lesser-mook · 3 months
My Adventures with Lois-Chan season 2 (I see what they're trying to do with Kara Snore-El, the question is how far are they going to take it? And will they commit or just play it safe despite how serious the topic is?)
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They're trying to pull a X-23/Cassie Cain/Iron-Giant/ Son of Darkseid with this one.
First glance it looks like promise, but what's going to make or break this decision is what they do after the fact.
Keywords: "-AFTER the fact"
What exactly are you going to do with the fact that she's committed genocide?
And it's very unlikely Brainiac wouldn't just mindwipe her entirely, so that obedience mode she enters isn't a mode, it's her default state.
Why would he even allow her to keep anything close to a personality, that already doesn't make any sense as it didn't make sense when Supes got brainwashed in Legacy arc in TAS.
But this is Brainiac we're talking about, if anyone has a method to wipe a persons mind clean it's him.
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See if they just have her become the usual stock Supertoken/supergirl, cape & all and just go about the script per canon usual then the backstory setup was a total waste and only served to just be edge bait, jangling keys and nothing more. Another waste of potential for this sinkhole of a character.
Now her wanting to be a hero would be a semi-sensible way for her to attempt to "do good" to make up for the wrongs buuuuut this is genocide, saving a cat out of a tree or putting away the same 3 villains isn't going to even begin to make up for that shit.
So I sincerely doubt whatever they do after this is going to be anything close to an appropriate direction for what she did.
See with that said- there's already brewing problems with this. And when I first saw it, I thought "Hm, okay, there's potential here."
Mainly because of how she reacted to the truth, which is the point of her emoting, to make you sympathize.
Sidenote: I can't stand Kara as a concept, I make ZERO attempts to hide that, and yes they did the bullshit cousin thing which annoys the shit out of me but they can still do something halfway decent here even if it's mid per the show's usual standard of writing.
Furthermore, even if the execution is shit, i'll give the writers some credit here for introducing her with an (albeit lazy) attempt to make her somewhat interesting though (basically Young Justice S4 all over again), the best way they can give her intrigue is make her "evil" seemingly (always some mind control or conditioning, she's never bad by choice, which defeats the possibility of her being interesting or engaging) and then turn her into an accessory after she is eventually/inevitably turned to the good side.
I don't see why DC is so afraid of making Kara a legit Superman villain or taking risks with this character who desperately needs an overhaul.
Top 5 baddies, calculating, in charge, with a purpose. There's nothing wrong with that, why the fuck does she always have to be a good guy, when the world already has a SUPERMAN? That question never gets brought up more.
When all that happens when she's good is she gets shrouded in the shadow of Superman anyway because despite the attempts of so many writers, she does not possess the impact, themes or narrative/symbolic legitimacy, she literally just exists.
And unlike Batman who can have many protege, Superman's hook initially was being the last Krytonian. So not only does her existence null the impact of Kal's survival in the first place but the world doesn't need two Super-people, it's just redundant.
The only reason why Conner gets a pass is he's the clone gene-baby of Lex and Supes, thus nowhere near as powerful. And the fact that he's not native to Krypton doesn't in any way negate the impact of Kal's survival narrative.
And the storytelling potential of being both Lex and Superman is a goldmine.
From SB-Prime to Conner, they keep giving the better origins and stories to the male Kryptonians, and DC refuses to shake the formula.
Make that shit make sense to me.
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Back on the show, they really shouldn't have made her his cousin, again.
That takes so much agency from her when her stake in the story is being Superman's cousin like the canon, and not just a Kryptonian with her own stake that somehow survived or say she was off on an independent scouting mission as a researcher boom, Argo gone.
And she has her own name. Still a knockoff, still trivializes the original point of Kal's survival but that's an improvement.
It's why Kara In-Ze is a slight improvement that people don't appreciate enough. Though there wasn't enough done with her too.
(Yes, I'm complaining there wasn't enough Supergirl in the DCAU, and I'm the guy that hates Supertoken. BUT to be fair, her lore in the DCAU Timm-verse comics more than makes up for it, so it balances out but her NOT being in JL vs Fatal Five? Unforgiveable)
Overall, the miraculous surviving cousin trope is bad fanfic and again it trivializes Clark surviving at all, hence why I hate Kara's existence. But PLEASE stop using the cousin schtick, allow Kara to stand on her own two goddamn feet for once.
yet again my gripe specific to this show is I don’t think these writers are thinking this through. The one time they take advantage of the “Adult” in the Adult Swim and they overshot their shot with genocide.
I thought: "Oh? This might have potential for this version of the character."
But then I thought, "Wait minute, they're not going to revert her to a normal status quo & put her little ass in a cape and hero suit after showing her doing that shit are they? (though tbh they didn't show her do anything, it's adult swim and they pussied out of showing her actually doing the deed)
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-How the fuck is she going to integrate, when she's technically an intergalactic war criminal?"
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Now if you gave her legal immunity or some kind of galactic supervision fine, but one of the only legitimate ways to set that up is if Superman asked John or Hal to put in a word or pull strings with the Guardians but a seasoned Justice League (where that possibility would make sense) doesn't even exist- so that prospect is completely null.
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See this is what happens when you don't think this shit through, and unfortunately this doesn't get the excuse of being a "kids" show, and it really should be because it's written like one, just not as good as better kids shows.
Because despite My Adventures clearly being written for 13 year old girls/Shoujo fans going through their shipper phase, this tripe is actually on adult swim- for some reason.
(ATLA is also leagues more mature in writing)
Point being: Just edgy backstory is setup, set up can create intrigue but what makes one interesting is what exactly do you do with it, where you take that is what makes a character, that's the ONLY reason why Zuko works as a character, it's the ONLY reason why MCU Tony Stark isn't the worst character in the MCU, somehow.
She better have some serious issues from this beyond just curling up in space with the pouty sad anime girl face, mid.
Don't want her to look too ugly with her bawling her eyes out, snot & shit, because you know-
it's only GENOCIDE, right?
Really that broken up about it huh Kara?
See this is why I cannot stand this show. It's so half assed. And the fact that S2 was lit before Episode 3 of Season 1 dropped is a disgrace before the show could earn the right to continue someone had the connection to get their brain baby 2 seasons before it could prove that it deserved to even finish season 1.
And then by sheer fucking luck Lois-Chan and James just HAPPENED to TP in front of her, are you fucking serious? LMFAO, that's amateur webcomic levels of convenient and that's coming from me.
So not only can't we nor the girl meditate on the previous revelation for a goddamn second and see her deal with it for two minutes alone, and let the mood settle.
Not only is that cut short but they just happened to show up in her lap pretty much.
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This title apparently has not changed since I last dropped it like a bad habit. Holy shit.
To wrap this turd sandwich up,
Drug problem, feverish nightmares, violent hallucinations, some kind of serious brutal trauma. Because HELLO? ADULT SWIM, maybe use that to your advantage writers? Use it to your benefit with some serious storytelling, HELLO? Goofballs.
You wanted Kara here, just like I predicted since Season 1 Episode fucking 2 (Because DC/WB can't get over their Kara boner and neglect to give other better lady characters in DC time to breathe *cough cough, where's Starfire's Show? Headass!??!)
Well now she's here, now do something with her or keep doing what you've been doing and just set her up...aaand then she crashes and burns into obscurity. Like she's been doing for the a past 30+ years.
I'd settle for her not becoming a "Superhero" and living her own life figuring how to cope with what she did, saving people on the side.
Or? For a better take if we skip tween shit and just debut her as a grownass woman like Smallville did to an extent.
Be like Victoria or Valora-El and have her be a Supe in a position of infrastructural status where she can make another brand of difference that isn't just sloppy seconds of what Superman is already doing. ie. Being a redundant character in deed and name.
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Anything less or to the contrary is cop-out, and yet another example waste of potential, which is a classic fate for Supergirl.
If she killed a few people, okay still bad, but it's doable, but multiple GENOCIDE?
Ohhhh buddy. These writers better hope they know what they're doing pal. Not me hoping they know what they're doing-
No THEY better hope THEY (guys/& gals/writers) know what they're doing.
Cause this can easily go messy mode if they don't treat this with the appropriate care. Jfc.
And yes, I have pitched many times to make her dark, but that was the make her Superman villain permanently, clearly that isn't their agenda here.
The difference is, I would've had her be a recurring Top 5 Superman foe. Not some superpowered "uwu kawaii" girl next door gimmick who's stake in the fandom is exactly that or being a female superman DLC vs her actually being taken seriously for once in her history.
See she has stans, she has fans, she has cool moments (MOMENTS, keyword) but does anyone truly take her seriously? But she gets all this goddamn push.
One can try to argue that her having memories of Krypton makes her pain & anger stemming from that sort of interesting, not really-
her concept is the same as Superboy-Prime's origin but for her: without everything that made him iconic- his mental issues, his very real, very realistic ramification of a teenager losing too much, too soon all at once. Intrigue, something was actually done with the fact that he was traumatized, and it wasn't backtracked, it was expanded upon for better and worse.
And in the end, bro saved everyone, and I mean EVERYONE. And nobody will EVER know it was him- why? Because he doesn't deserve the glory, but he was owed a chance to live the life he had before it was snatched from him.
He didn't deserve happiness after what he did, but he finally did right and was rewarded happiness.
That's the kind of shit that deserves to be in a show.
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And he was manipulated on top of that, sort of like Kara is manipulated by Brainy here.
But it's likely not going to lead anywhere beyond her siding with Clark-Kun and beating Brainiac, saturday morning kidz cartoon shit.
Point being: People like her profile because she looks appealing, a concept of a female superman, female Kryptonian is a nice thought. Female, that's the gimmick.
She's always had potential, but it's always played safe or backtracked. Now we have her being a genocide puppet, which is a nice set up but the likely outcome is they'll sweep it or go the usual Sueprgirl route despite what she did.
I sincerely hope they do NOT do that, that is the wrong move.
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A lot of people (including me sometimes) don't truly understand the gravity of genocide when they want to use it for a character's narrative, it makes for a good hook I get it-especially when the character regrets it or is a villain like Omni-Man.
Or as a premise.
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But a lot of writers don't want to commit to how big a deal that shit is in ramifications but want to flaunt it just for the sake of tugging heart strings when the character gets in their feels over it.
My charge is specifically: What are the ramifications for the character's humanity, their mental state, them as a person, how they view themselves, will she want to end her own life over this?
That's the kind of shit i'm talking that would make her leagues beyond in depth over the majority of her other variants (including her canon) in terms of depth, beyond the female superman gimmick, beyond the nepotism factor that Kara owes her entire career to.
But again I doubt they have the balls to go that far, even though that's exactly what they NEED to do given this is a situation involving a one-woman genocide.
That's why Invincible Season 1 Episode 8 is so good, EP3 was more of a spectacle we didn't think too much of Nolan wiping out that planet but when it happened to Earth, seeing that mother & daughter die, you feel that shit. It makes you feel how serious that shit is. When you watch reactions to the episode, people physically cringe are distraught by it. GOOD, that's the right way to present it, because it's not a joke.
My Adventures with Kara-Chan Reads like a "look, aren't they so tortured? Are you sympathizing with the cute girl yet?", nah man. You need to do a lot more than just show her cringing with "shocked anime girl" face:
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(That's what she looked like, like she sent her term paper to the wrong email address "Nooooo, i couldn't, i don't remember", Wow i'm really choked up about this along with you sister. Such a stale performance, Iron Giant showed more emotion when he thought Hogarth died.)
How the fuck you get out acted/Emotioned by a goddamn Robot who managed to cry without shedding a tear.
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Again, WB feels the absolute need to push this underwhelming nothing character over and over again just for her to meet the same brick wall because the general demo? Contrary to popular belief, doesn't give a shit about Supertoken.
She works in concept, but she has zero staying power.
Most people like her because she's an aesthetic, a gimmick, a checked box, like Mid-Morales. They look nice on paper, they're a nice thought, they look great on design sheets. What they represent vs not what they are. Most People like what they are, than who they are. Not all, most.
But this attempt at Kara? Depending on what they do as of post Season 2 EP6, even if the aftermath is mid (and it likely will be mid) at least do something dynamic or risky with that set up, just tragic backstory isn't enough.
Fact is, to wipe out that many people?
Writers better deliver on that shit & make her 2% the interesting/ complex character Azula was in terms of issues, or Guts.
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Because they're doing this cutesy anime shit, the same shit they've done with Lois but with Kara it's the strict tsundere who's not privy to norms schtick.
So basically Starfire just more "hmph" frowny faces, it's so goddamn annoying how hard they're trying with this anime aesthetic bullshit but not trying hard enough with literally everywhere else that matters.
It's amazing that that's the main thing that's consistent since Season 1 lmfao.
Not holding my breath, but we'll see where they go with this latest attempt with Kara Bore-El.
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Sidenote: Reiner wasn't handled the best overall but him developing lite Schizophrenic symptoms out of guilt due to the many friends he betrayed to accomplish his mission was actually a sound decision, one of best in the story because that's actually doing something with the guilt, now did Isayama commit to taking it to a fine conclusion, ofc not, but that was a good direction to go in that wasn't expected. I'll praise that much.
That wouldn’t be a bad direction for this version of Kara Bore-El, a believable ramification.
They should’ve made her into a villain instead
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Instead of the lazy as fuck “oh it wasn’t her fault, brainwashed victim” excuse, which is just having your cake and eating it too. Taking 100% agency from her but you get to show her doing evil stuff, that’s convenient.
At least with her choosing to be a villain- this way she has some agency in this genocide situation and the writers would have dodged a bullet.
Why? They wouldn’t have to justify anything as much in terms of trauma if she chose to be a genocidal overlord to begin with. Boom.
There's a better conflict, and Super-Kun would have a legitimate enemy.
But they’re trying to paint her as a victim via brainwashing, so now they just made more work for themselves and they’re not off to a good start with addressing it, because her reaction was so lackluster.
This show since the beginning has been nothing but half-assed, it’s the one thing that’s consistent about it: The mid.
But at the very least, the show means well. That's the best thing I can say about it even now, it's garbage but it means well.
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comickergirl · 1 year
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I have neither a plan, nor an actual prompt list for #Kryptober, really just winging it with a collection of characters and a goal of drawing some Superman/Fam nonsense for the month.
First up was ostensibly 'Clark Kent' buuuut as you can see I simply *had* to include Lois as well. XD
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lee1504 · 2 months
(ceiling-chan and tree kun were created by @womp-womp-waa)
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womp-womp-waa · 2 months
When Centipede-sama first saw the group of teens in the car it knew that they were probably tired. As much as it loves it's home. Centipede-sama isn't stupid, it knows it's a hard place to get use to. And it's home wasn't made for humans. So it knew what it had to do.
Play a game with them, of course!
Sure, they may be teenagers. But who doesn't love a game? Also they could use something to remind them of their world. So Centipede-sama decided to play one of it's favourite games. Tag! Oh, they were going to have so much fun. As soon as it started chasing the group in the car they immediately sped up. Perfect they know how the game works already, saves it explaining the rules to them. As they spun around a rock, Centipede-sama heard something break. And then they saw a boy fall out of the car.
Nobody was meant to get hurt while playing this game. It's just a game. Nobody gets injured while playing tag. Did that boy really get hurt? O-Or maybe they just were really good at playing tag! Yes, of course. They knew that it would follow the group so the boy jumped out of the car and rolled away. That boy was clever. He must have played alot of tag when they were younger.
It was just about to finally reach the car. It was a tiring chase, but a fun one. Centipede-sama could only hope that they were having just as much fun as it was.
Just before it could tag the car a fellow Centipede came out and smashed into it. W-Why would someone do that to it? Turning around to face the attacker, it saw a familiar face of a centipede. It was him, Kyle. The bully. Kyle had been bothering Centipede-sama ever since it was young. They used to be friends, but eventually Kyle moved on and Centipede-sama stayed in place. It stayed at the old park where they use to go together.
No matter how much he battered and bruised it. The attacks never stopped hurting. Every single time it felt like it was being betrayed all over again. The feeling always brought them back to the memory of the first attack.
Centipede-sama learnt the lesson long ago that it wasn't strong enough to fight back against him. So, like always, it ran away. Like a coward. Running away from it's problems like always.
The next day Centipede-sama knew they had to find the group to apologise for cutting their game short and making sure that the young boy who jumped out of the car was okay. It heard from Tree-kun that the boy (Tyler?) Fell on top of him. And then was taken away from Tree-kun. It remembered how distraught Tree-kun was and it could only imagine how broken Tyler was feeling.
After a bit of searching it finally found the group in the school. So, Centipede-sama poked it's head through the windows to try and spot the gang. Finally, it saw the group and they stared back at it. It waved excitedly at them, but they started running away. Oh! They must still think they were playing tag. It quickly broke into the building and started chasing after them. It had to make sure they were okay. Especially Tyler, who it could see being carried by one of the taller boys. Poor kid. So heart broken that he couldn't even stand.
It was about to call out to the group, but then something small and sharp pierced it's skin. It cried out in pain as more bullets joined in on the assault. "S-Stop it!" It tried to call out voice weak and fragile. "P-Please, just l-leave me alone." It pleaded weakly. It was no use though as eventually it's vision started to fade and the sharp bullets became a dull ache in it's mind.
There was no way it wouldn't die. It would probably be for the best anyway. It's not like it ever did anything useful.
Slowly, it started to regain consciousness. Something was laying by it's side. Gradually, it found the will to turn it's head and see the presence beside it. Fighting through the pain, it was shocked it find Kyle laying next to it. "K-Kyle..?" It's voice was hoarse and scratchy. Suddenly, Kyle's head snapped towards it as he huffed. "Took you long enough." His harsh voice cut through the tranquility of the forest. "You need to be more careful. One day you're gonna get seriously hurt." Centipede-sama wanted to ask more questions. But he was being shockingly nice to it and it didn't want to ruin it.
So the questions remain unspoken and unanswered... For now
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stinkypeanutbutter · 5 months
it mentslly hurts me to talk about certain characters I just loovrve them sissosoo much and I care for them and I can’t stop doodling them and I can’t stop talking about them I could go on for hours and hours and hours but it hurts too because I’m like “ i looovoeee them !! “ then remember like their backstory or character motivations and I immediately die out of love and devastation .
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bicokun · 2 years
Started reading Mairimashita! Iruma-kun and I gotta say that the Ameri x Iruma love subplot is off-the-charts adorable. I also just realized that the dynamic is basically
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speedermanmars · 13 days
Heroes of Olympus
Perseus (Percy) Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Grover Underwood
Luke Castellan
Thalia Grace
Nico Di Angelo
Clarrise La Rue
Will Solace
Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano
Jason Grace
Piper McLean
Leo Valdez
Hazel Levesque
Frank Zhang
Apollo/Lester papadopoulous (idek)
Sally Face
Sal Fisher
Larry Johnson
Ashley Campbell
Todd Morrison
Travis Phelps
Lisa Johnson
Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun
Yashiro Nene
Hanako-Kun (Amane Yugi)
Kou Minamoto
Mitsuba Sousuke
Tsukasa Yugi
Sakura Nanamine
Natsuhiko Hyuuga
Aoi Akane (male??)
Akane Aoi (female?)
Hunter x Hunter
Gon Frecss
Killua Zoldyck
Leorio Paradinight
Alluka (platonic)
Ouran Highschool Host club (I forgot the last names, so I'll have to make it work)
Gravity Falls
Dipper Pines
Mabel Pines
Grunkle Stan
School Bus Graveyard
Ashlyn Banner
Aiden Clark
Ben Clark
Tyler Hernandez
Taylor Hernandez
Logan Fields
From my own little series, now named Galewood Lorelei:
(Changed character names and details)
Enid Wright
Ivory Morris
Zackary Morris
Rubi Lawrence
Tobias Covens
Aries Deam
Diane Deam
Requests are open and highly encouraged, I have a ton of free time!! Please do not request anything NSFW, as I am technically still a minor and I am very uncomfortable with writing those sort of things!
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bone-stealing-horse · 5 months
nobody asked but have part 2 of characters that should go in front of "!reader" in fanfics
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Lambert because who doesn't want their own cult? (bonus points if it's an Obey Me fic)
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Douma because who doesn't want their own cult?
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Chuckles (any ver.) because funny clown man :D
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Maomao because I like her
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Princess Syalis because deep down, we're all just some sleepy princesses fr
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Aiden because he's insane and I love him
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Idia because he's depressed and he has pretty hair
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Crona because they deserve love
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Hanako because I wanna be a ghost
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Nimona because I wanna shapeshift
Again, only credit me if you want, I'd rather you just send me fics you write using these :]
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otakusparkle · 9 months
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bakuhatsufallinlove · 6 months
U.A. High School Field Trip Around Japan: Day 1 Translations
To celebrate My Hero Academia reaching one hundred million copies worldwide, Shonen Jump is releasing special illustrations in the newspapers of Japan's 47 prefectures, calling it "U.A. High School Field Trip Around Japan." It's being rolled out daily across one-week.
The schedule is:
April 4th, Day 1: Hokkaidō & Tōhōku regions
April 5th, Day 2: Kantō region
April 6th, Day 3: Chūbu region
April 7th, Day 4: Kansai region
April 8th, Day 5: Chūgoku & Shikoku regions
April 9th, Day 6: Kyūshū & Okinawa regions
April 10th, Day 7: Nationwide release
You can see the illustrations on their website here, where they are released digitally the day after their newspaper release, so Day 1 and Day 2 are available right now.
The illustrations depict charming scenes between Class 1-A about something related to each prefecture's culture or history, so I thought it would be really fun to translate them and share a little bit about Japan.
Here we go!
Note: As I mentioned, the illustrations are available on the official site, but they are all rather small, which makes them hard to read, so in this post I have included photographs from fans which I used for my translations. Every photo was available publicly on twitter and I have credited the posters, but please be respectful and don't draw undue attention to these fans. If anyone contacts me wishing for their photo to be removed, I will do so.
Hokkaidō Region
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Photo credit: twitter user URix0307
Iida: "Heroes! Be ambitious!!' Aizawa: "I'm leaving you behind."
Iida is standing in front of the statue of William S. Clark at Hitsujigaoka Observation Hill, a scenic spot in Sapporo. Clark worked with the Japanese government to found Sapporo Agricultural College (now Hokkaidō University) in 1876; he is a very famous figure in the history of the region. The statue is inscribed with a quote attributed to him as he left Japan: "Boys, be ambitious!"
Tōhōku Region
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Photo credit: twitter user redaotkrsn
Dark Shadow: "Fumikage!! I GOT ONE!!" Tokoyami: "The allure of forbidden fruit which tastes so sweet..." Dark Shadow: "One simply cannot resist!" Asui: "Tokoyami-chan sure likes apples, huh?"
Agriculture is huge in Aomori, and specifically they are famous for their apples, contributing about 60% of Japan's entire apple production. Raw apples, jams, juices, desserts, etc., they are everywhere in Aomori, and fyi, they are all absolutely delicious. The sweetest, richest, freshest apples I've ever had in my life were the ones I had here! Dark Shadow is right, one simply cannot resist!!!
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Photo credit: twitter user bakkk_17
Todoroki: "I can have as many bowls as I want, right?" Endeavor: "SHOUTOOOOO!!!" Kouda: "Todoroki-kun!! Your dad said he wants to eat with you, too!!" Todoroki: "Check, please."
Todoroki is eating wanko soba, a specialty from Iwate where it's basically an all-you-can-eat. The soba is served in many small bowls, and you slurp them up and immediately get served more. The verb he uses, ikeru, is one people also use for "holding your liquor well," which I personally found hilarious. "Oh yeah, I can hold my noodles."
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Photo credit: twitter user Abino_Haru_Maki
Ashido: "Teacher, what's wrong? You keep lollygagging about!" Aizawa: "Kittykittykitty..." Shouji: "Anybody suspicious around? Nothing has come up in my search for enemies." Iida: "We're leaving you behind, teacher."
Miyagi is famous for being home to Tashirojima, the so-called "Cat Island" where cats outnumber people. Iida gets revenge!!
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Photo credit: twitter user kado0730
Hagakure: "Namahage faces are so scary!!" Kaminari: "Looks just like Bakugou, don't it." Bakugou: "THERE'S NO RESEMBLANCE AT ALL, I'LL SEND YOU FLYING!!" Sero: "He's a rotten kid who looks just like a Namahage!"
Namahage are frightening folkloric figures from Akita's New Year's festival. Men wear big demon masks and straw coats and wield a (fake) weapon; they march through the streets or knock on doors to scold misbehaving children, asking if there are any "warui ko," (naughty/rotten/bad kids), which is what Sero calls Bakugou.
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Photo credit: twitter user ha_n_a_0
Yaoyorozu: "Oh, tranquility! Penetrating the very rock, a cicada’s voice." Kaminari: "Jirou! How about you put your earphones on that rock?" Jirou: "Are you stupid?"
Yaoyorozu is reciting a famous poem by Basho Matsuo written when he visited the Buddhist temple, Risshaku-ji (also called Yamadera, meaning "mountain temple"). This translation is by Helen Craig McCullough. Risshaku-ji, a National Historic site, is home to a number of beautiful buildings and statues built into the mountainside; temple history claims a lineage back to the 9th century. The trail up to the temple consists of 1,015 steps; I visited in winter, which made it quite the precarious climb!
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Photo credit: twitter user kingyo0927
Kirishima: "This right here is what I should be aiming for!!" Aoyama: "A fateful encounter~!" Bakugou: "When I said 'just being able to keep standing through anything makes you crazy strong,' this ain't what I meant!!"
Kirishima is looking at rows of okiagari koboshi, which are traditional papier-mâché dolls popular in Fukushima's western Aizu region. They are weighted so that no matter what you do to them, they pop right back up to standing!
That's all for Day 1! I'm still translating Day 2 and collecting Day 3's as they roll in, so please look forward to those. :D
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rosefilledpiano · 8 months
New to this
Hello!! My name is Judas. Jude for short. I'm 17, and part of the LGBTQ community. (Aromantic and genderfluid). I'm an aspiring cryptozoologist, but I enjoy writing. I'm on here to practice writing, so please send in a request if you'd like. I don't have many boundaries, as long as it isn't incest, non-con, or pedophillia. I'll be writing for the fandoms under the banner.
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Heroes of Olympus
Perseus (Percy) Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Grover Underwood
Luke Castellan
Thalia Grace
Nico Di Angelo
Clarrise La Rue
Will Solace
Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano
Jason Grace
Piper McLean
Leo Valdez
Hazel Levesque
Frank Zhang
Apollo/Lester papadopoulous (idek)
Sally Face
Sal Fisher
Larry Johnson
Ashley Campbell
Todd Morrison
Travis Phelps
Lisa Johnson
Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun
Yashiro Nene
Hanako-Kun (Amane Yugi)
Kou Minamoto
Mitsuba Sousuke
Tsukasa Yugi
Sakura Nanamine
Natsuhiko Hyuuga
Aoi Akane (male??)
Akane Aoi (female?)
Hunter x Hunter
Gon Frecss
Killua Zoldyck
Leorio Paradinight
Alluka (platonic)
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
Emily Prentiss
Penelope Garcia
Ouran Highschool Host club (I forgot the last names, so I'll have to make it work)
Gravity Falls
Dipper Pines
Mabel Pines
Grunkle Stan
School Bus Graveyard
Ashlyn Banner
Aiden Clark
Ben Clark
Tyler Hernandez
Taylor Hernandez
Logan Fields
The Night and It's Moon
----- (This is my own little series I've dreamed up. Requests are accepted and encouraged. I need help creating the title name, though. So after a few chapters, I'll need recommendations. Here are the characters so far.)
Enid Wright
Rubi Lawrence
Selene Aedes
Liam Hernandez
Aries Deam
Tyler Aedes
Sammy Deam
That's all for the moment. I'll be writing x readers, smuts, etc. Please request something soon! Thanks for reading this far!
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m-i-o-s-i-s · 1 month
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here’s my own spin on marinette’s fit and the ladybug suit 🕴🏼🕴🏼RAHHHHH (maybe adrien and cn soon too :P)
gave marinette more of an academia-core vibe (by that I mean I gave her a sweater vest) and some clark kent glasses.
for the suit I thought I’d just make it more bug-like with the wings etc and boots that look like what I can only describe as the radish legs on nene from toilet bound hanako kun 💀 help idk what u call them :’D
n e ways 🚶🏻‍♀️‍➡️🚪
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Not much to add here, I don't think. We continue with the new 6-option model on the polls. The submission form has closed again, with around 1,400 total submissions. Thank you all for your patience with me over the past week or so, and I hope you enjoy this week's lineup as well.
Jae-ha - Yona of the Dawn
Vanitas - Vanitas no Carte
Noé Archiviste - Vanitas no Carte
Jeanne the Hellfire Witch - Vanitas no Carte
Dominique de Sade - Vanitas no Carte
Yoite - Nabari no Ou
Miharu Rokujo - Nabari no Ou
Tobari Durandal Kumohira - Nabari no Ou
Uriel - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Yoo Joonghyuk - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Han Sooyoung - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Yoo Sangah - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Biyoo - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Jung Heewon - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Lee Gilyoung - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Shin Yoosung - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Ib - Ib
Garry - Ib
Mary - Ib
Daniil Dankovsky - Pathologic
Artemy Burakh - Pathologic
Clara - Pathologic
Kenzo Tenma - Naoki Urasawa's Monster
Eva Heinemann - Naoki Urasawa's Monster
Johan Liebert - Naoki Urasawa's Monster
Nana Osaki - Nana
Nana Komatsu - Nana
Nervous Subject - The Sims 2
Pascal Curious - The Sims 2
Ophelia Nigmos - The Sims 2
Tank Grunt - The Sims 2
Loki Beaker - The Sims 2
Ren "Nero" Atsushi - The Boy Who Fell
Henry Jekyll - The Glass Scientists
Jack Twist - Brokeback Mountain
Ennis del Mar - Brokeback Mountain
Alma Beers - Brokeback Mountain
Lureen Newsome - Brokeback Mountain
Nurm - Minecraft Story Mode
Felisin Paran - Malazan Book of the Fallen
Antarcticite - Houseki no Kuni
Aechmea - Houseki no Kuni
Dietfried Bougainvillea - Violet Evergarden
Aragaki - Megalo Box
Kyoya Ootori - Ouran Highschool Host Club
Tsuchigomori - Jibaku Shonen Hanako-kun
Shun - Saint Seiya
Camus - Saint Seiya
Junpei - Jujutsu Kaisen
Mikoto Suoh - K Project
Hoid - Cosmere
Zakuro Oshigiri - The Ones Within (ナカノヒトゲノム【実況中】)
Jesse Ditley - The Raven Cycle
Wybie Lovat - Coraline
Dameon - Obernewtyn
The Gray Man - The Raven Cycle
The Cabbage Man - Avatar: The Last Airbender
Mindy St Claire - The Good Place
Michael - The Good Place
Shawn - The Good Place
Toph Beifong - Avatar: The Last Airbender
Benoit Blanc - Knives Out/Glass Onion
Miles Bron - Glass Onion
Kagura - Inuyasha
Mikage - Gen'ei EP -Envy Phantom-
Hikari - Arcaea
Jack Torrance - The Shining
The Quangle Wangle - The Quangle Wangle's Hat
Benten - Uchouten Kazoku
Lorem - Angels With Scaly Wings
Noble Heart Horse - Care Bears
Ryan Goldsmith (Golden Ryan) - Tiger and Bunny: The Rising & Tiger and Bunny 2
Elfo - Disenchantment
Jack Merridew - Lord of The Flies
Noah Czerny - The Raven Boys
Courtney - Dead End Paranormal Park
Coraline Doll - Coraline
Spencer Reid - Criminal Minds
Shinya Oedo - PriPara
Akira - Wii Sports
Bouncer - Stardew Valley
Wario - Super Mario
Clark Kent - My Adventures With Superman
Linus van Pelt - Peanuts
Pearl - Splatoon
Romeo Montague - Romeo and Juliet
Mr Bobinsky - Coraline
Nimona - Nimona
Goldenloin - Nimona
Megan - But I’m A Cheerleader
Steve - The Owl House
Fiver - Watership Down
Sundew - Wings of Fire
Micheal Falk - The Onion
B. F. Bugleberry - Jermaverse
Jerma - Jerma Dollhouse
Earthworm Sally - Flamingo
Sammy the Strawberry - Flamingo
Filipe - Flamingo
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Justice League team and lads feelings 4
(inspired by @otty-kun) the next pairing is a personal favorite (well one more than the other) as a reminder in case people who've read this post up till now forgot I am using both team and Justice League members from season 1. So with that said the next pairing are these two:
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Conner Kent and Clark Kent
Initially because Conner's existence is still too new to him and because of his discomfort around Conner. Clark doesn't really trust Conner with any of his family especially Jon. Clark did everything he could to keep Jon from going to mount Justice and meeting Conner however after they finally met Clark's anxiety grew worse as knowing that his son is now known to his clone and the possibility that his clone could be hostile. Clark did everything he could to keep Jon and Conner apart so at first clark disapproved of their relationship. His disapproval went so far as at keep Jon from going to mount Justice in the forms of extra chores, earlier bedtime and so on. When Jon was at Mount Justice Clark became somewhat desperate to keep his son's safe so he used his powers: super hearing, X-ray vision and so on. Clark even when as far as to keep them separated by shortening Jon's visit time, walking in on them and glaring at Conner and sending Conner off on random Missions. However over time Clark started to see just how genuine their relationship is: how Jon is just always so happy to be around Conner and Conner is always smiling around Jon. They're genuine relationship is made clearer when the three of them unwillingly (mostly Clark) work and fight alongside each other. Clark see it clearly how much Jon means to Conner with Conner going as far as to take the brunt of any villains attack just to make sure Jon is safe and Jon is always so worried Conner put himself in that sort of harm just to protect him. Over the course of seeing how much they genuinely care and love each other Clark comes to understand and realize that the only person with the problem is himself. Jon and Conner's relationship even helps Clark see that Conner really is a good person and would not want any harm to happen to anyone it also helps Clark's feelings of violation and unnervousness lessen. It's enough that Clark is even willing to talk to Conner and even tell Connor that he appreciates all he's done for his son risking his life to protect him, making him smile and happy and to an extent taking up a big brother role. It also goes as far as to make Clark apologize and even tell Conner the truth about what he's actually been doing. After all of it Clark approves of their relationship and even decides to leave the two of them be.
Overall overall it starts out as Clark still feeling violated and uneasy around Conner and his suspicion towards him that makes him keep his son and clone apart from each other but realizing how much they genuinely care about and love each other in a family way see the error and what he's been doing and ultimately allow their relationship to continue going as far as to approve and appreciate everything Conner does for Jon.
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Most Stylish Competition official bracket!
list under bracket since the image quality died
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Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic series) VS. Sans (Undertale)
Mel Medarda (Arcane) VS. Sailor Pluto (Sailor Moon)
Kairi (Kingdom Hearts) VS. ENA (ENA)
Shinji Hirako (Bleach) VS. Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader)
Gyorik "York" Rogdul (Drawtectives) VS. Eugene Finch (Drawtectives)
Elliot Goss (Search Party) VS. The Weird Guy (The Hollow)
Draculaura (Monster High) VS. Frankie Stein (Monster High)
Stede Bonnet (Our Flag Means Death) VS. Manfred Von Karma (Ace Attorney)
Team Rocket (Pokémon) VS. winner of 1/2.1
Papyrus (Undertale) VS. Waluigi (Super Mario Bros)
Mettaton (Undertale) VS. Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid)
Cecil (Welcome to Nightvale) VS. Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way (My Immortal)
Winnie the Pooh (Winnie the Pooh) VS. Ryan Evans (High School Musical)
The Onceler (The Lorax) VS. Harry Dubois (Disco Elysium)
Fred Jones (Scooby-Doo) VS. Hunter (The Owl House)
Teruki "Teru" Hanazawa (Mob Psycho 100) VS. Shigeo Kageyama (Mob Psycho 100)
Ciel Phantomhive (Black Butler) VS. winner of 1/2.2
Yor Forger (Spy x Family) VS. Morticia Addams (The Addams Family)
Miss Piggy (Muppets) VS. Rarity (My Little Pony)
Dr. Facilier (Princess and the Frog) VS. Yzma (Emperor's New Groove)
Marz (I Was A Teenage Exocolonist) VS. Scaramouche (Genshin Impact)
Lelouch (Code Geass) VS. Consul Valerius (Arcana)
Sensei Garmadon (Ninjago) VS. Taako (The Adventure Zone)
Mitsuba Sousuke (Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun) VS. Rias Gremory (High School DxD)
Mizuki Akiyama (Project Sekai) VS. winner of 1/2.3
Alex Fierro (Magnus Chase) VS. Luz Noceda (The Owl House)
Pearl Houzuki (Splatoon) VS. Gumi (Vocaloid)
Dr. Starline (Sonic series) VS. Jinafire Long (Monster High)
Noctis Lucis Caelum (Final Fantasy XV) VS. Ratchet (Ratchet & Clank)
Frank N Furter (Rocky Horror Show) VS. Dean Pelton (Community)
Eddie Munson (Stranger Things) VS. Eleven Hopper (Stranger Things)
Gonzo (Muppets) VS. Gyro Zeppeli (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Carmen Sandiego (Carmen Sandiego) VS. winner of 1/2.4
Red Hood (DC Comics) VS. Nightwing (DC Comics)
Professor Venomous (OKKO Let's Be Heroes) VS. Noisemaster (Cucumber Quest)
Inspector Cabanela (Ghost Trick) VS. Shelby Presipence (Plainview)
Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney) VS. Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Coco Adel (RWBY) VS. Espresso Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom)
Susie Greene (Curb Your Enthusiasm) VS. Boyd Crowder (Justified)
Al Calavicci (Quantum Leap) VS. The Obituary Writer (Death By Dying)
Lewis Pepper (Mystery Skulls) VS. winner of 1/2.5
Kuranosuke Koibuchi (Princess Jellyfish) VS. Nana "Hachi" Komatsu (Nana)
Eda Clawthorne (The Owl House) VS. Lilith Clawthorne (The Owl House)
Darius Deamonne (The Owl House) VS. Sanji (One Piece)
Link (Zelda: Breath of the Wild) VS. Spock (Star Trek)
Apollo (Hades) VS. Zagreus (Hades)
Rhonda Wellington Lloyd (Hey Arnold) VS. Malfina (Conneticut Clark)
Kanaya Maryam (Homestuck) VS. Daphne Blake (Scooby-Doo)
Steven Stone (Pokémon) VS. winner of 1/2.6
Yuki Rurikawa (Act! Addict! Actors!) VS. Nikki (Love Nikki Dress Up Queen)
Bruno Bucciarati (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) VS. Padme Amidala (Star Wars)
Zhongli (Genshin Impact) VS. Franziska Von Karma (Ace Attorney)
Klavier Gavin (Ace Attorney) VS. Saul Goodman (Better Call Saul)
Grillby (Undertale) VS. Spades Slick (Homestuck)
Prosciutto (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) VS. Kira Yoshikage (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Mr. Compress (My Hero Academia) VS. Swatch (Deltarune)
Loki (Marvel) VS. winner of 1/2.7
Castiel (Supernatural) VS. Aziraphale (Good Omens)
Hypnos (Hades) VS. Alucard (Castlevania)
Howl (Howl's Moving Castle) VS. Blitzo (Helluva Boss)
Blackbeard (Our Flag Means Death) VS. Anthony J. Crowley (Good Omens)
Luce (Drawfee) VS. Mac McDonald (Always Sunny)
Villager (Animal Crossing) VS. Blathers (Animal Crossing)
Jurgen (Sam & Max) VS. Rosemaster (Cucumber Quest)
Joker (Persona 5) VS. winner of 1/2.8
Chuuya Nakahara (Bungou Stray Dogs) VS. Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs)
The Doctor (Doctor Who series) VS. Sissel (Ghost Trick)
Professor Hershel Layton (Professor Layton) VS. King Dice (Cuphead)
Jolyne Cujoh (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) VS. Bayonetta (Bayonetta)
Samus (Metroid) VS. Velma (Scooby-Doo)
Harper Finkle (Wizards of Waverly Place) VS. Elle Woods (Legally Blonde)
Fran Fine (The Nanny) VS. Klaus Hargreeves (Umbrella Academy)
Good luck to everyone who's voting and have fun!
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ctheathy · 1 year
• = Platonic and/or Pet-like
• = Romantic
• = Suggestive
• = NSFW
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Vocaloid [+AUs from any song. Example: The Court Jester!Fukase] :
Hatsune Miku ,, Kagamine Rin ,, Kagamine Len ,, Luka Megurine ,, Meiko ,, Kaito ,, Gumi ,, Fukase ,, Utatane Piko ,, Flower ,, Oliver
The Evillious Chronicles [Daughter/Servant of Evil] AU:
Riliane ‘Rin’ Lucifen d'Autriche ,, Alexiel Lucifen d'Autriche // Allen ‘Len’ Avadonia ,, Kyle ‘Kaito’ Marlon ,, Michaela ‘Miku’ ,, Germaine ‘Meiko’ Avadonia
Baldi's Basics :
Baldi ,, Arts and Crafters ,, Playtime • ,, 1st Prize ,, It's a Bully ,, Principal of the Thing ,, Gotta Sweep ,, Cloudy Copter ,, Beans ,, Chalkles ,, Dr. Reflex ,, Mrs. Pomp ,, The Test ,, Null // filename2 ,, 0th Prize ,, PlaceFace ,, Bladder ,, Johnny
The Powerpuff Girls :
Monster Hunter Stories :
Mojo Jojo ,, Brick ,, Boomer ,, Butch ,, Princess Morbucks ,, Fuzzy Lumpkins ,, The Amoeba Boys ,, The Gangreen Gang ,, Sedusa (+Ima GoodLady) ,, Rainbow the Clown//Mr. Mime ,, Abracadaver ,, The Sandman ,, The Gnome ,, Dick Hardly ,, Knock-off Powerpuff Girls ,, Him (+MIH) ,, Owlie Boop ,, Allegro ,, Chelsea ,, Sapna Nehru ,, Packrat ,, The Powerpunk Girls [Berserk, Brat and Brute] ,, The Rowdyright Boys [Blake, Bash and Breaker] ,, The RowdyRouge Girls [Bellicose, Bedlam and Bruiser]
Lute ,, Cheval ,, Lilia ,, Mille ,, Hyoro ,, Genie ,, Itsy-Bits ,, Dr. Manelger • ,, Debli ,, Avinia // Ayuria ,, Gale ,, Kayna ,, Ena ,, Alwin ,, Zellard ,, Reverto ,, Kyle ,, Yoomlana
South Park + Hellpark :
Corpse Party :
Stan Marsh ,, Kyle Broflovski ,, Craig Tucker ,, Clyde Donovan ,, Tweek Tweak ,, Thomas ,, Jacob Hallery ,, Cosette ,, Philip “Pip” Pirrip/Pirrup ,, Damien Thorn ,, Estella Havisham
Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun :
Satoshi Mochida ,, Yuka Mochida • ,, Seiko Shinohara ,, Naomi Nakashima ,, Ayumi Shinozaki ,, Yoshiki Kishinuma ,, Mayu Suzumoto ,, Sakutaro Morishige ,, Yuuya Kizami ,, Naho Saenoki ,, Sachiko Shinozaki •
Hanako // Amane Yugi ,, Yashiro Nene ,, Kou Minamoto ,, Teru Minamoto ,, Mitsuba Sousuke ,, Aoi Akane ,, Akane Aoi ,, Sakura Nanamine ,, Natsuhiko Hyuga ,, Tsukasa Yugi ,, Tsuchigomori Ryūjirou
The Koopalings + DiC cartoons :
Larry Koopa + Cheatsy Koopa
Morton Jr. Koopa + Big Mouth Koopa
Ludwig Von Koopa + Kooky Von Koopa
Wendy O Koopa + Kootie Pie Koopa
Lemmy Koopa + Hip Koopa •
Care Bears + Movies :
Iggy Koopa + Hop Koopa •
Roy Koopa + Bully Koopa
The Care Bears • ,, Care Bear Cousins • ,, Auntie Freeze • ,, Professor Coldheart • ,, Frostbite ,, No Heart ,, Beastly ,, Shriekeline “Shreeky” No Heart
The Care Bears: Adventure in Wonderland
Alice ,, White Rabbit ,, Caterpillar ,, Cheshire Cat ,, Mad Hatter ,, Stan the Jabberwocky ,, Princess of Wonderland ,, The Wizard of Wonderland ,, Dim & Dum
Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation
Dark Heart ,, Christy ,, Dawn ,, John
Happy Tree Friends :
Cuddles ,, Giggles ,, Toothy ,, Lumpy ,, Petunia ,, Handy ,, Nutty ,, Sniffles ,, Pop ,, Cub • ,, Flaky ,,The Mole ,, Disco Bear ,, Russell ,, Lifty & Shifty ,, Mime ,, Cro Marmot ,, Flippy + Fliqpy ,, Ka Boom ,, Splendid ,, Splendon’t ,, Lammy ,, Mr. Pickles,, Truffles ,, FatKat
Chikn Nuggit :
Chikn Nuggit [+ Demigod form] ,, Cheezborger ‘Chee’ ,, Iscream ,, Slushi ,, Fwench Fwy ,, Sody Pop • ,, Sassparilla ,, Cofi ,, Hawt Saus ,, Bezel ,, Milkshek ,, Old Pea ,, Katsup and Meowstard • ,, Beta!Fwench Fwy ,, Beta!Slushi ,, Beta!Hawt Saus
Angry Birds :
Red ,, Chuck ,, Bomb ,, Matilda ,, The Blues ,, Jake, Jay, Jim • ,, Bubbles ,, Hal ,, Silver ,, Ice Bird ,, Terence ,, Corporal Pig ,, Foreman Pig ,, Chef Pig ,, King Pig ,, Prince Porky ,, Stella ,, Poppy ,, Luca • ,, Willow ,, Dahlia ,, Gale ,, Handsome Pig ,, Artist Pig
Littlest Pet Shop :
Zoe Trent ,, Russell Ferguson [+Cyril McFlip] ,, Minka Mark ,, Penny Ling ,, Vinnie Terrio ,, Sunil Nevla ,, Pepper Clark ,, Buttercream Sundae ,, Sugar Sprinkles ,, Mitzi ,, Shahrukh ,, Madame Pom ,, Delilah Barnsley ,, Scout Kerry ,, Sweet Cheeks ,, Cashmere Biskit ,, Velvet Biskit ,, Blythe Baxter,, Brittany Biskit,, Whittany Biskit
My Little Pony :
G1 AU: >>>
Twilight Sparkle ,, Rarity ,, Pinkie Pie ,, Apple Jack ,, Fluttershy ,, Rainbow Dash ,, Spike ,, Sunset Shimmer ,, Starlight Glimmer ,, Trixie Lulamoon ,, Moondancer ,, Coco Pommel ,, Coloratura ‘Rara’ ,, Maud Pie ,, Limestone Pie ,, Marble Pie ,, Flutterbat ,, Chimera ,, The Diamond Dogs [Rover, Fido, and Spot] ,, Discord ,, Lord Tirek ,, Flurry Heart • ,, Cozy Glow • ,, Snowdrop • ,, Nightmare Moon ,, Daybreaker ,, Queen Chrysalis ,, Unreformed Changelings ,, Thorax ,, Pharynx ,, King Sombra ,, Tantabus ,, The Sphinx ,, Pony of Shadows // Stygian ,, Grogar
Megan Williams ,, Spike • ,, Danny Williams ,, Molly Williams • ,, The Moochick ,, The Bushwoolies ,, The Grundles ,, Sludge ,, G'nash ,, Dinah • ,, Squire Alonzo ,, The Crabnasties ,, Mayor Camembert ,, The Sheriff of Muensterville ,, Pluma [+The Ghost of Paradise Estate] ,, Woebegone ,, Mayve • ,, His Elevated Eminence •
Applejack ,, Bow Tie ,, Ember • ,, Firefly ,, Glory ,, Medley ,, Moondancer ,, Twilight ,, Heart Throb ,, Lickety-Split ,, Posey ,, Gusty ,, Buttons ,, Fizzy ,, Ribbon ,, Galaxy ,, Mimic ,, Gingerbread ,, Magic Star ,, Shady ,, Cherries Jubilee ,, Cupcake ,, Truly ,, Sweet Stuff ,, Wind Whistler ,, North Star ,, Paradise ,, Surprise ,, Lofty ,, Locket ,, Whizzer ,, Masquerade ,, Princess Tiffany ,, Princess Primrose ,, Princess Royal Blue ,, Princess Serena ,, Princess Sparkle ,, Princess Starburst ,, Baby Lickety-Split • ,, Morning Glory ,, Rosedust ,, Honeysuckle ,, Peach Blossom ,, Lily ,, Forget-Me-Not
Scorpan ,, Tirac ,, Beezen ,, The Duchess ,, Knight Shade ,, Zeb ,, Erebus ,, King Charlatan ,, Niblick ,, Draggle ,, Reeka ,, Hydia • ,, Ahgg ,, The Smooze • ,, Squirk ,, Crank ,, The Flores ,, Jewel Wizard ,, Lavan [+crystallized form] ,, Sting ,, Queen Bumble ,, Princess Porcina ,, The Raptorians ,, Crunch the Rockdog ,, The Sqree ,, Somnambula ,, Kyrie ,, Bray ,, Grogar
Seito Kure ,, Boron Makuroshi ,, Toru Garakuta ,, Haruma Neko
Popee The Performer + Chinchikurin :
Popee Paraphone // Hanabishi Kuruwaya ,, Kedamono // Keita Ookami ,, Papi ,, Marifa ,, Eepop (mirror Popee) ,, Onomadek (mirror Kedamono) ,, Nightmare Popee ,, Docter Popee [Phaeton & Me]
The Amazing Digital Circus :
Pomni ,, Caine ,, Bubble • ,, Ragatha ,, Jax ,, Zooble ,, Gangle ,, Kinger ,, Gloink Queen • ,, Dr. Football ,, Moon ,, Sun ,, Paine ,, The Bone Pastor,, Princess Loolilalu ,, Gummigoo ,, The Fudge • ,, Chad ,, Max
Abstracted characters [Digital+abstracted form] :
Kaufmo ,, Queenie ,, Rett (yellow dog) ,, Wriggle (worm on a string) ,, Doz (purple dinosaur) ,, Blonk (pink cyclops) ,, Moppsy (mouse sockpuppet) ,, Yucko (yellow rabbit-like creature) ,, Bizz (polka-dot covered clown)
Fan-made names by Sunnie_Daies on Reddit
Lego Monkie Kid : ••••
MK ‘Monkie Kid’ ,, Mei Dragon ,, Tang ,, Pigsy ,, Sandy ,, Mo • ,, Red Son ,, Demon Bull King ,, Princess Iron Fan ,, Bull clones • ,, Lady Bone Demon (+disguise form) ,, ‘Bai He’ • [little girl] ,, Spider Queen ,, Huntsman ,, Goliath [strong spider] ,, Sun Wukong ‘Monkey King’ ,, Six-Eared Macaque ,, Syntax (+pre-corrupted/human form) ,, The Mayor (+Chief of War) ,, Yin & Jin ,, Guardians of Knowledge • ,, Lion Guardians • ,, Demon Accountant ,, Ne'Zha/Third Lotus prince ,, Erlang Shen ,, Scorpion Queen ,, Azure Lion ,, Peng ,, Yellowtusk ,, Chang'e ,, Tang Sanzang ,, Zhu Bajie ,, Sha Wujing ,, Ao Lie ,, Ao Guang/Dragon of the East ,, Master Subodhi ,, Dragon Attendant ,, Kui Mulang ,, MK [party clone] ,, MK [artist clone] ,, MK [delivery clone] (he won't be obese here...) ,, MK [backup clone] ,, Ink MK ,, Store Owner ,, Li Jing ,, Xiangliu ‘Nine-Headed Demon’ ,, 100-Eyed Demon ,, Nüwa
Ferdinand :
Ferdinand (+young form) ,, Paco ,, Nina • ,, Juan ,, Valiente (+young form) ,, Guapo (+young form) ,, Bones (+young form) ,, Lupe ,, Angus ,, Maquina ,, Una ,, Dos ,, Cuatro ,, Hans ,, Greta ,, Klaus ,, El Primero
Disney movies (will accept all characters of said movie) :
Cuz it's too many characters to write down damn it
19s — Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs ,, The Chronicles of Prydain ,, Bambi ,, Cinderella ,, Alice in Wonderland ,, 101 Dalmatians ,, Peter Pan ,, Sleeping Beauty ,, The Fox and the Hound ,, The Little Mermaid ,, Beauty and the Beast ,, Aladdin ,, Hercules ,, The Lion King ,, Pocahontas ,, The Rescuers Down Under ,, The Hunchback of Notre Dame [fuck Frollo up for me, will you dear? <3] ,, Mulan ,, Tarzan
2000s — The Emperor's New Groove ,, Monsters, Inc. ,, Finding Nemo ,, Pirates of the Caribbean ,, Brother Bear ,, The Incredibles ,, Howl's Moving Castle ,, Ratatouille ,, Up ,, The Princess and The Frog
2010s/2020s — Tangled ,, Frozen ,, Brave ,, Maleficent ,, Inside Out ,, Zootopia ,, Finding Dory ,, Moana/Vaiana ,, Coco ,, Raya and the Last Dragon ,, Luca ,, Encanto
Misc. :
- Reisuke Houjou • [Mirai Nikki // Future Diary]
- Rococo [Omori]
- Tobey McCallister [WordGirl]
- Dr. Sylvester Ashling [Epithet Erased]
- Ahmanet (+alive Ahmanet) ••• [The Mummy]
- The Lamb // Lambert [Cult of the Lamb]
- ENA (+ _____ form) [Joel G]
- Sun [Two Face ,, GH'S Animation]
- Blommy // Bloomy [Fluffffpillow's oc]
- Nabbit [Super Mario Bros]
- Marx (+Marx Soul) [Kirby Milky Way Wishes]
- Manga Marx [Kirby of the Stars! Moretsu Pupupu Hour!]
- Taranza [Kirby: Triple Deluxe]
- Scooby-Doo [Velma Meets the Original Velma]
- Evil [I Eat Pasta For Breakfast by Chibi-Works]
- Eloise Sarah Bellrose ‘Stripes’ [I Eat Pasta For Breakfast by Chibi-Works]
- Patchy the Pirate // Flying Dutchman [SpongeBob SquarePants | The Time Travelling Ghost Pirate Theory] •••
° Rio Ranger (+Rio Laizer)/Toto Noel •••• ,, Sei Satou ••• [Your Turn To Die]
° Monaca Towa ,, Nagisa Shingetsu ,, Jataro Kemuri ,, Masaru Daimon ,, Kotoko Utsugi [Danganronpa // Warriors of Hope]
° Isaac “Zack” Foster ,, Rachel Gardner ,, Edward “Eddie” Mason ,, Daniel “Danny” Dickens ,, Catherine “Cathy” Ward ,, Abraham Grey [Angels of Death // Satsuriku no Tenshi]
° Satou Matsuzaka ,, Shio Kōbe • ,, Asahi Kōbe ,, Taiyō Mitsuboshi ,, Sumire Miyazaki ,, Mitori Tajima ,, Shōko Hida ,, Satou’s aunt • [Happy Sugar Life]
° Eun Sian ,, Chae Yul •••• ,, Chae Yuri ,, Hyun Yujin ,, Min Hyunee [Secret Alliance]
° Aoi Mukou ,, Miyuki Sone ,, Haru [You and Me and He // Totono]
° The Angel •••• - The Demon •••• - The small Demon • [Avogado6]
° Justine Florbelle ,, Aloïs Racine (+pre-torture, +mid-torture) ,, Basile Giroux (+pre-torture, +mid-torture) ,, Malo de Vigny (+pre-torture +mid-torture) [Amnesia: Justine] ••••
° Rush ,, Hide ,, Seek ,, Eyes ,, Halt ,, Ambush ,, Screech • ,, Figure ,, Jack ,, Glitch [Roblox Doors]
° Sharko ,, Marina ,, Zig ,, Bernie ,, The Ghastly Ghost ,, Manic Mermaid ,, King Neptune [Zig & Sharko]
° Oh ,, Gratuity ‘Tip’ Tucci • ,, Pig • ,, Gorg ,, Kyle ,, Captain Smek ,, Boov [Home 2015]
° Pound (+Monstar form) ,, Bang (+Monstar form) ,, Nawt (+Monstar form) ,, Bupkus (+Monstar form) ,, Blanko (+Monstar form) [Space Jam // The Nerdlucks]
° Charmander ,, Squirtle (+Wartortle) ,, Bulbasaur ,, Leader Caterpie ,, Whiskers ,, Gastly • ,, Haunter ,, Flareon ,, Chimchar ,, Turtwig ,, Abomasnow [Starter Squad by Shippiddge]
° Kitsunami the Fennec [Sonic the Hedgehog]
- [Any Tails variant will do tbh] ➴
OG Miles ‘‘Tails” Prower • movie Tails • boom Tails • Anti-Miles • SH/TSAA Tails • (There's something about Knuckles) Tails • Blacksmith • (Tails’ Dark Diary) Tails • WWMH Miles • Nine • Mangey • Sails • Tails.EXE • starved Tails • Inner Tails • Ali Baba • Tailsop • Tails-Zilla • Tails Doll • Metal Tails • Luther • (Tails Gets Trolled) Tails • AOSTH Tails • Zails the Zone Cop • pinball/brainwashed Tails • Requital (The Sonic Oddities) • (Sonic Prime) Tails • (The Ankh) Hologram Tails/Hollow • (Operation Crimson) Tails • (Operation Crimson) Flor • Tails emo AU (Kayla Green)
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May add more in the future ...
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