop that would eventually lead back to AS 3 and slowly parted ways as I kept a conservative pace. Then it hit me - the ground again. This time, not only was the knee bleeding again but I got my left hand pretty good, with blood streaming across it from a few difficult to evaluate spots. At this point I was big sad. I let myself cry a little. My finger HURT where it was cut. I gimped along feeling sorry for myself until my brain generated the thought 'you're having an Eren Jaeger moment' while looking at the blood streak across my palm. I had the power of God AND anime on my side now. I dragged my sad little self back to the aid station when miracle of all miracles occurred. There was a familiar face with a volunteer vest on on. I don't think I'd ever been so happy to see someone in my life. Before I could say anything, I was pushed into a camping chair and another volunteer was swiping away at the blood and dirt with a paper towel and some saline spray. Not exactly how I would do it, but hey. It became obvious that while gnarly, these injuries were probably not life threatening and I was probably gonna make it. After a little bit of whinging and snacking and the affirmation of 'see you at the finish line' (this will come in handy later), I wandered back into the woods for the trek up Galactic.
Galactic is, like, the most fabled section of this race. If you look at any race report, or even the race description itself, this is described as kind of a piece de resistance. It's a hella long incline is all it is. You're in the woods, walking upwards, for longer than you would like to be. It's just inclined enough that an amateur like myself does absolutely zero running for like, half an hour straight. It's a drag. It's also not particularly 'hard' in the sense of being technical, or super steep. Last year, this was an unremarkable section of trail for me. I was feeling pretty okay having conquered last year's Most Wanted incline on DeBeck's and thought nothing of the trudge up the hill. And then my subconscious came out to play. Covered in blood and dirt and with like, half the race or more to go, the 'why are you doing this' crept in. Now, I also faced down this question last year, starting like 15k into the race, so not having to wrestle with it until several aid stations in is actually a good thing. However, I was out there with my little vest and my little philosophy minor degree ready to Conquer The Question of Purpose in Ultramarathoning, and the answers were not looking good for me. I was deconstructing with every footstep forward. Is there intrinsic value in pain? And if there is, what is it? Why am I out here alone? Time doesn't exist and I have no concept that it has probably been less than an hour since I spoke to a friend and would probably either find more friends or make more friends as the day wears on. I am alone in this forest, and I am going to cry about it. Like, ugly cry. Sobbing, gasping, this-character-is-being-hella-overacted crying. I want to quit RIGHT NOW. But I told Tam I'd see her at the finish line. And like, it'd look kinda lame if I DNF this for no good reason besides getting too sad. At this point, I determine that it's probably time to Eat Something, so I pull out the super dense gel sugary thing I picked up at the aid station to avoid eating my own carefully curated snacks. And what would you know, approximately 5 minutes after consuming 200 calories of pure maple syrup with added salt, the world suddenly seemed less bleak and finishing this race seemed like a less awful proposition. My new attitude and I finally rocked up to aid station 4.
Aid station 4 was uneventful until we heard over the radio 'first female has cleared Smoke Bluffs'. Oof. The aid station volunteers graciously reminded those of us who had just been confronted with our weak paces that those who are finishing now did not get to spend time having snacks at the aid station. I took off, and found myself chatting with a fellow from Squamish. It was his first ultra, with an eerily similar story to my decision to run this race the year before - the 50k sold out too fast and thought, 'eh, how bad could 50 miles be?'. Officially invested in my unknown friend's fate now, we eventually rolled up to Aid Station 5, which I refer to as the family tailgate aid station. At first, I looked about helplessly for my husband without the faintest clue whether or not he'd even gotten out of the house. I wandered over to the medical tent where the nice medic scraped the hell out of my knee using alcohol swabs. Honestly, this might have been the worst part of the whole day if not for what was in store between aid stations 5 and 6. Finally I caught site of my spouse and parked myself in the grass to eat a sandwich and whine some more while he recorded it as a 'vlog' to share with everyone else I know. He had in fact remembered to bring the Scandinavian Swimmers I had emphatically requested the day before, but I ended up forgetting about them moments after he told me he had them. I considered letting them squeeze the cold water sponges on me before I headed out, but thought better of it when I contemplated the water cleanliness and the oozing scrape that we decided against bandaging for the sole reason that no bandage was going to adhere to me at this point in the day.
I rolled out of the aid station around the same time as my new friend, and we continued on our little trek. At this point, my right knee was starting to do The Thing. Previously, only my left knee had been known to do The Thing. It's a sharp sharp pain on the outside, near the knee cap when I land on that side. Sharp enough to make you not want to land too hard because that leg might buckle from the pain. It wasn't so bad, and only every few steps, so I got by just fine walking more than I wanted. Until I didn't, and it hurt with every downhill step I was taking and I started crying again because THIS TRULY SUCKS. I didn't even do anything to that leg! I did not bring this upon myself except by maybe having been born with kinda messed up legs that turn inward instead of straight ahead but I DID NOTHING WRONG! I will add at this point, this section of the run (despite being reassured that all distances are as marked and completely correct) at least FEELS exceptionally long compared to how it's advertised. You think you're almost to AS 6 for a VERY long time. As I cried about the unfairness of life, I remembered I had put every kind of OTC medication one might even think about needing in my vest, so I popped a couple of ibuprofen and grumpily walked on. For some reason, despite being an entire doctor, I never believe that ibuprofen could fix MY problem. It is a solution for someone else. Fortunately for me, ibuprofen doesn't care about my skepticism and went to work, rendering my knee functional and capable of being run upon and allowing it to carry me to Aid Station 6.
Aid Station 6 is kind of a letdown. Not because it's not fully stocked and staffed by fantastic volunteers - it absolutely is. Every aid station is a 10/10. It's just wedged between two very exciting aid stations where you get your crew and there is generally a lot of activity and cheering. However, a familiar face again saved the day when I realized the ice water bucket manager was in fact another run club friend. This friend in particular I had pressured into running the Valley Vertikiller as a fairly new trail runner. I was not, in my current state, doing a great job of selling the idea that trail running is a fun and safe activity, but his enthusiasm and selfie taking renewed my spirits and made me believe that I could make it to the next aid station, which would in turn mean that I could make it to the finish line.
It was at this aid station that I started to chat with a couple of ladies; the conversation with an aid station attendant about the insanity of doing this race multiple times had come up, so naturally I was prepared to contribute to this conversation and inform them that I was, in fact, completely unhinged. As we rolled back into the woods, these ladies were talking in miles which was my second cue to start talking, because where there are miles there are, typically, fellow Americans. These lasses were from Colorado; when I mentioned I was originally from Florida but had moved out to BC, they, without skipping a beat, went, 'wow so a total upgrade'. Ahhhh, to be amongst my kind of people. This was not their first 50 miler, and had come all the way out here to run it. I passed my original compatriot somewhere during this phase, which flew by in good company as I pulled ahead and in to aid station 7. Aid station 7 has you run across a bridge and going downhill for a bit. I saw a few folks standing before the aid station on the sideline; I assumed it was just course marshals or someone taking down bib numbers for checkin. I spotted my husband with his Real Camera, and as my brain slowly processed the blonde girl cheering for me by name (as an Experienced Runner, I am now conscious of when I have my name printed on my race tag and no longer become completely frozen in horror when I hear my name called by enthusiastic strangers) as not just a random volunteer with a lot of energy, but my BC Bestie Elise! And then as I got to the aid station proper, I realized that I was in the presence of my husband, BC Bestie, AND my Aid Station 3 trail angel friend! As disoriented and overstimulated as I was by this, it was honestly magical, I almost cried, and I reluctantly accepted/delivered the most disgusting hugs I've ever been a part of. I was truly ready to tackle the final 8 miles now.
The last section of the race includes an additional unpleasant climb that kinda never ends, but did include an exceptional sunset. As much as it meant knowing I'd be rocking up to the finish line in the dark, the striking purple and orange on the horizon as I crested the false peak on my way up Mountain of Phlegm was first class. As we finally neared the stairs, I chatted with a woman who was here from Alberta to do the 50/50 (for those of you fortunate enough to not know what that is, it means running the 50 mile race on Saturday followed by the 50k race on Sunday). It rained just a little bit, and I wished her good traction and tacky surfaces for Sunday (and warned that if it rained too much that slippery might be a concern to monitor). When we reached the stairs, the course marshal eagerly assured us that we were done with the stairs! Which was quickly disproven upon reaching several smaller flights of stairs... sigh. After this betrayal, we eventually made our way out of Smoke Bluffs to the sight of a disco ball and Von Dutch blasting on a bluetooth speaker in the parking lot. Fortified by the power of brat summer imbued in that melody I took off onto the pavement princess section of the race. Several very, very enthusiastic high-five soliciting children ambushed me with their excitement and encouragement as I ran past the hostel I was staying at, onto the final stretch of road.
You might be thinking to yourself at this point, wow, she's run 50+ miles in the woods without encountering a single bear! What luck! And you'd be right, except then I encountered a bear. On the street. Walking down the opposite side of the road. This is an inconvenience, and I suppose I should have exercised better bear manners. I gave it the little bit of 'hey bear!' I could summon and basically hoped it would continue on its way down the street because nothing was going to delay me from reaching this finish line right now, not even this unbothered black bear. Fortunately, he or she seemed utterly unmoved by my antics and continued on down the street as though they were also a taxpaying member of the community and I barreled down the street and into the finish chute where I was immediately granted my second Squamish50 Gary Robbins hug and the attention of many friends who had to witness my (again) overstimulated and disoriented presence. After a finish line group photo, it was time to start recombobulating, relaying stories to Toby and Elise, and drinking an orange juice juice box like any good Floridian would.
While I haven't quite sorted out my running purpose deconstruction, being reminded that I was the reason someone else signed up for something challenging or ridiculous seems like a good enough proxy for now. I hopped on the results page as soon as it was up to ensure my Squamish and Colorado friends also made it across the finish line (yes, they did!). I only made it four days before I was talking about signing up for my next ultra (not alone... not ready to do that again), which may be a new record turnaround time.
I cannot sign off without reiterating how absolutely blessed and lucky and fortunate I felt to have so many familiar, happy faces out there on the course last Saturday. From my other pals running the race that I felt I couldn't be the only DNF of the crew, to the volunteers and friends that came out to cheer me on and my ever-attentive forever race crew member Toby, this race reminded me that no matter if you're racing or just out for a run, going fast or taking it easy, the real magic of running is the folks you meet along the way. Without this sport, I honestly don't think I would have had some of the most important relationships and experiences I've had in my life.
Tune in next time for my musings about my mid-race existential crisis and the ever elusive 'why do I run?'!
#fitblr#fitness#runblr#running#exercise#ultramarathon#nature#forest#trails#woods#trail run#trail running#squamish#coast mountains#racing#trail#canada#british columbia#united states#endurance#friendship#relationships#emotions#feelings
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Coast Mountains
Photo: Sea to Sky Highway on Pacific Ocean West Coast. Located in Howe Sound between Vancouver and Squamish, British Columbia, Canada. Photo by EB Adventure Photography. The Coast Mountains, a vast and awe-inspiring range that stretches along the western edge of British Columbia, Canada, are a true natural wonder. Towering peaks, pristine glaciers, and lush forests come together to create a…
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Exploring the Hidden Messages of Negative Space

Remember when we first started seeing negative space images? Our brains had to adjust to seeing both images in the simplest art. Today we have logos that make use of both negative and positive spaces to maximize the value of the real estate it uses. Read that last sentence again.
We find ourselves opposed to each other because big money has capitalized on using this technique on us as well. Prime real estate, indeed. Let me float this out there to you. What if we quit focusing on ending appropriation and calling people out for dog whistles and got to work on not letting those things trigger us?
Language matters. We, as a people have failed the discernment test on almost every level because we move and think too fast to notice the real messages contained, seemingly inadvertently, in the whole of the message. There are no mistakes. Sometimes the light shines through anyway.
This post is about negative space and some of the ways it shows up right under our noses. Daily, I look through multiple lenses at concepts and words. I find I'm developing an uncanny ability to pick them out. I mentally rifle through them in hopes of making sure I have covered more than just the face value (pun intended).
Hang on to the part where we had to adjust to seeing both the light and the dark parts of the image to understand the whole. We have been conditioned to only see one of the two spaces and we don't even bother to inquire about the other.
So back to the concept of negative space. The idea of this has crept into our consciousness without our noticing. Well played, evil ones, well played. We, as a people have failed the discernment test on almost every level because we are way too up in ourselves collectively to look for the the hidden agenda the underlying messages contain. From the Bible to investment strategies to the addiction to social media. Don't get me wrong, I love me some social media, but don't think for a second that doom scrolling isn't an intentional assault on our senses - teaching us to speed scroll for the next dopamine hit.
Metaphysics - remember, this above is from the below and the below is from the above (in this case think of the below as hell, the home of demons)
In my last post, I wrote about the some of the ways I was able to observe the behavior of these demon energies around me along with their metaphysical attributes. You do what you can when you can't see the enemy. Pattern recognition is tough.
Somewhere along the way, I was thinking about how we're trying to "become four, five, maybe even six dimensional beings as we ascend as a people. It was around this idea I began to contemplate the loss of dimensionality as a being. If one has to demonstrate a big heart, or a giving nature to experience fifth dimensional being, what happens when one is stuck in a negative 5th dimension state? How does one continue to exist in a negative dimensional state? I'm not exactly sure what plane or dimension these entities exist in. I think it must be hell, although I hadn't really believed in it before. I think these are the people who "don't go into the light". Ghosts for lack of a better word. Ghosts with abilities.
There are two concepts that come up for me around these beings. They are "between worlds". There is a Tarot card for this. I think it has dual meanings. 1) They are the folks that didn't go into the light when they died 2) They're from some place else, so think like "between gigs" or planets.
Shouldn't there be rules around being able to exist in that state? Naturally, I have submitted this to the Multiverse for consideration. It's easy with the living, when you're an asshat, you don't get your life lease renewed - but what about this darker group of beings? First, let me say I believe they exist only for our education so trying to figure this out in a logical way, doesn't seem particularly helpful, but one does wonder. Well. this one does. I wonder about a lot of things. Back to the educational portion of this program. As a people, many of us have failed bigly at discernment, but if we on earth are truly in a graduate level program the spiritually enlightened people talk about, I think we have a high failure rate.
I'm okay with that. If I'm shaping the world I want to live in, I'm genuinely okay if those folks go someplace else, or if they don't have their lease renewed at all. Hasta la vista, baby - or as the bible thumpers say, "Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya". I have a feeling, it's going to be a lot of the good lord's people who end up missing next time around. If not, I'm happy to get shipped off somewhere myself. One way or another, right?
I've said it before, but it bears repeating here. The world population in 1950 was 2.5 billion people. We are closer to 8 billion people right now. There are two very important things to consider in my estimate. 1) I think almost all the players are on the table right now 2) I think this life is a review of the important parts of previous lives. From Cradle to Grave, what has your experience been like? When I was a kid, I spent all my time outdoors, from playing with neighborhood kids, to hitting the hills and local creeks and rivers alone. It feels very full circle to me. If this is your life flashing before your eyes in slow-motion, what are you proud of, and what ails you about where you are? Perhaps more importantly, what ails others about where you are?
Math and Money
Let's move to negative integers. My understanding is that negative integers were made an official concept thanks to debt. We used to barter for goods. At some point, a debt system was created to keep up with that. We created a system of unreal numbers to represent debt. We essentially un-created the dollar on our way to digitizing money. Currency has become a concept rather than actual "matter". We exist in debt and allow banking organizations to use our digital money to make more money...for them.
We're conditioned to invest in the stock market. There is algorithmic metadata on how long we are willing to go after a crash, or using a more acceptable marketing term, "correction" before we go right back to investing our money in an institution that tells us outright there are no guarantees. Our pensions, retirement, and even Social Security (if the rich had their way), are tied up in the stock market. We are now in a place where our government is so corrupt that the market is being manipulated by policy. There's something intrinsically wrong when the people who make the laws are allowed to invest in the markets over which they govern.
Now we're seeing the government manipulate the market with policy. Nice! This way when there is a downturn, the rich can buy low.
Investment banking, our government, and billionaires skulk in the negative space - behind the scenes where we can't see what they're doing. They do this by keeping the distraction of border issues, abortion, the war on drugs, and even impeachments at the forefront of our psyche. Shame on us for being so gullible.
Also contained in this negative space are all of the industrial complexes where we are literally malnourished by our food and become dependent on drugs for conditions never experienced in our genetic lines. We can also get really dark and talk about sex trafficking and the dark web. Things that all exist among the demons of the wealthy, but not shown in the light of day because they control social media and the news. Hence my taking to my own platform to write about what I'm witnessing.
Here is a reminder of how we can get caught up watching the game and completely miss the other stuff that's going on. That other stuff can be the hundred and forty pound mascot in a guerrilla suit.
Source: Exploring the Hidden Messages of Negative Space
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come close
Michael Kenna • Kussharo Lake Tree, Study 2, 2005
#michael kenna#hokkaido#kussharo#kussharo lake#japan#wintercore#winter#tree#branches#grey#japanese#japan photos#photography#ruralcore#rural#art#snow#snowstorm#pond#winter trees#mountain#ocean#seaside#coast#water#fallen tree#branch#trees#cold#winter scene
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sunset over the small isles
#photography#original photography#photographers on tumblr#nature photography#landscape photography#seascape#sea#seaside#sunset#sunset photography#sunsets#landscape#pink#pink sky#pink aesthetic#islands#beaches#travel#coast#mountains#scotland#scottish highlands#inner hebrides#hebrides
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Blue hour across black sand. Vestrahorn, Iceland 🇮🇸
Photographed by Freddie Ardley
#photographers on tumblr#landscape#photography#artists on tumblr#travel#nature#art#photographer#beauty#hasselblad#iceland#beach#coast#dark#mountains
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Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
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“CITY MEN PAY $3,000,000 FOR TIMBER,” The Province (Vancouver). March 6, 1931. Page 1. --- Construction of Logging Railway to Start on Monday. --- TWENTY SQUARE MILES IN TRACT ---- Outlet of Big Logging Operations on Harrison Lake. ---- SALE of one billion feet of standing timber in the Harrison lake area for approximately $3,000,000 is announced today.
The purchasers plan to start construction of a logging railway on the site on Monday, and will soon employ 150 men on the project.
The deal, which is the largest of its kind in British Columbia in about four years, was put through by Mr. C. F. Pretty, well-known Vancouver timber agent, who acted for both parties.
Purchasing firm was the Green Point Logging Co., a Vancouver organization, with Mr. P. B. Anderson, of the P. B. Anderson Logging Co., as president. Messrs. Clay and Dewey Anderson, his two sons, acted with him for the purchasers.
Mr. Howard White of Raleigh, North Carolina, acted for the vendors, the Harrison Lake Timber Co. Ltd., which has held the timber for the past ten years and carried on limited operations.
The tract comprises twenty square miles of timber land east of Cascade Bay on Harrison Lake and surrounding Hicks and Goose lakes.
#vancouver#harrison lake#coast mountains#logging railway#railway construction#logging camp#logging#timber industry#timber stands#resource extraction#resource capitalism#great depression in canada
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Alaska is admitted as the 49th U.S. state on January 3, 1959.
#Skagway#Alaska Panhandle#Coast Mountains#Skagway Historic District#boardwalk#nature#cityscape#travel#original photography#vacation#tourist attraction#architecture#summer 2023#USA#anniversary#US history#Klondike Highway#3 January 1956#59th US state#landmark#landscape#countryside#forest#Alaska
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Positano, Amalfi Coast, Italy
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🇨🇦🐻 by Dave Wong
#Cub#Bokeh#Paw#Seafood#North America#Kitimat Ranges#Mouse Creek#Sports Photography#Wildlife Photography#Western Canada#Bear#Travel#Animals#Roe#Grizzly bear#Khutzeymateen Inlet#Nature#Coast Mountains#Action Photography#British Columbia#Creek#North Coast#Khutzeeymateen Provincial Park#Cub of the year#Food#Mammal#Water#Brown Bear#BC Coast#Canada
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Canadian Geese Taking the Scenic Route
Central Oregon
Bob Cronk
#canadian geese#snow#mountains#central oregon#oregon#pnw#oregon life#bob cronk#original photography#original photographers#photographers on tumblr#photography on tumblr#bob cronk photography#west coast#nikon
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