#chracter meta
kumzorg · 4 months
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aoi mukou redraw 2022 - 2024
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ananke-xiii · 6 months
the way Castiel is THEE character of all time, seriously, he entered the narrative to solve a very practical narrative issue, he was a means to an end to be dispatched once the goal was achieved, but he carved his space into the story and we literally saw him struggling with themes like personhood, hubris, identity, faith, love...He broke the fourth wall in s6e20, he enacted "a tragedy from the human perspective"... We see him exploring his possibilities as a character so much so he textually became the "spanner in the works". He is the character without an author and how can you know him and not love him? I mean, if we want to go really meta his conflicting emotions with being "useful" are so on point, because he was indeed created with one purpose, ie save dean winchester, so becoming something other than that in the narrative itself is per se becoming more than its initial function... I don't know, I'm yapping but it's just that I'd love to be able to write a chracter like this, it drives me insane.
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cdroloisms · 7 months
like im someone that does tend to believe that fandom is usually "wrong" abt the source material (as in fanon often oversimplifies canon, as in fandom often misunderstands or misinterprets the source) and often has gripes bc of that but when it comes to fanwork (such as art, writing, AUs) being "wrong" abt canon licherally does not matter. fanwork =/= analysis and shouldn't be a 1 for 1 replica of canon and while i do have gripes and preferences ... at the end of the day having an opinion on how people talk abt a character in meta and how people talk about a chracter in a fic . tend to be very different
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Announcing Fridged Characters Weekend!
The Walkerverse has given us many wonderful characters, some of whom are no longer with us. While some of them may have deserved their fate, I think we can all agree that there were a few characters that deserved better than what they got and were simply killed off too soon (and possibly only for drama points):
Hoyt Rawlins
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Kevin Golden
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and Julia Johnson
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All three of them had so much more to offer the show and deserved better endings than what they got. Their stories were not complete and I think we can all agree the show would've been better off for keeping them around even for a couple episodes longer.
May 26th-28th, I want to take some time aside to celebrate these characters, what we got out of them, and what might have been in a Fridged Characters Weekend event! Each day will be dedicated to a different character. Anyone who wished to participate can submit fics, gifsets, art, meta, or even just a bullet-point list of ways their story could have continued. Anything that strikes your fancy. My inbox will also be open to opinions and dreams surrounding these chracters. I will be using the tag #fridged characters weekend for my own and check it for new submissions from others so make sure you use that tag if you want to participate!
Here is the current schedule:
Friday May 26th: Julia Johnson
Saturday May 27th: Kevin Golden
Sunday May 28th: Hoyt Rawlins
I hope to see you all in May! I can't wait to see what you come up with!
Tagging to help get the word out: @small-scale-majestic, @theladywyn, @walkerdaily, @walker-290, @jarpadandjensens, @laf-outloud, @aborddelimpala
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borbology · 1 year
idk if anyone has asked this before but may i ask for some knight headcanons? specifically sword and blade,,?👀
YESSS I have been waiting for this ask! I have a lot of hcs about Sword and Blade that I'd love to share. GET READY FOR A LONG POST!
To start off, I have the post where I drew what I think they look like under their armor (I also birthed this cursed image).
First of all, and as much as I love them, I think Sword and Blade didn't get a big enough personality in the anime. If I were to describe them in my hcs, I think that Sword is generally the more chill one out of the two. He strikes me as the kind who is easy to hang out with, but he can be unexpectedly funny or stubborn at times. Sword is more gentle with the way he speaks, whilest Blade is bri'ish and has an ocassional potty mouth (says wanker and consistently gets away with it because no-one knows what it means). Because Blade has a harsher voice in the dub that somehow makes me want to make him the bolder one of the two. He's the one who's more likely to express himself. We gotta hear more of that hilarious voice afterall lol. In making his design I gave him his one eye that he has in the game sprites. I've really enjoyed drawing him very expressive so I decided to make him a creechur with big emotions.
I love thinking about how they interact with eachother. I see them as brothers. They've been through a lot, love eachother, but also get into shenanigens and bother each other sometimes.
Their relationship is both endearing and hilarious. Between the two of them, Blade is actually the older one -- I decided that because it's funnier if he's the eldest even though he's shorter. At this point they wouldn't know what to do with eachother. I think that they share a room next to Meta Knight's quarters, and that they have bunk beds. I actually have a sketch of their room that I want to finish someday soon.
As for their personal lives, it's important to me that characters have substance which makes them feel like real people, so when I make my own characters I always give them five things to help with that -- hobbies, desires, a favorite food and favorite drink, a birthday, and trivia (some little traits that have no real impact on the character in their story but still exist and are interesting). This is something I love doing and my autism always has me making lists/filling out self-made questionares for characters. I highly reccommend it, it's fun as Hell and a useful tool for writing character.
He can play guitar and he likes music in general. Once I decided to give him antenna I thought it would be neat because bugs hear by picking up vibrations, so the vibrations of music are probably very pleasing. He also likes to watch sports because he has become quite athletic since training under Meta Knight.
He is happy with the state of his life but once he feels like the timing is right he wants to find a girlfriend. My man has been alone too long. Part of this is because he feels like he missed out on getting to experience relationships when he younger (due to the war). He'd like a girlfriend, but he's somehow embarrassed to talk about it and he worries how Blade would feel if he spent some of time with another person.
Sword likes comfort foods like macaroni and cheese. He enjoys the taste of ginger ale because it makes him think of the ginger beer they sold at home (whatever the kirby universe's equivilant to australia is lol)
His birthday is June 14th (I do have a system for how I pick chracter birthdays btw but I'm not willing to share it you just have to trust me)
For trivia, he likes cats, and he's allrgic to peanuts
He likes to relax in his off-time and scientifically the best way to do this is by playing Animal Crossing, so I gave him an Animal Crossing town because I love Animal Crossing. It'd be funny if there was a game in the Kirby universe where you played as a cappy or something in a village of creatures like Rick, Kine, and Coo. He also likes to practice baking (he and sword said in the anime that they both always wanted to be cooks, but they were too afraid to tell this to meta knight. plus its fun for him to watch meta knight eat all the treats and still somehow try to deny he has a sweet tooth lol)
Blade, unfortunately, is British - which means that he, unfortunately, likes British food. He will eat beans on toast and make everyone around him uncomfortable. As for his favorite drink... peach nectar lol (bugs love sugarsugarsugar)
His birthday is March 9th (don't question meee)
For trivia, he likes dogs (its funny if he is a dog person while sword it a cat person). He's got just the one big eye so cats give him allergy. I also subscribed to the idea of him being trans because of the difference in his voice between the sub and the dub versions of the anime. Just this alone comes with its own set of hcs I won't get into here.
Lastly, I felt the need to dive into their history. Their backstory about being survivors of the war and having to resort to robbery to survive is so interestingly tragic and something I feel like people don't pay attention to enough when it comes to portraying them. They had to have homes and family and friends that they both lost before happening upon each-other and deciding that two is better than one when it comes to staying alive in the barren hellscape that they now roamed. I plan on making some art about this topic in the future so I'll leave out my hcs for now.
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randomidiocyncrazies · 6 months
Hot take but I actually don't like Isami's "hot-blooded super robot protag" makeover in the finale. (Elaboration below)
For one, I think his character design is now way less charming because 'Hero Isami' kinda just slapped generic protagonist design traits together and called it a day (and i know this is just personal taste, so no shade to those who prefer his new look). Also, while I like the symbolic reason for him looking like a super robot protagonist when he decides to fight back against the remaining Death Drives/embrace the kind of narrative he's in, I'm not super enthused by how they've executed it? I don't feel like he's really embraced it so much as 'had to embrace it', like how he kinda had to go along with the rest of the story thus far. His new look is very much a 'super robot protag' look imo, but I personally think the transistion from him running away to embracing the 'super robot protag' label is a little superficial in terms of the character's emotional development.
We're told that Isami accepts Bravern, and we do see them get closer, but we don't actually get any meaningful depth about Isami's definition of heroism prior to Bravern—we understand Smith's idea and drive to be a hero, we understand Lulu's motivations, but we don't really get that for Isami. The finale gave us "I never wanted to be a hero" to contrast with Smith's "I've always wanted to be a hero", but we don't really get why Isami wasn't interested, nor what he thought a hero was before Bravern. I know they wanted to set up a situation where Isami is inspired to become a hero because of Bravern, but the slightly ham-fisted way they say Isami trusts Bravern/is inspired by him etc didn't feel very compelling to me because they focused on Smith's character in the first 8 episodes and Isami's character didn't get that exploration.
For the impact of Isami finally embracing being a 'super robot hero' in the finale, we should see a change in either his understanding of heroism itself, or his understanding of himself in relation to the concept of heroism. I mean, i guess his talk with Smith kinda touches on it, but without exploration of how he was before Bravern re: heroism, the impact of him choosing to embody the typical 'super robot hero' approach (shown by literally changing his character design to fit the vibe) falls a bit flat for me.
And like! The idea that Isami needed to actively embrace the super robot story he found himself in to get his happy ending is a really neat one! He's been steamrolled into it for pretty much the entire show, so him seizing control over his story is inspiring—and I think a little more clarity on what heroism means/meant to Isami would elevate the character writing. Right now he's kinda just this guy who gets bullied by the story, and tbh the change between his despair + begging for his life to taking up the hero mantle willingly in the finale feels kinda like he's reacting in whatever way the plot needed him to. In general there were times where I felt Isami's reactions seemed abrupt for what was established between him and other chracters; it's not a huge deal, but it did stick out to me.
(As much as I loved the the love confession scene in ep 11, I was confused at Isami's emotional intimacy with Bravern; not because I don't ship it, but because Isami seemed quite bothered by Bravern's overeagerness before this point. They grew closer after ep 9, but the intimacy at the beach wasn't convincing on Isami's side for me because there was barely build-up. In general, Isami's acceptance/buy-in to Bravern's definition of heroism was mostly glossed over imo.)
Don't get me wrong, it's still a very fun show! I enjoyed the wild homoerotic ride and most of the humor (LOVED the little meta jokes), and the story's themes are really compelling in theory. Bang Brave and unleash your courage in a stylish explosion! I just wish they gave us a little more time to sit in Isami's head.
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I rate the textures of kirby chracters in base if i think they are edible or not
Soft, baby like skin, very nice to the touch
Edible meter: 10/10, probably feels like a bubble gum
Meta knight
To many scars, still soft tho
Edible meter: 8/10, the scars prob make it feel weird but yet still very edible
King dedede
Feathers, to many of them, feels like a plushie tho
Edible meter: 2/10, the feathers have alot of the fault, nice to touch not to eat
I hc that waddle dees have very short and thin fur, like pitbulls and such, yet still nice
Edible meter: 7/10, the fur will be kinda annoying but yet still very edible
Fur, to much of it, yuck
Edible meter: 2/10, it prolly feels like licking a cat, no
Galacta knight
Same shit as meta knight but worse
Edible meter: 5/10, they have too many scars, like too many, probably still very edible tho
I literally can't even touch it, it's literally translucent, how am i-
Edible meter: ??/10, couldn't even touch it at all
Morpho night
Prolly feels smooth, like kirby, not scars at all somehow
Edible meter: 10/10, if it doesn't eat my soul first it might be a good dessert, it prolly taste like honey or nectar ar idk how butterflys taste like lol
Dark meta knight
Has even more scars than meta knight somehow, it really can't feel good
Edible meter: 1/10, bad texture, no
Dark matter
Don't put ur mouth close to those things-
Edible meter: -1/10, if it doesn't posses u it will kill you bc they are poisonous as hell fr
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lemonhemlock · 2 years
IMO,is she now?Not to take away from R's losses but I can think of another chracter whose name starts with A and ends with t but we know this fandom doesn't consider non targ women human beings.And ofc D*emyra stans are once again arguing how their relationship is not just abusive but loving as well. We’re missing the nuance you know!🙄I’m sorry but when your partner repeatedly abuses you,grooms you from your childhood and refuses to change that’s not real love. I know the media constantly romanticises abusive relationships but seriously.Just when you think fandoms are done with this BS fandoms like HOTD poves you wrong.
i don't know what to tell you, ocean, but seeing so many surface-level takes was what made me decide to write my own meta lol. i don't deny rhaenyra has been through some shit and that analysing her own struggles might be a worthwhile conversation. but it baffles me when so many can acknowledge these struggles in her case, but completely deny them in alicent's case. and it's 100% because they prefer the cool girl character who shows everyone the middle finger, but fail to accept/admit that the only reason rhaenyra can be like that in the first place is because she is swimming in an ocean of privilege no other female character has.
that being said,
her lover died - this may be the fault of the writers' but she's not shown an iota of sadness over this
her gay bff "died" - excuse me, whose fault is that??? she literally forced him to leave and then pretended she low-key killed him
her dad died - where was she for 6 years while he was wasting away? the last days of his life, she was deff giving 0 fucks before she remembered she needed daddy to bail her out one last time
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princess---erica · 2 years
Oh god what is butters selling now
Not the out of chracter meta joke
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chaos-sonic · 8 months
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What's up!
Character name (Chara) = posts about their chracterization, metas, relationships to others ect.
Favorite characters
Sonic :)
Fav sonic (team) games
Sa1 and 2
NiGHTS into dreams
space channel 5 part 2
Darkspine is the best Super form and I will fight you on this.
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dickmedowndc · 1 year
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"Feels Like Fighting Gravity" - Meet the chracters
A glimpse of the original characters appearing in the story!
Aka, looking at Wisteria's team and this one asshole that I promise you'll hate - but don't worry, he does get hit. It will be satisfying to see.
Names under the cut. I won't spoil their powers yet, but their names may be slight giveaways in some cases. Not all of them are going to be major, but they will be mentioned or seen a bit as they are Wisteria's team and friends.
This is just for anyone interested in the story, honestly. Going in between requests and this right now. But this story has been doing most of the work to get me back into writing.
Characters and an information tid-bit under the cut!
Here we go!
The Deviant's...
The Tiger's Daughter (Wisteria Turner)
A lovable menace, and not as human as she first appears.
Renegade (Cassian)
Wisteria's best friend and right-hand man. A meta.
Trickshot (Quinn)
The only non-meta on the team.
Haven (Phaedra)
They have a dark sense of humor - of course they're the medic too.
Chiropteran / "Chiro" (Myron)
Will arm wrestle Wisteria or Cassian for the dumbest things, even though he knows he'll lose.
He'll get what's coming to him.
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wayward-wren · 4 years
In Defense of Quirin
Okay I’ve noticed a bit of a trend towards villanising Quirin in fanfictions and I am here to say he would never. 
I totally get wanting to put Varian through grief, I for one am *shoves ao3 account under bed* guilty of that myself *trips and more fics fall out of my shirt*. But making Quirin the whumper doesn’t entirely sit right with me. 
Let’s just have a real quick run down of what Quirin did in Season 1, shall we? (under the cut cos this gets long)
In What the Hair he’s frantically searching for Varian after the destruction the water boilers caused - he runs to Varian’s side
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He’s clearly worried about his son! 
And yes, I’m not saying he’s a perfect dad. He’s distant and dismisses Varian very quickly. But that doesn’t mean he’s a bad dad, or an abusive dad! 
And then in Queen for a Day he pushes Varian aside and gets caught in the amber, even after they’ve been fighting. (Side note, yes Quirin did come across as rather aggressive when speaking to Varian about the rocks BUT he knows how dangerous they can be and doesn’t want his son to be anywhere near them because he saw what happened to the Dark Kingdom. He’s just trying to keep Varian safe.
And while we’re on the topic, Edmund isn’t the best dad either - an argument could be made that the Dark Kingdom doesn’t have great role models and growing up in the shadow of the Moon Stone probably isn’t very indicative for knowing how to be emotionally present or even present at all cough edmund cough. I’m not excusing either of their behaviour but i AM saying that while they both made mistakes, they both tried to do what was best for their respective son)
Anyway that aside Quirin loves his son.  
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And like,,, he improves. The first thing he did when getting out of the amber is tells Varian he’s proud of him which is a BIG THING for Varian. He recognizes that he’s been distant and hasn’t said what Varian needed to hear and makes an effort to change - something that is consistent throughout season 3 (”I am proud to have my son fighting by my side” in the finale) 
And now I wanna real quick address Team Awesome, because I’ve seen a number of cases where Quirin is made the villain for Eugene to step into that father figure/older brother type role. And I supposed I can understand that, but consider this: Quirin can Dad them both and Eugene can be older brother. 
There’s so many other villains you can pit against Varian - the Saporians are the most common and probably my favourite. There’s the history there, and Andrew probably can slip into the father figure role if we want to go down that route (Varian in prison, Quirin in the amber/already kinda distant - that kid needs a father figure in his life and Andrew is more than happy to oblige) 
Or if you want to go the more Team Awesome route, the Sabbington brothers using Varian to get to Eugene, or even the Baron. That’s just off the top of my head, there’s a lot of other villains I’m sure!
Tangled has a lack of good parents (I can think of uuuh Arianna. Maybe Cass’ dad) don’t take Quirin from us. Explore his and Varian’s complicated relationship - its obviously not perfect but it’s not abusive. And sometimes a relationship in which both parties do love each other but are bad at communicating can be more angsty than an abusive parent if you’re going for angst! 
Anyway all this to say there’s 8 fics on ao3 under the ‘bad parent quirin’ tag and only 6 (as of writing this) in the ‘good parent quirin’ tag and half of them are fics me or @softgreysweaters​ wrote and this needs to change. 
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You know, Merlin really sucks at healing. Which, okay, he can't be good at everything, but I don't think we as a fandom really talk about how infrequently his healing spells work
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luminous-leiaa · 6 years
How meta is it that Mallory is played by Billie who is in star wars and who probably is aware of the reylo dynamic and is now having a reylo moment of her own
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antiphon · 5 years
mantis-blades replied to your post: the preview for the next episode has me tired...
I can’t stand Blum and I can’t stand the both sides are wrong false equivalencey nonsense they have been trying to shove down our throats this whole season.
First of all: I can’t stand Blum either. I share Marissa’s reaction to him: he’s boring. He’s a human embodiment of the Themes of the Show, but he’s toothless (unless you’re Maia, but honestly, Maia behaved very irresponsibly several times over and earned her firing).
Part two got really effing long, so it’s under a cut
That said: I don’t think, truly, that they’re trying to say both sides are the same. (For instance, this week I think the show was pretty clearly of the stance that Nazis are bad and Jay punching a Nazi is good and okay - and I guess the moderate conservatives in this instance chose not to align themselves with the Nazis. In the real world, there are plenty of people like “Nazis are awful, but PUNCHING THEM?!?!” The show didn’t have a crisis about the okay-ness of this; it had a monologue confirming the okay-ness of this.) They’ve been asking questions more like, how do you fight harmful lies when no one seems to care about the truth? and more broadly, how far can you go toward monstrous but effective tactics without becoming monstrous? The show has positioned “ethical” and “effective” as, if not dichotomous, at least in tension (effectiveness being the thing that might call you to behave unethically).
The show has a sense of the things that are clearly okay (punch a Nazi, register anti-45 voters, work against CPD on police brutality cases) and things that are clearly not okay (out and cruelly harass a trans girl; not get Kurt medical attention because it would interfere with hunting), but there are places it’s less clear. The hiring question was one - Liz’s “it’s about who we are.” Is it ok, in-universe, to (bad) hire people we disapprove of but that it’s politically advantageous to have around or take ethically murky cases if (good) that makes it possible, politically or financially, to do work that’s important? (This gets consistently negotiated, of course; Liz and Adrian took different sides when it was about hiring. In this case, for what it’s worth, I read the show as being more on Liz’s, or the more lefty, side - but the fact that they’re actively discussing their identity as a firm in these terms indicates that it’s a priority.) Is it ok, in-universe, to (bad) out and cruelly harass a trans girl if (good) it leads to the registration of tens of thousands of anti-45 voters?
The problem is that often as not, TGF is a blunt instrument. So last week we get Diane’s white lady resistance doing objectively horrible things because they like the end result, and both Diane and Liz end up going along with them because they were effective (as opposed to the *~resistance~* meeting Diane attended at the beginning of the episode, where no one could even agree on what the message was)--I wasn’t convinced as an audience member that their action was either effective enough or the only option, so there wasn’t strong tension; it was just a clearly wrong thing to do without a compelling argument for the people who did it. I think we’re supposed to see this as them compromising their values substantially but doing it anyway; I don’t think we’re supposed to see them as Just As Bad. And in general, I just don’t see the kind of both-sides-ism from the show that you’re talking about. When the show works, I see the protagonists - especially Diane previously and especially Liz now, and shoutout to Barbara Kolstad here for making real moves that way, even if it was to get written off the show, because she’s my wife and I respect her - genuinely struggling with this. (Liz taking on the responsibility for her dad’s rape and sexual assault but still getting NDAs instead of just like burning the whole thing down is an example here. She’s treating people with dignity and facing up to it - she’s not Just As Bad As Him in any way - but she’s still protecting the firm.) But it’s...also been known to fail at nuance.
Blum, for instance, has no nuance. He’s an answer to this question in human form - he’s all the way down the line where effectiveness matters entirely and ethics not at all. That’s why he’s boring: he’s the blunt-force trauma version of the Themes of the Show. TGF is trying to acknowledge the ridiculousness inherent in a world that values and responds to Blums and the absurdity of trying to exist in opposition to that within it - and sometimes it succeeds! Pitting Elsbeth Tascioni against Mike Kresteva made for great TV; Liz arguing to Margo Martindale (I forget her character’s name) (Ruth? Eastman?) that the truth doesn’t matter and getting hired for her *~anger~* was a hell of a ride. But the show has felt like a drag for me lately; part of that is that it’s been pretty humorless, but I think part of it is also that there’s been no one really fighting for the other side. Liz makes some stabs at it; Lucca and Jay have done a little, but they don’t have as much power as most of our characters.
But also - I don’t know whether you watched The Good Wife? I’m going to talk about The Good Wife, and the reason is that Alicia’s character arc was also very grounded in this ethics-effectiveness dichotomy. Over the course of the series, a lot of her development was on a path from wanting to do good to being willing to do what she had to, and what she had to would get pushed just a little farther and a little farther. (Alicia wasn’t in the law to help people; she was in the law because it made sense, and she liked being good at it.) But there was also a thing with her where at the same time that people (characters, in-universe people) were pushing her to be colder and more focused on succeeding at whatever cost in her professional life, they hated her for changing in the same way as a person - they only wanted her to be cruel during the nine to five, but how she worked was part of who she was. In I think season six, she sort of tries to facilitate a similar transformation in another high-minded character, but he backs out in the end. something she either hadn’t been able to do or hadn’t chosen to do (spoiler: both). It literally offers us an alternative to Alicia’s decisions and a person, when she’s far along in her like moral decay practically, who makes a different call. In Alicia, we get a protagonist who often makes harmful choices and certainly isn’t a good person, overall, being understandable and maybe even justified in a particular choice while still clearly seeing that she becomes worse - the show doesn’t approve of all her choices and align with her morally just because she’s the protagonist.
I bring this up because TGW was concerned with these things for seven seasons. This question of how much bad you can do (for the sake of good?) before you’re too bad, this question of how much ethically to compromise in order to accomplish what you (think you) need to, they’re baked into the universe of the show and clearly interests for its creators. So when I say I don’t think they’re being super both-sides-y, part of that is because TGW gave us seven seasons of a tension much like the one that TGF is trying to hold without writing off the distinction to make it easier. TGF situates this more in how you behave politically in the world than TGW generally did (except occasionally through Diane), but I think it has a fairly clear sense in that political existence of what goodness means. You might not always be able to accomplish it, and actions rather than people are good or bad (or at least, people are bad as a function of doing bad things), but I don’t think just because the “good” side sometimes does bad things, the show is necessarily heavy on both-sides-ism. It’s less two separate cups and more the string between two cups, with people and stances at different places on that axis.
I also think the show is trying more and more to uncouple the concepts of order and goodness, which have previously been uneasy allies in-universe. (Think of everyone’s horror when Liz suggested the DNC’s arguments needn’t be based in truth; think of how cruel Maia’s retaliatory fake news was. Worse - think how Diane was really presented as having the high ground when she told the Assholes to Avoid lady to do it right next time! Publishing unsubstantiated allegations that were clearly labeled as such was ‘doing it wrong’ at that point.) So some of the things that have previously been presented as bad AND associated with the right are now being presented more neutrally when associated with the left. I don’t think that’s a criticism of the left; I don’t think, for instance, that the first creation of retaliatory fake news by the white lady resistance (the one that closed the other fake news factory - I’m NOT talking about the stuff with the sister) was something we were supposed to see as bad or as an ethical compromise. The normal has changed, in-universe. Certain tactics that aren't necessarily harmful have been decoupled from ethical stigma that they received because they weren’t associated with order and honesty - the world has changed, and our characters are changing along with it. It’s totally possible that I’m misreading this situation, but I do think it means we’re seeing people in positions we would previously have considered compromised without seeing them as compromised. I don’t think the show has done a terrible job with this, though.
I also think the show is weaker when it takes this on outside of the workplace - it’s clearly decided it wants to situate some of its dilemmas in Diane’s personal life and not her professional life, but it benefits from having to work this out within existing, robust character relationships, not just a single person’s struggles or via some characters who are about as central to our understanding of the show as the NSA guys. So a lot of the white lady resistance stuff feels pretty thin to me, and that could be causing me to give it, and in particular its bad behavior (mostly just the thing with the sister, right? but that was really so bad), less weight than the show wants me to. Maybe it’s trying to be more both-sides-y than I’m reading it because I find the workplace stuff more real and impactful. But I feel like a lot of that has been really neglected - was the stuff about whether to hire conservatives for the sake of expediency just kind of closed when they made Lucca the head of family law, for instance? It’s been really focused on being murky but not on, like, situating that in its world and its story lmao.
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"Do you know what letter is this?" Kirby chracters reaction to the letter ñ
Oh thats an ñ! Meta teached me that
They know about the letter ñ 👍
Meta knight
Thats an ñ
ofc he would know what an ñ is, he literally speaks spanish
Uhh well... i think it's a um... how was it called again-
he knows about it's existence but really can't rember the name 💀
I really don't know what letter is this, sorry
He doesn't know about the letter ñ :(
Thats an ñ, a letter exclusive of the spanish lenguage
They know alot of stuff, including the existence of ñ
Galacta knight
Thats an ñ weon
Spanish is his native tonge so ofc they would know
That is the letter ñ if i'm not wrong, it has been i while since i read something in spanish so excuse me if that was incorrect
It knows (remembers) what ñ is!
Morpho knight
It just looks at you in confusion, it doesn't know about any other lenguage that is not it own
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