#character: grace olsen
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trojanteapot · 2 years ago
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In this post I will be merging my two "hyperfixations" / "special interests" by assigning Homestuck Mythological Roles (a.k.a. Classpects) to some of the Infinity Train characters.
What the fuck is a Classpect?
Classpects are like Zodiac signs or Hogwarts Houses except excruciatingly convoluted, because it’s from Homestuck. I will attempt to simplify them as much as possible. 
Basically every character receives a title in this format:
[Class Role] of [Aspect]
which, in Homestuck canon, gives the character sweet reality warping powers!
Some examples include the Witch of Space being able to shrink entire planets, or the Heir of Breath whipping up tornadoes out of nowhere! One of the coolest examples in canon was the Rogue of Void can steal non-existence from an object and make it real!
But the titles are also assigned based on a character's personality, goals, how they interact with others, and their overall character arc. And because they are Zodiac-adjacent, it also means that classpects can be applied to any sort of character in any media in existence.
Why are you doing classpects for Infinity Train you cringey Hussie simp?
First off, I don’t care for Andrew Hussie beyond the fact that they authored Homestuck, and one can certainly argue it wasn’t entirely on their own. This is an irrelevant tangent.
Secondly, both the video game Sburb in Homestuck, and the Train in Infinity Train are essentially character arc generators. 
This means it’s extremely straightforward to assign classpects onto these Train peeps because their character arcs have been spelled out for us, in the same way that Sburb spells out the character arcs for the Homestuck characters when they play the game.
A Class determines how a character is, or acts, or behaves, they are analogous to D&D classes. This system is based on the one developed by @optimisticduelist2 and @homestuckexamination
Role Active Passive Description*
Create Maid Sylph Create or Mend for self / others
Destroy Prince Bard Destroy or Subdue for self / others
Change Witch Heir Change or Manipulate for self / others
Know Mage Seer Understand or Learn for self / others
Give Page Knight Give or Serve to self / others
Take Thief Rogue Take or Steal for self / others
*Note: Just because a character is in a passive or active class does NOT mean they must ALWAYS use their aspect in a selfish or selfless manner!
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Aspects are analogous to classical elements (Water, Earth, Fire, Air, etc). They come in pairs that counterbalance each other like Yin and Yang. I also try to summarize their core concept in as little words as possible. (Note if you are using the dark theme some of the font colours might not show up properly. Just highlight it if that's the case.)
Space - Creativity Time - Inevitability
Light - Knowledge Void - Mystery
Life - Abundance Doom - Futility
Hope - Faith Rage - Chaos
Mind - Motives/Decisions Heart - Identity/Emotions
Breath - Freedom Blood - Bonds
***Key point: Thinking about the character’s Character Arc is the best way to classpect them!!!***
If their character arc revolves (mainly) around themselves, they are an ACTIVE class.
If their character arc revolves (mainly) around other people, they are a PASSIVE class.
Tulip Olsen – Mage of Light
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“One who knows Light for themselves.” 
Tulip gained the most knowledge of the Train other than Amelia out of the main characters, and her understanding of the Train (the world around her) as well as her own issues allowed her to free herself from the Train. Her knowledge inadvertently led to a better Train system through her teaching her knowledge to One-One (mages are great teachers).
You may be wondering, if her knowledge also benefited others, why is Tulip a mage and not a seer? That’s because Tulip took the initiative to seek the knowledge of her own volition (i.e. actively), and is more open to accepting and assimilating new knowledge. 
Seers on the other hand, receive a ton of knowledge passively, but it takes them time to parse the amount of information, and seers tend to struggle to understand the meaning behind the information they receive (Rose, the Seer of Light in Homestuck suffered the brunt of this early on, and Terezi, the Seer of Mind, had this struggle in the middle to the end of the webcomic. Also see the entry for Simon).
Amelia Hughes – Maid of Doom
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“One who creates Doom for themselves.”
I don’t think I need to explain the ‘creating doom for herself’ part of Amelia’s whole schtick, since doom is tied to futility and suffering. However, looking more deeply into it, you can say that she has created so much suffering on the Train that to make amends (hehe mends), she needs to go and fix the mistakes she made, thus also mending her own Doom and mending through Doom. 
By taking Hazel in, not only is she mending the doom that she had brought onto Hazel by creating her in the first place, but she also averted Hazel’s doom by saving her from Grace and Simon. [non-canonical tangent: in my fanfic, she helps Simon realize what his issues were, thus averting his doom as well].
In addition, Doom is tied to technology and systems, and Amelia is an engineer, and if you buy my idea that the Train itself can be seen as an Agent of Doom, or even the embodiment of Doom, then her creating Train Cars to reenact her past life (also an act of futility) also falls very much in line with Maid of Doom. Also she is basically MADE of doom as the False Conductor.
Lake – Thief of Breath
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“One who takes Breath for themselves.”
Lake wanted freedom from their existence as a reflection, and then they wanted to be free from the Train like a passenger can eventually be. Lake wasn’t afraid to get their hands dirty in order to obtain that freedom as well, something thieves are prone to do. We see them try to trick Tulip in the Chrome Car in order to escape from the mirror dimension, and they also full-out killed a cop they were handcuffed to so they could be free.
Jesse Cosay – Knight of Blood
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“One who serves Blood to others.”
Blood is tied to bonds in terms of the bonds we create between people, i.e. family and friends. Jesse’s key issue was that he was giving too much of himself to his toxic friends and his swim team that he hurt his little brother in the process, and he needed to learn to give in a healthier way. 
He also in a sense has to ‘set boundaries’ with others too, and not get too influenced by peer pressure. Finally, the most important use of his aspect was he was able to free Lake by offering (giving) his friendship (blood) to them.
Grace Monroe – Witch of Heart
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“One who changes Heart for themselves”
Grace is basically the queen of putting on masks in order to get what she wants from others. She acts in a friendly and understanding teacher/guardian manner to the younger Apex kids, but in a cool girl big sis kind of way to Jesse in order to convince him to join the Apex. So not only does she exhibit the changing of identity, but also to change how others feel about her, both to her own benefit. She is really the most “herself” only with Simon.
Grace’s entire character arc is centered around her having a ‘change of heart’ too, re-evaluating and changing her whole identity once she found out she was wrong about numbers and denizens. She will then change the hearts of the Apex kids as well, changing the purpose and identity of the Apex.
Simon Laurent – Seer of Mind
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“One who knows Mind for others.”
You're probably rolling on the ground with laughter right now. Believe me I was too when I thought of this. But let me explain.
Because Simon’s arc ended in his tragic death, then we need to see what he did wrong in order to figure out his classpect. Simon’s troubles started when he rejected new information about the Train, when he refused knowledge. In addition, he was so sure of his own correctness that he couldn’t properly understand Grace’s motivations and couldn’t predict her decisions. He forcibly peered into Grace’s private thoughts for himself, and then came to the entirely wrong conclusions. 
He was, in essence, completely unaware of the minds of others, and thus blinded himself to the truth. Thus, he is the Seer of Mind. 
We can therefore imagine that if his character arc had run its course not to tragedy but towards self-actualization, he would have become somebody to understand other’s minds, and to know his own mind for the benefit of others (cough my fanfics coughcoughcough). This will not be easy for him, because as mentioned before, Seers receive information very naturally but struggle with understanding it and synthesizing it into a coherent whole.
It is also possible he was exercising some of his knowledge of mind in a positive way by being the Apex’s second in command, as he was the strategist to Grace’s commander.
Ryan Akagi – Heir of Space
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“One who changes Space for others.”
Ryan is a creative spirit, with his eyes to the stars. He’s always making plans to spread his art to the whole world. He is driven but in a way where it seems like creativity is driving him, and he is just along for the ride. 
Yes, music is normally associated with time, but Ryan isn’t cynical, dwelling on the past and worrying about the future. He is a guy that’s in the present moment. Plus, his gigs include lots of theatrics and visuals… when he is able/allowed to accomplish that of course. So this aligns his musicality more towards Space than Time.
He inspired Min-Gi to follow his artistic pursuits. He also finds creative solutions to Train cars that his companions didn’t see (especially the Art Gallery Car, where as soon as he found the solution he literally changed space). He definitely fits the ‘driving inspirational force’ that Heirs are for others.
Min-Gi Park – Page of Hope
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“One who serves Hope to themselves.”
Min-Gi didn’t have faith in himself and his musical abilities. He dreams of being a musician but he did not ‘believe in himself’ enough to follow that dream. In the end, he had to have faith in his abilities, to allow himself to hope for the future that he wants. Pages also have very slow progression rates, and Min-Gi certainly fits that; not understanding his true calling until his best friend/crush accidentally dragged him into several repeated life or death situations in another dimension. 
[Non-canonical note: Min-Gi having the Hope aspect could be why I headcanoned him and his family as religious for my fanfics (Hope is very much tied to spirituality and religion, and the hope symbol is a pair of angelic wings for crying out loud). And also apparently that was a lucky thing I did because Korean-Canadian immigrants in the sixties were all just missionary families sponsored by the Presbyterian Church!]
Homestuck Character Classes (Most Official Fanon): https://homestuckexamination.tumblr.com/post/175472060924/homestuck-examination-classpect-analysis https://mspaintadventures.fandom.com/wiki/Class
Homestuck Cosmic Aspects (Canonical): http://hs.hiveswap.com/ezodiac/aboutaspects.php
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hikaaa-bi · 2 years ago
one thing that i love about infinity train is how REAL the characters are, despite being in a fantasy setting, and the narrative of how experiences shape individuals. the way they speak and act are so realistic, their choices are understandable and their arcs are so well-written. all of the characters have glaring flaws they need to work on, but it's also clear that these flaws are the results of some kind of trauma or the way they were treated.
tulip was disillusioned with the world, angry and distant. and this is a direct reaction to her parents' divorce and her inability to cope with it. which is sympathetic, of course, it's a hard thing to go through as a child. the show also reveals that tulip blames herself for her parents' divorce, which can hit close to home for many people.
lake was similarly angry and defiant, even outright hostile in certain situations. again, this comes as a response to the way she was treated in the train, the way she was never granted her freedom and individuality, and how she was trapped in a role she didn't want to play. it's no wonder that many queer people identify so much with lake, because the rules of the train mirrors real life.
jesse has people-pleasing tendencies that reach the point where it actually hurts people. we've all seen protagonists who are people pleasers or eager to appear likeable to people, but usually it only hurts themselves. jesse's case is the prime example of "a friend to all is a friend to none". you can't please everyone, there are people you should oppose or ignore. otherwise, you end up hurting people who actually matters in your life.
simon and grace are straight-up villains, or anti-villains at the very best. grace is manipulative and cunning, playing on people's feelings and insecurities to serve herself. simon is controlling and somewhat egotistic, refusing to change his mindset, regardless of what happens. again, both these characters are shown to have reasons for why they became what they are, even if it doesn't justify their actions. grace grew up in an environment where she was neglected and felt lonely, and found out that her only sure way of making any sort of connection is to manipulate people. simon is implied to have dealt with someone's death before he got on the train, since he seems to have an idea of what funerals are like. that, paired with samantha the cat accidentally leaving him behind in a crucial and dangerous situation, he develops some very intense abandonment issues. again, both these issues can be very relatable to a lot of people, even if we aren't as bad as either of these characters.
min-gi was shown to be insecure and uncertain, but at the same time, arrogant and condescending. the pressure he recieved from his parents has fueled his gifted child syndrome while simultaneously making him depressed and burned out. ryan is probably the closest we have to a "conventional main character", hyperactive and quirky. but he is also not exactly perfect in all other aspects, as he wants to push things forward and refuses to give min-gi some time to think and make a decision. as a child who grew up with lots of other siblings, ryan struggles to prove himself to his family, since they don't seem to pay him much attention. both these scenarios are especially relatable to asians, but of course, anyone who may have trouble pleasing their parents and living up to expectations.
i just gave a character analysis of each protagonist, but my point is that while other cartoon protagonists tend to lean more on the heroic side, the characters in this show doesn't. in most other animated shows i've watched, the flaws a protagonist is allowed to have are either "heroic" flaws such as being too forgiving or being self-sacrificing, or shallow flaws such as clumsiness or being kind of an idiot.
but not in infinity train. the protagonists in this show aren't heroes, they are normal people. they don't have a magical destiny, they don't have to fight for the good of the world, they aren't the "chosen ones". their ultimate goal is to get out of the train (or in simon and grace's case, to be superior to everyone else, to "win").
so it really feels good when one of the characters does choose to do something nice. when tulip chooses to empathize with and help amelia, when lake bonds with alan dracula and jesse. when grace chooses to change for the better and face the consequences of her actions. when ryan chooses to stay with min-go despite getting a door, and when min-gi does the same later on.
i watched this show about a year ago, and it's still one of the best animated shows i've watched. it's so uncomfortably real sometimes, you stop and go "am i like that?" when a character does something wrong, you know that the show addresses it and their actions have consequences. the show doesn't hand out redemption arcs to everyone or sweep things under the rug like some shows *cough* steven universe and she-ra *cough*
there's a reason why a lot of people seem to relate more to villains than heroes, because villains are allowed to be flawed while also being sympathetic. infinity train managed to create a cast of protagonists who are exactly like that. they are more than heroes, they are people.
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Canon Sapphic Characters Tournament Round One (Bracket 4)
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hikaaa-bi · 1 year ago
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yeah i don't dislike any of the characters listed here, are we surprised?
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Uh I made a thing :3
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venussaidso · 9 months ago
Nicole Wallace (Ardra Moon, Uttara Bhadrapada Sun) from "Raising Voices" emits the same energy as Hailee Steinfeld & Nicola Peltz who both happen to be Purva Ashadas. Her birthtime is unknown and I'm of the opinion that she is either one of the Venus nakshatras.
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I used the Celebrity Lookalikes AI on some of her pictures and her top consistent results included Elizabeth Olsen, Katherine Langford and Lili Reinhart who are all Purva Phalgunis. Bharani Moon Chloe Cherry was another Venusian in the results. I was also the first to find her slight resemblance to her co-star and friend Bharani Moon Clara Galle. Sometimes I think they can pass of as sisters which is an indication of possible shared nakshatras/nakshatra lords.
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Her other results were celebrities who share her other nakshatra lords like Rahu as she has an Ardra Moon (Shatabhisha natives Kathryn Newton, Maria Sobocińska were in the results) and Saturn (those included Saturn nakshatra natives Scarlett Johansson, Anya Taylor Joy, Chloë Grace Moretz etc.). Not that Sofia Vergara was there, but when I looked through Nicole's pictures online, I thought she looked a bit like her in some angles, which kinda validates Sofia's likely Ardra Moon.
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I can't get over how nakshatras/nakshatra lords can be picked up from our phenotype. Everytime I see similarities between two random people that shouldn't be compared, I always find a common placement or nakshatra connection. This also helps in guessing someone's Ascendant although it's much more trickier than that.
But it is more likely that Nicole Wallace is a Venus nakshatra Ascendant because of the premise of her Netflix series "Raising Voices" — which touches on themes of the oppression and violence against women, fiercely standing up against that, revenge & justice etc. Just witnessing how such violence deteriorates the female characters and how she defines that event and what it means to her immediately reminded me of the brilliant series "I May Destroy You", which is written by and starring Purva Ashada Moon Michaela Coel.
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camisoledadparis · 2 months ago
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … January 23
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1893 – Professional "sissy" actor Franklin Pangborn was born in Newark, New Jersey (d.1958). If you don't know the name you've seen his work in old late late show movies. The character actor appeared in dozens of comedies always playing prissy, fluttery clerks, bank tellers, assistant hotel managers, and department store floorwalkers. He appeared in many Preston Sturges movies as well as the W.C. Fields films "International House," "The Bank Dick," and "Never Give a Sucker an Even Break." Pangborn was an effective foil for many major comedians, including Fields, Harold Lloyd, Olsen and Johnson, and The Ritz Brothers. He appeared regularly in comedies and musicals of the 1940s.
When movie roles became scarce, he worked in television. For a time Pangborn was the announcer on Jack Paar's Tonight Show.
In his book "Screened Out: Playing Gay in Hollywood from Edison to Stonewall", the film scholar Richard Barrios wrote that some people "will praise the artistry of Pangborn as they bemoan its misuse, while others will prefer to revel in both the subversiveness of it all and the actor's skill. Still others will just shut the whole matter out and deny that there were any Gay characters in film prior to the late 1960s."
In his essay, "Laughing Hysterically: Sex, Repression, and American Film Comedy," the scholar Ed Sikov argues that: Pangborn probably appeared "in more screwball comedies than any other actor — "My Man Godfrey", "Easy Living", "Bluebeard's Eighth Wife", "A Girl, a Guy and a Gob", "The Palm Beach Story", "Vivacious Lady", "Mr. Deeds Goes to Town", "Design for Living", "Joy of Living", "Topper Takes a Trip", and "Fifth Avenue Girl" — probably because his character (the fussy, flustered, silly, and temperamental proto-Gay male) fits perfectly into screwball's world of urban extremism. A deft comedian, Pangborn elevated effeminacy into an art form. He makes himself an object of mockery in film after film, but he never gives up his dignity."
Pangborn died on July 20, 1958 after undergoing surgery. For his contributions to motion pictures, Pangborn has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 1500 Vine Street.
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1898 – American motion picture actor Randolph Scott was born. (d.1987) He was known for his roles in films as diverse as Follow the Fleet; The Last of the Mohicans; High, Wide, and Handsome and Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm.
In his earlier Westerns ... the Scott persona is debonair, easy-going, graceful, though with the necessary hint of steel. As he matures into his fifties his roles change. Increasingly Scott becomes the man who has seen it all, who has suffered pain, loss, and hardship, and who has now achieved a stoic calm.
Following the making of Ride the High Country (1962), Scott retired from film making at the age of 64. Having made shrewd investments throughout his life, he eventually accumulated a fortune worth a reputed US$100 million.
Scott married twice. The first time, in 1936, he became the second husband of heiress Marion Du Pont. Reputedly the couple spent little time together and the marriage ended in divorce three years later.
In 1944, Scott married Patricia Stillman, with whom he adopted two children. The marriage lasted 43 years until Scott's death in 1987.
Although Scott achieved fame as a motion picture actor, he managed to keep a fairly low profile with his private life. And therein lies the food for the rumors. Off screen he became good friends with Fred Astaire and Cary Grant. He met Grant on the set of Hot Saturday and shortly afterwards they began rooming together in a beach house in Malibu that became known as "Bachelor Hall." They would live together, on and off, for about ten years, presumably because they liked each other's company and wanted to save on living expenses. As Scott shared "Bachelor Hall" with Cary Grant for twelve years, it was rumored that the two actors were romantically involved, and that the name "Bachelor Hall" and the reported parade of women there were invented by the studio who wanted to keep their valuable actors away from any public scandal.
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Randolph Scott & Cary Grant
In his book, "Cary Grant: Grant's Secret Sixth Marriage," author Marc Eliot claims Grant had a sexual relationship with Scott after they met on the set of Hot Saturday (1932). In his book, Hollywood Gay, Boze Hadleigh, author of numerous books purporting to reveal the sexual orientation of celebrities, makes various claims for Scott's homosexuality. He cites Gay director George Cukor who said about the homosexual relationship between the two: "Oh, Cary won't talk about it. At most, he'll say they did some wonderful pictures together. But Randolph will admit it - to a friend."
According to William J. Mann's book, "Behind the Screen: How Gays and Lesbians Shaped Hollywood, 1910-1969," photographer Jerome Zerbe spent "three Gay months" in the movie colony taking many photographs of Grant and Scott, "attesting to their involvement in the Gay scene." In 1995, Richard Blackwell published his autobiography "From Rags to Bitches," where he declared he was lovers to both Cary Grant and Scott.
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1959 – Scott Thorson, born in La Crosse, Wisconsin, is an American best known for his relationship with and lawsuit against the entertainer Liberace.
A teenaged Thorson met Liberace in 1976 through his romantic friendship with dancer Bob Street (a friend of Hollywood producer Ray Arnett) who was staging Liberace's shows in Vegas. When Thorson was 18, Liberace hired him to act as his personal friend and companion, a position that allegedly included a five-year romantic relationship with lavish gifts, travel, and Liberace's promises that he would adopt and care for Thorson. Liberace claimed that he had "more mink coats and diamonds than Elizabeth Taylor". Liberace also incorporated Thorson into his Las Vegas stage performances – for example, Thorson drove Liberace's Rolls-Royce onstage, and was a dancer.
According to Thorson, their committed relationship ended because of Liberace's promiscuous behavior and Thorson's drug addiction. Thorson also claimed that it was Liberace that originally started him on the drugs, but then when his habit got out of control, Liberace cut him off from all of his credit cards. Thorson stated that following his plastic surgery, the surgeon provided for him a cocktail of highly addictive drugs that included cocaine, Quaaludes, biphetamines, and Demerol. Thorson stated that since he was so young at the time of meeting Liberace, he would do anything that he could to please him, including getting plastic surgery so that he could resemble him, but he felt that their relationship was one-sided. He called Liberace both generous and possessive.
In 2000, Thorson was among several people featured in the British television documentary Liberace: Too Much of a Good Thing Is Wonderful. In 2002, Thorson was interviewed by Larry King on Larry King Live, during which Thorson confirmed that, in the midst of his relationship with Liberace, he chose to have plastic surgery to look more like Liberace at the pianist's suggestion. Also during the interview with King, Thorson revealed his chin implant had been removed earlier in 2002.
In 1982, after he was let go by Liberace, Thorson filed a $113 million lawsuit against Liberace, part of which was a palimony suit. This was the first same-sex palimony case filed in U.S. history. Thorson decided to sue because he claimed that Liberace threw him out on the streets with nothing. Liberace continued to deny that he was homosexual, and during court depositions in 1984, he insisted that Thorson was never his lover. Throughout their lawsuit, Thorson stated that Liberace referred to him in the media as a disgruntled employee, a liar, a gold digger, and claimed that there was never a sexual relationship between them.
The case was settled out of court in 1986, with Thorson receiving a $75,000 cash settlement, plus three cars and three pet dogs worth another $20,000. Thorson visited and reconciled with Liberace shortly before the entertainer's death in February 1987. Thorson said, after Liberace had died, that he settled because he knew that Liberace was dying, and that Thorson had intended to sue based on conversion of property rather than palimony.
A year after Liberace's death, Thorson published a book about their relationship, Behind the Candelabra: My Life with Liberace. Thorson's book was later adapted by Richard LaGravenese and Steven Soderbergh into the 2013 film Behind the Candelabra, in which Thorson was played by Matt Damon opposite Michael Douglas as Liberace.
In 1989, Thorson emerged as a pivotal witness in the prosecution of gangster Eddie Nash, in the 1981 quadruple murders of the Wonderland Gang. For his testimony, he was placed in the federal witness protection program. In 1990, he was shot five times when drug dealers broke into his hotel room in Jacksonville, Florida.
In 2008, Thorson pleaded guilty to felony drug and burglary charges and was sentenced to four years in prison.
Previously diagnosed with hepatitis C, in the autumn of 2012, Thorson was diagnosed with stage II cancer. Since his diagnosis, Thorson has made public pleas for money to continue his medical treatments. Thorson had planned in 2012 to re-release the book Behind the Candelabra to coincide with the film's release.
In February 2013, police investigating a lost wallet tracked the use of the victim's credit cards to a hotel in Reno, Nevada. Thorson was found to be using the credit cards and was arrested. Thorson (who also uses the alias Jess Marlow, an alias he says that he acquired when he entered the protection program in the Nash case) was booked on a variety of charges, including burglary and using a credit card without consent. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to five years' probation in July 2013.
Thorson did not do well on probation. In September 2013, he tested positive for methamphetamine, but was given another chance. He subsequently failed drug tests again – twice in October, and again on November 1, 2013. He was arrested on November 19, 2013, after violating a court order to enter an inpatient treatment facility in Reno two weeks earlier. On January 23, 2014, his probation was revoked and he was sentenced to 8 to 20 years in Nevada prison. Thorson is currently incarcerated in Northern Nevada Correctional Center in Carson City.
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2009 – If you think persecution of gays in the United States was "way back then" consider this item:
The Washington Post reported that the Maryland state police considered the LGBT activism group Equality Maryland to be terrorists. Equality Maryland, the state's largest Gay rights group, was among the peaceful protest groups to be classified as terrorists in a Maryland State Police database. The group was designated a "security threat" by the Homeland Security and Intelligence Division, which also kept dossiers on dozens of activists and at least a dozen groups. Police kept files on Equality Maryland's plans to hold rallies outside the State House in Annapolis to press for legislation reversing the state's ban on same-sex marriage. Police planned to purge the files before word of their existence became public.
However, the files were revealed at a news conference, where a dozen Democratic lawmakers announced plans to introduce legislation to prevent future surveillance of nonviolent groups. Police would need "reasonable articulated suspicion of actual criminal activity" before they could conduct surveillance, the legislation's sponsors said. Gov. Martin O'Malley also planned to call for a similar bill. The measure also would prevent police from keeping files on citizens, unless the information is part of "a legitimate criminal investigation."
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natsgrave · 1 year ago
MIDNIGHT RAIN | elizabeth olsen
she was sunshine, i was midnight rain. she wanted a bride, i was making my own name, chasing that fame. ( another story inspired by @taylorswift song ) play the song midnight rain for better experience, ig i do not give permission for my work to be copied or translated on other sites. plagiarism is a crime! masterlist whispers of heartache m.list
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The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the city streets. I sat on a park bench, lost in the memories of a love that had once consumed my every thought.
I still remember the day I first laid eyes on her. It was a warm summer evening as I sat sipping my coffee in a quaint little café downtown. Her radiant smile and infectious laughter caught my attention from across the room as she chatted animatedly with a group of friends. There was an undeniable aura of confidence and grace that surrounded her, making it impossible for me to look away.
Little did I know then that this chance encounter would mark the beginning of a love story unlike any other.
As fate would have it, we eventually crossed paths again at a mutual friend's housewarming party. I mustered up the courage to approach her and strike up a conversation. We spent the entire evening engrossed in passionate discussions about art, cinema, and life. From that moment, it felt as though the universe had conspired to bring us together.
Her name was Y/N, known for her kind heart and artistic talent, she worked as a freelance photographer to capture the captivating essence of the world around her.
Y/N's talent and beauty captivated me from the moment we met. As we spent more time together, our connection deepened, and I found myself falling head over heels for her. Every moment I spent with Y/N felt like a scene from a movie I never wanted to end.
This marked the beginning of our whirlwind romance, as we spent every waking moment together, exploring and nurturing our deep bond.
We were inseparable, two souls entwined in a fiery passion for life and each other, bound by shared dreams and shared laughter. We shared a deep connection that seemed unbreakable. We believed we could conquer any obstacles together. As our love blossomed, we believed that nothing could tear us apart, but little did I know that destiny had different plans for us.
I'm an aspiring and rising actress with a raw talent and dreams as vast as the night sky. Y/N quickly became enthralled by my creativity, dedication, and unwavering belief in my talent. We began our journey as a couple, sharing in both the triumphs and tribulations that came with my pursuit of stardom.
The early days were filled with excitement and promise. She watched me blossom from one auditions to the next, inhabiting different characters effortlessly, leaving audiences captivated. Seeing me gain recognition for my hard work brought immense joy to both of our hearts. However, as my career started gaining momentum, it became evident that the demands of the industry began to take its toll and would put a strain on our relationship.
Our love was exhilarating, but also fragile.
As our relationship flourished, my acting career started to skyrocket. I landed roles in films, theater productions, and even received a nomination for an esteemed acting award. Y/N admired my dedication and passion for my craft, but I know, she couldn't help but feel a pang of unease as our lives began to move in different directions.
As my star began to ascend, I found myself faced with complicated choices. My career demanded my undivided attention, leaving little room for anything else. The glitz and glamour of my newfound fame consumed me, while she silently supported me from the shadows. Y/N became my biggest fan, attending every premiere and award ceremony, proud to be by my side.
My career as an actress began to grow, landing me on several leading roles in critically acclaimed movies and earning widespread recognition. I became the talk of the town, and my journey to stardom overshadowed everything else in my life, including my relationship with Y/N.
As my dedication to my craft grew, so did the distance between us. Our once intimate moments became fleeting, replaced by late-night auditions and endless rehearsals. Our conversations became brief, filled with surface-level pleasantries. I tried desperately to hold on, but it felt like the more I held, the more she slipped away.
Like clockwork, the late-night auditions and grueling shooting schedules began to consume our time together. It was during one such pivotal moment, as I stood on the precipice of fame, that I made the heartbreaking decision to prioritize my career and put our love on hold.
One evening, while cuddled up on our favorite couch, sipping on mugs of warm tea, I turned to Y/N with a weakened smile.
"Y/N," I started, voice filled with both excitement and uncertainty, "I've been offered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."
"What kind of opportunity, Liz?" She asked, her voice quivering with anticipation.
"I've been offered the lead role in a blockbuster film." I confessed, eyes gleaming with a mixture of hope and trepidation.
"I can't believe you got the lead role, baby! I'm so proud of you." Y/N said, my heart filled with both excitement and a hint of sadness.
I looked at her, my eyes shining with a mixture of determination and guilt. I took a deep breath before speaking, "Thank you, love. I've worked so hard for this opportunity, and I can't let it slip away. It's a chance to catapult my career to new heights, but it means committing to months of intense filming overseas. It also means I'll have to dedicate all my time to rehearsals and performances. I won't be able to give you what you deserve." I can feel the lump forming in my throat as my heart tightening.
"Are you saying… you're choosing your career over us?" Y/N asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Tears welled up in my eyes as I reached out to hold her hand, "No, it's not that. I love you with all my heart, but this dream means everything to me. I need to take this chance, even if it means breaking both our hearts in the process."
Days turned into endless nights as she watched me passionate pursuit of fame. Y/N stood by my side, supporting my dreams while silently breaking inside. Yet, we couldn't bring ourselves to let go.
Love had a way of blinding us to harsh realities.
Months passed, and the distance between us grew. The sparkle in my eyes, once fueled by our love, dimmed with the weight of my commitment to my craft. The late-night conversations turned into quiet embraces, and the laughter that used to echo through our home became mere faint memories.
With each passing film, my commitment to my career just grew even stronger, causing me to face a difficult choice between love and ambition.
Then came the day that shattered our fragile world.
One evening, as the dusk settled over our now-empty apartment, I stood by the door, my eyes flickering with a mixture of excitement and sadness. We could see the desperate struggle within both of us, torn between my aspirations and our love.
I made a decision that shattered both our hearts into a million fragments. I stood before her, tears streaming down our face, and whispered words that still haunt me to this day, "I'm sorry, but I can't keep juggling both my career and our relationship."
I saw her face fell, her heart sinking with the weight of my words. We knew this was the moment she had been dreading. She understood that my dreams were on the line, but Y/N couldn't escape the fear of losing me. and now, it's happening.
"Lizzie, I want nothing more than to see you succeed and chase your dreams," She said softly, holding my hands tightly. "But what about us? What about our relationship?"
My eyes filled with tears as I gently squeezed her hands, "I love you, Y/N, more than words can express," I whispered. "But love alone cannot decide our futures. We both have dreams to pursue, and I hope you understand that I don't want to hold you back."
"Lizzie, please…"
"I needed to pursue my dream, even if it meant sacrificing our love. I can't ask you to wait for me, Y/N," I said softly, my voice quivering. "This journey is something I need to take alone."
She fought against the tears threatening to overflow, but understanding my dreams. Y/N nodded, struggling to find her voice, "I'll always be here for you, Lizzie. No matter what."
Both our heart broke at each others words, but we knew I was right. Love alone could not sustain our relationship if it was suffocated by unfulfilled dreams. As much as it hurt, we had to let eachother go and went to follow our own path.
As she left, I felt hollow, like a ghost existing in a world that had suddenly turned dark. I wandered through the ruins of what was once our love, searching for a purpose, for something to fill the void she left behind.
But, the bright lights of fame and fortune beckoned me, and I made the difficult choice to prioritize my career above all else.
In the aftermath of my departure, I was left in a sea of solitude. Trying to mend my broken heart, I threw myself into work and surrounded myself with friends who could offer solace. It wasn't easy, but life moved on, and I learned to cope with the dull ache that haunted me. The pain of our separation was raw and merciless, leaving me to question if I had made the right choice.
Years went by, and life slowly stitched my broken heart back together. I learned to live without Y/N, but the memories remained etched in my mind like faded photographs.
I heard that Y/N's passion for photography took her to new heights, showcasing her talent on richly colored canvases. Meanwhile, I had become one of Hollywood's most sought-after actresses, reaping the awards for my hard work along with my dedication and acclaim to my name.
But amidst my successes, I had never forgot about her. Our love, though altered, remained forever etched in my heart.
One fateful day, I received an invitation to an interview segment where I would talk about myself. My past love. As nervous as I was, I couldn't resist the opportunity to let go what I was really feeling, even if it stirred up old emotions. The interview took place in a luxurious Hollywood hotel suite, adorned with floral arrangements and twinkling lights, setting the stage for an unforgettable encounter.
As I walked into the hotel suite where the interview was scheduled, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and apprehension bubbling within me.
I entered the room, clad in a stunning red suit that accentuated my beauty. I exchanged pleasantries with the woman who assigned to interview me.
As the interview progressed, I found myself caught in a whirlwind of emotions, alternating between reclaiming the familiarity we once shared and maintaining professionalism.
"So, Miss Lizzie…" The woman trailed, "Why are you still single?"
"I choose to pursue my dreams." I said with a smile, "I wanted to become popular. Make my own name." I added.
"What happened to you and your past lover?" She asked.
"Everything went downhill the moment I start gaining the spotlight. Time was our number one enemy." I answered honestly, "She was so proud, we were both happy but ofcourse, along all of that is the sacrifices."
"That's where the conflict started?"
I nod simply, "I got so busy. We barely see eachother since I'm always tired and sometimes, staying on the set. We almost broke up the first time but choose to fix things."
"That's good." She happily replied.
"Honestly, I don't think so…" I start to play with the rings on my hand, "As a rising actress, my job demands a lot. I can't focus on two things that time. I was never good at handling things in general."
"When was the time that you realized you need to let it go?"
"Before, we can't last a minute without talking to eachother then that changed. We barely talk as we were both become busy pursuing our dreams." I smiled a little, "That's when I knew… it's over."
"Was it a proper break up?"
"Yes, it was. At first, she said no but I explained it to her. We both have a dream. I don't want to hold her back and same goes to me."
She looked at the paper she's holding before asking, "Any regrets?"
I coyly looked into her eyes and said, "The one thing I regret most in my journey to success is not having her by my side. We had something truly special, and I've often wondered what might have been." My eyes glistened with tears as I added with a heavy heart, "It's been so hard without her. But I needed to follow my dreams, even if it meant losing the love of my life."
The woman reached out and gently held my hand, "I'm sure, it was a difficult decision for both of you. Life took you both down different paths, but it doesn't mean your love wasn't real."
I let out a sigh tinged with sadness, "She were always my biggest supporter. But I couldn't let go of this opportunity, even if it broke my heart."
"What was the last thing you heard about her?"
"She's a successful photographer now and a very famous host in a lot of TV shows."
As the interview concluded, she asked, "One last question, do you still love her?"
I smiled and wiped my tears, "When I left all those years ago, I never stopped loving her. It's gonna be her, always."
"Do you have anything to say for her before we end this?"
I nodded, "Sometimes, we need to make tough choices that shape our destiny. I'm glad you found success, and I hope it brings you all the joy you deserve." I took a deep breath, my eyes filled with the bittersweet realization,"We can't change the past, but we can choose how our story unfolds from here. Maybe it is really time for us to rewrite our narrative. For the last time, I love you."
"Thank you so much for granting our invitation and answering the questions, Miss Lizzie."
"Thank you so much and you're welcome, Y/N."
And in that definitive moment, the world outside the hotel suite faded away, leaving only our souls who had found their way back to each other. As the door closed behind us, our past became but a memory, and the unwritten chapters of our future began to unfold.
The past, the heartbreaks, the missed chances—it all seemed to evaporate into thin air.
Sometimes, the choices we make lead us down paths we never planned, but in the end, it's the love we choose to hold onto that truly defines our lives. And in the depths of our hearts, the memories of shattered spotlights can find solace, reminding us of the beauty and resilience of the human spirit.
Sometimes, the journey of love leads us through unforeseen detours. It teaches us the power of sacrifice, the pain of letting go, and the resilience of the human heart. And in the end, we find solace knowing that even after traversing treacherous paths, we can still stumble upon our own happily ever after.
After all this time, I knew that sometimes, the most painful goodbyes could lead us to the greatest love stories of all.
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agentoffangirling · 6 months ago
I feel like we need to discuss how creators' respect for a character influences the project they're doing
If you don't know what I'm talking about, I don't blame you, I had no idea how to word that, but you'll get it in a sec. Let's take a look at both "WandaVision" and "Loki"
See, when Marvel started production on WandaVision and brought in Jac Shaeffer and Matt Shakman and all those people, it was very clear that there was a singular goal among the team: how can we depict Wanda Maximoff well? How can we treat her character with dignity and grace? How can we discuss her psyche in a respectful manner? And everyone delievered
Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany gave downright beautiful performances, the supporting cast played their role well. The writers did research on Scarlet Witch's character and her comics, everyone fully understood what type of project this was and they used it to its full potential. I'm no fan of Olsen for numerous reasons, I'm not even a big Wanda Maximoff fan. But I can fully admit that "WandaVision" is a stellar story, and every person on the team poured their heart into it
And hey, let's also look at the promotions for this show. When Schaeffer and others were interviewed, in no moment did they mock Wanda's character or what she goes through in the series. They treated her very similarly to how they treated her on the show, discussing the deeper parts of her character with an obvious interest. They like Wanda. They want the best for her. They want to make a story Wanda would be proud of
But now to "Loki". I've said my pieces on the Loki series too many times to count, so I will keep this brief. From the very beginning we know that Waldron was not interested in developing "Loki", only to develop his original script (which is pretty shitty anyway). He wanted to make a time-travel, sci-fi, romance type story, and Loki was the character he was saddled with
Now, this doesn't mean that he still couldn't develop his script, in fact he did, and I could think of dozens of ways that type of story could work with Loki. There's a lot of potential there. But Waldron never cared. He never cared to develop Loki. He never cared to examine his character past pop culture. He never cared to make Loki fans happy, only himself
Look at the promos he gives! He refers to Loki as a "little shit" multiple times, talks all about how they're taking him in a different direction (aka completely tearing down his character), it is so obvious he just wanted to fulfill his own personal fantasies. At least Kate Herron treats the subject material with some ounce of respect; Waldron proudly proclaims he's never seen it
And to quickly switch gears here, it's very similar to Kevin Feige vs Brad Winderbaum's view on "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." Where Feige dismisses it, giving it general statements and never hinting at a possible future, Winderbaum speaks of it with a clear love of the series. He's all but admitted that he wants the characters back in the MCU, and if someone like him is heading that, I just might trust him with it. Feige is Waldron. Winderbaum is Schaeffer
In the end, it all just makes me wonder, why didn't Loki fans get their WandaVision? Why did we get the creator who puts down his characters? Why did we get the story that only existed to introduce a multiverse? Why did we get the short stick?
Loki fans deserve a WandaVision. After a literal decade of waiting for a solo project, we should've gotten the respectful, genuine creator. Pretty much every other character got it-- why not us?
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zahri-melitor · 4 months ago
Recent Reads:
Gotham City Monsters (2019): I circled back to read this after a few indications from later on that characterisation was being picked up from it, and I've got to say, if you're at all interested in any of the characters that appear in this mini, it is definitely worth your time. I read it for Kate Kane, Grace Balin, Sondra Fuller and Waylon Jones and I had a really good time (though I would have liked it if Kate had acknowledged her relationship with Nocturna in it, given Andrew Bennett was also running around the title).
It's definitely one of those titles that just adds a bunch of depth and characterisation to the world.
Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen's Boss, Perry White #1: this actually only has one new story in it, but I enjoyed it anyway. The reprints include two wholly bizarre stories from the 1970s (I'm actually mildly surprised they're Bronze Age - the vibes are quite Silver), and then one where Perry talks to Ted Grant (obviously this made me so soft) and an excerpt of Clark telling Perry he's Superman.
Sword of Azrael (2022): Both the art and the writing on this are excellent, and JPV is back to talking to red gold lineart St Dumas and being a pathetic wet cat of a man.
But what specifically stood out to me is how set in place this is, as a story, because Dan Watters had to link up a bunch of things to put this together. He took Father Valley from Ram V.'s Catwoman and Vengeance from James Tynion IV's The Joker and added a Fourth World excuse on top of all this. It's not only a story that could only happen in comics, it also expects you to be ready to roll with titles and concepts that you would not assume everyone read as lead ins to this.
I'm particularly enthralled in the choice of pulling Vengeance into this. Not only because of her name, but because of her background as a creation with a purpose and a mission to avenge Bane. She understands the pull of revenge and its power and she is seeking herself after The Joker.
Personally I wish Watters had also managed to link this more explicitly back to Azrael 2009 as well, but that's partly my selfish fondness for that run talking.
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imeanitplsmorenamifics · 10 months ago
Hey, everybody! No one requested this but this was a really good idea. Too good to pass up and I honestly don’t think anyone else would request this kind of thing so I decided to go ahead and write it. All I have to say is that I came up with this idea when I heard the audio of that woman on TikTok harmonizing with her fan so… You may want to have tissues ready. You can find my Flower Asks here, Hozier Asks here, and my Taylor Swift Asks here. You can find my masterlist here and my rules here. I also have a taglist now and you can find that here! And you can request here! Characters: Nami, GN!Reader, Strawhats (mentioned), Arlong Pairing: Nami x GN!Reader Songs I Listened to While Writing: The Story by Conan Gray, because i liked a boy by Sabrina Carpenter, If The World Was Ending by JP Saxe and Julia Michaels, someday i’ll get it by Alek Olsen, Peter by Taylor Swift, Bigger Than the Whole Sky by Taylor Swift, Scott Street by Phoebe Bridgers, All Too Well (10 Minute Version)(Taylor’s Version) by Taylor Swift, Good Luck, Babe! By Chappell Roan.TW: A lot of angst, man. A lot. Death, tbh. Self-loathing. Mentions of self-harm. And similar themes. Good fucking luck, dudes.
"You Can Just Live."
.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.
There are a lot of things you wish could be done differently. When you get older, you look back at your life and imagine all the things you could’ve done better. Maybe change things that were annoying or fix things that ruined something big for you. For some people, there are small things they wish they could go back and change. For example, maybe they wished they would’ve gone out one day to meet the love of their life sooner. Maybe they wanted to get a rock they found on the ground because the rock ended up having a jewel worth thousands inside.
Meanwhile, for other people, when they look back on their life, they see regrets, regrets, and more regrets. They see a million things they could’ve changed to set their life on a better course. They spend their nights wishing they could change that one thing that made everything go downhill. Maybe they put off paying a bill which caused them to be kicked out, leading to a life on the streets. Maybe they didn’t say goodbye to a loved one and that was the last time they saw them.
You were the latter. You wished that things could’ve been different for your life. The turn your life took was not bright and happy but darker. It all could’ve easily been avoided when you thought about it. You should’ve gone through with your initial plan of lying about being sick to your parents. You had a trip planned but that was canceled when you admitted that you were feeling ill. Your parents didn’t want to go on your trip if you were sick so they stayed. That ended up being the worst thing you could’ve done.
A commotion woke you up from outside your room. Your room was in the basement of the house. Your parents didn’t have enough money to get a home with an extra room. They offered to take the basement so you and your little brother could take the two bedrooms but you chose to take it instead. It was quite roomy and you were a natural collector. You could put your trinkets and treasures anywhere you wanted and would never run out of space. Picking the basement as your room ended up being your saving grace.
The commotion was hard to ignore but something inside you told you to wait. Something said not to go up to check it out yet. You needed to wait. So you did. Eventually, everything died down and you went up. The sight you were met with when you stared out the window was awful. Fire was set to buildings and the ones not set ablaze were destroyed. You had to rush out of your house to avoid being burned by the flames that overtook your treasured home. That was when you were met with an even worse sight when you stepped out of your house. Bodies of the villagers lay on the ground, unmoving. Among the bodies, you found the ones of your parents. Blood and ash covered their bodies and clothes. Tears overtook your eyes. You hated to even think about what may have happened to your brother. You couldn’t even try to look for him, fearing the worst.
What you were focused on was who did this to your home. You looked at the ground and saw huge footprints. You followed the footprints, sprinting to catch up to whoever did this. You don’t know what you were thinking back then. You were a child, a sick one. What good could you have done to the people who ruined your home and killed your family? Still, you ran as fast as your little feet could take you. You were led to the dock where you saw a ship with men on it sailing away. You could hear laughing and cheering from the boat. One thing stuck out to you, the men had fish-like features. One caught your attention, it was the captain. Anyone could tell by the kind of aura he emitted. You could even feel it from on the dock.
As you got older, you learned the name of your villager’s slaughterer. Arlong. He was a fearsome pirate captain who sailed the East Blue. No one wanted to mess with him. They were terrified by what he could do to them and their family. Everyone knew better than to get on his bad sight. Everyone except for you, that is.
You waited for the perfect moment. You needed to wait until he was weak enough for you to make your move. You were going to get revenge on your family and village murderer no matter what it took. You were willing to sacrifice your own life for it. You would give anything and be patient, waiting for the right moment to strike. That came years and years later.
When the news of Arlong’s fall hit you, you were shocked. You knew it would happen eventually but didn’t know it would happen so soon. You were expecting to wait until he was an old geezer on his deathbed to finally enact your revenge plot against him. But apparently, he and his crew were taken out by a pirate crew called the Strawhat pirates. It was a crew of only five members! That was surprising to hear. Either way, now that Arlong was knocked down, you could finally start your plan.
That’s when you headed to the ruins of Fishman Island. You overheard Arlong was still residing there, quietly trying to build back a crew after the Strawhats took out his other one. You were going to make sure everything went perfectly. You needed this to work. You walked into Arlong’s lair. It was still pretty beaten down from the fight that had transpired months ago. Some things had been rebuilt but it was still in progress.
Before you could get any further into Arlong Park, a fishman stopped you. He placed a hand on your shoulder, gripped it tightly, and stared down at you with an intimidating expression, “What are you doing here, human?”
Those words caused the others around you to stop. You knew that one of them had to be Arlong. You needed to make sure that you gave the right impression. You needed to catch his interest. You drilled holes into the eyes that tried to stab knives into yours, “I’ll answer that question when you become the person in charge. Now,” Your eyes scanned the crowd around you, “Who’s the leader of this sad little group?”
There was no direct answer given to you. Everyone just turned to look at the fishman who stood before the group. You had interrupted something from the looks of it. Despite this, Arlong hadn’t bitten your head off yet so that had to be a plus. He glared down at you (being much taller than you he had to), “What does a little guppy like you want from me?”
You raised an eyebrow at him, “Why do you assume I want something from you? Maybe I want to help you.” Laughs resonated from the men around you. They were laughing at you. They probably thought you were crazy or full of yourself. You liked to say that you were a bit of both. Who else would do something like this?
The fishman captain was amused himself, “And what can you do for someone like me?”
It was obvious to you that he would try to do something to get you to snap. He wanted a reason to go off on you. You needed to remain calm and keep yourself together. You stood with your back straight and made sure never to break eye contact with him, “I recently heard that you lost a little minion of yours and it resulted in… Well,” You gestured to the area around you, “This,” A sneer took over Arlong’s features. You were testing him now. You needed to dial it back a bit. “Either way, you have a position open,” Many positions actually but who was counting? “I am a person with many talents and, who knows? We might be able to help each other out.”
“What would a person with, “many talents,” need my help? Surely you can manage yourself,” He threw your words back at you.
Ignoring the slight flit of anger that resonated deep in your soul, you kept tact, “I want revenge on a powerful person. More powerful than even you maybe,” A scoff escaped from Arlong. He still had the ego to pretend that he was still powerful after he got his ass beat by a five-man crew compared to his much larger one. It was almost laughable. “So, what do you say? I scratch your back and you scratch mine,” Arlong didn’t seem convinced about the deal. You sweetened it up a little. “Taking down my guy could give you quite a bit of your credibility back. The guy I’m after is quite fearsome after all.” You were only a shell of who he used to be. That was what you were saying. Either way, this man caused your life to be hell. You were going to damn well make sure that he suffered.
And that was the start. The start of your life being part of Arlong’s crew. Things started easy. He was trying to gauge just how much help you could truly give. You’d spent all this time becoming better. There was no way you were going to disappoint.
You didn’t. You quickly found yourself becoming part of Arlong’s elite members. He started trusting you more. He gave you the more difficult jobs requiring him to trust in you and your abilities. You made sure not to disappoint. You couldn’t have everything falling apart now. It all had to go according to your plan. The plan to become someone Arlong trusted enough that he would never expect you to go behind his back and kill him. That was your original plan. As we know, things can have difficulty staying according to plan.
There was one job that he gave you which was going to prove to be much harder than needed. He called you to meet with him one day and he told you about his fight with Straw Hats. He told you about a girl named Nami who worked for him since she was a child until she betrayed him, running off with the Straw Hats. In your head, you commended the girl for being able to leave like she did. You didn’t give yourself much of a choice to leave. You needed to be part of his crew.
Your job was supposedly simple. You were supposed to infiltrate the Straw Hats and get on their good side. Whatever happened, you reported to him and didn’t act until he gave you orders. You believed it would be simple enough. Especially since he gave you the location of where they were supposed to be. He wanted you to do your own research and take everything from there. “Put your skills to use,” He told you.
And so you did. What you learned about the Straw Hats with your research is that their captain had a weakness when it came to interesting people. People who needed help. So you became someone that needed help because of an interesting situation.
Once you landed on the island they were docked on, you set out to try to catch a glimpse of them. It didn’t take long. They were quite the rowdy bunch of people. Their captain was causing a big ruckus in one of the restaurants on the island. Peaking in as best as you could without being seen, you could see the looks of annoyance that the crew were giving him. He was eating like a pig who’d been starved.
It didn’t seem like they were going anywhere for a while so you walked away. You needed to put everything in motion. You went down an alley and looked around to see if anyone was watching. It didn’t look like it. Good. You reached down and, with all your might, pulled at the fabric of your pants causing rips. You ripped the bottom of your shirt, exposing a bit of your stomach. You took the dirt from the ground and rubbed it on the exposed areas of your skin and a bit on your face. The next part hurt a bit as you purposely skinned your knee and elbow to make it more believable. Once you were sure you looked the part, you peeked out of the alley and waited.
The first glimpse you got of the Straw Hats leaving the restaurant. You put your plan into action. You ran like a bat out of hell, a look of terror on your face. You made sure to bump into one of the pirates and didn’t even look back to apologize. Surely, they would see that something was up. And they did. They followed after you and questioned you when they managed to catch up.
That was how you joined the Straw Hats. You spun some story about how a man killed your family and now was trying to kill you because you managed to live and knew his face. The Straw Hats took pity on you and their captain offered you a place on their crew. Their cook wanted to protect you from the evil man that was after you. You joined their ranks so easily that it was almost a shock to you. The only problem you had was a certain girl with orange hair. Nami. That’s what Arlong told you her name was. She was a little more skeptical of your story. You needed to find a way to get through her tough shell. The opportunity came naturally. A surprise but a welcome one nonetheless.
It was when you were having one of your moments. That’s what you called them at least. You always put up such a good front in front of other people, you even managed to convince yourself that you were fine. There was nothing wrong with you. You were a determined person who never let anyone get the best of them and you were someone who would never let anyone or anything drag you down. You never doubted a decision that you made in your life. You knew exactly what you were doing and were content with where you were in life.
That was one of the biggest lies you ever told yourself. You never had time to really unpack that until you were alone. When you did examine your life, your decisions, you as a person, you wanted to crawl into a hole and stay there, catatonic, dead to the world. You hated being aware of who you were as a person. You hated remembering the things that made you who you are. You hated wondering what could’ve been if things didn’t end the way they did.
You wanted your parents. You wanted your mother to tuck you in and sing you lullabies. You wanted your father to tell you one of his grand stories that you always doubted were true. You wanted your little brother to bother you and get on your nerves like he usually did. What would they think of you now? What would your parents think of their child? What would your brother think of his older sibling? Would they be happy?
A scoff escaped you. How could they be happy? The person you’ve become was far from the person you were. You might as well be a different person entirely. You’ve done things that distanced yourself from your parents' child. You’ve ruined lives just to ruin someone else’s eventually. You were trying to convince yourself you were still a good person when that was the furthest thing from the truth.
“What are you doing out here?” The sudden voice made you jump. Your head swerved around to see who the person was that spoke to you. “Whoa,” It was Nami. She held her hands up in surrender. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to freak you out.”
“It’s… Fine.” That’s all that you could manage to say.
Something about how you were now confused Nami. You were much different than how you usually were. You always acted so sure of yourself. You had this cheeky grin on your face 24/7 and like nothing ever bothered you. The person she saw in front of her was the opposite. This version of you looked terrified, depressed, and beaten down. For a moment, it was like she was staring at a younger version of herself.
“What’s wrong?” She found herself asking. You only shook your head, not wanting to answer. You were too tired to spin some kind of lie. You didn’t want to lie and say you were okay but you didn’t want to be truthful either. You didn’t truly know these people. They didn’t truly know you. They only knew a version of you that you forced onto them. Nami still pushed, “Come on. Whatever you want to say, I’ll listen. I won’t judge. There’s nothing wrong with sharing your feelings every once in a while.”
That was the first time that someone had asked you to be genuinely honest about your feelings in a long time. It was enough to make your eyes water a little. The sincerity in her voice had broken through your cold exterior and made its way into your heart, warming it like it hadn’t in a while. You locked eyes with her. If she saw the tears building up in your eyes, she chose not to say anything.
“I just…” The words started spilling out. “I wonder what I’m doing sometimes. I feel like I don’t even know myself anymore. I have become a version of myself that doesn’t even feel like it’s me. I look in the mirror and I see someone I don’t recognize. And it kills me,” You took a deep breath. You knew that you should probably stop. You didn’t want to get too personal. Who knew what Arlong wanted you to do to these people? You needed to remain detached. But you kept going. “I shouldn’t be here. I shouldn’t be who I am now. I shouldn’t… Be.”
There was a moment of silence. You almost wanted to hit yourself for being so vulnerable. Something about the way she spoke to you just made everything come flooding out. True to her word, Nami didn’t judge you, “You don’t have to be anything. You can just live. If you try living up to all the expectations you put on yourself, you’ll never be happy. If you want to recognize the person in the mirror, you need to look at it through the eyes of someone who survived, not the eyes of someone who lived.” That was the best advice that she could’ve given you. And you hated it.
The whole night was spent talking about everything and nothing. You felt yourself become more comfortable around Nami and you could tell that she felt the same. The both of you broke through the other’s exterior and got to know what lay underneath. Someone who had been hurt because of the past and needed someone to just listen and understand them. It was everything that you’d wanted since you started on your revenge quest.
Many more moments like that occurred between the two of you. You found yourself being drawn to Nami in a way you couldn’t understand at first. You always wanted to be around you. You wanted to hear everything she had to say. You could listen to her talk all day and still wouldn’t believe you’d heard her enough. You loved hearing her talk about mapping. You found it hilarious when Luffy messed with her and found yourself wanting to see that side of her more often. You didn’t have a label for these feelings at the moment but you didn’t mind. You didn’t have to label anything. You could just live.
Oh, you naive little thing. You really thought that you could just live? Come on, that’s laughable. You have a mission that you set out to do. Two actually. Had you forgotten? Get serious. These people aren’t your friends, they’re your targets. Just like Arlong is your target. You didn’t come here to be comfortable around targets, now did you? You wouldn’t want Arlong finding out about your failure at the mission already.
A ring of a snail phone was enough to remind you of it all. Making sure you were away from the others, you answered it. You were met with the familiar voice of Arlong, “How are things coming along with the Straw Hats?” There was something in his voice that set something off in your brain. You didn’t know what exactly it was.
“Everything’s going according to plan.”
“Good,” He sounded satisfied. There was still the slightest hint of something. It was starting to make you anxious. “Would you say that they trust you now?”
“Yes.” The answer was easy.
A beat later and Arlong went right to the point, “I have something I need you to do for me then,” You remained silent. You were a little worried about whatever he would be asking you to do. You knew it was a horrible idea to get so attached. Arlong took your silence as a sign you were listening, “For the next part of the plan, I want you to kill Nami.”
The very thought of it caused your heart to race. Your hands started to shake. You could feel yourself get dizzy. Your voice was shaky as you asked, “What?”
The uncertainty in your voice didn’t please the fishman, “Don’t tell me you got attached to those humans.”
“No!” You winced at how loudly you spoke. You glanced around to see if anyone had come running at the sound of you shouting. Thankfully, no one was in sight. You took a deep breath and spoke quietly into the snail phone. “I’m not attached. I just want to know why you want her to die. I mean, isn’t there a more amusing way of doing this? Like, what if you forced her back to work with you? What if you-”
“The last thing I need is my best crew member doubting me,” Arlong’s voice was a growl. You found yourself freezing up at the sound. “But it seems like you’ve never really trusted me, have you?” You were confused about what he meant. You were sure that you had played your part perfectly. Why did he think like this now? “Nothing to say? Someone surely had a lot to say when they came to find me. Didn’t you?”
You knew that he wasn’t talking to you at this moment. He was talking to someone else. Someone was there with him. Who was there? A familiar voice rang in your ears, “Y/N.” Your eyes widened. Your heart dropped to your feet. Tears came to your eyes. It was him. Your brother. B/N. There was no way. He was dead. You thought he was at least. He made it out alive too. He was with Arlong.
Arlong’s voice came from the snail phone once more, “This little boy came to find me, saying he was going to kill me for murdering his family,” A laugh resonated from him. “I was going to kill him when he mentioned a familiar name. The name of one of my best crew members. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?” You were speechless. You didn’t know what to say. Everything you worked so hard for in this plan fell apart. You didn’t even know if you were even upset about it anymore. Your brother was alive. But he was with the worst person he could possibly be around. “I’ll give you one chance. You kill Nami… Or I kill this little brat.” The snail phone hung up.
You were completely silent. You had nothing to say. You couldn’t react. You were frozen like someone had stopped a record from spinning in a record player. Your eyes were wide open. They would’ve dried out if your tears weren’t keeping them from becoming dry. You were staring off into space as your mind was completely blank. Finally, your knees lost all feeling and you fell to the floor. What a predicament you had gotten yourself in…
Honestly, you don’t know when you started moving. All you knew was that you now had a knife in your hand and you were standing in Nami’s room above her bed. This was the last thing you wanted to do. You had begun to care for Nami, no matter how much you tried to convince yourself you didn’t. But you also cared for your brother. Your little brother. The one you thought was dead but was trying to do the same thing as you. Get revenge on the person who wronged them. Now look where that led you.
With your grip tightened on the knife, you took a deep breath. Tears finally fell. You raised the knife and prepared to strike. You could feel a harsh pang in your heart and the shaking of your body as you started down at the woman in front of you. How cruel life was to you. You wished you didn’t have to do this. But what other choice did you have?
.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.
Taglist: @3v37773
How y'all doin' after this? 👀 This was 4.2K words and I spent several days on it so I hope it made you feel something 😂
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slymewizard · 1 year ago
Ok on the subject of Hynden Walch being amazing can we talk about AT’s voice cast? I feel like it doesnt get talked about nearly as much as it should.
Jeremy Shada is amazing for how he can escalate his voice for wacky moments or deescalate his voice for quieter, more thoughtful moments. Finn would not be the same character if it werent for Shada’s perfect vocal balance.
John Dimaggio, like what really needs to be said here? He’s BENDER! Of course he was amazing as Jake!
Hynden Walch was never really a voice I considered when thinking about how amazing AT’s voice cast was up until now, I really just remembered her because “hey thats Starfire!” But after hearing her performance as the Candy Queen I FEEL SO STUPID.
Olivia Olson…I wish I had something more constructive to say about Olsen’s voicework but I think everyone’s already well aware about how AMAZING she is as Marceline. Her voice is just so perfect for the character, being both good at delivering quips and devastating tearjerkers. And thats not even mentioning her having the single best singing voice to ever grace a western animated cartoon (yeah fuck you Alvin). Just like Jeremy Shada with Finn, I could not imagine Marceline without Olivia Olson.
Niki Yang, look, I know I already said that no one could play Marceline or Finn as well as Olson and Shada…BUT NO ONE, AND I MEAN, NO, ONE, COULD PLAY BMO AS WELL AS NIKI YANG. She brings a perfect tone of childlike wonder, curiosity and innocence into every word spoken by the little robot. She brings such a fun and vibrant energy to the little guy in episodes like “5 short graybles” or “BMO noire,” that just makes it hit all the harder when moments of existentialism pop up in episodes like “The More you Moe” or…well…”BMO.” BMO has one of the most interesting growing up stories in a series where every pretty much every character’s stories are about growing up, and a lot of that is owed to how perfectly delivered his lines are by Yang.
But theres one voice that gets overlooked more than most others, and who deserves way more credit than they get for how important they are to the show. Someone who’s been around since the very first episode and has been continually providing voices for the series even now in Fionna and Cake. A voice actress whos so commited to the show that its easier to count the episodes she ISNT in than the ones she is in. MARIA. BAMFORD. Margaret, Hot Dog Princess, Slime Princess, Ghost Princess, Melissa, Raggedy Princess, Manfried, Wildberry Princess, Undead Princess, The Butterfly with a Gun AND AN ABSOLUTELY GINORMOUS AMOUNT OF EXTRA VOICES. She puts so much of her signature hilarious vocal range into every one of the dozens if not HUNDREDS of characters that she plays throughout the series. Also a lot of you probably don’t know this but she does standup comedy and she’s hilarious and you should all listen to her albums because she also does funny voices in that and you can even sometimes identify a voice she used for a character in the show…but also trigger warning for mental illness and suicide she talks about those kind of a lot. But anyway my point is, Maria Bamford is a huge reason as to why Adventure Time is as wonderful as it is. Her wacky voices contribute so much to the weird and wonderful vibe of the show, and even if she doesn’t play any primary characters, she is one of the most important and under appreciated voices in the entire series.
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serenity-ren-bliss · 1 year ago
In defense of Piper McLean
Spoilers for Heroes of Olympus and Trials Of Apollo
TW: brief mentions/discussions of death, racism/bullying towards a poc, and the media’s sexualization of young people raised in the public eye.
Over the time Ive been in the Riordanverse fandom, I’ve found varying opinions about various characters. Piper McLean has proved to be one of the most polarizing.
Before I make my points, please know that I have no problems if you simply dislike Piper’s character. There are many reasons I’ve seen for people to not like Piper as much as some others. This post was made to combat 2 specific points I’ve seen come up as to why Piper is a bad person:
1. Piper’s “not like other girls” attitude
2. Piper didn’t go to Jason’s funeral
1. Piper’s not like other girls attitude and how it ties to her backstory of isolation and lack of female role models
Piper McLean is a daughter of Aphrodite born to famous actor Tristan McLean. Her father is Cherokee which is a form of Native American.
When you look at Piper’s upbringing it’s pretty easy to understand why Piper turns to her “not like other girls” attitude as a form of self defense/coping mechanism.
Piper grew up not having a mom, and we have no mention of any other female relatives such as a aunt or cousin. The only woman in Piper’s life we know of is her dad’s assistant Jane who is only around Piper for the sake of her job and who Piper has a civil at best relationship with.
Aside from that, the other other major female figures pre-the lost hero that we know of is the girls at her school who were racist bullies towards her.
Additionally, Piper’s father Tristan, as mentioned earlier is a famous movie star most known for the “King of Sparta” franchise. Piper is a young girl of color, who because her father’s fame, is experiencing puberty in the public Hollywood eye. Hollywood doesn’t exactly have a history of being appropriate towards its young stars. (Cough the countdown to the Olsen twins’ 18th birthday Cough)
Because of this Piper grew to associate femininity with the few less then stellar female models in her life and that only worsened with the media’s perception of her so she turned to the “not-like-other-girls” attitude both to convince herself she’s not like the negative figures in her life and to get less unwanted media attention.
This was somewhat worsened due to the fact that Piper is in general pretty isolated. Her father, being again Piper’s only major role model, is always busy and she turned to theft to gain his attention. Because of this isolation Piper grew used to processing her emotions on her own.
This ties to point number 2
2. Piper did not go to Jason’s funeral
While I understand people finding Piper’s “not-like-other-girls” syndrome annoying, even while understanding its origins, a find this point utterly stupid.
For some background: Jason Grace is the son of Jupiter, who was dropped in a bus belonging to Piper’s school by Juno who then proceeded to wipe all of Jason’s memories and give Piper and her friend Leo 2 months worth of fake memories surrounding a friendship in Leo’s case and a relationship in Piper’s with Jason that never existed in the first place.
Jason and Piper quickly grew many real memories in their relationship, spending close to a year together. However at some point during Trials of Apollo Piper realized she didn’t actually have any romantic feelings for Jason and while she did love him, she didn’t want to date him.
As far as I’m aware Jason took this like a champ as I have no recollection of any resentment Jason had towards Piper for this. He wanted a future with a family (spouse and children) but as much as he was upset about it not being with Piper, he doesn’t resent her. Piper seems to hate herself more for this then Jason does.
It’s important to note that while Piper probably never held any romantic feelings toward Jason, he was still incredibly important to her as one of her best friends and the two were still really close. So it must’ve absolutely broke Piper when on a quest with Apollo/Lester, Piper witnessed Jason be stabbed in the chest with a spear.
Obviously that is not something you’d want to witness even if it isn’t your best friend/ex-boyfriend. The part about this all that is significant is that Piper, after returning to Camp half blood, chose to lock herself away and did not go to Jason’s funeral.
Now as part of the reason why I consider this point utterly stupid, I would like to remind you that Piper is a 16-18 year old war veteran who most likely has PTSD as well as being raised, as mentioned before, isolated, and having gotten used to dealing with her emotions on her own. We cannot expect her to be as emotionally stable and intelligent as an adult. Because she isn’t. She’s a teenager. Whose been through way to much for someone her age. 
Piper’s choice to not go to Jason’s funeral was entirely reasonable and valid with all of this in mind. She witnessed one of the worst events she ever will and decided the best way for her to process it is to have some alone time. Which, in my opinion, was an emotionally mature choice to make. Piper was in a lot of pain and witnessing Jason’s body, his shroud being burned, and his other loved ones crying over him was something she simply couldn’t bring herself to do as it would only cause more pain for her.
TLDR: Piper McLean is not a bad person. She is an isolated young girl whose been through a lot and as a result has turned to a not-like-other-girls attitude and a familiarity with processing her emotions on her own.
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Sapphic Characters Tournament Bracket 4 Round 1 Masterpost
Clare Devlin vs Ola Nyman
Elida Al-Feyr vs Two
Bea Smith vs Alex Vause
Kelly Olsen vs Grace Choi
Anne Lister vs Yara Greyjoy
Karen Walker vs Ellen Morgan
Lena Burnham vs Shane McCutcheon
Betty McRae vs Ellen Waverly
Toni Shalifoe vs Van Palmer
Callie Torres vs Thirteen
Lagertha vs Lucretia
Bess Till vs Martha Walker
Lyria vs Jade Claymore
Veronica Fisher vs Nancy Botwin
Valencia Perez vs Petra Solano
River Song vs Denise Christopher
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persephonyed · 1 year ago
♡ — i'm finally chilled out and caught up after the big wedding weekend, and now i really want to get some new threads going with everyone, and also maybe meet some new writing partners! i've tossed some muses under the cut that i've been really wanting to write with since i've been back, so feel free to give this a like if you want a starter / want to plot with any of them. i'm down for all the dramatic, angsty, h*rror-y, crazy stuff you could throw at me, and also am including some canon/canon inspired/supernatural muses because the itch is there right now. pick your poison!
here are the ocs my muse is begging to write!
aylin ozdemir; 28, bisexual, she/her, bakery owner & witch. aslihan malbora fc.
blair bennett; 22, sometimes closeted bisexual, she/her, university student. katie douglas fc.
camille st. clair; 24, bisexual, she/her, aspiring actress. jessica alexander fc.
catalina "lina" velasco; 30, bisexual, she/her, flight attendent. melissa barrera fc.
eleanor "nell" tolly; 34, bisexual, she/her, children's book author. rebecca rittenhouse fc.
flora zhang; 26, bisexual, she/her, grad student & aspiring author. havana rose liu fc.
indigo edmunds; 26, bisexual, she/her, corporate recruiter. grace van dien fc.
ingrid edmunds; 36, straight, she/her, cardiothoracic surgeon. amanda seyfried fc.
imogen edmunds; 32, often very newly out bisexual, she/her, elementary school teacher. elizabeth olsen fc.
isabella "izzie" eriksen; 26, bisexual, she/her, paralegal or celebrity pr manager based on verse. alisha boe fc.
jude landry; 28, bisexual, she/her, law student. maddie phillips fc.
natasha voigt; 27, she/her, bisexual, actress. lili reinhart fc.
nora giuliani; 27, she/her, lesbian, paranormal & true crime podcaster. victoria predretti fc.
ruby brodsky; 25, bisexual, she/her, grad student. gideon adlon fc.
sawyer klein; 24, bisexual, she/her, professional figure skater. grace van patten fc.
sebastian hernandez; 31, straight, he/him, inspired by the musical repo man. sean teale fc.
and here are the canon & various characters i really want to write rn!
ginny weasley; harry potter 24, lesbian, she/her, professional quidditch player or student depending on the verse. abigail cowan fc.
jacqueline "jackie" knightley; historical 27, bisexual, she/her, writer & member of nobility. sophie skelton fc.
leila owens; leia organa coded 32, bisexual, she/her, princess. laura harrier fc.
lily evans; harry potter 26, bisexual, she/her, potions shop owner or student depending on the verse. kennedy mcmann fc.
nissa; very acotar compatible 28, queer, she/they, fae royalty. jessie mei li fc.
pansy parkinson; harry potter 30, bisexual, wizarding world fashion designer or possibly have taken over rita skeeter's column undecided yet. sofia carson fc.
rhiannon wynne; 26, bisexual, she/her, witch. ellie bamber fc.
harry potter canon fcs i often write as if hogwarts were university / if they went to a magical university instead, or write them post-hogwarts and just living their lives now. and over all, most verses for everyone are flexible and can be added to or bent whatever way within the realm of staying true to their characters. feel free to throw any kind of plot at them all fr!
ps i’m also suuuuuper open to making new canon characters for anyone i vibe with i’m such a ship chaser please come to me with your canon muses!
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forever1kay · 2 years ago
DC Masterlist
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The misc masterlist will feature characters I don’t plan to write about often. That list will be created eventually, but as of now we’ll just focus on the masterlists below!
→ Titans
This list includes characters from the 2018 series Titans. Works about Dick Grayson and/or Kory Anders will frequent more, but I do still write about Conner Kent, Gar Logan, Rachel Roth, Donna Troy, and Jason Todd. You can request other characters such as Hawk and Dove, Tim Drake, or Blackfire but they will be in the misc masterlist.
→ The Losers
This list includes characters such as (Jake) Jensen, Carlos “Cougar” Alvarez, (Franklin) Clay, (William) Roque, Linwood “Pooch” Porteous, and Aisha Al-Fadhil.
→ Black Lightning
This list includes characters such as Jennifer Pierce, Anissa Pierce, Lynn Stewart, Grace Choi, Jefferson Pierce, Khalil Payne, Issa Williams, and Peter Gambi.
→ Justice League
This masterlist includes Henry Cavill’s Superman, Ezra Miller’s Flash, Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman, Ben Affleck’s Batman and Jason Momoa’s Aquaman!
→ Young Justice
Including characters from the 2010 DC cartoon show Young Justice. Including characters such as Conner Kent (Superboy), Wally West (Kid Flash), Robin/Nightwing (Dick Grayson), Kaldur’ahm (AquaLad), Karen Beecher (Bumblebee), Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle), and Virgil Hawkins (Static Shock).
→ My Adventures With Superman
Here I will write about Clark Kent/Superman. If you would like anything written about Lois Lane or Jimmy Olsen, you can request it but it will go in the misc masterlist.
→ Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman
I really only planned to write about Clark Kent/Superman, Jack Milner and Jimmy Olsen but you can request works about other characters. If I fulfill your request, those works will go into the misc masterlist.
→ Smallville
Okay, you caught me! I haven’t actually watched the show yet. I’ve only seen short clips. For now, I only plan to write about Clark Kent. This list may possibly be updated after I watch the show.
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