#claire greene
maddeyg · 22 days
"shape of you" by ed sheeran is darlin and sam's song...
and ranger and claire's
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pagesupinflames · 1 month
claire greene and her queer emo self-pierced 6’1 my chemical romance luver sibling
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rob--boss · 7 months
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Part 1 of my @castleaudios speaker busts. Had to redo Claire 'cause I hated my first pass and now I got a description of the scars... Also, the art wall...
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lizardlaw974 · 8 months
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Managed to finally draw out some of the character designs I had in my head for the Glenwood characters from @castleaudios series!
Also featuring a doodle of Claire from a SFW Patreon only audio, I highly suggest checking out Castle's Patreon for access to that kind of thing!
Glenwood series can be found here
Castle's Patreon can be found here
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coleblackblood · 2 years
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Legal disclaimer: All characters and profile pics (Except Seer’s) belong to @castleaudios - I just borrowed them for this Seer’s Profile (c) Whoever made the Apollo Gift of Prophecy pic Dog (c) Whoever owns that big boof <3
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catella-ars · 1 year
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I love @castleaudios ‘ audios ok
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rykeiwrites · 1 year
Green eyes
ꕥ Characters: Claire 
ꕥ Genre: comfort, fluff, jealousy trope 
ꕥ T/W: none i can think of
ꕥ Notes: honestly hearing Claire was the jealous type has me frothing at the mouth. This is while Ranger and Claire are in an established relationship. Here’s to Ranger who is oblivious.
✧ The newest hire, Diane's assistant, leaned in too close to her Ranger for Claire’s taste. Diane had filled her in on the past week how the assistant flirted with Ranger, but they seemed to be oblivious to it. They were explaining some paperwork procedures to her when Claire entered the station. Diane was off for the day, leaving the Ranger to be cornered and no way to escape. Not that they seemed to notice the fluttering eyes and feigned helplessness. 
Claire coughed, catching their attention and stopping Annie from tracing a finger across the Ranger's exposed bicep. Ranger’s eyes softened gently and they smiled. Annie looked slightly annoyed, looking over Claire and dismissing her from her mind. That is until Ranger approached and reached out their hand to squeeze Claire’s upper arm.
“Hello Dove. Fancy seeing you here.” they joked, smiling. Annie looked surprised at their change of demeanor. From the closed off, gruff, unsmiling person, to someone who looks like they were watching the sun incarnate enter the room. Claire reached out and took their hand to hold. she squeezed their hand and smiled.
“Hey there Hotshot.” Claire leaned into them and kissed them, Annie looked embarrassed and started to get out of the office. Ranger was surprised, but kissed her back. Annie excused herself quietly and went back to the work she was suppose to be doing.
“What was that for?” they asked gently, leaning in to kiss her again.
“You’re an idiot.” They chuckled and agreed, not sure why specifically this time, but not willing to argue anymore with her. Wrapping their arms around her to kiss her more deeply.             ✧
this was the original idea but it wasn't fitting well with what I wanted to happen. but here is a snippet of Diane being a Paw patrol shipper.
Diane eyed the new girl, who was as close to Ranger as she could be without being on top of them. Oblivious, Ranger was making a plan for them to clean up the forest trails after the big storm that just passed through. Another senior forest ranger was helping and teaming up the others as Ranger assigned them trails. The newest hire, Annie, seemed smitten by… something she saw in them. Diane loved Ranger like they were her own kid, but even she had to admit how surprised she was when Claire and them officially started dating. 
Ranger turned to the side, and jumped a little when they finally recognized how close Annie was. They gave a closed mouth smile and moved away just a bit, before turning their attention to the chief. The teams were assigned, routes were planned and most of the others started to depart, leaving Diane, Ranger, and Annie to look after the station. Ranger moved to Diane’s desk as they chatted about their weekend. 
“I ended up with a dozen more cookies I should have had, but thankfully the pa - the people at the event took some home.” coughing to cover up their slip up, Ranger tapped the Tupperware container. “And here’s some I baked for you.” 
“You’re chocolate chip ones right?” Diane took the container as Ranger assured her it was. Annie swooped in quickly.
“Oh! Can I have one?” She smiled sweetly, and Ranger shrugged and took out another container.
“Here I also made some for everyone else for when they got back.” closing their backpack up. Thanking them, she started eating the cookie.
“Oh wow this is so good! I didn’t know you baked. This is amazing.” She leaned closer to Ranger. “I’d love to learn how to bake, would you teach me?” She looked up from her eyelashes and fluttered them. Diane was giving her a look that Ranger was trying to decipher. 
“Sure.” they said slowly, staring at Diane. Annie also shifted uncomfortably as Diane was giving her the stink eye. It shifted to Ranger with their answer and they were trying to figure out what they did wrong when the front door was opened. 
“Diane, Hotshot?” Claire called out. Perking up, Ranger got out of their seat to leave Diane’s office. 
“Dove, is everything okay?” they asked, they reached a hand out to hold her upper arm gently. She raised her eyebrows at them. 
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Little Bit of Hope - Day 4
I have officially listened to every video by Castle Audios (By the time this gets posted it’s been a while. I wrote this in the beginning of March.), and come to the realization that I am in fact a bisexual mess that simps over any and all types of voices and accents. Someone save me dear god, I was happy with the reminder that ✨feminine voices✨ are  amazing by hearing some of my friends speak. Now I got the fictional characters reminding me too.
Also I know Castle is on Tumblr but I stfg if she sees this, I'm going to scream. It's bad enough that I'm worried about anyone seeing this. But the original creator?
Okay I'll shut up and get on with the actual fic now.
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Day Four: a little bit of hope
Characters: Ranger and Claire
CW: mentions of previous episode at time of writing, cursing, fluff, crack, pining
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Ranger slammed the door closed behind them, their shoulders slumped. The side of their face still ached from the fight that they had found themselves in a couple days ago now. The bruise had healed enough from dark purple to show hints of greens and sickly yellows. If it hadn't been for Diane and the fact the park ranger team wasn't exactly big, they might have gotten in trouble for so obviously having been in a fight. The bruise that covered a good portion of their right ribs was uglier though. Should they have probably gone to a hospital to make sure their ribs weren't fractured or anything? Yes, but that was something they would rather die than do and it also felt like letting Claire win. Something they were absolutely not going to do.
"Dear, can you try not to slam our doors?" Diane's eternally concerned voice asked them. Ranger looked over guiltily and offered a sheepish smile and nod.
"Yeah. Sorry Diane." They said as the mother hen of a woman wandered over to them. She reached over and cupped their cheek gently, thumb brushing gingerly of the discolored skin. She clicked her tongue, whether scoldingly or sympathetically Ranger couldn't tell you. "I'm fine. Really. You shoulda seen the other guys." They weren't going to tell her about the bullet hole in the sign. She would only worry more. And at that rate all her hair would go white and she might have a stroke or something. She nodded, even if she was unconvinced and let go of their face. They smiled and stretched to try to convince her even if little bit more that they were fine. The action of stretching made their side ache, but they hid it. She sighed and patted their shoulder before going back towards her office. They exhaled and turned towards their desk, sitting down, giving their body a rest.
They pulled open a drawer to pull out the bottle of painkillers, popping one in their mouth and grabbing the old water bottle from the corner of their desk to swallow it down. The bottle was put back inside the desk and closed. Ranger leaned back in their seat, scowling at their computer as the events of the past couple days replayed in their head.
-- No they weren't going to think about that extremely awkward car ride with Claire. Shut up. As far as they were concerned, no such thing happened. --
They weren’t going to regret releasing classified information about the poachers to Claire. As long as she didn’t spill the information, they were safe from losing their job. And then there was that bullet hole. Was it simply an expression of displeasure or was it a threat? With people like that, you could never be too sure. Even if it was a threat, they doubted that the local law enforcement would do anything. After all, the poachers should have had jail time after everything with their records. But here they were, wandering around free and shooting state park signs. Ranger’s frown deeped and they leaned forward again, booting up their computer. They had the files about the poachers and the gun that they were licensed to own... maybe if they could compare the bullet hole and licensed guns they could try to get the law enforcement to care about unlicensed gun use. That might be something to look into. Of course they would need solid proof, which would mean taking the short walk down to the sign. And a gun expert.
They might have intimate knowledge of forestry, but finding specific bullet hole information was a stretch of their skills. The likelihood that the guns were allowed was high as well considering it was a lone bullet hole and not from anything with a spray range, nor automatic multi-fire. It could just be from a hunting rifle. Which the police wouldn’t care about, even if they should since the poacher’s hunting licenses were revoked after the trap-setting on protected grounds. They scrolled through the listed weapons, chewing on the inside of their cheek. They pulled out their phone to take a couple pictures before they stood up again, grabbing the hat off of the hook next to their desk. 
“I’ll be back in a few minutes, Diane!” They called and left, closing the door softly behind them this time. They walked down the faux trail --because how could you consider it a real one when it was so obviously planted in the middle of a few pathways to simply simulate trails?-- towards the sign, sliding their phone in their pocket as they placed their hat on top of their head. Eventually ‘GLENWOOD STATE PARK’ shone out at them with a few smiling native animals decorating the metal. They were more focused on the hole in the sign. They eyed it before gently poking it with one finger. They were so absorbed in it that they didn’t hear the truck rolling up behind them. They spun around quickly at the sound of slightly husky voice calling out to them.
“Hey khakis! What’cha doing?” Beth asked. The window of the backseat from the truck rolled down and another inhabitant of the old country club building stuck their head out. Ranger was pretty sure they responded to Knight. Ranger crossed their arm and made sure they were standing in front of the bullet hole. No need to worry this group of people either until they were sure of the motivations behind the message. Besides, it was directed to them and them alone. They were pretty sure...
“Nothing you need to worry about. Are you headed up to the old lounge?” They asked. They weren’t sure if the group calling the old lounge ‘the den’ was legitimate or not. It seemed weird anyways. Beth nodded and jerked their thumb back towards Knight. 
“Yeah actually. This pipsqueak needs to pick up something for their girlfriend. Are you headed up there to talk to Claire?” She asked. Warmth sped up Ranger’s neck and they scowled. The reaction spurred a laugh from Beth, who looked back at Knight. “I hope you have the money you promised. You really have to stop placing them." She asked. Knight opened the backseat door and scooted away from the window.
“Hop in. We’ll give you a ride, Ranger.” They said. Ranger gave a confused look to the both of them, but found themselves climbing inside regardless. Were they some kind of glutton for punishment? Claire wouldn't be happy to see them just traipsing around her property. And why did that bother them a little more than it used to? Who were they kidding, they knew why. They clicked the seatbelt into place and huffed, crossing their arms as Beth started driving down the broken pavement of the road.
"When are we getting these roads updated, Khakis?" Beth asked. Ranger wrinkled their nose at the nickname but didn't protest. Pick your battles and all that. They glanced over at Knight, who was currently trying to fit half of their legs out the window as they twisted in their seat.
"I'm not sure. Most taxpayer dollars go to maintaining the trails or the office and parking lot. Usually when people come here they aren't looking to drive on the main road." They answered calmly. Beth sighed and mumbled something about wet blankets. Ranger thought the conversing was over until Knight spoke up.
"Have you ever met my girlfriend, Khakis?" They asked, looking up at Ranger from where they were sprawled sideways on the backseat. Beth groaned and caught their eye in the rear view mirror.
"Say yes and move on. Otherwise that lovesick idiot will ramble on and on about Evie. I love her like a sister, but it's a bit much." Ranger stared at her before smirking and looking at Knight.
"Can't say I have. Would you like to tell me about her?" They asked. Knight sat up quickly, their eyes gleaming, and Beth groaned again. The sound tapered off into a soft whine and Ranger laughed. That would teach them not to refer to them as 'Khakis'. Even if they did wear them a lot.
The truck eventually pulled up to the old lounge and the ignition turned off. Ranger got out quickly, hearing the soft ticking of the cooling engine before they turned towards Beth and Knight. They watched as Knight grabbed a wrapped up rug and hold it over their shoulder as Beth grabbed a cooler. They stared at the cooler curiously. Their curiosity only heightened as Beth shifted it over to her other hand upon catching Ranger staring.
"Claire is inside. You're welcome to come in." Knight called over their shoulder as they walked up the steps. Ranger rubbed the back of their neck in an effort to self soothe as they followed the two towards the front door. Maybe they really should just turn around...
"Thank fuck. I thought you two somehow miraculously got lost." Another familiar voice sounded. It was a lot less grumpy than when interacting with them, that was for sure. They heard a snort from Knight before the younger pushed past Claire from the sound of a tongue clicking and a soft 'rude'. Beth giggled and stepped towards the side, putting them in full view of Claire.
"Look who we found just standing by the road." She said before moving around Claire to enter the lounge. They figured that was revenge for getting Knight to recite all the reasons they loved their girlfriend.
"Oh. Hi there Ranger. This is certainly unexpected." She said, leaning against the doorway with her arms crossed. They swallowed and stared directly into her eyes.
"I'm guessing unwelcome too?" They said, sarcasm coating their voice heavily. Ah, just like old times. They watched as Claire wrinkled her nose.
"I never said that. Although it's always welcome to change depending on why you're here. So why are you here, Ranger?" She asked dryly. They pushed their hands into their pockets and rolled their eyes. They needed to come up with a lie, and quickly.
"How familiar with guns are you, Miss Green?" They asked her and Claire sighed, face dropped into one hand. Their brows drew together slightly in confusion before scoffing at her muttered explanation for the reaction.
"Always answering my questions with questions. Dear lord..." She straightened again and her hand returned to being tucked safely in her arm. "Some. Not enough to comfortably call myself some kind of firearm expert. Why?" Ranger tipped back their hat and turned around, walking down the stairs. They didn't hear the door close and after a couple moments of silence Claire swore and went after them. She caught up to them pretty easily, hands now pushed inside her jeans pockets. "What is this about, Ranger? Is it about the sign from the other day?" She asked. Ranger stopped abruptly, turning towards her.
"If I could get the local law enforcement to care about illegal gun possession, usage, and destruction of government property I might be able to get those poachers nailed. I probably won't get them on possession, but the other two might work. I just need to make sure the bullet that came from the rifle was anything that had been registered under their name. And since they defaced a state government protected park it might go to the circuit Court instead of just the municipal one." They said quickly. They watched as Claire's face furrowed and doubt entered her eyes. All that was encouraging was the small twitch of the corners of her lips. They sighed and turned away from her, continuing to walk away. "Nevermind. I'll let you know if it works." They murmured. Claire didn't stop them.
Instead she watched them go down the gravel driveway before sighing and turning back towards the lounge. It was kind of adorable seeing them get so fired up and hopeful about something that was unlikely to happen. But if they intended to give a little hope to her again, it certainly had its intended purpose.
"Good luck, Ranger." She hummed as she closed the door behind her.
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scurviesdisneyblog · 1 year
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Rapunzel concept art for Tangled (2010) by Claire Keane
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ph-cutie · 1 month
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Monday, 16:47
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fayegonnaslay · 5 months
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Jane Fonda photographed by Milton H. Greene in Malibu for Marie Claire, 1965.
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pagesupinflames · 3 months
“alpha rival bails you out” but it’s transmasc ranger thinking theyre literally being outed out to their own face by a person they supposedly hate
im gonna go sit in a corner nd think about this now chat
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rob--boss · 11 months
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Just a quick sketch of Claire Greene, the protective alpha werewolf. A character from @castleaudios audio roleplay series, Glenwood. Claire is easily my favourite speaker so far, and I wanted to put a face to the voice.
Claire's pretty young but dealing with some stress, so I gave her some bags under the eyes and some grey hairs. But she's on the upswing! Also she wears a glamour to hide some scars, but I thought it'd be fun if there was a scar from before the event she couldn't hide.
I really wanna do a better drawing of her in the future. And probably a few other speakers. Seriously, I'm enjoying Glenwood more than any traditional show I've watched in years!
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lizardlaw974 · 1 year
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I really need to make full refs for the designs of the Glenwood characters lol
Got the chance to doodle my design ideas for Claire from Glenwood! In my head, she had longer hair prior to the incident at the lake, and has decided to keep it short afterwards
Might be planning an animatic and an animation meme with her 👀
Claire and the Glenwood series belong to @castleaudios !
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alicent's handkerchief.
jaehaera's tunic embroidery.
embroidery of the flaming leaves on helaena's nightdress.
hand embroidery of opals, crystals and precious stones with organza rosettes and bugle beads on queen helaena's dresses.
the lannister house sigil embroidery detailing in rich metallic gold tones and ochre threads.
hand embroidered to create the placement design on the front panels of alys' vest, an organic tone-on-tone design with a subtle colour palette of deep red, lilac, browns and olive greens added to the hand embroidery.
embroidery on alicent hightower's dress and robe.
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flowersandfashion · 2 months
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