#Solangelo fanfiction
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That’s enough work for today lol
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winter-rossie · 6 months ago
Will is upset. Nico wants to comfort him. He doesn't know how. So, he is saying what Will once said to comfort him. Will finds comfort knowing that his word meant something important to Nico. He is now happy because Will wants him to be happy.
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theprinceofdarknesssquad · 5 months ago
Solangelo after the battle against Gaea
Nico: I owe you one. Will: That’s ok. You can just date me and we’ll call it even.
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bagerfluff · 1 year ago
Nico Di Angelo x Will Solace x Son of Chaos reader?
AN: Thank you for requesting and I hope you like this. I also took the liberty of picking my own prompt since you didn't give me one so I hope you are okay with that. It is perfectly okay to not give a request without a prompt but that just means I pick one myself.
Chaos Follows You, But We Don't Care
Nico di Angelo x Will Solace x Son of Chaos Reader
Prompt - Angry Confessions
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You didn't know what you were doing.
You were currently sitting on a high branch in a tree. You had ran here after the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you. You've been here for a couple hours and you were still scared and embarrassed.
You want to know what happened?
You might have confessed to your two closest best friends. Nico and Will. They were your friends since you first came to camp. You've been friends with them for years. And you've had a crush on the both of them for as long.
You always knew you liked guys and that you were Polyamorous, but why did you have to fall in love with both of them. It was even worse when they told you that they were dating. It made you feel like a third wheel.
It hurt.
But you couldn't tell them; they didn't love you like you loved them. So you kept it hidden. No matter how much it hurt. Watching them act all lovey dovey. It made you a little sick. The pain in your heart when you watched them.
You couldn't even describe it.
So one day when you were hanging out with them at the beach, the sun beating down on your skin. The sounds of the crashing waves. The whispers of Nico and Will. It was pretty shitty. You were sitting a few feet to their left.
They weren't even talking to you. They were your friends, but they were too distracted with each other. You started to get angry and you yelled. You stood up and yelled at the two boys about how you loved them. But how it hurt that they didn't love you back and how they ignored you.
After you were done yelling you realized what you had said you had ran. You took one look and Nico's shocked face and Will's sad one and ran. You ran, even when you heard Will calling for you, you ran till you found this tree and climbed up it.
You've been here ever since.
You didn't want to go back. You didn't want to face Nico and Will. You didn't want them to have to tell you that they didn't love you like that. You didn't want them to tell you that you couldn't be their friends any more. So you stayed here.
Even when you heard the dinner bell you didn't move. You were fine. Though you were hungry you didn't move. You felt like crying. You blew it. You were going to lose your only friends. You made chaos. You did what every one you would do.
You were a son of Chaos. Her name said what she did just fine. That's why people were never your friends. Even before you knew you were a demigod, you made chaos. Everywhere you went chaos followed like a lost puppy.
You always made a mess of things and added stress to everyone's day. You never meant to, you were a kid. But people didn't know that. They thought you did it on purpose. Even when you found out you were a demigod.
People were still wary of you.
Nobody talked to you, nobody went near you. You tried to stop the chaos you made. You tried to stop your powers. You had the powers to cause chaos from nothing. But that never worked. Chaos was all that you knew and you were fine with it.
That was until you met Nico and Will.
Since there was no cabin for you they just placed you in Hermes. But since the Hermes kids didn't like that a claimed kid was with them, plus you made lots of chaos that they didn't like. Chiron had placed you in Hades cabin. Nico was rarely there and it was away from everyone.
So you met Nico first. He knew what it was like to be an outcast. He talked to you and he didn't mind when you made chaos. He even helped you control it. Nico was kind and understanding. He was a nice person to talk to when you needed someone to listen for a bit.
Nico was fun to hang out with. You both were outcasts so you two got along well. You both scared the shit out of campers. Especially new campers that saw the two of you leaning or sitting by a tree in the shadows.
Then you met Will. Some people decided that it would be fun to hurt you. They would try a little harder to knock you down during sword practice. People would miss fire really close to you during target practice. So every once and a while you would show up at the infirmary with a new bruise or cut.
Will would be the one who would patch you up most of the time. He said that he heard about you from Nico because they were friends. That might have made you blush. So you and Will got to talking since Nico was friends with you both.
Will was really nice and he really cared about his friends. Will was like a ray of sunshine. He brightened up your day whenever you see him. Especially when you walk into of the infirmary. Since you were all friends you started to hang out with the both of them.
It was hard since Nico was rarely at Camp Half-Blood and Will always worked but you guys managed it. Some of your best memories were with the both of them. They were your best and only friends. You loved them more then anything.
Now you were going to lose them.
Tears started to fall out of your eyes and onto your lap. You tried to stop them but they were coming whether you liked it or not. You started to quietly sob and you brought your knees to your chest. You wrapped your arms around your legs and placed your head on top of them.
You cried onto your knees but you stopped when you heard a twig snap. You glanced down to see Nico and Will looking around. Why were they here? Were they looking for you? You stayed quiet. You didn't want them to find you. You weren't ready for them to break the news to you.
You weren't ready to lose the ones you loved.
Unfortunately that didn't last long because Nico looked up and saw you in the tree. You and Nico held eye contact until Nico grabbed Will's hand and pointed up at you. Will looked at Nico for a second before following Nico's finger up to you.
Nico and Will looked at you while you looked at them. The boys on the ground looked at each other. "Hey Y/n? Do you want to come down?" Will asked. Will was always better at calming your nerves. He knew what to say to calm you down. Nico tried but it never really worked.
But it was the thought that counted.
"N-no", you said with a wavering voice. You didn't want to talk but you knew you had too. "Okay. we'll wait", Will yelled up and you watched as Nico and Will walked over to the base of the tree and sat down. You could tell that they were talking to each other but you couldn't hear them.
You needed to talk to them. You needed to bite the bullet and get this over with. Though the thought of that made more tears slip out of your eyes. You wiped them away and started to make your way down the tree. It took a bit but before you knew it you were standing in front of Nico and Will.
Nico looked a little scared while Will still looked sad. You sat down criss cross in front of them and stared at them. None of you spoke. You were scared and something told you that they were too. "Do you know why we're here Y/n", Will asked.
You knew but you didn't want to say it so you nodded. "We're not mad Y/n", Nico said. It was the first time he had spoke and you could tell from his voice that Nico was scared. "In fact we wanted to tell you something", Will said.
This was it.
You were about to lose your friends. You got ready to run away after they said it. You placed your hands on the ground and closed your eyes. You couldn't look at them while they did this. You heard more whispering and heard moving. Then you felt something touch both of your cheeks.
It felt like a kiss.
You vaguely remember your father placing a kiss on your cheek before he left for work. You opened your eyes and looked at Nico and Will with a shocked expression. They were now sitting a foot in front of you. They both had a smile on their face. Will's was bigger Nico's was bigger but they both looked really happy.
"Wha-", you tried to ask what happened but Will and Nico both spoke, cutting you off. "We like you too". You were so happy and shocked, and still a little sad. This was so much that you started to cry again. You didn't know why but you did.
Nico and Wil got a little scared but you were quick to ease their worries. "No I'm fine I'm just", you didn't even know what to say. Will smiled again and pulled you and Nico into a hug. You and Nico were shocked but you both hugged back.
They liked you back. You were so happy. Will pulled away and looked at you, "we're sorry for making you feel like that". Will was referring to when you were scared and how you felt when you left them. "It's fine, as long as I get a kiss as an apology", you smiled at the both of them.
Will let out a little laugh but kissed you any way. You smiled, it was quick because you heard Nico's grumble. You pulled away and kissed Nico too. "Does this mean were dating?" You asked and Nico rolled his eyes. "yes Y/n, we are all boyfriends", you smiled again.
Nico and Will loved you, chaos and all.
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wordsofasarcast · 7 months ago
headcanon that Nico is a really good ice-skater but every time he and Will go skating together he gets flustered or distracted by Will's mere existence and trips over his own feet. Will, as a result, thinks he's a beginner and insists on Nico holding his hand for safety.
And Nico doesn't tell him otherwise, he doesn’t mind if it means Will keeps holding his hand… 
...Anyway, I wrote a fic about it, it's called ice blue, trippin' over you
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x-bloodrain-x · 1 year ago
Solangelo again
So Will, Nico, and Jason (Jason because Nico was too nervous to go on a date alone) went to a basketball game.
(Nico and Will get on the kiss cam)
Will: (blushing like crazy trying to cover their red face)
Nico: (too nervous to do anything and makes no gestures)
Crowd: (boos)
(kiss cam comes back on them multiple times during the game)
Nico: (fed up with this) OH FOR THE LOVE OF HESTIA!
Nico: (grabs Will’s collar and kisses him)
Crowd: (cheers wildly)
Nico: I wonder why the camera kept coming back to us.
Will: It was odd.
Jason: (hands the cameraman $20) Thanks man.
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rayssion · 1 year ago
An idea that Will is a really affectionate person that everytime he treat some younger camper's wound he kisses them better.
And Nico, technically, is a younger camper. Except that he's not used to get well soon kisses, he tells Will to stop doing that and Will complies for only two visits untill he picks up his old habit.
The thing is, each kiss leaves a little burn mark on Nico's skin after some hours and he refuses to confront Will about them.
Children of the underworld are not supposed to face the sun.
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A new chapter of @wordsofasarcast Dolce Dissonance came out today, so to celebrate I thought I'd share the fake social media posts I made for Nico and Will's album/single covers I recently made! I couldn't resist doing it again since I had so much fun doing it the first time!
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hadeslegacyhephgirl · 11 months ago
It was 6 in the morning when Nico received the phone call from Lou Ellen.  
"It's Will, Nico. He's in a coma" 
The words crashed into him like a tsunami. Fear and worry made a home in his chest 
"Where are you?"  "Hospital"  "… what?"  "Ambulance go there before I could call anyone. And our chariot crashed bad, it's basically disintegrated" 
"I'm going to wake Jason and Kayla and meet you there"  "Can you get Annabeth and Cecil, too?"  "Why?"  "Annabeth 'cause I'm gonna need brains here. Cecil because- just- because"  "Fine. Where?"  "Carra Hospital, Room 304, I'll send you a picture"  "I'll be there in 10"  He hung up  
Waking everyone up was�� mixed.  
All Jason and Kayla had to hear was 'Will' and they got up immediately. 
Cecil only came when he heard Lou was there. 
Annabeth insisted they take along Piper and Percy. 
So it was a party of seven that turned up in room 304. 
Cecil wrapped Lou in a hug from behind as Lou talked to Annabeth, who was holding Percy's hand. Kayla and Piper went to see if they could charmspeak a nurse to bring another IV for the nectar Kayla had brought, and Jason went along just in case there were monsters. 
Leaving Nico standing by Wills bed, staring at his wounds. 
He counted each and every nick and scratch on Will's face and arms (37) and took in the propped up, bandaged leg. 
Suddenly he couldn’t bear to be so far away from Will.   He climbed into the bed and tucked himself between Will's side and arm, nesting his head on Wills chest, closed his eyes and let the tears come 
~*~ (Will) 
It was dark 
He felt around 
There was a fuzzy silence  
He couldn't remember anything 
Except that he was a boy 
He looked up. Something, a piece of light hung in the air. He touched it. 
"Boy"  "7 boys, two girls"  "Hey, boy-o" 
These were memories. 
So he had to piece himself back together. 
He could do that. 
He will do that. 
Another shard of light, right next to the first. 
"Will"  "Hi, Will"  "Will?"  "William!" 
His name was Will 
There was solace in knowing his own name 
This time, only one voice rang out 
"Solace"  The voice sounded annoyed, slightly raspy with a slight Italian accent.  
This time it was accompanied by a picture. 
Two dark brown eyes, so big and beautiful, yet so dark and knowing they looked like they were staring into your soul. 
The image hung in the air, away from the other chinks of light. Like the beginning of a picture. One he would figure out. 
~*~ (Nico)     
"Should we wake him up?"  "Nah, leave him. You know he can't live without his Will"  "What if he never wakes up, though?"  "He will. He has to. Besides, Nico wouldn't let him die"  "But-"  "No buts. We'll contact Hades, Hypnos, Apollo, anyone that can help. We're not losing him" 
Nico drifted in and out of sleep, not wanting to confront the waking world, but scared of the nightmares that threatened to take him. 
Finally he opened his eyes to find Jason sitting in the visitor chair. 
"Hey, Neeks."  "What time is it?"  "A little past-"  He checked his watch 
"- one in the afternoon. Listen, we're gonna get Will outta here."  "how?"  "Piper'll be here in a few minutes with the van, Kayla and Annabeth. She's gonna charmspeak him out." 
Nico looked down at Will and grabbed his hand.  "We're getting you out of here, Will. So don’t you dare go dying on me."    ~*~ 
My name is Will Solace  I am 17 years old  I am one of Apollo's children  My home is Camp Half-Blood  I'm a doctor, medic, head councilor 
I have siblings, family, friends.  And I will get out of here. 
"Careful!"  "We are being careful!"  "… sorry" 
They loaded Will into the back of the van 
Piper had, quite literally, worked like a charm. Within ten minutes they had Will on a transportable gurney and out the hospital. 
It was a silent drive back to camp 
~*~    He'd done it. 
The door was nearly complete. A door of light, of memory. The chinks of light had formed the rectangular shape as he'd gathered more and more information. 
All that was missing was a doornob. 
The picture was done too. 
A picture of a boy with raven black hair framing milky white skin and big brown, almost black eyes. Dressed in a leather jacket with ripped black jeans and a black shirt that read Camp Half-Blood 
But it felt wrong. 
Like there was something missing. 
The boy's name. 
He began looking though the memories of the door, each piece a word with memories attached to it. 
Then he remembered. 
There was one that only had one memory attached 
Maybe it was longer? 
Hesitantly he touched it. 
Silence. He waited  "Fine." The Italians voice again. 
"There we go. See, it wasn't so hard, was it?" His own voice now.  "But just three days, you hear me?"  "Sure, unless I need to keep you longer"  "Solace, I swear-"  "C'mon, Neeks."  "Do not call me that"  "Alright Death Breath-"  "Or that"  "Zombie Lord?"  "Absolutely not. It's Nico, full stop"  "Alright, Sunshine"  "… that's okay too, I guess" 
The picture of the boy - Nico - suddenly seemed vibrant, alive. 
And the door had a doornob. 
Hesitantly he reached for it. 
Back home. 
Back to Nico 
If there was any chance the son of Hades could love him back. 
It had been a week since Will had gone under the coma. 
Five days since he'd been moved to the infirmary 
Jason had given up on trying to get Nico to leave Wills bedside, except to shower every so often. 
So it was just Will and Nico and silence. 
Silence that was broken with a raspy voice coming from the bed 
Nico looked up into Wills brilliant blue eyes that were open and he was awake. 
A sob wrenched from his throat and he flung himself into Wills arms. 
"Hey, Sunshine. How long has it been?" 
Nico sniffed and buried his head into Wills shoulder. 
"A week"  "oh."  Nico sniffed again and looked up into very much open celeste blue eyes  "But your back now, right?"  "Yeah, Sunshine. I'm right here. And I always will be." 
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sophi-aah · 1 month ago
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I made fanart of the wonderful solangelo fic Wings! It's one of the best fic I've read so I highly recommend it :)
Here's the fic:
Wings {Angel/Human AU} - Chapter 1 - the_sunniest_angels - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own]
[my fanart has a bit of spoilers so just ignore the details :)]
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litalana · 1 year ago
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Solangelo doodle for this fic - (x)
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thegoldenappleofdiscord · 2 years ago
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having the absolute worst writer's block ever just in time for solangelo week but at least the banter is bantering
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winter-rossie · 4 months ago
I Don't Know what's Sadder, A Kid Who Couldn't Cry for His Dead Brothers, Or, A Kid Who Couldn't Stop Crying for the Fate of His Sister
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theprinceofdarknesssquad · 5 months ago
Justice for Nico
Will: Name something you believed in as a child that you no longer do as an adult. Nico: Myself.
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thetimetraveler24 · 2 years ago
Okay guys I’m hoping this reaches the right people. I stumbled across a fanfic on Ao3 about an hour ago. It was… well, it was plagiarism of other works on the site. They’re basically using the feature where you post your own fanfiction (you know, the one you spent time on and came up with on your own?) as a collection. And no, they didn’t ask permission, they admitted as much in their comments.
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That was back in March and surprise surprise, it’s still up. And like, I totally get wanting to have a bunch of great solangelo fics in one spot. I actually found this because I was actually looking for some solangelo fics. But y’all even if you’re crediting authors, you cannot go around copy and pasting their fanfics into your account. That’s wrong. Especially if it’s been pointed out to you and you continue to do it anyway.
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That comment was from march and on the first chapter. It’s now June and there’s another 19 chapters of stolen work.
I tried to go around contacting the authors of the works that have been stolen but I’m literally supposed to be sleeping. I’m doing this on my phone in the dark and I’m not logged into my account. I don’t know. I’m hoping we can do more to help those authors if there’s more people aware of the situation. Maybe some of you know them and can get in contact easier than in Ao3 comment sections.
These are the stories and authors who have been stolen in this fic:
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wordsofasarcast · 7 months ago
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Couldn't resist drawing Popstar!Nico. Inspired by my own fic, Dolce Dissonance
It's not perfect, but I'm pretty happy with it for a speed paint - as happy as a perfectionist can be anyway. I will 100% be drawing Popstar!Will at some point to match, and probably more of Nico because this was too fun.
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