#eleni syndulla
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azertyrobaz · 9 months ago
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Thanks, Tech!
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reislesbian · 10 months ago
Bad Batch women my beloved 🫶
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missriyochuchi · 9 months ago
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Live to fight another day. 💀 Season 1 of Star Wars: The Bad Batch
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strigeart · 4 months ago
Volume four, everybody!!!
There is an engagement ceremony on the way!
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I definitely need to paint some new fanart, but the hour change hitted me like a train, as usual.
Maybe I'll try 5 late kanera week pieces.
Let's see how much energy I'll have in the next day.
Also, I'm just returned from my original region. It was my mom's birthday, and II used the week to do some repair at her place and try to befriend her new kittenstending (they snobbed me until the kast day!) And I'm now tending to a ill friend.
Maybe I need some more days 🤔
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kayberrie · 8 months ago
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Hera’s mom gives girlboss vibes and I am here for it
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kanerallels · 9 months ago
Day two of @spectre-week is for our beloved Captain Hera and oh BOY did I just barely finish this fic in time. Had to scrap my old one, then finished this in a haze of panic yesterday. But I actually stand by this! (It is low key set in my Steve Miller Au but you don't need prior knowledge of it to read this. Just enjoy!)
Once upon a time, Hera Syndulla was an only child.
And then, quite suddenly, when she was six years old, she wasn’t any more. Her mother, Eleni, told her she was going to have a baby brother or sister and Hera, well, she was excited, if a little wary. She’d seen her friends playing with their siblings, though she’d also seen them bickering and stealing things from each other. 
But Eleni told her she was going to be an amazing big sister, and her father was glowing with pride and happiness, boasting to his friends and co-workers, and Hera decided it probably wouldn’t be so bad. At least she’d have someone to play starships with.
Time ticked by, and Eleni’s belly grew, and she spent more time sitting down than standing. When she got up, she groaned about her swollen ankles, but she was still happy. And so was Cham.
The day when the baby came was long, and hard. Hera hated the sound of her mother in pain, and she could tell her father did, too. He paced the length of their house again and again, and told her mother that they should go to a hospital, that she needed help.
But Eleni was insistent. She wanted a home birth, assisted by midwives, in Ryloth tradition. So Cham gritted his teeth and paced, and Hera stayed curled up in her favorite chair, wincing at every cry.
But the end came, and with it, joy, and a new baby brother. Hera sat on her mother’s bed as Cham cradled both Eleni and the new baby close, then took her little brother out to show him off to the relatives. Then she hugged her mother, who kissed her on the forehead.
“I’m fine,” she told Hera. “Just because it’s scary doesn’t mean it’s bad. Your brother is here, safe and sound.”
Hera was a little unsure about the first part— at first. But then, finally, when Cham was back, he gently put her brother in her arms. Their eyes met, wide, for the first time, and Cham said, “Hera, meet Devaar Syndulla. Your little brother.”
“He’s tiny,” Hera breathed, staring at him. His lekku were barely stubs, his skin a delicate shade of green, like she and her mother’s. His eyes were orange, though, like her father’s, and they held hers with a wondering confusion.
“You were at first, too,” Eleni said. “He’ll grow. But he’ll need a big sister to look after him.”
“I will,” Hera promised.
True to her word, Hera kept a close eye on Devaar— which everyone quickly shortened to Dev. Unfortunately, for the first several months, he didn’t do much interesting. Other than cry and sleep and eat.
But, in a way that was painstakingly slow, yet flew by, he grew. Soon he was crawling, and then Hera had a lot of work to do, helping her mother keep him out of trouble.
It only got worse when he learned to walk. Dev had inherited his parent’s propensity for trouble, according to Cham, who laughed proudly and swung him in the air, eliciting gurgles of laughter. He made bolts for the door and for the dangerous stairs, trying to grab hold of pointy things and sharp objects.
Hera got very good at distracting him, oftentimes with her toy starships. She kept her favorite (a VCX freighter) hidden on a shelf where he couldn’t chew on it or break it, but showed him how to fly around the gunships and the starfighters.
Some of them even matched the ones they began to see overhead, more and more. Hera’s father was clearly concerned about them— and one day, it came to a head. The Republic was at war, and Ryloth was caught in the middle.
Hera and her family had to go into hiding, which Dev did not appreciate. But the bombings were dangerous, and the Separatists hated Cham. The feeling was very mutual. Hera’s father spent most of his time away from them, fighting against the invaders and alongside the Jedi and Republic troops.
While she knew it was dangerous, Hera liked to watch the ships soaring overhead. There was a spot not too far from their hideout underground where she could see out of an old drainage tunnel, and she could watch the gunships passing. Sometimes— only when it was safe and her mother was napping— she brought the one year old Dev, carefully watching him to make sure he didn’t run off.
“I’ll be up there one day,” she whispered to him. “Flying, like them.”
Dev babbled something that sounded like encouragement, and Hera decided to take it as such.
After what felt like years, the bombs stopped, and Hera’s father came home, his eyes wearier than last time he’d been with them. They were safe, he said, from the Separatists. And he brought with him a company of clones, who helped Hera, Dev, her mother, and all the other refugees return home safely.
Home was a little worse for wear, but Eleni always liked a project. They started fixing things up, and Hera was just starting to wonder if life would be normal again.
And then, suddenly, it wasn’t.
Dev got sick.
It was just a cough that wouldn’t go away at first, paired with a runny nose. But then it got worse, until the cough sounded like it was tearing apart his lungs. A fever sprang to life, and Dev was wailing with pain.
They tried everything. Antibiotics, half a dozen Republic drugs and even more old remedies that Eleni’s mother had used on her. Nothing seemed to work. Dev got sicker, and sicker, his skin pale and his movements listless. Soon, he barely moved at all, and Hera could read the fear on her parent’s faces.
They thought her little brother was going to die.
He can’t, Hera thought, staring at Dev. She’d stuck by his bed since the fever started, watching over him. Giving him water and cooling him with wet cloths. To think that her little brother would just… be gone? He couldn’t be. The galaxy wouldn’t do something so cruel.
Please, she thought. I’ll do anything. We can’t lose Dev.
Her answer came two hours later, in the form of a knock at the door.
Cham and Eleni had prepared for the worse. They were crouched next to Dev’s bed, tears in Eleni’s eyes and helplessness in Cham’s. Neither of them looked up at the knock. But Hera did.
Getting up, she walked downstairs to the door, keeping her steps quiet so she wouldn’t disturb her parents. Pulling open the door, she started to tell whichever neighbor it was that they didn’t want visitors right now.
But it wasn’t a neighbor. It wasn’t anyone she’d ever met before.
The human woman was hooded and cloaked in white, but when she looked at Hera, Hera could tell she was smiling, even under the shadows. “Hello,” she said, her voice holding an unfamiliar accent. “You must be Hera. I’ve heard much about you.”
“Who are you?” Hera asked, confused. “Are you a friend of my father’s?”
“I’m afraid I’ve never had the pleasure. But the Force told me to come here. I’m here to help your brother.”
That was all Hera needed to hear. Wordlessly, she stepped aside, and the woman came inside.
Eleni didn’t move when they entered the bedroom, but Cham looked up at the sound of the woman’s arrival. Wariness flashed across his face, and he rose, making a barrier between his wife and child and the stranger. “Who are you? What are you doing here?”
“Forgive me for intruding,” the woman said, her voice soft and calm. “As I told your daughter, the Force sent me here. I believe—”
“She said she can help Dev,” Hera blurted out, and then Eleni looked up.
Gaze locking onto the woman, she rose and pushed past Cham. “Can you?” she asked, looking directly at their guest.
“I can.”
“Then please.” Eleni’s voice cracked. “Please. We cannot lose him.”
“I will do everything I can,” the woman promised.
She looked at Cham, seemingly questioning. Cham hesitated, then said, “You’re a Jedi?”
The woman seemed to hesitate briefly. “Not— exactly. But I promise, I am here to help your son. Let me try, and if you think I’m hurting him, you may remove me.”
Cham’s jaw worked, but he glanced at Eleni and Hera, then at the bed where his son lay. Then he nodded, moving to the side. “Do what you can.”
The woman was at Dev’s side in an instant, pushing back her cowl a little as she knelt. Moving to watching her, Hera saw her rest a hand, marked with geometric tattoos along the back, on Dev’s head.
“He is very weak,” she said. “But I can help. It will take a little while, so—”
“We’re not going anywhere,” Eleni said.
The woman’s smile was just visible. “Of course. You may wish to make some caf, though.”
Cham made a little, and they settled in to wait. Even Hera got a mug, and found she actually enjoyed it— with milk and a little sugar. They sat together and waited, watching and hoping desperately.
It didn’t seem like the woman was doing anything. She was just kneeling there, a hand resting on Dev’s forehead. She didn’t say anything or bring out any props. She just knelt, eyes closed, for a long time. So long that Hera was starting to nod off against her father when a noise cut through her sleepiness.
It was a cry. Dev’s voice.
Hera’s eyes flew open, and all three of them bolted to their feet as the woman rose. “He’ll be alright,” she told them, and Eleni burst into tears. “Give him some water and a little tea tonight. Tomorrow you can give him food.”
Cham, tears in his own eyes as he put an arm around Eleni, said, “How can we repay you?”
Shaking her head, the woman said, “No payment necessary.” Giving them a little bow, she headed down the stairs.
Cham and Eleni went immediately to Dev’s side, gathering him up in their arms. For a moment, Hera hesitated. Then she followed the woman.
Their mysterious guest had already made it out the door and a little ways down the street when Hera caught up with her. It was late, and three of the moons were full and bright above them.
“Wait!” Hera called out, and the woman stopped, turning to face her. Her cowl was lowered, and her face was kind, with bright blue eyes and dark tattoos.
Pausing, Hera struggled for words, then asked, “Why? Why did you help us?”
Smiling, the woman said, “Because you needed it. And because an old friend asked me to.”
“The Force flows through all living things,” the woman told her. “I just gave it a little nudge in this case.”
Hera nodded slowly, wrapping her mind around the words. “And you’re… not a Jedi?”
“Admittedly, it is a little complicated,” the woman said thoughtfully. “I was, at one point. Perhaps I still am. But I think what’s most important is that your brother is still alive. Perhaps he’ll help the galaxy someday. And so, I think, will you, Hera Syndulla.”
She smiled, and turned, walking down the road. Soon, she was out of sight.
But Hera never forgot it. Forgot what the Jedi had done for her family. Especially not, years later, when she saw someone do the same thing, far above Gorse.
It wasn’t the first miraculous thing she’d seen, and it was far from the last. Her journey was just beginning.
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kbirbpods · 1 month ago
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[Podfic Link] | Length: 10 minutes
Original Work: A Hard Bargain by @wanderingjedihistorian [ao3]
Star Wars: Cham Syndulla/Eleni Syndulla/Howzer | Rating: G
“So…you have a romantic interest in my parents?” Hera asked “I do,” Howzer admitted. “I didn’t expect to, but I do.” “And…what does that have to do with me?” she asked. “I’d like to get to know you,” he explained. “So that if something does happen between me and your parents, you’re comfortable with it.”
Notes: so this is part 50 of the series "Here There Be Dragons" which means I haven't added it to my official series of the podfics (found here x) due to the point it's at in the series haha | podded for @polypodweek 2025!
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nothing-but-flowers88 · 3 months ago
Not sure what the ship name for Howzer/Eleni/Cham is so I’m just gonna call it ‘Syndulla Sandwhich’
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dancingtitanymir · 8 months ago
been obsessed with togruta designes and added a few things of my own for some
(i suck at drawing faces so some are scratched out)
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womenofswzine · 7 months ago
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An exciting preview of a piece for Eleni and Hera Syndulla by @reneeofthestars💥 Pre-Orders for Rebel, Rebel: Women of Star Wars open now until August 31st!
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heyclickadee · 5 months ago
Eleni Syndulla really is walking around the galaxy far, far away being the world’s most terrifying Chekhov’s gun.
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roninreverie · 2 years ago
It's 1am thoughts time!
Has this been said before?
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Was Howzer Hera's brother "who died while he was still quite young"? We already have instances of Twi’leks (Numa) calling clones (Waxer/Boil) "brother"... and he would be like 5-10 years old technically, right? If he was that close with the Syndulla family, it could be Howzer who is on there as a brother, and Thrawn either misinterpreted it slightly, or the Syndulla's fully honored him as a member of their family if he died.
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Louk's Bad Batch rewatch part 15 !!! AND part 16 !!!
TWO IN ONE WHAT these eps are kinda short ?? or my thoughts are idk ?? so I put them both together on one post 😬 but anyway let's go batcherssss 🤟
The Bad Batch 1x11
Crosshair you little gremlin 💕
can someone please explain to me why Orn Free Taa has extra lekku, weird tiny ears and three fingers instead of four ??? mans looks like a different species 👀
"They fought for us and they have earned our respect" settle down Cham we all know you're gonna change your mind in 5 minutes hush
"uncle Gobi" 🥺
Hera watching the birds in the sky 🤲 following them with her hands 🥺
Howzer you absolute king 👑
Eleni and Gobi scheming together hehehe
I just know Eleni is SO proud of Hera 🥲 she's so much like her mom fr
"my hope is that you won't ever have to live a life like mine" ~ General Cham Syndulla ... meet General Hera Syndulla
"no take offs or landings" this is actually so adorable tho
Wrecker carrying all the weapons himself like he's only doing one trip with the groceries from the car to the house hehehe
Hera asks about the Marauder and Omega's like 'this beauty' *pat pat*
I wanna see Hunter's face watching Hera and Omega together 🥺
they're besties forever 💕
it's Hera's dream to live on a starship 😭
lmao could've had a bad batch reunion rn but Crosshair had other plans
Omega: ☝"did you know flying is about a feeling?" Tech: I have no idea what this means
Howzer being the only one to question imprisoning a child 😭
Eleni didn't even wait for the speeder to stop moving before jumping out 💅
"attempted assassination of Orn Free Taa" ??? attempted ?? did he not just die ???
The Bad Batch 1x12
"how unfortunate for your people to see your fall" LMAO Rampart I've seen s2 👀
Howzer immediately plotting to save Hera 💕
Hera and Chopper are absolute menaces and I respect them both for it
Gonky being part of the bad batch family 🤲
"you gave her our comm channel?" ~ Hunter is so done pls 😂
Tech: "children often overreact" Omega: "no we don't" YES OMEGA 🙌👑 she is so passionate and caring and loving and loyal I genuinely feel so proud of her 💕
Omega: "isn't that what soldiers do" Hunter: 😯
Wrecker @ Chopper: "what's his problem" how long do you have buddy?
Hera asking them all so desperately to save her family 😭😭😭 she has always cared so deeply
y'all I'm confused did Orn Free Taa actually survive that shot to the head? I feel like Rampart has no reason to lie about it?
they all peeking with their binoculars
Hunter's little 'let's move' gesture 🥰
Hunter hearing the droid and his sneak attack just dropping down on it 👌 bro how did you get up there so fast ??
knife knife knife knife knife knife knife kni-
Tech: "oh good" lolol
Wrecker's face when Hunter says Crosshair knows they're there 😭
Omega grabbing Hera's hand 🤲
Echo's face explaining to Hera why they're after Cham 😭😭
"I don't care about any of that, I just want my parents back" she's just a little kid in the middle of a war she doesn't understand 💔 this is too real and absolutely heartbreaking
"She's trying to save her family Hunter. I'd do the same for you" you tell him Omega 💪👑
Howzer and Crosshair staring at each other.....
Chopper and Hera having a lil chat 🥺
Omega: "he's my brother, they all are" Hera: "you're lucky" she really is 🥺
Howzer is trying so hard to protect Hera even with Cham hating on him and refusing to help save his own daughter 🙃
Omega and Hera came up with a strategic plan and now Hunter's on board 🥰
Tech is worried about them going by themselves 🥲
Echo getting caught scaling the wall: "a little help?" lmaooo
AND Hunter's little "hey" to distract the reg before pulling Echo up 💀
"I won't tell if you wont" lmao I love these two together 💕
Omega: "don't shoot down our shuttle" Tech: "wait what shuttle?!" ~ how many heart attacks does Omega want to give Tech this episode 😂
Hera blowing up an imperial refinery........ 👀
Tech: 'Omega what was that explosion?!?! Omega: hehe don't worry about it 💀
Omega: "do some damage Wrecker" Wrecker: "that I can do!" Wrecker happy makes me happy 🥰
Hunter telling Cham and Gobi that Hera hired them 💀
Hera: "we're getting the hang of this" Tech: "yes your dangerous and uncontrolled manoeuvring is as confusing to them as it is to us 🙂" he is so far past done with them oml 😂
Howzer 💕💕💕💕💕💕
Hunter looking back at him before they leave 😭
Howzer's whole speech in this scene 😭😭😭 it reminds me of Fives giving his pep talk to the cadets 🥲
Hunter sensing Crosshair??? and what if I never stop crying ??
my heart is breaking for Howzer I love him so bad 💔
Wrecker Omega high five 🥺
Tech teaching Hera and Omega 🤲💕
"Tech showed me how to scramble a ships signature" TECH TAUGHT HERA ONE SKILL THAT SAVED HER ASS A MILLION TIMES 😭
"keep an eye on your brothers, they need it" ~ Hera, the wisest person in the show fr
...did Chopper just say "Chopper out"
Crosshair has too many expressions to count this last scene, asking to hunt the batch down... my theory is he never had his chip removed but that venator engine fried it and it slowly stops working... we know that a lot of the chips are slowly starting to stop working in other clones, maybe its the same for Crosshair ?? so he's feeling a lot of confusion at hunting them down ?? maybe idk lol
two more down!!! my internet is still shocking and it's taking me like an hour to watch each ep bc of all the buffering 🥲 but anywayyy thank yalls for joining 💕💕💕
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verndusk · 2 years ago
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re-drawing a Bad Batch scene a day until season 3 comes out (or i forget): day 29
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lagomerch · 16 days ago
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@tinymintywolf made a Blorbovember prompt list… here is my proof of completion. riddler design lifted directly from @spine_apples2193 on youtube.
there is ONE missing and that’s because i taped it to my water bottle.
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countessofbiscuit · 2 years ago
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Local Liaison
full 18 + view on Ao3 | twitter
Intellectually, Howzer knew what was meant by an open invitation. He was welcome at Cazne Tann whenever he liked: there would always be power for his speeder, or feed for his blurrg, and he was assured Hera could really use the Basic practice. This was usually just genial guff; the sort of pleasantry directed at any Republic liaison from a local dignitary who wanted UXO off their lawn.
But there were no Jedi on Ryloth, not anymore. And the Syndullas meant it.
They’d even sourced an armor stand for their atrium, though there was no dust to climb into Howzer’s sensor plates and, what’s more, he would never never think to arrive unannounced on their doorstep in anything less than his dress greys.
Cazne Tann was well far into the wastes. All the reasons Howzer might have for dropping by—when Cham was always in Lessu, always at their FOB—were too dishonorable to name.
Evening, Cham, I’m here to drink your wine and fuck your wife into the floor.
It wasn’t the kind of hospitality one repaid by dressing down. And because regs stipulated polished boots with greys, and because Howzer quite liked keeping the feeling in his fingers for other things, he avoided dressing up.
They all three enjoyed the pretense of an impromptu dinner invitation anyway. It thrilled: the possibility that everything and nothing might happen.
Cham especially seemed to relish the ritual: suggesting they get a head start on routing the next grid square, and wouldn’t it be more comfortable for Howzer to stay in the province? The land was zippered with waahahs, still wet with ancient rains. A quick dip on the way home to rinse off the day, and Madame Syndulla might not sniff to seat them at her table.
More often than not, dinner got postponed. Howzer would feast instead on the dewy wedge of a woman who called him nerre’ya and rocked him against her breast when nightmares shattered his sleep. She sang threnodies for men she’d never meet, and she felt like a mirage of peace he’d never reach.
“Eleni,” Cham would say, fingering the hem of her chiton up her gemstone legs, showing the ripeness of her mound beneath her belly. “I think our guest is thirsty.”
“And who would wonder at it, how you treat him?” Eleni’s rebukes were thin; beetle-winged barbs. She’d beckon Howzer closer as her thighs melted open. “You keep his handsome face dirtward all day.”
And when Howzer finally took her on his aching cock, Cham liked to watch. The freedom fighter would swell back on the sofa, dune-like, confident the wind would always blow his way again, running his finger up and down the long dagger of the cock nestled in his trousers.
“Listen to my loveliness, Howzer,” he’d say, as Eleni’s breathy moans wafted in the air and as Howzer pictured how he’d paint his spend down the narrow sward of her back. “Hollowed out with lust. Let me help you satisfy her ...”
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