#clear all diseases
ratanaclove · 8 months
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asterlark · 10 months
hey tres horny boys how does it feel to be god's favoritest most specialist boys three times over
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finitevariety · 1 year
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Umberto Eco (1995) 'Ur-Fascism', New York Review of Books, 2/14
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milimeters-morales · 5 months
here’s the original post (instagram), the constant sound of shooting and bombing is awful.
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mostlydeadallday · 2 months
writing update: I am Very Close to having a chapter finished
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steakout-05 · 2 months
i was ranting to myself in a really disorganised fashion just now about how Barry has ADHD and like. dude. he absolutely has it. there's no way he doesn't. i myself am an undiagnosed ADHDer and i see so many traits in Barry. like.
in the rock opera 'The Very Last Minute', Barry spends the entirety of it procrastinating on training for the monster apocalypse and literally having almost every trait of ADHD ever. like when i watch this video and see Barry legitimately trying to do what he needs to but repeatedly getting stuck in a loop of jumping from task to task and struggling at actually get started on The Big Task™, i see me. like. that is me.
Barry tries to train. he really does. he really does try to take a crack at it, but he just can't focus on it. he just keeps getting distracted by it over and over and avoiding what he needs to do with other little tasks to keep him occupied at every single moment. and like he knows he really needs to do it. he knows that it's super important that he gets started on it as soon as he can. in fact, there are several lyrics to this effect: "Gotta keep focused, gotta keep training, but I just can't seem to stop procrastinating" and "I should probably stop working on this rocking theme song" are a couple that come to mind. but for whatever reason, he just can't focus on it properly and it ends up with him looking like he's "lazy" or "not putting in the effort". like, you see him get exhausted by doing a single skiprope jump, and that is how i feel whenever i try to do a big task when i'm not ready for it or focused at all. it's really really heard to focus on something that seems so big and overwhelming when you have ADHD, so you often kind of try to avoid it and ignore it because it's super daunting by doing smaller tasks. the difference between executive dysfunction and perceived laziness is that if you were being lazy, you wouldn't care and would likely be having a great time slacking off, even when you are reminded of the task at hand. but with executive dysfunction, you can forget about it for a while, but deep inside you likely still care and know you NEED to get the task done soon, and when you're eventually reminded or suddenly remember, you feel a crushing sense of dread. at least, that's how it is for me. and all the excessive task switching and getting everything else done except The Big Task™ you need to get done the most? i do that! i do that!!!
Barry literally does the ADHD thing where he sets an alarm that tells him to do what he needs to do, but the thing is that he was already doing something else on his phone beforehand and presumably forgot about the alarm, so when the alarm goes off, he just feels like he suddenly can't and that it's way too daunting to actually start because it feels like an intrusion. like. that's the ADHD thing!!! he's doing it!!!! he's doing the ADHD thing!!!!! his executives are NOT functioning!!!!!!
Barry also shows a lot of ADHD traits in 'Rainbow Barry' as well, as they're the most prominent in that specific short. in fact, he shows literally every single inattentive trait in all of the shorts together. impulsiveness, distractibility, impatience, forgetfulness, commitment issues, not following instructions properly, he's even got the emotional problems that come with it like being easily angered and frustrated. he EVEN shows the same traits in the JJ2 event dialogues!!! like!!!! look at the dialogues on the JJ wiki and tell me he isn't having ADHD traits!!!!! bro is clearly showing each individual ADHD symptom in everything he's in and either no one is noticing it or no one is talking about it and i'm just SO obsessed with this headcanon/theory of mine. Barry Steakfries is an undiagnosed ADHDer and nobody can convince me otherwise
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queers4years · 3 months
Indigenous Hawaiians really had a good system going: wake up reaaally early and do most of the days work while it's cool and by the time the sun was up and it got hot the work was done and you're free to surf and socialize. I wish the white people realized they themselves could work smarter and not harder and get time to relax. Instead of calling Hawaiians lazy (and being genocidal about it)
#Ik this happened in most if not all tropical regions that got colonized#they were so pissed that these 'lazy' people got all sorts of fruit and natural bounty 'handed to them'#when those indigenous people were just working before the colonizers woke up and felt no need to kill themselves in midday heat#Which is what's natural for an apex predator: lazing around#Like u see lions in big cuddle puddles during the hottest part of the day. And they have the privilege of laziness by being the top predato#Idk if lions have a specific time they hunt but ik they will hunt at night when people can't observe them#Also Europeans failed to recognize indigenous agriculture and the /purposeful / cultivation of helpful plants (done w/out clearing the land#And even if they were only foraging. Like. If you love the earth and care for it (and not clear it) the earth will love you back idk#Gah! It's just like we coulda eradicated capitalism in its cradle if Euroamericans werent so arrogant and sure their way of life was correc#Like what if they were explorers and not conquistadors and colonizers. And there was a true cultural exchange#Would it have been better if the Europeans never crossed the ocean (even if they weren't there to colonize)? yeah probably#Like while the disease thing wasn't on purpose (initially) Europeans did inadvertently kill a lot of people bc they had no immunity#But I also acknowledge the human desire to explore and see what's out there#But I wish it was like#Europeans: here's some horses and metal tools#Indigenous people: thanks. Here's a way of life more in harmony with nature and an understanding that we're part of the ecosystem#Europeans: oh cool let me bring these ideas back to Europe. Maybe we won't deforest all of England#(I say Europeans but eventually when Canada and America became independent entities they also were responsible for these things)#Capitalism#capitalism is hell#anti capitalism#Colonization#colonialism#colonial violence#Imperialism#conquistador#age of exploration
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ladyseidr · 6 months
mighty need for michael to accidentally let something like "bloody hell" slip and watch as anyone who hears it proceeds to never let it go
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onstoryladders · 11 months
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if max had been tasked to design this thing
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deliciouskeys · 10 months
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eqan · 11 months
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So I stopped bothering to treat my acne even though the treatment I was using worked. I saw significantly clear skin for the first time in years. But the reason I stopped is cause… I didn’t actually feel much better about my face. In fact, I kept obsessing over other aspects of my skin. The fact that there’s was still redness in some areas, for example.
I only started that treatment to spite my mom who wouldn’t listen to me when I said acne is far more complex to treat than practicing basic hygiene. She wouldn’t get off my ass for my acne either. I talked about an insecurity of mine irt not knowing how to talk to new people and she blamed it on my acne and it tells people i’m not confident??? (This was an internal struggle, people are nothing but kind to me)
It was just frustrating to me that I essentially opened up a pandora’s box of developing an obsession/insecurity over something that’s fucking harmless. The wash I was using worked, but that required dealing with my face burning even with the gentlest wash possible. It’s absolutely insane to willingly subject myself to pain for that
And I told my mom that I would have to use treatment methods that actually work like OTC creams or washes with salicylic acid. And 1. she indicated that she knew those existed but never bothered telling me about them (I had no idea they were a thing) 2. She told me that just washing my face every day (“without those Chemicals”) should be enough to get rid of my acne, ignoring the fact that my skin cleared up periodically regardless of whether or not I washed my face. Then of course she shifted the goal posts. Washed my face every day with water and that didn’t make a difference? I have to use more products. I used face wash products (without salicylic acid) in the past and I didn’t see a difference? I’ll need to use them longer than 2 weeks if I want results. Of course I’m welcome to waste money on something when I could just be doing it for free… 🙄
My mom doesn’t have acne by the way, and never really had much in her teen years. If you read studies on what causes acne, there’s quite a lot of mention of hair follicles. I have hair on my face, my mom doesn’t. She barely has body hair in general, she straight up doesn’t have any on her arms and legs. So I am just prone to developing acne while she isn’t, but she believes that she must be doing something right while I’m not.
So I used the wash out of spite, and saw results. But it didn’t feel worth it for the reasons I outlined before. I didn’t gain a better appreciation for my face, instead I kept trying to “fix” more and more because it wasn’t enough. If you desperately search for problems, you’ll find some. that’s why the beauty industry makes so much money, and I’ve always been against that. I think I’d prefer if I didn’t have acne since I keep picking my skin, however I see it more as a neutral trait that I don’t necessarily like but can live with. I can’t even really imagine having a clear face and I don’t even want to look “perfect” either. It’s just how I look. Who cares
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spaceandfiction · 2 years
I like how Alicent says a queen should count the cost to her people right before putting a rapist egomaniac lush with no diplomatic or historical knowledge, a legion of bastards, and a desperation for approval and love on the throne
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atinystraykid · 1 year
Since I whined about it here so much, I feel like I should also give you the positive update: my terrible tooth ache is gone (well, minus some leftover facial/jaw pain from the repeated surgeries but that should fade away) and now that I’m able to think clearly again, I also feel much better emotionally! I felt like this whole thing threw me into a depressive episode for no reason, but I guess “intense physical pain + doctors not taking that pain serious” is reason enough! I’m all done with the dental appointments for now, just have a check-up in a month. Still on antibiotics for a few days and have some unpleasant side effects from them (I have an appointment with my family doctor to talk about those tomorrow) but I’m definitely on the route of recovery
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strawberrybabydog · 4 months
i just realized because im redesigning old chuckecheese characters rn i can just give them. all of my diseases. if i wanted to .
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boffinsandbeasties · 5 months
not trans enough to feel welcome in the trans channel of the discord. not fat enough to feel welcome at the fat liberation clothing swap. where’s a chunky boygirl supposed to go in this city
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