#charem (medicham)
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#pokémon horizons#amethio#soublades (ceruledge)#sango (coral)#onigohri (glalie)#onyx (sidian)#kyojiohn (garganacl)#agate (chalce)#charem (medicham)#spinel#blacky (umbreon)#gibeon
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Inktober 2024, giorno 4 – Rubino/Exotic
This year my personal theme is… fairy tales! Can you guess the fairy tale?
Quest’anno il mio tema personale è… le fiabe! Riesci ad indovinare che fiaba è questa?
#octillerink 2024#inktober#inktober 2024#inktober 2024 exotic#inktober prompt#inktoberexotic#indeedee#yessan#servol#wimessir#medicham#charem#meditalis#charmina#pokemon#pokémon#pokemon fanart#pokémon fanart
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#Pokemon#pokémon#pokeblogging#pokeblr#pocket monster#pkmn#pocket monsters#Gardevoir#Medicham#Grumpig#Lunatone#Solrock#Claydol#Chimecho#Metagross#Chirean#Nendoll#Boopig#Charem#Sirnight
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Some doodles of my Pokémon oc Charem, who’s a Medicham
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Human Names from Pokémon
Like how Robin, Leo, Raven, Kitty, etc. sound like animals using different languages, and names like Goldie can have ties if the namer so wishes. Same works here! The Pokemon name itself can be a name or the more “namey” sounding version.
Under the cut will likely be long and always getting longer as it’s updated. Names will be organised alphabetically!
Some names have links to pkmn irl roleplay blogs of folk who use the name/have used the name with this as the reason. I won’t be tagging so if you’re interested go have a look!
Accelgor = Ellie, Cel, Elgor, Elgo
Aggron = Aggie, Ron
Galeking (Japanese) = Gale, King
Stolloss (German) = Stoll
Amaura = Amaur, Maur, Mau, Maura, Maurrie
Amagara (French) = Ama, Magar, Magara, Gara, Ara
Amarus (Japanese & Korean) = Amar, Mar, Marus, Arus, Rus
Tundra (species name) = Tunny, Undra
Blissey = Bliss, Liss, Lissey, Sey, Issey
Caterpie = Caterina
Decidueye = Dec, Deci, Duey,
Arrow Quill (species name) = Quill
Delcatty = Del, Catt, Catty
Prim (species name)
Delibird = Del
Dudunsparce = Dud, Dun, Arce, Dudun
Deusolourdo (French) = Deus, Sol, Deusol, Lourdo, Solourdo, Solour
Dummimisel (German) = Dummi, Dumm/Dum, Imi, Misel, Isel, Sel, Ummi, Mimi
Land Snake (species name) = Lanake, Snand
Nogogochi (Korean) = Nogo, Nogogo, Gogo, Gochi, Gogochi, Ochi, Ogochi, Ogogochi
Nokokocchi (Japanese) = Noko, Nokoko, Kocchi, Kokocchi, Occhi, Okocchi, Okokocchi, Okoko
Espeon = Es, Esp, Espy/Espie (I get what it sounds like and some don’t like that term), Peon
Eifie (Japanese) = Eif, Fie
Evee (Korean) = Eve, Vee (Pokémon adventures reference too? :D)
Mentali (French) = Ment, Tali, Ali
Psiana (German) = Psi, Psia, Ian, Iana, Ana, Psian
Sun (species name) = Sun, Sunny/Sunnie
Feebas = Feebie, Bas
Flareon = Flare, Eon, Reon
Booster (Japanese & Korean) = Boost
Flamara (German) = Amara, Amar, Lamar, Ara
Pyroli (French) = Py, Pyrol, Li, Oli
Fletchinder / Fletchling = Fletch
Frillish = Frill, Rilli, Lish, Illish
Galvantula = Gal, Galvan, Tula
Glaceon = Glace, Eon, Ace, Ceon, Lace
Fresh Snow (species name) = Snow, Esh
Glacia (Japanese) = Cia, Acia, Lacia
Glaziola (German) = Glaz, Glazi, Ziola, Ola, Zio, Lazio
Geulleisia (Korean) = Geulle/Guel/Guell, Leisia, Eisia, Sia, Euelle/Euel/Euell
Givrali (French) = Giv, Rali, Ali, Li, Givra, Vral, Vrali, Ivra, Ivral, Ivrali
Goldeen = Goldee/Goldie
Gothitelle = Elle
Siderella = Ella
Hariyama = Hari, Riya, Yama, Hariya
Jolteon = Jo, Jol, Joel, Jolt, Teon, Eon
Blitza (German) = Blitz, Itza, Litz, Za, Blita, Blit
Jupithunder (Korean) = Jupi, Jupiter, Thun, Pith, Pithund, Pithun, Jup, Jupith
Thunders (Japanese) = Thunder, Thun, Ders
Voltali (French) = Volt, Ali, Tali, Li, Olta, Oltali
Karrablast = Karra
Kleoparda (Liepard in German) = Kleo
Kyurem = Kyu, Rem/Remy, Kyur/Kyure
Landorus = Dory, Lan/Lanie, Lando
Demeteros / Démétéros (German / French) = Demetreus, Demeter, Dem
Leafeon = Leaf, Eaf, Feon, Eon, Eafie/Eafe, Leafe/Leafie
Folipurba (German) = Foli, Oli, Pur, Purb, Purba, Urba, Lipur, Lipurb, Folipur
Leafia (Japanese) = Leaf, Fia, Eafia
Lipia (Korean) = Ipia, Pia, Lipi, Ipi
Phyllali (French) = Phyll/Phyll, Ali, Lali
Lileep = Lilee/Lily, Lil, Lee, Li
Litleo = Leo, Litly
Lumineon = Lumi, Lumie
Luxio = Lux
Luxray = Lux, Ray
Medicham = Medi, Dich, Dicha, Edi, Cham, Dicham, Medich
Charem (Japanese) = Char/Chare, Rem, Arem, Em
Charmina (French) = Charm, Mina, Armina, Armin, Charmin, Charmi, Armi, Min, Ina
Meditalis (German) = Tali, Talis, Alis, Dit, Ditali, Ditalis
Meditate (species name) = Tate, Medit, Dit
Yogarem (Korean) = Yo, Yoga, Rem, Garem, Em
Mienshao = Mie, Mien, Shao, Ao, Miensh, Miensha, Enshao
Bizodo (Korean) = Bi, Bizo, Zodo, Iz, Izo, Izodo, Odo, Biz
Kojondo (Japanese) = Kojo, Jon, Jondo, Jon Do (?), Kojon, Kojond, Jond, Ko
Shaofouine (French) = Shao, Shaofou, Fouine, Fou, Shaof
Shifùyòu (Mandarin) = Shifù, Fùyòu, Yòu
Wie-Shu (German) = Wie, Wiesh, Shu, Eshu
Mightyena / Poochyena = Yena
Milotic = Milo, Loti, Ilo, Oti, Otic
Panpour = Pan
Pansage = Pan, Sage, Pansie/Pansy
Pansear = Pan, Pansie/Pansy (possibly)
Pichu = Pi, Chu, Ichu, Ich
Pikachu = Pika, Achu, Pik, Pi, Chu
Pyroar = Py, Pyro, Ro, Roar, Oar
Pyroleo (French) = Pyro, Roleo, Leo, Rol
Raichu = Rai, Chu, Ai, Aichu
Roselia = Rose, Rosie, Elia, Eli
Roserade = Rose, Rosie
Sableye = Sable
Zobiris (German) = Iris, Zo, Biris, Ob
Sawsbuck = Saw
Haydaim (French) = Hay, Haydm, Daim, Haydem
Shelmet = Shely
Sprigatito = Sprig, Gati, Gatito, Tito, Titi, Rig, Gat, Spriga
Felori (German) = Fel, Feli, Lori, Ori, Eloro, Felo
Grass Cat (species name) = Cass, Grat, Cat
Myāohā (Hindi) = Myā, Myāo, Yāo, Yāohā, Āohā
Naoha (Korean) = Nao, Ao, Aoha
Niaoha (Thai) = Nia, Niao, Aoha, Iaoha, Iao
Nyahoja (Japanese) = Nya, Hoja, Nyaho
Poussacha (French) = Sacha, Acha, Poussa, Poussach
Sylveon = Sylvie / Sylvester, Veon, Eon
Feelinara (German) = Fee, Feelin, Linara, Nara, Ara, Lin, Inara, Inar, Eelin, Elina
Nymphali (French) = Nymph, Nym, Pha, Phali, Ali
Nymphia (Japanese & Korean) = Nymph, Nym, Phia, Phi
Tauros = Tau, Taur, Ros, Tauro, Auros
Kentaros (Korean) = Ken, Kent, Kentau, Kentaur, Kentaro, Taro, Aros
Kentauros (Japanese) = Ken, Kentau, Kentaur, Kentauro, Enta
Terrakion = Terra/Terr/Terry, Kion, Erra, Raki, Ion
Terrakium (German & French) = Kiu, Kium
Togekiss = Toge, Kiss/Kissie, Gex (I don’t know ok), Gek
Jubilee (species name) = Lee, Jubi
Torterra = Tor, Tort, Terra, Erra
Chelterrar (French) = Chel, Chelt, Terra, Terrar, Rar, Erra
Umbreon = Umbre, Reon, Eon, Bre, Breon
Blacky (Japanese & Korean) = Black, Lacky, Blac
Nachtara (German) = Nach, Tara
Noctali (French) = Noc, Noct, Tali, Octa, Octal, Octali
Vaporeon = Vapor, Va, Reon, Eon, Oreo, Oreon
Aquali (Japanese) = Aqua, Li, Ali, Quali
Aquana (German) = Aqua, Ana, Quana
Bubble Jet (species name) = Jet, Bubble, Blej (I don’t know okay)
Shamid (Korean) = Shamie, Amid, Sham, Mid
Showers (Japanese) = Ower, Shower
Wooloo = Woo, Woolie/Wooly, Loo (like Lou)
Moumouton (French) = Mou, Moumou, Mouton, Ton
Wolly (German) = Wol, Olly
Yanmega = Yan, Mega, Meg, Anme
Ogre Darner (species name)= Darner, Ogie
#names from pokémon#the other one is being done don’t worry.#brain’s making me play with a new character with it before I can finish the fairy list.#I will admit I’m dreading the grass one. No skipping the plant names now…
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I just realized something about Medicham and Team Charm from the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games:


The japanese name of Medicham (チャーレム Charem) and the japanese pronunciation of Team Charm (チャームズ wich is just “Charms” without “team”) sound almost exactly the same in japanese!!
Medicham just may be the reason Team Charm got its name!!!

#medicham#team charm#charem#pokemon#pokemon mystery dungeon#Lopunny#gardevoir#explorers of sky#explorers of time and darkness#speculation#theory#text#pokemon mystery dungeon explorers#pokemon gen 4
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Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Partner Pokemon/Player Character (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon), Partner Pokemon & Player Character (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon), Player Character & Gengar (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon ) Characters: Player Character (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon), Partner Pokemon (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon), Garagara | Marowak, Fushigisou | Ivysaur, Gangar | Gengar, Absol (Pokemon), Dirteng | Shiftry, Arbo | Ekans, Charem | Medicham Additional Tags: Unrequited Love, Friendship, One-Sided Attraction, Hanahaki Disease, Parent-Child Relationship, Fluff and Angst, Angst, Fluff, Psychological Trauma, Childhood Trauma, Past Child Abuse, Past Sexual Abuse, Past Character Death, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Sickfic, Father-Daughter Relationship Summary:
Nutmeg's life is calm enough. It's been five years since the near disaster that threatened to throw the world into chaos, and the now fifteen year old lives in a homey stone hut at the edge of treasure town with her admittedly flawed parental figure, Gengar. She spends much of her time with her partner Petal, taking jobs, exploring, helping out pokemon around town, and just lounging idly beside her at times. Unsuprisingly, feelings for her ivysaur companion soon begin to sprout, and she finds herself unable to stop thinking of her partner. However, Petal doesn't seem to share her partner's feelings, and the seemingly familiar tale of love turns potentially fatal as Nutmeg's feelings grows and continually root themselves deeper into the marowak's chest. Will Petal save her friend, make the cold tendrils of unrequited love wither and die, or will the bitter thorns rip Nutmeg apart from the inside?
#pmd#red rescue team#blue rescue team#pmd hero#pmd partner#cubone#marowak#bulbasaur#ivysaur#gengar#fanfic#hanahaki disease#angst#feels#fluff#romance#lesbian#lesbian relationship
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Unwavering Champion Pokémon Team Commission.
メガサーナイト | Mega Sirknight | Mega Gardevoir (Shiny) ルナアーラ | Lunala (Shiny) カラマネロ | Kalamanero | Malamar (Shiny) フーディン | Foodin | Alakazam (Shiny) チャーレム | Charem | Medicham (Shiny) カプ・テテフ | Kapu Tetefu | Tapu Lele (Shiny)
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Commission Order Form!
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#pokémon horizons: the series#dot#kuwassu (quaxly)#kanuchan (tinkatink)#liko#roy#murdock#orio#mollie#agate#charem (medicham)
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#Pokemon#pokémon#pokeblogging#pokeblr#pocket monster#pkmn#pocket monsters#Combusken#Blaziken#Breloom#Makuhita#Hariyama#Meditite#Medicham#Charem#Asanan#Hariteyama#Makunoshita#Kinogassa#Bursyamo#Wakasyamo
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Inktober 2023, giorno 13 – Medium/Rise
#inktober#inktober 2023#inktober 2023 rise#inktober prompt#inktober rise#medicham#charem#meditalis#charmina#pokemon#pokémon#pokemon fanart#pokémon fanart
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I had no idea this Medicham figure even existed. I assume it’s using Thunder Punch.
#medicham#pokemon#toys#thunder punch#pokemon toys#pokemon figures#<3#charem#pokemon tomy#tomy pokemon
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