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Just a reminder
If a transphobe ever tries to pull "It´S NoT NaTuRaL" card on you, SLAP THAT BITCH and tell them, that in organic chemistry trans isomers are generaly more stable than cis isomers of the same compound and that products of elimination reactions following Zajcev´s rule are majoritly trans isomers.
So keep in mind, that if someone in your life is not supportive, laws of nature are.
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The Skykeep
Commission for one of my DMs of our giant floating dinosaur oil powered base and the party!
#d&d#art#dungeons and dragons#dnd#commissions#commission#artist#tiefling#k'chain chemalle#elf#zombie#human
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Dragon's Teeth is a ridge of sharp rocks of a spectacular triangular shape, which are located right in the middle of the Katun River near the village of Elekmonar, about 7 km before reaching Chemal, Altai.
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Altai - Winter 2022 / Горы в Алтае - зима 2022 (2) (3) (4) (5) by Justin Wyllie
Via Flickr:
(1) River Katun. (2)Mountain chapel in forest in Siberia. - Patmos Island. Village of Chemal. (3) Light shines though trees onto berries in wintery forest in Siberia. (5) River Katun, partially frozen in Winter. Mountains in background.
#rivers#winter#mountains#altai mountains#snow#churches#forest#wild berries#sibera#russia#republic of altai
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The Sutra of the Heart of Transcendent Knowledge
Thus have I heard. Once the Blessed One was dwelling in Råjagriha at Vulture Peak mountain, together with a great gathering of the sangha of monks and a great gathering of the sangha of bodhisattvas. At that time the Blessed One entered the samådhi that expresses the dharma called “profound illumination,” and at the same time noble Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva mahåsattva, while practicing the profound prajñåp��ramitå, saw in this way:
He saw the five skandhas to be empty of nature. Then, through the power of the Buddha, venerable Shåriputra said to noble Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva mahåsattva, “How should a son or daughter of noble family train, who wishes to practice the profound prajñåpåramitå?” Addressed in this way, noble Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva mahåsattva, said to venerable Shåriputra, “O Shåriputra, a son or daughter of noble family who wishes to practice the profound prajñåpåramitå should see in this way: seeing the five skandhas to be empty of nature. Form is emptiness; emptiness also is form. Emptiness is no other than form; form is no other than emptiness. In the same way, feeling, perception, formation, and consciousness are emptiness. Thus, Shåriputra, all dharmas are emptiness. There are no characteristics. There is no birth and no cessation. There is no impurity and no purity. There is no decrease and no increase. Therefore, Shåriputra, in emptiness, there is no form, no feeling, no perception, no formation, no consciousness; no eye, no ear, no nose, no tongue, no body, no mind; no appearance, no sound, no smell, no taste, no touch, no dharmas; no eye dhåtu up to no mind dhåtu, no dhåtu of dharmas, no mind consciousness dhåtu; no ignorance, no end of ignorance up to no old age and death, no end of old age and death; no suffering, no origin of suffering, no cessation of suffering, no path, no wisdom, no attainment, and no nonattainment. Therefore, Shåriputra, since the bodhisattvas have no attainment, they abide by means of prajñåpåramitå. Since there is no obscuration of mind,
there is no fear. They transcend falsity and attain complete nirvåna. All the buddhas of the three times, by means of prajñåpåramitå, fully awaken to unsurpassable, true, complete enlightenment. Therefore, the great mantra of prajñåpåramitå, the mantra of great insight, the unsurpassed mantra, the unequaled mantra, the mantra that calms all suffering, should be known as truth, since there is no deception. The prajñåpåramitå mantra is said in this way:
Thus, Shåriputra, the bodhisattva mahåsattva should train in the profound prajñåpåramitå.”
Then the Blessed One arose from that samådhi and praised noble Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva mahåsattva, saying, “Good, good, O son of noble family; thus it is, O son of noble family, thus it is. One should practice the profound prajñåpåramitå just as you have taught and all the tathågatas will rejoice.”
When the Blessed One had said this, venerable Shåriputra and noble Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva mahåsattva, that whole assembly and the world with its gods, humans, asuras, and gandharvas rejoiced and praised the words of the Blessed One.
Lotsåwa bhikúhu Rinchen De translated this text into Tibetan with the Indian païçita Vimalamitra.
It was edited by the great editor—lotsåwas Gelo,
Namkha, and others. This Tibetan text was copied
from the fresco in Gegye Chemaling at the glorious Samye vihåra. It has been translated into English
by the Nålandå Translation Committee, with reference to several Sanskrit editions.
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Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, Antarctica
A wooden Orthodox church was consecrated in 2004 in the harsh ice of Antarctica. Since then, the Divine Liturgy has been celebrated year-round in the middle of the white desert at the edge of the earth.
Peter and Valery took a blessing from Patriarch Alexy II and began collecting donations for the construction of the church. Over the three years of fund-raising, the church bells were cast and the iconostasis was prepared by artists from Palekh. In 2002, a cross was erected on the site of the future church on Mount Irina, above the Bellingshausen station. On January 25 of the same year, a Divine Liturgy was first celebrated in Antarctica, praying for all the polar explorers who had perished here.
Finally, in 2004 the construction began. The wooden church was cut down and assembled in Altai. The materials used were cedar and larch, which become as strong as metal over time to endure the harsh Antarctic frosts and hurricane winds. Then the church was disassembled, with the logs numbered and transported by ship to King George Island (Waterloo) in Antarctica, where the Russian Bellingshausen station is located. In a few months, the church was assembled without a single nail and secured from the inside with steel chains to make it more stable on the cliffs. To avoid legal complications, it was formally registered as a mission of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra.
Peter Zadirov planned to consecrate the church (as he had already done in his homeland) in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the patron saint of sailors and travellers. But God arranged things differently. The first Divine Liturgy, celebrated at the Bellingshausen station before the construction of the wooden church, was served in a plain metal container. The only icon on the table used as the altar was a small plastic image of St. Andrei Rublev’s Holy Trinity. Shortly before the service, this icon had been purchased in a Catholic shop in Punta Arenas, Chile by one of the construction sponsors travelling to Antarctica. This was seen as an omen, and the Antarctic church was subsequently consecrated in honor of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity.
The consecration was performed on February 15, 2004 by Bishop Feognost (Guzikov), who was then vicar of the Trinity Sergius Lavra. Hieromonk Kallistrat (Romanenko) became the first serving priest in this church. Later, Father Kallistrat was chosen to be Bishop of Gorno-Altai and Chemal. But he did not leave his pastoral care of this church, and to the present day, Vladyka personally appoints priests to serve in Antarctica.
Surprisingly enough, it was in Antarctica that many polar explorers first came to God. On the next day after the church was consecrated, the Sacrament of Baptism was administered. The first to be baptized were the head of the Bellingshausen station, Oleg Sakharov, and the driver-mechanic Alexander Solovyov.
Oleg Sakharov later said that during difficult winter seasons and long polar nights, the station workers needed a place where they could come at any time to relieve their stress: “The church, whose warmth could be felt even by touching its logs, became such a place.”
[Full article can be read here]
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lewis hamilton at a sponsor event ahead of the race weekend, brazil - november 1, 2023 📷 leandro chemalle / alamy
#lewis hamilton#f1#formula 1#brazilian gp 2023#fic ref#fic ref 2023#brazil#brazil 2023#brazil 2023 wednesday#not a race#2023 not a race#between mexico and brazil 2023
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george russell at a sponsor event ahead of the grand prix weekend, brazil - november 1, 2023 📷 leandro chemalle / alamy
#george russell#f1#formula 1#brazilian gp 2023#fic ref#fic ref 2023#brazil#brazil 2023#brazil 2023 wednesday#not a race#2023 not a race#between mexico and brazil 2023
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Saints&Reading: Thursday, February 29, 2024
february 16_february 29
Saint Makary, Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna and Apostle of Altai (born Mikhail Andreevich Parvitsky-Nevsky) was born on 1 October 1835, on the feast of the Protection of the Mother of God. The village of Shapkino in the Vladimir province was his birthplace. His father, Andrey Ivanovich, served as a cantor in the village church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos. From childhood, Mikhail's mother taught him to pray. He enjoyed reading the works of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk, Ephrem the Syrian, and the life of St. Seraphim of Sarov.
In 1854, he graduated from the seminary, where he was given the surname Nevsky. Despite the opportunity to continue his education at the Academy as an outstanding student, he chose to join the Altai Mission as a rank-and-file member, driven by his desire to preach the Gospel. The venerable Archimandrite Makary (Glukharev, remembered on 18 May) was a model of missionary service for him, and he learned about his life and work from eyewitnesses. He served as a reader, taught at the Catechetical School, accompanied missionaries to remote, inaccessible, and wild places, and studied the Altai language.
On 16 March 1861, he took monastic tonsure and adopted the name Makary, in honour of St. Macarius the Great. The next day, he was ordained as a deacon, and on 19 March as a priest. This marked the beginning of his independent missionary service, first in the Chemal settlement, and then in Chulyshman. Success in preaching was only achieved when the Word of God was conveyed to the people in their native language. Father Makary mastered the Altai language and its dialects perfectly, dedicating himself to translating liturgical books into the Altai language over many years. In 1875, Father Makary was appointed as an assistant to the head of the Altai Mission. Source: St Elizabeth Convent... Continue reading
St Flavian was born about the year 320, probably in Antioch. Although he had inherited wealth, Flavian resolved to devote his wealth, in addition to his talents, to the service of Christ's church. He was a defender of the orthodox faith against Arianism. In 361, Flavian was ordained a priest by Meletius, a Semi-Arian who later had accepted the Nicene creed and attended the Second Ecumenical Council in Constantinople. After the repose of Meletius in 381, Flavian was chosen to succeed him.
A schism of the Nicene creed party developed between the followers of Eustathius and those of Meletius after Meletius was appointed the successor to Eustathius after his death. Meletius' election was not recognized by the bishops of Rome and Alexandria while Paulinus and, subsequently, Evagrius were recognized by them as the successors to Eustathius. After Evagrius died in 393, Flavian was able to forestall the election of a successor to Evagrius. The Eustathians, however, continued to hold their services separately. After John Chrysostom was named Bishop of Constantinople in 398, he, with the influence of emperor Theodosius I, was able to obtain acknowledgment of Flavian as the legitimate bishop of Antioch. The schism, however, was not healed until 415, over ten years after Flavian's death in February 404.

1 JOHN 1:8-2:6
8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.
1 My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. 2 And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world. 3 Now by this we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments. 4 He who says, "I know Him," and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. 5 But whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him. 6 He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.
MARK 13:31-14:2
31 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away. 32 But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. 33 Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is. 34 It is like a man going to a far country, who left his house and gave authority to his servants, and to each his work, and commanded the doorkeeper to watch. 35 Watch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming-in the evening, at midnight, at the crowing of the rooster, or in the morning- 36 lest, coming suddenly, he find you sleeping. 37 And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!
1 After two days it was the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. And the chief priests and the scribes sought how they might take Him by trickery and put Him to death. 2 But they said, "Not during the feast, lest there be an uproar of the people."
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The Sutra of the Heart of Transcendent Knowledge
Thus have I heard. Once the Blessed One was dwelling in Råjagriha at Vulture Peak mountain, together with a great gathering of the sangha of monks and a great gathering of the sangha of bodhisattvas. At that time the Blessed One entered the samådhi that expresses the dharma called “profound illumination,” and at the same time noble Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva mahåsattva, while practicing the profound prajñåpåramitå, saw in this way:
He saw the five skandhas to be empty of nature. Then, through the power of the Buddha, venerable Shåriputra said to noble Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva mahåsattva, “How should a son or daughter of noble family train, who wishes to practice the profound prajñåpåramitå?” Addressed in this way, noble Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva mahåsattva, said to venerable Shåriputra, “O Shåriputra, a son or daughter of noble family who wishes to practice the profound prajñåpåramitå should see in this way: seeing the five skandhas to be empty of nature. Form is emptiness; emptiness also is form. Emptiness is no other than form; form is no other than emptiness. In the same way, feeling, perception, formation, and consciousness are emptiness. Thus, Shåriputra, all dharmas are emptiness. There are no characteristics. There is no birth and no cessation. There is no impurity and no purity. There is no decrease and no increase. Therefore, Shåriputra, in emptiness, there is no form, no feeling, no perception, no formation, no consciousness; no eye, no ear, no nose, no tongue, no body, no mind; no appearance, no sound, no smell, no taste, no touch, no dharmas; no eye dhåtu up to no mind dhåtu, no dhåtu of dharmas, no mind consciousness dhåtu; no ignorance, no end of ignorance up to no old age and death, no end of old age and death; no suffering, no origin of suffering, no cessation of suffering, no path, no wisdom, no attainment, and no nonattainment. Therefore, Shåriputra, since the bodhisattvas have no attainment, they abide by means of prajñåpåramitå. Since there is no obscuration of mind,
there is no fear. They transcend falsity and attain complete nirvåna. All the buddhas of the three times, by means of prajñåpåramitå, fully awaken to unsurpassable, true, complete enlightenment. Therefore, the great mantra of prajñåpåramitå, the mantra of great insight, the unsurpassed mantra, the unequaled mantra, the mantra that calms all suffering, should be known as truth, since there is no deception. The prajñåpåramitå mantra is said in this way:
Thus, Shåriputra, the bodhisattva mahåsattva should train in the profound prajñåpåramitå.”
Then the Blessed One arose from that samådhi and praised noble Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva mahåsattva, saying, “Good, good, O son of noble family; thus it is, O son of noble family, thus it is. One should practice the profound prajñåpåramitå just as you have taught and all the tathågatas will rejoice.”
When the Blessed One had said this, venerable Shåriputra and noble Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva mahåsattva, that whole assembly and the world with its gods, humans, asuras, and gandharvas rejoiced and praised the words of the Blessed One.
Lotsåwa bhikúhu Rinchen De translated this text into Tibetan with the Indian païçita Vimalamitra.
It was edited by the great editor—lotsåwas Gelo,
Namkha, and others. This Tibetan text was copied
from the fresco in Gegye Chemaling at the glorious Samye vihåra. It has been translated into English
by the Nålandå Translation Committee, with reference to several Sanskrit editions.
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“You cannot be everyone's cup of tea, but you can be someone's first sip of a cold drink on a sunny day. Or a warming hot chocolate when you come in from the rain. Or the pop of a long-awaited champagne cork. Or a stiff shot of tequila when things go awry. Find your people. Love them hard.”
~Donna Ashworth
(Photo © dramoor 2016, Chemal, Russia)
#cup of tea#Love#comfort#support#photography#travel#photographers on tumblr#Chemal Russia#poetry#tea time
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