#charlie hazbi
taringill · 7 months
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All official paintings from Season 1 of the "Hazbin Hotel" (in high quality)
Все официальные картины из 1 сезона "Отеля Хазбин" (в хорошем качестве)
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redfluffz · 2 months
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I couldn't resist. Lol. 🤣🥲
Here is the painted one.
Original Post
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not0a0mundane · 7 months
Writer game!
Rules: In a new post, post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell us about it. Then tag as many people as you have WIPs. If you don't write, list your art WIPs! Overlord!Huskerdust au - Val loses Angel's soul in a bet to Husk, Husk & Angel slowly fall in love, Husk's casino stops making a profit & Husk loses his soul to Alastor. Stick it Val - Basically an Angel x Vox au where they start hooking up behind Valentino's back as a mental "go fuck yourself, I can do what I want" Overlord!Angel Dust - Basically a role reversal of Hazbin Hotel, I have only written a bit for Charlie, Angel & Vaggie tho.
I can see through you - Kallus is barerly force sensitive but with the small amount of force sensitivity that he has, he can tell when a person is lying. That's not a problem in his work, but it is when he starts befriending Zeb.
Tagging: @seth-shitposts @sapphic-loser16 @seth-silver-ink @lost-in-derry @hannagoldworthy @nicki0kaye @tobytost
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Hazbi hotel should have been messy on the drama of this show like charlie find out her parents have a lot sibling, consort and even she find out her grandma is a goddess called asherah
Yep, better than this skimmed wikipedia research set up.
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shinmothra13returns · 8 months
THIS COST 50K!!!!!!!!! | Vegeta Reacts To Verbalase & Charlie From Hazbi...
50k for this! I know he's bankrupt but this?
I could of made a homeless shelter with that type of money.
Vegeta saying white a$$ Pikachu:
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thedawningofthehour · 6 months
Man, I'll be totally fine if your next hyper fixation is Hazbi hotel; I've seen it, and its soundtrack has been a regular part of my YouTube music history ever since, you have no idea how many times I've listened to stayed gone while thinking about Leo and Draxum.
I also think a version of hell's greatest dad with Draxum and Big mama would be fun too.
That's one's an absolute bop, it's definitely the one that's been getting stuck in my head. That sort of dark retro beat is so my jam, you have no idea. (yes I also love Other Friends. Like, if I had to rank all SU songs I might not put Other Friends at the top, but I'd put it in a different tier all to itself because nothing can really match Other Friends)
I would think it would be a good Splinter and Draxum song, except I don't think Splinter would duet with him. Draxum would start pulling that shit and Splinter would just murder him. Draxum would be fine with the musical number montage, but Big Mama would aggravate him and he'd storm out lol. (I did look it up and I do know now that her dads aren't together, which-I really should have known, considering I know how fandoms are, but I knew Charlie has a girlfriend and there's another gay twink around so I thought maybe this was one of those shows where just everyone is gay)
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firemoonxd · 4 years
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solarphase0 · 5 years
Angel: "rules were made to be broken!"
Charlie: "no, they're made to be followed!! Nothing is made to be broken!"
Angel: "uh...piñatas"
Alastor: "glow sticks"
Angel: "karate boards"
Alastor: "spaghetti noodles, if you're using a small pot"
Angel: "rules."
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keshika-inky-toon · 4 years
Do you guys know Hazbin Hotel? If do who is your favorite character mine is Charlie
me: I love Hazbie hotel and my favorite is Alastor(p.s I don’t let candy watch this, it’s too much for him)
Kevin: never heard of it
P.cuphead: what is Hazbie hotel???
bendy: oh I know and my favorite is mifty
mug: what’s that?
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husky-boi · 4 years
It’s Always Been You ~ Chapter 4
Summary: Husk grew up with the casinos of Vegas, and made his living there. This is the story of how he found the joy in life, and a reminder that sometimes true love transcends worlds
Ships: Huskniss (Husk x Arackniss)
Ao3 Link
...they'll always find a way back together. 
Husk lost track of how long it had been since Angel's family started hanging out at the hotel. In all honesty, he hadn't expected them to be around more than a few days, a week tops. He hadn't expected Charlie to let them stay, considering neither Molly or Arackniss were remotely interested in the concept of redemption. The more energetic of the two spent most of her time running around and introducing herself to everyone that came through the front doors, talking a particular interest in Cherri for who knows what reason. Husk didn't care about that. What he cared about was the short, black spider that insisted on spending every evening taking up a seat at the bar.
Arackniss was rarely talkative, and for the first few weeks, their routine was the same. He would sit down at the bar, Husk would slide him a bottle of something he pointed at (usually red wine, sangria, or just straight vodka), take down at minimum five bottles, and push Husk a stack of cash without asking for the price. It was almost always double the actual cost, but by the time he finished counting it out, Arackniss was gone. And that really pissed him off some days.
His voice sounded so damn familiar, and Husk just couldn't figure out why. It was impossible to try and understand it when the spider didn't talk to anyone besides Angel most of the time. So he had to take some kind of action, that much was obvious.
On this particular night, something had obviously been bothering Niss much more than usual, because he about drank the entire stash of wine, vodka, and a few other types that they had. Husk panicked when he watched the other reach into his pocket as typically to pull out the money, he had to say something now or never.
"Don't bother. S'on the house."
Arackniss immediately froze, glancing up to the bartender and quickly searching his eyes for any sign of a trick. "How much of it was poisoned?"
Husk took a few seconds to process the phrase before scoffing. "None of it, I'd lose my fuckin' job if I did that. Can't I just give a loyal customer a discount without it bein' suspicious?"
Apparently not, because the glare of Niss' golden eyes didn't stop. Not when he took the cash out anyway and put it on the table, not when Husk pushed it back at him, not when he reluctantly took the money back and pocketed it again. Somehow despite the anger, Husk was able to see the pain present in them had faded, if only a small bit. And though it hadn't happened in many years, Husk felt the side of his mouth curl into a smile.
"…thanks." Then Arackniss was gone again, and Husk was once again left alone wondering what the hell happened to his heart for it to start beating this fast.
From that point on, the routine changed slightly. Arackniss was slightly more talkative, and though it was rare he said more than one sentence at a time, it was clear that he wasn't quite as standoffish as before. That's progress, and at least when he was talking Husk could focus on his voice more. Though, by this point, he wasn't sure if he was trying to figure out where he'd heard it from, or if he just liked the sound of Niss' voice. Maybe a bit of both.
"Y'ever had Michter's whiskey?" Husk was given a skeptical look. "I know, it's an American brand, but I swear it's good shit. Kinda expensive, but managed to snag a bottle from the black market demons that sneak it from the surface. So you want some?"
Arackniss was really only fond of brands coming from his home country of Italy, with a preference for those in Rome. Still, it didn't stop him from pushing out a glass for it to be poured. Husk knew him better than that, and knocked it aside, reaching under the counter to pick out a bottle for each of them to drink from directly.
"Best shit I ever had, I swear. Couldn't afford it all that much while I was alive, but the good stuff gets you drink twice as fast as cheap booze. Probably somethin' to do with havin' a good opinion on it swaying your thoughts, I don't know."
By the time Husk finished talking, Niss had already taken the top of the bottle off with his teeth (and damn, that was eye-catching everytime it happened), and he was already about halfway done with it. And still drinking. Fuck, this guy could really hold his liquor.
Only once the bottle was finished did Arackniss give a slight shrug, sitting the bottle down. Another few seconds, and Husk swore he nearly passed out when Niss smiled at him.
"Yeah, not bad… For an' American brand."
Husk couldn't help it; he laughed. He actually laughed, for the first time in who knows how many decades. With his eyes closed and wiping tears from them, he missed the way Niss' fur fluffed up at the sound or how the spider's eyes were on him up until Husk was looking back again.
"S-shit.. Next time show me your favorite, and we'll compare then. How about that?"
"Fair 'nough."
It had to have been at least a few months now, of Husk trying to make enough money during the day to cover the free drinks Arackniss would have that evening, of them talking more each night, topics shifting from the hotel, to its patrons, and finally to each other. Stories of how they were during life, their childhood, their hobbies and jobs. Anything, really, but the subject of tonight's discussion was family. Apparently a sensitive topic for both of them.
"I didn't really have much family growin' up. Started off in the foster system, and no matter how much I ran away from all the fucking pricks, they kept dragging me back. I'm telling you, couldn't wait for the day I turned eighteen and they couldn't hold me there anymore."
Arackniss nodded in response, taking some sips of his bottle of wine. Red, obviously, white wine was an abomination. "Wish I could'a done the same. I mean, siblings weren't too bad, Tony and Molls were just as stuck as I was. But my fathe' was pretty damn shit. For about a dozen reasons."
Silence for a few seconds, it was clear he hadn't planned on elaborating. "How's that, then? What'd he do, kill some fuckers?"
The bottle of red wine was sat down in favor of Arackniss scratching nervously at his wrist. "…yeah, you could say that. Bein' part'a the Italian mafia, s'kinda part of the job." Husk raised an eyebrow at that, but made no move to interrupt otherwise. "Had this big casino we ran as a front for the whole business, real easy to hide how much money you're earnin' when everyone spends thousands a day there. Much as I liked runnin' the bar there or playing the games, woulda been better if all that wasn't the reason for it."
Husk nodded in response, and it seemed for the first time he was actually intently listening to a story. He couldn't really help that, anything with gambling drew his interest. "Actually was kinda raised by casinos, sneaking in the back doors and all that. Made a pretty good fuckin' name in poker and craps for myself back then. That’s pretty much how I made my living for a good for years."
It seemed Niss was still too lost in thought to process those words, so Husk gave a gentle shove to his shoulder. He'd already learned he was allowed to do things like that, they were at least sort of close enough. "Alright, you're overthinkin' shit. Spill."
"…Mafia thing was kinda the shittiest family to be born into. And it ain't just killing people and all that, it's that you're not allowed to trust fuckin' anyone.." He sighed, running a hand through his hair, another gesture that made Husk's heart jump into his throat everytime he saw it. "Already told y'about Harold a while ago, but… There was another guy back then, met 'im at the casino. And fuck, he knew the game, was good at it without explanation. Henry kicked 'im out once he found out we… Talked. Banned 'im from the casino completely. Never got to see 'im again. Sometimes wonder what happened to the fucker…"
Husk took a few seconds to process that story. It sounded really, really fucking familiar. "…wouldn' happen to be the Rose D'Oro Casino in Vegas, would it?"
"Yeah, why'd y'ask?"
Suddenly, that familiar voice made a little bit more sense.
He nearly knocked the wine bottle off the table on accident, scrambling to hold it steady as he reached into his pocket with one hand. With a shaking hand, Husk pulled out a very old and faded black and gold die, with a rose in place of the one, placing inbetween them on the table. Naturally, Niss' eyes widened.
"…I think.. This is yours?"
More silence. Uncomfortable silence as they both just stared at the object on the table. And then Husk felt his bowtie being pulled on and, contrary to the feeling he was about to receive a punch, lips were crashing into his and holy shit fucking Arackniss was kissing him-
Husk swore he blacked out for a few seconds, because when he was coherent enough to know what was going on, the kiss was already over and he was lightheaded with both of them grabbing onto each other's shirts.
"…oh my god, it's fucking you-" It took a monumental amount of effort for Husk to just say that at the moment. He was pretty sure every bit of fur on his body was standing up straight in the air, his ears were pressed flat against his head, and damn his tail was moving happily, wasn't it?
Husk could feel his soul leaving his body as Niss smiled at him, truly and openly smiled. "…it's always been you…"
 Soulmates are connected through time and space.
 Sometimes a distance can grow between the two.
 But no matter how far apart they become…
 …they'll always find a way back together.
 For better or worse
 Through sickness and in health
 Two souls were made for each other
 And when they come together
 All the broken pieces find their other halves
 And they are whole once again
Taglist: @lunar-trash @silver-crowned-king @incorrect-hazbin-quotes @im-not-an-alcaholicokmolly @tophattippin @grape-scapegoat
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taringill · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel, Chaggie🩷
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Today is February 14th♥️ Valentine's Day💕 Last year I drew April and Donnie from Rise of the TMNT
Сегодня 14 февраля♥️ День Всех Влюблённых💕 В прошлом году были Эйприл и Донни из Rise of the TMNT
And in fact, I am pleased to realize that I am making progress in drawing. I'm not saying that I'm the best artist and I draw everything correctly and without mistakes, I have a lot to learn. But I am so pleased to see the good progress that has taken place over the year:3 I love many of my drawings😊 And I'm only 16 years old, but I won't stop!
И на самом деле, мне приятно осознавать, что у меня прогресс в рисовании. Я не говорю, что я самая лучшая художница и рисую всё правильно и без ошибок, мне есть чему учиться. Но мне так приятно видеть хороший прогресс, который произошел за год:3 Я люблю многие свои рисунки😊 А мне всего 16 лет, но я не буду останавливаться!
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firemoonxd · 5 years
When you want to draw but have no shit to do so...
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firemoonxd · 5 years
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Merry Chistmas!!! Wishes you Hazbin Hotel!
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