#claire and crew absolutely have done this
spacefinch · 1 year
Pokemon Incorrect Quotes: Johto Crew edition
Ethan: Kris! Is that a weed?
Kris: No, this is a crayon—
Ethan: I’m calling the police!
911, what’s your emergency?
Falkner: Why are you guys reblogging this in December?
Falkner: It is February, you ANIMALS
Bugsy: Would you like something to drink? *opens fridge* We have water, milk, juice, Spinaraks, Dr. Pepper…
Falkner: Spinaraks?
Bugsy: Spinaraks it is, then.
Falkner: Wait, that’s not what I meant—
But they were already pouring him a brimming glass of Spinaraks.
Ethan: Hi, welcome to Applebee's! Would you like Applins or Beedrills?
Falkner: Beedrills?
Falkner: Wait, what?
Kris: *filming in selfie mode*
Ethan: (in background) Bop it! Twist it! Pull it!
Ethan, Lyra, Kris, and Silver (gathered around a lettuce): Cabbasu, cabbasu, cab-a-su, LETTASU, LETTASU, LETTASUUUUUU!
Ethan: Really? EVERYBODY was kung fu fighting? I find that hard to believe. Stop feeding me these lies.
Lyra: Well it was really hard to see if it was everyone, you see they were as fast as lightning.
Kris: And to be honest, it was a little bit frightening.
Lance: Tumblr is just talking to yourself but with an audience.
Will: That’s called a soliloquy.
Lance: Found the theater kid. Get em boys.
Karen: Hey OP, how do we know you’re not a theater kid?
Falkner: *pours lemons into cereal bowl*
Falkner: Well, when life gives you lemons…
Silver: If you’re fortunate enough, your internal organs will spend their entire lifespan in absolute darkness.
Ethan: Not if I swallow this glowstick!
Silver: Despicable Me ruined the word minion. Whenever I become a supervillain I’m just going to have to call them my homies or whatever.
Falkner: I swear, the next one of you to say "weird flex, but okay" is going to regret it.
Ethan: …
Kris: … 
Bugsy: …
Morty: Preposterous boast, but alas.
Falkner: *facepalm*
Ethan: Early to bed, early to rise, Burger King burger with Burger King fries
Lyra: Later to rise, later to bed, Burger King burger on Burger King bread
Kris: Eat at morning, eat at night, I participate in a Burger King fight
Silver: I slap my knees, I slap my thighs, tonight is the night that Burger King dies
Bugsy: An Octillery is just a wet Ariados.
Ethan: This is my life now. I have climbed this hill and now I will die on it.
Pryce: Stop being so dramatic. We've only been hiking for ten minutes.
Falkner: The opposite of  "the Donphan in the room" is "the Venipede in the room—" something that’s not actually an issue, but everyone is freaking out about.
Janine: As someone who specializes in training Poison-type Pokemon, I can assure you that a "Venipede in the room" is in fact a very big issue.
Janine: If you have knees, you are valid.
Falkner: Homophobes have knees, too.
Janine: Not for long.
Bugsy: *whacks you with my Animal Crossing net* *whacks you with my Animal Crossing net* *whacks you with my Animal Crossing net* *whacks you with my Animal Crossing net* *whacks you with my Animal Crossing net* *whacks you with my Animal Crossing net* *whacks you with my Animal Crossing net* *whacks you with my Animal Crossing net* *whacks you with my Animal Crossing net* 
Silver: Sometimes I'm tired of being nice. One day your femur will be mine.
Lyra: Tooth fairies are a smaller and friendlier subspecies of the larger and much more hostile bone fairies.
Ethan: Thank you for this bespoke nightmare.
Silver: Bro forget that, how much money do I get for a femur under my pillow?
Whitney: Someone called country music "farm emo" and I can't stop thinking about it.
Silver: What means “I hate you” in dinosaur?
Lance: No. Dinosaur is the language of love.
Ethan: What are you guys going to be for Halloween?
Falkner: Sad
Clair: Gay
Morty: Sexy
Bugsy: Goblin
Bugsy: Professor Elm asked if I prefer “Miss” or “Mister” (because nb) and I accidentally said “ya boi” without thinking, so now I have a professor that calls me “ya boi Bugsy” every time I see him.
Janine: I almost dropped my Pokedex on my soft carpeted floor but thank Arceus I have lightning fast reflexes and was able to slap it into the wall instead.
Clair: The term girlfriend implies the existence of a girlfoe. That is a service I am willing to provide.
Ethan: Hey did you hear that Joe contracted ligma? They had to do a surgery on his updog.
Pryce: Who’s Joe? What’s ligma? What’s updog?
Ethan: *inhales*
Whitney: Non-binary people don’t owe you androgyny.
Falkner (talking about Bugsy): One does owe me money, though.
Morty: Oh sorry, I fell asleep while I was waiting on you to make me a sandwich!
Falkner: Go back to sleep AND STARVE.
Ethan: I heard my brother [Red] say he was going to Dairy Queen, so I snuck in his car and he has no idea I’m here.
Ethan: He asked his friend what he wanted and I popped up from the floor and said “I was thinking about a milkshake." I have never heard two teenage boys scream louder.
Silver: I am going to make a bucket list.
Silver: You are such a fricking moron, do you know that?
Whitney: She was poetry, he couldn't read
Ethan: his name was jarred, he's nineteen
Lyra: When his parents built a very strange machine
Kris: Watch that scene dig in the dancing queen
Bugsy: Ayyyyy macarena
Falkner: Horrible job, everyone
Ethan: Do not stand near the open fire when you have a tube of cocoa butter in your thigh pocket.
Kris: This is so oddly specific. What happened?
Ethan: I am confident in your ability to figure it out from the clues provided.
Ethan: We can’t mansplain manipulate malewife our way out of this.
Silver: Manslaughter it is, then.
Ethan: NO
Ethan: Rules are made to be broken.
Falkner: They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken.
Kris: Uh, piñatas.
Lyra: Glowsticks.
Janine: Karate boards.
Whitney: Eggs.
Bugsy: Spaghetti when you have a small pot.
Silver: Rules.
Falkner: Carpe diem— seize the day
Morty: Carpe noctem— seize the night
Clair: Carpe natem— seize the ass
Lance: Seriously, if you guys don't stop reblogging this, I am going to carpe someone's neck and break it.
Silver: Carpe collum— seize the neck
Ethan: Guys, it actually happens! I saw a documentary about it!
Falkner: Was it a documentary, or was it that movie about the robots we watched at your sleepover, Ethan?
Ethan: It was a documentary!
Ethan, narrating: It was the movie about the robots.
Jasmine: You don’t have to ‘ship’ things… just a reminder.
Ethan: Yeah, you could deliver them inste94q0ugpwsb nglsjki/rrhxbijbvnldkzOLHLNF>O(PJFVD
Jasmine: Poor thing… walked right into an electrical fence while speaking…
(during a Pokemon battle)
Falkner: No, but seriously, blue is a really fun color.
Janine: But your entire room? I’m not painting my entire room blue!
Falkner: Well, then why did you ask my opinion on paint colors if you’re not going to listen?
Morty: Spirits, if you are here, speak to us.
Bugsy: A theif
Falkner: Thief?
Bugsy: Theif
Falkner: I before e, except after c
Bugsy: Thceif
Falkner: No
Lance: Let me see what you have!
Silver: A knife!
Lance: NO!
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blackjack-15 · 9 months
next ep next ep
syd alone in the bear, wearing white and blue. carmy anxious in his apartment, decked out in Mikey Blue...this is gonna be an interesting episode huh
ah. claire's here. joy of joys. i knew they slept/were sleeping together, and hey we didn't have to see it! i'm 2 for 2 on predictions and my dinner will stay in my stomach
"i'm sorry, I..." "never, ever apologize" girl you made him apologize about the fake number thing multiple times. you should not be saying that. absolutely nauseating
"i just want you to know that this is really nice." has carmy been watching classic films to try to find romantic lines?
and he's still waiting for the other shoe
there is a huge part of carmy -- prolly the biggest part of carmy -- that thinks if something is not awful and painful, that it's just waiting for the awful and painful part to come. and since this isn't for anyone but the viewer, he can't even enjoy it. i'm v much a fan of the fact that they're not even pretending that being in a relationship is a cure for what's wrong with a person, or their disordered thinking, or anything like that.
this is probably just the actress' delivery and my own distaste for her delivery, but the "you achieve level 2!! you've done it!!" sounds really sarcastic and bitchy. like she generally has kind of a bitchy delivery (and has weird dialogue like i've mentioned before), but like...don't talk to your quasi-boyfriend like he's a five-year old? this is a critical test that they've failed twice? i'm prolly nitpicking but this is my liveblog! i get to nitpick!
it's nice that no real story nor character stuff happens when claire's around. saves me time when i rewatch.
well this is nauseating. lads, if you're explaining part of your work and stop to be like "is this super boring" and the person kinda says yes? maybe just cut away next time. tell me they talked. give me the cliff's notes. tell the actress that her eyebrow on the viewer's right side is really bugging me in close up shots.
this is a talk a long time coming and i'm so happy with it. running the window is the perfect job for him and i think it'll make him happy. and he'll be back with the team!!
good, carmy's in a (green! one of syd's colors!) sweater, he and syd are finish each other's sentences, and they're on the same page. this is beautiful, i've been missing this. thank you.
seriously i'm not over that scene. it's so refreshing to have those two back communicating, and they're doing it so effortlessly. when it's the two of them alone talking, nothing immediately yelling at them, they're magical.
the pepto handoff was brilliant. the bear is a comedy
this convo with richie is great too. so nice to have carmy back among the crew. that's the magic of the show right there. everyone scattered to the four winds for training, and now everyone's coming back together
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cosmoknightchaos · 4 months
The Religious Trauma Squad is unleashed inside of a shopping mall what do they do.
So for sake of plot convenience we're going to say Hallownest is located in the Midwest because. Because I don't know any other brands
Marion would be the one to drag them there. Neither Gospel nor Edge would want to be there- Gospel actually does, but doesn't want Edge to be unhappy, so she pretends she doesn't. Edge does not want to go. At all.
Once they actually get there, Edge would immediately raid the food court and stay there the rest of the time, absolutely refusing to leave... Until the other two are out of sight. Gospel and Marion would go shopping. Marion drags her around to a bunch of shops, mostly fashion spots. He's more fast-paced than Gospel likes, so she doesn't get much time to look at things (Malls would be a lovely source of stimulation for Marion, so he's very energetic and easily distracted in one), but if she were left alone she'd get lost very quickly.
Mariom would hit up Aerie, Garage, Pacsun, Hot Topic (unironically), and American Eagle for clothes. He wouldn't buy too much (by his standards) but would leave with at least three new outfits. He'd buy something from Hot Topic just to make fun of Edge. Unfortunately Gospel would get bored halfway through the shopping and find a Lego store and Marion would leave her there. She'd entertain herself with whatever displays and interactive/example sets they have.
Marion would finish up his clothes shopping and head to Bath n Bodyworks for candles, perfume, scrubs, the likes. Once that's all done, he'd find Gospel, buy her a small Lego set, and bring her to Sephora, so the two can check out some makeup. This is the only part of shopping with Marion that Gospel fully enjoys. Marion has an immaculate sense for what shades look good on anybody, and Gospel is no exception.
Edge, meanwhile, waited until Marion and Gospel were long gone before leaving the food court. They would wander around a bit, not really entering any shops but certainly observing. I fully believe he would end up in a Claire's and get earrings there. After that, they would wander until they found a bookstore.
Marion and Gospel would find Edge at said bookstore (Gospel asked to go there). Marion would make fun of Edge being in a bookstore despite having poor literacy skills, then skitter off to find a history book he can make mock. Gospel would find a fiction/fantasy novel, and Marion would read to Edge tidbits of a Hallownest history and/or mythology book and the two would make fun of the innacuracies. Perks of being a cultist and a literal god include perfect historical knowledge. In a perfect world, Edge would buy a book for honorary RTS member Lokki, who's far too antisocial to go shopping with the crew but appreciates a gift.
The three would get lunch/some sort of food and then head out. Gospel would begin working on her Lego set the moment they get back to camp, and Edge would nearly stab Marion for buying them stuff from Hot Topic.
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redleavesinthewind · 2 years
writing version / click here for the reading version
i originally wanted to keep track of the amount of words i wrote this year, but that kinda fell apart after a few months. i do know that i didn’t write as much this year as i did the years previous, but hey, i also know i’ve published a total of 110,538 words across 14 fics in 2022, and that’s gotta count for something
so, here’s the list of fics i wrote this year and some thoughts on them (continues under the cut):
dean winchester’s guide to grieving an angel | spn | After Cas dies, Dean feels lost | 1.4k words
this one’s the first fic in my supernatural guides series, and when i wrote this i didn’t even know it would become a series. i’ve tried some new things in this one, specifically how to write about grief and playing around with cas’ trueform. i’ve never called this fic a fix-it, but i guess that’s what it is
the birthday present | spn | Dean’s family surprises him on his birthday | 507 words
this is just a soft little birthday ficlet and another excuse for me to give dean tattoos
time will bring him back to you | spn | After a knee injury, Dean Winchester’s ballet career could very well be over. Refusing to think about it too much, Dean returns to his hometown to take some time off and relax. However, when his old ballet teacher Rowena gets sick he has to take over teaching, and he keeps seeing his ex-boyfriend around town. An ex who he definitely doesn’t have any feelings for anymore… right? Castiel Novak has a good life. He loves his two adopted children, Jack and Claire, and he’s happy with his job as a paramedic. There’s nothing more he needs. Least of all having his ex from back when he was a teenager show up suddenly and distract him from what’s important. Which shouldn’t even be a problem because Cas is totally over him… right? With some meddling from Charlie, Dean and Cas find themselves confronted with feelings they thought were left in the past. | 24k words
okay so while i published this fic in 2022, it was mainly written in 2021. it’s the first time i participated in a big bang type event (deancas pinefest!) and it was such a fun experience. i have done ballet pretty much all my life, so i make ballet aus for pretty much every fandom i’m in, but this is the first one i’ve actually written out! it is very dear to me, and i have more ballet fics in my drafts
castiel’s guide to loving a human | spn | After being rescued from the Empty, Cas is finally allowed to love Dean with all his heart | 2.3k words
here it is, the second part of the supernatural guides series. i never planned for this fic to exist, but i worked off a creator celebration’s prompts and it worked out perfectly! this might be the least angsty fic i have ever written in my life btw
proper pirates have tattoos | ofmd | Before the crew sets sail to follow Blackbeard, Stede gets a tattoo | 720 words
aaand another excuse for me to write about tattoos! funnily enough, i don’t have as much of a desire to write ofmd fic than i do for other fandoms, but this little moment got stuck in my head and i had to get it out
canvas | spn | Claire Novak is a canvas | 1.2k words
a fic about the love of my life claire novak. she is my absolute favourite and i will always jump on any opportunity to a) mess with her gender and b) give her tattoos. this might me my favourite fic i wrote this year, it’s simple, but means so much to me
healing | 911 | Eddie is healing | 100 words
A DRABBLE do you know how hard it is to keep a fic to exactly 100 words?? not easy, especially when you have so much to say about a specific topic (like, eddie’s journey in season 5!!)
the dream goes as follows | spn | dean dreams and he bleeds | 641 words
i’m kinda playing around with imagery in this one, it was fun to write, even though dean is very much not having a good time
home | spn | dean and his home | 100 words
sometimes i look back on my writing and wonder how i did it. i have no idea. i don’t even remember sitting down and writing this. it was just suddenly there. and somehow at perfectly 100 words
cas and dean’s guide to making a home | spn | Cas and Dean buy a house. Now they’re making it their home. | 3.3k words
after writing the previous two guides, i realised that i really liked this universe i’ve created and when another creator celebration with the right prompts came along, the third installment of the guides series was born. it’s a story told through painting walls and i think that’s neat. also, i wrote parts of this while visiting a friend in amsterdam
thread | spn | The thread with which Sam holds himself together | 649 words
ohhh boy okay. a sam character study i came up with after a morning of sewing. i’m very proud of it, however i do think it’s a little cursed
hunting contact | spn | After Hibbing, Jody becomes Donna’s first contact concerning everything supernatural. What starts as professional calls slowly develops into something much more personal, and Jody has to juggle with her job, keeping Donna up-to-date with information on monsters, making a home for Alex and Claire, and realising that there’s more to the blossoming friendship between her and Donna. | 11k words
a jodydonna fic! i’ve wanted to write this one for years, it’s just a comfortable little fic about donna becoming a permanent part of jody’s life. also claire and alex are there and i love them
[insert mamma mia quote here] | spn | Claire Winchester has long resigned to not knowing who their second parent is, but when they find their dad's journal from the summer they were conceived, there's suddenly three possible other fathers. Claire decides to invite them all to their upcoming wedding, convinced that they are going to recognise their father on sight. What could go wrong? Dean Winchester may not understand why his child wants to get married at twenty-two, but he wants to give Claire and Krissy the perfect wedding nonetheless. Now, that would be much easier if there weren't those three guys from his past running around on the island, who cannot under any circumstances find out about Claire. And no, Dean does not still have feelings for one of them. At least that's what he keeps telling himself. | currently at 33k words
BIG SIGH okay. okay. i was supposed to finish this fic within the year but hey, here we are, the last day of 2022, and we’re only slightly over the midway point. i’m a little sad about that actually, cause this fic is so fun! it’s a mix of my favourite things (mamma mia and transnatural) and it is the best thing i have ever come up with. but i am still working on it, so it’s not abandoned! i would never abandon it it’s much too important to me, i’m just inconsistent and can’t stick to schedules
Fire in the Dark | spn | With his brother Sam out of town, Dean and the other forest rangers in his small town in West Virginia must figure out why the forest has become disorienting to those that know it best and, with Cas’ help, concoct a plan that will set it back to normal. | 32k words
okay, first off only around half of the words in this fic were written by me, the other are from ely @/juliept who agreed to try and write a horror fic with me! which was a very fun process. it’s not the first time we’ve co-written, but this one felt different, because i was the one who came up with the concept, and i love how it came to life with our words
eyyyy and that’s it! here’s to many more stories in 2023!!
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hollymbryan · 1 year
Blog Tour: Top 5 Reasons to Read CITY OF VICIOUS NIGHT by Claire Winn! #tbrbeyondtours
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Hello and welcome to Book-Keeping! I’m happy today to be hosting a spot on the TBR and Beyond Tours blog + bookstagram tour for the conclusion to the Requiem Dark duology by Claire Winn, City of Vicious Night! I’ve got all the details below, plus my top 5 reasons to read the book/series.
About the Book
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title: City of Vicious Night (Requiem Dark #2) author: Claire Winn publisher: Flux release date: 23 May 2023
For the most hated crew on Requiem, the only way out is up. It’s been four months since runaway heiress Asa crash-landed on the matriarchal outlaw colony Requiem, bringing a nasty AI and a host of deadly secrets with her. Now, she runs with her almost-girlfriend Riven’s smuggler crew, stealing kisses between gunfights and heists. But when a mysterious hacker sabotages their latest job, other gangs turn against them, blaming them for the destruction the rogue AI caused. Nowhere in the city is safe. The only way to protect their crew is a series of trials for control of an underworld faction–and vying for a matriarch’s throne is a dream Riven can’t let go. But as the trials intensify, the saboteur hounds Asa and Riven’s every step, determined to kill Asa and right her father’s wrongs. When the saboteur reveals a horrific conspiracy threatening all of Requiem–one involving the crew member they thought they’d lost–the girls must decide whether to risk their own skins for a city that loathes them.
Content Warning: death, violence, body horror, references of sexual assault
Add to Goodreads: City of Vicious Night (Requiem Dark #2) Purchase the Book: Amazon | B&N | Bookshop.org
About the Author
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Claire Winn spends her time immersed in other worlds—through LARP, video games, books, nerd conventions, and her own stories. Since graduating from Northwestern University, she’s worked as a legal writer and freelance editor. Aside from writing, she builds cosplay props and armor, tears up dance floors, and battles with boffer swords.
Connect with Claire: Website | Twitter | Instagram | Goodreads | Facebook
Top 5 Reasons to Read
I had wanted to read the first book in this duology, City of Shattered Light, since it came out but hadn’t done so yet, so I loved getting to binge this series for this tour! What amazing fun this set is! Below are my top 5 reasons to read City of Vicious Night, which really goes for the whole series, just FYI.
1. These books are such a great example of both sisterhood and the power of female friendships. Asa would do absolutely anything to save her sister Kaya, and book 2 really digs deeper into their sisterhood.
2. We have an incredible group of misfits and outlaws that are an amazing example of why I love the found family trope so much! Riven, Asa, Ty, Samir, Diego, Kaya...I love them all separately but together they’re unstoppable!
3. I love the LGBTQ+ rep in this series; kind of like in the best TV show ever, Schitt’s Creek, it’s just a version of the world in which people are what they are and love who they love and there’s not really any need for explanation or justification.
4. We’ve got heists and deadly competitions -- in space! Enough said.
5. AI, cybernetics, and spaceships, oh my! Seriously, everything we love about cyberpunk sci-fi is here and I just love the world Claire Winn has created with this series.
Really there are more reasons to read this (both kick-butt and ridiculously smart women, budding romance, the sweetest pup) but these are my top 5. I hope you’ll check out the Requiem Dark duology today! Both books were 5-star reads for me.
**Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the publisher for purposes of this tour.
Make sure you check out the Bookstagram tour too! You can find my post here, and the full schedule is here.
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primal-slayer · 8 months
Charmed cast, crew, guest stars talk Charmed
Here is my own Book of Shadows of Guest Stars talking about their time on Charmed. Please feel free to add any - put please ensure there is either a source, screenshot or an actual quote.
Michael Bailey Smith aka Belthazor/Shax/Grimlock I did 14 episodes on “Charmed” and had a great time. Whenever I showed up to the set as Belthazor, Alyssa Milano would always give me a kiss on the cheek and say, “You’re not scary.” Holly was really nice too, really down to earth. And I know the rumors about Shannen Doherty, but for me, she was always nice and very professional. I would always see her doing extra work off the set with the stunt people just to make sure her fight scenes looked good. I remember one time when we were preparing for a scene, she got a box of roses from someone. When she opened them, they were dead roses. People can be so cruel. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10157836541399125&set=a.404883944124&type=3&theater
Brian Krause (leo)“ I can just tell you that she was the hardest working person on the set. Yes, she could be terse and abrupt, but she wasn’t always wrong, I’ll tell you that.”“She had everybody’s back, she was part of the family, she was the family. And when she left, we all wondered how the show was gonna last, and it’s honestly a miracle that we did and kudos to Holly and Alyssa and Rose [McGowan] that we did, they kept it together. But I have nothing but love for Shannen Doherty.”“Most of those comments come from guys, men in power with money who don’t like to be told what to do by a woman, especially a strong opinionated woman,” he said, adding: “She wasn’t always right, but she stood her ground.”https://www.pedestrian.tv/entertainment/brian-krause-interview/
James L Conway (producer)"Shannen was nice to almost everyday, she had script problems, always nice to the cast, she was the HEART AND SOUL OF CHARMED" That really says it all doesn't it? She viewed Charmed as her baby.Source: Charmed blu ray special feature
Christine Rose (Claire)"It was all with Shannen, and I thought she was absolutely darling. I had worked with her years before on Life Goes on. That was about a boy with a Down’s syndrome, and I was guest-starring as the boy’s teacher. Shannen was on that episode, too, and I was setting them up to be married, for what that might be like. I was new to L.A. then because I’d mostly been on the stage, and I was relatively new to being on camera. And I remember thinking, «This girl is a pro”. So I was aware of how good Shannen was, and she was very nice when I did Charmed. I enjoyed working with her, Holly Marie Combs, I had played her biological mother on Picket Fences. We didn’t get to work together on Charmed, but it was fun just getting to see her again. Otherwise my experience was pretty straightforward.
Actually, one other thing I remember was being at a table and another guest star was having a hard time. In between takes Shannen said something very encouraging and nurturing to her, and I thought she was very nice. So those are my memories, as sparse as they are"Source Unknown via: https://thecharmedcafe.proboards.com/thread/11658/guest-stars-working-shannen-doherty
TW King (andy) I think some of it is rumor, but a lot of it is based on truth because she was young when success hit her. The great thing about Shannen is that she is a total professional and is always prepared, and she expects everyone around her to be at the same level - and I like to think I am the same way, so I respect the way she is around the set. We get things done, things rapidly and according to the script, so I certainly can't complain.Source Unknown via: https://thecharmedcafe.proboards.com/thread/11658/guest-stars-working-shannen-doherty
Scott Steiner (Wrestling W/Demons demon) Steiner is asked about appearing on the TV show "Charmed" while working in WCW. He said that while explaining to Shannen Doherty's stunt double that he would have to put his hand in her crotch to perform a press slam, Shannen came up to him and said that she would do that and when Steiner told her that he would have to put his hand in her crotch, Shannen told him that is why she asked. Steiner says that she was cool and gets a lot of bad press.https://www.rspwfaq.net/2014/05/rf-video-shoot-interview-with-scott.html
Armin Shimerman (The Wizard) "I hated the ladies on "Bewitched"...um...uh..."Charmed!" "Charmed!" And there's a reason they were cast as witches. I...of all the shows I've ever worked, that was by far the ugliest." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zl24cHSS-w (8:10)
Danielle Harris (Aviva) First AC guy was talking to me - Shannen kept walking by, she wasn't very nice to me anyway but she kept getting mad. Wasn't sure what was going on. Wasn't a fun experience. A lot of fighting between the girls. If I pick Shannen, Holly would be mean. If I picked Holly, Shannen would be mean. Alyssa kept telling me what to do as if I didn't know anything. The AC was using me to get back at Shannen. He had been her boyfriend for 1.5 years. Thats why I was getting stink eye.
Scout Compton (Thistle the fairy) I did 7 or 8 episodes and it was interesting. I wasnt on (when Rose was on NOTE: She was only on 1 episode with Shannen. The rest with Rose)The women were always fighting in the makeup trailer.
https://talkscarytome.podbean.com/e/talk-scary-to-me-e9/ (22:00)
Geoffrey Blake (Four horseman) Alyssa was very welcoming. Most of them were except one that wasnt so nice**. (Shannen was largely absent this episode)** https://podcasts.apple.com/be/podcast/geoffrey-blake-podcast-apocalypse-not-part-2/id1573860155?i=1000526963557
Misha Collins ( Eric Bragg )
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little things i never want to forget about the hargreeves:
all of them used to defy their father, sneak out to griddy’s, and in five’s own words “eat donuts until we puked. simpler times, eh?”
luther wrote poetry while he was on the moon, especially about comets
tom hopper and the UA crew have said that the scratches all over luther’s body were made by him. he couldn’t stand the loneliness, especially during that first year, and would often resort to harming himself as a way to vent his frustration
it’s also pretty likely that he's had body dysmorphia at one point or another
he also has a habit of stress eating
diego almost became a detective, but he dropped out because he wasn't good at following orders. he even went to police academy!!!
diego has the cross stitch grace made specifically for him on the wall of his basement apartment, and in a frame no less
he’s also a big-ass momma’s boy
and he’s the only one grace calls “silly” as a term of endearment
and he has a fear of needles due to getting that tattoo when they were kids (y’all know which one i’m talking about)
plus his stutter only comes out when he's under extreme emotional stress
and a close rewatch of 1X03 shows that his bedroom had an overflowing abundance of books so what if him and ben used to bond over that😭
allison speaks seven languages
she told her daughter about her siblings, and claire obviously knew them well enough that she was calling them "uncle” and “aunty,” and that last one is especially heartwarming because this was around the time that vanya’s book had just come out, and yet, allison--who has the option of never telling claire about her--still does, and even explains why she wasn’t allowed to go on missions
klaus was smoking blunts at fourteen
klaus was clutching dave’s dogtags right before five teleported all of them to the past
and i’ve noticed that he has a habit of doing that in general in season 2, especially when he’s feeling kind-of low, but sometimes it’s also an unconscious habit and that’s cute, too
klaus would write the things the dead would say to him, all over his bedroom wall
klaus has a habit of going barefoot whenever he’s at home
five was the only person vanya felt comfortable enough with to present new violin pieces to
five outright says that everything he’s done so far was to get back to his family and keep them safe
@me-evil-never​ wrote in the tags: “five has watched his family die/be dead like 3 times if i’m counting correctly (YES YOU ARE AND IT’S A PAINFUL FACT WE MUST ALL LIVE WITH), plus all he has ever done in his life since age 13 was to get back to them so he could spend time safely with them” and YES I AGREE why would you hide such an excellent point in the tags because, sometimes, even i forget that it’s only been two weeks for him, and they’re probably the roughest he’s had since being stuck in the apocalypse as an actual child, and idk about you guys, but i just really want to give five a big hug because lord knows he deserves needs it
allison used to paint klaus' nails during meals
and was apparently a daddy’s girl, though how one could become a “daddy’s girl” if the father in question was reginald hargreeves is beyond my capacity to understand
ben was reading chekhov as early as 14
ben was a bookworm, both in life and death
vanya had the smallest room
vanya openly called ben the kindest of their siblings in her book, and said that when he died, none of them had any more reason to stay
before he left, diego gave reggie a piece of his mind
all of them know how to dance
they all know how to speak and read greek (ancient fucking greek, as one of you oh-so-eloquently put it)
vanya knows how to speak russian and god knows how many other languages
(by this point i'm really convinced they're all multilingual and there just hasn't been an opportunity for them to utilize that yet)
she also has a mr. snuggles teddy bear
according to klaus, vanya used to cry when the others would step on ants as kids
klaus is pansexual
he also dated twins once (though i’m not sure if he dated one then the other or both at the exact same time)
and has mild claustrophobia from being locked up in mausoleums all the time as a child
diego swore a pinky promise with lila and called it “the pinkiest promise” he’d ever make, and even though he’s a hard-ass who won’t hesitate to cut anybody in half, he’s still at his gentlest when he’s around her and he doesn’t even try to hide it
off her meds, vanya got first chair and a solo on her first try (as a violinist in a professional orchestra, lemme tell you that this is no easy feat to do)
she also seemed to have an affinity for bach (again--not easy!!)
even though he was barely starting puberty, ben was smart enough to reprogram allison's teddy bear to say "luther smells dad's underwear."
upon possessing klaus for a few minutes in season 2, ben could be seen clutching various flowers and smelling them repeatedly
klaus can actually levitate in the comics
according to @valkerymillenia, ghost!ben once saved klaus' life in the comics after he overdosed on heroin yet again
both klaus and diego repeatedly tried to open the lock to vanya's old anechoic chamber and were absolutely furious when luther wouldn't let them
diego called elliott "one of ours" despite knowing him for all of a week and a half
he also calls herb “herbie,” calmed him down after accidentally drawing a weapon on him, and created a secret handshake with him, all within two hours tops of meeting him
if one really thinks about it, diego is actually good with people? and that makes sense because he left the academy as early as seventeen, and he would’ve had to talk to a lot of people just to make ends meet that first year alone, and even though reggie tried to squash that part of him down, he’s still a good person at heart, you go prince of pointy things, make us all proud
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eo-writes · 2 years
To be human
This took a while I haven't written In ages but  I love this show and it inspired me so much that chapter 2 is already half way done. Please don't hesitate to point out any mistakes this was not Beta'd.
Enjoy E x
Summary: When Isaac finds a way to be human he. Claire and the rest of the crew have to deal with everything that comes with that.
Fandom: The Orville / The Orville new horizons  
Relationships: Isaac/Claire
Isaac was fascinated by the planet they had discovered a few days ago in a supposedly empty part of space. The people, while technically advanced, had not yet made the jump to long range space travel. However the planet designated Mino did have multiple satellites around it sending out signals to try and make contact, therefore the Union had given them permission to make their presence known. 
But the most interesting thing about this humanoid race was their use of genetically grown bodies. The bodies themselves did not age, were more durable and could be fully customized to the users preference. From what Isaac could observe the users switched their consciousness between their genetically grown bodies and their real bodies as needed. They were popular amongst the beings in dangerous professions like law enforcement. But as far as he could tell it was more about vanity. 
"Captain Mercer" Mino's elected representative greeted the captain as he walked into the large round conference room followed by his two advisors. Isaac, the Captain and Lieutenants Bortus and Kiali were attending the meeting.
"Representative Cam, good to see you again" the Captain said.
Cam smiled and gestured for them to sit.
"Captain, you'll be pleased to know that Mino's Council has come to a decision and decided that they would like to join your Union" he announced proudly. 
"Excellent welcome to family" the captain grinned "As discussed we'd like to leave two union officers behind to teach you about the union and also study your planet".
"Of course they're more than welcome, we are very eager to learn about your people and study your technology as well" Cam agreed.
"Speaking of technology we'd love the opportunity before we leave to learn more about your genetically grown bodies. We outlawed cloning years ago for moral and ethical reasons but this seems like something new entirely" Ed said hopefully.
"Yes the surrogate program is our proudest achievement, we will be happy to share our technology in return"
"Thank you Representative Cam with your permission I'd leave our science officer Isaac to take a look at the surrogates and  lieutenant Kiali will escort your researchers onto the ship to observe our labs". 
"Of course, Isaac if you follow Yana" Cam gestured to one of his advisors "She will show you our lab".
"Thank you Representative Cam" Isaac nodded before following Yana out of the room.
The lab was very impressive, the people of Mino had somehow managed to develop a way to grow organic bodies without using original DNA.
"These bodies behave like any other human body?" Isaac asked the lab technician, a young man with extremely bright blue eyes named Kin.
"Yes absolutely in fact I'm using one right now" he smiled, spreading his arms and turning slowly. Isaac looked him up and down carefully, he could detect no signs that he was not scanning a normal human body except for the brain which showed some electrical components which he now understood were essential for the transfer of consciousness.
"And they do not age?" He inquired
"No we design them to reach the users desired age then stop" Kin smiled checking somes screens next to the current growing body suspended in fluid. An idea began forming in Isaacs mind 
"How long does the process take?" He asked.
"Depending on the desired age of the body, about a week," Kin said, going on to explain about accelerated growth as Isaac solidified his idea.
He spent the rest of the afternoon re-examining Dr Villka and Timmis's research. By the time it came to have dinner with Claire he had the necessary data and knowledge to complete his idea. However he had come to learn that when you are in a couple major life decisions must be discussed. 
He got to the simulator early and changed into his simulated appearance while he waited for his wife to arrive. A few moments later the simulator doors opened and Claire strode in looking flustered
"Sorry I'm late it's been a hectic day I've got two nurses off sick and Lamar got himself electrocuted by spilling soda over his console"
"It is understandable you are late given your extra workload, shall we sit?" He asked pulling out one of the chairs from the empty table beside them. He had selected a simulation of an open air restaurant on the beach from a country called Greece of earth. Claire smiled and took her seat placing her napkin in her lap as Isaac sat down himself. The waiter came over and poured wine before leaving them some menus. 
"How was your day…dear?" Isaac asked, employing some of the terms of endearment he had learned from his study of human relationship. Claire's lips twitched up into an amused smile
"Well apart from being busy it wasn't too bad I got a request from Union Central to write a paper on Xelayan bone density. How about you, how was your day dear" she teased. Teasing as he had learned was a good humoured exchange between human couples.
"I attended the meeting on Mino with the Captain and Lieutenants Bortus and Kiali, then I studied the planet's surrogate program. After that I returned to the ship to do more research and fulfil my regular duties''.
"The Mino's surrogates program is fascinating," she agreed. She had been on the first landing party to Mino and had examined both the active and inactive surrogates. Isaac waited until after Claire had eaten her main meal before he brought up his idea. He found humans functioned better and were less emotional once they had eaten.
"I have something to discuss with you" He began. Claire paused looking up from the dessert menu giving him a curious look
"Okay, what's up?" 
"I know you were disappointed when I was unable to keep my emotions and you declined my offer to erase my memory as you wanted to keep as you put it my soul"
"Yes…" she replied seemingly concerned with where the conversation was going. He knew that the choice she had to make still caused her some sadness.
"After studying the surrogate process on Mino and re-examining Dr Villka and Timmis's research I have concluded that my consciousness could be transferred into a surrogate body so that I could function as a human being both physically and emotionally" He explained. Claire looked stunned and was unable to speak for several moments, so Isaac decided to continue
"I know communication, especially about big decisions, is important for relationships. Therefore I wanted to discuss this with you before I go ahead with the procedure". Claire raised her eyebrows at his statement and found her voice again
"It sounds like you have already made up your mind. Isaac I can't ask you to do this for me again" she took his hand in hers and squeezed gently.
"As wonderful as those few minutes were when you had your emotions I felt tremendous guilt over asking you to do that for me" 
"You are not asking me to do anything therefore your argument is invalid" he squeezed her hand back something he had noted that she always seemed to enjoy. 
"As with our wedding I have reasoned that this procedure will improve the productivity and stability of our relationship. It would also allow me to study and observe the full human experience. However I will not go through with the procedure if you oppose it". She considered his words for a moment
"But Isaac this is not like before you wouldn't just have human emotions you'd experience the physical side as well. Discomfort, sickness, pain"
"Yes as well as comfort, warmth and pleasure" he retorted watching her lips curl in amusement as he said pleasure. 
"I don't know what to say" she sighed
"Preferably yes"
"Isaac I'm glad you wanted to discuss this with me and value my opinion, but ultimately this is your decision. If this is something you really want no matter my decision it is down to you and how you feel" 
"I do not feel….yet" he said tilting his head at her. She laughed at that 
"Okay good point, can I have some time to think about this?" 
"Of course, now shall we resume the usual pleasantries of our date, perhaps you'd like to order dessert?" He suggested.
"Yes that sounds like a good idea" she agreed, picking back up the menu.
It was a few days later when Claire gave him her answer. They were on their way back to Mino to escort the Representatives to Union Central after a short supply run. Isaac had already told the Captain of his plans and he had gotten them approved by Representative Cam, provided he chose to go forward. They had been very excited at the thought of one of their surrogates being used by a Union officer. 
He was sitting on the couch in his and Claire's quarters, which they had moved into after they married. It was slightly larger than her previous quarters with a small room for Isaac when he needed to run diagnostics or recharge. Claire had put on some old earth show about roommates when she suddenly paused the show and turned to him.
"Was that episode not to your liking? If you are bored we could go to the simulator" he questioned.
"No its fine I just wanted to talk to you about the surrogate issue"
"Have you made your decision?"
"I have" she took his hand, he noted that she does this a lot as if she is trying to comfort him. 
"Isaac, if you truly want to do this, I will support you completely. But I need to make sure your not just doing this for me"
"I do want to go through with the procedure not just to help progress our relationship but also to learn more about the human experience".
"Okay well we should talk to the Captain tomorrow and once we get back to Mino and pick up the Representatives I will start work with Technician Kin to ensure everything is done safely"
"Very well I shall start my own preparations after we speak to the Captain".
"Do you really think it's going to work?" She asked.
"In theory yes" 
"I can't believe this is actually going to happen," she said, eyes shining. 
"Indeed" she leant forward and kissed him where his mouth would be another thing she does from time to time. He wonders what it will feel like with his surrogate body.
After their discussion the process started quite quickly. Technician Kin had stayed on board as a temporary crew member after the Union Central meeting but was quickly expressing interest in going to the academy. He had been allowed to set up a small lab on the Orville, and Isaac had shown him his simulated form as a guide for his new surrogate body. He and Kin began work straight away with Isaac focusing on using Dr Vilkas research to make sure he would be able to feel emotion as well as physical sensations. Claire did a full med scan on the growing body everyday to make sure everything was forming correctly and healthily. 
A week later they were staring at a fully formed body that looked exactly like his simulated form. 
"It's incredible," Claire said, walking slowly around the tube.
"Indeed" Isaac agreed, he turned to Kin "We should start the procedure"
"Wait" Claire interrupted "Maybe we should run a few more tests first".
"All the tests have been run" Isaac replied
"It is a perfect surrogate Doctor" Kin reassured. Claire still looked unsure but nodded
"Okay let's get the body to sickbay, I'd like to complete the procedure there just in case the body has any complications”. 
They laid the body out on one of the exam tables, while Isaac laid on the table next to it. Claire finished attaching a monitor to the body while Kin set up the transfer device. Claire turned to face him 
"Okay we're all set, you'll be shut down for a few minutes before you wake up in the surrogate body" she explained .
"Should be no more than five minutes" Kin reassured
"Are your ready" Claire asked taking his hand 
"Yes please proceed" he responded.
"Okay" she said softly, giving him a gentle kiss before turning and nodding to Kin. The technician began pressing various buttons
"See you soon" Claire whispered. 
Then everything went dark….
He opened his eyes quickly, shutting them hissing at the bright light that greeted him.
"Lights down to 50%" a voice came from somewhere beside him. He felt someone squeeze his hand
"Try now" the voice said, he slowly opened his eyes again. The light was much dimmer now, he blinked a few times to clear the blurriness from his vision. He was looking up at the med bay ceiling and he could feel…everything. 
He felt the smooth material of the examination table beneath him, the warmth of his skin where his arms were pressed against the side of his body and the coldness of the room. The room smelt sterile with a hint of floral perfume. He could hear soft movements and beeping machinery around the room. 
Lifting his hand up he slid it over his new face feeling the shapes and lines where it used to be completely smooth. He carried on down his neck and over his chest pausing when he felt a heartbeat. Realizing he'd been instinctively breathing the whole time, he tried to focus on it in and out. When he breathed in his lungs inflated lifting his hand along with his chest then out they deflated and he chest fell. It all felt overwhelming the sights, the smells, the sounds, he felt his breath quicken, becoming more shallow, his chest rising and falling rapidly. Suddenly a face came into view
"Claire?" His voice came out in a gasping wheeze. He tried to sit up  but she placed her hand against his chest 
"Isaac, just take it easy" Claire said, trying to keep him in place.
"Please I need to sit up" he said feeling breathless
"Okay but carefully" she advised. He moved slowly sitting up and turning so his feet were hanging off the table. His breathing was still coming in pants but he couldn't help it, everything was so overwhelming. 
"Isaac breathe" Claire instructed, taking his hand again, a gesture he could now appreciate the comfort of fully.
"I'm having difficulty, is there something wrong with the body?" he questioned, looking at her desperately. She shook her head 
"The body is fine,  I think you're just overwhelmed at the moment by everything you're experiencing" she explained. He relaxed a little knowing there was nothing wrong but he still felt like there was no air. Claire placed a gentle hand on his shoulder
"Take a deep breath and hold it for 10 seconds" she instructed softly.  He did as he said letting his lungs fill and holding it, she counted down the seconds for him.
"Now breathe out nice and slow" he let the breath go feeling a little better 
"Now do it again" she had him repeat the action a few more times till he calmed down. 
"Thank you I feel better" she smiled at him reaching out to cradle his face gently, he leaned into the touch with a contented sigh. He loved her so much, she always made everything better. The rush of emotion overwhelmed him again and he felt tears stinging his eyes. He launched himself forward burying his face in her neck as the tears started to fall, she made a startled noise before recovering and pulling him closer stroking a hand up and down his back. They stayed that way for a few moments. 
As they separated Isaac quickly swiped away the tears streaked across his face. He felt embarrassed by his reaction and need to be comforted like a child.
"I'm sorry its just….a lot" he apologized 
"No apologies necessary I can only imagine how disorientating this must be for you". He looked up at her with a smile
"I love you" her face lit up with a smile that made him feel warm inside.
"I love you too" she replied, leaning down to kiss him gently. Kissing her in this body felt amazing, her soft lips pressed against his, the way she sucked his bottom lip slightly. He felt warmth spread throughout his new body. She pulled away chuckling as he tried to chase her lips, she humored him with a few more kisses before placing a hand gently against his chest.
"Okay we'll have plenty of time for that later" she promised. He felt desperate to lay with her to hold her, to kiss her more to have them sleep in each other's arms.
"Can we go back to our quarters?" he asked
"Soon I just need to get Kin back in here to check everything over just to be sure" she said moving towards the door. As she moved away Isaac realized how cold it was in the room and realized he was only wearing a pair of briefs they had put the body in for the sake of modesty. 
"Wait" he said, suddenly feeling very self conscious. 
"Could I have some clothes first?" he asked, wrapping his arms around himself. Claire paused turning back to him
"Of course I had some put in my office for when you woke up" She disappeared into the small room before returning with a small neatly folded pile of clothes. He pushed himself off the table onto his slightly shaking legs to get dressed. He felt much better in the soft gray trousers and the long sleeved white top she had chosen. 
"Okay I'm ready"
Once Kin had finished his tests and determined that the procedure had gone to plan, Isaac found himself feeling restless and eager to leave sickbay. Claire took him by the hand and led him back to their quarters. As soon as they were through the door Ty rushed towards them
"Isaac" he cried excitedly, throwing his arms around Isaacs middle. He hugged the young boy back smiling as Ty grinned up at him, Marcus appeared beside them 
"This is weird" he commented looking Isaac up and down. 
"Indeed" Isaac agreed "It is going to be a big adjustment"
"We'll get through it together," Claire said, squeezing his shoulder. Suddenly his stomach made a strange noise
"I do believe I am hungry" he grinned. Claire laughed 
"Well okay it is dinner time, what would you like to try first?" She asked. He thought about it for a moment 
"I don't know" he looked at Ty 
"What is your favourite food Ty?" 
"Mac and cheese" he replied, smiling from ear to ear.
"Yesss moms mac and cheese is the best" Marcus agreed.
"Very well I would like to try mac and cheese" 
"Okay let me get started, perhaps you should drink something first I'll grab you some water" she said walking over to the synthesizer. He hadn't realized how thirsty he was until he took his first sip; he guzzled it down despite Claire's warning to take it slow. Once he was finished he got another but sipped this one slowly while he sat at the table. 
While they waited for dinner Ty showed him a recent school project he had made about different earth landmarks. He complimented Ty on his Eiffel Tower model and offered some improvements to the map. It felt good encouraging him and watching his face light up. He also spoke to Marcus about how school was going for him but he was more reserved, seemingly still feeling weird about Isaac suddenly being human,
“Okay dinner is served” Claire called. They all gathered around the table, the aroma of cheese and pasta filled the air.
“This smells very appetizing” He commented picking up his fork, He took a few moments to spear a few bits of pasta onto his fork not used to using the utensil. As soon as he put the bite into his mouth flavour exploded over his tongue
“This is amazing!” he grinned. 
“It's just mac and cheese” Claire laughed as Isaac kept eating, enjoying every mouthful.
“Yeah but mom its your mac and cheese” Marcus commented 
“I can see why its your favourite Ty” Isaac said 
“I wonder what your favourite food will be” Ty asked
“I can’t wait to find out”.
After dinner he and Claire decided to take a walk to the bridge to show the crew his new appearance.
“Wow Isaac you look great although it is certainly going to take some getting used too” The Captain commented 
“I didn't think we’d ever see this look outside the simulator” Kelly commented 
“It's freaky,'' Lamar said circling him slowly he stopped quickly when Claire shot him an angry look 
“But er….. you look good man” he patted Isaac n the shoulder.
“I understand it will take some getting used to” Isaac said 
“Maybe now we can finally have a proper prank war when nobody gets their leg cut off” Gordan grinned. Isaac laughed loudly
“I am sorry about that” he apologized still smiling
“Hey it was still one of the funniest pranks i've ever seen” The lieutenant smirked.
“How will you defend yourself in battle now that you are human” Bortus questioned 
“That doesn't matter right now” Tala scolded him “I think it's really romantic how you can finally feel the love between you and Claire” she smiled warmly.
“Thank you commander it feels wonderful” he smiled, linking hands with Claire.
They chatted for a few more minutes before he suddenly felt very tired, Claire seemed to sense this and wrapped one arm around him
“Well I think we should be going, it's getting late” She said to the group. Isaac was grateful she’d said something, he was feeling more and more drained as time went on. 
“I can return to my normal duties tomorrow” he assured the Captain and first officer. Claire was about to interject when Kelly spoke up
“Isaac you should take some this is a big adjustment for you”
“She’s right” the Captain agreed.
“You need to take some time, in fact I'm ordering you to stay off duty until you have been physically and psychologically cleared by doctor Finn. Do I make myself clear” Ed asked.  
“Yes Captain” Isaac agreed
“Come on you lets get some rest” Claire said with a smile taking his hand and leading him back out into the hallway.
When they got back to their quarters  he sat down on the bed while Claire went to check on the boys. She came back a few moments later holding some pyjamas for him. They quickly gt changed and settled into bed
“How was your first day as a human?” she asked, stroking his cheek.
“Short but wonderful” He smiled, grabbing her hand and kissing it lightly, she smiled leaning forward to kiss him but before she could he yawned loudly.
“I’m sorry” he murmured Blinking slowly 
“Nothing to be sorry for” she assured giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.
“Get some sleep I love you” 
“I love you too” he replied before his eyes slipped shut and he was soundly asleep.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 4 years
Ineffable Con 2020 Fun Facts
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Fun facts from the Ineffable Con 2 (2020) guest panels :): 
Neil Gaiman, Douglas Mackinnon and Rob Wilkins
David G. Arnold (the music composer)
Claire Anderson (the costume designer)
Peter Anderson (Peter Anderson Studio created the opening title animation and in-show graphics)
Paul Adeyefa (Disposable Demon)
Jeremy Marshall-Roberts (the owner of Mary the Bentley)
1. Neil Gaiman, Douglas Mackinnon and Rob Wilkins
What do they have from Good Omens:
Rob has the statue from St. Beryls, all four motorbikes from the four horsemen, Crowley’s Devon watch, box signed by David Tennant with Crowley’s sunglasses and Aziraphale’s cocoa mug with Michael Sheen’s DNA :).
Douglas has the playing cards from Episode 1 and heavily annotated Good Omens book they used for filming with inscription by Neil: ‘For Douglas, make us love, make us cry, 3rd August 2017’.
Neil has Aziraphale’s chair from the bookshop that he bought from the BBC and he uses it for Zoom meetings.
What is their favourite thing that was not in the book and was added to the TV show:
Neil: all of the first half of Episode 3 - an absolute joy.
Rob: also the beginning of Episode 3.
Douglas: David Arnold’s music and Peter Anderson’s front titles.
Could Aziraphale get out of the Bastille easily if he wanted to?
Neil: if he could: absolutely. Did he have any conception of the mess he was in: probably not. It’s one of Neil’s favourite pieces of acting - the absolute delight on Aziraphale’s face when he realizes that Crowley’s there and then he turns around and rather petulantly, grumpily goes oh it’s you - that moment of joy on Aziraphale’s face when he realizes that he’s been rescued is one of Neil’s favourite things. 
Neil and yoghurt starter: I had this slightly mad thing where I would explain to everybody that fans were yoghurt starter. And I said, ‘Basically you start out with yoghurt starter and you put it into your warm milk and you leave it, and the yoghurt starter goes off and turns the entire thing into yoghurt. 
Neil realized that there was a cat in his house (Neil doesn’t have a cat :)). After the panel Neil said that he was going to look for the cat with a can of sardines and Douglas joked that he would find Michael Sheen in a cat costume.
What was the best and worst about making the series:
Douglas: the best - the camaraderie, getting to know the people, the cast and crew. 
Rob: the best - realizing that the book could be translated to the screen and watching it happen. The worst - coming to the end of the shoot and saying goodbye to everybody.
Neil: the best - the amount of love from everybody, the worst - fighting budget battles (producers wanted gone all of the cold opening and the death of Agnes Nutter).
Did they expect that Good Omens would attract so many LBGTQ+ people and how they feel about that:
Neil: Yes, absolutely. There are definitely people out there who seem to think that I accidentally wrote a love story with all of the beats of a love story including a break-up halfway through, without somehow noticing that I’d written a love story. And I may not be the brightest candle on the candelabra, but as an author who’s been doing it for a long time, I’m very well aware of when I’m writing a love story, thank you very much. And so from my perspective I knew that the love story would be one of the driving things that would get us from the beginning to the end. And I also made a bunch of decisions about our angels and our demons in terms of casting, in terms of gender that everybody backed me up on, which I loved. You know, the idea that the archangel Michael is played by Doon [Mackichan] is something that is... or Beelzebub is Anna Maxwell Martin, whatever, there’s... it’s not like we are going: these are women, there are men, we are going: these are demons, these are angels. They... this is not a thing. And also doing something like Pollution, where you go in and go: okay  well if we were doing this in... if 1989 was now, if there were they pronouns, we probably would have done that. We didn’t think of it at the time but that’s no reason why we can’t do it now. And we did and I remember having a... not exactly a battle, but a... my very tiny skirmish with one of our execs who was very nice and very bright and was like: ‘Why are you saying they?’, and I’m like... and I... explaining, and he’s like: ‘Well I’ve never heard of that before.’, and I’m like: ‘Oh, okay, but trust me, just trust me, it’s all fine, just trust me.’
Douglas: And you know I have to say, just following on what Neil’s saying, I’ve been directing for quite a while, and I tend to notice if characters are falling in love, I tend to notice a love story happening in front of me, and I think it’s there, and everything is meant, guys, everything is meant.
Neil added: I would just say, there are some things that you do while you’re writing a script intentionally. The fact that... I wanted to do this, well, it was a thing I did that I really enjoyed doing... where whenever people accuse them of being a couple: they don’t deny it, they don’t argue, there’s no flustering on their part. They absolutely… you know, everybody… what I’m trying to say is:  yes, other people in the story are perceiving them as a couple too. And here is Uriel perceiving them as a couple, here is wonderful Dan [Starkey, playing the passerby] …and you know, you do scenes like that because that’s... you are trying to make a point here and you’re trying to make a point on how people are perceived.
Season 2, yes or no [fiends, all three of them!]:
Douglas: What’s that?
Neil: Of what?
Rob: Is it muted for me as is for everyone else?
Neil confirmed that they are going to be Funko Pops. [yay!]
2. David G. Arnold (the music composer)
He didn’t read the book before he was approached to do the music. He was asked to do it by Douglas Mackinnon he knew from the Victorian episode of Sherlock and he said yes before even knowing what it was about because he wanted to work with Douglas again.  
The first piece of music he wrote for the show was the brass band doing the Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon [Episode 6, in the park before the kidnapping].
The second piece of music he wrote was the lullaby that Crowley sings to Warlock. He always liked the lullabies like in Mary Poppins so he said to Neil: Why don’t we do it like Walt Disney, but if Walt Disney was possessed by Satan? That was about 7 months before he needed to write anything again while they were shooting and it kept going round his head the whole time - the melody stuck with him and when it came to the Opening Title of the show, this became the middle bit.
The original opening title was Everyday by Buddy Holly and each episode was supposed to be closed with a different version of it: a death metal version, an angelic choir version, a carmina burana version... and he actually made all those. But he likes to find the musical identity of the show and put it in the opening titles because it’s important and it tells you: ‘This is the word you’re going to experience’, so he wrote his own opening title with the lullaby in the middle and played it to them [probably Neil and Douglas] with Buddy Holly as the backup and: Neil just turned around in his chair and said, ‘That’s Good Omens.’. From that point the instructions were with no rules, just to create whatever he wanted: the further you can go the better, the weirder and the stranger you can think the better. It’s a rare thing to be shown a world like Good Omens and be let free to run around in it. 
His favourite ending title is the Queen one in Episode 1.
One of the reasons he didn’t do a theme for Crowley and a theme for Aziraphale is that the theme of the show is theirs - it’s theirs and they share it and it’s both of theirs and there is no separating in that regard. 
About Aziraphale and Crowley’s relationship reflected in the music score: It’s interesting isn’t it, because the relationship changed in a way slightly frequently and majorly infrequently. It seemed right from the start that their relationship was somehow seeded and planted and had begun by the time we saw them even though they may not have realised it themselves, you know, with the pair of them on the wall, considering one is a demon in the Garden of Eden and one is an angel. They act very charitably towards each other and they act with a lot of things you might not expect. And underneath that there is a sort of sense of togetherness and support even though they both know that their paths are going to diverge and they have different responsibilities. So I always felt like, right from that moment, when the wing came up on the wall, that there was something special about their relationship. Three moments that stuck with him: in Episode 3 saving the books in the church when they completely rely on the other for survival in the way that they were very open about, one in the car outside the nightclub in 60s Soho - the Holy Water, you go too fast for me, that genuinely tearing, that there was reluctance in those words that he spoke and that sort of things as a composer is gold, it’s about making those moments more, and in the last episode in a scene they’re not event in when we see Adam and Dog in the fields and Anathema that music there which celebrates Crowley and Aziraphale’s music which is the theme of the show - their shadow has passed over everyone’s emotional journey, and everyone’s emotional journey is theirs as well. The argument in the bandstand was important as well.
His favourite leitmotif from the series is the lullaby.
About the scene in the car in episode 2 when Thomas Tallis changes into Queen: Terry’s favourite piece of classical music was the Thomas Tallis piece [Spem in Alium] so Neil asked if they can go from Thomas Tallis - a choral piece from 16th century - to We Will Rock You, and: ‘You never say no. You don’t say that you can’t do it. What you have to do is to be the first person who solves the problem.’ In the end it was a two-days work just for this little bit and he mentioned that he never had these sorts of challenges anywhere else before.
His favourite non-musical detail in the show - the crucifixion, how the scene was shot, how it was upsetting, and how it was made more effective by Aziraphale and Crowley’s inability to stop it, that they had to observe and watch it, that it had to happen. I remember seeing that at the time and thinking, I wasn’t expecting that level of brutal honesty, in terms of the pictures that I was looking at and what they chose to show. And I think all the more effective for it. 
3. Claire Anderson (the costume designer)
When creating the costumes for the characters she started with mood boards. 
Aziraphale - she knew that he needed to have something winglike in his collar so that’s why there are sweeping lapels very often. Using velvet [for the waistcoat] because that was nice and soft and had all the appropriate qualities. His watch and fob that has little gold wings hanging from it and other tiny bits of symbolism. Tartan bow tie. Beautiful cashmere checkered trousers - not quite tartan but a nod to it. A mid to late Victorian coat, Michael only made his decision on the coat a couple of days before the filming. Aziraphale in the present settled on a ring with angelic symbol and harp cufflinks, earlier his ring in ancient times has got a much more roughly hewn set of wings on it, so before jewellery making became sophisticated he modernised slightly - he magicked it up to be a bit more modern, more gentleman signet type of ring, but he never modernises entirely. His heart is much more in the past.
After they began to define Aziraphale they started to look at how the Heaven army of angels might look - the element of tartan came sort of from Aziraphale and the angels have a not-tartan kilt with a semi military type jacket and a military band across that might hold arms or not, because they are not really violent. She used spats to make them look quite neutral and genderless so hiding fastenings and concealing little details like that seemed a way to do that.
Gabriel doesn’t wear spats because he’s on Earth such a lot. His shoe has a cover with two buckles on the side giving the same neutral element. He wears a cashmere light-as-air suit.
The other angels are all in bastardized versions of what era they may have died in, so they could have died in the 1930s or the 1800s and the costume would have an element of that era about it - though of course as an angel you can change things.
The Quartermaster Angel - the costume is a combination of slightly Indian type military, maharaja pants, longer spats from another era, all combined pieces of military tailored to be magical and slightly nonsensical, as Heaven might be.
Crowley - she felt that he wrapped around like a snake sheds its skin so she wanted something double breasted because that seemed to envelope his snakey charm. David wanted to be more casual than wearing a suit. Under his collar he always has a flash of red like the snake that he comes from - the red belly. They put a red seam into the sole of his boots so always there is a hint of where he came from. The red tie in the blitz. He was more rock and roll than Aziraphale and modernised more to a snakehipped rock and roll star really. His present jacket - the fabric there is quilted, they found an 80s jacket that had elements of things they enjoyed - part of that was that it had a slightly quilted quality to the fabric which was like a textured snakeskin. It took quite a long time to create the fabric and then to make the jacket from that - they quilted some fabric and washed and whooshed it repeatedly to create a bit of puckering in it. He has a snakey scarf around his neck like a chain mail linked scales of skin scarf that he wore that complemented his neck chain. The trousers he wore in Victorian times are the same he wore in the 60s when he meets young Shadwell. His present trousers - slightly waxy denim - we just were looking for a slithery finish. Crowley’s neck chain - there is only one in the world - her tailor has a Gothic church full of interesting stuff like busts and drapes with old things, this chain mail scarf was there and David was looking for something to complete his costume and liked it. 
Hastur and Ligur are her favourite characters - they were so enjoyable to create. She had an amazing book of 1920s and 30s criminals and they used that as a starting point, because they were all quite worn out and bedraggled and poverty stricken and like hell might be ideally. They burnt and decayed the bottom of them as if they were rotting from the Earth and rotting back into the ground - all demons have sort of gators as if they were rotting from the ground up.
One of the most difficult things was the demons - when they realized they had a few days to create hundreds of demons in South Africa (4-5 days for almost 200 demons). It was as if I had been dissolved in holy water when they asked me for another 150 costumes.
The sleeves of Anathema’s coat have been inspired by a Victorian cycling coat. 
The historical costume that Newt’s ancestor wore influenced his and Shadwell’s costumes - they used elements of the historical costume to put a little cape on Newt and Shadwell and their wax coats to give them the quality of that look. Newt's costume has a lot of mustard to make him feel a bit awkward and uncomfortable - it's not the most flattering colour on a northern European complexion.
The nuns’ headdress needed to look a little bit demonic - she bought a whole book on nuns’ headdresses for research. They also used the V in the nurse's apron because that was nicely demonic. The nurses' watch has got this Satanic symbol at the top - a little take on the medical since old nurses’ uniforms used to have watches.
For Madame Tracy she went back into the 70s, slightly Biba-esque makeup and a cape. They had only one pair of her goggles so it was always a nightmare to find them.
Which part of the cold opening is her favourite: I love ancient Rome because there is at least 6 to 12 metre of fabric in a toga and that was quite fun wrapping that around the boys and creating those., and her favourite was the Globe.
The lapels represent wings in every way and every shape and every form. Wings are very important.
4. Peter Anderson (Peter Anderson Studio created the opening title animation and in-show graphics)
The first thing that the director Douglas Mackinnon (with whom he worked on Doctor Who and Sherlock) said to him was: for all the graphics, for all the title sequence, for everything, I want you to promise me one thing, and that is very, very simple, promise that you send me emails that say: ‘this might be absolutely nuts, but my idea is...’.
The opening title it’s full of easter eggs - it’s a type of sequence that’s been designed to watch a thousand times, for example: on the escalator down to Hell there is one character running up deciding that he doesn’t want to go to Hell or the sea is full of plastic bags because we don’t look after the planet.
Every single face in the title sequence is either Crowley’s or Azriphale’s, they are repeated all the way through - inspired by Neil saying that there’s good and evil in all of us, so there is a grand procession of people of all the characters from the story - marching towards Armageddon - but all the characters have been taken over by good or evil. And along the way our two heroes are kind of playing tricks on each other, doing good, doing evil
The opening title combines multiple elements - two dimensional animation elements, three dimensional animation elements, CGI and live action (the people in the procession were created by live action on a travelator). So the result is a kind of strangeness - such as 3D figures with 2D animated tracked heads - which makes it unique.
Their first idea and version of the opening title was based on tapestries of old, subverting them, but then they wanted something more new and fresh.
Both Douglas and Neil were an important part of the opening title creation process.
The opening title sequence took about a year to make from the creative start with four intensive months towards the end.
One of things that inspired him was a Bauhaus theatre image from 1930s.
Question if the hand-drawn font for the graphics will be a purchasable font: no, because it was original and it’s unique and it was created just for this - it was for the love of the show and the story and it will be kept there.
In the scene where there are three photos of witchfinders - Neil and Douglas revealed in the DVD commentaries that two of them are their grandfathers - the third one is Peter’s great uncle.
Originally the signs telling us things like ‘Thursday’ or ‘Mesopotamia’ - were done as if somebody (who was living inside the television screen) ran up close to the screen and showed us the sign. In the end they simplified it, only showing the signs. The one time that it was sort of left in the show was when in Episode 5 a little demon in the video game shows a sign ‘GAME OVER’.
Outside of his work on it, what was his favourite thing on Good Omens: spending time with Douglas and Neil, and also working with Milk VFX - I think I can honestly say it's the best job I've ever worked on with the nicest people. 
5. Paul Adeyefa (Disposable Demon)
He first read the book when preparing for the audition - the character wasn’t in the book but he got into it, loved it and couldn’t put it down.
He didn’t know about the name Eric until the script was published and people started calling the demon that, he really likes the name and thinks it fits.
There was a version of the script where the demon was going to be dressed in different costumes each time he was discorporated (for example one in long hair wearing a dress) - they would be all the same but different incarnations, in one version they had different accents. 
The first scene he shot was the one where the demon goes to Heaven to deliver the Hellfire (and also wants to hit ‘Aziraphale’ which was cut). That first day was also his favourite moment of shooting because there was an immediate welcoming atmosphere and everyone was lovely and in love with the production.
Disposable Demon is like a permanent intern, running errands for the higher ups in Hell.
His favourite part of the costume were the eyelashes (though he loved the whole costume).
If he could change anything about the costume he would also want cool contact lenses - some brightly coloured ones.
Question what animal (like other demons have on their heads) comes to mind when we see the Disposable Demon: he didn’t think about it at the time, but later he saw people talking about his horns as bunny ears and found it interesting, and also the facts that there are so many of him and that he is quite happy and friendly for a demon so the bunny makes sense, so he might be a sort of a rabbit. Or perhaps something goat type because of the horns.
Question if there is another role in Good Omens he would have liked to have played: he always thought that the four horsemen were very cool and Pollution was his favourite so probably Pollution (also was the most jealous of Pollution’s contact lenses). 
If there were a season 2, he would be there in a heartbeat.
Question about Eric’s feelings on Crowley, if he’s a bit of a Crowley fan: I think he might be. There is something about Crowley and how he is somehow a little bit different from the rest of the demons. - and the Disposable Demon has, much like Crowley, interest in the human world. He could well be 6,000 how many years old, the same as everyone else, but he seems to have this younger vibe and I think he thinks that Crowley is quite cool.
Good Omens fandom is his first experience with a fandom of this scale. It speaks a lot, the fact that this kind of very, this minor character, a character who is only on screen for a very short amount of time gets any kind of attention at all, it's quite amazing really, it goes to show how big and enthusiastic the fans are. I never experienced anything like that.
6. Jeremy Marshall-Roberts (the owner of Mary the Bentley)
When Crowley used a miracle to switch off the Bentley lights in Episode 1 at nuns manor it was done by: there was actually a very small guy called Louis turning on and off the switches quickly.
David Tennant was allowed to wear the snake eye contacts for only 3 hours a day otherwise they could damage his eyesight.
For Mary, the Bentley, it was the second time she was ‘blown up’ on film - first being in the Endeavour with Inspector Morse about three years earlier.
He was a bit nervous during filming the bookshop fire scene because the Bentley was so close to a real fire - not wanting the paint to blister. The car was moved off after a few minutes of filming but still.
About the damage to Mary: Unfortunately, we overran, and Rob my stunt driver had already booked a holiday and off he went and so when he returned in January, on the 10th of January, I had this new driver who really had no clue how to drive old cars, so I showed him around, I showed him to go around corners. He came around the corner, the door was not closed properly for some reason and the door flew open as he went around. And instead of slamming on the brakes which is extremely efficient and would stop him straight away he kept on going, hit another car and really smashed the door quite badly. It did take the car off the roads for 10 months. The door was completely remade because of this accident and it cost the total of  £24 000 to rebuild the car to get it back to running as it is today.
The Bentley’s part most difficult to maintain and service is the engine. 
Would Mary be available for a potential season 2: definitely!
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fonulyn · 2 years
A fic where Chris and Piers (and the whole crew honestly like Sherry and Claire) finally find out about why Leon is working for the government and why the government seems to treat him worst than the other agents they have at their disposal? And ofc ofc cue everyone losing their shit because this absolute sweet and caring boi has been manipulated for decades into the most dangerous situations with no acknowledgement of all the good he's done and is instead treated like a replaceable pawn. Basically the government needs to be made accountable for all the shit they've done to Leon and everyone is on board with keeping Leon safe.
so i do realize that this is like months later and that it's only Piers and Chris finding out, but here ya go :'D
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paulsbettanys · 3 years
Screenwriter Sarah Phelps, Paul Bettany, and Claire Foy on “A Very British Scandal”
‘It is a story about a phenomenal woman, a pretty difficult, hurt man, and an absolute f—king mess of a marriage,’ [Phelps] says.
Foy finds it ‘incredibly dispiriting’ that the sexist shorthand for Margaret Argyll remains ‘Dirty Duchess’. ‘This moralistic weaponising of women’s sexuality – in either direction – is deeply irritating. You’re damned if you do and you’re damned if you don’t. You’re damned if you’re too frumpy and you’re damned if you’re too sexy. It’s dull, so dull. The conversation hasn’t moved on at all.’
What intrigued her most, she says, is the husband-and-wife relationship at the emotional heart of the drama. ‘I was moved by that. It’s about two people who fall in love and then hate each other.’
The series’ director, Anne Sewitsky, describes the Foy-Bettany chemistry as ‘sparkling from the first’. The sophisticated nuance between them, she says, ranging from cruel to vulnerable, would sometimes take the story in unexpected directions.
‘Some of the scenes I got to act with Claire,’ says Bettany – speaking on Zoom from South Carolina, where he is filming (but cannot say what) – ‘were some of the most thrilling moments as an actor that I have ever had.’ The two had never worked together before. ‘Enough cannot be said about how brilliant Claire Foy was.’
Does Bettany, 50, think the Duke has any redeeming features? ‘Well,’ he replies, laughing, ‘I think he’s got a very nice nose.’
He sees the Duke as ‘an undiagnosed sociopath in search of a codependent partner. In the courtroom, he feels a great sadness, as a sadist, that his partner has chosen not to play that game any more. He’s bereft that she’s got out from under.’
The real scandal, he feels, is that ‘when the chips are down, the aristocracy, including Margaret’s friends, surround and protect the Duke. I hope the conversation can be about the class system that protected this dreadful human being and less about the rather boring sexual stuff.’
Foy agrees: ‘She [the Duchess] thought, somebody somewhere is going to say this isn’t right. He was violent and an alcoholic and an all-round terrible husband and someone’s going to agree with me. And they never did. They just never did. And they may never – even after this programme.’
Much of the exterior filming for A Very British Scandal was done in lockdown at Inveraray Castle, seat of Clan Campbell, and the Scottish backdrop to impending disaster is stunning. Torquhil Campbell, the 13th Duke, and his wife Eleanor hosted the crew and advised on clan tartan and costume.
‘The experience was a weird mix of the peculiar and the beautiful,’ says Bettany. ‘We had amazing days on the glassy loch. And yet we were aware of it as the location where all this awfulness happened. The Duke showed us around the house that Margaret renovated.’ Phelps says he joked that it was thanks to her that the family had bathrooms and good plumbing.
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Horrific Science Fiction: Book Recs
Dead Silence by S.A. Barnes, Stacey Kade
A GHOST SHIP. A SALVAGE CREW. UNSPEAKABLE HORRORS. Claire Kovalik is days away from being unemployed—made obsolete—when her beacon repair crew picks up a strange distress signal. With nothing to lose and no desire to return to Earth, Claire and her team decide to investigate. What they find at the other end of the signal is a shock: the Aurora, a famous luxury space-liner that vanished on its maiden tour of the solar system more than twenty years ago. A salvage claim like this could set Claire and her crew up for life. But a quick trip through the Aurora reveals something isn’t right. Whispers in the dark. Flickers of movement. Words scrawled in blood. Claire must fight to hold onto her sanity and find out what really happened on the Aurora, before she and her crew meet the same ghastly fate.
Spontaneous Human Combustion by Richard Thomas
In this new collection, Richard Thomas has crafted fourteen stories that push the boundaries of dark fiction in an intoxicating, piercing blend of fantasy, science fiction, and horror. Equally provocative and profound, each story is masterfully woven with transgressive themes that burrow beneath the skin. • A poker game yields a strange prize that haunts one man, his game of chance now turned into a life-or-death coin flip. • A set of twins find they have mysterious new powers when an asteroid crashes in a field near their house, and the decisions they make create an uneasy balance. • A fantasy world is filled with one man’s desire to feel whole again, finally finding love, only to have the shocking truth of his life exposed in an appalling twist. • A father and son work slave labor in a brave new world run by aliens and mount a rebellion that may end up freeing them all. • A clown takes off his make-up in a gloomy basement to reveal something more horrifying under the white, tacky skin. Powerful and haunting, Thomas’ transportive collection dares you to examine what lies in the darkest, most twisted corners of human existence and not be transformed by what you find.
Screams from the Void by Anne Tibbets
For two years in deep space, the freighter Demeter and a small crew have collected botanical life from other planets. It's a lesson in patience and hell. Mechanics Ensign Reina is ready to jump ship, if only because her abusive ex is also aboard, as well as her overbearing boss. It's only after a foreign biological creature sneaks aboard and wreaks havoc on the ship and crew that Reina must find her grit - and maybe create a gadget or two - to survive...that is, if the crew members don't lose their sanity and turn on each other in the process.
The City of Dr Moreau by J.S. Barnes
The island was just the beginning... In H G Wells' 1896 novel The Island of Dr Moreau a shipwrecked traveller finds himself alone on an island ruled by a mad doctor and inhabited by creatures who are at once both beast and human. He escapes to civilisation only after the scientist is dead and the beast-men have taken absolute control. Yet this is not the end of the matter. The peoples of the island are not done with humanity. Now the conflict between the two has begun in earnest. The City of Dr Moreau presents a sprawling history of the islanders, and an alternative vision of our own times. Spanning more than a century, criss-crossing across numerous places and many lives, we witness the growth of Moreau's legacy, from gothic experiments to an event which changes the world. From the wharves of Victorian London to a boarding house with an inhuman resident, to an assassin on a twentieth-century train ordered to kill the one man who knows the truth to a diplomat whose mission to parley with beast-men will surely be her last, we follow secret skirmishes and hidden plots which emerge, eventually and violently, into the open.
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elizabethemerald · 4 years
I honestly think the best thing the Tales of Arcadia crew did was make Jlaire Canon at the end of season one. There was no will they won't they, no last minute reveal as the series wraps up. Just the amazing scene like the dance at the bluff, their kiss as the sunsets when Jim is free of the Darklands, Claire's terror as Jim is banished to the Deep, and so many more.
This culminates with Wizards and the two kids having gone through so much just being absolutely in love with each other. Every scene they are in together, they are reaching for each other and every scene they are apart they are fighting to get back together. Its just such an amazing love story and I feel like its so rare to see in a show!
Well done TOA crew!
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queenofhearts7378 · 3 years
Love the secret quartet AU but I cant help but think of Marionette having her own secret crew who helps sometimes when Chat is away, and when I think of who they would be I come up short on Female protagonists who could fit in the AU
I got you:
Juniper Lee
From The Life and Times of Juniper Lee
Okay gonna be honest I've never actually watched the show, but I've heard good things about it
From the wiki it says she's magical powers is tasked with keeping the balance between good and bad magic and the magical world secret, as well as balancing her hero life and normal life. Which is very Am Drag and it's always fun combining magical worlds and kwamis cause that's when you get to play with headcanons
Okay points off cause she's 11, but it's not much of a stretch to age her up a few years. I've always seen the miraculous cast as very young 14 and 15 year olds.
Kim Possible
From Kim Possible (duh)
!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!
Look me in the eyes and tell me these girls wouldn't get along I dare you
Someone needs to help Marinette with....everything at this point basically. Boy problems?? Kim has been there done that. Hero/school problems???? She has an organized binder that would totes sort things out. Mean girls who enjoy tormenting you??? So not the drama.
Points off cause she's the only one who doesn't actually have a secret identity, so kind of defeats the secret part huh
Okay this one is a little out there, with a bonus of being a three for one special: Sam, Clover, and Alex
From Totally Spies
I know that seems kind of out of left field but....it works?????
The could all be fashion buddies. These girls, while not designers, are all about fashion
Alex might actually die when presented with the kwamis, but she would be an absolute amazing kwami wrangler
The moves they could teach Mari????? Added with everything Kim could teach her and Ladybug is suddenly a terrifying fighter ohemgee
Also, while I initially decided not to use them, also consider: Jenny from My Life as a Teenage Robot, Danielle (Danny's clone) from Danny Phantom (Which would be fun if you wanted a ghost character. She traveled the world in canon so its not a stretch for how they could meet), Star Butterfly from Star vs. FOE, Luz Noceda from The Owl House (absolutely nothing but me wanting to release that absolute terror of hyperactive sunshine upon the miraculous class and watching the fireworks), Claire from Trollhunters.
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sailorsero · 4 years
you know i’m stupid for you 1/?
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author: claire (@sailorsero​) ship: adult kaminari denki x reader prompt/genre: band/musician!au/poppunk!denki wordcount: 1483 warnings: swearing (for the moment, this is all) a/n: • written for the BNHarem Making Beautiful Music Collaboration - check out the masterlist to see everyone elses!) • thank you to @unbreakablekiribaku​ for the header!  • i do not give permission for this (or any of my writing) to be reposted, by anyone, on this or any other website. please don’t do it! • title from ‘stupid for you’ by waterparks
you know i’m stupid for you part one
RIOT! PRESENTS: DYNAMIGHT - A ROTATING HEADLINE TOUR Combining forces for the second annual Riot! Radio/Magazine empire tour are punk pop staples Chargebolt, indie rockers Plus Ultra! and newcomers Rolling Thunder, fresh off the release of their debut album, ‘Revelry in the Dark’. The tour format of a different running order each night, the mix of genres and an abundance of talent promises a sick show you won’t want to miss! The tour starts tomorrow night in Fukuoka, ending in Sapporo at the end of the month. Tickets | Details
Day 1: Fukuoka
The past 24 hours had been hectic and overwhelming; the last minute preparations, the packing, the 17 FaceTime calls Mina insisted were necessary for packing, the flight to Fukuoka, the hotel, meeting the approximately 3674 people involved in the tour (okay, really approximately), the soundchecks, the press, making sure Todoroki didn’t get lost (again). It could have been enough to have you considering your plan B vocation of Professional Kitten Cuddler (you’d seen a Buzzfeed article once), if it wasn’t for this feeling, right here and now.
The house lights had dimmed away to almost nothing, causing the steady thrum of chatter from the crowd to surge into a roar of anticipation that matched your own perfectly; waiting sidestage in the dark knowing you were on the precipice of doing what you loved most always made you feel electric.
You’d followed Shinsou onto the stage as the eyewateringly bright lights hit, securing the strap of your bass before looking without seeing out at where you knew the crowd was. You were really here, on this stage, with your best friends, on the biggest tour you’d done so far as a band. You let yourself bask in the joy that brought for a moment longer, before turning towards your bandmates, tilting your head in silent question. Quick nods from Tokoyami and Shinsou and a peace sign from Mina were all you needed before you turned to Todoroki to count in. Everything after that was the most beautiful white noise.
8 songs flew by quicker than you could ever remember, Shinsou’s synths fading out as Mina yelled into the mic like she was going for Present Mic’s radio slot.
“Our record is available from the merch table and we are on all relevant social media - @ rollingthunder! Our TikToks are epic! We have been Rolling Thunder, you have been fucking beautiful - goodnight!!!”
“‘Our TikToks are epic’?!” Shinsou rounded on the lead singer as soon as you were all sidestage again.
Mina put her hands on her hips, giving off the energy of an elementary school teacher who had to do this a lot. “They are epic! It’s not my fault you never want to be in them!”
“Maybe that’s why they’re epic?” Todoroki deadpanned, removing the sweat-soaked towel from around his neck.
The snort you gave out at the impossible-to-tell-if-it-was-intended-as-an-insult-or-not-because-it’s-Todoroki insult died off early as you caught sight of him.
Fuck. He’d actually gotten hotter overnight.
Kaminari made a beeline straight for you from the door that lead to the backstage area, 100 watt smile firmly in place. “Hey, you. Great set out there! Totally dope!”
“You were watching?” You were too caught off guard to school your tone into anything less giddy, and you knew you’d be hearing about it until you could hide in your bunk on the tourbus. Maybe not even then if your bandmates didn’t respect the sanctity of the curtain.
“Yeah, of course! We were up on the balcony, in the private bit? You know?” You assumed Sero and Kirishima formed the ‘we’ he was talking about, as they appeared one after another through the same door, grinning widely.
“Yeah, totally, I remember they said there was somewhere to watch the other sets from...cool!”
A part of you died inside as you heard yourself reply and you wondered briefly if there was any chance your whole band wasn’t watching this interaction. Hearing ‘cool!!!’ mimicked in four wildly different attempts at your voice shut that down.
There was no way Kaminari hadn’t heard all four impressions, but he was nice enough to pretend he hadn’t.
“Yeah! So, uh...you could totally watch our set, now! If, you know, you want...” He trailed off, looking hesitantly hopeful and fiddling with one of his many, many earrings.
His golden eyes had been staring into yours for the whole of your conversation so far and you found yourself getting lost in his gaze, all of the noise of the crowd buzzing and the crew swapping the setup over becoming distant to your ears.
Until his bassist slapped him on his back - hard - shit-eating grin all over his face.
“Smooth like silk, Denks!”
“Shut up, Sero!” Kaminari whined, breaking eye contact with you to shove at his bandmate’s arm. 
No one said anything for what felt like the longest seven seconds in history. Kirishima cleared his throat politely and smiled encouragingly, but seemed to run out of ideas after that.
“We’ll watch you guys! But only if you tell us how awesome we were!” Mina’s arm slid seamlessly to link with yours as you remembered how much you loved this pink-haired angel. She was a socialising expert and had rescued you all right before the silence had slid past the point of no return into Awkwardsville.
Kaminari seemed to share your sentiment, as it wasn’t with only a little relief he began to shower the rest of your band with praise. It was only when he’d rambled his way to complimenting the way Tokoyami held his guitar that Shinsou decided it was his turn to steer the conversation. “Don’t you have a drummer? Did he not want to watch our set?”
“Nah, he said he ‘didn’t wanna watch a bunch of electro emos with stupid hair sing about going to Hot Topic or what-the-fuck-whatever’,” Sero cheerfully announced, ignoring the choking sound the apparently-direct quote forced out of the blonde you couldn’t take your eyes off of.
“Wow. He’s charming.” Shinsou replied, voice dripping with sarcasm.
“He is, isn’t he?” Kirishima sighed, sounding like he’d have actual stars in his eyes if you could bring yoursef to stop looking at Kaminari and check. Which you Absolutely Could Not.
You’d met Kaminari at 1 this afternoon, and he’d been pretty much all you’d thought about since 1:01.
“Okay, so, Chargebolt - Eijirou Kirishima, Hanta Sero, Katsuki Bakugou, Denki Kaminari. Plus Ultra! - Izu...”
You were pretty sure one of the tour managers was still speaking, introducing the other band you were sharing this tour with, but you couldn’t focus on anything else. Kaminari. Denki. Denki Kaminari.
The ear you could see was adorned with multiple piercings, and the one you couldn’t was covered with a sweep of blonde hair with a black lightening bolt dyed into it. Golden eyes, pink lips. Not particularly tall, or jacked, but lean and muscled where you could see. A black Fatgum Records T-shirt over a black and white striped longsleeve, tucked into ripped jeans that fell into laced up boots. Were those fingers tattoos? It was definitely yellow nail polish and a multitude of silver rings. Talk about ‘exactly my type on paper’. Fuck!
You wondered for a second who exactly it was who had given this man the right. Then you realised he was moving - towards you.
“Hey! Y/N Y/L/N, right? I heard you guys on Present Mic’s show, the Live Lounge? That was incredible!”
Had your mouth been wide open the entire time he was talking? You really couldn’t be sure either way.
“Hey! Yeah, that’s uh...me! Thanks, I was really nervous but he was so cool.”
Kaminari nodded enthusiastically, bouncing on the balls of his feet. “Present Mic? Yeah, what a legend! We haven’t been on for a hot minute but we’ll probably go back next album cycle.”
You were pretty sure you were supposed to be making introductions to everyone in the room right now, but before you knew it, it had been fifteen minutes and the only person you’d spoken to was Kaminari. A way-too-stressed-for-the-first-day-of-tour looking woman was trying to politely usher Kaminari away to wherever Chargebolt’s schedule had them being right now, but he hesitated after he said a (hopefully) reluctant goodbye.
“Yeah, so...it’s so cool to be working with you! And, y’know, that work is...touring together, so we could like...hang out! Yeah? If you want?”
You ignored your own manager materialising at your side tapping her watch for a moment longer to nod quickly and breathe out a response.
“Yeah, we could, I want.”
Kaminari’s face broke out into a smile as big as the gag Shinsou was doing behind him. “Yeah. Yeah! Great! See you later!”
You’d pretended not to watch them leave the room.
The rest of your band had been only too happy to inform you that you’d failed to pull it off.
i have decided to make this a multi-chapter fic and will post/link a masterlist and link to ao3 when i post there so you can follow this story if you would like to!
ao3  • collab masterlist
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Prompt: Stormy weather.
Alone Together: Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 || Chapter 8 || Chapter 9 || Chapter 10
“You can put her down, you know.”
Claire shifted Brianna to her other shoulder. “It’s all right. I think she’s enjoying the sidewalk traffic. She’s never seen so many people before.”
Finally outdoor dining had started - and they’d decided to celebrate with lunch at their favorite little Spanish restaurant, right down the block. Angus Mhor, the proprietor, and his crew had quickly constructed a plywood barrier in the first lane of traffic - fortunately on a side street and not the avenue - and arranged half a dozen cheery umbrellas to provide much-needed shade. The tables within the plywood barrier were separated by sheets of plexiglass - and for Bree’s first trip to a restaurant, Jamie had selected the table farthest away from the other couple also dining out.
“I can’t believe all of this.” Claire reached for her glass of wine with her free hand.
“What do you mean?” Jamie speared the last of their tapas with his fork.
Bree snuffed against Claire’s neck - and carefully she rubbed the baby’s back, helping her settle.
“I can’t believe we’re eating outside of our apartment. I can’t believe we’re sitting on the street. I can’t believe that Angus has actually done a great job to make it nice. You’d almost forget why we can’t go inside.”
Jamie nodded. “I can’t believe that Bree is three months old and this is the longest she’s been outside.”
Claire kissed their daughter’s forehead. “Having doctor friends make house calls has certainly been convenient. I’m glad we’re in the shade, though. Her skin is still so sensitive.”
Angus Mhor poked his head out of the restaurant’s door - sporting a mask with the Spanish flag on it - and his eyes lit up.
“Ah! The Frasers have returned!”
Quickly he crossed the sidewalk and stepped into the makeshift shelter, approaching the little family, stopping to stand a safe distance away from them.
“I’m so happy to see all three of ye here!”
Jamie nodded. “I can see the smile all the way from here, Angus. We’re so happy to be here.”
Cristina - Angus’ wife and business partner - appeared beside her husband, wearing a cheery gingham mask. “Oh! Claire, she’s beautiful!”
Claire beamed. “She came a bit early, but all is well, thank God. We absolutely had to take her here for her first restaurant experience.”
Angus looped an arm around his wife’s shoulders. “I’m glad of it. I cannae thank ye enough for all the take-away orders ye made when we couldnae be open. It means the world to us.”
“Especially when you have choices,” Cristina added.
Jamie smiled. “Well - when it’s you and your wife and your newborn in a three-room apartment, you need a bit of variety every now and again.”
“How is it, now that you can have people here again?” Claire shifted Bree onto her lap so that Cristina could see her face - peacefully dreaming.
Cristina sighed. “Better than a month ago. But the storm has not lifted. It will be a long road ahead for us.”
“Thank ye again, Jamie, for all yer help with yer uncle who works at the bank.” Angus’ eyes softened. “If he hadnae helped us get that loan...”
“I’m happy to help, Angus, you know that. It’s the least I can do for the man who introduced me to my wife.”
“Inadvertently,” Claire reminded him. “All you did was fall down drunk - ”
“I was just a bit tipsy - ”
“...and smash your shoulder on the beautiful tile floor. All Angus did was ask if there was a doctor in the house - ”
“And thankfully G had taken you here to celebrate your promotion. So.”
“So. We’re still here - and so are Cris and Angus.”
Cristina reached out to grasp Claire’s hand in thanks - but quickly pulled it back. 
“We appreciate you,” she said quietly, voice muffled behind the mask.
Jamie nodded. “As we do you. Always.”
The waiter stepped around Angus and Cristina to bring their favorite dessert - caramel flan.
Jamie took it all in - the shelter on the street, his empty wine glass, his wife and daughter, the people strolling by with their masks on - and the couple who meant so much to them.
“I’m so grateful for everything. In spite of it all.”
“Here, here,” Claire quietly agreed.
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