#charlie fear twd
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wincheskka · 1 year ago
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die-as-the-devil · 2 days ago
hey! i remember you saying before that there were a lot of different versions of future ghosts that existed before the real future ghosts ™️ was published, and i'm curious to hear about those versions 😊 were they all called future ghosts? was rosie always rosie??
i have secretly been waiting for this question 😈
i actually still have all of the fics i never published! i have four twd ones, but i can only consider one of them an early version of future ghosts. the rest are just twd fics i wrote chapters for and never published.
• The Trail of the Dead: this fic is the one i would consider an early version of future ghosts. it has 50k words (for reference, junebug currently has around 200k, and future ghosts finished with 560k words), and three oc's. the main character is basically rosie, but her name is phoebe (her faceclaim was abby white). she has her fraser, too, but her fraser is called milo (his faceclaim was charlie plummer). the big difference, though, is that phoebe has a younger sister called rory (her faceclaim was aryana engineer). the book starts of with rory finding rick, daryl, and shane in the woods when running to try and find someone to help her save phoebe's life.
• Dead Man's Bones: this fic is closer to junebug than it is to future ghosts. it only has 11k words, and the main oc is daryl and merle's younger sister, ophelia. the only thing written is little snippets of ophelia's life leading up to the apocalypse, and then the first episode of twd.
• Fears: this fic has 25k words written and is about shane's daughter, riley. it starts off with riley leaving school on the day of the breakout, and then it goes into season one of twd. riley's mom died of cancer when she was eight, and she's had a tumultuous relationship with her dad ever since. she's sweet, but she also causes a lot of trouble.
• Young & Tragic: this fic has about 17k words written. it's another junebug-esque one, but a lot more complicated. the oc was called dakota, but the name dakota has since been claimed, so now i supposed i will call her auggie. so auggie is daryl dixon's daughter, but in this fic, daryl lives with auggie and her mom in chicago (i was deep into my white sox obsession when writing this, so i had an emotional attachment to chicago😭), and when the outbreak happens, daryl leaves to go get merle from georgia. says he'll be back in a few days, but he never comes back. one day, auggie's mom gets bit and she pulls a fraser, thinking it will stop her from turning, but it doesn't and auggie has to put her down (no one is safe from dieasthedevil trauma). then, auggie spends months trying to make her way to georgia to find her dad, with only a map, a compass, a backpack full of food, and a few weapons. any normal kid her age would get lost pretty quickly, but auggie is smart and she knows what she's doing. eventually, she finds herself hiding in a cabin in the woods. rick and shane just so happen to search that cabin for missing sophia. they take auggie back to the farm, she reunites with her dad—who full on thought she was long dead—and twd pursues.
i also have 11k words worth of random fragments of an outer banks, jj's little sister fic i wrote wayyy back when i was fifteen, 15k words of an unnamed stranger things fic i wrote when i was thirteen, and 41k words of a steve harrington's little sister x max mayfield fic i wrote when i was fourteen. so lots of abandoned ocs! my poor children.
anyway! if anyone is ever interested in reading what i have of these unfinished fics, let me know and i can post them under across the aniverse !!! i can't say they're very good considering i wrote them ages ago, but they do exist!
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sketchygardenbah · 2 months ago
hi! could we request a glenn from twd tree level headmate? thank you
yea ofc! sorry if this one isn't quite up to standard, we had a hard time with this one for some reason /gen
Disclaimer: we knew nothing about this source prior to your request, so please excuse any and all inaccuracies.
|| New plant incoming ||
Name[s] - Glenn, Callum, Finn
Age - ChronoAge: 23-25 // PermaAge: 18
Gender[s] - LibraMasculine, AMAB Transmasc, VagueBoy, ApocolypseGender, Protectic
Sexuality[s]/Orientation - Heterosexual/romantic, Biqueerplatonic, 
Role[s] - Protector, Chainbreaker, Innkeeper, Scout
3rd person pronouns - He/him, they/them, se/sim, sae/saem, run/runner, pro/protect, medi/medicine, supply/supplys, sur/vive, safe/safes, fam/family, death/dead, care/cares, sprint/sprints, scar/scars, bleed/bleeds, fear/fears, pain/pains, kill/killed, crisis/crisisself, apoc/apocalypse, hope/hopeless[/ful], 💥/💥s, 🍽️/🍽️s, 🧰/🧰s, 🎒/🎒s
2nd person pronouns -  you/yours/yourself, adrenaline/adrenaliners/adrenalinerself, apoco/apocalypses/apocalypseself, calm/calmrs/calmrself, corpse/corpsers/corpserself, kou/kours/kourself, scar/scarers/scarerself, agile/agilers/agilerself, 🎒/🎒rs/🎒rself, 🫂/🫂rs/🫂rself, 🍕/🍕rs/🍕rself, 💚/����rs/💚rself
1st person pronouns - I/me/my/mine/myself, pi/piz/pizza/pizzaine/pizzaself, ru/run/runner/runners/runnerself, da/dash/dashes/dashine/dashself, fo/foo/food/foods/foodself, em/emerg/emergency/emergencies/emergencyself, fri/frien/friend/friends/friendself, sci/sca/scar/scars/scarself, 💥/💥e/💥y/💥ine/💥yself, x_x/x_xe/x_xy/x_xine/x_xyself, 💚/💚e/💚y/💚ine/💚yself
Species - Human
Source [if applicable] - TWD [Glenn]
Likes - helping others, delivering supplies, running/sprinting, strategy and logic, keeping loved ones safe, optimism/looking on the brightside
Dislikes - Not being able to help/feeling helpless, small/confined places, selfishness, betrayal
Typing quirk - no capitals, replaces “f” with “ph” [ e.g. hello- oh you need a phavor? yea oph course! just don’t phorget ]
Fun fact - folds their pizza diagonally and cuts off the crust for later- it ends up in the trash…
Kin list - German ShepardKin, ApocalypseKin, BeeHearted, Wind[object?]Kin, PenguinKin, European Turtle Dove[therian], Hope[emotion/concept]Kin
Fave time of day - 5:05pm and am [or 05:05 / 17:05 for military time]
Faceclaim[s] -
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[1 // 2]
CisIDs - CisSurvivor, CisAMAB, CisTrauma, CisC-PTSD, CisPeoplePleaser, CisBlackHair, CisAsian-American, CisWavyHair, CisScarred, CisLoyal, CisEnthusiastic, CisHarmed, CisCalmVoice, CisHighEmpathy, CisMorningPerson, CisFWLD
TransIDs - PermaAbled, TransResurrected, TrisHarmful, TransFrench, TransRadioVoice, TransSev[more severe]Scars, TransRottingHeart, TransCollector, TransCaneUser, TrisFieldMedic, NullNightmares, TransMasoSadist, TransACD, TransZombie, TransRotting, TrisDead, Perma18
Paras - 🐙 //⚱️// 🧹
Other ids - Fox Alter, AsynQueer
Violence level - 3.20
Journal entry - “i really need to go grab more bandages and gauze… it pheels so wrong to be running low, plus pi scraped up 💥y legs while running through some brambles. em’ve also been considering reading or listening to medical textbooks while ru go on runs, sci really want to help people and x_x pheel like that would be one oph the best ways to. or maybe i could get into delivering items and supplies again… so many options.”
Remember: headmates almost never form exactly as depicted here. You can also alter anything on here to better fit your system and needs!
|| Plant packaged and sent ||
Response by: Tree and Juniper X.
Plant grown by: Charlie, Tree, and Juniper X.
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taiturner · 2 years ago
for the ask game: twd, fear and world beyond :)
Favorite character: Alden, Sasha, Aaron
Funniest character: Eric is the first person that comes to mind (I love when he's petty<3) but I'm blanking on everyone else
Best-looking character: Magna, Siddiq
3 favorite ships: Aaron/Eric, Denise/Tara, and the most unpopular opinion of all but Rosita/Gabriel is So special to me. Honorable mention to Elijah and Lydia, I know their development happens in the background but the parallels between them are so loud anyway and those last few episodes really got me.
Least favorite character: N*gan
Least favorite ship:  Lori and Sh*ne, get him away from her
Reason why I watch it: I know most people hate the bloated cast but I love it for that reason. I favor the later half of the series when there are so many different communities intricately linked, it makes for some really fun dynamics everywhere and there will really never be another show that gives you that
Why I started watching it: I basically had to bully myself into liking apocalypse shows (which is so ironic now because... my favorite things). I tried once and didn't make it past the pilot but then I picked it up a few years later (when season 9 was airing) and got hooked
Favorite character: Grace
Funniest character: I'm blanking 😔
Best-looking character: Luciana
3 favorite ships: Grace/Morgan, Sherry/Dwight, Al/Isabelle
Least favorite character: Troy
Least favorite ship:  I'm mostly blanking on every other ship in this show but actually the first one that comes to mind is Charlie (a 12 year old) and that 16 year old 🧍‍♂️ why'd they do my girl like that
Reason why I watch it: I don't always love the plot but I do love the characters so I've been holding on for them
Why I started watching it: I think I might've watched a few episodes of this before I ever started TWD but I was bored... I started again at season 4 because I heard about Al and I loved the concept of a journalist still interviewing people in the apocalypse, then I eventually went back to watch it all.
Favorite character: Iris and Leo are tied but Hope, Felix, Huck, and Silas are sooo close behind.
Funniest character: Elton maybe
Best-looking character: Sorry to be a Joe Holt stan but ♡ Leo
3 favorite ships: Felix/Will, Iris/Percy, Huck/Dennis
Least favorite character: This is one of the rare shows that I love love love every single character so it's really hard to answer this so. I guess Jadis because I have the least connection to her. Everyone else is my family <3
Least favorite ship:  I don't think I really have an answer for this because I liked all the established ships... I think Lyla/Leo were cute even though she was betraying him :( so I guess them for technical purposes.
Reason why I watch it: People call it a "teen drama" but I think it's much more aligned with "family drama." At its core its entirely about FAMILY! And the family dynamics in this show are so incredible. The complex siblings, complex friendships, putting your entire trust in someone that's inevitably going to betray you, it's so good to me. I also think coming of age in the apocalypse is a really fun story to tell, especially since these people have lived in the apocalypse for 10 years but haven't actually experienced it. People who hate this show are boring <3
Why I started watching it: I had basically just finished watching TWD for the first time when this show was announced so I was excited to see it from the start, and the premise of it all sounded really fun and I was sooo sad when the premiere got pushed back like... a year. This show is my best friend now.
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tvsotherworlds · 1 year ago
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twdmusicboxmystery · 2 years ago
FTWD Season 8 Theories and Edits
***Please Ignore. I'm just updating my index.***
Bring Back Madison Post + Norman Posting Bethyl 05/10/2023
8x01: Remember What They Took From You - First Thoughts 05/15/2023
8x01: Remember What They Took From You - Analysis 05/16/2023
Bring Madison Back - The Hashtag 05/17/2023
Showrunners Deny That Time-Jumps Are Calculated - Yeah Right 05/17/2023
8x02: Bluejay - First Thoughts 05/25/2023
8x04: King County - Analysis 06/06/2023
8x06: All I See is Red - Analysis 06/19/2023
8x06 Coda Discussion Continued 06/21/2023
8x06: Could the Mystery Person be Troy? 06/22/2023
8x06: Maps, Clocks, Frosty the Snowman, Dwight and Sherry 06/23/2023
Romance in TWD + Emily Near Where Fear was Filming 06/28/2023
Hands in 8x6 Coda May Be a Stand In 06/27/2023
Could Hands From 8x6 Coda be Nun From Daryl Spinoff? 06/27/2023
Continued Discussion About Person From 8x6 Coda 06/30/2023
Fanbase Speculation About Mystery Person in 8x6 Coda 07/01/2023
First Look at Troy's Return (Sirius Character) 08/19/2023
Ask: Is Troy Truly the Person in the Coda? 08/22/2023
Reality of Troy Suriviving and What it Means for Beth 08/24/2023
If Blond Hair in FTWD Coda Isn't Beth, Who Is It? 09/05/2023
8x07: Anton - Video Analysis 10/22/2023
8x08: Iron Tiger - Video Analysis 10/29/2023
Beth/Charlie Hug Parallels 11/01/2023
Beth/Charlie Arm Parallels 11/01/2023
Coda Walkers Breaking Through Glass Parallels 11/02/2023
Eagle Parallels 11/02/2023
Dialogue that Foreshadows Beth's Return 11/03/2023
8x09: Sanctuary - Video Analysis 11/05/2023
Dialogue That Suggests the Missing 17 Days 11/04/2023
Dialogue that Foreshadows Beth's Return 11/03/2023
8x10: Keeping Her Alive - Video Analysis 11/12/2023
8x11 & 8x12 - Finale Video Analysis 11/19/2023
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yourdeepestfathoms · 3 years ago
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can’t stop won’t stop
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darealsaltysam · 3 years ago
daniel and charlie are to ftwd what negan and lydia are to twd
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katefaith18 · 3 years ago
Does no one else find an issue with this relationship 😬?
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Charlie literally said that she's turning 13 that week. So during the episode Mourning Cloak she's 12, almost 13. Earlier in the episode Howard says that Ali is 15. Now I don't know about you but I don't know ANY 15 year old who would want to kiss a girl who's (not even) 13.
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sincetheendofeverything · 3 years ago
I’m so worried about watching the new season of FTWD cause it looks like the literal reason for me watching the show (Althea) is going to get killed off for some reason (plus the fact that she got about 5 seconds of screentime last season) and i’m betting that we arent going to get much content for my other faves (Luci, Charlie, June and that group) AND Alicia is stuck in a bunker somewhere... Nick stans im about to join you in the ‘my character was killed off for no conceivable reason and im still mad about it’ squad. 
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clexnation · 3 years ago
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seriesconfession · 7 years ago
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― Fear The Walking Dead (2018)
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dailyfeartwdgifs · 7 years ago
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'Fear The Walking Dead' Leans On Alycia Debnam-Carey To Save It Yet Again 
Fear the Walking Dead has been on something of a quality roller coaster as of late, coming off a solid season 3 to a so far unsteady season 4. We’ve had mediocre moments (last week’s mid-season premiere), very bad ones (Madison’s death in the mid-season finale), and now we have…one of the best episodes of the series last night? 
Last night’s ‘Close Your Eyes’ was a “bottle episode,” what we call it in TV when we have entire episode dedicated to just one or two characters, usually in a single location for the duration. Last night focused on Alicia, stuck in a house during a Texan hurricane, and Charlie, who took shelter for the storm in the same place. Unfortunately, Charlie just killed Alicia’s brother Nick in cold blood not all that long ago, so that creates some uh, tension, shall we say. 
The end result was an absolute acting clinic from Alycia Debnam-Carey, who I’ve long evangelized is the breakout star of Fear the Walking Dead, and really, in Alicia she’s created one of the most impressive, memorable characters in the entire Walking Dead universe across either show.
 In this episode, we see Alicia come to grips with the loss of her family through the metaphor of the undead family she has to clear out of the house in order to find safety there, a family with a similar make-up to her own. And more pressingly, she has to deal with her desire to see Charlie dead, contrasted with the fact that this is…a little girl, and even in this climate, shooting a child in the face is still a tall order, even if they did kill your brother. 
This was essentially the opposite of The Walking Dead’s “The Grove” episode, in which Carol has to put down a similarly aged girl who has gotten so unstable she’s a liability. But here, Alicia decides against killing Charlie in the end, both for revenge, but later, she can’t even bring herself to mercy kill her when it looks like the end is nigh anyway. Charlie ends the episode not forgiven, perhaps, but the two have come to some level of an understanding. 
It’s a fantastic episode anchored by MVP Debnam-Carey. The actress was poached from her run as Lexa on The 100, a role that has launched a thousand fangirl ships in both directions over the years, but the move seems to have paid off, as with her cast slimming, Debnam-Carey is now essentially the lead of Fear. The Walking Dead seems to believe that after snagging her, The 100 is a good talent pool to fish in. Next season on the main show we have Nadia Hilker playing Magna and Zach McGowan playing a foil to Daryl, both The 100 actors whose characters were killed off like Debnam-Carey’s. 
This is far from the first time Debnam-Carey has impressed on Fear, almost singlehandedly producing amazing episodes/moments. I’m still haunted by the season 3 episode This Land is Your Land, where Alicia was forced to mercy kill bitten survivors trapped in a bunker, but due to a lack of air, everyone ends up dying anyway, and she has to kill her way through the undead members of her former community to survive. It was emotional, harrowing and different than what we saw last night, but Close Your Eyes was great in its own way. Debnam-Carey now has led probably two of the three best episodes in Fear history, and now is essentially acting as the lead of the show with Madison gone. It also does not seem out of the question that if Fear’s endgame is to march east, that she very well may end up as a cast member on the main show at some point. But honestly, she wouldn’t get nearly the screentime there that she does on Fear, and that would be a shame. 
I know riding the quality waves of Fear and TWD can be exhausting, but trust me when I say you’re going to want to check out last night’s episode. I watched it early two weeks ago, and I’m still thinking about it today.
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taiturner · 3 years ago
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I didn't lie about everything. All of those things I said I wanted, a life like I was supposed to have, I still want that.
Alexa Nisenson as CHARLIE Fear the Walking Dead | 7x10: “Mourning Cloak”
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argyrosingh · 7 years ago
Fear the Walking Dead 4x10
Close Your Eyes è uno di quegli episodi introversi, riflessivi, chiusi in senso fisico e metaforico. Ci troviamo all’interno di una tempesta; tutto il mondo, all’esterno, appare lontano e quelle nuvole e quel vento sembrano creare una cortina che consente ai protagonisti di prendere un profondo respiro.
Questo è ciò che cercano di fare Alicia e Charlie; entrambe con addosso un peso importante: la prima nel tentativo di essere una degna erede della madre e in generale della sua famiglia; la seconda occupata a cercare una soluzione ad un’azione, l’omicidio, che soluzione non ha. Se non continuare a vivere e tentare di fare ciò che riesce meglio, in questo caso “trovare le cose”.
L’episodio è interamente incentrato su questi due personaggi e sul tema del perdono. Ma non c’è nulla di scontato: Alicia ammette di non trovare nessun tipo di luce in Charlie, di non vedere in lei nulla di speciale, ed è forse così che trova nelle proprie scelte, nella volontà di mantenere viva l’eredità di Madison, quel perdono altrimenti inaccettabile.
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blondietvjunkie · 7 years ago
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FEAR: an in-depth on hints and foreshadowing.
In three easy steps.
Though I may disagree with some of the story direction, on second view this was well crafted and deserves the look. Part two coming.
link for sharing https://imgur.com/a/ciNQubo
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