#clark's point
ceruleankitkats · 12 days
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First meeting + Identity reveal ♡
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frownyalfred · 1 month
Enough with Lois being flattered and seduced by Bruce Wayne. I want Clark blushing like a school girl every time Bruce gets within ten feet, and Lois wants to know why.
So of course she sleeps with him. Mostly to prove to Clark that Wayne isn’t all that and a bag of snacks. A little bit because hey, Wayne isn’t exactly horrible to look at, even if her vibrator has more sentience.
And then, in the middle of trying to prove to Clark that there’s absolutely nothing to get flustered about, Wayne rocks her fucking world. Not once, not twice, not a fluke — all weekend. In between rounds she spots him doing the New York Times crossword in pen and decides it’s a hallucination.
She limps (happily) back to the office on Monday and when Clark brings up Bruce Wayne again, she keeps her mouth shut.
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mythtakens · 3 months
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1.05 → 4.14
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cowboysorceror · 1 year
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babysitting your work friend's kid and he asks to look at your patchwork quilt of a skull. wyd. inspired by Super Sons #6!
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phantomskeep · 4 months
DC x DP prompt but it's just Danny acting like an ectoplasmic Venom with [insert DC character here]
Danny, after spotting a powerful hero having trouble: Oh no! I should help!
Jason "I've-Had-Too-Much-Of-This-Shit-Already" Todd: what the fuck why am I glowing
Danny, covering this helmeted fruit loop who was trying to fight tEN PEOPLE AT ONCE ARE YOU INSANE-: hi :D We're friends now :D
Jason: internal screaming
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weaverofink · 2 months
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My Adventures with Superboy
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 261
“So is no one going to talk about the eldritch space child or…” 
“I mean, do you want to get between a child and Batman? I think the only one who could even get close right now is Superman…” 
“No you’re right, I think- oh my god the eldritch space child is playing with batman’s bat-ears and he’s not doing anything about it what the fuck I thought only Robins could get away with that-” 
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dcxdpdabbles · 7 months
In Freelance Inventor, does anyone in JL know about Danny? Do they try to help the kids Parent Trap Danny and Bruce? Does Selina know about Danny?
Batman is acting strange.
It's often that Clark thinks this. He feels a bit guilty judging people like that, but no one in the league, or hell, the world, can deny that Batman is an abnormal human.
If he even is human.
Not much is known about one of the founding members of the Justice League, and while Clark and Diana are arguably the closest to him, they don't even know his real name. Not that it was a problem.
They would trust him with their lives and learn to turn to him for leadership in dire times. It always seemed like he was prepared for literally anything, and when something managed to suppress the Dark King, it didn't last long, for he had a backup plan formed seconds later.
That's how they work. How the three changed a necessary alliance into a globally recognized league of heroes.
While Clark was good at making feel people feel safe, and Diana could rally forces, Batman had a way of making the impossible happen. Together the three tackled the world's problems making one day better at a time.
That did nothing to make people feel slightly....uneased by Batman. Clark was man enough to admit that even he got spooked. One time, he offhanded mentioned that he could recognize heartbeats when talking to Oliver and Batman.
Batman had tilted his head, made direct eye contact with Clark and suddenly, his heart rate had slowed down, beating entirely different. Clark felt horrified when the Dark Knight kept that same heartbeat for the following week, only switching mid-meeting to a faster one than the previous two.
Clark is Kryptonian. He is an alien. Sure, he developed most during puberty, but he always had superstrength and super speed as a tot. That's why he doesn't make sense, but Batman?
He had no idea what was going on with Batman, and frankly, he didn't want to touch the subject with a ten-foot pole.
Yet he could not help but think of the strange little hermit as a friend. Batman, in his own way, cared deeply for people. He never mentioned it but he always support heroes in their daily lives and although he grumbled a bit, was always there when someone needed him.
Yes, he wasn't the most approachable of heroes and a bit too professional, but he was still one of the greatest heroes in history for a reason. Clark always felt better of their chances when Batman was involved.
Seeing even a hit of disbalance in the Dark Knight made him worry.
Batman never lingered after meetings, training or monitor duty. Once he finished he was heading straight back to Gotham sometimes without a by your leave.
Batman did not do that today. Instead, he was staring out the watch tower's common room into the stars and hadn't moved for over two hours. Plenty of other heroes had already fled the room, too unnerved by the silent brooding man.
The last time this happened was because Robin had first shown up, shocking the world with his bright, impish laughter from Batman's shadows. Batman had taken months trying to decided to let the boy join him, and only because Robin straight up did not give him a option did he allow it.
Clark had been with Diana, angry that he was dragging a child into such dangerous situations only to have the Bat tell them to "stop him yourself then"
He did, but no matter how many times he captured Robin the boy was back on the streets a few hours later. Clark felt his hair grey from ever second he spent with the angry child. Diana hand't had much luck.
In fact the boy had, somehow bended in a way that had scared her into thinking she broken his spin, to escape her lasso. Her moment of fright was the opening he needed to scurry away, shouting at the top of his lungs that he would never be stopped.
She respected him but still captured the boy a few hours later. She screamed when Batman called her again to let her know the boy was seen fighting a gang at the ports that same night.
What could possibly cause Batman to stress the same way as his son? The founding members weren't sure, but they were all staring at him from the doorway after noticing every other hero avoiding the place like the plague.
"Go talk to him" Hal hissed at Clark.
"Me?" Clark spluttered. "Why me?"
"He is less likely to kill you," Barry tells him with the gravest expression Clark has ever seen on his face. "You are also the most likely one to survive Batman's attempt on your life if he decides to kill you."
Superman gapes at him, twisting around to all his teammates but everyone is either nodding or avoiding his eyes. They all decided he was the sacrifice it seemed. Traitors.
But it's true he is worried about his friend. He is slightly afriad of his friend but Clark would not be able to sleep at night if he didn't at least reach out to Batman.
Taking a deep breath to steel his nerves, he twists on his heel and marches over to the dark figure. He tries to shake the feeling of walking to his executor as he finally carefully stops by Batman's side. He doesn't look at him, keeping his gaze on the stars.
Neither man said anything, peacefully observing the darkness and lights of space.
Clark waited about thirty seconds before the silence got too much for him. "Er, Batman? Is everything alright?"
Batman didn't even twitch, a tight frown- more turn down on the right corner to then the left which meant it was a nervous kind of upset instead of annoyed upset as ussal. A full minute goes by where Clark wonders if Batman even heard him about to start babbling to try to get some conversation going when the man speaks.
"Superman, have you ever been in love?"
Clark swears he never experienced whiplash this badly. He honestly thinks the loud crack that came from his neck when he turned it in shock to the other Leaguer meant that he broke it.
Batman held no hint that he said anyhting but Clark could still hear the question echoing in his head as he gaped. He got ahold of himsrlf when he noticed Batman's heart beat pick up- nervous, embarssed. even fighten?- and his shoulder hitched up slightly.
Crude he made his friend feel bad.
"No! No no! I was just surprised, is all," He cries, waving his hands. Lois's face flashes in his mind, causing him to smile slightly dropply. "I have. I am actually. There this girl- at my work. She's great. Um, why do you ask?"
"....how do you know you're in love?"
Boy, was Clark really having this conversation at his age? He felt like a fumbling teenager. Granted, he only had one girlfriend back in high school, and he was fairly sure she only dated him to piss off her dad.
Still this was great! He has never had a conversation this deep with Batman before!
"I'm not sure if it's the same for Kryptonians as it is humans- you are human right?"
Oh, so Batman was just like that. Good to know.
"Well, I knew from how she made me feel nervous but happy nervous? As if the world was brighter. Better. And when I'm not near her, all my thoughts somehow return to her." Clark thinks of how to best explain love, turning the world over in his head before snapping his fingers. "You know when you just adore a certain food? That no matter how often you eat it or how long it's been, it just makes you feel better? There isn't a real reason why you like it so much you just do. That's what she's like for me."
Batman nods slowly. He might not be able to see his eyes but Clark could image them softening just by the way his whole body relaxes. "I see. Then I am in love. Thank you."
He turns away before Clark can get his jaw off the floor. Batman stride right out the room, ingorre the scrambling heros who try to act like they weren't easedropping and vanishes in a flash of light back to Gotham.
He did all that as if nothing had happened.
Clark has half the mind to think he just haluciated the entire five minutes before Barry blurted. "Batman is in love?! That's amazing!"
They spent the rest of the night trying to guess who was the person that could have possibly romanced Batman.
Barry and Hal were convinced it was another vampire- they didn't believe the Dark Knight was telling the truth when he claimed he was human- while both Diana and Arthur both claimed the person had to be a deadly warrior.
J'onn was under the impression it had to be someone who was the polar opposite of Batman. On Mars, that was the common couple dynamic. Thus, the person Batman loved was likely a civilian. A dumb sociable one.
He didn't say Bruce Wayne exactly, but J'onn heavily implied Bruce Wayne. He even pointed out that Mr. Wayne financed everything the Leauge used from the very beginning, of course in secert but it was still his money.
Why would he do that if he wasn't somehow profoundly involved? Obviously, the billionaire wanted Batman safe, maybe even returned his feelings. The rest of the Leauge looks half convinced by the logic.
Personally? Clark was just happy that Batman found anyone at all. No matter who they were, he would do everyhting he could to help his friend woo his crush.
That's what friends are for, after all.
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d-llahanspade · 1 month
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vintagerobin · 1 month
You know I love Bruce and Clark's relationship, but I feel like a lot of people neglect a very key aspect of it. That aspect being that Bruce is as afraid of hurting Clark as Clark is of hurting him. This is a relationship between a man who most of the time can only be hurt psychologically and emotionally and a man whose greatest strengths are exactly those things. That's a big part of what makes them so compelling to me.
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frownyalfred · 1 year
The Justice League needing to run a seduction op and considering every member other than Batman is hilarious to me.
Like, not only do they not know his secret identity (for this idea to work at least) but they’re completely unaware that not only is Batman devastatingly attractive, he’s also one of the most charming, talented liars out there.
And he’s just sitting there watching Hal and Oliver fight over who’s going to seduce the politician/charm their way into the meeting silently laughing to himself.
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sreppub · 9 months
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lady clark but make it clois
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fanfictionroxs · 3 months
If I had a nickel for every time a character named Danny deprogrammed Jacob Anderson's character from brainwashing, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it has happened twice.
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Welcome back Daenerys Targaryen
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spacedace · 1 year
Another dp x dc prompt/blurb thing for yall:
Everyone knows how much Batman cares about his kids. They may not all get along with him all the time, but it's obvious that there's nothing that the Dark Knight won't do to keep his bats and birds safe.
When Danny gets taken by the GIW, Jazz, Dan & Elle - acting as regents of the Infinite Realms while Danny is out of action - find themselves using this fact to try and force the Justice League's hand in helping them.
(The Justice League, it should be noted, have no idea about anything going on with the GIW and the Anti-Ecto Acts. Everyone in Amity has been led to believe that the JL has just been ignoring them.)
They don't want to do it, but their options are limited. The Realms are howling for blood and its either declare war and obliterate the human race or try to get a little sneaky and a lot underhanded. So they decide they're going to force Batman to help them by kidnapping as many of the BatKids as they can and holding them hostage until their demands are met.
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spellofwinter · 15 days
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Thank you, Galadriel. For bringing you here? For saving my life. As you saved mine. Our scales are balanced. No. No, you've done far more than that for me. I'd all but given up. But you, you believed in me.
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violent138 · 5 months
Bruce, outside Clark's room on the Watchtower: "Clark? What's happened, your message said it was an emergency--"
Clark: "Oh good I'm losing my mind." *yanks Bruce in*
Clark, exhausted, rocking a wailing Jon: "Lois had an emergency and I really need your help because no matter what I do he won't stop crying."
Bruce, rubbing his temples: "Uhh."
Clark: "Well?"
Bruce, glaring at him: "Well? Well what?"
Clark: "You've had so many kids!"
Bruce: "None of them were ever babies! Call me back in eight years!"
Both of them flinched as Jon wailed louder.
Clark, in despair: "I'm calling Diana."
Diana, with lasso clenched in Jon's hand: "Why do you cry, little one?"
Jon: *still shrieking and sobbing*
Diana, looking up at them both: "This usually works."
Barry, hands on his knees as he examined Jon: "Maybe he's in pain?"
Bruce glared at Barry as Clark panicked, hands messing up hair.
Oliver, cooing: "Uncle Ollie's got this lil' guy, you just need some white noise." *turns on his playlist*
Jon:*screaming now*
Bruce: "You're completely useless."
Hal: "What's going on in here?" *elbowing his way into the crowded room*
Bruce: "Busy right now, Jordan." *frantically going through scientific articles*
Hal stared in horror at the child, who J'onn and Arthur are negotiating with while vigorously rocking the screaming toddler: "Jeez, what the hell are you two doing?" *conjures a giant green rattled and shakes it*
Jon, utterly transfixed abruptly stops crying. Clark raises his head off the table the second the sound stops, relieved.
Hal: "Want to see something even cooler?" *makes a plane and has it fly around*
Jon, reaching out to it, smiling a little despite the tears. Half the room isn't breathing.
Hal, grinning: "That's right little man, it is cool. So guys, seriously, why are we all in here?"
The League, as the small plane vanishes: "Don't stop!"
Hal, startled: "Whoa, relax! Uh, who wants to see a dinosaur?"
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