moa-broke-me · 2 years
I've only posted about metal family once before on this blog but holy shit season 2 episode 3 is fucking...
I mean, the whole thing is amazing, but specifically the detail about them opening for Twisted Sister. Because it's not JUST a popular band at the time and their big break. It's important thematically.
Their album was Glam's first introduction to rock music, or anything beyond classical, which is especially important considering the abuse he suffered under his father, Gustav.
In his mind, they turned music from something forced upon him, something strict and cold and stressful, something he had to recite the exact same way over and over, and transformed it into what it, what all art, was always meant to be: Expression. Catharsis. Joy.
And that's what gave him the strength to leave, because he finally saw a way out, finally realized that life doesn't have to be this way.
It was how Glam became... Well, Glam.
And in this episode, he is presented with his first, possibly only opportunity to OPEN for them. To meet them, to shake their hand and tell them, in person, 'your music saved my life'. And to actually mean it with everything.
And yet, when Chive needs him, he stays. He passes up that chance.
Because it's at that moment he realizes, it's not Twisted Sister that saved him.
It was Chive.
If he had found that record on his own, sure his mind would've been opened, but without Chive, without his support and friendship, he would've either spent his life wanting something he couldn't have, or broken free and been totally lost on where to go from there.
He saved his life without even realizing it. And there's no way in hell he's gonna abandon him in his time of need.
Just... Fuck, man. That's some powerful shit.
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chamiryokuroi · 9 months
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Inspired by a stupid twitter meme 😂 but this is basically how their first meeting went like
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azertyrobaz · 4 months
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Thanks, Tech!
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stealingpotatoes · 2 months
Between Ezra Jacen and Sabine, which of their grandparents are their favorite ? Depa and Grey, or Cham and Eleni.
What do you mean grey and depa are dead, not to me they arent. No piss off i'm not in denial.
idk enough abt the other two to say, but Depa's the Good Grandparent and Cham is the Fun Grandparent so it depends what they're looking for in the moment
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inquisitor-apologist · 2 months
Idk. It’s just really nice to know that Mace Windu’s legacy isn’t lost forever. That Imperial propaganda didn’t manage to fully destroy the public perception of him. Cham Syndulla still talks of him fondly. He’s still a hero on Ryloth. Despite all that Palpatine tried, people still remember who Mace Windu truly was.
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booksofstars · 2 months
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moerusai · 8 months
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"The premise is based on "hope and happiness". The hope of what Chat and Khem would want to be as a pair. This will coincide with Thailand's marriage equality legislation that the government hopes to pass in 2024. The series is set in King Rama's III-IV reign, when Thailand started trading with foreign countries. The idea is to subtly place Thai products from around the country in the series as a way to showcase and increase interest in them."
Apo: The film is serious, but Chat and Khem's relationship is not touched on much, there's some mysteries about Man Suang, and other characters?"
Mile: I've never brought out the romantic in me that much in past projects, so this my chance to be an all-out-romantic.
(translation by MileApo_sp)
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menacarychamber · 7 months
Doc for the soul
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sizzlesouce · 2 months
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I've seen a lot of ai stuff here recently, so from now on I'll be using Glaze for my artwork. Not sure if it helps but, better than nothing I guess. I present to you Gale, the rizzard of Waterdeep high-resolution on Ko-fi
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driflloon · 9 months
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adelia cham for prestige mag id dec. 2023
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ndcgalitzine · 5 months
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chamiryokuroi · 3 months
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Here’s one of my two entries for the @timdrakeflipzine a Dark Knights of Steel inspired Tim Drake piece, including Dick and Jason 🤭 there’s still leftover sales for the zine so go and check it out!
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missriyochuchi · 4 months
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Live to fight another day. 💀 Season 1 of Star Wars: The Bad Batch
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blighted-lights · 4 months
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psst you seeing this, you want to give me more shockwave and ravage drawing asks, you WANT to send me drawing requests 🖐
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prehistorichyes · 5 months
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This Act Comes to a Close.
i finished Shinkenger about a week ago. lets just say by the last minutes of the final episode i was bawling like a baby. love them.
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booksofstars · 6 months
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a brief guide on drawing amblyopic eyes
(red is the unaffected eye, staring forwards, blue is the amblyopic eye)
more below the cut, all text
now, amblyopia is a pretty wide range of eye drifting which may cause anything from very mild eye drift to extreme drifting and even blindness. typically one eye is far weaker than the other, or even technically blind due to being ignored by the brain. it often causes blurred vision and poor depth perception as well. these are the most common depictions of the most common one eyed amblyopia issues, though crossed eyes and eyes pointing in different directions appears in some as well. it can be caused by injury, but most commonly is a condition seen from birth.
i personally have extropia. i find the easiest way to properly depict amblyopia is to give the stronger eye (seen here in red, looking forward) a focus. the lazy eye typically will not be focused, no matter the direction it drifts. i should note, for some, amblyopia gets worse when tired (like me), becoming more pronounced. typically, however, it doesnt cause harmful side effects beyond stigma. head tilting, squinting, and closing one eye is a common sign.
the pupils do NOT change size. that is a concern and should be brought up as an emergency unless the patient has always displayed this and is already diagnosed with a reason as to why the pupil may be of a different size. the pupils react to light the same, but the affected eye tends not to move with the stronger eye.
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