#Thank you for the ask!!! So happy to talk about my critters I love them <3< /div>
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cosmoknightchaos · 10 months ago
The Religious Trauma Squad is unleashed inside of a shopping mall what do they do.
So for sake of plot convenience we're going to say Hallownest is located in the Midwest because. Because I don't know any other brands
Marion would be the one to drag them there. Neither Gospel nor Edge would want to be there- Gospel actually does, but doesn't want Edge to be unhappy, so she pretends she doesn't. Edge does not want to go. At all.
Once they actually get there, Edge would immediately raid the food court and stay there the rest of the time, absolutely refusing to leave... Until the other two are out of sight. Gospel and Marion would go shopping. Marion drags her around to a bunch of shops, mostly fashion spots. He's more fast-paced than Gospel likes, so she doesn't get much time to look at things (Malls would be a lovely source of stimulation for Marion, so he's very energetic and easily distracted in one), but if she were left alone she'd get lost very quickly.
Mariom would hit up Aerie, Garage, Pacsun, Hot Topic (unironically), and American Eagle for clothes. He wouldn't buy too much (by his standards) but would leave with at least three new outfits. He'd buy something from Hot Topic just to make fun of Edge. Unfortunately Gospel would get bored halfway through the shopping and find a Lego store and Marion would leave her there. She'd entertain herself with whatever displays and interactive/example sets they have.
Marion would finish up his clothes shopping and head to Bath n Bodyworks for candles, perfume, scrubs, the likes. Once that's all done, he'd find Gospel, buy her a small Lego set, and bring her to Sephora, so the two can check out some makeup. This is the only part of shopping with Marion that Gospel fully enjoys. Marion has an immaculate sense for what shades look good on anybody, and Gospel is no exception.
Edge, meanwhile, waited until Marion and Gospel were long gone before leaving the food court. They would wander around a bit, not really entering any shops but certainly observing. I fully believe he would end up in a Claire's and get earrings there. After that, they would wander until they found a bookstore.
Marion and Gospel would find Edge at said bookstore (Gospel asked to go there). Marion would make fun of Edge being in a bookstore despite having poor literacy skills, then skitter off to find a history book he can make mock. Gospel would find a fiction/fantasy novel, and Marion would read to Edge tidbits of a Hallownest history and/or mythology book and the two would make fun of the innacuracies. Perks of being a cultist and a literal god include perfect historical knowledge. In a perfect world, Edge would buy a book for honorary RTS member Lokki, who's far too antisocial to go shopping with the crew but appreciates a gift.
The three would get lunch/some sort of food and then head out. Gospel would begin working on her Lego set the moment they get back to camp, and Edge would nearly stab Marion for buying them stuff from Hot Topic.
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donutz · 1 year ago
Hii I wanted to ask you if you can make a yandere smiling critters x shy female smiling critter cat reader?
I love how you write, good job! If you can't place the order, I will understand💕
Sorry if I wrote something wrong, English is not my first language.😭
I'll do your request, just might take a while! Also, thank you ^_^! Your English is just fine :)
Yandere Smiling Critters x shy female Smiling Critters cat reader
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Honk shoooo..
Honk shoooooo……
Honk— “Kitty! It's time ta wake up!!” Kickin said, hey, you can't sleep for too long, you have to deal with the kids. You almost flinched from Kickin's loud approach. You were slowly waking up, fastly blinking and then looking like you'll go to sleep again. “C'mon!!” He put his wing on your face.
“Kickin, I'm awake. Please.” You whisper. Gently putting your paw on his wing. He raised his eyebrows a bit from that. He smiled, and took your paw with both of his wings, softly yanking you so you can get up quicker.
You were a little sloppy, so you stood up (while sitting) and lazily leaned on Kickin. “Oof– ... At least you're up…”
The other critters were all discussing today's activity while you were (kind of) cuddling with Kickin. 
Bobby Bearhug came up to you and started cuddling with you. Now having two Smiling Critters on both of your sides!
“So, whaddya think Kitty?!” Dogday said, catching your attention. You were still tired and not processing things, so you have no idea what he meant.
“... Huh?” The critters started laughing from your oblivious sound. Dogday was laughing too, “I mean— heh, I mean what do you think about t-today’s activity..?” You were much more awake for what he said, “Oh um. I— I think it’s nice…” You muttered.
The children were all awake, happy(most of them) and bright(mostly). You were stepping out of the critters’ room, while holding paws with Bobby as she was explaining the main activity.
“So, do you have it now?” She asked you, thankfully you were actually paying attention this time.
“Um. Yea..” You whispered. You weren’t much of a talkative one, but that’s okay.
Some would say you were like Craftycorn, but more shy. You try to ignore those comparisons. The kids were eating their breakfast, and Bobby was still next to you.
You had to watch the kids, because just in case a kid was choking, you needed to get them to not choke. The other critters would handle the other kids and calm them down. The other critters mostly being Dogday and Bobby.
While Bobby was sitting right next to you, holding your paw, just talking about what it was like dealing with the children's emotions, while her head was on your shoulder.
A few feet away, there were some jealous critters looking at you two. “I wanna hold Kitty’s paw…” Picky said. “Me too..” Kickin added.
Dogday saw their envious mood and went over to them. “It’s okay guys, there’s no need to be jealous!” He looked over at you two.
Yea he sees no reason to be jealous. This is because he is an adult! Well it was a headcanon, and to be honest with you, it seems like a really good headcanon. Basically he was an employee at Playtime co.
And to be honest with you, AGAIN, a grown adult being jealous over two kids being kids, is VERY strange ^_^. Anywho, back to the story (⌒‿⌒)
Dogday didn’t get it! He doesn’t understand. (NO SHAME FOR MY BABY!!!!!)
The kids were done eating, and now they all were doing the activity. If you were wondering what this mystery activity is, it’s about sleep and rest.
The kids thought it was going to be boring, who wants to talk about sleeping?? But the critters wanted to talk about how good it is to get some shut eye after a long day of being awake.
Maybe it could also help Catnap with the kids falling asleep.
All the Smiling Critters were grouped together, doing actions and spouting words on why sleep is good for you.
“See?! Kickin here is all tired and sleepy (he was doing an action to represent it), not able to really do anything!”
“It is also not good for your health!”
“But Catnap is all nice and rested! Being able to walk, talk, and color while being fully awake.”
“Not getting enough sleep isn’t good for anybody! Not adults, little kids like you guys, or even teens! If you get the sleep required, you’re able to get work done quicker, be able to color, and many activities can be done!”
“Even fun activities! Drawing, doing sports, playing games, all of those things can be done in a more fun way, just by getting a few hours of sleep!”
Bubba was able to communicate with the children in a more interesting way, not a lot of them were bored from his statements. 
“Any questions?” Bubba asked, some kids raised their hands, showing their curiosity about sleep.
“What happens if I don’t sleep?”
“Well… If you don’t sleep, your body can’t operate very well. It’s like your bed is the charger, and you need that charger in order to get through the day! Some say.. If you don’t get sleep for too long, your brain.. Can eat itself!!!” He said, getting the kids all hyped up.
“Well I guess I should get some sleep!!” One kid said.
“Yea! I don't want my brain to eat itself!!” Another wailed.
“Mhm! And so you can learn about it, if you want to, I have a word search!”
The children started grabbing the papers, wanting to know some words about sleep.
“I also have something you could decode! For the kids who want to challenge their brain!”
The kids were all doing something, word searches, talking to the critters to get more facts about rest, decoding, at least an activity that can distract them.
You and Catnap were walking around, helping any of the kids, and also calming them down if they got frustrated.
You two were just being cuddly kitties.
You were pretty sure the other critters(minus Dogday) were holding back from just cuddling up to you too.
Apparently they had to help with the kids….
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snail-day · 2 months ago
Okay so like, this is going to be a long one but I’ve been dying to know more and more and I just need to keep asking because the lore is crazy addictive lol. So in “it’s all your fault, isn’t it?” Does reader ends up becoming indifferent? Empty, broken, whatever you want to call it, is it like she’s not really there anymore? You know when sometimes they present mentally sick woman in films as those unresponsive detached ones. I wonder if she’s like that. I imagine her becoming numb as you’ve mentioned, but to the point she doesn’t even talk or do anything besides sitting around and staring into space. Could you get a little into explaining how do you think she behaves in the years after the accident?
Also, how do Satoru and Suguru react? Are they worried about her or more about the fact she’s not really interested in them anymore? Or do they mostly focus on each other and just want her around as a broodmare (I recall someone using this term haha). Did she stop loving them at some point? And are they craving her love? It makes me wonder that if she in fact goes completely indifferent does it make them desperate for her to show some type of affection. Lastly (I’m sorry for such a long ask and so many questions 😭) do you think Satoru and Suguru would fight/blame each other for it? Or once again, do they think she’s the problem.
I have so many questions considering this trilogy it’s honestly my favorite of yours and I want to know every little detail I hope it’s not too much! Thank you for your work🙏🏼
It’s never too much! I’m so glad you like it enough to keep asking <3 If you want to crawl into my noggin and explore all the silly lore files, that’s totally okay. I’ll just place you right next to the thoughts of silly Calico Critters and Smiskis by the one brain cell.
Yeah, she would become really, really numb after that. To the point where they actually have her medicated for depression. It helps a little, but she’s not going back to her regular self, even if they have one or two more kids. Reader becomes way too afraid of getting attached, of even thinking a negative thought (though, honestly, it’s not like a curse would survive long in the Gojo compound). She’s more detached and numb to the world than anything.
Satoru does his best to make her laugh, even taking her and the kids to Disneyland. She just gave him a small smile and a kiss on the cheek. This behavior hits Satoru the hardest because he saw Reader from the very beginning as this happy, cheerful person, and now she’s become so obedient and docile. But he doesn’t say anything. For one, he’s emotionally constipated, and for two, Suguru looks happy.
For Suguru, he’s much more content with this version of Reader. He likes how you’re more attuned to his touches now—how he can just pull you onto his lap, and you snuggle right in. Sure, there’s a difference, but for him, he prefers this. He describes it as you being “more at peace,” even though it’s really just numbness. He’d take that over the nights where you were shouting at him to let you leave, or when you were constantly trying to escape. Now, you’re like a tamed cat in his eyes, and he didn’t even have to resort to unsavory methods to get there.
Sure, they know you don’t love them, but you’re no longer indifferent to their love. You just… accept it. They can pull reactions out of you during sex; they can hold you whenever they please. You’re not as snappy anymore. With the medication, you’re more loopy than anything, and sometimes, you even show an ounce of a smile in that state. Satoru likes to watch you sleep when he gets the chance because, in those moments, he sometimes sees your real smile. You seem more at peace there.
(Sorry, I’m rambling at this point.)
There’s no real blame, at least not between Satoru and Suguru. The kids, though, blame their mother for turning out this way and see her as sick now. They end up with some serious mommy issues. Satoru doesn’t blame Suguru—he knows they’re both equally at fault for this. Ultimately, though, they’re just happy you’re no longer fighting them. They’d rather have you numb and peaceful than fighting them constantly and crying all the time.
Hope that helps! If you have more questions, feel free to send them my way—they’re always welcome <3
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How is Angel’s parents/family getting along with their newly adopted kids and “husband”
Angel's parents are going to LOVE the newfound family of +80 toys! I'm working on a small comic to show how their first meeting went before I write it post-factory arc, but although confused and extremely worried for Angel's one week dissapearance and experiences inside PlayCo, their family is, ultimately, extremely supportive of them. Angel really is their mother's kid, because Mrs. Oliveira is instantly head over heels for her surprise grandkids. Angel's dad is almost collapsing, and their brother is Very Confused. Sister-in-law is already reaching the #1 aunt spot, she's wasting no time.
The human family will be extremely helpful for Angel, helping them house hunt and get enough supplies and groceries for ALL the kiddos. They'll also babysit the kids for when Angel is away helping the Smiling Critters in the hospital, or having to run in order to talk to their lawyers and what to do against what remains of PlayCo. When Angel and the kids move to the farm house, they're there to help, and when they get better homes thanks to Angel's money, it's the toys' turn to help. I think they end up being a very close family, despite the initial distrust from the toys!
Now, for their reaction to the Prototype...
Angel's mother, Marlene, got herself mentally prepared when Angel told her about how there was one final experiment for her to meet. "He looks like an actual horror movie monster, mom. He isn't like Marie or Oskar". Marlene listened closely, and, when Prototype stepped out of his hut to say hi and introduce himself, she somehow managed to not stumble her words or look weirded out. Angel and her really are alike.
Angel's father, Roger, was way more prepared than when he first saw the toys. However, what he was expecting was for Prototype to be at least humanoid, not that centipede-looking thing. He could not look even more weirded out than he was, but he was still very nice to him, and probably asked a lot of questions before Angel told him to calm down a bit.
Angel's brother, Miguel, was a bit quiet the whole time, letting their mom do the talking and nodding along. Internally he's just "yeah, I thought he would look worse than that, but oh my God he looks this close to collapsing". Introduces himself before telling Prototype he better help Angel with the kids. Miguel can't do shit against him but he gotta protect his big sibling! Somehow!
Angel's sister-in-law and Miguel's wife, Amy, was lowkey a bit heartbroken as she thought about all the horrible things PlayCo. must have done to their first EVER succesfull experiment. She's a bit sensitive over the idea, having heard firsthand from the toys what living there was like, and gently slaps her husband's back so he can shut up. "Please ignore him, I'm very sure you are doing your best in there, you look very tired! I-I MEAN, you must be, of course you must, you-" and she goes on a rant before Miguel calms her down.
Eventually, they all get along just fine with Proto! They all have different reactions when they find out he was originally Elliot Ludwig, and as the years go by they just see him as another member of the giant household. Angel's brother, however, knows from a mile away a QPR is on the making just from the way Angel treats Prototype/Elliot. When Angel tells him about it he's just "well, took you long enough!". Angel is offended (affectionate). Amy is SO happy for them, also probably knew it since Miguel told her (he tells everything to her). Angel's dad is just "oh thank goodness you didn't get a weirder partner, I was worried someone would try murdering you for the money". Marlene was going to reprimand him but she's thinking the same.
However, when Angel and Elliot DO decide to get married on paper, Angel. Straight up forget to tell Miguel and Amy about it for a whole MONTH before dropping the info, thinking they already knew about it, before being bombarded with questions.
"Well, that's on YOU for forgetting to tell me you and Amy got engaged, Miguel!"
Angel pauses, trying to remember. Miguel is in shambles, Amy is trying not to laugh at how stupid this whole situation is. "I think I did".
Miguel looks up.
"You. THINK. You told our parents. About the fact that you are going to be LEGALLY MARRIED FOR THE FIRST TIME IN YOUR LIFE?"
Angel points at Amy: "As we can see, that was for fucking nothing".
The sibling fight continues.
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polluxstarshine · 1 year ago
Smiling Critters Dates ( Head canon ) Part I.
It's obvious who's my favorite one 🧍‍♀️....
DOGDAY ( 🐶☀️ )
- He plans the dates, every time. At points where you now try to plan them but he always beats you to it
- But today, you managed to beat him, you my dear reader, and had managed to finally plan a date! ( He was shocked )
- It was a simple date, a picnic date where you brought a frisbee and teenies ball. You see, Dogday likes to play fetch. So you brought them
- He was happy as well. You managed to plan a date before him AND play fetch with him!
- Rest of the day, you both spent it by playlist fetch, laughing, talking, and eating. At the end of the day, he took you to his place. At first you didn't know why... But you weren't complaining because the both of you ended up cuddling " As a reward for beating me to plan a date " he said.
- Honestly, all in all, the date went great! And now you both are just cuddling. Yay!!
As the Dog and the Sheep made their way to the dogs house, the dog pauses “ Hey, (name) ” He said the sheep's name, who turns to look at him “ Yes Dogday? ” They asked with a small smile. Dogday smiles back before hugging them, they chuckle as they return the hug back “ Thank you, for everything. ” He mutters “ Any time, Sun. ”
CATNAP ( 🐱🌙 )
- You plan the dates :3
- You planned on sleeping dates, it would be planned in your house. You had set everything up in there ( Like changing the bedsheets and blankets, to leaving the aircon on so it would be nice and cold )
- You think he loves it, which is bonus points for you, the real points is when the both of you got comfy in bed and you pet his head, and he begins to purr, that's the best.
- The rest of the day you spent it sleeping and reading stories with or for him. You didn't mind it though it was the best.
- The date went lovely... The question is... How are you doing to make him leave the comfortable bed of yours?
- Here's your answer, you can't.
“ Catnapp ” The sheep wines as they try to get their partner off them “ I need to get up ” They tried to reason, the only response to that was purring. After a few minutes they gave up with a defeated sigh “ fine... ” They mutter, Catnap chuckles in victory.
- The both of you take turns making dates
- Today, it was your turn. And you planned to go on those swan boats! She loved it, kissing you all over your face before giving you her best bear hugs!
- The both of you pedaled around the lake taking in the scene and taking pictures ( mostly of you because you are the scene ✨ )  and asking questions, some personal, some silly.
- The rest of the day you both pedaled around the lake, went out for ice cream afterwards and got to know each other more than before!
- The date was the best and the most lovely, you were the one who brought her to her home. You had dinner in her place :3
“ Let's do that again another time! ” The bear suggested, placing the plates in front of the sheep, who giggled in response “ Sure! I don't mind ” She gave them her best bear hug after that.
- You plan the date, because they kept planning it.
- Today, the both of you gone to your house. Reason why? " My house is the closest to the sky " you said, this left them confused. Until they finally got to your house and saw the telescope. They were jumping up and down in joy!
- You taught them about the planets and stars that day, the facts and stories behind them. I'm pretty sure the both of you just read and told each other the things you knew about the moon.. it was nice though!!
- They didn't go back home because it was already dark. So they stayed with you in your room until the morning. You both ended up staying up until 3 am ( 💀 )
- You both had dinner and ate moon cakes! ( Made by you obviously. )
“ Thank you for telling me about the moon, (name)! ” Hoppy said as they held the sheep's hooves “ Haha, anything for my moon lover. ” The sheep teased before placing a kiss on the rabbits cheek, their grin widens “ One day, I'll bring you to the moon with me ” “ I can imagine that. ”
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balkanradfem · 6 months ago
I have been following your blog for a long time... you're one of my favorite people on this site. I have been picking a handful of raspberries on my way to work (the bushes are on public land) for weeks, and every time I do I think of you. I don't mean this in a parasocial way, i know i don't know you and you don't know me, but it is nice to think that here i am, a lesbian scavenging and enjoying nature, and across an ocean there is another lesbian feeling the same way.
There is a possibility that I will be moving in a few months to somewhere with a yard, and if that happens I will rewild the lawn and plant a garden and you are like 50% of the reason why. :)
I have read your reply about why you don't want to monetize your blog. I understand deeply. I am also disturbed by people who think like your father did, and I at least have never had to live with them. You have my full sympathies.
However, i would ask that you consider it regardless; or, please consider what it is like from my perspective, even if you ultimately disagree. I enjoy hearing from you and all these stories of your life. I wish you well. It does not feel like a debt to me. I do not put a price on anything you post. It is like this; I feel that, even without knowing it, you have been very nice to me. It inspires a fellow-feeling in me. But you are very far away. I cannot offer to help with your garden. I cannot gift you homemade food. I could, however, send you money.
For me, and i suspect many others in your inbox, the money is not the point. It is a substitute. We cannot give you a new plant or a handful of raspberries, but we could give you the means to buy what you can't scavenge. I do not want you to feel indebted, or like tumblr has become a job, or anything like that. And of course only you know what is best for you. But please consider enabling donations, even only very humble donations. I think I speak for more than just myself when I say that to us it would be like a "buy me a coffee :)" button like creatives use sometimes. I would like to buy you a coffee.
Raspberries! Those are wonderful to pick on your way to work, I'm honoured you'd think of me. I am mostly finding blackberries but I love raspberries.
When you get to rewild the yard please post pictures and just randomly tag me so I can see!! I love wild yards and all of the bees and ladybugs and small birds and critters will be so happy, they'll visit your yard and give enrichment to your life.
Thank you for explaining your perspective to me, you're incredibly sweet and it gives me heart to know that women out there are having a positive effect from my blogging, and you're all incredibly sweet wanting to help me out or give me things. I'm allergic to money but I'm already getting what I want - engagement, getting to talk to other women, getting very valuable information from women smarter than me, having people write little comments and send me adorable messages. Could anyone even ask for more? This message means a lot to me!
I'll stop complaining, I realize I've made people worried for me, and that was not my intent, I always think I am sooo funny when I complain about stuff xD and can't resist it. I'll think of other ways to be fun!
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hers-underwraps · 6 months ago
*sniff* your blog..it's lovely..
opinion on the vegimals, my liege?
(octonauts was my one of my favorite childhood shows i'm so happy :)
Aw man, thank you it makes me so happy when people like my stuff!
Anyways, I know I haven’t talked about them much on here but I love the Vegimals
They are so cute, they all have their own little personality’s and they always make me smile
My personal favourites are Grouber (I love his voice and he’s such a big-back he’s literally me) and Tominnow (cause she’s a cutie patootie and her voice is so sweet)
I also like how they also have their own little goofy way of doing things, it makes me giggle.
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Also their interactions with the rest of the crew are so wholesome.
Or sometimes they are so unhinged and honestly I live for that. I also adore how they idolise the rest of the crew and try to copy their mannerisms, it’s real heart melting stuff.
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ALSO, I love how they are like the crew’s children ESPECIALLY shellington’s.
He loves his little critters, he’s such a father, he would kill for his children
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So the final verdict?
Yeah I love them 10/10 would die for them
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Thanks for the ask! 🫶
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ryuichirou · 2 months ago
Catching up a little bit! Shorter replies related to previously posted stuff today + some miscilenious ones about twst ships and such.
 We received some asks about recent twst updates, but I ran out of time to talk about it today, so maybe a bit later..!
Anonymous asked:
Y'all the way I almost SCREAMED at 10 pm when I saw you drew Luca
Like, how dare you tap into my niche hyperfixation??? With your beautiful art too??? The audacity
But yes, Luca is very, VERY bulliable and I love him (and he definitely deserves to be topped by his gorgeous mentor-turned-cult-leader jahwywjwbfwuak ❤️)
Anon!! I am very happy you enjoyed that sketch! <3
This is another reason why I like this portrait challenge; other than giving us a chance to look at characters we either don’t know at all or haven’t seen in a while, sometimes it turns out to be someone else’s favourite character… and this is the best thing ever lol
I hope he gets bullied and put in all kinds of devastating situations (imagine having a mentor-turned-cult-leader, damn)
Anonymous asked:
So much animal!!!
Anonymous asked:
Long guy art pieces back to back! It's the week of the worm shaped, babyyyyyyyy
Yeah, for some reason it’s like a zoo out here lately, such a variety of critters lol Especially long bois!
Anonymous asked:
do you think that the medusa story would play out differently if jamil was in it? i wonder if he would ever be able to fall for someone that bought him as a pet and wants to keep him all to themself, even if they showed that they really love him
Yeah I really doubt the story would’ve been the same if it was Jamil instead of Medusa… Ironically, it would probably be the opposite for him. He wouldn’t show it, and he would act obedient and allow the person who bought him to feed him, caress his tail, hold his hands etc, but this is simply for them to let their guard down.
I think Jamil wouldn’t really consider it love, at least not in a way that Jamil would want to be loved. Being someone else’s pet/servant is dehumanising and painful to him, and the idea of his master being in love with him would make it even worse, like it’s even more insulting and hurtful that way somehow….
Anonymous asked:
When i saw your art, i immediately imagined Kalim ending up like Sebastian did in Book of Circus- HAHAHA
Also, Rapunzel Riddle?? HE'S SO BEAUTIFUL 😭😭😭😭
Honestly I thought about it too, this 100% would happen lol And then, after Jamil had his heart attack, Kalim would swear that Rajah was just playing… he wouldn’t hurt him, he is his friend! Just like Jamil <3
And Rapunzel Riddle really is beautiful…. Every time I see him, I need to take a moment just to recover. Deep breathes… it’s okay, I’ll talk about Rapunzel Riddle soon, I swear…
Anonymous asked:
You are really treating us with cute boys recently 💚 THANK YOU (that Kalim is so cute!)
Hehe thank you, Anon!! <3 Thank you for appreciating them and loving them!
Anonymous asked:
his thoughts turned off when he got yoinked
Poor furball wasn’t expecting to get yoinked :( He clearly doesn’t know who he’s dealing with!
Anonymous asked:
gonna ignore that fuck off big tiger, kalim has his white stuff (the one on his arms) as a child in your drawings so do you think it's painted on? i always thought he had tattoos because they don't ever change, smudge or go away, or did someone just let their five year old get tatted up? or maybe he's suprisingly talented at stick n poke? or accidentally bribed some adult into doing it?
This is a good question, Anon! We were actually discussing it while I was drawing because really, I have no idea how old Kalim was when he got those tattoos. I thought those were tattoos, but we came to conclusion that it could be body paint in this case when Kalim was young, like henna, but white paint instead. And since some of the boys do their makeup with magic (and Jamil uses magic to braid his hair), maybe this is also the case for Kalim? Maybe this is why it’s so consistent and doesn’t smudge…
But it could also be a genuine for real forever tattoo of course! I wish we knew more about it, I really wonder what cultural significance it has and how much of it is Kalim’s own desire to have a cool tattoo. I feel like the nature of this one is different than, for example, Leona’s tattoo. But maybe I’m just assuming things.
Anonymous asked:
Nice kitty. Now i want furry sex
With this kitty? Damn…
thestarlightfae asked:
Tiny spaces are very cozy. And easy to scare people from within.
Oh god, Azul would do it unintentionally. He would just suddenly start talking, and the person would jump because WHO IS THERE?! It’s just Azul, mumbling from his box…
Anonymous asked:
How the fuck does Riddle fit in those? I am the same height (though defiantly much heavier based on how tiny Riddle looks) and my underwear are at least double that size. And I am AFAB so I don't have to worry about fitting a penis in too!
It’s a combo of Floyd’s hands being that massive and Riddle’s hips being very narrow, Anon. Comedic exaggeration is also a thing that exists…
Anonymous asked:
Why they think of Riddle first, don't they have a 1st year with a heart on his face ?
I think Jamil just figured that there is no way Ace’s ass is this tiny lol
Anonymous asked:
Every day is a good day if Snake is posted ❤️❤️❤️ he's soooo sexy and shiny 🥰 I really love how shy he is and when he gets put out on the spot anyway!!!!!!!
Thank you, Anon! <3 Snake deserves love, and I am more than happy to give this world more Snake to love lol I am very happy he turned out sexy and shiny!
Even if he’s shy, he knows how to move his body to strike a hot pose, so… it’s his own fault.
Anonymous asked:
you might not see it, but there are actually three snakes in this picture, he himself, the one making a spiral around him and the boa constrictor making his slutty little waist that teeny tiny
That boa constrictor has the best job ever…
martriex asked:
I thought the snake guy was Silver for a second
It’s okay, we call him Silver as often as we call Silver Snake lol
Anonymous asked:
Lilia always wear something that too big for him. Cuye
Lilia looooves his long sleeves! So having a boyfriend who is like 30 cm taller than him is a huge boost~ All of his potential boyfriends are pretty tall now that I think about it… maybe this is why.
Anonymous asked:
That too big for you Lilia, take it off… all of it
But he likes it and it’s so cozy inside~
Anonymous asked:
Canva doodles? Where did that came from?
I’m guessing it’s about this Azul/Idia sketch…
It’s from an online drawing chat of sorts, there was a room for that in the pictsquare AzuIde event that we participated in! A lot of artists who participated also drew little doodles as a memento, and looking at the whole thing now, I am filled with happiness, but also very humbled because of how good everyone is at drawing on this kind of thing lol
Anonymous asked:
i don't know, with the leoruggie dynamic im lowkey obsessed with how you seem to continously describe that ruggie COULD do this and that but just doesnt want to
like the only thing that keeps him playing nice is a whim (and added benefits), he has the power to be so mean but he just doesn't use it
and the sometimes kinda lack of investement, could drop leona like a hot potato if he wasn't so convenient
it all feels like evil emotional edging
lmao probably reading into it too deep big time here
No-no, Anon, I like how you think!
It probably sounds like I’m being mean to Leona just for the sake of it, but I swear it’s not that, I actually find the dynamic very interesting lol Ruggie is playing it smart. There really are a lot of things he could do, and he for sure knows so much stuff about Leona (both in terms of his preferences and his weak spots), that he could use it for his advantage all the time. But he just thinks that it would be smarter not to + he really doesn’t want to. He doesn’t have as many uncontrollable urges as some of the other guys.
It’s like how he could technically steal a lot of stuff from Leona’s room but he doesn’t touch it: why get a coin now and burn that bridge when you can keep doing your thing and staying low-key, potentially reaping more benefits later?
Anonymous asked:
Hello, I had a thought. Since you ship shroudcest so I know that type isn't off the table how do you feel about the kingscholar siblings, as a ship?
We don’t mind it at all! In fact, we kind of like it lol if we were into Leona, I probably would’ve drawn them more… I kind of like Mufasa and Scar in general as a dynamic, so it’d be interesting to see it there as well. Could get spicy.
Anonymous asked:
Anything about the idea put the grown up and parents in the art? Some of them obsessed with Vill papa.
Not completely out of the question, but we’ll have to look at Vil papa first… we have some thoughts about him, but nothing concrete yet because we haven’t seen the event he is in.
I do love grown ups and parents of twst though, so I wouldn’t mind drawing them more if we have any fun ideas for them.
Anonymous asked:
Cater x Jamil. Thoughts?
Not a lot of thoughts, can’t think of them together really, but maybe it’s because I haven’t seen them interact. In theory, could be interesting! In practice, we’d have to see if they have fun chemistry…
Anonymous asked:
random headcanon but I think jade would be really into feeling people's bones through their skin
No wonder he likes Idia then……….
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deadpoetperry · 3 months ago
Happy new year!!! How have you been???
I have such good news! It’s not urgent but I want to share the positivity I’ve been feeling
1: I managed to workout after a long “rest” (sometimes I “rest” by doing nothing. Not even doing things I like and it feels bad instead, of doing hobbies that calm me down) and I even managed to do it on my period! I’m so proud and I’m feeling more confident in my body. I’ve been exercising more, and I feel REALLY strong :D. For the first time in forever, I LIKE MY BODY. 💃🕺💃🕺
2: Yesterday I studied all 4 of my languages (French, German, Japanese, and Russian) that I’m learning for fun and I’m very satisfied with my own personal pursuit of education
3: I learned a new way to pray to help me get closer to my faith! I just spoke in poetry during my prayer and it felt very nice. It was also nice since it was nighttime and the only thing I heard was wind and the critters outside
4: I’ve recently gotten out of a toxic/abusive friendship and I made new friends, and I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. I’m gonna continue soul searching and stuff to help myself get into a better mental headspace and in doing so I’m gonna find ways to express my loves for my friends. I literally kick my feet and giggle because how how much I love them! I’m so happy!!!
5: I got some really fun stuff for Christmas (like a digital camera that I’ve wanted to get so I can distance myself from filters and social media so I can feel more connected to real like) and I’m excited to use them!!
-Finals anon
That does sound like good news—great news, in fact! Happy New Year, indeed.
I’m glad to hear that you’re starting the new year off strongly, finals anon. I personally hope that you can take all that good energy and keep it going. Keep doing what makes you happy, self-care is very important. I could probably stand to be better about it, myself.
Speaking of myself (since you asked), I’ve been doing alright. Christmas was nice, all things considered. I have Todd to thank for that (I can’t get our date off my mind). I would’ve liked to kiss him at midnight on New Years, though, but we weren’t together for that.
Look at me being all sappy—I must sound like Knox when he talks about Chris.
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bloodsoakedapples · 24 days ago
Thank u for the ask nonny!!! <3
(I put a cut cuz I type alot lol)
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🧸: Would they want to have kids together? If so what are their kid(s) like? How are they as parents?
...this is funny because we DO have a kid- I just never posted him is all....but I'll just ignore that while I answer this! Sorry lonnie..
Well... FEEL FREE TO DISAGREE, but.. I believe leslie would want kids.. atleast one. I mean. If you look at him n know his character I feel like it makes sense..he would want a little leslie jr running around and being a little trouble maker..hell. when the kid grows up maybe they'd wanna be like their papa. (Or. One of them..but this isnt about me hehe) Maybe I'm the only one who sees it. I think he'd be a good dad. Or atleast decent...
As for how me and him would/are as parents..I feel like les definitely is a "fuck around and find out" type parent. You wanna jump off the couch pretending to be a superhero??? Okay. They'll learn not to do that anymore..- but! Just because thats his parenting style doesnt mean he doesnt care about his kid ofc! He's also very protective! Hell, so am i!! Mess with our kid you mess with all of us! I'm abit over protective (and I mean- in the world they live in- where fucking slashers n horror critters r real- YOU'D BE TOO-) but not over bearing... we just wanna keep our kiddo safe n sound- leslie can definitely keep up with an energetic kid. I mean...LOOK AT THIS BITCH! HES ENERGETIC AS HELL! WHERE DO U THINK THE KID GOT THAT ENERGY FROM!!! BOTH OF THEM WOULD RUN ME IN CIRCLES ALL DAY- (I don't mind. Them being energetic would mean they're happy!!! And when they're happy I'm happy) but eh. Atleast they're getting along!! Maybe leslie would take them to the "vernon" apple orchard (assuming it didn't get completely burned down at the end of btm-) and take them apple picking and what not... (the cuties ever)
(For this part. Ya know what. I AM gonna talk about our kid.- just a little-)
How our kid would act..like a little shit (LOVING!) He has leslies energy and is a sneaky little thing!! 1000 percent!!! Just like his daddy. He's probably very curious too! Getting into things he shouldn't. Yep. Definitely mine too- no DNA test needed- that's our kid! Probably likes animals alot too.... assuming leslie didn't eat his turtles I think our son would claim them as his own pets and love them like we do. Also would love our cat...he just loves animals yk? He takes after me in that way. .he's just a silly little guy
Thank u for the ask!!!
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ccycloneblogging · 1 year ago
I keep forgetting to ask my questions now is the present I guess-
Well 1, love your work! This AU is so cute and full of potential trauma it makes my mind flow with ideas... one of them being REALLY trauma heavy that has me in a vice grip rn...
So anyways- your post where you showed how in your AU catnap removed dogdays legs... were the murders of the hour in the same way? Because I just- Imagining Catnap dropping an anvil on some poor soul and them getting crushed slowly after the initial impact while catnap watches in apathy- has not left my mind. It's just Saw death traps at that point.
And about the whole "Going back to the cartoon" thing catnap wanted... would that not be suicide? A fully fledged, free thinking being going back to being with a world bound by a script and it's existence only continues if it's makers wish for it seem like killing yourself with extra steps. Again- this Au has so much Trauma potential I just HMMMMMMMMMMM-
And Oc's... well who do you want to hear about? I got a few lying around... well only 2 poppy playtime ones at the moment (and like one is kinda hard coded for another AU)... not to mention all the ones I have not drawn up yet that lie within my mind.
I would not mind another reason for William posting- but I'll let you choose!
Thanks, man! :D
You have no idea how much I've had to edit the scripts and drawings I make for the blog, because I go too dark too quickly for this toon AU.
I'm gonna go on a long ramble. Bear with me.
Like - there's this one script I still need to rewrite. But the premise is that Angel and DogDay are in Home Sweet Home, striking up a conversation - though Angel is injured.
Angel: ...Do you ever just... Stop? *[Angel eyes DD, as DD is in the process of sniffing like an actual dog, walking along the walls]* DD: What do you mean? *[He pauses to look at them, his tail wagging]* Angel: This. *[They gesture to his whole self, which causes him to finally fall on to the ground with a yip]* Angel: We're being hunted by a monster, close to death, and you're acting all... *Looney*. DD: That's what I do, Angel. I was brought here to make people feel happy. Safe. *[His tail begins to wag again as he makes his way to Angel]* Angel: Great. *[Unamused]* At least we'll die laughing. DD: You know, laughter is stronger than you'd think. *[A little "Uh-huh" from Angel.]* No matter how bad things get, you just have to laugh! Even if you feel like you've lost all hope, unsure about tomorrow... Not knowing what you did wrong, wondering how the world collapsed around you... *[DD grabs on to an ear, his smile turning more upsetting. The background getting darker. Maybe emphasize some of the in game model]* DD: Knowing that deep down, it's your fault for their deaths and already missing your chains because you deserve them --- *[He immediately switches back, sunshine and smiles]* DD: A laugh can chase away the gloom! Angel: *[Disturbed]* ...You want to talk about it, Pup?
So, they're all thoroughly traumatized, that's for sure!
I plan on drawing a comic that takes place during the Hour Of Joy, but yes. CatNap has killed some humans with falling anvils, endless pits, trapping them in repeating hallways until they go insane. Humans cannot survive the same punishment a toon takes, you know. >u>
But you know, he's not entirely heartless. Just angy. A poor lil meow meow
Oh, it's just CatNap being unable to cope, being ripped out of his comfort zone and never being able to adjust with the horrible things going on in Playcare. Though the Critters in this AU are not the same as the In-Game Bigger Bodies, there's still been human experiments. CatNap would much rather take scripts and limited freedom over what he was given... You are right though. That is one of the themes I wanted to try and hit with him. Especially if I follow through with an ending of Angel adopting the Critters. Then the aftermath of the trauma can really sink in.
My man, pal, friend.
I love OCs. The floor is yours. Send 'em in!
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suncatstudiosyt · 1 year ago
So recently (like in the last hourish) I guess I got into a "fight" with someone on Twitter and they called me a pedo (idk why but don't go looking for anyone and spread more hate that's not how you fix anything)
I want to say here that it was because of something with the smiling critters and this person getting mad at me for viewing them as adults to young adults (again don't send hate that's not how you fix problems)
(I also want to make it VERY clear! people who are pedos are NOT welcome here and if I find out someone is I will be blocking and reporting them)
so anyway, I wanted to come on here and maybe clear some things up, yes I see the Cartoon and Monster versions of them as adults, NO I do not romantically ship the Monster versions (I see them in my Au as nothing more than close friends) as for the Toon versions, I'm mixed on it kinda? again I see them as adults but I would never make any adult content images of them as I want this to be a safer space for a younger audience, idk but if you don't like how I see them please tell me why and I will try my best to go further into detail on it all.
But, with the amount of hate that seems to be surrounding this community lately it has been incredibly uninviting and unmotivating so I think I'm going to put the Smiling critters art on hold until I get more motivated and see less hate coming from this community, I'm happy everyone has enjoyed my art of them all and I still love these characters but I think I'm going to be switching up the art that I'm making, sorry to all the people who haven't gotten their questions done for Ask Catnap but that will be (temporally?) ending, again thanks for the support with all of my art its been great guys!❤️️
(please if you have an issue with me, lets talk about it I would rather not make anymore people angry or upset with me)
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i-read-and-write-barely · 2 years ago
Ethan (Pan) meeting and falling in love with a fellow cat lover.
a/n: I don’t think there’s any warnings? I wrote this entirely on a whim, Ethan’s a little ooc. If you enjoyed this let me know :D
Word count: 654
You frequently wander around your town serching in the small nooks and crannies for cats you can pet. Quite often you can find more cats then you can handle but that doesn’t bug you much. 
Sometimes you will make little beds for the cats out of some cloth and fabric or you’ll feed the cats near your house. 
Eventually Ethan notices the little gifts for the felines and his interest is immediately peaked. Most people will walk on by the stray kitties without a second thought. But now they’re being spoiled on the daily.
The cats tell Ethan about the friendly stranger they’ve met that sometimes indulges them. He’s a little curious about this new cat protector, so he sets up a chance meeting with the cats help.
Later the following day you ‘just so happen’ to run into a friendly esper that has goat horns and a tiny one-eyed cat companion. He’s feeding some of the cats and appears to be chatting with them. 
You strike up a conversation and start petting the little cat that follows him, after a few seconds it seems the feline really likes you as evidenced by the way it’s purring and rubbing against any limb you provide.
���Oh! It seems my friendly friend has taken quite a liking to you. I was talking with the cats here and it seems someone has been taking care of them, was that you?” 
You reply yes and his entire face lights up with a smile. “I didn’t know there was someone who cared about these cats like I do.” He scans over your work for a minute. “You’ve done a good job. The cats have all they need and they speak highly of you.” 
After chatting for a little while longer you go home thinking of the new friend you made. 
On your next adventure around your local cat spots you run into the one-eyed kitty again. With Ethan nowhere in sight, you wait around a bit to see if he’ll make an appearance. After it gets dark you take the cat home to keep them safe.
The next day you walk around town trying to find Ethan with the cat in your arms. After minimal luck you head to the All-Trades Agency hoping to find him at work. With a new strain of luck you find him slighty stressed out at the dissapearance of his feline friend, too stressed out in fact to notice you.
Until you plop his cat on the desk right in front of him that is. Then he is brought to attention and quickly starts petting and lightly berating the fluffball for dissapearing. He thanks you and offers to meet up with you again later and go out to eat as thanks. 
”Hmm... Looks like it all went to plan my friend.”
A few days later you both meet up and have a lovely evening chatting about cats and other animals. At the end of the dinner you walk around town and help out the cats in the neighborhood. Ethan walks you home and asks if you’d want to do this all again sometime. You agree and from there your relationship blossoms. 
You both continue to go on dates and sometimes you even help out with his pranks and help bail him out of any trouble he gets into. 
Sometimes you go out and help build cat shelters for critters to sleep in when it gets cold. Or you’ll run around and feed all the kitties or play with them to keep them happy.
One day Ethan’s one eyed feline runs up to you with a piece of paper in its mouth. On the paper are the words “I love you, do you feel the same?” You hear a voice behind you say the words and spin around to see Ethan with a gift for you.
It’s up to you whether you accept or not. 
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berrypass-de-murdler · 5 months ago
2 - 45 Your Days are Numbered!
Not only was that already a title, it was already a title in this same season.
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I played the murd against my parents and won! they didn't seem too fond of my nonstop mauve/logico impressions, but who cares cuz I beat them!
I'm still not sure it's for me because it is significantly more... infuriating than a normal murdle, but still very happy to own it :3 I'll write the cartoon special after book 2 is done, although I'll have to solve the 'conspiracy' first (and may need help cuz I'm dumb)
um don't ask why it says 'mubve'
They can’t rest for long. Logico receives a disturbing call. He answers it, expecting a death threat. But what he gets seems to be the opposite…
MARBLE: Deductive Logico? Dear? Is that you? They’re in my home- they’re- they’re in my home! LOGICO! YOU HAVE TO COME QUICKLY, LOGICO! HELP ME! THEY’RE RIGHT HERE!!!! 
Then static, and the call ends. Logico drops the phone. He is paralyzed once again. Irratino quickly tracks the call, and they’re led to a giant mansion. Marble didn’t even become a mathematician that long ago. And furthermore, she became a MATHEMATICIAN. How could she afford this??
Nonetheless, Logico’s heart shatters when he sees her dead. Even if she had a taste for human flesh, she was still a sweet old lady at her core. No one deserves this. Logico looks up at the suspects - Night, Mauve, and Obsidian. People he trusted… who could do such a thing? (Wait, since when did he trust Obsidian?)
OBSIDIAN: Deductive, I’m glad you came. LOGICO: Wh… why? Did you do this? OBSIDIAN: That’s something I can’t answer. But I will say that I am just as shocked at the death of our own kind as you are.
Logico takes a deep breath. He will solve this-
NIGHT: You’re absolutely stunning. LOGICO: Pardon?
Thankfully, they’re not talking to Logico. But they are harassing Mauve.
MAUVE: ‘Kay. NIGHT: I was rejected by my previous love interest. Now, you are standing vital in his place. I want to embrace you.
Mauve swings her headset at them.
MAUVE: Fucking weirdo.
Logico then interrogates the critters.
NIGHT: Based on the numbers, a prime steak was in the study.  LOGICO: Please… you don’t need to say ‘based on the numbers’... especially if you’re lying…
Irratino solemnly draws two tarot cards, subtly hinting toward Mauve, who is holding a beautiful floating sphere.
MAUVE: I don’t know how it’s floooooating.
But she didn’t do it. It was Night. They betrayed us all.
Or did they? Marble sits up with a start!
MARBLE: Oh thank goodness, you fell for it! I had no other way you’d ever listen to me!
Logico is furious! The bitch was PRETENDING?!
MARBLE: Oh please don’t worry about me, it was just an act! I really called you here for something… important.
Logico is at a loss for words. He is so pissed right now. Slightly relieved that this wasn’t a ‘true murder’ (or a murder at all) but mostly pissed. He yanks a note out of Marble's hand and looks at it. It’s a spectacular map!
IRRATINO: Ohhhhh Logico, can you feel it? Another adventure is coming! LOGICO: Quiet.
Irratino quickly shuts up. Logico’s not being his usual grumpy self - he’s stuck in a state of genuine fear.
The end!
Ok it wasn't initially Marble obviously, but the 'math professor' wasn't given a name and Logico has no human friends because they're all AI so I changed it to Marble lmao
He is friends with the suspects whether he likes it or not!
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The power of Goat Lord compels you!
See you next time murdlers!
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sarilolla · 1 year ago
So ghost anon got me thinking…
What would happen if Floyd was the only one who couldn’t get to branch in time? I mean he was the only brother to say goodbye and promise to return, but ironically he is also the only one to not meet branch before he passes. I have a feeling that the guilt of never being able to fulfil his promise would tear him apart :3
Hopefully I won’t regret giving u a weapon to rip my heart out (who am I kidding, do as u please with this)
OW? OUCH? I got this ask while I was writing the fight and just oof, it hurt- Thank you for giving me this weapon >:)
Going to turn this into a ficlet, haven't done one of those in a while
Branch knew it was unlikely that all four of his brothers would get there on time. The world was big and who knew where four small Trolls could have ended up after twenty years. Laying in bed, he blinked in and out of consciousness, his chest heavy and barely any air managed to get to his lungs. Poppy was by his side, holding his paw tightly, not wanting to let go.
To his surprise, John Dory was the first to arrive. The oldest almost looked grey as he looked at his baby brother, who was resting on death's doorstep. With a push from Delta, he walked into the room, sitting down on a chair on his side. He opened his mouth, but no words came out, not until Barb had pulled Poppy out of the room. The two brothers needed a moment.
"I'm so sorry, Bittie, I… I'm sorry. I should have been there for you, but I wasn't, and…"
Branch took his paw, the younger being so weak, but he needed JD to listen.
"Love you."
His voice was broken and small, but to his surprise, JD started tearing up.
"I love you too. So much. You're my baby brother, and I'm sorry…"
This went on for a while, as Branch's lungs cleared just a bit, and he asked if JD could tell him about the Neverglades, which he did, drying his tears. He hadn't felt this vulnerable in a long time, but for Branch? He would probably beg the Muses themselves for his life to be spared.
Then came Clay. He came inside on his own, Synth and Dante pointing him to the right room. He was shocked, to say the least, that JD was there, and for a moment, all he felt was anger and grief. After a small spat, he calmed down as Branch's tail brushed his own. Right, Branch. They were there for Branch. Their little brother, who was dying.
After a few exchanged words filled with love, both the Iris and Dahlia were cleared from his system, and he breathed just a tiny bit easier, enough that if he had just a bit more energy, he would have been able to hold a conversation. But he didn't, so the two older held it for him, despite their awkwardness and grievances, they were there and they were talking.
Finally, Spruce came. Except it was now Bruce, and he had changed a lot, but he was their brother nevertheless, and while Branch could tell the tension swung a bit in the room, happiness, anger, and grief hanging heavy in the air, he was happy to see another of his loved ones. Just a few hours ago he had almost accepted death, not believing they would come on time, but here three of them were.
JD gave up his spot for Bruce, letting him take Branch's paw, the purple-haired Troll speaking so softly with the youngest, who hummed an "I love you too" in reply. The Zinnia lost its grip, and now… they only had the Queen Anne's Lace left.
But would Floyd get there on time?
Floyd had already left Mount Rageous days before, having heard the news on his small traveling radio, and narrowly avoiding being kidnapped, he set out to find his baby brother.
He had made a promise. It was maybe twenty years too late, but Floyd was not one to break a promise. Not now, not ever.
Then he learned that the promise had been put on a timer. Friends of Branch, bounty hunters, had found him, telling him what was going on.
Branch was dying. Branch could be dead already.
They didn't need to tell him twice that he was needed. He just sat silently in the back of their critter bus, eyes distant as memories played on a loop.
Seeing that little bluebell egg hatching. Holding that little baby boy that had been filled with so much joy, love, and music.
Branch was singing before he was talking, he danced before he could walk. He was the sunshine breaking through the grey clouds of grief and horror in that period of their lives.
And he had left him behind. He had given the toddler his vest. The vest had belonged to all their brothers once, and if there was someone who deserved the comfort that the vest provided, it was Branch.
When he came to Pop Village, the place was… sad. Too sad to be filled with Pop Trolls. He saw a grey Troll with a crown on her head sit amongst a group of other dully colored Trolls, her grief so strong it nearly drowned everyone seeing her.
No one noticed him as he walked through the village, and when he asked someone where Branch was, they just shook their head, a sad look in their eyes. Another Troll pointed him to the outskirts of the village.
Floyd had heard from the youngest friends that he had built a bunker, and with a small spark of hope, he looked in the direction they pointed, hoping to see that large rock, but no… There was a field of flowers there.
A Pop Troll graveyard.
And by the freshest mound, holding onto each other, sat three Trolls who were painfully familiar. His brothers. Just not all four of them. Only the three oldest.
A pained scream filled the air.
Floyd's scream.
He had broken his promise.
Yeah, ow, this hurt- Hope everyone enjoys the misery as always :,D
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dekkiidan · 8 days ago
for the OC asks, how about 24, 25, and 45, for mohs, stein, and dusty? ::0
Thank you so much for the ask! Sorry it's taken a whole while to respond, sometimes my brain just stops functioning effectively, ehe!
[24] How hard it is for them to not allow their emotions to cloud their judgement?
[25] Do they have fears and phobias, and if they do, do they usually keep it to themselves or talk about it openly?
[45] For an event, would they dress like they typically do, or go all out?
Have added my answers below the cut so folks' dashes don't get swamped with my OC yapping.
[24] How hard it is for them to not allow their emotions to cloud their judgement?
Hmm, for all of my characters, I think it depends on the situation.
Mohs is naturally quite an emotional hearthian, they "feel" their emotions deeply and physically despite their methodical and logical view of the world. As such, they naturally seek out things that make them happy or excited; but are very careful about feelings of sadness, fear or anger, and have a firm grasp on keeping those particular feelings under control.
It would take a lot to get Mohs riled up, but they can become frustrated if they feel they're not being taken seriously or are being disrespected, which can result in them shutting down and totally removing themself from a situation. In rare cases, when they're feeling especially upset, they may have an emotional outburst, tears and balled fists fully included. They don't like how these emotions make them feel, so they try and avoid situations that could potentially trigger an upset.
As such, Mohs is very good at recognising when they need to take a break from a situation to allow their emotions to settle before making a decision.
Stein is incredibly down to hearth with their emotions, they don't allow their feelings to control their actions and rarely make snap decisions. Because of this, they can come across as a little reserved or closed off regarding their own feelings, but they're a real softie under their practical and direct exterior.
Important to note, however, that should Stein feel that those they care about are threatened in any way, the above is completely null and void and they will lose their temper. This happens very infrequently, but it has happened. Things got physical.
Like the herds they look after, Dusty is very placid and relaxed with their feelings, perhaps sometimes to a fault. Chalk it up to working with the Fellers their whole life, but they take time and care to be as non-reactive as possible regarding their emotions, so not to spook the critters.
[25] Do they have fears and phobias, and if they do, do they usually keep it to themselves or talk about it openly?
Mohs is scared of both space and flying - which is why they have not once dreamed of joining the Outer Wilds Ventures. They couldn't tell you why they're scared of flying - they just are. They've tried to hitch a lift multiple times in other pilot's ships for sample collection purposes, and have not once made it out of Timber Hearth's atmosphere without having a full blown panic attack. Perhaps it's because of this shared fear that they get along so well with Tuff.
Stein is relatively stoic when it comes to fears and phobias. As a hearthian who has experienced personal loss, their greatest fear is losing those they care about. They don't talk about this.
Currently, Dusty does not have any fears or phobias, but they're still much earlier in development in comparison to Mohs or Stein, so . . . Maybe in the future? (Sorry, Dusty!)
[45] For an event, would they dress like they typically do, or go all out?
Despite their outdoorsy vibe for fieldwork, Mohs loves an excuse to dress up all fancy, especially for a dance. They have a variety of light coloured (hard to keep clean!) button down shirts that they pair with an embroidered cummerbund (to look like stars!) and dark parachute pants. For a slightly more "dressed-down" occasion, they'll pair their shirts with patchwork dungarees. They also have a wide-brimmed straw hat that they like to decorate with seasonal flowers.
Stein has two outfits. On The Rocks shirt, cargos and walking boots. With jacket. Without jacket. Dressing fancy isn't their thing.
I think I've mentioned it before, but Dusty is an old school romantic. They enjoy making an effort with their appearance for a social event, and even moreso if said event may include a date. They tend to lean towards what most folks would consider "Classic Western" - so a nicely fitted Western (long sleeved, cuffed shirt but rolled at the elbows, traditional "cowboy" embroidered yoke included) button-up, a hard-wearing pair of denim jeans, and well-worn boots. All of this is brought together with their stone-share bolo tie and belt. Their hat, despite it's "well-loved" appearance, never leaves their head, so regardless of the fit, the hat will always remain.
Thank you so much for the ask! If you stuck around to read for this long, I appreciate it! ::3c
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