#checking in a bit late today because my cosplay came in!!!!!
imagine FL learns to say fuck.
(blame it on ajax)
always blame Ajax /j
Foul Legacy says it for the very first time when he accidentally smacks his head on the doorframe- you hear a CRACK and a sharp whine as Legacy sinks to the ground, holding his forehead with tears in his eye. you rush over to see if he's alright and he promptly shoves his face into your stomach, whimpering softly and asking for consolation pets, which you gladly give. there's a mark on his forehead, a darker red than the rest of his mask-like face, and he flinches when you graze your fingers over it, pouting and grumbling at himself. when you're running your fingers through his hair, you hear it, whisper-quiet and hissing-
you gasp, leaning back to look Foul Legacy in the eye, and he whines and attempts to nuzzle back up to you. "Where did you learn that??" he merely shrugs, chirping something that sounds like "Ajax" before burying his head in your stomach again. you just stand there, open-mouthed, until Legacy whines and nudges your hand for more pats, crooning when you comply and scritch under his chin. he seems to have completely forgotten what he just said in favor of snuggling up to you and bumping his head against the underside of your chin, careful not to hit you with his horns. Legacy chitters and trills pleadingly, and with a sigh you lean down and kiss the bruise on his forehead, caressing his face with your thumbs as he purrs and coos happily, the pain receeding
you're going to have to have a little chat with Ajax later
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dzpenumbra · 1 year
Ugh, it rained all day again today. So much damn rain this year, it's crazy. I was really hoping it would clear up, I really wanted to go skating.
I did my laundry today and washed the painted jeans and the cargo shorts with the deer on them. I seem to be all about leaps of faith lately. I put them both in pillowcases and turned them inside out to reduce abrasion. The shorts came out pristine. The jeans... they came out of the pillowcase in the dryer. And they took some wear and tear damage at the top 2 sections of the celtic knot. It's not bad, it just looks like a normal kinda faded t-shirt design. It actually looks much more natural, like it's part of the jeans rather than on top of them. But... with that lesson learned... I think I'm just going air dry them from now on. The wash seemed to go fine for them, the dryer kinda fucked it... so... I'm just not going to take the risk. It shouldn't be a big deal to just hang them to dry overnight. If the washing machine ends up causing problems, I'll just handwash them in the bathtub.
Handwashing in the bathtub, another spring/summer 2019 memory... -_- I got back to my house after having the counseling center convince me to go to a state mental health retreat for two weeks in the winter, and fucking mice nested in my stove and washing machine. They were shot. So... I didn't have a stove or washing machine anymore. So I managed to get a toaster oven from my mom's basement and used that and the electric burners on the stove for cooking, and I handwashed all my clothes in the bathtub for 4 months.
Why didn't I tell my landlord and have them replace it? 1. PTSD shut me down. 2. related to 1... it was "technically my fault". So... the combination of those. I've struggled with that for a long time. My landlords were nice and they would've gladly replaced it, I was just convinced that... they were going to think I was trashing the place... or a bad tenant... or I would have to explain where I was and why it was so neglected... and I was convinced they were going to get mad at me and evict me and my pets. And we had nowhere to go. So... yeah, that deep deep fear just crippled me and I never told them and ended up having my mom insist on replacing them for me after like 4-6 months.
So... no stranger to handwashing, that's what that story is about.
Other than laundry, today was not crazy eventful. The chick who does cosplay and engineering and all that followed me back and liked some of my posts. I messaged her the picture of the poster she gave me when I visited her on the road trip. She messaged me back late tonight a big all-caps "HIIII <3". It brought a smile to my face. It's just... very alien to me how different others' lives are. She's probably out with friends on a Saturday night and checking her DMs in passing. My life is just... stillness and openness and solitude, and if someone reaches out to me (which is exceedingly rare), it immediately gets my full attention. It's very different, and that takes a lot of intention for me to remember. And weirdly, it doesn't seem like others have that in mind.
A lot of people from my past have looked at the emptiness and silence in my life with envy. As though they would look at someone in solitary confinement in a prison or a Carthusian monk and just ooze with fucking envy. The grass is always greener, eh? Well... take a week and try it. Fuck, take 2 goddamn days and try it. Take one weekend, go to a shack in the woods with no electricity and no people, nothing but silence and you... for 48 hours. Every single person that has looked at me with envy... they would be clawing at the walls after 4 hours. Because they are envious of something they have never known. They just desire something different, they don't even know what this life is even like!
I, however... I do know what their life is like, because I had visited it quite a bit. And I somewhat envy them... and somewhat don't. It's a balanced picture, and it's simply a different life. But yeah, it's just a weird thing that I notice the more I kinda dip my feet back into the social pool... how goddamn different every other person's life is compared to me. How strange I am.
So... I have a strange upbringing, I am a strange person, I live a strange life, I think in strange ways, I express myself in strange ways ... Why the fuck do all these people think I should be in a "normal" career? It's so odd.
Nope, not doing career shit tonight. XD I overdid it on that last night.
The only other thing I did today was throw together an imgur album of one of my art pieces and posted the link on two subreddits. Not a lot happened with it. Lots of views on imgur, but not a lot of traction on reddit.
I don't mind blogging, as you can clearly tell. I don't mind doing video projects... but it does feel very odd when your video is really intended to be in an art gallery setting... and you just give it away for free to people on fucking Instagram next to an ad for some guy trying to sell you on his fitness program. It sometimes feels trashy, it sometimes feels... like selling myself short? But I honestly don't know where else to put it or what else to do with it. And it is really devastating to have like 2-3 months of daily work with almost no days off... turn into a half-dozen likes, a few of them probably not even finishing the 10 minute video. It's hard.
I know the answer to this is... go make in-person connections. That's the one thing I had on my agenda that I didn't get to today - messaging the guy from the art collective. The drawing session is on Wednesday. I've gotta make sure I have an unlined sketchbook that isn't completely spoken for to use.
So yeah, I kinda was in this mentality where I was like... "maybe if I just post the same piece on different social media sites... I'll see that my problem isn't that my work isn't engaging people... it's that I'm just not active on social media at all." I became a social media ghost for fucking years. ... Despite leaving very clear and elaborate messages on my social media saying I was leaving and "here's where you can reach me" and leaving my new usernames and my phone number and shit... ... Yeah, depressing-ass shit.
I guess it just takes a lot to fucking impress people nowadays. I don't know. Or I'm just around the wrong people, I don't know. I'm a little worried with how tough the cost of living is around here that no one I meet will be able to afford the shit I make. Like... I'm specifically doing things handmade, with natural products as much as possible, even making my own inks and paints and tools sometimes. That comes at a premium. I'm not just making an AI generated design and feeding it to a print factory in China and having that shit shipped to me. I'm building my own pen, brewing my own ink and straining and pressing paper out of wood pulp. (Not literally, though I've absolutely entertained the idea and it might be a future project, I have a book on how to do all of that...)
Isn't it weird? How if I were to cut as many corners as possible and make 1000 identical pieces that my hands never even touched... I would be considered a professional artist. But if I craft my own tools and bleed and sweat into my pieces... I'm considered a "hobbyist"?
Oh yeah, I remember, I don't want to talk about work stuff because I remember re-reading the first few paragraphs of my post last night and audibly laughing and going "wow, a bit grumpy tonight are we?" XD
Okay, well... here's something of note. I dusted off my old Imgur that I haven't used since the peak of the pandemic. There were two albums on it. One was a gallery of my two pets who are no longer with us - my dog Cerry and my cat Maxine. There was a picture of my dog sitting patiently and a little confused with my hoodie on and the hood up over her head, and her front paws through the arms. She looked cool as hell. And it's the same hoodie that I ended up painting! And the video was my cat sitting on the bathroom counter at the old house looking at me filming her and very gently and softly chirping at me and purring very loud. And... it didn't hurt. It hurts now, that hollow feeling in my chest, that grief feeling. But when I stumbled across them, it didn't pain me. I was happy to be with them again. And it was nice. It was kind of a haunting nice, but it was nice. Less like running into a ghost in a haunted house and more like chillin with Force Ghost Obi-Wan on Dagoba. I miss them both so much, my life is so much different without them.
The other album was a photo set of the first hike my dog and I went on after the pandemic started. It was in May 2020, right after the snow thawed. It was really nostalgic, I remember that hike very clearly. I forgot I posted all of those.
I haven't played the social media game... in ages. And by social media game, I mean... regular status updates, keeping people informed of where I'm at and what I'm doing... posting selfies... The last selfie I took... okay, this is gonna be dark. The last selfie I took was the exact moment that I made the decision to put my dog down, because it felt like one of the biggest moments of my life and I wanted to capture the facial expression of someone who just made an impossible decision, in case I needed it for a future art project. It's... haunting, I can't bring myself to look at it. But before that... the last selfie I took was probably 2020 for my dating profile, I just needed a more up-to-date picture.
I have been out of the social media game/habit since around 2016-17. It just hasn't been part of my life. I haven't had an active social media account that is my fucking birthname... since then. So... it's really no surprise to me that my entire life went completely downhill not just when I got in that relationship and that consoling center got their hands on me... but when I got off of social media and the internet junkie populace decreed me digitally deceased.
It was interesting to look back and see how there were moments when I really did try to re-enter digital social circles. And just fell flat. People just... didn't care, I was just another thing to scroll past. So I didn't bother continuing to put the effort into that, I'd rather put that time and effort into work and learning new skills anyway. I'd much rather share those experiences in-person anyway.
So yeah... I'm not super talkative today. I got it all out in my novel last night. The big theme of the day was trying to be a bit more brave on social media. Trying to face my past traumas with that. And opening my eyes to how different the rest of the world's lives are. And... seeing that not all of Reddit is bad... and surprisingly... a huge chunk of the toxicity and scary shit I have been encountering was just condensed in local subreddits... scary shit like... wanting to make it mandatory to inject homeless drug addicts with a medication that makes you ill when you do opiates for like 30 days? Without their consent? Like... mandatory... non-consensual... medical procedures? And I'm not really a fan of the crime shit going down here either, but like... I'm definitely gonna draw the line short of mandatory medical procedures, that... That's fucked.
I might as well vent about this. Yes, crime and drugs are directly correlated. Yes, even doing certain drugs in public is criminal. But the act of getting high is not directly tied to committing crime, it's correlated. Correlation does not equal causation. So... if you want to stop homeless people from jacking off in your driveway or leaving needles all over the place... bust them in the act of committing a crime. That's all you can do. You can absolutely enforce crimes. Crimes are enforceable regardless of who the fuck you are or whether you are high or not. Regardless of whether you are someone who works on Wall Street or someone who works at McDonalds or someone who lives by the dumpster behind that McDonalds... if you're jacking off in someone's driveway, you should go to jail and be seen by a mental health clinician. But, from what I've been hearing, the cops just don't respond to non-violent crimes anymore. So... they just do whatever they want. The panicked general populace, completely at the whim of this, is now saying... "well, if we get them off the drugs, they'll stop committing all this crime". Which... is a false equivalence, to be honest. A vast majority (I'd honestly say nearly all) of these situations are people with mental health problems that are not being treated, and drugs are definitely not making it better... but it's a stretch to say they're causing the crimes. So... they think that if you go and round up all the drug-using homeless and throw them in a pen and inject them with a drug that makes them physically ill if they get high within 30 days... while they violently detox in the streets without medical supervision... they think this is going to make the crime rate go down?...
There are not easy solutions to any of these problems, because... you know... these are human beings... with stories. And every single one needs something different to make things right in their life, because they're people. This isn't "what chemical do we use for the fruitfly infestation in our house". And it really kinda sickens me to hear people talk that way. Even if these people have turned into pieces of shit, they're still people. So yeah. My heart sinks every time I see this.
Here's a weird thought. When's the last time we've referred to any species of living being as "inhumane"... that wasn't human. How much fucking hubris can you have as a species to name the act of being fair and just and civilized after yourself... and then unfurl the toilet roll sized list of the biggest inhumane offenders... and they're all human. XD Ugh, we're such weird, weird apes.
So yeah, basically... I realized that my stigma of reddit came from reading the wrong subreddits, local subreddits because I had the intention of trying to meet people locally that way. And there are actually a lot of chill people and a lot of small communities where it's somewhat easy to meet people with similar interests. And it's not a bad place for me to be, both personally and professionally. As long as I keep myself away from... those people.
Yep, anyway, I'm gonna go now. Fingers crossed the weather clears up for skating tomorrow!
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forbidding-souda · 3 years
If it's not too much to ask, could I get the drv3 girls with a s/o who is usually so still in their sleep that they have been mistaken for dead for a bit, but then when they share a bed their s/o just snuggles really close to them but they stop moving after they start snuggling.
DRV3 girls with a S/O who is alarmingly still in their sleep until they start to cuddle
can't relate i move so fucking much in my sleep it's unbelievable. crazy restless leg syndrome.
this post is late today because tumblr glitched and didn't queue it to post today but tomorrow ?? for some reason and i only realized rn mb
currently listening to album: surprise privilege by surprise privilege
-Mod Souda
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Tenko Chabashira
❤ She would be the one to start poking at your cheek, looming over your body from the side of the car, her eyebrows knotted in worry.
❤ You had fallen asleep in the backseat of her car when she was driving. She had consistently been checking on you in the rear view mirror.
❤ And now that she's out in front of your house, she's trying to figure out how to wake you up (if you didn't just randomly die in her backseat).
❤ She ends up putting your arm around her shoulders, lifting you up bridal style and trying her best not to hit your head on the roof above.
❤ She walks up your driveway. You nuzzle into her.
❤ It makes her face completely red. Her breathing quickens and she almost drops you. It's overwhelming - you smell so good when you're this close. She would hold you like this forever if she could.
Maki Harukawa
❤ When she came home, late at night, changing out of her uniform, she didn't even glance at you.
❤ She knew you would be asleep - as she also knew you would be as still as a corpse.
❤ Admittedly, she had watched you sleep before. Even before the two of you shared a house, or a relationship.
❤ She'll never admit this of course.
❤ But you always wondered why she never seemed off-put by your sleeping habits.
❤ Every night, when she crawls into bed after you, you just seem to sense when she lays down. You never hesitated to unconsciously wrap your hands around her arm and lay your head on her shoulder.
❤ She doesn't move much when she sleeps as well. And a part of her is happy you don't because she is a light sleeper. You being still means there's nothing to alarm her at night.
Tsumugi Shirogane
❤ She started working on her cosplays not in her workroom but in the bedroom, where she can watch over you as you sleep. It's definitely a part of her sadistic side - wondering how much she can do until you wake up - wondering if she could kill you and if you would even notice before you pass.
❤ She also just likes keeping her eye on you.
❤ Making sure you're safe. Making sure you don't leave.
❤ Sometimes, when you're sleeping, she will hold your hand.
❤ You always squeeze her hand back.
❤ It makes her heart flutter.
Himiko Yumeno
❤ She wakes up in the middle of the night, and when she can't sleep, she'll just watch you. She'll be snuggled up against your side.
❤ And she'll think you sleep very weirdly.
❤ She had never noticed how still you really were. Usually, she falls asleep before you, and no matter where she was when she falls asleep she's always on your side when she wakes up.
❤ Sometimes she considers shaking you, waking you up to ask if you are okay.
❤ But she's heard about this rare species of human that sleeps as if they are dead.
❤ You wake up every morning anyway, so she knows you're fine.
Kirumi Toujou
❤ Your form of sleeping doesn't go entirely unnoticed. When she makes the bed every morning, she realizes just how much you don't move.
❤ After cleaning the house, where you are far asleep, she walks calmly into the bedroom. She closes the door quietly (as if closing it loudly will even wake you up) and undresses herself before pulling the blankets back and placing herself by your side.
❤ Her fingers will slowly raise up your arm, feeling the skin, wondering if you can feel it in your dreams.
❤ And then you grab her hand, stopping it, intertwining your fingers. Her eyes scan your face. Still asleep. How interesting.
❤ Well, now she's stuck in this position.
❤ She doesn't mind at all. If anything, she will scoot closer to you and make the best out of it.
Miu Iruma
❤ She will be poking you and shaking you until you wake up. Like when you sleep next to her in public, like on long train rides or on park benches. She is going to push you over and wait for you to smack your head on something.
❤ And if the two of you are in bed and you cling to her chest, she is aggressively pushing you away the moment you touch her boobs. Too much - too overwhelming - she's going to die from being flustered.
❤ She will be cuddling with you under her own volition. Don't try to touch her without her knowing. It pisses her off - whether you are conscious or not.
Angie Yonaga
❤ You sleeping very still just means she can climb all over you in your sleep and not have to worry about you pushing her off.
❤ She'll be on your chest, between your thighs, hooked under your arm and any other position she feels comfortable.
❤ She wakes up before you. She wonders if you are even aware of how silly the two of you look when she cuddles you like that. You always wrap your arms around her - or move yourself in a way to give her more access, so your subconscious must be a little aware.
❤ She is going to take pictures of you while you're sleeping. That's just a given.
Kaede Akamatsu
❤ You fall asleep to the soft sound of her piano every night. You are fully asleep by the time it stops - and by the time she's walked upstairs and placed herself in the bed next to you.
❤ You really do look like a corpse. Especially in the way you sleep on your back with your head straight. It's funny to her. She'll kiss your sleep before laying down next to you.
❤ No matter how far from you she is, you always find a way to move over and wrap your hands around her. And then she's trapped like that, in your iron-like grip, sometimes she's able to wiggle around.
❤ There are moments where she is able to push you on your back again, where she will lay on your chest.
❤ She doesn't care about cuddling. But what she loves is being able to touch you. She is such a hands-on person. Cuddling with your body while you sleep is like her heaven.
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izabellq · 4 years
Costumes -> Tamaki Amajiki
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summary: you accidentally match costumes with tamaki. prepare yourself for a whole day of endless shenanigans.
contains: MAJOR FLUFF, language if you squint (ik canonically, mirio is in 3-B, but for the sake of this plot, the big three are all in 3-A) also, i tried to make this gender-neutral, so if there’s any specified pronouns, let me know and i’ll fix it ASAP!
THIS IS MY HALLOWEEN SPECIAL! (im very much aware i posted this a day late oop)
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UA had decided to hold a special event where students could wear their Halloween costume to school. You weren’t planning anything special or unique, just something to get the job done. So, you decided to dress like a cute puppy. It was only a simple onesie: topped with cute floppy dog ears on your hood, and a tail that attached from the bottom. You weren’t expecting to get a lot of attention, which was perfectly fine with you because you were never the type to seek the stage. You topped off the simple look with a black spot on your nose and one around your eye. And just like, you were good to go.
When you walked into school, you couldn’t help but feel a tad bit insecure. It seemed like everyone had decked out for this special occasion. You passed by some anime cosplay, food costumes, group oriented costumes — everything you could possibly think of. And as you made your way to your class, you wondered what Tamaki would be wearing.
You couldn’t help yourself. It was undeniably true that you had a rather large crush on him. Everything about him was enticing. He was so shy that it was usually you who initiated conversation, but that wasn’t enough to make you falter. You understood he wasn’t the most socially active person around. To be frank, it was rather comforting to know that not everyone at UA was a egotistical narcissist.
Finding your assigned seat, you scanned the class. Some of your peers also took the simple route which put some of your thoughts at ease. Others, the more competitive students, were quite impressive themselves.
You turn towards the doorway when Mirio’s booming voice gathers the room’s attention. He was wearing a... whoopie cushion? Oh dear lord. Mirio was a stickler for humor, so of course, he’d wear practically anything that could rise a laugh out of someone. Only, his jokes kind of sucked and no doubt would the class of 3-A be subject to awful fart jokes for the rest of the day. You weren’t so worried about that as you were worried about the two other students usually attached to his hip. One of them being Tamaki Amajiki.
The next one to stop into class was Nejire Hado who was absolutely breathtaking. Her costume, which was nothing more than a fairy, seemed to capture her true personality perfectly. Although, an angel would also be very accurate in her case. She turned towards the entrance way and stuck her head out into the hallway, “Tamaki! Don’t be shy! You look so cute!”
Your heart began to beat just a little bit faster.
“Mirio! Come help me out with him,” Nejire stomped into the hallway, the fluttering of her makeshift wings dissappeared, only to be followed by a laughing Mirio.
When they returned, their hands were clasped over Tamaki’s wrists, forbidding him from turning around and sulking out in the hallway. When you saw him, you’re taken aback. The smallest of gasps erupt from your lips when you notice his costume choice. A onesie, similar to yours, but instead of the dog ears; replaced with cat ones, and a longer tail attached to the back. He had the same minimal face paint (lined whiskers and a nose) as you did, curtesy of Nejire.
When he looked up, his cheeks were flamed with embarrassment. He found your gaze, and if it were possible, he became even more sheepish. You weren’t any different. The thought of having a matching costume with Tamaki, despite not having any prior arrangements, made you equally embarrassed. Now, all you wondered was, did he notice?
Well, if he didn’t before, he sure did now when Nejire spoke up, “Hey Y/N! Oh my– are you a puppy? How cute! Wait! You’re matching with Tamaki! Now you two look like an adorable couple!”
Her excitement, plus her lack of censorship, made the class laugh— everyone’s attention on you and Tamaki. “Nejire...” Tamaki muttered. He stared at the floor, wishing it’d just swallow him whole.
“You guys should take a picture together,” Mirio suggested, walking over to where you sat and giving you a hand. You hesitantly took it, positive that you looked about ready to vomit or pass out. Maybe both. In that order.
Dragged to stand next to Tamaki, you spare him a single glance. He has his left hand up to his face, doing a shoty job at covering his red cheeks. To you, he seemed... more embarrassed than usual? Perhaps he just didn’t wanted to match costumes with you. It saddened you, but it wasn’t like you could do anything about it now.
Nejire laughed, “Say cheese!”
Tamaki mumbled something that you could only assume was in response to Nejire. In a small pickle of confidence, you grabbed his hand and entangled your fingers with his just before the camera went off.
That was first period.
When lunch rolled around, Tamaki had face planted himself on the table.
Nejire and Mirio sent each other a knowing look before moving to console him.
“I don’t understand why you’re not happy, Tamaki! You’re matching costumes with them, you got a picture with them, and they also held your hand!” Nejire listed off the things that happened before the bell rang, signaling the start of first period.
“I am happy...” Tamaki muttered, lifting himself up from the table, “But they probably hate me now.”
“I wouldn’t say that!” Mirio added, “Haven’t I told you that they most definitely have a crush on you?”
“No offense Mirio... but I’m not too keen on taking advice from a literal walking whoopie cushion.” Tamaki propped his arm on the table, before leaning his head into the palm of his hand. The same one you had so eagerly held. He wished to repeat the notion a million more times. Only now, he was afraid he had messed up his one and only opportunity.
Mirio gasped, “I’ll have you know that I got many compliments today!”
Nejire giggled before turning back to Tamaki. “Why don’t we just call them over here?”
“I- um, no... I’d rather not do that,” Tamaki rushed out. He wasn’t sure if he could handle another awkward occurrence with you. You’d surely find him weird.
“Where are they anyways?” Mirio asked, not before sinking his teeth on the apple provided on his lunch tray.
“Oh I see them!” Nejire not-so-subtly pointed at you. Tamaki couldn’t help himself as he turned to look in your direction.
You were laughing at something someone had said before adding your own little quip. You were so cute, he thought. Nejire was the one who suggested he wear a cat-themed costume due to the running joke that he was a ‘cute little kitten’. He was prepared to arrive in his normal uniform but Nejire’s persistence was unwavering. And if he knew what you’d be wearing— would he have accepted the costume more easily? You deserved better than him, he knew, but a small part of him fantasized about the ways you’d love him in a way no one else had before.
“Earth to Tamaki,” Nejire sang, snapping him out of his thoughts. “They’re coming over here, straighten up!”
“Hey Y/N, care to sit?” Mirio asked.
Tamaki’s looking down by the time you got there, so he barely registers it when you sit beside him. Your shoulder rubs against his in brief contact and it makes him shudder. He hopes you didn’t notice.
“What’s up guys?” You brought over a juice box from your other table, sipping on the straw of your drink rather intently.
“Tell Tamaki that my costume is funny!” Mirio piped up, distracted from the match-making he was SUPPOSED to be doing.
You nervously giggled, “Well... your costume is certainly an attention-grabber!”
Mirio seemed pleased with that answer, not having considered the fact that you dodged the question the best way you knew how. Tamaki stared at you, adoration etched into his irises. He didn’t realize he had left out a soft laugh until you were staring at him.
He choked up, “Uh- sorry... I didn’t mean to laugh.”
You smiled, a picture definition of the word perfect. Everything about you, he loved. He just loved you in general. “You don’t need to apologize Tamaki! Your laugh is very cute!”
You pinched his cheek before continuing your previous conversation with Mirio and Nejire. Did you even realize what you were doing to him? He hid his face in his arms and rested on the lunch table. Tamaki knew his face was probably several shades of red and pink. He was only wondering how long it would take before you’d actually kill him with your presence.
And that concluded lunch.
The last period of the day came and went uneventfully. And soon enough, class 3A had returned to the dorms, agreeing to remain in their respective costumes until the clock striked midnight. Some students had decided to spend the night on a scary movie binge, while others payed no mind to the event by studying and finishing thier cumulated late assignments.
You on the other hand we’re stuck in the kitchen, preparing some coffee to get you through the night. Mirio and Nejire had wanted to pull an all-nighter as well, which meant you had to figure out a way to not fall alseep before midnight hit. You already had a messed up sleep schedule as it was, so one more added incentive should make the whole evening smooth sailing.
You turn towards the kitchen doorway where Tamaki stood, a bit shellshocked from your presence. Still in that cat onesie, you could see his whiskers had become a bit smudged.
You smiled at him, an ache wrapped around your chest became noticeably present to you. “Amajiki! Shouldn’t you be up in Mirio’s room with Nejire? I’ll be up there in a second, I just gotta finish this.”
“Ah, well,” Tamaki moved into the kitchen, fidgeting with his fingers as he talked. “You were taking a while, so they sent me to check up on you. I’m glad you’re o-okay though.”
You hummed in acknowledgment, turning back to the light stirring of the coffee machine. Your fingers uncoordinatedly tapped the kitchen’s counter, a melodic beat strung to match your voice. Tamaki watched with amusement— nothing like the sight of you in your element could make him any happier.
Actually, there was one thing that would be slightly better.
Slowly, he approached you until he had occupied the space beside you. You noticed him almost immediately, but had pretended to take more interest in your coffee than him. Your heart rate picked up, leaving you to mentally curse your inability to remain calm.
“I have a question,” His voice was hushed, a bit unsure of itself. You turned to look at him but his vision remained on the counter.
“What’s up?” When the coffee machine stilled, you pulled your mug out and carefully placed it in front of you. The smell of the roasted beans infiltrated your nostrils and you couldn’t get enough of it.
“Do you- I mean... I think I’m... no that’s not right. I think it’d better if I just show you...” He bit the inside of his lip, whilst finally mustering the courage to look at you. You’re eyes were widened with curiosity, the reflection of the night settling in your skin.
He moves slightly closer, and when you don’t move away, he softly places his hand on your cheek, angling your face so your centimeters away from each other. Tamaki tries to speak, but he honestly didn’t even think he’d get this far. He’s left utterly speechless. Perhaps if Fatgum were here, he’d supply him with the confidence he needed to pull this off. His anxiety-prone thoughts began to take initiative and he starts to pull away, believing to have bit off more than he could chew. He really did believe you deserved better than him.
But your still there. You’ve always been there. In more ways than one. You grip the front of his onesie and pull him back to his previous spot. His hand recupped your face, and you take this opportunity of surprise to place your lips on his. Nothing more than a second long, only the brush of your lips before the tingling sensation had dissappeared all together.
It wasn’t enough. For either of you. You can’t remember who surged forward first, but it couldn’t have mattered less. The only thing that was being even remotely processed was the heat of your frenzied kisses. Tamaki poured all of his emotions into that moment; from the way he felt when seeing you in your puppy onesie to the butterflies that clouded his mind whenever he thought of you.
You were the first to pull back out of breath. You don’t care that your makeup is beyond repair, or that his is either. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you muttered six words into the smooth crevice of his skin, completely forgetting about the coffee you were prepping for yourself. “I love you, I always have.”
Tamaki smiled, though the nervousness hadn’t completely disappeared. “I love you too.” He admitted, feeling his heart flutter at the mutual affection. It wasn’t one-sided after all, not one bit.
Maybe he ought to take more advice from his friend the whoopie cushion.
Then again, maybe not.
“There waiting for us you know,” Your voice was a bit muffled, having been the after-effect of hiding your face in his neck. He understood you perfectly nonetheless.
“They can wait a little longer,” His arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you impossibly closer.
“Kiss me again,” You pleaded.
And so, he did just that.
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2manyfandoms2count · 3 years
I love you (not) - Chapter 4
Slightly late for @marichatmay day 4, yesterday was kind of a long day and this chapter just kept getting longer. Oops. Ft. real cats, and a nod to Star Wars day (belated May the Fourth be with you). Enjoy!
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Chapter 4: In which the flirting continues and an attempt to break up is thwarted. Again.
Marinette almost turned around the moment she saw Chat Noir standing next to the café, looking at the cats on the other side of the window.
Well, had it just been her partner, she would have walked straight up to him without a second thought, and diligently sat through their date, only to apologise at the end of it, saying that she’d fallen in love with an image, and that she didn’t think they belonged together.
What (for ‘who’ was a little presumptuous a pronoun) stood in front of her was a figure in a cardboard rendering of Chat Noir’s suit, complete with paper bell, tail, and cardboard baton. She would have forgiven its use as a disguise, even though the details kind of defeated the purpose, had the reflection of the headpiece’s eye hole not revealed that he was actually transformed underneath.
Nope , she thought at the sight. Can’t do this, nope, nope, nop-
“Marinette!” Chat Noir spotted her just as she was about to leave, and started enthusiastically waving at her.
She plastered a smile on her face, and clutched her purse as she made her way towards him. Kwami, give me strength . She wondered if ridicule was a good enough excuse to break up with someone. It wasn’t very nice, but she was getting desperate for an excuse.
“Cardboard Noir, I presume?” Her voice had an exasperated edge to it, which Chat didn’t pick up on.
“The one and only!” He twirled around to give her the full 360° view of the costume. She could tell that he was grinning under the helmet.
“To what do I owe the… pleasure?”
“Anonymity, obviously.” He rolled his eyes. “Wouldn’t want this date to finish in the tabloids, am I right?”
Sure, because somebody in a piece of cardboard is so much more inconspicuous than somebody who might be wearing a Chat Noir cosplay in a cat café , she rolled her eyes as she saw people passing by and doing double takes as they walked past him, but kept her point to herself.
“How... thoughtful of you.” She smiled slightly tensely.
“Isn’t it?” Chat Noir extended his kraft paper-covered arm and she took it awkwardly for the couple of steps that separated them from the café’s door.
Chat hurried forward to open the door for her. “After you, my… Princess.” He bowed.
She bit back a smug smile as the bells jingled above her head. The nickname "my Lady" would totally have been justified in this situation, yet he’d refrained from using it. She deduced that it must be too attached to Ladybug; maybe there was hope that he still had a crush on her alter ego. She could work with that.
She walked into the shop, and almost tripped on an orange tabby cat who’d apparently been making the most of the sunspot on the other side of the door. It looked up at her indignantly even as she petted him to apologise, but didn’t move.
Behind her, a grey sphynx tried to make a run for it, but Chat picked it up and closed the door before he could cross the threshold.
“Hi there! Welcome to the C afé des Chats . How can I help you today?” A woman emerged from the back room, wiping her hands on her cat-themed apron. Her name, Cathy, was embroidered on it.
“Hello! Could we get a table for two, please?” Marinette smiled.
“Of course! Pick a spot!”
Marinette looked around the room. Apart from a small group of friends sitting near the window, and who were too engrossed in laughing and taking pictures of the cats to acknowledge their presence, all the seats were empty.
“How about that table over there?” Chat leaned towards her ear and pointed towards a cozy booth at the back of the room. She jumped slightly at the sudden proximity. He didn’t notice, as the cat in his arms started meowing, and Cathy came out from behind the counter to take it in her arms.
“Oh, let me take Yoda off your hands. Did he try running away again?” She cradled him, the cat purring as she did.
“Yes, I feel like he might take after his namesake and like the outdoors more.” Chat joked.
“Maybe I should have picked another name for him, then. It would save me a lot of time looking for him around the neighborhood.” Cathy laughed. “I’ll let you two get installed, I’ll be right with you.”
The pair made their way towards their table, Chat letting Marinette take the couch while he pulled out the chair facing her. He sat on the very edge of his seat, the cardboard taking up most of the space. They both picked up the menu, and ordered their drinks (and a lightsaber-themed pistachio éclair for Chat), when Cathy came around.
Marinette tapped her fingers together as they waited, trying to find a conversation topic. She decided to acknowledge the smaller elephant in the room.
“You know, I think we’re okay now, you can take off your costume.” Marinette pointed out. He looked like he could fall off his chair at any moment.
“Are you ashamed of me?” His hand flew to his chest, almost knocking his paper bell off.
“Me? Never!” she scoffed.
“Good, because this isn’t coming off anytime soon.” Chat Noir crossed his arms over his chest. She could tell he was smirking under his headpiece.
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that…” It was Marinette’s turn to smirk, as Cathy arrived and put down two cups of hot chocolate, and Chat’s pâtisserie, in front of them.
“Is that a challenge?” Chat’s eyebrow shot up, and he turned towards Cathy. “Excuse me, Ma’am, would you happen to have a straw I could use?”
The lady blinked at him a couple of times, perplexed, before realising he was serious. “I probably do, let me go check in the pantry.”
“You’re not seriously doing this.” Marinette facepalmed.
“I’m just showing the one thing you should know about me if you want to date me; I don’t back down from challenges.” He thanked Cathy, who’d returned, and started poking a hole in his headset.
Trust me, I know that , Marinette sighed. “I take it back. It’s not a challenge. Just take your… mask off, and enjoy your order. Please?”
Chat Noir squinted at her suspiciously. “You pawmise that you’re fine with this?”
“Absolutely. I just want you to be more comfortable.”
“Fine.” He took off his headpiece, making his hair stick up from static electricity.
Marinette stifled a giggle.
“Nothing,” she cleared her throat, pulled her phone out and snapped a picture, before showing the screen to him. “I just like what you did to your hair.”
“Ah, yes. Beautiful,” her partner laughed. “I wonder what Gabriel Agreste would think about it.”
“I actually think he’d love it. It kind of looks like his haircut.” Marinette snorted.
“Yeah, that won’t do.” Some colour drained from his cheeks as he shook his head and tried to flatten his hair. The real bell under his costume jingled as he did so.
Marinette was about to ask why he seemed so upset about the comparison when a black cat jumped up on their table, looking at Chat’s éclair with interest.
“Hey, Chat Noir? Looks like you have some competition for your tea…” She took a sip of her hot chocolate and sighed happily as the rich aroma hit her taste buds.
“What?” He stopped wiggling around, his hair having regained its normal appearance. “Oh. No, no, kitty, this isn’t for you.” He slid the plate away from it. The cat tilted its head and meowed. “Being all cute won’t work on me, I’m cuter. Meow .”
“Hmm, I’m not sure about that.” Marinette stroked the cat’s head, making it walk towards her and purr. “This one is pretty adorable. Pincushion,” she read off its tag. “How original.”
“You’re not even saying it’s a claw-se call? You wound me, Marinette.” Chat gasped, before taking a bite of his éclair. “You know, I’m not sure I could be with someone who doesn’t think I’m cute.”
Marinette rolled her eyes affectionately. “Kitty, I think you know very well what I think,” she replied, putting a hand over his on the table. He gulped down the rest of his éclair, and stared into her eyes.
Pincushion meowed again after what she knew was too long for friends to gaze at each other, and Marinette jolted, feeling herself blush. Why had she done that? She should have just gone with it, it would have made everything easier. You know, Chat Noir, I definitely don’t think you’re cute. Let’s get the bill and be on our way…
Chat Noir cleared his throat, and waved towards Cathy. “Well, this was nice, but it’s getting a little late, isn’t it? Could I have the bill, please?”
“Yes, you’re right, we should probably get going… Wait a second, what do you mean could I have the bill? We’re splitting this.”
“No we’re not. I ordered the most.” Chat shot her a pointed look.
“Fine, then let me pay for my own drink, then.”
“Meow way! I invited you! I meant it when I said my treat!”
“Yes, but…” Marinette scrambled for an excuse, cursing her brain which had decided to notice that Chat’s cheeks seemed quite pink, and that she thought it looked good on him, especially combined to his slightly dishevelled hair.
“I’ll tell you what; if you really think I don’t owe you anything, then just consider this an advance for my birthday. You can pay me back in macarons.” Chat’s eyes lit up hungrily as he interrupted her.
“Your birthday?” Marinette tilted her head quizzically. “Is that soon?”
Chat froze in his seat. Ladybug had warned him about this. They weren’t supposed to share anything about their personal lives, with anyone. Just in case it landed in the wrong ears.
Besides, his birthday wasn’t until September. Which, since he’d invited her on this date, she could interpret as him thinking their relationship would last that long. Which he really hoped it wouldn’t (the romantic one, that is - he still wanted to be friends with Marinette behind the mask).
“Erm, yeah, it’s… Next week?” He scratched the back of his neck nervously. That seemed alright in terms of timeline.
“So soon…” Marinette trailed off, looking at the empty cup before her. Her partner’s birthday seemed like something she should know, yet as much as she raked her brain, she couldn’t recall a single conversation they’d had on the topic. “Does Ladybug know?”
“Oh, no. I wouldn’t want her to make a fuss.” He waved her concern away, and swiftly stole the credit card machine from Cathy as she returned with it. He tapped his card on it, looking Marinette straight in the eye as he did.
“Chat Noir!” She cried out indignantly. She’d been too engrossed in the consideration that she couldn’t decently break up with him now when his birthday was just around the corner, to anticipate his next move.
“Sorry, Princess.” He smiled smugly as he thanked the café owner and took his receipt. “In my defence, it makes me feel better about eating so much when I came over to your place for lunch, when I’d only brought a flower as a present.”
Marinette held his gaze for a bit, and, seeing his earnestness, she sighed. “Fine.”
“Thank you.” He nodded, and then turned towards Cathy, who was awkwardly shuffling next to their table.
“Is everything alright, Ma’am?”
“I’m sorry, I don’t want to intrude, but… are you really Chat Noir?” She asked hopefully.
“See, the costume is inconspicuous!” Chat Noir exclaimed, sticking his tongue out at Marinette. “I mean, yes, I am.”
“I’d totally understand if you said no, but would you mind taking a picture with some of the cats? I’m happy to keep it to myself, and not put it up with the other cat pictures if you’d prefer, it’s just that I’m such a huge fan…”
“I’d love to!” Chat Noir jumped to his feet and started peeling his disguise off. “Would it be okay if my… Marinette was in the picture with me?” He winced at the formulation of his question. He wasn’t sure if it was worse than if he’d called her his girlfriend.
“Yes, of course! Here, let me grab Yoda, and maybe Pincushion and…”
Marinette didn’t have time to explore the warm feeling Chat calling her “his” Marinette, in a very excited and pure way, had elicited in her chest, as Cathy shoved a cat in her arms and pushed Chat next to her on the couch. She grinned for the photographer, feeling a blush creep up her cheeks.
“Purr-fect!” Chat beamed as Cathy showed them the picture.
She melted a little at how happy he looked, chatting away to figure out a way to get a copy of the picture. I can’t hurt him, not now , she thought as she nodded along and gave her number to Cathy so she could send her the shot.
What she could do, though, was try to figure out a birthday present for him. Something useful, that he’d be able to keep when she broke up with him after they broke up, probably a week after she gave it to him.
She thought about it all the way Home.
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riordanversephantom · 4 years
So hi, since I’ve been crying for like... the past hour? (Lol future Phantom here, it’s taken me like an hour to compile this)  here’s a collection of moments from my Riordanverse fanfics that I really like or made me chuckle because I need some feel good.  These are all from my Ao3 and I’ll leave links.
“You know usually people show up at someone’s house when the person is home,” Nico said, starting to make himself a sandwich. Thalia laughed.
“You’re telling me that while you’re sitting here the same as me making a sandwich?” She leaned back on the stool, gripping the counter to keep her balance. Nico rolled his eyes.
“I don’t intend to show up while he’s not here.”
“You’re funny Nico.”
“Thanks, I get that a lot,” Nico raised one eyebrow, Thalia laughed again.
(Percy’s not home)
“Jason fractured his ankle...while on the rock wall…” Will looked up at Nico, “he can fly, how did he do that?”
“He’s silly like that.”
Will paused for so long that Nico thought he had finally fallen asleep.
“Cecil brought me some Zebra cakes today,” Will mumbled, “he wasn’t injured but they tasted good.  I appreciated it.  He probably stole them.”
(Just go to bed)
More under the cut
Nico couldn’t help but crack a small smile, “thanks Kayla.”  He gently took the sweatshirt from her.  This was one of Will’s favorites (and also Nico’s favorite to take).
“Since you’re practically a member of the family now, I wanted to look out for you,” she yawned and glanced behind her, “since things have been a bit quiet with Will visiting his mom.”
“Yeah,” Nico agreed.
She smiled, “I guess I’ll let you get back to bed.”
Nico nodded, “goodnight Kayla.”
“Goodnight Nico,” she yawned again and started to trudge back to her cabin.
(Miss him the most)
“Look at you, I think we still need to have that competition of who looks worse after crying,” Will smirked.
“I still think it’s you,” Kayla cracked a small smile.
“It’s probably still me,” Will sighed, “let’s get back before Austin gets worried and the harpies come kill us though.”
(I’m still here)
But Will, half asleep and frightened had somehow ended up on the front porch of the Hades cabin at four in the morning.  When Nico opened the door he had stumbled into Nico’s arms, enveloping Nico into a huge hug.
“Oh,” Nico whispered, running his fingers through Will’s hair.
“I…” Will swallowed hard, “nightmare I… didn’t know… what to do.”
He wasn’t crying but the panic was evident in his voice.  Nico nodded silently and led Will inside, shutting the door behind him.
(Understand that I love you, dear)
“It’s fine,” Leo wiped some grease on his shirt and shifted on the chair, “I know what I’m doing.”
Jason doubted that, but he crossed his arms in front of his chest and watched.  Leo’s chair that he was standing on looked old and worn, it looked very close to falling apart.  Jason got a bit closer just in case Leo fell.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to help you?” Jason asked again.
“Why? Are you worried?” Leo let out a sigh and turned to Jason, the chair wobbled and he threw his arm out to steady himself.  Jason hissed and quickly stepped forward, his arms outstretched.
“Yeah, a bit,” Jason responded, “I don’t want you to fall.  Let me help.”
(How tall are you)
“I’m thinking about hiding away in the woods for a while, maybe we could talk, maybe kiss,” Leo suggested with a shrug.
(How tall are you)
Will buried his face in his hands, tugging at his bangs.  He didn’t say anything, Nico was too afraid to do anything at the moment.
Finally, Will let out a shaky sigh, running his fingers through his hair, “you know what,” he laughed without humor, “nope, it’s been a long week.”  Will turned towards the desk and started to tidy up the papers he was working on.
“I’m going to bed, I can’t do this right now.  I haven’t slept all week and I’m exhausted,” Will turned back to Nico and put a hand on his shoulder, he smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes, “I’m glad you’re back Nico.  I’m too angry to actually welcome you home properly so instead I’m going to sleep for the rest of the day.  Then come back to this conversation as a well rested organized individual.”
(Cause it hurts)
(like go seek out any other of his friends to alert them of his return, or iris messaging his sister to let her know he was all right) he sulked back to his cabin.
He did eventually do the second thing and Hazel was more than thrilled and relieved.  Though when he first iris messaged her, she yelled at him so loudly Frank and a couple other kids actually came in to see what was going on.
(Cause it hurts)
“Did you come here for something?” Will finally asked, clicking his pen absently.  He looked back over at Nico.
“Oh right,” Nico walked over to where Will was sitting and plopped himself right on top of the desk, “I came for you.”
“For me?” Will raised one eyebrow, leaning his chin on his elbow.  
“It’s getting late, I was getting impatient for you to come back,” Nico said, crossing his arms in front of his chest stubbornly.
“Oh so you missed me?” Will smirked.  Nico thought he shouldn’t look so smug.
“Don’t act like you don’t miss me too when I leave for a bit,” Nico huffed.
“I’m not going to act, I’ve admitted it before and I’ll do it again.”
(I trust you as my eyes)
“There we go, that’s my Will,” Nico mumbled, “sometimes nightmares are just nightmares.  Nothing more.”
“No stupid prophecy or foreseeing of death,” Will squeezed Nico tighter.
“Just a normal old punch in the gut from your subconscious.”
“I hate my subconscious.”
“Me too.”
(My subconscious hates me)
“Oh, hello Sunshine.”
Kayla woke to her brother’s voice.  For a second she thought he was going insane and actually talking to the sun.  Then she remembered what happened at three am last night… or well, this morning.
(Not yet brother in law)
The two of them were quiet again.  A leaf fluttered onto Percy’s face.  Annabeth swiped it away without a thought.  He licked her hand.
“Gross, Percy!  Are you ten?” Annabeth cried out, wiping her hand on Percy’s shirt.
He laughed, “you asked for it, putting your hand too close to my mouth.”
“I was getting a lead off of you like a loving girlfriend.”
He stuck his tongue out at her.  Annabeth furrowed her eyebrows, gathering a ton of leaves that were settled around her and dropped them on his face.  He sat up spluttering, spitting leaves out of his mouth.
“That wasn’t nice!” He exclaimed, shaking the leaves from his hair.
“You’re a whore,” Drew glared at Will.
Lacy gasped, she looked like she wanted to say anything, but she didn’t.
“ Wow ,” Will puffed out his cheeks before letting out a slow breath, “A whore ?  I’ve been called a lot of things, but a whore ?  That ones new.”
“Just like Apollo,” She crossed her arms in front of her chest.
“Oh yeah, that makes sense,” Will nodded in agreement, “but, well I hate to break it to you, but I’d like to think I’m pretty faithful to my boyfriend.  Unlike you so, I think that the term ‘ whore ’ would better apply to you.”  Will clicked his tongue and shrugged.
“Well,” Drew spluttered, obviously running out of insults, “at least I can get a date without even having to try.”
“Drew that is enough,” Piper spoke firmly, her voice cold, “you too Will.” She seemed a bit reluctant about that last part.
Will held up his hands in defense, “hey, I didn’t do anything.  Anyway, getting a date with no effort doesn’t really sound like love.”
“ Will, ” Piper shot him a pointed look, Will shrugged.
(Nail polish is gay)
I mean obviously there are a ton more since I have so many fics on my Ao3 but this was just a couple (a lot) from some of my more “recent” fics.  If you’ve made it this far, thanks and I hope you liked these small little bits.  Check out my Ao3 for more riordanverse fics and follow me on TikTok for cosplay (@phantomxlegend for both).
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Good Omens AU Part Four
It’s back. Original is here
Wilbur didn't expect to care about Tommy, but he accepted it pretty quickly.
There wasn't much to bring with him the day he moved to town. After all, it wasn't like he'd actually need to renovate the house. 
He stood on the curb in front of the remnants of the house that burned down a decade ago, suitcase in hand. A bit of a fixer-upper, but I can work with this. 
After checking to make sure there weren't any nosy neighbors watching, he reached out to the debris. 
The charred wood and scattered bricks twitched for a few seconds, before assuming the appearance of a lovely home. 
A doorbell, a porch, windows in a shade of cobalt blue, and above all else the distinct feeling that Wilbur's house (and by extension, Wilbur) had been around on the block for ages.
Even if the neighbors didn't know who he was or what he did, they would have to struggle to think of him as a stranger. 
And they had their own petty human lives, which didn't contain the time or energy to waste worrying about a charming new addition to the neighborhood.
Wilbur strolled into his perfectly average house, plans whirring in his head.
There were quite a few houses on the block, but Wilbur was only focusing on a group of three.
House #1: Tommy's home, three houses away. A simple house that contained the most important person in the world and his intimidating dad.
House #2: That Weird Guy's house, two houses away. Wilbur had no idea who That Weird Guy was, but he was apparently close friends with Tommy's dad, and even more intimidating. Wilbur wasn't sure why the kid was surrounded by people that made him worry for his life despite being immortal.
House #3: Schlatt's house, sadly next door. He didn't need additional proof that god hated him, but apparently they'd wanted to make it even clearer.
A week or so after he'd gotten settled into his new home, Wilbur decided to go outside to get a better look at the streetlamps and the night sky while trying to find his plan. 
He was feeling surprisingly positive about the whole thing. Soon, he'd be changing the fate of the world.
If this didn't get him remembered after it all, nothing else would.
A hacking cough came from the porch next door, reminding him that he wasn't the only supernatural being on the block. Wilbur took a breath, trying to be civil. 
Don't get distracted from the most important mission of your life because you want to murder a goat. Just walk on by. Just keep walking, and don't acknowledge his existence. You don't know him. 
However, his unwanted neighbor had no qualms about acknowledging Wilbur's existence, and he'd only taken a couple of steps onto the street before Schlatt called out to him. 
"Well, would you look at that: You’re finally out of the house! This is more of a miracle than anything I’ve done.". 
Wilbur turned around, counting down the seconds until he could not be where he was, having this conversation.
"Schlatt, we're supposed to be undercover."
"Oh, my bad. Guess these random humans will never get to know our big secrets.". Schlatt raised his voice slightly, yelling to the deserted cul-de-sac.
"Would be a shame if someone found out that guy over there is a demon! Yeah, the jerk with the beanie's from Hell, and I'm an angel, and we're only pretending to be human because (get this) one of the little tykes on your block is actually the antichrist!". 
Wilbur pinched the bridge of his nose. Was it possible to get headaches when his mind was only semi-corporeal?
"Could you kindly shut the fuck up?"
"Nope.". I mean, that's kind of on me for phrasing it as a question.
Schlatt took a break from the Annoying Wilbur Show (airs all times that he has the poor idea to go outside) to dig into more of his tomato sauce and meat wraps. 
He raised the snack like it was a holy relic. Wilbur supposed that if Schlatt really wanted to, he could make it into one.
"These are Hot Pockets. I was actually planning on taking a few over to you-know-who's family as a housewarming gift, build up good favor, you know?". Suddenly, the plan clicked in Wilbur's head. He tried to keep his face neutral and concerned, with no hint of a smirk.
"Hot Pockets? I mean, are you sure?"
"What's wrong with Hot Pockets? And choose your next words carefully.". Wilbur leaned against a streetlamp, sighing in assumed pity.
"There's nothing wrong with Hot Pockets per se. They're fine, I guess.". Schlatt sputtered, offended beyond belief.
"Fine? Fine? You see before you the one thing that has made me reconsider starting the apocalypse, and you're like "eh. fine". Fuck you and your family and whatever you call taste buds. Fine? I'd tell you to go to hell, but that doesn't work, so go to New Jersey you son of a-". 
This continued on for a while.
Wilbur nodded along to the tirade, maintaining a poker face. All the while, he telekinetically inched the tray of wrapped (?) Hot Pockets towards him. 
The tray crept ever closer, past Schlatt's lawn chair, past Schlatt's nightmarish garden gnomes, past the freshly dug earth that definitely had a body buried under it, until it was finally within reach.
Without listening to another word, Wilbur grabbed the Hot Pockets and ran for the hills, easily outrunning the outraged angel. 
Sorry, Schlatt, but you're going to have to try harder to win this game.
He sprinted to House #1 and rang the doorbell, trying to look non-suspicious. After about a minute, he got an answer from the selected father (Phil, his name was Phil). 
Wilbur smiled brightly and walked into the house.
The initial meeting went great, putting the whole "getting threatened with a knife" thing aside. 
Phil seemed to appreciate the Hot Pockets and company, and Wilbur could confidently guess that he'd managed to secure a place in helping him out in the future. 
Besides being good for the plan in general, he'd liked spending time around Phil and Tommy. Wilbur didn't get to talk to people a lot, and when he did it was normally trying to scam them out of their soul. 
So, this was a welcome break. 
And his heart definitely hadn't been warmed when Tommy had fallen asleep to the sound of his guitar. Nope. Absolutely none of that.
Phil evidently didn't see child raising as his first priority, and Wilbur found more chances to volunteer to watch his kid than he expected. 
At times, he felt like he was just as much of a parent to Tommy as Phil, if not more. 
Which wasn't to say that he felt any bitterness about that. Quite the contrary. Watching after Tommy was one of the best parts of his day. 
Despite being a baby, the kid already had so much personality, and his little face would light up whenever Wilbur went home to House #1.
When Wilbur held the baby in his arms, he really did feel like a guardian. 
The phrase "guardian angel" had stung, but he did want to shield Tommy from harm or becoming anything like him when he grew up.
Still, it's not like his heart was at all warmed when he held Tommy in his arms-Oh, screw it. His heart was warmed. He happened to care about the adorable baby that he spent a lot of time with. Go figure. 
Caring wasn't interfering with his job as a protector, informant for Hell, and general influencer of evil. So, there was no purpose in denying it.
Besides the unexpected emotional attachment, nothing really changed about the general routine.
His days consisted of maintaining the glamours around his house, reading his books, writing (it turns out that an approaching Armageddon worked wonders for deadline motivation), staring at the ceiling and wondering why God had forsaken him, looking after Tommy, talking with Phil (and on occasion, That Weird Guy), giving the Lords of Hell their required project updates, and, occasionally, almost getting murdered.
One key example of the "almost getting murdered" thing happened when Tommy was around two years old.
He'd just gotten back from another meeting with the Lords (yes, Tommy is still alive. no, he isn't evil yet, seeing as he's two years old. no, that wasn't sarcasm. no, I'd actually prefer for you to not kill me for my insolence. Same old stuff.). 
It was a cold yet sunny winter afternoon when Wilbur stepped out of the office building and back into the mortal world. As he made his way towards the bus station, his phone rang.
The call was from Phil, and he moved away from the middle of the sidewalk to take it, leaning against the brick wall of a building next to an alleyway.
"Hey, Will, a job came up tonight without much notice. Would you be able to watch Tommy around 7-ish?"
"Sure, I can do that."
"Great, you're a lifesaver. One last thing: If Techno decides to question you about your motives and backstory, don't take it personally, he's just in one of those suspicious phases lately. Okay?". 
Wilbur would have loved to agree, nonchalantly laugh it off, and quickly go over his backstory in his head again. 
Unfortunately for him, there was a weapon aimed at him from the alleyway.
It would be a funny sight to the passerby to see a normal-seeming person cower in the face of a spray bottle. 
Of course, the average passerby wasn't a demon. 
9 times out of 10, when a spray bottle was pointed at a demon, the spray bottle was full of holy water and the demon was in for a bad time.
Wilbur stood there, frozen. The alleyway was shady, and he couldn't quite make out who was aiming the bottle at him. 
Phil's voice echoed out of his phone.
"Will? Are you still there?". Wilbur tried to keep his voice steady, and he quickly responded.
"I'm here. I got it. I'll be ho-I'll be back soon. There is no need to call me back. Goodbye."
"What's that supposed to mean?". He tapped the screen, ending the call. Please, don't have me die right now. It would be annoying, not to mention narratively unsatisfying.
He looked into the alleyway, addressing whoever had seen fit to threaten him today.
"Hi there. I'm guessing that spray bottle isn't full of Sprite.". 
A man in a blue onesie (Sonic the Hedgehog cosplay?) emerged from the shadows.
"Yep. I mean, it technically was Sprite until it went through the blessing process, but it's a lot holier now.". Wilbur blinked a few times in confusion.
"What's with the outfit? Why are you threatening me in an alley? What's with the outfit?"
"Don't mock the outfit, I have it on good faith that this is the height of human fashion."
"Let me guess. Schlatt told you that.". 
The onesie-clad angel stood there, realizing that taking the advice of that particular coworker probably wasn't the smartest decision he'd ever made. Eventually, he shrugged it off.
"Well, I feel resplendent, so this is a win in my book.". Wilbur tapped the bricks on the wall, almost playing a rhythm.
"Listen, Connor, if you were just going to kill me with that thing you would have already pulled the trigger. Why are you here?". Connor looked a little sheepish about the whole thing.
"The higher-ups thought that I should make you an offer you can't refuse. Basically, some intern had the bright idea that we should have Hell's guardian either agree to spy for us or die."
"You're suggesting that I become a double agent?"
"Yeah. Or die, whichever is your preference."
"I think your higher-ups underestimate my importance here. Killing me won't slow our side down by much. They'll just send another guy, and you'll have to spend more time in unpleasant alleyways."
"And someday they'll send a guy who takes our offer. Trust me, we've been planning this ever since we realized Schlatt was going to be useless down there.". Wilbur thought about it. 
Killing god obviously matters more than prolonging my life. And I'm a good actor, but I don't have enough time in my life to be a triple agent.
"Come on, Connor. I thought you were one of the decent ones.". Connor half-heartedly kicked at a puddle. 
His face was reluctant, but he still aimed the spray bottle with precision.
"Please tell me you're going to accept the offer?"
"You've known me for years. What do you think?"
"From what Schlatt has told me, you're too stubborn for your own good.". Wilbur laughed at that.
"Yeah. So the real question is: Can you murder me, Connor?". Connor shuffled, and the spray bottle wavered. Wilbur continued talking.
"I'm actually interested to see what you do next. You've got my full attention.". The two of them stood there, completely still. Finally, Connor pointed the spray bottle away from Wilbur and aimed for the sky.
"You've kind of made this whole thing weird, man. So, I'll give you a 15-second head start.".
Wilbur didn't waste time thanking him, and he sprinted away. 
He fled through shadows and smoke, barely remembering to keep some trace of a physical body. He scrambled his way towards the bus station, reaching the glass doors. 
However, that was where his luck ran out.
"Sorry, Wilbur. That's the power of the Sonic onesie: I'm really fast.". 
I'm going to need to invest in a Sonic onesie. Except I can't, because I'm about to be shot. Fuck, those are terrible last thoughts. 
Out of desperation, he grabbed the lid of the spray bottle and twisted it off, before punching Connor in the gut. The angel doubled over, and the holy water spilled out of the bottle. 
Wilbur scrambled away from the spill, trying to keep from making contact.
He ran through the doors and into the bus station. 
Some of the holy water had gotten on his coat, and he awkwardly shrugged it off in a corner, which was a shame. He'd really liked the aesthetic of having a trench coat. Sure, he could glamour another one in a few seconds, but it wouldn't feel the same. 
Connor walked towards him, and Wilbur glared.
"You made me lose my trench coat!"
"Again, sorry about all of this, it was just business.". Connor held out his arm in an almost peaceful gesture. 
And Wilbur, tired and overconfident, made the first stupid decision for the day. He took the peace offering and took Connor's hand.
The white-hot pain nearly knocked him to the ground. 
There had been less than a drop of holy water on his hand, but it was more than enough to stop Wilbur from breathing for a few minutes. 
In and of itself, that was fine. He didn't need to breathe to stay alive. All that he had to do was stay away from holy things, what had he done. 
In the background, Connor was frantically apologizing and claiming that he "didn't mean to do that". Wilbur wondered distantly why he'd still be lying to him.
And here I was thinking that there were one or two decent angels. How laughable. 
No one's decent 14 years from Armageddon. Not humans, not angels, and not me.
Wilbur shoved Connor away and walked up to the ticket counter. 
His hands were shaking and his words all over the place, but somehow he managed to convey that he wanted to take a bus back to town and pay for it. 
If I can get back to my house, I should be okay. Or, at the very least, not dead.
The bus ride was tricky. For one, part of the route was along Fundy's cursed highway (one of the demon’s more useless inventions), so things were significantly slowed down. 
Also, everything felt far away and cold, and it was a bit difficult to keep focus on which stop was his.
It took far too much time to reach town, and even more to make his way back to his street.
On auto-pilot, he ended up at House #1 first, panicking slightly when neither Tommy nor Phil was inside.
Trying to keep calm, he checked House #2, and thankfully That Weird Guy (he knew his name was Technoblade, but that was a ridiculous name, and he'd been thinking of him as That Weird Guy for so long that it was hard to stop) was keeping watch over Tommy. Relief washed over him.
I don't know what I'd do if he got hurt. 
That Weird Guy seemed fine with taking care of Tommy for a little longer, which Wilbur was secretly grateful for. 
He also seemed convinced that Wilbur was going to pass out, which was hilarious, seeing as Wilbur didn't need to sleep or breathe unless he wanted to. 
After a brief moment of rest in a bush, he made his way to his house.
He tried to unlock the door, but his hands were trembling too much to use the key, and he was seeing two locks instead of one, and he slowly slid to the ground.
Is this actually how it's happening? 
I know I'm not long for this world, but I always expected a better exit. Something with fanfare and sacrifice and meaning. 
Our so-called "immortality" is a conditional one. The instant we dare to touch something holy, it all goes, and there's no soul or afterlife for us castaways.
I wish I was human.
Wilbur struggled to look up at the sky. 
It was still daytime, and the stars weren't out yet. That was a shame, he'd worked hard on those. He shivered.
I know we're doomed to fail come Doomsday. I know that there's no way out of Your ineffable plan. But I'm trying to make directorial choices with your script, trying to make a good story. This is a terrible ending.
It was quiet. That was probably for the best.
Do I deserve it?
Of course I do.
But I didn't always, and you're not blameless either.
I hope that Tommy's too young to remember me.
The world was cold, but peacefully quiet, and the pain was mostly beyond his reach. This wasn't bad, all things considered. Wilbur's eyes closed.
A few minutes later, he was rudely awakened by Phil shaking him.
"Are you okay? I mean, obviously you’re not, but can you stand?". He opened one eye.
"I'm fine.". Phil laughed at that. Part of Wilbur considered laughing along, while what was left of his common sense informed him that Phil sounded like he was laughing out of shock.
"Fine? Will, there were a few seconds where I thought you were dead!"
"Well, as you can see, I'm not. If you could just unlock the door, that would be great.". The door unlocked behind him. 
He struggled to rise to his feet, and Phil caught his arm, supporting him.
"What the hell happened to you?"
"Minor business conflict."
"There is a hole in your hand.”
"That happens at my job sometimes. I'm in the mafia."
"Have you considered other career options?"
"The insurance benefits are too good.". Phil set Wilbur down on a couch and left the room. As was to be expected.
Wilbur reached under the couch cushions to grab a hidden cigarette lighter. 
He had no intention of smoking while bleeding out, obviously. 
The cigarette lighter had been modified slightly, another one of Fundy's inventions. 
The fire of the lighter was no regular thing, but rather hellfire. Hopefully, that would be enough of a cure.
The warmth of the hellfire slowly and painfully chipped away at the ice and purity, and he took a few seconds to internally mock god. 
Maybe a bit of a hubris-related thing to do, but Wilbur was glad to live another day, and that meant spite.
For whatever reason, Phil stuck around to make sure he was okay. 
Wilbur hadn't quite expected that. 
He wasn't in the best state, but Phil seemed to believe that it was better for him to be talking than unconscious. 
So, in a half-delirious state, he rambled about mercy, and free will, and falling.
And when he whispered that he missed flying, he could have sworn that Phil agreed.
Anyway, aside from dramatic moments like those, life was okay.
Wilbur was there for every milestone in Tommy's life, and he wouldn't have it any other way.
He was there for his first few words when Tommy was a baby (the first word was "kaboom", but the second was "Wilby").
He was there for his first steps, and once Tommy learned to walk there was no stopping him from running everywhere.
He was there for preschool graduations and first days of kindergarten and beyond.
Of course, Wilbur's job was to teach the kid to want to kill god, and he tried to do that too. 
From the moment Tommy learned how to read, Wilbur kept trying to get him to read Paradise Lost. Sadly, he was six and Milton wasn't to his taste at the moment. 
Wilbur wasn't sure how well he did on that front, but he tried. 
Either way, he wasn't sure if he raised a suitably evil kid, but he raised a good one. 
Not good as in morally, obviously. Tommy was still a rascal at times, but he was the rascal that Wilbur cared about.
Wilbur was the one to teach him how to ride a bike. 
Tommy was so determined to learn how to do it, and he kept getting up even when his knees were scratched up from crashing. 
When putting on band-aids, sometimes Wilbur would slightly heal him. Not so much that he wouldn't know to be careful, but just enough to ease the pain a bit.
Wilbur also taught him other valuable life skills like lock picking, lying, good taste in music, and how to pick pockets. The stuff every kid needed to know!
His reports to the Lords of Hell became less clinical, and more chatting about Tommy finally figured out how to ride a bike, and he's getting good grades in language arts, and he likes musicals too, and he's such a wonderful kid.
They'd mostly stare in confusion, and awkwardly ask him how that was helping Satan.
And he knew that every birthday meant that the two of them were one year closer to Doomsday. 
And he knew that he wasn't going to survive Doomsday.
Wilbur had a feeling since the moment he first fell that he'd have to redeem himself or go out in a blaze of glory. And, frankly, he felt too bitter towards his creator to aim for a redemption arc.
So, when Tommy turned eight, he knew that he had eight years left to live. 
And when he was ten, he knew he had six, and so on. 
That didn't stop Wilbur from baking a cake for him and singing.
He cared about Tommy quickly, and he later grew to care for Phil, and maybe even he would be vaguely upset if That Weird Guy died. 
Wilbur couldn't call this place a home, and he couldn't say they were his family, but it was the closest he'd ever gotten to that sort of thing. 
And sometimes, he could fool himself into thinking it could stay like this.
Once, he'd made the mistake of trying to taunt Schlatt about it.
They'd been talking, and Schlatt made one too many jabs about how he spent his days babysitting. 
He'd mocked the patch that Tommy had clumsily sewed into his new trenchcoat, and Wilbur got a bit annoyed.
"At least I've been doing my job and spending time with the antichrist! You've been completely useless down here, just sitting around in that lawn chair and drinking. I mean, it makes everything easier for me, but the fact still remains that I've been getting stuff done while you've been treating this like a paid vacation.".
Schlatt looked him dead in the eyes, setting down his glass.
"You think that you were smart, getting close to their family? Turning up the charm, making friends, stealing my goddamn Hot Pockets (which I'm still mad about)?". He laughed in his face.
"Wilbur, you're a fucking moron. You say that I haven't spent enough time around the family? You've spent way too much, and it's given you a bleeding heart."
"I don't have a-"
"Tommy's going to die in six years, you know. Kid's cute, but he's not going to survive the end of the world. He's a child, and God is God, and he's going to get smote like burnt chicken. It's just the facts.". Wilbur recoiled from him, hissing his next words through his teeth.
"Shut up."
"Did you even think about anything besides your own stupid martyrdom? Or were you too busy playing house and getting attachments? Face it, Wilbur: It's lunchboxes today, graves tomorrow.". 
For once, Wilbur had nothing to say. No clever response, nothing. Just pure panic. 
He touched the patch on his trench coat covering his heart, looking to the sky.
Please. I know you're a bastard. I know you hate me, and I hate you, and that can't change. But if you gave me some sign, some promise that you wouldn't hurt Tommy, I'd do anything. 
As always, there was no response.
Wilbur cared about Tommy, and he knew, and even if it was a weakness he couldn't stop. 
All of Tommy's family cared about him, wanting him protected and alive.
But Schlatt?
Schlatt didn't give a damn about Tommy, and he never would.
There was no care weighing him down. And that meant that he had infinitely more options than everyone else.
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kyubbikyut · 3 years
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mental illness, abuse, blood, murder mentioned
juric stans where yall at
obsessive relationship ¡
juyeon suffered from OCPD but he didn't knew it. Currently he's in relationship with eric, his 20 year-old boyfriend. He had been always controlling eric, if eric didn't obeyed him, he'd hit him. he had abused him several times, actually.
Eric woke up that morning. Juyeon approached him and kissed eric's lips softly. " morning, baby, " eric smiled softly and he hugged juyeon.
"now go, shower. then we can go out to get something for breakfast," juyeon said and eric pouted. "five more minutes, please,"
"i said now," juyeon raised his voice. eric was currently in the 2nd year of college, he graduated earlier but he decided to re-study and re-took the exams.
eric bit his lower lips, listening to the other, he quickly got up and went to get ready for college. as usual, juyeon brought some food, then sent him off to school and he went back home doing house chores.
"eric, hey, how are you?" sunwoo asked. "I'm still sleepy," eric rubbed his eyes and bomin came over them. "you should get rid off him, bro, before its late,"
he said and there sanha came, all of them walked together to the class. "what's today's plan," sunwoo asked bomin. bomin was trying to solving some problematic mathematics questions.
" uhh, I have to get my homie back then I'm free." bomin said and put up his head. " cool, we can go drink or partying later," sunwoo smiled. eric whose eating the sandwiches quietly looked at them.
" can I follow too?" he asked, making the other three of his friends looked at him in disbelief. " why? " bomin looked back at his work paper and lightly screamed. "ah, fuck! I forgot the formula again," he said and quickly scribble the other paper.
"you knew how juyeon acted, right?" sunwoo asked. eric nods and he looked at sanha. "bro, I'm 100.000 percent sure. you'll not make it alive if he found out," sanha said and took a sip of his caprisun juice.
eric pouted and he looked at the problematic bomin whose trying to solving the questions. "bomin-ah, let me see them," eric said, trying to get rid off the topic they're talking about.
he hated when people talked bad about juyeon. he knew that his lover suffered from a mental illness. but he loved him so he promised to himself to make things better for him and juyeon.
he stared at the question and he shrugged. "bruh, bomin this is so simple how can you not do it, oh my gosh," _ "you're a genius, that's easy for you," bomin pouted.
they continued class as usual and went back home except for sunwoo and sanha who had their part-time job together at a local restaurant. sunwoo and eric raised their eyebrow.
" it's okay, I understand you," sunwoo said and eric nods. "he got hotter than usual," sunwoo squinted his eyes as he looked at juyeon. "shut up," eric grinned and walked to juyeon.
juyeon put his phone back in the pocket and hugged the younger. "how's class today?" juyeon asked. "it's great," eric smiled and juyeon caresses his cheeks lightly.
"let's go home, i made some apple pie for you," eric smiled and they walked to the car, getting home as quick as possible. then he putted his bag beside the study table, he grab his towel and went to shower. while juyeon in other hand, he reheated the mushroom soup that he cooked earlier and went to toast some breads.
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"juyeonnie, can I.. ask you something?" eric stopped munching on his food and look at juyeon. "sure, sweetheart. what is it?" juyeon looked at eric with his sharp eyes, making eric almost scared to ask.
"well, my friends always went to parties and they're together all the time until late night," he said and juyeon hummed, telling the younger to continue his words.
"well by any chance, can I go together with them? I never go to any party," eric pouted, but his eyes shaked as juyeon puts his cutlery down. he started to shivered lightly.
"I've told you before, it's a no. if you want party, you have to go with me." juyeon said. "b-but those boys are sunwoo, bomin and sanha! you know them well too,"
"eric, I said no, no is enough" _ "freak, you didn't let me do anything! you treated me like I am your pet or something!" eric raised his voice. he then realised what he just said and did. "what? eric, you just raised your voice," juyeon said.
' fuck ' eric cussed in his thoughts. he probably knew what's going to happened. juyeon gets up as eric stayed there. he went to take a glass of hot water and put it on the table.
he walked passed eric as the younger trembles. he took out a rope and tied his hands back he pulled eric's hair harshly back, making him screamed a bit. he took a small cloth and put it inside eric's mouth, preventing him from screaming.
juyeon poured the hot water on eric's neck, eric screamed in pain into the clothes. he began to cried and screamed.
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"are you okay?" sanha asked and eric could hummed as a response. he was wearing a grey hoodie that sunwoo once gave him on his birthday. but something was off because he was wearing a turtle neck and a facial mask.
"hey, what's wrong?" sunwoo checked on eric, he didn't see any new bruises on his hands though. eric pulled off them and walked away from them.
"eat," sunwoo gave him a leftover sandwich he gets earlier. "just a bit, come on," sunwoo said but eric kept shaking his head. bro, what's wrong?" bomin pulled off eric's mask.
"holy- eric! what did that shit do to you," they saw the skin of eric's neck that redder, probably getting burnt from the water. sunwoo pulled off the turtle neck quickly, they saw the scars too.
"he's going overboard," sunwoo said. "I thought he just beat you or something. bitch, he poured hot water on you," sunwoo cursed and he looked away.
"listen, we'll get you out from that hell, we promised," bomin said. "I'll help too," hyunjin appeared from nowhere. he's used to be eric's ex-boyfriend back then before he met juyeon.
"hyunjin.." eric whispered lightly. "we'll text you tonight, is that okay?" hyunjin asked. "he hold my phone after 12," eric said. hyunjin hummed. "it's okay, we can still text you, right?" sunwoo asked and eric nods. "okay here's the plan.."
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that night the both was together, hugging and cuddling each other like nothing happened. suddenly eric's phone rang. it was around 9pm so he still can communicate with the other.
he picked up the phone. "first, go to a nearest room," bomin whispered lightly. eric got into the bathroom because they don't have any other room. eric opened up the shower. "great, now just wait,"
juyeon heard a knock from the door and he went to reach it. there's hyunjin in a delivery man cosplay while wearing a mask. "delivery for eric sohn?" juyeon nods and took the packaging bag from him.
something cool happened from the other side, bomin and sanha just entered the house from the main window and they quickly ran to a closet, hiding in them. juyeon put the package on the table. he knocked the bathroom door and went back to the couch.
eric walked out and went to kitchen. juyeon glances at him and looked back at the tv. eric peeked back and saw bomin and sanha. they all nods together as eric putted a large bowl and the stove and let it opened, then he walked back to juyeon.
bomin tried to move as his sleeve stucked on a hanger, he fell off and juyeon looked at them. " bomin? sanha?" he said weirdly. "what are you guys doing here?" juyeon said and grab eric's arm harshly, pulling him closer.
"fucker, don't do that to him," bomin cursed. "do what?" juyeon asked. "bruh you abused your fucking boyfriend," sanha said. they get into a mouth fight while sunwoo and hyunjin outside were planning a plan B.
eric was wearing an airpods but juyeon didn't realise. "eric, find the most sharp things nearer you, stab him! quick!" hyunjin said. eric could see a pair of scissors nearby him. he managed to take it and hide it.
juyeon in other hand were punching sanha, both of them were in fight. "eric, quick!" sunwoo said and he grabbed the scissors, he firmly hold them and he closed his eyes, stabbing juyeon's back.
he dropped the scissors and he fell. what did he just do? did he killed him? many thoughts came across eric's mind that time. bomin picked up eric and brought him out as they realised the house is getting foggy due to gas pipe leakage eric did earlier,
sanha pushed juyeon aside and they gets out. "eric! gosh thank god you're okay" sunwoo smiled. eric couldn't say anything as he couldn't stop thinking about juyeon.
"I'm sorry guys," eric said as they were sitting together quietly. "what do you mean?" sanha asked and eric looked at the house, he began to cry. he gets up slowly before running back to the house, he gets into the house and closed the window.
the other started to running off to eric, they tried to open the window but eric locked it. they can't do anything other than watch both of them dying because of the gas.
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fluidityandgiggles · 4 years
Dalton Big Bang day 1 - The Canadian Girlfriend Experience
Writing Masterpost, AO3 Link
Notes: So... y’all. Dalton fam. Hear me out.
I understand that y'all are gonna be mad at me for staying up until (four? five?) five in the morning to post this, but I'm something like 90% sure I'd forget to post it in the morning (afternoon), and I have to write tomorrow's fic anyway, so... here's an extra early fluffy mess. Hope y'all like it.
I had to write this one... I really really had to. Han's girlfriend is a big deal to me. I hope you understand it.
(And for the uninitiated in pathfinder - the rank system is wild, feats are taken every two levels or so, Logan’s character is basically invincible, defeated only by Dwight’s monk and the absolute insanity that creating a monk in pathfinder can end up being.)
"I really have to go to sleep," the familiar (by now) high-pitched voice said through the headphones, stifling a yawn. "My drama class is moving props to the auditorium tomorrow for our exam and my mom would be mad at me if I don’t go to sleep in the next thirty minutes."
"So go to sleep, Lils. I won’t be mad at you."
"Okay! I’ll text you in the morning! Love you, bye!"
"Good night."
Han finally let himself snort a bit after his girlfriend hung up, watching as she disconnects from the game a few moments later. He did say he’ll only play Starcraft today so long as Leah is available, and now that she’s offline…
He just closed the game and went back to working on his Pathfinder session prep.
Han met Leah at the San Diego Comic-Con last summer. On day one, she approached him because she thought the Westwoods’ Bat family cosplay was really cool. On day two, he approached her because her Arwen cosplay was flawless. By day three they’d already ditched the con to have a not-date lunch at In-N-Out, found out they’re in the same guild in World of Warcraft, Han found out Leah has a voice acting channel on youtube, they exchanged phone numbers, and by day four they may have not spent the whole day together but they certainly went on a date-date at the end of the day.
They’ve been rather inseparable for the following three weeks, but by then Han had to face the reality of it all. Leah’s phone number was weird to him from the start, sure, and he was willing to pass off her accent as a speech quirk, but it wasn’t until those three weeks ended that it finally sunk in that she’s not American. And like most good things, her visit too has to come to an end.
Maintaining a relationship online just… didn’t feel the same.
1 Unread Message
‘Merril: Can I suggest an idea for Mishka’s character arc?? You can say no, I just had an idea is all!’
Caterpillar: I’m all ears
"While this mess of a… bargain is happening," Logan called as Merril and Reed tried to catch their breaths from laughing. "Can Dwight and I get to the diplomatic debate?"
"Sure," Han sighed, watching his party quickly derail the session. "But let’s take a break first."
The first to disappear at the sound of "let’s take a break" was Lucy, who ran to the bathroom, accidentally knocking off Logan’s dice tower in the process. Merril got the brownies out and on the table, everyone pulled their phones out…
Han could take a couple moments to look at the pictures Leah sent him earlier. According to her, they were not yet done with lighting cues, and she was going crazy, but seeing her in her period piece of a costume and leg brace prop made him feel excited for her, somewhat.
Caterpillar: wish I could been there to see it 
Jabba the Hutt: Oh no! Don’t say that! Jabba the Hutt: I’ll send you the filmed version when I get it, but it’ll probably be really bad anyway.
Caterpillar: im sure it cant be that bad 
Jabba the Hutt: Han, it’s a high school production of the Glass Menagerie. Jabba the Hutt: My class is also doing the play version of Spring Awakening. Jabba the Hutt: It *can* and *will* be that bad. Jabba the Hutt: Trust me. 
"Han?" Merril called before he could answer that one. "Hansel, are you listening?"
"No, I wasn’t. What was it?" He grabbed a brownie, leaving his phone aside for a second.
"Wizards of the Coast announced a new edition of D&D," she said again, smiling gently. "Do you think you’d want to try it?"
"I’m already one step ahead of you there. I’m going to playtest it when it— excuse me…"
Jabba the Hutt: WE FINALLY FUCKING FINISHED THIS Jabba the Hutt: I’ve never been happier to say I’m getting offstage, I need someone to punch me!
Caterpillar: dont you mean pinch?
Jabba the Hutt: I meant what I said and I said what I meant.
Han tuned back in time to hear Logan say "I just really don’t want to have to mess with the power system again", which resulted in Dwight throwing a bag of chips at his head.
"Fourth edition has a very special place in my heart, Wright. Don’t talk shit about it around me."
"Yeah, why all the hate for the power system?" Lucy frowned (when did she get back from the bathroom?). "It’s not all that different to how feats work. Would you complain about getting a new feat every odd level once we switch systems?"
"Not going to happen, Lucy."
"Aw man, but I wanted to play Vampire the Masquerade next!"
"And we already said Merril is going to run it," Han reminded her, checking his phone one last time. "But we’re not switching our current game to another system. Not gonna happen."
There was a quiet "hell yeah" from Merril as Han’s phone buzzed with a new message, but before he could even read it, it was snatched by Lucy.
"Wha… who are you talking to, Han?" She laughed a bit, scrolling up, and then her eyes went wide open. "Well… damn."
"Don’t act like you’re surprised, that’s my girlfriend. You met her before."
The silence in the room was so tense, Han swore he could hear a pin drop. 
"...a girlfriend?" Dwight was the first to ask, raising a brow. "Since when?"
"You know, I honestly thought she would’ve forgotten all about you after two weeks…"
"Since a few months ago," Han told Dwight, taking his phone back. "Can we continue, please?"
"No! It’s interesting!" Merril joined in, resting her chin on her hand as she got closer, pushing some papers a bit. "How did you meet? Where is she from? Can we meet her?"
"We met at Comic-Con and no, you can’t meet her. She’s… not from here."
"...is she Canadian?" Logan raised a brow too, starting to laugh.
"Oh yeah, Han’s Canadian girlfriend."
"She’s not— let’s start to fucking play, this session isn’t going to end itself."
By the end of the session, Han couldn’t say he’d be surprised if the whole school found out by tomorrow. And if anyone (namely the twins) made fun of him for his "Canadian girlfriend"... so be it. 
"Is this Canadian girlfriend of yours coming to prom?" Julian’s tired voice came through the phone, sounding like he was about to pass out. He just arrived at school earlier today, already tired from the flight, and immediately got coddled by Logan.
"She’s not Canadian, Julian. You’re the twenty-fifth person I’ve told this already."
"So where is she from? Would you please tell just one person?"
With a quick glance at the security footage, to make sure Logan wasn’t listening, Han whispered "her name is Leah, I met her at Comic-Con in San Diego last year, she’s from Israel and no, I doubt she can come to prom. She has her own prom to attend."
"...okay, so this Israeli girlfriend of yours. Got it."
"Thank you."
"Are you sure you want to keep her a secret…?" He clicked his tongue. His laugh sounded a bit rougher than usual. "You know how things can end up. You of all people."
"I… I’m just not sure I’m ready for… dude. Is Logan drooling on your shoulder…?"
"Give him a break, Westwood. He’s adjusting to his new pills."
"I asked about the drooling."
"He does that sometimes. I just let him be."
"...why is everyone so interested in my girlfriend? Is it really any different from David and Katherine?"
"I don’t know how to break it down to you, Westwood, but you’re not exactly the type anyone would expect to even have a girlfriend."
A shift in the camera footage made Han cuss silently, covering his microphone.
"...she said she’ll be here for graduation. Hers is in late June, but she finishes school in May."
"Yeah. May. When prom is."
"Do you want to talk to her yourself?" He could hear Julian snort. "I’m not kidding. I’ll give you Leah’s phone number and you’ll convince her yourself. I can’t."
"Because that totally won’t be crazy."
"Just fucking ask her, you absolute nerd!"
"Can you stop ordering me around? This isn’t Hollywood. This is my girlfriend we’re talking about."
"Can you at least send me a picture of her? So I’ll know she’s real?"
"...fuck you, Larson."
Han sent him a picture anyway. A picture of the two of them that Lucy insisted to take while they were in San Diego. They coordinated somehow, Han with his LOTR shirt and Leah with her whole Arwen cosplay. It was the happiest day he could possibly remember.
And then, a snort through the phone.
"...so you’re Leah Appelbaum’s mysterious Maryland boyfriend? Huh. Didn’t know you lived in Maryland."
"...you know Leah?"
"We had auditions in the same building two years ago and she approached me because she’s a fan of Something Damaged. She insisted on keeping in touch. How did you meet her?"
"At Comic-Con… please be gentle about this, Julian."
"Okay! I just… wow. I know where you live now. Sweet."
"Don’t you dare try to blackmail me with that information, Larson."
"I won’t. There’s nothing to worry about."
"...you know what?" Han sighed as the last session before prom was about to close off. "Roll sense motive."
The clatter of dice hitting each other and everyone cussing filled the room, quickly picking up their dice and looking.
"How’s you get a five, Lucy?"
"I’m a barbarian, what do you think—"
Dwight practically glared at Logan. "What the fuck, dude?"
"I play a half-elf cleric, Dwight," Logan answered, straight-faced. "Plus two to wisdom straight away, rolled extremely well, I have a plus five modifier to wisdom and the alertness feat. I took a single rank in sense motive every time we leveled up and now I have ten ranks. On the tenth rank in sense motive or perception, you get a bonus four to the skill instead of the usual two. Thus, ten plus four plus five equals nineteen, plus the fifteen that I rolled. That’s thirty-four. Do I sense motive?"
"...everyone who rolled above a fifteen, and that definitely includes Flint—" Han could see Logan smiling smugly. "Everyone who rolled above a fifteen can see that this woman is telling the truth. Anyone who rolled a twenty or above, Flint, can also sense that—"
There was a knock at the door. There was never a knock at the door. But now there was. And as Reed got up to open the door, Han silently hoped it wouldn’t be anyone who shouldn’t be there—
"And this is your boyfriend’s room," Julian’s voice came through as Reed’s jaw dropped. "Thank you for picking Julian Larson to be your tour guide, we hope you enjoyed the trip."
"Very! Oh, hello!" The girl at the door waved at Reed, who waved back. The whole party waved back. "Am I interrupting anything?"
"No, those nerds are just playing dungeons and dragons. You have nothing to worry about." Reed finally returned to his seat as Julian kissed the girl’s cheek, chuckling at the shock. "Logan, I’ll be expecting you to pick me up at six. I want my pre-prom sushi."
"I promised you I will, Princess, don’t panic."
"Okay, just making sure."
As Julian left, the girl went to sit on Han’s futon and look at everyone. Long brown hair, half of it bleached; dark eyes behind a pair of green plastic-framed glasses; a bit on the heavier side, like Han himself, and wearing a floral summer dress and a pair of short leggings. Her face was flushed red, her lipstick a dark blue, and her nails painted black that just started to chip.
Han missed her so much.
"So… hi." She waved around again, a bit confused. "What’s up…?"
"Who’s this?" Dwight was the first to speak.
"My girlfriend," Han replied, sounding rather insistent. "We were just about to finish our session, Lils. Can you wait?"
"Mmhm! Absolutely! I’ll be so quiet, you’ll forget I’m even here!"
Nobody forgot she was there. Merril kept looking over to her, Reed and Dwight seemed skeptical as ever, and the only person who was normal about it was Lucy. But it wasn’t news for Lucy, she’s met Leah before after all. All the while Leah sat there, chuckling at the game and waiting patiently for Han to finish, which he did twenty minutes later. Dwight practically ran out, followed by Logan who needed to pick his own boyfriend up for dinner, but…
"So where are you from in Canada?" Merril asked first, making Leah smile. 
"I’m… not Canadian. Did Han tell you I’m Canadian?"
"Where’s your lipstick from?" Reed asked next.
"Umm… it’s, it’s from NARS, I picked it up on the way here, I forgot to pack my own makeup and—"
"Is Han taking you to prom?"
Han choked on his water at that. "I can’t leave my room for prom, Merril. Health risks."
"You can have an indoors prom."
"We planned on watching Battlestar Galactica and ordering takeout," Leah admitted. "But… an indoors prom would be nice. I’m not going to mine anyway. My class is writing this… really offensive skit about one of the math teachers and I don’t want to be a part of it."
"What’s your prom even like…?" Reed squinted, sitting back down. "That you do skits."
"It’s… not really a prom. Israel doesn’t really have the promenade culture, it’s just like a showcase the whole class does for family and friends before graduation… I’ve never liked this practice, you know, I think it’s just…"
As Leah rambled on, Han took his time to clear the table and silently hope Merril and Reed leave soon. Those two have prom dates after all. And neither are a Canadian girlfriend.
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maisstories · 5 years
I Need Your Help
To be more precise, my girlfriend needs your help. The reason I am the one writing this text is because right now she is so depressed and discouraged that she doesn’t have the strength to believe asking for help would make a difference, and that… that terrifies me.
For those who don’t know us, I am Mai, and my girlfriend is Kari. Under different circumstances, we should have our lives all nicely sorted out, but as we are all aware, we live in the kind of dystopian world society at large likes to pretend only happens in fiction. Especially Kari. You see, I’m from Spain, and Kari is from the US. This means an entire ocean separates us (otherwise I would’ve bundled her up and brought her home, believe me).
Kari is a poor wlw who lives in a very conservative area (as in, Bible Belt conservative). She has ADHD, which went untreated most of her life, hampering her at every turn. First, because she grew up in a very conservative Catholic family and most Catholic families just Don’t Believe in Those Things. Now… well, now because she has no medical insurance and can’t afford to pay for medication. Cute, isn’t it? And that’s not even the best part. Kari has depression, that I mentioned, but this whole situation, and the hopelessness it causes her, has brought forth suicidal ideation. I don’t have the words to express just how scared I am by this. It paralyzes me. There is nothing, physically nothing I can do if they ever get the better of her.
To add to this, it has been made abundantly clear to Kari that her parents won’t help her if she becomes homeless. They didn’t want a child to begin with. A gay child? Yeah, no, forget about it.
(On a bit of a bright note, Kari has two adopted cats, which are the cutest fur balls over. They’re her closest emotional support most days, and I am very grateful for them. I can’t cuddle her or be physically there for her at all, but I can at least ask her to go cuddle them. They’re not even on the particularly scratchy side for cats).
Currently, Kari has a job, but despite taking on as many extra hours as possible, she cannot make enough money for rent. In fact, she cannot make many other basic necessities, which I will list here because they’re important, I am worried sick, and we really do need help:
-Work: Kari lost her previous job for one of those completely absurd, US-only reasons back in late October. I say absurd because any company trying to pull that shit here in Spain, and most likely anywhere in the European Union, would’ve been fined out of business. But hey, Country of Freedom and all that, isn’t it? She finally found a new job mid-November. Lower pay, though, which means it doesn’t help her cover full rent.
-Rent: As many people in the US will know, and others not from the US will have heard, rent outside of isolated areas is ridiculously expensive, especially for such a large and unpopulated country. The Wonders of Capitalism. As such, Kari is forced to pay a truly monstrous amount of money for a minuscule space to live in, one that ate up most of her previous salary and that surpasses her current one.
-Bills: Let’s not forget these. She rations. As much as she can. Electricity, water, internet… she goes for cheapest and least use, so far as to monitor her use of water during showers, but this still adds to her expenses.
-Food: Now’s where things get to a truly awful degree. When she moved to the place she lives in now (and if anyone wants the story that led to this move, please ask, because that’s an entirely other level of fucked up), she had to apply for food stamps, because she had barely no money left to feed herself and her two adopted cats after all the mandatory expenses. Food stamps people don’t look at the money you have left after bills, they just look at your income, so she was allotted $16. Useful, right? Anyway, fast forward to late October: Kari loses her job, so, obviously, one of the first things she does is contact the food stamps people to update her situation and have her allotment reevaluated. No response. Contact again. No response. This keeps going on. Mid-November, she gets a new job (still no response from the food stamps people despite the many attempts to contact them). Last Friday, her food supplies consisted of a bit of chicken, two fish fillets, and a couple eggs. I do not kid you. Today, the food stamp people finally answered her call: they won’t look into her case until, at least, December.
That’s it for the basics. As you see, it’s a wonderful situation.
Now, my role in this, as I’m sure some of you are wondering.
Let me start by saying this: I am a heavily disabled woman (nearly blind) living in an isolated area with the worst public transport system this side of the Mediterranean Sea. I am incapable of even getting out of home without assistance and someone to drive me at the moment. This means, having a job where I currently live is out of the question (I’m working on getting a job somewhere else where I’ll be able to live on my own. Sort of). My only source of income right now is my Patreon account, the earnings of which go fully to Kari because my girlfriend’s wellbeing matters to me much more than anything I could ever need for myself. I may say whatever I want about my parents’ belief that my relationship isn’t real because they don’t believe you can forge real connections through the internet (or the fact they want me to have a BOYfriend because they want grandchildren), but at least they’re so terrified I’ll break the moment I step outside on my own that they take good care of me.
Still, unfortunately, I’m only a writer, and a writer’s Patreon doesn’t make enough money to cover for such serious issues.
But Kari is the most important person in my life. I’m not exaggerating. I never thought I’d fall in love. I’ve always been the weird one out, the blind kid teachers coddled too much out of pity so other kids disliked and picked on, the one who was so odd that didn’t even fit with the weird kids in school. That happened everywhere, anywhere I went. Even in some fandom groups. It came to the point I stopped trying. It came to the point I thought once my parents died I wouldn’t have anyone. I’d stopped making plans for the future. There was no future for me.
And then I met Kari. She can make me smile with a silly gif and an obscure quote I thought no one else knew at 3am when I’m on the verge of tears because I feel trapped in my own house; she can get me excited about doing a joint cosplay in the distant future when I’d given up on cosplay years ago because I had no one who wanted to go to cons with me; she listens to my stupid history rants and even shows interest in them, when the most I’m used to getting are eye rolls and a change of topic.
Kari is the best that’s happened to me. Ever. And I want her to be happy. I want her to not have to worry about rent; I want her to be able to buy herself a chocolate bar because she feels like it without having to feel guilty for wasting the money. I want her to be able to live without the fear of being evicted every month, without having to worry about tomorrow’s meals because she ran out of food stamps and the fridge has only a can of soup left for the weekend. I want her to be able to go to the doctor when she’s sick and buy the medication she needs to get better.
But I don’t have the power to do this. Not now, not yet. So I’m asking you, everyone out there, to please help us. Help her.
And, I’m afraid, November is an awful month for Kari. Due to the late date at which she found her new job, she is missing a large chunk of rent. I’m doing everything in my power to gather money, and I ask —no, beg— you to help. Donate something, anything. Even if it is small, many small donations can make a difference.
Originally, we wanted to do a GoFundMe page with a three-month goal of 975 dollars to cover that period’s expenses (yes, guys, we’re missing about 500 this month. It’s that horrible), but every single crowdfunding website we have found works through bank accounts. Banks in the US are sharks; they tax you for not having enough income, for not having enough activity… Basically, if you’re poor in the US, you have to pay to have a bank account that will never have any money in it because the bank will eat it up. So, until we find an alternate crowdfunding site that allows to collect through paypal, we have set us several other safe forms through which you guys can donate to help Kari.
Paypal.Me: https://paypal.me/findyourwaycrafts
Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/findyourway
Kari has a crafts store, because she is a fantastic artist (and you should totally check it out), with much stuff already on it and other stuff planned to come:
Store: https://findyourway.storenvy.com/
Store Tumblr: https://findyourwaycrafts.tumblr.com/
However, these things take time to take off, and we are running out of time in November. So please, please, help us cover the remainder of Kari’s rent for this month. Even if it’s just a dollar, three, five, a purchase of a necklace. Anything. Please, help us. Help Kari keep a roof over her head this Winter.
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Sabriel! - I know I keep coming to the cookie shop and for some reason it’s always your shift but don’t you dare judge me I need these for my sanity
Oh, I had such fun writing this! Hope it's a good time for you, too ~ Thanks for the prompt, Petra, and sorry for the late answer! What follows is going to be fluffy in general, with a dash of crack - so no warnings to give! Enjoy ~
A Regular at Cookiehana.
The chimes outside the door chime cheerfully, as it swings open in coordination to Gabriel’s groan. He’d finally gotten comfortable in his chair - (you know how chairs can be, on one’s first day of work) - but he has to sit up.
As he does, his eyes fall on the customer. Gabriel has to raise his eyes some more to meet speckled hazel ones - which he thinks he’s seen before, in the corner of his mind, and holy crap, this guy is tall. He’s also wide, but skinny - and has hair which covers his forehead entirely.
When Gabriel smiles at him, in response to a returned gaze, it’s not just his stellar customer-service etiquette in play.
“You’re,” Gabriel’s voice trails off, as the guy crosses the distance to the counter in a couple large steps, shoving his phone into his pocket. “You’re Sam.”
“And you’re good at this game,” Sam returns, with the distracted air of someone who doesn’t know he’s being funny. “Gabriel.” He adds, blinking as if he’s speaking half from memory, and half leaning in to read his glossy new nametag.
“Finally.” Gabriel grins. “Someone who’s at my level, in Guess-a-Name-2, trademark symbol attached.”
Sam shrugs at him, and Gabriel looks at him a little bit more, to distinguish the tired eyes from a polite smile. He doesn’t say anything else, and they only stick around looking at each other for a second, before Sam is bending from the hip to check out the cookies on display earnestly, and Gabriel has to try to get used to the notion, and not think about how it looks like Sam disappeared - from the other end of the counter.
“Aren’t you Cas’s brother?” Sam asked, suddenly, still not straightening from where he was crouched to get a better look.
“Yeah,” Gabriel hummed. So that’s how they knew each other. Scenes came flipping to his head. Cas’s birthday weekend, finally getting to meet the Dean he keeps talking about, and his freshman brother, Sam Winchester. The food, the drinks - and the drinking together. The conversation - Sam had said, he was pre-law. Gotten more drunk. He’d said he liked to call their brothers being together, something called a Destiel. Another yellow drink. He’d said he thought Gabriel’s Han Solo cosplay was cute.
Good times.
“Cassie keeps yapping about your brother.” Gabriel tells him, musing. “It’s adorable, really.”
“I was a freshman, back then.” Sam finally rises. “I finish college next year. But, them? They haven’t been able to get over themselves and confess, yet.” Sam sighs. “A White Chocolate Macadamia, please.” He adds, randomly.
“On it.” Gabriel nods, glancing sideways at the cookie in question. “Maybe they’ll do it this year, when they graduate and realize how pathetic they are to everyone but each other. You having the cookie here, or to go?”
“To go. And I guess I hope so, too.”
Gabriel sets about packing the one cookie. It looks scrumptious, and smells heavenly - hell, this guy’s got great taste - and Gabriel already knows what he’s going to sneak out for dinner. (Not entirely legal ones, but perks, you see.) “Here.” He says, handing it out. “Toast your cookie-milk to those dumbasses when you’re done, ‘kay?”
Sam takes it with a huge smile, and it’s one of the contagious kinds, and Gabriel’s stood there basking in it for a moment. “Thank you. And, yep. You got it.” He pulls out his wallet from his faded blue jeans.
As he pays, Gabriel can’t resist the urge to say it. “Also, congratulations. You’re my second customer ever, and the first was just my boss, the big man here, in disguise trying to check on me, so that’s that.”
Sam laughs at that, softly. “Congratulations to you, too.” Sam’s holding the cookie-box in both his hands, once he’s received his change - and it’s downright adorable, is what it is to Gabriel.
So, of course he’s got to ruin the moment. “You know what, Samshine? Never took you to be the type for cookies at 10 pm on a Wednesday.”
Sam frowns, just the littlest bit. “Well, I never took you as the type to ever work for money, but here we are.”
“Already jabbing at the trust fund, huh? Fair.” Gabriel chuckled, not offended in the least. “But in my defense, I’m only here for the cookies. And 'cause they said no one shows up during this shift.”
“Well, they probably just lied to get you to agree.” Gabriel fakes being appalled, and Sam goes on. “I mean, this place is college adjacent. You -”
“Yeah, you never know who might need a cookie, with all y'all weirdos.” Gabriel finishes, smirking.
“You have no idea how correct you are.” Sam tells him. “Goodnight, Gabriel.” And he walks out, another polite smile in place.
“Thank you for your visit.” Gabriel calls after him, “Come again, to Cookiehana.”
And he has no idea, that he might just have predicted the future.
Gabriel sees him take the right, for the bus stand, he guesses - and then returns to his chair, trying to fit in that perfect way, from before he’d been interrupted by his only to-be regular, ever.
Sam shows up. Every day.
Around the same time, wearing similar clothes each night, like he didn’t really intend to go out, but then tucked himself in an oversized hoodie and set off to Cookiehana impromptu - and he might order different cookies mostly, but Gabriel likes to think he knows his favorites, like a typical provider-regular relationship ought to be.
“I should try your M&M cookie.” Sam declares, as he walks in at 10 again, to an empty shop.
“Good evening to you, too.” Gabriel throws back, rolling his eyes, but sets about packing the dessert in question.
Sam’s waiting for his peanut butter cookies. Gabriel’s taking longer than usual, because they’re out of the pretty white cardboard, they fold into boxes, so Gabriel’s hunting in the back for more. It’s been a good week.
“You think I should start bringing back the boxes you give me every night?” Sam proposes, deadpan in place. “I’ve managed to procure enough to build a pile.”
“You sure love your cookies, Sammich.” Gabriel shrugs.
Sam’s clearly in one of his moods - Gabriel has noticed that there’s days when he’s really tired, and just wants to get back soon; and then there’s days when he wants to have a conversation, while Gabriel prepares his cookie to take away.
Today is certainly the former, and the bags under his eyes are quite pronounced. Gabriel’s wondering if he’s smooth enough to slip in a question about his sleep schedule, in the middle of a cookie discussion. Starting your last year in college is hard. He wonders if Sam needs to talk about something serious, to vent or simply, to panic out loud. But, because he’s Gabriel, he instead chooses to ask him the question that’s been clinging to him, for a while, now.
“Do you have a cat?”
“I am my own cat.” Sam delivers it with such a perfect lack of emotion, that Gabriel almost bursts with laughter.
“That’s the spirit.” He tells him, and hands him his cookie.
Sam takes it, and there’s a hint of a smile on his lips, now. He puts the money down on the counter, and Gabriel returns the change by putting the coins on the counter too, but Sam is already on his way out.
“Hey!” Gabriel yells. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”
Sam - very earnestly - looks down at the cookies he’s holding. “No?”
“Your change, Sammyhana.” Gabriel rolls his eyes, and walks out from behind the counter to hand it over, because Sam has a perfectly shaken expression. “What are ya staring at? Thought I didn’t have legs, before?” He adds, shifting weight to the other hip.
“No, I -” Sam shuts himself up. And shoves the change in his pocket. “Thank you, Gabriel. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Gabriel hums, as a segue. “Counting on it. Wait -” He calls for a second time, when Sam’s almost out the door. He leans against a pillar.
“I was meaning to make something clear between us.”
Sam raises his eyebrows.
“Look. I need to know that you know, that I’m willing to host an intervention any day you feel like you’ve lost control.” Gabriel purses his lips, to keep himself from laughing. “You just need to text me once, man, and like send me all your contacts, and we’ll all be here for you, with a cookie-ntervention.”
Sam pauses. Opens his mouth. Then closes it again. Gabriel keeps on looking at him, enjoying the way the sutble smile settles on Sam’s features.
“Thanks, but I’ve got it covered.” Sam says, eventually. “These have really been keeping the anxiety at bay. And increasing my functionality. Honestly, just need these cookies to keep myself sane, but that’s all.”
Gabriel bites his lip.
“So, rehab then?”
It’s raining, and it’s raining hard. Gabriel is half considering setting up camp here, if it goes on for too long. The chair’s familiar with his ass now, so that’s the bedding - and it’s a cookie shop, so that’s the dinner.
Though, he thinks randomly, surely it’s alright for him to lock the place and get out of there early, considering no one would wish to buy cookies in a storm, at night. He’s still toying with the prospect of sending Chuck a message that he’ll be ending his shift early, when there’s a noise outside the shop. Maybe one of his friends - Meg, it could only be Meg - came to rescue him in a car. Then, the door swings open with a loud noise - letting in the thundering backdrop of the rain too.
It’s Sam.
“Oh my God.” His hair is wet and flattened over his head, though he’s carrying an umbrella meant for a small ice cream stand, considering how large it is.
“Good evening, to you too.” Sam replies, breaking into a breathless smile as he sets the umbrella to dry in a corner of the otherwise empty shop.
“You’ve got a problem.” Gabriel tells him, meaning every word.
“Is the shop closed?” Sam contemplates, out loud. He’s not completely himself, somehow. Like the rain has caused the dry exterior to slide off. He sounds like he had, that one time three years back, and is wearing such an easy smile.
“Apparently not.” Gabriel smiles back, not even trying to fight it once he realized he wouldn’t win.
“Then, may I please buy a cookie?” Sam dug out a wallet. “Chocolate Chip. My midterms are over. I needed to celebrate, okay? Weather can’t stop me.”
Gabriel didn’t leave to get the cookie yet. He simply stared Sam in the eyes. “You don’t got a problem.” He informs him. “How did it go?”
Sam rubs the back of his head, with the kind of shy modesty that Gabriel recognizes from Castiel.
“So you kicked it in the ass?” He asks, instead.
Sam shrugs. “Feels like it.”
“I’m so proud.” Gabriel beams at him. He finally goes to pull out the chocolate chip tray.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t think that you’d probably be closing 'cause of the storm.” Sam mumbles, as if his high spirits had begun to subside, as Gabriel’s eyes left his. “Just rushed out here. I’ll just take my one cookie, and then you can leave too.”
“Do you see me folding you a box, Samwise? This isn’t to-go. Have you even seen the fucking sky, you idiot?” He isn’t able to mean it with menace, at all. “You’re staying, and having it right here.”
Sam doesn’t even protest, so there’s that.
Gabriel hands the cookie to him on a white plate, which is just the perfect size to serve cookies in. He looks up to meet Sam’s eyes again, but Sam’s only got eyes for the cookies - he doesn’t even mind, because once the cookie’s been heated, the chips begin to melt into this wonderful gooey chocolate, and it’s just -
Sam picks it up, and takes a bite.
Gabriel dramatically gasps, as if on cue. “Just like that?”
“No offense,” Sam sounds unsure. “How else do I -”
“What kind of barbarian doesn’t have milk with their cookie, Samsquatch?” Gabriel frowns. “Oh, fuck it. I’m getting you a glass.” Gabriel bent, to get a glass. “Also, guess what? The complimentary milk is supposed to be served in a bowl-shaped whatever, but I suppose I could bend company rules for our only regular.”
“I thought you were going to say your favorite customer.” Sam smirks.
“Of course.” Gabriel agrees. “I get you a glass, for being our only regular. I heat the milk, cause you’re my favorite.”
Sam’s eyes shine.
“Go. I’ll be right over with all the good stuff, Samantha.” Gabriel nudges, and Sam agrees, and scopes out a table from where he can see what Gabriel is up to.
When Gabriel shoots a glance in his direction, he’s looking right at him, so. He obviously instantly mucks things up, and clicks for 2 hours, instead of 2 minutes, on the microwave. When he’s finally gotten the milk perfectly heated, he adds another cookie to the plate and beams at the presentation. It’s perfect, with a brown and a white cookie against the background of a white plate, and a coaster for the glass of milk in the same tray.
When he walks over to Sam, he sees him clicking away on his phone instead.
A weird kind of feeling envelopes him. “Texting the missus that the cookieman held you captive?”
“What? No.” Sam puts his phone down, with a smile. “I don’t call you cookieman, in front of anybody ever. That’s just Dean. He’s asking about the storm.”
“Ah.” And the weird feeling almost completely dissipates, though that doesn’t help him in ignoring the reason why it showed up in the first place. “Here you go.”
Sam looks at all the things on the tray. “Okay.”
Gabriel sits down across him. “How do you feel, when you know you’re about to have the best meal of your life, Sambo?”
“Fuck.” And Gabriel can’t tell if that’s from the bite of milk-soaked cookie he just took, or in answer to this question. “I’m an idiot for not always having ate them like this.”
“It’s alright, I’ll still feed you.” Gabriel grins, patting his hand. Sam’s eyes light up, as he grinned too - and if those eyes simply aren’t the most beautiful thing, ever, he doesn’t know what else was.
“You’re joining me?” Sam pushes the tray towards the middle of the table.
“Nah, I got that cookie for you. Compliments of the shop. Kicking ass at college, showing up in a storm, and all that.” Gabriel tells him, but he’s still got his eyes on the other cookie, and Sam chuckles.
“I’ll buy another one for myself, when I’m done. You have this. I don’t want to eat by myself, please?” Sam urges, and doesn’t have to say it another time, because Gabriel all but shrugs off his courtesy and takes it - soon joining Sam in all his moaning appreciation, and heartfelt compliments expressed in the form of profanities because that’s the height of poetry these days.
And as they spend the rainy evening like that, dipping their cookies in milk and nibbling at them to savor every bit of perfection flooding their senses - they talk, and they listen, and it’s all that it needs to be.
And then, Sam says, “By the way, about before? I don’t have a girlfriend. Still, uh, kinda figuring out my type.” And Gabriel blinks at him, awestruck that he’s still thinking of that, and maybe blushes a little, but it doesn’t stop him from adding, “I already know my type, though. In fact, I might be getting to know my type a little more, this evening.” And then it’s Sam’s turn to turn pink, and that’s exactly how they spend the evening - and it’s all just right.
AND that’s PART-ONE of COOKIEHANA, blogfolk! I was originally gonna make it longer, but then I decided to let it be - and if y’all like this one, I might post the part-two sometime! THANK YOU for reading, and I dearly hope you had a good time! Please share or comment, and have a great day ahead! KEEP IT SAILING ~
TITLE, inspired by @screamatthescreen! 
Taglist: @awkward-penguin-in-a-trenchcoat @styggtroll @adventurous-blob @petrichoravellichor @all-or-nothing-baby @emmii4@iamcharliebradburylevelperfect @moderatelypanickedbiromantic @elvenlicht @legendary-destiel @a-mess-of-many-fandoms @trenchcoatsandfreckles @noemithenephilim @naitia @ladywaywarddsc @zoerayne2426 @hellfire37 @3dg310rdsupreme @thekidsmaybealright @impulsivedandelion @galaxy-charm
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kawaiikichi · 5 years
Feverish (BKDK)
Would we look at that, I’m back with yet another BKDK one-shot. This actually was inspired by a suggestion that someone gave when they commented on Senpai on AO3 where they cosplayed as either doctor and nurse or doctor and patient and that just got my mind racing with so many possibilities that I had to write it. I decided to go with Katsuki having the role of the doctor and Izuku having the role of the patient.
I hope you guys like it! :D
Title: Feverish
Summary: When Izuku falls sick one day, it’s up to Katsuki to tend to him. Things take a turn when Izuku suddenly jumps him.
One-Shot Notes: Takes place in the same universe as Senpai (this is kinda a sequel to Senpai); Izuku is 23 and Katsuki is 24; 38.9 degrees Celsius is 102 degrees Fahrenheit and 38.5 degrees Celsius is approximately 101.3 degrees Fahrenheit
Warning: NSFW content; read at your own risk!
One-shot is under the cut!
Katsuki nearly choked on his rice late that night. He rose his head up from the bowl to stare at his boyfriend in bewilderment.
“You want me to what?” he asked, wondering if he heard him right.
“Well...I was thinking that maybe if I happen to get sick, then you could dress up in that doctor cosplay I bought and you can tend to me...” Izuku trailed off.
“What kinda crazy idea is that?” Katsuki asked.
“I was thinking about when we dressed up in those school clothes Kirishima bought for your birthday and I had fun role-playing.” Izuku explained.
“So, you want me to fuck you while wearing a doctor outfit.” Katsuki stated.
“N-No! I never said that!” Izuku exclaimed, his cheeks turning red as Katsuki chuckled.
“You’ve got one pretty dirty mind sometimes, Deku.” he commented.
“I said that’s not it!” Izuku twiddled with his thumbs. “It’s just...I think it would be nice to do the role-playing without sex...” he trailed off.
Katsuki eyed Izuku.
“Is that so...” he trailed off.
Izuku bit his lip as he looked at Katsuki, whose red eyes seemed to bore into his soul. After a couple of minutes, Katsuki sighed.
“I’ll think about it.” he said.
“You will?” Izuku asked, his eyes lighting up.
“Just so you know, I said I’m going to think about it! That doesn’t mean I’ll agree to it!” Katsuki barked out.
“I know that, Kacchan.” Izuku said.
“You better!” Katsuki snapped as he resumed shoveling rice into his mouth.
Izuku picked up his chopsticks and resumed eating, watching Katsuki.
I hope he’ll say yes, he thought to himself.
“So...your temperature is 38.9 Celsius.” Katsuki frowned down at Izuku, who laid in their bed all wrapped up in blankets. “You have a fucking high fever, Deku.” he bit out.
“I know I do...” Izuku trailed off.
Izuku coughed as Katsuki groaned.
“Damn that punk and his Quirk...it’s harmless and all, but this is very troublesome.” he stated.
He set the thermometer down on the nightstand.
“I’m gonna call the agency and tell them that neither of us are coming in to work today.” he said.
“Huh?��� Izuku stared at Katsuki with wide eyes. “But Kacchan, aren’t you needed for an important mission—“ he sat up abruptly only for his vision to spin.
“Oi, Deku, lay down.” Katsuki pushed Izuku back into the bed. “And fuck that mission. I’m not leaving you alone with such a high fever.” he told her.
“But it’s important...I can just call Uraraka and tell her to come over, she’s free today—“
“Don’t you dare call Round Face. I’m the only one who should be taking care of you, got that?” Katsuki said.
“I...” Izuku sighed. “Alright...” he mumbled.
“Good.” he pushed Izuku’s hair back and kissed his forehead. “Now, get some rest.” he told him.
“Mmmkay.” Izuku hummed in response.
Katsuki pulled away and headed out of the room. The last thing Izuku saw was Katsuki’s retreating back before his eyes slid shut.
Izuku woke to the feeling of something cold being placed on his forehead. He groaned, eyes slowly opening.
“Ka...cchan...?” he murmured.
His vision focused and the first thing that caught his eye was a pristine white coat. He looked to see Katsuki, who had on navy blue scrubs in addition to the white coat.
Red eyes peered down at him.
“That’s Doctor Katsuki to you, troublesome patient.” he stated.
Izuku blinked his eyes twice in confusion.
“Doctor...?” he wondered out loud.
“Damn right, I am.” Katsuki leaned in, his lips brushing against Izuku’s ear. “Is the fever making you so delirious that you’ve forgotten what you brought up during dinner two weeks ago?” he asked.
Izuku’s eyes widened as he recalled their conversation during dinner two weeks ago.
Oh my god, he actually decided to go through with it, he thought to himself.
“I see...well, Doctor? What is my condition like now?” he asked.
“Hm, I wonder...” Katsuki trailed off.
Izuku jolted at the feeling of Katsuki’s breath hitting his ear. Katsuki pulled away and reached for the thermometer. Izuku slowly sat up, the cloth sliding off his forehead as the blond spoke.
“Let’s check your temperature and then we’ll see what your condition is like.” he said.
He placed the thermometer in Izuku’s mouth, staring at him intently. Izuku’s heart began to race at Katsuki’s intense gaze.
His gaze...it’s making my heart race, he thought to himself.
His heart continued to race as he felt something restraining against his boxers.
What is that, he asked himself.
Before Izuku could investigate, the thermometer beeped. Katsuki pulled the thermometer out of his mouth and looked at it.
“38.5 degrees Celsius. It’s still a little high...” he murmured.
As Katsuki stood, Izuku peeked under the covers. He gawked upon seeing the tent that formed in his pajama pants.
I’m hard?! Seriously?! How can that be, he asked himself.
He bit his lip, his imagination running wild. He imagined Katsuki pinning him down onto the bed, grunting above him as he thrusted his cock in and out of him—
The tips of his ears burned as his erection strained even more against his boxers.
Dammit, he thought to himself.
“First, you need something to eat. I made porridge for you, so you can eat that before taking your medication. I’ll go and get that for you.” Katsuki explained.
As he turned to leave, Izuku grabbed for his wrist.
“Wait, Doctor.” he said.
“Yes, Deku?” Katsuki answered, turning to look at him.
“Doctor...” Izuku murmured.
He pulled Katsuki closer, his hand moving to cup Katsuki’s cheek. The blond stared at him in mild surprise.
“What’s up—“ he was cut off by Izuku’s lips covering his own.
Katsuki stiffened, not sure how to respond. Izuku pressed harder, urging for Katsuki to kiss back. Before he could, Izuku pulled away.
“Doctor...” Izuku pulled Katsuki onto the bed, the blond straddling him. “Kacchan, I need you...” he murmured.
He kicked the sheets off and took Katsuki’s hand, leading it down to his clothed erection.
“Kacchan...” he whispered.
“Fucking hell, Deku. We can’t do this. You’re sick and I could get sick as well if we have sex.” Katsuki told him.
“Has that ever stopped you before?” Izuku asked.
He stroked Katsuki’s cheek as the blond stared down, realization hitting him.
Shit, he’s right, he thought to himself.
“Fuck, you’re right. You know that pretty well, Deku.” Katsuki said.
“I do. So, Doctor.” a seductive twinkle appeared in Izuku’s eyes. “Will you cure me of my fever?” Izuku asked.
“Of course I fucking will. You better keep your eyes wide open because I’ll get rid of that fever in an instant.” Katsuki replied before mashing their lips together in a rough kiss.
Izuku moaned against Katsuki’s mouth as their lips moved and melded together. As they continued to kiss, Katsuki’s hand dipped under Izuku’s shirt and tweaked with one of his nipples. Izuku moaned again, giving Katsuki the opportunity to slip his tongue inside. The inside of his mouth was much hotter than usual, which was expected of someone with a relatively high fever. Their tongues danced together as Katsuki groaned into Izuku’s mouth.
Katsuki withdrew from the kiss and began to attack Izuku’s neck, littering it with bite marks and hickies. Izuku moaned, bucking his hips upward to meet Katsuki’s.
“Oh, Doctor...” he gripped the sheets tightly as Katsuki ventured lower, licking at the sweat on his skin. 
He pulling Izuku’s shirt over his head and resumed licking down to Izuku’s left nipple. He swirled his tongue around it before taking it into his mouth, sucking on it roughly. Izuku’s back arched, a cry falling from his lips. His head rolled back into the pillow as Katsuki used his other hand to push down Izuku’s pajama pants and boxers, his cock springing free. He took it into his hand, proceeding to pump him in teasingly slow strokes.
“Ohhhh...shit, Doctor...move your hand a little faster...” Izuku moaned out.
“You ordering me around now, Deku? Hm?” Katsuki answered, moving his hand faster.
Izuku moaned as Katsuki swapped nipples, sucking roughly on his right nipple.
“Mmmm, Doctor...I’m going to cum...” he breathed out.
Katsuki pulled away from his nipple, staring into Izuku’s eyes.
“Then, cum for me.” he said.
He leaned back in and captured Izuku’s lips in a kiss. Their lips moved against one another, Izuku moaning as he came. His body trembled under Katsuki as streams of white coated his stomach along with Katsuki’s hand. Katsuki withdrew from the kiss, watching how red Izuku’s cheeks were.
“Damn, you came fast. Were you that excited, Deku?” he asked.
“I can’t help it...your hand felt so good around me that I came, Doctor...” Izuku trailed off.
“That’s because this doctor’s got magic hands. Don’t you forget that.” Katsuki told him.
Izuku laughed as Katsuki moved down to lick up the cum from Izuku’s stomach. He swallowed, making sure that Izuku was watching him the entire time.
“You taste so good.” he said, peppering Izuku’s inner thigh with kisses.
He marked a hickey there before ushering Izuku to get on all fours and face the headboard. Katsuki planted butterfly kisses along his spine, nipping at his back occasionally before biting Izuku’s left ass cheek. Izuku yelped in surprise, grabbing for the pillow. Katsuki chuckled as he kissed the bite mark.
“Relax, it’s just a bite mark.” he told him.
He licked the cleft in his ass before parting his cheeks, revealing his puckered entrance.
“Your cum tastes good and all, but I bet you taste even better here.” Katsuki said before beginning to circle his tongue around Izuku’s entrance.
Izuku let out a surprised squeak.
“D-Doctor! That...That’s dirty!” he exclaimed.
“Oh, stop that. This is nothing compared to some of the other things we’ve done.” Katsuki said.
Izuku blushed as Katsuki continued to lick his entrance. Then, he began to push his tongue past the tight ring of muscle. A gasp fell from Izuku’s lips.
Kacchan...his tongue is inside of me, he thought to himself.
He whimpered, his body twitching as Katsuki’s tongue moved around inside of him. He gripped the pillow tighter as a moan fell from his lips.
“Doctor...oh my god, that feels so good...” he moaned again as Katsuki began to thrust his tongue in and out.
Katsuki pulled his tongue out and delivered one last lick to his entrance before withdrawing. He reached for the bottle of lube that was in the nightstand and he coated his fingers in it before bringing it to Izuku’s entrance. He circled it with his index finger before pushing it in along with his middle finger.
“Nnn!” Izuku groaned, his breath hitting the pillow as Katsuki thrusted his fingers in and out of him with ease. 
Katsuki curled his fingers, brushing them against Izuku’s prostate. A loud moan fell from Izuku’s lips, his head slamming into the pillow as he moved his hips against Katsuki’s fingers. The blond grinned.
“Now, that’s more like it.” he said as he continued to ram into his sweet spot.
Izuku moaned into the pillow as the pleasure built up within him.
“D-D-Doctor...oh shit, Kacchan, keep hitting that spot...” he moaned out.
“There you go, breaking character. I am your doctor, troublesome patient, and you shall address me as such.” Katsuki said as he moved his fingers faster.
“Ah! Oh god!” Izuku cried out.
He could feel a familiar heat begin to pool down below.
“Doctor...I’m going to...oh...” he panted, tongue hanging from his mouth.
Katsuki grinned as he pulled his fingers out of Izuku, eliciting an annoyed whine from him.
“Now, now, relax. Good things come to those who wait patiently, Deku.” Katsuki told him.
He opened the nightstand drawer, pulling his pants down to reveal his hardened cock as Izuku turned over onto his back.
“Now, where are those condoms...?” he wondered out loud.
As he took the box out and proceeded to pull one out, Izuku reached up towards him.
“No...no condom...” Izuku said, taking the box and the condom out of Katsuki’s hands and chucking it off to one side. “There’s no need for that...” he trailed off.
“Oi, Deku, are you for fucking real right now? Did you forget what they taught us in sex ed? We need to use protection when fucking—”
“Screw that.” Izuku moved his hips so that the tip of Katsuki’s cock was pressing against his entrance, arms looping themselves around Katsuki’s neck. “I want to feel you in me, not you and the condom...just you...” he mumbled.
Katsuki couldn’t stop the blush that crossed his cheeks.
Dammit, he’s cute when he’s needy, he thought to himself.
He grinned.
“If that’s what you want. Ready for your injection, Deku?” he asked.
“Yes...inject me, Doctor...” Izuku panted out.
“Alright. You better not go and regret this, Deku.” Katsuki told him.
“Why would I—ohhh.” Izuku moaned as Katsuki began to push into him. He sucked in a gasp as the tip pushed past the ring of muscle.
“Fuck, Deku, relax.” Katsuki leaned in and brushed Izuku’s hair back, kissing his forehead. “I can’t push in all the way if you tense up like this.” he told him.
He began peppering his face with kisses, feeling Izuku relax. He pushed in more, continuing to plant kisses all over his face. He pecked his lips as he completely sheathed himself inside of Izuku.
“God, you’re tight around me...” Katsuki gritted out as he pulled almost all of the way out before slamming back into him.
Moans fell from Izuku’s lips as Katsuki began to pound into him, his hands moving to rest on his hips.
“Ah...K-Kacchan...Doctor, you’re going very fast...” he panted out.
“That’s how I like to do this. You should know this by now.” Katsuki told him.
“I...I know...But—Ah!” a gasp fell from Izuku’s lips as he was pulled up from the mattress and into Katsuki’s arms so that he was seated in his lap. “Oh god!” he exclaimed.
He slung his arms over Katsuki’s shoulders, nails scratching at Katsuki’s back.
“Oh, Doctor, you’re so deep inside me! Oh, it’s so deep in me...” he moaned out as Katsuki thrusted his hips upward, watching Izuku move up and down on his cock.
Izuku moved his hips downward to meet Katsuki’s thrusts, moans and cries falling from his lips as he bounced on Katsuki’s cock. His lips were slightly parted, giving Katsuki the opportunity to capture them in a kiss. He plunged his tongue inside, their tongues immediately swirling around each other. Izuku moaned loudly against Katsuki’s lips as Katsuki nailed his prostate.
“Doctor...! Oh my god, it feels sooooo good!” Izuku exclaimed.
Katsuki grinned into the kiss as he continued to hit his sweet spot, reveling in the sweet cries that came from above him. He withdrew from the kiss and stared up at Izuku, whose cheeks were painted red and his eyes glazed over with lust as he babbled incoherently.
“Kaccha...Kaccha...Kacchan...!” he moaned.
“Dammit, there you go breaking character once more...I keep telling you that I’m your doctor!” Katsuki growled out.
“I...I can’t help it...! When you make me feel this good, I...I can’t help but call for you, Kacchan...” Izuku panted out.
Katsuki gritted his teeth.
“Fucking dammit...!” he bit out as he thrusted his hips up even faster.
Izuku arched into him, moaning loudly. Katsuki’s fingers roamed over Izuku’s back before sliding down and cupping his ass, groping it. His thrusts grew irregular as Izuku’s breathing grew ragged.
“Doctor, I’m going to cum! I’m going to—oh my god, I’m so close!” Izuku cried out.
“Then cum for me, Deku. Fucking cum for me.” Katsuki replied.
He moved in and began to lick away at the sweat on Izuku’s skin, listening to Izuku moan. Trailing his tongue upward, he licked the side of Izuku’s neck before baring his teeth and biting down. Izuku’s eyes grew wide, a cry falling from his lips as he arched even more into Katsuki. He clawed at Katsuki’s clothed back as he came with a shudder. Izuku tightened around Katsuki’s cock, making the blond hiss.
“Fuck, Deku...!” he bit out.
“Oh, Doctor...!” Izuku rocked his hips against Katsuki’s. “Cum inside me! Mmm, pump your medicine in me, Doctor...!” he moaned out.
“Damn right, I will.” Katsuki replied.
He pulled Izuku in for another kiss as he came, spilling his cum inside of him. Izuku moaned against his lips as Katsuki’s cum filled him up. They broke away from the kiss, panting.
“Doctor...” Izuku trailed off.
“Okay, that’s enough of the roleplay.” Katsuki kissed under Izuku’s chin. “Go back to calling me what you usually call me.” he said.
“Mmm, Kacchan...” Izuku murmured.
Katsuki pulled out and they fell back onto the mattress. Izuku shifted, biting his lip as some of Katsuki’s cum leaked out.
“I need a bath.” he said.
“That’s what happens when you tell me to cum inside of you. You’re going to have it start leaking out of your ass.” Katsuki stated bluntly.
“There’s no need for you to be so blunt, Kacchan.” Izuku stated.
“Tch, whatever.” Kacchan pulled his shirt over his head and chucked it in a random corner, climbing off of the bed. “Well, it’s off to the bath we go.” he told him.
He reached down and scooped Izuku up in his arms. Izuku wrapped his arms around Katsuki’s neck as he ran his fingers through his hair.
“Kacchan...” he trailed off.
Kacchan grinned down at him as he pecked him on the lips.
“Let’s go, then.” he said as they headed over to the bathroom and closed the door behind them.
Katsuki stared up at the ceiling, his eyebrow twitching in annoyance.
“Fuck.” he bit out.
The damp cloth on his forehead did nothing to quell the raging fever that had settled in his body ever since Izuku got over his fever the other day. He shifted onto his side, the cloth sliding off his forehead.
Maybe I should actually start thinking with my brain and not with my dick, for fuck’s sake, he thought to himself.
He watched with bleary red eyes as the bedroom door opened.
“Kacchan, I brought you some bunny apple slices! Uraraka cut most of them, but I did some, also.”
Izuku approached him and sat down on the bed beside him, showing him the platter of bunny apple slices. He then rolled his eyes up to Izuku, who had on a pure white nurse dress that came up to a just a little above the mid-thigh and a nurse cap on his head.
Izuku smiled as he stuck a toothpick into one of the slices and brought it to Katsuki’s lips. Katsuki bit into it, chewing slowly as Izuku spoke.
“So, shall we check your temperature now, Kacchan?”
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artsyhamsterdraws · 5 years
My first Artist alley experience
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So I did it. I survived! Can I get a wahoo yeehaw boiiiiii
Anyway I wanted to write a "lil" thing about it all, like how it went, what I learned and shit like that. So here we go~
The convention I've been going to for a while now (3 times if you count this one) is called Närcon summer, and it's a "bit of everything" convention in Linköping (sweden) that happens every summer, but they also have one in the winter and fall as well, tho I've never been to those. (I want to try and get to Närcon Winter this time if it's possible).
It's pretty big. Apparently this year they got about 12.500 visitors over the weekend, so I got to meet a lot of people!
So, how was it?
Well if I wanna be short and straight to the point, it was amazing. I had so much fun and I can't wait to return!
Long answer? Well this one will go through the whole experience from start to finish. So buckle up kiddos this might get boring.
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So for me it started even before the convention opened it's gates. During it I had decided to try and sell sketchbook commissions for 50 sek (like 5 bucks), because (1): It meant I would have something to do and wouldn't just have to sit at my table and stare off into space, and (2): Seemed fun.
I then decided to try and start selling them before the convention started, so that some people could come and pick them up day 1 if they wanted to. This worked, way better than expected. In the end I had 5 drawings to make before I even got there.
Here also comes the first thing I learned!
If you sell it for cheap, some people will tip you once they see the final result!
Not everyone paid extra, but I had a couple do it and that seriously almost brought tears to my eyes :')
I had reasons for selling them for so little, but I know that it was way too cheap considering the amount of time I put into each of those drawings. I just felt that; since basically no one knows who I am and this is my first time having a table, this would be a good way to get my name and work out there.
I mean, it did work since I sold 13 of them in total? Over 3 days? (I've never drawn that many things in such a short amount of time ever before).
At first I thought I wouldn't be able to sell more commissions once I got there since I already had 5 of them to do (3 of which I managed to finish before I got there). But apparently I can be fast if I need to? Suddenly they were all just...done and I opened up the commissions again!
Here are a couple of them that I remembered to take pics of:
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It was a mix of fanart, original things and OC´s! Some of them I actually wanna make digital versions of cause I think they would look cool...
Once I got there I had to face one of my fears...my neighbors...  I had no idea what so ever who I would be seated with so I was afraid these upcoming 3 days would be filled with awkward silence and avoiding eyecontact. BUT! And that's a huge but (hehe)! They were great. Literally first second I met them I was like "yeah this is going to be fine".
We had so much fun, and once it got late we would sing Abba songs, and today I feel sorry for the people that had to listen to us... :P
I hope to meet them again next närcon, but the gods probably won't put us as neighbors again. They're probable mad at us for the Abba thing...
Oh and, they're both very talented and y'all should check them out! Here are their instagrams!
Literalpleb Apeachiations
Both had a bunch of fire emblem stuff, and apeachiations had some real pretty steven universe prints I wish I could buy but I don't watch steven universe so :(
Oh and I was given amazing gifts from them!
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Then I bought these 2 key..chains...rings...I can't remember the english word....
Anyway I saw the Kirby one and knew I had to get it, and then I was talked into gettin the other one (I love it and wanted it don't get me wrong. It's a joke). I have yet to play the new fire emblem because my pre-order is back home and I'm at my parents place for another couple of weeks so :(
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(I bought stuff from other people as well but I'll show that at the end!)
Setting up the table was fun! I decided to bring my bookmarks and a couple of prints, + like 8 stickers of my hamster logo. I gave 2 of them away tho to my neighbors .
Oh and I put one of my cosplay rifles on the table as well because I decided it would be too much work carrying 2 around. x'D
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It started out slow. Most people just stopped by and looked and then moved on. I sold maybe 1 print and 2 bookmarks the first day? I didn't expect much anyway since it was my first time there. Honestly I'm surprised one of my prints even got sold ^^' So I wasn't that put down by the first day...
But then it was Friday, the second day, and things started picking up! I sold out one of my prints! Someone even decided to buy that damn rifle I randomly threw on there, which was amazing. I still can't believe it?
Friday was also the day my friend and I decided to do our cosplay. I missed a couple of hours in the alley because of that, since we had to get back to the hotel and change and all. Tho we did it during the evening so that it would get colder outside and we wouldn't miss THAT much time.
The alley closed around 10pm so we left around 3 to change, got back at 7 and spent those last hours there. Once it closed we also stayed way later at the convention, just walking around and actually looking at things!
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Ok back to artist alley!
The last day I entered the building, and then only went outside once to buy a drink. Other than that I literally sat there a whole day. 10-10. (Don't worry I had a friend with me that came and went with drinks/snacks).
This day was by far the busiest! I had figured out already that most people wait until the last day before they buy a lot, which makes sense since you want to scope out the whole place before deciding on anything. Saturday (the last day) was also probably one of the days most one-day goers chose? I don't have evidence but that's the day I would choose if I only went 1 day at least...
I decided I would have sales on the last day. For example you got a discount if you bought a whole set of bookmarks. The commissions stayed the same price tho since it was already so cheap. ^^'
In the end I sold 45 bookmarks, the rifle, all my stickers, 13 commissions and all prints except for the 2 with the woman laying in flowers :/ My poor Selma (oc). Might put those on my etsy? I still have bookmarks there btw! Even though I sold a lot those did not sell out. xD
Now, the last day was also the day I bought stuff from others. I decided not to buy anything from the big shops in the other building, and only spent my money on food and artist alley stuff!  Gotta support em fellow artists ya know!
I already listed the things I bought from my neighbors, but I went outside of our little hidden away corner too (I did not pay extra for like a good seat heh...).
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I had table 74 (in the upper right corner)...so yeah we were very hidden. Considering the bad spot my table did very well!
Anyway, Here's the cool shit I bought!
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The artists' Instagrams:
Linn Standal (Cinnapai)
Emma Lupine
Linda Lithén
I also picked up a bunch of business cards from people I couldn't buy from this time...
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So then. What did I learn for next time? Weeeeell...let's make a list I guess!
If you sell commissions for cheap, some people will tip you once they see the final result! (These people are very kind)
The first day is slow. Don't panic!
You always need to bring more business cards than you think. I thought I had enough but nope, they were gone halfway past the second day :/
Next time I'll bring more prints. (Only brought 2 of each, except for the spirited away one. Of that I had 4)
People make cute sounds when they see something they like :'D
Hhhh people are so kind!
Take pictures of your damn commissions!
Bring more drawing paper. (I had to buy a new sketchbook the last day cause I had like...one empty page left)
Leave a sketchbook on the table for people to look through
You're not as bad as you think you are.
People are very kind
Put the commission sign in the middle where it's easy to see it. A lot of people didn't see mine before I moved it.
Putting a sign saying "only one left" on an almost sold out item is good.
Keep track of which prints get the most people to stop. Make note of this and order more of them for next time.
Also take notes whenever someone buys something, so you know how much you sold!
Find something you can hang your prints on so you don't have to lay them on the table. There's not as much space as you think there is.
EAT!!! FFS!!!
Write down your instagram on your business card! (I forgot I had one xD)
Aaaand I think that's that?
Like I said, I had an amazing time and I really hope to do something like this again very soon! Hopefully I'll have time and money to get to Närcon winter. I'll at least try and grab myself a table just in case, and sell it if I can't go in the end. I probably won't cosplay there tho and only focus on artist alley. ^^'
Well, how the fck did you read all this? Impressive. I am impressed. Here's a picture of my cat as a price!
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why do you think gendry is missing in every promotional materials we got so far ? a part of me is thinking they're maybe trying to downplay his role or hide that he's not dead but i dont really see it. im kind of worried that we wont get our gendrya endgame :(
I took a bit too long to answer this question, ‘cause we got a gift today!:
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(Now, there are all sorts of reasons Gendry might not have been included in the EW promo material (Yara, for instance, was either pregnant or had just given birth so had to miss, and Joe Dempsie has been working on other projects). Also missing from the EW material: Tormund, Edd, Bronn, Beric, Podrick, Lyanna)
Now it’s time to allay your Gendrya fears!
The first, most beautiful clue is this:
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While so many people believe the false notion that Arya is a ‘stone-cold killer’, almost all of her actions and decisions tell us differently.
She immediately gave up her quest to kill Cersei upon learning that Jon was back home at Winterfell. Arya’s ‘prayer’ or list was a crutch against her loneliness - it’s what she used to cope. Revenge was literally all she had. And her trip to Braavos was a means to survive. She never really wanted to be a faceless man, she had to become one because there was no other place for her. But she was and always will be Arya Stark of Winterfell. Arya is full of emotion and love and protectiveness - which is why we see her in tears once she realizes Gendry was choosing to stay with the Brotherhood rather than remain with her:
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Maisie Williams herself tells us that she acted “I could be your family” in several different ways - but the take they chose was the one she was told to say like “I love you.”
When Arya tells Ned “That’s not me” - well, she’s not entirely wrong… but still a little wrong. She is pre-pubescent when she makes this claim, and she’s also very disillusioned with the typical lord and lady setup (as she should be). So no, being betrothed to someone her father picked out for political reasons isn’t “her”. But picking out her own man and choosing who to marry - like her aunt Lyanna before her? Is.
Like Lyanna, Arya is sort of a beauty in disguise - hiding under short or shaggy hairstyles and men’s clothing. For those too thick (or shallow) to understand that she’s now a young woman, we’ve got this brilliant line from Hot Pie to remind us how much she’s grown:
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It’s subtle, but we’re being groomed to think of Arya differently, since a lot of people still see her as a little girl (even though she’s 18 in season 8).
Interestingly, the dialogue between Arya and the Lannister soldiers get us thinking about children and family and lineage. After the one across from her says, “My wife’s just had our first baby.”
Watch Arya’s face when she inquires about it:
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She seems very intrigued by the notion, no? Arya proceeds to go back home to Winterfell, essentially 'cosplaying’ as her father, Ned:
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Obviously, family is quite important to the girl, and perhaps these are hints she might start one of her own. Also, check this shit out:
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As for why we aren’t getting more Arya/Gendry promo material (a damned shame), it’s almost certainly to keep their reunion a surprise for the show.
I’m willing to bet that this generous peek of Gendry’s goods:
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Is a setup that’s going to call back to this scene:
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Why even include this if it meant nothing? Also, Joe Dempsie had been told to work out and beef up - expecting a shirtless scene in season 7 that never came, but it’s not too late for season 8! *coughs*
When it comes to the books, it becomes blatantly obvious. I mean, it’s a wonder anyone can read that shit and walk away thinking these two are meant to just be friends. Here are a few curious lines:
“Arya has the hands of a blacksmith.”
“You couldn’t even hold a hammer.” / “I could if I wanted.”
“If it is marriage and children you desire, tell me, and we shall find a husband for you. Some honest apprentice boy”
“Lord Eddard’s daughters live. One has just been wed. The other … if the gods are good, she’ll forget she was a Stark. She’ll wed some burly blacksmith or fat-faced innkeep, fill his house with children.”
The entire song “My Featherbed” was likely written for Arya and Gendry, as it appears only in her chapter. And boy, it reeks of Arya! Right down to the lyrics insisting the girl be his lady, and the girl resisting the traditional role - “She spun away and said to him, no featherbed for me” - only to give in, in the end - “But you can be my forest love, and me your forest lass”.
I can’t believe I only caught this recently, too, but this line: “I’ll dress you all in yellow silk” - House Baratheon colors!
For more book foreshadowing to help assure you, check out bridge4’s brilliant video “Will Arya and Gendry get together in Season 8?”
Here’s a very lovely and underrated meta by @tatticstudio55 pointing out some parallels between Arya and Gendry and Lyanna and Rhaegar.
And here is a compilation of Gendrya foreshadowing as well as another meta on the romantic undertones between Arya and Gendry.
Hope this helps! ♥
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artificialqueens · 5 years
(Love)Sick Overseas (Phianca) - Albatross
AN: Phi Phi is feeling a bit under the weather but determined not to let it ruin her vacation. And who should she happen to run into on her way back from picking up cold medicine but Bianca Del Rio?
Just a short, fluffy little Phianca sickfic. And yes, I do think they’d be cute together and no, @VeronicaSanders, there will be no Bitney sequel. No Bitney, ever.
Getting sick in the middle of his trip to the UK had certainly not been part of Jaremi’s plan. No, he had been looking forward to this excursion for months and he’d be damned if something like the sniffles was going to stop him. At first it wasn’t even anything too serious; just a sneeze every now and then or a runny nose in the morning. But by the fourth day it was clear the symptoms were not going away…if anything they were getting worse.
But Jaremi was stubborn, if nothing else.
A bit of cold medicine until it all passed and he’d be fine…at least, that’s what he told himself.
Now here he was, returning from his second trip to pick up some OTC cold remedy and his nose was already protesting mightily. Even his throat was starting to feel scratchy but Jaremi was determined to continue his vacation plans uninterrupted. So what if his head was a little foggy or he was slightly unsteady on his feet every now and then?
Drinking had the same effect so all was good to his mind.
With enough effort he could remember his way around the city and all the places he wanted to visit and that was fine with him. Once he returned to the hotel with this last batch of cold medicine, he’d be off for a bit of shopping around town. Who knows? He might just find some new inspiration for his drag looks while he’s out there. That’d certainly be a plus.
As he was pondering over which stores he wanted to stop at first, a vibration from his pocket captured his attention. Curiously, he pulled the phone from his cargo shorts and felt his heart jolt a little as he recognized the name flashing across the screen. No other than ‘Roy/Bianca’ along with a small icon showing a fully beat and smiling face of the queen in question.
Somewhat amused and certainly wondering as to what his long-time friend could possibly need, Jaremi answered the phone on the fourth ring with a pleasant, “Hello?”
“Turn around, bitch,” came the joking voice on the other end.
Almost painfully, Jaremi instantly twisted himself around at Roy’s insistence and found the older queen speedwalking to meet him. The sharp turn caused his head to spin a little more than it ought have but Jaremi pushed the feeling aside as he greeted his close friend with a bright grin. Before he could even ask what Roy was doing here, he felt a light and friendly rap to his arm as the older queen bitched him out, “I was calling your name for the last two minutes. Looked like a fucking idiot with you ignoring me! You got earbuds in or something, bitch?”
Scratching the back of his head in embarrassment, Jaremi admittedly vaguely that he had just been lost inside his own thoughts for the last block or so. Rolling his eyes, Roy accepted the answer and asked what Jaremi was doing all the way out here.
“Vacation. Sightseeing,” the younger queen replied. “Just relaxing for once. What about you? Got another show out here or something?”
He knew that answer was unlikely. Not that he stalked Bianca’s tour schedule by any means, but he often made sure he was at least up to date on known shows and as of two days ago he was sure Roy was still tucked away somewhere in the US doing god-knows-what for his next tour. So it came as little surprise when Roy replied with a shrug of his shoulders, “No, just on vacation, too, I guess. If you could call it that. Courtney has some event next week and asked for my help. Figured I’d make a real trip out of it in the meantime. Relax too, you know?”
Nodding in perfect understanding, Jaremi knew all too well what Roy meant. After all, he was one of the hardest working queens in the business. He hardly ever took time off for himself. Even when he wasn’t touring, he always had his hand in something whether it was for a future project or just to help another performer. It was admirable but often Jaremi wondered if Roy would eventually burn out going on like this. It wasn’t his business but he did worry from time to time. More than he’d ever admit verbally to anyone. 
Even now Roy seemed a bit anxious just to be doing something and seeing Jaremi must have felt like a godsend as he immediately proposed that the two head out for lunch and catch up. Jaremi could see that he was itching to talk about something of substance and didn’t have the heart to say ‘no’ or even to delay until later in the day. So he simply followed Roy in a state of reluctant obedience as he eagerly led them off down the street to a cafe he’d spotted the day he arrived. Roy had already been on his way there when he found Jaremi so it almost felt like a sign from the universe to invite the younger queen…if Roy believed in that sort of thing.
Though their styles of drag were quite a bit different, especially with Phi Phi lending herself more to cosplay as of late, there were still a number of similarities the two had bonded over. Whether it was creating new and unique looks, comparing tips on how to overcome certain costume design challenges, or just an easygoing kiki with one another as they gossiped over whatever drama had recently been stirred up in their drag centered universe. There was never a lack of topics to discuss, though today Jaremi seemed a bit out of it.
Normally he had a sharp wit, far more than what he’d normally dare say around most other queens, yet this afternoon he wasn’t nearly as quick with the shady remarks. Instead he let Roy dominate the conversation almost entirely rather their typical back and forth. Despite how much Jaremi had tried to hide it, he could feel his mind growing increasingly cloudy as their meal went on. He wished at the very least he had taken some of the medication he had brought but it almost felt a little rude to do so. If only he could subtly sneak off to take some of the pills but even going to the bathroom whilst carrying the bag would have been suspicious.
So all he could do was suffer in silence as his nose began to clog up and his throat felt increasingly dry in spite of however much he drank. And though Roy didn’t comment on it, he had certainly noticed the change from their typical kiki sessions. At first he thought Jaremi was simply tired, and once or twice he worried he was actually boring him, but still Jaremi was trying his hardest to pay attention, not even sparing a glance to his phone, so Roy figured it had to be something else.
One of Jaremi’s usual habits was to go all out on desserts, sampling at least one or two with every meal in a foreign country, but today he declined to even look at that particular menu. It was then that Roy knew for certain something was definitely off with the younger man. As they awaited their checks, he questioned his companion quite bluntly, “What’s up with you, queen? You’ve been out of it since we got here.”
Jaremi faltered for a moment before immediately trying to defend himself but Roy’s withering gaze stopped him mid-sentence. Ashamed, he reluctantly admitted that he was getting sick and hadn’t had a chance to take his next round of medicine before Roy had caught him on the street. He expected Roy to withdraw in concern for his own health because after all, his voice was his money maker, but instead Roy did something quite unexpected. He actually scooted his chair closer and around the table as he touched Jaremi’s wrist in concern. His brows knit together in sympathy that sharply contrasted his exasperated voice asking, “Why didn’t you say something? We could have done this another day! Or even just waited until we got back to the states!”
Shrugging Jaremi tried to play off the situation as though it weren’t as big a deal as Roy was making it. His voice was quiet and starting to show evidence of his illness as he replied, “It’s fine, really. The symptoms aren’t too bad. And it’s been awhile since we talked…It was nice just to catch up by ourselves.”
Shaking his head, Roy muttered, “Idiot.”
The statement would have been more scathing had it come from anyone else but Jaremi’s heart felt like fluttering again as he heard Roy state quite definitively, “Let’s get you back to your hotel.”
Their checks arrived at that moment and despite how usually he’d do anything to keep himself from acting like a child in front of strangers, Jaremi couldn’t stop himself from whining, “I have plans!”
“I don’t really care,” Roy declared apathetically with his trademark glare. “You’re going back to your hotel even if I have to walk you to your room myself.”
The pair stared each other down and if Jaremi had any intention of disobeying Roy’s demand, he ought to have pretended to give in right then but the silent argument went on long enough for Roy to figure out that he’d better follow through on his initially empty threat. Otherwise Jaremi would be back on the streets as soon as his back was turned, probably hacking up phlegm in just a few hours to boot. 
No, if he wanted Jaremi to rest, he’d have to escort him back to his hotel and wait until the younger man fell asleep. Which shouldn’t be too long considering how heavy-lidded his eyes already looked.
Much like a rent-a-cop on duty, Roy ushered the protesting queen back to his hotel room. To his surprise it took little more than a sharp glare and a few cutting words to convince Jaremi to take his medication and at least sit on the bed. Beyond that, Jaremi utterly refused to do anything else to indulge Roy’s unwanted mothering. He was all but pouting and nearly on the verge of a temper tantrum that would have rivaled one of Alaska’s yet Roy stood firm with remarkable patience.
“Sleep will be good for you,” he reasoned in as best of a persuasive tone as could be managed, “You already look like you’re about to drop from exhaustion anyway.”
Jaremi couldn’t stop his eyes from rolling at the statement, however true it might be. His muscles were starting to give out and probably the only thing that kept him going right now was his desire to defy the older queen at every turn. But Roy was determined to outlast him. Despite how eager he was for something meaningful to do earlier; getting a sick Jaremi to relax and go to sleep seemed far more important. Deciding to take an approach he had followed a number of times before, he made a shooing motion with his hand and told him to lie on his stomach.
Skeptical, Jaremi only gave him a brief glance, essentially saying, ‘The fuck?’
Rolling his eyes once more, Roy urged him, “Just do it. I’m not gonna do anything sketchy or weird.”
Still, Jaremi was unconvinced…at least until he heard a quiet, almost suspiciously gentle attempt at persuasion, “I promise….Please lay down?”
It was highly unusual to hear such a tone from Roy. Typically he’d just give up after awhile or make some sort of scathing remark but today he was actually being…soft. It was a little off-putting but Jaremi found that he genuinely liked seeing this more caring side of his friend. Thinking at the very least he trusted Roy not to do anything unwholesome, Jaremi relented and laid on his stomach in the middle of the bed while his head rested on a pillow.
He turned to look at Roy as he carefully set himself down on the edge of the mattress so as not to cause it to dip any more than necessary. Just as the younger man was wondering what he planning, he felt the light trace, almost scratching of fingertips running across the expanse of his back. An involuntary shiver rose through his spine at the sensation but much to his surprise he found himself almost leaning into the touch for more.
His voice bordered on a happy purr as he admitted, partially muffled by the pillow, “That feels really good, actually.”
Practically hearing the smirk Roy was undoubtedly wearing, the older man mentioned, “Yeah, Adore loves it when I do this whenever she gets sick or hungover.”
Then almost immediately thinking better of it, he quickly added, “That doesn’t leave this room.”
There was an edge to his voice that caused Jaremi’s stomach to turn but all he gave Roy in response was a content nod. As was the Roy’s intention, the body beside him was slowly relaxing and drifting off to a lazy lull of a sleeplike state. Almost as an afterthought, and perhaps mostly influenced by his sick addled mind, Jaremi found the courage to ask, “What is going on between you two any way?”
This was a common topic of debate amongst the queens and fans alike but no one really had a satisfying answer. Figuring now was as good a time as any, Jaremi took his chance to ask Roy directly. Sounding quite used to the question, the older queen replied with a chuckle in his voice, “What do you think?”
He genuinely wanted an answer, Jaremi realized, and would wait very patiently until the younger man gave him one. Almost guiltily, he forced himself to examine both his own feelings and what he’d observed first and secondhand of the two queens’ atypical relationship. Sounding unsure yet still a bit hopeful, Jaremi answered softly, “I think…you’re just really good friends.”
He turned his head up to face Roy and study his reaction yet much to his surprise, he found a calm, pleased smile waiting for him. The elder queen nodded his head in confirmation and it was there they let that particular conversation drop. Burying his face into the pillow for a minute, Jaremi couldn’t deny just how light and happy he felt. His heart was racing and he was sure his illness had nothing to do with it but either way, he was satisfied with what he had learned.
He was almost at the point of falling asleep when Roy drew back his fingers. Jaremi’s drowsy eyes reopened and he turned to look at the older queen once more. He was mildly surprised to find Roy sliding fully onto the bed to lay beside him.
Trying not to let on just how happy was, Jaremi slowly drawled out, “Gonna stay here till I fall asleep?”
There was a hint of a smirk resting on Roy’s lips as he replied casually, “Maybe a little after that too…Is that alright?”
Feeling like a child who’d just gotten everything and more that they could ever want for Christmas, Jaremi nodded his head and bit back a quiet yawn. 
Roy’s eyes had gone noticeably soft as he gazed down at the half sleeping form beside him, still struggling futilely to stay awake. He almost chuckled at the fruitless effort but hid it behind a fond smile instead. He raised a hand to ruffle Jaremi’s hair and urged him once more to finally go to sleep. This time there was no protest, no argument as the younger queen nodded and nestled himself snugly amongst the pillows. 
In another very un-Roy-like behavior, he leant down and pressed a brief kiss to Jaremi’s cheek. In truth it was just a little too close the lips to have been accidental but Jaremi was all too willing to let that slide for the time being. All he said in response through his bright grin was a sing-songy declaration of, “You’re gonna get sick tomorrow.”
Shaking his head, Roy laughed softly and affirmed quite adamantly, “I’m not gonna get sick.”
“You’re definitely gonna get sick,” Jaremi mumbled half into the pillow as his eyes slid shut.
Whatever Roy said in response was muffled and unheard as Jaremi dozed off into a content, dream-filled state. True to Roy’s assertions, the next day he felt perfectly fine. Not a trace of Jaremi’s cold to be found in his system. The day after however…that was another story.
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wolvesloveyou · 5 years
Warped pt. 1
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Description: Tori Wolfe, a student in America who writes fan fiction for many different fandoms, finds herself somehow transported into one of her own stories, and now has to find a way back home. Can she do so before she gets to the end, or will she be stuck there with the unforeseen horrors of the Unfinished?
Pairings: none (for now??)
Requested: no
A/N: found this writing prompt on instagram and decided to make a series on it. We’ll see where it goes, and I hope you guys like it!
     A loud, unceremonious groan left my lips as I leaned back in my chair, rubbing haphazardly at my raw eyes. I reached out to my phone and turned it on, the bright light making me squint as I sat up and checked the time. 2:47 am. Stifling a yawn, I turn my phone off and flip it over so it wouldn’t prove to be a distraction as I began writing again, only to stop a few moments later in frustration.
     I was supposed to post the last chapter of my fanfic tomorrow, or today technically, and I was stumped on how to end it. just a few more pages, then I could go to sleep. That’s all. I can edit it and post it when I wake up, but I needed to finish it first. 
     Letting out a large yawn, I stared blankly at the screen. Maybe the readers would understand if I post it a day late? No, I don’t want to make them mad, or worried about me, even if it is all fine afterwards. Another groan slipped from my lips as my head dropped down to my chest briefly before I lifted it back up and rested it on my hand, my elbow leaning on the desk.
     Before I even knew it, my eyes began to close. I tried to fight the sleep, tried so hard to keep my eyes open, but sleep felt so welcoming, and my body was so tired that I couldn’t help but fall asleep in front of my computer. Let’s just hope all of my progress was saved. Or maybe it being erased would help, because then I can go in another direction? That was my last thought before everything went blank, my mind shutting off in some well needed rest.
     When I wake up, I don’t recognize my surroundings. Didn’t I fall asleep in front of my computer? I sat up in my spot and rubbed at my eyes before looking around, seeing that I was in an alleyway. It was still dark, but there was a little bit of light breaking out across the sky as the sun slowly began to rise. How the hell did I get in an alley? I didn’t sleep walk again, did I?
     With that somewhat comforting thought, I stood up and peeked out onto the mostly empty street, not recognizing the location at all. Where the hell did I sleep walk? And how did I not get hurt doing so? I sigh softly and decide to walk, hoping to run into someone and ask for directions. My hand instinctively went to my back pocket for my phone and wallet, and I feel both of them there. Since when was I ever smart in my sleep?
     I walked down the barren street for several minutes, looking so very lost before I spot someone else walking. They held a backpack and wore a uniform, so I assumed they were a student at some sort of private school. However, I paused upon seeing their hair. It was green. Who dyed their hair green and made it look so natural? Before I got a chance to call out to them, another ran up to them excitedly. The girl wore a similar uniform, just with a skirt, and her hair was a natural brown color. It looked like it was cut in a cute bob, with longer strands in the front than in the back. 
     Wait, they look familiar. I pause in walking and narrow my eyes at them, until it clicks. No. No no no no no. They had to be cosplaying, right? Yeah, definitely, that’s all it is. I bit my lip. They did look a lot like the characters, and they acted so much like them that it was uncanny how similar they were to the actual fictional characters. 
     Deciding to not approach them and instead try and see where they were going would be best at this point. There was a high probability that they were just cosplayers, but that thought didn’t sit right in my mind, so I stuck pretty far back, following them quietly. Soon, my previous assumption was proven wrong. They approached a large building with the logo of UA on it, and my heart just about stopped.
     How? How the hell did I get here? Not only in a different country, but in a fictional world! This had to be a dream, right? It had to, but it felt too real for my mind to actually believe this. Biting my lip, I went against my better judgement and call out to them. They turned to me curiously.
     “Um, hi, coulduh, could you two tell me where I am? I’m a bit lost,” I said nervously. The girl smiled kindly at me.
     “Sure! You’re in Musutafu. Are you new to Japan?” She asked as I approached them cautiously. Her statement made me pause.
     “Musutafu? Japan?” I repeat, my blood running cold. The girl nodded.
     “Yeah. Why? Where did you think you were?” The green haired boy, who I was sure was Midoriya at this point, watched the interaction closely.
     “Huh?” Oh, yeah, I was trying to get to Tokyo, but I guess I took a wrong turn somewhere. Thank you!” I said quickly. I needed to get away from them before I freak out. I need to clear my head, and soon. I began to back up, and before Uraraka could stop me, I turned and ran.
     “How did I get here? Why am I here? How do I get home?” I muttered to myself as I rounded a corner and hid, my breathing labored as I leaned against a wall.
     “Lost?” A male voice that I didn’t recognize asked. I spun around to face the alleyway, spotting an individual dressed in all black leaning against the wall farther down. I gulped and took a small step backwards.
     “A little,” I mumbled, very cautious of the man in front of me. He chuckled lowly as he kicked off the wall and walked towards me. 
     “Seems like you’re more than a little lost to me, sweetheart.” His dark eyes watched me with a sick sense of hunger, his hands stuffed in the pockets.
     “I don’t need your help, if that’s what you’re getting at,” I reply. Truthfully, I might need some help, but not from someone who was giving me serious creep vibes.
     “Aww, are you sure? You never know, I could help you tremendously,” he purred, his gaze making me feel very vulnerable and small. I suddenly wish I took my ex’s advice and took that self defense class.
     “I’m sure.” I take another step backwards before turning and walking away, glancing back from time to time to make sure he doesn’t come after me. The guy watches me walk away with a smirk before he just holds his hand up. I run into an invisible wall, keeping me from going anywhere. I turn in my spot to stare in shock at the guy as he slowly walked towards me.
     “That’s a shame. It makes it harder for me to do what I intended.” His smirk became sinister as he stared at me. I tried my best to keep my fear under control and think of a way to escape, but my mind was too crowded that nothing came to mind. Suddenly, footsteps could be heard from around the corner, and Uraraka and Midoriya appear. The guy turned around to face them, and I can feel the invisible wall behind me losing its effect. I take the advantage and push myself backwards, feeling some resistance before it shatters and I’m falling backwards onto the ground. The guy spins around to see me scrambling to my feet, but before he could do anything, Uraraka was running up, Midoriya right behind her.
     I watched Uraraka touch his shoulder before pressing her fingers together, making the male float up away from the three of us. Midoriya comes up to me and helps me up as Uraraka then releases him, letting him fall to the ground with a thud. I grip Midoriya’s arm tightly as I jump away from the man. He growled before standing up and running off, cursing us as he did so.
     “Are you okay?” Midoriya asked me, turning his full attention to me as he made sure I wasn’t injured. I nodded slowly.
     “Yeah, I’m fine. Just shaken is all,” I mutter, taking a few deep breaths to try and calm my racing heart.
     “You seemed pretty shaken earlier too. Did something happen?” Uraraka asked, moving to stand next to Midoriya as I stepped away from his steadying hold.
     “Um, I-I mean,” I stuttered, unsure how to explain to them what was happening. How was I supposed to explain this to them when I didn’t even know it myself? How was I going to get home?
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