#christoper has two dads
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my-brain-soup · 2 months ago
"I still think it would have been better for him if I had been the one who got shot"
cue the most potent "are you a fucking dumbass?" look Edmundo Diaz has ever given
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blissfullybuddie · 6 days ago
I feel like Eddie’s parents have always coddled Christopher, and have been outspoken over what he can or can’t do. Based on how Chris has responded when Eddie or anyone else has challenged his independence, I know how they react bothers him. Living in El Paso potentially means that Chris could be feeling constrained by them as they attempt to hold him back or ignore his attempts to be a regular kid. I can only assume that as he’s gotten older the hovering has become more burdensome. With Eddie, his parents blatantly ignored his needs and judged the decisions he made which drove him away… what if Chris has been putting up with similar harassment as his grandparents attempt to control everything he does and make him feel incapable of doing anything for himself? It would be conflicting to endure ill treatment that seemly comes from a place of concern at first versus going back with Eddie before he’s fully processed or forgiven him for what he did. It could also potentially offer a new perspective on how Chris views his father’s childhood/relationship with his parents and how that impacted him. Eddie’s family always blamed Shannon for “abandoning” them and if they bad mouth Christopher’s mother and father it could shift how he sees his grandparents. I just feel like the dynamic between Eddie’s parents and Chris has become more complex, and that Eddie coming back into the picture will bring more of that to light. Hopefully, we get to see them finally confront the issues that have always been there.
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fionaswhvre · 1 year ago
Even if you view buddie from a platonic lens, Buck is still Christopher's father figure. Putting aside the fact that he is literally going to be Chris' guardian if something happens to Eddie, there are a lot of other hints/parallels in the show indicating their parent child relationship.
Like how Chris ran to Buck when he was upset with Eddie, similar to when Harry ran to Bobby (his stepfather) when he was upset with Michael (his real father).
How Buck is probably listed in the Diaz's emergency contact because he was the first person Chris called during Eddie's breakdown. Not anyone from their family, but Buck.
Buck was also helping Chris cook for his school project and was pretty much parenting him when he told him they cannot just have dessert for dinner. This shows that he's not just the fun uncle or Dad's friend to Chris. He is the bad cop sometimes too.
The entire parallel of Buck being Bobby's sous chef and Chris becoming Buck's. It also makes you think why they focus so much on Eddie being bad at cooking and Buck learning cooking from his father figure and teaching what he learned to Eddie's son.
In season 7, Eddie will go to Buck of all people for dating advice to his son. Not to Hen, Bobby or Chimney, who are in successful relationships and are also like family to Eddie. Even RG said that both Buck and Eddie are terrible at dating so why does Eddie ask Buck for help? It's because while Eddie is very close to everyone in the 118, Chris is the closest to Buck. Eddie trusts Buck for Chris enough to give him dating advice, something that is a very parent thing to do.
So even if you see Buck and Eddie as just good friends, no one can deny that Buck is like a second parent to Chris at this point.
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buddiesmutslut · 11 months ago
I would pay an honestly absurd amount of money to see one of Eddie’s friends that Chris knows & likes (whether that’s Tommy since everybody wants him to be an MC, or a good friend from the army or Texas) come over & hang around them, and for Chris to be excited & greet them like, “Uncle Tommy!” (Or whether their name is.)
Especially if Buck is there & gets worried like, “he’s never called me Uncle, am I not as important to this kid as I thought I was?”
Force them both to really look at the role Buck plays in Christopher’s life vs how the rest of their friends act/treat Chris, bc even if Buddie doesn’t get together, I’d love to see it acknowledged canonically just how fatherly Buck acts with Chris.
(Obviously in my dream world & in the fic I’ll probably write, this will be what kickstarts Buck & Eddie figuring their shit out and getting together but that’s just me)
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aspecbuddie · 2 years ago
showed my mum the 6x13 homework scene and asked what she thought buddie and chris were to each other
'well that's clearly a couple and their son'
(she has never seen 911 and I haven't told her anything about the show)
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graveyardlifeguard · 10 months ago
Survivors Part 2
Summary: Occurs during the events of Season 4x13 and Season 4x14 of 9-1-1.
*This is my first attempt at writing after many, many years so please go easy on me*
Warnings: Shooting, Injury, Blood
Notes: This one's going to be a touch long so I don't have to break it so awkwardly, but the next part will be out really soon!
Strictly Angst with a teeny tiny bit of Fluff
Eddie Diaz x Paramedic! Reader
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Later that night at home, Chris and I stood by the door and watched as Eddie fiddled with the couch pillows. Carla was coming back tonight, and Eddie was only slightly excited about her return. He had been fussing over intricate details since we had gotten home from work.
“What do you think? That looks better right?” Eddie asks, still fussing over the same two pillows he has been playing with for the last 5 minutes.
“I think it looks exactly the same.” Chris laughs as we watch Eddie continue to fluff the pillows.
“I just want everything to be perfect. It’s been over a year” Eddie finally turns around to look at Christopher and me.
“It’s going to be awesome!” Chris says. He had missed Carla more than anything in the world. With Eddie obviously in the number 1 spot, there was no doubt in my mind that Carla was number 2 on his list of favorite people. She had always been a steady female presence in his life that I knew that he needed. Whether he knew it or not. My thoughts are quickly interrupted by the knocking at the door that Chris excitedly moves towards. Opening the door, Chris all but screams Carla’s name before she laughs and wraps him up in a giant hug. The smiles on Christopher and Eddie’s faces are bright enough to light all of California with. Letting Christopher have the first hug, Eddie and I move slowly towards Carla before joining in the hug. If Carla didn’t feel missed based off of the giant hug, I don’t know how else we could have shown her.
Sitting around the table just like old times, eating and laughing together brought back a lot of great memories. Christopher had just gotten done telling Carla one of his crazy stories from school. “I’m sure your teacher was thrilled.” Carla laughs in return at his story. Noticing that the plates are empty, Eddie leans forward to grab them up as I quickly jump up to grab them for him.
“No, no, no let me grab those” I say, hurriedly moving to gather up the plates.
Carla tries to offer her help with Chris jumping in to stop her, “You can’t go in the kitchen!” Chris exclaims.
Carla gives him a funny look while I try to cover out tracks, it’s a secret that Christopher is very adamant on.
“That’s right,” I start as Eddie smiles and nods is head in agreeance, “we have some business to take care of." Carla chuckles as Christopher and I head off towards the kitchen.
We dump the dirty plates into the sink before I grab both of the cakes we made out of the oven, where we left them to sit until the right moment.
“Can we yell surprise when we come out of the kitchen?” Chris asked.
I laughed and before responding, “Well of course, how else would we surprise her.”
Christoper had begged us to make Carla two cakes, one for each birthday we had missed with her while she was away. He had chosen the colors of the cake, pink and blue. He had explained to Eddie and me that we needed both colors to split between the two boys and two girls. Opening the kitchen door and stepping out, we both yelled surprise, catching Carla off guard. Christopher walked up to Carla and wished her a Happy Birthday; we all knew her birthday is in March, but it felt right to celebrate the ones we missed together. Plus, who didn’t love extra cake.
“Light the candles dad.” Chris says to Eddie with Eddie magically pulling out candles from thin air. Carla looks over the two cakes, quickly counting the number of candles that were scattered across both tops.
“Okay that is a disturbing number of candles.” She laughs as Chrisopher moves to stand next to me.
“Thank goodness there’s a firefighter and paramedic in the house.” I smile up at Christopher, loving the way he had absolutely lit up with Carla back around. I know he had missed her and had certainly taken it hard when she had to leave to be with her dad. He was sad but also understood that she needed to be with her dad just like he needed to be with his. Looking back towards the table, I couldn’t help but notice the way that Eddie was already smiling at me. He looked at me the way that every girl wanted to be looked at. The smile that he gave me made it hard for me to not smile back. He and Christoher were my entire world and there was nothing that I wouldn’t do to keep them with me.
The next shift was exactly like the last one, busy and filled with paperwork. I was at the station for maybe thirty minutes in total, all day. And somehow not once did I run calls with the 118. Which meant that I did not get to see or talk to any of them, excluding Hen who had called to get advice about a call they were on, until it was time to pack up and go home for the day. Luckily, my relief had shown up early, meaning that I was able to shower and change before I normally was able to. Walking out of the dorms, I find Eddie standing at the bay door, a contemplative look on his face.
I make my over to him before asking, “What’s got you thinking so hard my love?” He looks up, startled, as if I had completely snuck up on him. He gives me one of his dazzling smiles before shaking his head.
“Just a call we went on today, something seems off but I’m not sure what it is.” he replies.
That’s understandable. I feel like most of the calls we run nowadays are just off. I had honestly chalked most of it up to being my paranoia from the crazy Covid calls we received.
“Do you want to talk about it on the way home? Maybe I can help you work it out.” I ask him.
He smiles and shakes his had before saying, “We’ve both had a hell of a day, work is going to stay at work. It’s my time to have you all to myself.”
He bumps his shoulder into mine before grabbing my hand and leading us to the car. After the shift we had, it was nice to know that no one needed us. At least for the next 9 hours that was.
At home, I had opted to start the laundry while Eddie moved into the kitchen to start dinner. Carla and Christopher were in the living room reading together when we got home. After receiving a huge hug from Chris, I started into the bedroom to collect our laundry basket. Once laundry was started, and I was in much more comfortable clothes, I made my way into the living room. Only to find it empty with voices being heard in Christophers room. Inside, Christopher, Carla and Eddie seemed to be sorting through old toys of Chris.’
“Wow, someone’s feeling generous.” I comment after finding the trio, moving to sit down on the floor near Chris’ bed.
“I got to talk to a boy that Dad met at work, he’s sick and can’t go out much. I want to give him some of my old toys.” Christopher replies. He hands over an old police car and book that I know he hasn’t played with in a while. Looking up at Eddie, he notices the hint of confusion on my face. I know we hadn’t talked much, but I hadn’t heard of his new friend he seemed to have made today.
“Did you happen to see the structural collapse call were on around lunch time?” He questions. I shake my head ‘no’ as I lean over to help go though toys.
Eddie continues on after seeing my answer, “This boy’s mom semi-fell through her balcony and her son, who’s around Chris’ age, called it in. He has an auto-immune disorder and isn’t able to leave the house much. I ended up staying with her son while she went to the hospital.”
The story quickly catches my attention. My head shoots up and can I tell my face is giving away my thoughts. It so often does as Eddie continuously points out to me.
“Would this call happened to have occurred at The Regal Point Apartments?”
Eddie looks up at me and nods, “Yeah it was, I thought you didn’t see the call? Well anyways the mom was telling me that since she has to stay home and take her of her son, people have been generous enough to donate to them through online donation sites. Chris here had the great idea of donating some of his toys to the son.”
There it is again.
There’s that red flag, waving now at the forefront of my mind. This has to be Shiela and Charlie. I think it over before standing up and telling Chris how proud I am of his generosity. “I’ll be right back.” I state to the group before exiting the room. Eddie gives me a questioning look as I leave.
Making my way into the kitchen, I sit down at the kitchen table, open my laptop, and begin doing some research on Sheila and Charlie Leute on a local Fund Me page. Although I began my search locally, I quickly find multiple Fund Me pages scattered across the West coast. The most interesting detail is the fact that each account with their first name ends up coming back with a different last name. The red flag initially waving in my brain is now the size of a football field. I knew it. Jumping up from the kitchen table, I walk back towards where I know the trio still sat. Leaning up against the door frame, I look over to Eddie, knowing that this would hurt his feelings.
“Hey Eddie, can I talk to you for a second?” I ask, starting to walk back towards the kitchen.
Eddie glances up at me before he stands up and starts making his way towards me. He stops short of the doorway and turns back to Carla and Chris.
“Don’t let him give away the whole house while I’m gone!” Eddie continues behind me where we start back towards the kitchen. I can hear Carla laughing at Eddie’s comment, she knows that Christopher is just that generous to do so.
“What’s going on?” Eddie questions.
“I was thinking about what you said, how that family supports themselves through their Fund Me page, so I started looking around.” I sit back down at the laptop while Eddie chooses to lean up against the cabinets. It was hard to stay focused on the task at hand when he did things like that. Something about him leaning against things had an unnecessary affect on me.
“You went snooping?” I can feel the questioning look aimed towards the back at my head. I swivel in my seat so he can see the serious look on my face. Although the hint of a smile on my face certainly doesn’t help my case. I begin fiddling with my ring finger, where my actual engagement ring sits on full display. Being able to see it and feel it helps me relax, my body already knowing how important this situation is.
“The family and story just seemed really familiar to a call I had the other night. At the same address. I was hoping for it be a coincidence but that’s unfortunately not the case. Alicia and I went out there the other night for the son and something just didn’t seem right then. I thought I was just being overdramatic, so I let it go. But I think there is something wrong with this woman. I think she lied to us”
Eddie gives me yet another confused look before pulling out the chair beside me and sitting down. He throws his arm over my shoulder and slides the chair closer to me. I can tell that he understands how strongly I feel about this just by the look he is giving me.
“Well,” He starts “you know I trust your instincts so what do you have?”
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doublel27 · 4 months ago
I think I started following you for TK and Carlos, but you're now one of my main sources of Buck and Eddie as well (because despite having never watched 911 I know who they are lol). And I honestly have become increasingly confused as to whether Buck and Eddie are actually together?? I know one of them is bisexual... but like... are they cannon? It is just a ship? What's their deal???
Oh my dear sweet summer child. You have opened a can of worms. Also, if you’re getting OG info from me then you’re getting a very narrow view.
Short answer: Buck and Eddie are not canon in terms of being in a romantic or sexual relationship.
However…what’s their deal? I’m glad you asked.
So it all started in season one, when 25 year old Evan Buckley was a hot mess express stealing fire trucks for hook ups with girls.
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He then met a dispatcher almost twice his age named Abby who stalked him a little bit and he nearly died choking on a piece of bread but since our sweet summer child has both mommy and daddy issues he imprinted on her hard like a baby duckling
Her mom, who she had been taking care, of died and she went to Europe and promised she’d be back and left Buck staying in her house. (She would not be back gentle reader. But don’t worry it will come back around why this is important)
Season two starts up with a pining Buck and the entry of Eddie Diaz
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This is literally our intro to him. Also What a Man is canonically playing as the soundtrack as Buck first lays eyes on him.
They speedrun enemies (onsided) to besties in a single episode.
Eddie has a son, Christoper.
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Chris has CP and Eddie moved him to LA because this is where Chris’s mom ran away to when she left them.
Buck also imprints on Eddie and Chris, immediately helping them and getting Chris a home health aid. His sister jokes that he has a man crush and will finally maybe get over Abby. Eddie tries to get back with his ex-wife but she both neither wants to be a wife or a mom and is going to leave them again but gets hit by a car and dies.
And Buck and Eddie and Chris become increasingly more codependent.
Buck nearly gets crushed under a fire truck and can’t come back to work and babysits Chris during shifts and they almost die in a Tsunami and Buck thinks he did a bad job taking care if Chris but Eddie says there’s no one he would trust with his son more.
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Buck tries to come back to work but he’s got blood clotting issues from nearly getting crushed by a fire truck and is bared from returning and therefore sues the department for wrongful termination (even though he wasn’t actually terminated he just couldn’t return to active duty). Then he couldn’t speak to anyone from the firehouse which led to the divorced dads era.
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Angry, bitter fight in a grocery store with their coworkers ensues. Don’t worry it all works out and we go back to coparenting like normal.
Our boys are both unsuccessfully dating women and the queerbaiting accusations get tossed around. They are unfounded because 1. The show is written by queer people and 2. There have always been gay characters as main and recurring characters. They just all happen to be black. (See racism, lesbian erasure, and 911)
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Things are going great until Eddie gets shot at work by a sniper right in Buck’s face.
[Gif redacted for trauma reasons]
It was highly traumatizing. Buck saves Eddie and Eddie is in a coma and Buck has to tell Chris and take care of him, you know, like a dad. Everyone points out he’s basically Chris’s other dad, not Eddie’s girlfriend who is also around sort of.
Buck confesses to Eddie when Eddie wakes from the coma that he wishes it was him that had gotten shot and died which is when Eddie reveals that would be really fucking dumb because Buck is who Eddie wants to take Chris if he dies.
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Anywho. Everyone keeps dating women. Buck almost dies a few more times, and gets struck by lighting has an interesting coma carol and is obsessed with death. They remain co-parents of an adorable son.
Enter season seven and Tommy comes back into our lives. In the beginning it’s hard to see who he’s for, Buck or Eddie or just as a device. But he’s for Buck! There was rejoicing. Bi!Buck was no longer headcanon!
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Buck comes out as bi, because you know, he thought it was normal for the first 32 years of his life that men were hot. Everyone knew that. Buck has a boyfriend now. People are mad it’s not Eddie. Fandom wars ensue and those of us that like both try our best to avoid the abuse to middling to terrible success.
Eddie has a girlfriend and then finds out that there is an exact doppelgänger of his dead ex-wife (told you she’d come back around) and begins having an affair with her on his current girlfriend. Everything blows up when he and doppelgänger wife are processing his ex-wife’s stuff and his girlfriend and son came home.
Chris leaves his dads and goes to live with his grandparents in Texas, and neither of them can convince him to stay. Eddie grows a terrible mustache. Buck continues dating Tommy. Interviews and canon keep calling Eddie straight but
We then find out that Tommy is the ex-fiancé of Buck’s season one obsession, Abby. Buck tries to process this with Tommy but Tommy has the most projecting ass low-self-esteem meltdown and breaks up with Buck.
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Which brings us to now, two sad bestie coparents whose son is living in Texas.
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And that’s what you missed on glee 911!
Did that clarify anything or just as confusing?
Canonically, IMO, they’re in a queerplatonic coparenting situationship with no sex, thus far.
What will happen next, gentle reader, who can say?
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epicbuddieficrecs · 1 year ago
Weekly Recap | November 6th-12th 2023
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Still struggling with putting these out on Mondays! (Also, I don't know if you've realized this by now, but when I discover an author, I sometimes go wild on their ao3 page so.... yep that's a thing that happened 😆 )
Got Weird by Daisies_and_Briars (Getting Together, Post-S6 | 10K | Explicit): Shortly after Buck and Natalia break up, Eddie gets tipsy and makes a rather forward move. Then immediately panics (not that Eddie panics, of course) and backpedals. Eddie spirals, Buck is confused. Lots of spontaneous kissing ensues.
next to your heartbeat (where i should be) by lecornergirl/ @clusterbuck (Getting Together | 2K | Teen): “You always look at Buck like that.” Eddie swallows. “Like what?” “The same way you look at me,” Christopher says and flips to the next photo like it’s nothing. 
you showed up just in time by lecornergirl/ @clusterbuck (Post S5E6: Brawl In Cell Block 9-1-1 | 1,4K | General): can i come over, typed out quickly and sent before he has time to overthink it. Eddie texts back almost immediately. No. A key turns in his door and Eddie walks in, Christopher in tow.
calling out for somebody to hold tonight by lecornergirl/ @clusterbuck (Eddie Coming Out | 3K | Teen): “Everything okay?” the bartender asks.  “I’m in love with my best friend,” Eddie admits, just for the novelty of saying it out loud. The bartender winces in sympathy. “And you don’t think—” “Oh, never,” Eddie says, with a laugh that sounds hollow even to his own ears. “Can I get another tequila?”
never know what you might find (when dreams come true) by lecornergirl/ @clusterbuck (Getting Together | 5K | Explicit): “Fuck, it’s so stupid,” Eddie says. “It’s embarrassing. I mean, I had one dream about the guy—okay, two dreams, whatever—and now I’m, fucking, tripping over my own feet and knocking things over, and like, my pulse is racing and my mouth goes all dry and—” “And you’re sure you’re not attracted to him?” Frank asks. 
(yesterday my life was duller) now everything is technicolour by lecornergirl/ @clusterbuck (Established Buddie | 1,4K | General): "Eddie," he says. "I love you, but did you really have to make your move five minutes before we started a twenty-four-hour shift?" "Sorry," Eddie says. "Next time, I'll make sure to plan my spontaneous, blurted-out love confession a little better."
cuffing season by lecornergirl/ @clusterbuck (Getting Together | 6K | Explicit): “Hen and Chimney think we won’t be able to make it twenty-four hours handcuffed together,” Eddie says. “Oh, we so could,” Buck says.
all for one and one for always by lecornergirl/ @clusterbuck (Getting Together | 1,8K | General): "Why am I here, anyway?" Buck asks, looking around at all of the parents and teachers milling around the foyer of Christoper's school. "I mean, you know I don't mind, but you made it sound really—" He's interrupted by the sound of a woman's voice, somewhere on Eddie's other side. "Mr Diaz, there you are! And this must be the husband." Buck whirls to look at Eddie, because—if Eddie has a husband, this is the first he's hearing of it. 
maybe even true by withoutthetiger/ @rewritetheending (Getting Together, Season 4 | 2K | Explicit): An argument between Buck and Eddie turns into something more. 
I Could Never Forget You, Not Really by browney3dgirl6/ @hoodie-buck (Amnesia | 3K | General): An accident at work leaves Buck injured, and when he comes to, he doesn't remember anyone, at least, not until his best friend walks in.
the one where they met because of chris by browney3dgirl6/ @hoodie-buck (Different First Meeting AU | 10K | General): the one where Chris meets Buck first, inevitably bringing his two dads together.
You Could Be The One I Keep by browney3dgirl6 / @hoodie-buck (Didn't Know They Were Dating | 6K | Teen): The one where Eddie thinks they're in a relationship, Buck oblivious to the entire thing.
if I asked you to stay, would you? by browney3dgirl6/ @hoodie-buck (Different First Meeting, Tsunami | 6K | Teen): “Sir, are you ok? Can you tell me your name?” What was with the formalities? “Buck. Evan Buckley of the 118. And uh, I’m fine.” Buck gestured to the air around him, sighing aloud, as he gave the guy a smug wink. “Just a little wet is all.”
I want to love you (but I don't know how) by browney3dgirl6/ @hoodie-buck (Post S5E10: Wrapped In Red | 11K | Explicit): Buck buys him and Eddie touch bracelets, not wanting either of them to feel disconnected after Eddie leaves. They help, but the real thing is still better.
Out Of Order, Still In Line by callmenewbie/ @callmenewbie (S6E07: Cursed, PWP | 6K | Explicit): When Buck finally gets to the Clinic, the long awaited release doesn’t seem to come; cue Eddie to the rescue.
baby, how'd we end up here? by withmeornotatall (Safe Haven Baby | 15K | Teen): the safe haven baby fic where buck falls in love and eddie asks him out on a date - not necessarily in that order
the fool and the lover by withmeornotatall (S6, Getting Together | 5K | Teen):  buck breaks down, eddie is there, and psychics are real actually
You're making my head hurt. by wikiangela/ @wikiangela (Getting Together | 1K | Not Rated): Eddie's really tired and accidentally confesses his love for Buck.
You love this, don't you? by wikiangela/ @wikiangela (Getting Together | 3K | Mature): Clipboard Buck makes a reappearance, and Eddie's forced to confront his feelings.
All I need is to call you home by wikiangela/ @wikiangela (Post S5E6: Brawl In Cell Block 9-1-1 | 2K | General): After being held hostage and threatened, Buck can't stop worrying about Eddie and Chris. And so he finds himself in front of Eddie's house at three in the morning.
I could get lost in the feelings (just say that you belong to me) by wikiangela/ @wikiangela (PWP, Getting Together | 15K | Explicit): Or, Buck's going on a date, Eddie's so jealous he finally snaps and reveals his feelings, which leads to a passionate evening in Buck's kitchen.
me and you only equals love by wikiangela/ @wikiangela (Post-Poker Date | 6K | Explicit): Eddie is horny and in love, and after the poker date, he finally kisses Buck - and things unfold from there.
I'd marry you with paper rings by wikiangela/ @wikiangela (Marriage Proposal | 3K | General): “If we’re not married by the time we’re, like, forty, we should just marry each other.” he chuckles, and downs the rest of his beer. And Eddie… Eddie knows it’s a joke. Obviously. It can’t be anything but. But still, it does something to him. “Why wait? Let’s just do it now and get it over with.”
There’s no way that it’s not going there (with the way that we’re looking at each other) by wikiangela/ @wikiangela (Getting Together | 6K | Not Rated): 5 times people wrongly assume Buck and Eddie are together + 1 time it's actually true.
I can't love you any more (than I do now) by wikiangela/ @wikiangela (Getting Together | 2K | General): Eddie's pretty sure he and Buck are dating and kind of living together. Neither acknowledges it, until Eddie finally does.
i'd swim to your call on my phone by heartbeatdiaz / @loserdiaz (Canon Divergent, Dad Buck, Dispatcher Eddie | 8K | Teen): Buck's daughter keeps calling 9-1-1 for help with her homework, Eddie is smitten and apparently 9-1-1 works better than Tinder.
i have dreams where i kiss you and it’s pink by fleetinghearts/ @shitouttabuck (Getting Together | 6K | Teen): or, jee-yun buckley-han's third birthday party is in dire need of some fairy tale magic and buck's attempt to save the day might just be the thing that finally kills eddie
his hand in the dark by hattalove/ @hattalove (Getting Together | 5K | Teen): in which eddie has a beer, dances with a stranger, and does some borderline indecent things in the street with the love of his life.
in my head by yourcatfishfriend/ @your-catfish-friend (Friends With Benefits | 5/8 | 17K | Explicit): Buck is confidently bisexual. Eddie isn't sure. Buck helps him figure it out.
🔥 Things We're All Too Young to Know by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon, S1 through S6 | 98/? | 257K | Mature): This is a love story. Even if it doesn’t always look like it. Even if it doesn’t always feel like it. A look back on Eddie and Buck's lives up to now, and what led them to each other, interpreted from the current 9-1-1 canon.
please? (can't say no) by withmeornotatall (S5, Getting Together | 5K | Teen): chris eavesdrops and misunderstands, buck mediates and overthinks, eddie tries desperately to communicate even as he's foiled at every turn
not all of us are heroes (not all of us are brave) by withmeornotatall (Post-S6 | 6K | General): buck and natalia break up, eddie decides to introduce his girlfriend to his son, christopher knows way too much, and the 118's wine night has never been quite so eventful
I Haven't Found A Better Title For This Than "Read This In The Six Months Before I Made This Blog And It Somehow Made Its Way To My History Now So I'm Reccing It Post-Facto"
🔥 the light's been out though, baby by hattalove/ @hattalove (Post S5E6: Brawl In Cell Block 9-1-1 | 15K | Mature): or, six months after the near-fatal shooting of a member of the LAFD, footage of the incident surfaces on social media.
everything's coming up milhouse by hammersmiths/ @henswilsons (Post-S5E10: Wrapped In Red, LAFD Liaison Eddie | 4K | Teen): or, Eddie mans the LAFD Twitter account. Buck tries to be supportive. (Part 1 of Mr LAFD Updates Man)
in you, darling, i trust by hammersmiths (LAFD Liaison Eddie 10K | Teen): or, five times someone recognises Eddie as the LAFD Updates man. (Part 2 of Mr LAFD Updates Man)
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chibishortdeath · 1 year ago
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This Bloodlines timeline document has some names of characters that are never actually ever seen in a game, so I decided to give some designs and ideas to them :3. I know that it’s mostly defunct material (even for Bloodlines itself considering it still has Bolt Ericsson, who was scrapped from the final release on it), but I’m just gonna take bits of it that I like anyway lol.
So this is my take on Cyncia, Christopher’s wife. Maybe when Christopher is off fighting Dracula, she’s at home beating the hell out of bats and skeletons trying to get into the house hmmm. Or idk maybe she should get to come with the second time hmmmm >:). Anyway, the embroidery details on her clothes are all scribbley cause I couldn’t decide on patterns, but just imagine that it’s actually nice embroidery oof (TwT ). The first image is kinda like a talking sprite pose now that I’m looking at it. Sadly there’s not too much to say about her because she uh kinda only exists in development limbo so uh yeah :’(.
There’s also the other two kids! It’s such a cool concept of a Belmont having siblings, I wish they address that concept more often :O. In my interpretation I have Gerhart as the oldest, Soleil in the middle, and Amanda as the youngest. The text says that Gerhart “strangely died” so I was thinking about the concept that he died at 15 not long after the Vampire Killer was passed down to him, making Soleil the next in line. I think that’d add a lot to how Soleil was possessed, he would be feeling awful about taking his brother’s place and possessions in other games tend to have the character have some kind of emotional weakness that was an opening for something to get to them, if that makes sense. But yeah, again, sadly not too much to say about the two themselves since they don’t appear anywhere.
If ever we get some really nice Christoper games remake (1. I am aware Rebirth exists 2. Konami will never cause they’re cowards), I really really wanna see these three end up in it. Cause as of now it’s just sad seeing them be names in an unused developer document when they have really good potential. It’d be cool to see that part of the series get fleshed out more in general because, as much as I LOVE the Christopher games, they are barely written 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。. Which is a shame because Christopher seemed to be planned to be something a lot bigger than that, ya know? There was a weird time he and Trevor were almost the same person in development, but the name Christopher is used as the name of the ancestor Simon looked up to and I feel like he and his story should’ve been way more important, ya know??? Like it does get used as foreshadowing for Richter and Maxim and other characters that get possessed later but mannnnnnnn. Justice for Christopher, and also justice for Cyncia too.
Asdfghjkll maybe make her playable in a Belmont’s Revenge remake that’d be so cool I wanna have my Murder Dad and Murder Mom tag team. Also that fits the themes of “he went at it alone and things went wrong but it went right the second time cause he wasn’t alone” and aaaaaaaaaaa do you see my vision
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instructionsnotincluded · 2 months ago
KATE THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR THIS NEW CHAPTER OMG WE MUST DISCUSS!!! First of all, Rafe saying he wanted someone not to see him as trash BROKE my heart. Second, Logan getting the hell out of dodge because the fight reminded her of her dad 😭😭😭😭 and then her trying to get out of the sex work but being shot down??? I JUST WANTED TO HUG HER OMG and CHRIS. CHRIS I SEE YOU. RAFE SEES YOU. WE SEE THROUGH YOUR BULLSHIT. I’m calling it now, Ward is so replacing Rafe with Chris. He is already comparing the two 😭 ugh I love this story so much omg I can’t wait to see how explosive these next chapters are!!!
So many feels, so much angst this chapter! Our couple is really going through it separately, and they're struggling so badly. Rafe thinks he's worthless, Logan feels like she has no future. These poor babies...
And Chris. Dun dun dunnnn. Christoper has officially entered the chat. Keep an eye on him--he's a sneaky little snake, that one.
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shaunamisty · 2 years ago
when christoper says he has TWO dads to people then what
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my-brain-soup · 2 months ago
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blissfullybuddie · 6 days ago
Something that keeps me up at night is the thought of Eddie returning from El Paso with Christopher in tow and confessing his feeling for Buck by hitting him with the “I’ll always come back to you”….
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fionaswhvre · 1 year ago
Will You Stay This Time?
Buddie| 6k words| Rating: General
“Buck.” Eddie says again, softly, but firmly. “Look at me.” This time, there is no question in Eddie’s voice. He demands and Buck provides. Blue eyes clash against the browns. Buck’s breath hitches in his lings. He hadn’t realized Eddie was standing so close. “What about me tells you I will ever be tired of you?” “That’s what Abby told me. But she left. So did Ali. You think you won’t either, but you will be eventually, if I am in your hair 24/7. Believe me, Eddie.” “Who gave you the right to decide that?” Buck grabs Eddie’s wrist from where it is lying on his shoulder. “I am doing this for you.” Eddie’s grip tightens and if it was anyone else, Buck would have thrown them off himself by now. “You don’t know a thing about me, then.” “I do, I do, Eddie. But I also think some distance will be nice for us. Isn't it enough that we are just work buddies. Do we have to hang out at home day and night too?” Eddie scoffs and Buck can hear the incredulousness in it. “So it’s a lie then? That you're doing this for me?” “Wha-” “Spare me the bullshit, Buck. You are doing this for yourself.” “What? No! Why would you think that?” Eddie sighs, pertaining defeat. “If you want this distance that you are talking about, from me and Chris, you can have it. Just be upfront to me about it. That kid has enough people leaving as it is, everyone telling lies to him under the guise of sweet promises, just don’t do that. You can tell me the truth. I will ease it onto him.” It is Buck’s turn to tighten his hold in Eddie’s wrist. He can feel his blood pulsating under his touch, just as Eddie might be feeling Buck’s blood under his. They stand there for a moment like that, feeling the blood flow through each other’s vein in a similar rhythm. “The day I even think about leaving Christopher, is the day I might be dead.” “Then why?” Eddie bores his eyes into his, almost pleading. “Why would you leave us like this?”
Read here.
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paigemathews · 9 months ago
OOOOOOOOOH now i'm interested! multiple questions (so sorry)
how do you think prue's girls get along with the sisters/does everyone else have their canonical kids here
if prue and paige were both in this au do you think it'd change a whole lot about where everything ended up?
does prue keep the manor or does piper?
Nonnie, please never apologize about next gen questions, I'm always obsessed lmao! I also did fully spend the entire morning thinking about Perri, Presley, and Pamela though.
I think that the girls are close with the sisters, especially Perri and Pamela. I think that Perri would probably be closest to Phoebe, with Paige a close second, for a few reasons. I mean, there's the fact that they're definitely the two out of the four with the most outlandish outfits, but Phoebe also has that experience with Prue's overprotectiveness and can kind of help smooth and justify it to Perri. Like I said, she has a rebellious streak, even if it manifested drastically differently than either Phoebe or Paige's did. Additionally, she shares a lot of art that I think she'd bond over with Paige a lot! At least during her early years, Perri was also raised in the Manor with the other sisters, so I think that there'd be a close knit connection there.
Pamela is, potentially surprisingly, closest to Piper. She also has a special bond with Phoebe because of their shared nature as psychics, but as she grows up, Pamela's development of her psychic abilities starts teetering on a dangerous edge. She often disconnects from the reality around her to pursue her visions, which I think will end up causing her some pretty big trouble down the road and I think that it impacts her relationship with Phoebe because they can all kind of see it drawing her in so much and it's not really a good thing. But Piper, maternal and loving, is a strong grounding influence on Pamela. Piper roots her to the reality she's in a bit easier.
This isn't to say that Presley isn't close to her aunts! She definitely trained with Piper how to use her powers, but the way that they each use molecular immobilization is drastically different because Piper's initial trigger was anxiety and fear while Presley's is much more calculating. She's a lot closer to her parents because of their similarities, especially her dad. I'd say that she would also be really close to Henry, and maybe Leo, as well. Presley doesn't necessarily shy away from emotion, but she isn't as thrilled with big emotional displays as her other family members are.
Okay, so, admittedly, this AU really hasn't been thought out too much yet lmao. Obviously Prue and Andy both survive, and I've mentioned Paige and Henry so I guess they're here, but I don't know if I'd say that the canon kids are here. I'm going to go ahead and say no, just because a) Perri's name being Perri Christina Halliwell kind of makes it unlikely that we get a Christoper Perry Halliwell b) I think that a distinct part of what makes alt next gen fun is completely shaking it up through every branch and c) I think that the girls' existence would change up enough in the plot that the canon kids don't quite land in this world as neatly.
Kind of continuing with that I haven't really thought about this AU a ton, I'd definitely argue that having all four sisters would shake everything up. I don't know if this is a Power of Four situation or what, but a fourth sister would definitely change everything. Plus, with Prue surviving, I think that a lot of plot points would shake out significantly differently.
As for who keeps the Manor, it's Piper, hands down. Even if Prue hadn't died, Piper has always been kind of the heart and the hearth of the family, so I think that the Manor would naturally end up as hers just because it's the one of the centers of the family in a way, so it makes sense to get to the heart of the family. Additionally, I imagine that Prue, with more time alive, would have to learn a balance to her superwitch tendencies that'd lead to her taking a step back by moving out of the Manor. On top of that, Andy is initially (before Henry and if Leo falls) the only mortal in the Manor, which makes him vulnerable in a way that most of the other romantic units aren't, and I already established that Prue had a pretty significant protective streak when Perri was born, so I'd say that they initially stayed in the Manor for the first few years for lack of option because of ongoing magical problems requiring Prue to stay in the Manor before moving out.
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redwhitebuddie · 3 years ago
the fact that eddie said this:
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and then the moment that someone threatens chris’s his life, this is what him and chris’s other dad a.k.a. buck and him look like
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and then buck proceeds to get hit in the head for trying to fight him about threatening chris. parent behavior.
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