#Thalia Grace
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rocknroll7575 · 1 day ago
Knight of Olympus
*Jaune not know Earth stuff*
Thalia: Jaune I love sticking it to authority but why exactly are we running from the cops
Jaune: The Cops?
Jaune: Oh is that what you call them I thought they were more of Kronos's goons.....Oh shit were like committing like a bunch of crimes right now aren't we?
Jaune: *With pen and notepad* So let me get this straight... the CIA killed Kennedy?
Annabeth: No
Percy/Thalia/Bianca/Nico: Yes
(Jaune needed to learn about Earth's law enforcement and then learned about all the crazy and messed up stuff Cops, FBI, and CIA, do to their own country and other countries and then went down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories)
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aroaceleovaldez · 16 hours ago
i saw ur post abt the big 3 kids with green eyes I wasn't sure if the one with blue hair was supposed to be Thalia or not but Thalia doesn't have blue hair she has black hair and she doesn't have green eyes she has blue ones.
I don't know if they're headcanons or something but I just wanted to tell you the facts Incase you didn't know.
[Post in question] That is indeed Thalia! Thalia actually does have green eyes - her having blue eyes is a retcon!
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^ From The Lightning Thief.
As for the blue hair, it's a headcanon I adopted from Indigonite's Thalia design. I just think it's fun for her to have blue streaks in her hair, since her hair is supposed to be very punk and blue is a color she's associated with. She has black hair otherwise. I'm very aware of character descriptions - I actually run an entire blog about pjo character design - @pjocharacterdesign!
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sunshinemoon3341 · 12 hours ago
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I have a bunch of these
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lovingsilently · 3 days ago
Percy jackson tweets part 4 !!!
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starlightshadowsworld · 14 hours ago
Concept: Good mum Beryl Grace realising that the gods want to take her kids from her and refusing to let them go.
She learned what she could from Zeus and Jupiter back when he had all eyes on her. Of the Roman and Greek demigods. Of the big 3 pact and monsters and whatever else.
Because Beryl knew even if her heart said otherwise that this kind of gamble would have a price. She’d wouldn’t have survived in this the industry had she not known that.
But of course she was young, hot and mortal so really he would never suspect her of scheming away.
Beryl didn’t count herself among the saints but she loved her kids, her darling rebellious daughter and he sweet son who followed her around like a duckling.
They were the only bit of light in her life and no one was taking them away from her.
And so Beryl hid them the best way she knew how which was in plain slight. No one batted an eye at two new child actors joining the industry that no one had ever known about prior.
With the countless scents of truly the worst of mortals around to cover even the scents of two children of the skies.
Of course Beryl herself couldn’t see actual monsters so that was always an issue. But she had Thalia enrolled in self defence classes once, she’d do the same for Jason once he was old enough.
She looked up more than he’d fair share of myths. And had to calm herself down after learning why her son was given that specific name.
And managed to track down actual celestial weaponry.
Having it fashioned so it could be easily hidden and had her children promise to always have them on hand.
Beryl did forbid them from going out to the park when Thalia said she heard wolves. And every storm that passed filled her with a certain type of dread.
It wasn’t the best but she did what she could. And everyday she saw her kids again it felt like a victory.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 4 hours ago
Luke's promise of family to Annabeth is honestly a sad moment. A 14-year-old child should not be making promises like this. Luke needs someone to be looking out for him.
If we're going to talk about parentification in PJO,Luke feels like the prime example of it,lol. Not only that,but he never seemed to have any reliable authority figure in his life. In fact,I'd dare say most of his "pure evil" moments in early books were him snapping after all the trauma he had to go through.
THANK YOU! FINALLY SOMEONE SAID IT. I think most readers of the books just completely gloss over the fact that Luke never once had someone to look after him properly, yet he always had to look after others. May was insane, she couldn't have raised Luke properly even if she loved him. That boy was basically forced to raise and take care of himself ever since he can remember. Then he ran away at the age of nine, he hadn't even reached the double digits, and was already out on the streets. During that time he meant Thalia and Annabeth, and based on The Diary of Luke Castellan we know that Luke pretty much immediately took to taking care of Annabeth from the get go. He knew her for less than a minute and already compared himself, Thalia and her to a family, with him as the Dad. Luke was fourteen when all that happened, you really think that this is healthy? Then when they do get to camp there's still no adult to take care of them. Thalia dies, he gets separated from Annabeth and shoved into the overcrowded Hermes cabin. Can you imagine what that's like? All your life you are forced to take care of yourself and are the only one looking out for someone even younger, and then when you get to the place that's supposed to be safe for you, you realize all the other kids still have to take care of themselves. Just now you have another kid who's supposed to look after you. Luke becoming the Hermes counselor really was just the last straw in his long line of parentification. Imagine being a teenager and suddenly the adults around you tell you that from now on, you are in charge of a HUGE group of other kids. The Hermes cabin was the largest cabin of CHB with MANY demigods of different backgrounds and parentages, yet Luke was still completely left on his own to figure it out. You think that doesn't fuck with you? Most bemoan Bianca's fate having to look after Nico during that time in the school or so, imagine how horrid she would have had it had she been homeless with the guy for a while and then was also forced to take care of like- 30+ different Nicos. 'Cause this is exactly what happened to Luke.
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ruegarding · 1 year ago
that scene in tlo where thalia tells percy he can't start feeling sorry for luke bc luke made his choices. and thalia reveals that the reason they couldn't make it to camp in time for all of them to make it to camp was bc luke kept picking fights. and annabeth never saw this as wrong bc luke was her hero. so thalia had to pick up the pieces. and percy thinking both that luke was put in a cruel position and that luke was putting others in a cruel position. and percy is the only character who understood both sides of luke bc annabeth sees only the best of him and thalia sees only the worst. and that's why percy is the prophecy kid and the one who gives luke the knife. bc annabeth had spent the entire series essentially giving luke the knife when he didn't deserve it. and thalia was never going to give luke the knife. but percy is the only one who can see exactly when luke deserves the knife.
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zetadyllica · 1 year ago
i’ve been thinking about riordanverse demigods and their mommy issues.
annabeth, piper, alex fierro: my mom is an absent goddess who’s kind of a bitch to me and my loved ones
jason, thalia, hazel: my mom was a messed up person when she was alive
nico, leo, frank, magnus chase: my mom died years ago but she was a wonderful person and i miss her every day
percy jackson and will solace: MY MOM 🤱 is my BEST 🤩 FRIEND 👯 she is so LOVELY 🥰 and KIND 💕 and COOL 😎 and i’m having DINNER 🍽️ WITH HER ON SATURDAY 🥳💫🤪
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piedpip3rrr · 6 months ago
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Real British rep
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Ok more scenarios on the kid fic because I can't stop thinking about it.
Thalia constantly being like "I hate you, you aren't even a real dad" to Zeus the whole time. At first he doesn't care, but it just weighs on him over time. It goes like this:
Thalia: I hate you
Zeus: And?
Thalia: I hate you
Zeus (tired af): I'm aware
Thalia: I hate you
Zeus: Please stop
And Jason is like, tiny compared to her so he needs constant supervision and he had already spent a year or so with Lupa so he's a bit feral too. Like he is constantly biting and nipping at Zeus. He's an angel for Hera but she is refusing to help Zeus with this in any way. Straight up watching him mess up with only highly judgemental looks to guide him, like a bad game of hot and cold.
Poseidon is soooo happy to get to spend time with his kid (and Zeus can't even yell at him for it!!). Like he missed out on Percy's whole childhood and now it's almost like he gets a second chance to be the dad he wanted to be. But Percy? Not having it. Don't get him wrong Atlantis is so cool, the people are nice, and the food is amazing but none of that makes up for the lack of his mom. He tries not to be a bother about it at first but eventually he just gets too homesick to pretend. Also at some point Percy starts dropping insane lore about his awful step father Gabe, who Poseidon hadn't heard of before, or his school experience up to that point. And Poseidon is greying more with each injustice (abuse, bullying, monsters, bad teachers, etc.) Percy casually shares.
Hades has the pleasure of attempting to corral a shadow traveling toddler while also dealing with the angst of his other child slowly revealing how she views her powers and the affect they've had on her life as young as she may be. Hades having to have a heart to heart with Hazel about her gifts while Nico tries his best to escape his custody in the background.
Ares is trying his best (truly he is trying to be there for his kid and keep his temper in check) and instead of staying on Olympus he tries taking Clarisse out to see New York (mostly so she has a safe place to burn off all of her energy because she is young and angry and she was already climbing walls of his temple). The day is already off to a bad start when he gets pulled over by mortal police for having his kid on his motorcycle (maybe he was drive too fast/reckless or maybe she doesn't have a proper helmet or maybe the bike just isn’t street legal). Then he tries to take her for breakfast and they mess up her order and she cries and he is at a loss. Because, what is wrong? They can fix this? Why are you crying over something so small? He tries the comfort her, after a moments hesitation (or maybe he's just to stunned to react for a moment), but she nails him in the shin hard enough to make him cuss when he tries. It happens a few more times before he figures it out. Well, before she sobs it out to him:
Clarisse: They're just so dumb and I'm not allowed to hit them
Ares: Why can't you hit them?
Clarisse (immediately done crying, slightly hopeful): I can hit them?
If Clarisse was climbing the walls then the Stolls are actively tearing them down. They just have too much energy and nothing to do with it. Hermes is trying his best to keep an eye on them and get his work down. It's not going well. At first he straps them into car seats and brings them along with him for deliveries. Then, when he is dealing with a customer and his back is turned they escape. Straight up disappear. Hermes spends the next hour frantically looking for them. They were hiding in an empty box in the back the whole time and the only reason they stayed hidden was because they fell asleep. They wake up with even more energy and a desire for mayhem. They Houdini their way out of any sort of child safety restraint he can think of from child leashes to duct tape. Eventually he gives up on work, delegating his tasks to some minor god that owes him a favor. Still, in the moments of unsupervised freedom they get before he gives up, they manage to set up multiple pranks that he is still finding when they turn back to their teenage selves, claiming they have no knowledge of what other pranks may or may not still be active.
Aphrodite is having a much better time of it, at first. Piper is sweet and excited to meet her mom, but she plays in the dirt and like bugs and is always slightly sticky the way all young children are. Of course, Aphrodite tries to be a good sport about it, a bit put out that, no, Piper does not want a spa day, but then Piper drops a frog in her lap and whatever she was about the say is lost because Aphrodite SHRIEKS as the frogs touches on of her favorite dresses.
Apollo starts his day an hour earlier than usual, so he can hook up a state of the art car seat into the sun chariot. Apollo is the god of knowledge and healing, he knows how important car seat safety is but he can't figure out how to get it to fit into his car and has a full mental breakdown before Will is even awake. Like I imagine it's a full blown fit with screaming and cussing as he attempts to wedge two pieces into place. Eventually he gets it, he's a bit late and Artemis has been watching with growing amusement for the last twenty minutes but he gets it and goes to wake up Will so he can get started with his day. As soon as Will wakes up he is screaming and crying and just generally making his feelings about being woken up at the ass crack of dawn known to the world around him (I think as the youngest demigods involved in this incident he is like 2 and everyone else is aged in proportion to that). Apollo tries every lullaby he can think of to get this kid back to sleep to no avail. Will screams through the whole sunrise and the day only gets messier from there.
Leo yearns for the forge. Hephaestus tries sooooo hard to keep him away from his work, vaguely aware of how fragile demigods can be, but he just keeps going back to it every chance he gets. He tries to give Leo a child-safe project to do, but Leo has already discovered he's fireproof and just keeps running back to the flames. And then, when Hephaestus finally gets Leo invested in a project that should keep him busy long enough to work on a commission or two, Leo discovers he can contol/summon fire on his own and he is back to square one.
Percy Jackson Fic Idea
Gods being parents
I really wish there were more fics where the gods are forced to be parents. Like the fates are mad at them or something, and make them actually parent their children for a few days.
Maybe they turn a handful of the demigods in young children the Olympians must keep an eye on until the curse ends. I can think of a few scenes that this may lead to:
Zeus trying to pawn off Thalia and Jason onto Artemis and Hera. Thalia being so mad she has to be around him.
Poseidon frantically trying to comfort a young Percy who just wants his mom.
Hades having a similar experience with little Nico who wants his sister. Or maybe a little Nico who thinks his powers are soooo cool and refuses to stay in one spot.
Ares with a crying Clarisse, except she's crying because she's mad and when he finally tries to comfort her she kicks him.
Hephaestus trying to keep his small children out of his forges (either for their safety or for the safety of his projects) but they keep finding ways to get in.
Hermes trying to keep an eye on the Stolls but they keep disappearing on him. He is still finding the pranks they set up weeks after they return to normal.
Athena having no clue how to handle small children but Annabeth just keeps talking a mile a minute about any and every topic she can think of.
Aphrodite having to deal with the fact that little kids are kinda gross.
All of the gods having an 'oh shit' moment realizing how fragile their kids actually are.
Or maybe they are teens and the fates are just forcing them to spend time together:
Hermes would probably bring his kids with him to work, treats the whole thing like field trip and loads his cabin up in a bus before taking off on his deliveries.
Apollo would do something similar and bring them in the Sun chariot. Maybe hit up a few concerts along the way.
Maybe Aphrodite organizes a spa day with her kids.
All the Gods seem to be doing fine at first but the curse goes on for just a bit too long and they get a feel for what raising mortal children is actually like.
Whether the demigods are teens or kids the Gods are exhausted by the end of the week trying to keep up.
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helpallthenamesaretaken · 11 months ago
From the Spring Break Update Article
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"oh yeah annabeth is the top of my class, i just manage through school😁🥰" WHAT THE ACTUAL--
(obligatory beep boop percy being called smart alert)
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rocknroll7575 · 1 day ago
Knight of Olympus
Kronos(wounded from Jaune): My Destiny this isn't how its supposed to end!!!
Jaune(Poised to strike) On the contrary Kronos I could not have allowed this to end otherwise
Kronos(catching the blade with his palms) How was it you put it Jaune? "I could not have allowed this to end otherwise"
*Kronos breaks the sword and stabs Jaune near the heart using the piece he broke off*
*Jaune coughs up some blood but continues to glare at Kronos*
Kronos: *Smirks* Heh, how amusing, the so-called God-Breaker... dying before my very eyes, who would've thought that it would be my pleasure to be the one to end you
Jaune: *Takes out the broken piece* This... isn't enough!
Kronos: Heh, even when near death, you refuse to admit defeat! You truly are something different, Jaune Arc... but it will be for nothing, I'm going to win and this world will be mine again.
Jaune: *Falls to his knees* No, it won't be... *Smirks as blood falls from his mouth* They'll win... I know they will because you gave them just the right motivation *Falls backward with a smile on his face*
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
*Everyone looking down at Jaune's dead body*
Nico: I could... I could summon him
Percy: No, we can't do that to him, despite how bad we want to, we can't... not when he's finally with her
Bianca: What about Furiosa? What happens to her
Thalia: Simple, we take care of her, train her, and look after her... just like Jaune did with us
Annabeth: We make sure that his memory lives on, just like everyone else who died here
Will: Yeah... We owe him that much
Ethan: We owe him way more
Drew: Yeah...
Selina: At least he's at peace now, right?
Charlie: Of course he is, no doubt he's happy right where he is
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purplepomegranate08 · 11 months ago
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Annabeth cannonly told monument facts to all her friends can we include this in the fandom please
Annabeth gets caught off her guard by something someone says and just spouts
“construction on the gateway arch was completed on the 28th of October 1965”
She never lives it down
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coquettemouse · 24 days ago
People will include the roman in the big three kids but won't include the girl
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ofswordsandpens · 6 months ago
Thalia's point of view must be so surreal because imagine the horror, the tragedy, and the cruelty, of dying... but then not. but you're not alive either. At least, not in the way you used to be. You're more or less caught, trapped, in this liminal state of being. You're still growing... but when you wake up you're not the age you should be. And suddenly, the little seven year old girl you helped protect and cared for and treated as your little sister is practically your age now. And your best friend, a boy that was a mere two years older than you is now a grown man, hardened and distorted by the very hate you saw the beginnings of. that you commiserated with.
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achillesisnotcomingdown · 1 year ago
In the same vibe as Percy choking Akhlys, may I suggest :
Nico causing wounds to necrotize. Even from a small scratch on your finger, it spreads so fast your only hope is an amputation asap.
Jason holding the air still in your lungs. You're not dying because you don't have air, but because you can't get it out and are literally choking.
Hazel controlling stones in jewelries. Imagine getting chocked by your necklace, your finger being sectioned by your ring, being handcuffed by your bracelets, your head being crushed between your earrings...
Thalia manipulating the electricity in your body. Causing your nervous system to move in certain ways, or just shutting down your brain activity.
The big 3 are terrifying, and I wish we would've seen them (others than Percy) being more op. Cmon Rick, show us reasons the gods are afraid of them !
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